Various Hill Families at Winfield
Hill, James, 26. No spouse listed.
Hill, Samuel, 43; spouse, Esther, 39
Hill, T. O., 36; spouse, S. A., 40.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
S. Hill 46 m w Maine Maine
Esther Hill 41 f w North Carolina. Indiana
Wm. [H or R?]. Hill 10 m w Kansas
Lillie B. Hill 7 f w Kansas
Albert O. Hill 7m m w Kansas
T.? O. Hill 37 m w Ohio Ohio
Susan A. Hill 35 f w Ohio Ohio
Alice C. Hill 10 f w Kansas
Sylvester Hill 8 m w Kansas
Julius? Hill 38 m w Missouri Missouri
Hester Hill 31 f w Illinois Missouri
James Hill 9 m w Missouri Missouri
George Hill 7 m w Missouri Missouri
Frank Hill 5 m w Missouri Missouri
May Hill 2 f w Missouri Missouri
Fannie Hill 1m f w Kansas
Alice Hill...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report.
To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873.
Whole number enrolled, 104.
The last month has been encouraging; our hopes are now buoyant; and while ideal excellence has been reached by few, if indeed any, yet we think it proper, as to loyalty, and commendable efforts toward perfect lessons, to report the following Roll of Honor:
Cora Bullene, Mollie Bodwell, Florence Bickel, Emma Howland, Alice Hill, Alice Johnson, Ettie Johnson, Ida J. Johnston, Virginia Weathers, Annie Koehler, Ruth Kenworthy, Cora Kenworthy, Mary S. Knowles, Emma Knowles, Lutie Newman, Edmond Cochran, Harrison Hellman, Phillip Koehler, [???? NAMES WERE VERY HARD TO READ...AND LAST FEW LINES WITH MORE NAMES, I RECKON, ARE GONE.]
Thomas Lowry, Marshal Land, John N. Likowski, Michael McDonnell, Amos Smiley [? Smithy ?].
Mrs. Hill, Mr. Hill, Jas. Hill mentioned. No idea who this refers to...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrew’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Marris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. W. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles, Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.
To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas. Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.
Alice Hill, Bruce Hill...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
Report of Winfield Graded School for the month commencing April 27th, and ending May 22nd, 1874.
Note: Perfect, 100; good, 80; failure, 40.
No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 48. Average daily attendance: 30. No. cases of tardiness: 30. Average time lost by tardiness: 5 minutes.
Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Oliver Newland, Jordan McDonald, Mary Davis, Sylvia Darrah, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Jennie Hulshopple, Alice Hill, Jennie Weathers. MRS. T. A. WILKINSON, Teacher.
No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 57. Average daily attendance: 40.95. Average number of cases of tardiness daily: 6. Average amount of time lost by tardiness daily: 1 hr. 23.45 min. Average deportment: 95.
Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Frank Cochran, Bruce Hill, Anna Bartlow, Sarah West. MRS. M. A. BRYANT, Teacher.
Geo. C. Hill...
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
Geo. C. Hill, Esq., of the state of New York, paid us a visit the other day and expresses himself so well pleased with Cowley that he intends to locate here.
T. O. Hill...
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.
T. O. Hill had one of his horses taken out of the pasture last Saturday night by some person, who, after appropriating A. T. Shenneman’s saddle, lit out for parts unknown. Mr. Hill immediately advertised to pay fifty dollars reward for the recovery of the horse and thief, and he has received word that the thief was arrested in Independence, on suspicion, while trying to dispose of the animal on the streets at a remarkably low figure. Deputy Sheriff Geo. Walker will bring him back with him on his return from Independence whither he has gone in charge of a Montgomery County horse thief.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.
George Walker brought T. O. Hill’s horse and the thief with him when he returned from Independence last Saturday. The thief, whose name is Bozark, asserted that a young chap named Bodwell, who lives a couple of miles from this city, stole the horse and brought it to him and he merely took it away. Bodwell was immediately arrested, but after a preliminary examination before Justice Boyer, was released. Bozark was placed in jail to await his trial at the next term of the district court.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.
Last Tuesday was about as lively a day as we have seen since the fourth of July. We were first startled by seeing crowds of men and boys dashing up the street and disappearing in Curns & Manser’s office, and, not wishing to mourn alone, we soon found ourselves standing on a chair in the aforesaid office gazing at the struggle of two of our prominent lawyers, who were trying their wind and muscle in a scuffle, in which neither had an occasion to crow over the victory, they being about equally matched. The only one we felt sorry for was Justice Boyer, who adjourned court about a minute too soon to fine them for contempt.
The crowd next gathered at Darrah & Doty’s livery stable where a couple of our citizens were trying the effect of chairs and fists upon each other’s heads. They were separated before either was hurt.
Before the crowd had yet dispersed from the scene of this mill, they were startled by the news that the prisoners were escaping from the jail, and off they hurried to see what could be seen. Bozark, the fellow who was caught with Hill’s horse in Independence, and put in quod the day before, had been at work at one of the windows, and had so far succeeded that it is acknowledged that if he had been allowed to work another hour, he would have been able to walk out without any trouble; he had taken off the casing of one of the windows by some means and pried the bars nearly out of it.
We next sauntered into the courthouse, where the delegates to the convention which met yesterday were chosen, which being over, we quietly returned to our respective business. We were expecting that the excitement of the day would finish with a fire, but were fortunately mistaken.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
The excavation of the cellar of S. H. Myton’s new store building is completed. The cellar is the full size of the building, being 25 x 60 with a depth of 6 feet and 3 inches. T. O. Hill finished the job up neatly.
Alice Hill...
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Intermediate Department.
Georgie Black, Grant Bodwell, Oscar Cochran, Charley Dever, Willie Ferguson, Frank Freeland, Robert Hudson, Joseph Hudson, Willie Leffingwell, John Likowski, Richie Mansfield, Bennie Manning, Georgia McDonald, Willie Prescott, Frank Robinson, Willie Tarrant, Alfred Tarrant, Willie Walker, Charlie Weathers, Robert Hubbard, Hattie Andrews, Mary Bodwell, Cora Bullene, Ida Black, Anna Bishop, Winnie Barnard, Luella Cowen, Sylvia Darrah, Ida Dressel, Julia Deming, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Annie Hunt, Emma Howland, Alice Hill, Sarah Hudson, Ida Johnson, Edith Kennedy, Josie McMasters, Nannie McGee, Amy McQuiston, Lutie Newman, Minnie Stewart, Jennie Weathers, Effie White, Lillie Lappan, Mary Knowles, Emma Knowles, Leona Corkins, Iola Corkins, Martha Copple.
George E. Hill...
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Thanks to Geo. E. Hill for a nice basketful of tomatoes, and to E. B. Kager for a basketful of nice tomatoes.
(?) Hill, northeast of Winfield...
[Noted: Traveler talks about George W. Vaneter and Courier talks about George W. Vanmeter. Vanmeter is correct. Have corrected Traveler account. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
Houses Blown Down—Man Killed.
A terrible wind storm swept over a portion of the county last Saturday night, destroying fences, tearing trees out by the roots, and blowing houses to pieces. It came from the southwest and went northeast. On Badger Creek, five miles northeast of Winfield, the stone house of George W. Vanmeter was blown down, and Mr. Vanmeter killed by the falling rock while he was lying asleep in bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaver, living close by, were severely hurt by the falling of some timbers of their frame house, while Mr. Hill, living one and one-half miles from Vanmeter’s, had his stone house scattered in every direction without being hurt. Some of the furniture from his dwelling was carried miles away.
The house of Robert Devore was also blown down, as well as Mr. Townsley’s. Mr. White’s house, in this township, was also completely wrecked.
Great excitement prevailed during the storm, and the people were almost wild with frenzy. At this place there was no unusual occurrence. A strong wind was blowing, but we were fortunate enough to be out of the line of the storm.
(?) Hill, northeast of Winfield???...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1877.
One Man Killed, and Others Injured.
The Track of the Storm.
Last Saturday night, about the hour of ten o’clock, the storm that had been raging for some time in this section of the country increased to a perfect tornado. The rain fell in torrents and the lightning flashed in blinding sheets. It was a wild scene, and one that will long be remembered by the people of this Valley. The storm king swept up from the south, lashing the very earth with his fury. The wind seemed to swoop down in great whirlpools and gathering whatever it could in its grasp, rushed on in increased anger. Its main force was spent in this county along a line drawn from the mouth of the Walnut in a north by easterly direction to Floral, in Richland Township.
The frame building of a Mr. White, living six miles east of Arkansas City, was taken from the foundation and moved a rod as though it had been only a feather’s weight. Mrs. White was bruised and frightened, but not badly injured.
The tornado then gave a grand bound and struck in the valley above South Bend, completely demoralizing the log house of Wm. Tousley. It scarcely left one log upon another. Mr. and Mrs. Tousley are now lying in a critical condition from the effects of the injuries received.
The house of Robert Devore, one half mile north of Tousley’s, was left without a roof and its inmates in total darkness, exposed to the heavy falling rain.
Two miles north of this a stone house of a Mr. Hill was caved in as though it had been built of corn cobs. Mr. Hill, it was reported Sunday morning, had his back broken by a falling stone, but the report is contradicted today.
From this point to the Tisdale road the scene beggars all description. Trees were torn up by the roots and fence material was strewn for miles.
George W. Vanmeter Killed by Tornado.
The home of Mr. Shafer, four miles east of town, was picked up and hurled to the ground with awful force. George W. Vanmeter, one of Winfield Township’s best farmers, a man some fifty years of age, sleeping in the upper story, was instantly killed by the falling timbers. It is thought that he never awakened from his sleep as the roof came down upon him as he laid in bed. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer were seriously, though it is thought, not dangerously injured. The building is a total wreck, pieces of which were picked up off Mr. Lemmon’s farm, a half mile to the northward. Its furniture was scattered to the four winds. Hundreds from town and surrounding neighborhoods visited the scene of death and desolation Sunday morning and looked for the last time upon the face of him who had so recently walked among them.
From this point northward no damage to life is reported, although several houses were shifted from their foundations and left without roofs or gables.
The homes of Messrs. Dunbar, Montgomery, Wilcox, and Anderson up about Floral were served in this manner. None of the inmates were hurt, but all were more or less badly frightened. The wind finally wore itself out, but the heavy rain continued falling until about one o’clock in the morning, making an awful night of it for those who were left shelterless by this merciless storm.
W. Hill...near Little Dutch???
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
The body of a man is said to have been seen floating down the Walnut River, opposite the house of Mr. W. Hill, near Little Dutch, one day last week. No effort was made to recover the body.
(?) Hill versus Gallotti...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
The suit of Gallotti vs. Hill was compromised, and Mr. and Mrs. Gallotti have returned to their home together.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
Well, Judge Campbell is shoving things right along. Two horse thieves already provided with a home on the Big Muddy. The Hill and Gallotti case was settled before coming into court, Hill taking the child and Frank the mother—an equal division of the property. It is said Hill pays $500 for his little joke of false warrantee of the article recommended. Since the settlement, the child has died, leaving all parties disconsolate.
W. G. Hill...
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
List of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County:
W. G. Hill, Winfield.
Wm. G. Hill...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
Wm. G. Hill, residence, frame: $850.00.
J. C. Hill [George & Hill]...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
Messrs. George & Hill have received their stock of hardware, wooden and willow-ware and are now ready for business.
Mr. (?) Hill, across the river west of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Mr. Hill, who lives just across the river west of town, is in a very wrathy state of mind. He owns sixty acres of very fine land there, and last week the A. T. & S. F. surveyors came along and ran diagonally through the entire piece. He didn’t say a word at this, for he is in favor of progress and improvement and didn’t care about clogging the wheels of commerce, so he just sat still and let them go where they pleased. On Monday the L., L. G. fellows came along, and crossing the river just below the mouth of Timber Creek, ran up through Mr. Hill’s door yard, crossing the A. T. & S. F. survey right in the center of his farm. This was too much for human endurance, and Mr. Hill has resolved that no farther westward should the “star of empire” take its way, till he has been fully reimbursed for the loss of his farm. In the midst of life we are liable to be cut in two twice
J. C. Hill [George & Hill]...
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
Messrs. George & Hill are making arrangements to add a tinshop to their hardware establishment, and put up an addition for that purpose.
J. C. Hill...
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Mr. J. C. Hill has purchased his partner’s share in the hardware stock of George & Hill, and will move the stock to Oxford. Mr. Hill is at present building a store room at that place, and will move some time during next week.
Jas. C. Hill...
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Mr. Jas. C. Hill, who formerly ran a hardware store here, returned a few days ago from a sojourn in New Mexico.
Mrs. (?) Hill, west of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mrs. Hill, living just across the river west of Bliss’ Mill, was gored by a mad cow last week and her arm fractured. The cow also took after Dr. Davis and came near catching him. She was finally killed, and since three other cows and two hogs have shown decided symptoms of hydrophobia. Look out for mad dogs.
Chas. E. Hill...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
We received this week a very welcome addition to our exchange list—the Del Norte (California) Cactus, by Will R. Stivers and Chas. E. Hill. Will was for six years our Deputy County Clerk and one of Cowley’s most reliable and responsible young men. We welcome him to the ranks of journalism believing that he will prove one of its brightest lights.
Charles W. Hill [formerly of hardware firm of George & Hill, Winfield]...
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
MARRIED. A quiet, but very pleasant wedding took place last Thursday evening at the residence of Mrs. J. E. Platter, at which time Miss Ella Johnson was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. C. W. Hill, of Wellington, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating. The ceremony was performed at 7½ p.m., and after partaking of an elegant supper, the happy couple left on the 10 o’clock train for Wellington, their future home, where the groom has resided for some months. Mr. Hill formerly lived in Winfield, and was a member of the hardware firm of George & Hill, and has many friends here. Miss Johnson has grown to womanhood in this place, and by her sweet disposition and pleasant manners, has won a place in the hearts of her friends, who join with us in wishing her every happiness in her new life.
Mrs. Charles W. Hill of Wellington...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Hill of Wellington, well known to Winfield people in days gone bye as Miss Ella Johnson, was in the city last week visiting relatives and friends.
Charles W. Hill [formerly of hardware firm of George & Hill, Winfield]...
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
A COURIER representative spent a day in Wellington recently. We hadn’t been there for several years and the changes wrought in that time were partially in harmony with the assertions of the papers of that burg. Notwithstanding the fact that the Wellingtonian has several times used its Munchausen qualities in deprecating Winfield, to tickle a prejudiced feeling among its readers, we shall “give credit where credit is due.” Winfield don’t gain her prestige by belittling other towns; she walks on her own pegs, and always “get there.” Wellington’s most noticeable feature is her fine business buildings—largely the result of the conflagrations which destroyed her old rookeries—and when you consider that most of the material for these fine buildings was shipped in from the Winfield quarries, it brings the enterprise of her citizens into prominence. Wellington should now turn her attention from worldly gain and cultivate the aesthetic. She should get more fine residences, sidewalks, and trees, in all of which she is deficient, and then she will be worthy a more favorable comparison with the Queen City on the Walnut. Business enterprise combined with a love for beauty, comfort, and convenience are what go to make a desirable city. John Crenshaw, formerly of Winfield, is one of the landlords of the most popular of the hotels there—The Phillips. Another “formerly of Winfield” man, Charley Hill, is chief salesman in the hardware establishment of A. Graff. It will be remembered that Charley married a Winfield lady, Miss Ella Johnson, soon after his removal to that place. And we might remark that Winfield has a monopoly over Wellington when it comes to pretty, vivacious young ladies, positive proof of which we have at hand.
Mrs. Charles W. Hill of Wellington...
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Hill, of Wellington, is visiting her brothers, W. O. and Tom Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hill of Wellington...
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff were among the Wellington folks who attended our Fair last week, the former visiting W. O. and Tom Johnson, brothers of Mrs. Hill, and the latter Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins. They were highly pleased with our displays as compared to those of Sumner.
Wm. Hill...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Wm. Hill, colored, was brought before Justice Buckman Tuesday and plead guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail. He had an altercation with John Mathews at a colored ball Christmas night, and gashed John’s head badly with a hatchet. Our colored citizens have always been very steady and peaceable, and this disturbance is out of the usual order of things with them.
Mrs. Chas. Hill from Wellington...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mrs. Charles Hill, nee Ella Johnson, is over from Wellington visiting friends and relatives in this city.
Mrs. Chas. Hill, Wellington...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Miss Sarah McCommon spent several days of last week with Mrs. Chas. Hill, at Wellington, and her brother, Ira, at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Hill returned to Winfield with her Saturday, to remain several days among relatives and friends. Mrs. Hill is a sister of W. O. and T. J. Johnson, and is well known in this city.
R. C. Hill, brother-in-law of Arthur C. Bangs...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Mr. R. C. Hill and Mrs. Fred A. Bangs, brother-in-law and mother of our genial Arthur C. Bangs, arrived this morning from Boston for a few weeks visit. Arthur hadn’t seen them for three years and is of course correspondingly happy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hill of Wellington...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hill, of Wellington, are spending Thanksgiving with Mrs. J. E. Platter.
James Hill marries Mary E. Carter; both live east of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
The silken cords of consummated love were bound around James Hill and Mary E. Carter, by Rev. B. Kelly, at the Constant boarding house last evening. They are both sturdy young folks residing east of town, and their doubled start is one of promise.
Excerpts: Judge T. B. Ross and daughter, who married (?) Hill...
C. M. Wood’s Story Continued.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Young people were quite scarce during the first winter of these settlements, there only being three young ladies in the whole neighborhood—Emma and Hattie Ross, daughters of Judge T. B. Ross, and Julia Monforte, daughter of Capt. J. C. Monforte, who came into the settlement some time in November, 1869. I think at least we found them here when my wife and I came back from Cottonwood Falls in November. Dr. W. G. Graham helped them to select and locate three good claims about three miles up Timber Creek. The family consisted of the Captain, his wife, two sons, and two daughters. The two sons being of age took claims adjoining that of their father and held onto them for some years, but hard times and disappointment drove them to part with them. The Captain held on to his claim, worked diligently in connection with his sons and from year to year improved it until it is now one of the most valuable farms in the county and is owned by Alvin and J. C. Monforte, Jr.
Later on came one Mr. Hill, the husband of another one of the Captain’s daughters. He also took a claim nearby and remained a year or so, having much sickness in his family, and being so unfortunate as to lose a little girl. They got discouraged, sold out, and left the country, since which time I have lost sight of them. I recollect well that my wife and I attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Hill’s child, at their claim, where the services were conducted by the Rev. E. P. Hickok, another early settler, which I may speak of more fully at another time. This was the first funeral, to my knowledge, in the county; and notwithstanding I had recently come out of the army, where death and desolation were all around me, I never before witnessed so solemn and impressive a scene as I did there and then. The lonely, wild, and desolate condition of the country, added to the grief of the parents and the fact that it was the first instance in which we had been made to feel that death would follow us wherever we went—all of these things made the occasion very impressive indeed.