T. J. Harris


Pleasant Valley Township and Winfield.
Thomas J. Harris, 29; spouse, Annie, 29.
T. J. Harris, 32; spouse, Anna, 32.
T. J. Harris, 33; spouse, Anna, 32.
Harris & Clark, land and loans, 104 e 9th
Harris T J, real estate, res 319 e 7th
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M.,
to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting.
Dated January 25, 1876.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: John M. Harcourt, Robert F. Bailey, Andrew Dawson, John Foster, J. L. Foster, Jess. J. Tribby, H. D. Lee, W. B. Wimer.
BEAVER TOWNSHIP: William D. Lester, B. W. Jenkins, John A. McCulloch, W. A. Freeman.
VERNON TOWNSHIP: Wm. Martin, C. M. Denkin, R. L. Walker.
SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP: R. P. Goodrich, Cyrus Wilson, F. W. Vance.
TISDALE TOWNSHIP: E. P. Young, D. H. Southworth.
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP: Chas. W. Frith, J. L. H. Darnall.
OTTER TOWNSHIP: H. C. Fisher, R. R. Turner.
OMNIA TOWNSHIP: Elisha Harned.
DEXTER TOWNSHIP: T. W. Coats, J. D. Maurer, Mark Kenton Hull, Levi Quier, J. A. Bryan, George Bryan.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, And one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Bridge Meeting.

PLEASANT VALLEY, March 14, 1877.
Meeting for purpose of soliciting subscriptions for repair­ing abutments for iron bridge across Walnut River, south of Winfield, convened, with C. J. Brane in the chair. T. J. Harris, Joel Mason, and W. B. Sitter were appointed committee to solicit subscriptions.
Motion carried to the effect that committee proceed to business immediately.
Motion that proceedings of the meeting be furnished the Winfield papers for publication. Carried.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
J. W. CHATTERSON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
From Pleasant Valley.
Resolutions adopted by the Odessa Sabbath school on the death of Wm. W. Crabbs.
WHEREAS, God in his wisdom has seen fit to remove suddenly by death, Wm. W. Crabbs, a member of our Sabbath school, therefore be it
Resolved, That by this dispensation of Providence we have lost a worthy citizen, a kind neighbor, a sincere friend, and a true man.
Resolved, 2nd, That while we deplore his loss, we feel it our duty to bow in humble submission to that divine will which ordered his removal, and we hope that our loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved, 3rd, That we tender our sincerest sympathy to those to whom, by ties of nature or affection, he was more than a friend.
Resolved, 4th, That we should long cherish his memory, forget his faults, whatever they may have been, and emulate his virtues, which we so well know.
  T. J. HARRIS, G. W. RHODES, C. J. BRANE, Committee.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Republican Convention.
The following persons are elected delegates to the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday.
Pleasant Valley. T. J. Harris, Chas. Seacat.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 22, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.
On motion a county central committee consisting of one member from each township was chosen by the delegates from the respective townships. The following gentlemen were selected:

Maple, W. B. Norman; Winfield, L. J. Webb; Ninnescah, H. Martin; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Spring Creek, J. B. Callison; Richland, N. J. Larkin; Vernon, P. M. Waite; Sheridan, B. Longshore; Tisdale, S. W. Chase; Silverdale, John Tipton; Beaver, C. W. Roseberry; Windsor, S. M. Fall; Bolton, Reuben Bowers; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, C. R. Miles; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Rock, Frank Akers; Creswell, C. R. Mitchell; Silver Creek, A. P. Brooks; Dexter, H. C. McDorman; Cedar, W. A. Metcalf; Pleasant Valley, T. J. Harris.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Thos. Harris and wife to A. Dietrick, part of se. 15 and 23, 32, 4; $2,300.00.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
M. L. Read and wife to Anna A. Harris, lots 11 and 12 in block 87, Winfield, $500.00.
C. M. Bradish to Anna Harris, lot 18 and part of 17, block 110, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21. . . a district convention to choose delegates to be held Saturday, August 10th, at the call of the central committee of the county.
The Republican County Central Committee is as follows:
T. J. Harris, Pleasant Valley.
First indication that Harris has moved to Winfield: selling sewing machines...
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
T. J. Harris has moved the headquarters of the St. John Sewing machine on to Main street.
Mrs. Anna Harris (wife of T. J. Harris) opens millinery 2 doors north of Bliss & Co., at Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
Mrs. Anna Harris has succeeded Misses Olds & Curry in the Millinery business. Mrs. Harris is a first-class milliner and persons desiring goods in that line should call on her.
AD: Mrs. Anna Harris, Milliner. Having purchased the millinery stock of the firm of Misses Olds & Curry, I shall put in a New Stock of Goods, and shall keep a full line of First Class Milli­nery Goods and Fancy Notions. Hats and Bonnets Trimmed. Dressmaking. Remember the place: two doors north of Bliss & Co.’s. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
Mme. Roland, Mrs. Stump, Mrs. Kretsinger, Mrs. Anne Harris, Miss J. E. Mansfield, Mrs. Whitehead.
   F. M. Friend, T. J. Harris, D. F. Best.
T. J. Harris sued: he had no attorney...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Wm. Brock vs. T. J. Harris, et al. [A. J. Pyburn, attorney for Breck].
Dismissed: Wm. Brock vs. T. J. Harris, et. al. Settled.
Mrs. Anna Harris moves next door to Reil building and adds addition...

Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Mrs. Anna Harris is building a brick addition to the Reil building, on Main street, which will be used as a millinery store.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
Mrs. Harris has removed her millinery stock to the new building next door to her old stand.
F. M. Friend and T. J. Harris: partners in sewing machine business...
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Messrs. Friend & Harris have formed a co-partnership in the sewing-machine business. Verily, “the lion and the lamb shall lie down together.”
J. H. Doty starts cigar and tobacco store in Anna Harris’ old millinery shop...
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has opened an exclusive cigar and tobacco store on Main street in Mrs. Harris’ old stand.
Note: Nothing is said in paper about Friend and T. J. Harris dissolving their partnership in sewing machine business. Not certain what happened!
F. M. Friend still handling sewing machines and opens up millinery store after taking goods from Mrs. Roland, Mrs. Anna Harris, and Mrs. Kretsinger: opens shop up in Mrs. Kretsinger’s old stand...
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
Notice Friend’s ad in this issue. He’s got the largest stock of millinery in southern Kansas.
Dealer in Millinery & Milliner’s Dry Goods.
Notions, Sewing Machines, etc.
Miss Clara Brass remains in charge of the Trimming Department.
Article re child of T. J. Harris: name not given...
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.
A little child of Mr. T. J. Harris was considerably chilled while on the way to school Monday morning. We have been told that there is a rule keeping the doors of the schoolhouse locked until a short time before the opening of school. If there is such a rule, we think it should be suspended during the cold weather, so that the little ones who come early may not have to stand outside until the doors are opened. It might be a serious inconvenience in the discipline of the school, but is one that should be put up with when the health of the children is at stake.
T. J. Harris: starts partnership with T. R. Bryan...
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
T. R. Bryan has removed his office to the rear room in the Winfield Bank building and has formed a partnership with T. J. Harris.
Bryan & Harris...
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.

The sale of the Gardner farm to Mr. Williams, of Iowa, was affected through the agency of Bryan & Harris within three days after it was placed in their hands. Quick work, that.
Bryan & Harris...
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
J. W. Batchelder has purchased the Dickerson property on East 11th street, which he will fix up in good style for his future home. The sale was made through the agency of Bryan & Harris.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
Mr. T. J. Harris brought us a bunch of wheat from the field of Alex Graham, north of town. The wheat looked good.
T. J. Harris: on Frank Manny jury...
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Frank Manny was again arrested last Friday: this time for maintaining a nuisance, under the prohibitory law, which makes the keeping a place where intoxicating liquors are sold, a public nuisance, to be suppressed by due process, and the keeper thereof fined not less than one hundred dollars.
Saturday a jury was impaneled, consisting of W. C. Garvey, W. C. Robinson,  D. F. Long, Frank Weakley, W. W. Limbocker, Jacob Seiley, J. J. Plank, Smith, A. H. Doane, Ed. Burnett, John Moffitt, and T. J. Harris. This jury is a strong one, which could be depended upon for an intelligent and just verdict.
The case was set for hearing on Monday morning. On that morning Mr. Manny was arrested five times, successively, on different complaints for selling intoxicating drinks in violation of law.
This began to look more like a tornado than like a little squall, and the defendant was inclined to compromise. It was finally agreed that he should confess judgment on the nuisance complaint, and judgment be entered up against him, with a fine of $100, which he should pay, and also pay all the costs of the seven cases against him, close his place of sale, and abide the law, when the six other cases would be dismissed.
We have no unkind feelings against Mr. Manny, but the law must be enforced, whoever it may hurt. He stood in a position that, if others violated the law, it would be charged to him. Now others will have to stand on their own merits, and cannot shuffle off on him.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
BRYAN & HARRIS, LAND, LOAN, AND COLLECTING AGENTS. Office in Winfield bank building, first floor. Entrance on 9th avenue.
Bryan & Harris...
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Messrs. Bryan & Harris have just consummated the sale of the old Bartlow farm, in Ninnescah Township, which was owned by W. D. Crawford, to John W. Gibson; for $2.200. Mr. Gibson is from Virginia, and his father is living in this city. He is a solid farmer and businessman, and will be a good acquisition to Ninnescah Township.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.

Peter C. Croco has purchased of Bryan & Harris the Frederick Gaertner land in Beaver Township. Mr. Croco is from Ohio and is a young man of means and energy, and will make a valuable addition to Beaver Township and Cowley County. Our readers will remember an article that appeared in the COURIER last spring commenting on a letter from a man who didn’t want to own land in a state that passed a prohibitory law. Frederick Gaertner was the letter writer. Mr. Gaertner wished to sell because of prohibition and Mr. Croco, who buys him out, comes to the state because of prohibition. We have gained the more than we have lost in this instance.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
M. S. Roseberry has sold his farm in Beaver township, through Bryan & Harris, to Hamilton Barnes for $2,000.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
H. C. Hawkins has sold his farm in Vernon township to George T. Bacastow for $3,800. The sale was made by Bryan & Harris.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Bryan & Harris are “boss” real estate agents of this county. They attend to their business thoroughly, are strictly reliable, and always give satisfaction. Their sales are being counted by the dozen. If you don’t want to sell your land, keep it out of their hands. Buyers should examine their new list of farms for sale in this issue.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Bryan & Harris have issued a circular containing a large and comprehensive list of lands in their hands for sale. This firm is meeting with a popularity and success in the Real Estate business that is surprising. During the past few weeks they have settled a large number of newcomers on Cowley County farms and are in constant correspondence with many others who are looking to Cowley for future homes. As gentlemen of honor and business ability, we can cheerfully recommend Messrs. Bryan & Harris. Persons who desire to place their lands for sale, or to buy property here, should not fail to call on or address this firm.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
A Big Picnic.
The A. O. U. W. Society of Winfield are making arrangements for a grand basket picnic in Riverside Park, May 25th. Twenty-five neighboring lodges have been invited, special trains will be run, and a general good time indulged in. The following committees have been appointed.
Devotional exercises: Revs. Platter and Cairns.
Reception: J. S. Mann, W. R. Davis, J. F. McMullen, C. A. Bliss.
On grounds: Wm. Hodges, A. B. Snow, B. F. McFadden, John Burroughs, S. G. Gary, Wm. Caton, T. J. Harris, D. Dix.
On music: W. C. Carruthers, B. F. Wood, G. S. Manser, Chas. Green.
On Finance: B. M. Legg, A. D. Hendricks, J. N. Harter, H. S. Silver.
On invitations: E. T. Trimble, W. J. Hodges, G. F. Corwin.
On Printing: A. B. Sykes.

The committees are hard at work perfecting arrangements, and intend making this a memorable event in the history of their Society.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
One of those who signed card: T. J. Harris.
Judge Samuel Bard buys T. R. Bryan’s interest in the real estate business...
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
Judge Bard has purchased Mr. T. R. Bryan’s interest in the real estate business of Bryan & Harris. Messrs. Bryan & Harris have built up an excellent business during the time they have been at work, and in the change of firm it has fallen into good hands.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
The sale of the Corson place mentioned in another column was consummated through Bard & Harris. It was one of the biggest real estate transfers made this season.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Messrs. Bard & Harris, real estate agents of this city, sold on Monday the farm of Sampson Johnson in Pleasant Valley Township to O. A. Crawford and Peter Croco for $3,300. Also George T. Wilson’s farm was sold to R. K. Parkhurst and E. T. Standley for $1,500.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
T. J. Harris brought in the most wonderful blue joint grass we have seen, standing nine feet high and large in proportion.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
   A Good Business.
Messrs. Bard & Harris, our enterprising real estate men, have been making things hum during the past month. They have effected sales on real estate amounting to nearly ten thousand dollars.
They disposed of E. M. Dunbar’s farm to John Holmes for $1,350.
The G. W. Wilson place to E. M. Dunbar for $1,000.
The W. F. Decker place, 80 acres, to A. DeTurk for $800.
The Samuel Turner sixty acres to J. B. Roach for $950.
Henry Sutliff’s farm to Ramsey and Huffman for $1,100.
W. D. Smith’s place to Ramsey and Huffman [amount not given].
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.

Messrs. Springston and Conrad have purchased W. A. Lee’s implement business and will take charge in about a week. The sale was made through Messrs. Bard & Harris, our enterprising real estate men. Mr. Springston is a live, energetic gentleman and will keep the ball rolling.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
The Real Estate firm of Bard & Harris have sold during the past sixty days $22,900 worth of real estate.
They sold one quarter to H. E. Silliman for $3,000.
Also a three hundred and thirty acre farm to Mr. Z. W. Lunday of Illinois for $7,100.
Mr. Z. Condit, of California, also purchased through their agency a $1,600 farm.
Loxly L. Martin, of West Virginia, was also located by them on a $4,200 place.
Mr. David Larimer, late of Iowa, was also located on a $1,200 place, while several parties from Indiana and Illinois, whose names we did not get, were satisfactorily located within Cowley’s borders.
Perhaps the most important sale made by them lately was that of the C. O. Pierce farm in Pleasant Valley Township to T. H. Group, of Atchison, for $7,100. Mr. Group will bring here with him one hundred and thirty-five head of fine blooded cattle, including forty milkers; from which he will furnish cream for the creamery. He also brings ten head of fine horses and other good stock. Such men as Mr. Group are valuable acquisitions to our county.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.
One of those who did not sign petition: T. J. Harris.
Besides all the clergymen of the city and more than four hundred other businessmen and voters of the city, it does not show up big when we remember that but a very small proportion of the 650 voters in the city signed the petition.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Bard and Harris have rented the room back of Harter’s drug store, formerly occupied by Trump’s tin shop, and will move their real estate office to that location soon.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Bard & Harris are now cosily fixed up in their new office back of Harter’s drug store. This firm by liberal advertising and obliging treatment of customers are gaining an enviable reputation as land and loan agents, and are gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to do business.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Bard & Harris have covered the front of their office with an immense land sign. It shows off well.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
Bard & Harris sold the James L. Stewart farm in Pleasant Valley Township last week to Messrs. Fibbs and sons, of Indiana, for four thousand dollars spot cash. There was one hundred and sixty acres in the tract. They have also sold Mr. W. D. Crawford’s farm of two hundred and forty acres in Ninnescah Township to Mr. Stewart for thirty-eight hundred dollars cash. These are two important sales.
T. J. Harris: purchases residence of M. G. Troup...
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Mr. T. J. Harris has bought the residence of M. G. Troup in this city and will make it his future residence.
Excerpt: T. J. Harris mentioned...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
We clip the following from the Indianapolis Sentinel, written by J. C. McKee, who recently visited this place.
Winfield and Cowley County, was finally reached in good order, and I have put in some days investigating the town and surrounding country. It is a substantial and thriving city of not more than 4,000 inhabitants, situated at the intersection of the K. C., L. and S. K. Railroad and a branch of the A., T. and S. F. The Walnut River bounds it upon the west and south and Timber Creek upon the north, while a line of bluffs guard the approach from the east. . . .
For personal favors I am under obligation to Capt. Hunt, County Clerk; Frank Raymond, one of the Indianapolis News Court reporters; Jos. Harter, druggist; Constable Siverd; Mr. Harris, of Bard & Harris; and not a few others, all of whom I found always ready and anxious to accommodate or oblige without stint. MAQUE.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
For Sale by Bard & Harris: A special bargain for a short time; a rare chance to secure one of the best watered stock farms in Cowley County consisting of 240 acres adjoining good range on south and east, 50 acres bottom land under cultivation, 60 more can be broke, good house, stable, corral, shedding, cave, milkhouse, and other out houses; splendid well at the door, springs and spring branches; also Crab Creek runs through place; fine young orchard of apple, peach, pears, and small fruits growing well.
Bard & Harris office...
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
The Republicans of the first ward in Winfield will elect eight delegates to the county convention, at an election to be held at the office of Bard and Harris, on 9th Avenue, on Thursday, August 30, 1883, commencing at 2 o’clock p.m., and closing at 6 o’clock or as soon thereafter as there shall be no Republican at the polls ready to vote.

Jacob T. Hackney, John C. McNeil, and Frank Bowen are appointed judges of said election, and William Madden and T. M. McGuire, clerks.
All votes will be rejected except those presented by electors hitherto acting and voting with the Republican party, or by those who voted the Republican ticket last November and intend to vote the Republican ticket next November.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
Bard and Harris present to the readers of the COURIER this week a new list of lands in their hands for sale, or rather a continuation of the old list of lands, and can satisfy any purchaser.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
G. H. Buckman, J. W. Craine, T. J. Harris, J. A. McGuire, Daniel Mater, John W. Nichols, H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup.
Alternates: W. F. Bowen, W. B. Caton, Walter Denning, Quincy A. Glass, J. W. Arrowsmith, E. S. Bedilion, J. T. Hackney, G. F. Corwin.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Bard & Harris have erected over their office on Ninth Avenue a large and handsome gilt sign.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Bard & Harris have a fine agricultural display in their real estate office: relics of the fair. It comprises mammoth onions, corn, potatoes, and a squash as big as a ten gallon keg.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Notice. On my farm known in this locality as the Nelse Newell farm, north of Robt. Weakley, 4 miles north of Winfield, I want to have built a stone house 1½ story, over a 7 ft. cellar, about 24 ft. square. I would contract with builders for this work, also for the digging or boring of a well. Bids may be given for the mason work and for the carpenter work of rooms and roof; and for putting in the well, to T. R. Bryan in Winfield, or to Reuben S. White on the farm. I shall be at Winfield to make contracts about the 15th of October. I have for sale the above farm, and two in section 11-31-4, one of which, 80 acres, has a stone house for immediate occupancy, and a fine quarter section southeast of 3-31-4. For information see Bard & Harris. LEONARD FARR.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Talesman: T. J. Harris.
Bard & Harris...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
 An Advertisement Heard From.

For some weeks Bard & Harris have had standing in their bulletin of lands for sale in this paper, the following notice:
640 acres, under cultivation 300, timber 106, in grass 240, 300 acres first bottom land, 2 good houses, one 24 x 36, 7 rooms, one 16 x 24, 44 rooms; good corral, stable, 2 old box houses, 1½  miles of hedge, watered by Silver Creek running through place, 400 fruit trees, plenty of government land close to place, ½ mile to school, 12 miles to Winfield. $1,200.
The notice was all right except the price, which was a misprint and should read $12,000 instead of $1,200. However, the mistake has succeeded in showing them one thing at least: that thousands of persons read their advertisements every week. Since the above notice has been standing among others in their list, they have received hundreds of letters about it. One person from New York wrote saying he would take it, and ordering them to draw on him for the amount. Others write for information concerning it, and one says he thinks he will take it if he can get “part time.” The letters come from every locality, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Owing to the fact that but few of their correspondents send stamps for return, Messrs. Bard & Harris are crying loudly for us to correct the mistake, which will be done next week. It has cost them heavily in postage bills already.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.

S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Baird, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
Bard retires from Bard & Harris: leaves it in the hands of T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Mr. Bard has retired from the real estate firm of Bard & Harris, leaving the business in the hands of Mr. Harris.
T. J. Harris on his own: largest land sale ever made in Cowley County???...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
Mr. T. J. Harris made the largest land sale last week ever made in Cowley County. The sale was made to James Bruington, of Galesburg, Illinois, and consisted of the old Jewett place, 160 acres, belonging to J. L. M. Hill, $6,500; the Henry Weimer quarter section adjoining, $4,500; the Robt. Kimbrough quarter, $1,500; the Bowman and Barrett quarter, $1,600; making a total of 640 acres for $14,100.00. This makes one of the finest farms that lays out of doors anywhere. Mr. Bruington will remove here with his family in the spring and will bring with him a large amount of capital, which will be invested in our county. He will improve and stock his place in first-class shape. The farm joins the station of Seeley on the A. T. & S. F. Road.
Item pertaining to F. G. Willson...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Mr. F. G. Willson, from Barnard County, Illinois, has been visiting in this city with his uncle, Mr. W. H. Thompson.
Frank Willson: buys an interest in business of T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Mr. Frank Willson, a gentleman recently from Illinois, has bought an interest in the real estate and loan business of T. J. Harris.
Winfield Courier started out with “Wilson.” Several months later they called him “Willson.”
Harris & Willson...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
The Real Estate firm of Harris & Willson made another nine thousand dollar sale this week.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
For sale. One of the choicest stock, grain, and fruit farms of 320 acres. This place is well improved and well watered and located within 4 miles of Winfield, 100 acres of good valley land, balance good grass land. Anyone wanting a ranch like this will do well to call at our office at once. Price $5,500. Enquire at Harris & Willson’s real estate office, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.

Harris & Willson have recently put in a new safe, repainted their real estate office, and now have very neat and convenient quarters.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Ellinger house and lots on east 6th avenue were sold this week by Harris & Willson for $1,000.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
John Cochran bought the Firebaugh property on Manning street this week, and will occupy it as a residence. The sale was made by Harris & Willson.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
A Novel Entertainment.
The gentlemen of the Presbyterian congregation will give a “Leap-year Basket social” in lecture room of the church, on Friday evening, April 25th. A good time is anticipated, and all are invited. The following named gentlemen will compose the various committees.
Chief Cook: H. T. Silver.
2nd Cook: G. S. Manser.
Dish-washers: Messrs. S. S. Linn, A. T. Spotswood, and T. J. Harris.
Baskets: Messrs. S. A. Cook and H. Beck.
Door: John Curns.
Checks: Hop Shivers.
Sundries: Dr. Kirkwood and J. Croco.
Waiters: Messrs. George Buckman, J. H. Bullen, and M. J. Troup.
Reception and General oversight: Messrs. A. E. Baird, Jas. Simpson, and T. B. Myers.
Harris & Willson...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
W. H. White and Wm. Dobbs sold their half section farm in Ninnescah Township, through Harris & Willson last Thursday, to C. D. Seitz, of Tiffin, Illinois, for $6,800. Mr. Seitz will enclose the place and make it one of the best fruit and stock farms in the county.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Mr. W. H. Barnes, from Delavan, Illinois, bought the Lipscomb property, on west 9th Avenue, of Harris & Willson this week, for $750.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
The COURIER job office has turned out this week a neat four page real estate bulletin for the Southwestern Land Office of this city, descriptive of the firm’s business and Cowley County. Messrs. Harris & Willson are gaining an enviable reputation as real estate brokers and their sales are very heavy. Courteous and honorable dealing, together with judicious advertising, always have their reward.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Elliott, of Petersburg, Illinois, old friends of Mr. Frank Willson, of the real estate firm of Harris & Willson, arrived Tuesday and will visit and prospect for a few days.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.

Mr. Joseph Underwood, late of Henry, Illinois, bought last week a quarter section in Maple Township, on which he will settle in a few weeks. The purchase was made through Harris & Willson.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Mr. Wm. Conn, from Ohio, bought through Harris & Willson, last week, the W. P. Gibson eighty in Vernon Township for $3,500, and will become one of our permanent farmers.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Mr. Tom Harris has lost a bunch of keys: post office, door, and drawer keys—no corkscrew; name on ring. The finder will receive thanks by leaving at Mr. Harris’ real estate office.
Death of Mr. F. G. Willson, partner of T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
The Whirlpool Near the Tunnel Mill Ushers Another Soul Into Eternity.
DIED. Our community was shocked Tuesday afternoon by the drowning, in the whirlpool near the Tunnel Mill, of Frank G. Willson, one of the most promising young men of the city and a member of the real estate firm of Harris & Willson. He and C. C. Harris went to the river to bathe about three o’clock that afternoon and had been swimming in the water for some time when the accident occurred. The water in this pool is very deep and swift, though, with a little care, is not considered dangerous when the river is in a normal condition. It has several currents in a depth of fifteen feet and flows with a whirling motion, the current continually eddying around the pool. Frank and Mr. Harris had started down the current to swim around, the latter considerably ahead. When Frank got about half way through, he called for help and immediately went under. The current prevented Mr. Harris from swimming upstream to his rescue and the only thing to be done was to circle around and come down to him. But the body was held down by the undercurrent and only rose once after the first submersion, making all efforts at rescue fruitless. The alarm was immediately given and in a few minutes many willing hands were searching for the body. The swift, deep, and eddying water shifted the body in such a manner as to prevent its recovery until it had been submerged fifty minutes. Drs. Wright, Pugh, Taylor, and Wells were on the ground and everything within human possibility was done to resuscitate the body, but in vain. Its spirit had flown to the inevitable and voiceless Eternity. It is supposed that cramp or strangulation by a back-water wave caused the terrible result. Those acquainted with the water at this place don’t attribute it to the suction, though this undoubtedly increased the helplessness of the victim. It is hard to estimate the number of persons that have been drowned in this pool—fifteen or twenty. This alone is sufficient to brand this place as dangerous, and should warn people to go elsewhere to bath.

Frank G. Willson was about twenty-five years of age. He came to Winfield some seven months ago and associated himself with T. J. Harris in the real estate and loan business. During his short residence among us he won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. His only relatives here are the family of his uncle, Mr. W. H. Thompson. His parents reside in Jacksonville, Illinois. They were immediately telegraphed the fate of their son and answered, requesting his remains to be sent home for interment, which was done yesterday. The father is a prominent banker of Jacksonville. Frank was one of those bright, progressive, and substantial young men whose future indicates great usefulness and advancement. The writer had many pleasant conversations with him and found him possessed of those finer feelings which indicate morality and refinement and are always agreeable. Nothing is sadder than the snatching away of a life buoyant with bright hopes for the future. Truly “in the midst of life we are in death.”
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Winfield will be represented at the Minneapolis Reunion by the following persons, so far as we have been able to ascertain: C. Ferguson, J. E. Snow, R. Amrine, L. B. Stone, A. R. Wilson, M. G. Troup, J. B. Schofield ___ Smith, T. J. Harris, N. A. Haight, A. G. Wilson, Thos. Thompson, S. C. Smith, and S. Cure. Delegations from other sections of the county will congregate in this city and all take a special train Sunday morning.
John R. Clark, relative of A. J. Thompson from Ohio, joins T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
John R. Clark, from Butler County, Ohio, a relative of A. J. Thompson, associated himself last week with T. J. Harris in the real estate and loan business. Mr. Clark is a young man of vim and ability and with the daisy land seller of the West, Mr. Harris, the firm will keep in the lead in its line.
Name change: Southwestern Land office, Harris & Clark, proprietors...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Southwestern Land office, Harris & Clark, proprietors, have commenced on their fall sales and have sold in the last few days about $15,000 worth of real estate, including farm and city property.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
J. F. Axtel purchased, last week, through Harris & Clark, the Central Hotel of this city, and after a few weeks vacation in the east, will take possession of the same.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
James McCormick, who purchased some time ago, through Harris & Clark, the T. F. Axtel farm in Pleasant Valley, will arrive next week from Clinton, Indiana, with his family.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Mr. Eastman purchased last week, through Harris & Clark, the Edward Campbell farm in Pleasant Valley, for $3,000.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Meeting of Blaine and Logan Clubs and a Flambeau Club.

A meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield was held at the Courthouse Monday evening. The meeting came to order by electing Mr. A. H. Limerick, Chairman, and W. A. McCartney, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by W. J. Wilson. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and W. P. Hackney in favor of the complete organization and equipment of a Blaine and Logan club. It was decided to organize the club into three companies of torch-bearers and one Flambeau club. The following officers were elected: Colonel Whiting, Commander of battalion and D. L. Kretsinger, Adjutant; Spencer Miner, Captain “Co. A”; Frank Finch, 1st Lieutenant; M. B. Shields, 2nd Lieutenant; T. J. Harris, 3rd Lieutenant; Capt. J. B. Nipp, Captain of “Co. B”: W. P. Hackney 1st Lieutenant; John McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant; H. H. Siverd, 3rd Lieutenant; Cap Steuven, Captain of the Flambeau club; H. G. Norton, 1st Lieutenant; W. A. McCartney, 2nd Lieutenant; Frank H. Greer, 3rd Lieutenant. The election of officers for “Co. C” was deferred until Tuesday evening. A meeting of the officers of the different companies was called for Wednesday morning for the purpose of appointing various committees, and deciding on the kind and number of suits and torches to be ordered. After the completion of business of the meeting, Henry E. Asp was called on, and responded in one of his characteristic speeches, after which the meeting adjourned.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
A. F. McClarin, of the Terminus, bought through Harris & Clark, last week, the Vanorsdal farm 8 miles northeast of Winfield, for $4,000.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The place to sell the quickest, and
The place to buy the cheapest land,
The place where many farms are sold.
The place where fewest lies are told.

The place to sell all kinds of stock,
The place to buy down at bed-rock,
The place where stocks of merchandise,
Are bought and sold a panic price.

The place where city homes are found,
And nicest plots of vacant ground,
Exchange their owners. And behold,
The place where traders make their gold.

The place also where they prepare,
Your papers with the utmost care.
And take acknowledgments in daylight or dark
At the office of HARRIS & CLARK.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.

Mr. D. F. Taylor, of Pennsylvania, bought Monday, through Harris & Clark, the D. F. Best farm, four miles north of town, for $2,300; also the Nancy A. Pierson farm in the same neighborhood, for $1,200.
Southwestern Land Office: Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Another Payne.
The Southwestern Land Office, of this city, is having turned out this week from the COURIER mechanical department a large edition of a twenty-four column real estate paper descriptive of the county and their business. Messrs. Harris & Clark, by their immense sales and square dealing, have put themselves in the front rank of Southern Kansas real estate firms and will continue to boom. Their sales extend into adjoining counties and embrace some of the largest that have been made in the past year. Their enterprise, untiring energy, and honorable manner of dealing, make them worthy of having the largest real estate business of any firm in the west. Their paper reflects great credit upon them, gives information, local and general interest, and will be a big advertisement of our county.
Harris & Clark: “Real Estate News.”
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
  Send the Facts East.
We publish, this week, a well gisted description of Cowley County, from the Real Estate News of Harris & Clark. It sets forth forcibly the wonder of development and vast resources of the county, and readers of the COURIER should peruse it carefully and mail the paper to some eastern friend. We want to let folks “down east” know what a paradise we have out here and this is an opportunity to do it.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
[From Harris & Clark’s Real Estate News.]
     The Best County in Kansas.
Its Descriptions, Resources, Development, and Advantages, Etc.
LOCATION. Cowley County is situated on the south line of the State, one hundred and ten to one hundred and forth miles west of its eastern border. It is bounded on the east by Elk and Chautauqua Counties, on the north by Butler County, on the west by Sumner County, and on the south by the Indian Territory. It is about 240 miles from Kansas City, 220 miles from Atchison, and 180 miles from Topeka.
HOW TO GET THERE. Take the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, either at Kansas City or Atchison direct to Winfield, or take the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad, which also lands you in Winfield and is also the proposed end of a division for the latter road.
Persons and teams will find plenty of good roads leading to Winfield from all points east and north.
[Skipping Size, Lay of the Land, Soil, Water, Timber, Climate.]

BUILDING STONE. In all parts of the county the supply of magnesia limestone is inexhaustible. It is found at various depths below the surface, from ten to forty feet, and in many places along the bluffs and streams it is exposed and handy for quarrying. It exists in layers of from three to twenty-four inches thick, and can be quarried easily in most any shape. When first taken from the quarry, it is soft and easily worked with the hammer, chisel, and saw, but on exposure to the air and sun it hardens and becomes durable, appearing much like marble. It is the best and most conveniently located building stone in the State. Capital is developing the quarries, hundreds of men are employed therein, and large contracts have been made with builders in Topeka, Leavenworth, and Kansas City. Owing to its cheapness and superior quality, these cities in time will buy all their limestone from this county. The price for dimension stone is three dollars a cord and flagging at five cents a foot delivered at the cars.
HEALTH.  No county while new and while the soil is being newly distributed, where the soil is rich and the vegetation rank, has been exempt from malarial fevers. But it has no marshes, swamps, sloughs, or standing water, no fogs, or moisture laden air. It always has a breeze, generally light but sometimes strong, and should be healthy, as it in fact is in all respects except as above. Many persons have come here diseased or suffering from chronic complaints, who have very soon begun to improve and have since quite recovered.
LESS TAXATION. Cowley County has her schoolhouses, her churches, her courthouse, and her bridges mostly built and paid for and the taxation for these purposes will hereafter be light.
MARKETS. A considerable portion of the surplus wheat crop is required to supply the Indians in the Indian Territory.
In addition to the ordinary eastern markets, our millers and merchants have opened up a large trade with New Mexico and Colorado on the west, and Texas on the south. The result is that the price of most of our surplus is the same as it is in Kansas City.
At the present time Cowley County has two railroads. It is the intention of the Santa Fe to extend its route from Arkansas City to Fort Smith in Arkansas. This will open up the entire southern railroad system, give us our natural market, and make us practically as close even to eastern markets as is Illinois. There are also two other railroads pointing toward this county with the almost certain prospect of passing through it.
LAND TITLES. The county contains 716,800 acres of land. It being a part of the Osage lands, it has been open to purchase only to actual settlers, in quantities of not more than 160 acres each, at $1.25 per acre. The entire western half of the county has already been patented, and all the best land in the eastern part. As the land is purchased direct from the general government, title are unquestioned. No railroad grant covers any part of the county. The question of a title is in no respect complicated by the conflicting claims of railroad corporations.
For the prices of land and other particulars about farms, we refer the readers to the fourth page.
INDUSTRIES. About three fourths of our people are agriculturalists. The following is taken from the present census returns.
All the figures which can be gleaned, speak of the vigorous and prosperous growth of the county—a large increase in the value of real and personal property, increased acreage of cultivated ground, and a general increase in all the departments of husbandry in this county.

The farmers, particularly in the eastern part of the county, are turning their attention to stock raising, and there are already quite large herds. As soon as the herd law is abolished, the eastern part of the county will become a great grazing country. The whole county is peculiarly fitted for such purpose. Its heavy growth of nutritious grasses and many fine springs and streams of running water specially recommend it. Cattle, sheep, and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. Our stock of hogs is very fine, and no disease of any kind has ever been among them. Much attention has been given to raising improved breeds of stock. There are six excellent flouring and several corn and saw mills in the county.
POPULATION. The new census shows the population of the county to be nearly thirty thousand, an increase nearly of three thousand during the year. Generally they are intelligent, enterprising, go-ahead, move in the best society, and educated in the best schools of other states. They read the newspapers, support schools and churches heartily, and think for themselves. They are the kind of people God sends to a country that he intends to bless. The man who hesitates about coming to Kansas on account of society is fooling himself. It is as good and as cultivated as he will find anywhere.
SCHOOLS. This county contains one hundred and seventeen school districts, nearly all of which has good substantial schoolhouses. Most of them are paid for. In a very few years every dollar of her school bond indebtedness will be paid. The people tax themselves freely for the support of schools, and keep the schools open as long each year as they can afford to. There are a large number of thoroughly well educated and efficient teachers, and the schools are noted for their good work. The schools are as convenient to all and as efficient as in most of the eastern states.
CHURCHES. There is a church organization in nearly every neighborhood in the county. Most of these hold their services in schoolhouses. A few have built excellent church edifices and others are “talking the matter up.” There already are some very fine large church edifices in the county. Many leading denominations are represented. The leading are the Christian, Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. The ministers are up to the average anywhere. Some of them are men of great talent and culture. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd, thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children must have brains, education, and grit.
WATER POWER. There is an abundance of water power in this county, though but a small part of it has been utilized. Along Walnut River, Rock, Timber, Grouse, and Silver Creeks are very many good water mill sites with plenty of water mill power. At Lazette, Arkansas City, and some other places these sites have been utilized to some extent.

OUR FUTURE. In the light of the history of the past thirteen years, who dares to attempt to foretell the future of this great county? With a soil that is equal in fertility to the valley of the Nile and from whose fair bosom can be taken all the varied products of the Temperate zone, with many in addition of a semi-tropical character. With the face of the country diversified with hills and valleys, intersected in almost every direction by almost numberless rivulets whose bright and sparkling surfaces kissed in the murmuring meanderings by the bright rays of Kansas sunshine, and whose banks are fringed with the many trees indigenous to our clime, with towering bluffs whose sides contain the best of building stone easy of access, and, for what we know to the contrary, much mineral wealth yet awaiting development. With an intelligent, industrious, and Christian people to whom additions are daily being made by men and women of a like character, would it not almost be presumptuous to say what Cowley County would be in the year 1900?
WINFIELD. Winfield, the county seat, is a young city of 6,000 inhabitants. It is situated on the undulating prairie on the left bank of the Walnut River; it is bounded on the north, south, and west by a beautiful belt of timber, on the east by a line of finely rounded mounds, and is in the midst of natural scenery of surpassing loveliness. It commenced to be built in 1870; the early buildings were of timber frames and rather small; but each year has added more spacious and substantial buildings until now it has many large and beautiful structures of brick and of magnesia limestone which compare well with those of older and larger cities of the east. Winfield is the center of business for the county and has the reputation of being the liveliest city of its size in the state. The streets are generally well filled with teams, and the merchants are doing a very large business. Nearly all kinds of business are represented with good stocks. The citizens are enterprising and intelligent, society is excellent, and one needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and the schoolrooms, where from 1,400 to 1,500 pupils are taught efficiently by the most approved modern methods, to be satisfied as to the tone of morals of the place. Winfield is sixteen and one-half miles from the north line of the county, the same distance from the south line, and eight and one-half miles from the west line.
The future of Winfield is assured. It has the advantage of a beautiful and romantic situation, a large additional amount of water power waiting to be utilized; two great lines of railroads which are doing all in their power to improve and develop both city and county; a body of businessmen who for integrity and enterprise are the equal of those of any other city in the state. Winfield at this time has upward of 150 stone and brick structures ranging from two to four stories.
The city has three ward schoolhouses, another in course of construction. These school- houses are elegant stone structures ranging in cost from $8,000 to $15,000 each. Winfield has eight good hotels, four of which are elegant structures. One especially compares very favorably with those of the eastern cities. It is built of fine magnesia limestone rock, and is four stories high. It is heated with steam and lighted by gas, hot and cold water in every room, and the electric annunciator. In the item of plumbing that enters into private dwellings, it has a larger amount than many cities in the east that number 20,000 inhabitants. The elegant and costly residences which have been built within the last year are the best possible evidences that the men who have made their money here expect to stay.
Winfield has upwards of forty miles of stone sidewalks. On Main street they are twelve feet wide, on the avenues from three to twelve feet. The city has a complete system of water works. The reservoir is situated on a beautiful mound one hundred and fifty feet above the city; capacity, two million, five hundred thousand gallons. It also has fine gas works, with which all of the principal streets are lighted, as well as many of the dwellings and business houses.
The population of Winfield in 1880 was 2,844; it has now upwards of 6,000 inhabitants, an increase of 3,116 in less than four years.

AGRICULTURE. The prophesies of twenty-five years ago as to the ultimate prominence of Kansas as an agricultural state has already been verified. In 1883, according to the report of the statistician of the department of agriculture at Washington, the State of Kansas ranked as second among the states of the Union, in number of bushels of corn produced in that year, and first in the number of bushels that were sound and merchantable and fit for transportation. The same report places Kansas as one of the five leading wheat producing states in 1883, and in both corn and wheat the average yield per acre was higher in Kansas than in any other state or territory of equal area in the crops named. Both oats and rye have yielded a high average each year, and the minor crops cultivated have proved to be both successful and remunerative.
The season of 1884 has been no exception to this general rule of agricultural prosperity in Kansas, and there is now every probability that the final figures of the years’ farming operations will show that this young state outranks all the others in number of bushels of wheat produced, and is only exceeded in the amount of corn harvested by the states of Illinois and Iowa.
WHEAT. The largest yield per acre as yet reported was produced in Cowley County by Thomas Youle, of Winfield: yield, 53 bushels per acre.
There has been a steady increase annually from 1874 in the number of livestock in this state. In addition to this there has been a constant effort on the part of Kansas farmers to improve the quality of their stock. The fine stock breeders and importers of more eastern states find in Kansas a ready market for their surplus of the best animals. The adaptability of the soil and climate to the cultivation of grain, grass, and all kinds of stock feed, its apparent freedom from diseases that are indigenous, make the state a most desirable territory for the prosecution of the livestock industry.
HORSES. In 1874 there were in the state 202,962 horses; this year the assessors return 461,136, an increase in that time of 100 percent. While there has been this large increase in numbers, values have increased per head about 25 percent, showing that improvement is taking place in quality as well as in numbers.
MULES. While many of these hardy and valuable animals are to be found on our farms, a large proportion of them are to be found in our town and cities employed in street work. The number in 1874 was 22,034, while this year they have increased to 64,889, an increase of nearly three hundred percent.
CATTLE. In 1874 the assessors did not return milch cows and other cattle separately. The number of cattle reported was 749,959, while they report 1,858,955 in 1884, an increase of about 250 percent. In 1884 there are 530,904 milch cows and 1,328,021 other cattle. Large numbers of cattle farms and ranches are being established in all portions of the state, and these are proving, where properly conducted, exceedingly profitable.
SHEEP. The number of sheep has increased in the eleven year period, from 84,838 to 1,206,297. The only serious drawback to successful sheep husbandry in Kansas has been the disease known as “scab.” It can readily be cured, and by care and watchfulness be prevented from entering flocks.
The low price of wool has operated against a rapid increase in the industry of sheep raising during the past two years.

The climate of Kansas is well adapted to the business, and it will undoubtedly keep pace with the advance the state is making in other industries.
SWINE. The eastern half, the organized portion of the state, contains nearly 90 percent of the number of swine, some of the more western counties having but very few. The numbers have increased from 556,919 in 1874 to 1,953,044 in 1884. A large amount of money comes into the state annually from this source and hog raising is growing rapidly into great importance and favor. The season of 1884 has been especially favorable to handling of all classes of livestock. There has been no epidemic of a serious nature, and the only prominent losses from disease has been where it has been imported from other states.
T. J. Harris: to visit father at Cameron, Missouri...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
T. J. Harris left Tuesday for the East to look after the circulation of his real estate paper. He will take Christmas dinner with his father at Cameron, Missouri.
Harris & Clark. Real Estate Dealers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The enterprise of this firm has recently been brought to the front in the publication of a large edition of their Real Estate News, descriptive of Cowley County. Their land list, a small part of which can always be found in the COURIER, is very large and embraces such a variety of land that they never fail to suit a land seeker. The reliability of Messrs. Harris & Clark is well established and their courtesy in receiving strangers and visitors has done much for our city and county. They rank high among real estate firms in Southern Kansas.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Messrs. Harris & Clark present a new list of lands for sale in another place in this paper. It shows much desirable property and some rare bargains, but only a small portion of what they have for sale. [Skipping ad.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Harris & Clark are now answering their flood of correspondence relative to the Banner County, on a calligraph. This firm is doing a rushing real estate business, though spring has barely touched us. They have two teams constantly on the go.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
  Farm and City Property,
We will take great pleasure in showing our lands to those who may visit us, or will answer promptly any correspondents who desire information, about the country. We give below a partial list of lands we have for sale.
160 acres, 90 in cultivation, 70 in grass, good frame house of 4 rooms with cellar, Kansas stable, granary and corn cribs; 20 acres fenced for pasture, good hog corrals with living water; watered by well and two good springs in pasture, 4 or 5 acres of orchard, 6 miles from railroad depot, ¾ to school, 2 to post office, 10 to Winfield. Price $4,000.

80 acres, 45 in cultivation, 35 in grass, frame house 14 x 18 with addition 10 x 14, stable for 4 horses, wheat granary, corn cribs, wagon and cattle sheds, 60 rods of hedge and 40 rods of picket fence, good well, about 6 acres in fruit, consisting of apple, peach and cherry trees, grapes, blackberries, ½ acre of strawberries, two miles to railroad depot, 1 mile to school, 2 Winfield. Price $4,000.
186 acres, 123 in cultivation, 60 in grass, a grove of about 3 acres; a frame house of 4 rooms, stable and corn cribs, 20 acres fenced for pasture, 2 acres in hog lot, 100 rods of wire and 80 rods of hedge fence, watered by well and 2 good springs, four acres of orchard, consisting of almost all kinds of fruit trees; railroad depot 1¼ miles, school 100 rods, about 100 rods to nice church, Winfield 7 miles. $7,000.
2 lots, frame house 10 x 24 with basement, 5 rooms; good barn; buggy-shed; coal house, etc., lots full of fruit and ornamental trees; good sidewalk; 5 blocks to Post Office. Price $1400.
3 lots with frame house, 4 rooms, stable, poultry house and yard, fruit and ornamental trees, good well, good sidewalk to Post Office, a special bargain in this property. Price $1500.
2 lots on Main street, house 18 x 24 and shed kitchen, fruit and ornamental trees, well, 5 blocks from P. O. Price $700.
We also have 100 acres of land outside the city limits, which we will divide to suit the purchaser, from 1 to 5 acres, at price ranging from $125 to $235 per acre according to location. Those desiring a suburban residence should call soon, as these lots are selling rapidly. Easy payments to those who will improve the same.
Remember that the above described property is but a partial list of what we have for sale. In looking over this, if you see nothing that will suit you call at our office. We are confident that we can suit you in any kind of property you want.
$150,000 to loan in sums from $500 up to $10,000 on first-class mortgage security. All applications for loans must be accompanied with Abstract of Title.
The title to the property is good or no sale. Come and see us and we will show you around free of charge. We aim to do business on the square, and to not misrepresent. If you have a friend in the East or elsewhere who wants to buy property in the best county in Kansas, please mail him this descriptive price list. For a more complete list, send for a copy of our “Real Estate News.”
Winfield, Cowley Co., Kans.
Office on Avenue, East of Post Office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
[I did not copy the legal transactions. They provided this service for some time.]
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Bring in your applications for loans; Thomas R. Bryan having this day taken the management of our general office at Kansas City, Missouri, will say to the people of Cowley County that we can assure you prompt and fair dealing. HARRIS & CLARK.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Harris & Clark sold Cochran’s house on Manning street, between Seventh and Eighth, the other day to Mr. R. J. Ross, from Ohio, for $1,200. Four rooms, one lot.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Captain Steuven appointed the following non-commissioned officers of Company C., K. S. M., at a special meeting last night. T. J. Harris, orderly sergeant; M. L. Wortman, commissary; G. F. Corwin, second sergeant; Albert McNeil, third; H. G. Norton, fourth; and C. H. Collins, fifth; W. T. Madden, M. F. Kelly, J. L. Ward, and D. R. Jackman, corporals.
Excerpt: T. J. Harris...
The Program Entire as Adopted by Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Decoration of Catholic Cemetery: T. J. Harris, S. Parkhurst, Ed. Haight, Jno. Gill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
To all old soldiers and friends of soldiers in Pleasant Valley township: You are respectfully invited to be present at the South Cemetery on May 30, at 9:30 sharp, to take part in the decoration service to be held at that place. All that can are requested to furnish flowers and wreaths for the occasion. Any flowers from Pleasant Valley prior to decoration will be thankfully received at Harris & Clark’s office.
By order of committee, T. J. Harris, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The Vernon Cemetery was decorated by Capt. H. H. Siverd, Dr. D. J. States, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, T. A. Blanchard, and other old soldiers, with 150 Vernon citizens.
The decoration of the Catholic cemetery was conducted by Messrs. Walter Denning, H. W. Stubblefield, and D. C. Beach, assisted by citizens.
The committee of decoration of the South Cemetery were T. J. Harris, S. Parkhurst, Ed. Haight, and Jno. Gill; with citizens.
[Note that there was a change in which cemetery Harris handled.]
Harris & Clark: Stumped!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.

Messrs. Harris & Clark are stumped. Their valuable qualities have never failed them till now in answering any question the human brain could formulate regarding the Garden of Eden, Cowley County. But one fellow has got ahead of them at last. A letter has come from New Orleans “which art very important,” and the firm wants to see a Frenchman badly. Several have already turned away with the excuse of being “rusty on French.”
Note: The real estate transfers were handled for some time by the Register of Deeds.
T. J. Harris and wife to Richard A. Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
T J Harris and wife to Richard A. Clark, lots 10, 11, and 12, block 246, Citizen’s ad to Winfield: $750.00.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Harris & Clark, our live real estate men, sold, Monday, the Abram De Turk farm of 231 acres, five miles south of town to D. N. Wolf, who arrived last Saturday from Connersville, Indiana. Price paid, $9,000. This is the biggest sale of the season. This firm generally gets there.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The Farmers Bank has purchased, through Messrs. Harris & Clark, the J. P. Short corner, where Harter’s drug store is. They get seventy-five feet of the lot for $7,500. They will immediately begin the erection of a fine two story bank building. J. P. Short will also build three two story buildings, one fronting on Main street and two on Ninth Avenue.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Thomas J Harris et ux to David N Wolf, pt se qr 15-33-1e: quit claim: $1.00.
T. J. Harris...
The Kansas National Guard’s Association of Winfield Organized.
An Armory and Hall.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.

The charter of “The Kansas National Guards Association,” of Winfield, has been filed with the Secretary of State. The corporation is formed for the purpose of purchasing ground and the creation of a building to be used as an armory. It is formed for a term of twenty-one years, and its capital stock is ten thousand dollars, divided into one hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. It is made up of Company C., K. N. G., containing sixty members, and St. John’s Battery Company, of thirty-three members. It is controlled by six directors, those chosen for the first year being Thomas J. Harris, Frank W. Finch, C. E. Steuven, N. A. Haight, O. Trump, and W. E. Tansey. This is a splendid move, one that should receive the hearty co-operation of every citizen. We have the oldest and best drilled militia company in the State, composed of enterprising, reliable, and energetic men. Under the law passed by the late legislature, every militia company of the State is furnished full uniforms and $100 a year for armory rent. We have half of the only artillery company in the State, with the Captain, N. A. Haight, and First Lieutenant, W. E. Tansey. Cities in different parts of the State have been trying to get our battery; but owing to both our militia and artillery companies being the oldest and best drilled, Capt. Tansey, representing Winfield before The State Militia Board last month, held the captain and lieutenant, two guns, and half the State company here. The other half was stationed at Topeka. But in order to hold the prestige now established, we must have an armory, and this corporation is intent on having it. The members propose to construct a stone building one hundred feet long, two stories, the upper a splendid hall, suitable for any entertainment. They expect our citizens to go in and help them—take a number of shares and boost it in word and action. We think our people will recognize, at once, the benefit of such a building and offer without reluctance a friendly hand. The Directors of this association met last night and elected W. E. Tansey, president; Frank W. Finch, secretary; and Tom J. Harris, treasurer.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Timothy, like everything else, is a big success in Cowley. Tom Harris has left us a bunch, raised on Lafe DeVore’s farm, down the Walnut, with heads nine to twelve inches long and very luxuriant stalk. Timothy is getting popular with our farmers, and the acreage is yearly increasing.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Harris & Clark brought into our office Friday a stalk of corn grown on the farm of D. Taylor, two miles north of town. This is one of six in the same hill, and it is immense. The fat man didn’t know what it was. The local hasn’t found out yet, and never will. The corn stalk stands 11½ feet in height and weighs 12½ pounds. Score one for Cowley. She leads in corn as well as everything else. Mr. Taylor says he has about 80 acres similar to this. He, like the man spoken of in the Bible, knoweth not what to do with his prospective crop.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
J. F. McMullen, S. G. Crawford, Dick Silvers, A. B. Snow, Dave Dix, W. L. Pridgeon, J. E. Snow, and Tom Harris went to Dexter Thursday to do some special work in the A. O. U. W. There will be a street parade and an installation.
T. J. Harris’ office: Plans, Kansas National Guards Association armory and hall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The Kansas National Guards Association, of Winfield, has bought the northwest corner of 10th avenue and Millington, the Mrs. Parker place, for armory and hall purposes. The hall will cover the whole lot, 50 x 140 feet. The books are now open at T. J. Harris’ office, who is treasurer of the Association. The certificate of one hundred dollars will be paid as follows: Ten percent, when issued, and 20 percent in ninety days. The Association assures this as a good investment, as not more than sixty percent of the shares will be required to complete it, and which will in a few years be worth their full face value.

Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
$5,000 to loan on short time on good personal, chattel, or real estate security.
Harris & Clark office purchased by A. P. Johnson: to be moved...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The J. P. Short landmarks were all sold Monday and will be moved off to make room for an imposing block, an honor to the city. A. P. Johnson bought the Headrick building, $87; the Harris & Clark office, $100; and the Bliss & Wood grain office, $51. A. H. Doane got the harness shop, $101; and H. G. Fuller got the little tin shed, $5. The buildings will likely be moved onto residence lots. Work on the bank and Short lots will commence at once. The Harter building will be moved over in Ninth avenue.
T. J. Harris: soliciting funds for armory...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The militia are trying to raise money enough to build a good armory. They have purchased a lot on the corner just west of the Presbyterian church. They do not wish the citizens to give anything without value returned, but prefer to sell shares at $10 apiece. They will put up a good building—the upper story to rent. It does seem to us that this will be a good investment, looking at it in this light. Our businessmen should take hold and give the boys a lift. The only way to keep our militia company is to erect a good armory. We have a militia company that we may justly be proud of and let us give the boys a lift. You are not giving it but will receive a good rate of interest on your investment. Tom Harris is soliciting shares for this enterprise. You don’t have to pay all the money at once but in small installments.
Harris & Clark: moved to rooms at Winfield National Bank...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Messrs. Harris & Clark will occupy the rooms of the Winfield National Bank until the new extension is finished, when they take its first room.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

T. J. Harris came in Thursday from Chautauqua County. He says things are getting very bilious regarding the D. M. & A. bonds, which are to be voted on the 25th. Wednesday evening he attended a railroad meeting at Wannetta, which was presided over by Chas. C. Black, secretary of the D., M. & A., and Ben Henderson, County Attorney of Chautauqua. The matter was at fever heat on both sides. The committee of fifteen who had gone to Topeka on free passes to consult with the Santa Fe officials brought back a guarantee that the Santa Fe would be extended from Independence west to Caldwell and from Howard to Sedan, if the D., M. & A. bonds were defeated, with a Santa Fe guarantee of $50,000. The committee put out workers at once for the Santa Fe, but the majority catch on to the Santa Fe’s game. They know it only wants to hold its monopoly. What would $50,000 be to the Santa Fe if it can hold its grip on all Southern Kansas, through the S. K.? Only a drop, and could easily be forfeited. They want the bonds defeated, that’s all. But the Santa Fe has some hot workers, and if their arguments are not shut off, many credulous will be duped. Charley Black telegraphed last night for all the men Winfield can send over, and the war will be sultry. The people of Chautauqua want the D., M. & A.—know it to be far superior to the little Santa Fe branches, but the long delay of the D., M. & A. gives them the fear of having their hands tied. The Santa Fe’s action is a big guarantee that the D., M. & A. is a surety; a lively robust fact that is liable to knock the wind out of the Santa Fe’s monopoly.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.

In answer to many questions, and for the benefit of those that could not avail themselves of the opportunity of taking in the excursion of Kiowa, I will try and give a few outlines of the trip. On Tuesday morning, August 25th, we boarded the 10:40 train, hearing that the regular excursion train from Kansas City, which was 20 minutes behind the regular train, was full, we boarded and started for Kiowa, which is located in Barber County, and at the terminus of the K. C. & S. K. Railroad. At Kellogg several parties joined our company. Among them was our friend, W. P. Gibson, of Protection, Comanche County. When we told him we were going to Kiowa, his face was almost as long as a fence rail, and he felt sorry for Protection. At Oxford a number of her citizens joined us, and so on at every station we passed until we neither had sitting nor standing room on our train. We arrived at Kiowa at 3:30 p.m., and the other train 20 minutes later. The citizens of Kiowa met us in grand style at the railroad. I won’t say depot for they have none yet; but they were there with all the buggies, carriages, and hacks they had in town, together with the Wellington Band, which had gone over the day before. We unloaded right in the midst of the worst prairie that a great many of the excursionists has ever looked upon. We were now about half a mile from what they called New Kiowa. We started on the march, headed by the Band. We marched up through Main street, and there, let me tell you, we saw wonders to behold such as we never will forget. As they marched us into the town, they said they proposed to show us the production of their county, which they did to perfection. Across Main street they had erected an arch about forty feet high in the center. This was handsomely decorated from base to base with all the cereals of the soil, such as none but Kansas lands can produce—corn, wheat, millet, beans, cane, melons, cotton, pumpkins, etc. This they claim was the production of 1885, and the production of their county for 1884. They had on exhibition the bear, cayote, wild cat, deer, and numerous others too numerous to mention, and to go back as far as 1881, and to show to this grand excursion party—especially to those who had forgotten the production of these past years—they had on public exhibition, with doors wide open, seven saloons and gambling houses, selling whiskey and beer over the bar by the drink, as they did of olden times. I must confess that this seemed to be the most lively part of the exhibition. On top of the arch they had a stuffed beef hide. There it stood natural as life, 40 feet in the air. After passing through this arch, we filed right and were brought to a halt in front of the Hardwick House, a fine, large two-story hotel, fitted up for all contingencies, with a bar and billiard room on the first floor, with all the necessary conveniences about a first class hotel on the second floor. After some very fine music from the band, the excursion party started for the four corners of Kiowa. I want to tell you some of them saw the elephant before morning, but I am not going to tell you who they were. Ask J. J. Johnson and Sam Phenix about it. The first place I saw these two gentlemen in the morning was crawling out of a stockade that had been bedded with sand the night before for shipping Texas cattle. Of course, we did not know whether the people of Kiowa would give us a free lunch or anything of the kind, but it was suggested by some of the party that it was such a great cattle region that they would as much as have a roasted beef anyway. When we all got off of the train and beheld that beef standing forty feet in the air, the whole party thought it was a sign of a roasted beef. It was a sight to see the greedy eyes feasting on that stuffed beef as we passed under it; but we were to be pitied as the train had stopped nowhere for dinner, and we had eaten up all the roasted and unroasted peanuts that the peanut vendor had on the train. You may know what a hungry looking crowd we were, but we did not see any roast beef nor have a barbecue. I think if that striped animal had fallen off of the arch in the crowd, it would have been devoured in less time than a gang of cayotes could devour a buffalo carcass. But we got full—that is, we all got plenty to eat by paying $2 for our supper, bed, and breakfast. We were glad of the accommodations, even at that price. When you visit Kiowa, you don’t want to care for expenses.
After supper the crowd was called together—all that could get together—at the Hardwick House and after some very fine music by the Wellington band, the excursionists were addressed by Mr. Dobson, mayor of the city, in which he stated that he was completely surprised to think that 1,500 people would drop down on them at one time just to see their little city. He said their town was only six months old and had already about 1,000 inhabitants. Judge Reed, of Wellington, also addressed the crowd, making some fine remarks about the southwestern country. Some gentleman from Kansas City also made some remarks in which he said there were three great cities. First, the city of Chicago; Kansas City; and, last, but not least, the city of Kiowa. Then the chairman suggested that after some more music from the band there would be a free dance on the platform adjoining the hotel, and those who had no place to stay “could dance all night and go home in the morning.” The platform was 40 x 100 feet. They had fine music and the Kansas City, Wellington, Winfield, Oxford, and Kiowa people all joined hands and had a jolly old time by the sweet, silvery light of the moon.

My object in taking this trip west was for my own satisfaction and to see if all reports were true that we had been hearing. I had been told by many that they had been having much more rain than we had and that the crops were much better. Now, after seeing with my own eyes, I emphatically deny the reports. I do not think they have had any more rain than we have had. I saw some pieces of corn that were green and nice yet, and some that were dried up, some were well eared, and some had no ears at all on it, just the same as in this county. The early corn is good, but the late is a failure. Some say the soil is just as good out west as it is here. Now I can deny this. I paid particular attention to the crops and soil and want to say right here, I would not give a good quarter section of Cowley County soil for any section of land I saw west of a little town called Crystal, about fourteen miles west of Harper, for agricultural purposes. At this place and on west the soil is a deep red, with not an inch of black soil to be seen. The water that stands in pools is a red color and did not look even fit for stock to drink. If the soil was only a Mulatto color with a little black mixed in, I would think it better for agriculture. I did not see any grass west of Attica that was tall enough to cut. I noticed that there was not much fall plowing done, on account of the dry weather. The ground is just as dry out there as it is here. I examined some ground that had lately been plowed and it looked as though it has had no rain on it this summer. I think that country, to  make a good farming country, wants a rain every day in the week and one on Sunday for a change. Between Attica and Chrisfield we passed through quite a valley, which A. J. Thompson called “Wild Horse Valley,” as there was a herd of Texas ponies running away from the train, and he took them for a genuine herd of wild horses; but he was informed by someone that they were only Texas ponies. Between Chrisfield and Hazelton we ran into the prairie dog towns and Jap Cochran thought they were pigs following the cattle until he was told better by some bystander, who informed him that they did not raise hogs in that country.
Among the excursionists from Cowley, I noticed the following persons: J. J. Johnson, New Salem; F. M. Fall, Cambridge; J. Hiatt, Cambridge; S. Phenix, Floral; J. Finkleburg, Arkansas City; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City. From Winfield: A. J. Thompson, Walter Denning and wife; Uncle Billy Moore and wife; Jap Cochran and mother; Barnthouse, the soda man; Sol Fredrick; John Eaton and wife; C. W. Stolp and son; Jake Goldsmith; Sam Stivers and brothers; and Gray, of the Telegram.
We left Kiowa at 12:30 and arrived home at 5:30, all except Jap Cochran. I think he got off on the way to get some of those pigs. I don’t think there was an investment made out of the whole party on account of the high prices. A. J. Thompson don’t value lots out in Kiowa like he does in Winfield. They tried to sell some lots at auction the day we left, and Thompson bid $100 for a lot on Main street, but I think one of the town company over-bid him and he did not get it. Now if anyone that was on this grand excursion can give a better description of the trip, I am ready to hear from them.
Excerpt: T. J. Harris...
Everything Harmonious, With No Opposition to Speak of. A Ticket Unexcelled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Delegates: H. H. Siverd, Frank Finch, C. E. Steuven, John Nichols, T. J. Harris, A. H. Jennings, W. B. Caton, Henry E. Asp, W. T. Madden, T. F. Axtell, A. J. Lyon.
Alternates: Greene Wooden, C. M. Leavitt, Hank Paris, Archie Brown, B. McFadden, James McLain, Walter Denning, W. R. McDonald, J. H. Taylor, A. B. Taylor, Ben Harrod.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Real estate is looming. Harris & Clark sold Thursday five acres on Alexander’s Mound, east 8th Avenue, for $700; H. D. McCormick’s residence, south Menor street, $1,400; and a half interest in the Hoosier Grocery Building, North Main, $1,500.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

Real estate begins to change hands at a rapid rate and good figures. Messrs. Harris & Clark have just completed the sale of the J. P. Henderson farm, in Pleasant Valley township, to Dr. S. W. Biddinger, of Columbus, Indiana, for $7,200. Also the W. P. Gibson farm, Ninnescah township, for $2,000, together with numerous other sales. If you want to sell your farm or city property, put it in the hands of Harris & Clark and it will be readily sold. They now have the cash purchasers for three or four eighty acre tracts within the radius of 3½ miles of Winfield. If you want to sell such a farm, see them at once.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The S. G. Martin farm in Pleasant Valley township was sold Thursday through Harris and Clark to W. H. Merritt, of Louisiana, for $8,300.00 cash. Mr. Merritt is a very wealthy gentleman and knows a good investment when he sees it. Harris & Clark are making things boom in the real estate line this fall.
T. J. Harris: meets old comrade...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
At the Grand Reunion of veterans, T. J. Harris, of our city, entered the headquarters tent for the Illinois soldiers to register. As he entered someone called his name, and on looking around, he beheld one of his old comrades lying just as he left him over 22 years ago on the battle field. Both were on the skirmish line, when Harris’ comrade was wounded and fell, and they had never seen each other until they met last week at the reunion. The meeting of these comrades caused quite an exciting time in the tent. As the wounded comrade could not get around through the crowd, he had laid down to rest, and was resting his head on his arm just like Harris left him on the battle field. “Well, my comrade, have you been lying here for 22 years?” said Harris. “No!” said the comrade, with tears in his eyes, “but it overwhelms my heart with joy to be able to be at this reunion to grasp the hardy hands of my old comrades.”
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Harris & Clark, the leading real estate firm of Winfield, have sold over $1,500 worth of property in Highland Park since Oct. 4th. Those desiring houses in the most beautiful part of the city should call on Harris & Clark and secure a lot in this beautiful addition at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Messrs. Harris & Clark, of the South Western Land Office, Saturday closed the sale of Henry Harbaugh’s farm of 308 acres in Pleasant Valley township to W. H. Thompson, of Morgan County, Illinois. Consideration: $18,250.00. It is Mr. Thompson’s intention to make a fine stock farm. They also closed the sale of S. G. Martin’s farm, 165 acres, for $8,300; also, one-half interest in the Lynn & Bryan building, consideration $3,000.00. This we would call land office business.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.

A stranger accosted Tom Harris the other day with this inquiry: “How many postoffices have you, Mr. Harris?” Tom was petrified for a few minutes, but informed the gentleman that he only had one.
Harris & Clark...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Highland Park addition to the city of Winfield having changed some portion of the plat in the way of opening more streets and also having reduced prices on a good many of the lots, we respectfully invite the attention of anyone wishing a resident lot in the best location in the city of Winfield, to call at our office and secure a lot before they are all sold. Will sell you a nice lot for $60. Come and see plat. HARRIS & CLARK, Agents.
T. J. Harris...
A Day Amid Shot and Shell.
Game Scarce and Scores Small.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The annual hunt of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club, yesterday, was all in a conglomerate mass on the floor of the Brettun House office last evening, where President Harter and Secretary Glass conducted the count of the terrible slaughter and gave the individual scores. It was a tired crowd of hunters, many of them looking very sad eyed. The unlucky ones swore on a stack of powder that Cowley County is just about gameless—some of them didn’t see a cotton tail all day; yes, some of them didn’t see anything, which is verified by the nonentity of their score; but hardly by the appearance of their ammunition, which seems to whisper, “wasted on the desert air.” But an honest consultation of hunters was unanimous in the verdict that they never did so much traveling for so little game. The game appeared to have been notified of its impending fate and crawled in its hole. Capt. Huffman’s division laid it over Capt. Hunt’s division by a good majority. The losing side sets up the banquet at the Brettun tonight, when a big time is anticipated. James McLain, as last year, bobbed up serenely with the champion score and raked in the gold medal. Dr. Riley, with a score of 20, raked in the tin medal.
Huffman’s Division.
P. A. Huffman, 1620; Jas. McLain, 1755; J. N. Harter, 410; Fred Whiting, 665; K. McClung, 765; Chas. Holmes, 730; F. Kessinger, 180; John Eaton, 235; J. R. Handy, 1130; Q. A. Glass, 115; Dr. J. G. Evans, 385; Dr. Emerson, 385; Dr. Riley, 20; J. B. Garvin, 215; T. J. Harris, 65; L. M. Williams, 170. Total: 8,845.
Hunt’s Division.
J. S. Hunt, 595; Jas. Vance, 705; F. Clark (didn’t hunt); Jap Cochran, 955; H. D. Gans, 910; J. B. Nipp, 805; J. Denning (didn’t hunt); Geo. Jennings, 805; M. L. Devore, 320; Geo. Headrick, 390; A. H. Doane (didn’t hunt); Geo. McIntire, 320; G. L. Rinker, 220; J. Barnthouse, 260; Hop Shivvers, 260; D. McCutcheon (didn’t hunt). Total: 6,445.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

Thursday night was the occasion of the annual banquet of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club. The annual hunt occurred the day before, the victors and defeated had received their scores, and now was another meeting, to eat, drink (water), and be merry; the “greenies,” or unfortunates, telling how they walked and walked, and fired and fired, and came out with only a few cotton-tails; and the victors were to explain how they managed it in getting so much salt on the tails of their game. The banquet, of course, was spread in the large dining hall of the Brettun, “set up” by the losing division, under Captain Hunt. Messrs. Harter & Hill did themselves proud in the preparation of the banquet, a magnificent array of about everything obtainable in the culinary art, with waiters most attentive. At nine o’clock the feast began, partaken of by the following.
Victors: P. A. Huffman, captain; Jas. McLain, J. N. Harter, Fred Whiting, K. McClung, Chas. Holmes, F. Kessinger, John Eaton, J. R. Handy, Q. A. Glass, Dr. J. G. Evans, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Riley, J. B. Garvin, T. J. Harris, L. M. Williams.
Defeated and had to set ’em up: J. S. Hunt, captain; Jas. Vance, F. Clark, Jap Cochran, H. D. Gans, J. B. Nipp, J. Denning, Geo. Jennings, M. L. Devore, Geo. Headrick, A. H. Doane, Geo. McIntire, G. L. Rinker, J. Barnthouse, Hop Shivvers, D. McCutcheon.
Judge Soward, an old member of the club, Ed. G. Gray, the scribe and a few others, were admitted to the feastorial court as guests.
The feast over, Judge Gans, in a happy speech characteristic of the Judge, presented James McLain, whose score of 1755 made him the champion “sport” of the club, with the gold medal, a beautiful solid shield, engraved: “Presented to James McLain by the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club, for the highest game score, in 1885.” Jim was all “broke up,” as he should be, and asked John A. Eaton to the rescue for a response. John is always equal to any occasion and set the crowd in a roar with his unique remarks. Then came the presentation of the tin medal to Dr. Riley, for his lowest score of 20. Judge Soward’s wit bubbled out in a speech very witty and sparkling, full of happy hits. The Doctor’s response was very appropriate. Lively toasts on the “pot-shot,” the “professional shot,” and various subjects were dissected by Huffman, Vance, Emerson, Nipp, and others. It was a very happy occasion throughout, one to be long remembered.
Harris & Clark: take in a new partner, Captain P. A. Huffman...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Harris & Clark, our real estate firm, have taken in a new partner, Captain Huffman, who is well known here to be a good businessman and a rustler. The old firm stands upon a solid basis as live real estate men, and with the new acquisition will be still stronger. They will make real estate hum in this part of the world. They will make loans a speciality and will furnish money to parties desiring it in any amount as cheap as anybody.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year at the meeting of Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. of A. O. U. W., last night. P. S. C., J. E. Snow; S. C., W. G. Seaver; V. C., T. J. Harris; L. C., C. H. Cleaves; R., J. F. McMullen; R. T., A. B. Snow; T., C. A. Bliss; M., C. E. Steuven; S. B., Dr. C. C. Green; J. W., S. H. Crawford; S. W., E. F. Blair; G., David Dix. The installation will occur on the evening of the first meeting in January.
Harris & Clark: in new office, Winfield National Bank extension...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.

Harris & Clark are now located in their bright, new office in the Winfield National Bank extension. It is large and well lighted and well furnished. They ought to be able to talk a land seeker blind in two minutes in such an office.
Excerpts from lengthy article: Harris, Clark & Huffman...
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Harris, Clark & Huffman, $15.00.
Harris, Clark & Huffman...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Harris, Clark & Huffman sold Monday a half block on 10th avenue in A. J. Thompson’s addition, to Mr. Wikoff, of Peoria, Illinois. Mr. Wikoff will at once erect a fine residence and make this his future home. Price paid, $1,400. Mr. Wykoff is a man of wealth and intelligence and is a great acquisition to our city.
[Note: First two times, Wikoff. Last time, Wykoff. Wonder if this should be “Wyckoff.”]
Harris, Clark & Huffman...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Harris, Clark & Huffman have sold to C. M. Leavitt, of THE COURIER, lots 5 and 6 in block 35, A. J. Thompson addition, $450; also sold the Col. McMullen property on 9th avenue to A. J. Thompson for $2,600; to B. White, lot 3, block 38, H. P. addition, $50; lots 7 and 8, block 22 to Albert A. Salla, $150. Harris, Clark & Huffman have plenty of cheap money to loan.
P. A. Huffman, J. R. Clark, T. J. Harris: seek electric light franchise with others...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
At the last meeting of the city rulers, a petition was presented by P. A. Huffman, J. R. Clark, T. J. Harris, C. A. Bliss, B. F. Wood, and E. S. Bliss, asking for an electric light franchise. These gentlemen look to the system being put in by Wichita, Newton, Emporia, and other towns of our size.
Harris, Clark & Huffman’s office...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Sala and Eden, the lady artists, lately located here, have on exhibition at Harris, Clark & Huffman’s office a very fine crayon portrait of Governor Oliver P. Morton, Indiana’s famous war governor. Mr. Huffman pronounces it an excellent likeness, he having intimately known the Governor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

The office of Harris, Clark & Huffman has a wildcat staring out of the window with wicked mien. It was killed in the Territory, sent to a Cincinnati taxidermist, and comes back a fine basis for a menagerie. It stood, when killed, over three feet in its socks.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Tom J. Harris, of Harris, Clark & Huffman, got home Wednesday from a week’s rambles in Missouri and places in Kansas on business. He gives his rail reflections in the Daily.
T. J. Harris Takes a Trip.—How He Looks At It.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
On the morning of Feb. 18, I was prepared for a little trip north and east, so I boarded the north bound train on the Frisco line for the first ride over this new road. I must say I was somewhat surprised to see the accommodations of this new road. Although entirely new, the accommodations and the smoothness of this road will compare with any in the state. While the majority perhaps that will read this are aware that I am in the real estate business; and while I must say that is my business and has been for the last six years, and while I am perfectly familiar with every crook and nook in Cowley County and have driven over most every section of land in the county and have sold land from $2.00 to $350.00 per acre, I must confess that I was somewhat surprised to go gliding through nice little villages which have sprung up in the last few months. I tell you it behooves a man to “git up and git,” and see what is going on in his surrounding country.
The first village we found north of Winfield was Floral, lying on the Timber Creek slope, overlooking one among the prettiest valleys dotted over with neat little buildings. The next was the village of Wilmot, located up in the level prairie and surrounded with as nice a view in all directions as you would wish to behold. Like Floral, new houses loomed up in every direction. Next was the stirring little city of Atlanta, and here I note it was encouraging to me to see that the people out on the border of our county have the vim and push in them to build up such a nice village in such a short time. In Atlanta with their large new buildings under headway, their lumber yards, livery stables, and the big broad streets, the sight you get of it, one would think he had struck Broadway, New York. The next city of importance was the city of Wingate, located in the edge of Butler County. This city I had the history of before I reached it, as the windy editor of THE COURIER accompanied me this far. “This city,” says the chief of the quill, “is bound to become a noted place, located as you see on this beautiful elevated ridge with the Rock creek valley meandering up to our left and the Timber creek valley rolling up to our right.” “No doubt,” I told him, “it would make a beautiful city.” “Yes,” he says, “I think we have got to the place.” The train slackened and he alighted. Some friend was there to greet him and took his hand and welcomed him to the city. He led him to the highest knoll there was on the prairie and as the train pulled out, I could not see the city for the editors.

In my travels in both Kansas and Missouri I find every town, city, and village thriving and with bright prospects before them for the coming spring, and the citizens of each and every place trying to push every effort possible to make their town boom. So I say to the citizens of Winfield, do not let us lay back on our oars and think that we have reached our goal and that our city is the only one on the way to prosperity. If we do, we will be left. Let us make every effort, take hold of everything with energy and vim, and push. Let nothing go by that will be of interest to the city and if she won’t boom, we will make her boom. I will never go back on old Cowley. I have been somewhat despondent myself while showing strangers over our county over last year’s crop of corn. The stalks did not show up big enough to suit me nor the yield was not as large as I thought it ought to have been. But after my trip up through the fine Neosho valley and the northeastern part of the state (where they claim the finest corn soil of Kansas) and seeing the size of their stalks and the yield, I came back saying, “Well done good and faithful Cowley. She will do to stick to and ‘don’t you forget it.’”
Now, as the evening shades are drawing nigh, I find myself nearing Carthage, Missouri. Having to change roads at this place, I had to wait for the train from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. During this time I had the pleasure of investigating the electric light, which they are using extensively in that city, notwithstanding they have a good system of gas works. In conversation with one Mr. Roe, who is in business there, and who is using one electric light, he told me that one electric lamp was worth a dozen gas jets, and to make his word good he lit six of his gas burners and turned off his electric lamp; and to compare it as near as I can, it was like stepping out of sunshine into moonshine. He stated that the electric lights were giving entire satisfaction, which I have no reason to doubt, for it had one tower upon the square, and I saw boys playing marbles by the light. You may doubt this, but if you will go with me to Carthage, I will satisfy you of the fact, and I want to say here, that the city council did not ask the company to erect a tower before they would grant them a franchise. They do not try to whip the devil around the stump in any such way. When the franchise was asked for, it was granted because they knew it would be of interest to the city, and the consequence is that the city, after night, is a beautiful glow of light.
Now, as I have said before, let nothing stand in the way, nor let nothing go by, that will lead our city on to prosperity, and I want to say I am for Winfield and Cowley County, first, last, and all the time. T. J. Harris.
Firm change: Harris, Clark & Thompson. Huffman out! A. J. Thompson in!...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
A. J. Thompson has bought the interest of Capt. Huffman in the real estate business. The firm now stands Harris, Clark & Thompson, and will make things hustle this spring.
A. J. Thompson, Harris, Clark & Thompson...
A. J. Thompson’s New Addition.—Beautiful Sites for Homes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

What man hasn’t looked with admiring eyes on the A. J. Thompson tract of land, including about everything vacant between the city limits and the mounds. Preempting this “claim” in the pioneer days of Winfield, when everything lay entirely in the uncertain and unfathomable lap of the future, the city has gradually spread until now it has reached this tract on every side. Though just platted and placed in the hands of Harris, Clark & Thompson, under the very pretty and appropriate name of “Grand View,” it is already going rapidly. No part of the city affords such desirable residence property. Embracing eighty acres between the city and the mounds and Fifth and Twelfth avenues, it certainly affords a “Grand View” of the city and must become permanently the most valuable residence portion. With a gradual slope to the business portion of The Queen City, lying on the city’s principal boulevards, adjacent to the Methodist College, all in a good state of cultivation, with splendid drainage and agreeable surroundings, only ten blocks from Main street and on the street railway routes, it will at once become popular for homes. It will locate, before the summer is past, at least four hundred people, the number it will comfortably accommodate. And the residences will be of the best, those that will rapidly popularize “Grand View.” In addition to “Grand View,” the Southwestern Land Office still has on sale many desirable lots in Highland Park, which abuts the Methodist College grounds, and extends from there to Main street and from Fifth to Cemetery avenues. Already this tract contains many fine homes, and others are rapidly going up. Its view is commanding and very desirable for “villa” homes. We might as well remark right here, parenthetically, that the firm of Harris, Clark & Thompson stands in the van of real estate firms of Winfield and Cowley County. One of the oldest firms in the city, with a few variations in the name, and by honorable dealing, strict integrity, a watchful vision for both buyer and seller, together with a keen appreciation of judicious advertising—as their half page ad in THE COURIER attests—they have thoroughly established themselves in the public confidence. Their list of farm and city property is very large and their sales reach enviable proportions.
Harris, Clark & Thompson share room with Bliss & Wood in Farmers’ Bank basement...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Harris, Clark & Thompson and Bliss & Wood will occupy the first room of the Farmers’ Bank basement. It will make them an elegant office. Mr. Haltiwanger, the new cigar and tobacco retailer and jobber, will occupy the rear basement room.
[Note: This time they had “Waltiwanger.” Not sure which is correct.]
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
An election of officers Monday evening of Co. C., K. N. G. First Lieutenant Frank W. Finch was elected Captain and Sergeant Tom Harris was elected First Lieutenant. The Sergeant will be appointed by the Captain. The boys made a good selection. We have need to be proud of our company.
T. J. Harris, member of jury...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

With the court room crowded with anxious spectators, Judge Snow called, yesterday afternoon, the case of the Great State of Kansas vs. C. C. Sullivan and George McCurry, charging them with stealing one chicken of the value of 25 cents, from the henery of Joseph Bucher, in Rock township. The jury men were: W. B. Little, W. E. Augerman, G. D. Headrick, Bennett Pugh, S. Allison, H. C. Buford, Jno. Bobbitt, Wm. Hudson, C. McClung, Jno. Gill, Jas. Williams, and T. J. Harris. County Attorneys, Webb & Swarts, were there for the prosecution, and Judge McDonald and O. Seward for the defense. Judge McDonald, with becoming dignity, demurred to the charge; it was not specific enough—it didn’t state whether the chicken was a rooster, a hen, or a maiden pullet. His objection was overruled and Mr. Bucher took the stand and swore positively that he saw McCurry make a fowl attack on his hen roost under the bright rays of the beautiful moon, that he saw him walk off with a chicken, age, color, or sex unknown, under his left arm, and said chicken did squawk and make diverse other noises, and that the said C. C. Sullivan kept watch while the thievery was going on. Then the court took a rest to this morning, when the case went on. A dozen or two witnesses were examined on both sides, among them three or four women.
Just before noon today the case went to the jury, which discharged the prisoners, on the ground that there was no evidence proving that the chicken was carried off the place; nobody saw this part of the thievery. The main object of the whole suit was to stop numerous petit thieving that has been going on in that neighborhood and laid pretty surely at the door of these boys, who live in a dugout on the banks of the Walnut. This case will make a memorable record.
T. J. Harris...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
J F Miller & wf to Thomas J Harris ½ lots 3 & 4, blk 266, Winfield: $300.00.
[Quit in middle of April 1886, Winfield Courier.]