

Samuel Harvey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans.
At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
Ohio. Samuel Harvey, Co. K, 55 Ohio Inf.
Andrew Harvey, Liberty township...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
The following is the list of jurors drawn for the January 1884 term of district court.
Henry Chitwood, Rock; John M. Smiley, D. G. Lewis, and G. L. Kirkpatrick, Creswell; R. Combs, Vernon; A. T. Cooper, Bolton; J. W. Elkins, Silver Creek; Adam Walck, Maple; J. A. Sanborn, Windsor; Andrew Harvey, Liberty; James Utt, Cedar; Henry Glaves, Harvey.
George Harvey, Udall...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Geo. Harvey, our jolly station agent, is enjoying the solicitude of bachelor life, Mrs. Harvey having gone on a visit to Great Bend.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Mr. Patrick is shelling out his cribs of corn, will have about 80 car loads. S. S. Thompson is also shelling his, will have about 40 car loads. This gives our town a lively appearance and takes the energy of Harvey, the R. R. Agent, to keep them in cars, as well as the other shippers.
Judge A. R. Harvey: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
We were favored Monday with a call from Judge Harvey, late of Clay City, Indiana, who will hereafter make his home among us. He is an accomplished musician and will take an instrument in the COURIER Cornet Band. Judge Harvey comes here largely through the influence of Mr. Geo. Crippen, who has been in correspondence with him for some time.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
The card of Messrs. Frazier & Harvey, plain or ornamental plasterers, appear in this issue. They are first-class workmen. They are at present doing up Mr. Rogers’ new residence on east Ninth Avenue.

PLASTERING. The undersigned have formed a co-partnership in the plastering business, and will take contracts for work, plain or ornamental, to be done promptly and in first-class manner. Estimates furnished on short notice. Leave orders at Warner Bros. shop in old Foundry Building. CHAS. FRAZIER, A. R. HARVEY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Alexander Harvey and wife to W. W. Irons, lot 5 sec 4, also lot 8 and pt of lot 7, 4-35-s-e; also pt of lot 1 sec 5 and lot 2, 5-35-s-5e; also w ½ of se ¼ 32-34-s-5, 24 acres: $5,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka Reunion correspondent gave our Courier Cornet Band this notice: “The Second regiment band, of Winfield, known as the Courier band, saluted the Journal today, and gave the great daily a fine serenade. The members of the band are: G. H. Crippen, leader; J. E. Snow, C. Roberts, A. R. Harvey, Jesse and Fred Bates, C. H. Page, Judge Buckman, Clarence Roberts, Sidney Carnine, J. E. Holliday, Frank Spring, F. J. Newton, A. T. Roberts, W. I. Warner, J. D. Armstrong, and A. Fiddler. This band is a credit to Winfield, the members being the best young men of that beautiful city. The Journal extends greetings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Now it is A. R. Harvey who is wearing a smile from ear to ear. He is a bran new “daddy” of a fine boy of regulation weight, who made his appearance into this wicked world early Tuesday, a little too early to vote on the bridge bonds. We congratulate Mr. Harvey on his good luck.
Ida May Harvey: parents unknown, New Salem area...
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
DIED. Little Ida May Harvey was born February 29th, 1883; died Sept. 5th, 1884, aged 18 months, 8 days.
Dr. Harvey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Dr. Harvey, from Junction City, is in town. He is looking around for a location.
Elias A. Harvey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Elias A Harvey et ux to John G Myers, lot 4 and n hf lot 5, blk 176, Loomis ad to Winfield: $550.