Various Hill Families


Note: This township went through several stages before it became “Ninnescah” township. It was first known as “NENESCKAW,” DERIVING ITS NAME FROM THE TOWN CALLED “NENESCKAW.” SEE BELOW.
Walnut Valley Times, October 14, 1870.
The above is the name of a new town recently laid out at the mouth of the Neneskaw, on the Arkansas River, in Cowley County. The Town Company are T. C. Hill, President; L. B. Wamsley, Secretary; P. B. Maxson, L. A. Wood, Jr., R. Gates, R. Freeman, and John Lonehead, Directors. This town is about 40 miles from here, the post office address being Douglass. R. Freeman is putting up a grocery and provision store; Dr. L. B. Wamsley, a drug Store; and parties have contracted to put up a mill soon. A dry goods store will be opened there in a few weeks. Plenty of good bottom claims in the valley of the Arkansas are yet to be taken. Timber is plenty and the land is of the best quality. The town is about halfway between Wichita and Arkansas City, and bids fair to make a post of no small importance. Persons in search of a location might find just what they wanted here. We wish the new town success.
Note that T. C. Hill was president of the “Neneskaw Town Company.”
T. C. Hill, of Cambridge City, Indiana. Question: Was this the “T. C. Hill” who founded the town of “Neneskaw” in Cowley County???
Emporia News, May 19, 1871.
RAILROAD EXCURSION. A party of thirty-eight persons, railroad men and others, passed through here last Friday to the Southwest. The leading persons were the directors of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, who are going Southwest to look at the route of the road. They assembled at Atchison several days ago, and came down the line of the road. Among the party were Hon. G. Twitchell, the president of the road; Thos. Shirlock, of Cincinnati; Aldin Spear, Thos. Nickerson, and J. T. Burr, of Boston, Directors; D. L. Lakin, of Topeka, Land Commissioner; W. B. Peabody & Brother, and Mr. Hart, of Cincinnati, and T. C. Hill, of Cambridge City, Indiana. The party was accompanied by Col. L. N. Robinson, of the Robinson house, in this city, who furnished the outfit and provisions for the trip. We know the party will fare well in Col. Robinson’s hands. They will go to the Arkansas River, and from thence to Fort Dodge, and if the weather is favorable will also visit Fort Sill. The visit of these distinguished railroad men and capitalists to the Southwest will result in the favorable development of railroad interests for that country. The party expects to return in about two weeks.
Hill, Winkfield, 25; spouse, Delilah, 21.
Hill, Wm., 22. No spouse listed.
Hill, Winkfield, 27; spouse, Dehli, 23. Children were listed:
Charles M., 4; Norah Ann, 5.

Hill, W. A., 23; spouse (?), Sarah Jane, 32. Children were listed:
John J., 8; Didana, 11; Clifford A., 2; Ida Mary, 5.
Kansas 1875 Census Ninnescah Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Winkfield Hill 27 m w Illinois Illinois
Delilah Hill 26 f w Iowa Iowa
Charles M. Hill 6 m w Kansas
E. A. F. Hill 4 m w Kansas
Norah A. Hill 2 f w Kansas
William Hill 25 m   w Iowa Illinois
John J. Hill 10 m   w Kansas
Ida ? M. Hill 6 f w Kansas
H.? E. Hill 1 m   w Kansas
Hill, Winkfield, 34; spouse, D., 32.
Hill, W. A., 29; spouse, S. J., 32.
Hill, Geo. C., 72; spouse, Sarah, 60.
Hill, D. L., 22. No spouse listed.
Hill, George C., 72; spouse, Sarah, 60.
Hill, W. H., 22. No spouse listed.
Hill, Wm. A., 32; spouse, Sarah Jane,37.
William Hill...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Mr. William Hill has built a new barn.
Mrs. (?) Hill, Udall...
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Crystal Wedding.

The Crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Fletcher took place at their residence 3½  miles southeast of Udall, on the 23rd day of July, 1883. Notwithstanding the busy times, many of the neighbors and friends gathered to partake in the celebration. In the heat of the day the generosity of the bride and groom took a Scriptural turn, and those from the highways and hedges were gathered in. One poor traveler, at least, will remember their kindness with thanks, desiring Heaven’s richest blessings to rest upon them. After enjoying the sociability of the company, interspersed with music, for some time, we were favored with one of those soul cheering, body invigorating dinners, such as none but Cowley County women can prepare. All drank to the health of the “bride and groom,” after which the company was supplied with choice music by Mrs. Randall, of Udall, after which was a presentation of the following presents by the “Highwayman”: Mary Tailor, a beautiful lamp; Porter Wilson’s family, set of goblets; Mr. and Mrs. Randall, set of glass goblets; H. H. Martin, nice lamp; Mrs. Lidia Boyles, an elegant pickle dish; Miss Ida Schlock, pretty jelly dish; Mrs. Miles, a nice cake stand; Mrs. Tribby, set of napkins; Miss Glendora McCollim, set of sauce dishes; Mrs. Capper, jelly stand; Mrs. Hill, butter dish; Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, fruit stand; Mr. and Mrs. Lightwalter, cream stand; Mrs. Wilt, beautiful bouquet.
Winkfield Hill...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
For Sale. On next Friday and Saturday, Oct. 24 and 25, I will offer at private sale at Sol Smith’s barn, Winfield, about 100 head of Stock hogs. WINKFIELD HILL.
S. R. Hill, Udall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
E. R. Moffet and wife to S. R. Hill, lot 4, block 2, Udall. $25.00.
S. R. Hill and wife to Hudson Brothers, lot 2, block 4, Udall. $1.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill, of Udall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill, of Udall, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palmer, last week.