James Hill
Arkansas City Businessman. Railroad and Canal Builder.
James Hill was born in 1835 in England, son of John and Elizabeth Hill.
He came to America at the age of 21 and located in Canada. He stayed 9 years before coming to New York state where he stayed 5 years. He came to Kansas in 1880 and to Arkansas City in 1881.
James Hill was married first to Miss Ann Woods in 1855, who presented him with one son, Marian Hill, and she died in 1857. He next married Miss Ann Upton, in 1858, who died in 1872. He next married Miss Eliza Upton in 1873, who was a sister of Ann Upton.
The Traveler (5/29/1889) reported that a telegram was received here for Mr/Mrs W. H. Upton from Eureka Springs, Ark. which read “You and Rose come, Mr. Hill is sinking rapidly. Bring $500 with you to take him to Syracuse, N. Y.”
Mr. Hill desired to be buried in Syracuse. Mr/Mrs Upton left for Eureka Springs, Ark. He had died of consumption, at the age of 54.
A daughter, Miss Sarah Hill, who lived at the Osage Agency, was very sick. She did not receive word of her father’s death in time.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
A meeting of the Council was called Monday evening at the request of a number of our citizens to take into consideration a plan for utilizing the water power of the Arkansas river by digging a canal from that stream to the Walnut, by which the benefit of some fifteen or more feet of fall would be obtained.
Mr. Hill has looked over the ground and thinks the matter is worth the consideration of our citizens. This gentleman, who has had much practical experience in such work, proposes that if our citizens will guarantee him half the necessary funds, he will raise the other half and build the canal. The estimated cost is from $40,000 to $50,000, and the plan, to organize a stock company with one-half the stock owned here.
After due consideration, an ordinance was passed calling an election to vote $20,000 in bonds, interest at 7 percent. It is proposed to sell these bonds and invest the proceeds in the stock of the company.
This amount of fall would give power sufficient to run half a dozen large mills and would be of incalculable benefit to this portion of our county. We have every requisite for a large manufacturing town and with this water power but a few months would elapse ere our city would resound with the hum of machinery and the tread of the busy operatives passing to and from their labor in the various manufacturing establishments.
If this enterprise should be prosecuted, it would give employment to a large number of persons living in the vicinity and would thus keep all the money invested at home. This matter will be treated at length in a subsequent issue when the glorious results that would accrue from such an investment will be made manifest to all.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The company having in view the construction of a canal in this city are vigorously prosecuting the enterprise, making drawings, estimates, etc. Competent and disinterested engineers are at work and when their labors are completed, the result will be made public and meetings held, at which all desiring information or having anything to advance, pro or con, will have an opportunity afforded them to discuss the subject in all its bearings. The TRAVELER will keep its readers posted as to what transpires in this matter, and notice of all proposed public meetings will be duly given.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
Of the citizens of Arkansas City on Thursday night, January 6, 1881, at the schoolhouse, for the purpose of talking over the projected canal and the subject of bonds. Come one, come all, and let us have a general exchange of views.
By Order of the Council.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.
The businessmen of Arkansas City are of a restless nature, and they are constantly thinking of some means of giving increased importance to their town. For a few days past they have had an engineer at work determining the different levels of the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, and they find that the Arkansas is ten feet higher than the Walnut, and the project is to cut a canal between the rivers, the length of which would be about three miles, at an approximate cost of forty thousand dollars. This, if done, would give an almost exhaustless water power. Eastern investors stand ready to commence the erection of another flouring mill and a woolen mill if the project is carried to a successful conclusion. The scheme has our best wishes and all the help we can give it. Monitor.
The Monitor is slightly in error as to the amount of fall to be obtained by this canal. Instead of ten feet, the Arkansas is found to be twenty-two feet higher than the Walnut, which will give us a water power equaled only by the falls of Niagara and St. Anthony.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 12, 1881.
A mass meeting of our citizens was held in the schoolhouse last Thursday night for the purpose of discussing the merits and demerits of constructing a canal from the Arkansas to the Walnut river. Despite the stinging cold weather, the house was crowded, showing the interest manifested by our people in this important project.
The meeting was called to order by Dr. Chapel, and on motion of A. A. Newman, he was elected chairman. J. C. Topliff was chosen as secretary, and the business of the evening commenced.
I. H. Bonsall was first called for, who prefaced his remarks with the statement that he had no interest in this matter other than as a taxpayer in common with hundreds of our citizens; but he had been requested to lay before the meeting the modus operandi of this canal project that the voters might act intelligently thereon.
For the benefit of all interested we hereby give as clear a statement of the proposition as possible.
It has been several years since the question of a race or canal between the two rivers was first talked of—it being quite apparent that there was considerable fall, and consequently a good water power, to be obtained by so doing. But, while all were satisfied that the fall was there, and were agreed upon the great advantages its successful development would give to our city, it was equally clear that they lacked one essential agent in such an undertaking—the wherewith or cash.
Last spring Mr. James Hill, a gentleman of considerable wealth, came to Arkansas City, and at once purchased property with the intention of making his home here. He is a civil engineer, and has had large experience in railroad building and projects similar to the one now before the people. It was not long ere his attention was called to these two rivers, but until less than two months ago, he had not made a definite proposition to our citizens. After some talk with the leading businessmen, he went before the council with a proposition for the city to furnish aid in the sum of $20,000 and he would guarantee the construction of a canal giving a 500-horsepower, his estimated cost of which was from $40,000 to $50,000. An election being ordered to determine whether the city should vote bonds to further this enterprise, competent and disinterested engineers were sent for, that a survey could be made; and by their report and estimates, the people could be governed. Messrs. Knight & Bontecou, of Kansas City, spent several days at this business, and make the following report.
Fall between the two rivers, 21.8 ft. Length of canal, about three miles. Two estimates were made on the cost of construction.
1. A canal 34 feet wide on surface of water, 6 feet deep, and 10 feet wide on the bottom, will require about 294,000 yards of excavation, at a cost of $44,100; gates for 700-horsepower, $14,000. Total: $58,100.
2. For a canal 32 feet wide on surface of water, 5.5 feet deep, and ten feet wide on bottom, 244,000 cubic yards of excavation, $36,600; gates for 500-horsepower, $13,000.
Total: $49,600.
These estimates do not include the usual 10 percent margin claimed by all engineers in giving estimates of cost.
Mr. Hill’s plan is to secure the aid asked for from the city, in which case he guarantees the construction of the canal, let it cost forty, fifty, or sixty thousand dollars.
As soon as the election is held, if favorable, the books of the company will be open for the sale of stock to any desiring to purchase. Shares are to cost $25 each, and each share is to have one vote. The city, by its agent (whomsoever may be chosen to act as such), will be entitled to 800 votes at all meetings and on all questions bearing on the disposition of stock, and the city’s stock shall not be sold or disposed of without consent of a majority of the legal voters in the city.
These books will be open thirty days, at the expiration of which time Mr. Hill will take all stock unsold. Mr. Hill is to give bond for the faithful performance of his contract, bond to be approved by the city’s agents.
Mr. Bonsall dwelt at some length on the advantages offered by this scheme in the way of furnishing employment to the idle ones among us, besides bringing many more people to our city.
Mr. Hill was next called for, and said that as the gentleman preceding him had stated the case very clearly, it now remained for the people to determine whether it was worthy of their support. That it would pay, he did not doubt, as he had no idea of coming here and sinking his money between two rivers. He was confident capitalists would come as soon as the power was obtained, as that was the greatest obstacle. It was not necessary to wait for outsiders to come in and build mills. Our own businessmen could make a big thing in building and running flour mills. As proof of this he cited that in 1879 Cowley County raised 700,000 bushels of wheat, and in the coming year it was fair to presume this amount would be increased to 1,000,000 bushels, which could be ground by the mills placed on this canal instead of shipping it away. He for one would put up a mill before waiting on Eastern capital.
A. C. Williams was called up and opposed the project because he thought it cost too much, and he wanted the canal to run on the town site. He was of the opinion that a canal answering all the purposes of the one proposed could be built for $3,000 or $4,000, upon which Mr. Newman promptly guaranteed him a bonus of $2,000 in case he would give bond for the completion of such a canal for $5,000.
C. M. Scott also thought it cost too much money, and while admiring the spirit and grit of the town, suggested that it was too heavy a burden to saddle on a small community.
Mr. Newman believed we had a fair and square proposition before us, and thought every effort of this kind helped to build up our town. Mr. Newman has had large experience with water power, and is strongly in favor of this scheme, believing it will insure lasting success to our city, and that if we are wide awake, we can induce Eastern capitalists to come in.
Many others followed with their opinions for and against, after which Mr. Hill was recalled to answer some points in dispute, and at the close of the meeting the general sentiment was strongly in favor of the canal. The main opposers at the start are now in favor of voting the aid asked, and the bonds will be carried “by a large majority.”
The meeting adjourned to last night, everybody feeling better for having attended.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
SILVERDALE, January 10, 1881.
Editor Traveler: I was glad to see the enterprise of your citizens manifested in the effort to construct a canal from the Arkansas to the Walnut river, with a view to securing water power—which proposition is now pending before your people.
It is a move in the right direction, and worthy of an enterprising people; but it seems that some of your voters do not favor this project. I cannot see how anyone interested in the present or future prosperity of Arkansas City can oppose this enterprise. If it were an experiment of doubtful success, I could better account for the opposition; but the practicability of conveying water from one point to another has long been demonstrated. The only question of importance is the amount of fall to be obtained. Insufficient fall would of necessity make a failure of any such scheme; but where the fall is ample, all obstacles must yield to business enterprise. Your engineers report nearly twenty-two feet fall, which is certainly all anyone could ask for, and of itself guarantees success. Thus the greatest obstacle in a project of this nature is removed.
Another question entitled to consideration is, will it pay? If it won’t pay, the less we have to do with it, the better; but if it will, all should join in pushing the work rapidly forward. There is no doubt in my mind on this point. The estimated cost is from $40,000 to $50,000. This money will be paid out in your city. It is not like the money used in building railroads, two-thirds of which goes for material; but almost the entire amount will be paid out for actual labor. Can anyone doubt that all would be benefitted by this money being paid out in your midst?
“But,” says one, “how about the future benefits of the enterprise? How are we to be compensated for this $20,000 bearing 7 percent interest for twenty years?”
I would ask that person whether $20,000 divided among your taxpayers would pay them for having the two mills now at Arkansas City closed for twenty years, and the building of others forbidden for that length of time? Certainly not. In twenty years you couldn’t find your town site. If, then, it would be bad policy to sell what you now have in that line for $20,000, would it not pay to buy twice or thrice that amount for the same sum, to be a permanent fixture?
But will not your city receive a return in the way of taxes equal to her outlay? If the city owned half the canal and private capital half, you would have $20,000 to be taxed for the city’s benefit. Again, it is a low estimate to say that within five years from its completion there will be $30,000 worth of milling and other property on it, and likely many times that amount before the twenty years are out. $50,000 would be a low estimate for the twenty years. Four percent annual tax would bring $2,000 per year; the interest on the bonds would be $1,400, leaving a balance of $600 yearly for a sinking fund, not to speak of the great increase in other taxable property that would come in. A large revenue would be obtained by the city from rentals for the use of the water power.
There is certainly no reason why is should not pay. I have not attempted to estimate the increase in population and wealth that would be yours, but it certainly would be very large. Then let everyone be found in the front line pushing this enterprise to successful completion, and the future of your city is assured. Respectfully, T. W. GANT.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
As was generally conceded a week prior to the election, the bonds for the water power carried by a large majority—53 to 34, we believe. Those who were opposed to the scheme were loud in their denunciation, but did little else than utter their protest by voting against it. The council met last Monday night and put the finishing touch to the election by canvassing the votes. Proceedings are at a standstill, however, until it is ascertained beyond a doubt that the building of this canal is practicable. It is claimed that on Dr. Reed’s place northwest of town, after some ten feet of “gumbo,” a bed of sand six feet deep exists, which would necessitate a vast amount of mason work being done, or compel more “puddling” than is desired. Mr. Hill is now engaged in prospecting, and as soon as the facts in the case are ascertained, our readers shall be informed of them.
In our last issue we stated that Mr. Williams claimed that a canal answering all the purposes claimed for the one proposed could be built for $4,000. This was an error on our part, $20,000 having been the amount named by him. It was a case of misunderstanding with us, and we take pleasure in thus setting Mr. Williams right.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Mr. James Hill returned last Monday, after an absence of ten days in the interests of the projected canal. He finds a slight informality in the bonds as voted, which will require a new vote, and the council at their last meeting called another election, to be held February 23, as per ordinance in this issue. The expense of this second election will be defrayed by Mr. Hill, so that the city will be at no additional outlay. The law only calls for twenty days’ notice before a new election can be held, but the stockholders do not feel like waiting so long, and have a petition now in the hands of the mayor, which sets forth that all signing it will vote for the bonds at the next election. If this petition is signed by a sufficient number of our people, work will be commenced at once without the twenty days’ delay. The spring is opening, and now is the time for work. We hope our people will aid in pushing this matter toward completion by signing this petition, and thus cause the project to go ahead without fail.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Mr. Hill returned from St. Louis Monday, and says we are bound to have the Gould road. Let her come.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1881
Messrs. Hill and Bonsall started to meet the surveyors on the proposed Missouri Pacific extension last Thursday, but were prevented by the severe storm from going further than Maple City. The surveyors are at Sedan, and will be here as soon as the weather permits. The people in the townships east of us are largely in favor of the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Dr. Leonard has sold his farm south of town to the canal company for $4,000, and we are informed that he will take a trip to Florida in a few weeks, with a view to locating there. A change is deemed necessary on account of the health of Mrs. Leonard. The Doctor is one of our oldest citizens, and a gentleman whom all will be sorry to lose.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
THE CANAL. Before another issue of our paper, work will have been commenced on the canal in earnest. Mr. J. Hill has all the blacksmiths in town employed sharpening plows and repairing tools, preparatory to the work, and will, as soon as a permanent survey can be made, commence operation.
Mr. Hill, the canal contractor, has advertised for six thousand mattresses, to be used at the head of the canal to dam the Arkansas. These mattresses are made of brush, bound together with wire, the same as used in jetty work. A good opportunity for someone to turn the underbrush in their timber into money.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
Our canal is booming. So is Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
SALT CITY, March 14, 1881.
Our town is building up surprisingly, owing to the bright prospects for a railroad and consequent ready market for our abundant crop of salt, though we have no doubt that Arkansas City, with its canal and railroad facilities, is bound to make the great city of the southwest.
The people of this vicinity are beginning their spring work.
Will Berkey is on the sick list, but is getting better.
BIRTH. Boots Davis now rejoices in the possession of a large sized baby of the feminine persuasion. As usual, it has red hair.
The ferry is in good running order. People are crossing every day on their way to Arkansas City to obtain work on that canal. It makes a bonanza for the ferryman, as his charges are reasonable, and by this route some four or five miles of travel are saved, economizing both time and horse flesh.
While at your county seat recently, I learned that some of her citizens felt sick over the canal business at Arkansas City. Several talk of moving to your city to take advantage of the general prosperity prevailing therein. While your enterprising citizens are doing the heavy manufacturing, we will furnish you with the best salt made.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Mr. J. Hill, the canal contractor, is paying $2.50 per day for teams and $1 per day for men.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Read the notice of teams wanted by Mr. James Hill to work on the canal.
I want 50 good, heavy teams, to work on the Arkansas City canal. The teams must be capable of handling scrapers, plows, and wagons to advantage. Wages, 25 cents per hour. All work paid for each week IN CASH; also quarrymen, stone masons, and cutters wanted.
James Hill, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
The Arkansas City Water-Power Construction Company are making things lively in the vicinity of their works south of town. Some twenty teams have been employed hitherto, and have already made a goodly show, being almost across the Leonard place. In this issue Mr. Hill advertises for fifty more teams at $2.50 per day of ten hours, and we are assured from the present management of the enterprise that both men with or without teams desiring work can have no excuse for lying idle. Of course, at this early stage it is impossible to say how long the work will take, but of one thing we may rest assured—that which money and energy can accomplish will be done by the gentlemen composing the company towards completing this, the most important enterprise ever undertaken in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Stacy Matlack is reasonable: he says he will take $100,000 for his interest in the canal gold mines.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Mr. Lee Weller, the popular Santa Fe conductor from Newton to Caldwell, with his wife and a party of friends, paid a visit to our city last Saturday and took in the canal works and gold bearing localities. Mr. Weller thinks Arkansas City is the coming great city of Southern Kansas, and as soon as the railroad is extended through the Territory, he will undoubtedly locate here. We entirely concur in the above sentiments, and hope we may be called upon to record Mr. Weller’s advent at an early date.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Considerable excitement prevailed in town several days last week consequent upon the reported finding of gold in paying quantities in the excavation now being made for the canal. A large number of our citizens visited the canal works and many and various theories and speculations on this all absorbing and golden topic were indulged in. It has been known for many years that “the color,” to use a mining term, could be found in various places in this vicinity but not in sufficient quantities to pay for working. Several specimens of gold bearing quartz were being handed around, but we think the trouble was, these specimens were found before they were lost. Anyway, while not having much faith in this “find,” we hope it will pan out big.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
The canal is an attraction to the hubists, who take in the same every fine Sunday. By the time those fifty new scrapers are at work, we invite them to come and see a ditch as is a ditch and no mistake.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
The A. C. W. P. C. Co. have almost completed one-half of the grading to be done upon their canal, and the same now begins to loom up in a shape that somewhat accords with the pictures indulged in by a vivid imagination.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Our genial young friend, Joe Baldridge, of Winfield, came down to the city on the Saturday evening train for the purpose of taking in the canal, at least, that’s what he told us, so it must be.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
We understand that Mr. J. T. Grimes has taken the contract of putting in the bridges across the canal. If such is the case, we may look for some good substantial work, for Mr. Grimes is a No. 1 mechanic and a thorough master of his business in all its varied branches.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
The canal enterprise, which is to terminate in making Arkansas City the Future Great, is being pushed forward with all the speed that capital and energy can command.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881. The work of appraising the condemned property for the right of way for the canal water course will take place May 16. See notice elsewhere.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The mayor of Arkansas City, Kansas, having applied to the district judge for a commission to condemn the right of way for a water course across the City of Arkansas City, Kansas, beginning at the south boundary of said city, on block No. 96, according to the plat now on file in the office of Registrar of Deeds of Cowley County, Kansas. And the said commission will, on the 16th day of May, prox. proceed to appraise the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
The main part of the workmen now employed upon the canal are engaged at the excavation on the bank of the Arkansas river, making ready for the masonry. Upon each side of the proposed race-way are four rows of eight foot piles driven down to the bed rock, and extending a distance of twenty feet into the bank on each side; upon this are laid two sections of heavy timbers transversely, constituting the foundation, upon which the first course of masonry will be laid. The masonry at its lowest point is two feet below the level of the Arkansas river at low water mark, and eighteen inches below the bottom of the canal. The work is progressing, and by Thursday next it is hoped that the north side of the entrance will be ready for the masons. Messrs. Hill and Van Hoosen are lending all their energies to the prosecution of their work, and the rapid progress already made is a compliment to their ability in itself.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
The much talked of canal is working about fifty teams at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
The Sumner Co. Press has the following in reference to the famous “Geuda Springs,” situated on the line between Sumner and Cowley counties, some five miles west of Arkansas City. It will doubtless prove interesting, as the most prominent man in the company mentioned is that of our fellow townsman, Mr. Jas. Hill, the engineer and primary worker on our canal enterprise.
“Recently, parties at Arkansas City proposed to conduct the brine through pipes to that point, and engage extensively in the manufacture of salt by the inexpensive process of solar evaporation. This scheme, had it been successful, would have taken from Sumner County the benefits to be derived from this great natural resource, and built up in an adjoining county, manufacturing interests at her expense.
“To prevent such an undesirable consummation, the people of Salt City and vicinity have, as above stated, made arrangements by which these waters are to be utilized in the interest of our own county and people.
“To this end they have entered into a contract with James Hill & Co., by the terms of which the latter agrees to open up, develop, and utilize the entire product of brine flowing from the springs. To accomplish this desirable end, the patriotic people of Walton Township have agreed to take two thousand dollars in stock in the enterprise; or, more properly speaking, they have agreed to loan to Messrs. Hill & Co. that amount, to be repaid in salt at the rate of one dollar per sack of one hundred and forty pounds each. This is an enterprise in the success of which every loyal citizen of Sumner County is very properly interested; and we feel assured that the efforts of our Walton Township friends to develop these springs and establish a valuable industry, will meet with the heartiest sympathy and encouragement from every other portion of the county.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Read the proposals for bids for erecting a basement for a new mill in this vicinity, which appears in this issue.
Office of Arkansas City Water Power Company, Arkansas City, Kansas, May 23, 1881.
Proposals will be received for the excavation and building of a basement for a mill 49 feet 6 in. x 36 feet; walls ten feet high and two feet thick, to be built of rubble masonry; contractors to furnish all material. Bids will be opened on Saturday, June 4, 1881. Plan and specifications to be seen at this office on and after Thursday, May 26. JAMES HILL.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
The north side of the gateway, at the head works, of the canal, was ready for the mason work yesterday morning, and we presume by this time quite a show has been made on the permanent structure. Work on all parts of the canal is being steadily pushed forward as fast as gangs of night and day workmen can proceed with it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
That in less than six months our canal will be completed, giving us a water power unequaled in the State.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Last Monday we paid Arkansas City a flying visit for the purpose of inspecting the “Canal,” and giving the readers of the COURIER a fair understanding of it and of other improvements going on in our sister city. On our arrival we were welcomed by Joe Houston, Captain Scott, Charlie McIntire, and other old friends, who made it seem almost like home. We were then turned over to Mr. John Walker, in company with whom we drove over the city and inspected the canal, water-works, and other general improvements.
was first visited. The contractors have a small army of men and teams at work, and find work for more laborers than they can get. They pay $1.25 for men, and $3.00 for teams. The canal starts at the Arkansas river, west and a little north of the city, runs southeast, bends around the south end of the town, and empties into the Walnut a little south of east of the city. The length is about three miles, and the width is about twenty or thirty feet at the bottom, and seventy at the top.
The excavation resembled a railroad cut. The liveliest place on the work was at the Arkansas river where they are putting in wing dams and the gates that admit the water to the canal. They have excavated about five feet below the water-level, and are driving piles down to bed-rock. The stone-work will be built on the piles. Dozens of men are at work, day and night, bailing the water out of the excavation, and are relieved every five minutes. Another lot of men work on the stone, getting them ready to lay up as soon as the foundation is ready. Con. Glenn, an old resident of the county, and one of the best stone-masons in it, has charge of the stone-work. We noticed many other Winfield men at work along the canal.
The canal is the principal topic of conversation in and around the city at present, and a person who would stand on Summit street and publicly denounce the practicability of the scheme would be “fired” out of town in short metre. But we have no such opinions to express. The people have faith in it, and are spending their money for it. The engineers say it is bound to succeed, and we see no reason why is should not, so far as water-power is concerned. Whether they will be able to get mills enough to utilize the power, and make the investment pay, is another thing. One gentleman has already contracted for the erection of a large flouring mill, with four run of burrs, and will pay the Canal Company fifteen hundred dollars for the water privilege. Other flouring mills will certainly be erected, and Cowley county needs a woolen mill, which will in time be built there, if the power is secured. If by the investment of $20,000, which is the amount the city has put in so far, they secure large manufacturing interests, it cannot help being of benefit to them.
This enterprise cost $2,000, and is well worth the money. The water doesn’t taste very good, but it keeps a fountain running in the post office and supplies several door-yards with water for trees, flowers, and fountains. Its practicability in case of fires we will not discuss, for we don’t know anything about it. They tell us that it will throw a stream over Matlack’s Block, which is about the largest building in the city. The works consist of a windmill and tank, similar to that in use at the Santa Fe Depot. The tank is raised on a high stone foundation, which gives the water a good head. It is conducted over town along Summit street.
We noticed many new buildings going up, and a general air of activity that speaks well for the future of the town. They are not dead, neither are they asleep, but are wide enough awake to get a government contract for a million pounds of flour, and the freighting thereof.
This draws more or less Territory business to the city, and Uncle Sam’s wards are lavish with their money—when they have any. Of course, in the appreciation of all this prosperity, the newspaper must not be behind, and so Stanley will enlarge his “Traveler” to a nine column, and Arkansas City can boast of a blanket sheet equal in size to the COURIER. Charley McIntire also shows evidences of prosperity. He shows forth in immaculate linen and sorrel neck-tie, and has rented a post-office box. Speaking of post offices reminds us that Postmaster Topliff has the neatest one we have ever seen. It is carved and varnished, and has “didoes” all over the front, like a circus wagon. It’s tasty, and a postmaster who can keep an office like that ought to get married. He can keep a wife.
In conclusion, we wish to congratulate Arkansas City on her evident prosperity, and her people on the grit and sand they exhibit in inaugurating and pushing to completion enterprises that tend to promote the interests of the town, and laugh at the risks accompanying them. We are glad to see them prosper, and always shall be. Arkansas City is a part of grand old Cowley, and the mission of the COURIER is to work for Cowley County, and to fairly represent all of her people. We are glad that the old days of strife and bitterness between Arkansas City and Winfield are past; and that we can once more clasp hands across the “bloody chasm” of many fierce local struggles, and try to promote rather than destroy each other’s prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Arkansas City, May 30, 1881.
Editor Traveler:
MY DEAR SIR: Although much as been said pro and con about our canal, I have studiously avoided expressing any opinion on the subject, as I have not forgotten the “kettle of fish I got myself into, a year or two ago,” for the honest expression of an opinion that was, I thought, for the best interest of the town and surrounding country, to wit: The extension of the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith railroad to the State line, as originally contemplated. Had my views been carried out, Hunnewell would have never been heard of, and our people would not be chagrined by seeing, in every newspaper that you may take up, that from twenty-five to thirty carloads of Texas cattle are being shipped daily from that point to Eastern markets. While it may be true that we have not lost much local trade thereby, we have at least lost a vast amount of free advertising to our town and county. But this is not what I started out to say.
“Our canal” is the subject under discussion. There are but few of our citizens who fully comprehend the advantage and importance of this seemingly trifling bit of public improvement deservedly called the “little ditch” that is now being cut from river to river around the southern extremity of our burg.
Now, Mr. Editor, I do not pretend to be the first man who saw—or thought he saw—a good water power at this point; but I do pretend to say that upon my first visit to this place, some six years ago, I was forcibly struck with the location of the ground, with reference to the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, that a good fall could be obtained here of from twelve to fifteen feet, and perhaps more, and so expressed myself in a letter that was published in a Northern paper on my return home. At that date I saw nothing in it except a water power to drive machinery; now I think I see something more in it than that. It may be a defect of vision in me. But, from my standpoint, should the canal cost twice the original estimate, it will still be a good investment, if properly managed.
But aside from any power to drive machinery, the canal could be made a paying institution, and be of vast importance to this portion of the county, for irrigating purposes alone. If I am not mistaken, there is over 3,000 acres of land in the flat, south of the canal, between the two rivers. Every foot of this land could be overflowed to irrigate the magnificent crops that could be raised by having water and moisture in due season, and just at the time, it is needed.
Now, who can estimate the amount of garden stuff—early vegetables, small fruits, etc., that could be produced from this vast domain, if properly cultivated? Every pound of such truck would find a ready market in the mountains of Colorado and in the northern part of this State. There are no longer excuses that we cannot find a market. We have now a railroad that is ready and anxious to carry off the surplus products, at reasonable rates. But light, heat, and moisture, while they are powerful auxiliaries, will not produce garden vegetables alone, without a little manual labor mixed in.
Citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity, think of this. There is money in it, if rightly managed, not only to the producers, but to every man, woman, and child that lives in the town or vicinity. I have seen German women raise enough vegetables on a half acre of ground to support the family, and hundreds of you have seen the same thing. It is no uncommon thing for market gardeners on the Jersey flats to raise $2,000 worth of stuff off a single acre. Just look at it, a little garden bed, ten feet square, will raise enough radishes to supply a dozen families, and the same is true of onions, lettuce, and other early vegetables. I venture the assertion that the plat of ground described, if properly cultivated, and irrigated as above set forth, could be made to produce 100,000 baskets of vegetables daily during the vegetable season. (The freight agent at the depot will tell you how many freight cars it will take to carry this produce to market.)
Here is a mine of wealth at your doors, if properly utilized; but a spirit of liberality must be shown, both by the owners of the land and the canal company, in letting producers have the land and water at reasonable rents.
This would give employment to some 10,000 men, women, and children during the cropping season, a no small acquisition to the business and population of our town, and could easily be accomplished if a few live produce dealers and market gardeners would undertake it. JAMES CHRISTIAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Work on the canal is progressing, the hands being kept at work both night and day. One of the piers at the headgates is about completed, and work on the south pier commenced yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
You can’t always tell when a Doctor may need his horse, at least so our two citizens think, who took Dr. Reed’s buggy to visit the canal. Upon their return the Dr. had been to the livery and hired a team to answer a call, for which our two friends had the pleasure of paying. We hope it will be a lesson to them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
A representative of the Press attended the public meeting held at Salt City last Saturday and picked up some items in reference to the salt resources of that vicinity. Long before the first pioneers ventured west of the Arkansas River, the numerous salt springs of Walton Township and the Slate Creek bottom were well known to the Indians and buffaloes that occupied Sumner County at that time; and before this territory was ceded to the United States by the Osage Indians, these springs were “claimed.” There is no available record of the earliest operations in salt manufacture from their brine.
In 1873, O. J. Ward constructed a vat 20 inches wide, 8 feet long, and 3 inches deep. In this he evaporated the brine taken from little oozes in the ground. By this means he manufactured 63 pounds of salt in 7 days. He also took one gallon of this water; and by boiling, obtained 3-1/2 pounds of salt from it.
When we say salt, we mean salt, and the purest and best of the article. Repeated and careful chemical analysis show that this salt carries only a trace of foreign substances. The large majority of the old settlers in this county have used this salt; they testify, with one accord, that it has no superior for ordinary purposes, and that it preserves meats much better than imported salts.
In 1874, Brainard Goff began the manufacture of salt at Salt City by solar evaporation. He used 100 vats, and pumped all the water from a 5 ft. well, which was very imperfectly protected from fresh water seeps. He did all the work himself, and received as a reward for his labors an average of 1,000 pounds of salt per diem, as is shown by the State Agricultural report for 1875. But he soon overstocked the home demand. At that time, Wichita, 55 miles distant, was the nearest railroad point, so that he was devoid of all shipping facilities. During the summer of 1875, the property changed hands, the title was called into question, Mr. Goff became discouraged, and suspended operations. From that day to this, this great boon of nature has been lying idle, while the richest brine on the globe has flowed ceaselessly on to the Arkansas River, thence to the Great Father of Waters and the ocean; where it has mingled with the native brine of the great deep, without doing benefit to man or beast.
But these great natural resources cannot remain undeveloped. James Hill & Co., of Arkansas City, have leased these salt wells for a term of ten years, and are busy engaged in preparations for a resumption of the manufacture of this most useful commodity.
The main well is to be sunk to a depth of twenty-eight feet, walled and cemented, so as to exclude all fresh water. Several hundred vats will be put in for solar evaporation during this summer. This fall, boilers will replace them, and the work will go on without interruption all the year around. The home trade is much more extensive now than it was formerly; the railroad is within twelve miles. In addition to these facts, this salt has obtained considerable note abroad. It requires no prophet to see that in the next few years these salt works will be the most noted on the continent. The facts condensed are these: Here in Sumner County is the richest and purest brine known to civilized man. The supply thereof is inexhaustible. Its manufacture has been taken in hand by men who understand the business, and have sufficient capital to prosecute the work. It is within easy reach of railroad transportation, and can supply all the western country with better and cheaper salt than can be obtained from the east. It is no idle boast to say that Salt City, Sumner County, Kansas, will soon outrival all competitors in the manufacture of salt. Wellingtonian.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Two mill sites on our canal have already been disposed of.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
The stone work at the head gates of the canal will be completed by tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Work on the canal still progresses toward completion. The special part of the work upon which the force of laborers are now employed is in grading and the building of culverts, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
We notice that James Hill, who has been absent in St. Louis and the East for the last ten days, has returned, and looks as lively as ever. Mr. Hill is one of our most enterprising citizens, and we are always glad to see him come home.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
Several gentlemen are expected to visit the city, this week, for the purpose of taking into consideration the erecting of woolen mills upon the banks of the canal, soon to be completed. This is an enterprise which will undoubtedly add much to the commercial prosperity of this city and county, and is one that is rendered necessary by the largely increasing number of sheep which are daily being added to the stock of our enterprising farmers. The amount of sheep now in the county numbers in the aggregate near 80,000, which will necessarily yield an enormous clip of wool. Any enterprise looking to the utilizing of this crude material, upon the ground where produced, cannot fail of yielding a handsome profit to those engaged therein at the start, and of securing for the future a constantly increasing stream of prosperity.
Think it is important to give status quo of Arkansas City at this time...MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Of all the vast State of Kansas, the garden spot is unquestionably Cowley County. Of all the beautiful country within its boundary lines, the choices and fairest lies in the southwest portion. Here we have the greenest fields, which produce the most beautiful crops. The metropolis of this section of Cowley County is Arkansas City, a town of 1,200 inhabitants, beautifully situated on a gentle swell of land between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, near their forks, and one of the most prosperous and delightful towns in the State. As we said before, it is in the very best portion of the Arkansas and Walnut valleys. It has a class of citizens of unusual intelligence and culture, and many fine large
with heavy stocks of goods. The men of Arkansas City are
thorough-going, wide-awake businessmen, and will show you a class of goods equal to that found in any Eastern city four times its size. The terminus of the
with commodious depot, freight storerooms and necessary buildings, together with large stockyards, are located here. This is the great distributing point for the supplies for the different Indian agencies and military posts throughout the
south of us, and with the unsurpassed grazing grounds of the Territory in such close proximity, its facilities as a shipping point for cattle are unexcelled. Business, thrift, and enterprise are characteristic of this community. Its people are free from that lawless and rowdy element so common to border towns. There can be no better place for the farmer, mechanic, or speculator than
and southern Cowley. Here the farmer, with limited means, can purchase a farm that will yield him better returns than three times the amount of land in any Eastern State; the mechanic can find steady employment at remunerative figures, with the cost of living greatly reduced; the merchant will have a trade opened up before him that will double discount his Eastern business, while the shrewd speculator can reap a golden harvest.
The town has three good sized and well furnished church edifices, two of brick and one of frame; denominations, First and United Presbyterians and Methodists. The ministers are men of talent well fitted to preach to the thinking men of the West.
In educational matters, this community ranks high. The finest schoolhouse in southern Kansas is to be found in Arkansas City, with a daily attendance of between 175 and 200 pupils. There are two newspapers published at Arkansas City. The
a first-class (Republican) local paper of ten years standing with a circulation of 700 copies per week, and the Arkansas Valley Democrat. The TRAVELER is the pioneer newspaper of the Arkansas Valley, and its columns are always replete with State, county, official, and general news, the latest local happenings, as well as reliable dispatches from the Indian Territory to within a few hours of its publications.
We have three large and elegantly fitted hotels with several good boarding houses and restaurants, affording facilities for the convenience of the traveling public. All kinds of professional and mercantile business are well represented, we having ten of as fine stone and brick stores as can be found in the State, to say nothing of frame buildings, ad lib., all occupied by men doing a thriving and constantly-increasing trade.
The Cowley County bank and the Cresswell bank, two institutions, established on a firm financial basis, manage the monetary interests of the city and vicinity. One of the most striking and beneficial of our city’s attractions is its excellent system of
which afford an efficient protection from fire and an abundant supply for domestic purposes, these ends being secured by the judicious location of fire-plugs and hydrants on the business thoroughfare.
An enterprise that will tend largely to the increase of our mercantile importance is that now in progress by the
and rapidly approaching completion. It consists of
or raceway from the Arkansas river to the Walnut, across the southwestern portion of the town site, which, when completed, will afford ample water power for the running of six or eight large mills or manufactories. It is expected to be completed by the end of the present month. With the large number of sheep now in the county, footing up in the aggregate over 80,000, we know of no better location for a
than is offered by the water power of Arkansas City. We unquestionably have the crude material in the shape of wool, and a mill to utilize the same where produced, would undoubtedly prove a profitable investment. Contracts have already been let for
and several others are under consideration.
The municipal organization of our town is A No. 1, and its financial condition unexceptionable, and improvements in the way of stone sidewalks and street grading are in progress. The supply of water is plentiful and of the best quality, while from a sanitary point of view, nothing more is to be desired. To all persons who, from any cause whatever, are desirous of changing their location, we can recommend Cowley as the county, and Arkansas City as the place par excellence to come to.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
James Hill & Co. have one hundred solar evaporation salt vats in successful operation at Salt City. Arkansas City is making gigantic efforts to transfer this enterprise to that place. To accomplish this purpose, they offer Hill & Co. a bonus of $5,000; which will more than construct a system of pipes from Salt City to Arkansas City sufficient to carry all the brine of these salt springs to that place. The brine once there, the people of Arkansas City offer a large subsidy to encourage the enterprise. Arkansas City people have an eye to business, and know how to promote their own interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
Work upon the foundation of the mill, in course of erection by V. M. Ayres upon the canal, is about completed, and the superstructure will be the next on the tapis. During last week Mr. Ayres received six carloads of material and a turbine wheel for the above and the work of putting the same upon the foundation and preparing the waterway, etc., will be commenced at once.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. 1/4 of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley County, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.
The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactured there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufacture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1-3/4 pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.
The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagreeable to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invariably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining counties, would afterward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.
The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, catarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.
Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.
The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scientists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, although not euphonious, is very appropriate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative properties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connecting it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley County, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Mr. V. M. Ayres, the gentleman who is putting up the new flouring mill on the canal, southeast of town, called upon the TRAVELER last Monday morning, and helped us to spend a half hour very pleasantly. From him we learn that the work upon the superstructure is going on as fast as possible, and if nothing adverse happens, the mill will be enclosed and shingled in two or three days. Sixteen hands are now employed thereon, and it is hoped to have it in running order in about two months time. At first the mill will have four run of burrs, with a producing power of over one hundred barrels per day, but should occasion demand it, its facilities can be largely increased. Work upon the mill race is in progress, and the water-wheel will shortly be in position.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
Work upon the dam across the Arkansas river, in connection with the canal, is still in progress, and making rapid strides toward completion. The river took a slight rise last week, but did no damage to speak of to the work in progress. Many persons, both at home and abroad, are looking anxiously forward to the time when the water will be turned into the course prepared for it and our canal cease to be a problem. Q. E. D.
Since writing the above quite a considerable washout has been made in the bank of the river, at the site of the dam, but men and teams are actively engaged in repairing the damage done, and taking the necessary precautions to prevent more.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
The city council met last Monday evening and passed an ordinance, the terms of which incorporates the land known as Leonard’s addition to the City of Arkansas City within the corporate limits of said city in accordance with arrangements made at the time said land was purchased by the parties having the construction of the canal in hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881. Editorial Page.
Their Remarkable Properties.
Henry Vigus returned home last week from the Geuda Mineral Springs, forty miles below Wichita, in the Arkansas valley. We guess there remains no longer any doubts whatever touching the wonderful properties of these springs, which are right at home. Patients and medical men who have visited at the famous springs of the country, including Saratoga, of New York; White Sulphur, of Virginia; Eureka, of Arkansas; and many others, say that the springs in Sumner County, Kansas, excel them all. Judge Campbell tells us that a bath in these waters is like dipping in water connected with the poles of a strong battery. Vigus says while he was there a man crooked, bent, and helpless was carried to the springs, and that in two weeks he was sporting and dancing about on the prairies.
Geuda is an Indian name, and means healing. There are seven springs within a few yards of each other, no two of which taste alike, but the properties of which do not differ greatly. The famous salt springs are on the same plat of ground, and a large amount of salt will be manufactured there this summer by the lessees, Messrs. Hill & Co.
To many, the waters are at first very disagreeable to the taste, but that soon gives way to a positive liking. Judge Campbell and Henry Vigus both declare that for ulcerations, and other skin diseases, the waters are infallible, while others say that for diabetes, dyspepsia, rheumatism, female diseases, etc., they are equally infallible. There is as much difference in the taste of two of the springs as between rain water and vinegar, but a qualitative analysis of the Geuda springs shows that they contain the bi-carbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
Henry Vigus came back after only two weeks, looking like a new man. Let us make up a party of dyspeptic preachers, diabetic lawyers, diableric editors, and malariac doctors, and armed with beds, tents, and cooking pots, go down and spend a week or two discussing prohibition and getting rid of our grunts. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
The city marshal of the terminus and canal is “blind in one eye and cannot see a bit out of the other” so we should conclude from the fact that he cannot see a drunken man who raves around directly under his nose. The county attorney had to send down there to arrest men who disturb the peace by drunken rows.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
For a few days there has been “music in the air” and charges flying thick about that the Arkansas City Water Power Company was making an attempt to freeze out the city’s interest and get full control of the canal property. The feeling seemed to be that there was a swindle out somewhere and for the past week we have been receiving communications and questions from subscribers at Arkansas City asking for information on the subject. We resolved at once to investigate and publish the facts.
Monday morning a reporter examined the records relating to the different transfers between the city, the canal company, and the stockholders.
We found that the principal instruments on file were: First, a deed from the City to the Arkansas City Water Power Company covering the right of way for the canal. The consideration named is $327.25 in cash, and 800 shares of $25 each, of stock in the company.
Second, a trust deed, executed in favor of Calvin Hood and Geo. A. Newman, of Emporia, covering the canal, right of way, and all the property pertaining thereto and improvements made in the future thereon.
The trust deed is executed for the purpose of securing fifty $1,000 first mortgage bonds, drawing seven percent interest and payable in twenty years. The deed also pledges the revenues derived from the property first to the payment of interest, and the residue to the creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds.
This trust deed, executed as it is, annihilates the stock, as it takes the dividend from the stock and applies it to the payment of, and interest on, the mortgage bonds. It is, in effect, collecting the revenue for years to come in advance.
After an examination of the records, it looked very much as if the city held $20,000 of worthless stock, which could in no event bring any revenue. At noon we took the train for the city to interview the parties interested and gather such facts as might be learned of the condition of affairs.
Upon arrival there we found much uneasiness among the people, and the city government and canal company at swords points. Every citizen we met had a different theory as to the “intentions and designs” of the canal company. One asserted that the company had built the canal with the citizens money and had enough left to pay handsomely for their trouble, and that now they had mortgaged the concern for $50,000 and pocketed the proceeds. The opinion of this calculating citizen was that the five members of the canal company had cleared about $10,500 each on the transaction. Another, a very vehement gentleman, who looked wise and talked “around the corner” told us, with a “wink and two nods,” that the “scheme” was to let the interest payments go by default, the property be sold, and the company would buy it in for a song and thereby wipe out the city’s interest.
We then approached Mr. Matlack, a member of the canal company. We found him to be a very pleasant gentleman. He referred us to Mr. Hill, the contractor, for any information we might wish, and stated that, although a member of the company, he knew little of the “inner workings” of the concern, and had taken hold of it purely as a public enterprise calculated to benefit the town and community.
was the next person approached. We found him alone in his drug store, introduced ourself, stated the object of our visit, and asked for such information as he might desire to give us for the benefit of the people. The gentleman surveyed us from head to foot for a moment, his lower jaw began to droop like the muzzle of a prize bull-dog, and while our eyes wandered toward the door, his euphonious voice came swelling across the counter like the low gurgling of a festive jackass, demanding by what right we presumed to interview him, and what business we had to interfere in a matter which should be settled by themselves.
We politely informed him that we were seeking information for the four hundred subscribers in the vicinity, part of whom had helped to elect him to the exalted position he now occupied, for the purpose of looking after their interests, and who look to us for information as to whether he was doing his duty or not.
That we were there to get his story, and that if he hadn’t any, we would make one for him. That the people demanded to know something of this matter and had a perfect right and privilege to do so. We talked to him like a preacher; and like a converted sinner, he began to see light in the distance, his heart and mouth opened, and he imparted to us the astounding information that “The canal was being built!”
We thanked him for this. He then said he thought the city’s interests in the enterprise were safe enough, and when we asked him what in thunder he was howling about then, he grew restless and intimated that he wasn’t quite so certain about the city’s interests, as a “Winfield lawyer” had told him they were all right. We came to the conclusion that about all he knew about the “city’s interests” was what someone else had told him, and our conclusions were confirmed by subsequent discoveries. One impression we received from the Mayor’s discourse was that he fancied he had made a grand mistake, and allowed the city to be swindled, and that he would like to choke off the newspapers until he could get the matter in shape to go before the people. In fact, he told us that he thought the newspapers had no business “interfering” (as he called it) in the matter until it was settled, as it would excite the people and “set everyone to talking.” He dwelt particularly on the point of “interference,” and like Jeff Davis with secession: “All he wanted was to be let alone.”
Another of the canal company, was found in his office. He greeted us cordially and talked frankly, fairly, and earnestly about the matter. He said that he had taken hold of the matter because he felt that it would be a benefit to the city; and that he had, aside from investing money of his own in the enterprise, entered into bonds and contracts for the creation of the water power. That he and other members of the company were perhaps as large property holders as any in the city, that a large share of the burden of taxation would fall upon them, and that they had every interest of the city as well as the enterprise at heart. He further said that he regretted the feeling of distrust existing in the community, that the canal must be made a success or everything would be lost, as the string of public credit and private subscription has been drawn to its fullest tension, and a recoil would snap it asunder. That under such circumstances, it behooved every citizen to put his shoulder to the wheel and help push, instead of throwing cold water on those who did. The major’s talk was forcible and logical and convinced us that he, at least, was true to the public cause, which, if successful, will of lasting benefit to the city.
In the afternoon we drove with Mr. Sleeth to the works, and found Mr. Hill hard at work by the dam site, superintending the repairs being made on the structure. An appointment for the evening was made to talk over the situation.
Mr. Hill was on hand promptly at the appointed hour, and in a clear and vivid manner gave us a complete history of the scheme from the beginning. He said that he came to Arkansas City, not to work, but to rest. When he came the possible existence of water power was being talked of. Knowing that he had experience in such work, he was asked to take the water level. He did so, and reported about a twenty feet fall from the Arkansas to the Walnut. An engineer was then brought from Kansas City, who again took the level, with the same result.
Mr. Hill, the engineer, thought a canal would be practicable and that 500 horse power could be secured. He then told the city that if they would issue $20,000 bonds, he would take them, furnish the balance of the funds needed, and enter into a contract, secured by a $20,000 bond to be approved by the city officers, to furnish 500 horse power. The bonds were voted, he took them, and commenced operations.
He approached the leading men of the town to take interest with him and they did so; a stock company was organized, the city receiving $20,000, and the company retaining $30,000, or a controlling interest.
Regarding the cost of the work, Mr. Hill said that the total cost up to this time was about $40,000; $18,000 of which had been realized from the city’s bonds.
The matter of the trust deed was then mentioned, when Mr. Hill said: “Herein lies the whole difficulty with the city. Although I have talked to the council for hours, I have failed to make them understand the necessity of issuing mortgage bonds.
“In the first place, we have yet to make a tail race before the power is available, which was not contemplated by the contract with the city. In the next place, mills must be got here to utilize the power or no revenue can be derived from it. Many of these enterprises will need assistance, and as the city is in no condition to do so, we must either do it ourselves and carry the city’s stock, or let the enterprise go, with the revenue which might be derived from it.
“To get out of this difficulty, we resolved to issue mortgage bonds and hold them in the treasury to be used for this purpose. The mortgage would cover the city’s interest in the canal as well as ours, and all would bear the burden alike. We have the bonds, all signed up, in the treasury, ready to be used whenever, and wherever, the interests of the project demands. Now this is all there is in this trust deed. It was certainly the best and only policy to pursue.
“The city’s interests are as fully protected as those of any other stockholder. Twenty thousand of the fifty thousand bonds now in our safe belong, in a certain sense, to it, to be used for the purposes specified in this trust deed: namely, the improvement and embetterment of the property.
“The only trouble with the city officers and the people is, that they do not understand it. They seem to think that this mortgage business is a scheme to wipe out the city’s interest in the canal; and this is about all the thanks we get for pushing the matter through.
“We have contracted to furnish 500 horse power, and we propose to do it. Already we have leased power to two mills for $3,100 per annum, and have 400 horse power left to be used as fast as we can get mills to use it. If we succeed in disposing of the full power, at say, fifty horse power to the mill, it will give us ten mills and an annual revenue of $15,000. This will pay interest on the bonds, provide for the sinking fund, and leave a handsome dividend on the stock. This is all there is of it. If the city acts fairly in this matter, all will be well. If it does not, I shall not answer for the consequences.”
Mr. Hill’s narrative throughout was fair, told in a straight forward manner, and is what we believe to be a plain statement of the case: with a few reservations.
In the first place, we find Mr. Hill to be a gentleman of shrewd business ability and farsightedness, an excellent judge of men and measures, and one whose personal magnetism and manner of expression is such as to convince a person in spite of himself. We realized all these things during his conversation, and wondered that he would give his talents, a summer’s work, and the experience of years solely for the pleasure of building this canal. We believe that Mr. Hill is not doing this work for his health, nor because of any patriotic feeling that might arise within him for the over burdened tax-payers of Arkansas City—nor should any sensible man expect he would. We believe he has his own way of working the scheme in order to secure pecuniary benefit to himself. Whether it is by salary from the company, or by manipulating the stock and bonds, we have no means at present of knowing. According to his own statement, the money invested by the five persons who compose the company, is not in excess of $30,000, or $6,000 each. A man of his experience and ability should certainly be able to earn more during the summer without assuming any of the responsibility, than the dividends on $6,000, even though they be 300 percent. Mr. Hill has not spent six months time and hard work to create a profitable investment for $6,000 of his surplus cash. The city, by holding a minority of the stock is, in a business view, at the mercy of the company; and it is only the good faith of the gentlemen composing it, or the careful management of the city authorities, that will preserve such interest.
We believe that the power is there, and that the enterprise will be a success. That mills will be built and operated successfully, and that the projectors and the people will realize all that the most sanguine have hoped for.
The only difficulty now in the way seems to be the maintenance of a dam across the river. It has already proved a “white elephant” on the hands of the company. Mr. Hill says he can do it, and is doing it. As he knows more about dams than we do, we have put this down as settled. Otherwise, we see no obstacle in the way that the engineers have not fully provided for.
A fine dam is now being enclosed, the foundations are laid for another. They give employment for laborers, cause the expenditure of large sums of money for building materials, and the business of the city is already beginning to feel the impetus of the new life. With a friendly understanding between the company, the city, and the people, all will be well and success will at last crown their efforts. Without it the success of the enterprise cannot be very great, and it will simply be a bone of contention in the community.
Even should the city never receive a cent in return for the bonds voted, the investment is a good one.
We shall have more to say on the subject hereafter.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
We are informed that by tonight the canal will be ready for water, and nothing more is needed but to admit the same whenever the mills are ready for business. It is expected that the Ayres’ mill will soon be ready, as the building is complete and the machinery nearly in place, and work upon the Speers’ mill is being prosecuted vigorously.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The report was correct for a while that the tail gates of the canal had been washed out, and considerable excitement prevailed. An examination, however, proves that no serious damage was done, and three days work will put the gates in a permanently good condition. The damage arose from a neglect to properly protect the bank from the action of the water.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Novelty Factory.
Arrangements have been completed with a Mr. George Smith for the erection of a lock, novelty, and machine repair shop in our city. According to the terms agreed upon between the City Council, Canal Co., and Mr. Smith, a building 27 x 100 feet is to be commenced at once, and at least 25 hands are to be employed the first year, and to be increased according to contract agreed upon. Should this enterprise pan out, it will undoubtedly prove a great benefit to our city in more ways than one, as well as making a great convenience to the farmers and others using machinery in this vicinity.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Geo. W. Smith, of Leavenworth, has contracted to put up a foundry and repair shop at Arkansas City to be run by the canal power.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
The citizens of this township have resolved to free themselves from the thirty-three and one-third percent, which they have always had to pay the millers for grinding. They propose to vote bonds sufficient to assist in putting up a good grist mill, that will grind for one-eighth, as they do in States that wish to live and let live. The mill site and water power in East Bolton is a splendid one, being a cheap and heavy power. Mr. O’Grady, the surveyor and civil engineer, who has just surveyed and leveled the canal, says there is over eleven feet fall without any dam. Good for our side.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881. Editorial Page.
Mr. McKenley, at present a resident of Wellington, was in the city last week and concluded arrangements with the Canal Company for a 40 horse power to be used in manufacturing school furniture, etc. This is one more step in the direction toward making Arkansas City a manufacturing point. We will give further particulars next week.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
Last week the Canal Company perfected a contract with McKenley, of Wellington, for power for a large furniture manufactory on the canal. His contract calls for forty horsepower, which, they are to furnish him for $800 a year. Mr. McKenley is now in Wellington settling up his business affairs there, preparatory to moving his machinery and worldly goods to this city, when he will commence the erection of four buildings, two to be 30 x 40, one 20 x 30, and one 16 x 20, to be used as buildings for his manufactory. He will principally manufacture school and church furniture, but will be prepared to turn out anything in the furniture line. Mr. McKenley is a man of wealth and experience, and will no doubt make this new enterprise a success, which will prove to him a paying investment, and be of lasting benefit to the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
We understand more teams and work hands are required on the canal. Good wages will be paid, and no man who wants work need be blue.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Cowley County, Kansas, November A. D. 1881 Term.
W. S. Houston vs. Arkansas City Canal Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881. Editorial Page.
A Booming Burg.
[Special Correspondence, Kansas City Times.]
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Oct. 31. Although this is one of the frontier and border towns of Kansas, and possesses in a marked degree the characteristic stir and bustle of such places, it, nevertheless, is free from a number of their distinguishing peculiarities. The yell of the festive cowboy is here but seldom heard, and such scenes as that which occurred at Hunnewell recently, in which over three shots were exchanged and a young lady shot dead, have never yet been witnessed at this place. It has the make-up of an interior town, with all the push and enterprise and the business aspect of the cattle shipping points.
Arkansas City is, in fact, a supply point for all the vast country lying south and inhabited by the semi-civilized red man. Wagon trains, whose teams are driven by Indians, arrive here, load and depart almost daily. Some of them number thirty or forty teams and drivers. There are several extensive outfitting stores in this place, which furnish all these trains with merchandise and supplies, they being taken to the different agencies and there distributed by the Indian agents. The government has issued to these indolent wretches wagons, teams, harness, plows, reapers, threshers, drills, harrows, and in fact the most complete and improved farm machinery for their use, with the hope that it will induce them to become industrious and earn their own livelihood by their own exertion and labor. This has been the policy of the government for a number of years, and it is astonishing what a vast number of teams and wagons and agricultural implements they are capable of utilizing, and what tedious and uncertain progress they make toward proficiency in the art of agriculture or labors of diligence or industry.
Arkansas City is completely surrounded by one of the finest and best countries in the State of Kansas, and it is safe to say that it embraces some of the richest farming land lying outdoors. There has never yet been a failure of crops in this locality. This section, while crops were cut short by the drought in other locations, corn and wheat in the valley of the Walnut and Arkansas have made full yields, averaging thirty-five or forty bushels of the former and from fifteen to twenty bushels of the latter to the acre. For this reason the town and surrounding country are prosperous, and, indeed, I have seen no town in Kansas this fall which has shown such indubitable evidences of prosperity and improvement.
Within a few miles of Arkansas City are the Geuda Mineral Springs, which are of themselves the greatest natural curiosity of the west, and well deserve more than the passing notice which I am able to give them. They are seven in number, all situated within an area of forty feet square, each being different from the other, and each being very strongly impregnated. Nor are the professional services of a chemist necessary in order to discern the difference, as it is easily manifested by the taste. One is strongly impregnated with chloride of sodium and sulphur, another with sodium and iron, and another with magnesia, with no taste of sodium distinguishable. These waters are very strongly impregnated, only one of them being in any manner mild in taste, and it closely resembles that of the Cusenberry Springs.
For years these springs have been almost unknown except to a few, although it is said that the Indians well knew of their existence and their vast curative powers, and even now frequently visit them and partake of their waters, as the line of the Indian Territory is but a few miles from where they are situated. It is from the Indian dialect that the name is derived, “Geuda” meaning “healing waters.”
A few months ago the spot from whence issued these remarkable waters was grown over with a dense mass of grass and bulrushes, but now it has been cleared off and each spring tubed and the ground laid with flag stones.
Your correspondent visited this singular place, and, with a skeptical exactitude, tasted and retested the waters which flowed from each, and left full convinced that they were something very unusual. Their curative powers have already been thoroughly tested, and they have been pronounced by eminent chemists the best shown. The people living in the vicinity have tried them, and they have already worked surprising cures. Large quantities of these waters are taken away daily to all parts of the vicinity, some of it going as far as Wichita and Winfield.
Even while your correspondent was at the springs a wagon drove up and loaded for Winfield, and a number of persons came in carriages and on horseback to examine the springs or to drink of the waters, which are given away without money and without price. The land upon which the springs are situated is owned by Hon. Robert Mitchell, of Arkansas City, who has made arrangements with Dr. W. F. Standiford, of Indiana, to have a large Sanitarium erected and operated at the springs, and the building will be completed in a short time. A commodious bath house has already been erected just below the springs where wonderful cures are performed almost daily. Altogether it is safe to say that these springs, each so close to the other and each so very different from the other, are really the wonder of the day and age. Another peculiarity of these springs are that they come straight up from below. Eight inch water pipes sixteen feet long are sunk down into the earth and from these the waters flow. Two of these pipes are within eighteen inches of each other, and yet the water from each is entirely different and very strong. They are a veritable curiosity and well worth a trip to see.
Arkansas City, though having but a population of less than 2,000, nevertheless has a first class system of water works by which water is supplied to all parts of the town and to all parts of the largest and highest buildings. Water mains are laid through the main street running lengthwise of the town, with side mains running transversely from the same.
Another very commendable enterprise in which the town is interested is the digging of a canal or water course from the Arkansas to the Walnut River. The town lies several miles above the confluence of these streams and the canal is cut just below town from one stream to the other. It is three and a half miles long and twenty feet wide and secures a water fall of twenty feet in that distance. This canal will be so arranged that it will accommodate and supply ten or twelve first class water power privileges, with a large amount of water to spare for other purposes. The enterprise is handled by a joint stock company, and will necessitate an outlay of about $60,000. The work has been in progress all summer and will be completed in a few weeks.
Arkansas City certainly has no reason to be ashamed of the progress she has made during the past year. No town in the State has made a more healthy or permanent growth in the past, nor has brighter prospects for the future. DE VERA.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
Mr. McKenley, the furniture manufacturer of Wellington, has at this writing, made no arrangements for power with the Canal company of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
Mill owners and Manufacturers should take notice and profit by the “ad” of the Arkansas City Water Power Company, which appears in this issue. This company have all the power they claim, and special inducements will be extended to Woolen and Paper Manufacturers.
The Arkansas City Water Power Company, of Arkansas City, Kansas, have just completed a Canal 2½ miles long, from the Arkansas river to the Walnut river, giving upwards of 20 feet fall, making it the best Water Power in the State of Kansas. Special inducements will be offered to Woolen and Paper
R. C. HAYWOOD, Secretary.
JAMES HILL, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
A visit to the new mills, on the canal, reveals that progress is rapidly being made towards completion.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Water flows—in the canal we mean.
Do not believe anything ever came of Bolton Township plans for a mill...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
From Bolton Township.
Ed. Traveler:
A few words in reference to the difference to a family’s expenses in the matter of breadstuffs caused by the differences in toll charged by the miller, say between one-third and one-eighth toll. We find an ordinary family will use the flour from twenty-four bushels of wheat every year. To get the flour from that amount, where a toll of one-third is taken, it is necessary to take to the mill thirty-six bushels, while at a toll of one-eight (as the Bolton Mill Company propose to charge), you only have to take twenty-seven bushels and twenty-one pounds to get the same amount of flour, thus making a difference of eight bushels and forty pounds or, in money at present prices, about $8.40.
Now the citizens of Bolton Township propose to vote bonds to assist in the erection of a mill in this Township which will grind for a 1/8 toll. Bonds to the amount of seven thousand dollars at seven percent interest per annum would necessitate a tax not exceeding one dollar and forty cents for each quarter section of land, which would show a clear saving of seven dollars a year to every 160 acre farm in this township and this after paying the interest on the bonds. This $7 with interest at 10 percent for 20 years will amount to $325 not counting any compound interest, which would enlarge the savings still more. It is almost enough to make the hair on a man’s head stand up like hog’s bristles only to think of it. The proposed mill would add to the tax valuation of our township not less than $7,000, which will pay in taxes four percent of the interest on the bonds, leaving only three percent for the people of the township to pay. B. T. CANAL CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
A good success—our canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Arkansas City has now the finest water power in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Thoroughly tested, and in every particular a glorious success is the Canal just completed by the Arkansas City Water Power Construction Company.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
I. H. Bonsall has some excellent photograms [? photographs ?] of the new mills on the south end of the canal. They are gems in their line and speak well for the ability of the artist to do first-class work.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
The water was turned into the raging canal at Arkansas City last week. The banks and the fall gates stood the pressure first rate and the managers feel sanguine. The mills will not be ready to grind for a month.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 21, 1881.
Successfully Completed.
A Memorable Event in the History of Cowley County.
And Arkansas City the Future Queen of the South West.
Universally Acknowledged to Have the Best
Water Power in the State of Kansas.
Magnificent Inducements Offered to Owners of Paper Mills and
General Manufacturing Interests.
Last week witnessed the completion of an undertaking that will exert an unbounded influence on the future of Arkansas City, and raise her to a pinnacle of commercial prosperity far beyond what even the most sanguine of our citizens dared to hope for but one short year ago.
It is now nearly a year since the canal project, now so successfully completed, was broached, and the accomplished fact of today, at that time, was deemed by many, a dream of Utopia. The undertaking of a scheme of such engineering and financial magnitude by so small a corporation is almost without a precedent, and the canal today is a living witness to the pluck, energy, and skill of the citizens of Arkansas City, which is now fairly launched on the sea of commerce that will eventually make her a
A description of this undertaking we think will be of interest to all our readers, and we, therefore, present, in as concise a form as possible, the facts in connection therewith. As was said before, the project was inaugurated by the procuring of a charter, bearing date of
January 12th, 1881,
with Messrs. James Hill, R. C. Haywood, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, and S. Matlack, all citizens of this city, as the charter members. The capital stock of the company was
that being the estimate, and the sequel has proved the actual cost of the enterprise.
The direction of the canal is from a point on the Arkansas River, northwest of town, bearing in a southeasterly course, across the southwest corner of the town site, to a point on the Walnut river, near the Endicott farm, the total length of the canal being about two and a half miles, with a water section of about one hundred cubic feet, with a center current of about four miles per hour. The actual fall obtained in that distance being twenty-two feet, giving
as it now stands, but an unlimited power is within easy reach, and will be further utilized as occasion demands. The head of water was obtained by constructing a dam 900 feet in length and a backwater of five feet across the Arkansas River, and the flow of water into the canal is regulated by a set of four sluices set into the head gates, which are of masonry, of the most solid description and constructed with the utmost care. The course of the canal is almost exclusively through soils favorable to its construction, one half mile being in solid rock, thus tending materially to enhance its success at a nominal outlay. At the point where the canal reaches the Walnut, another set of sluices and gates have been constructed, which allows the surplus water to enter a raceway running to the Walnut River.
At the present stage of the Arkansas, the canal when filled will furnish the force of 700 horsepower, receiving water from the Arkansas River as fast as it is used and run into the Walnut. The Company have already leased two water privileges of 60 horsepower each to the new flouring mills, now almost completed at the east end of the canal. Several other mill owners are negotiating with the Company for power and it is only a question of a short time before Arkansas City will become a wheat and manufacturing center of the first importance.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
Mr. Ayres informs us that he expects to have his mill in shape to commence grinding about the middle of January. Workmen are now busily engaged in putting the wheel into position.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
We call attention to the professional card of Mr. J. D. C. O’Grady, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, which appears in this issue. Mr. O’Grady has been engaged in the work upon our canal, as well as by the Government, and upon several private undertakings, and in every case has proved himself thoroughly efficient in his profession.
Arkansas City, Kans.
(Official Engineer of the City.)
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
The Medicine Lodge (Kansas) Index is of the opinion that the success of the St. Louis and San Francisco railroad in securing the right-of-way through the Choctaw Nation, is not only an important step towards the opening of the Territory to white settlement, but is the death knell of Caldwell, Medicine Lodge, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, and other border Kansas towns.
It will be a death knell we are all anxious to hear. Arkansas City with its water power on the Walnut canal from the Arkansas, with mills and factories already looming up all round, will be the supply point for half the Territory. Let her open.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Mr. V. M. Ayres, of Arkansas City, made us a pleasant call Friday. He is investing a large amount of capital in a mill on the canal and will have a most complete establishment when finished. We are glad to see such men as Mr. Ayres settling in our county. A judicious investment of capital in mills and other such enterprises cannot fail to benefit the whole county.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882. Editorial Page.
Mr. V. M. Ayres, of Arkansas City, made us a pleasant call Friday. He is investing a large amount of capital in a mill on the canal and will have a most complete establishment when finished. We are glad to see such men as Mr. Ayres settling in our county. A judicious investment of capital in mills and other such enterprises cannot fail to benefit the whole county.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
A side track is to be laid to V. M. Ayres mill on the canal, and the orders for its construction have been given to the R. R. company.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Pat. Franey, the popular and gentlemanly construction boss on the canal works, was the recipient of a very handsome Christmas present. The testimonial which was presented by the Canal Company and employees, as a token of their respect and appreciation of his services, and faithful discharge of the onerous duties devolving upon him, took the shape of a very elegant gold watch and chain, and will doubtless be a much valued, as well as very useful souvenir, of the friends by whom it was presented.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
We are requested to announce that the Bolton Township Canal and Mill Company have postponed their enterprise for the present. Our correspondent says: “By Mr. V. M. Ayres announcing that he will do all custom work for about one-eighth toll, especially wheat. That is all the people want. They merely wish to live and let live.”
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Creswell Chimes.
The Canal company are ready to turn the water in as soon as the mills are ready, which will be about one month yet. The new mills will charge but one-eighth for toll, which gladdens the hearts of our farmers.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
Skating was indulged in by some of our people last week upon the canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
From Bolton.
Ed. Traveler:
Will you please announce that in consequence of Mr. Ayre’s intention to grind for about one-eight toll, the Bolton Canal and Mill Company have postponed their enterprise.
W. G. KAY.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
Stacy Matlack went skating on the raging canal the other day. He broke through the ice, and as the silvery waves kissed his suspender buttons, front and rear, he gently murmured
o-o-oh-Oh-OH! May b-be you don’t think this is cold.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
A gay and festive young couple from near Winfield were down visiting the Canal City Friday, and having their “picture took” at Mrs. Steven’s gallery. They were so sweet on each other that the flies peeped out from their winter quarters to take a look at them.
A. C. Democrat.
Stand up, you fellows! Who has been to Arkansas City?
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
A representative of the paper boarded the train Monday, and in company with his better half, the comparative degree is acknowledged with all humility, took a “ride on the cars” down to our sister city and “did” the lively place to the best of our ability.
It had been some time since we had walked the classic streets and got sand in our shoes, and things seemed comparatively strange and new. However, we had the energetic and genial presence of H. G. Fuller to remind us of home and keep up our spirits and didn’t sigh for “home, sweet home” very much.
We were given gentlemanly care by the proprietor of the City Hotel, who satisfied the craving of a good appetite in a very satisfactory manner. Arkansas City is enjoying considerable prosperity. None of her business or dwelling houses stand empty, many new buildings are being erected, and there seems to be a healthy business life. The city by the canal has never had a real boom, but has grown steadily nevertheless, and while many other towns are standing still, this little city seems to have just commenced to get in earnest about growing and stirring around.
The people with whom we talked spoke with some enthusiasm of the future of the place and the signs are certainly favorable. The schools there re in a flourishing condition, the attendance is large, and Prof. Atkinson is liked well by the people. About forty of the young men have organized a Y. M. C. A., several secret societies seem to be in good life, and the stream of social and business life appears to be quite rapid. We of course called upon our brothers in arms and found them immersed in business. The Democrat and Traveler seem to be prospering and we hear the papers spoken well of. They are both live and energetic sheets, and deserve the hearty support of the citizens.
We saw no loafers, except some noble red men, and everybody seems to have business that demanded their individual attention.
In the afternoon we visited the canal for the first time, under the guiding and protecting care of Will Mowry, who is known for his courtesy and kindness and who holds a large place in the life of the city. The raging canal wasn’t raging when we gazed into its depths, but was as calm and shallow as a backyard mud-puddle in July. We could see where the angry waves had lashed its muddy sides when the head gate was raised. The water had been shut off to allow repairs on the flume walls of one of the mills; the water, when turned on, having broken around the walls on each side and causing considerable damage. This was at Ayres’ mill, one that has recently been put up and furnished with machinery and will be in running order this week, it is thought. This mill is owned by V. M. Ayres, is a big investment for the place where it is established, and shows much labor under difficulties, and an enterprising spirit that should certainly be amply rewarded. The mill represents a property valuation of about $25,000 and is furnished completely with the most improved and modern machinery, not excelled by many larger mills. The milling work is under the charge of W. T. Bell, formerly of Wichita, and of known experience and ability.
Another mill is in process of building, owned by W. H. Spears, which when finished, will represent about $15,000 more of valuable property that the canal has brought to its banks. The mill will be of stone and well fitted out with machinery of modern make.
These two enterprises are certainly worthy of support by the farmers of that section and no doubt will receive it. The ability of the canal to furnish unlimited power is thoroughly demonstrated, and if the water can be controlled, as we have no reason to doubt, the question of ample and convenient water power at Arkansas City is forever settled. The canal is a big project for a few people of this county. It would be a big thing for the whole county to have engineered through successfully, and the canal is overwhelming evidence of enterprise and genius of the citizens at the terminus that will bring them victory or leave them with thin feet to the foe.
We met C. M. Scott, whose orbit is so eccentric that one is liable to run across him in most any place and at any time, and sat in his office and contemplated several skulls with appropriate motives, and other cheerful reminders of death. “Yes,” said C. M. sadly, “that skull once contained the intelligence of a beautiful Indian maiden, who is dead now, and that little skull you see over there was picked up by me near the Cimarron river, and belonged to some white child who had been scalped by the Indians, and who is now dead, also.” We didn’t visit long with the scout, editor, gentleman, sheep dealer, and phrenologist, but departed soon.
Ron...just do not know if this is the same Jim Hill we are covering...MAW
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
A petition has been filed for the appointment of James Hill as administrator of the Estate of Capt. Chenoweth and as guardian of the children.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Mr. James Hill is Administrator of W. E. Chenoweth’s estate.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Col. McMullen visited Arkansas City Thursday and looked over the canal and other public improvements.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Word reached us Friday that the flume walls at Ayres mills, on the tunnel at Arkansas City, have been washed completely out. Mr. Ayres had just finished repairing a bad break in the same place, and turned the water in the canal for the second time with the result as stated. This is very discouraging. Mr. Ayres has worked hard, expended much money, and was getting in good condition to start his mill, and these catastrophes are not the most cheering things in the world.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Hurrah for the Canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
V. M. Ayres’ Canal Mills are now in full blast.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
The Canal Mills are now grinding custom work.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Our Canal is a demonstrated power in our midst, no more ifs and ands about it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
These mills, situated upon the canal, one mile southeast from town and owned by V. M. Ayres, are now one of Arkansas City’s established and permanent improvements. The water was turned on last Tuesday, and all the complicated machinery felt the power, and without a single hitch its every part performed the duty for which it was intended, thus resulting in a thorough success. We congratulate Mr. Ayres upon his final victory over the obstacles which seemed to beset him on every hand and trust that this auspicious start may be the prelude to a long and prosperous career for the Canal Mills.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
THE COURANT was misinformed last week and caused to give out the report that the Canal Mills at Arkansas City had been damaged by water, when there was no damage sustained. Mr. V. M. Ayres, the proprietor, was up today, and informed us of the error, which we are pleased to correct. Instead of being washed out, the mill is in good working order, and Mr. Ayres says he will be ready at any time now to attend to the wants of the public so far as the milling business is concerned.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
The canal down at the terminus is running nicely now. The break in the flume of Ayres’ mill has been repaired and everything seems favorable for the brave water conductors, and the towering success of their scheme.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1882.
The canal flow at the terminus is running steady now. The break in the flume of Ayres’ mill has been repaired and everything seems favorable for the brave water conductors, and the towering success of their scheme.
Mr. V. M. Ayres, proprietor of the new canal mills at Arkansas City, was in town Tuesday. His mill was started up Monday and is now running at full head. He finds he has abundant power to run all the complicated machinery necessary to make flour by the new “patent” process. Mr. Ayres intends to devote his attention more especially to custom work.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
While in Arkansas City yesterday C. A. Bliss took a look through the Ayres mill on the canal. He pronounces it to be a good one.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
The Canal Mills.
It is but one year ago that Mr. Ayres, the proprietor of the above mills, came to this section of the Southwest while in search of a location for a mill, yet last week saw, as the result of that visit, the successful completion and starting of the finest mill yet erected in this section of the country. Before entering into a minute description of the water-powered building, machinery, etc., we will say a few words with reference to the novel features of the undertaking, the advantages of the gradual reduction process, and other improvements.
There are three methods of milling at present in use, which may be designated as “Old Style,” “New Process,” and “Gradual Reduction.” “Old Style” is that generally pursued by the majority of small custom and grist mills, while the “New Process” consists in purifying and regrinding the middlings made in the old way, and may be said to be half way between the “Old Style” and “Gradual Reduction” milling of the present day.
Gradual Reduction, as its name implies, consists in reducing the wheat to flour, shorts, and bran, by several successive operations, or reductions, technically called breaks, the process going on gradually, each break leaving the material a little finer than the preceding one. Usually five reductions or breaks are made, though six or seven may be used. The larger the number of breaks, the more complicated the system becomes, and it is preferable to keep it as simple as possible, for even at its simplest it requires a good, wide-awake, thinking miller to handle it successfully. When it is thoroughly and systematically carried out in the mill, it is without question as much in advance of the New Process as that is ahead of the old style of milling.
The mill building is a frame structure of three stories in height, 30 x 36 feet, with a frame lean-to of two stories, 26 x 36 feet, the whole being mounted upon substantial stone foundation walls three feet in thickness. There are also an office and store room fitted with 4 ton scales separate from the mill proper.
The capacity of the mill, when in full run, is 150 barrels per day. Every convenience, for doing both custom and merchant grinding, is provided, the reels for which are kept separate, so that a man bringing his grist to mill can, if he so wishes, secure the flour from his own wheat and will not be kept waiting very long either.
The machinery of the mill is run by a 20 foot head of water, which sets in motion an American Turbine wheel, with a diameter of sixty inches, capable of transmitting sixty horse power. It is run in a forebay [?] of masonry, the outside measurement of which is twenty feet, inside 10 feet, further strengthened by four 3/4-inch stayrods anchored into the walls every three feet.
The interior arrangements of the mill have been made with a special view to the convenient dispatch of business, and the different parts of the complicated machinery which compose the Canal Mills is distributed about as follows.
In the basement we find the Line Shaft, which is driven by a pair of mitre wheels of nine inch base and 59 cogs with a pitch of 2-1/2 inches. One wheel is fitted with wooden and the other iron cogs, thus assuring comparative outlet in working. The burs frame is placed on solid masonry 30 x 8 feet and 6 feet in height, and supports 4 spindles, two of which are fitted with bevel gear and two with belt and upright shaft with bevel gear. The cleaning machinery, run by a belt wheel on the main shaft, consists of a Barnard & Lease Separator, Eureka Smutter [?], Eureka Brush, and a Monogram Blower of the Steubenbaker pattern.
We also find on this floor a Corn sheller capable of shelling 2,000 bushels a day, by which patrons of the mill can have their corn shelled without any extra charge. One convenient feature is that the grain can be fed to the sheller direct from the wagon on the outside, or from the inside, as circumstances render convenient. There are wheat and corn bins on this floor, the former having a capacity of 2,000 bushels and the latter of 800 bushels.
We now come to the first, or main, business floor, upon which are found four run of stones mounted on a line hurst, three sets of rolls, one pair of reduction rolls, one pair of smooth rolls, for middlings, and a pair of corrugated rolls for bran. There are fifteen elevators on this floor, a steam generator, for heating wheat and warming hurst, two flour bins, one Barnard & Lease flour packer, and large corn meal and bran bin.
The first thing that attracts attention on the second floor are four bolting reels, two of which are 30 inches in diameter and 20 feet long, and two 32 inches in diameter and 18 feet long. Flour bin for packer, a corn meal bolt, middlings bin, and large bran bin. The counter shaft for driving the purifiers and bran duster on the upper floors are also in this part of the mill.
Upon the upper or third floor are six reels, two 30 inches in diameter and 20 feet long, two 32 inches in diameter and 18 feet long; the scalping reel 32 inches in diameter and 12 feet long, and the reduction roll reel 30 inches in diameter and 12 feet long. There are also 17 elevators, bran duster, purifier with all the requisite machinery for working the same to the best advantage.
We congratulate Mr. Ayres upon the successful completion of this enterprise, and doubt not the advantages, offered by him to the farmers of this section, will meet with a ready response.
In this connection a word of credit is due to Mr. G. W. Abbott, of Avon, Fulton Co., Illinois, who has had charge of the construction of the mill. Mr. Abbott is a thorough mill wright, and the Canal Mills are a testimony to his ability.
We understand that Wm. Speers has secured the services of Mr. Abbott to get his new mill in running shape.
Canal Mills
ARKANSAS CITY, ... APRIL 15th, 1882.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
A bus load of the young fellows of the city took in Arkansas City Sunday. We have not yet learned how disastrous to the city their visit was. We expect that the canal is dry.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Amos Walton dropped in to see us Monday. He reports things booming around Arkansas City, and money circulating freely—although we don’t see how he found out about the money business. The canal is running nicely, mills grinding out the “staff of life,” a gravel train loading daily, and other enterprises going forward. In other words, the city is booming.
Ron, no way of telling if this was our James Hill...MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
It cost Cowley County $35.00 to get Mr. Thomas J. Sheddan ready for the Insane Asylum. $6 for six jurors, $2.90 each to Dr. Alexander, A. C. Gould, T. F. Huffman, and James Hill. $13.60 to Geo. McIntire for catching him, $3.25 to Sheriff Shenneman for keeping him, and $1.45 to the jailor.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
The lodge of A. O. U. W. of this city paid the two thousand dollars insurance due the heirs of W. E. Chenoweth last Saturday. One thousand dollars was paid to Mrs. Chenoweth and one thousand dollars to Mr. James Hill as administrator of the estate, for the benefit of the heirs. This is the first death that has occurred in this lodge so far.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
The gravel contract under the live management of Mr. James Hill, still booms at the rate of over thirty cars a day. This enterprise furnishes employment, at good wages, to a large number of hands, and we hope that the contract now being filled may be but a forerunner of others in the future.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
We think the ’bus load of young fellows that went to Arkansas City Sunday before last didn’t need to drain the canal dry, for from the smell of the ’bus we should judge they took their drink along with them.
MARRIED. Thursday the 13th, Mr. Simeon Beech and Miss Ella Grimes were joined in the “holy bonds of padlock,” and last Monday night the boys of the neighborhood took a notion to go over and make Sam treat. They banged around for awhile and then went in. Instead of the treat they expected, they made a hasty retreat. SCHUYLERIUS.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Her Mills and Churches, Dogs, and Gravel Beds.
Mr. Uriah Spray, trustee of Creswell Township, returned his books today (Wednesday). His enumeration shows the population of Arkansas City to be 1,356; the population of Creswell Township, outside of the city, 671, and total population of both township and city 2,027. The population of Arkansas City last year was 937, consequently the increase in the population during the year is 419. This is an excellent showing for our neighbor and we congratulate her on such substantial evidences of prosperity. The interests in the township, outside of the city, is 77. The total increase in population in both city and township is 496. The township has 2,850 acres of growing wheat, 5,089 acres of growing corn, and 8,895 bushels of old corn on hand. The township has about one dog for every five people, and only two goats. The ladies of the township made 17,175 pounds of butter during the year. Under the head of “Mines and Mining,” Mr. James Hill exhibits gravel beds worth in plant $12,000, with a product of 200 tons daily worth $125. He works 12 teams and 16 men and pays out $2,000 per month for labor. Under the head of “Manufactories,” are three grist mills. That of Searing & Mead, capital invested $29,000, work 9 men and grind 351 bushels per day. Wm. Speers’ Mill, capital invested $7,000, grinds 250 bushels per day. M. V. Ayres’ Mill, capital invested, $20,000, grinds 500 bushels per day. In the city G. Smith has a Lock Factory, capital invested $1,500, works 27 hands and works up 200 pounds brass per day. Mr. Speers also has another mill in the city, capital invested $1,000. The churches of the city are also represented. The Presbyterian Church building, worth $2,000 and 155 members. The M. E. Church building worth $3,000 and has 107 members. The U. P. Church building worth $2,500 and has [?] members.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Bert Crapster supped at the City Hotel Sunday. It is the first visit Bert has made us for some time.
St. John for Governor and Hackney for Congress; then we’re fixed, sure, in good shape.
Geo. Gardenhier drove a bunch of cows and calves to his home on Grouse Creek last week. They have been on Duck Creek, Indian Territory.
Mrs. H. W. Young and child, of Independence, have been in the city several days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Ayres.
Messrs. Scott and Topliff have the boss sheep ranche in this section of the country, with sheds and corrals for over 2,500 sheep as well as other conveniences erected at a cost of over $1,000.
Ourself and Charles H. Burgess, of Buffalo Bill’s Indian Troupe, accompanied C. M. Scott to his sheep ranche last week and partook of fried bacon, strong coffee, eggs, etc., in a style that proved all hands perfectly familiar with ranching.
The gravel contract, under the live management of Mr. James Hill, still booms at the rate of over thirty cars a day. This enterprise furnishes employment, at good wages, for a large number of hands, and we hope that the contract now being filled may be but a forerunner of others in the future
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
The Geuda Springs company are supplying water from their springs, all over the state, and giving the best satisfaction. Let her boom, if we can’t have whiskey, we can have water.
Mr. Hill is now rolling out twenty-one cars of gravel a day, paying good wages, and employing a good force of men and teams. There is a prospect of enlarging the contract so as to make this a permanent institution, at least to keep it long enough to become a resident. So mote it be.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882. Personals Page.
Arkansas City Boom.
From the books of Uriah Spray, trustee of Creswell Township, we glean the following statistics which are decidedly encouraging.
His enumeration shows the population of Arkansas City to be 1,356; the population of Creswell Township, outside of the city, 671; and the total population of both township and city, 2,027.
The population of Arkansas City last year was 937; consequently, the increase in the population during the year: 419.
The increase in the township, outside of the city, is 77. The total increase in population in both city and township is 496.
The township has 2,853 acres of growing wheat, 5,089 acres of growing corn, and 8,885 bushels of old corn on hand.
The township has about one dog for every five people, and only two goats.
The ladies of the township made 17,175 pounds of butter during the year.
Under the head of “Mines and Mining,” Mr. James Hill exhibits gravel beds worth in plant $12,000, with a product of 200 tons daily, worth $125. He works 12 teams and 16 men and pays out $2,000 per month for labor.
Under the head of “Manufactories” are three grist mills. That of Searing & Mead, capital invested $20,000, work ___ men, and grind 351 bushels per day. Wm. Speers’ Mill, capital invested $7,000, grinds 250 bushels per day. V. M. Ayres’ Mill, capital invested, $20,000. Grinds 500 bushels per day.
Mr. Speers also has another mill in the city, capital invested $1,000.
In the city G. Smith has a Lock Factory, capital invested $1,500, works 27 hands, and works up 200 pounds brass per day.
The churches of the city are also represented.
1. The Presbyterian church building, worth $2,000, and has 155 members.
2. The M. E. church building, worth $3,000, and has 107 members.
3. The U. P. church building, worth $2,500, and has 70 members.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
The water was allowed to run through the canal with both flood gates open, last Saturday, in order to wash out the mud deposited in the bottom. It did the business effectually. No fears are now entertained of the filling of the canal with debris.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Mr. V. M. Ayres, of the Canal Mills, of Arkansas City, was in town Wednesday night. He says that harvest has already commenced in the great Arkansas Valley. Independent Star.
Ron...am sending my recent talk about C. M. Scott...ties in with next entry that Kay made years ago...MAW July 14, 2000.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Just before leaving, we drove over to the salt works of Mr. James Hill, which we found in active operation under the supervision of T. McIntire, who informed us that he had 100 vats in working order, which, under favorable circumstances, would yield from 15 to 20 barrels per week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Mrs. James Hill and Mrs. Emma Chenoweth started on Monday’s afternoon train for Spring Vale, Ontario, Canada, wither they go to visit friends and relatives. They will probably be absent several months.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Mr. James Hill has a new steam engine, at the gravel beds, by the aid of which he proposes to dredge the gravel from the bed of the Walnut river by a rather original method. No conception of the amount of work being done at the beds can be had except from a personal inspection. Note: In 1882 there were 4,500 carloads of gravel shipped from these beds.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
The TRAVELER office, last week, turned out a batch of printing for V. M. Ayres, of the Canal Flouring Mills of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
We hear talk of some more water works for the city, the same to be run by water power from the canal. The undertaking would demand some capital, but its value to the city would be incalculable. Our town is rapidly assuming metropolitan proportions, and what was a sufficiency for all purposes two years ago is not enough to sprinkle our streets at the present time.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
To work on the Gravel Bar. Wages $3.50 per day. James Hill.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
We call attention to the new “ad.” of the Eagle Mills, which appears in this issue. These mills are under the management of W. H. Speers, who will be pleased to see his old patrons at his new quarters on the banks of the raging canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
The Eagle Mills on the canal is now running on full time, and doing fine work. Mr. Speers says he is ready to exchange or do custom work at any time night or day.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Archie Dunn has rigged up a pump and now draws his supply of water to sprinkle our streets direct from the canal. He don’t seem to care now whether the wind blows or not.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
One H. D. Kellogg, a physician and druggist of Arkansas City, announces himself in this week’s TRAVELER as an independent candidate for the legislature from the 67th district. The Doctor will be remembered as the gentleman who figured so conspicuously in relieving Arkansas City of her interest in the Canal, and to whom the people are largely indebted for the 7 percent taxation under which they are now groaning. It is also whispered that he is a sort of anti-prohibition candidate. This is as it should be. We have in our little memorandum book some things that will prove intensely interesting. The Doctor’s candidacy will add much life to the campaign in the south district if he only remains on the ticket long enough to get the ball rolling. Courier.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Winfield Machine Works.
Mr. Abbott, the new member of the firm, is a practical Millwright and Draughtsman from Avon, Illinois. He came to Kansas in June, 1881, with Mr. Ayres, to superintend the building of his new mill on the canal at Arkansas City, after which he superintended putting in the machinery of Mr. W. H. Speer’s new mill at the same place, and is well qualified to build any mill from the water wheel or engine to the flour packer.
Mr. S. Clarke has been with us since September, 1878, and is a machinist, engineer, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Farmers having wheat to sell should read V. M. Ayres’ special notices in this issue.
NOTICE: 25,000 Bushels of Wheat wanted at the Canal Mills. Will give best prices. V. M. Ayres.
NOTICE: Highest Cash Price paid for wheat at the Canal Mills. V. M. Ayres.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Remember that on Thursday, Dec. 7th, a proposition will be submitted to vote bonds to the amount of $4,000 for the purpose of building a bridge across the Arkansas river near the canal dam. The bridge is to be built by Creswell township.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
We call attention to the coal card, of James Hill, which appears elsewhere in this issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
A bridge should be constructed across the Walnut River at Harmon’s Ford to enable stockmen to drive to the railroad stock pens, as well as to let the farmers into the canal mills, and into town without driving half a dozen miles out of the way.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
The Latest. The following extracts from the proceedings of the City Council of Arkansas City will explain to our readers the modus operandi of the transaction by which the city is relieved of the last of its Canal stock.
On February 26th, 1883, at a meeting of the Council, with A. A. Newman, Mayor, and Councilmen James Benedict, H. D. Kellogg, and John M. Ware in attendance, the following petition was presented.
To the Hon. A. A. Newman, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City. We the undersigned members of the Council of the said city most respectfully petition you to call a meeting of the Council to consider a proposition to aid the construction of a Flour Mill on the canal. Said meeting to be called for this evening at 7 o’clock p.m., Feb. 26th, 1883.
The meeting was called in accordance with the above petition, and Mr. Hill made a proposition to have the city transfer $6,000 of the city’s claim against the Arkansas City Water Power Company to said company, in consideration of the company putting up a flouring mill on said canal. No action taken, and an adjournment to meet at 4 o’clock p.m., February 27th, 1883, was had.
Council met as adjourned. Present: A. A. Newman, Mayor, H. D. Kellogg, James Benedict, John M. Ware. V. M. Ayres, and O. S. Rarick, Councilmen. No action taken, and the Council adjourned to meet at 4 o’clock p.m. of March 1st, 1883.
A. A. Newman, Mayor, James Benedict, O. S. Rarick, and John M. Ware, councilmen, present. H. D. Kellogg and V. M. Ayres absent.
Motion by James Benedict that the Clerk be instructed to draw up an ordinance in compliance with a contract made this day with James Hill, President of the Arkansas City Water Power Co., to expend $2,000 in transmitting power from their canal to the pump at the spring now used by said city with water, and said company agree to furnish sufficient power at the wheel to be equal to ten horsepower at the pump, for the exclusive use of said city, free of expense, for the term of ninety-nine years, and in consideration of the above covenants and agreements being performed by said company, said city agrees to transfer and assign all its interest and title and right to its stock in said water power company. Seconded by O. S. Rarick.
Motion carried by unanimous vote of all present.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Mr. Beall, representing a mill machinery firm, was in the city last week, looking after the contract for putting in the machinery of the new mill shortly to be put up on our canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There was a call for the businessmen of the city and country to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall at 4 o’clock, April 13th, to take into consideration the building of a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Coffeyville, Kansas, and west as far as Caldwell, and farther, if desired.
Meeting called to order by Dr. Chapel; T. H. McLaughlin appointed Chairman and Wm. Blakeney, Secretary. Chair called for remarks.
James Hill being asked to state, in full, the object of the meeting, spoke in a clear and forcible manner of the great advantages that a railroad would do us, as a city and country, running along so near the Territory line, making a direct road from this city to St. Louis, thereby saving much time and expense in getting our stock and grain to a good market. Mr. Hill also stated that if we were not up and doing, other cities would take all the things of advantage to themselves, building up their cities and counties, and we would be left out in the cold.
Rev. Fleming spoke on the question with much earnestness, advising that whatever was done be done at once. Many spoke very freely on the question, all taking a deep interest in doing something to help make our city a better city and our county a better county.
After the project being understood, a committee, comprising James Hill and Dr. Chapel, was appointed to solicit bonds, along the line, from the cities and counties. Another committee was also appointed to solicit funds to meet the expense of surveying. Committee: James Huey, E. D. Eddy, N. T. Snyder, and Wm. Sleeth. Motion made to adjourn.
WM. BLAKENEY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
We understand that Mr. James Hill has disposed of his interest in the gravel contract to Messrs. Searing & Mead.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Arkansas City Water Power Co., at the Cowley County Bank, June 1st, 1883, at the hour of 7:30 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of electing officers. JAMES HILL, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Mr. call attention to the advertisement of town lots in the Leonard Addition for sale, by Messrs. Green & Snyder, which appears in this issue. These lots are 50 x 131 feet and are situated in one of the most desirable parts of town.
Ad. 100 LOTS 50 X 131 FEET FOR SALE IN LEONARDS AND CANAL ADDITION. These lots will be sold on time to parties wishing to build. Prices $25 to $10 a lot, giving purchaser the choice of location. This addition will soon be supplied with the water works, saving all expense of digging wells. GREEN & SNYDER.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
In accordance with notice duly given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to talk over railroad matters in general, and to take the necessary steps towards securing an east and west railroad to this point in particular. The meeting was called to order and T. H. McLaughlin was called to take the Chair, and N. T. Snyder to act as Secretary of the meeting. About the first thing brought before the attention of the meeting was a proposition from Winfield stating what they desired in order to enable them to work with us in securing county bonds in aid of an eastern road. The proposition, which was signed by several leading citizens of Winfield, was in substance as follows.
“That Winfield would do all in her power to aid us in working for said road and in securing county bonds in aid of the enterprise, provided that said road should enter the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale, then running on the most practicable route to WINFIELD from there to GEUDA SPRINGS and then to Arkansas City.”
This proposition was received with tremendous cheers, but after quite a lengthy talk, failing to elicit whether it was submitted as a joke or in sober earnest, it was unanimously resolved by the meeting that it be tabled. Mr. A. A. Newman then submitted a resolution in substance as follows.
Resolved. That the citizens of Arkansas City would pledge themselves to do all in their power to secure county aid in bonds to a railroad which would enter the county from the east in the vicinity of Cedarvale, thence proceed towards Dexter, near which, and at a point equidistant from Winfield and Arkansas City, the road should divide into two branches, one of which should go to each town, both towns to be named as temporary terminal points, and the further westward course of the road, whether from Winfield or Arkansas City, to be decided by the interests of the road as developed in the future.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by the meeting, and Messrs. James Hill and Wm. P. Sleeth were appointed as a committee to lay the same before the citizens of Winfield at an early day. It was further taken as the sentiment of the meeting that no time be lost in prosecuting the matter towards securing an east and west railroad, and the two gentlemen last named were delegated to see that all steps necessary to be taken, with this end in view, be promptly attended to. The meeting also authorized a per centum of the money subscribed for a preliminary survey to be appropriated for the payment of the incidental expenses of the committee. The meeting adjourned after being in session about two hours.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Independence Star: “ . . . At the first station east of Winfield, Father Millington, of the COURIER, boarded our train in quest of errant knights of the quill, and assigned all to their quarters. Mine were away up skyward in the third story, and though the strong breeze that prevailed at midnight rocked my bed like a cradle, I stuck to it, instead of dressing and going downstairs in anticipation of a cyclone that failed to materialize.
“Morning dawned as bright and cheery as though the night had been without terrors, and for the next two days every train brought fresh accessions to the editorial mob. The writer, however, went down to Arkansas City by the noon train, and commenced the study of agricultural irrigation by observing its application to market gardening on a large scale along the canal built to furnish water power by diverting a portion of the waters of the Arkansas into the Walnut, the fall being more than twenty feet. The canal company obtain an annual rental of ten dollars per acre for these lands and the water to flood them, which looks like a wonder-ful income to obtain from lands that could a few years ago have been bought for much less than that sum. Two flouring mills have already been erected to utilize the water power; and a third has just been commenced. We took a hasty look through the “Canal Mills” of Mr. V. M. Ayres, which employ the gradual reduction process, and from which about a car load of flour and other mill products are shipped to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas every day. Wheat was here selling at from 90 to 95 cents per bushel, and the prospect for another large crop this year was considered flattering. Arkansas City is growing very rapidly and expects to have a population of 2,000 before the end of the present year.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
James Hill, of Arkansas City, was in Geuda Monday on business. He has discontinued the manufacture of salt until he can provide greater facilities. He has contracted for the building of a business house 25 x 50, two story, and three dwellings, each two story.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
New Mill.
Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., have contracted for a power from the A. C. W. P. Co., and will push the new flouring mill on the canal to completion as rapidly as possible. The machinery will be put in by the Richmond City Mill Works, Richmond City, Indiana. We are glad to chronicle the facts concerning this enterprise and are fully satisfied that the gentlemen interested will never have cause to regret their location in this, one of the best grain growing counties in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., our new millers, write that all necessary arrangements have been made for putting the machinery into the new mill now in course of construction on our canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
The Arkansas City Water Power Construction Co. will commence the erection of a 150 barrel flouring mill upon the canal the first of August and we understand have already contracted to sell it to Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., who will run it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Mr. Ed. Grady, of the Arkansas City Lumber Yard, will supply the lumber for the new mill now going up on the canal.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
The survey for a railroad from Rosalia, Butler County, will commence next week. Mr. Hill with Mr. Moorhead as head surveyor, and a party of men from this place start for Rosalia next Monday.
Ron...not sure about this. Looks like James Hill built bridge. Just do not know!
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
OUR NEW BRIDGE. Now that our new bridge across the Arkansas River, west of town, is completed and accepted by competent judges, it is well to give Mr. Hill credit for having done a No. 1 job, and contrary to the general rule in such cases, he finished the work ahead of the contract time, for which he deserves the thanks of all to whom the bridge is of benefit.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
Pursuant to notice given a number of our citizens gathered at McLaughlin’s Hall last Monday evening to discuss railroad matters. Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair, and N. T. Snyder to the secretary’s desk. The chairman introduced Mr. Hill, who enlarged upon the advantages to be gained by our city and county by the construction of the proposed Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern railroad through our county. Mr. Henry Asp was then called upon to read the proposition, the main points of which we will briefly state, as our space precludes us from publishing it in full this week. It asks the county to take capital stock to the amount of $100,000, to be paid for in county bonds. Each mile of road constructed in the county is to cost not more than $2,800 per mile. As soon as ten miles of road have been constructed in the county, bonds to the amount of $12,000 shall be paid to the company, and each succeeding five miles constructed shall entitle the company to receive an additional $12,000. This rate of payment will entitle the company to receive, upon the completion of its line and when cars are running to the south line of the state, the residue of the bonds, or $20,000. To put the above in few words, it is proposed to build a road from the north to the south line of the county for one hundred thousand dollars, of which over 25 percent, or $26,000, are not to be paid until the road is actually running to the south line of the state in Bolton Township. Said road is to issue to the county in return for its bonds $100,000 of fully paid up stock. The road is to be completed in two years from the date of issuance of the bonds. The probable point of junction of the proposed railroad with the St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita railroad will be at Eureka, which will cause the road to enter Cowley near the northeast corner of the county, and run via Winfield and Arkansas City to a point south or southwest of this city in Bolton Township, thus giving us advantages that no other road could give us in securing the territory cattle trade. Those present were asked to sign the petition to the county commissioners calling for an election, nearly all responding. It was also moved and carried that those parties who had subscribed for the expenses of a preliminary survey on the east and west road should transfer their subscriptions to the M. W. & S. R. R. instead, after which the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of Bolton Township at the Bland schoolhouse on the evening of Monday, August 27, to consider the proposition of the Missouri, Winfield and Southwestern Railroad company, which company propose to build a road through Cowley County from the northeast line to a point on the territory line somewhere in Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The Arkansas River Bridge, west of town, has been completed in advance of time and is well done. It is now the duty of those who subscribed to the same and have not paid to do so at once. The papers are at the Cowley County Bank. Gentlemen, call and settle as well and promptly as Mr. Hill has completed your bridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
The young ladies of the M. E. Church will give a necktie social at the residence of Mrs. James Hill tonight.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
RECAP: Probate Court...estate of Edgar Benson Chenoweth, Bernard Griffith Chenoweth, Barton Bates Chenoweth, Allan Chenoweth, and Henry Hatcher Chenoweth, minors...and Emma Chenoweth, widow, and any and all other heirs of W. E. Chenoweth, late of said Cowley County, deceased...James Hill, Guardian of the Estate of Minors. Petition to be heard re real estate October 11, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
The second story of the new mill on the canal will be finished this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Mr. Beall, our mill man, returned to the city from the east last Monday, and will remain superintending the construction of the new mill on the canal. Mr. Beall has rented R. E. Grubbs’ house and expects to have his family here in three or four weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Messrs. Landes and Beall are putting up an office and scales at their new mill on the canal.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Jas. Hill, of Arkansas City, has got the contract for the erection of Water Works in Newton.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
Mayor Kincade and Capt. Willis, of Cherryvale, J. L. Huey, Jas. Hill, and Ira Burnett, of Arkansas City, and S. L. Hamilton, of Wellington, were over Monday to witness the Water Works test.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
The city of Newton, Harvey County, is to have a system of waterworks, and a company for the purpose of building, maintaining, and operating such a system has been incorporated under the state laws. The capital stock of the company is $100,000, and the directors for the first year are R. M. Spivey, S. T. Marsh, E. H. Hoag, and Julius Simon of Newton and James Hill of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
Valentine Social at Mrs. James Hill’s tomorrow evening. Everybody cordially invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
The young ladies of the M. E. Church will give a Valentine social and supper at the residence of Mrs. James Hill February 14. Valentines will be sold and distributed. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Her Facilities for Manufactures and Inducements to Capitalists.
Her Live Businessmen.
Between the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, in the southern part of Cowley County, Kansas, and possessing about three thousand inhabitants, lies Arkansas City, destined at no very future day to be the city of distribution for the great southwest. It is no idle saying which causes this to be asserted. Her natural advantages are equaled by no other city in this quarter of the globe. Passing along her southern boundary, from the Arkansas to the Walnut Rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack.
With a celerity almost marvelous, the Arkansas was spanned with a dam, the channel from the one river to the other completed, and three mills, as if by magic, sprang into existence. These are the flouring mills of V. M. Ayres, W. H. Speers, and The Arkansas City Roller Mills. The volume of water was found to be ample for the purpose of these mills, and the company, by widening and deepening this channel, can furnish sufficient power for three as many more.
A cotton factory, a sugar factory, and a paper mill are among the new enterprises contemplated, and wise will be the man who first secures these bonanzas.
The trade with the Indian Territory is almost incredible. Having secured the payment of their annuity, the Indians come to Arkansas City to revel in the sweets of civilization. Thousands of dollars are thus transferred yearly to the tills of our merchants. Within the radius of two hundred miles are numerous Indian reservations. White men are stationed at these points as traders. These agencies annually purchase from our merchants thousands of dollars worth of goods. In addition to these, Arkansas City is surrounded by a country whose soil is exceedingly fertile. The husbandman, each season, is able to glean from his farm of 160 or 240 acres, one or two thousand of dollars. This agricultural prosperity causes our farmers to rear elegant homes, and affords them all the luxuries they may desire. All these are purchased in Arkansas City, and thus both country and city are growing in wealth. At no distant day, a railroad will be constructed running from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Another undoubtedly will be constructed running southwest into Texas and New Mexico. From the cotton and sugar fields of the South will come the material to be woven into cloth, and to be manufactured into a purer article, and both will then seek a market in the surrounding states. Thus will be verified the prediction “that Arkansas City, at no very distant day, will be the great distributing point of the west and southwest.”
Through a careful estimate made by the Editors of the Democrat, it has been ascertained that buildings to the amount of nearly $200,000 have been erected. At the present time, February 16, 1884, more than 40 buildings are under erection, and as soon as spring opens—which is usually within 10 days of this time—more than 100 more will be commenced.
Laboring men and legitimate tradesmen of every craft find ready employment. Common laborers command from $1.50 to $2.00 per day; masons receive from $3.00 to $4.50 per day, and are secured with difficulty. Carpenters are employed at from $2.00 to $3.50 per day. Plasterers receive from 17 cents to 30 cents per square yard, according to the number of coats, and the finish.
The expenses of the household will exceed somewhat the cost in eastern cities, but not so much as might be expected. Meats are reasonable, beef ranges from 6 cents to 12-1/2 cents for best cuts; pork varies from 9 cents for shoulder, to 12-1/2 cents for choice hams; lard is 12-/2 cents per pound, and bacon commands the same price. Flour ranges from $2.75 to $3.00 per cwt.; coffee from 12-1/2 to 15 cents; sugar from 10 to 13 cents; vegetables are cheap, and California canned fruits are sold at reasonable rates. Dry goods are sold at but a slight advance upon Eastern figures, as our merchants sell such large quantities that they can afford to make small profits.
Town property is advancing rapidly. Good houses can be purchased for prices ranging from $500 to $2,000. Hess & Tyner’s addition will soon be placed upon the market. Farms can still be purchased at reasonable rates, ranging from $10 to $30 per acre. Now is a good time to invest.
There are numerous denominations in Arkansas City. The Presbyterians have a fine structure and a large and constantly increasing congregation. The pastor, Rev. S. B. Fleming, has served his congregation acceptably for years. Much of the church’s prosperity is due to his untiring efforts in her behalf.
The Methodists have a large and commodious building, and a numerous and efficient membership. The minister of the church is Dr. D. W. Phillips, a learned, pious, and zealous gentleman, who well deserves the implicit trust his members have reposed in him.
The United Presbyterian Church is in charge of Rev. J. O. Campbell, a young man of remarkable literary and oratorical powers. Under his potent effort the church has largely increased in numbers.
The Free Methodists are erecting a new church, and the Baptists have secured a fine site for their contemplated edifice, which will be constructed in early spring.
The schools of Arkansas City are of high grade. Latin, bookkeeping, physiology, philosophy, algebra, Rhetoric, and German are taught in the High School. The board and superintendent contemplate such a curriculum as will enable its graduates to enter the Freshman Department in the State University. A class of eight or ten pupils will graduate; it already possesses twelve graduates. Bonds have been voted for a new $10,000 building, which will be erected in the spring. An excellent system of common schools prevails.
All classes are represented: the fashionable, the staid, the literary, and the aesthetic. Arkansas City was settled by a learned and enlightened people, whose influence has not lost sway.
Nature has clothed the prairies and valleys of Southern Kansas with a verdant covering of green, whose nutritive qualities sustain stock from eight to ten months in the year. For the remainder of the time, excellent hay, cut from prairie grass, is fed to stock. Blue grass does well here, and in time it is believed, clover and timothy will succeed; but so far, the farmers have subsisted their stock on prairie grass and hay. This is an excellent wheat and corn country. Wheat readily produces from 20 to 30 bushels per acre, and corn from 50 to 80 per acre. Oats are grown, but not so well as in a northern clime.
Potatoes, turnips, beets, parsnips, lettuce, radishes, peas; in fact, almost every kind of vegetable can be grown very successfully. Cabbage grows well, but do not seem to keep but for a short time.
Fine stock is in demand. Horses sell for different prices, ranging from $75 to $150 and $200; mules about the same; ponies from $25 to $75. Cattle are high: calves four weeks old command from $8 to $10 according to quality, yearlings from $18 to $22; two years old from $28 to $32; Hogs, fat, are selling at $6 per cwt.; live weight, stock hogs, are correspondingly high. Sheep are from $4.50 to $5.00 according to fineness of wool.
Peaches, grapes, blackberries, cherries, and plums grow to perfection. Apples and pears, being of tardier growth, have not had time for a thorough test; many farmers have thrifty orchards of these fruits.
What is remarkable to the stranger is that everything coming from the farm commands a high price. This is not surprising to a permanent resident.
Searing Mead’s, upon the Walnut—and the three already mentioned, purchase all the wheat at the highest prices, for grinding purposes. This is made into flour and furnishes the material for Indian contracts, and the remainder is sent into the surrounding states and territories. Wheat has ranged from 75 cents to $4.00 per bushel, and corn from 30 to 35 cents.
West and southwest, in New Mexico and Colorado, lie innumerable mines. There are thousands of men employed in these. But few products are raised in those sections, and as we are connected directly by rail with these countries, we always have a ready market. Butter, nearly all the year, commands 25 to 30 cents; fruits sell well, and are shipped; eggs range from 15 to 30 cents, bringing pretty uniformly 25 cents per dozen. And right here, let us suggest, that no better place exists in the world than southern Kansas, for the production of poultry and eggs. Should any experienced person see fit to establish a poultry yard, his fortune would soon be secured.
The climate is mild; winter seldom commences until Jan. 1st, and rarely lasts longer than February 15. The air has proven very beneficial to persons afflicted with lung diseases. The healthfulness of the country is fully equal to any other new country known.
Water is obtained at a depth of 25 to 40 feet, and is soft and cold. No other section can boast water superior to our own.
Southern Kansas is not without her disadvantages. The winters are sometimes so mild that it is impossible to obtain ice. As the summers are quite warm, we are compelled to dispense with this luxury, or secure it at higher rates. This season being an exceptionably cold one, our ice houses are full. In the spring the winds are brisk, to say the least, but two or three years residence causes them to cease to be so disagreeable. These are the most serious inconveniences experienced by newcomers. But no portion of earth of fair domain is a paradise. Southern Kansas certainly presents more inducements, and fewer disadvantages than any country in the west.
Legitimate business is well represented in our city, and yet there is room for more. A live energetic gentleman will soon discover numerous openings in business circles, in any of which he can succeed well. THE REPUBLICAN takes pride in the fact that none but men of honor, business integrity, are allowed to advertise in its columns.
There are three first class dry goods stores: A. A. Newman & Co., W. B. Kirkpatrick, and S. Matlack, proprietors. A. A. Newman is one of the “Fathers of the City.” He came here at an early day, and to his energy and determination, Arkansas City owes much of her success. He is a man of sterling character and splendid ability. The stranger can find no better adviser than this gentleman. Mr. Newman’s partner, Mr. Wyard Gooch, is a gentleman of extreme courtesy and pleasant manners.
W. B. Kirkpatrick has been engaged in business about one year. By his genial disposition, business tact, and fair dealing, he has secured a prominent place among our businessmen, and has a constantly increasing trade.
S. Matlack has a large stock of goods and a flourishing business.
Howard Bros., and G. W. Miller & Co., are well prepared to meet all wants in this department. The “Howard Boys,” as they are familiarly called, carry the largest stock of [CANNOT READ WORD] and at the lowest rates in the southwest. They are noted for low rates and superb articles. All kinds of hardware, iron, nails, horse-shoes, tools, glass, and putty can be found in their establishment. Barbed wire is a specialty with them, and they supply most of the trade for the Territory. They have deservedly attained their present lucrative business by upright and honorable dealing.
G. W. Miller [SEVERAL LINES ILLEGIBLE]. He is a remarkably pleasant gentleman, and is succeeding well.
C. R. Sipes and Baugh & Son are employed in this line of business.
C. R. Sipes is one of the two merchants who first commenced business in Arkansas City. That was thirteen years ago, and he occupied his present site in a small room 16 x 20, in which he kept stoves, tinware, hardware, and agricultural implements. He now is situated differently, having erected within the past year a magnificent stone storeroom, brick front, two stories, 25 x 85 feet, in which he keeps the finest stock of stoves and tinware in the county. The means invested in tinware alone more than exceeds the funds invested in all four of his branches thirteen years ago. Even this structure is inadequate to meet his wants, and he is compelled to furnish himself with a warehouse in the rear of 40 feet in depth. He has gained success by earning it. His storeroom was built at a cost of $4,200, and is an elegant structure. He is a man upon whom you can rely thoroughly.
Baugh & Son have recently started in business. They do excellent work, and sustain the name of first-class workmen. All work entrusted to their care will be executed promptly.
McLaughlin Bros., must be classified among the “Fathers of the City.” Grave in manner, reticent in speech, and honorable in dealing, these men have no accounts disputed, for their word is as good as their bond. They must be well known to be appreciated. They enjoy an excellent trade and the confidence of the community.
Kroenert & Austin. The senior member of this firm formerly clerked for James Wilson. He then engaged with Frank C. Wood in the grocery business. He soon purchased his partner’s shares and established business relations with his present partner, who was at the time a traveling salesman for one of the largest wholesale houses on the Missouri River. Mr. Austin relinquished his position January 1st of the present year, and will now devote his entire attention to the “Diamond Front.” From Mr. Kroenert’s former experience in the retail line and knowledge of the wants of the people in their selection, and from Mr. Austin’s long acquaintance among the jobbers, their facilities for buying cheap and selling low cannot be excelled. We bespeak for them a continuance of the liberal patronage they have so long enjoyed.
J. W. Hutchison & Sons, successors to W. M. Blakeney, have not only secured Mr. Blakeney’s numerous customers, but are constantly gaining new ones. Mr. Hutchison is one of our most popular real estate men, and his sons are enterprising and energetic young men. Their trade with the Territory is growing in importance. We predict for them brilliant success, for they well deserve it.
C. Atwood has recently come among us. His business has so increased as to demand a large addition to his storeroom. He has a flourishing trade.
Ware & Pickering need no eulogy at the hands of anyone. They are the proprietors of the “Little Brick,” and are busy uninterruptedly. They are men well known in our community, and highly esteemed.
Kimmel & Moore are among our most prosperous firms. Genial, whole-souled fellows, they enjoy their full share of the public patronage.
Herman Godehard has the reputation of selling excellent goods at low rates. He is one of our best citizens, and a man whom everyone respects.
We have three excellent hotels and numerous restaurants, at which the inner wants of mankind may be supplied.
The Perry House bears the name of its proprietor, Mr. H. H. Perry, a whole-souled, generous, [ILLEGIBLE WORD]. This house is new, recently refitted, and has accommodations equal to any house in the whole southwest. Large sample rooms and chambers, as well as superior fare, has caused this house to become favorably known far and near.
Colonel Neff, a courteous and obliging gentleman, has charge of the well known Leland Hotel. Its conveniences will always cause it to have many guests.
Charles Bryant, with a soul as big as [WHOLE LINE OBSCURED] Central Avenue Hotel. That the rooms are always filled, and his tables [WHOLE LINE OBSCURED] that his efforts to please the traveling [WHOLE LINE OBSCURED].
We have four first-class drug stores, all [?] and well patronized. Kellogg & [REST OF LINE OBSCURED] in pure drugs, paints, oils, wallpaper, and in fact, everything kept in a first-class establishment. They have obtained their superior standing by energy, perseverance, and a wholesome use of printer’s ink.
Dixon & Co., is a new firm at an old and established place of business. From the character of the new firm, its patrons may rest assured that its superior reputation will be sustained.
Holloway & Fairclo have fresh drugs, brushes, paints, chemicals, and sundries amid their large stock of goods.
E. D. Eddy has excellent goods of whatever you may wish in the drug business.
Wyckoff & Son deal largely in Indian supplies. Stockmen can secure superior bargains from this firm. They sell for cash and can, thereby, equal any other house in figures, upon goods.
J. O. Caldwell deals exclusively in furnishing goods. He has an excellent assortment of ready made clothing, gentlemen and ladies’ fine wear, boots, shoes, and dress goods. He is a man of fine ability, and can please the most fastidious. Anything purchased of him, will render satisfaction to the buyer.
Steadman Bros., now deal exclusively in guns. They have a stock from which anyone can be pleased. They are practical gunsmiths, and deal only in first-class goods. When you want firearms of any description, call on Steadman Bros.
Ridenour & Thompson, and Prof. Leon Lacosta can supply any want felt for gold or silverware. Their stocks are complete, and can be purchased at lowest rates.
All our lumber yards are doing an immense amount of business.
F. C. Leach is manager of the Chicago Lumber Company, and is a popular gentleman. Ed. Grady is the proprietor of the Arkansas City Lumber Company. His genial disposition has secured him hosts of friends and patrons. W. L. Aldridge has charge of the yard recently opened on Summit street. He is a scholarly gentleman, and sells best lumber at low rates.
Samuel Clark is proprietor of the Arkansas City Foundry. Any repairs to machinery can be obtained on short notice at low rates.
Mr. A. B. DeBruce has recently removed from the foundry to his new shop on East Summit, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work. He is a first-class workman, and well worthy the patronage of the public.
William G. Miller occupies his new building, near the livery of Fairclo Bros. The ring of his anvil can be heard until late at night. Mr. Miller makes repairs upon farm machinery a specialty, and has acquired an excellent reputation for his skill in this branch of his business. Longfellow probably had Mr. Miller in his mind when he wrote “The Village Blacksmith.”
R. B. Baird, J. M. Godfrey, and W. E. Wolfe will execute work entrusted to their care with promptness and dispatch. Persons coming to Arkansas City will do well to confer with these gentlemen concerning any structure they may desire to erect.
A. C. Wells will do you a superior job on shortest notice. Strangers will find it to their advantage to secure the services of this gentleman when they desire plastering of excellent finish executed.
Ed. Furgeson makes a specialty of paper hanging and has no superior in his branch of business. Call on him for that work and you will not regret it.
N. T. Snyder, Frank J. Hess, and Kellogg & Matlack. The last named firm have recently secured a complete set of abstract books and persons purchasing from them may rely upon titles given.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn occupies rooms over Cowley County Bank. He is a gentleman of profound learning, of excellent legal acumen, and unflinching integrity. Mitchell & Swarts have their office in Newman’s basement. They are among the oldest practitioners in this section of the State. O. C. R. Randall has his office on Central Avenue, at which place he will attend to all legal business entrusted to his care.
I. H. Bonsall has his gallery on the corner of Central Avenue and Summit Street. Probably no man in the west is so well qualified to perform his work as this gentleman. If you wish an accurate representation of yourself or family, call on Mr. Bonsall.
Capt. H. M. Maidt, represents the People’s Mutual Life Association of Kansas. He is issuing many policies. He will gladly point out the advantages of this company, if you will call upon him at Judge Bonsall’s office.
We have two well established banks, “The Cowley County,” and the “Arkansas City.” If one have a good character money can be obtained at reasonable rates. Drafts and bills of exchange can be procured for any city in the civilized world.
J. W. Brown, one of our prominent farmers, supplies our citizens with pure sweet milk. His business has so grown that he has engaged the milk of his numerous neighbors. He will also furnish his customers with sour and butter milk, at lowest rate.
Probably no town in the west has a more efficient corps of physicians than our own city. Jamison Vawter, a graduate of the Louisville Medical University, has had remarkable success in restoring his patients to health. He makes a specialty of disease of eye, ear, and nose, but is equally successful with malarial troubles.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg would cease from his practice, if his patrons would let him. He has been singularly successful in his treatment of children.
Dr. J. H. Griffith, a practitioner of many years, has an excellent standing in our community. Numerous persons owe their lives to his skill in the treatment of that dreadful disease CANCER. He is equally efficient in the treatment of other diseases.
Shepherd & Westfall is a well known firm. The senior member is a graduate of The St. Louis University of Medicine. He has practiced his profession for 35 years, and many persons, were he to inform them they were ailing, would believe him instantaneously as firm is the belief in his skill. The Dr. is a gentleman of splendid attainments, and is equally at home when discoursing concerning literature, philosophy, or the fine arts. Dr. Westfall is a graduate of The New York College of Physicians, and is well read in the lore of his profession.
Drs. Grimes & Son, have their office on Central Avenue. They are rapidly growing in favor.
Drs. Reed and Chapel enjoy excellent reputations in our community.
Want of space precludes any further mention. In our other issues will be given mention of business enterprises and men. Persons abroad wishing information concerning our section, will please address the editor of this paper. Any communication will be answered promptly [REST OF LINE OBSCURED].
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Recap Administrator’s Notice. James Hill, Adm., in the matter of the estate of Edgar Benson Chenoweth, Bernard Griffith Chenoweth, Barton Bates Chenoweth, Allen Chenoweth, and Henry Hatcher Chenoweth, minors, and Emma Chenoweth, widow...petition to handle minors in real estate in the city of Arkansas City...James Hill Guardian of the estate of the above named minors.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Cowley County will have Competing Lines.
A meeting of citizens of Winfield was held at the Brettun House last Monday evening to hear concerning movements which have recently been taken toward the construction of a railroad direct to Winfield from the direction of Kansas City.
W. H. Smith was chosen chairman and Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.
Henry E. Asp, being called upon for a recital of what has been done, stated that since any report has been made to the citizens, James Hill, the manager of the Missouri, Winfield & South Western railroad company, has visited St. Louis, Chicago, and other cities east conferring with capitalists and railroad builders to induce them to take hold of the organization he represented and build us a road. He finally got Messrs. Geo. W. Hoffman, James N. Young, and L. D. Latham, of Chicago, and M. M. Towle and C. N. Towle of Hammond, Indiana, so far interested in the project that they sent Mr. L. D. Latham to look over the route, examine the situation, and report. Mr. Latham came about March 1st, at the time that our narrow gauge excitement was strongest, which was an element of discouragement to him, but such other facts and reasons were placed before him that he was prepared to make a favorable report. Mr. Hill returned with him and secured a meeting of the above named gentlemen at St. Louis, where they could confer with the authorities of the railroads running west from that city. Mr. Hill and Mr. Asp met them in St. Louis about the 11th of this month and the result of the arrangements made there was that Messrs. L. D. Latham, M. M. Towle, and J. N. Young were authorized to visit the route again, get further information, and make such arrangements as in their judgment was best for themselves and their friends.
These gentlemen arrived at Newton last Friday, where they met with Mr. Hill, who took them down to Arkansas City. That evening Mr. Asp went down and consulted with them. They came to Winfield Saturday, but after consulting with but a very few of our citizens, they returned to Arkansas City that evening, saying that they would be back Monday and then be ready to announce their decision. On Monday they returned and stated their decision that they could not use the old M. W. & S. W. charter because it did not cover the ground from Coffey County to Kansas City direct and was insufficient for their purposes in other respects, beside, if they built the road, they must have the full control.
They therefore decided to make a new organization and file a charter to suit themselves at once and proceed to build the road immediately if they can get such aid from the counties and townships along the line as will warrant them in proceeding. They locate by their charter the general office of the company at Winfield and Kansas City, Kansas. They will first try for aid between Winfield and Eureka over the route surveyed by the M. W. & S. W., if permitted by that company, and will pay for any part of the work done that they can make available. If they fail of getting sufficient aid by that line, they will next submit propositions up the Little Walnut to Rosalia. As soon as they are assured of the aid, they will put that portion of the road from their connection with the Ft. Scott & Wichita road to Winfield under contract and will complete it this season. They expect to bring their iron and ties on the Frisco road, which is now under the control of the Gould interest. They will build from that road to Winfield first. If they fail on both of these routes to get the aid, they will try another.
Messrs. Towle are the men who originated the scheme of carrying dressed beef in refrigerator cars, have overcome all obstacles, have their slaughter houses at Hammond, Indiana, twenty miles out of Chicago, where they have built quite a city and are slaughtering about a thousand beeves a day and shipping the dressed beef to New York. They have the idea that a slaughter house on the south line of Sumner County, with direct and cheap rates to Kansas City and New York, would have greater advantages over Chicago as a packing point than Chicago has over New York. They are worth half a million. Mr. Hoffman is the heavy capitalist of the concern and is worth several million. Mr. Latham is a railroad builder in which he has had much experience and success. He can command plenty of money. The same may be said of Mr. Young, who is an experienced broker and dealer in railroad stocks and bonds. There is no doubt of their ability to build the road. They expect to offer propositions for voting aid by our people in a very few days and to push the matter as rapidly as possible.
The meeting passed a resolution to the effect that we want them to build the road and will do anything reasonable in aid thereof.
A committee consisting of D. L. Kretsinger, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Robinson, H. E. Asp, and C. A. Bliss was appointed to confer with them, get their terms, and report at a meeting to be called by themselves, and directed the secretary of the meeting to inform the company of these proceedings.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Last week H. P. Farrar removed his family to rooms in the bank building. He is undecided whether he will build on the corner west of Jas. Hill’s, or on the corner opposite Mr. Matlack’s. Upon one of these sites a handsome residence will soon be erected.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
A large number of the citizens of this township assembled at Highland Hall in this city last Tuesday evening to take action upon the proposition of the directors of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad to run their road to this city, upon Creswell Township’s voting bonds for $35,000 of the capital stock of said road. Judge T. McIntire was elected chairman, and S. W. Duncan, secretary. Upon being requested James Hill stated the object of the meeting, and, with convincing arguments, he dwelt at length upon the advantages of the road to the township and the city. James N. Young, president of the railroad company, then read the proposition, and a motion was made to adopt it, upon which considerable argument was produced. Pending the discussion, C. R. Sipes offered as a substitute for the motion that Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. H. McLaughlin, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, M. N. Sinnott, G. W. Cunningham, and James Benedict be appointed a committee to confer with the directors of the railroad present, and examine the proposition submitted and report whether it was suitable to the wants of the township, and just, and legally binding. The substitute was adopted and the committee, after making some small changes in the proposition, reported favorably, whereupon the house on motion adopted the report of the committee, and passed the motion to adopt the proposition as amended by the committee.
On motion of James Hill the chair appointed T. H. McLaughlin, G. W. Cunningham, and J. L. Huey a committee to have the petitions printed and circulated for signers. The meeting then adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Joint Stock Association.
A joint stock association has been formed by Messrs. Beall, Hill, Alexander, Vawter, and Landes, with a paid up capital of $10,000. The object of the company is to purchase and sell town lots, build houses for rent and sale, and improve the city generally. They have purchased in Leonard’s addition, twenty-two lots, and expect to erect, within the next thirty days, five large and elegant houses. The design was to build them alike, paint them alike, and surround the number with a neat picket fence, but dividing the residence lots by fine curbing stones. This idea, however, may be changed. We wish these gentlemen success in their undertaking. The firm is composed of persons who possess superior business talent, and will materially aid in the development of the city. The office of the firm is with Mr. Alexander at his lumber yard. Anyone seeking houses will do well to call on this new firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1884.
Bridge Building.
The township board met last Friday evening to receive and open bids for building the bridge across the Walnut at Harmon’s ford. The following bids were received and passed upon.
Bullene Bridge company, $4,400, with 5 percent discount for cash.
Missouri Valley Bridge company, $4,400.
Smith Bridge company, $4,000.
Kansas City Bridge company, $4,475.
King Bridge company, $4,500.
Raymond & Campbell, $4,535.
Canton, Ohio, Bridge company—iron, $4,300; combination, $3,900.
M. S. Hasie—iron, $4,385; combination, $3,435.
James Hill, combination bridge on piling, $3,806 and $2,500—the former bid for a four-span bridge, each span fifty-two feet.
After carefully considering the question, the contract was awarded to the Canton Bridge company, whose agent is Mr. J. R. Sawyer, of Wichita. The bridge will be of iron, with two spans of seventy-five feet each, and seventy-six feet of approaches. Their bid, $4,300, is $700 less than their former bid, and they give forty feet more bridge.
The bridge near Searing & Mead’s mill, for which the township paid $2,200, is only eighty feet long, and the piers were already furnished, besides which no approaches were built by the contractors. While the sum to be paid for the new bridge is rather more than the people wished to pay, yet the bridge as completed will be the best one in this part of the county, and we hope to soon see it underway.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Coffey County is all stirred up over propositions for two new railroads through it. One is the long-talked-of-so-much from Topeka to the Rich Hill coal fields, called the St. Louis & Emporia Railroad. Guess Joel Moody, of Mound City, hatched out this idea. Bond propositions through Coffey County, in which LeRoy, Burlington, and Ottumwa are all interested, are getting rife.
The other is known as the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad; incubated by James Hill, of Arkansas City, and adopted by Chicago fresh meat shippers in refrigerator cars. This line is a movement to secure the entry into Kansas of the Chicago & Alton system; a very good thing, by the way, but it should be coaxed in through Topeka, instead of through Kansas City. This scheme has local subsidies secured and certain through Cowley County, through the two townships of Butler County that it proposes to cross, and is now laboring for a county election on bonds in Greenwood County, and also at the same prices in Coffey. If Greenwood County is generous to it, and to its self as well, then Burlington will be a point on the line. From there the plan is to divide the territory as near centrally as practicable by running between the Southern Kansas Railroad line and the Paola & LeRoy section of the Missouri Pacific, swinging in at Paola, where it would cross the Fort Scott & Gulf Road, go east to the state line, and then northerly along near the state line, entering Kansas City where the Chicago & Alton does, on the east side of town. Commonwealth.
We do not endorse all of the above.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 12, 1884.
Coffey County is all stirred up over propositions for two new railroads through it. One is the long talked of so much, from Topeka to the Rich Hill coal fields, called the St. Louis and Emporia railroad. Bond propositions through Coffey County, in which LeRoy, Burlington, and Ottumwa are all interested, are now getting rife. The other is known as the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad, incubated by James Hill, of Arkansas City, and adopted by Chicago fresh meat shippers in refrigerator cars. It is evidently a movement to secure the entry into Kansas of the Chicago and Alton system. This scheme has local subsidies secured through Cowley County, through the two townships of Butler County that it proposes to cross, and is now laboring for a county election on bonds in Greenwood County, and also at the same prices in Coffey. Burlington will be a point on the line. From there the plan is to divide the territory as near centrally as practicable, by running between the Southern Kansas railroad line and the Paola and LeRoy section of the Missouri Pacific, swinging in at Paola, where it would cross the Fort Scott and Gulf road, go east to the state line, and then northerly along near the state line, entering Kansas City where the Chicago and Alton does on the east side of town. Emporia Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
The new system of water-works just put in Newton, Kansas, by our townsman, James Hill, are a declared success. The machinery was all put in under the supervision of Mr. S. Clarke, of our machine shops, and the fact of their complete success is mainly attributable to the skill and experience of the latter gentleman, who, in the matter of machinery, can hold his own with the best.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Mr. James Hill, who has been suffering from malaria for a week or more, is now convalescent, and will soon be among his friends again.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
Newton celebrated her water works system last Tuesday, to the satisfaction of the city authorities. It will be remembered that our townsman, James Hill, was the contractor, and Mr. Clarke, our foundry man, did the machine work for this enterprise. Mr. S. T. Moorhead, another well known gentleman in this city, was the constructing engineer.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company.
A meeting of the stockholders in the above enterprise was held in the Cowley County Bank Monday evening, and a stock company formed for the purpose of erecting and operating a woolen mill on our canal. The capital stock is $40,000. Mr. J. H. Gordon, who with Mr. Sanborn visited this city a few weeks since in the interest of a woolen mill, has been here about two weeks talking up the matter, and left yesterday morning for his home in Missouri. A charter for the company will be secured at once. The stockholders in this enterprise comprise our most solid businessmen. The directors for the first year are James Hill, J. H. Gordon, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, and T. H. McLaughlin. The work will be pushed as rapidly as possible, and in a few months the busy hum of our woolen mill will be heard by the finest water power in the state, furnishing employment to more than forty operatives and starting Arkansas City firmly on the road as a manufacturing city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
T. H. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Bank
Frank J. Hess
Wm. Sleeth
H. P. Farrar
Landes, Beall & Co.
Sanborn & Gordon
H. Endicott
A. Walton
J. A. McIntyre
I. D. Harkleroad
W. E. Gooch
F. W. Farrar
A. A. Wiley
R. A. Houghton
T. J. Gilbert
A. Campbell
G. W. Cunningham
Schiffbauer Bros.
A. [?] Andrews [Not sure of first initial.]
Fitch & Barron
S. Matlack
J. B. Nipp
A. A. Newman
James Hill
E. H. Parker
T. D. Richardson
Benedict & Owen
D. Warren
J. H. Sherburne
J. N. T. Gooch
Uriah Spray
Theo Fairclo
H. D. Kellogg
Ira Barnett
A. J. Chapel
S. F. George
G. W. Miller
P. F. Endicott
Jamison Vawter
Kimmel & Moore
N. C. Hinkley
L. McLaughlin
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
The Arkansas to be Made Navigable.
At the miller’s convention at Winfield several days ago, the question of making the Arkansas River navigable, was sprung. A new plan was discussed, by which it is hoped to be able to ship flour down the river. It is as follows: Flat-boats are to be built with a capacity of seven or eight tons; several of these will be coupled together, similar to railroad cars; at the front and rear, small steamboats will be attached, to furnish the propelling power. It is hoped that in this manner several tons of flour will be taken downstream. A committee, consisting of James Hill, Mr. Bliss, of Wood & Bliss, Winfield, and Mr. Hargus, of Hargus & Clark at Wellington, were appointed to investigate the plausibility of this scheme. As soon as possible, these gentlemen will go down the Arkansas, and if they find water to the depth of one foot all the way, this plan will be put into execution. The boats they contemplate building will draw about 8 inches of water, and will be controlled by our millers.
Should this plan be executed, it will be of great benefit to Arkansas City. The flour from Wichita, Douglass, Wellington, and Winfield will come here for shipment.
Every farmer is interested in this enterprise. Every mechanic will be profited. Every man building a house, and in fact all will be benefitted if these enterprising men should be successful. When the boats return, they can bring lumber, fuel, and other necessaries, which of course will give us a cheapening of freight rates.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
Area News.
The A. C. Republican chronicles another scheme for the unraveling of a knotty problem: “At the millers’ convention at Winfield several days ago, the question of making the Arkansas River navigable was sprung. A new plan was discussed, by which it is hoped to be able to ship flour down the river. It is as follows: Flat-boats are to be built with a capacity of seven or eight tons; several of these will be coupled together similar to railroad cars; at the front and rear small steamboats will be attached, to furnish the propelling power. It is hoped that in this manner several tons of flour will be taken down stream. A committee consisting of James Hill, Mr. Bliss of Bliss & Wood, Winfield, and Mr. Harguis, of Harguis & Clark at Wellington, was appointed to investigate the plausibility of this scheme. As soon as possible these gentlemen will go down the Arkansas and if they find water to the depth of one foot all the way, this plan will be put into execution. The boats they contemplate building will draw about eight inches of water, and will be controlled by our millers.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Correspondence is being carried on between Jas. Hill and eastern parties relative to the cost of building boats for the purpose of going down the Arkansas.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Civil engineer Morehead, of the new railroad enterprise, was in town this week. At present the engineering corps is in Burden Township surveying a route to Winfield. On the 18th Greenwood County will vote on the question of bonding the county. Should the election carry work will be commenced immediately on our new road where it crosses the Frisco in Butler County, and comes this way. Jas. Hill, who is one of the prime movers in the project, for the last three months has been sick, and unable to attend to the matter. Unless Greenwood County votes aid, the enterprise will be at a standstill. Someone is needed in Greenwood County to talk the matter up, as Mr. Hill’s illness has incapacitated him from labor. The counties on the line and the city of Burlington have been bonded. Mr. Hill has been trying to recruit up sufficiently to go to Greenwood County, but his many back-sets make it look somewhat discouraging.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Rev. I. N. Moorehead was here this week, visiting with his former parishioners. He was a guest of James Hill. Yesterday he took passage on the Miller boat down the Arkansas on a recreation trip, but will return in a few days. Mr. Moorehead was formerly pastor of the M. E. Church here, but is now stationed at Pueblo, Colorado. In the west he has been delivering a lecture entitled “The Real Power.” His many friends have prevailed on him to deliver the same lecture here on Friday night, Nov. 14, in Highland Hall. An admission fee will be charged: 50 cents for reserved seats and 25 cents general admission.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Engineer R. S. Moorhead and crew will start in a few days down the Arkansas in a boat furnished by the millers of Arkansas City and Winfield. Their object is to ascertain whether the Arkansas can be opened for practical navigation. The prime mover in this enterprise is Mr. J. Hill of our city. Mr. Hill has engineered several enterprises which at first seemed to promise no success to successful results, and while everyone is incredulous there can be but one prayer for the success of the great work. A. C. Democrat.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A Mistaken Idea.
From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago we clip the following.
“The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”
If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of their city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our own sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Thus far this winter the weather has not been cold enough to stop stone and brick laying work, and plastering, and improvements are going on even more rapidly than during the summer. We make this item for the benefit of our friends back East, who are shivering around watching the thermometer to see how far down it will go without freezing up.
Mr. Jas. Hill is at Chicago this week attending the meeting of the stockholders of the new R. R. Co., whose movements are interesting to the people of Cowley County. The road if completed will pass through Winfield and Arkansas City and through Southern Kansas. There is a good prospect for the immediate commencement of the building of this road. All hail the day!
Engineer Moorehead returned Tuesday after his trip down the Arkansas River. He is sanguine of the success of the scheme for the practical navigation of the river. He thinks that an iron power boat drawing about twelve inches of water and similar to those employed on the St. Lawrence can successfully run between Arkansas City and Gibson. The boats can load with grain and return with coal and timber. Mr. Jas. Hill, who is now in Chicago, will ascertain the kind of boat which will best answer the purpose and if he receives encouraging advice from those experienced in river navigation will purchase an experimental boat.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Maj. W. M. Sleeth went to St. Louis yesterday. He will meet Jas. Hill there. We suppose the Major went there on business connected with both the railroad and navigation schemes.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Courier accuses us of being inspired by a “contemptible spirit” because of our persistency in requesting that she at least treat Arkansas City squarely and that we are trying to promote discord. You are wrong again, friend Courier. We were inspired by a careful perusal of your columns. Thanks, to the compliment paid to “Messrs. Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others.” They are deserving of every word. To them may be attributed to a great degree the prosperity of Arkansas City. They have been the life of the city. We will now be content for a time at least for this kind notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
W. M. Sleeth started to St. Louis last Friday to meet James Hill. These gentlemen expect to purchase the boat for the river while there.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Jas. Hill, of Arkansas City, passed through town Wednesday, en route from New York, where he has been on business connected with the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad project.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Maj. W. M. Sleeth and Jas. Hill returned from St. Louis Thursday. They inspected a number of boats for use on the Arkansas, and then came home to report to the Navigation Company. A boat which had been used on the Red River in Texas proved conclusively that a like boat could be used on the Arkansas. It was 18 x 100 feet, with 100 horsepower and drew 12 inches of water. Messrs. Sleeth and Hill thought it was best to be on the safe side and came to the wise conclusion to try a boat of smaller capacity but the same propelling power. A boat drawing ten inches of water and 15 x 75 feet. These gentlemen are going to make sure this time in getting the right kind of a boat; demonstrating that small steamers can be made to pay and then larger ones will be utilized.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the real estate transfers of Arkansas City for December 12 to December 19, as reported by Miss Anna Meigs.
James Hill and wife to Arkansas City Building association, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, b 165 and lots 3, 4, 5, 6, b 166, Leonard’s addition to Arkansas City. $810.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Her Business Firms and Their Establishments.
The Holidays are Here and the Republican Indites a Letter to Santa Claus,
Telling Him of the City and the Merchants.
Soon we witness the demise of the fruitful year of 1884. By her death 1885 will be born. Already the holiday season, the happiest time on earth—is upon us. When this festive season comes, little hearts as well as big ones, are filled with joy by presents from Santa Claus. To the people of the world who contemplate having a visit from that ever welcome individual and more especially to Santa Claus himself do we desire to present the claims of Arkansas City and her live businessmen on his holiday patronage. That our kind-hearted Kris Kringle may know where, what, and when to buy the magnificent gifts which annually laden his sleigh, we indite him a letter, presenting a brief history of Arkansas City, her businessmen, and their establishments, as seen by a REPUBLICAN representative in his rounds just before the holiday trade opens.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 20, 1884.
Santa Claus, Dear Old Friend:
We have met you several holiday seasons in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and last of all in Sunny Kansas. And now once more we are about to greet you. This time in Arkansas City. You will find here a city reaching up to 2,500 inhabitants within its corporate limits. Should our population be increased in numbers as great during 1885 as 1884 we will have 4,700 people by the time you pay your next annual visit. The last year has added 1,200 people to our city. We will be thrice blessed should good fortune favor us thus kindly during the year 1885. Our thriving city is located on the divide between the Arkansas and the Walnut rivers, about three miles from where the latter empties in the former. Thus you will see we are surrounded by broad fertile bottom land—in fact, the most fertile of the world. Four miles south lies the Indian Territory, which is dotted here and there with herds of cattle belonging to stockmen residing there. The trade with the Indian Territory is almost incredible. Having secured the payment of their annuity, the Indians come to Arkansas City to marvel in the sweets of civilization. Thousands of dollars are thus transferred yearly, to the tills of our merchants. Within the radius of two hundred miles, are numerous Indian reservations. White men are stationed at those points as traders. Their agencies annually purchase, from our merchants, thousands of dollars worth of goods. In addition to these, Arkansas City is surrounded by a country whose land is exceedingly fertile. The husbandman, each season, is able to glean from his farm of 160 or 240 acres, one or two thousand of dollars. This agricultural prosperity causes our farmers to rear elegant homes, and affords them all the luxuries they may desire. All these are purchased in Arkansas City, and thus both country and city are growing in wealth. At no distant day, a railroad will be constructed, running from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Another undoubtedly will be constructed, running southwest into Texas and New Mexico. From the cotton and sugar fields of the south will come the material to be woven into cloth, and to be manufactured into a purer article, and both will then seek a market in the surrounding states. Thus will be verified the prediction “that Arkansas City at no very distant day, will be the great distributing point of the west and southwest.”
Our city commenced its career as far back as 1869. The town site was laid out by settlers from Emporia, and three log huts built. This was the then foundation of our now great city. One by one dwellings were erected slowly until our growth demanded better shipping facilities. In 1879 by persistent efforts the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was induced to extend its line to Arkansas City. Less than 500 people were here then. Since then, we have grown and prospered. But the horizon of our prosperity was not reached until 1882. Passing along her southern boundary from the Arkansas to the Walnut rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack, and completed in 1882. Immediately three flouring mills sprang up. These are the mills of Landes, Beall & Co., V. M. Ayres, and W. H. Speers. By a widening and deepening of the channel, the volume of water can be made sufficient for any demand that may be desired. Then on the banks of the Walnut, we have Searing & Mead’s. These four mills average the manufacture of about 1,000 barrels per day. The wheat and corn for a radius of forty miles is made into flour here. Thus we have a home market for our farm products. Wheat brings a higher price here than in any other portion of the state.
Another industry will soon be in operation. A stock company with $50,000 capital will build a woolen mill on the canal. This will be completed during the year of 1885, and perhaps a machine shop and foundry will also be constructed.
The latest scheme is to make the Arkansas River navigable. We reprint a former report published in the REPUBLICAN November 19.
“The scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between this city and Little Rock has proven better than the most sanguine had anticipated. Some two weeks ago a flat boat and crew with Engineer Moorhead in command started down the Arkansas River for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of navigating the stream. This was brought about by a desire of cheap freight rates to the south on the flour by our millers. The cruise down the river was easily accomplished, and plenty of water was found all the way. From here to the mouth of the Cimarron River, boats drawing eighteen inches of water can be used. From there on down the water is sufficient to carry any boat that may be utilized. The crew and boat returned Tuesday night and Engineer Moorhead has sent in his report. On Wednesday the projectors met and talked the matter over. Thursday at another meeting the following directors were elected: Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, C. A. Bliss of Winfield, V. M. Ayres, and C. H. Searing. A charter has been granted in the name of the Arkansas River Navigation company. Thursday morning it was decided by the stockholders to send Jas. Hill and Maj. W. M. Sleeth east for the purpose of purchasing the power boat, and enough lighters to form a fleet. They left on the afternoon train. The flat boats will be built as quickly as possible, capable of carrying thirteen tons of flour each. Messrs. Sleeth and Hill are in the east negotiating for the power boat.
Since the construction of the canal, our boom has been rapid and substantial. About 250 residences and store rooms have been erected since the holidays of 1883 and carpenters are still busy building more. Town property is advancing instead of receding as some predicted. Good houses can be purchased from $500 to $2,000. It is next to an impossibility to rent one. Our real estate agents have at the least calculation on their books some 150 houses which they rent. They inform us if they were agents for as many more, they could find tenants. There is not an empty store room in the city. All are occupied and the merchants doing an excellent business. The Hasie and Commercial block, the largest and handsomest building in the state, is almost complete. Three of the store rooms are already occupied and the remaining two will be as soon as finished. Traveling men inform us that it eclipses any building outside of Kansas City. The frontage of the block is 128 feet; the depth 132 feet; and four stories high. There are three business rooms 25 x 132 feet, and one 50 x 132 feet. The upstairs portion of this block would afford superior advantages for a hotel.
We have numerous church denominations. As a rule our citizens are a church-going people. The Presbyterians, the United Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Free Methodists, the Christians, and the Baptists have each a house of worship. Our school facilities are unequaled. Two large buildings accommodate the 900 pupils of this district.
The Central school building is just completed. It is a large stone structure. The east building is of brick. Prof. J. C. Weir is the superintendent, and, friend Santa, if you desire to know anything about the good boys and girls, pen a few lines to him at Arkansas City.
Now, we will make a few remarks about the climate and water and then perhaps you will know enough of Arkansas City to wish to learn something of her merchants. The climate is mild; winter commences seldom until December 20, and rarely lasts longer than February 15. The air has proven very beneficial to persons afflicted with lung diseases. The healthfulness of the country is fully equal to any new country known.
The water obtained here is superior to any in Kansas. It is obtainable at the depth of 15 to 40 feet. It is pure crystal water, known only in the Arkansas valley. The alkali taste is not in the slightest degree noticeable, which is a peculiarity to the water in most portions of the state.
Now that we have told you of our city, we present to you our business firms and their establishments.
is the proprietor of the Arcade Clothing house. The Arcade is located in the north room of the Commercial block. Several months ago Mr. Brunswick’s attention was attracted to Arkansas City by her wonderful growth. He came here and investigated and was so thoroughly convinced of the town’s great future that he invested his idle capital—some $40,000—in the Arcade. Mr. Brunswick is a thorough businessman and is up to the times. He never misses a chance when one is offered to benefit his customers. He saw an opening here for a first-class clothing house, and has established it. Last October he opened up the Arcade. The time of opening was a gala day. People for miles around came and visited the Arcade, and were agreeably surprised at the immensity of the enterprise. They did not expect to have their eyes behold a store-room 132 feet deep by 25 feet in width, equipped with patent shelving on both sides of the room and it loaded up to the seventeen foot ceilings with a well selected stock. In addition, some sixty table counters serve to pile a portion of their clothing on. As you enter the door of the Arcade, your eyes are greeted with beautiful visions of gent’s furnishing goods on one side and hats and caps on the other. A cheerful and courteous salutation reaches your ears either from Sam Wile or Albert Levy, the managers. Always on the alert, ready to accommodate you and sell you clothing at one price to all. No discretion is made at the Arcade between the rich or poor, plebeian or yeomanry, but all are treated alike. The prices are marked on the goods. No deviation is allowed by Mr. Brunswick. He buys such large quantities of clothing, paying the cash therefor, that he is enabled to sell it cheaper than any of his competitors. He attaches such a small advance to the cost mark of his clothing that his competitors wonder how he can afford to carry on business. But he does it and with profit to himself and his customers. For the holidays Mr. Brunswick has provided the Arcade with hundreds of different styles of overcoats from $2.50 up to the costliest. Since the cold snap set in, Mr. Brunswick ordered a “mark down” on these goods. The man of a large family of boys can now purchase each a new overcoat and still have means left to defray the other Christmas festivities. We are glad to say many are availing themselves of the benefit of Mr. Brunswick’s generosity. Overcoats are not all that is displayed at the Arcade. In addition, beautiful silk handkerchiefs, gloves, mitts, the handsomest neckties we ever saw in a showcase, slippers, boots, shoes, trunks, valises, etc. This is not one-half. Go and see the boys at the Arcade even if you do not make any purchases. In the evening when the Arcade is lighted up, it is a marvel of beauty. Their numerous large electric lamps, placed in various parts of the room, give out a light almost equal to the radiancy of the sun. The laborer can get just as good a bargain at the Arcade at night as in the daytime. The room is well lighted for this purpose. Before closing our eulogy on the Arcade, we desire to pay a compliment to the managers, Sam Wile and Albert Levy, for their beautifully adorned show-windows and their civility to customers. Every article has a place, and it is always found there. Messrs. Wile and Levy can instantly set their hands on it. Customers do not grow impatient at waiting for the clerks to look up what they want. Call for what you want and you get it immediately at the Arcade. Coming to Arkansas City a few months ago as strangers, they by their gentlemanly bearing and business qualifications now count their friends by the score. Don’t forget the Arcade in your holiday rounds.
This well known institution was founded by John Kroenert in 1878 with Kroenert & Woods as proprietors. Early in 1879 Mr. Kroenert purchased Mr. Woods’ interest, and formed a partnership with F. D. Austin, who was traveling for a wholesale house in Leavenworth. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin, by reason of their long experience in business and large trade, know just exactly what to buy to please the patronizing public. The Diamond Front is one of THE institutions of Arkansas City. In fact, it is a bona fide Arkansas City child. Starting in with a small business and as Arkansas City and surrounding country have grown, so has the Diamond Front’s fame spread. Today her head is high among the leading institutions of our town. There is nothing in the line of staple and fancy groceries, and provisions, which it does not keep, and it fills all orders with great promptness and the most satisfactory manner. It is always important in the holiday season, if not at other times, to know where to get just what is needed in preparing the feast expected of such a time, and in this respect the Diamond Front may be regarded as a public benefactor. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin take great pride in keeping up their stock to a high standard, and in consequence are handsomely rewarded by a lucrative trade. A fine stock of candies, not that which is composed of paint and clay, but the real genuine article, which is as healthful as it is good, is now displayed for the holidays. Nuts, of all kinds, sufficient to supply every social gathering in the county. The Diamond Front is also becoming renowned for her large wholesale trade; it extends for miles in the surrounding country, and the merchants located at the many different trading posts in the Indian Territory all recognize the Diamond Front as one of the leading wholesale grocery houses of our city. The promptness, the attention, the civility shown to their customers, be they rich or poor, by the proprietors of the Diamond Front is noticeable. Courteous to one and all, they make the Diamond Front a popular resort. Hand in hand the Diamond Front and Arkansas City march along the path of time. Each an advertisement of the other. Mention the name of one and the other will be sure to follow. The present quarters are becoming too small for the mammoth business of this establishment. We hope these gentlemen will get their business erected by spring and thus give them a better chance to show their enterprise. It wouldn’t surprise us if in a few years, Messrs. Kroenert & Austin were at the head of the leading wholesale house in Southern Kansas. As yet they are comparatively young men. Just in the prime of life and have years of labor before them. We are proud of the Diamond Front. Long may its front glitter with Diamonds.
The holidays have come and they caught these gentlemen just as we expected—with the largest and handsomest stock of holiday goods in the city. No other firm displays as large a line of goods as they. This house is fully equipped for the large holiday trade which its proprietors had anticipated and have commenced realizing. Extra shelving, and a mammoth double deck holiday table was created on which to display their stock. Judging by the large quantity of holiday goods, one would suppose Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt were running a wholesale house. They are slashing right and left on their stock this year. They bought them for the benefit of their customers and they are bound to sell them. Penniless we wandered into this Elysium of holiday goods viewing them at a distance, but when informed of the low prices, our arms hungered to be burdened with some of the beautiful things which we saw. There were all kinds of toys for the children, beautiful plush photo albums suited to adorn the center table of any parlor, hanging lamps that would cause any wife to love her husband ten-fold more on receiving one for a present, handsome work baskets, boys, that would make your sweethearts smile on you sweetly for a decade, elegant solid china mustache cups, girls, to protect the boys’ mustache during its rise and fall, some of the most unique vases, toilet sets, perfumery cases, and a thousand and one other articles suitable for making presents. Do not think for an instant that Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt will neglect their drug trade by the rush for holiday presents. They are fully prepared to meet this exigency. Lately they secured the valuable services of Mr. J. F. Hull, a druggist of twenty years experience. No fears need be entertained of a mistake when Mr. Hull compounds your prescription. Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt are also both experienced druggists. Each have spent almost a lifetime at the business. By the way, something almost slipped our memory. They also have in stock a large assortment of books. Read! Educate! Is the popular cry. A man cannot remain in ignorance all of his life, so if he desires to be learned, he should educate his mind by reading. Therefore, the question naturally arises, what shall I read? This is easily decided by going and looking through Mowry & Sollitt’s mammoth stock of books consisting of poems, and other books, both of history and fiction. Visit them and you will find that half has not been told you.
Here extensive preparations have been made for the holiday trade. Goods have been arriving almost daily for the past month. Nothing is more popular among the ladies for a present than jewelry. This fact inspires their gentlemen friends with the idea of a gift of some kind of a jewelry ornament. Superb gold watches and chains fit to grace a queen are plentifully displayed in their handsome show cases. Beautiful finger rings, necklaces, brooches, and other ornaments suitable for a present to your sweetheart, wife, mother, sister, or daughter. For the gentlemen they have rings, watches, clocks, charms, chains, etc. For Young America they have the best thing on earth as a reminder of the time to go to school—The Rockford watch. It keeps the correct time. You need have no fear of your son being tardy at school, provided he has a Rockford movement watch. Now is the time to buy one and at Ridenour & Thompson’s is the place to make the purchase. There is silverware in superabundance on their shelves. Table cutlery, spoons, castors, card-receivers, that makes the eyes of the spectator glisten with pleasure by their wondrous beauty. Located in the mammoth new store room of the post office, they have a splendid opportunity to show their stock to an advantage. One whole side of the room—some 100 feet—is occupied with their goods. The same distance is occupied by their handsome show-cases, seventeen inches in the clear. They are filled chock full of jewelry. Now a few good words for the proprietors and we will pass on. The REPUBLICAN never tires of saying good words for such good-natured, courteous gentlemen. Jas. Ridenour, the senior member, has been in the jewelry business over eight years in Arkansas City. Jim, as he is familiarly known, is so jolly that it is really a pleasure to buy a big bill of goods from him. You feel when you get through with him that you could pay twice the sum demanded for the goods. Will Thompson is an Arkansas City boy. All know him to be a man of sterling worth to any community. Rather quiet, but sociable, he is quite a favorite among their patrons, especially the ladies. All of the above facts combined, we predict a large holiday trade for Ridenour & Thompson.
The ready made clothing business has been revolutionized in Arkansas City and vicinity by this house. The firm is able to offer unusual inducements to purchasers, and its system is such that it is now possible for a man with a slim purse to secure a neat-fitting and durable suit of clothing. At the same time there are more expensive goods for those who are able or inclined to spend more money. It is a mammoth stock, embracing every variety of style, quality, and material, and size from the little boy of three years, to the well matured and full-grown man of six feet seven, weighing three hundred pounds or more. It is a great relief to overworked mothers to be able to buy ready made suits for the romping urchins, as it take a burden off them which sometimes, when added to their other numerous duties, becomes too heavy to be borne with equanimity. Overcoats are being sold at cost during the holidays. Gloves, boots, and shoes, hats and caps, neck-ties, suspenders, shirts, underwear, trunks, overalls, notions, and everything else sold at reasonable prices. The firm is composed of Eli Youngheim and Joe Finkleburg; the latter being the manager. Although located in our city but a few months as stated above this firm has created a revolution. Joe has become so well-acquainted that hundreds of customers grasp him by the hand daily, and the little children run to him with upturned faces for his greeting kiss, when they visit his store. Kind, sociable, honest, and upright, Joe is respected by everyone.
This is the name of our 4-eyed, jolly, whole-souled hardware merchant. He was born on the shores of Lake Erie several years ago, and at an early age he mastered the tinsmith trade. After the war he drifted westward. For a number of years he was in the hardware and implement business in Missouri. Mr. Miller has encountered many reverses in life and has surmounted all, at one time losing all earthly possessions except a three-cent postage stamp. But by his indomitable will, his sterling qualities, and his quiet, unassuming “get there Eli” and bound to succeed spirit, has kept climbing up the ladder round by round, until he is nearing the topmost. He came to Kansas in 1878, landing at Wichita. In 1881 Mr. Miller decided that Arkansas City was destined to be the metropolis of the southwest at no distant day, and accordingly cast his lot here. In that year he founded his present mammoth establishment in a little room 16 x 18. He worked day and night, pounding tin, with a determination to win the esteem of everybody and their money by fair dealings. His efforts have been crowned with success. By his persistency, he has won the esteem of all. But more than all, a happy home and a good paying business—his mammoth hardware establishment, second to none. Mr. Miller handles everything in the way of hardware stores, tinware, and house furnishing goods. Three first-class tinsmiths are employed the year round to do the tin work on the many fine residences that grace our beautiful city and county. He has not been neglectful of the holiday season. He has for presents toilet sets, a fine line of silver-plated teapots, the largest and best selected stock of pocket cutlery in the city, a handsome stock of silverware, and last of all but not least the universal Base-Burner stove. Surprise your family with one of these elegant heaters and make your home pleasant. We can consistently recommend to the generous public, when wanting anything in this line, to go and see G. W. Miller, and he will give you a square deal.
are the proprietors of the lumber yard on South Summit Street. This is the firm of which we are all proud. Coming here but a few short months, Mr. A. V. Alexander has worked up a patronage in the lumber trade second to no other yard in the city. He handles the best lumber the market affords, selling it at but a slight advance. He treats everyone so politely that the first thing you realize after entering his sanctum at the lumber yard is that you have purchased a bill of lumber for your house. Since making his home in Arkansas City, Mr. Alexander has been prominently connected with all the public enterprises which would be of benefit to our town. Of the Arkansas City Building Association, Mr. Alexander is the secretary. This association has been one of the prime factors in the up-building of the south part of the town. The five handsome cottages which this association erected some time ago was the nucleus for the erection of other buildings. Property has advanced in that neighborhood and it has been principally through the instrumentality of Mr. Alexander, but we are afraid we are digressing from their lumber yard business, and yet we cannot help mentioning these facts when a man is so deserving. But to return. What Arkansas City has needed for a long time is a lumber yard that would supply our citizens with a good quality of lumber at a reasonable figure. Since the opening of this yard, over 200 houses have been erected. Alexander & Co., have assisted in their building. They have aided the poor man with a small sum of money in getting cheaper lumber, thus allowing them to build a home for their family and little ones. Our limited space will not allow us to do this firm the justice which we desire. Among the first in all of the public enterprises, Mr. Alexander is a valuable citizen and as such we recommend him to the public.
P.S. You can make orders by telephone at this yard.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery and queensware establishments in the city. It is located in the south room under the Highland Hall. F. B. Hutchison is the manager. By his long residence in the territory before engaging in business, Frank formed many acquaintances and made lifetime friends, both among the noble redmen and the many merchants located at the different Indian trading posts. He now enjoys the fruits of his territorial residence. When in Arkansas City these traders call at J. W. Hutchison & Sons’ store for Frank to figure on a bill of goods. Now, this is his especial delight. If there is anything in which Frank excels, it is in figuring on a bill of goods. He never fails to make the sale. Any time you may drop into their establishment, you are likely to see Frank busily engaged in various gyrations before “Spotted Tail,” “Big Alex,” or some other Indian. This habit was also acquired while in the territory. He enjoys a large and lucrative Indian trade. Especially for the holiday trade, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons have laid in a magnificent stock of queensware and glassware. Throw away your old cracked dishes, do not keep them stuck together any longer with glue, but make your table shine with splendor, by purchasing a new outfit of J. W. Hutchison & Sons. An old adage says the way to reach a man’s heart is by way of his stomach. In order to do this, you must have the dinner table looking neat and inviting. Hanging lamps, mustache cups, dishes and pitchers in endless variety. A specialty made of Hutchison’s Darling cigar. Wives, a box of them would make a splendid present for your husband. On staple and fancy groceries, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons are offering extraordinary inducements during the holiday season.
is Arkansas City’s leading merchant tailor. Mr. Heitkam came here last Spring. Since then he has worked up a wonderful trade. He is a young man and is full of enterprise. The weather and the season are both suggestive of a new suit of clothing. It is poor economy to go badly clothed, and ill-fitting garments are an abomination both to the wearer and the beholder. A man always feels more like being a christian when he knows that he is making a good appearance. This being true, consider what Mr. Heitkam has done for the benefit of his fellow citizens in this part of the moral vineyard. Those who pass from under his skillful hands have assurance that they are presentable, in whatever company they may be thrown, be it Kings, Queens, or Presidents, and this consciousness gives them an ease of bearing, which adds greatly to their dignity and captivating appearance, essentials particularly requisite in young men who wish to make a favorable impression upon the opposite sex. You can obtain of Mr. Heitkam besides a neat fitting suit everything in the gent’s furnishing line. Neck-ties, collars, cuffs, pins, shirts, underwear, etc., are all obtainable here. He has all of the new styles of pantings and suits. Mr. Heitkam’s store is so advantageously situated that he keeps a first-class tailoring establishment. He invites the gentlemen of Cowley and adjoining counties to examine his goods and leave orders for suits. He is satisfied that they will be both pleased and benefitted. He is continually adding new goods, therefore any selection you may make of him will not be out of style after the first wearing.
are the proprietors of the lower stone flouring mill on the canal. This mill was built during 1883. The building is five stories high, all of stone. It cost some $65,000, for machinery and building. About $55,000 capital is required to keep this huge piece of machinery in operation. It is the flouring mill of the southwest. An average daily run of 250 barrels of flour is turned out. The Crescent Patent is their leading brand. The Morning Star is the favorite, and the third brand is Old Gold. As to the merits of these different grades of flour, the large wholesale trade carried on by Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., simply testifies. Daily they make large shipments to the west and southwest: Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and many other states are supplied with flour by the mill. Owing to their large southern trade, the demand for lower freight rates to that region has caused these gentlemen to enter prominently in the scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between here and Little Rock. Should the height of their ambition be reached and a line of steamers be kept constantly plying between the two above named points, then their southern wholesale trade will be increased three fold. This firm alone averages shipments of 200 barrels of flour per day, and as the demand for their flour grows, so will the firm of Landes, Beall & Co., increase their facilities for making it. They are men of enterprise and will succeed when others fail. To the world at large, the REPUBLICAN cheerfully recommends this firm and their flour.
One of our best businessmen in the city is Geo. W. Cunningham. In the make-up of Arkansas City’s list of businessmen, Mr. Cunningham is near the top. He is an implement dealer. His establishment is the largest of this kind in Arkansas City. It is a double-room, two-story brick. It is filled already with implements, wagons, buggies, windmills, corn shellers, etc. He handles nothing but the best goods. For enterprise Mr. Cunningham is not surpassed in Southern Kansas. There are a few weeks in the year that the implement business lags, but a visit to Mr. Cunningham’s establishment would never have divulged that fact. Words of commendation from us of Mr. Cunningham are almost useless, for who is it of our farmer friends that are not well acquainted with the above gentleman; but we would like to whisper a few words into your ear, toilers of the soil. Mr. Cunningham is making greater preparations accordingly. He handles the boss line of cultivators, plows, rakes, and other farm implements. His line of wagons for general use are second to none. All the above facts coupled with his great popularity with the patronizing public, appears to make his store room the center of attraction for people who desire anything in the implement line.
are the proprietors of the leading boot and shoe house in Arkansas City. The ladies will be delighted to learn that Mr. Brown has just returned from the east with a stock of shoes and slippers, especially for the holiday trade that will make their beautiful eyes glisten with pleasure. A neat fitting shoe or slipper is the ladies’ delight. It will not be the fault of Messrs. Brown & Pell that all the ladies are not re-shod during the holidays at their establishment. Nor have they been unmindful of the wants of the gentlemen and boys. All the leading manufacturers are represented. Fine boots and shoes they take pride in having constantly in stock. For heavier wear they have coarser stock. They flatter themselves that they have the best selected stock of boots and shoes of any house in the city. They handle boots and shoes exclusively. Their attention is not detracted from this line of business by any other branch. As the holidays are generally accompanied by a cold wave, they have laid in a mammoth stock of overshoes, especially for this season. They can save you 50 percent on all goods purchased of them. Should they fail in fitting you out of their stock, they can easily manufacture what you desire. Give them a call and take our word for it they will please you.
are the proprietors of the Arkansas City gun-shop. Work guaranteed.
is the latest acquisition to the City in the drug line. He came from Indiana several months ago and concluded to open up a first class drug store. He is one of those energetic Hoosiers who can never rest but are always rustling their business. Since the opening up of his store, he has been doing an excellent business. At the rear of his room he has partitioned off an office for Dr. E. Y. Baker, who will assist him in the drug business during the leisure hours of his practice. Mr. Steinberger has an exceedingly large prescription case filled with the purest of drugs. His stock is all new and fresh. It has not been on the shelves for months. For the holidays he will have a large stock of confections, just received. He handles none but the best brands of cigars. Tobacco he has plenty and if variety is spice, you can find both at this drug store. Combined with his drug stock, Mr. Steinberger has a fine line of pocket cutlery, nickle-plated shears, silver spoons, knives and forks, and revolvers which he will sell at a bargain. He desires to close them out at a bargain in order to make room for his new drug stock which he has arriving daily. He also carries the best brands of razors in the market. You will find his room on South Summit Street near the skating rink.
Proprietors of the City Book Store, will greet you this season with the handsomest line of holiday goods in Kansas. S. P. Gould commenced his career as a book dealer in 1883. His business increased so much that a partner became necessary. Several months ago N. T. Snyder associated himself with Mr. Gould. By the partnership the stock was about trebled. Now their shelves and display tables are creaking with the load of beautiful things for the holidays. There are albums that will be an acquisition to the centre table of any parlor. Books of poems of all the principal authors. Histories, works of fiction. Writing desks. Boxes of fancy stationery, Paper knives, Sewing baskets, Cigar cases, Perfumery, Lamps. This is only a partial enumeration, and to these are added vases, harmonicas, toys, pictures, scrap-books, and many minor articles which we cannot mention on account of our limited space. We have often heard of Paradise Lost, but if you will step into Gould & Snyder’s book store, you will have it found.
What is there more appropriate for a present at this season of the year than a handsome parlor set, bed room suit, or something that is substantial, besides beautifying your home. For the holidays Mr. Pearson has received almost three carloads of furniture. He buys directly from the manufacturer and pays spot cash. In this way he is enabled to sell goods cheaper than anyone else. Mr. Pearson has been in the furniture business for a long time in Arkansas City. His present establishment is growing entirely too small for his increasing patronage. He has the basement chock full, the business room so full that you cannot turn around without jostling against furniture, and the upstairs so full that you are unable to get your head in the doorway. All this furniture Mr. Pearson has purchased for his customers during the holidays and mark our words, Peter will get rid of it and don’t you forget it. Pictures he has in endless variety, and everything in a first-class furniture store. Kind readers, you cannot afford to allow the holidays to pass by without visiting Peter Pearson’s furniture store.
The quiet and gentlemanly proprietor of the Green Front is the oldest dry goods merchant in Arkansas City. For fourteen long years, Mr. Houghton has handled dry goods here; no one now can show a longer continuous business in the place than he. And what he doesn’t know about the dry goods business is not worth knowing. He knows where and what to buy and how to sell. As the city has increased in population and wealth, so has Mr. Houghton’s trade grown. He has become a permanent fixture in Arkansas City’s circle of businessmen and it would be an impossibility to do without him. Located in one of the most prominent places, first door north of Cowley County Bank, every man, woman, and child knows where to find him. For the holidays he is offering superior inducements in dry goods, carpets, ladies’ wraps, boots and shoes, notions, etc. Something that will be of use to you as well as ornamental is what you should buy to make presents during the holidays and the Green Front is the place to make your purchases. You will be deftly waited on by Mr. Houghton or any of his corps of assistants.
is the youthful artist who has lately leased Mrs. D. W. Stevens’ art gallery. There is one thing which is welcome in every household, and that is the picture of a friend. Though absent in flesh, the counterfeit presentment keeps his memory bright and fresh in our minds. What a comfort it is to open the album and look upon the portraits of those whom we cannot have with us! Without the modern art gallery, the most of us would be denied this satisfaction. The gentleman mentioned above takes pride in granting your friends this satisfaction. His works are his recommendations. A glance at his samples will convince you, as an artist, he ranks second to none in the state.
Here is a large and well-selected stock of almost everything pertaining to a lady’s wardrobe—hats, trimmings, laces, handkerchiefs, collars, ribbons of every shade, Jersey caps, embroidery, silks, and notions of every kind. The winter season is almost over and special bargains are offered her in hats, Saxony yarns, zephyrs, etc., at the City Millinery. It is the ladies’ paradise. Stamping done on short notice. Mrs. May Huyck is the lady who presides over the City Millinery and she is adept in the art of making ladies look beautiful under their head-gear.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
NO. 33,
located in Newman’s corner brick, is one of the neatest arranged drug stores in the state of Kansas. It will not do to pass by this house in search for presents. No. 33 has a splendid selected stock of goods. It affords the gentlemenly proprietors much pleasure to be able to supply their customers with a superior class of goods. There are odor and dressing cases, plush mirrors, pocket-books, albums, writing desks, vases, lamps, cologne sets, ink stands, and various other articles suitable for a present. Their holiday goods consists of presents that are useful as well as ornamental. A lady or gentleman can easily find a present at No. 33 that will suit the taste of the most fastidious. Dr. H. D. Kellogg and L. V. Coombs are the gentlemanly proprietors. Messrs. Kellogg & Coombs are so well known to our readers that it is almost unnecessary for the REPUBLICAN to endorse them. They have been in the business so long, especially the senior member of the firm. Call and examine the stock of No. 33 and you will discover that we have not told the one-tenth part. You will find it a pleasure as well as a benefit to stop at No. 33.
was built about three years ago by Mr. V. M. Ayres. He is the pioneer in the mill business on the canal. He was the first to utilize Arkansas City’s water power. He erected first a combination mill of burrs and rolls and had a capacity of 125 barrels. Lately owing to his brisk trade, he enlarged and remodeled his mill into the complete roller system, including all the latest improvements. By this improvement the capacity of the Canal Roller Mills was almost doubled. They now rank with the best flouring mills of the state. Their new facilities also created a better grade of flour, and now they are turning out flour second to none manufactured in the southwest. Mr. Ayres’ leading brands are Roller Patent, Venus or Half Patent, and Zenith. As the result of Mr. Ayres making these grades of flour, it has given him a name in the principal cities of Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and the Indian Territory, as being one of the leading millers in the southwest. In these states he does a mammoth wholesale business.
Edward Grady, proprietor, is still in the ring, not in the least disfigured by having so much competition in the lumber trade. The sale of building material in this community the past year has been very large and he has sold his share. During the dull season this yard has done a thriving business. This lumber yard is now chock full of all kinds of builders’ material, and of the best quality. He does not make a big blow about the amount of business done in the days gone by, but generally rolls over into the new year by having disposed of many thousands of dollars worth of material between the first and last day. Mr. Grady’s customers have learned that he always gives them the benefit of the very lowest prices possible, and after the first transaction, they always “come again.” Lately he has added coal to his lumber business, owing to the incessant demand of his customers for that article. Mr. Grady is business and is well recompensed for his efforts to please his customers.
is the proprietor of the “old reliable” harness shop of Arkansas City. He has been tried by the citizens of this community and found not wanting. He came here a number of years ago to make our town his home. Since then he has built up a lucrative trade. He has a large stock of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, spurs, etc.; in fact, his room is so full of stock that it is almost impossible to turn around. His room is much too small to accommodate his wants and his customers. Mr. Houghton does not try to build up his trade by tearing someone else’s down; nor does he make a great ado but proceeds quietly along in the even tenor of his way, making friends and augmenting his trade. He is busy now preparing for next season’s custom for which he will make a lively competition. A man among men is T. R. Houghton and this fact has been discovered by his customers and they stay with him.
Among the latest but by no means less important of our business establishments is that of E. L. McDowell, the jeweler. He came out here last spring to take charge of the jewelry establishment of Fitch & Barron’s store, but is so well pleased with the country and the kind treatment he has received at the hands of the people of this place, that he has decided to locate permanently, and accordingly rented part of Kellogg & Coombs’ room December 1, where he has displayed a very fine stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, etc. Mr. McDowell learned his trade in the east and is a practical workman, and having had experience in both the wholesale and retail jewelry trade, is enabled to keep up with the times. He hopes by fair and honest dealings to gain a foothold among us, and we wish him success. He has a handsome line of holiday goods.
Mr. Bonsall is the oldest and the best known photographer in Arkansas City. He was a citizen here long before we knew of this beautiful town. He served during the war as a U. S. Government photographer with credit to himself and profession. In the art of picture taking, he has had more experience than any artist in Cowley County. His gallery is furnished with all the modern fixtures, the latest improved camera, and he never fails to produce an exact likeness of his subject. There is nothing nicer for a distant friend than your photograph and Judge Bonsall is the artist to take it. Geins [?], photos, cabinets, and panel pictures especially. Mr. Bonsall is also U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner for this district.
is the place to get a lunch or a square meal. Stedman Bros, are the proprietors. Cigars, canned goods, cider, etc., can be obtained here. Fresh oysters received daily and gotten up in first-class style.
extends to his many friends and customers a hearty welcome, and desires to tender you his sincere thanks for your past liberal patronage and hope by fair and honest dealing to merit your confidence and support in the future; confident that thereby we may be mutually benefitted. He is determined to keep a full and complete stock of everything kept in a first-class furniture store. Buying his goods of the most reliable eastern firms, he can offer them to his customers, feeling that they speak for themselves as to quality and beauty. It is not his custom to try and build up a trade by running down goods bought of other parties, but by fair and honest dealing. Again extending his thanks for your kind and liberal patronage, he wishes you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Mr. Kirkpatrick is the proprietor of a neat grocery and bakery combined. Now a bakery during the holidays is especially needed to prepare the many good things designed for the numerous festive gatherings. Here is the place to supply this want. He has a Noal [?] baker, who thoroughly understands his business. Mr. Kirkpatrick always keeps on hand an ample stock of staple and fancy groceries and during 1885 he proposes to furnish the larders of many families in this vicinity. The report noised around and strengthened by publication that Mr. Kirkpatrick was going to retire from business is untrue. He intends to be a giant of usefulness to the public the remaining years of his life in furnishing their groceries and the products of the oven.
is the proprietor of one of the leading agricultural implement establishments in Arkansas City. He occupies Benedict & Owen’s old stand and is successor to them in the implement business. Mr. Means is a young and energetic businessman, and if his opening trade is an indication of what his trade will be when it has reached its maturity, he will do twice the business of his predecessors. All the latest improved farming machinery he has for sale. Pumps, windmills, corn shellers, wagons, buggies, garden and grass seed, gas supplies, etc., fills his store room to repletion. Possessed of the vim and energy which Mr. Means has, we have no fear but what he will create a vast amount of rustling among his competitors.
The proprietors of the Notion Store is headquarters for Santa Claus. They are not exactly Santa Claus themselves, but they love to gladden the hearts of everyone. Toys of every description for the children, vases, toilet sets for the girls and boys, sewing machines for the mother, musical instruments for the family. In fact, there is nothing usually kept in a first-class notion store that they are not displaying for the holidays. At present they are closing out their dry goods at greatly reduced rates. Everything to please you will be found in this establishment arranged neatly and at prices to suit the times.
with Ivan Robinson as proprietor. For a long time our town has felt the want of a coal yard. Mr. Robinson, on his own responsibility, came down from Winfield a few weeks ago and opened up a first-class yard. He has risked his capital in the investment and we are glad to see that our citizens are not backward in showing their appreciation of Mr. Robinson’s enterprise. They welcome him so warmly that already his business has reached such proportions as to require an assistant. You can get all kinds of coal of Mr. Robinson at any time. He keeps some ten carloads in stock.
is the aesthetic knight of the razor who presides in the parlors of the Red Front tonsorial palace. Homer is king and reigns supreme and his subjects must bow down for mercy. But avaunt with nonsense and tell the truth. To our notion Mr. Deets is the easiest shaving barber in Arkansas City. He is ably assisted by Sir Knight Peecher. The shop is kept clean, which is a great item in barbering. Shampooing, sea foams, and hair cutting a specialty. Bath rooms in connection. Warm, cold, or shower baths given.
Mr. Eddy has a good selected stock for the holiday trade. There are toilet sets, dressing cases, pocket books, albums, vases, and a variety of other articles calculated to please. He has a novelty in the way of Pampas grass and bouquets made of winter flowers. They are immense for holiday decorations. Mr. Eddy is an old citizen here and has been in the drug business a number of years. The holiday season has always found him ready for business and he is not lacking this time.
This is the appellation of a new real estate firm doing business over the post office. Uriah Spray is well known to our citizens and is doing a good business in the effecting of sales of lands. They have a number of choice farms for sale at a bargain, lots in all parts of the city, horses, cattle ranches, and in fact anything usually for sale at a real estate agency. One thing characteristic of Mr. Spray is his truthfulness. He has had a great deal of experience as a land agent and his word once passed may be counted on as reliable.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery houses of Arkansas City. They keep a select stock of staple and fancy groceries, the finest line of glass and queensware in town. Beautiful hanging lamps adorn their show windows, such as would be an attraction in any lady’s parlor. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore are good men to deal with. Accommodating, sociable, and generous, they await you at their store. You will find it a pleasure to deal with them.
Attorney-at-law, practices in all the courts. Mr. Jenkins lately removed here and is rapidly polishing up his reputation as a lawyer. We advise those desiring legal advice to call on Mr. Jenkins over the post office.
the genial draymen, do not desire to be left out in the cold in our “write-up.” These gentlemen do the greater portion of the hauling for the businessmen mentioned in this review. They have several teams which are constantly on the go from early morn till late at night. If it were not for these enterprising gentlemen and their draying outfits, our merchants would be in a sad predicament indeed. They are especially fitted up for holiday hauling.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Engineer Moorehead and James Hill have been pursuing our railroad enterprise for 18 months with unceasing efforts. If it had not been for these gentlemen, it would have fallen through long ago.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
James Hill returned from Newton Thursday, where he had been in the interest of our railroad to be.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
James Hill made his second annual settlement as administrator of the estate of William E. Chenoweth, deceased.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
Mr. James Hill was up from Arkansas City Tuesday. He is very sanguine as to the final construction of his Kansas City & Southwestern railroad. While in New York recently he made arrangements for the purchase of iron for a portion of the road. As soon as the weather will permit, operations on the line will commence. Mr. Hill is also enthusiastic over his Arkansas River flotilla scheme. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our City Dads.
COUNCIL ROOM, January 5, 1885.
The following bills were allowed.
A. A. Newman & Co.: $1.40
W. L. Aldridge & Co.: $13.60
Benedict & Owen: $8.35
James Moore: $12.75
James Hill: $18.39
C. R. Sipes: $2.35
James Hill was found indebted for boat and cable $40, and paid the balance $21.01 to Judge Kreamer.
Reports received and placed on file.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Jas. Hill has purchased the bill of lumber for a handsome two story residence in Leonard’s addition. He will have it erected immediately.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
The Navigation company assembled in the parlors of the Leland Hotel Wednesday and talked over the scheme of navigating the Arkansas. Mr. Wood, of Wood & Bliss of Winfield, was in attendance. The company empowered Jas. Hill with a permit to have a propelling boat constructed immediately, and we understand that Mr. Hill will go east for that purpose next week. Soon he will know our fate. The river has been surveyed and Mr. Moorhead says emphatically that a boat can be run on the Arkansas. By the time navigation is opened up, we will be ready for our pork packing establishment. Messrs. Prescott, Duncan & Barnett want to be looking a “leetle out,” or our steamboat will whistle before they are ready to ship their pork to the southwest.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Jas. Hill is in Newton this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Oklahoma Town Co.
The members of the Oklahoma Town Co. met last Thursday night and elected officers as follows.
James Hill, President.
E. Neff, Vice-President.
J. Benedict, Treasurer.
W. D. Kreamer, Secretary.
The Town Company numbers twenty members, who have recently received a charter, as was mentioned last week. The stock of the Company is limited to $500,000, divided in shares of $25.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
The Arkansas City River Navigation Company held another meeting at Arkansas City last week. Mr. B. F. Wood, of the Winfield Roller Mills, represented this city. The company empowered James Hill to have a propelling boat constructed immediately, and Mr. Hill will likely go east for that purpose this week. The river has been surveyed and engineer Moorehead says emphatically that boats of right proportions can be run on the Arkansas. Thus will the “Nile of America” succumb to enterprise and grit. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
J. L. Glotfelter disposed of his residence in Leonard’s addition to James Hill, and will soon commence the erection of one on his farm, a few miles from town.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson, S. J. Rice.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. B. Hilliard, C. H. Searing, S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
It is of course unnecessary to say that this is an office that will seek the man; not the man the office. What we need is a council composed of such men as will devote some of their time and ability, without any hope of reward, except an approving conscience. We need men of ability and business integrity, who have made a success for themselves and are thus qualified to legislate for the good of the community. Our citizens will doubtless make a wise choice.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.
Jas. Hill and Dr. J. J. [? NOT SURE OF INITIALS] Gould would make excellent councilmen from the first ward. We are informed that both gentlemen would accept the office should the people give them a chance in April.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
Jas. Hill purchased J. L. Glotfelter’s cottage in Leonard’s addition. Mr. Glotfelter intends moving to his farm south of town in a few days. He will erect a new house on his farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Do We Want a New Rail Road?
Major C. H. Searing received the following letter this week, which he handed us for publication.
WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS, January 21, 1885.
Major C. H. Searing, Arkansas City.
DEAR SIR: Our citizens are agitating the question of a railroad connecting with some terminus of the A. T. & Santa Fe R. R. in Southern Kansas, and I was delegated to correspond with parties in your town to see their desire in the matter. Congress is now in session and quick action will be necessary to get anything before the House this session. We have good available water power here and a through R. R. connection to Kansas City will make this the most important point in North Texas except Denison. Please reply soon.
Yours, W. A. KNOTT.
If our citizens want our road extended through the Territory, an opportunity is now offered. This is something we have long desired, something we absolutely need, and, in time, must have. Our citizens should take immediate action, as suggested in the letter, as Congress soon adjourns and what is to be done should be done before that time.
Should C. H. Searing, James Hill, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin and other of our leading citizens put their shoulder to the wheel now, we may soon have a road to the South by which we may dispose of surplus grain and at the same time get cheaper lumber and other supplies.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Our Communication From the Poor Old Hub.
A public meeting was called at the courthouse in Winfield, Thursday evening, for the purpose of devising some means to try and give the Hub a boom the coming summer. T. H. Soward called the meeting to order and came very near making his old campaign speech. He wished the Hub had a Jim Hill to build them a canal from the Arkansas River to Winfield, or do something to add a little life to the capital of Cowley. Next speaker was Charlie Black; he said they were going to build the Narrow Gauge but that the company had decided to make it a Broad Gauge; they wanted the people of Winfield to give them $40,000, and the townships along the line of the road to pay as much as they could legally vote for railroad bonds. They would not ask for county bonds, as they were afraid the county would not vote them, they came so near defeating them before.
Next speaker was Bro. Kinney; he said he knew nothing about railroads or worldly matters, but would entertain the audience with the war song of the salvation army; he sang “A holy war is raging, tramp, tramp; the Irish are throwing dynamite into the British camp,” etc.
Pap Millington was called, but was not present; he was busy preparing to turn over the post office to George Rembaugh.
Next speaker was M. L. Robinson, who said they would build the Narrow Broad Gauge to Winfield, if they got sufficient bonds, but Winfield could not vote them $40,000 and also aid the north and south road, as the law would not allow them to vote sufficient bonds to build both roads; and he thought the people ought to aid the N. G. and let the other roads look somewhere else for aid.
Next speaker was J. C. Long, who said he had about come to the conclusion that he had settled in a community of drones, without life or energy, but he thought they were waking up, and would talk liberally, certainly talk was cheap.
Joe O’Hare said he was in favor of digging the canal, then they would have plenty of water and sand enough to make it possible to get through the Winfield mud.
The chair then appointed a committee of seven to draw up a constitution and by-laws for the society, and it was voted to call it “The Winfield Enterprise Association.”
Bro. Kinney then announced that tomorrow the salvation army would hold public meetings on the streets, at the churches, and at the office of the Enterprise Association.
Meeting adjourned to meet next Thursday evening. MORE ANON.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The following is a list of transfers for the months of January and February, 1885, as taken from the transfer books of Frank J. Hess, Real Estate Agent.
Jno. Glotfelter to James Hill, house and 2 lots: $1,000
Jas. Hill to M. E. Huey, 1 lot: $100
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
O. F. Godfrey, while in Chicago visiting J. M. Young, the attorney for the Kansas City & Southwestern railway, leaned that the road would be built immediately. Mr. Godfrey claims he had sufficient assurance to believe that the engine of the Kansas City & Southwestern will be here by July. Our Jim Hill was there working like a tiger for the road.
Arkansas City Republican Saturday, March 21, 1885.
The Kansas City and Southwestern Railway.
That’s What Jim Hill Says if Cowley Will Vote the Requisite Aid.
Saturday last Jas. Hill, the man who is assisting in making Arkansas City famous abroad, came in from Chicago. A representative of the REPUBLICAN sought out Mr. Hill for the purpose of gleaning some information concerning the building of the Kansas City & Southwestern railway. In the conversation which followed, Mr. Hill informed us that the road would be built in the next four months; that the company was desirous of building through Cowley County; that the engine, construction cars, ties, tools, etc., were already purchased, and on the way to Beaumont, the point on the ‘Frisco road in Butler County from where the building would commence and go both ways; that Wellington was working their toe-nails off in trying to obtain the road; that the company would establish a beef packing establishment at Arkansas City that would be worth more in one year to our farming population than the sum asked for aiding this enterprise; that there would be about 44 miles of road in this county and aid as follows would be asked for the first 12 miles in the north part of the county, $3,000 per mile, then until it reaches Winfield, $3,500, from there to the state line $4,000 per mile. Monday evening Mr. Hill visited Winfield and submitted the above proposition to her citizens, who turned the matter over to the Enterprise Association, who held a meeting last Tuesday but have postponed definite action until next Tuesday. The company desires to bond the county and asks that $160,000 be given them in aid. This looks like a big sum of money, but Sumner County stands ready at any moment to give $4,000 per mile for every mile the Kansas City & Southwestern road traverses in that county, and Wellington would willingly turn to be a prohibition town if the beef packing house would be located there. This road will give the citizens of Cowley County a route to Kansas City 40 miles shorter than any other. It will be a saving of $1.20 on passenger traffic to that city and a similar one on freight traffic. We will have competition and the necessaries of life will become cheaper. It will be readily seen that one and all will be benefitted by the advent of this road and beef packing establishment into this county. The road will not stop here, but will be built to the territory line. From there it will at some future day be extended through the territory to Texas, and then Arkansas City will be the great wholesaling point that nature intended. Let the road go through Sumner County and see how deeply our city will be left in the shade alongside of the county. Mr. Hill will hold a meeting here as soon as he learns what steps Winfield takes. Here’s a high persimmon, friends, but we believe our pole is long enough to knock it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
City Election.
Two weeks from next Tuesday city election will occur. As yet no action toward nominating a ticket has been made. Hardly any interest is manifested in the rapidly approaching election. There have been numerous names presented to the public, but none have brought forward a ticket. But a few days yet remain in which to take action. By another issue of the REPUBLICAN, the registration books will be closed Friday, March 27, being the last day in which to register. Over 600 voters have registered their names with the city clerk, Jas. Benedict, yet there are a large number who have not. It seems our citizens are waiting until the last moment before they make the nominations. This is not as it should be. Candidates should be nominated and elected upon a careful consideration by the people. We want men who are willing to work for Arkansas City in office. The future welfare of our town depends largely on the city officers to be elected two weeks from next Tuesday. Somewhere along the territory line thee is going to be a town that will be the gateway to all points south of us. Why not make it Arkansas City? At present our prospects are the brightest. That they may continue we want efficient city officers. Men who will work untiredly for the welfare of Arkansas City. And as such the REPUBLICAN presents the names of the following gentlemen to the voters of Arkansas City for the offices to be filled.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
To All Whom It May Concern.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, March 19, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the Milling company known as Landes, Beall & Co., has by mutual consent been this day dissolved; Mr. F. Beall retiring. The business will be continued under the name of Arkansas City Roller Mill Co., to whom all accounts must be paid.
JAS. HILL, President.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
Frank Beall has severed his connection with the firm of Landes, Beall & Co., James Hill purchasing his interest. The mill will be run now by the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company with Jas. Hill as president and John Landes as manager.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
The Winfield Courier says the scheme to build the Kansas City and Southwestern railway was inaugurated by Winfield men. We wonder where our Jim Hill resides, the man who is bringing the road into Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Jas. Hill is building a large dwelling in the Second ward.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
To Whom It May Concern.
The firm known as Landes, Beall & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Beall retiring. The business will be continued and known as the Arkansas City Roller Mills Co., to whom all accounts must be paid.
FRANK LANDES, Manager. JAMES HILL, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Electing in the Interest of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad,
And Steps Taken For Securing It.
Mr. James Hill called a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City at Highland Hall, Saturday last, to take steps toward securing this projected road for this part of the county. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order and stated the result of its meeting in Winfield several days before; which was, in effect, that the people of that city wanted the road very badly, and wanted equally as badly that Arkansas City should not have it. They wanted the Company to locate their machine shops there, run the road to Geuda Springs or near there, and bind themselves to leave Arkansas City severely alone. Such a proposition the company could not and would not accept.
After considerable discussion as to ways and means, a committee of seven was appointed to look over the ground relative to leaving Winfield out in the cold if she persisted in her insane efforts to boycott the Canal City, and make their report today. The action of Winfield in this matter was severely dwelt upon, and excited the just ridicule of the speakers.
They then adjourned to meet on call of the Chairman of said committee.
Monday afternoon another meeting of our citizens was called at the office of Judge Pyburn. The purpose of this meeting was to meet and confer with a delegation of Burden’s leading businessmen. The committee from Burden consisted of Messrs. Henthorn, Walton, Snow, Cunningham, Zimmerman, and one or two others, whose names we did not learn. The proposition these gentlemen came to make was in effect that as Winfield was attempting to take the bit in her teeth and walk off with the whole bakery, it was manifestly the duty of Arkansas City and Burden to combine their efforts and thus guide the unruly animal of the porcine species out of harm’s way. Their argument was to the effect that if Burden was given the go-by so would Arkansas City and vice versa. Arkansas City and Burden combined could compel Winfield to come down from her pedestal of egotism and self-glory; as she could have no hopes of carrying county bonds. This would also cut off the hope of her getting sufficient bonds from the townships. The way to the Territory line is just as near and over better country from Burden via Winfield to Arkansas City as by any other proposed route. In short, their proposal was to enter into such an agreement as would forbid the acceptance of any proposition not altogether favorable to both Burden and Arkansas City.
During this conversation a delegate from Winfield, who had become alarmed at the visiting of Burden’s diplomats, of which they were aware, called out a member of the meeting, and notified him that Winfield was ready to agree to any terms that might be offered by Arkansas City, and that it was altogether unnecessary to call in Burden to our assistance, as their intentions were fair and just toward us.
After this trivial interruption of child’s play, the discussion and consideration of the proposition was resumed. It was the opinion of the majority that this was the only way to obtain our just recognition, and it was accordingly adopted as the sense of the meeting.
The status of the affairs now is, Arkansas City and Burden hold the key to the situation. Winfield alone cannot carry county bonds nor secure sufficient township aid. When she learns this, and learns it well, she will doubtless listen to reason. If not, then there is still one way and we believe it can be made successful. Arkansas City and Burden, we believe, can secure sufficient township aid. Burden stands ready to vote $35,000, Creswell is enthusiastic on the subject. Sheridan is all right, Liberty’s heart beats accord, Silverdale is wise enough to grasp the opportunity, Bolton wants a switch. Omnia, we presume, can be carried. It is a desperate game; but when it is necessary, the Canal City will be found with flying colors on the top wave. Remember 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Mr. Hill reports that the boat for the Arkansas River will be completed in two weeks, and will be brought here immediately after.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Messrs. James Hill and H. W. Young, representing the Kansas City and South Western railroad, called on us Saturday last. They gave it as their impression that the county aid could easily be secured for their road if we all pulled together as we should. If, however, we began fighting among ourselves, and only give them a divided support, the road would be compelled to seek other routes. It will need the total vote of the citizens along the proposed line of road, the earnest support and cooperation of every lover of our county’s prosperity. To urge local reasons, it will be worth more to Arkansas City than the cost of the whole road. Our boom, now assuming such proportions, will out boom and boom over booms here. Our prophecy for 1896, will contain but a shadow of the reality. We need the road, not only for the competition it will give us, which will amount to thousands of dollars a year, but for the increased advertisement. All petty differences should be merged into the one grand aim of the general good.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
City Officers.
On another page will be found the names of the nominees of a public meeting held in Highland Hall last Friday evening. We invite a careful scrutiny of the names, and a thoughtful consideration of the following facts.
Arkansas City is now in the most critical period of her existence. Her present actions will either make or mar her future prosperity. It is incumbent on those who are in charge of her welfare that no error be made, no mistake allowed to mar our success. A misstep, a misdirected error, may mean very serious results to our future.
In view of this accepted fact, certain things must be looked at closely. The first among these is, that the officers to be elected this spring should be men of unerring judgment, practical, energetic, successful businessmen. This is imperative. Men who have made a success for themselves may be trusted to look after the affairs of the city in which their interest is. With two or, at farthest, three exceptions, this cannot be said of the ticket nominated last Friday. We are sorry to see that, in fact, the reverse is the case. No intelligent man who has the city’s best interests at heart and who allows his judgment to predominate over his prejudices can support the ticket in entirety.
We have refrained from expressing any particular choice; the individual makes no difference to us. We care not who he or they may be. But it is absolutely necessary, and if we fall short, the damage cannot be estimated, that thorough-going, business-like men, men with sound judgment, great discernment, and administrative ability be placed at the helm. Can we honestly and candidly look at the names on this ticket and declare it to be the one which will answer these requirements? We are compelled to answer NO!!!
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Citizen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of the city met in Highland Hall, Friday night, at 8-1/2 o’clock. The meeting was called to order and Prof. C. T. Atkinson elected chairman, R. E. Howard, secretary, and J. P. Musselman, assistant secretary. The following nominations were made for Mayor: Frank P. Schiffbauer, A. V. Alexander, Chas. Bryant, and Geo. E. Hasie.
The informal ballot resulted.
F. P. Schiffbauer: 198
A. V. Alexander: 45
C. Bryant: 4
A. J. Pyburn: 6
L. E. Woodin: 3
James Hill: 1
J. J. Breene: 1
W. D. Kreamer: 1
Col. E. Neff: 1
Under suspension of rules, F. P. Schiffbauer was nominated by acclamation, which was made unanimous.
C. R. Sipes was nominated and by acclamation, without a single dissenting voice, elected as the nominee of the convention for City Treasurer.
For Police Judge, Chas. Bryant and W. D. Kreamer were candidates, resulting in the election of the latter by a vote of 97 to 67.
James L. Huey was unanimously nominated as candidate for Treasurer for Board of Education.
S. C. Lindsay was nominated for Justice of the Peace without any opposition.
For Constables, J. J. Breene and J. R. Lewis walked off with the bread basket, no one dissenting.
The several gentlemen made short speeches after their nomination.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Meeting Held at Highland Hall Sunday Night
And Proposition of the Company Accepted.
Now, All Pulling Together, “a Long Pull, a Strong Pull, a Pull Altogether;” and Cowley County will Double in Population and Wealth in the Next Two Years.
A meeting of our citizens was called Monday night to hear the proposition of the K. C. & S. W. Ry. Co. J. Q. Ashton was elected chairman and Wm. Jenkins, secretary. The proposition, as read by the secretary, was submitted in the form of a petition to the board of county commissioners, and tenor of it was as follows.
The undersigned resident tax payers respectfully petition for a special election to be called for the purpose of accepting a proposition to subscribe $160,000 to the capital stock of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co., and to issue bonds to that amount, to aid in securing said road to be constructed from Kansas City, in the state of Missouri, to the south line of the state of Kansas, through said county, the Co. first promising to construct that portion from the St. L. & S. F. R. R. north or northeast from said Cowley County into and through said county by the way of the City of Winfield and the city of Arkansas City to the south line of the state.
The bonds to be issued to be of the denomination of $1,000 each, to run 30 years (redeemable at the expiration of 10 years at the will of the county), to bear 6 percent interest, the interest payable semi-annually at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas to the city of New York.
The said railroad shall enter the said Cowley County on the north side thereof, and extend through said county in a southwesterly direction, and through the townships of Omnia, Richland, Fairview, and Walnut, to Winfield, and thence by the most practicable route to Arkansas City, and touching its corporate limits, and thence to the south or west line of said Cowley County, with suitable passenger and freight depots located—one in Omnia Township, two in Richland Township, one within 3/4 of a mile by an air line from the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue in the city of Winfield; one in Pleasant Valley Township; one within 3/4 of a mile of the intersection of Central Avenue and Summit Street, in Arkansas City; and one in Bolton Township.
The railroad to be of standard gauge, to be a first-class road, and to be built and completed and have cars running thereon, for the transaction of business to Arkansas City on or before six months from date of election, and to the south or west line of Bolton Township, on or before nine months.
Provided, That before any election shall be called, the said company shall give security either by depositing with the county treasurer a sum sufficient to defray the expenses of said election or by executing a bond to the State of Kansas for the benefit of said county to pay the costs of such election, in case the said company fails to build said road.
When the company shall have built 10 miles of road and fully equipped the same, bonds to the amount of $30,000 are to be issued to them; when they reach Winfield, bonds to the amount of $30,000 more shall be issued; when they shall reach Arkansas City, $40,000 more, and the balance when completed.
The form of the ballots to be “For the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.,” and “Against the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.”
With very little discussion the proposition was adopted. The following committee was appointed to work in the interest of the road to the outlying townships: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, C. Mead, Rev. S. B. Fleming, J. Q. Ashton, Wm. Jenkins, S. Matlack, N. T. Snyder, Maj. M. S. Hasie, Judge T. McIntire; and they were empowered to add others to the committee at their discretion.
The first steps have now been taken toward securing this road, a good beginning made. But our people must realize that it is only a beginning, a small one at that. Before us lies a great deal of hard, persistent work. The eastern portion of this county, through the mistaken idea that if the road does not traverse their townships, it will be of no benefit to them, will oppose the bonds to a man. The northwest will go equally as strong the same way. We take the following statistics from the last report of the Board of Agriculture, because we have not the vote of the townships at hand.
The population of concerned townships in 1884.
Omnia Township: 458
Richland Township: 905
Walnut Township: 1,285
Pleasant Valley: 936
Creswell Township: 879
Bolton Township: 1,228
Winfield, City: 3,617
Arkansas City: 2,838
TOTAL: 12,186
Population of county in 1884, 26,149.
Difference: 14,018
Leaving a majority against us in 1884 of 1,977. This, of course, is allowing that everyone is in favor of the road in the townships named and all the rest against us. We presume that this relation between the total population and the number of voters remains the same relatively all over the county.
The additional fact must also be kept in mind that while Winfield and Arkansas City have increased in population at from 25 to 40 percent since the above census was taken, the rest of the county has in a very small percent. Looking at it in this light, the most favorable we can allow, the total population of the townships mentioned above is less than the balance of the county, and the voters in proportion. The difference and a sufficient number more must be obtained by hard work. Not by the holding of an occasional meeting in the outlying townships, but by meeting six nights in the week, and twelve hours a day. If this road will be of any benefit to us, it will be of thousands of dollars in benefit. This will take time, money, and dogged persistence. If our city wants to do this work, or its share of it, well and good. If not, then the county bonds can be counted on as defeated from the beginning.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
JAMES HILL, President. JOHN LANDIS, Manager.
THE FINEST BRANDS OF FLOUR constantly on hand in car lots for shipment. Also, Corn Meal, Bran, and Chop. The Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat and Corn.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
The Citizens Elect Their Ticket and the Reformers Get Scooped.
Our city election yesterday hinged upon the question of sustaining Mayor Schiffbauer and the council in their water and gas ordinances. The matter has been discussed at some length in the newspapers, and voters have talked the matter over with more or less warmth. The meeting on Monday night was held for the purpose of more fully informing the people of the merits of the case, it being the belief of those who called the meeting that when the action of our city fathers was fully rehearsed, the popular verdict at the polls would be given in their condemnations. Mr. Hill, as an expert, denounced the method for supplying our city with water, as ineffective and obsolete; the contract which binds our citizens to pay for the work he showed to be so loosely worded that no security was afforded the public interest; and the haste with which the business was transacted, he said, naturally begot the suspicion that some secret influence had been at work which the people would do well to rebuke. Judge Pyburn dwelt more especially upon the law governing the case. He declared that since the proclamation of the Governor changing Arkansas City from a city of the third to the second class, no legislative action of the city government had been valid, except the ordinance dividing the city into four wards. This dictum relegated the water and gas ordinance to the region of informality.
This brought Mayor Schiffbauer to his feet, who explained the action of himself and council, and in the brief vindications made some telling points. Mr. Porch also arose to declare that he had money at his command to fulfill the contracts, be the cost what it may; and Mr. O’Neil made the further assertion that gas and water would be furnished our citizens no matter what might be said in opposition.
This exposition, it is to be supposed, was duly considered by the voters, and how it affected their judgment is best shown by the result of the polls. The Citizens’ ticket elected in most the wards, but owing to the late hour of receiving the returns, we can only give the majorities, which are as follows.
For Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer [C] 117.
Treasurer, C. R. Sipes [C & R] 578.
Treasurer, Board of Education, James L. Huey [C & R] 643.
Police Judge, Chas. Bryant [R] 35.
Justice of the Peace, S. C. Lindsay [C] 100.
Constables, Frank Thompson [C & R] 641. J. J. Breene [C & R] 641.
For council: Jacob Hight [C & R] long term, 57.
James Hill [C * R] short term, 57.
For school board: J. W. Ruby [C] long term, 57.
S. J. Rice [C] short term, 57.
For council: Calvin Dean [R] long term, 2.
Archie Dunn [C & R] short term, 134.
For school board: Rev. J. P. Witt, 68; John Landes, 68.
For Council: O. S. Rarick [C] long term, 1; M. C. Copple [R] 66;
C. G. Thompson [C] 66. [A tie between the two latter.]
For school board: H. D. Kellogg [C], long term, 1.
John Love [C], short term, 1.
For Council: A. N. Davis [C], long term, 44.
H. George Bailey [C], short term, 45.
For school board: Alex. Wilson [C], long term, 67.
J. C. Duncan [C], short term, 58.
The initials in the above statement stand “C” for Citizens’ ticket, and “R” for Reform candidate.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
Bossed the Meeting.
Judge McIntire presided at the mass meeting held in Highland Hall, on Monday evening, but the citizens who attended had no voice in his selection. He opened the meeting with a weak attempt to explain the purpose for which the people were gathered, and then, without any organization by the election of officers, called upon Mr. Hill for a talk; which that gentleman responded to by occupying the attention of the meeting for an hour and a half. The flow of oratory was kept up till eleven o’clock, and people were leaving the hall, then he declared the meeting adjourned, without any motion to that effect. This is a species of bossism which saves the people the necessity of acting for themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
A large number of fine residences are being erected in the Second ward, among which we note those of O. Ingersoll, $2,900; Elder Grady, $2,500; Rev. Witt, $1,000; Frank J. Hess, $2,500; Rev. J. O. Campbell, $2,000; H. H. Buckley, $1,500; Jas. Hill, $1,500; Mr. Stretch, $500; and several others, whose owners we do not know. The Second ward is rather taking precedence this spring.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
Monday night a meeting was held in Highland Hall by those desiring reform. Jim Hill, Judge Pyburn, and others made speeches. The speeches were devoted mainly to discussion of the water works ordinance, which was pretty well ventilated. Mr. Hill substantiated the REPUBLICAN’s arguments fully, and set forth other facts of which we had never thought. It is to be hoped that the new council will re-model this water works ordinance to at least the extent which Porch and O’Neal stated in their circulated circular. We hope the council will embody the contents of that circular in the ordinance. It is nothing but right that it should be, to do justice to the taxpayers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The City Election.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The Winfield Daily Courier, in a tabulated statement, shows how much whiskey it takes to preserve the health of Arkansas City and Winfield. The report was made up from the filings with the probate judge, the first of the month, therefore must be correct. Seven druggists have taken out permits in Arkansas City and four in Winfield. The report only covers the sale of about two weeks.
During that two-week period, owing to our city being located high and dry on a sand-hill between the Walnut and the Arkansas, someone has consumed 748 pints, or more than two barrels of whiskey, to allay nervousness. Besides, 371 bottles of beer have been utilized to aid in digestion.
Winfield denizens only get away with 282 pints of whiskey and 30 bottles of beer, not mentioning the “exercises” held at “back door institutions.”
The Daily Courier suggests that the miasma rising from Mr. James Hill’s canal would breed sickness. It must be terrible. Winfield is more healthy. She required only one-third the “medicine” used farther south. Lord, won’t it be simply awful in Winfield when she gets her 25-mile “ditch.” But we will wager that the sales here of the “ardent” will be less this month than in March. If not, someone will get their eyes opened in regard to the effectiveness of the law.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Hugh Ford has sold his residence in the 2nd ward to Jas. Hill. Consideration was $1,600. Mr. Ford had just erected the residence.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Jim Hill was over to Beaumont last week. He came home Monday. He says the dirt began to “fly” on the Kansas City and Southwestern.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
The city council wrestled with the water ordinance in committee of the whole, yesterday, and the matter was referred to Councilman Hill to report an amended proposition.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
Have We a City Government Under the New State Law?
Monday evening a regular meeting of the city council was held, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. When most of the routine business was performed, Mr. Amos Walton presented himself, and asked to call the attention of the mayor and council to a law passed at the last session of the state Legislature (Senate Bill No. 145), which requires as a qualification to the office of mayor or councilman that the incumbent be an owner of real estate in the city.
Councilman Rarick said the provision of law had just come to his knowledge, and as he was not an owner of real estate in the city, he felt himself disqualified to hold his seat. He had written out his resignation that morning to tender to the council, and he now gave notice that he should no longer perform the functions of councilman.
Some debate followed this tender as to what should be done with the resignation, but it was decided that no action was required, as the gentleman was not a member and the law declared that fact.
Mr. O’Neil then asked leave to introduce his water proposition , and a statement was read bearing his signature, but he disclaimed the authorship of the document or the signing of his name. This water supply business comes up in loose shape before the council, and the unwillingness of some of the members to act on it has a tendency to delay proceedings. At 7:30 o’clock a motion was adopted to adjourn the council meeting till 10 a.m. the next day (Tuesday), and that the council sit in committee of the whole to consider the water works question, the session to begin two hours before the adjourned meeting of the council.
But in the morning a new trouble arose. It was talked on the sidewalk that Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson and Davis, were also ineligible to hold office, they not being the owners of real estate in the city. This seemed to have a paralyzing effect on the honorable board, as the members did not present themselves to sit in committee of the whole. The matter was talked over by the groups on the sidewalk, and the question whether their past acts were valid caused a feeling of painful uncertainty.
At 10 o’clock the council met, Mayor Schiffbauer again in the chair. The recent act of the legislature was discussed, and “what are you going to do about it?” seemed a poser to our legislative Solons. Mr. Hill desired that some intelligent proceedings be taken to learn the facts in the matter; and after various suggestions were offered, it was finally resolved that the roll of the members be called and they be asked to declare whether they were owners of real estate within corporation limits. The mayor said he owned real estate; the councilmen from the first ward (Hight and Hill) also declared themselves real estate owners, Messrs. Dunn and Dean, of the second ward, had the necessary qualification; Capt. Thompson, of the third ward, declared himself a property holder, Capt. Rarick, of the same ward, was not in his seat, Councilman Davis, of the 4th ward, reported himself not a property owner, Mr. H. G. Bailey said he had the necessary qualification. This left two members ineligible on their own statements. The mayor questioned whether Councilman Bailey was ineligible to serve. He owned a homestead in the city although it was held in his wife’s name. She could not dispose of it without his assent and joint signature to the deed, and hence his mayor regarded him as a property owner. But Mr. Bailey took a different view of the matter. He said he did not own a lot on the city plat, he was not listed as the owner of real estate, and hence the law made him ineligible.
The talk on the subject is that two other members of the city government are in the same box with the fourth ward member, and a number of our citizens declared that elections must be held to fill their places. The question is referred to the attorney general of the state for an opinion, and when that official gives his views, a way will be devised to disentangle the snarl.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
Railroad Meeting in Dexter.
The citizens of Dexter are stirred up over the subject of railroad communication, and on Saturday they held a mass meeting to consider the question. They favor the bestowal of county aid upon the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road, and desire that the $100,000 of county bonds asked by that corporation shall be granted. But they seem to be impressed with the fact that the diversity of local interests may interfere with the success of this project, and hence the expedient was favored of pooling issues in order that all may work together. After an animated discussion, a motion was adopted that the citizens of Dexter lend their support to the proposed issue of bonds to aid the Kansas City and Southwestern road on condition that Arkansas City gives its assistance to secure an equal amount of bonds to aid the D. M. & A. Road, and in order to present this matter to the voters of this city, and learn from them whether they favor the proposed consolidation of interests, a committee consisting of W. E. Merydith, R. Hite, A. S. Gray, C. W. Ridgeway, A. C. Holland, and W. G. Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, was appointed to visit this city, and interview our citizens on the subject. Those gentlemen reached here on Monday at midnight, being delayed on their way by swollen streams, and yesterday they employed in carrying out the purpose of their visit.
A meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, at which a number of our representative businessmen were present to confer with the delegation from Dexter. The latter rehearsed the facts as briefly stated above and asked an expression of sentiment from those present. The offer of cooperation from the citizens of Dexter Township was very cordially received, and the assurance given that Arkansas City would work with them in good faith in granting aid to the road they are most directly interested in. It was stated that the county commissioners, in cession at Winfield, would that day (Tuesday) order an election to vote on the issue of $100,000 of county bonds to aid in the construction of the north and south road; the election to vote bonds for the road running east and west will be held later.
The result of the conference was satisfactory to the Dexter delegates, and they were unreserved in their assurances that the Dexter vote will be given for the Kansas City and Southwestern.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
A Municipal Dead Lock.
The city council has been playing at cross purposes of late. A week ago last Friday it held an informal meeting, the mayor being absent from the city, and the heavy rain keeping several members at home; but no business was done except to swear in some of the newly elected officers, and resolve to meet on the following Monday.
On Monday the honorable body did not get together, but the following evening they met, the mayor also being present. Mr. O’Neil was in attendance, expecting the water ordinance would be brought up for revision, to state what changes in his proposed contract with the city government he was willing to concede. At 8:15 o’clock Mayor Schiffbauer rapped the council to order, and informed the gentlemen that their proceedings would not be valid unless held in compliance with a call duly signed by the mayor and a majority of the council. City Clerk Benedict then wrote out the call for a special meeting to which the signature of the mayor and four of the council were appended. Another name was wanted, and here came the hitch. Councilmen Dunn and Dean declined to affix their sign manual, unless it was specified in the call that the water works question would not be considered. They were opposed to the present contract as being too loose; it did not go sufficiently into detail, and failed to guard the interest of the taxpayers. Councilman Hill was not present, and they deemed it unwise to take action on so important a matter, or bring it up for consideration, a full board not being present. Councilman Hight advanced the same objection. After some time had been spent in informal debate, the mayor said it would be well to give effect to the call as other public business was awaiting action, and the council could use its own judgment about taking up the water works question.
Leave being granted Mr. O’Neil to address the council, he said he hoped there would be no further delay in considering the contract to which he was a party. It was not for him to say what he would do, but for the gentlemen to specify their requirements. If his present engagement for the construction of water works was not satisfactory, he was willing to amend it; he was there to make liberal concessions, but he must first know what was demanded of him. He hoped there would be no further delay as he was here under expense, and had money on deposit to go on with the work which could be put to profitable use elsewhere.
A lively cross-fire ensued between Mr. Dunn and the speaker, to which Messrs. Dean and Hight contributed an occasional shot. The debate made the fact apparent that those gentlemen opposed any action on the question in the absence of Mr. Hill, and as this maintained the deadlock, at 9 o’clock the mayor declared there would be no meeting of the council, and the business ended in smoke.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
A Way Suggested to Reduce the Rates of Insurance.
Property holders complain that the rates of insurance against fire in this city are excessive. Underwriters see that no adequate means are provided for extinguishing fires, and they mark up their rates of insurance because of an increased risk of loss. The city has provided a hose-reel, we believe, and 200 or 300 feet of hose; but this apparatus, without the vital element, would afford weak assistance to devouring flames. To afford security to property and relieve our overtaxed citizens from burdensome insurance rates, some plan should be devised, until we get our long talked of water supply, of extinguishing a fire when the hour of need comes.
The Hasie Bros., have sunk a cistern, capable of holding 2,000 barrels, in the rear of their fine building, to afford a supply of water for domestic uses to the occupants of the rooms. We have already explained that their security against fire is afforded by tanks placed on the roof, and a hose and reel in the building, which can be carried to any floor by means of an elevator.
But the cistern might be put to other uses should necessity arise. In case of fire within three blocks in any direction, a fire engine and a thousand feet of hose would deal with it promptly and efficiently. But the city does not possess an engine, and the question for property holders to determine is whether they can afford to do without one any longer. The cost of a serviceable engine would be about $1,200, and the manufacturers sell them on time. Suppose one-third of the amount was paid down, and the balance allowed to run one and two years. An immediate outlay of $400 would procure us a fire apparatus, and the engine house could be built near the cistern so as to be on hand when an alarm is given. A feed pipe thrown into the cistern and a fire started under the boiler, and in a few minutes a stream would be ready to quell the mastery of the flames.
It will be said this only provides a partial protection. That a radius of three blocks from the Commercial building does not take in the city, and would leave the majority of our citizens without aid. But the water supply could be extended by sinking other cisterns contiguous to buildings that have a breath of roof sufficient to afford the necessary drainage. With the engine and hose provided, any portion of the city could be reached if a supply of water was available. The outlay necessary to perfect such a system would be trifling in comparison with its value to the city, and the saving it would effect in insurance rates would fully meet the expenditure.
These suggestions are thrown out while the city council is laboring with a water ordinance, and they stand for what they are worth.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
A Captious Complaint.
The Republican expresses disappointment this journal did not try its hand at disentangling the snarl in which the city council lately became involved. It charges that the editor of this sheet “failed to say anything on the subject, which was conclusive evidence that he was not skilled to wrestle with law Latin.” This is captious criticism. The question that perplexed our city fathers was whether several of their number were eligible to hold office under the provisions of the recent act of the legislature, which requires the mayor and councilmen of cities of the second class to be holders of real estate in the city. As the matter was too weighty for them to get away with, it was referred to the attorney general, and last week City Attorney Stafford reported the opinion of that judicial authority to the council. This proceeding was in conformity with Councilman Hill’s suggestion “that intelligent steps be taken to ascertain what is right in the matter,” and any proffer of advice by a newspaper, while the question was under legal investigation, would have been an act of gross impertinence. Let our jejune contemporary try again.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
The City Council Again Laboring With the Question.
The water question has become a hackneyed subject in the newspapers of the city; and with the rivers overflowing their banks and threatening widespread destruction, we can understand that a prolonged discussion of the question may seem excessive to some readers. But old Aquarius, who carries the watering-pot of the gods, may withhold his hand before long; our present surplus may turn into drouth, and then the subject of a water supply will not be turned from with aversion.
When the report of the committee on water works was made to the city council a week ago, through its chairman, Mr. James Hill, the question of the location of the works was referred to the council, and became the subject of prolonged discussion. Mr. Hill, as an expert, recommended the Walnut River as a source of supply, suggesting that three acres of ground at an eligible point be purchased; that the same be fenced in, cleared, and scrupulously cleaned off, and the necessary buildings and machinery erected. He recommended the Walnut River, he said, because the spring which furnishes our present supply of water is not to be depended on for the future needs of the city; and because a present saving of several thousand dollars can be made in the machinery and a considerable permanent saving in the cost of fuel.
The debate that followed brought out an expression of conflicting sentiment. The water in the Walnut was condemned as impure and unfit for culinary use. Dead carcasses, decaying trees, and vegetable debris are borne along its surface, and the several hog wallows in the vicinity of the mills taint it beyond means of purification. One or two members suggested that the water could be filtered before it was turned into the pipes, but others contended that it was so charged with vegetable and animal matter, that during the hot months, it became putrid; and no process of filtration could relieve it of its offensive odor.
Diverse views were expressed on the fitness of the spring for the supply of the city. It was asserted by Mr. Hill, and assented to by some of his brother members, that an excavation must be made to arrive at an increased supply, and in sinking down, there was danger of losing the water entirely. But others declare that large portions of our city are under flown by seepage from the Arkansas River, and that a thin stratum of rock, extending from one river bank to the other, is interposed between this subterranean inflow and the surface. In proof of this the case is mentioned of a workman drilling through this shell of rock, who lost hold of his drill when the rock was perforated, and it disappeared in the underlying water. Taking this geological formation as a basis, they insist that the rock has but to be removed from the spring where the city now obtains its supply, and water will be found in sufficient quantity to meet all our future wants should our present population be decupled.
This diversity of opinion was brought to an issue in the council last week, by the introduction of a motion to locate the water works on the Walnut River bank. But no definite vote was taken because two of the members (Messrs. Hight and Bailey), were not able to vote intelligently, not knowing anything about the prospective capacity of the spring to supply the city inhabitants. A day was granted to inform themselves, and when they came to a vote on the motion, the ensuing evening, it was sustained by a vote of four to three. This seems to have given the coup de grace to Mr. O’Neil, who has been hanging on the ragged edge for upwards of a month; he saw that his franchise to build a water system was knocked higher than a kite, so he gathered his belongings together and lit out, forgetting, in his haste to get away, to pay his debts to several confiding creditors. This puts the water works question all at sea again, and the question is, what is it best to do about it?
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
The city council was late in getting together on Monday evening. Capt. Rarick, having resigned; and Mr. Davis deeming himself without the necessary property qualification to hold his seat, the body is reduced to little more than a quorum. Mr. Hill was also absent, having left on the afternoon train. The mayor and four councilmen waited till 8:30, and no quorum appearing, the marshal was sent after Archie Dunn, who promptly responded to the summons and then the business began.
In accordance with city ordinance No. 125, a license of $25 a day had been demanded of G. G. Matthews for selling a bankrupt stock of dry goods, thereby demoralizing the trade of our home merchants; but he refused to pay the tax. This was reported to the council in writing, and after some discussion, the matter was postponed indefinitely.
Mr. Hight reported in behalf of the sanitary committee. A new vault should be dug at the Windsor Hotel and better provision made for carrying off waste water. Mr. Stedman, owner of the bath house, was required to make the same provision. The water spout on Kellogg & Coombs’ drug store should be removed to a more suitable place, and the privy in the rear of their lot removed. The portion of the alley in the rear of the Arkansas City Bank should be filled up, and certain manure piles at different points mentioned removed. Also some hog pens and stagnant pools in the first ward required attention. The report was accepted, and the attention of the street commissioner called to the various nuisances named.
The mayor stated to the council that Night Watchman Dunckell had resigned; and on recommendation, his honor had appointed Mr. Johnson to fill the vacancy. He submitted this action for the approval of the council. Mr. Yont’s name being also mentioned for the office, a ballot was taken which resulted in two votes for Jackson and three for Yont. The latter was approved as night watch without cost to the city.
Mr. Hight asked for the report of the water works committee. Capt. Thompson, the only member of the committee present, asked further time, which was granted.
W. L. Dockson then presented himself before the city council asking to be heard. He set forth that he was a professional house numberer, had numbered the houses in Wichita, Sedgwick, Winfield, and other places, and asked the passage of an ordinance by the council giving him the right to number the houses in Arkansas City. He was followed by Bert Risdon, who asked that the privilege be accorded him, and engaging to employ Mr. Ferguson, one of our own citizens, to do the painting. Referred to the committee on ordinances.
The committee on streets was instructed to report a system of guttering and curbing for action by the council.
Some discussion arose over the purchase of four lots by the city, where the springs, which furnish the water supply, are located. There is a mortgage of $75 on the property, while the rent paid by the city is $25 a year. It was urged that if the city pays the mortgage, it will acquire title to the property, and thus save the cost of rent. Referred to the finance committee.
The next business in order was the consideration of ordinances, and the ordinance imposing an occupation tax was the first to come up. But it was now ten o’clock, and members suggested it was too late to take up so comprehensive a matter.
At this moment, Mr. Collins, of Wichita, attorney for Mr. O’Neil, presented himself and asked if the council was willing to grant definite terms to his client. The franchise granted by the former council allowed 90 days for furnishing the plant to supply the city with water; that time was two-thirds gone, and his client had been hindered from prosecuting the work because of the refusal of the present council to carry out the contract of their predecessors in office.
Mr. Dean inquired if the company Mr. O’Neil represented was willing to go on and do their work without bonds.
Mr. Collins could not say as to that. His client had spent months here, had supplied the city with water, paying for fuel and necessary help, and had incurred other expenses. He now wished to know whether an arrangement could be made with the council so that he could go on and fulfill his contract.
Mr. Dunn said O’Neil had collected water rent from the Leland House and Mr. Geo. E. Hasie, but this the latter emphatically denied.
Some show of feeling was developed during the discussion, which the mayor endeavored to suppress. At 10 o’clock the council adjourned to meet the following evening.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Jim Hill came home Wednesday from Beaumont. He reports the graders about 18 miles out from Winfield, and that ten miles of rail had been laid up to Tuesday evening. He further says that the K. C. & S. W. will be into Arkansas City inside of 90 days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Jim Hill, who has been up constructing the K. C. & S. W. Railway, came home Thursday to view the “Kansas Millers.” He informed us that track was laid into Cowley County Wednesday evening. The grading is ten miles ahead of track laying.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
The “Kansas Millers” Takes a Delegation of Businessmen Down the River
Monday an excursion on the “Kansas Millers” down the Arkansas by the businessmen was originated as the next day’s programme. Bright and early two bus loads of our citizens wended their way to the Harmon’s Ford landing and boarded the steamer. All together there were some 60 passengers. At 8:10 the steamer heaved anchor and in a very few moments we were out of sight of the many spectators who came down to see the excursionists start. We steamed down the river at a lively rate. In twenty minutes we were out of the mouth of the Walnut. On entering the Arkansas the speed of the vessel was increased and in a few minutes we were steaming along at the rate of 18 miles per hour. The passengers gave themselves up entirely to the enjoyment of the trip. All were inclined to be jolly and forget business cares one day at least. Cracking jokes, perpetrating harmless tricks, enjoying the beautiful trip down the Rackensack. The steamer had a canvas awning put up to keep out the scorching rays of the sun, and as the cool breezes came up the river, one and all felt it was good to be there.
At 9:15 we landed at the Grouse Creek ferry, about 20 miles downstream, to put off some freight which V. M. Ayres had shipped to Gilbert’s and Newman’s ranches. This was the first consignment of freight to the “Kansas Millers.” It consisted of 50 bushels of corn and several hundred weight of flour. The passengers, full of life, took the place of deck hands and soon had the cargo landed.
Once more we heaved anchor and steamed down the river about five miles, and landed in a beautiful grove on the Kaw reservation. When the steamer had been made fast, all clambered ashore, and ran and jumped like school boys. While ashore C. A. Burnett took advantage of our absence and in a short time had spread a picnic lunch. All ate their fill. It was a splendid bill of fare, and Charley and his efficient cook deserve mention for their efforts to refresh the inner man. After partaking of the bounteous feast and the remnants being cleared away, we steamed up the river for home.
Capt. Moorhead ran the boat across several sand bars to show the passengers that it was impossible to stick the steel-bottomed steamer. After this had been fully demonstrated, the passengers were called to order by A. V. Alexander and a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a stock company to build steel-bottomed barges. Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen to preside and N. T. Snyder was chosen to be secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the “Kansas Millers” and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson’s real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.
After the adjournment of the meeting, the crowd gave themselves up once more to enjoyment. At five o’clock we anchored at Harmon’s Ford. Getting aboard Archie Dunn’s busses, we were soon uptown. And thus ended a day of great recreation and profitable pleasure.
The sun was very warm coming upstream, compelling all passengers to seek shady nooks.
Alexander was the story-teller. He was not a success—cause audience went to sleep.
Spencer Bliss, Dr. Evans, and J. W. Millspaugh of Winfield were down and took in the excursion.
Frank Greer, of the Courier, and Prof. B. T. Davis, of the Tribune, were the representatives of the Winfield press and were busy all day with paper and pencil.
The REPUBLICAN office furnished the bill of fare cards.
Searing & Mead, Wood & Bliss, of Winfield, V. M. Ayres and the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company compose the navigation company. V. M. Ayres is president and C. H. Searing Secretary. These four milling firms, having practicably demonstrated that the Arkansas is navigable by steamers on the pattern of the “Kansas Millers,” and having used $7,000 to further the enterprise already, naturally turn to the town most benefitted for assistance in the furthering of the enterprise. The directors are B. F. Wood, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, and James Hill.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
At the council meeting last Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer is reported as saying by the Traveler that: “The jealousy of a rival attorney had instigated a good share of this public odium, and the lies published in the REPUBLICAN had proceeded from an outside pen, because there was not brains enough in that establishment to concoct such fabrications. He cautioned the council against being influenced by these scurrilous allegations, they being prompted by malice and having no foundation in fact. If such charges were to influence the council to go back on its officers, he wished it distinctly understood that he had no hand in the business.”
The mayor also said “that you might rake H__l over with a fine comb and not find as black-hearted an individual as the one who wrote those articles in the REPUBLICAN.”
We wish to say that the junior editor of the REPUBLICAN does all the editorial work. All the charges we have brought to bear against the city council and attorney were written by that individual. We edit our own paper. We are not influenced by outside talk. We espoused that which we thought to be beneficial to the city and tax- payers. We were against that infamous water works ordinance because we believed it to be a swindle. In an article we condemned that ordinance, and showed wherein it was deficient. Later on we have shown plainly that the city attorney was incompetent to handle our city affairs. The police judge has shown that he is too lax in the management of his affairs. The council by a majority vote has requested him to resign, also the city attorney. The Council did a good night’s work last Monday in purging. We hope they will continue the purging process until they get all the corruption out. But one thing we are sorry for is that our mayor should so far forget his dignity as to use profane language in the council chamber. While we may have been extremely provoking to his side of the question, Mr. Schiffbauer should not be so put out as to lose the dignity which belongs to the head official of the city. It is very unbecoming.
In regard to the articles which we have written, they were founded on facts. Take the back files of the REPUBLICAN, inquire into the matter, and every charge we have made is true and can be sustained.
Only one time have we given space to any rumor; that was in regard to a certain officer appointing his brother-in-law to succeed Billy Gray as city marshal. That brother-in-law has since been appointed night watch at a salary of $25 per month. Hight, Dean, and Davis voted against his appointment. Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey voted for it, and as it was a tie, the mayor decided.
Mr. Schiffbauer informs us that a number of merchants requested the appointment. As they hired one night watch, they felt justified in asking the city to appoint one. But be that as it may, we know now we have three salaried policemen and two night watches.
The REPUBLICAN has a right to criticize the action of any public officer. The people expect us to voice their rights and agitate all questions of public interest.
The muddle which exists in the council now is thrown upon the shoulders of the REPUBLICAN. It was through our agitation of the ineligibility of the councilmen and the incompetency of our city attorney, it is claimed by a few, that the present state of affairs exists. We have no apology to offer. We have done our duty to the taxpayers of Arkansas City. We thought the city attorney was incapable to handle the affairs of Arkansas City correctly. We said so and produced evidence to substantiate what we charged. We feel highly complimented that the REPUBLICAN has been able to assist in purging the city of any incompetent officer. But this is no reason why our mayor should lose his dignified bearing and go down to the level of a profane citizen, especially in the council chamber. We leave the matter to be decided by the taxpayers of Arkansas City. In the language of Jake Hight, let us have a little more dignity in the council.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Councilman Hill returned to the city on Monday; but took no part in the council proceedings that evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
The Traveler turns up its nose because Jim Hill was in the city Monday evening and failed to attend council meeting. One councilman from the first ward is sufficient, it seems. Jake Hight watches with the eye of an eagle over the city affairs; consequently, he keeps certain parties cringing inwardly for fear he will open fire on them. The REPUBLICAN remembers the fact that Hill was elected against his will and that he told his constituents he would be unable to attend to the duties of councilman as it should be. But this does not release him from his obligation to his constituents to attend when in the city. We hope to see Mr. Hill in attendance hereafter when in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Jas. Hill came in from St. Louis Monday night. He reports the K. C. & S. W., as graded to within nine miles of Winfield, and the track laid to within twenty-two miles of the city of mud and dust. But for the bridges to be built, the Terminus would have the new road in sixty days. The K. C. & S. W. Company are building four new towns along their route, all good towns, too, and they really think they can improve our county seat’s prospects.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
An Undesirable Personage Who Will Not Be Suppressed.
The deadlock in the city council still continues, the collective wisdom of our city fathers in the attempt to disentangle the snarl proving an utter mockery.
It has been suggested that if they meet less frequently and talk less, a less amount of friction might be created. It has even been intimated to this reporter that if he ceased publishing the proceedings of that honorable body, less attention would be directed to our city government, and less perplexity would distract the minds of our municipal Solons.
Last week the council held a stormy session, and all that resulted from their deliberations was placing matters in a worse shape than before. The occupation tax was referred to the equalization committee on the complaint of the insurance agents of the city, and the water ordinance was referred to the water works committee for revision, on the complaint that the tariff bore heavily on certain interests—livery stable men, hotel keepers, barbers, etc. This causes more delay, and in the meanwhile not a dollar finds its way into the city treasury.
Councilman Hight, also, created ill feeling in the mind of the mayor, by his indiscreet and injudicious devotion to retrenchment and reform. He bounced Night Watchman Stafford, whose pay is $25 a month, on the ground that his support was an unnecessary burden on an overburdened treasury. This officer had worn the star but two weeks, he has been vigilant and had made several arrests. As a matter of fact, the fines paid by the misdemeanants he handed in more than paid his salary for the time; so the burden of his pay could not rest down very heavily on the city treasury.
This seems to have disgruntled the mayor; he feels it as a personal affront. He is working without pay; he is ungrudging in his devotion of time and attention to his duties; and he very naturally thinks himself entitled to some slight indulgement at the hands of his brother officials. The citizen who pays the taxes (or is expected to pay them), and look on, knows that correct government cannot be obtained under the most expensive methods, and he is willing to wink at any trifling peccadillo that quiet and efficiency may be preserved. An old axiom says, “Notions thrive in spite of bad government,” and there is a saying in the law books, de minimis lex non curat, (the law takes no heed of trifles).
But the worst pill in our municipal pharmacopoeia, is the city attorney. He is a worse element of discord than a green apple to our internal arrangements. He is not wanted, and he will not take himself away. His demand is for specific charges, he declares he will not be suppressed by mere clamor. He seems to have succeeded in making himself odious to the entire community. Petitions have been circulated asking him to resign; a resolution to the same effect received the unanimous support of the council. But these delicate hints he treated with supreme scorn. The council, finding it had a tough customer to deal with, threw away reserve, and its next step was to declare the office vacant. This was supposed to be a sockdologer.
“Time was when the brains were out, the man would die.”
But this shot glanced off as harmlessly as the frigate Cumberland’s broadsides rained upon the rebel ram Merrimac. The vote of the council being unofficially reported to this disciple of Thomas, he laughed with intense enjoyment, and informed the mayor they had not done with him yet. He still affects to perform the duties of the office; and expresses his clear conviction that he is entitled to the pay.
At the council meeting last week, Mr. Hight inquired of the mayor if he had appointed an attorney to fill the vacancy. His honor replied he had not, as he was unwilling to burden the city treasury with two attorneys. He then declared his belief that the proceedings in ousting that much reprobated official were not in conformity with state, and were hence invalid. Mayor Schiffbauer’s understanding of this matter has been explained in our columns before. His reading of the state law creating our city charter is that in removing a city officer—other than the mayor, justice of the peace, and constable—written charges must be presented, and the officer against whom they are preferred, be heard at the bar of the council. This idea has probably been engendered by his honor’s readings in history. Our schoolboy imaginations are very vividly impressed with the proceedings in attainder of several British ministers; and the American constitution prescribes an elaborate form for the trial on impeachment of the president. But a strict construction of the provision warrants no such resort to stage effect. The offending official can be removed for cause, on a majority vote of all the members of the council.
Has not a cause been given? Incompetency. Has not another cause been set forth, an inherent cussedness, and a sort of true inward perversity, which set every man against him, and create such friction that the car of our city government cannot roll on with this extremely objectionable passenger aboard. Our British forefathers would duck a village scold, and in this country as well as abroad, a litigious, quarrelsome person can be restrained on a charge of barratry. “General cussedness” being deemed too indefinite a charge to bring against a city officer, a more direct and tangible cause was assigned, and for incompetency the office of city attorney was declared vacant.
Here comes in the deadlock. The irrepressible Stafford affects to ignore the authority of the power that created him, and the mayor encourages his recalcitrancy by refusing to fill the vacant office. The councilmen regard each other in perplexity. Boss Tweed’s embarrassing query, “What are you going to do about it?” comes home to them in full force. It will not do to give up, they all declare, in talking over their embarrassment, but no two seem to agree in the manner they ought to proceed. The TRAVELER has no suggestions to make, because the situation is too sensational for a reporter to desire to see changed. In Chicago a heavy snow fall last winter filled up the street and car tracks and seriously impeded commerce. Large bodies of laborers were set to work to remove it, but it was found that after all the shoveling was done the snow was still there. So with our inevitable city attorney. The people may abuse him to their fill, and the council dispose of him in every variety of way; but he bobs up smiling and serene after the most merciless vivisection, and seems rather to enjoy the torture of which he is made the victim. Why don’t the president appoint him minister to Siam? The mission belongs to this state.
Since the above was in type, the council at a regular meeting, last Monday, at the request of the city attorney preferred by the mayor, withdraw its charges against that official, on the condition that he tender his resignation. It was alleged that harsh measures had been passed, as an opportunity had not been afforded him to resign before the matter had been brought up in council and the office declared vacant. This method of solving a difficulty and removing friction being approved by the council, on motion the resolution was reconsidered and revoked, and the city attorney requested to hand in his resignation.
Mr. Stafford being called for, made a brief address, in which he said he was the victim of clamor; that a crusade had been engaged against him without definite charges being made, and all the proceedings against him adopted by that body were tainted with irregularity. But since it was insisted that his incumbency in office was the cause of irritation, and his withdrawal was demanded in the public interest, he was ready to sacrifice his own rights and step down and out on these conditions: That his pay be allowed him till the 17th inst., the end of a month in his engagement, and also that he be allowed his fees as counsel in the case of Ward against William J. Gray.
Mr. Hill said it would be more graceful in Mr. Stafford to resign unconditionally and trust to the magnanimity of the council.
Mr. Stafford said the gentleman had not attended council meetings as regularly as he (the speaker) had.
The mayor here interposed with a personal guaranty that Mr. Stafford’s salary should be paid to the 17th as demanded, and the fee he asked in the city marshal’s case, as the council was bound to protect its own officers, he had no doubt that body would allow. Whereupon the resignation was written out and tendered, as requested, and formally accepted by the council.
John Stafford, the night watchman, who has worn the star since he was declared discharged a week ago, was formally reinstated. Mr. Hight declared he had been too hasty, that his zeal had outrun his discretion, that he regarded it as one of the deadly sins to trench on the mayor’s prerogatives, that in future he would keep a watch on his lips, and uppermost in his soul was the saying of our dead hero, “let us have peace.”
The curtain was rung down at a late hour with the mayor and councilmen shaking hands all round, the city clerk mounted on the reporter’s table singing the doxology in long meter, and the TRAVELER reporter rushing furiously down stairs vociferating that his occupation was gone. It was a good old-fashioned love feast, and melted the hearts of the beholders.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
Cannot Be Granted.
We mentioned in our report of the council proceedings, two or three weeks ago, an application made by the Millers’ Co-operative Exchange for aid in the construction of their proposed mill. Mr. Gant, who spoke for the delegation, said that Winfield had offered $20,000 in cash, a commodious and eligible site whereon to erect their buildings, and fuel free of cost for five years. But their articles of incorporation required the location of the mill in Arkansas City, and the majority of the stockholders preferred to have the enterprise come here. It was, in fact, an Arkansas City undertaking. He said further that a fund of $50,000 would be necessary to carry out the enterprise, and a donation not exceeding $15,000 from the city would put them in possession of the needed amount. On inquiry from Mr. Hight, the petitioner said a donation of $10,000 would fill their expectations and requirements. The matter was taken under advisement.
Since then a written answer has been given to the Millers’ Co-operative Exchange, signed by the mayor and council, denying the request on the ground that the money cannot be raised. Under a state law the city is not allowed to issue bonds to a greater amount than ten percent of the assessed value of the property. Bonds of $20,000 are now outstanding issued in behalf of the water power company, and $5,000 additional to provide a sinking fund. Recently the city voted $20,000 to be issued to the Kansas City and Southwestern railway, and this exceeds the limits imposed by law. An application to businessmen and property holders has been suggested, but the time is inauspicious for any such request. What steps the association will take, with this refusal before them, we are not informed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
Law and Order Meeting.
A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in the Baptist Church, last Sabbath evening, in the interest of law and order in our community. The meeting was organized by calling Maj. Sleeth to the chair, and appointing N. T. Snyder, secretary.
Some excellent music was rendered by the choir, after which Rev. Fleming read the Law of Mt. Sinai and the thirteenth chapter of Romans, and Rev. Witt led in prayer. Short speeches were made by Messrs. Hill, Jenkins, Campbell, Fleming, Buckner, Witt, Kreamer, Hight, and others.
The meeting developed the fact that there is a deep and wide-spread feeling bordering on indignation in the hearts of the people at the lawlessness apparent on every hand. Notable in connection with the Sabbath and prohibition laws was this spirit developed. While law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear, and can rely upon the moral strength of the community; yet the individual who wilfully and wantonly violates the laws upon our statute books need ask no favors or quarter as this will not be shown. That this is the case seemed to be the conviction of those who were present in the meeting. There is unquestionably a wicked and wanton violation of both the prohibition and Sabbath laws which is fast giving to our fair young city an unenviable reputation abroad; and against this wholesale iniquity the combined moral force of the community will make itself felt.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Enforcement of Ordinances Discussed. Other Business Transacted.
At the council meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and six councilmen were present, Dunn and Hill being absent. The vote of the third ward was canvassed, and A. D. Prescott declared elected. He presented himself and took the oath of office.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Violating a City Ordinance.
The Republican tells of W. H. Sawyer’s case (the laundryman), but hardly does him justice. His violation of the city ordinance, in regard to frame buildings within the city limits, came up in the council chamber on the 3rd inst. He had been arrested for putting up a considerable addition to a frame building on Central Avenue (just east of the alley), and he presented himself before the council to plead his case. He had bought the old frame store which stood where Herman Godehard is erecting his new and handsome store, and removed it to its present location in ignorance (as he claimed) of the ordinance. His present quarters being too restricted for his extensive business and the accommodation of his family, Mr. Sawyer thought to provide room enough for all purposes. He had cut his lumber, part of it was in place, and if he was not allowed to go on and finish his building, he would be put to serious loss. The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency.
The next day Mr. T. D. Ross ordered a bill of lumber of G. B. Shaw & Co., with intent to erect a frame livery stable on the same avenue near the Arkansas City Co.’s coal yard. He had previously asked leave of the council to build a stable and been refused; but he now declared that if one was allowed to disregard an ordinance, the same indulgence was due to another; and he proposed to place his stable where he wanted it.
It may be said in defense of Mr. Hill that he has been away from the city for some time, and was not familiar with the situation here. At least half a score applications have been made to the council by persons desiring to put up frame buildings, to make additions to their stores or dwellings, or violate the ordinance in some way. They have been refused on the ground that if dispensation is granted to one man, it must be extended to others; and there is no use passing a law if it is not enforced.
With this promise of immunity, Mr. Sawyer set his carpenter to work again; and the city marshal again pulled him. The promise made him by Mr. Hill that the council would shut its eyes to his offense had no force in law because one ordinance can only be revoked by the passage of another. Mr. Sawyer unwisely persists in going on with his work, and fines in the police court to the amount of $125 have been piled up against him. He has appealed his case to the district court, and a serious bit of expense will be the result of the false sympathy extended to him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
To Whom the Fault Belongs.
In regard to the Sawyer wrangle, the Traveler says:
“The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency.”
Upon Mr. Hill saying what he did, Mr. Sawyer rose up in the council chamber and pointing toward Billy Gray said: “What shall I do about the city marshal arresting me?”
Mr. Hill replied that that was his own look-out. But a few moments before this conversation, on the same night, Mr. Sawyer presented his petition, which was tabled, and on motion of Archie Dunn, the fire ordinance was ordered to be enforced strictly, each councilman voting affirmatively.
This shows that the blame does not rest upon the council, as the Traveler would like to have it appear, in order to shield its protégée. Prior to this meeting Mr. Sawyer had been arrested, just after he had commenced his building, but Judge Bryant was ordered to stay proceedings by the mayor until after the council met.
What did the council do? They ordered the ordinance enforced. Whose duty is it to see that the ordinances are enforced? The mayor’s. Did he do it? We think not.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Hight, Dean, and Dunn present, and Hill and Bailey absent.
The following are the different committees as revised by the mayor.
Finance: Hill, Davis, and Prescott.
Printing: Prescott, Dean, and Hight.
Streets and Alleys: Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey.
Public Improvements: Dean, Davis, and Hight.
Ordinance: Thompson, Dean, and Prescott.
Water Works: Thompson, Hill, and Dunn.
Sanitary: Hight, Hill, and Davis.
Sawyer presented his case and begged for leniency, but the council refused.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
James Hill, our first ward councilman, is in New York on railroad business.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
City Council.
A regular meeting of the city council was held on Monday evening, Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
James Hill, our first ward councilman, returned from his visit to New York yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session on Monday evening, at 7:30 o’clock; Councilman Thompson presiding, Mayor Schiffbauer being detained at home owing to the sickness of his wife. All the members were present except Bailey and Hill.
The following bills were acted on.
T. R. Houghton, $1.25; referred.
American Machinist Publishing Co., $12 for advertising, allowed.
C. R. Sipes, $5.50; referred.
Age of Steel, $3 for advertising; allowed.
W. D. Johnson, extra police duty, $2; allowed.
County bill of O. P. Houghton, $10.51; approved.
A communication from the Wichita Water Works Co., was read, offering for sale two boilers, abandoned because of their insufficiency for the needs of that city. Placed on file.
An offer was made by F. B. Scott, the water works engineer, through Mr. Prescott, to run the works and do all the repairing for $60 a month. Another offer was received from Edward Malone, to perform the same work for $40 a month. No action was taken.
Permission was granted J. C. Topliff to use the street for building material while erecting his double house next to the Hasie block.
A similar privilege was granted Edward Grady while building a brick store on Summit Street, corner of Third Avenue.
Skipped the rest.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Barge Builders At Work.
On Monday Mr. E. Palmer, senior proprietor of the Mid-Continent Boiler Works, of Kansas City, arrived in town with six workmen, to construct a steel barge for towage by the Steamer, “Kansas Millers.” The materials, it seems, have been standing unloaded at the depot for several weeks, but the steamboat company, having a depleted treasury, have taken no steps to have the barge put together, waiting the return home of Mr. James Hill. The workmen are now employed erecting a stage on the other side of the Walnut River, at Harmon’s ford, for the construction of the barge. During the detention of the materials here we learn from Mr. Palmer several kegs of nails and washers have been abstracted from the car, and more material will have to be sent before the work can be completed. The vessel when put together will be 60 feet long, with a breadth of 12 feet, and her capacity is estimated at 20 tons. With a full cargo her draft of water will not be over 2-1/2 or 3 inches. The steel plates are 12 feet long by 3 feet wide; those which compose the hull are 1/3 [?] inch thick, while the bow will be made of plates three-sixteenths thick. Four lengths will compose the stowage portion of the barge, the ends fastened with strip iron secured to the steel by four rows of rivets placed 1-1/2 inches apart. Bars and braces and angle iron will be freely used to give the vessel the necessary staunchness. An inside deck or flooring with plank will be laid over the bottom of the barge, and at the gunwale, or upper portion of the sides, an upper deck will be laid. The sides, we should have mentioned, will be three feet high. The addition of the bows and stern will extend the vessel 12 feet, and give it shapeliness as a river craft. It will be built in six water tight compartments. Three of these vessels were ordered, but the order has since been modified to two, and the materials for the other barge will arrive here in a few days. The cost of the two will be about $2,600. Mr. Palmer and his crew of workmen are staying at the Central Hotel.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
The Work of Building Barges to Carry Freight Commenced.
Last week the material for one barge arrived. Monday last E. Palmer, representing the Mid-Continent Boiler Works of Kansas City, arrived with six workmen to set the barge up, and have been employed all this week at it. The barge when put together will be 60 feet long by 16 feet wide with a capacity for carrying 20 tons. It will draw about 3 inches of water when loaded. The Navigation Company have ordered the material for another barge, and they are now determined to have navigation opened up on the Arkansas before fall is over. The steamer, Kansas Millers, will tow the barges downstream. The trouble heretofore experienced will now be avoided. No cargo will be put on the steamer. It will be used to tow the barges, and as it only draws 10 inches of water, no difficulty will be found in navigating the Arkansas. Jas. Hill came home from New York this week and set everything to going. He says the scheme must work and we have no doubt but what it will.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
The citizens of Arkansas City have just awakened to the fact that they are about to be left out in the cold in the matter of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad. It has now become known that the Geuda Springs branch is only another name for the K. C. & S. W., and that while the company will fulfill their agreement to the letter, and build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, they have intentions of making the junction at least three miles north of here and thus make the Geuda Springs & Caldwell branch the main line, while this will be only a stub with not sufficient length to justify a separate service. The effect will be that when the road is in operation that only such trains as are absolutely necessary will ever be run down here, a local freight perhaps. This is a direct stab at Arkansas City from the Winfield element in the company headed by the road’s attorney, Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney. To devise some means to have the junction here or south of here, provided a western branch is built, was the object of a meeting held in the office of Meigs & Nelson Thursday evening.
The meeting was called to order by N. T. Snyder, Judge Kreamer being called to the chair and N. T. Snyder, secretary.
George Cunningham stated the object of the meeting, which was to devise some way to prevent the junction from being north of Arkansas City, and asked Mr. Hill to make a statement of what the company intended to do.
Mr. Hill said that the company intended to build the road through Arkansas City to the state line, and that the Caldwell branch would also undoubtedly be built, and that it would be to his interest, and to the company’s interest, to have the branch start from here, as it would require but one bridge. He also stated that the company, outside of the Winfield element, was favorable to Arkansas City. He acknowledged that the company was morally, if not legally bound, to make the junction here, because it was upon these express promises that they had obtained the aid of Arkansas City in voting the bonds.
Rev. Fleming made a forcible speech, charging it as conspiracy on the part of Winfield to leave Arkansas City out in the cold and a violation of the promises made by Asp and others when they obtained our aid.
Amos Walton said that it was a conspiracy that was entered into at the time the company approached Winfield. Every opposition was made to Mr. Hill’s efforts to get the road through the east part of the city and east of the Santa Fe. The city council was even in the conspiracy, as shown by the fact that they would not grant the right of way of street crossings unless the road went west of the city. The road going west, he estimated, cost $25,000 more than the east route. “Winfield voted $20,000 bonds to get them in there and charged them $25,000 to get out.”
A. A. Newman moved that a committee of five be appointed to confer with Mr. Hill as regards the best means of attaining the object of the meeting. The chair appointed A. A. Newman, Geo. W. Cunningham, Amos Walton, Rev. Fleming, and S. Matlack as that committee.
The following resolution was passed.
Resolved, That the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company is not treating the city of Arkansas City fairly, and in the same generous spirit which the citizens treated them in the inception of the road in the matter of building a road diverging from their line north of this city. In support of this proposition, would say that it was promised and agreed by Mr. Asp, attorney for the road, in order to obtain our aid, that the line of road should come down east of the A. T. & S. F., and yet the leading citizens of Winfield antagonized the road sufficient to prevent its coming through Winfield on a line to accomplish that object and to the injury of the company forced it upon the west side of the city of Winfield, and then as a part of the scheme for the injury of Arkansas City proposed and looked up a line leading west only three miles north of the city of Arkansas City. Feeling that it is a violation of the good faith pledged to the city, we would respectfully state that the said line should be left open until the line to the territory on the south of us is built. We would further state as to the matter of expense that in case the company will make a survey and establish the cost of the road from the point in Beaver Township, to the west line of Walton Township, Sumner Co., and a corresponding survey from Arkansas City or south of it, west through Walton Township, Sumner County, that we will willingly make the difference in case it should be favorable to the first mentioned line. W. D. KREAMER, Chairman.
N. T. SNYDER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Scraps of History.
Several months ago Burden wanted Arkansas City to affiliate with her in building the K. C. & S. W. Railway, and leave Winfield out in the cold. But our citizens, induced by fair promises from the leading men of Winfield, refused to acknowledge Burden’s request. We combined with Winfield to win the enterprise. She lulled our citizens into peaceful repose by fair promises of standing by us, and then while Arkansas City’s representative in the railroad company was away in New York attending to business of interest to both towns, she stabs us in the back, by hatching a scheme to build a line of railway from the K. C. & S. W., at the edge of Creswell, west through Geuda. Henry E. Asp, our present county attorney, elected by the votes of Arkansas City, says Jim Hill, is the father of the scheme. Remember this, friends, Mr. Asp is a county official and in trying to injure our town for the benefit of his own, overreaches the bounds of his office. Instead of working for the interest of the county, as he was in honor bound to do after the promises he made our citizens in regard to the K. C. & S. W., his little soul could not extend out of the corporate limits of Winfield. Well, what he has done can not now be undone. But we wish to remark right here that Mr. Asp is dead politically in this end of Cowley County. We have learned enough about him since his election to remand him to pettifoggery once more as soon as his term of office shall have expired. As far as Winfield is concerned, she seems to have forgotten that there is a feeling yet existing for Tisdale to be the county seat of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
The directors of the Farmers’ Milling Exchange met in regular session on Monday last. Mr. Hill met with them and furnished them with a plat of the railroad through this city, showing the location of the road. The board ordered the committee to complete the work of the location of the mill and report to a called meeting of the board on Monday next. Work is expected to commence on the mill at once.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Mr. Hill introduced an ordinance, prepared by Henry E. Asp, attorney for the Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, granting the right of way through Arkansas City. Two routes are proposed, one along First Street to Leonard’s addition, the other along Third Street to Fifth Avenue; the council to determine the more expedient route. After a prolonged discussion of the matter, it was determined that the council should meet at the Star Livery Stable at 8 o’clock the next morning, where hacks would be ready to take them over the proposed routes; and at 9 o’clock they would meet in their chamber to take action.
Mr. Thompson called the attention of the council to the condition of the bridge across the canal. It was now impassable for teams, and the canal company held themselves under no obligation to repair it. It was necessary for the council to take action, or approach to the city by that thoroughfare would be cut off. He mentioned the case of a horse having died this week through injuries sustained from falling through the bridge. The road commissioner was instructed to make the necessary repairs.
The council reconvened at 9 o’clock on Tuesday morning, having surveyed the ground over which the K. C. & S. W. Co., asks the right of way. Ordinance No. 24 (Published in another column), was taken up for consideration.
After the reading of the first section, Mr. Hight inquired whether the city would be responsible to property holders for any damage they might sustain, or whether their recourse would be to the railroad company.
Judge Sumner was sent for to advise the council in considering the ordinance. On taking his seat in the chamber, the judge said as the city granted the right of way, it was responsible to property holders for whatever damage might be done, but a provision might be inserted in the ordinance rendering the railway liable to the city for all costs, damages, and expenses that might be incurred by reason of granting the right of way.
On the section being put to the vote, Mr. Hight said he should like a provision inserted requiring the company to come here with their main line and not put us off on a spur.
Mr. Hill said such a clause was not needed, there was no danger of the company going to Geuda Springs on the proposition that was before it. The inducement offered was the issue of $21,000 in bonds to be voted on in Walton Township in a week or two. This would not pay the cost of building the road. There was 13 miles of track to lay and a bridge across the Arkansas River 800 feet long to be supported on solid masonry. This structure would cost $35,000. He then explained at some length how this new arrangement, which had so alarmed the people here, had been brought about. Certain parties in Winfield have property interests in the new town they had laid out to the west of that city; some of them, perhaps, having seats in the city council, had influenced that body to refuse its assent to the Kansas City and Southwestern track being carried through eastward of the Santa Fe track. In granting the right of way, they required the road to come out on the west side and built across that track. Thus in coming to this city they were west of the Santa Fe, and there was a doubt whether they would be allowed to cross it again. For this reason the company asked the right of entering the city by one of two ways, in order that a pressure might be brought to bear on the Santa Fe people. Suppose you give the right of way along First Street. We shall then have to cross their track again. This crossing they may refuse, and in a lawsuit that may result, we may be hindered by a perpetual injunction.
A right of way along Third Street will place our track between the city and their road. This they will certainly not approve. It would suit our purpose better, and be better in all respects, to come in on First Street, but we want the means of getting there. If the choice of the two roads is left open, the speaker had no doubt that the Santa Fe company would grant the right to cross their track rather than have our road come in between them and the city. The ordinance was then read by sections and adopted, and the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Members present were councilmen Thompson, Dunn, Dean, Hill, Hight, Bailey, and Prescott. C. G. Thompson, acting mayor, presided.
The allowance of a few minor bills occupied the attention of the honorable board for a short time when they passed on to other business. The following parties presented bills for curbing and guttering, which were opened and read: Duncan & Jones, F. Gray, Cornelius Mead, J. C. McGee, John Senthouse, J. E. Parkins, Dennis Harkins, J. E. Beck & Co., and J. W. Ruby, and by motion the same was referred to committee on streets and ordered to report Wednesday evening.
Ordinance No. 24, in regard to granting the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city was read. On motion the council decided to look over the route and take action Tuesday morning.
It was moved and carried that the city repair the south canal bridge.
The request of Mrs. Skinner to remit fine of W. B. Skinner was not granted.
On motion the council adjourned until next morning.
At 9 a.m. the council convened with Councilmen Hill, Davis, Bailey, Dunn, Hight, and Thompson present. Mayor Schiffbauer presided.
The ordinance, No. 24, was taken up, read, voted upon, and passed. This ordinance grants the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city on 3rd or 1st street.
On motion Mayor Schiffbauer was instructed to purchase a stove for the council chamber.
Adjourned until Wednesday evening.
Council convened with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Davis, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present.
The contract for guttering and curbing two blocks of Summit street and putting in crossings was awarded to C. Mead and he was given 90 days into which to fulfill his contract. His bond was $1,500.
Council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
The Railroad Muddle.
For the past ten days the all-absorbing railroad topic has held the attention of our citizens. You could see them gathered in crowds on the street corners discussing the prospect of having a branch extended west three miles north of us. We all realized that such a branch would be detrimental to Arkansas City, and have been very much excited over the project. We naturally would as it effects our home. Anyone possessing the slightest patriotism at all would enter a hearty protest against the junction being made north of us only three miles.
The excitement was cooled down considerably by promises made by our townsman and a prominent member of the K. C. & S. W., Jas. Hill, that no such a branch would be constructed. He informed our citizens at the council chamber last Monday evening that should the K. C. & S. W. Railway extend its line west at all, the junction would be formed at or south of Arkansas City just across the Arkansas. The reason he assigned for this was that if the branch was made to Geuda north of Arkansas City that about ten miles of road would have to be constructed without any aid from the people, and that a bridge across the Arkansas at Geuda, costing about $35,000, would have to be erected and maintained. As the construction of railroads cost about $20,000 per mile, it will be readily seen that if that branch was ever built, it would cause a large outlay of money, which would be useless if the company came to Arkansas City and then went west. He also stated that the reason propositions had been submitted in Sumner County on this branch was to head off the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. The K. C. & S. W. was desirous of going west and they submitted their proposition for the purpose of holding that territory in order that they might receive aid when they were ready to build their projected western line.
He further stated that Mr. Asp had submitted the propositions without any orders from President Toole, Jas. Young, or himself.
Jas. Young, one of the most influential spirits of the K. C. & S. W. company, came down from Winfield Tuesday to meet our citizens and have a talk with them about the matter. The meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, the Judge presiding over the assembly by an unanimous vote. Mr. Young stated to us that he and the company had no intentions of building the branch west; that they were not ready to do so, and that he had informed delegates from Caldwell and Geuda Springs on Monday that all propositions along the projected line had better be withdrawn; that in his judgment the junction should be formed at Arkansas City or just south across the river if the line was ever extended west; that while Mr. Asp was acting in good faith, he was doing so without instructions from the company. Mr. Young further stated that by withdrawing the K. C. & S. W. proposition in Sumner County, it would be a detriment to the company as the matter had gone so far. That he was going to St. Louis immediately to consult with Pres. Toole on the matter of calling in the propositions and that he would telegraph the citizens of Arkansas City immediately the action taken.
Mr. Young also said that Arkansas City and Omnia Township had stood by the K. C. & S. W. company and that their interests should not be forgotten.
This is the action up to our going to press. We have concealed nothing and told nothing but the bare facts, which have been laid before us in the last few days.
Our readers can draw their own conclusions. Winfield citizens forced the K. C. & S. W. track on the west side of their town, in order that the road might be forced to run as far west in Beaver Township as possible. They had in view the building of the branch to Geuda three miles north of Arkansas City and have “boomed” it. They are now probably laughing in their sleeves at our discomfiture. But the true old saying of “He who laughs last, laughs loudest and longest,” should be remembered. They laugh now, but perhaps Arkansas City will turn the tables soon. We won’t forget Winfield’s contemptible action in this matter nor the men who originated and propelled the scheme to injure our town. The time may come again when they will want to join hands with Arkansas City in order to secure an enterprise, but our eyes are open now, and no more will we affiliate with them.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
President Toole, of the K. C. & S. W. Railway, was in the city the first of the week. Jas. Hill showed him over the city. Mr. Toole informed a REPUBLICAN representative that he was agreeably surprised by his visit to Arkansas City. He had no idea that the city which was to receive the machine shops of the K. C. & S. W. was so large. He expressed the idea that Arkansas City would soon be a city second to none in the state in point of population in a few years.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
W. M. Berkey, of Geuda Springs, was in the city yesterday. The citizens of Geuda, he says, are with Arkansas City now heart and soul, since the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch propositions have been withdrawn. They now recognize the fact that their only show for getting a railroad is to work in conjunction with Arkansas City. Thursday evening a railroad meeting was held in that thriving town. Jas. Hill addressed the assembly. He showed up the impracticability of a line going west north of Arkansas City to the satisfaction of all, and stated that the most feasible route was to run the branch of the K. C. & S. W. west from Arkansas City via Geuda. The citizens of Geuda want a railroad and want it bad. They have combined with Arkansas City go get it. “So mote it be.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met at 7:30 on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent.
The city council held a brief session on Monday morning and passed an ordinance granting a new right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern road and repealing Ordinance No. 24. This new ordinance brings the road in on Thirteenth Street, which line it traverses to the canal, and then runs due west three miles, crossing the Arkansas River just below the dam, whence it is carried south to the line of the territory. From the point where the road turns south, a branch line will be run northwest to within a mile and a half of Geuda. It will then turn and run southwest to South Haven and then west to Caldwell. Surveyors to run the branch line started out from the city on Monday. The railway company also covenant and agree to run a switch along the canal to the flouring mills, and will file a bond to have the track laid by February 1st. The above ordinance was not given out for publication to afford time to the railroad company to furnish the bond. This puts the railroad in a more acceptable shape.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The K. C. & S. W. Once More.
Wednesday morning, bright and early, information reached our citizens that some of the propositions to be submitted by the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road in different townships in Sumner County asking aid, read to the effect that the road was to leave the K. C. & S. W. between Arkansas City and Winfield. In Walton Township—Geuda—the proposition read to go west from Arkansas City. By this it would seem that someone was determined to hurt the interests of Arkansas City. Our citizens were once more aroused to action, and when James Hill, L. D. Latham, and H. E. Asp made their appearance upon the streets in the afternoon they were besieged on every side by inquiries in regard to the matter. We were told by these gentlemen that we had been informed correctly. Immediately the citizen’s committee marshaled its forces and called a meeting, requesting the railroad company to be present. The meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, that gentleman presiding. Some very plain and sensible talk was indulged in by our citizens and the company. The latter was informed that if any such propositions reading that the road would be extended west between here and Winfield, were submitted in Sumner County, no right of way through the city would be granted and the company’s interests would be fought by our citizens on every hand. This stirred the gentlemen up somewhat and after a conference among themselves they decided to comply once more with the requests of Arkansas City. It was agreed that all propositions to be submitted in Sumner County should be sanctioned by our citizen’s before submission. A copy of each petition calling the elections will be forwarded to the citizen’s committee for perusal in order that no more “monkeying,” as Jim Hill expresses it, may be indulged in. We are glad to announce to the public that it has been decided by the company to build its road west from Arkansas City via Geuda to Caldwell within the next 16 months and petitions calling elections in the several townships will be submitted to that effect in a few days. This is as it should be.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
One evening last week a prominent citizen residing in the second ward—we won’t mention his name—had a trying ordeal to pass through. Upon arriving at his home after a hard day’s labor, being tired and sluggish, he concluded to try the refreshing elements of a Turkish bath. Telling his better half of his determination, he repaired to the bathroom, where he reduced his dress to a facsimile of that worn by Father Adam in the garden of Eden. At this moment a scream rent the air from the interior of the cooking department. Without a moment’s hesitation or regard of dress, this good man broke for the kitchen. There he found his wife suffering from a severe burn upon her face, received by the flaring up of the flames of the fire while she was bending over the stove. He took in the situation at a glance. Out of the back door he ran, over the fence he jumped, and at a gait equal almost to Maud S., he sped to summon a physician. Not until he entered the business portion of the streets did a thought of his nudity occur. Then came a realization of the situation in which cruel fate had placed him. He was overwhelmed. The Doctor was so near and yet so far. Friendless, and alone, shivering in the wintry blasts of a November evening, dressed in the garb bestowed on him by kind nature, we leave him, allowing the American people to surmise how our beloved fellow citizen summoned a physician and returned home.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
Maj. Sleeth and N. T. Snyder visited Wellington Monday and Tuesday in the interest of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. They met the president of the company, who assured them that the road would positively be built in the next 16 months. Messrs. Sleeth and Snyder were also informed that the railroad desired to come to Arkansas City; but since the defeat of their bonds in Walton Township, had had some notion of changing the route to go through Guelph Township. Surveyors are making this way from Ft. Smith through the territory. A survey will be run on the north side of the Arkansas first, and then on the south, in order to ascertain which is the most available route to Ft. Smith. In four townships in Sumner County bonds have already been voted and an election will occur in another on the 11th. The company asks for $4,000 per mile, from the county through which it passes. We should get this railroad connection. It is a trunk line, and since our citizens have ascertained that the road is a certainty, they will make a mighty strong pull to get it.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The surveyors are expected here this week, says the Wellington Standard, to commence the work of surveying the line for the Ft. S., W. & N. W. The people of Walton Township will soon be convinced that this much talked of road is not a paper road like the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Southwestern, but a thoroughbred railroad, with steel rails and steam horses. Get out of the way, you fellows down about Geuda, or you will get run over.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Lot Owners on Thirteenth Street Petition For Themselves [?]
The city council held a field day on Monday, their chamber being crowded with eager listeners before the hour for the regular address of that body had arrived. [STRING OF WORDS BLANKED OUT...VERY LIGHT PRINTING...VERY HARD TO READ] At 7 o’clock the roll was called by the clerk, the mayor and all the council being present to answer to their names. The first business introduced was a petition from the lot owners on Thirteenth Street, which sets forth as follows.
Memorial to the Mayor and City Council of Arkansas City, Kansas.
The undersigned, inhabitants of Arkansas City, and resident property owners on Thirteenth Street, having heard that your honorable body has under consideration a municipal franchise, granting the right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, along the street, above named, beg to protest against the passage and publication of the same, because of the serious injury it will work to the property abutting on that street. A railroad track passing within a few feet of a dwelling house renders it unfit for occupation by a family, and those of your petitioners who have families will be compelled to abandon their homes, and the property will be unsuitable to rent to others.
In conforming with the established grade, heavy cuts will have to be made; in front of W. P. Wolfe’s house there will be an excavation of fee feet, and Mr. Alex. Wilson’s house will be isolated by a cutting 8 feet deep. Your honorable body can understand how seriously detrimental this will be for the homes and possessions of your petitioners, and for this reason they respectfully protest against the publication and enforcement of Ordinance No. 25.
W. P. Wolfe
D. R. Cooper
Sam’l. J. Kennedy
Charlotte Faberiz
Thomas Croit
A. H. Johnson
Eli Warren
Thomas White
J. F. Henderson
T. H. Bonsall
Isaac Eldridge
C. F. Snyder
Alex Wilson
G. W. Hubert
Geo. W. Whit
Edward Nail
C. Cooper
J. B. Crew
J. Logan
H. G. Bailey
J. T. Shepard
John Hand
Geo. W. Bean
D. P. Marshall
And Others.
November 15th, 1885.
Mr. Bailey called upon Mr. Hill to explain how the petitioners were to be indemnified for the damage they were likely to sustain.
Mr. Hill said the present was an inexpedient time to determine the amount of damage that would be inflicted on the petitioners by the building of a railroad along their street. After the cutting and filling were done, the company would grade the street, on a gradient of one foot in 15, and the cross streets would be drained and leveled up to the rail. When this work was done, the appraisers would be able more accurately to assess damages. At the present time it was impossible to tell what would be the actual detriment to the street. At the proper time every lot owner will have a hearing and as the railroad company has covenanted and agreed to keep the city harmless, what damages are allowed must come from the funds of the company.
Judge Sumner, in behalf of the petitioners, said beside the actual damages to the street, there were the noise of the whistles, the smoke of the engines, and the continual danger to the lives of citizens. The track running along the center of the street was a hindrance to vehicles, wagons could not turn in front of a man’s door. The law provides in such cases that a railroad company shall appoint a commission to estimate the amount of damage done, and the benefits resulting are also to be taken into account. The balance is struck, and the award of damages made on that calculation. The speaker could not see the force of Mr. Hill’s argument. Before a road could be built, a profile must be made, and upon this the appraisers could estimate damages.
The petitioners appealed to the council to arrest the work now and see that they are properly indemnified for the damage done to their property. The city generally may be greatly benefitted by this road, but the residents on Thirteenth Street will be seriously injured. The spokesman for the petitioners, Judge Sumner, asked the council not to grant a franchise to this company, not to allow them to occupy this street, until the petitioners are secured against loss. What bond—what security do you hold that this party will pay when called upon? The recourse of these people is to the city, and if the city is not reimbursed by the railway company, then the loss falls upon taxpayers. An arrangement of the matter now would be likely to prevent costly and vexatious litigation. The only way the city can grant a franchise is by ordinance, duly signed and published. Ordinance No. 25 is not yet signed by the mayor, it has not acquired vitality. Judge Sumner recommended that the steps necessary to make it valid be not taken until the claims of these petitioners are adequately provided for.
Mr. Hill, in reply to this argument, said there was not a man in the directory of the railway company but was willing to satisfy every just claim for damage. But he begged his fellow councilmen and those citizens present in the chamber to have regard to what they were doing. “The bringing of the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad to this city was the result of two or three years of anxious labor. It is now at our doors, and we all believed we had acquired a good thing. Is this the time to interpose difficulties and stir up a hostile feeling? What time is there for delay? The company is required to have its road laid, its depot built, and trains running into the city within two weeks, or it forfeits its rights. Are the people of Arkansas City willing to see this useful enterprise thus foiled? It should be in the memory of all that during the last two or three weeks a complication arose which threatened the diversion of the road from our city boundaries, and it requires but a slight display of antagonism to resuscitate this same scheme. Winfield is watching the building of this road into our city with jealous eyes and not one of its population but would jump with delight if a state of things could be brought about whereby this city should be deprived of direct connection by means of this road.”
“You may take a prosperous and progressive city,” said the councilman, “that has been a century in attaining its proper growth. It represents the accumulated labors, and enterprise, and hopeful ambitions of three generations of men. Yet one man with so trifling an implement as a lucifer match can set fire to it, and in a few hours wipe out of existence the labor and the achievement of a hundred years.”
Mr. Hill continued, “The gentleman, Judge Somer (the councilman persisted in calling the attorney by that name) is employed by his clients to speak in their behalf as he has done.” Mr. Hill had no fault to find with that. “He is a lawyer, and it is his business to argue on either side. But the question is what weight shall this body attach to his sayings. The gentleman has no real property in this city, he is not bound to its destiny as some of us are. Citizens who are most deeply identified with this community have shown the most interest in getting this road, and surely their judgment is entitled to greater weight.”
Mr. Hill closed an able and impressive speech by saying, “The damage which is so magnified in our ears is largely imaginary. There will be ample room for vehicles to turn in front of every door, and there will be a continuous crossing.” Mr. Hill mentioned a number of cities in New York and other eastern states where a railroad track traverses the principal streets, yet business is not injured thereby, property is not depreciated.
Judge Sumner replied at some length.
The mayor explained why ordinance No. 25 was not now operative. He would take the blame upon himself for the delay. Movements were in progress at the time when the council re-adopted the ordinance which had a sinister aspect, and he thought it well to hold the advantage he had in his hands. The belief was fixed deeply in his mind that no grip could be too strong when one is grappling with a railroad company. But his apprehensions were now removed, and he was ready to approve the ordinance, provided the council at its present session should not revoke it.
The question was debated at some length by the council, and Alexander Wilson was heard on behalf of the petitioners. He said he and his fellow property owners had no objection to the road being built, if proper compensation was guaranteed. But they wanted a guaranty. With many others he had had personal experience with railroad companies and he knew whenever they got the upper hand, they held on to it with a tenacious grip. It was a folly for anybody to tell them their property would not be injured. The street was already damaged, and when the track was laid, the injury would be permanent.
The mayor asked the council what it would do with the memorial. On motion it was placed on file.
The following bills were acted on.
Referred bill of William Ward, $5.50. The committee recommended that $2.35 be allowed, and it was so ordered.
Bill of Sherman Thompson for $13.25; allowed.
Bill of Thompson & Woodin, $1.50; allowed.
The mayor said when he was in Winfield last week he had been asked leave by Messrs. Hill and Young on behalf of the railroad company to put up a temporary depot in the city until a permanent structure could be erected. Thirty days were allowed.
A petition was read, numerously signed, asking that all hay scales be removed from Summit Street, and a city scale be erected.
Mr. Hight spoke in favor of the petition. Besides the litter and confusion caused by these scales, there was an inequality of weight by which some persons suffered. A ton of coal was measured out to the consumer with sparing hand; he paid for more than he received. The use of city scales in the hands of a weigher sworn to his duty would ensure justice to all, and remove what is really a serious grievance.
The matter was discussed at some length, and the result was the adoption of a resolution giving the owners of scales twelve months to remove them from Summit Street.
Mr. Searing asked how the gutter was to be laid with the scales in the way. The council instructed him to provide the stone, and the owners of scales would be required to lay it when the impediment was removed.
On motion the committee on streets and alleys was instructed to inquire the cost of scales for city use and look up a location.
An application for a quit claim deed to certain city lots was referred to the finance committee.
L. W. Currier was appointed night watch without cost to the city.
On motion of Councilman Thompson, the office of assistant marshal was declared vacant.
Council adjourned till this (Wednesday) evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A New Water Supply.
The city council a week ago adopted an ordinance to supply the city with water, which is published in this issue. The want of an adequate water supply is felt and acknowledged by all our citizens, but hitherto there has been no unanimity of sentiment in regard to the plan to be adopted. The offer made by Mr. Quigley, in behalf of the Inter-State Gas Company, of St. Louis, two months ago, was regarded as advantageous by a large number of our citizens, who favored the acceptance. But at a public meeting held to consider the matter, several of the heaviest taxpayers objected, preferring to submit the undertaking to public competition. An advertisement was accordingly inserted in three trade journals, of wide circulation, specifying the capacity and nature of the plan required and asking for bids. Not an offer was made, but this is attributed to the condition imposed in the advertisement that no bonds should be issued by the contractor to raise money to carry on the work. Mr. Quigley now comes forward a second time with the offer to find a supply of pure water, furnish machinery to raise and hold 1,000,000 gallons daily, and lay water mains enough through the city to supply all the inhabitants who desire to be furnished with water. A communication from this gentleman, who is now laying gas pipes in Hutchinson, addressed to Mayor Schiffbauer, led to a conference between the two at Wichita; the result of which was an offer sufficiently in detail to admit of the mayor submitting the proposition to the council.
At an adjourned meeting of that body held last Wednesday, all the members except Mr. Hill being present, the ordinance to which we call attention was read, and after mature consideration, adopted. Some few unimportant changes were made by the council in the plan submitted to them, which will most likely be accepted by the company. The ordinance provides that the Inter-State Gas Company shall file its acceptance in writing within fifteen days after the approval of the ordinance by the mayor, and also furnish a bond for $10,000 as a surety for faithful performance of the work. It is also conditioned that it assume possession and take charge of our present water works and have their new system in running order eight months from the date of their acceptance. And as far as we have the means of knowing, this action of the city council is generally approved by our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Excursions Over the New Line from Arkansas City to Beaumont.
Steel Rails and Oak Ties, and a Finely Equipped Road.
On Monday Mr. Henry E. Asp, on behalf of the managers of the Kansas City and Southwestern Kansas railroad, then within a few miles of Arkansas City, tendered Mayor Schiffbauer and the city council an excursion over the line to Beaumont and return. The mayor said he should like the invitation extended so as to include our principal businessmen. Mr. Asp said a general excursion to our citizens would be given as soon as the road was completed to the city, and arrangements could be made for the entertainment of a large number of guests, but at the present time not more than a score of excursionists could be provided for. This being the case, Mayor Schiffbauer invited the city council, authorizing each member to take a friend along, and also included in the invitation the railroad committee of the board of trade. This filled out the allotted number.
The following gentlemen composed the excursion party.
Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Bailey, Dunn, Dean, Davis, and Hight. (Councilman A. D. Prescott was unable to take part, through business engagements, and Councilman Hill was found superintending the construction of the road.)
The friends they invited and who were present for duty, were mine host Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict.
The railroad committee consisted of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. These with the present writer (nineteen in all) formed the invited party, Henry E. Asp accompanying them as host and guide.
At 7:30 on Tuesday morning, omnibuses were in waiting at the Leland Hotel to carry the excursionists to the end of the track, and the party being seated, a brisk drive of three miles carried them to an animated scene. The day’s labors had begun, upwards of 100 workmen being employed. A construction train of ten or a dozen cars was on hand, loaded with implements and material: ties, rails, fish-plates, bolts, spikes, shovels, and so on. The ties were of well seasoned oak brought from Arkansas, which were being unloaded by lusty arms, and thrown onto tracks, which was distributed along the grade. The train was standing on the foremost rails that were spiked, and in advance of this was a rail truck drawn by two mules, which recovered the iron from the flat car, and carried it forward over the loose rails, a force of men standing by the truck and laying the rail as fast as the ties were in place.
Track laying, in these days of railroad building, is reduced to an exact science. The ties are laid along the road bed under the direction of a foreman; another crew extends the nails, which is followed up by the spike-drivers. A sufficient force can lay two miles of track a day without extraordinary effort, and the onlooker has to maintain a steady sauntering pace to keep up with the workmen.
Some delay was caused on Tuesday morning by a disagreement between two foremen, which resulted in a fisticuff encounter. The aggressor in the unpleasantness was discharged, and his crew, numbering about thirty men, refused to work under another boss. They were all sent to Winfield to receive their pay, and a fresh force brought from there to take their place. This delayed the work about an hour and a half.
At 8:30 a.m. the whistle of the excursion train sounded about one-fourth of a mile along the track, and our party of pleasure seekers made good time walking in the direction of the cars. T. H. McLaughlin stumped along, with his one live leg, as agile as the best of them; but Councilman Davis, another mutilated war veteran, jumped into a vehicle to save a fatiguing walk. The track to Winfield is not yet ballasted, and the running time to that city was slow. The bridge over the Walnut is a substantial piece of work, being raised on trestles 45 feet above the stream, and the approaches being supported on solid masonry. The two miles of road south of Winfield cost $65,000.
At Winfield a brief stay was made to take on passengers, and here Mr. Latham joined the party, who was heartily greeted by his Arkansas City guests, and who spent the day in their company. From Winfield a good rate of speed was put on, the road being well ballasted and running as smoothly as a bowling green. The first station reached was Floral, nine miles from Winfield. This is a thrifty place, which has sprung into existence since the road was built, is well situated, and surrounded by a good country. Wilmot is 8-1/2 miles distant, and Atlanta, 7 miles along. Latham is in Butler County, also a railroad town, built on a broad creek, and already containing 400 or 500 inhabitants. Commodious stone stores are in process of erection, an extensive lumber yard is well stocked, and other business lines are well represented. At Wingate (between the two places last named) there is a flag station. Beaumont was reached about 11:30, the distance from Latham being 13 miles. Here the K. C. & S. W. Road forms a junction with the St. Louis & San Francisco road, and here the journey terminated. Several miles of the Flint hills were traversed in reaching here, a surface formation of brecciated and abraded rock, which proves that at some time in the geological periods this whole region was overflown. Dinner was ready for the excursionists when they stepped off at the station, their dining hall being a commodious room on the upper floor of that building, under charge of Noah Herring and his very excellent and capable wife. Two tables furnished room for the score of hungry guests, and a good dinner, promptly served, was in waiting to allay their hunger.
Here four hours was afforded to take in the town, and enjoy the fine scenery that surrounded it. A party of the most robust pedestrians, under conduct of Henry Asp, took a breezy walk over the hills into Greenwood County; where a fine panorama of scenic beauty lay spread before their gaze, with Eureka, in the distance, nestling in the valley, like a sylvan deity. Those less enterprising visited the post office, made acquaintance with store keepers, talked with the oldest inhabitant, and then played the games of billiards, pigeon-hole, and quoits. Major Schiffbauer, at the first named game, made some extraordinary shots in missing the balls he aimed at. At quoits G. W. Cunningham did great execution, bombarding with his rings an extensive region of country around the pin he professed to aim at.
Our narrative of this very enjoyable trip must be brought to a close, as space fails. At 4:30 the train started on return. Mr. Young, of Young, Latham & Co., the builders of the road, who came in on the Frisco train, joined the party. Winfield was reached at 7:30, where our friends belonging to that city, left us, and Ed Gray came on board, escorting W. H. Nelson (of Meigs & Nelson), who had been spending a day in the county clerk’s office, making a transcript from the tax list. Towards the close of the journey a vote of thanks to the officers of the road was proposed by Mayor Schiffbauer for their hospitality to the excursionists, and polite attention to them as guests of the day. This was heartily responded to by the party. The day’s labors of the track layers brought them 1-1/4 miles nearer the city. Omnibuses were in waiting to convey the tired travelers to the city, and by 9 o’clock they were deposited at the Leland Hotel, all clamorous for supper, but unanimous in declaring they had spent a delightful day.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Ordinance No. 26.
Entitled an ordinance to provide for the construction of and regulating the operating of Waterworks in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, and for supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with water for the extinguishing of fires, and other public and domestic purposes.
Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
SECTION 1. The Inter-State Gas Company, a corporation fully organized according to law, having its main office in the city of St. Louis, Mo., its successor or assigns, for and in consideration of the obligations hereinafter imposed on them by this ordinance, be, and they are hereby authorized to use the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, and public grounds of the present and future limits of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, for the purpose of laying down pipes for the conveyance of water in and through said city, for the use of said city and its inhabitants.
SECTION 2. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall have the exclusive privilege of laying pipes for conveying water in said city for the use of said city and its inhabitants for the term of Twenty-one (21) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided that the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall commence work within one (1) month from the approval of this franchise, and have the said work completed and in successful operation within eight (8) months of such approval, and shall keep and maintain such system of water works with all future additions and extensions in successful operation thereafter during the term of this franchise, unavoidable accidents or delays consistent with ordinary precautions only excepted.
SECTION 3. That it is further understood and agreed that the water to be furnished by said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, to said city or inhabitants, shall at all times be as pure and wholesome as any water produced from any well in said city of Arkansas City, or in the immediate vicinity thereof; and it is hereby further agreed that said Inter-State Gas Company shall procure the water supply at some point west of a line of 8th Street in said city.
SECTION 4. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall elect within the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City a complete system of water works, of sufficient capacity to furnish at all times, all the water necessary for use in said city, for the prompt extinguishment of fire, and for sprinkling and other public and domestic purposes, and shall at all times make all additions and extensions necessitated by the increased demands.
SECTION 5. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall, at the most suitable place, erect the necessary buildings and appliances for such system of water works, and shall erect and put up a stand pipe of the dimensions of ten (10) feet diameter, and one hundred and fifteen (115) feet high; there shall be two (2) duplex pumps, of the most approved pattern, capable of pumping one million (1,000,000) gallons of water per day of twenty-four hours; also two (2) boilers of best construction, and so arranged and built that they may be fired and used separately or together, and each of sufficient power to run both pumps at the same time with easy firing, and provide everything found indispensable and desirable for a complete and successful plant of water supply.
SECTION 6. Starting out from these works, the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall lay down and maintain standard iron mains of at least three and one-half (3-1/2) miles in length; said pipe to be of such dimensions as hereinafter set forth, and sufficient to secure at all times and at any and all places, within said three and one-half (3-1/2) miles, a sufficient water supply as well for public as domestic use, and the said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall erect, without cost to the city, fifty (50) double discharge fire hydrants of such make and kind as the city council may designate, or any number above said amount, as may be ordered by the city, at such points and places as the proper authorities of the city of Arkansas City may designate, and shall connect such fire hydrants with the system of mains, provided, that whenever the additional hydrants so ordered shall necessitate an extension of the main beyond the three and one-half (3-1/2) miles, the number of hydrants so ordered, or the private consumption to be secured, or jointly, are sufficient to justify the additional outlay.
SECTION 7. That the size of the mains shall be as follows: Starting out from the works there shall be not less than 12 inch pipe extending to Summit street. There shall be 1,700 feet of 10 inch pipe laid in Summit street and connecting with the 12 inch main. There shall be 7,480 feet of 6 inch main laid as the city council may direct. The balance of the three and one-half miles, and any further extensions, to be of any size not less than 4 inches in diameter laid as the city may direct; all pipe to be of the dimensions stated, interior measure, and all mains to be of standard cast iron, and no mains to be laid at any time less than 4 inch interior diameter. The standpipe to be of boiler iron and to be placed on a solid foundation of masonry laid in cement.
SECTION 8. That the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall at the request of any citizen without unnecessary delay, put down the necessary pipes and connect them with their system of mains to supply the property of said citizen with water for all domestic purposes under such conditions and at such annual rates as may be decided equitable and fair by the city council. But the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, may make with large consumers, such as railroads, hotels, mills, breweries, factories, and others, special rates as they may deem proper. The cost of such connections to be borne by the respective citizens.
SECTION 9. The Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, are hereby bound to have all injuries to streets, alleys, and sidewalks caused by and in the process of laying and operating mains for water immediately repaired, so as to leave said streets, alleys, or sidewalks in as good condition as before such injury was done.
SECTION 10. The city of Arkansas City by its mayor and council for and in consideration of the obligations imposed on the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, by the foregoing sections, hereby agree to and contract with the said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, to accept the fifty (50) hydrants stipulated in section 5 of this ordinance for the use of the city of Arkansas City as soon as the same are erected, connected with the water mains and supplied with water; and from that day to pay the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, the sum of sixty ($60) dollars U. S. Currency per annum, for each and every such fire hydrant above enumerated, as well as for every additional hydrant ordered in excess of said number during the term of this contract. Such payments to be made semi-annually on the first day of February and August of each year. And in case of failure to make such payments, the said city of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall issue orders upon her depository for the balance or amount due said unpaid under this ordinance, which said orders shall draw interest from date in the rate of eight (8) percent, per annum, provided, however, that the mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall not be bound to accept such fifty hydrants for the use of the city before a thorough test is made to prove that the works erected by the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, under this ordinance are in perfect working order and able to throw simultaneously four (4) streams of water from any four hydrants to be designated by the mayor and council, through one hundred (100) feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose and one inch ring nozzle at least sixty-five (65) feet high from standpipe alone.
SECTION 11. That at the expiration of three months from the time of making the test mentioned in section ten of this ordinance, the said Inter-State Gas Company further agrees to perform the additional test of throwing simultaneously four (4) streams of water from any four hydrants to be designated by the mayor and city council through one hundred feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose and one inch ring nozzle one hundred feet high by direct pressure from pump.
SECTION 12. The mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City hereby further agree and contract with said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, as soon as the bond of said company shall be filed and accepted, to donate and set over to the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, the present water works, who shall operate the same until their system shall be in operation, together with all buildings, machinery, tanks, pipes, hydrants, etc., for the absolute use and disposition of said Inter-State Gas Company without recourse or expense to the city.
SECTION 13. In case the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, should elect at any time to mortgage or issue bonds on the water works erected under this ordinance, the mayor and city council will at the request of the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, retain from the amount to be paid by the city of Arkansas City for the number of fire hydrants as set forth in sections 5 and 8 of this ordinance, such sums of money as may be necessary for paying the semi-annual interest on such mortgage or bonds, and agree to pay such moneys over to the respective trustee or trustees of said mortgage if any, thereby guaranteeing the prompt payment of such interest. Provided, however, that at no time shall such mortgage or bonds be issued by said Inter-States Gas Company, its successor or assigns, on said works to exceed thirty thousand dollars of six percent, per annum.
SECTION 14. The city of Arkansas City reserves the right on and after the termination of this franchise to purchase the works of this company together with the extension rights belonging to the same upon giving the company six months notice in writing. The valuation to be determined by three disinterested persons: the city choosing one, the company choosing one, and the two chosen to select a third, and the valuation of the works by these appraisers. Or if they fail to agree, then, by a majority of them who shall define the sum to be paid by the city to the company as to the value of said works. And either party shall have the right to call in the testimony of not more than two experts. And in case of failure on the part of the city to purchase the works when so appraised, then the expense of said appraisement shall be borne by the city, and the contract between them and the company and this franchise shall continue for the period so passed over, and the city shall have the right to purchase said works at the expiration of each five years thereafter in the same manner.
SECTION 15. In contracting and operating the works, the company shall be liable at any time to any damage arising from injury to property or persons in said city, arising from the negligence of the company or its servants, and shall save the city harmless from any damages therefrom.
SECTION 16. The fire hydrants rented by the city shall be used for no other purpose than the extinguishment of fire, and a reasonable allowance for the flushing of sewers and gutters and the practice of hose companies; and to insure this it shall be a misdemeanor for any person not authorized by the city to open them.
SECTION 17. The city of Arkansas City agrees to pass and enforce such ordinance as may be necessary to protect the water company from the acts of any persons who shall carelessly or maliciously destroy or injure any portions of said works unnecessarily, by opening hydrants or otherwise, and from the acts of evil disposed persons during the continuance of this franchise.
SECTION 18. Whenever, from any cause, the company shall be temporarily unable to supply water to either the city or consumers, or in case the hydrants shall be closed for nonpayment of rental, all rents for the use of water shall cease to such parties during such period and if it be the fault of the company, the rebate for rental shall be for double the time the works are disabled. But this shall not apply to private service pipes if it can be shown that the main supplying them is in operation. All questions arising under the provisions of this section to be determined by the mayor and council.
SECTION 19. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, in order to protect themselves against willful or unnecessary waste shall have the right to adopt meter measure for water in any case, and shall also have the right to make such rules and regulations for the use of water and the collection of water rents as they shall deem proper, subject to the approval of the city counsel.
SECTION 20. That the Inter-State Gas Company shall execute a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars lawful money conditioned for the faithful performance of this contract. Such bond to be subject to the approval of the mayor and council.
SECTION 21. The following requirements shall be deemed a part of this contract.
1st. All buildings erected for the use of said works to be composed of brick or stone.
2nd. All material used in the construction of said works to be the best of their respective kinds.
3rd. All mains to have at least three feet of covering at all points.
4th. The works to be connected with the city office and fire department, and at other places as may be designated by the mayor and council, by telephone or some other electric alarm. And such communications to be in operation at all times.
5th. Standpipe to be full every night between the hours of 8 and 11 o’clock P. M.
6th. Full head of steam to be put on immediately upon an alarm of fire.
SECTION 22. The city reserves the right to cause to be erected not to exceed four watering and drinking fountains in lieu of four hydrants. Said fountains to be erected by said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns. Said fountains not to exceed in expense that of the hydrants to be erected in said city. And the city shall pay for said fountains the same rate per annum as for hydrants.
SECTION 23. In case the Inter-State Company, its successor or assigns, shall by unavoidable accident be temporarily prevented from a strict compliance with the terms of this ordinance, such non-compliance shall not work a forfeiture of this franchise, provided the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall use due diligence and endeavor to remedy and correct such temporary obstruction. And any questions arising under this section, to be determined by the mayor and council.
SECTION 24. The Inter-State Gas Company shall file their acceptance in writing, and the aforementioned bond within fifteen days from the date of approval of this contract.
SECTION 25. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, and its acceptance in writing by the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns.
Approved November 25, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.
Believing in the necessity of an association of citizens to give tone and energy to their efforts in securing the advantages which the position of the city offers to commerce, trade, and manufacturers, as well as to promote unity of action and to cultivate a more intimate and friendly acquaintance among the businessmen of the city, and to maintain a commercial exchange to promote uniformity in the customs and usages of merchants, and to inculcate principles of justice and equity in trade, and to facilitate the speedy adjustment of business dispute, to acquire and disseminate valuable commercial and economic information, and generally to secure to its numbers the benefits of co-operation in furtherance of their legitimate pursuits, and to use our influence, energies, and means for the furtherance of all enterprises that we believe will add to the prosperity of our city, and that these ends may be obtained by the establishment of a board of trade; we, the citizens of Arkansas City, do therefore agree to form such an association, and to be governed by the following constitution and code of by-laws.
ARTICLE 1. The officers of this Board of Trade shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, ten directors, two secretaries, and a treasurer, who shall constitute its board of managers. They shall be chosen semi-annually, on the second Monday of January and July of each year. Their election shall be by ballot and they shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
ARTICLE 2. This association shall hold semi-annual meetings on the second Mondays of January and July at half past 7 o’clock, p.m. But special meetings may be called by order of a majority of the managers whenever they may deem it proper, and upon the written application of not less than ten members, the managers shall call said meeting at the time so requested.
ARTICLE 3. The managers shall meet steadily on the first Thursday or every month for the transaction of such business as may come before them and at the annual meeting shall present to the association a report of the proceedings of the past year.
ARTICLE 4. There shall be appointed semi-annually, by the managers, a committee of arbitration to consist of five members, two of whom may be rejected by the parties submitting the case and their places supplied by two other members to be appointed by the managers. The chairman of said committee shall be designated by the managers at the time of its appointment.
ARTICLE 5. The duties of the committee of arbitration shall be to arbitrate and decide all disputed accounts and contracts and all controversies of a mercantile character which may be brought before them by the members, the parties having previously signed a bond for such an amount as the committee may require to abide by the decision of the same. The assistant secretary shall serve as clerk of the committee of arbitration. Any member who does not abide by, and comply with, the decision of the committee, shall be expelled from this association by order of the managers.
ARTICLE 6. There shall also be appointed by the managers, at the regular semi-annual meetings, a standing committee on railroads and steamboats, to consist of five members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the transportation of merchandise and passengers to and from the city. They shall semi-annually and whenever they deem it expedient make reports to the managers or board all such subjects relating to the various railroad and steamboat lines connected with our city, with such recommendations for the action of the managers or board as they may deem advisable.
ARTICLE 7. There shall be appointed by the managers at their regular semi-annual meetings a standing committee on manufactories, whose duties it shall be to look to the interests and welfare of the city at all times, with the view of securing any and all manufacturing interests possible within our city, and to whom shall be referred any matters tending in that direction that may come to the knowledge of any member of the board, and said committee shall make out and submit at least once during their term of office, a full and detailed report of their labors, and submit the same to a regular meeting of the board.
ARTICLE 8. The secretary shall keep a list of all the members of the association and also an accurate report of the transactions of the managers at their monthly meetings and of the annual meeting of the members. The assistant secretary shall attend the sittings of the committee of arbitration, record their decisions, give notice to said committee when their services are required, render a copy of their verdict to the parties in the case, collect the fees of arbitration and all other moneys due the board, and pay the same over to the treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting at the monthly meetings of the directors and annual meetings of the directors, and report the proceedings of the committee of arbitration at each meeting of the managers.
ARTICLE 9. The treasurer shall receive from the secretary all moneys belonging to the board, shall disburse the same upon order of the secretary when approved by the president or one of the vice-presidents, and shall report the receipts and expenditures at each monthly meeting of the managers and annual meetings of the association.
ARTICLE 10. The funds of the association shall at all times be subject to the control of managers.
ARTICLE 11. Any individual a resident of Arkansas City, Kansas, may become a member of this association on payment of five dollars in advance. Annual assessments, not exceeding $5.00, may be made and any refusal to pay such assessments for 60 days, upon written notice, shall be considered as a withdrawal from the association and the name of the party shall be stricken from the same.
ARTICLE 12. The by-laws and constitution of this association shall not be altered or amended, except at a special meeting called for that purpose by order of a majority of the managers, a written or printed notice of which meeting and the proposed alteration shall be transmitted by the secretary to each member of the association.
ARTICLE 1. This association shall be known as the Board of Trade, of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
ARTICLE 2. Its place of business shall be Arkansas City.
ARTICLE 3. The president, or one of the vice-presidents, shall preside at all meetings of the board and also of the managers. A quorum of the board shall consist of not less than fifteen members and a quorum of the managers of not less than four directors together with the presiding officer, but in the absence of the president and all the vice-presidents, a president protem may be chosen.
ARTICLE 4. The president, or, in his absence, either of the vice-presidents, shall have the power, on any emergency, to call a special meeting of the board, but the business to be acted upon at such special meeting, shall be given in the notice of said meeting, and no other acted upon but by unanimous consent.
ARTICLE 5. Every person desirous of becoming a member of this association shall be proposed at a stated meeting; and if five or more negative votes shall appear against any candidate, he shall not be admitted as a member. Nor shall his name again appear before the board for membership until after the expiration of six months from the date of such rejection. On becoming a member, he shall sign the constitution and by-laws. No application to be acted upon less accompanied by a membership fee of five dollars.
ARTICLE 6. The monthly meetings of the managers shall be held on the first Thursday of every month at the chambers of the board, at such hour as may be ordered by the president, written notice of which meeting shall be given to each member of the board.
ARTICLE 7. Any member who shall refuse or neglect to sign the constitution and by-laws of the association, may be expelled by the vote of three-fourths of the members present. But a notice of said motion shall be served on him, by the secretary, previous to said meeting. Any members failing to attend any regular meeting, having been notified of such meeting being called in writing by the secretary, may be expelled upon a majority vote of all members present. And any member failing to attend for three consecutive meetings of said board, after having been notified as required, shall be declared expelled from the association, Provided that sickness or wholly unavoidable causes of his absence, may work a reasonable excuse.
ARTICLE 8. Any member who may wish to withdraw from the association shall give written notice thereof, together with his reasons therefor. But no member shall be permitted to withdraw, unless he shall have paid his yearly subscription.
ARTICLE 9. In addition to the admission fee of five dollars, an annual assessment, to be fixed by the managers, shall be collected by the secretary, and by him deposited with the treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, President.
H. D. KELLOGG, 1st Vice-President.
WM. M. SLEETH, 2nd Vice-President.
M. N. SINNOTT, Secretary.
N. T. SNYDER, Assistant Secretary.
A. D. MOWRY, Treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, Chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The Mechanics’ band serenaded Councilman Hill, on Saturday evening, in recognition of his useful services to the city in fighting down all obstacles and bringing the K. C. & S. W. Railway within our corporate limits. After several pieces had been played, Mr. Hill appeared and thanked the musicians and the crowd of citizens in attendance for the compliment paid. He told of the advantages that would result to our citizens from the operation of a competing line, and predicted that the price of coal would be reduced at least one-third. His speech was heartily applauded. Judge McIntire and H. T. Sumner were called upon, and made appropriate and felicitous addresses.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Tendered the Hon. James Hill Thursday Evening By The
Businessmen of Arkansas City.
He Was Also Watched.
Last Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock, the businessmen began to assemble at the Leland Hotel. When a fair representation had congregated, the crowd repaired to the Leland parlors, where everyone was treated to cigars. By the time the smokers had reduced their Havanas to ashes and indulged in a sociable and animated conversation, the feast was announced ready for devourment. At this moment 47 businessmen of Arkansas City showed an inclination to move towards the spacious dining halls of the Leland. The march was commenced, and when we entered, ye gods! What a sight was presented to the vision of 47 hungry businessmen of Arkansas City. A long table, the entire length of the dining room, was loaded to its uttermost capacity with refreshments for the inner man. Mine Host Perry undoubtedly acquired great fame as a caterer on this occasion. The invited guests filled the long rows of chairs on either side of the table, with Maj. W. M. Sleeth presiding and Jas. Hill occupying a seat at the opposite end of the table. Henry E. Asp and Contractor Moore were present and enjoyed the hospitality of the sturdy businessmen. It was an interesting study to the writer to note the faces present. Here and there among the assembly we recognized faces of the old land-marks. There were thirteen who came to the city on the sand hill in 1870—fifteen years ago. What a mammoth municipality has been constructed upon that small foundation which was laid fifteen years ago. All honor to that noble thirteen who were then present, for the many able efforts they have set forth to build up Arkansas City within the last fifteen years. We will call them the corner stones of the municipality. Then, again, in other places there were faces that have appeared upon the scene later, and by untiring zeal and hard work have aided very materially in the advancement of Arkansas City. They were here when the sunflower was rank in the streets, and the stalks grew so large that they were used for hitching posts, and the festival raccoon climbed up them and hid his carcass in the branches. They came later on, having heard of the many natural advantages here for making a city. From far-off climes they came, and they came to stay. Behold, what a city has grown! But to return to the banquet. In the language of the immortal poet, “The big, the small, the lean, the tall, ate a half ton each and all.” And yet the half of it remains to be told. When the “task” of feasting was over, Maj. Sleeth arose and, in one of the most able and touching addresses we have ever heard, handed to Hon. James Hill a handsome gold watch and chain. It was a gift from those there assembled as a token of appreciation for the efforts Mr. Hill put forth in bringing the K. C. & S. W. Railroad here, and also, in behalf of what he has done for the prosperity of Arkansas City. Mr. Hill responded in a very neat speech. Henry E. Asp, being called for, arose and made an excellent little speech. He was followed by Judge A. J. Pyburn, who toasted in behalf of Arkansas City; and kind readers, let it suffice for us to say that the Judge did his subject justice. Judge McIntire, also, made a few interesting and telling remarks very suitable to the occasion. By motion it was unanimously declared that it was the will of those present to adjourn to the parlors once more and “schmoke.”
As we have stated above, the banquet was given in honor of Hon. James Hill. Mr. Hill has done much for Arkansas City. We will not attempt to enumerate what he has done, for our readers have known the honorable gentleman many years more than the writer. But we believe he is deserving of the honor conferred upon him last Thursday evening. Long may he live to do good to our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Last Saturday evening the Mechanics Cornet band, accompanied by Judge McIntire and Judge Sumner, went down to serenade Jas. Hill. The band furnished the music and the judges went along to make the speeches. Mr. Hill thanked the visitors for the honor they did him, and presented them with a box of choice cigars.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
City council met in regular session, on Monday evening, A. D. Prescott in the chair. Councilmen Hill and Thompson were absent.
A telegram from Mayor Schiffbauer, dated from St. Louis, was read, notifying the council that the Inter-State Gas Company had accepted the franchise to build water works for Arkansas City, and asking that the time of their formal acceptance be extended till the next regular meeting of the council, owing to a misconception of the terms of the franchise. Application granted.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
A Newspaper Estimate of the Value of His Labors.
The sickness of part of our force last week caused delay in composition, and a portion of the copy prepared for insertion was not set up in type. Among the matter crowded out was a report of the banquet given by our businessmen to Mr. James Hill, councilman from the first ward; to whose faithful labors in behalf of the city we are mainly indebted for the defeat of the machinations of the Winfield syndicate to divert the route of the Kansas City and Southwestern road, and place Arkansas City at the end of a spur. This valuable service was deemed worthy of public recognition, and on the 4th inst., a dinner was given to our fellow-townsman at the Leland Hotel, and a valuable gold watch presented. Major Sleeth, who made the presentation in a speech that is commendable for its appropriateness, brevity, and terseness, declared that the offering was made as a token of the appreciation of himself and fellow-citizens of the mental, moral, and social qualities of the guest of the evening, but more especially on account of his business enterprise and executive ability. These are qualities of the highest importance in all great undertakings; they are eminently useful to the community in whose behalf they are exercised, and uniformly lead to success.
Henry E. Asp, who has been intimately associated with Mr. Hill, in procuring the means to build the road, and subsequently laying the track, also paid a warm tribute to his co-laborer’s business astuteness, and his immense capacity for labor. He not only has the enterprise and the originality to form useful and progressive designs, but he is endowed with the physical endurance to carry them out, in spite of opposition and difficulty.
There is another eminent quality in our fellow-townsman, which was not touched on by his eulogists. We refer to his sound and discriminating judgment. He has the native instinct of a lawyer, or perhaps we might more correctly say, a statesman. Without the advantage of scholastic education, he has extraordinary clearness of perception. He spends much of his leisure in reading, and his reading is of a profitable nature. What he reads he assimilates, and all his intellectual equipment is stowed away in its proper receptacles, classified and endorsed, and ready to lay his hand on whenever wanted. We have carefully watched Mr. Hill on various occasions, when his railroad project was under discussion, and property rights, perhaps, were supposed to come in conflict with his franchise. Questions would be asked him involving points of law or public expediency, where a cautious man would refuse to commit himself, and an indiscreet man would tie himself up. But James Hill never shirked an answer, never got himself entangled. The cause he was advocating found in him an alert champion, armed at all points, and his candor and manifest sincerity never failed to win the confidence of his hearers. His joust with Col. Sumner in the city council chamber, at the time that the lot owners on Thirteenth Street appealed against the damage done to their property by running the track along that street, was not only masterly—it towered into moral grandeur; and the eloquence his feelings warmed him into hushed a crowded and clamorous audience.
We desire to add one word in regard to Mr. Hill’s ardent eulogist, Henry E. Asp. This young man had the misfortune to “incur the hospitality,” as our Malaprop neighbor, the Democrat, would say, of many of our citizens, because of his supposed complicity with Winfield property owners and others in their endeavor to leave this city out in the cold. He has since had an opportunity of vindicating himself from this injurious suspicion, and the popular resentment against him is largely allayed. We can say of this gentleman that his private utterances in regard to Mr. Hill’s qualities and usefulness are in entire accord with his public declarations. He speaks of his fellow laborer as bold in his plans, sagacious in council, and skillful and experienced in practical details. Mr. Hill is the elder of the two, and a man of larger mould, mentally and physically. But it is pleasant to note the unanimity that has marked the actions of these two during the ups and downs and ins and outs of the railroad enterprise, and to award a due need of praise to the useful services of both associates.
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
We hoped to never again be drawn into controversy with the editor of the Traveler. That journal this week contains five columns of reading matter. Three of them are devoted to the REPUBLICAN, one to miscellany, and the other to the banquet of Jas. Hill, which occurred more than two weeks ago. The Traveler is the poorest edited newspaper in the United States. Since the present management assumed control, it has sunk to a nonentity, and the editor—well, he reminds us of a being in the last stage of childishness.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
An Amended Water Works Proposition Adopted.
A Busy and Protracted Session.
City council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, the mayor presiding, all the members present, except Capt. Thompson.
The following bills were acted on. [NEXT FOUR LINES 99% OBSCURED.]
Pickle & Perrine, $13.00; allowed.
F. Lockley, $17.63; allowed.
E. D. Eddy, $11.25; allowed.
County bills.
Mary Terrill, board of paupers, $15.00; approved.
Peter Pearson, burial of paupers, $50.50; approved.
S. F. Steinberger, $6.00; approved.
The following petition was read to the council.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 15, 1885.
To the Hon. Mayor:
We the undersigned citizens of Arkansas City respectfully request that city ordinance No. 3 be so amended as to read that all auctioneers of dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, furnishing, fancy goods and notions, agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, jewelry, groceries, drugs, and all other goods carried by legitimate business houses of this city shall pay a license of $25 per day. We pray the honorable Mayor and council to act immediately on this matter in the interest of the businessmen of Arkansas City.
Ridenour & Thompson
Youngheim & Co.
Mrs. W. M. Henderson
John Gallagher
O. P. Houghton
S. Matlack
J. W. Hutchison
N. T. Snyder
And many others.
The matter was debated at considerable length. Councilman Dunn said he was desirous to act for the best interests of the city, to protect the rights of the buyer as well as those of the seller. He believed in free competition; low prices were a benefit to the consumer though they might cut down the profits of the merchant. He was not a buyer of cheap auction goods himself, but he was acquainted with some who were, and he mentioned several cases where a large saving was effected in the price of goods.
Mr. Dunn was in favor of keeping peddlers and auctioneers in wagons off Summit Street. They gathered large crowds around them and impeded travel. But the petition just read he thought was directed more particularly against men who came here to sell bankrupt stock. They paid the taxes imposed by the city, and he didn’t know how you could get at them.
Mr. Prescott said it was a question in his mind whether the council could stop their operations.
Mr. Hill said the law will not allow you to impose a license of $25 a day; it was oppressive.
The mayor said this class of merchants can evade any kind of tax you choose to impose. The man who puts up goods at a certain price and comes down to the views of his customers; who offers an article for sale at $1, then falls to 75 cents, 50 cents, and finally sells it for two bits, is not an auctioneer in the eyes of the law, and the courts have many times so decided.
On motion the petition was referred to a special committee to be chosen by the mayor. His honor named Messrs. Hight, Prescott, and Dunn. The two first named asked to be excused, and gave their reasons.
The mayor stated, “Everybody else would be in the same fix; I guess the committee is good enough as it stands.”
A petition numerously signed was next read asking that a substantial bridge be built over the Water Power Co.’s canal on the grade made necessary by the railroad track on Central Avenue; also to have the railroad company grade that avenue so as to make a convenient and safe crossing over their track.
Mr. Hill being called on to express his views said the bridge asked for ought to be 36 feet wide and the road through the swamp should have a width of 40 feet. A large amount of material would be needed to fill in, and he didn’t know where it was to be obtained; certainly not within a reasonable distance. He would have a wide avenue opened through the swamp, and a sluice hole made to let the water off. It was necessary the swamp should be removed. The city is growing; and here is a fever hole diffusing infection. The level of the Arkansas River is seven feet lower, and the swamp could be drained into the river by means of a ditch.
Mr. Prescott. “What would be the cost of such a ditch?”
Mr. Hill. “The cost would not exceed $250.”
After an informal debate, the petition was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Hight said the people on Central Avenue want cross walks. The council was familiar with the bad condition of the road there, and the crossings asked for were needed. Labor and material are cheap now, and the work could never be done more advantageously. He moved that four crossings be put in.
Mr. Bailey. “What is the matter with Fourth Avenue? Why can’t the people there have crossings?”
Mr. Prescott said a number of property owners living on Eighth Avenue were willing to lay sidewalks in front of their lots, but they first desired to have a grade established.
Mr. Dean remarked that every time a survey was made, a different level was reached. The present county surveyor might establish one grade, but his successor would give a different one. The matter went over without motion.
Mr. Hill wanted the road leveled in the fourth ward in front of the schoolhouse. He would cut down the knoll and fill the hollow. Referred to the road commissioner.
Mr. Hight objected to the ordinance defining the fire limits as ironclad in its provisions; it allowed no discretion to the council. When a person wants to put up a small frame building, there was no authority to grant permission.
Mr. Prescott asked how reducing the fire limits to the alleys would do?
Mr. Hight said that would admit of barns being built in the rear of valuable stores, and endangering their safety.
Mr. Prescott said that bringing in the fire limits to within 30 or 40 feet of the alleys will allow lot owners on Sixth and Eighth Streets to erect frame buildings in front of their lots. Referred to the ordinance committee.
The Mayor said that while in St. Louis recently, he had called at the office of the Inter-State Gas Co., to learn whether they had accepted the franchise offered them to furnish water works for Arkansas City. He saw Mr. Putter, and that gentleman objected to several provisions contained in ordinance No. 26. The section in regard to hydrants was not specific, too many fire alarms were requested, and the bonds to be given for the faithful performance of the work were made perpetual. The company had prepared an ordinance for submission to the city council, revoking the former one, substantially alike in character, except that the size of the pipe had been cut down. Three and a half miles of pipe are to be laid; the company agreeing to put in two supply pipes of 18 inch capacity from the works to the main on Summit Street. Then they agree to lay 1,700 feet of 8 inch pipe, 2,380 feet of 6 inch, and the remainder not to be less than 4 inch. Fifty hydrants will be furnished of a specific cost, and the rest of the contract is in harmony with the published ordinance.
The proposal being read it was submitted to a searching discussion. Messrs. Hill, Dean, Dunn, and Prescott did not like the cut in the size of the pipe; it left too much of the four inch variety.
The mayor said the proposal of the company was before them to do with as they pleased; he understood it to be their wilfulness. There was no use in the council amending it because the company would accept no modification; it must be approved or rejected as it stands. Having been read over the first time and the changes from the published ordinance noted, it was then read a second time by sections and adopted, and then adopted as a whole. The votes on the final passage being: ayes—Bailey, Davis, Hill, Hight. Noes—Dean, Dunn, Prescott.
Mr. Hill, in explaining his vote, said he was not satisfied with the proposition; he thought a cheaper service could be obtained. But he felt assured that if it was rejected, we should be burdened and impoverished with our present system for another year. He also has regard for the faithful labors of Mayor Schiffbauer in endeavoring to procure an adequate water supply, and since that gentleman was confident in his belief that the company we were dealing with would give us a better service than their proposition set forth, he would defer in his judgment, and hence he had voted aye.
The council adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The council convened in regular session last Monday evening. All members were present except Capt. C. G. Thompson.
The action upon some minor bills was first on the programme.
A petition signed by the businessmen of the city, asking that an occupation tax of $25 per day be placed upon certain callings, was read. (This petition was in regard to auction firms.) On motion the mayor appointed Councilmen Hight, Prescott, and Dunn as a committee to investigate the matter and report at the next regular meeting.
A petition of certain residents to have a bridge placed across the canal at the crossing of the canal and Central Avenue and street graded to correspond, was read and referred on motion to the committee on streets and alleys.
On motion Mr. Mead was instructed to put in crossings at the corner of Summit street and Central avenue and the corner of 4th Avenue and Summit Street. The crossings are to be the same as those put in at the crossings on Summit Street and 5th Avenue.
Mr. Hight asked that the present fire limits as set forth in ordinance No. 12, be cut down to the blocks mentioned, and that the council can extend them to said blocks at their option. Referred to ordinance committee.
Ordinance No. 27, repealing ordinance 26 relative to water works, was then read and adopted. The vote on the final passage was as follows: Nays—Prescott, Dean, and Dunn; Yeas—Hill, Davis, Hight, and Bailey.
On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Railway Strategy.
A party of surveyors numbering fifteen, in the employ of the Santa Fe road, and under the conduct of J. D. Wirt, came to the city on Monday and registered at the Leland Hotel. Their names are: J. D. Wirt, J. P. Prescott, J. C. Oliphant, A. E. Penley, A. C. Cooley, E. S. Strong, Edward Jack, J. H. Phillips, Arthur Marshall, L. Banter, Geo. Barrett, Will Cooley, C. W. Ogee, Arthur Spicer.
After spending two or three days in this city, fitting out for their expedition, they will start out for the territory to survey a route for the extension of the A. T. & S. F. Road to Gainesville, Texas. The route to be taken will depend on the topography of the country. Mules, camp equipage, and transportation were furnished from Kansas City, and the survey will be pushed through with all possible speed. That some important name is on the chess board is evident from the fact that three prominent officials of the Frisco road passed Monday night in Arkansas City, and Mr. James Hill is now in Washington. The same day the board of trade of this city held a meeting, and decided to send Mr. A. A. Newman to Emporia, to interview Senator Plumb. Some strategic game is playing by the rival railroad interests, and what the outcome will be time will, in no long time, develop.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
It is reported that Jim Hill, our railroad magnate, has gone to Washington, D. C., to further the interest of the K. C. & S. W., in getting through the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Mr. Hill Explains.
Mr. Young, of Latham & Co., rather offended the railroad committee of the board of trade of this city, on Monday, by his abrupt way of refusing to expend money in grading an avenue leading to the depot. Mr. James Hill, in the city council that evening, explained the cause of Mr. Young’s obduracy. The K. C. & S. W. Company, he said, hadn’t a dollar to operate their road; they couldn’t pay their fare from this city to Winfield. They have themselves prevailed on the Frisco company to run their trains, until they shall be in condition to help themselves. Latham & Co., the contractors, who built the road, are no better off. They have done the work, and are left as poor as Job’s turkeys. He (the speaker) was in the same fix. Five or six thousand dollars was owing to him by the company, and he was now looking round with great vigilance to see what property there was to secure him. Mr. Young offered $50 from his own pocket to grade a road to the depot, which was an act of liberality as that gentlemen had no interest in building up this city. With this explanation Mr. Young’s apparent indifference for our needs is relieved of its sombre hue.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
How to Suppress Immorality.
The council on Monday got into a discussion on the morals of the city. Mr. James Hill said that Judge Gans and District Attorney Asp had complained to him of irregularities between the sexes, and several young girls being enceinte. He wished to know whether our police force lacked in number or efficiency; and if it was not strong enough to prevent flagrant immorality, the quality needed improving. He wanted better men employed. Mayor Schiffbauer said it was somewhat unreasonable to invest one man with the functions of city marshal, road commissioner, and night watch, and expect him to hold vigilant supervision over all the doings of the city. Mr. Dunn said there was a [THREE FRENCH WORDS THAT I CANNOT MAKE OUT WRITTEN IN ITALICS—looked like maison de joie] between his house and Mr. Dean’s, where girls plied their vocation, and they were so quiet over it that the neighbors were ignorant of the character of the inmates. But this he thought a lesser evil than the miscellaneous intercourse between young men and young girls, which he believed was carried on to some extent, and the adoption of an ordinance to restrain the evil may be looked for.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Our City Fathers Perplexed With An Empty Treasury.
Council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair; Councilmen Bailey and Hight absent.
Messrs. Dean and Dunn objected to the [?WORD?] being made with earth, they preferred gravel for the purpose. Mr. Hill said if the applicant would dump his surplus dirt in the slew, at the price named, it would be wise in the city to buy it of him. To fill in and make a road to the canal would cost $500. Mr. Young had offered to contribute from his own pocket to the expense, he (Mr. Hill) would also give his mite. The cost would be $500, and he and Mr. Young would give $100 of the sum. The remainder could be raised by subscription. To bring the matter fairly before the council, he offered the following resolution.
Resolved, That the city council appropriate a sufficient sum from the city treasury, to grade a roadway along Fifth Avenue west from Summit Street to the canal, and build a bridge there.
The mayor said the question of bridging the canal was now under consideration by the street committee of the council.
Mr. Dunn, in behalf of the committee, recommended that the canal company be ordered to build a bridge on Central Avenue, and that the railroad company be required to make crossings.
Mr. Hill inquired where the people who crossed the bridge would go to. There was a grade of eight feet at that point, and trestles were to be put up raising the track eight feet higher.
Mr. Will Mowry asked leave to make a statement in regard to a conversation he had held with Mr. Hill, which brought out an explanation by the latter.
A long and informal debate ensued, in which the respective merits of Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue as an approach to the depot were discussed.
Several amendments to Mr. Hill’s resolution being offered, but not seconded, that gentleman asked leave to withdraw it and substitute the following.
Resolved, That the city furnish the necessary means to grade a road to the new depot and build a bridge across the canal; provided that the canal company pay the appraised value of one of their ordinary bridges, the mayor to appoint a board of appraisement.
Mr. Dunn said there was no money in the treasury to perform this work. The cost of grading and bridging had been estimated at $900. His plan was for the city to appropriate $200, and collect from the lot owners on Fifth Avenue, what money they are willing to give. Turn this over to the railroad company, and let them do the work.
Mr. Hill said the Kansas City and Southwestern people, being too poor to operate their road, it had been turned over to the St. Louis and San Francisco company. We were now dealing with a management whose headquarters was in St. Louis. If the council could convince those people that it was a wise thing for them to expend their money in grading a road down to the railroad track, this proposition would do well enough. But the chance of success he thought slim. He did not favor offending them with any such demand, but would reserve his powder for bigger game. A handsome depot had been built, the best on the line, and a turntable laid down; we now want a roundhouse built capable of holding all the engines on the road. The speaker told of a syndicate in Winfield, who had clubbed together to buy a section or two of land a few miles south of the city, with a view to make a town there, and play off against this city. If Arkansas City could give the railroad company a good tank and other appliances, they would be apt to treat us with the same liberality. There were many necessary things to ask them without a demand for $500 to build a road with. The city ought to build this road, if we have to let our washing bills go unpaid.
Mr. Dunn said it would be well for the city to give $200 to the people of any avenue who will make a grade to the depot.
Mr. Prescott favored raising the appropriation to $300. The account would then stand in this shape: $300 given by the city, $100 by Messrs. Young and Hill, $150 by the canal company, leaving $350 to be raised by property owners. This money he thought could be collected, and Mr. Hilliard has offered to carry round the subscription paper.
This being put as an amendment to Mr. Hill’s resolution, was adopted and the resolution (thus amended) was also adopted.
The question of laying some sidewalks along Fifth Avenue next came up. Mr. Hill asked what was the regular routine in such a proceeding.
The mayor said the sense of the lot owners must be obtained, and if those representing the larger share of abutting property approved, the city would then advertise for bids.
Mr. Thompson wanted the sidewalk extended across the city, from depot to depot, on both sides of the street, and the flagging to be six feet wide.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Messrs. A. A. Newman, T. H. McLaughlin, H. T. Sumner, Geo. Howard, Jas. Hill, W. B. Wingate, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Frank Austin, Geo. Cunningham, Herman Godehard, W. D. Mowry, S. P. Burress, and F. B. Hutchison went over into the townships in Sumner County along the line of the proposed G. S. & C. Road Tuesday and worked like Turks to secure the carrying of the bonds. Elsewhere we give the good results of their labors. Wonderful stories are told by the boys as to how they walked mile after mile over enormous snow drifts, and how Herman Godehard captured the German vote and also about A. A. Newman’s big speech on the tariff question. ‘Tis no wonder that Arkansas City booms, when she has such patriotic and enterprising citizens pushing at the helm. These gentlemen realized that the carrying of these bonds was a necessary factor in the future welfare of Arkansas City, and accordingly went over to the contested territory, through the piercing winds and snow, and put their shoulders to the wheel. A great deal of credit is due the above mentioned gentlemen for what they did for Arkansas City last Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
The Santa Fe has waked up the wrong passenger. The great Frisco Trunk line has invaded her territory, and backed up by Jay Gould, Russel Sage, Jessie Seligman, and other prominent financiers, who are opposed to the Santa Fe, have purchased the K. C. & S. W., and taken the contract of the K. C. & S. W. to push that road on from Arkansas City to Caldwell, and west, with another line south through the Indian Territory to the Gulf.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 23, 1886.
The stockholders of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad company held an annual meeting at the office of Henry E. Asp Wednesday night. The lease of the road to the Frisco from Beaumont to the Territory line was confirmed. The Frisco gives 25 percent of the gross earnings, guaranteeing the interest on the mortgage bonds, should the earnings be insufficient. The K. C. & S. W. Company still exists and has all the arrangements made to push its line to Kansas City and other directions. The new directors as elected are: James Dun, assistant manager of the Frisco; John O. Day, general attorney of Frisco; E. D. Kenna, assistant attorney of Frisco; B. F. Hobert, C. M. Condon, Henry E. Asp, and James Hill. The executive officers stand as before. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.
Our Municipal Fathers Settle Down to an Evening’s Solid Work.
The city council met in special session on Monday evening, all present but Capt. Thompson. In the absence of the mayor, Councilman Prescott was called on to preside.
The following communication from Mayor Schiffbauer was read by the City Clerk.
“Feeling indisposed and unable to attend your session this evening, I would respectfully recommend the passage of the ordinance, to be submitted to you this evening, in reference to auctioneers, but would beg to suggest that it be made a requisite therein that the applicant shall have resided in the city six months prior to making application for license as auctioneer.”
The judgment held by the Chicago Lumber Co. against Creswell Township amounting, with interest and costs of suit, to $673.48, was again taken up. The clerk read a communication from Mayor Schiffbauer recommending that the claim be not paid for the following reasons.
1st. The judgement is against Creswell Township, and not against this city.
2nd. No demand was ever made on the city for the payment of this claim, and the law plainly says no claim against the city shall be considered by the council, unless the same be presented in proper form, itemized, and verified under oath.
3rd. This judgment was taken by default and if the city was an interested party should have been notified and allowed to set up a defense.
4th. The township tax levy of 1884-1885 and part of Creswell Township was collected and paid into the township treasury, and if the city is liable for 3/5 of this judgment, then she must also be entitled to 3/4 of these taxes from Creswell Township.
5th. In my opinion Creswell Township should pay off all judgments against her and if she has any claims against the city, let her present them, when in proper form, and allow the city to bring in any set off as counter claims they may have, and bring about a settlement of their differences. I have suggested this to the officers of Creswell Township at various times but without result. Creswell Township seems to labor under the impression that the city has no rights which the township is bound to respect, and that the township should dictate to the city in all matters. In my opinion this idea is erroneous.
The claim in its present shape was rejected, and the clerk instructed to notify the township trustees of the fact.
The petition of property holders on Thirteenth Street was again read.
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, in Common Council Assembled.
GENTLEMEN: We property holders on Thirteenth street of said city beg and petition your Honorable body to immediately take such legal steps as may lay in your power to procure for us damages done to our property abutting on said street, caused by the building of the Kansas City and Southwestern R. R. on the said street.
The right of way being granted to said R. R. Co. by your Honorable body, we deem it only right and proper that you procure for us the damages claimed by us, to our property.
Signed. Amount Claimed.
W. P. Wolfe $ 600.00
A. H. Johnson 500.00
Thomas Watts 1,500.00
D. R. Cooper 400.00
C. R. Sipes 100.00
Alex. Wilson 500.00
J. C. Topliff, for Virg. Walton 500.00
J. T. Shepard 1,800.00
C. S. Acker 200.00
E. A. Barron 500.00
I. H. Bonsall 200.00
G. W. Herbut 600.00
Jerry Logan 500.00
Thomas Croft 250.00
Daniel J. Kennedy 400.00
C. F. Snyder 1,000.00
Ge. W. Bean 700.00
H. G. Bailey 600.00
W. A. Nix 250.00
John Hand 400.00
F. B. Lane 400.00
E. Warren 500.00
W. S. Houghton, by Topliff 1,000.00
Nat Banks 150.00
Edith & Roy Chamberlin 700.00
Mr. Hill being called on in behalf of the railroad company, to explain, said the late severe weather had temporarily suspended all outside work, and the contractors had not yet been able to finish their work. Until the slopes were smoothed off and the cross walks properly laid, it would not be easy to determine what damage to the abutting property had actually been done. The claims set forth in the petition just read were equal to the entire value of the property; and he supposed the petitioners acted on the principle, which governs in all such cases of getting all they could. He did not admit that any real harm had been done to Thirteenth street lot owners. Free access was given to their houses by all vehicles, the grade at all places admitting of safe and easy turning. The fact of the railroad track being there might be assumed as a constructive damage; but to prove in court that real and tangible injury had been done would be a difficult undertaking.
Mr. Bailey asked whether the railroad company at any time intended to pay damages to the people of Thirteenth street.
This question brought a lengthy explanation from the gentleman interrogated, the object of which was to prove that no injury had been done. He was confident that not a man on Thirteenth street would sell his property for one dollar less price than before the railroad was built through that thoroughfare. He had asked the parties interested to wait till the work on the street is finished, but if they insisted on pressing their claims, now was as good a time as any. The city or the council, he would remind the gentleman, was not responsible for a dollar of the damages; the claims lay solely against the railroad company.
Mr. Bailey said he knew such to be the case.
After some further talk the petition was laid on the table.
Mr. Postlethwaite stated to the council that his son, on complaint of Kingsbury & Barnett, had been fined $3 and costs by the police justice, for selling newspapers on the street. He was not aware there was any city ordinance prohibiting such a practice, and he asked that the fine and costs be remitted.
Justice Bryant being called on said he construed the ordinance against peddlers as applying to this case, and had imposed the fine accordingly. But his mind was not clear that the offense charged was really a violation of the city ordinance, and he would like to have the opinion of the council in the matter.
Mr. Hill said he had had experience in a number of cities, but he had never known a previous case where the crying of newspapers on the street was prohibited.
Mr. Dunn said other cities encouraged the industry of newsboys, founding homes for them, and in other ways providing for their support and comfort.
Judge Bryant informed the council that Mr. Kingsbury insisted that the payment of an occupation tax protected him from such competition.
Mr. Dunn said the occupation tax was levied to provide a revenue for the city, and was by no means a protective tariff. Selling newspapers on the street was an educational agency, and should not be discouraged.
On motion the council ordered the fine and costs remitted.
Ordinance No. 29, to amend ordinance No. 12, in regard to the fire limits, was read and passed.
Ordinance No. 33, defining auctioneers’ licenses, was read and laid over till next meeting.
Councilman Hight again urged the passage of an ordinance against prostitution and gambling.
Justice Bryant said frequent complaints were made to him of these offenses being committed in the city, but he was powerless to deal with them for want of an ordinance affixing a penalty.
On motion a special committee consisting of Messrs. Hill, Dunn, and Dean was appointed to consider and report the ordinance.
Mr. Odell offered to the council a letter received from Capt. Couch, representing the need of money to support him while in Washington urging the passage of Representative Weaver’s Oklahoma bill; also a petition to Congress asking the passage of this measure was submitted for signature by the council.
Mr. Hill said the writer of the letter should have some assistance from this city. He was working in the interest of the city, in endeavoring to procure the opening of the territory to white settlers, and he was entitled to our recognition and aid. He was in favor of the council passing a resolution requesting the board of trade to take up a collection in his behalf.
Mr. Davis said he was not prepared to give anything in such a cause. He mentioned the case of one Stephens sent by this city some years ago to work in the interest of a certain bill, and his chief employment while in the National Capital was to lounge about the hotel bar-rooms and consume bad whiskey.
Mr. Hill said he had heard of a man seating himself in a barber’s chair to be shaved, and the barber, instead of complying with the wish of his customer, cut his throat. But this had not put a stop to the business of barbering. Stephens’ bad example and betrayal of trust should not discourage all further attempts to procure useful legislation from our lawmakers in Washington.
The resolution as proposed by Mr. Hill was adopted, and the council attached there signatures to the petition.
On motion of Mr. Dunn, the city clerk was instructed to report at the meeting of the council the names of those who have paid the occupation tax and the dog tax.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
As we stated last week, fears were entertained by our citizens that the west Arkansas River wagon bridge would go out upon the breaking up of the ice. Tuesday, a part of the gorge gave away and swept down the river at a fearful velocity, carrying two bents of the bridge with it. Wednesday another bent was taken out by another avalanche of ice. About 100 feet of the bridge has been taken out. The ice gorge has gone as far up the river as can be seen. The gorge at the west bridge was so compact and large that the channel of the river was changed to the bottoms west of the river for several days. The grading of the G. S. C. & N. W. Road was washed out by the changed course of the river for about 80 rods. This wash-out has been refilled. Considerable damage was done to the bottom lands west of the river by the washing of debris upon the land by the high water. The dam was not damaged very badly. Workmen had been engaged for two weeks past trying to ease up the expected gorge and wash-out. Their efforts were futile, however. For the third time in the last two years this west bridge has washed out.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Notes from Kansas City Times.
Frank Jackson writes to Oswego friends from Arkansas City, Kansas, that he and a party of companions were in the Indian Nation during the severe storm of last month and for three days they subsisted upon a few biscuits; and to prevent themselves from being frozen, they had to lie down and let the snow cover them. There are a thousand people in Arkansas City now waiting for the Oklahoma country to be opened for settlement.
Arkansas City commenced Sunday to blow up the Arkansas River with dynamite and has since been whaling away. The ice on the river was thicker than ever before and a terrible ice gorge was anticipated, in which case the long bridge above the dam must go. James Hill and the city council got up this dynamite scheme. The ice next to the dam, of course, would be last to go, giving opportunity for the tremendous gorges to pile up and demolish the bridge. Holes were drilled in the ice, dynamite cartridges inserted with a fuse attached, when everybody would get into the Territory while the thing went off. It knocked “blue blazes” out of the ice and the 500 pounds of dynamite will clear the ice from next to the dam and bridge, giving the gorges a rapid descent over the dam on the water’s swift bosom. It was a fine scheme and will save the bridge.
[Note: It was a good idea and almost worked. However, a previous article shows that several spans of the bridge collapsed. Too bad there are two missing issues of paper.]
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
A Resolution to Annex Territory, and a Plan to Restore the West Bridge.
On Friday Mayor Schiffbauer received the following petition. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 19, 1886. To his honor F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
The undersigned members of the council of Arkansas City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of the council this evening (Feb. 19th) for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the repairing of the bridge across the Arkansas River west of town, and annexing certain territory to the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas city.
JACOB HIGHT, Councilmen.
To which acting Mayor Thompson responded as follows.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Feb. 19, 1886.
I hereby call a special meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, in pursuance to the above call. C. G. THOMPSON, Acting Mayor.
At 7:30 o’clock the same evening the council convened, all the members except Dean and Bailey were present. Mr. A. A. Newman, in behalf of himself and others, asked that the council memorialize the district judge to annex certain territory to the corporate limits of the city. On motion the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1886, the city council of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the district court of Cowley County, state of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit:
The property owned by the Arkansas City water power company, commencing at a point twenty (20) feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east, extending thence west three (3) rods to the north line of the right of way of the Arkansas City water power company’s canal; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said canal about one hundred and fifty (150) rods to the east bank of the Arkansas River; thence southerly about ten (10) rods to a point where the north line of the public highway, extending east and west through the center of said section twenty-five (25), intersects the east bank of said Arkansas River; thence westerly across said river about 840 feet to the northeast corner of lot No. Four (4), section twenty-six (26), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east; thence west twenty (20) rods; thence south sixteen (16) rods; thence east about twenty (20) rods to the west bank of the Arkansas River; thence easterly across said river about eight hundred and forty (840) feet, to a point on the east bank of said river two hundred (200) feet south of the north line of lot two (2) of said section twenty-five (25); thence east across said lot three hundred (300) feet; thence east along the south line of said highway to the city limits, about one hundred and forty (140) rods, containing seven and one-half (7-1/2) acres more or less; and thence north forty (40) feet to the place of beginning; making the same a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes, contemplated in the law, under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
On the adjournment of the council, a citizens’ meeting was held in the same chamber to take immediate steps toward repairing the west bridge. The meeting organized by appointing W. D. Kreamer chairman and James Benedict secretary.
Mr. Hill moved that the chair appoint a committee consisting of members of the city council and of the board of trade to prepare a plan and estimate of the cost of repairing said bridge, which plan and estimate shall be submitted to the council for their approval. The motion being adopted the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hight, Hill, and T. L. McLaughlin, with instructions to make a report as soon as possible. Adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Last Sunday Rev. N. S. Buckner preached his last sermon of the conference year just ended. Jas. Hill, one of the financial board of the M. E. Church, arose and announced that all the expenses of the church incurred during the past year had not been defrayed, and that some $250 was needed to cancel their indebtedness. Of this sum $218 was wanted to complete the payment of the pastor’s salary, and Mr. Hill proposed that the congregation should raise that amount then and there. He stated that it was not only just and right for the money to be raised, but that it was policy also, as it would give the M. E. Church of this city prestige and influence with conference. To have the name of not paying the pastor’s salary in full would at once convince conference and the world of the lifeless and unscrupulous way that the Methodists of this place have in doing business. These and other arguments Mr. Hill used to show where the line of duty was. He himself started the ball rolling by subscribing $40, which he afterwards raised to $45. Others followed with sums ranging from $1 to $10 and in this way the required sum was raised. As there was not a full attendance of the members, on account of the inclemency of the weather, this might be considered no insignificant achievement for the Methodists of this city. It shows their vim, energy, and liberality, and will have its weight in giving them success in the future. The rest of the $250 was raised in the evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
The Stand-Pipe.
Mr. Plate, the president of the Inter-State Gas Company, is in town this week in answer to a notification from the city clerk that the council desired to reconsider the location of the stand-pipe. There was a called meeting of the council Wednesday evening, all members present. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman and discussion invited. Mr. Plate endeavored to show that the stand-pipe at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Summit Street would be no obstruction, as there would be room enough for two wagons to pass on either side; that it would be built on the best foundation making it perfectly safe, and that, as his drawings showed, it would be artistically built. He also stated that the pumping would be easier if there was no turn in the feed-pipe. He asked that a remonstrance be read or that some arguments be advanced proving that it should not go where located.
After some discussion, Mr. Hill’s motion was carried that a committee of seven citizens be appointed to meet Mr. Plate the next day and try and determine the best location for the pipe. The committee consisted of C. R. Sipes, Maj. Hasie, Geo. Frick, H. Godehard, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, and C. D. Burroughs.
Thursday was spent by the committee and Mr. Plate in a fruitless attempt to have the location of the stand-pipe changed, but nothing was accomplished, only to condemn its present location.
In the evening the council met as adjourned. Mr. Plate opened the discussion by stating his failure to accomplish anything with the committee. They simply did not want it on its present site, but did not suggest any other. Although he did not want to antagonize the citizens, he had taken legal advice and claimed he could, under the circumstances, hold the present site. He would consent, however, to either of the intersections directly west or would purchase a vacant lot if insured from injunction and damages by private individuals in the vicinity.
Mr. Davis thought the company was persecuted and would aid in purchasing a site. Mr. Hill offered the company $50 toward buying a location and $2,000 for their franchise. Mr. Hight spoke in favor of the present site. Mr. Dunn said he had voted for the present site, but that he had found great opposition from his constituents, which was reason enough that he was wrong, but did not want to vote to reconsider, preferring to let the matter rest without further action, believing that the company could not afford to antagonize the citizens and would purchase a location.
After several irregular motions were withdrawn, a motion to reconsider was made and under the roll call stood: Ayes—Hill, Dunn, Prescott, and Dean; Nays—Thompson, Bailey, Hight, and Davis. The mayor declared the motion just and the matter now stands as it was.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
The R. R. Struggle.
Elsewhere in the columns of the REPUBLICAN we publish calls for special elections in the townships of Cedar and Silverdale to vote aid to the Kansas State Line road. The calls for the townships of Spring Creek and Creswell are published in the Democrat and the Traveler respectively. The Board of County Commissioners met last Friday in Winfield. In the morning S. C. Smith and J. A. Irwin received the petitions of citizens of Walnut, Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otto Townships for elections to vote on bond propositions to the Independence and Southwestern railroad. The petitions were granted and the elections were called for May 1st.
In the afternoon the three commissioners received petitions of Cedar, Spring Creek, Silverdale, and Creswell Townships for elections to vote on bond propositions to the Kansas State Line Railway Company. The petitions were granted and the elections were called for May 3rd.
The principle struggle was between Winfield and Arkansas City for priority in the elections, Winfield working for the former and Arkansas City for the latter of the above sets of petitions.
Messrs. Smith and Irwin gave the precedence to the former company. S. C. Smith resides in Winfield and is chairman of the board of county commissioners, and refused to call the elections for the same day and thereby give each company equal chances.
But we will go back to the beginning of this railroad struggle. Some two months ago Hon. Jas. Hill, the gentleman who built the Frisco road to Arkansas City and is now building it west along the State line, conceived the plan of building a line of road from Oswego to Arkansas City through the Border townships to connect with his western Frisco extension here and thereby have an air-line to St. Louis. He set about to execute his idea immediately. About a month ago the charter was filed for the Kansas State Line road. Owing to a press of business matters on this western extension of the Frisco, the petitions were not in the township of which aid is asked as soon as Mr. Hill intended to have them, but they were there two days before those of the Independence & Southwestern and signed by good and legal tax-payers as well as voters.
Some busy body told Winfield of Arkansas City’s intentions and that she was going to file a charter for the Kansas State Line road. Immediately Bill Hackney jumps on the train, goes to Topeka, and tries to head off the Kansas State Line road, by obtaining the privilege of using the name of the Santa Fe road in building the Independence & Southwestern. He failed to get the necessary satisfaction at Topeka, so he determined to try higher authority. He went to Washington, and interviewed C. P. Huntington, of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley road projected from Ft. Smith to Arkansas City. That gentleman informed Mr. Hackney that he has his line mapped out and will not change it for the benefit of Winfield. Mr. Hackney saw Hon. H. W. Perkins and got him to introduce an amendment making the bill granting the right-of-way through the Territory read to some point between the Arkansas and Caney Rivers instead of Arkansas City. There the bill rests. It has never been passed as yet. The bill was permitted to be changed in order to unite the Kansas delegation in Congress.
The Kansas & Arkansas Valley road will come to Arkansas City. It is a Santa Fe project and they will never parallel their line from here to Winfield just to accommodate that city.
From Washington Mr. Hackney went to Boston and saw President Strong of the Santa Fe. Here he got permission by misrepresentation to use the Santa Fe’s name in connection with the Independence & Southwestern road to head off the Kansas State Line road and keep a competing line from entering the field. He returned home, filed a charter, and got his petitions into the townships of Spring Creek and Cedar two days later than the Kansas State Line road. On the same day the petitions were started from Winfield. Hon. E. P. Greer came down to Arkansas City to get Commissioner Guthrie to sign a call asking Chairman Smith to convene the board. Mr. Guthrie rightly refused because the petitions signed up by the proper number of voters of the townships had never been presented. Mr. Greer returned to Winfield and induced the chairman to sign the petitions himself.
The chairman of the Board of County Commissioners petitions himself to call a meeting! Whoever heard of the like before?
The petitions of the Kansas State Line road were in one day before all the petitions of the Independence & Southwestern were signed up. A petition signed by Commissioners Guthrie and Irwin asking Mr. Smith to call a meeting of the board to consider the Kansas State Line petitions was presented him, but that gentleman refused to countenance it until after he had disposed of the Independence & Southwestern, although their petitions were not in at the time.
When the hour for the meeting of the board arrived last Friday morning, Mr. Guthrie refused to sit with the board. Chairman Smith was marched to the courthouse between Bill Hackney and Henry Asp. Oh, we would hate to be the slave and have those men masters. During the session of the board, Mr. Hackney called the petitioners of the Kansas State Line road s__ns of b___hs and other vile names. After a great deal of talk, the chairman finally settled the matter as stated above.
We have consulted attorneys and they inform us that the call of the Independence & Southwestern is illegal; that it amounts to nothing, and shows to what desperate means Winfield has resorted to keep Arkansas City and the border townships from getting a road. Cedar, Silverdale, and Spring Creek are now paying taxes upon the bonds they voted to build the Southern Kansas, the Santa Fe, and the Frisco into Winfield. They voted bonds to the D. M. & A. Now, when all the border townships have a chance to secure a line, Winfield is trying to beat them out of it. Will our friends out east stand any such outrage?
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
The Winfield Courier speaks of Henry Asp as having been a necessity to the K. C. & S. W. Railway construction company. Bah! What are you giving your readers? Any other pettifogger could have done as much as Mr. Asp did. Why didn’t Mr. Asp build that railroad west north of Arkansas City if he is such a giant? And why don’t he build the D. M. & A.? We can tell things on Mr. Asp which will make his hair stand on end. But we won’t do it because it is child’s play. We are talking about building railroads, Father Millington, and not of the private character of Jas. Hill and Mr. Asp. Confine yourself to the subject and don’t get so badly scared.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
At a meeting of citizens of the first ward held in Commercial block, last evening, James Hill was re-nominated for the council, J. W. Ruby for school director, and W. D. Kreamer was endorsed the justice of the peace, and Austin Bailey for constable.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
A large number of the citizens of ward No. 1 met Tuesday evening and placed James Hill in nomination for re-election to the office of councilman; and J. W. Ruby for school director. Judge Kreamer was endorsed for justice of the peace and Austin Bailey for constable.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The Election was hotly contested Tuesday. The People’s Ticket had a walk over the Citizens’ Ticket. The result was as follows.
Councilman: Hill 139, Neff 48.
School Board: Ruby 126, Adams 60.
Justice: Kreamer 167, Meigs 18.
Constable: Lewis 105, Bailey 83.
For the special Bridge act 180.
Councilman: Ingersoll 106, Fairclo 80.
School Board: Landes 110, Fowler 72.
Justice: Kreamer 153, Meigs 30.
Constable: Bailey 95, Lewis 83.
For the Special Bridge act 185.
Councilman: Prescott 130.
School Board: Love 77, Woodin 53.
Justice: Kreamer 114, Meigs 15.
Constable: Lewis 65, Bailey 37.
For the Special Bridge act 130.
Councilman: Thurston 204.
School Board: Watts 116, Mowry 94.
Justice: Kreamer 178, Meigs 30.
Constable: Lewis 164, Bailey 41.
For the Special Bridge act 211.
Hill’s majority 91.
Ingersoll’s majority 26.
Ruby’s majority 66.
Landes majority 35.
Love’s majority 24.
Watt’s majority 22.
Prescott, of the 2nd ward, and Thurston, of the 4th ward, had no opposition.
Kreamer’s majority for the justice of the peace 519.
Lewis for constable 175.
The vote for the special bridge act was 715. The REPUBLICAN is satisfied, Arkansas City has redeemed herself most nobly.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The council now stands Hill and Hight, 1st ward, Ingersoll and Dean, 2nd ward, Prescott and Thompson, 3rd ward, Thurston and Davis, 4th ward.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Jas. Hill made the purchase of two of the Arkansas City Building Association cottages Thursday. The consideration for both was $4,000. F. J. Hess made the sale. [COULD BE $1,000 WAS CORRECT, BUT IT LOOKED TO ME LIKE IT WAS $4,000.]
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
James Hill is building a large addition to his residence in ward No. 1.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Jas. Hill has removed the old K. C. & S. W. Depot building on 13th Avenue to lots in the 4th ward and turned it into a residence. Jacob Hight built an addition to it and made it into a handsome four-room cottage.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Almost $100,000
Worth of Property Change Ownership in Arkansas City
Since Monday, May 3, 1886.
Farms Adjoining the Townsite Selling for $150 per Acre.
Resident and Business Lots Selling to Capitalists
As Rapidly As a Price Can Be Fixed Upon them.
Since the bonds have been voted in the border townships for the Kansas State Line road, real estate has changed hands at an astonishing rate and at exceedingly good prices. Our town has been alive this week with capitalists seeking purchases.
John Carder, the father of D. G. Carder, also sold his 67 acre plat of ground south of the flouring mills for $10,000. The purchasers were Jas. Hill, A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, S. Matlack, T. H. McLaughlin, and G. N. Newman.
Thursday morning Wm. Gibby sold to the above parties his farm of 65 acres across the canal south of town for $10,000.
J. Young, of Chicago, was in the city the first of the week and purchased 30 resident lots in Beecher & Sons addition. The consideration was $6,500.
T. H. McLaughlin, A. A. Newman, G. N. Newman, Jas. Hill, and Maj. Sleeth purchased the Godfrey addition of 86 acres south of town. The consideration was $13,000 or $150 per acre.
T. H. McLaughlin, Jas. Hill, Maj. Sleeth, S. Matlack, A. A. Newman, and G. N. Newman purchased the Huey property, northwest of the city, yesterday morning; the consideration was $10,500.
Messrs. Hill, Newman, McLaughlin, Matlack, Sleeth, and Newman paid $1,500 to L. W. Currier for his property.
G. L. Brown to S. E. Bliss, house and lot, $750.
Wm. Rose, a house and lot, to Messrs. Deering and Jackson, for $400.
F. C. Newman came in from Osage City yesterday and had been in the city not longer than an hour when he made a purchase of 9 lots in Beecher’s addition. He paid $1,000.
Ephraim Carder transferred his 67 acres of land south of town yesterday to Hill, Newman, Sleeth, Matlack, McLaughlin, and Newman. The consideration was $10,000.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jubilee.
Yesterday was a gala day in Arkansas City. Our friends from the eastern townships along the State Line road had been invited to come to our city and partake of the hospitality of our citizens, and assist in the celebration. It was a grand celebration, indeed. It surpassed anything we have ever had in commemoration of July 4.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Bright and early our merchants and citizens began the decorations of their stores and homes. Everybody decorated. After one o’clock the visitors began arriving. About 3:30 the delegation from Cedar and Spring Creek Townships came in a body. They were met by the bands of the city and escorted along our main thoroughfares, and citizens falling in the procession to the Opera House, where a most sumptuous feast awaited them, which was prepared by the ladies of Arkansas City. After one and all had eaten heartily, they adjourned to the streets. At 7:30 a grand procession was formed, everybody falling in. After the procession came the pyrotechnic display and the firing of anvils and then our citizens and their guests repaired to the opera house to give vent to their enthusiastic feeling.
The vast assemblage was called to order at 8:30 by Maj. Sleeth and the following gentlemen responded to toasts.
Rev. J. O. Campbell, “Cowley County and her Railroads.”
A. A. Newman, “State Line Railroad.”
Rev. S. B. Fleming, “The Campaign.”
F. P. Schiffbauer, “Arkansas City.”
Arthur Smith, “Cedar Township.”
A. L. Andrews, “Spring Creek Township.”
Robt. Howe, “Maple City.”
Dr. H. D. Cooper, “The long-haired Men from the Irish Flats.”
Ike Harkleroad, “Silverdale Township.”
Rev. W. W. Harris, “Creswell Township.”
Dick Courtright, “Rock Creek.”
Amos Walton, “Ignoramus.”
Rev. J. P. Witt, “Winfield telegrams.”
A. D. Prescott, “The Missouri Pacific R. R.”
Col. Sumner, “That Spoon hook.”
Mr. Neal, of Wellington, “The Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern.”
Wm. Jenkins, “The Waterloo of Cowley County.”
Mr. Manahan, of Cedar, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
James Hill made the final response, choosing his own subject.
At the close of the exercises, our guests were taken care of for the night. The most enthusiastic and friendly feeling exists in southern Cowley. Never before in our existence have we ever seen as many happy souls as there are now in the townships of Cedar, Spring Creek, Silverdale, and Creswell, and the city of Arkansas City. One cause has bound our hearts together and soon the link will be more welded by the bands of steel.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Vice-President and General Manager Smith, D. J. Chase, general superintendent, H. R. Nickerson, superintendent middle division, A. C. Armstrong, purchasing agent, Mr. Osborne, superintendent of bridges and building, and Commissioner Foulks, came down from Topeka on a special train Saturday morning and remained all day. Whatever their business was, they kept to themselves. They did not stop in Winfield at all. Too small a station.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Land Slides of the Week.
Richard C. Hess sold to James Hill six lots in Leonard addition for $4,000 the latter part of last week.
John A. Beck sold to James Hill, house and 2 lots, $1,000.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
The Maple City Town Company.
A. L. Andrews and Dr. Cooper, of Maple City, were in the metropolis, Monday and Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing the Maple City Town Company. Tuesday night the organization was partly effected: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, Jas. Hill, and A. A. Newman were selected as directors of the town company from Arkansas City; A. L. Andrews, Robt. Howe, Philip Hoffman, G. A. Sutton, and Dr. Cooper, as directors from Maple City. The charter has been sent for and will be here in a few days.
The citizens of Maple City, since the carrying of the bonds for the State Line road, have put their heads together with more determination than ever, to increase the importance of their town. As it has been heretofore, Maple City has not had the prospects of obtaining a railroad. She now has, and the efforts of our friends over east to build up their home city will not go unrewarded.
At present the incorporated limits of Maple City contain only an area of six blocks. But surrounding A. L. Andrews owns 320 acres of as fine land as the sun ever shone upon. A portion of this will be platted and converted into town lots and placed upon the market. There is no reason why Maple City should not grow to be a city of from 1,500 to 2,500. She is surrounded by a most fertile farming country, as well as considerable grazing land. Her citizens are enterprising and patriotic; they will leave no stone unturned in the upbuilding of their town. They have a scope of country for 20 miles around to draw trade from. No town of importance is nearer than Arkansas City, and our citizens will lend our neighbors a helping hand. The REPUBLICAN rejoices with our friends in their boom.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.
J. Hill to T. L. Mantor, 2 lots, $800.
Wm. Gibby to James Hill and J. W. Ruby, house and 4 lots, $5,200.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met Monday evening. Present: Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer; councilmen A. D. Prescott, Jas. Hill, O. Ingersoll, C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, C. Dean, C. Thurston, and J. Hight.
Bill of Thompson & Woodin, Livery, $19; allowed.
Bill of Isaac Knight, labor on bridge, $1.50; allowed.
A. F. Huse, coal $133.50; allowed.
E. B. Wingate, repairing bridge, $1,547; allowed.
Petition of the Knights of Labor asking that the Inter State Gas company give employment to our own citizens, referred to committee on public improvements. A. A. Davis was appointed said committee.
Report of committee on curbing and guttering the street received and read. Moved that the report be compared with specifications and committee report at next meeting.
On motion the bill of C. Mead for putting in street crossings was allowed.
The request of certain citizens to remove fences off the street was by motion referred to street and alley committee.
On motion the mayor was instructed to sell city bonds to be issued for the erection of a city building, at not less than par value.
Ordinance No. 35 was then passed.
The petition in regard to auctioneers was read and moved to be taken up at next meeting.
On motion the council adjourned until next Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.
From the Herald we learn that arrangements have been made for Geuda Springs to have a grand Fourth of July celebration on the 3rd. One of the speakers will be Rev. Brink, of Wichita, father of Rev. V. H. Brink, pastor of the M. E. Church of that city. James Hill, of Arkansas City, will also be present. L. H. Northey, paymaster on the Border road, will run an excursion from Winfield and Arkansas City and one from Guelph or near South Haven, as the road will be almost completed to that point in that time. There is no doubt that there will be two or three thousand people who will go to Geuda on the trains. The fare will be thirty cents a round trip from Arkansas City. The Arkansas City Buckskin Band has been spoken for and is expected. The celebration will be held in Mitchell’s grove.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The K. C. & P. H.
Arkansas City is going to build a railroad to Kamchatka by way of Burden and Behring’s Straits. When this is done Burden will be the capital of Cowley County and the sand hill the capital of the United States. The road will only cost $5,000,000,000, including the bridge across the Behring straits, and Nat. Snyder, A. A. Newman, and Jim Hill have the money deposited in Jim Huey’s bank to do it with. Mud-hole Courier.
Oh, no, Courier, you are partly mistaken in the above. Arkansas City does not intend building the road mentioned; the Missouri Pacific folks are going to do it for us, you know. Then again, you get your I. & S. W. Route mixed up with our Kansas City & Pan Handle line. For the information of the Mud-hole denizens, the REPUBLICAN states that the line spoken of above will run from Arkansas City via Burden direct to Reece in Greenwood County. The remainder of the above items is true.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Last evening the ladies of the M. E. Church gave a sociable at the residence of Mrs. Jas. Hill. A large crowd was in attendance and enjoyed the evening’s entertainment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Arkansas City Republican, July 10, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, July 17, 1886. Supplement.
Amos Walton was here yesterday and just before leaving was heard unburdening himself concerning the State Line project. He said, “That scheme is dead. Arkansas City listened too long to Jim Hill, but we’ve got to keep up a howl to keep those townships from tying themselves up, or our railroad prospects are forever dead.” Visitor.
In reply to the above, Mr. Walton over his own signature in the Democrat, denies the above as a lie out of whole cloth, and gives it as his opinion that the State Line will be built.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The Ft. S. & N. W. R. R.
Contract Let and Work to Begin at Once.
We have from time to time for the past year told our readers that the Ft. Smith R. R. would be built and the people of this county given a southern outlet to market. Of late it has been somewhat of an annoyance to be frequently confronted by the farmers who were always sure to demand of us an answer to the question, “When is work on the Ft. Smith R. R. to be commenced?” For a time we succeeded in dodging the question, but we were finally compelled to admit that we did not know. But today we are happy to say to our readers that we do know, and we will tell you all about it.
Wednesday, Mr. James Hill, principal of the firm of Hill, Mason & Co., one of the most extensive railroad builders in this country, visited this city, and closed the contract for the construction of the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern through the State of Kansas. The surveyors will be on the ground next week and proceed at once to survey and permanently locate the line. As soon as that part of the work is completed, which will be within thirty days, the graders will go to work. The company have plenty of ties and iron and all other material necessary for the construction of the line and work will be pushed as fast as money and men can do it. The contract calls for the completion of the line and cars running thereon by the first of February, 1887. This is the full text of the whole business and all we can do now is to remind our friends that the whistle of the engines on the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern will furnish you music by the agreed time. Wellington Standard.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
This morning the surveying corps of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road began running the line from Geuda Springs, northwest through Sumner County. Grading and track-laying will begin as soon as the final survey is made. Jas. Hill, of this city, has the contract for building the road from here across the state of Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The contract for building the Fort Smith, Wellington and Northwestern railroad has been let to Hill, Mason & Co., of Arkansas City; and work commenced Tuesday. The work will be vigorously pushed and the line completed to Clearwater before Christmas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Oscar Godfrey sold his two first ward cottages this morning to Jas. Hill for $1,700.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen A. D. Prescott, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. G. Thompson, Jas. Hill, C. T. Thurston.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
WELLINGTON MONITOR. Mr. James Hill, a prominent railroad contractor of Arkansas City, on Monday signed a contract with the directors of the Fort Smith, Wellington & Northwestern at their office in this city, for the construction of the road from Arkansas City through this county and northwest through the counties of Sedgwick, Reno, and Rice, at the option of the company. By the terms of the agreement, Mr. Hill contracts to furnish the entire material, and do the work, turning over the completed road to the company in accordance with certain specifications which will insure them a line first-class in every particular. He further agrees to commence construction not later than September 1st, the road to be completed in sections within specified dates.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Jas. Hill has returned home from the east.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
How He Played Out in This City, and Tried His Game in South Haven.
The South Haven New Era, a few weeks ago, made the following announcement.
“Mr. Landes, of the Arkansas City Roller Mills, was here the fore part of the week, establishing an agency for his flour and arranging to buy wheat for his mills. Mr. J. B. Walker will buy wheat for him.” This seemed a nice thing for Johnnie. He had gone to that thrifty burg, played out and penniless, where he rented a vacant room and blossomed out as a real estate agent. In this city it was said by the few persons who know of the appointment that Mr. Landes had got hold of the wrong man, which fact would soon be impressed on his mind, as no one ever had dealings with this very plausible gentleman without being outwitted by him.
C. M. Scott laughingly tells of one of Mr. J. B. Walker’s operations. A few years ago he came back to the city from a visit to his parents, who are said to be high toned and well-to-do. He was busted, as usual, and appealed to Mr. Scott to befriend him. His suggestion was that the latter supply him with a stock of cord wood from his sheep ranch on the Grouse, deliver it in town, in some wood yard that he would procure, and as the wood was sold, he would pay over the cost price. The proposition struck Mr. Scott favorably, and he furnished his impecunious petitioner with 100 cords, for the cutting and hauling of which he paid out $250. When he came to town, at brief intervals, he would call at Mr. Walker’s wood yard, where he would find a few cords sold; but his beneficiary was never ready to pay, assigning as a reason he had not collected on his sales. Finally something engaged Mr. Scott’s attention for several weeks—sheep shearing it might be, or a trip to Texas to buy ponies—and when he next visited the wood yard, he found sixty cords of his wood gone, and Mr. Walker still unable to pay over a cent. He then fully comprehended the character of the man he was dealing with, removed what wood there was left on hand, and figured up the cost of his experience at $150.
Mr. Walker was taken into the employ of the TRAVELER a few months ago, on a solemn promise to reform his evil ways, behave sober and uprightly, and turn over every dollar he received. Johnnie has the character of being a rustler, and this editor was told by a number of old citizens who knew the man well, that if we could keep him from stealing and getting drunk, he had the skill to rake in business. But we found, after a very brief acquaintance, that this faculty had deserted him. A man who loses self-respect, who indulges the basest appetites, and lives a life of fraud and deception, cannot retain usefulness. His bad habits pervade and saturate his moral system, and he is only fit for the state to take care of.
Mr. Walker left the city when he found his dishonest practices were discovered, and a notice was published in the TRAVELER to caution the public against paying him money. Hearing of his removal to South Haven, we notified him that unless an accounting was made without delay, he might look for arrest to answer to the charge of embezzlement. This seems to have caused some alarm in his breast, as the following letter was sent in quick response.
SOUTH HAVEN, KANSAS, July 23, 1886.
Mr. Lockley, Arkansas City, Kas:
DEAR SIR: Yours received. As I have not one dollar in the world on hand, I can’t go to see you until I can earn some. I have some business that will bring me something when finished, and when I get it will go to see you. I can’t find any memorandum book as yet, but will hand it up; it may be in Arkansas City yet, as I have some old papers there. The reason I did not go and see you was on account of that notice you published. It made me feel so bad that I just wanted to go away, and my poor wife suffered terribly over it. I knew it would never do for me to try to do anything in Arkansas City again. I felt bad enough to almost resort to desperation, and do yet. If times are good, I can do pretty well here and get even with the world again and make a new start; and I hope that no misfortune will overtake me now as it would nearly kill my wife, who feels bad enough, anyhow. I am trying to do what is right, and to become a sober, temperate, reliable man.
If you can give me a short time till I can do something (business is dull now), I will try and see you as soon as possible. Such a thing as you propose would do great harm to me, my family, and my old mother. Will get the memorandum book as soon as I can find it, and make the account up and send it to you. * * * Please write me by return mail. We get only one mail by railroad each day, and the mails close outward before the mail arrives.
Respectfully, J. B. WALKER.
His tender consideration for his wife and mother is very touching, but when the writer’s heartlessness is known, and his utter disregard for their happiness, his sheltering behind these innocent women is the resort of a craven.
On Saturday we heard that he had been removed from his purchasing agency for the Arkansas City Roller Mills Co., and meeting Mr. Landes on the street, we inquired whether his company had been added to the list of this deft operator’s victims. He laughed at the idea. “I knew my man too well,” he said, “to give him any show to rob me.”
“Then why his dismissal?”
“Well, complaints were continually coming to us of his being drunk on the streets, and it also came to my knowledge that he had been trying a gouge game on the bank; so on his general misbehavior, I thought it was time to get rid of him.”
“He has not succeeded in fleecing you, then?”
“No. Mr. Hill has for some time felt an interest in the young man, and been desirous of befriending him. When he recommended the appointment of Johnnie as purchasing agent at South Haven, he thought he had secured the services of an energetic, enterprising man, and he instructed me to place $2,000 to his credit. Mr. Hill is not very often caught napping; but when he places confidence in a man, he is willing to give full play to his energies. I gave Johnnie credit at the South Haven bank, but instructed the cashier, Capt. Hunt, not to cash any of his checks unless accompanied by a weigh bill properly signed as a voucher. This went well enough for awhile, then he began to try his tricks. He sent a check to the bank for thirty odd dollars without a weigh bill, which Capt. Hunt refused to cash. Then he sent in another check for a smaller amount, also without a voucher, and this was refused. This being reported to me, I stopped his game by dismissal, and I am not aware that the company is out a cent by his operations.”
The English have a saying, “What is bred in the bone won’t come out of the flesh!,” and we fear that dishonesty and general worthlessness are so inbred with our South Haven real estate operator that his flesh will never be purged of the moral infection.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
Too Thin, Henry.
It was told during the canvass for the Pan Handle bonds, that Henry Asp had visited Mr. Reece and offered him $4,000 a mile to have the road constructed to Winfield. This was allowed to pass unchallenged till the day before the election, when Mr. Asp published a denial of the statement in the Courier, knowing there was not time to get a reply in print in time to be of service. How this estate lawyer’s strategy affected the popular mind, is shown in the following commentary, taken from the Burden Enterprise.
“Oh! Ha!! What a plausible story of Mr. Asp’s, in regard to his not having any conversation with Mr. Reece. This is about as thin a thing as we have heard come from a man that pretended to come within a mile of telling the truth. Give us something a little more plausible next time, Henry.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Recommendations of Mayor Schiffbauer to the Council.
At a special meeting of the city council, held on Monday evening, Aug. 30th, the following communication was read.
To the commission council of Arkansas City, Kansas.
GENTLEMEN: I find, upon examination of the records, that a meeting of the council held July 19th last, Acting Mayor Thompson appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Wingate, Davis, and Thurston, to investigate and report on the feasibility of draining the slough west of the city. The report of this committee is herewith attached. I further find that on Aug. 2nd the city clerk was ordered to secure the right of way, and that at the same sitting the city engineer was ordered to advertise for bids to excavate a ditch for draining the slough, said ditch to be ten feet at the bottom with 2 to 1 slope. The bids to be opened and considered in ten days.
Now I submit that this system of draining said slough will entail a heavy expense, and become an onerous burden on the taxpayers of the city.
I also hand you herewith an approximate estimate of the cost of the plan proposed, and also the cost of the tile system of drainage, which will answer every required purpose; and this with an eye single to the health and pecuniary interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the city.
From the committee’s report you will see that Messrs. Hill, Newman, and Sleeth offer to give the right of way free of cost; but from the engineer’s diagram, you will find that the survey runs where the right of way will have to be purchased or condemned.
Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet wide at the bottom should be wanted for the purpose stated, I am at a loss to understand, when it is a conceded fact that a six inch drain would carry off all the water accumulating in said slough.
You are, therefore, asked to give this matter your candid and careful consideration, and let your action tend to the advantage of your constituents.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Cost of right of way: $1,080.00
Cost of excavating: $2,640.00
Cost of fencing: $432.29
Cost of bridge: $500.00
TOTAL: $4,652.29
To this will be added a yearly expense for the maintenance of the bridge and the erection of other bridges as the needs of the city require, and for their maintenance for all time.
2,436 feet of the 10 in. tiling at 20 cents: $487.20
Laying the same at 10 cents: $243.60
TOTAL: $730.80
The right of way for this would be freely given, as there would be no obstruction; no fencing would be required, no bridging would be necessary, and in this item alone a great saving would be secured to the taxpayers.
The matter was debated awhile by the council, and laid over till the next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Contractor Jas. Hill was in the city today from Arkansas City. His men commenced surveying on the Wellington and Northwestern railroad this morning. He has just completed his contract on the border road. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews came in from Maple City this morning. He informs us the State Line surveyors arrived there last evening, running their line on the south side of Maple City. From there they will run directly east, striking South Cedar Creek and thence up to Cedarvale.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Wm. D. Carey, a Winfield boy for several years past, has bought an interest in the Canal Roller Mills of James Hill, at Arkansas City: one of the best flouring mills in the country. Wm. D. Carey has been the auditor and paymaster of the K. C. & S. W. and St. Louis, Kansas & Western railroads for two years, which positions were filled with great accuracy and ability. He is one of the most efficient and energetic businessmen in the west and his interest in the Canal Roller Mills means much for that institution. William is getting to the front right along and he merits the success he is attaining. Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill took their departure this morning for Buffalo, New York, where they intend visiting for some weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
James Hill, our first ward councilman, returned home on Thursday last after an absence from the city of three weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
James Hill will deliver a lecture next Thursday evening in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, on the “Successful Man.” Everybody invited.
Arkansas City Republican, November 6, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Saturday’s Wichita Eagle says: “The Kansas and Arkansas Valley railroad company has been chartered. The object of the company is to build a line of road from Arkansas City south along the Arkansas River to the southern line of the county, a distance of fifteen miles. The directors are James Hill, L. J. Miles, J. S. Huey, Charles Hutchins, and Wm. M. Jennings. Capital stock: $300,000.” [At least it appears that figure was $300,000. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
The next free lecture of the Y. M. C. A. Course will be delivered in their hall on Friday evening, the 12th inst., by Hon. James Hill, his subject “The Successful Man.” All are invited.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, is spending considerable time and money in the interest of the Ft. Smith railroad. The people of Arkansas City and Geuda Springs will never know of what benefit such a man is to a community until he is gone. A few such men can move mountains. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The following article of incorporation was filed in the office of the secretary of state Friday. “The Arkansas City Land and Investment Company.” Directors: Albert A. Newman, Wm. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, and Jas. Hill, all of Arkansas City, Cowley County. Capital stock, $300,000.
Arkansas City Republican, January 15, 1887.
About Arkansas City.
The following is a sample of the thousand and one letters which come to postmaster Sinnott daily. Having not the time to answer, he handed us this letter of inquiry, which we gladly answer through the columns of the REPUBLICAN.
Jamesport, Missouri, Jan. 8, 1887.
Postmaster, Arkansas City, Kansas. DEAR SIR: What is the population of your city? How many railroads have you? If you are expecting any new ones, where are they from? Is the city built on both sides of the Arkansas River, or is the city all on the east side of the river? How wide is the river at your city? What is business property selling at? Is the dry goods business well represented? By answering above questions you will greatly oblige. Enclosed find stamps for answer. Yours Truly, SAM W. BUZZARD.
Arkansas City has a population of 7,000 people. At present she has three railroads—the
A. T. & S. F., from Kansas City to this point; the Southern Kansas, from here across the Indian Territory to Gainesville, Texas; and the Frisco from St. Louis. We are expecting four new roads and in fact we will get them during the year of 1887. Bonds have been voted to each of the four, along the entire route of the proposed roads and the companies are only waiting for warmer weather to begin construction. The first road and the one most important to Arkansas City is the Kansas & Arkansas Valley road, which runs from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, across the Indian Territory up the Arkansas River Valley here. Bonds have been voted from the state line nine miles south of us to 200 miles northwest of us in order to build a continuation of the Ft. Smith road from this city across the state of Kansas. Besides getting this road, we will also have the company’s machine shops, roundhouse, and the end of the division. The Kansas and Arkansas Valley road, as will be seen by the above, will be one of the greatest factors in the upbuilding of Arkansas City. The next road, is the State Line. It will be built into Arkansas City before the Ft. Smith road. It runs from Independence, Kansas, to this city along the state line. The road is being built by the C. K. & W. Company and is constructed to Cedarvale, 30 miles east of us. In the spring it will be built here. The route has already been located between Cedarvale and Arkansas City. At Independence the C. K. & W. connects with the Southern Kansas for Kansas City. The third road is the Kansas City & Pan Handle. It is a Missouri Pacific connection and leaves the Gould road at Reece for this city. Bonds have been voted for the project all along the line with the exception of in two townships. The construction of this line has been let to E. J. Prosser, of St. Louis, who, we are informed, will push the work as soon as the weather becomes sufficiently open. The Wellington and Northwestern road is the fourth to be built into Arkansas City. This road originates in this city, runs northwest via Wellington to Hutchinson, and then to Denver, Colorado. Bonds have been voted along the route for 150 miles and the contract for its construction has been let to James Hill, one of the best railroad contractors in the state. In addition to the above, there are other companies who have charters for railways coming to Arkansas City. As there has been nothing done toward them but the preliminary work, we refrain from a mention of them. At present we have the divisions of the Santa Fe and the S. K. Road. Everything tends toward Arkansas City as being the Kansas City of Kansas in point of railroads.
The city is located on the east side of the Arkansas River, on the high divide between the above and Walnut River, three miles of where the latter flows into the Big Sandy. Our location on this divide gives us a superior sewerage system over any city in the west, consequently health is excellent. Two bridges span the Arkansas River, each about 1,000 feet in length here.
Business property is selling very reasonably, considering the great prosperity of our city. The prices are varied according to location. We do not give them, but recommend a correspondence with any of the real estate firms who advertise in this paper.
We are well represented in the dry goods business, but we believe there is room for more. During 1886, Arkansas City has had an immense growth. 1887 promises as much more, and we believe Arkansas City will have treble the boom this year that she enjoyed during 1886. Manufactories are coming to us, owing to the excellent and cheap motor furnished by our canal from the Arkansas to the Walnut River. Manufactories are already well represented. We have four flouring mills, the largest cracker factory in the state, one large foundry and machine shop, two planing mills, pork-packing establishment, etc.
In conclusion, we wish to state that if the above gentleman, or anyone reading this, should desire to change their location, we would advise them to visit Arkansas City. They will be pleased, and call the day blessed that they came.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular adjourned meeting. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Davis, Thurston, Hight, Hill, and Ingersoll.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
The Canal City Improvement Company.
The above company has just been organized in this city. The purpose of the organization is to contract buildings in Arkansas City. The capital stock is $50,000. A charter has been sent for and is expected to arrive daily. The following directors were chosen for the first year: A. D. Prescott, J. W. Hoyt, F. W. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, H. O. Meigs, Jas. Hill, and Geo. Westfall. The building committee is composed of Frank J. Hess, C. R. Sipes, T. H. McLaughlin, and E. D. Eddy. The first building this company proposes to erect will be on lot 1, block 61, corner of 9th avenue and Summit street. It will be built of brick, two stories high, 100 feet deep and 25 wide. Dr. J. T. Shepard owns the adjacent lot and will most likely put up a building at the same time the above company does.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
W. D. Cary has retired from the milling business. He sold yesterday to Jas. Hill his interest in the Arkansas City Roller Mills. Mr. Carey will enter the real estate business with C. D. Stoll. The REPUBLICAN wishes the new firm success.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council passed an ordinance last evening making it a finable offense for the owners of buildings wherein whiskey is sold. This is as it should be. If the jointist is fined, the man who rents him the building should be treated in the same manner. We would recommend that parties who visit houses of prostitution, as well as prostitutes, should be fined also.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The regular meeting of the council occurred last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Ingersoll, Prescott, Thompson, Davis, and Hill.
The proposition to put iron shutters on the jail by Danks Bros., was read and on motion laid over till next meeting for consideration.
J. C. Topliff asked for quit-claim deed to lot 1, block 103; it was referred to city attorney.
The question of a market place was by motion referred to the sanitary committee to report next meeting.
Ordinance 65, an ordinance in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors, was then read and by motion was passed and adopted.
The city attorney was ordered to go to Winfield and investigate the titles to city lots.
In the matter of the claim of Mr. Allison for damages, Mayor Schiffbauer and city attorney were appointed to investigate the same.
The city clerk was ordered to advertise for bids for the construction of sidewalks on 5th Avenue.
D. G. Carder was granted permission to occupy the usual space of the street for building purposes.
Councilman Davis asked that a culvert be put in at the foot of West Central Avenue. Referred to street and alley committee.
On motion the present janitor at the city building was retained.
On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Lowe, Hoffman & Barron sold over $30,000 worth of property within the last five days. The following is a partial list.
Lot in South Summit addition to James Hill, $2,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Lot 1, block 65, on Summit Street, belonging to Prof. J. C. Weir, was sold this morning for $4,000 to Jas. Hill. The lot four months ago was bought of T. H. McLaughlin for $2,000. Two months before that Mr. McLaughlin paid S. C. Smith $1,000 for it. The lot is located at the corner of 9th Avenue and Summit Street.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Ward Convention.
Last evening the voters of the four wards of the city held their convention for the purpose of making nominations. The following is the result.
About 100 voters assembled at the brick school building, several ladies being among the number. The meeting was called to order by Jas. Hill. Geo. Sudborough was elected chairman and Prof. Weir secretary.
Five delegates (Jas. Hill, Frank Austin, J. C. Weir, Dr. Westfall, and F. M. Peak) were elected to attend the city delegate convention when held. They were instructed for Jas. L. Huey for mayor, for Jacob Haight for police judge, for D. Baxter for justice of peace, for Johnnie Breene for constable, for Chas. Sipes for city treasurer, and for Wyard Gooch for treasurer of school board. Maj. L. Miles was nominated for councilman and R. B. Norton for member of school board. On motion meeting adjourned.