Herbert Family
G. W., Roy A., G. E., Elmer R., Eugene Herbert.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Herbert came to Cowley County in 1870 and lived on a claim nine miles northeast of Arkansas City. Mr. Herbert was a civil war veteran and died in 1922. Mrs. Sarah M. Herbert was still living in 1948. They had four children, Mrs. Ella Park, Eugene, Elmer R., and Roy. Mrs. Herbert said “Arkansas City was really a sand hill in 1870 and for many years I was at a loss to know why a town should be located in such a place.”
Roy Herbert had a truck garden at 400 East Kansas for over 25 years. Roy was the only child born in Kansas.
G .E. Herbert was born in 1864 in the northeastern part of Kansas. His parents brought him here in 1871 and they located one and one-half miles east of Arkansas City. His brother, Roy A. Herbert was born here in 1872 and had a truck garden on East Kansas avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, June 6, 1922.
George W. Herbert was born August 17, 1833, near Niles, Michigan. He died at Arkansas City, Kansas, May 26, 1922, aged 88 years, 9 months, and 9 days.
When a small boy his parents emigrated to Warren County, Illinois. On October 9, 1856, he was united in marriage to Sarah M. Fleharty. To this union were born five children, all of whom with the widow, survive him. The daugher, Mrs. Ella Park, of Arkansas City, and sons Eugene A. of Apperson, Okla., Elmer R., of Kaw City, Okla., Geo. E., of near Arkansas City, and Roy A., of Arkansas City.
He united with the Methodist church when a young man of which he had been a consistent member. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving in the 102nd regiment, Illinois, Vol. Inf. He with his family were pioneers of Cowley County, settling on a farm near Arkansas City in the year of 1871. They have been residents of Arkansas City for the past 30 years.