James C. Henderson


Looking for the cattleman, Henderson...
James Henderson and Bill Henderson of Arkansas City mentioned in the following. There was another “James Henderson.” That gentleman was killed in Indian Territory July 2, 1879, and had no ties to any Henderson family in Arkansas City.
The first two articles do not designate “James C. Henderson,” but I believe that is the individual referred to.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
TOM WRIGHT and JIM HENDERSON returned from Texas Saturday last. They saw a good part of western Texas, but say it is no place to go to buy ponies, as many buyers are there, and they can be bought cheaper in Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
An Indian snatched a “quirt,” or Texas riding whip, from Jim Henderson’s hand one day last week and handed him twenty-five cents. Jim took the money, well enough satisfied with the exchange, and bought a better whip. Soon after, the Indian saw the new quirt and grabbed it, handing back the old whip, but Jim refused to take it, and tried to get the other. A scuffle took place, and Jim took out his knife to make the Indian let go of the whip, threatening to cut his hand, whereupon the Indian drew a large butcher knife and made desperate threats; but Jim got both whips and gave him back his money. Strong threats were made on both sides—the Indian declaring that if he caught Henderson in the Territory, he’d cut his head off; but while he may catch Jim there most any day, he won’t catch him without some trouble, and the matter may end as many similar border affairs have—in someone’s dying without saying his prayers. The Indian was of the Ponca tribe.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
In the last three weeks some ten men have left our city for Texas, with a view to purchasing cattle: James Henderson, A. M. Smythia, Jack Gilbert, Harry Genthner, Lincoln Small, the Fairclo brothers, Bill Henderson, and Messrs. Tyner and Pond.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Cowley County stock men are largely represented on Red Rock and Black Bear creeks in the Territory. Among the number are: Wiley, Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The keeping of stock in the Indian Territory has, of late years, assumed quite considerable importance as a business, many of our best citizens being engaged therein. Among the Cowley County men now holding stock in the Territory, we may mention the following: On Red Rock and Black Bear creeks are Messrs. Eaton, Potter, Estus, Libby, Wiley, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.

Mr. A. A. Wiley was in town yesterday on his return from Texas, where he has been buying stock. He reports that Messrs. J. Smythia, H. Endicott, A. J. Gilbert, J. W. Ledlie, and James Henderson, with 1,100 head of cattle, are now on Deer creek, where they will be held till disposed of. Mr. Wiley was on his way to the Nation with supplies to establish a ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
James C. Henderson advertises his cattle brand in this issue, which you cannot fail to see. It represents the animal with the brand as it appears on all his stock, which, in less than one week, will be seen by more than one thousand persons. The cost of the “cut” engraving, with the TRAVELER for one year, and the advertisement in it, is $10, which will be more than doubly made up on the first critter found. We have room for a few more, and would be glad to favor any of our Territory friends, if they will give us a call.
P. O. Arkansas City, Cowley Co., Kansas. Cattle Brand, “J. C. H.,” on left side.
Horse brand C. on left hip. Bill of Sale given with all Stock Sold.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
James C. Henderson has sold his cattle and interest in the ranch to J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
We call attention to the advertisement of the J C H cattle brand in this issue. Mr. J. H. Sherburne has purchased this entire brand of Mr. J. C. Henderson and will hereafter control the same.
P. O. Address, Ponca Agency, Ind. Ter.
Cattle Brand: J. C. H. on left side.
Horse Brand: J on left shoulder.
Newspaper item below showed “J. O. Henderson.” I believe this should have been “J. C. Henderson” and have changed item to “J. C.” MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
Ed. Traveler: Thinking that a few words from this Territory would be of interest to your many readers, I drop you these few lines.
Our party left Arkansas City February 20th, and our route lay through the Indian Territory and the Pan Handle of Texas. On the Canadian River in Texas we found vast stock ranges, but they were occupied and were very heavily stocked. We saw quite a number of dead cattle along the river, caused principally from eating loco, a kind of weed that is green in the spring before grass starts, and it is more fatal to horses than cattle. Some of the ranches in Oldham and Hemphill counties have lost one-half of their saddle horses this spring. There is no farming done in the Pan Handle as the land is very poor and very little rain falls.
March 10th we reached the New Mexico line, and found the country between the line and Las Vegas stocked with sheep and cattle, white men owning the cattle and Mexicans the sheep. The principal industry of the Greasers is raising sheep and burros; the former are worth about $1.50 per head and the latter about $20.00.

Las Vegas is a town of about ten thousand inhabitants and is situated on both sides of the Rio Galimas and is called respectively the old and new town. The old town is built mostly of adobes, but there are a few fine buildings in it; among them is the Plaza Hotel, which is a very fine brick building. The prices on cattle in the vicinity of Vegas are so high that it almost takes a microscope to see the top figures. Yearlings are worth $12 to $15, and they are asking $23 for stock cattle. All the country produce is shipped from Kansas. No farming is done except by irrigation along the running streams, which are very few and far between.
We next visited the old town of Santa Fe, which with its snow capped mountains, affords some fine scenery. Santa Fe is supported principally by the mines which lie south of it, and in fact all the country between Santa Fe and Albuquerque is occupied by mines of which some are very rich.
I do not believe New Mexico will ever be very much of a stock country. Water is so scarce that cattle have to travel too far to get it, and where there is water, it is mostly taken by the Mexicans to irrigate their gardens, and in some cases the Mexicans have built towns along the streams and plowed their ground and got everything ready for planting their crops, when another settlement would form higher up the creek and take all the water out, leaving the creek’s bed dry below, thus forcing them to abandon their homes. So the chances for farming in this country would look rather slim to a Kansas farmer.
I think anyone wishing to engage in the mining business could do well here or in Arizona. Good mines have been found in the Black Range southwest from here, but there is trouble now in that country with the Apache Indians; but I don’t think it will last long, for both the State militia or Rangers and Mexican troops are after them. The government of Chihuahua, a State of old Mexico, is offering a bounty of two hundred and fifty dollars for every Apache scalp taken, big, little, old, or young, and if any of the boys of Arkansas City wish to go into the scalping business, I believe it would pay if they could only strike a camp of old men, women, and children; but if they found a band of Apache warriors, they might go in for wool and come out shorn. The miners in the Magdalena Mountains are turning out some good ore, and there has been trouble there between the white laborers and Chinamen, which resulted in the whites driving all the Chinamen out, so times are all quiet now and work is reasonably plenty for white men, but no pig tail gentlemen need apply. I would say to one coming to this Territory with the intention to farm or work by the day or month that they had better stay away. It is true wages are high, but everything else is high in proportion. A man can get two dollars a day for work, but he has to pay from six to seven a week for board. Corn is worth a dollar and a half per bushel. Flour is worth four dollars per hundred and it all comes from Kansas. We are feeding corn now that came from Mr. Ayres, of Arkansas City.
I am going to stay here a week or two and if things do not look more favorable by that time, I shall return to Kansas, the land that has been tried and found true.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
Mr. James Wilson returned from the West Monday, having decided to make Arkansas City and Cowley County his home instead of assuming the pastoral labors in the mountains. No one will be more welcome. James Henderson returned on the same train.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.

Mr. James C. Henderson writes us from Joplin, Missouri, for the TRAVELER, which we shall send with pleasure each week.
I have no indication that “John Henderson” was related to James C. Henderson.
John Henderson. Cowboy. Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
DIED. The sudden death of John Henderson, at the Central Avenue Hotel, Monday morning, caused some little comment, as he was well known and equally well liked by all who knew him. The cause of his death was attributed to lung trouble. Thus another “cow-boy” has passed away, and now lies at peaceful rest where there are no more hard storms to face or hard trails to follow.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
DIED. At the Central Avenue House in this city at 1 o’clock a.m., of Monday, July 2, 1883, John Henderson, in the 22nd year of his age. The funeral took place the same day, and the remains were interred in the South Bend Cemetery in the presence of sorrowing relatives and friends. The deceased has not enjoyed good health for some time past, but no one thought when he came up from the Territory, on Saturday, that the end was so near. Messrs. Barnett & Norton, by whom he had been employed as boss herder for several years, speak in high terms of him as a reliable and diligent hand, while he was invariably liked and respected by all with whom he came in contact and his untimely taking off is much deplored.
James C. Henderson...moving to Joplin, Missouri...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1883.
Jim Henderson informs us he will leave in a few days for Joplin, Missouri, where he will make his future home. Jim has been a resident of this vicinity for the past nine years, and we are sure his many friends will unite with us in wishing him success wherever he may cast his lot.
James C. Henderson (?) married to Miss Mary L. Wright...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, July 18, 1883, by Rev. W. H. Harris, Mr. James Henderson and Miss Mary L. Wright, both of Cowley County, Kansas. The many friends of both bride and groom unite with the TRAVELER in wishing them a long and prosperous voyage on the sea of matrimony.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents on Wednesday, July 18, 1883, by Rev. W. H. Harris, Mr. James Henderson and Miss Mary L. Wright, both of Cowley County, Kansas. The many friends of both bride and groom unite with the TRAVELER in wishing them a long and prosperous voyage on the sea of matrimony.
James C. Henderson from Missouri visiting...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Mr. James C. Henderson, of Carl Station, Missouri, but formerly one of our B. I. T. boys, is around town, shaking hands with his many friends. Jim is looking first-rate and has evidently not suffered very much longing for “auld lang syne” if avoirdupois counts for anything.
A. J. Henderson, Foreman, B. F. Childs.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
B. F. Childs has his cattle brand in this issue of the TRAVELER.
B. F. CHILDS, Arkansas City, Kas. Range on Salt, Antelope, and Elm creeks. Ranch two miles below the forks, Osage Nation. Brand on either or both sides. Holes in both ears. Reward for return of strays. A. J. HENDERSON, Foreman.
J. T. or J. H. Henderson. Arkansas City.
J. T. Henderson, stock buyer...
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
J. T. Henderson shipped Thursday morning two carloads of hogs to Kansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
J. T. Henderson shipped four carloads of hogs to Kansas City, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1884.
Henderson, the wide-awake stock buyer of our city, shipped four car loads of hogs to Kansas City last week. Democrat, 24th.
The only thing out of the way with the above statement is that Henderson shipped one car load of that lot, and Ira Barnett, “the wide-awake stock buyer of our city,” shipped the other three, and has shipped six car loads since. Ira Barnett buys and ships more hogs than any other man in southern Cowley.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1884.
Henderson, the wide-awake stock buyer of our city, shipped four car loads of hogs to Kansas City last week. Democrat, 24th.
The only thing out of the way with the above statement is that Henderson shipped one car load of that lot, and Ira Barnett, “the wide-awake stock buyer of our city,” shipped the other three, and has shipped six car loads since. Ira Barnett buys and ships more hogs than any other man in southern Cowley.
Henderson gets a partner: Neff...
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Neff & Henderson have shipped three cars of hogs this week; Ira Barnett one car; and C. W. Condit two cars of sheep.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Four cars of hogs were shipped last week by our hog men, Ira Barnett and Neff & Henderson.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Neff & Henderson, the rustling stock buyers, have built an addition to the Arkansas City Coal Co.’s office on Benedict’s corner. They are putting on metropolitan style. Go and see them in their new quarters.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Neff & Henderson bought 313 head of hogs last week. They shipped three carloads and sold 100 head to Landes, Beall & Co.

Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
Neff & Henderson are enterprising stock dealers and their efforts are appreciated by the farmers of Southern Cowley. Last April they commenced buying “porkers” and up to date have bought and shipped 80 carloads. By the time they have been here one year, they hope to have 20 more carloads added to the 80, making a total of 100. As each carload will average about 70 hogs, they have already bought and shipped some 5,600 hogs. Already since the commencement of the New Year, they have bought in the neighborhood of 1,000 hogs.
Paper is now calling him “J. H. Henderson.”...???
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
J. H. Henderson, of Neff & Henderson, bought Tuesday eight shoats from J. Upton. They were only ten months old and averaged 350 pounds apiece, and were from one brood sow. $3.80 per hundred was paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson bought ten head of hogs from Fred Wahlenmaier which averaged 250 pounds each. These were the finest hogs that have been brought into the market this year and brought 20 cents more a hundred than the market-price, yielding him the neat sum of $140.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped two carloads of hogs this week and have one load yet in the pens.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped two carloads of hogs this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped one load of hogs Thursday morning and two this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
This week Neff & Henderson shipped four carloads of hogs.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Santa Fe ships this week 1 car of cattle and 7 or 8 cars of hogs. O Bacton shipped the cattle, Barnett and Neff & Henderson the hogs. [O BACTON...???]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson loaded and shipped a carload of hogs Tuesday morning that averaged 400 pounds per head. One old porker smiled complacently when the beam went up to 600 and granted true genuine satisfaction as he was loaded for his long journey.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped 52 head of cattle to St. Louis Tuesday morning.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Office—On Central Avenue. Highest Market price paid for hogs, cattle, and sheep.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Neff & Henderson shipped two carloads of hogs this week.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.

Neff & Henderson shipped 11 carloads of stock yesterday morning to St. Louis. There were three carloads of hogs, three of sheep, and five of cattle. Neff & Henderson accompanied the shipment to its destination.
[Note items below. Republican states “Haigins” and Traveler states “Hagins.”]
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
W. B. Haigins went to St. Louis yesterday morning along with the rest of Neff & Henderson’s train load of Poland-China stock. Mr. Haigins and Col. Neff will make a two months’ visit in Indiana.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Col. E. Neff and W. B. Hagins left Friday for a two months’ sojourn in the jungles of Indiana among old friends and relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Neff & Henderson started nine cars of stock for Kansas City, Friday morning, three each of cattle, hogs, and sheep.
Henderson, the stockman???...
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Henderson, the stockman, took two loads of cattle into Kansas City Wednesday, which were as fine as one could wish to see. He got $5.50 per hundred for them and the average per steer was 1,480 pounds. One bunch of the cattle was the production of Wm. Green, and the other of Thos. Baird. Cowley County is the most productive county in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
Pitts Ellis sold his property on North 6th Street to J. F. Henderson Monday and gave possession Tuesday to Mr. Henderson and family.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
J. F. Henderson left Thursday morning for Kansas City. From there he will go to his former home in Missouri on a short visit.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
J. F. Henderson came home Wednesday from his Missouri visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
J. F. Henderson returned from his visit to friends in Missouri last Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Jos. Henderson, nephew of J. F. Henderson, of Cameron, Missouri, arrived here this week on a visit. Mr. Henderson is a young man and desires to make his home in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
J. F. Henderson and D. R. Beatty traded their resident property Wednesday. Mr. Henderson’s house is located in the 1st ward and Mr. Beatty’s in the 3rd ward. Mr. Henderson gives possession immediately and will remove his household goods to his new house and store them away while his better half will take a three months visit to relatives in Missouri. Mr. Beatty and his estimable wife will commence house-keeping in their new home immediately.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Henderson and baby left Friday for Cameron, Missouri, on a visit to relatives.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
J. F. Henderson and D. R. Beatty made a big cattle purchase Wednesday. They bought 206 head of fat cattle and the brand of Shepard & Dixon. The consideration was $4,500; 135 head were fat three year old steers, and will be slaughtered by Beatty & Henderson for their meat market. This is the largest cattle transaction that has occurred for some time.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
C. H. Weir goes to Torrance today and takes his ponies with him and will remain all winter. He will attend to J. F. Henderson’s cattle there.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Chas. H. Weir orders the TRAVELER sent to Torrance, where he has gone to spend the winter, in the care of his horses and a bunch of cattle owned by J. F. Henderson. He has purchased 8,000 bushels of corn, paying the low price of 25 cents a bushel.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. F. Henderson is home from Torrance.