Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Man Shot.
The freighters returning from Wichita bring the statement that a man was shot on “Four-Mile Creek” last Friday morning by a man giving his name as Hernamann, who lives on Rock Creek, north of Winfield. The night before, it is said, he who did the shooting stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, while they were encamped on Bitter creek. Dwyer missed the wheat in the morning and started in pursuit of the man, overtaking him at the creek four miles from Wichita, where he endeavored to stop him, and after a few words, the thief got his shot gun and shot the man in the face. He then unhitched his horses and fled. An account of the affair was carried to Wichita, and the Sheriff of Sedgwick County is in pursuit of the murderer. The man shot is not seriously wounded.
LATER.—Hernaman, the man who shot Dwyer, of Grouse Creek, was caught by Deputy Marshal Jones, near Douglass, and taken to Wichita to stand trial. Many of our readers will remember him as the store keeper on Rock Creek during the early settling of this county. It seems he stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, and three sacks from A. W. Patterson, and was trying to get to Wichita with them when Dwyer overtook him and asked him if he did not have some of his wheat. Hernaman said: “Well, what are you going to do about it.” Dwyer replied, “When we get to Wichita, I'll have you arrested.” Just then Hernaman took up his shot gun and fired on Dwyer, the charge grazing his face. Dwyer then fled and Hernaman followed him some distance, trying to get another shot at him. Thinking there would be trouble he left his wagon and ran away with the horses. The load of wheat was taken to a house nearby, and guarded, and the same night Hernaman came back and was in the act of hitching his team on when Jones, the Marshal, halted him. He then ran away leaving his horses, gun, and hat. The horses were put in the stable but during the night the thief came back and stole them and started toward Douglass, where he was afterwards caught.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1876.
HERNAMAN, the man who stole the wheat and did the shooting, was bound over in the sum of $2,000, to appear at the next term of the Sedgwick County court. Failing to secure bail, he was sent to jail.