Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
I. D. Harkleroad 33 m w Kentucky Kentucky
E. Harkleroad 34 f w Kentucky Kentucky
J. C. Harkleroad 13 m w Kentucky Kentucky
E. J. Harkleroad 9 f w Kentucky Kentucky
J. S. Harkleroad 5 f w Kansas
J. T. Harkleroad 1 m w Kansas
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
Trustee: I. D. Harkleroad.
Clerk: J. Sheridan Cattrell.
Treasurer: J. P. Mussulman.
Justices: A. D. Edwards and Wm. Butterfield.
Constables: J. N. Fleharty and W. A. Butterfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
See the notice from Grouse Creek with reference to hunting and shooting on the farms in that vicinity.
LOWER GROUSE, Nov. 29, 1880.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that all persons found hunting or shooting on our respective farms on or after this date will be prosecuted for trespass.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Harkleroad and Irons are feeding a lot of steers for the spring market.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881.
Messrs. Harkleroad and Iron, Grouse Creek, last week sold to one Fink, of Pueblo, fifty-seven head of beef cattle, which were immediately shipped to the West.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Below we give a list of township officers elected at the February election. In some of the townships the Justices hold over.
SILVERDALE: Trustee, I. D. Harkleroad; treasurer, R. R. Herrington; clerk, H. L. C. Gilstrap.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale township, sold fifty-seven head of fat cattle to C. Sink, of Pueblo, Colorado, this week, for twenty-two hundred dollars. Forty-one head were shipped this week.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
Trustees of the several townships met at Winfield, March 7th, for the equalization of the personal property of Cowley. The following trustees were present: J. C. Roberts, Walnut township; J. Gregory, Omnia; E. Haynes, Harvey; U. Sparly, Cresswell; N. W. Dressie, Cedar; A. A. Becker, Pleasant Valley; J. F. Teter, Silver Creek; W. J. Johnson, Sheridan; S. D. Jones, Beaver; Joseph Craft, Maple; W. R. Wimer, Fairview; H. J. Sanford, Richland; A. B. Booth, Windsor; A. H. Serviss, Otter; J. Fisher, Liberty; I. D. Harkleroad, Silverdale; Wm. Trimble, Bolton; J. P. Short, Winfield City.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
C. F. Timmins to I. D. Harkleroad, s e 1/4 s 19 t 34 r 5.
Michael Harkins to W. W. Irons and I. D. Harkleroad, same tract.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Mrs. I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, called last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, starts East in a few days for a vacation after the summer’s work.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Messrs. I. D. Harkleroad and G. B. Green, of Silverdale, with six hands, started for Arkansas yesterday morning for the purpose of purchasing stock. They will be absent about three months and will probably return via the Oklahoma country.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Lippmann and Chatterson.
A report is current to the effect that the above former residents of this county have been sentenced to 20 years each in the penitentiary for stealing Government timber. We had hoped it was untrue, but Mr. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, writing to his wife, confirms the rumor and to add to the trouble of the family states that Lippmann’s two boys got into a quarrel which ended in a stabbing affray, the younger son killing his brother. This is a sad sequel to the life of two former respected citizens of this county.
[Note: It was later noted that the above report was false. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Grouse, was in the city last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, was in the city Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The Mass meeting announced for last Saturday came off as per programme, and was held in McLaughlin’s Hall in this city.
The meeting was called to order by J. B. McCollum, and then proceeded to elect officers, the result being that Judge W. A. Tipton, of Liberty township, was elected President and George O. Allen, of Creswell township, Secretary of the Meeting.
H. D. Kellogg was nominated for Representative of the 67th District by acclamation. The following gentlemen were put in nomination for County Commissioner: Amos Walton, I. D. Harkleroad, and Will Green. Messrs. Walton and Harkleroad withdrew in favor of Mr. Green, who was thereupon nominated by acclamation.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Democratic Convention.
S. L. Gilbert, Winfield; Rudolph Hite, Dexter; Henry S. Rouzee, Beaver; Samuel Davis, Winfield; Richard Courtright, Cedar; Timothy McIntire, Arkansas City; I. D. Harkleroad, Silverdale; Amos Walton, Bolton.
ALTERNATES: R. D. Jillson, Winfield; J. O’Hare, Winfield; R. Stanton, Dexter; E. G. Cole, Winfield; J. Smith, Cedar; W. J. Conway, Bolton; C. W. Rogers, Fairview; R. B. Pratt, Silverdale.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Township Elections.
The following township officers were declared elected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.
SILVER DALE: I. D. Harkleroad, trustee; John Algeo, clerk; P. F. Haines, treasurer; R. C. Smith, J. P.; Geo. B. Pratt and Wm. Probasco, constables.
J. A. Cochran, I. D. Harkleroad, and S. D. Jones were chosen a committee on schedule of personal property assessments and reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted as the basis of assessment for the year 1883.
The personal property committee reported same basis as last year, which was adopted.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Assessors’ Meeting.
On Monday, March 6th, 1883, the Assessors of Cowley County, Kansas, met at Winfield. Present: J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township, I. D. Harkleroad, Silverdale; L. Holcomb, Pleasant Valley; Elisha Haynes, Harvey; R. B. Corson, Fairview; H. McKibben, Tisdale; W. Senseney, Ninnescah; Joseph Gorham, Maple; S. D. Jones, Beaver; J. A. Cochran, Liberty; J. A. Irwin, Windsor; D. Beard, Cedar; L. S. Cogswell, Omnia; E. D. Skinner, Vernon; B. Shriver, Sheridan; S. H. Wells, Dexter; H. J. Sandfort, Richland; J. P. Short, Winfield City; P. A. Lorry, Bolton; T. A. Blanchard, Walnut.
J. B. Nipp was chosen Chairman and P. A. Lorry Secretary.
J. A. Cochran, I. D. Harkleroad, and S. D. Jones were chosen a committee on schedule of personal property assessments, and reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted as the basis of assessment for the year 1883.
The personal property committee reported same basis as last year, which was adopted and is as follows:
Stallions and fast horses, $100 to $800; First class work horses per span, $60 to $150; 2nd class work horses per span, $50 to $100; 3rd class work horses, work ponies, $30 to $60; Ponies and colts, $5 to $30; Cattle, 4 years old and upwards including bulls, $25 to $40; Same age, second grade, $15 to $25; First grade, work cattle, $60 to $80; 2nd grade, work cattle, $40 to $60; Domestic cows, 1st grade, $20 to $30; Domestic cows, 2nd grade, $10 to $20; Three year old steers, $15 to $25; Two year old steers and heifers, $8 to $15, Yearlings, $3 to $10; Texas and Arkansas cattle, 30 percent off; Mules per span, 1st class, $200 to $250; Mules per span, 2nd class, $75 to $200; Mules per span, 3rd class, $30 to $75; Asses, $10 to $200; Sheep, 1st class, $2 to $10; Sheep, 2nd class, 75 cents to $2.00; Hogs, $1 to $15; Goats, $1 to $3; Corn, per bushel, 10 to 20 cents; Wheat, per bushel, 25 to 50 cents; Pork per hundred, $4.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Mr. I. D. Harkleroad informs us he will have two car loads of fat hogs for the June market.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
It is a hard matter to beat our friend I. D. Harkleroad on stock matters. As a sample of his little pigs, he, last week, sold five head to Ira Barnett, for which he received $134.37½. This would make an average of $26.87½ per head. Beat this who can.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Mr. I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, sold to Ira Barnett yesterday, ninety-seven head of fat cattle, which averaged 1,172 pounds each. This is undoubtedly one of the fattest bunches of cattle ever shipped from this point. Mr. Barnett left with the stock for Kansas City yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
I. D. Harkleroad, trustee of Silverdale, called on us last week. He reports his township is in a flourishing condition both as to wealth and population.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Trustee Harkleroad of Silverdale was in the city Monday. I. D. is one of the live, energetic fellows who help hold the South end down. We hope to see him converted before the fall campaign.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Roping a Coon.
A western stockman is hard to beat anyhow in an emergency of any kind. This was illustrated by Messrs. I. D. Harkleroad and son, Jim, a few days since on Beaver Creek thusly. A fine coon was spied comfortably located in the forks of a tree, and the gentlemen being minus any kind of a shooting iron, it seemed probable he would stay there, but Jim had his lariat along and conceived the idea of roping the critter, in which he succeeded nobly. Roping coons is a decidedly novel amusement.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Our real estate man, Mr. Frank J. Hess, reports the following farm transfers in the past week: J. L. Huey to James I. Bigelow, 80 acres, $800; L. W. Hutson to H. L. Ryan, 160 acres, $2,000; James A. West to I. D. Harkleroad, 160 acres, $1,000; W. E. Clark to John Myrtle, 160 acres, $2,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Editor Traveler: It is with much sadness that I relate the death of one of our most highly esteemed citizens, Mr. I. D. Harkleroad, who has been suffering for past weeks with a wound received by an accidental shot from a horse pistol. A ruling passion hastened his death. While in the absence of his five nurses, Harkleroad dragged his frail body to the cupboard, and with an uncontrollable appetite, devoured the contents, in the way of one ham and thirteen hard-boiled goose eggs, and died this morning at 9:30 o’clock in five-beautiful tableaux to slow music. His body will not be buried. It will be preserved in alcohol with a tarantula, centipede, and a few horned toads, and will be sent to the National Science academy at Philadelphia.
BOB SMITH. Silverdale, August 1, 1883.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
During the week the Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES to:
J. W. Irons to Emma J. Harkleroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
MARRIED. IRONS-HARKLEROAD. At the residence of the bride’s parents in Silverdale Township, on Wednesday, January 16, 1884; Mr. John W. Irons and Miss Emma Harkleroad were united in the bonds of matrimony by Rev. H. S. Lundy. Mr. John W. Irons is one of the oldest residents on Grouse, and quite a prominent farmer and stockman, while his fair young bride has grown to womanhood in the township, and in this their union for weal or woe their hosts of friends wish them long life and happiness, which is most cordially echoed by the TRAVELER.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
A Farmer’s Business.
We have noticed items in several of our local exchanges in which attention is called to the large amount of business transacted by some farmers. In this connection, Cowley being the peer of any county in the state, and this being the business end of Cowley, we took it upon us to see that our farmers were duly advertised and received the credit due them.
Starting out with this object in view, we accidentally stumbled upon our friend and subscriber, I. D. Harkleroad, who, as everyone hereabouts knows, is one of the most energetic and prosperous farmers of the Grouse Valley, where he wrestles with Mother Earth, and compels our common parent to yield bountifully in response to his efforts, as a perusal of the following summary for the past year will satisfactorily demonstrate.
From sale of hogs: $2,031.24
From sale of cattle: $6,727.00
3,000 bushels of corn: $1,000.00
Millet hay: $100.00
Sale of horses and ponies: $305.00
Miscellaneous: $116.00
Prairie hay: $20.00
TOTAL: $10,299.24
The above figures represent the transactions from March to December of last year, and are condensed from Mr. Harkleroad’s banking book, being corroborated in every particular by the records of the Arkansas City Bank. Only such transactions are included as come legitimately under the head of revenues and trades in running his farm. Mr. Harkleroad deals extensively in cattle, but all matters of simply buying and selling stock are expunged from the record, and only the home place items retained. It affords us pleasure to make the above statement, which, while being a just tribute to the business acumen and energy of one of our farmer citizens, in fact represents the record of many others of our farmers, and unmistakably demonstrates that farming is a good profession and Cowley County one of the most favored spots of Southern Kansas in which to engage in that most honorable of all life work.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
I. D. Harkleroad is setting out over $160 worth of trees this spring. He will soon have the finest orchard in this section.
I. D. Harkleroad says he is going to thresh his corn soon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 10, 1884.
I. D. Harkleroad will soon have his stone fence completed.
I. D. Harkleroad petitioned the county commissioners to notify the Township Trustee not to cut the lone oak, standing on the southwest corner of his domain. His farm will hereafter be known as the Lone Oak Farm. We do not blame Ike for this, but think this tree ought to be preserved, celebrated, and go down in history by the side of the Charter Oak of old, it being the only one in that neighborhood, and such a nice one, too; preserve it by all means.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Silverdale Stubs.
“What is that?” asked a stranger riding up to Mr. Harkleroad the other day and pointing to the bluffs nearby, and to which Mr. Harkleroad replied after regarding him closely for a few moments: “Those are dude stunners;” and the stranger thinking he might be taken for a dude if he exposed himself, rode off without a word.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
We had the pleasure yesterday through the politeness of Mr. M. J. Scott, of becoming acquainted with Capt. P. F. Haynes and I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale. Few short acquaintances have given us such pleasure. Mr. Harkleroad afterwards came into the office and entertained us with his early Kansas experiences. Mr. Harkleroad is a Democrat, but of such a liberal character that he might readily be taken for a Republican. He is such a whole-souled fellow that we imagine he must have married a Republican wife.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
I. D. Harkleroad was in town Monday, searching for a live Democrat.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
I. D. Harkleroad says he fired his first vote off as a Democrat, and has been firing in the same direction ever since, but has not hit anything up to date. But it doesn’t seem to interfere in the least with his good nature.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
The Farmers’ Meeting.
The farmers’ meeting for the purpose of discussing the question of securing a woolen mill at this place was organized by the election of A. C. Williams as chairman and Amos Walton as secretary. After considerable favorable talk by those present, the following resolution was passed:
Resolved, That the erection of a mill for the manufacture of woolens at Arkansas City would be a benefit to every farmer in Cowley County.
The following committee was then appointed to work up a full meeting on Saturday, the 23rd of August, at 2 o’clock, in the Highland Hall, at which time will be developed to all those interested the full status of the matter: Mr. Lowe, I. D. Harkleroad, Frank Lorry, John Myrtle, Wm. Trimble, and Wm. Wright. The meeting then adjourned to August 23, at 2 o’clock. A. WALTON, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
The Farmers’ Meeting.
The farmers’ meeting for the purpose of discussing the question of securing a woolen mill at this place was organized by the election of A. C. Williams as chairman and Amos Walton as secretary. After considerable favorable talk by those present, the following resolution was passed.
Resolved, That the erection of a mill for the manufacture of woolens at Arkansas City would be a benefit to every farmer in Cowley County.
The following committee was then appointed to work up a full meeting on Saturday, the 23rd of August, at 2 o’clock, in the Highland Hall, at which time will be developed to all those interested the full status of the matter: Mr. Lowe, I. D. Harkleroad, Frank Kropp, John Myrtle, Wm. Trimble, and Wm. Wright. The meeting then adjourned till August 23, at 2 o’clock. A. WALTON, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 30, 1884.
The farmers and stockmen of Silverdale Township, south of the Maple City road, have organized themselves into a protective association to prevent the killing of game on their farms and ranches, and offer $10 each for every prosecution made by any member of the association, and agree to stand by the person prosecuting to the very end of the law. Among the prime movers in the matter are I. D. Harkleroad, John Irons, Mr. Showalter, C. M. Scott, Drury Warren, Estus Brothers, Squire Coburn, and others. This will put a stop to a number of hunters camping on the farms and staying as long as a quail can be seen.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 1, 1884.
The Democratic Nominee.
The Democrats, in nominating Mr. Harkleroad, selected a man who, if weaker than Mr. Pyburn, is equally honorable and upright, and one who should draw every Democratic vote. Our opposition to him is based solely on his politics because of the principles he represents and must vote for. That he is a strong Democrat there is no denying, that his character is spotless is also true. The issue is now simply between the principles each candidate represents, and the result should prove the political complexion of this district beyond doubt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
The Democrats and Independents Meet and Nominate.
Last Monday was a political red letter day for Arkansas City, two conventions holding forth at the same time.
The Democratic Convention
for placing in nomination a candidate for representative from this district met in the opera house at 11 a.m., and effected a temporary organization by electing Amos Walton chairman and E. G. Gage secretary. After appointing the various committees, adjournment was taken until 1 p.m. In the afternoon the temporary organization was sustained. The committee on resolutions reported the following.
It is hereby declared that we accept the platform of the national Democratic party and the candidates thereon.
Further, that the state Democratic platform embodies our views and the candidates named upon it are worthy of our support and work.
Further, that justice to the people of Kansas demands a fair and square resubmission of the constitutional amendment to the end that it may be settled forever as to the question of prohibition.
Resolved, That the arrest of persons at Rock Falls, in the Indian Territory, by the military authorities, without due process of law, and taking them beyond the jurisdiction of the court of said district, is an outrage upon humanity, and is an usurpation unwarranted by the letter or spirit of our constitution and dangerous to personal liberty.
An informal ballot for representative was then taken, resulting in 18 votes for I. D. Harkleroad and 16 for A. J. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn rose and disclaimed any desire for the office, advising the convention to nominate Mr. Harkleroad by acclamation. A vote was then taken by townships and Mr. Harkleroad was nominated by a vote of 22 to 15. The nomination was then made unanimous, after which a central committee was elected and the convention adjourned.
The “People’s” Convention.
This convention met in the city council rooms at 10:30 a.m., in pursuance to call made by the committee, and organized by electing T. J. Sweeny chairman and J. B. Walker secretary.
Mr. A. C. Williams stated the object of the meeting was to nominate a people’s candidate for representative from this district. He was followed by Col. Neff, after which the convention adjourned to 1 p.m.
Upon reassembling the chairman made some remarks in regard to the object of the meeting for the benefit of parties who were not present during the morning session. Mr. W. D. Kreamer made a few remarks, after which the chair requested any candidates present to state their views. Mr. Schiffbauer came forward and addressed the convention in a short speech, setting forth his views, when it was moved and carried that he be nominated by acclamation. Mr. Schiffbauer thanked the convention for its endorsement and laid before it his plans for the campaign. The following district committee was then appointed, after which the convention adjourned: E. Neff, J. M. Felton, W. D. Kreamer, P. Ellis, H. M. Maidt, Creswell Township; A. C. Williams and Frank Lorry, Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin, Arkansas City Bank, Frank J. Hess, Wm. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, Landes, Beall & Co., Sanborn & Gordon, H. Endicott, A. Walton, J. A. McIntyre, I. D. Harkleroad, W. E. Gooch, F. W. Farrar, A. A. Wiley, R. A. Houghton, T. J. Gilbert, A. Campbell, G. W. Cunningham, Schiffbauer Bros., A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.], Fitch & Barron, S. Matlack, J. B. Nipp, A. A. Newman, James Hill, E. H. Parker, T. D. Richardson, Benedict & Owen, D. Warren, J. H. Sherburne, J. N. T. Gooch, Uriah Spray, Theo Fairclo, H. D. Kellogg, Ira Barnett, A. J. Chapel, S. F. George, G. W. Miller, P. F. Endicott, Jamison Vawter, Kimmel & Moore, N. C. Hinkley, L. McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
The Democratic Convention.
The Democrats in Winfield last Saturday nominated John R. Smith for state senator, Joe O’Hare for county attorney, and L. L. Beck for probate judge. No nominations were made for the offices of district clerk or county superintendent, and so far as the result in November is concerned, the other offices might as well have been left blank. Our Tammany element was there and tried a new scheme by urging the nomination of I. D. Harkleroad for state senator, without having even as much as consulted brother Ike. But Pyburn was on hand, and nipped that scheme in the bud. The independent strikers didn’t have enough political sense to know that the central committee could place another Democratic candidate for representative on the ticket, even if Harkleroad should be transferred. It is no use, boys. The jig is up; the “straight-outs” are too many for you.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 15, 1884.
A CHALLENGE for joint debate has been issued by the Independent outfit, requesting Messrs. King and Harkleroad to meet our mayor on the stump. If Mr. Harkleroad wishes to canvass this district with Mr. King, all well and good, but neither Mr. King nor the Republican party recognizes Mr. Schiffbauer as the exponent of any principle or as the candidate of any political organization. The challenge was issued solely for effect, as the framers knew that the names signed to it was a give away, and that no attention would be paid to it. They will now try to make capital out of Mr. King’s refusal to recognize them, assigning as a cause his fear to meet Mr. Schiffbauer in debate. This all folly. This is King’s business, and a ten-year-old child could meet Frank in debate, with no difficulty whatever. Go on, boys, with your enthusiastic meetings in Bolton Township. We’ll take care of our candidate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
“Our Frank” said, in his speech at the Theaker Schoolhouse last Saturday, that his reason for running for office was simply that he is opposed to prohibition and wanted resubmission. Well, why didn’t he keep off the track then and vote for Harkleroad? He is in favor of resubmission. On Frank’s plea every Democrat and resubmission Republican ought to run for the legislature instead of voting for some man to represent his views. But maybe no other man can handle that United States senator vote so handily as can “our Frank.”
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
“Schiffbauer as a Legislator.”
You say I announced myself for no other reason under heaven than to get the Democratic endorsement. I answer that by stating just as emphatically as you do the Republicans of Arkansas City brought out Mr. Pyburn for no other reason only to knock me down with and elect Mr. King; and when Mr. Pyburn found he could not deliver the goods he shouldered the load onto Mr. Harkleroad and he has not delivered it yet. That thing was so transparent that all the people have seen through it long ago in spite of your denial. People should never sell out unless they can give a true bill of sale.
I will say in conclusion I have promised to accomplish nothing, but use my best endeavors to bring about the I advocate. I am yours for Glick Resubmission.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
The REPUBLICAN makes the following prophecy on the vote for representative: Mr. Schiffbauer in Arkansas City will poll a very good vote, drawing mostly from the Democracy. In Bolton he will do the same. In the other townships his vote will be exceedingly light. In fact, it will be so light that the votes can almost be counted on the fingers. Mr. Harkleroad, the Democratic nominee, outside of the above mentioned precincts, will poll almost the usual Democratic vote. Mr. King will poll the full Republican vote in the district and will be elected by 200 majority. The fight, it seems, is becoming tainted with personalities, simply because parties who have a slight influence indulge in innuendos of a personal nature. This is all wrong. It stirs up bad blood. The three candidates are men whom we all know. The REPUBLICAN is not fighting either the Democratic or Independent candidate, but re-submission and Glick we are. John J. Ingalls and Prohibition is the motto of our campaign banner. We believe the Prohibitionists have the ascendancy in this district, and in order to promote that cause we must as Republicans, use our vote and influence for Louis P. King.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
Our worthy and intelligent mayor occupied two columns of the Republican last Saturday in answering our article of two weeks ago. His denials are accompanied with such reservations as to make them a tacit admission of the truth of our assertions, and to still more thoroughly convince us of his unfitness for the office to which he hopes to be elected. He starts out by disclaiming the assertion that the bridge south of town should be assumed by the state, and says he meant the county; then a little further on he explains that what he did say was that the general government “should appropriate a sufficient sum to place a new bridge across there, and I believe they would do so if the matter was properly presented, and I still hold that opinion.” This is all very pretty in theory, and was probably suggested to Frank because of his long experience in dabbling in government contracts; but even a man so thoroughly familiar with the liberality of the government as is Frank never heard of the United States making such an appropriation as he calls for. Nor do we believe he is foolish enough to believe in such a possibility himself. It is simply a very nice piece of bait to throw out in the hope that hungry and dissatisfied voters will catch at it.
Mr. Schiffbauer is not the first nor the only man who has advocated the county’s assuming our bridges, and in questioning our statement as to the law in regard to our bridges, he only displays more of that ignorance and stupidity which has thus far characterized his campaign. There is, and has been for years, a law authorizing Cowley County to assume the bridges of the county. Why isn’t it enforced? Because our county commissioners have always been instructed by the county attorney that this question must be decided by ballot, and that the bridges could not be accepted as a gift, but must be purchased, the county paying therefor a nominal sum. The question has never been submitted to the people for the simple reason that heretofore it has been impossible to carry it; but for your special edification, Frank, we will say that one week from next Tuesday, Cowley County votes on this question, thus relieving you of the responsibility of securing an appropriation from the general government.
“It is the duty of the best senator the United States ever had (?) to assist us in this matter,” says F. P. Schiffbauer. Well, the senior senator for Kansas has more sense than to bring this matter up in the senate, however keen a Schiffbauer might be to make an ass of himself by so doing. What has turned our Frank against Ingalls so suddenly and so bitterly? Didn’t John J. do enough for you, Frank, when you carried that letter of introduction to him last spring requesting his assistance in some “business matters” with the government, which you wished settled? It is barely possible that Senator Ingalls refused to drop all other business and run Frank’s claim through the departments.
Mr. Schiffbauer further says:
“As regards my remarks pertaining to the Territory, I have said the proper resolutions should pass both houses of this state at the next session demanding the proper tribunals to settle this much vexed question as to the title of these lands, and thus set at rest this much vexed question between the military and Capt. D. L. Payne.”
This would sound new and refreshing to a man just arrived from Kamtschatka, but every voter in this county or state ought to know that for the past ten years “proper resolutions” have passed both branches of our legislature, requesting congress to take some action in this matter. These resolutions are forwarded to Washington every two years, and that is the last heard from them. Why? Because the general government is running the Indian Territory according to law and treaty stipulations, and not at the bidding of a few deadbeats and tramps in this or any other section of the country. There is no need to say anything further on the Oklahoma question. It is not a party question, but is simply taken up by Democrats in some neighborhoods for the purpose of making a few votes. When congress passes a law opening up these lands to settlement, it is time enough to think of going there, but until this is done, it is contrary to all principles of government, civilization, law, or order to advocate forcible entrance into the Territory. This is what Mr. Schiffbauer does indirectly, and it is certainly in poor taste for a man to ask that he be made a law maker when he advocates law breaking.
Mr. Schiffbauer states the truth when he says he was indignant at the proceedings of certain citizens who demoralized the “blind tiger” in our city last fall. He had grounds for his indignation as we believe one of his relatives was found therein.
The assertion that Republicans brought out Mr. Pyburn is unqualifiedly false. No Republican ever solicited Mr. Pyburn to become a candidate. Only one Republican ever told Mr. Pyburn he would vote for him if he was nominated, and two or three others said so on the street, but not to Mr. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn lent his name simply to redeem Democracy from the supposition that it was controlled by the independent mob. His purpose was accomplished at the primaries which defeated Mr. Schiffbauer’s followers, and Mr. Pyburn took the first opportunity to announce himself out of the race after this was done. There was no trade or bargain between Republicans and Mr. Pyburn, and the man who says otherwise either talks on a question of which he is ignorant or he deliberately lies.
The trouble with Mr. Schiffbauer is, he sees his chances for election growing smaller and beautifully less every day, and consequently his chances for securing the special legislation he wishes are correspondingly decreased. Mr. Jas. Fay, an eminent ex-saloon keeper of Winfield, says he knows what Mr. Schiffbauer wants, and that if Harkleroad or King would pledge himself to work for Schiffbauer’s interests he would withdraw. That it is something outside of resubmission is evident, for Harkleroad will vote for that measure; and it is somewhat significant that Frank fails to touch upon our reference to the possibility of his having vital interests in the Territory which need the protection of his senatorial vote. A man who is soon to be a licensed Indian trader among the Osage Indians, and who has various claims against the government now pending, is hardly the man for farmers to send to the legislature with a view to looking after their interests. The whole scheme is too thin. The voters of the sixty-seventh district are more interested in the question of United States senator than in deciding who shall sell goods on Gray Horse Creek on the Osage reservation.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale Township, was in town Tuesday, trying to nail up his damaged political fence, but it was of no avail. The nails would not clinch.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 29, 1884.
Our mayor came out last Saturday in newspaper form, issuing 500 copies of a paper sailing under the euphonious title, “Through the Woods.” We looked for something especially brilliant from the combined efforts of Frank, his father-in-law, brother-in-law, and brother-in-law’s brother, considering the number of weeks they have been employed in the delivery of this phenomenal child; but were disappointed and surprised to find only a few personal allusions to one who is not before the people as a candidate, and an exhaustive plea in favor of the Greenback party.
Mr. Schiffbauer claims the TRAVELER has sought to take advantage of him because he has no “organ,” and that we would not dare to make the statements we have made if we thought he would have the chance to answer them. In addition to writing an entire falsehood in this matter, he fails to mention the fact that the TRAVELER agreed to allow him room for any communication he might see fit to make, provided he would agree to our commenting upon it in the same issue. This offer was refused by him. Why? Let him answer. We would have put his articles before the people in readable shape, covering up his ignorance so plainly visible in every column of “Through the Woods,” but for some reason our offer was not accepted.
It is noteworthy that outside of his (or someone’s) argument in favor of resubmission, his manifesto contains nothing bearing upon the fitness of his candidacy for the legislature. He dodges the issue, merely saying that for eight years he has voted for some man to represent his views, but has been disappointed, and now he purposes to represent them himself. But what are his views? What does he want to accomplish in the legislature? The people have a right to know this, but our mute, inglorious Bismarck says, “the people be d___d.” It can’t be Glick and resubmission alone, for Harkleroad is before the people on this platform, and might have stood a reasonable show for election had all opposition to the Republican nominee united on him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
We hear considerable talk among our straight Democratic friends in favor of starting a Democratic paper in this city. We believe the party would sustain one that had the courage of its convictions and the manhood to work openly for the party’s nominees. The concern now here, so far as outsiders are able to judge, has not yet learned that Harkleroad is a candidate, for never a word has it said in favor of him. Ignorance and imbecility palliate the fault to a certain extent, but cannot wholly excuse “pa” and pa’s son for their silence. We trust this will stir them up.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Creswell’s returns show how faithful she was to the charge entrusted to her. She was faithful to her representative. Frank Schiffbauer ran well. He and his friends worked like Turks to secure his election and it seemed as if he was bound to get there. Fate was against him. Harkleroad took third place on the ticket in this township.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
L. P. KING, R.: 455.
I. D. HARKLEROAD, D.: 241.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Our Roll of Honor.
[Payments of $1.50, $.50, and $.75 not listed.]
I. D. Harkleroad, City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Maple City, came to town Monday. Mr. Harkleroad has been sick for some time, but is now about well. He brought us the news concerning Robt. Howe’s accident while crossing Grouse.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
Last week Ike Harkleroad, of Silverdale, was circulating a petition on our streets asking for a small donation of money from our citizens to pay for cutting down the large hill east of town. He had raised over $100 by the time he reached the REPUBLICAN office. This is a good scheme and we are glad that our farmers east of town have interested themselves in making a good roadway to our city.
Harkleroad and Irons...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Osage Live Stock Association.
Pursuant to call the above association met at Osage Agency on March 17th, 1885, with the following members of the association present or represented: G. M. Carpenter, L. C. Wait, Wm. Larimer, Virgil Herard, J. H. Pugh, Julian Trimbly, John Soderstrom, T. J. Gilbert, J. N. Florer, H. N. Hampton, P. Revard, P. M. Matthews, Gus Choteau, W. J. Pollock, A. C. Stitch, E. M. Hewins, R. T. Hampton, T. L. Rogers.
In the absence of the president and secretary, L. C. Wait was elected to the chair, pro tem, and H. P. Standley, acting secretary pro tem.
Meeting called to order and minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The report of committee on by-laws received and action taken upon the same section as read, after which they were adopted unanimously as a whole.
In accordance with section 3 of the by-laws, the president appointed the following gentlemen as the Executive Committee for the transaction of the general business of the association until its regular meeting Sept. 30th: W. J. Pollock, G. M. Carpenter, H. H. Crane,
Julian Trimbly, Virgil Herard, Judge Rogers, and E. M. Hewins.
On motion the acting secretary was elected as honorary member of the Association.
On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, it was decided for the purposes of the spring round up, that the Osage reservation should be divided into five districts, and the Kaw reservation into one, and each district send one man, each leaseholder on the reservation to send one man, and Messrs. Brown and Herard each to furnish four men for the round up, to meet at Osage Agency on Monday, May 18th, 1885.
On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, that the Arkansas City TRAVELER be the official paper of the Osage Live Stock Association. Carried.
After the transaction of some other minor business, the meeting adjourned.
Below we append, by request, the names and addresses of the members of the association at this writing.
Florer, Gould & Ayres, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Col. W. J. Pollock, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
T. J. Gilbert & Co., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Mrs. Jane Benvenue, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
B. F. Childs, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Virgil Herard, Elgin, Kansas.
Elgin Cattle Co., Elgin, Kansas.
Wait, King & Pugh, Elgin, Kansas.
Gus Choteau, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Louis Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
E. M. Matthews, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
C. H. Prudom, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Pat Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Hewins & Titus, Cedar Vale, Kansas.
W. S. Brown & Sons, Independence, Kansas.
Crane & Larimer, Independence, Kansas.
Hy Roberts, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Harrison H. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
C. M. McClellan, Otoe Agency, Indian Territory.
R. T. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
Drury Warren, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Peter Revard, Elgin, Kansas.
Harkleroad & Irons, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Jos. Greenlee, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
John Soderstrom, Farm Creek P. O., Kansas.
C. W. & W. W. Sholes, Fredonia, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Felix Cooley and George Jones have contracted to work the hills known as the Harkleroad and Endicott hills. This will be a grand convenience to our farmers and the traveling public.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Ike Harkleroad was over from Silverdale Monday. He informs us that they are boring for silver on the farm of J. W. Fox. Last week they commenced to bore a well. The parties struck some object which it would not go through and so parties are now engaged in boring beside the well for a vein of silver.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
We are informed by I. D. Harkleroad, says the Arkansas City Democrat, that considerable excitement exists in Silverdale township over the discovery of a mineral supposed to be silver. The discovery was made by some parties who were boring a well. At the depth of forty feet, the augur struck a solid substance and thinking it was a rock, they drew up the augur and started to drill. After drilling a few inches, they again struck mother earth and applied the augur, which brought up quite a large number of pieces of ore, resembling silver and lead. They immediately stopped work on the well and began sinking a shaft with the belief that they had struck a rich find. We have not yet learned how the matter has panned out, but expect soon to learn of a big lead or silver boom in that locality.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
Ike Harkleroad was in again from Silverdale. He is still working on the Grouse Creek bridge question. He informs us that about all have concluded that Silverdale Township was not able to build two bridges and now the location is the bone of contention. If the bridge is built at Estus Ford, Spring Creek Township will aid. This place is between the Gilstrap Ford and where the southern portion of the township desired the bridge located. From what we can learn, a bridge at Estus Ford on Grouse Creek would be of the most benefit to the greater number.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Ike Harkleroad complains that last week some men with a drove of through cattle invaded the highways of Silverdale Township. The drovers stopped at his house for dinner; but as soon as he found the cattle were through cattle, he told them they had to turn around and go back or their drive would be a short one. It is needless to say the men about faced. Mr. Harkleroad had two steers die a day or two after the through cattle were in that vicinity and he supposed their death was caused by the Texas fever.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
FOR SALE. 5½ miles east of the city in Creswell Township, 80 acres of land, 40 under cultivation and 40 fenced with three wires, 7 acres fenced with 6 wires for hog corral, living water, 10 fruit trees, cellar, 14 x 20 feet, dug and walled up, concrete house of 3 rooms, can be bought for $1,200; will give time on part at 6 percent interest. Inquire at this office or of Ike Harkleroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Recap: S. J. Smock, County Clerk and Clerk of Board of Commissioners of Cowley Kansas, gave notices that on January 5, 1886, the following petitions would be attended to at a session of the Board. Petitions were presented and granted on January 5, 1886.
5) Petition signed by J. N. Fleharty and others of Silverdale township, asking for a view and a survey for the purpose of locating a certain County Road: Commencing at a ledge of rock about 8 rods more or less east of the southwest corner of northeast quarter of 2:34-5, thence northwesterly by most practicable route around ledge of rock to ½ section line running north and south, thence north about 30 rods, north and northwesterly around ledge of rock by most practicable route to point on half section line about 10 rods north of southwest corner of southeast quarter of 15:34-5, thence north on said half section line to a small stream, thence west 3 rods and 3 links by most practicable route to a point 5 rods and 20 links west of northeast corner of northwest quarter 15:34-5, thence west to northwest corner of said section 15:34-5, thence north on section line between sections 9 and 10 same township and range to connect with what is known as the S. Cottrell road. I. D. Harkleroad, O. S. Gibson, and W. W. Irons, Viewers. N. A. Haight, County Surveyor. February 19, 1886, date set.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Ike Harkleroad, of Silverdale Township, was perambulating our streets over this week. Ike is a gritty representative of the Kansas State Line road, and is putting in telling licks in its interests.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The impudence that Tom Soward has had to ask the voters of Silverdale Township to do without a railroad in order to tie up the townships east of her to keep Arkansas City from getting the Kansas State Line road is appalling. But they do say, and we know it to be true, that our Democratic friend, Ike Harkleroad, sat down on Tommie, and squelched all his puny efforts to raise any enthusiasm for Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and any way to suit the crowd railroad. Tommie went back to Winfield and told the “bosses” that someone who had some influence must go down into the township of Silverdale and do some work. Hon. E. P. Greer imagined that he had “some influence” and so he paid that township a visit. The result was he stirred up such a hornet’s nest in Silverdale Township against Winfield and her projected railroad that should any one of the outfit appear there again, their enterprise would be stung to death. [Source of this item not given.]
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Ike Harkleroad has purchased the interest of his partner, Mr. Irons, in the cattle business, range fixtures and all. The consideration was $7,600. Hurrah for Ike. Since the State Line propositions have been carried, he wants to invest all of his pocket change.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jubilee.
Yesterday was a gala day in Arkansas City. Our friends from the eastern townships along the State Line road had been invited to come to our city and partake of the hospitality of our citizens, and assist in the celebration. It was a grand celebration, indeed. It surpassed anything we have ever had in commemoration of July 4.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Bright and early our merchants and citizens began the decorations of their stores and homes. Everybody decorated. After one o’clock the visitors began arriving. About 3:30 the delegation from Cedar and Spring Creek Townships came in a body. They were met by the bands of the city and escorted along our main thoroughfares, and citizens falling in the procession to the Opera House, where a most sumptuous feast awaited them, which was prepared by the ladies of Arkansas City. After one and all had eaten heartily, they adjourned to the streets. At 7:30 a grand procession was formed, everybody falling in. After the procession came the pyrotechnic display and the firing of anvils and then our citizens and their guests repaired to the opera house to give vent to their enthusiastic feeling.
The vast assemblage was called to order at 8:30 by Maj. Sleeth and the following gentlemen responded to toasts.
Rev. J. O. Campbell, “Cowley County and her Railroads.”
A. A. Newman, “State Line Railroad.”
Rev. S. B. Fleming, “The Campaign.”
F. P. Schiffbauer, “Arkansas City.”
Arthur Smith, “Cedar Township.”
A. L. Andrews, “Spring Creek Township.”
Robt. Howe, “Maple City.”
Dr. H. D. Cooper, “The long-haired Men from the Irish Flats.”
Ike Harkleroad, “Silverdale Township.”
Rev. W. W. Harris, “Creswell Township.”
Dick Courtright, “Rock Creek.”
Amos Walton, “Ignoramus.”
Rev. J. P. Witt, “Winfield telegrams.”
A. D. Prescott, “The Missouri Pacific R. R.”
Col. Sumner, “That Spoon hook.”
Mr. Neal, of Wellington, “The Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern.”
Wm. Jenkins, “The Waterloo of Cowley County.”
Mr. Manahan, of Cedar, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
James Hill made the final response, choosing his own subject.
At the close of the exercises, our guests were taken care of for the night. The most enthusiastic and friendly feeling exists in southern Cowley. Never before in our existence have we ever seen as many happy souls as there are now in the townships of Cedar, Spring Creek, Silverdale, and Creswell, and the city of Arkansas City. One cause has bound our hearts together and soon the link will be more welded by the bands of steel.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.
I. D. Harkleroad has over 200 acres of wheat. Parties who have traveled through his wheat field tell that he has 120 acres of the best wheat in the county. He has one new self-binder now in the field and will soon make use of another. Mr. Harkleroad will come to the front if any of them will. He has a fine farm and is traveling rapidly the road of prosperity. If our country had more of such farmers, it would be better off.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Ike Harkleroad was in the city today and he informs us that Silverdale Township must have some rain or their big corn crop is gone.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Certain Winfield parties are telling it around in Liberty and Pleasant Valley Townships that Ike Harkleroad, while in Winfield recently, said he felt like hiring some Winfield man to kick himself out of the country because he supported the State Line road and that he was confident now that the road would never be constructed. Ike was in to see the REPUBLICAN yesterday, and he was about as wrathy as a man could be. He desires us to say that the men who are peddling the above saying as coming from him are liars, and that he is as certain that the State Line road will be built as that the Sun rises in the east. Ike further said that he was going to Winfield to look up the originators of the lie and make them swallow it if he had to choke down them. And Ike meant what he said.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Democrats held their county convention Saturday. Winfield, Arkansas City, Rich-land, Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, Spring Creek, Ninnescah, Liberty, Dexter, Pleasant Valley, and Vernon townships were represented by delegates. Capt. Gary called the assembly to order and Amos Walton was chosen temporary chairman and D. C. Young, of the Telegram, secretary. The committee on permanent organization recommended that the temporary organization be permanent, which was done. The following delegates were then elected.
R. E. Howe, J. R. Smith, Arthur Smith, E. C. Million, C. M. McIntire, Ed Gage, John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Smith, S. G. Gary, A. J. Thompson.
Alternates: Robert Ratcliff, J. L. Andrews, J. Wade McDonald, Ed Millard, W. L. Krebs, C. T. Thurston, Garm Primrose, Fred Kropp, I. D. Harkleroad, P. M. Bilyeu.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Ike Harkleroad, the straight democrat of Silverdale, was propelling his pedal monstrosities over Arkansas City’s asphalt pavements today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. W. Fox, residing seven miles east of the city, will have a public sale of personal property Thursday, October 21. The sale will be at his barn, adjoining Ike Harkleroad’s, and commences at 10 a.m.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mr. Schiffbauer, Independent candidate for the legislature, two years ago, and Mr. Harkleroad, Democratic, combined, had a majority over Mr. King, Republican, of 98 votes in the city and in Creswell Township. Tuesday Mr. King in his re-election received a majority of 19 votes in the city and township.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Ike Harkleroad was in from Silverdale today. They are still voting for Miss Kelly out there.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.
Ike Harkleroad may be classed among the successful cattle raisers of this city. On his ranch near the Kaw Agency he has 600 or 700 choice cattle, many of them graded, of the short horn variety, who show their improved breed and the effects of excellent pasture in their prime condition and the weight they have attained. His best beeves will turn the scale at 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, and a number of calves, as choice specimens of the bovine race as ever gamboled on the green, will weigh 800 lbs. Ike is justly proud of his stock, and boasts of having as good Christmas beef as will adorn many shambles in the eastern cities. Bower & Wood have bought 25 of his herd, and we hear he has other sales on hand.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Ike Harkleroad was over from Silverdale shaking hands with his many friends in the Canal City. Ike informs us that out of his lot of 750 fat cattle only one has died so far this winter. He is certainly having good luck.
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 3, 1891.
Ike Harkleroad of Silverdale, took in the central committee meeting today.