John Hoenscheidt


Winfield and Walnut Township.
Winfield Directory 1880:
HOENSCHEIDT, JNO., architect and civil engineer, Justice of the Peace, Bahntge building, r. Lincoln s. e. corner 3rd avenue.
JOHN HOENSCHEIDT. Architect, Civil Engineer, and Justice of the Peace.
This gentleman, though but a few years in Winfield, is one of the most widely known men in the city. He was formerly County surveyor, which office he held with great credit. He is now deputy county surveyor as well as Justice of the Peace, being elected last spring. Aside from his personal popularity, he is one of our most enterprising citizens, and has built one of the handsomest residences in the City.
Organized December, 1880. Meets at Court House.
OFFICERS: Captain, E. E. Bacon; First Lieutenant, John Hoenscheidt. Second Lieutenant,
   N. Haight.
Believe it or not: The above gentleman did not appear on any of the early Cowley County censuses.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
We received a call last Tuesday from Mr. John Hoenscheidt, an architect, surveyor, and civil engineer. He is at present temporarily located at Eureka, but informs us that he will return in about two weeks to locate permanently in Winfield. When he returns he wishes to sketch a bird’s eye view of our city. His sketch of Eureka, also of the courthouse and schoolhouse of that place, is correct in every particular. It is a splendid specimen.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
John Hoenscheidt, of Eureka, Kansas, has placed us under obligations for an elegant map of Greenwood County, accompanied with a plat of Eureka and engraving of the city, courthouse, and schoolhouse. The plats and designs are all the workmanship of Mr. Hoenscheidt, who is a first class architect, surveyor, and civil engineer.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
John Hoenscheidt, architect and civil engineer, has bought W. E. Doud’s house in Winfield and moved into it with his family. Mr. Hoenscheidt comes well recommended and will be a valuable acquisition to our city.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
John Hoenscheidt is making a county map for A. H. Green’s land office.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
The erection of the Catholic Church will commence on the 29th, and will be pushed forward for completion so rapidly that services are to be held in it on the second Sunday in November. Building committee: Rev. J. C. Schurz, president; H. Jochems, treasurer and collector; Daniel Maher, secretary; J. Hoenscheidt, architect.

Rev. Father Schurz called on Monday, having held services in this city Sunday. He says that his district is too extensive, and that it is necessary to locate a pastor here, to take charge of a part of his district. The Rev. S. Rohr will probably soon be located as Catholic pastor. Services will then be arranged for twice a month.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
John Hoenscheidt, whose ad appears today, is getting many jobs in architectural drawing, which he executes with great neatness and accuracy. He is a first-class architect.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Will make PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CONTRACTS For Buildings on short time at Reasonable Prices, in any part of Kansas or neighboring States.
Public Buildings Made a Specialty. Correspondence Solicited.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
J. Hoenscheidt is the architect employed by J. C. Fuller, M. L. Robinson, Jay Page, the Misses Aldrich, E. P. Hickok, C. Farringer, and others in the erection of their new residences. These residences will be built in modern style, to combine symmetry and beauty with convenience and stability, and will cost from two to seven thousand dollars each; hence the propriety of employing a first-class architect.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
A recent census shows a population of 1,611 in this town—an increase of about fifty percent within a year. Without question, it is the most prosperous interior town in the State, and presents more evidence of wealth and permanence and offers greater inducements to businessmen and capitalists than any other.
Real estate is appreciating rapidly, and comfortable tenement houses are in demand and high. Some enterprising mechanic with a little capital could make a fortune by building cottages to sell. There are two dozen houses in course of building now, one-half of which are residences to cost from three to seven thousand dollars, and transfers of lots to parties intending to build others are of daily occurrence. As several of these buildings are being gotten up on a scale of elegance (very unusual for a new county, and especially the frontier), I may be pardoned for a brief description of them.
Mr. J. C. Fuller is building a mansion in the eastern part of town. It is a frame with brick veneer—a style new to Kansas, but in successful use in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin for the last ten years. It is elegant in all its appointments and will be supplied with hot air furnace, water, baths, speaking tubes, and all modern conveniences. The interior will be finished with walnut and ash, and the grounds will be handsomely ornamented with terraces and fountains.
M. L. Robinson has chosen the southwestern portion of town for his residence, and is building a stately mansion upon an eminence which commands a landscape of surpassing loveliness. The building has only recently been commenced, but the designs according to the drawings of the architect are elaborate and costly. A large force of workmen are engaged and the pleasant weather is being improved.

A short distance south of this, and far enough removed from the heart of the town to give it a suburban air of quiet and seclusion, Col. McMullen has decided to build his home. This also can only be seen on paper as yet, but the contract has been awarded and the material is being delivered. The design is no less extensive than the others, and in some respects shows a more elaborate style of architecture.
Hon. Colbert Coldwell, until recently one of the associate justices of the supreme bench of Texas, has removed to this town and located near Mr. Fuller’s place, in the eastern part. His mansion is completed and occupied. It is built after the good old southern style, with high ceilings, grand old halls, and wide verandahs, and an interior finish massive and imposing, suggesting the ancestral halls of history whose occupants were in the royal line.
Too much cannot be said in praise of Mr. John Hoenscheidt, the architect, and Messrs. Ray and Randall and Mr. W. B. Gibbs, the joiners, for the eminent taste and skill displayed in these buildings, which challenge comparison with any in the state. . . .
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
J. Hoenscheidt, architect, has his office in the rear of J. E. Allen’s law office.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Ed. Haight finds so much surveying to do that he has appointed Mr. Hoenscheidt deputy surveyor.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Sealed Proposals. For the carpenters’, plumbers’, and roofers’ work the residence building to be built for J. C. McMullen, at Winfield, Kansas, will now be received by the undersigned, at whose office the plans and specifications for the same are now ready for inspection. JNO. HOENSCHEIDT, Architect.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Action was taken on the following bills [Showing amount allowed only].
J. Hoenscheidt, use of wagon to pest house: $3.00.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
I. O. O. F. The following is a list of the officers of Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., for the term commencing July, 1878: M. G. Troup, N. G.; M. Shields, V. G.; David C. Beach, Rec. Sec.; E. S. Bedilion, P. Sec.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; John E. Allen, Rep. to G. L.; C. C. Stevens, W.; W. D. Southard, C.; John M. Read, O. G.; Chas. McIntire, R. S. to N. G.; E. A. Clisbee, L. B. to N. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S. S.; B. M. Terrill, T. S. S.; W. M. Parker, R. S. to V. G.; Herman Schmode, L. S. to V. G.; John W. Curns, Chaplain, John Smiley, Host.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The committee to prepare premium list submitted for consideration a printed list and recommended its adoption. It was then read, corrected, and adopted, whereupon the following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendents of the various classes, to wit:
Class A - Horses - R. B. Pratt.

Class B - Cattle - L. Finley.
Class C - Sheep - John Stalter.
Class D - Swine - W. L. Mullen.
Class E - Poultry - ___ Bull.
Class F - Agricultural Implements - S. H. Myton.
Class G - Mechanical Arts - J. Hoenscheidt.
Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.
Class I - Horticulture - S. S. Holloway.
Class J - Pomology - I. H. Bonsall.
Class K - Floral - Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.
Class L - Fine Arts - Mrs. M. E. Davis.
Class M - Textile Fabrics - T. H. McLaughlin.
Class N - Plowing Matches - J. H. Werden.
Class O - Honey - E. P. Hickok.
Class P - Boys and Girls - J. E. Platter.
Class Q - Riding and Driving - W. H. Walker.
Class R - Speed - B. M. Terrill.
Class S - Fruits, etc. - Mrs. S. M. Fall.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Sealed Proposals For labor to be performed and material furnished in the erection of a frame schoolhouse for District No. 1, to be built at Winfield according to plans and specifications to be seen at the office of John Hoenscheidt, architect, will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, July 26, 1878, at 4 o’clock p.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all proposals presented. (Signed) J. D. PRYOR, District Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
John Hoenscheidt proposes to build a fine brick residence just east of H. Jochems.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
DIED. Katy, the little daughter of Mr. John Hoenscheidt, died Sunday evening last of diphtheria, aged 6 years and 5 months.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Mrs. Ebenback, of Eureka, mother of Mrs. John Hoenscheidt, has come to Winfield and will hereafter be a citizen of this city.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Mr. John Hoenscheidt has made arrangements to publish 10,000 copies of a map and description of Cowley County, printed on a twenty column folio sheet in both English and German. This will be a first rate advertising medium and the citizens should sustain him in the undertaking. He has had much experience in that line and his map of Greenwood County and of Eureka have met with many high compliments. This will be a great engine to help fill up our county with good, substantial citizens.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.

The Yellow Fever. The concert given by the Odd Fellows for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers was well attended notwithstanding the muddy condition of our streets on account of the recent rains. The concert was opened by the I. O. O. F., in regalia, and consisted of a short address by M. G. Troup, singing by Lodge, and prayer by J. W. Curns. Then came music by orchestra, followed by a quartette by Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, Miss Thomas, and Prof. Farringer. . . . OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Misses Dover and Hane, Mr. Wilkinson, Willie Farringer, Roberts Brothers, Misses Lillie Wilson, May Beach, and Mary Schofield. Net receipts were about $60, with $10 of expense, leaving about fifty dollars to be forwarded to the suffering South. The Odd Fellows deserve great credit in taking hold of this project with so much zeal. Mr. Hoenscheidt is especially deserving of credit for his labor in arranging and working up the matter, as is also Prof. Farringer for arranging the musical performances.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Drawings, plans and specifications furnished.
Deputy Co. Surveyor.
Office north side Ninth [? OBSCURED ?]
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
A German Association has been organized in this city for the purpose of encouraging immigration, assisting newcomers, and providing amusements. It is named “Deutcher Unterhaltungs Verein,” with J. G. Kraft as president and John Hoenscheidt as secretary. Meet every third Sunday of each month at 7 o’clock p.m.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Notice Mr. Hoenscheidt’s call for sealed proposals. The building is to be 25 x 50 feet, two stories and a basement, to be built of brick, and will be a fine building.
Sealed Proposals For the labor to be performed and materials to be furnished in the erection of a brick and stone building, 25 x 50 feet, 2 stories high, with basement, to be built at Winfield for Mr. James Fahey, will be received by the undersigned, by whom plans and specifications can be seen. The right to reject any and all proposals presented will be reserved by JOHN HOENSCHEIDT, Architect.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
MANNING’S OPERA HOUSE. Opening Benefit. The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 17, 1878, at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; David C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treasurer; John E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.; J. W. Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; J. S. Blue, Host.

A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
John Hoenscheidt, residence, brick: $2,200.
John Hoenscheidt, residence, brick: $280.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—Hon. W. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—T. R. Bryan.
Probate Judge.—H. D. Gans.
Register of Deeds.—E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—R. C. Story.
Sheriff.—C. L. Harter.
Coroner.—W. G. Graham.
County Attorney.—James McDermott.
Clerk District Court.—B. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—N. A. Haight.
Deputy County Surveyor.—J. Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
DEUTCHER UNTERHALTUNGS VEREIN. J. C. KRAFT, Pres’t. John Hoenscheidt, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.

The county commissioners, at their meeting on last Monday, adopted the plans of our architect, John Hoenscheidt, for the repairing of the courthouse, and we think thereby they acted very wisely. The plan calls for a wing 20 x 20 feet, two stories high, on west and east side of old courthouse; also two sets of vaults for the safekeeping of all the records, documents, and funds of the district clerk, county clerk, register of deeds, probate judge and treasurer. It will also enlarge the present rooms for the last four mentioned county offices and the court hall. It further contains two jury rooms about 10 x 10 feet, a county attorney’s office, and consultation room, a county surveyor’s and superintendent’s office, and in fact it is planned so as to compete with the arrangements and accommodations of a first-class courthouse, and is equal to, if not better, than the Greenwood County courthouse, except in price, and when completed will be an ornament to our city and a credit to our county; and we are assured that the plan adopted will meet the indorsement of every citizen of this county. The vaults mentioned will be built independent from the balance of the structure and made fire-proof, and the treasury vault is to be made fire and burglar proof. These vaults alone were needed long ago and are worth to the county at least double the amount of the supposed cost of the whole repairs and addition, which is estimated at about $3,000, for it is a known fact that if fire ever would break out in the building the whole records would be unsafe, and if destroyed, would cost the county at least $10,000 to restore them. Not too much credit can be given to the architect and the wise action of the county commissioners for adopting said plans and taking such steps, and every citizen and tax-payer ought to be thankful that this great improvement can be made at such a reasonable low rate of expense. We are informed that sealed proposals for the labor and material for said repairs will be taken at the county clerk’s office as soon as the plans and specifications are completed, and will be opened on Monday, the 3d day of February, 1879.
[WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 101, I. O. O. F.]
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; D. C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.; J. E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Will Hudson, L. S. S.; John Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. S. Blue, Host. Total number of members: 52.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
John Hoenscheidt, city engineer, was instructed to report at next meeting a description of the metes and bounds of the city and its additions.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Mr. Wood offered a resolution incorporating within the city limits the platted additions of Read and McMullen. Adopted.
The city attorney presented a resolution to the organization of a city of the second class, accompanying which was the proper survey of limits by John Hoenscheidt. Adopted.
BILL PRESENTED. John Hoenscheidt, survey of city, $15.00. Allowed.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., March 17, 1879. Council met at the usual place and hour, C. M. Wood, Presi­dent of Council, in chair; Councilmen Gully, Jochems, Manning, and Robinson; J. P. Short, clerk, and N. C. Coldwell, city attorney, present.

The Governor’s proclamation making Winfield a city of the second class was then read, after which a petition of some ninety citizens in opposition to changing the class of the city was read; and Mr. Manning moved that the prayer of the petitioners be granted. The matter was discussed by Councilman Manning and H. E. Asp and J. E. Allen, citizens, for, and N. C. Coldwell, Col. Alexander, and M. G. Troup, against. The roll being called the vote stood as follows: Yes—Jochems and Manning. Nay—Gully, Robinson, and Wood.
On motion of Robinson, the clerk was instructed to spread the Governor’s proclamation on the Record.
Ordinance No. 84, dividing the city into two wards, was then passed.
Action was taken on the following bills.
J. Hoenscheidt, establishing grade, $10,00, referred to Finance committee.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
ARCHITECTS. John Hoenscheidt; Swain & Watkins; A. H. Hyde; Patterson & Son.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. Graham & Moffitt vs. Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879. - Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, MAY 31, 1879. Our town has been quite lively the past week. A number of strangers have been here, looking at the prospects for business. All seemed favorably impressed with the lookout of our town and surrounding country. One of your citizens, Mr. Hoenscheidt, has spent several days amongst us, surveying and establishing a grade for the principal street of our city as though someone intended in the near future to build. Our new street commissioner, Col. Mott, and a large gang of men and teams are grading and filling up the low places on Summit Street and Central Avenue. What has already been done has improved the looks of things very much. Almost every business house on Summit Street has received a new coat of paint, and signs without number adorn the windows of our shops and stores. We have a new sign painter whose forte is ornamental painting on glass, and almost every window in town is daubed with paint of all the colors of the rainbow.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Mr. Herman Jochems has made arrangements to build a large brick business house on the site of his present building. It will be a very fine building and he expects to have it completed in sixty days after the commencement. Mr. Jochems’s increasing business has long demanded more commodious quarters, and with the erection of the new building, he will have one of the best hardware stores in Southern Kansas. Mr. John Hoenscheidt has the building in charge.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
At a meeting of the directors of the Walnut Valley Fair Association, at the office of Col. Alexander, last Thursday, it was decided to hold the fair October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The following appointments were made. General Supt.: J. L. Horning; Chief of Police: J. C. Roberts; Chief Marshal: P. M. Waite.

CLASS SUPERINTENDENTS. A. R. B. Pratt; B. P. B. Lee; C. C. S. Smith; D. Wm. Hodges; E. J. F. Miller; F. Jas. Berry; G. J. Hoenscheidt; H. J. Nixon; I. S. S. Holloway; J. A. J. Burrell; K. Mrs. J. E. Platter; L. Mrs. M. E. Davis; M. T. H. McLaughlin; N. J. H. Worden; O. E. P. Hickok; P. J. E. Platter; Q. G. W. Prater; R. W. P. Hackney; S. S. M. Fall.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
The store room and hardware stock of H. Jochems has been removed to the Kirk lot, just north of Lynn and Gillelen’s store, where his many customers will find him until the completion of his new building.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Mr. Robert Hudson moved the Jochems building with all the shelf hardware intact and never disturbed a thing. When Mr. Hudson goes to work on a building, he is sure to make it go.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
Rose Hoenscheidt and husband to Henry Shifler, lots 5 and 6, block 222, Andrews’ addition, Winfield. $61.50.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879. Pursuant to call, the Republicans of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield and organized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being the election of a Township Republican Commit­tee. The following gentlemen were chosen: T. A. Blanchard, D. Robertson, and S. E. Burger. J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Walnut Twp., Cowley Co., July 12, 1879. Pursuant to call, the citizens of Walnut twp. met at the courthouse in Winfield on the 12th day of July, 1879, and orga­nized by the election of J. H. Curfman, chairman, and T. A. Blanchard, secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, the nomination of a township ticket to be voted upon at the coming township election on the 22nd day of July, inst.
Committee on nominations appointed as follows: Robert Weakley, John Mentch, and John Hoenscheidt, who, after due deliber­ation, made report, which was received and unanimously adopted as candidates at the approaching election: trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joel Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice of the Peace, J. L. King and S. E. Burger; Constable, T. J. Johnson and Abe. Land. Messrs. Mentch and Hoenscheidt were appointed a committee to procure ballots.
Resolved, That Winfield papers be requested to publish.
J. H. CURFMAN, Chairman. T. A. BLANCHARD, Sec.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
J. HOENSCHEIDT, ARCHITECT. Drawings, plans and specifications furnished. Deputy Co. Surveyor. Office north side Ninth avenue, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
We give, in a table in another place, the vote of this county as far as we have returns. It appears that Harbaugh is elected Commissioner in the second district by a very flattering majority, a result that was not expected. [Beat S. B. Adams.]

Shenneman for Sheriff, has a majority of about 300, notwith­standing that the most unscrupulous fight was made on him.
The balance of the Republican ticket is elected by about 600 majority, notwithstanding the fact that a Democratic Mayor and the executive force of the city, backed by six whiskey saloons and two breweries, worked hard at the polls all day. They carried the city for Harter by only 16 majority.
Glorious Dexter has proved herself “truly loyal.”
Cresswell township has wheeled into the line of stalwart Republicanism. It was claimed that this township would go Democratic this year or at least a part of the ticket.
The Democrats made a great many votes for Harter and against Shenneman by their system of trading off their other candidates, their whiskey work, their railroad votes, and other corruptions; but we do not think they made anything by their personal attack on Shenneman. That was a boomerang which returned and scooped Harter.
The election on Tuesday was “red-hot.” In the city the omnibuses were out all day bringing in votes, and large crowds were around the polls urging the claims of favorite candidates and tickets, but there was no disorder or bad blood exhibited. In fact, it is remarkable that in the heat of such a contest everything was peaceful. It seems that 125 of the voters regis­tered in the city failed to get their votes in. There were many citizens who came to the polls to vote, having been voters here heretofore, but were not allowed to vote because they had not registered. Quite a considerable number of the electors of this city failed to register, and though there were many registered who had not the right to vote, we doubt not that there were 650 voters in the city had they all registered.
Among the many who have contributed to the glorious vote in this county, our young friend, Henry E. Asp, W. P. Hackney, and J. B. Evans are worthy of special mention. They have been at work early and late and their telling eloquence has been heard over the county. Judge Caldwell, Frank Jennings, A. P. Johnson, and others have put in many stalwart blows. Jarvis, Green, Chairman Johnson, Torrance, and many others did efficient work; and though we may fail to mention others equally praiseworthy in this hurried notice, we will not neglect to state that our contemporary, the Semi-Weekly, has put a stalwart shoulder to the wheel.
One of the meanest frauds practiced by Democrats at the late election was to print a lot of Republican tickets straight with the exception of C. L. Harter for Sheriff, and then procuring pretended Republicans to peddle them among Republicans, assuring them that this fraud was the straight Republican ticket. Harter probably obtained many votes in this fraudulent way. The man that is mean enough to peddle such a fraud does not belong to the Republican party. We have been told that John Hoenscheidt was one of them.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The following is a list of the elective and appointed officers of Winfield lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., to serve for the ensuing year.
N. G.: A. W. Davis; V. G.: James H. Vance; Rec. Sec.: David C. Beach; Treas.: Max Shoeb; W.: John W. Smiley; C.: D. W. Southard; I. G.: M. B. Shields; O. G.: F. Ebenback; R. S. to N. G.: Jacob Lipps; L. S. to N. G.: Charles Youngheim; R. S. to V. G.: John Fleming; L. S. to V. G.: Daniel Steel; R. S. S.: B. M. Terrill; L. S. S.: Jno. Hoenscheidt; Chaplin: W. H. H. Maris; D. D. G. M.: M. G. Troup.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
The following named gentlemen are the commissioned officers of St. John Battery No. 1, at Winfield. Captain: Eugene E. Bacon; First Lieutenant and Chief of Caissons: N. A. Haight; First Lieutenant of the Line: John F. Burrows; Second Lieutenant Senior: John Hoenscheidt; Second Lieutenant Junior: Geo. W. Anderson. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
The army is well represented at Topeka this week. Gen. Green, Captains Bacon and Steuven, Lieutenants Finch, Friend, Hoenscheidt, Greer, and Crapster represent the troops stationed at Winfield. In case war is declared before they return, they will go right in and not wait for the consent of their wives and sweethearts.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
The Republicans of Walnut township will meet in convention on Saturday, the 31st of January, 1880, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the schoolhouse near Mr. Hoenscheidt’s residence, to nominate the following officers: One township trustee, clerk, treasurer, two justices of the peace, and two constables. All voters of the township are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the committee. S. BURGER, Chairman. J. HOENSCHEIDT, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The fight in this township was very lively, over 170 votes being polled. Both the Republicans and Democrats had tickets in the field. The following was the vote.
For Trustee, J. C. Roberts, 113; D. W. Ferguson, 63.
For Clerk, T. A. Blanchard, 116; C. A. Roberts, 62.
For Treasurer, Joel Mack, 158; A. J. Thompson, 62.
For Justice of the Peace, John Hoenscheidt, 158; S. E. Burger, 112; G. W. Prater, 65.
For Constable, Frank Weakley and H. L. Thomas were elected.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
ED. COURIER: I think no one will accuse me of indulging in extravagance in my own affairs, or of advising, or approving the same in others. But all good businessmen will bear me out in the assertion that there are times and places in the affairs of every business individual when a dollar, rightly invested, will make, or save, ten for the investor.
What would we think of a householder owning a house needing repairs, who, instead of repairing it, would vacate it, and rent a house of his neighbor to live in? We should naturally think the man needed a guardian. Well, in all the business relations of life, the same rules that govern the life of the businessman apply to the affairs of corporations, municipal, as well as private.

I have been led to these reflections by the foolish, I might say almost criminal, negligence of our Board of County Commis­sioners in the policy it pursues in reference to the condition of our Courthouse. Individuals, pursuing the same line of policy in their personal and private affairs, would be stigmatized as improvident and shiftless. And yet, our Commissioners are only improvident and shiftless in their public capacity. As individu­als, working for their own private interests, they are all honest, thrifty, and responsible. They are also highly respect­able, and first class as neighbors and citizens. They were elected by their constituents because they were good men, and the people had a right to believe that the inter­ests of the county would fare as well in their hands as their own private interests. That such has not been the case will be admitted by every sensible person, when the present condition of county matters are once understood. Look at the condition of our courthouse. When its unsafe condition was first made public, I, with others, was incredulous, and thought that, perhaps, the report was invented in order to give someone a job, or to satisfy somebody’s personal conve­nience. But after our own citizen architect, Mr. Hoenscheidt, and a celebrated architect from abroad, Mr. Bartlett, had exam­ined the courthouse and pronounced it unsafe in its present condition; and after learning from our District Court Clerk, Mr. Bedilion, that he had experimented with measures, and found that the walls were gradually spreading, I became convinced that something ought to be done immediately to make the building a safe one to occupy. Judge Campbell will not hold the District Court in it, and the county is now paying Manning from $360 to $400 a year for his Opera House to hold the court in. Here is economy with a ven­geance! But this is not the worst feature of it. The court­house, unrepaired, is a death-trap in which the lives of our county officers are liable at any moment to be sacrificed. It is true, the structure might stand for years as it is. So might the Tay bridge, but it didn’t; and how long brick walls may stand, that are gradually and surely spreading, the Lord only knows. I know this: that, if the courthouse should fall and destroy a single human life, I should thank my God that I was not one of the respectable and responsible Board of County Commissioners.
To repair the courthouse, means to make it better than it ever has been, and to enlarge it to meet the progressive demands of the county. It means, also, to provide a receptacle for the records of the county. And it can be done at an expense, tri­fling to the county; at an increase of taxes that might cover to the individual the cost of a single plug of tobacco. Yet, the Honorable Board plod along undisturbed, as though the county was too poor to own a respectable building, and pay out every year for rent enough to pay the interest on a much larger sum than would be necessary to make the courthouse what it should be.
Only think of it. The great county of Cowley—the banner county of the state—un-surpassed in her increase of population, her agricultural and horticultural productions; her superior standard of schools, education, intelligence, and refinement; with two railroads and the prospect of more; with a courthouse that could be built today for the paltry sum of $3,000, and in a shabby, tumble-down condition, which ought to bring the blush of shame to every citizen of the county. If the County Board believe that the people of the county prefer the “Penny Wise and Pound Foolish” manner in which this courthouse policy is conduct­ed, I, for one, hope the Board is mistaken. Respectfully, J. M. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Pursuant to the call for a Republican convention for this township many of the leading men of the party assembled at the place appointed.
Mr. John Mentch was duly elected president, and Mr. John Hoenscheidt, secretary.

A number of high-headed democrats, with blood in their eyes, were also in attendance. They solicited one another of their own accord to join hands and mix in with the Republicans and to do their best licks to defeat J. C. Roberts for township trustee. Mr. Roberts received the unanimous vote of the Republicans, which caused the “Hotspurs” of Walnut township to boil over with rage. J. H. Curfman, a straight out Republican, was put in nomination against Mr. Roberts. Mr. Curfman politely informed the “democra­cy” that he would not be a candidate. They were then compelled to fall back on their own resources, and in consequence nominated David Ferguson, one of their own stripe and color. REPUBLICAN.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Last Sunday evening several suspicious characters, who had been loafing about town, made away with John Hoenscheidt’s horse and buggy, and Phil. Stump’s mule. A reward of fifty dollars has been offered for the return of the property and fifty dollars for the capture of the thief.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Last Monday evening John Hoenscheidt and Deputy Sheriff, Pratt, returned from Joplin, Missouri, with the parties who stole the horse buggy and mule at this place last week. The horse and buggy were recovered but the mule had disappeared.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The young men, Wilson and Gray, who “got away with” Hoenscheidt’s horse and buggy, waived examination, were held in $800 each, and went to the “cooler” for want of bail.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
John Hoenscheidt has purchased an interest in the German paper at Topeka. He will remove to that place. Mr. Hoenscheidt is one of our best and most active citizens, a fine writer, and a deep thinker; and we wish him success in the new situation he is so well qualified to adorn.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has purchased the Hoenscheidt property on Millington street.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. John Hoenscheidt left Monday morning for Topeka to look after his newspaper.
Next item is most misleading as the Courier failed to give the source of item. Gather it came from a Topeka newspaper.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
John Hoenscheidt has been in town several days looking up the interests of his paper. His energy will soon place it among the leading German papers of the country.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Early Saturday morning Capt. Siverd, the jailer, had a severe tussle with one of the prisoners, who was attempting to escape. He went into the jail to carry the prisoners their breakfast, and while stooping over, was struck from behind by Frank Wilson, one of the Hoenscheidt horse stealers, with a stove leg. The blow staggered the Captain, but he attempted to grapple with the prisoner, and received several more blows before so doing. Hearing the scuffle, Mrs. Siverd came to the rescue; but being unable to separate them, she called for help, and several men nearby took a hand in the affray and soon succeeded in landing Wilson in his cell, where he was decorated with a pair of cast-iron bracelets, and anklets with a ball and chain at­tached. Mr. Siverd is able to be about, but his head resembles a sore thumb all tied up. Had the prisoner been a little more accurate with his first blow, Sheriff Shenneman would now be receiving applications for the position of jailer. The Captain will hereafter keep his left eye open for these “quiet, unoffen­sive fellows.” Had he hesitated in the least about grappling Wilson, he would undoubtedly have been killed.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
On Tuesday the county commissioners let the stonework of the vault wings of the courthouse to Archie Stewart for $545, and the iron work of the vaults to John Seaton, of Atchison, for $430. The work will commence at once. John Hoenscheidt, the architect, was on hand with the plans and specifications.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
The District Court convened in the courthouse in this city last Wednesday, Judge Campbell on the bench. The weather was hot and the attendance was not large. A large number of cases were continued by consent.
The several late occupants of the jail were arraigned in term and plead guilty, except that Frank Williams plead not guilty of the larceny of Hoenscheidt’s horse and wagon. The case was terminated by a nolle pros, he having plead guilty to charge of assault upon the jailer and attempt to escape, for which crimes he was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.
John Gray, for larceny of Hoenscheidt’s horse and wagon, was sentenced to three years imprisonment.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The St. John Battery has elected Ed. Haight captain, and Messrs. Burroughs, Hoenscheidt, Holloway, and Andrews, lieuten­ants.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
John Hoenscheidt has started another German paper, this time at Atchison, and called the Atchison Journal. John is capable of doing such things well.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
John Hoenscheidt is spending a few days in Winfield closing up his business. He has rented a house in Atchison and will remove there with his family.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
John Hoenscheidt is issuing an evening, daily edition of his paper, the Journal, in Atchison.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
The Odd Fellows Lodge has filed a deed to a lot in Andrews addition from John Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.

Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
The senate has confirmed the following appointments of the governor.
Richard B. Morris, superintendent of insurance.
Jas. Ketner, major general of militia.
Isaac Stadden and John E. Watrous, brigadier generals.
Thomas Moonlight, adjutant general, Harry A. Lewis, assistant adjutant general.
Harry E. Insley, paymaster general.
R. A. Trimble, surgeon general.
John Hoenscheidt, J. C. Morcock, and W. E. Huttman, aid-de-camps.