J. H. (“Deacon”) Harris


Fairview Township and Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March.
  J. H. Harris to Catherine White.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
There was a dance a few evenings since at Deacon Harris’, at Little Dutch. No ’possum, there.
Deacon Harris, of Little Dutch, says that Buckingham and others who started that ’possum story will be indicted for criminal libel, if he has to go before the grand jury himself. Deacon, we would advise you to keep away from that grand jury; it is a two edged sword that cuts both ways.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Our friend Deacon Harris is growing thin and it is hard to get along with him since the Hoosier grocery stole his opossum, as that is all the kind of meat he can eat and that was the last one in his neck of the woods. They will confer a great favor on his many friends if they will ship some to him.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Deacon Harris aside from being a boss farmer is a first class stock raiser. Last week he weighed one of his two year old colts, which tipped the beam at 1,120 pounds. This is something of a colt.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The Grand Hunt proved a grand success. Several catastrophes are reported. Jake Nixon burst a barrel of his fine breech-loading gun, Tom Soward lost a “plunger,” and Deacon Harris got soaking wet. The score was a very fair one!
J. N. Harter: 830 A. D. Speed: 170
J. M. Keck: 1,000 B. F. Cox: 290
G. A. Rhodes: 975 C. C. Black: 90
T. H. Soward: 335 G. L. Eastman: 2,375
S. Burkhalter: 480 Dr. Davis: 450
Jacob Nixon: 80 E. Meech, Jr.: 285
Fred Whitney: 765 Q. A. Glass: 180
___ Chapman: 980 Deacon Harris: 500
Total: 5,445 Total: 4,360
The defeated party gave a big banquet at the Brettun Friday evening and the tired and hungry sportsmen fed their friends and told of the hair breadth escapes of “mud-hen” and turtle-dove. Skunks counted fifty, but none were brought in.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.

That Jake Nixon, Ben Cox, Deacon Harris, et al. have gone to the Territory for a few days hunt.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
“Honest Ben Cox,” Deacon Harris, and Jake Nixon, et al., returned from the Territory Friday. They had to charter a train to bring in the game. They made no note of the smaller game, but brought in forty deer and five hundred turkeys. Hunters like fishers are so reckless with figures that it’s possible that there may be a cipher or two too many on the above, still we don’t think Ben would tell a lie. The whole party report a good time and lots of fun, and from the amount of game brought in should say that the last party of hunters who went down would find it pretty dry picking.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Deacon Harris was fifty-eight years old Saturday, and Mrs. Harris got up a family feast in honor of his birthday. The Deacon’s younger now than many men of twenty-five.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
DIED. It is again our duty to record the death of a prominent and respected citizen, J. H. Harris, familiarly called “Deacon.” He died at his residence on Tenth Avenue at 8:40 o’clock last evening, passing away as peacefully as if he had fallen asleep. His disease was pleuro-pneumonia and he suffered considerable during his sickness. Mr. Harris moved here from his farm in Fairview Township last September on account of his health, but a hunting expedition induced the aggravated form of the disease and he succumbed to the great leveler of all. His present family consists only of a wife and he himself was the last of his father’s family. He was attended by Drs. Green and Emerson. The funeral services will be held tomorrow.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
DIED. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Deacon Harris, which occurred last Friday morning. He died of pneumonia contracted while on a hunting expedition in the Territory. Deacon Harris was one of the best known and most respected of Cowley’s citizens, and was one of the most genial, companionable men we ever knew. The funeral was held from the church north of town, and was attended by a large number of friends from Winfield. Rev. Platter conducted the funeral ceremonies.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.
Affidavit of death filed and petition for appointment of administrator of estate of J. H. Harris; and William White ap­pointed administrator.
Probate Court Doings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
W. D. Weimer appointed administrator (de bonus non) of estate of J. H. Harris, deceased.