J. H. (“Jack”) Hilliard


Wichita, Arkansas City, Geuda Springs.
[In Charge of Livery Stables.]
Arkansas City Directory 1893.
Hilliard, Chas., 27. No spouse listed.
Hilliard, J. H., 50; spouse, Eliza, 46.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
Read Hilliard & Thompson’s new “ad” in this issue, and if you need a good team, give them a trial.
Special inducements offered to traveling men and excursion parties to the Mineral Springs. Passengers carried to all parts of the country at reasonable rates.
Special attention given to boarding stock.
Stable on Fifth Avenue. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
A daily hack line between this place and Salt City is in contemplation, by our new livery men, Hilliard & Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Mr. Charles Marshall and wife left today for their present home at Mound City, Missouri. Mr. Marshall, while in this city, purchased the building on Fifth Avenue now occupied by McIntire & Davenport as a livery stable, and expects himself to open up in that business early in the spring.
Since writing the above we learn that Mr. Marshall has purchased of L. C. Wood the barn at present occupied by Messrs. Hilliard & Thompson, opposite his first purchase.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
“Jack” Hilliard, the Wichita end of the firm of Hilliard & Thompson, has been in town several days. Mr. Hilliard is a man of business, has the “necessary,” and, as he expresses himself well pleased with our part of the country, we hope soon to see him one of our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
J. M. Hilliard and wife, of Wichita, spent several days of this week in the city visiting Capt. Thompson and looking up business matters. Mr. Hilliard is a member of the Wichita City Council and a thorough businessman. He speaks very flattering of Arkansas City as a business point, and we should be glad to welcome him and his estimable lady to our social circle.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The new firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. have an “ad” in this issue. Read it.
[Could not find ad referred to.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.

Hacks will be run by Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson, & Co., of the Star Livery Stable, to and from the City Hotel and Godfrey’s Grove on July 4th, at short intervals during the day.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Charles Hilliard, of Wichita, while in our city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
The travel to Geuda Springs has increased to such an extent that Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co. have been obliged to put two daily hacks on the road.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. J. Hilliard and Mrs. Holmes, two of Wichita’s finest citizens, last week while on a visit to Capt. Thompson, of this city. Before returning they visited the Geuda Springs and took in all the dissipation of that fashionable resort.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co., our live livery men, have been awarded the mail routes from this city to Geuda Springs and to Wellington. The former is a daily and the latter is a tri-weekly service, since January 1st, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
As will be seen by the dissolution notice elsewhere in this issue, A. W. Patterson has retired from the livery firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. The firm will be continued under the name of J. H. Hilliard & Co., for whom we bespeak the patronage of our people.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. has this day been Dissolved by mutual consent, A. W. Patterson, retiring. The business will be conducted under the firm name of J. H. Hilliard & Co., by whom all debts against the late firm will be settled, and to whom all accounts due Hilliard, Patterson & Co. must be paid. Thanking the public for their patronage, we hope to receive their patronage in the future. A. W. PATTERSON. J. H. HILLIARD & CO.
Arkansas City, Kansas, February 6th, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Messrs. J. H. Hilliard & Co., of Wichita, will move their entire livery stock of fine horses and carriages to this place this month, which will then make their stables at this place and Geuda second to none in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
[Geuda Springs Herald Items.]
Geuda Springs is now a temperance town.
Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City, will erect a business house 18 x 30 on the east side of First Street.
J. H. Hilliard & Co. now have control of the livery stable hack of the hotel, having leased it of Mr. Biggs, and they expect to run it in connection with their stable at Arkansas City. Mr. Hilliard has rented his stable at Wichita, and will divide the stock from that stable between the stables at this place and Arkansas City. They will then have the finest and best equipped livery stables in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Messrs. J. H. Hilliard & Co. have been awarded the contract for carrying the mails between this point and Kaw and Osage Agencies.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
Mrs. H. Davis and Mrs. H. Rahey were in the city last Friday, visiting Mrs. J. H. Hilliard. They returned to their home in Wichita Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
In company with J. H. Hilliard, of this city, we last week took in that wicked town of Wichita, and for a way-up time we are under obligations to several of her livest b’hoys.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Mr. Samuel Hoyt has rented his house to Mr. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard left on the Monday afternoon train for Wichita, where she will remain several days visiting friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
We are under obligations to Messrs. J. H. Hilliard & Co. of the Star Livery for courtesies extended and will say that for easy riding carriages and stylish teams this stable is second to none in the southwest. Don’t take our word for it, but try them for yourselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
We are under obligations to Messrs. Hilliard & Thompson, of the Star Livery Stables, for a very pleasant jaunt into the country last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
Leland Hotel. Among the arrivals at the Leland Hotel, now under the management of Mr. A. W. Patterson, we find the following: J. H. Hilliard and wife, City.
The arrivals for Monday numbered over forty.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Miss Owens and Mrs. Davis, of Wichita, spent several days of the past week in our city visiting Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, and on Sunday took in the Geuda Springs in company with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Miss Clara Thompson, eldest daughter of our Capt. C. G. Thompson, is in the city visiting with Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Mr. J. H. Hilliard has purchased W. D. Bishop’s handsome residence on Ninth Street and is now occupying it himself, having removed thereto last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Mrs. J. M. Steele and children, of Wichita, were in the city last week, visiting Mrs. J. H. Hilliard and returned home Thursday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Last Monday the team attached to the Geuda Springs Hack, run by Messrs. Hilliard & Co., became frightened while standing in front of their barn and ran away, dashing up Fifth Avenue and turning into Summit Street, where luckily they were stopped before doing any damage, although one or two narrow escapes were had.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard and Miss Clara Thompson left yesterday for Wichita where they will spend the Fourth with friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Mrs. Holmes, of Wichita, arrived in our city last Saturday and will probably stay this week, visiting Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
POLAND-CHINAS. Charlie Hilliard and C. M. Scott purchased from Stewart & Co., of Wichita, one male and two female thoroughbred Poland-China pigs, weighing about 30 pounds each, for $80, and had them expressed to this place, where they are being cared for in the most approved style. They are said to be the best stock in the country; the male pig being sired by “Black Jack,” registered 779, owned by C. W. Jones, Richland, Michigan; with dam “Garfield,” No. 957, owned by A. C. Moore, Canton, Illinois. C. M. also has a fine blood Jersey Red.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Mrs. Holmes, who spent most of last week in the city with her friend, Mrs. Hilliard, returned to her home at Wichita last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
The Winfield “Nine” went down to Arkansas City Wednesday to play her club a game of base ball for the county championship. Victory is ours, saith the Winfield lites. Courier.
The tide of events proved the “Winfieldites” to be “off their “base” just about as bad as the “Nine” were. Our boys scooped ‘em bag and baggage, as will be seen by a perusal of the score of the game in another column.
That Base Ball Game. Winfield has a fly base ball club, with fly suits, much assurance, and a reputation well calculated to strike terror to the hearts of the insignificant ball tossers in the rural districts. This club has vanquished everything in the county, and finally concluded to wind up their march of victory by giving the good people in this neck of the woods an exhibition of their perfect playing. Our boys have no club, and none of them have played for several years, still they agreed to take up a few scribs and give our Winfield friends a trial—only daring to hope that they might be able to get hold of the ball often enough to make it interesting for their shoulder striking visitors. In the first inning the raw recruits of the sand hills succeeded in making only eleven runs; the magnanimous nine from the county seat didn’t want any this time, and proceeded to go out in the order in which they went to the bat. Then our boys rested a couple of innings in order that their opponents might catch up. In the fourth and fifth innings our boys scored ten and nine respectively, bringing the total score up to thirty—the Winfield boys close behind them with a total score of five. At this point our catcher was knocked out of time, and in the remaining innings the gorgeous uniforms ran their score up to twenty-two, while our ambling haybinders modestly retired with fifty-three marks to their credit. Below will be found the score in detail.
ARKANSAS CITY: F. Gage, c.; C. Baxter, p.; G. Wright, s. s.; O. F. Godfrey, 1st b.; Ollie Stevenson, 2nd b.; John Shelden, 3rd b.; E. Gage, l. f.; McNulty, c. f.; C. Hilliard, r. f.
WINFIELD: Conner, c.; Williams, p.; McMullen, s. s.; Freeland, 1st b.; Austin, 2nd b.; Hodges, 3rd b.; Hughes, l. f.; Moore, c. f.; Sherman, r. f.
FINAL SCORE: Arkansas City, 53; Winfield, 22.

Frank Schiffbauer, Umpire.
It is the intention, we believe, to play the return game on the fair grounds in Winfield next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
By the courtesy of C. G. Thompson, of Hilliard & Co.’s livery, we were permitted to take a jaunt around town in one of their elegant turnouts, which we of course much enjoyed. In the course of the ride we noticed improvements in the shape of new buildings, additions, fencing, etc., going on in every part of the city and can safely say no town in the southwest is enjoying a more prosperous season of legitimate booming as the little Queen City of the hill.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
We last week turned out a lot of business cards for J. H. Hilliard & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Figgs, of Kentucky, and Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, of Wichita, while in the city last week upon a visit to their former friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Daily Hack to Geuda Springs. Passengers Carried to All Parts of the Country at Reasonable Prices. Special Attention Given to Boarding Stock. Stable on Fifth Ave., Arkansas City, Ks.
Major L. E. Woodin buys Hilliard’s interest in Star Livery and Feed Stable. His new partner: Capt. C. G. Thompson, veterinary surgeon...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Major L. E. Woodin, ex-agent at Ponca Agency, last Monday purchased Mr. Hilliard’s interests in the “Star” livery stable in this city, in the Geuda Springs stables, the Geuda hack line, and in the Territory stage business, and hereafter the firm will be known as Thompson & Woodin. The general popularity attained by Mr. Woodin while agent for the Poncas will serve him handsomely now, and combined with the genial qualities of Capt. Thompson, will draw an immense trade to this new firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard is absent in Missouri buying cattle.
[Note: Think paper should have stated Hilliard was buying horses. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard has been seriously indisposed the past week by reason of chills and fever, but at this writing we are glad to say is rapidly regaining her health.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard, who has been in Wichita for the past month, returned last Friday, having disposed of sixty-two head of fine horses in that city during his absence.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.

The Baptist Sewing Circle of Arkansas City, this week, issued invitations to persons at Winfield and at home, to a social gathering to be held yesterday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder. Many, both from Winfield and at home, responded to the invitation.
From the former were Rev. Cairns and wife; Mr. Johnson and wife; E. H. Bliss and wife; Mr. Hickok and wife; Mr. Gilbert and wife; Mr. Hunt and wife; Mr. Silliman and wife; Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs. Mann, Mrs. Branham, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Wait, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Herpich, Mrs. Capt. Whiting, Mrs. Will Whiting, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Dressy, Mrs. Phenix; Misses C. Bliss and Tyner.
The following were from this city: Mr. Stacy Matlack and wife; Mr. Geo. Cunningham and wife; Mr. Wyckoff and wife; Mr. Allen Ayers and wife; Mr. H. P. Standley and wife; Mr. C. W. Coombs and wife; Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Clevinger, Mrs. Klapf, Mrs. Landes, Mrs. C. T. Atkinson, Mrs. Loveland, Mrs. Hilliard, Mrs. T. C. Bird, Mrs. C. C. Hollister, Mrs. B. Goff, Mrs. Cypher, Mrs. H. W. Stewart, Mrs. Taylor, Miss Taylor, Miss Chapin, Miss Blaine, Miss Fitch, Miss Anna Hunt, Miss Jennie Upton, Mrs. Lent, Rev. J. O. Campbell, Rev. Wood and wife. Twelve came from Winfield, in the bus, and the remainder in carriages. They expressed themselves as very much pleased with the appearance of our city. At one o’clock, a delicious “lap-a-mince,” consisting of dessert, cake, and ice cream was served. The guests are under obligations to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder for a very enjoyable time. The receipts were about $25.00, which will be placed in the general fund for building the new Baptist Church in this city.
The editor of this paper regrets that school duties forbade his attendance, but trusts that dame fortune may yet be kind enough to grant him the acquaintance of so many clever and cultured people.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
Jack Hilliard brought nine horses home with him ten days ago—all fine stock—and has disposed of seven of them. Good stock is in demand.
J. H. Hilliard purchases J. W. Patterson’s livery west of Matlack’s store...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard is once more in the livery business, having purchased J. W. Patterson’s livery west of Matlack’s store, which he is fitting up in business like style. Jack will never suffer for patronage, as he is one of the most popular men in the county.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
J. W. Patterson has sold his livery, feed, and sale stable to J. H. Hilliard. Mr. Hilliard has added to his stock many horses of superior blood.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard is building a large addition to his livery barn.
J. H. Hilliard: Fifth Avenue Livery and Feed Stables...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
The TRAVELER office last week turned out a lot of elegant job work for J. H. Hilliard of the Fifth Avenue Livery and Feed Stables.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard left for Kansas City and Carthage, Missouri, last Monday, to be absent about a week. Before returning he will purchase a car load each of buggies and horses to stock up his new livery establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard left Monday for Kansas City, whither he goest to purchase stock for his livery stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Root, of Wichita, during his stay in our city last week. Mr. Root is a prominent businessman in Wichita, and while in our city, was the guest of his former townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard has now on hand and for sale as fine a lot of horses as ever were brought to the city. They can be seen at the Fifth Avenue livery stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard: $20.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
Our popular liveryman, J. H. Hilliard, of the Fifth Avenue stable, comes out in an “ad” this week and also calls attention to the fact that he has a lot of fine horses and mules for sale.
Ad. Horses for Sale. Six head of horses and one span No. 1 mules at Fifth Avenue stable, Arkansas City. J. H. HILLIARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard is in Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
When Jack Hilliard sets out to collect a bill from a drunken dead beat, he does it with neatness and dispatch.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard has put in new scales at his livery barn.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard tries the virtues of a two inch card in the columns of the REPUBLICAN this issue. Mr. Hilliard will soon build an addition to his stable, as his present quarters are too small for his increasing livery business.
CARD. J. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor of the 5th Ave. Livery & Sale Stable. Stock Sold on Commission. Money Advanced on Stock Left for Sale. Best of Accommodations for Teams. 5th Ave., West of Summit. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
A jolly part of eleven, consisting of Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Miss May Hendricks, Mrs. Frank Beall, Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. E. Wineder, the little Misses Hattie Sipes and Cora Wineder, Henry Mowry, T. Jerome, J. H. Hilliard, and dog, Carlo, visited the territory Friday and Saturday on a pleasure trip. Mrs. Sipes says she killed an innumerable number of prairie chickens. She must indeed be a mighty nimrod.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.

J. H. Hilliard has commenced work on his addition to his livery barn.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Mrs. T. R. Johns and sister, of Springfield, Mo., are visiting at the residence of J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
Jack Hilliard says he would like the considerate friend who so coolly borrowed his “Naven’s Farrier Book,” about three weeks ago to return the same—and to be in a hurry about it, too.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Mrs. T. R. Johns and Miss Lillian Write returned home the first of the week. They have been here for several days past visiting J. H. Hilliard and family and other friends.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard, while walking down the driveway of his livery stable, slipped and fell. He had a water bucket in his hand and as he sat down in the shape of the letter V, he threw up his hands to catch himself, the bucket striking him on the head and inflicting a painful scalp wound.
J. H. Hilliard: Now handling coal along with five other coal merchants...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
We will certainly be supplied with coal from this time on. In addition to our old merchants, the Chicago Lumber Co. and Pitts Ellis, we have Ed. Grady, Will L. Aldridge, J. H. Hilliard, and the Arkansas City Coal Company. Six coal merchants.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Jack Hilliard went up to Wichita the first of the week to visit.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
F. W. Farrar and J. H. Hilliard have purchased Young [CANNOT READ NAME...LOOKS SOMETHING LIKE CARROL BASSETT], a thoroughbred horse, and will have him here about the first of the year. He is five [CANNOT READ NEXT LINE]. His owner was P. R. Parsell, of Jerseyville, Illinois.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
J. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor of the 5th Ave. Livery & Sale Stable.
Stock Sold on Commission.
Money Advanced on Stock Left for Sale.
Best of accommodations for Teams.
5th Ave., West of Summit. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Several young couples assembled Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard and spent the evening in tripping the light fantastic. As lovers of the terpsichorean art, we recommend Miss Minnie Stewart and A. H. Hilliard. They excel.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
A small party met at J. H. Hilliard’s Monday night of this week for mutual enjoyment. They had it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

L. V. Coombs and Miss Nellie Nash, Charles Chapel, and Miss Minnie Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Woodson, Miss Lynch, Miss Clara Thompson, and Capt. C. G. Thompson and wife tripped the light fantastic at the residence of J. H. Hilliard Monday night of last week, to the excellent music furnished by Miss Clara Thompson.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
New Year’s night at the Leland Hotel a select dance was given. It was gotten up by Messrs. Cunningham, Levy, Alexander, Hilliard, and others. There was a large attendance and an evening of merriment was had. All enjoyed themselves hugely.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Episcopal ladies were overrun, New Year’s afternoon, with visitors, who came to enjoy their hospitality—which is renowned in Arkansas City. The names of the ladies who received were: Mrs. W. E. Gooch, Mrs. R. E. Grubbs, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. M. S. Hasie, Mrs. Frank Beall, Mrs. John Landes, Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, Mrs. A. J. Chapel, Miss Jennie Peterson; Misses Hasie, Etta Barnett, Mame Stineman, Minnie Stewart.
The names of the principal callers we append below.
Maj. M. S. Hasie, Mr. Nicholson, I. H. Bonsall, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, T. S. Moorhead, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, A. D. Hawk, Rev. J. O. Campbell, J. H. Hilliard, Chas. Chapel, Phil. L. Snyder, Ed. L. Kingsbury, Lute V. Coombs, Leavitt Coburn, Frank M. Grosscup, Richard L. Howard, B. E. Grubbs, S. Matlack, C. Mead, John Kroenert, Sam P. Gould, Dr. A. J. Chapel, Wyard E. Gooch, Dr. G. H. J. Hart, C. H. Searing, G. W. Cunningham, F. P. Schiffbauer, Charles Schiffbauer, O. Ingersoll, Sam Wile, Al. Levy, Frank Beall, C. R. Sipes, R. C. Multer.
The ladies received royally, and a royal attendance was the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Stedman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Councilmen. The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson, S. J. Rice.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. H. Hilliard, C. H. Searing, S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
It is of course unnecessary to say that this is an office that will seek the man; not the man the office. What we need is a council composed of such men as will devote some of their time and ability, without any hope of reward, except an approving conscience. We need men of ability and business integrity, who have made a success for themselves and are thus qualified to legislate for the good of the community. Our citizens will doubtless make a wise choice.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
MAMMA HUBBARD. The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on.
J. H. Hilliard and wife and Charles Hilliard were among those who attended the Ma Hubbard dance.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The Guild Society of the Episcopal Church will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.

City Election. Two weeks from next Tuesday city election will occur. As yet no action toward nominating a ticket has been made. Hardly any interest is manifested in the rapidly approaching election. There have been numerous names presented to the public, but none have brought forward a ticket. But a few days yet remain in which to take action. By another issue of the REPUBLICAN, the registration books will be closed Friday, March 27, being the last day in which to register. Over 600 voters have registered their names with the city clerk, Jas. Benedict, yet there are a large number who have not. It seems our citizens are waiting until the last moment before they make the nominations. This is not as it should be. Candidates should be nominated and elected upon a careful consideration by the people. We want men who are willing to work for Arkansas City in office. The future welfare of our town depends largely on the city officers to be elected two weeks from next Tuesday. Somewhere along the territory line thee is going to be a town that will be the gateway to all points south of us. Why not make it Arkansas City? At present our prospects are the brightest. That they may continue we want efficient city officers. Men who will work untiredly for the welfare of Arkansas City. And as such the REPUBLICAN presents the names of the following gentlemen to the voters of Arkansas City for the offices to be filled.
The REPUBLICAN presents the above ticket to its readers for consideration. We believe the gentlemen composing it are good, patriotic citizens. True, there are others just as capable, but we hope one and all will take it into careful consideration. If there are other men who are wanted worse by the voters of the city to fill the offices mentioned above, they will say so at the coming election, Tuesday, April 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
Election Proclamation.

I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law do proclaim and make known that there will be an annual election held in the said city of Arkansas City, on the 7th day of April, A. D., 1885, for the purpose of electing a mayor, city treasurer, police judge, and justice of the peace, treasurer of the board of education, 2 constables, one councilman for the term of two years from each of the wards of said city, viz: ward No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, one councilman for the term of one year from each of the aforesaid wards of the said city of Arkansas City. One member of the board of education for the term of two years from each of the aforementioned wards, and 1 member of the board of education for the term of one year from each of the aforementioned wards. The place for voting at said election will be, First ward at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street, Second ward, at the office of Thompson & Woodin’s Star Livery Stable, East 5th Avenue, Third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard’s, 5th Avenue Livery Stable, west 5th Avenue, Fourth ward at William Blakeney’s New store room, West 7th Avenue, and hereby designate Will L. Aldridge and Timothy McIntire, judges, and M. B. Vawter, A. C. Gould, and C. Grimes as clerks of said election in the first ward; and Uriah Spray and William Gibby, judges, and I. H. Bonsall, J. J. Clark, and Oscar Titus, Clerks of said election in the second ward; and L. E. Woodin, Sr., and John Love, judges, and James Benedict, R. C. Hess, and H. S. Lundy as clerks of said election in the third ward; and H. S. Duncan and Allan Harnley, judges, and Alexander Wilson, Wm. Blakeney, and C. L. Thompson, clerks of said election in the fourth ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and closed at 6 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof, I have herewith set my hand this 21st day of March, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
The polls in the 1st ward will be at Will Aldridge’s lumber yard; 2nd ward, at Thompson & Woodin’s livery barn; 3rd ward, J. H. Hilliard’s livery stable; and the 4th ward, at Wm. Blakeney’s store room.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
J. H. Hilliard is dangerously ill, threatened with an attack of paralysis. It is the hope of his many friends that he may speedily recover.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
J. H. Hilliard, for several days past, has been very sick. He was unable to come down and vote Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
In anticipation of the water works which is talked of being put in, a number of our citizens met in Meigs’s & Howard’s real estate office Saturday evening and organized a fire company.
T. J. Mitts was chosen foreman; Thos. Van Fleet, first assistant; J. F. Stedman, second assistant; Wm. Haymand, secretary; and Chas. Hilliard, treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
We were pleased to see our old friend, Jack Hilliard, on our streets Saturday last, after his protracted spell of sickness. Jack said “he was getting hungry as a hunter,” which is a decided sign of improvement.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Jack Hilliard is able to come down town after his severe sickness.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
J. H. Hilliard leaves for Maine today. Mr. Hilliard has been having ill health here of late and it is hoped by his host of friends that when he returns, the trip will have proved so beneficial that his health will be entirely restored to him.
Charles Hilliard...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 27, 1885.
VICTORIOUS. The Border Base Ball Club the Champion of Cowley County.

Thursday afternoon the Border Base Ball Club went to Winfield to meet the Burden Club. The game was for the Championship of Cowley County. It is almost needless to say that it was the best game played this season. Both Clubs did their best and several excellent plays were made on each side. The game commenced at about 2:30 p.m., with the Burden club at the bat. They were white-washed. Three men went out in quick succession. The Border club was more fortunate and one tally was scored. On the second inning the Burden club was again white-washed. The Border club got in two ringers this half inning. On the first half of the third inning, the Burden boys made their first tally. On the last half of the same inning, our boys made four scores. The Burden boys, owing to some unskillful playing on the part of our boys, raised their score eight tallies, on their half of the fourth inning. The Border club got two. On the fifth inning the Burden boys were saved from a white-wash by one tally. The Border club was not blessed with a score this inning. The sixth inning the Burden boys were treated to a white-wash. The Border club swallowed the same kind of a dose. The seventh inning the Burden club scored one and the Border club one. In the eighth inning the Burden boys were white-washed while the Border club added six tallies to their score. In the ninth inning the Burden nine swelled their score four tallies. The Border club did not play their half of the ninth inning as they were ahead.
The score was: Border club, 16 tallies; Burden, 15 tallies.
The following are the names of the players.
Burden Club: Bucknell, Dansett, Elliott, Jackson, Alberts, Collins, Henderson, Conrad, and Brooks.
Border Club: Wilson, Perryman, Wright, Miller, Godfrey, Gage, Pentecost, Wright, and Hilliard.
Messrs. Perryman and Gage pitched for the Border Club; and Wilson and Perryman caught. They did excellent work. A gentleman from Burden umpired and gave satisfaction.
Messrs. Oliver, Eaton, Randolph, McMasters, Ewart, Dougherty, and Martin entertained the two visiting clubs.
Our boys desire to return their thanks to those gentlemen for their kind treatment.
The next game the Border club plays will be with the Cyclones of Winfield. The game will be played July 4th, on the Arkansas City grounds. The game will undoubtedly be very interesting to base ball lovers.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
A herd of Texas ponies have been on sale this week at Hilliard’s livery stable. Some brutes have been engaged in breaking the animals. They would catch the ponies, get on their back, and ride them until the pony dropped. Another brute generally followed along behind the one riding the pony and whipped the pony unmercifully. We saw one coming up Summit Street Monday afternoon with one of these brutes on its back. The pony could hardly walk and yet another brute was belaboring the poor animal with a cattle whip. It was the most cruel treatment we ever saw a horse receive. It was a shame and these same brutes should be treated just as they treated those ponies. They do not break the ponies, but simply crush their spirit.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
THE FOURTH. In Arkansas City, The Crowd Estimated at 10,000.

The ball game was the principal feature. That was not the work of the committee. A purse of $25 was raised by private subscription for the Border nine. The Cyclones twisted it out of the Border nine’s grasp by, as we believe, two unfair decisions of the umpire. After the close of the sixth inning, he made partial decisions. Gray, of the Cyclones, knocked a fly over first base. The ball was fully 30 feet outside of the fowl lines. The umpire called it a fair hit. This decision let in three men who were on base. Again, O Godfrey, of the Border nine, was called out on home plate when the catcher touched him with one hand and held the ball in the other. These decisions lost the Border nine the game. We realize that the position of umpire is very difficult to fill and very few men are capable of umpiring. The game was harmonious, each club abiding quietly by the decision of the umpire. The following is the score.
CYCLONES: Beam, Tidd, Land, McMullen, Holbrook, Jones, Russell, Smith, Gray.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, Henderson, Miller, F. Wright, C. Wright, Hilliard, G. Wilson, J. Wilson, Perryman.
The Border nine exhibited superior fielding, base-running, and catching; but a few wild throws were made. Joe Wilson, as catcher, is as proficient behind the bat as any catcher in the state. The Cyclones’ pitcher is their stronghold. He throws a hard ball to hit. When the Cyclones were announced the victors, the Winfield folks went wild. T. S. Soward threw his coat, jumped into the diamond, and hugged everyone of the players, including colored Smith. He was followed by Democratic Joe O’Hare, who went one better, delivering kisses with his hugs. Our boys are not satisfied yet, and neither are we. We believe the Border nine can play a better game than the Cyclones. Therefore, another game will be played soon for a purse of $100 a side.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
Thursday at the Winfield fair grounds the third and last match game of base ball was played. The game was for a purse of $100 a side. Wednesday evening the Cyclones demanded by telephone that $20 of the gate receipts be given to their club and the remainder be divided equally between the contestants. The Border captain refused to do this and the game was declared off. When this news became circulated on our streets, the lovers of the game were greatly disappointed. Thursday morning the members of the Border club came together and decided to go and play the game anyway. At 9 a.m., the club and a number of friends started for the Hub in carriages. After dinner the club sought the fair grounds followed by spectators. The game commenced at about 3 p.m., with between 600 and 700 spectators present. The Cyclones went to bat first and scored five runs. This caused a thrill of pleasure to run up the backbone of the denizens of Winfield. The Border club went to bat on their half of the first inning and only got two runs. This gave the backers of the Cyclones an impetus to squander their money, and in a very short time a considerable sum of money had been wagered by friends of the clubs.

The Cyclones on the second inning scored a goose egg, while the Border club secured two more tallies than on the second for they succeeded in making two runs. The Border club on the third inning got in two more tallies. The Cyclones were still ahead one tally at the close of the third inning. On the fourth inning the Cyclones increased their score one tally and the Border club four. Cheer after cheer went up as the Border club rung in their tallies and visitors from Arkansas City yelled themselves hoarse from enthusiasm. On the fifth inning the Cyclones went to bat a little nervous and consequently were treated to a goose egg. The Border club got in four tallies on their half of the 5th. Excitement ran higher than ever and the backers of the Cyclones began to visibly weaken. The sixth inning the Cyclones secured one tally and the Border club 13. This capped the climax. Parties from Arkansas City went wild from enthusiasm. The seventh inning the Cyclones scored one tally and the Border club received their first and last goose egg of the game. The eight and ninth innings the Cyclones received two more beautiful goose eggs, while the Border club made three runs on the eight and four on the ninth. This ended the game, the score standing 34 to 10 in favor of the Border club.
CYCLONES: Beam, Jones, Gray, Land, Holbrook, McClelland, Smith, McMullen, and Leland.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, McGerry, Perryman, Hilliard, Geo. Wilson, Miller, Jos. Wilson, Chas. Wright, and Frank Wright.
The umpire was a brakeman from here. He gave satisfaction, we understand, to both clubs. The Cyclones did poorer playing, not coming up to the game on the 4th. The Border Club played carefully and surely. The Cyclones tried to twist out, but the Border Club had too firm a grip on them. We suggest that the Cyclones remodel their name; for instance, say, to the “Gentle Kansas Zephyrs.”
On the third inning O. F. Godfrey got tripped by being hit. Of course, the Border Nine put in a substitute. The Cyclones began to cry, “rats, rats.” They thought it was just a come-off to put in a better player. The substitute’s name was Roach, and he was about equal to Godfrey. Ery Miller did some excellent playing on first base and some heavy batting. Frank Perryman pitched for the Border Nine and the trouble with the Cyclones was that they were unable to hit his balls. The Border Nine pounded the Cyclones’ pitcher all to pieces. They changed on the 6th inning, but this did not put a stop to the rapid increase of the Border’s score. Nearly three and a half hours were consumed in playing the game.
The man who tended the gate announced only $40.45 receipts. There were fully 600 persons present; 25 cents was the admission price. There is something “rotten in Denmark,” and we trust the Cyclones will blow the matter straight.
Charley Hilliard did excellent fielding and base running. He and Joe Wilson are the good natured members.
Charles Hilliard...
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Last Monday night between 11 and 12 o’clock the cry of “fire” rang out upon the still night, and the gentle Kansas zephyrs wafted the sound to the ponderous ears of the REPUBLICAN reporter. Springing from our bed, of down—on the floor—we hastily donned the first article we placed our hands on and started on a dead run for the scene of the conflagration. We were among the first to arrive and we found the St. Louis Restaurant and Grimes & Son’s Drug Store almost enveloped in flames. The fire had gained so much headway that it was impossible to put it out.
The predominating idea was to save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, and leave the old frame buildings go. In accordance with the view, the hose was turned on the Pickle building while the excited populace attempted to tear down the building occupied by A. G. Heitkam with his tailoring establishment, but the heat from the burning buildings was so excessive that the crowd turned its efforts to tearing out the Diamond Front building.
The fire spread in both directions and in 20 minutes after the origin of the fire, the St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s Drug Store, Chas. Bundrem’s Meat Shop, D. L. Means’ Implement House, and O. F. Lang’s Restaurant were in ashes.

By the time the fire had got a good hold on Heitkam’s Tailor Shop, the Diamond Front building had been torn out and the brick drug store was saved.
The nine buildings were burned in about one hour and a quarter. After once getting a start, they went as if they had been saturated with coal oil. They were so dry and old that it is a wonder that the fire was not conveyed across the street by the great heat. The wind hardly stirred and by persistent efforts of everyone, the fire did not get into the brick buildings.
The fire originated in the rear of the St. Louis Restaurant. T. S. Moorhead, who rooms over C. R. Sipes’ Hardware Store across the street, was sitting in the window of his room and saw the flames burst forth from that establishment. Some say the fire originated in the New York Restaurant, but it is a mistake, for when the REPUBLICAN representative arrived on the scene, this building had not caught fire. No one knows positively how the fire started, but the most probable theory advanced is that a tallow candle had been left burning in the St. Louis Restaurant, sitting on a board; and that the candle burned down to the board, setting it on fire. The flames were spread by the melted tallow on the board until they got a good start, and by the time it was discovered, they were past subjection. C. A. Burnett, the proprietor of the restaurant, had gone home, but we are informed that one of the employees was sitting in the business room asleep in a chair.
D. L. Means occupied the corner room with an implement stock. He carried a $3,000 stock and had only $1,000 of insurance. James Benedict owned the building and was carrying $500 insurance. His loss is probably in the neighborhood of $500.
The two next buildings were owned by Dr. J. T. Shepard and were occupied by Chas. Bundrem with his meat market and Grimes & Son with their drug stock. The doctor had $800 insurance on his buildings. Chas. Bundrem had $600 on his shop fixtures and Grimes & Son $1,500 on their drug stock. Dr. Shepard’s loss above insurance was about $600, Mr. Bundrem about $300, and Grimes & Son about $1,300.
The building owned by Mrs. Wm. Benedict was insured for $300. Her loss was about $500 above insurance. C. A. Burnett occupied the building with his restaurant stock valued by him at $2,500. His insurance was $1,500.
John Gibson occupied the next room with his barber shop; he was insured for $350. He saved about half of his fixtures.
The next building was owned by S. B. Pickle and was not insured. O. P. Lang occupied it with his New York Restaurant stock. Mr. Lang carried $500 insurance and his loss was $500 above that amount.
The next was the barber shop of Frank Perryman. He saved all of his goods.
The building occupied by A. G. Heitkam was owned by J. H. Sherburne and was not insured. Mr. Heitkam carried $800 insurance on his own stock. His loss was about $400.
Next and last was the Diamond Front, owned by Kroenert & Austin. They carried insurance to the sum of $1,000 on the building and grocery stock. Their loss above insurance was $2,000.
Ivan Robinson’s coal scales burned. Loss $200; no insurance.
Charley Hilliard saved an armful of broken ball bats.

We frequently hear those non-excitable people telling just how they could have put out the fire, but they took good care to stand off at a safe distance while the fire was raging. It was the excitable people who did the effective work.
Now is a good time to talk a system of water works. If we must have fires, we must have something to fight them with.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Jack Hilliard came home last Saturday from his sea shore visit considerably improved in health.
Excerpts from a lengthy meeting...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Mr. Thompson said many persons had complained to him of the burdensome tax imposed upon some users of water. The tariff on livery stable keepers was too high, it was excessive on barbers, and some hotel keepers were unfairly dealt with. The tax on the Star Stable ($25 for washing buggies and 75 cents for every stall in use) would run up such a bill, that if not modified, the owners would put in a windmill and start water works of their own. Mr. Hilliard, owner of the Fifth Avenue Livery Stable, also complained of the burdensome tax.
Mr. Dunn said he wanted the rates made fair to all, but they should be sufficient to render the water works self supporting.
Mr. Davis said the present tariff would produce a revenue exceeding expenses by $200 or $300; but this surplus would be lost by delinquent taxpayers.
Mr. Hutchins complained that he had made connection with the water main for use in his dwelling house at an expense of $35 to $40. Then he paid a tax of $5 a year; now it was raised to $20. Before he would pay such a sum, he would sink a well and cut loose from the city water supply.
The ordinance was referred to the water-works committee to adjust and equalize.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Base Ball. Tuesday morning the Border nine went to Wichita to play a match game of base ball. The game began at about 3 o’clock p.m., and was ended in three hours.
BORDER CLUB MEMBERS: Perryman, Wilson, Hilliard, Wright, Cornell, J. Wilson, Miller, F. Wright, Jones.
WICHITA CLUB: Ellsworth, E. Jetty, N. Jetty, Sumner, Dean, Kilner, Bridwell, Walker, McCord.
[Note: The names of Jones and Cornell do not appear in list.]
The Wichita Eagle says it was the best game in southern Kansas. Jones, formerly of Winfield Cyclones, and Cornell are new recruits and do effective work. From Wichita the boys went to Wellington and beat the ball club of that city so badly that it has since disbanded.
The Border club made 24 runs and the Wellington nine only 3.
A portion of the Border club at Wichita were disgruntled because of some changes made in the position of the players. Since coming home the boys have healed the breach and they are ready and willing to play any nine in the state of Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Fourteen ladies took advantage of the beautiful moonlight Monday evening to go buggy-riding. The party was composed of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, Miss Grace Bridwell, Mrs. John Kroenert, Mrs. H. O. Nicholson, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Lilian Carney, Mrs. R. E. Grubbs, Mrs. H. H. Perry, Mrs. A. J. Chapel, Mrs. J. Landes, Mrs. Isaac Ochs, and Mrs. J. O. Campbell. These jovial ladies drove some six miles up the Winfield road, returning at about 9:30 p.m. On arriving in the city, they came up Summit Street in one grand procession as far as Hamilton & Pentecost’s Restaurant, where the command was given to halt and refreshments were served. They departed for home after fulfilling the maxim of “eating, drinking, and being merry.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Election Proclamation. MAYOR’S OFFICE, Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, by virtue of authority vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim and make known that there will be an especial election held in the third ward of the said city, on Friday, the 14th day of August, A. D. 1885, for the purpose of electing one councilman from said ward to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Councilman O. S. Rarick (short term); and I hereby designate the office of J. Hilliard, west 5th Avenue, as the place of voting at such election. And I hereby designate James Benedict and H. S. Lundy and M. C. Copple as judges and F. Speers and Ed. Kingsbury as clerks of said election. Poles will be open at 9 o’clock p.m. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of August, A. D. 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
Stock Sold on Commission. Money Advanced on Stock Left for Sale.
Best of accommodations for Teams.
5th Ave., West of Summit, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
Wednesday evening, after Dr. Jamison Vawter and Judge H. T. Sumner had been out airing themselves in a livery rig obtained at Hilliard’s barn, they returned about sundown. Judge Sumner alighted at Matlack’s corner and Dr. Vawter started to return the team. Just as he was driving up to the barn door, one of the employees struck a match, which frightened the team. They jumped back, breaking the breast-yoke, turned, and ran east on 5th Avenue to Summit Street, where they turned the corner and ran toward Wyckoff’s grocery. When within a few feet of the sidewalk, one of the horses slipped and fell, thus preventing any serious accident. Before the horse could get up, bystanders caught the frightened team. Dr. Vawter escaped without any injury. As the breast-yoke was broken, he could not pull on the reins to check the team because the buggy would run onto the animals. It was fortunate for the doctor that the horse fell.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell, of Chicago, and Miss Lucy King, of Milwaukee, are visiting in the city at the residence of J. H. Hilliard. Mrs. Powell and Miss King are sisters of Mrs. Hilliard. The visitors will remain here some two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
Delegate Convention. The primaries were held in this city and in Creswell Township on Saturday evening, notwithstanding the severe rain storm. The proceedings were orderly and the selection of delegates was gone through with as a routine matter.
Third Ward. The meeting in the ward was held in Hilliard’s Stable, L. E. Woodin presided, Ed. Kingsbury, secretary. Following is the list of delegates and alternates. Delegates: L. E. Woodin, T. J. Gilbert, C. S. Searing. Alternates: Ed. Kingsbury, G. W. Cunningham, N. T. Snyder. In this ward a committeeman was elected, N. T. Snyder being the member chosen.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilliard were surprised by a very pleasant party last evening. They were spending the evening very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Miss Laura King, relations of Mrs. Hilliard, from Chicago, when the party took them by storm. Those invited were Messrs. Philip Snyder, Will Daniels, Chas. Mead, Herman Wycoff, Charlie Chapel; Misses Mollie and Linda Christian, Clark and Cora Thompson, Jessie Miller, Lucy Walton, Fannie Cunningham, Minnie Stewart; Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Gooch; Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Landes, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
The city council convened in regular session last Monday with the following members present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Dean, Thompson, and Hight.
The allowance of bills occupied the attention of the August body first and the following action was taken on those coming up.
J. H. Hilliard, election judge, $6.50 allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
We are pleased to see J. H. Hilliard on the street again after a severe attack of the shakes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
On Monday Mr. Henry E. Asp, on behalf of the managers of the Kansas City and Southwestern Kansas railroad, then within a few miles of Arkansas City, tendered Mayor Schiffbauer and the city council an excursion over the line to Beaumont and return. The mayor said he should like the invitation extended so as to include our principal businessmen. Mr. Asp said a general excursion to our citizens would be given as soon as the road was completed to the city, and arrangements could be made for the entertainment of a large number of guests, but at the present time not more than a score of excursionists could be provided for. This being the case, Mayor Schiffbauer invited the city council, authorizing each member to take a friend along, and also included in the invitation the railroad committee of the board of trade. This filled out the allotted number.
The following gentlemen composed the excursion party.

Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Bailey, Dunn, Dean, Davis, and Hight. (Councilman A. D. Prescott was unable to take part, through business engagements, and Councilman Hill was found superintending the construction of the road.)
The friends they invited and who were present for duty, were mine host Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict.
The railroad committee consisted of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. These with the present writer (nineteen in all) formed the invited party, Henry E. Asp accompanying them as host and guide.
At 7:30 on Tuesday morning, omnibuses were in waiting at the Leland Hotel to carry the excursionists to the end of the track, and the party being seated, a brisk drive of three miles carried them to an animated scene. The day’s labors had begun, upwards of 100 workmen being employed. A construction train of ten or a dozen cars was on hand, loaded with implements and material: ties, rails, fish-plates, bolts, spikes, shovels, and so on. The ties were of well seasoned oak brought from Arkansas, which were being unloaded by lusty arms, and thrown onto tracks, which was distributed along the grade. The train was standing on the foremost rails that were spiked, and in advance of this was a rail truck drawn by two mules, which recovered the iron from the flat car, and carried it forward over the loose rails, a force of men standing by the truck and laying the rail as fast as the ties were in place.
Track laying, in these days of railroad building, is reduced to an exact science. The ties are laid along the road bed under the direction of a foreman; another crew extends the nails, which is followed up by the spike-drivers. A sufficient force can lay two miles of track a day without extraordinary effort, and the onlooker has to maintain a steady sauntering pace to keep up with the workmen.
Some delay was caused on Tuesday morning by a disagreement between two foremen, which resulted in a fisticuff encounter. The aggressor in the unpleasantness was discharged, and his crew, numbering about thirty men, refused to work under another boss. They were all sent to Winfield to receive their pay, and a fresh force brought from there to take their place. This delayed the work about an hour and a half.
At 8:30 a.m. the whistle of the excursion train sounded about one-fourth of a mile along the track, and our party of pleasure seekers made good time walking in the direction of the cars. T. H. McLaughlin stumped along, with his one live leg, as agile as the best of them; but Councilman Davis, another mutilated war veteran, jumped into a vehicle to save a fatiguing walk. The track to Winfield is not yet ballasted, and the running time to that city was slow. The bridge over the Walnut is a substantial piece of work, being raised on trestles 45 feet above the stream, and the approaches being supported on solid masonry. The two miles of road south of Winfield cost $65,000.

At Winfield a brief stay was made to take on passengers, and here Mr. Latham joined the party, who was heartily greeted by his Arkansas City guests, and who spent the day in their company. From Winfield a good rate of speed was put on, the road being well ballasted and running as smoothly as a bowling green. The first station reached was Floral, nine miles from Winfield. This is a thrifty place, which has sprung into existence since the road was built, is well situated, and surrounded by a good country. Wilmot is 8½ miles distant, and Atlanta, 7 miles along. Latham is in Butler County, also a railroad town, built on a broad creek, and already containing 400 or 500 inhabitants. Commodious stone stores are in process of erection, an extensive lumber yard is well stocked, and other business lines are well represented. At Wingate (between the two places last named) there is a flag station. Beaumont was reached about 11:30, the distance from Latham being 13 miles. Here the K. C. & S. W. Road forms a junction with the St. Louis & San Francisco road, and here the journey terminated. Several miles of the Flint hills were traversed in reaching here, a surface formation of brecciated and abraded rock, which proves that at some time in the geological periods this whole region was overflown. Dinner was ready for the excursionists when they stepped off at the station, their dining hall being a commodious room on the upper floor of that building, under charge of Noah Herring and his very excellent and capable wife. Two tables furnished room for the score of hungry guests, and a good dinner, promptly served, was in waiting to allay their hunger.
Here four hours was afforded to take in the town, and enjoy the fine scenery that surrounded it. A party of the most robust pedestrians, under conduct of Henry Asp, took a breezy walk over the hills into Greenwood County; where a fine panorama of scenic beauty lay spread before their gaze, with Eureka, in the distance, nestling in the valley, like a sylvan deity. Those less enterprising visited the post office, made acquaintance with store keepers, talked with the oldest inhabitant, and then played the games of billiards, pigeon-hole, and quoits. Major Schiffbauer, at the first named game, made some extraordinary shots in missing the balls he aimed at. At quoits G. W. Cunningham did great execution, bombarding with his rings an extensive region of country around the pin he professed to aim at.
Our narrative of this very enjoyable trip must be brought to a close, as space fails. At 4:30 the train started on return. Mr. Young, of Young, Latham & Co., the builders of the road, who came in on the Frisco train, joined the party. Winfield was reached at 7:30, where our friends belonging to that city, left us, and Ed Gray came on board, escorting W. H. Nelson (of Meigs & Nelson), who had been spending a day in the county clerk’s office, making a transcript from the tax list. Towards the close of the journey a vote of thanks to the officers of the road was proposed by Mayor Schiffbauer for their hospitality to the excursionists, and polite attention to them as guests of the day. This was heartily responded to by the party. The day’s labors of the track layers brought them 1¼ miles nearer the city. Omnibuses were in waiting to convey the tired travelers to the city, and by 9 o’clock they were deposited at the Leland Hotel, all clamorous for supper, but unanimous in declaring they had spent a delightful day.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

Early on last Tuesday morning, two omnibuses drew up to the Leland Hotel and took on board the following gentlemen, who had been invited by the managers of the K. C. & S. W., to take a pleasure trip over that road to the famous and booming Beaumont: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Hight, Davis, Thompson, Bailey, Dean, and Dunn, and their friends whom they invited, H. H. Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict; also, the railroad committee, consisting of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. Bro. Lockley, too, was among the honored ones, and was to chronicle the thrilling incidents of the trip, furnish intellectual food for the party, and report the impressive appearance, the “sights” and widely spread influence, of flourishing Beaumont. After a drive of about three miles, the gleeful party reached the end of the track, where over 200 railroad hands were busy at work, rapidly advancing the “iron bands” towards Arkansas City.
It was after 8 o’clock before they heard the distant whistling of the excursion train, towards which they at once started, and which they reached after a brisk walk of nearly a mile. Had it not been for Councilman Davis, who has only one natural leg to work with, they probably would have continued their journey on foot, and thus economized time. As it was, Mr. Davis was conveyed to the cars in a carriage to avoid the fatigue of walking. All having gotten on board, the train moved slowly up the track. They had a jolly, rollicking time.
Having arrived at Winfield, the passengers allowed the engine to rest a little, although it caused them much weariness to be delayed in a village of such few attractions when vivid pictures of enterprising Beaumont occupied their excited minds. Mr. Latham joined the party at Winfield, and when the train pulled out, the officers of the road suspended from the rear end of the last car a banner, bearing the inscription, “The town we left behind us.” From that railroad station onto the end of the journey, the train swept over the track at a rapid rate, passing through Floral, Wilmot, Atlanta, and Latham. Beaumont (a French word meaning “the fashionable world”) was reached at 11:30 a.m., and the party evacuated the cars and proceeded at once to the central part of the city. On either side, as they walked up main street, tall and magnificent buildings met their view, and the hearts of the rustic excursionists almost ceased to beat on account of the grandeur they beheld. Councilman Dunn had purchased a bran new hat that morning, and in trying to pass in under one of the lofty awnings, it was completely crushed. [N.B. This incident occurred before the drugstore was visited.] They found that the city consists of fourteen houses, which have been standing for 14 years, and the inhabitants number about 75. This is conclusive evidence that the town is still booming. When one of the natives was asked why he did not move to a better locality, he proudly pointed to the barren flint hills, and, with Kansas enthusiasm, maintained that Beaumont was the garden-spot of the world. After dinner, which was served in the spacious dining hall of Noah Herring, some of the party, for amusement, played at billiards and pigeon-hole. Bro. Lockley and Geo. Cunningham leveled down the flint hills and bombarded the town pitching horseshoes. Some of them went into one of the two drugstores in the place and consulted the “holy record” in order to procure some remedy for their ailments. The druggist showed them a full “soda pop” barrel, the greater portion of whose contents they consumed.
While in the drug store they made the following invoice of the stock it contained.
1 small stove: $2.00
1 old keg: $0.00
1 old box: $0.00
1 counter: $10.00
10 boxes of candy: $10.00
1 pail of tobacco: $4.00
2 boxes of nuts: $.50
1 barrel of whiskey: $8.00
  TOTAL: $34.50

The excursionists returned to Arkansas City at about 9 o’clock p.m., full of joy and “soda water.” There will be another excursion over this road soon and everybody here will then have a chance to see Beaumont.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
We are under obligations to our friend, Jack Hilliard, for a ride out to view the track-layers at work, behind his black mare, “Pet.” She is a flyer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Messrs. Dean and Dunn objected to the [?WORD?] being made with earth, they preferred gravel for the purpose. Mr. Hill said if the applicant would dump his surplus dirt in the slew, at the price named, it would be wise in the city to buy it of him. To fill in and make a road to the canal would cost $500. Mr. Young had offered to contribute from his own pocket to the expense, he (Mr. Hill) would also give his mite. The cost would be $500, and he and Mr. Young would give $100 of the sum. The remainder could be raised by subscription. To bring the matter fairly before the council, he offered the following resolution.
Resolved, That the city council appropriate a sufficient sum from the city treasury, to grade a roadway along Fifth Avenue west from Summit Street to the canal, and build a bridge there.
The mayor said the question of bridging the canal was now under consideration by the street committee of the council.
Mr. Dunn, in behalf of the committee, recommended that the canal company be ordered to build a bridge on Central Avenue, and that the railroad company be required to make crossings.
Mr. Hill inquired where the people who crossed the bridge would go to. There was a grade of eight feet at that point, and trestles were to be put up raising the track eight feet higher.
Mr. Will Mowry asked leave to make a statement in regard to a conversation he had held with Mr. Hill, which brought out an explanation by the latter.
A long and informal debate ensued, in which the respective merits of Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue as an approach to the depot were discussed.
Several amendments to Mr. Hill’s resolution being offered, but not seconded, that gentleman asked leave to withdraw it and substitute the following.
Resolved, That the city furnish the necessary means to grade a road to the new depot and build a bridge across the canal; provided that the canal company pay the appraised value of one of their ordinary bridges, the mayor to appoint a board of appraisement.
Mr. Dunn said there was no money in the treasury to perform this work. The cost of grading and bridging had been estimated at $900. His plan was for the city to appropriate $200, and collect from the lot owners on Fifth Avenue, what money they are willing to give. Turn this over to the railroad company, and let them do the work.

Mr. Hill said the Kansas City and Southwestern people, being too poor to operate their road, it had been turned over to the St. Louis and San Francisco company. We were now dealing with a management whose headquarters was in St. Louis. If the council could convince those people that it was a wise thing for them to expend their money in grading a road down to the railroad track, this proposition would do well enough. But the chance of success he thought slim. He did not favor offending them with any such demand, but would reserve his powder for bigger game. A handsome depot had been built, the best on the line, and a turntable laid down; we now want a roundhouse built capable of holding all the engines on the road. The speaker told of a syndicate in Winfield, who had clubbed together to buy a section or two of land a few miles south of the city, with a view to make a town there, and play off against this city. If Arkansas City could give the railroad company a good tank and other appliances, they would be apt to treat us with the same liberality. There were many necessary things to ask them without a demand for $500 to build a road with. The city ought to build this road, if we have to let our washing bills go unpaid.
Mr. Dunn said it would be well for the city to give $200 to the people of any avenue who will make a grade to the depot.
Mr. Prescott favored raising the appropriation to $300. The account would then stand in this shape: $300 given by the city, $100 by Messrs. Young and Hill, $150 by the canal company, leaving $350 to be raised by property owners. This money he thought could be collected, and Mr. Hilliard has offered to carry round the subscription paper.
This being put as an amendment to Mr. Hill’s resolution, was adopted and the resolution (thus amended) was also adopted.
S. D. Keeler purchases one-half interest in livery stable: Hilliard & Keeler...
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Hilliard & Keeler is the name of the new livery firm and they are the successors of J. H. Hilliard. S. D. Keeler last week purchased a half interest in the livery outfit, horses, carriages, etc., of Mr. J. H. Hilliard.
Charles Hilliard: in Clark County...
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Chas. Hilliard, who has been out in Clark County, holding down 160 acres of land, came in Thursday night to pay a short visit to his parents and friends here.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
S. D. Keeler and Chas. Hilliard left for Osage Agency Thursday morning. They conveyed seven beautiful Indian maidens to their home there, who were in the city en route from the Carlisle Indian schools.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Hilliard & Keeler, the proprietors of the 5th Avenue Livery Stable, are to be complimented upon the excellent rigs they furnish their patrons. Their buggies are substantial and new and their driving teams are not excelled in southwest Kansas. ’Tis a pleasure to drive in the turnout furnished by Hilliard & Keeler as well as a double pleasure to patronize such courteous gentlemen.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.

This morning a REPUBLICAN representative ensconced in one of Hilliard & Keeler’s fine livery rigs, visited the west bridge, and witnessed what damage the high waters of the Arkansas River are doing. About 200 feet of the dam has been washed out and the entire stream has been turned into a channel of that width on this side of the river. It has been making rapid inroads upon the approach; but by the throwing in of brush and other debris, the calamity of the bridge going has been averted. A strip of about 500 feet of the bed of the river is perfectly dry and extends a considerable distance upstream.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Ivan Robinson came down from Winfield Sunday to visit his best girl. He hired Hilliard & Keeler’s black “charger,” Selim, and their best phaeton. Ivan got along all right until he started for home. As he drove out of the yard gate a chunk of “miasma,” from the canal of course, flew up and struck the phaeton, upsetting it, and casting the manly form of Ivan out upon the cold hard ground. Old Selim did not know what to make of such strange proceedings, but he was able to take care of himself and the debris of the buggy, leaving his beloved master, Ivan, to rustle for himself. In setting the phaeton right side up, old Selim, who is as gentle as Mary’s little lamb, broke the spokes out of the wheels and smashed in the top. Sad, sad is the life of the Winfield man who upsets his buggy upon level ground.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The names of the base-ballists who will play the Winfield club tomorrow afternoon are Messrs. McNulty, Lockwood, Perryman, Hilliard, Wright, Kirtley, Leonard, Wilson, and Wingate.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The following persons will compose the Canal City base ball club, which plays the Geuda Springs nine tomorrow: Sam McNulty, Dan Lockwood, Ery Miller, Chas. Hilliard, Chas. Kirtley, W. Wingate, Chas. Coombs, J. A. Maxwell, and Frank Perryman. A purse of $50 is to be given to the victorious club.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.

The 110th anniversary of Independence Day was duly celebrated at Geuda Springs Saturday. To say that the celebration was a grand success is but mildly putting it. It was a “boomer” and conferred honor upon the projectors of the scheme. From a village of 400 inhabitants in the morning, Geuda Springs was converted into a live, rustling city of nearly 4,000 people before high noon-tide. Visitors came in from a distance of 20 miles from all points of the compass and partook of the hospitality of the good citizens of Geuda. At 8:30 a.m., the first excursion train left this city with twelve carloads of our citizens. There were between 700 and 800 people on board. The train arrived at its destination at about 9 o’clock and the excursionists repaired to the celebration grounds, Mitchell’s grove, near the springs. The programme of the forenoon consisted of speaking. Rev. Brink, of Sterling, made the principal oration of the day; and those who heard him, pronounce his a happy effort. There was also a game of base ball between the Frisco nine and the Second nine of this city. Only three innings were played, the score standing 23 to 7 in favor of the Frisco’s. After dinner the second excursion train ran in from Arkansas City, bringing almost as many visitors as the train of the forenoon. The grove was now crowded to its utmost capacity with the throng of people. The main attraction of the afternoon was the base ball game between the Geuda nine and the Canal City Club. The latter came out victorious by a score of 23 to 21. The fire works came in the evening. The display was meagre, but was good as far as it went. After the pyrotechnic display, the major portion of the crowd participated in the dance until the last excursion train pulled out at 11:30 p.m. And thus wound up the greatest event in the history of Geuda.
Chas. Hilliard, of the Canal City Club, made two difficult “fly catches” out in left field.
Charles Hilliard becomes Post Office Clerk...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Chas. Hilliard has accepted the clerkship in the post office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
For Sale or Trade. A good new two-seated spring wagon. Inquire of Hilliard & Keeler.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Some fiend stole a spring wagon seat from Hilliard & Keeler last Saturday night. If the party who stole it will come after it, he can have the remainder of the wagon.
Note: Traveler (Gilbraith or Gilbreath); Republican (Galbraitt or Galbreatt). Furthermore, Traveler (Eldertine); Republican (Ellerdin) in next two items...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
Assault With a Deadly Weapon. A case came up before Justice Lindsay on Monday, which was listened to with considerable interest. J. P. Gilbraith, a railroad man, was the party in trouble—the charge against him being assault with a deadly weapon. The testimony on the part of the prosecution showed that on the Tuesday preceding he took a team to Hilliard & Keeler’s barn, and wanted to borrow $32, leaving the animals as security. Mr. Hilliard, not caring to make the loan, he was referred to Capt. Thompson, who advanced the money, taking Gilbraith’s note for the amount. Gilbraith went off and was not seen until Saturday, when he entered the barn and demanded the team. Mr. Keeler, being present, presented the note Gilbraith had made to Capt. Thompson, left there for collection, and also demanded his livery bill, $1.60. The man objected to the charge, and, becoming boisterous, declared his intention of taking the team, and started for the stall to carry his threat into execution. Expecting trouble, Mr. Keeler mounted a horse, hitched by the office, to go in quest of a constable, and on his return met the man on the street and the team still in the stable. All being quiet, Mr. Keeler proceeded home to dinner, first instructing the stableman left in charge (Chas. Consilyea) to collect the note and livery bill before he gave up the team. Consilyea in turn resigned his charge to the foreman, Ernest Elderting, repeating to him the instructions he had received.
Pretty soon Gilbraith entered and asked the charge for keeping his team. The price was told him, to which he again demurred, tendering seventy-five cents in payment. It seems Elderting was under the impression the note was paid, as the dispute was over the trifling feed bill. His demand for the team being refused until the bill was paid, he drew a revolver on the stable keeper and declared, with an oath, he would take the animals. Elderting hastened to close the barn doors to prevent his egress, but while thus employed Gilbraith hastened to the stall, and unhitching his team, led it out the back way.
Nothing more was seen of him until Monday, when he presented himself at the barn to pay his note. He was then taken in by Constable Breene, and the above facts being established in the justice’s court, he was fined $10 and costs for assault, and in the police court he paid an additional fine of $5 for carrying a concealed weapon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.

This morning I. P. Galbreatt, a Santa Fe R. R. Grader, was arrested upon the charge of assault and drawing a deadly weapon upon Earnest Ellerdin at Hilliard & Keeler’s livery barn. The trouble arose in this manner. Some days ago Galbreatt came to the city from up the road with his grading teams and was short of money. He put one team in the livery stable and borrowed $32 on them of Capt. Thompson, giving his note. Saturday he went around and asked of Mr. Keeler to take $31 for the note. That gentleman told him that he had nothing to do with it; that his orders were to collect $32 before the team went out. Galbreatt went out, returning at noon, when all were at dinner except Ellerdin. He demanded his team and was told he could not have it until he paid the note off and his feed bill for four days. The feed bill was $1.80. He offered 75 cents in payment and upon that being refused, he went to the stall wherein his team was united, and started to take them out. Ellerdin, in the meantime, closed the front door of the barn and ran around the yard to fasten the gate to keep Galbreatt from getting out. At the gate they met. Galbraitt with an oath brought his revolver to bear upon Ellerdin; and at the former’s command, the latter individual allowed him to pass. Officers were immediately put on his track, but he could not be found. This morning he came into town, going to the stable the first thing to settle his bill, and attempted to smooth the matter over. While talking to Jack Hilliard, the officers arrested him and took him before Judge Lindsay, where he was tried. The verdict was a fine of $10 and costs.
Hilliard & Keeler plan to move to lots purchased from Dr. Shepard on 8th Street...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Dr. J. T. Shepard sold his gymnasium property this morning to Hilliard & Keeler for $4,000. The lots had a frontage of 90 feet on 8th Street.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
We are informed that the remaining lots in the block where F. J. Hess is building on 5th Avenue are to have business houses erected on them in the spring. Hilliard & Keeler will remove their livery to their lots purchased of Dr. Shepard on 8th Street. Fifth Avenue is building up very rapidly.
Lots owned by Jack Hilliard on 5th Avenue purchased by Stanford...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Last March Messrs. Wright and Stanford made a purchase of 31 lots at Lenard. Mr. Stanford went out there the latter of last week and sold them at an advance of $850. He had no sooner returned to Arkansas City this week than he began investing in real estate here and made a purchase of lots on 5th Avenue of Jack Hilliard. The consideration was $2,050.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The game of base ball yesterday afternoon between the Kellogg and Canal City nines resulted in a victory for the latter. There was some very good playing on both sides. At the close of the game the Kellogg boys wanted to play for a purse of $100 at some future time. The game has not been arranged for yet. The following is the score.
ARKANSAS CITY TEAM: [Listing names only.]
McNulty, c; Cannon, p; Miller, 1 b; Stratton, 2 b; Wilson, 3 b; Wingate, s s; Hilliard, l f & 3 b; Perryman, c f; Moore, r f. They had 15 runs.
KELLOGG TEAM: [Listing names only.]

Wright, 2 b; Bonnewell, r f; Cornell, p; Halleck, c; Foster, l f; Smith, 1 b; Bonnewell, c f; Humphreys, 3 b; Larmon, s s. They had 14 runs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
W. B. Hall is here from Iowa, to purchase thirty or more Indian ponies, for which he offers to pay cash. Those wishing to see the gentleman can find him at Hilliard & Keeler’s stable on Friday and Saturday next.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Chas. Hilliard made an exceedingly high throw this morning. He threw a base ball over the stand-pipe, 125 feet. The throw is very difficult as a person has to stand about 40 feet from the base of the stand-pipe and the ball has to get about 10 feet higher to make it over. There are not many base ballists who can accomplish this feat.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Jack Hilliard went over to Caldwell yesterday. He informs us that Caldwell is a town of about 3,000 people, and that the crowd that was there yesterday reminded him of Arkansas City on Saturdays when the town is alive with people doing trade.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. H. Hilliard went to St. Louis yesterday afternoon to see the “Veiled Prophets.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. H. Hilliard came in from his St. Louis trip last evening.
H. and Frank Waldo lease corner lots owned by Hilliard for coal, feed, grain business...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. Waldo and son, Frank, have leased the corner lots of J. H. Hilliard and will embark in the coal, feed, and grain business. Since Frank has got a family to support, he says he cannot afford to be idle and so has commenced business again. The REPUBLICAN wishes the new firm success.
Hilliard & Keeler get permit to erect building beside livery stable and to erect a scale house on Fifth Avenue...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
The city council met on Monday evening, Acting Mayor Thompson in the chair. The petition of Hilliard & Keeler to erect a building on block 81, along their livery stable, and also to erect a full scale house on Fifth Avenue, was granted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. H. Hilliard, while back in St. Louis, purchased a wagonette for the use of picnic parties and eastern visitors, and also to show visiting railroad magnates over our city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.

Yesterday morning a youth about 18 years of age, bearing the name of Charles Harris, entered the store of Youngheim & Co., and picked out a suit of clothing and an overcoat. He asked Mr. Behrend to lay his purchase aside until afternoon, and he would be in and pay for the goods. In the afternoon he came in and presented a check for $40, made out to the order of Charles Harris, and endorsed by him, and signed Hilliard & Keeler. A glance at the signature and endorsed name showed Mr. Behrend that both were written by the same person. He excused himself, ostensibly to go to the bank and get the change above the price of the goods purchased, but in fact went out to secure the services of a policeman. Frank Thompson was secured, who took Harris in. The boy was terribly frightened, and offered to make any reparation the clothing firm should demand. They determined to give the youth a worse scare, so he was taken before Judge Bryant, who lectured him soundly on the crime he had committed, and as no one appeared to prosecute him, he was dismissed. Harris has been working for Hilliard & Keeler at their livery barn for some time past. He was paid off yesterday, his wages amounting to $17.50. He cashed this check, and tried to imitate the signature on the $40 check. His attempt was very bunglesome. This morning he was sent to his home at Richland, Iowa, by the firm whose name he endeavored to forge.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Messrs. Thompson and Hilliard sold P. Peters an acre northwest of the city this morning for $675.
[Above was the last item found on J. H. (“Jack”) Hilliard and Charles Hilliard.]
Hilliard, Chas. E., born 1865, buried Space 7, Lot 19, Block J, Old Addition.
Hilliard, Eliza M., born 1837, buried Space 9, Lot 19, Block J, Old Addition.
Hilliard, J. H., born 1841, buried Space 11, Lot 19, Block J, Old Addition.