Hasie Brothers
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
Mr. Geo. E. Hasie and brother, of Denver, Colorado, spent several days of last week in our city looking around taking in the lay of the land with a view of locating. The gentleman is an attorney by profession and expresses himself very much impressed with the bright prospects of our young city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1883.
We learn that the Hasie brothers, of Denver, Colorado, who were in our city last week, made several heavy purchases of real estate and intend to put up large store rooms and permanently locate with us. This is a step the gentlemen will never regret.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to the installation of officers of Veteran post, No. 42, G. A. R., of Denver, with the compliments of Geo. E. Hasie. Mr. Hasie is soon to become one of our citizens, and will be a most valuable acquisition to our business circle.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
The Hasie brothers, late of Denver, arrived in the city last week, and will soon commence the erection of their business and residence houses. As is pretty generally known, these gentlemen purpose establishing a wholesale grocery house in Arkansas City, for which they have secured the lots south of Cunningham’s new building, and will erect thereon a handsome fifty foot front building. They have also purchased the north half of the old Norton property of Mr. Childs, for residence purposes. The Messrs. Hasie are thorough business gentlemen, and we trust they will meet with an encouragement commensurate with their enterprise.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
M. S. Hasie thinks he can have his residence completed in about two months, when he will be joined by his family.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Commercial Building Association.
The above is the name of a new stock company formed in this city last week, the charter members of which are M. S. Hasie, George E. Hasie, W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, George W. Cunningham, and T. R. Houghton. The immediate object of this company is the erection of a building on Summit street, just south of Cunning-ham’s new implement house, 125 feet front, 132 feet deep, and three stories high. The TRAVELER mentioned last week the fact that the Messrs. Hasie were to put up a commodious business structure, and when these gentlemen showed the design of their building to the gentlemen directly interested in the lots, and the suggestion was made that one solid block be built, the plan at once commended itself to all parties as one in keeping with the growth of our city. We have seen the plans for Messrs. Hasies’ part of the block, and must say they are very elaborate. It is of the style now most generally adopted by the San Francisco builders, known as the bay front style, above the first story. On the second story front are three bay windows, the center one square and the side windows octagonal. The front and rear of the first story will be almost entirely of glass, in order to get sufficient light to accommodate the great length. The height of the first story from ceiling to floor will be seventeen feet, the second fourteen, and the third twelve, and a ten foot basement runs the entire length. This will doubtless be the style adopted for the complete block, which, taken with the admirable interior arrangements, will make the Commercial and Hasie blocks the finest in Southern Kansas. The enterprise of the eight gentlemen comprising the Commercial Building Association speaks loudly to their credit, and will be a sure means of profit to themselves, not to mention the advantage accruing to the city in the way of advertising its business vim and prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
The new block to be put up by the Commercial Building Association on Summit street, will be 125 x 132 feet and three stories in height. Of this the Hasie Brothers building, 50 x 132 feet, is put up by them independently of the association so far as cost is concerned, but for the sake of mutual benefit and economy, bids were received upon the whole as one building.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Stockholders of the Commercial Building Association, of Arkansas City.
This association, of which we gave particulars in a former issue, is now in readiness for active work, all its shares being taken, as will be seen by the following list of stockholders.
Name. Shares. Amount.
Geo. E. Hasie 20 $2,000
M. S. Hasie 20 $2,000
A. A. Newman 20 $2,000
G. W. Cunningham 20 $2,000
H. P. Farrar 20 $2,000
W. M. Sleeth 20 $2,000
T. R. Houghton 20 $2,000
J. L. Huey 20 $2,000
T. H. McLaughlin 10 $1,000
F. J. Hess 5 $ 500
J. C. Topliff 5 $ 500
W. S. Houghton 5 $ 500
Kimmel & Moore 5 $ 500
Howard Bros. 5 $ 500
A. J. Chapel 5 $ 500
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Notice. No one is authorized to purchase any supplies or material for the Commercial Building, except the superintendent, and all bills must have his order attached thereto.
GEO. E. HASIE, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
The stone masons at work on the Commercial block requested last Saturday that they be allowed to quit work an hour earlier on Saturday. Mr. Hasie, who is superintending the work, was home and sick at the time, and in his absence the request was refused, whereupon the men quit work immediately. As soon as Mr. Hasie heard of it, the demand was conceded, and the masons resumed work Monday noon. It is to be hoped there will be no more trouble.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Major Hasie will superintend the erection of our new school building in the west part of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Mr. Geo. Hasie has been absent from town for several days looking after their stock farm affairs.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
Mr. Geo. E. Hasie and his niece, Miss Eva Hasie, left on yesterday’s train for Rhode Island, where the young lady will spend the summer, while Mr. Hasie will attend to business interests in several of the eastern states. Before returning in September, Mr. Hasie intends to purchase the stock of goods for their contemplated grocery in our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
The first story of the Hasie block is nearly completed. The front and back will be almost a solid piece of glass--glass doors or windows being between every support. By the time the third story is finished, it will be the finest building south of Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
The second story of the Hasie and Commercial blocks is rapidly assuming definite shape. The rough-ashler finish of the stone work makes it one of the handsomest as well as imposing structures in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Messrs. Geo. E. Hasie and E. M. Ford left for Hunnewell yesterday, their object being to purchase stock for the Clyde Live Stock Association, of which Mr. Hasie is a prime mover.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
An item of great annoyance at the Commercial and Hasie blocks is the persistency with which loafers and outside parties desire to converse with the carpenters and others employed thereon. It must be remembered that when fifty men are at work, a few minutes from each man amounts to considerable in the aggregate to the employers, who should not be blamed for desiring outsiders to wait until after business hours before talking with the laborers. If you haven’t any business there, before you go into the building, look out for notices.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.
The following letter addressed to Geo. E. Hasie, of this city, explains itself and will be of general interest to all stockmen, especially those contemplating visiting St. Louis during the cattlemen’s convention.
ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, October 29, 1884.
DEAR SIR: In reply to your postal of the 27th, inst., I would say that delegates regularly appointed by the president or executive board of any live stock association with their creden-tials countersigned by the secretary of their association will be recognized at the convention.
We would like to have your association well represented at the convention, and to that end advise you to have your president appoint delegates at once. Please send me names and addresses of those appointed immediately upon their appointment being made, that they may be properly entered in our delegate register. I would like by return mail an alphabetically arranged list of all members of your association with their post office address, that I may address to each a personal invitation to be present at our great convention. Awaiting your further favors or commands, I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
PARK PULSIFER, Assistant Secretary.
The Clyde Live Stock Association will be represented by Major M. S. Hasie, its manager, who will probably leave about the 15th. Every stockman who can possibly get away should attend this convention for which the citizens of St. Louis are making grand preparations.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
The Clyde Live Stock Association, of which Major Hasie is manager, have purchased quite a lot of thoroughbred Hereford and Durham cattle, with which they propose to stock their range in the Territory before next spring. The first installment of the stock purchased are expected to arrive in the city this week. As a test of these cattle, it is only necessary to state that several two-year-old heifers in the bunch turned the scales at from 1,050 to 1,150 pounds each.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Cattlemen’s Convention.
Mr. Geo. E. Hasie received the following letter, under date of November 7, from the office of the citizens’ executive committee for the reception and entertainment of cattlemen at their first national convention to be held November 17, 1884, which will explain itself.
DEAR SIR: Will you please notify me as soon as possible of the exact number of your delegation, at what time they will arrive in St. Louis, and where they will stop. I would also like your estimate of the number of people from your section (not delegates) who expect to visit this city at the time of the convention. Very respectfully,
L. G. McNAIR, Chairman, Kansas Reception Committee.
Mr. Hasie requests all parties intending to be present at the convention, whether as delegates or not, to leave their name at the Cowley County Bank as early as possible.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Geo. E. Hasie is now in Mississippi improving and leasing the cotton fields of the Hasie Brothers. He will be kept there for two or three months.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1888.
The wholesale grocery firm of Hasie & Bro., of Arkansas City, which has been looked at as being one of the soundest business houses in the state, closed its doors yesterday. The liabilities of the defunct firm are estimated at $60,000. It is said that they have covered up their stock and have gotten away with the goods. The creditors, however, hope to regain the latter. The Hasie brothers have hitherto stood high with the people and their sudden collapse is a matter of great surprise.