Constable T. H. Herrod
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
I will be a candidate for constable of the city of Winfield at the coming election.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
T. H. Herrod is announced as a candidate for constable at the coming election. He is a gentleman well known to this people and will make a faithful officer if elected. He under-stands the business.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Tom Herrod is a candidate for constable. If elected, he will make a good officer and do his duty fully and impartially. We would like to see him get there.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
CITY ELECTION. The election for city officers Tuesday passed off quietly, only about 550 votes being polled. The following is the result.
CONSTABLES: H. H. Siverd, 218; T. H. Herrod, 217; Jas. McLain, 130.
CONSTABLES: H. H. Siverd, 146; T. H. Herrod, 128; Jas. McLain, 121.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
On Wednesday of last week Sheriff Herriford, of Mercer County, Missouri, with Deputy Sheriff Tom Herrod, of this county, arrested Tom Burnett for stealing a horse in Mercer County, Missouri, in March, 1883, following him through Iowa, Nebraska, and finally after having almost given up the chase, heard that a man filling the description was in this county. They came with a requisition for him. As this is the second offense, he having served two years in the “pen” at Jefferson City, Missouri, he will, under the statutes of Missouri, go up for seven years.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
The following bills were paid:
Tom H. Herrod et al, special police, $12.50.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
A most youthful start on the road to robbery was brought to a halt in this city Monday. Last Sunday Mr. Yearger, of the agricultural firm of Caldwell & Yearger of Oxford, went away from home with his family and accidentally left his pants, containing over two hundred dollars, hanging in the closet. Harry Love and Geo. Richards in some way knew of this. They went around to the house and while one kept watch on the outside, the other went in and relieved the pocket of one hundred and thirty dollars of its contents. They then took the evening train and came to Winfield. Harry Love is a deaf and dumb boy, and the other is a son of the notorious Richards, of Oxford, who has been accused of numerous deviltries at that place. The boys, youth-like, were displaying their possessions here on Monday, buying jewelry and making an immense spread for twelve-year-olds. This was noticed by our officers and they at once surmised that something was wrong. The attempted to “take in” the boys, but the little fellows took leg bail at a rate to astonish the natives. The deaf and dumb boy didn’t appear to understand the necessity of rapid action and soon came under, but the other out-distanced Frank W. Finch, Tom Herrod, and others, and was soon sailing over the hill across the river. He was caught about seven miles from town and taken to Oxford by Tom Herrod. About a hundred dollars was found in possession of the deaf and dumb boy, who is now in jail here. These boys will doubtless be considered good subjects for the reform school at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
A Sumner County Murder!
C. M. Hollister, deputy Sheriff of Sumner County, was shot and instantly killed last Saturday morning near Hunnewell, by Ben Cross, a desperado he was trying to arrest. Cross was wanted for abduction and when the posse found him, he was with his wife at their farm home. He refused to surrender, the door was kicked open, and a trial made to take him by force. Cross opened fire with a Winchester, the wife ran out of the house, and the party were about to fire the house to force their man out, when Cross sent a ball through the heart of Hollister and by the aid of his wife escaped in the darkness, with nothing but his shirt and gun. He traveled on foot some twenty-five miles west, hotly pursued by a large posse, when they closed in on him. He was placed in the Wellington jail, but threats of lynching were so loud that he was brought to Winfield Sunday evening and placed in jail here. Sheriff McIntire and Tom Herrod took him from the jail and guarded him during Sunday and Monday nights, fearing a mob from Wellington. Cross has been in numerous deviltry in Sumner County and other places, one of his latest episodes being a shooting scrape in Wellington. It was only through the greatest precaution on the part of the officers that he escaped swift and sure retribution on a limb. Hollister was one of the bravest men on the border, and a terror to evil-doers.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Tom Herrod made a visit in this vicinity on the 14th inst., and read a verse from his autograph to a young man charging him of violating the liquor law. If St. John had worked more at home and not so much in New York, this might not have happened.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Tom Herrod et al. Coroners fee bill.
An Animal That Was Born to Die in Infancy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Developments have proven that Cowley’s climate lays death to “blind tigers.” Scarcely do they see the light before their toes are summarily turned up to the daisies. A tiger hide makes an excellent Christmas gift, as was attested to by Sheriff McIntire last Thursday morning. As the COURIER mentioned last week, it was known that a blind tiger had existed for several days in the Jim Fahey building on East Ninth Avenue, and that the thirsty had been constantly wending their way in and out. The query of our officials was the most approved method of choking the animal. But he took that Christmas morning. In the absence of the “tiger’s” vigils, Sheriff McIntire and Deputies Frank W. Finch and Tom H. Herrod obtained entrance, put a dollar in the circular tough, and ordered “three whiskies.” Around went the trough, a hand was seen to take the money, and back came the three whiskies and fifty cents in change. The officials used the “forty rod,” and immediately demanded admittance to the den. The demand was refused, and they kicked in the door. In the meantime the tiger had run into Tom Herrod’s anxious arms in trying to make a hasty exit through the front door. The operator was Dick Hawkins, a young man who has been about the city for some time. In default of bail, he was promptly lodged in the bastille. The tiger’s premises contained a large stock of whiskey. Hawkins’ trial will probably develop other guilty parties.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
The neighborhood northeast of this city was all torn up last week. The facts as near as we could gather them, were about as follows. It seems that William Schafstall and Lewis Miller held a grudge against one Charles Bode, the cause for which deponent saith not. They met him out and gave him what Paddy gave the drum. Then they got guns and went hunting for John Gildhouse. The latter getting wind of the trouble, came to this city, swore out a warrant, which was placed in the hands of officers. The officers got after Miller, who took to the brush. The next morning Leffler and Graham were on the ground again and captured the gentlemen. They plead guilty to the charge and were fined and placed under bonds to keep the peace. In the meantime Bode had made complaint before Judge Buckman at Winfield, and soon as released from custody here, deputy sheriff Tom Herrod took them in charge, and in Judge Buckman’s court a revenue of about thirty-five dollars each was assessed. Miller paid his, but Schafstall had to go to jail. Miller has always been considered a quiet, inoffensive man and is single. Schafstall is said to have a wife in Indiana, and by some is considered what is now termed a b-a-a-d man. Burden Eagle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Constable Tom H. Herrod re-arrested Henry Chavis Tuesday and the stolen lumber, nails, etc., having been found in his possession, he plead guilty before Justice Snow and got three months in the county bastille and twenty-five dollars fine, with costs of suit. He is a gentleman of color, and seems to have been following the pilfering business as a vocation. Numerous articles were found in his possession after his arrest, one of which was an overcoat stolen from Ed. Bedilion last year.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
[The Third Ward was shown first in newspaper.]
W. G. Graham, Mayor, 142; W. H. Turner, Police Judge, 151; John D. Pryor, City Treasurer, 153; G. W. Robinson, Treasurer, Board of Education, 152; H. H. Siverd, Constable, 112; T. H. Herrod, Constable, 129; Archie Brown, Constable, 55; G. H. Crippen, Councilman, 153; J. H. Bullen, Member, Board of Education, 153. TOTAL: 157.
Graham, 212; M. G. Troup, 1; W. H. Turner, 234; W. A. Tipton, 1; John D. Pryor, 223; Geo. W. Robinson, 226; H. H. Siverd, 176; T. H. Herrod, 199; Archie Brown, 51; James Connor, 224; A. G. Wilson, 224; W. O. Johnson, 218. TOTAL: 231.
W. G. Graham, 93; W. H. Turner, 91; John D. Pryor, 93; Geo. W. Robinson, 94; H. H. Siverd, 74; T. H. Herrod, 84; Archie Brown, 23; J. P. Baden, 91; J. N. Harter, 92; B. F. Wood, 91; W. H. Smith, 90. TOTAL: 92.
W. G. Graham, 127; Mollie Burke, 1; W. H. Turner, 131; John D. Pryor, 128; H. H. Siverd, 105; T. H. Herrod, 103; Archie Brown, 35; A. H. Jennings, 130; T. B. Myers, 132; G. W. Robinson, 131; J. S. Mann, 128; H. E. Silliman, 25; Archie Brown, 5. TOTAL: 133.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mr. Joseph Stewart has sued his wife, Margaret, for a divorce, in the Barbour County court. Deputy Sheriff Herrod served the papers Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Sheriff Tuttle came in Monday from Danville, Illinois, with a requisition for Ed. Peebles, who was arrested last week by Deputy Sheriff Tom H. Herrod. Peebles was charged with incendiarism four years ago, in Danville. He was the engineer of the Fire Company. Four of the company were guilty of firing valuable buildings to get a “run.” Three of them were sent to the “pen,” but Peebles skipped his bail and has since been at large in the wild west. Through ways best known to himself, Deputy Sheriff Herrod caught on to his whereabouts and took him in for safe keeping, and telegraphed Tuttle. Peebles has been engineer at Conklin’s stone quarry for some months, and has every appearance of an honorable, intelligent man, neat and good looking. He had joined the Methodist church, and seemed to have been leading a straight, reliable life. But the scent of by-gone days was too strong, and reparation breaks the tranquility of his days.
[Note: Article above showed “Publes in paper. Later they changed name to “Peebles.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Winfield has been infested for some time past with some lazy whelps who make their living by nocturnal visits to residences and business houses, without invitation, appropriating anything they could get. Our officials have tried every way to locate them, but failed until last night. Marshal McFadden had been shadowing two heavily built, burly and poorly dressed individuals for several days as they perambulated our famous sidewalks with an I-wonder-who-we’ll-tackle-next expression, and determined that they had taken rooms for the night in the First Ward school building, the lock of one window of which was broken. Sheriff McIntire and Marshal McFadden therefore shortened the idea castle about nine o’clock. The Sheriff entered the hall while the Marshal watched the eight windows of the north wing. But the Sheriff had no light and a “grope in the dark” was not very rapid. The festive burglars tried to exit through a window, but the Marshal stood them off with his gun. Dr. Park happened along, and, taking him to be one of the gang, the Marshal pulled down on him. The Doctor at once confessed his identity and was dispatched to the jail to get a little light to throw on the subject. The flash of a lantern in the building made the burglars desperate, and, watching an opportunity, piled headlong out of a window in the darkness. The Marshal immediately opened fire on them. The first shot brought one of the fellows to the earth, but he got to his feet and then ensued a race for life. The Marshal emptied his “gun”—six shots—but the darkness was too much of a shield, and the fleet burglar got away. Tom Herrod was all this time following up the other disciple of the jimmy. Starting a considerable distance behind, his two shots were ineffective. One of them went so “wild” as to go through the wall of Alex. Graham’s house, corner of Eighth avenue and Platter street, passed within a foot of Alex.’s head, and lodged in the stove. The chase had to be given up fruitlessly. But a very bloody trace was found this morning near M. L. Robinson’s residence, proving that some of Marshal McFadden’s shots hit the mark. The sidewalk was sprinkled with blood all along, and our officials are certain of yet running in the victims.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Tom H. Herrod objects to our making him the wild shootist in last Friday night’s pistol serenade. He says the ball that went through Alex. Graham’s house wasn’t shot by him: the direction and size indicating that it came from Marshal McFadden’s “gun.” The Marshal also declares that it wasn’t him, and other officials say it couldn’t have been them, for they were clear out of range. The only man left seems to be the burglar. As soon as our reporter can gain an interview with the disciple of the jimmy, THE DAILY COURIER will accurately and speedily inform its readers whose “gun” committed the bold break. Until then, be “azy.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Constable Herrod took Bogardus, in the toils for embezzling two hundred dollars for Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at Saratoga, to Kingman yesterday, where he will await trial before the District Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Tom H. Herrod is again out, after a terrible struggle with a disorderly body, though yet looking ghostlike.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Joe Schaffer, a colored lad of eighteen, and second cook at the Central, has got himself in a box. He passed an order on Johnnie Willis at Smith & Zook’s, for a pair of six dollar shoes. Johnnie had taken orders from Mr. Crampton several times and this was on a Central Hotel note head, and looked all right. He called Frank’s attention to it when he went to supper and learned the forgery. The boy got the shoes just before the S. K, train time, and left. Constable T. H. Herrod found that he would likely go to Cherryvale, telegraphed, and had him taken in. Tom went over after the youthful forger Friday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following claims were allowed in July.
Constable fees, T. H. Herrod, $11.45
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Constable Tom Herrod went down to Cedar township Thursday to bring up Dalby, charged with trying to brain Jacobs with an ax. His arrest was made in the country justice’s court, but will be transferred to Winfield, where facilities for such a case are wider.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Constable Tom Herrod made a swoop on Maple township Thursday, bringing in Lon and Alfreda Walck and T. M. McMillen, in the toils for a family melee. The two Walck’s are cousins by marriage and Miss Alfreda is a sister of McMillen. Walck says she beat and abused him, ably aided and abetted by McMillen, who is a young boy of eighteen. The row has been going on for three years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Constable Tom Herrod shot Will Sharp into the bastille Friday, to await the call of a Wellington official. He has been wanted since last May for mortgaging property belonging to another and skipping with the proceeds. Our officials had his description and Tom readily spotted him. He had been here three days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Sheriff Henderson came over from Wellington Wednesday to get one Freeman, taken in by Constable Herrod on a burglar description. Though answering the description to a “T,” the Sheriff said he wasn’t the man. It was another fellow that looked like Freeman.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Tom H. Herrod brought John Kurns in from near New Salem last evening, charged with being a dangerous character. He is eighty-five years old and childish, yet withal pert and arbitrary. Some time ago he deeded his farm to his nearest relative, a niece, Miss Sadie Kurns, about thirty-five years old. The old gentleman, Sadie, and her intimate friend, Eva W. Whittaker, about Sadie’s age, lived on the place together. Recently the old man got it into his head that he wanted his farm deeded back to him. Sadie thought it only a childish freak, and refused. He got furious and swore he’d kill her, and flourished a club around in frenzy. Yesterday he came to Winfield to get a gun to kill her with. He got as far as John Coffey’s, at neighbor, with his gun, when John stopped him, investigated, and Eva Whittaker swore out a warrant for Kurns’ arrest. When Tom Herrod went after the old man, finding him yet at Coffey’s, he said, “I won’t go; you can’t take me!” He had to be taken by force, and appears to be extremely obstreperous for one of his age. His trial comes off before Judge Snow this week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Deputy Sheriff, Tom Herrod, was up here last Saturday morning, posting up election notices in Ninnescah and Maple townships. Tom is a good, square dealing boy, and is well liked wherever he goes. Udall Sentinel.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
John W. Patterson was brought in yesterday by Constable Tom Herrod for making things too warm in his household. His wife swore out the complaint. She has sued for a divorce. They have six children. The trouble is of long and incessant duration. About every piece of furniture in the house could attest the same, they say. He gave bail and the case comes up before Judge Snow next Monday.
Tom H. Herrod marries Fannie Mabee...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Tom H. Herrod and Fannie Mabee were married at 2 o’clock this afternoon at the home of the bride, in west Riverside avenue. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. D. Gans, and was witnessed by the relatives of both parties and a few friends. At 3:21 the newly wed left for a day or so at Wichita and on up the road on a little bridal tour. We have been expecting Tom to commit this deed for some time. He is one of the sturdiest young men of our county, energetic, genial, and sensible. His bride is a young lady of sterling worth, intelligent, independent, and ambitious. Here’s to your health, Thomas, and may yourself and bride ever be surrounded by sunshine, happiness, and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The “respectable tramp” of eighteen, who was put under Tom Herrod’s wing the other day for trying to dissect the wagon of a Rock farmer, and put in jail, was released this morning. The fact of his having stolen a square meal was all they could find against him. Surmises were that he wanted to take the farmer’s overcoat, too. He is a fair looking young fellow, but shabbily dressed and of good intelligence. He said he was woefully empty of body and pocket, out of work, and grasped the opportunity to appease his gnawing appetite, intending to take nothing else.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
William Purden and Susan Green are guests of the Hotel De Finch, charged with elopement and criminal co-habitation. Last spring Samuel Green and his wife and little girl resided at Burden. There William Purden, a stock dealer, got acquainted with Susan. The husband suspicioned nothing. Purden was going to Missouri to buy horses and mules, and offered Green a team and wagon and good wages if he’d take his family and go along. He did so. At Eureka the attentions of Purden to his wife got too flagrant for Green, and the caravan split, Green and family going to Oswego, where they lived happily until last Saturday evening, when Green came home from the country to find his wife and child gone. Neighbors told of the occasional visits to Green’s while he was away, of a man bearing Purden’s description, and that he was there Saturday. Mrs. Green had packed up systematically and checked her baggage to Beaumont. Monday Green followed her and found that Purden had joined her on the road and together they had come to Winfield over the K. C. & S. W. Arriving here Green placed warrants in Constable Herrod’s hands and soon found the elopers at Purden’s place north of town, and had them jugged. The woman weakened and tearfully confessed all, and wanted to be taken back to the bosom of her husband; but he wouldn’t take. He was after the child only as well as to make the elopers suffer the penalty of their crime. Realizing Green’s determination, she consented to let him take the child, as she couldn’t support her. Green says he shall apply for a divorce and foreswear her forever. He is less than thirty and she about twenty-five. They have been married six years and their little girl is four years old. Their lives were perfectly congenial, he says, until Purden came on. The trial of Purden and Mrs. Green was set in Judge Snow’s court for two o’clock today, but owing to technicalities was continued to Monday. Green is without competency: dependent on his daily exertions for a living, but appears to have plenty of energy and grit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Tom H. Herrod was circulating a paper and got money to send Susan Green, who was convicted of adultery and has been lying out a sentence in our bastille, to her mother in Missouri. The officers remitted their costs and the fine was only five dollars. She is not so much to blame. The cussedness of her husband no doubt drove her to elopement with Purden. When a woman is daily beaten almost to death, living in holy terror constantly, she can’t be blamed for eloping with anything. Susan, during her month or more confinement in the bastille, has shown herself to be a pleasant, innocent, peaceable woman, who, under proper influence, would make a kind, loving, and frugal wife. Nobody could exercise such traits while living with an infernal brute.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Tom Herrod is a cute one. For a week back the officers have been seeking to serve a subpoena on Jack Ellis, a witness in the Jeffries case. Thursday Tom heard that Ellis would pass through on the S. K. train. McIntire was away with the subpoena, and there wasn’t a minute’s time to get another. Grabbing a document, Tom made for the train, caught his man, and in a manner whose solemnity was perfect, read the subpoena, which, through habit, Thomas had learned by heart. He brought in his man and after properly delivering him, looked, just for curiosity, to see what kind of a document he had read. It was a dirty, worthless warranty deed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Tom A. Blanchard and Tom H. Herrod swear that THE COURIER was partial in its report of the Jeffries hugging bee. Each declares that he was specially honored by fair Alice, and don’t propose being left out in the cold, reportorially speaking. It was Tom Herrod who kept the court from adjourning until the circus was over—waiting for Alice to get to him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Sam Green, the victim of the Purden-Green elopement, with which all are familiar, sends the following, which we print verbatim. “I will just say in reply to a piece I see in your paper in regards to my wife and my treatment to her I say that it is a lie I never Struck her a lick in my life you say you made up money to Send her to her mother She come here and tried to git me take her back you can tell Tom Herrod or any one else Says She was dolly beatten is a lie and a Rascal it was not bad treatment that drove her from me I will make him think infurnel Brute if I ever meet him I can prove by her neghbors here she was never mistreated nor wonted for anything I could do for her I want you to under Stand it was not cussedness from her husband that drove her to sleep with Purden it was a lack of love and Respect for her own husband may peace and Happiness go with her for I can’t. Sam Green. P. S. Please put a copy of this in your paper.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Recap Sheriff’s Sale. G. H. McIntire, Sheriff of Cowley County, by T. H. Herrod, Deputy Sheriff. Property to be sold February 25, 1886, to settle case of A. Campbell, Plaintiff, vs. P. S. Nichols, Defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Recap: Sheriff’s Sale February 25, 1886. A. Campbell, Plaintiff vs. P. S. Nichols, Defendant. G. H. McIntire, Sheriff; T. H. Herrod, Deputy Sheriff. Lots in New Salem.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
A big dose of mangy tramps struck Winfield Sunday. They came in from the east on a stray freight and were soon working the “empty-pocket, sick, crippled, and out-of-work” racket in its highest degree, with everybody they met. The city has been so free of tramps this winter that such a numerous presence was a surprise. Marshal McFadden and Tom Herrod ran across a gang of five, two white men and three Mexicans, about six o’clock, near the S. K. depot. They made a careful inspection and concluded them only a delegation from the great army of kitchen-door bombarders that we have been expecting from the east with the first thaw. The officials circulated around with their eyes peeled. But, as usual, the raid was made where least expected. A little after eight o’clock, while all the family were at church, Capt. J. S. Hunt’s home, 1113 Millington street, was ransacked. The burglars got in through a kitchen window, the only one in the house unlocked. Passing the silverware down stairs, some of it on the table in full view, they went up stairs into Miss Anna Hunt’s room, and got away with the contents of her jewel case—a valuable gold watch and chain, a gold necklace, three pairs of bracelets, and a breastpin. The watch had her initials in the back, and could be easily identified. They also found three or four dollars in money. This haul apparently satisfied them and they slid out for new pastures.
MR. COLLINS’ HOUSE ENTERED. The same gang, evidently, or a part of it, also went through Mr. C. Collins’ residence, 821 Menor street, climbing in a back window. The family were all at church, and the burglars had the freedom of the house, and they took it. Everything was turned upside down, but the haul was slim. The valuables were all under lock. A Smith & Wesson revolver, a box of cartridges, a dollar in small change, Mrs. Collins’ set of pearl earrings, a gold ring, and a silver napkin ring.
These burglarious “cusses” were undoubtedly the tramps before mentioned. On notification about 9 o’clock, of these burglaries, the officers were out in full force and scoured the town all night—no signs visible. The only remnant left today of the dozen or more tramps who struck the town last evening are two cripples, a one armed man, and a leg-cripple, very seedy looking individuals.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Monday night Tom H. Herrod found three dejected boys at the S. K. depot, looking for a place to bunk for the night, a la tramp. They were loaded for bear—two revolvers, one a big cap and ball six-shooter and the other a little 32 calibre “pop.” They acknowledged that they had run away from home at Augusta, starting with high hopes of conquest notorious. But their hopes, after but a day’s practical airing, had “caved,” flattened clear down in the dust. Tom took the boys to the jail, gave them a place to sleep, and Tuesday sent word to their parents. The boys left home Monday morning with $2.10 among four of them. They secretly chartered a box car to Douglass and from there were forced to mount Old Shanks Mare. The old mare looked too tough for one of the oldest boys, and seeing someone from Augusta, he went back. The others footed it to Winfield, making the twenty miles by dark Tuesday. Their names are Elmer Williams, fifteen years old; Ed. Rash, fourteen; and Ben Dodge, eleven. Williams’ father is a printer, Rash’s a carpenter, and Dodge’s a drayman, all living in Augusta. The boys appear to have had all the romance knocked out of them already and are anxious to get home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Frank W. Finch has retired as jailor, to engage in other business. Frank’s management of the county bastille, for the last two years, has been very creditable to himself and the official administration. Sheriff McIntire, assisted by Tom Herrod, now takes charge. This will put the Sheriff constantly close to criminal headquarters, from where his keen scent can radiate with vigor more convenient.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Officers Herrod and McIntire ran in six of the worst looking bruisers our eyes have rested upon for many a day, this morning. Their “togs” looked as if they hadn’t see a wash tub for many moons, and would stampede from the very sight of soap or concentrated lye. Their faces even hadn’t been subjected to water for about ten years. Through the grime, soot, and soil which have been gathered from all parts of the United States can be seen faint outlines of an Irish face, but on first sight one would take them for the old and original Ham. They were first discovered about three miles north of town, in a schoolhouse, where they had been bunking for three or four nights. They built a fire and proceeded to tear up the benches and place them in shape for a bed. Mr. Oll Pratt discovered them and watched them come out and hastened to town to inform the authorities, and when the tramps reached the S. K. depot, a warm reception awaited them. McIntire and Herrod hailed them and extended them a warm invitation to board at Hotel de Finch for a few days. One most respectfully declined the invitation and took to his heels. He was a daisy—a regular Slade, and was too swift for Tom, so he chartered a dray and a hot contest ensued; one running for freedom and the other for affection, but the “Hon. Mr. Brown” was too swift for anything—left the dray way in the background, and as he was seen disappearing at the south end of Main, the dray was hardly to Ninth avenue. He finally turned up at Billy Dawson’s marble shop, the officers were informed, and the gentleman was gently led by the left ear and taken to the Sheriff’s office, where the first square meal he had seen for a fortnight was spread before him. They seem to enjoy it, however, and declare that they have put up for “all winter.” They won’t be quite so happy when McIntire gets them on the rock pile.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
At three o’clock Tuesday night Tom H. Herrod, at the jail, was roused out by Jimmy Vance, a brother of Mrs. Bobbett, and rooming next to Hackney & Asp’s office, with the startling information that the big safe in Hackney & Asp’s office, full of valuables, was being bored. Tom yanked on a skimming of “duds” and rushed out into darkness surpassing “a stack of black cats,” accompanied by drizzling rain. Noiselessly he made around to the back window of the office, tumbling into a half dozen mud-holes head-over-heels in transit, and placed his ear to the pane. The same sound that the boy had heard—chump, chump, hard and then soft, caught Tom’s ear. He flew back to the jail, woke up Sheriff McIntire, who went over to guard the office while Tom went for Henry Asp and the office key. Scarcely taking time to jerk on his coat, shoes, and pants, all without buttoning, Henry accompanied Tom back. All listened and heard that same sound, as of a drill slowly penetrating the safe, now hard and then easy. Their hearts ran up into their mouths. After waiting, listening, and watching for a considerable time, there appeared to be no surcease or increase, and doubt as to the real existence of a burglar began to crawl into their minds, while Vance, the young “Wall Street detective,” stood shiveringly waiting for b-l-o-o-d. With guns ready for gore, the door was noiselessly unlocked and the premises carefully reconnoitered. No burglar, and Henry’s hair gradually resumed its lay as they hunted around for the source of the noise, which still continued. Finally the whole thing dawned. It was the drip, drip of the water spout of the abutting boarding house. This is what excited the boy and fooled the officials. It was a water hall and a good joke all around.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Thursday at about 7:30, Jailor Tom H. Herrod “caught on” to a scheme of the jail birds, headed by John Wilson, the “shover of the queer,” taken in at Atlanta a short time ago, to break for liberty. Tom was over in the eastern part of the county. Sheriff McIntire had been suddenly called to Wellington, leaving the bastille with the night-watch, O. S. Mahon, and Deputy Sheriff, Joe Church. It was an opportune time and the birds embraced it. Tom got home just in time to get the note of his inner confident, stuck through the window, “look out.” He did look out and soon heard the grating of a saw on the “major” cell grates. Giving them fifteen minutes to saw, Tom walked in on them. But Wilson was too quick for him and concealed the saw. The most thorough search failed to find it. It was evidently a very effective instrument, for in the fifteen minutes one of the iron window-bars was nearly severed. Half an hour more would have emptied the jail. Once severed at the bottom, the grates would have been jerked out in a second. The inauguraters of this scheme now revel in ball and chain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Mighty, quick, and painstaking are the laws of this Great and Grand Republic—when they want to be. For years and years the nocturnal and odoriferous cat, the mink, the weasel, the slyer darkey, and occasionally a white man was found “skunk” enough to besiege the hen roost of honorable citizens and fowly carry off the aged matrons of the henery! The shotgun, traps—everything but the cold and rigid grip of the law have been tried, and now it has been made to come down and with one fell swoop land chicken thieves behind the iron bars. This is very tough! Ah, tougher still when you consider the sad, melancholy fact that the poor fellows only got one—an old hen whose recollection traces minutely the ups and downs of our Glorious Republic. The depredation was committed in Rock township and the complaint was made by Joseph Bucher, who mourns the precipitate and forced departure of her henship. Here is the heavy-weight document that avenges this fowl’s death. “And the said C. C. Sullivan and George McCurry did, then and there, unlawfully and feloniously, steal, take, and carry away one chicken of the goods, chattels, and personal property of Jos. Bucher, of the value of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS!” Ye Gods! And straightway O. S. Mahan, one of the jail assistants, armed with that document, went forth yesterday, and in the evening returned with C. C. Sullivan. McCurry was supposed to possess an armory of no small dimensions, and was left for today, when Tom Herrod went out and got him. Last evening Sullivan was brought before Judge Snow, and placed under a $300,000 bonds, which he couldn’t give, and went into the Cowley County dungeon! McCurry ditto today. They are young fellows about twenty-three years old, and fair looking. They have been living in a dugout on a farm in Rock and “working round.” For some time past petty thievery has been going on in their neighborhood. At public gatherings whips, etc., would disappear. These boys were strongly suspicioned, but no very convincing proof was found until Monday night, when Bucher claims to have absolutely caught the boys attacking his hen roost and carrying away a valuable 25 cent hen. This is taken as a basis to punish for other like offenses charged. When these charges were first made, before the hen raid, the boys stuck up shingles in several places saying: “It’s a d n lie and we are ready to settle, face to face, with any dastard who makes the charge,” signing their names. Of course, the offense, as charged in the warrant, is only petit larceny, and not jailable, subject to a small fine of five or ten dollars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The troubles of Lincoln Addensell, the crazy ward at the jail, are over. Saturday afternoon he got so obstreperous that, as had been done before when he got these spells, Jailor Herrod locked him in a cell. He usually had the freedom of the office and slept in the side room. Going in to give the prisoners their suppers, Tom unlocked Addensell’s cell door to find him flat on the floor. Tom thought him asleep and shook him. He was dead. Not until Coroner Wells’ inquest, with Ed. G. Gray, Ed Pate, J. A. McGuire, J. T. Houston, John Bobbitt, and S. Allison as jury men, and Drs. Downey, Mendenhall, and Balsley held a post mortem, did those familiar with the case think it otherwise than instantaneous death from apoplexy or some brain collapse. Then it was found that his stomach was “cooked” with half a saucer full of cedar oil and carbolic acid—among the quickest poisons know. Not a struggle was apparent. No noise was heard by the prisoners, who could easily have heard any struggles. The carbolic acid, in a quart bottle, was used in the jail to kill those little inflicters of the body and for a general disinfectant. It had been in trust of the prisoners for a long time, to use whenever needed. It happened to be sitting on the window sill of this cell, and with animal innocence, Addensell tried it. No one familiar with his case thinks he had any suicidal intent. So diseased had become his enlarged brain that only Saturday he gathered green grass in the yard and ate it, like an ox. The jury brought in a verdict freeing the jail officials from any blame in the death. He was placed in the cell without the least knowledge of the presence of the acid in that apartment. At four o’clock Sunday the officials buried the body, from Arment’s Undertaking house, in the potter’s field of the Union Cemetery.
It is well that Addensell is gone. His malady was incurable; his parents and relatives were inhuman; and the only peace to his dethroned reason echoed from the other shore. This is the greatest exhibition of parental neglect and cruelty that could possibly be shown. This boy, only about twenty-one or two, had all the native marks of refinement and early education. Last fall his father, an opulent businessman of New York City, who is now recreating in Europe, ticketed Lincoln for Arkansas City, sending money to the Leland hotel to pay board and incidentals. The boy’s mind was then just on the brink of gradually increasing insanity. He got so bad that his presence in Arkansas City was dangerous. He was adjudged insane by Judge Gans, in January, and has since been a bastille ward, awaiting a time when the state Imbecile Asylum could receive him. Since this knowledge reached his relatives, the money ceased to come. Not a word of sympathy or consideration could be adduced. Such indifference is inhuman in the extreme and deserves the execrations of earth and heaven. He was given every attention possible by the jail officials. The last few weeks have required a constant watch and trouble incalculable. The boy’s insanity, say the physicians, besides an abnormal brain, was the result of his own indiscretions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Al Linscott, who has been in our bastille for some months, a U. S. prisoner, held for stealing cattle in the Territory, is about to die. He is about eaten up with a disease too loathsome to mention. He is only about twenty-three years old and used to live with his widowed mother a few years ago, on a farm three miles southwest of town. They went to Texas, where his mother died, and where Al started in his tough career. He weeps bitterly over his inevitable fate. Jailor Herrod has telegraphed to Topeka to have him removed from here, fearing he will infect all the prisoners. The floor has been saturated with carbolic acid and cedar oil.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jail Delivery. Last Monday night at about 9 o’clock, the first successful jail delivery was effected in Cowley County at Winfield. The prisoners, not usually locked in their cells till 9 or 9:30 o’clock, were at large in the jail corridor. Sheriff McIntire and Deputy Joe Church had just gone uptown, when the prisoners rapped on the iron door of the jail and called for water. Jailor Tom H. Herrod and Deputy Henry A. Champlain remained at the jail to attend the prisoners. They went to answer the summons, Champlain guarding with his revolver for any emergency, when Herrod opened the door. It was opened only about one foot when five of the prisoners made the break for liberty. Chas. Swift, the leader of the gang, convicted of forgery last week, grabbed Herrod and pulled him in while Bill Matney, a U. S. prisoner for horse stealing in the Territory, gave him a blow on the top of the head with a bed slat that stunned him and he fell back against the door sill. Before he fell, Champlain couldn’t shoot for fear of hitting Herrod, but as soon as he was knocked down, the guard opened fire with his revolver. Wm. P. Bennett, whose conviction for counterfeiting was scarcely four hours old, grabbed the door low down and was in the act of slamming it wide open when a ball from Champlain’s 45 took him in the groin, ranged upward, severed the main artery, and without uttering a word, he whirled around, sank down by a cell door, and in three minutes had bled to death. The shot was paralyzing. The smoke from the first shot blinded the guard, but he blazed away again; whether the shot took effect or not is unknown. Swift sprang forward, belted Champlain a blow on the head with a bed slat, momentarily stunning him. The final dash was made and before Champlain could gather himself, four of the prisoners were out. Three of them went between the jail and Finch’s house, and the deputy followed them with the remaining bullets in his revolver. Another went around the west side of the jail and jumped the fence southwest of the courthouse. Sheriff McIntire was on the scene in a few minutes, organized a posse, and made hot pursuit though the cloudy darkness gave the criminals every advantage. Marshal Gray and Capt. Rarick were telephoned and they also got out a squad of searchers. None of the fugitives were found until Wednesday when Chas. Swift and David Wiggins were captured in the vicinity of Dexter. Wednesday night Bill Matney was captured. He was caught at the Chilocco Indian Schools in the Territory by Sam Endicott. Marshal Gray took the prisoners to Winfield Thursday morning. Those who escaped were: Chas. Swift, convicted last week of forging the name of J. T. Stinson to a $15 check and passing it on J. B. Lynn. Bill Matney has been in jail for two months awaiting a trial before the U. S. Court, for horse stealing in the Territory. John David Wiggins was convicted last Friday of manufacturing and circulating counterfeit silver dollars. He was arrested at Atlanta two months ago, with his “kit” of tools with him in a “grip.” W. P. Bennett, who was killed, was an assistant of Wiggins in the counterfeiting business. James Whitehead was a horse thief. There were several other prisoners in the corridor, but they made no attempt to get out. The latter has not been captured.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
On Saturday Sheriff McIntire, with his deputy, Tom Herrod, aided by City Marshal Gray, raided a number of joints in this city, and captured several prisoners. The parties taken in were Frank Blubaugh, J. W. Hall, W. D. Johnson, and Ed Leonard, alias W. B. Bartholomew. Blubaugh was admitted to bail, the others were carried to Winfield and committed to jail, to await trial, which is set for today. Frank Miller and Van Skoid, owners of the billiard hall, in the Sherburne building, escaped arrest and have left the country. The charge against the accused is selling intoxicating liquors in violation of law, and the County Attorney is said to have proof to convict. There are seven counts against Johnson and four against Leonard.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
And they do say that Sheriff McIntire and his deputy, Tom Herrod, came down from Winfield last evening to arrest Frank Miller, the jointist. They intended to take him by surprise by going to his house early this morning, and so sat up all night. They went but found him not. Last night they occupied Judge Kreamer’s courtroom and this morning several empty bottles and broken pretzels were found in the room on the table. We would suggest that County Attorney Swarts place these witnesses on the stand and ask them where they got the pretzels.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Deputy Sheriff Tom Herrod came down from Winfield this morning in pursuit of a horse thief who had stolen a horse up in Butler County and was making tracks for the Territory. He was captured near the State Line with the horse in his possession. He was brought to the city and taken before Judge Lindsay, where he waived examination and was bound over to the district court. Deputy Sheriff Herrod took him to Winfield and put him in jail. The prisoner refused to give his right name. He was a seedy looking individual.