Hiatt Family
Jesse W. Hiatt.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. W. Hiatt 49 m w North Carolina Iowa
A. Hiatt 49 f w North Carolina Iowa
J. W. Hiatt 25 m w North Carolina Iowa
Oram? Hiatt 20 m w North Carolina Iowa
S. Hiatt 18 m w North Carolina Iowa
Charles Hiatt 16 m w North Carolina Iowa
J. N. Hiatt 14 m w North Carolina Iowa
Alice Hiatt 8 f w Iowa Iowa
M. Hiatt 7 f w Iowa Iowa
Harry Hiatt 5 m w Iowa Iowa
Hiatt, J. W., 23. No spouse listed.
Hiatt, C. W., 49; spouse, A., 49.
Hiatt, J. W., 25. No spouse listed.
Hiatt, C. W., 50; spouse, A., 50.
Hiatt, J. W., 26. No spouse listed.
Hiatt, C. W., 52; spouse, Amanda, 52. Post Office Address: Lazette.
Hiatt, J. W., 28; spouse, M. J., 24. Post Office Address: Lazette.
Hiatt, C. W., 53; spouse, A. M., 53. Post Office Address: Greenfield.
Hiatt, J. W., 29; spouse, M. J., 26. Post Office Address: Lazette.
Hiatt, S. B., 22. No spouse listed. Post Office Address: Greenfield.
Hiatt, C. W., 53; spouse, A. M., 54. Post Office Address: Grenola.
Hiatt, C. F., 21. No spouse listed. Post Office Address: Grenola.
Hiatt, J. W., 29; spouse, M. J., 27. Post Office Address: Cambridge.
Hiatt, O. A., 25. No spouse listed. Post Office Address: Grenola.
Hiatt, S. B., 23; spouse, E. L., 24. Post Office Address: Grenola.
JESSE W. HIATT was born in Surry County, North Carolina, in 1850. He remained in that state until 1866 and moved with his parents to Iowa, where he remained until 1871, and then came to Kansas and preempted 160 acres of land in the vicinity of Grand Summit, Cowley County. Mr. Hiatt’s sole capital when he arrived in Cowley County was 85 cents, which he carried in his pocket. At the time of his arrival buffalo were still seen, hunted and killed on the plains. Mr. Hiatt’s success as a farmer and dealer in livestock was phenomenal, and he enlarged his possessions until he owned more than 8,000 acres of land in Eastern Cowley and was regarded as the cattle king of the Flint Hills region. He was of splendid physique, genial personality, and manifested a superior shrewdness in the judgment of livestock, and the possibility for the expansion of that industry in the grazing country. He was interested in the civic affairs of his section of the county and active in its early organization, and held various appointive and elective offices in Windsor Township. Mr. Hiatt was married to Miss Mary Brock in Cowley County in 1875. They were the parents of nine children.
After retiring from the ranch, the Hiatt family moved to Winfield and Mr. Hiatt engaged in the Real Estate business. L. L. Hiatt, the eldest son, succeeded his father in the management of the ranch in the Flint Hills. He occupied a prominent place in the affairs of his locality, and had an active part in the oil development of the county, being associated with his brother-in-law, Samuel Elliott, and Walter Sidwell in that industry, and operating as the S. H. E. Developing Company.
Mr. Hiatt landed in Cowley County in 1871, then just 21 years of age, with 85 cents in his pocket, and preempted one hundred and sixty acres which still remains his homestead. Life up to this time had been one long, hard struggle not only having to look out and care for himself from the time he was eleven years old, but he also had others dependent upon his labor.
After locating his homestead in this county—to use Mr. Hiatt’s words—“things began to come his way,” so that in 1901 he was possessed of eight thousand acres of choice land in Cowley County. He handled from two to three thousand head of cattle and other stock annually. At the time of the article he had made some large shipments, and had on hand thirteen hundred head of choice cattle, and more than a hundred head of horses and mules.
Article stated: Mr. Hiatt will be fifty-one years old next April. He is a man of excellent build and immense physique and bears his age as lightly as a man of thirty.
He is one of the few men of Cowley County who has hunted and killed buffalo in this district.
Mr. Hiatt was born in North Carolina, Surry County, April 2, 1850, and received his early education in that state. He was married to Miss Mary J. Brock of Cowley County, Kansas, August 25, 1875. There have been nine children to bless this union: six daughters and three sons.
He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and M. W. A.
Mr. Hiatt has three daughters attending College View at Lincoln, Nebraska, a daughter having graduated from this institution with the class of 1900. This is a Seventh Day Adventist college, and is the only college of this kind in the country, but it has a reputation second to none.
Mr. Hiatt removed with his parents from North Carolina, to Iowa, in 1866, and from there to Kansas in 1871. His father and mother are still living as healthy and as active as most people at fifty. They reside at Grenola, Elk County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
LAZETTE, Kansas, Jan. 19, 1875.
The citizens of Windsor Township met pursuant to a call, to organize an aid society and elect a committee to cooperate with the Cowley County committee on relief, in procuring aid for the needy. The officers of the Windsor Township aid society, are S. M. Tillson, Pres., C. J. Phenis, Vice Pres., A. J. Pickering, sec. Committee consisting of I. N. McCracken, C. J. Phenis, S. B. Sherman. On motion there was a committee of one elected for each school district to assist in canvassing the township to ascertain the exact number of destitute. The following were the appointments: District No. 15, P. McDaniel; District No. 14, W. E. Gates; District No. 16, S. D. Tomlin, District No. 87, T. J. Harris, District No. 57, Jesse Hiatt.
By order of the society the committee will canvass the township and report on Thursday evening, and send in their report to the County relief committee on Friday.
On motion it was ordered by the society that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished the COURIER and the Traveler for publication. A. J. PICKERING, Secy.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Township Conventions.
The Republicans of Windsor Township met in convention at Lazette, Sept. 9th, 1876, and elected the following delegates to attend the county convention at Winfield, Sept. 16th, 1876: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, and I. N. McCracken, delegates. The following delegates were chosen to attend the district convention at Dexter, Sept. 23, 1876: C. W. Jones, J. W. Tull, and R. W. Jackson. The following named gentlemen were chosen to fill the township offices: Justices of Peace, C. W. Jones and A. J. Pickering; Trustee, John Brooks; Constables, Wm. Fritch and J. W. Tull; Township Clerk, S. Tyler; Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; Road Overseers—District No. 1, E. Rockwell; No. 2, Pike Everts; No. 3, E. M. Freeman; No. 4, T. B. Washam; No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Windsor Township. For Justices of the Peace, C. W. Jones, A. J. Pickering; for Constables, Wm. Fritch, J. W. Tull; for Township Trustee, John Brooks; for Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; for Township Clerk, S. Tyler; for Road Overseers: District No. 1, E. Rockwell; District No. 2, Pike Everts; District No. 3, E. M. Freeman; District No. 4, T. B. Washam; District No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The district court has been grinding along slowly this week.
The case against Dr. Fleming for unlawfully selling liquor was nullified. In the case against him for unlawfully prescribing, the court instructed the jury to bring in a verdict of “not guilty.” A new lot of special jurors were drawn.
One of the jurors selected: J. W. Hiatt.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
J. W. Hiatt was down from Grand Summit on Tuesday and made the COURIER a pleasant visit. He is one of the livestock men and farmers of Eastern Cowley.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Never seeing any news from this part of the county, put you down a few of its doings.
Considerable damage was done to property by a prairie fire some days ago. Mr. Booth lost by the fire, two horses and some cattle. Mr. J. W. Hiatt lost his stable, wagon, harness, and some hogs. Nearly all the hay in the neighborhood was burned.
Petitions Granted at the Last Meeting of the Commissioners.
Descriptions, Time of Survey, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
J. W. Hiatt road, Windsor township; commencing at sw corner of se ¼ of section line to a point 526 feet n of center of sec 8, said town, on ½ sec line; thence e to w end of Main street, Grand Summit; said road to be fully 40 feet wide. Henry Wilkins, Jos. Shaw, and J. W. Shull, viewers, and county surveyor will meet, survey said road and give all parties a hearing on March 11th, 1885, at 10 a.m.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
PUBLIC SALE. I will offer at Public Auction at my residence 1½ miles south of Grand Summit, Cowley County, Kansas, on Thursday, March 26th, 1885, at 10 o’clock a.m., the following property, to-wit: 2 good span of work mules; 1 stallion; 4 saddle horses; 2 yearling colts; 2 good milch cows; 1 yearling bull, three-fourths Short Horn Durham; 22 yearling steers; 10 yearling heifers; 40 head of stock hogs, Poland China breed; and 2 farm wagons, 1 spring wagon, 2 sets double harness, 1 mowing machine and sulky hay rake, stirring plows, cultivators, etc., 1 cane mill, good horse power and evaporator, and many other things not mentioned. Also my farm will be for rent for cash; 115 acres in cultivation. Terms of sale: A credit of nine months will be given on all sums over $5 by giving note with approved security drawing 10 percent interest from date; 5 percent discount for cash. J. W. HIATT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
We have 1,000 acres of pasture fenced with 3 wires and plenty of grass and water, and will pasture 500 head of cattle for 25 cents per day per month. Inquire of J. W. Hiatt, Grand Summit, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
J. W. Hiatt road laid over to October.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James T Cooper et ux to Jesse W Hiatt, lots 4 and 13, 18-31-8e, 80 acres: $800.
In the next lengthy article, “J. Hiatt” of Cambridge was mentioned. This was J. W. Hiatt, who at that time used Cambridge as his post office address. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
In answer to many questions, and for the benefit of those that could not avail themselves of the opportunity of taking in the excursion of Kiowa, I will try and give a few outlines of the trip. On Tuesday morning, August 25th, we boarded the 10:40 train, hearing that the regular excursion train from Kansas City, which was 20 minutes behind the regular train, was full, we boarded and started for Kiowa, which is located in Barber County, and at the terminus of the K. C. & S. K. Railroad. At Kellogg several parties joined our company. Among them was our friend, W. P. Gibson, of Protection, Comanche County. When we told him we were going to Kiowa, his face was almost as long as a fence rail, and he felt sorry for Protection. At Oxford a number of her citizens joined us, and so on at every station we passed until we neither had sitting nor standing room on our train. We arrived at Kiowa at 3:30 p.m., and the other train 20 minutes later. The citizens of Kiowa met us in grand style at the railroad. I won’t say depot for they have none yet; but they were there with all the buggies, carriages, and hacks they had in town, together with the Wellington Band, which had gone over the day before. We unloaded right in the midst of the worst prairie that a great many of the excursionists has ever looked upon. We were now about half a mile from what they called New Kiowa. We started on the march, headed by the Band. We marched up through Main street, and there, let me tell you, we saw wonders to behold such as we never will forget. As they marched us into the town, they said they proposed to show us the production of their county, which they did to perfection. Across Main street they had erected an arch about forty feet high in the center. This was handsomely decorated from base to base with all the cereals of the soil, such as none but Kansas lands can produce—corn, wheat, millet, beans, cane, melons, cotton, pumpkins, etc. This they claim was the production of 1885, and the production of their county for 1884. They had on exhibition the bear, cayote, wild cat, deer, and numerous others too numerous to mention, and to go back as far as 1881, and to show to this grand excursion party—especially to those who had forgotten the production of these past years—they had on public exhibition, with doors wide open, seven saloons and gambling houses, selling whiskey and beer over the bar by the drink, as they did of olden times. I must confess that this seemed to be the most lively part of the exhibition. On top of the arch they had a stuffed beef hide. There it stood natural as life, 40 feet in the air. After passing through this arch, we filed right and were brought to a halt in front of the Hardwick House, a fine, large two-story hotel, fitted up for all contingencies, with a bar and billiard room on the first floor, with all the necessary conveniences about a first class hotel on the second floor. After some very fine music from the band, the excursion party started for the four corners of Kiowa. I want to tell you some of them saw the elephant before morning, but I am not going to tell you who they were. Ask J. J. Johnson and Sam Phenix about it. The first place I saw these two gentlemen in the morning was crawling out of a stockade that had been bedded with sand the night before for shipping Texas cattle. Of course, we did not know whether the people of Kiowa would give us a free lunch or anything of the kind, but it was suggested by some of the party that it was such a great cattle region that they would as much as have a roasted beef anyway. When we all got off of the train and beheld that beef standing forty feet in the air, the whole party thought it was a sign of a roasted beef. It was a sight to see the greedy eyes feasting on that stuffed beef as we passed under it; but we were to be pitied as the train had stopped nowhere for dinner, and we had eaten up all the roasted and unroasted peanuts that the peanut vendor had on the train. You may know what a hungry looking crowd we were, but we did not see any roast beef nor have a barbecue. I think if that striped animal had fallen off of the arch in the crowd, it would have been devoured in less time than a gang of cayotes could devour a buffalo carcass. But we got full—that is, we all got plenty to eat by paying $2 for our supper, bed, and breakfast. We were glad of the accommodations, even at that price. When you visit Kiowa, you don’t want to care for expenses.
After supper the crowd was called together—all that could get together—at the Hardwick House and after some very fine music by the Wellington band, the excursionists were addressed by Mr. Dobson, mayor of the city, in which he stated that he was completely surprised to think that 1,500 people would drop down on them at one time just to see their little city. He said their town was only six months old and had already about 1,000 inhabitants. Judge Reed, of Wellington, also addressed the crowd, making some fine remarks about the southwestern country. Some gentleman from Kansas City also made some remarks in which he said there were three great cities. First, the city of Chicago; Kansas City; and, last, but not least, the city of Kiowa. Then the chairman suggested that after some more music from the band there would be a free dance on the platform adjoining the hotel, and those who had no place to stay “could dance all night and go home in the morning.” The platform was 40 x 100 feet. They had fine music and the Kansas City, Wellington, Winfield, Oxford, and Kiowa people all joined hands and had a jolly old time by the sweet, silvery light of the moon.
My object in taking this trip west was for my own satisfaction and to see if all reports were true that we had been hearing. I had been told by many that they had been having much more rain than we had and that the crops were much better. Now, after seeing with my own eyes, I emphatically deny the reports. I do not think they have had any more rain than we have had. I saw some pieces of corn that were green and nice yet, and some that were dried up, some were well eared, and some had no ears at all on it, just the same as in this county. The early corn is good, but the late is a failure. Some say the soil is just as good out west as it is here. Now I can deny this. I paid particular attention to the crops and soil and want to say right here, I would not give a good quarter section of Cowley County soil for any section of land I saw west of a little town called Crystal, about fourteen miles west of Harper, for agricultural purposes. At this place and on west the soil is a deep red, with not an inch of black soil to be seen. The water that stands in pools is a red color and did not look even fit for stock to drink. If the soil was only a Mulatto color with a little black mixed in, I would think it better for agriculture. I did not see any grass west of Attica that was tall enough to cut. I noticed that there was not much fall plowing done, on account of the dry weather. The ground is just as dry out there as it is here. I examined some ground that had lately been plowed and it looked as though it has had no rain on it this summer. I think that country, to make a good farming country, wants a rain every day in the week and one on Sunday for a change. Between Attica and Chrisfield we passed through quite a valley, which A. J. Thompson called “Wild Horse Valley,” as there was a herd of Texas ponies running away from the train, and he took them for a genuine herd of wild horses; but he was informed by someone that they were only Texas ponies. Between Chrisfield and Hazelton we ran into the prairie dog towns and Jap Cochran thought they were pigs following the cattle until he was told better by some bystander, who informed him that they did not raise hogs in that country.
Among the excursionists from Cowley, I noticed the following persons: J. J. Johnson, New Salem; F. M. Fall, Cambridge; J. Hiatt, Cambridge; S. Phenix, Floral; J. Finkleburg, Arkansas City; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City. From Winfield: A. J. Thompson, Walter Denning and wife; Uncle Billy Moore and wife; Jap Cochran and mother; Barnthouse, the soda man; Sol Fredrick; John Eaton and wife; C. W. Stolp and son; Jake Goldsmith; Sam Stivers and brothers; and Gray, of the Telegram.
We left Kiowa at 12:30 and arrived home at 5:30, all except Jap Cochran. I think he got off on the way to get some of those pigs. I don’t think there was an investment made out of the whole party on account of the high prices. A. J. Thompson don’t value lots out in Kiowa like he does in Winfield. They tried to sell some lots at auction the day we left, and Thompson bid $100 for a lot on Main street, but I think one of the town company over-bid him and he did not get it. Now if anyone that was on this grand excursion can give a better description of the trip, I am ready to hear from them.
Everything Harmonious, With No Opposition to Speak of. A Ticket Unexcelled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Delegates: S. M. Fall, J. W. Tull, W. B. Weimer, G. G. Barber, W. E. Dwyer, Ike Phenis, Shelton Morris.
Alternates: A. B. Booth, Ben Clover, N. E. Darling, Jesse Hiatt, C. Rheims, Will Branson, N. S. Crawford.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners convened in regular quarterly session yesterday. So far its grindings have been mostly on various claims against the county. The viewers’ reports in the A. T. Harris county road were adopted, and damages of $19 allowed to J. W. Hiatt; also in the J. W. Hiatt road, and damages allowed S. Ayers, $309, and J. W. Kennard $20. Tax was remitted on s hf se qr 35-30-5-e.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
J. W. Hiatt was down from Grand Summit Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Wanted. 500 head of cattle to eat grass! Will pasture and salt for 20 cents per head per month. 1200 acres in two pastures; one for steers, the other for cows. J. W. HIATT, Grand Summit, Kansas.
The Owners of Residence Property at 508 West Ninth Avenue.
In 1877 Col. J. C. McMullen purchased the land from E. C. Manning on West Ninth Street in Winfield, Kansas. He began construction of a residence and barn in 1878. In October 1878 the large barn, being used as a shop by the mechanics at work on the palatial residence nearby, burned down due to a kerosene lantern exploding. All its contents, consisting of a lot of household furniture, books, and pictures that were stored in it until the new house was finished, together with a lot of paints, all the door sash, and windows for the new house were consumed by the fire. The loss was estimated at $2,500. A new barn had to be built. The Winfield Courier of March 20, 1879, stated that the residence, when completed, would be lighted throughout with gas, having jets in every room, from garret to cellar. The house was to be heated with hot air, and had a system of warm and cold water pipes the equal to any they had ever seen. A valuation was given of $13,000 for the residence. The first barn was valued at $450. A figure was not given on the replacement of the first barn.
In 1888 George W. and Mollie Miller purchased the residence from Col. J. C. McMullen.
The Miller family had completed the move from Winfield to Bliss, Oklahoma, by Christmas Eve of 1903.
Circa 1904 Jesse W. and Mary Jane Hiatt purchased the residence from Mrs. G. W. Miller.
Winfield (Kan.) Daily Courier, Thursday, February 7, 1991.
Descendant Recalls 101 Ranch.
Miller Visits Hiatt’s, a Former Family Home.
A dapper 85-year-old man [Joe C. Miller, Jr.] who walked briskly into Hiatt’s restaurant Sunday noon with two friends was eager to see the interior of the Victorian-style brick building.
That’s because his grandparents, Col. George and Mollie Miller, and his father, Joseph C. Miller, lived in the house in which the restaurant is located back at the turn of the century.
What made the visit even more intriguing was the fact that his grandparents sold the house to J. W. and Mary Jane Hiatt, the great-grandparents of Nancy Tredway, who along with Jan Flick, owns and operates the restaurant.
The Millers, who lived in the house at 508 W. Ninth Ave. from 1892 [1888] to 1902 [1903], were not ordinary people. While Mollie Miller and their children were comfortably situated in Winfield, George Miller was living south of Ponca City, Okla., in a dugout while establishing the famous 101 Ranch which eventually encompassed 11,000 acres of land. The family moved to the ranch in 1902 [1903].
Although he had driven by the house that is now Hiatt’s restaurant, Miller had never been inside before his visit Sunday.
“It was a treat for me,” he said. “I had heard about it, and it’s just as beautiful as I’d been told. I intend to return to partake of the delicious food.”