Charles H. Holloway
Arkansas City.
Mary Holloway, Charles H. Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
Listed: Mary Holloway and Charles Holloway.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
Mary Holloway and Charles Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
GIRLS: Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Nellie Swarts, Mary Theaker, Linnie Peed, Linda Christian, Flora Finley, Laura Gregg, Susie Berry, Mary Wintin, May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, Carrie Cramer, Sarah Randall, Mary Holloway, Stella Swarts, Mollie Christian, Clara Morgan, Annie Brown, May Hughes, Emma Theaker, Albertine Maxwell, Annie Hutchinson, Belle Birdzell.
BOYS: Jerry Adams, Lewis Coombs, John Parker, James Lorton, Fred. McLaughlin, Peter Trissell, Charles Holloway, Harry Finley, Willie Edwards, George Berry, Benny Dixon, Alvin Hon, Sammy Swarts, Frank Randall, Charlie Randall, Linton Hunt, Frank Swarts, Charles Swarts.
Charles H. Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
Two foot races took place last week. The first was between Charles Holloway and a Pawnee Indian. The second was between Linton Hunt and the same Indian. Holloway “threw up,” and the Indian won the prize. Hunt won the second race by several feet. The distance run was about 150 feet.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Arkansas City has almost taken the “hub” for the past week. Many of her citizens are here attending the Armstrong murder case. Among these we notice Charlie Holloway, Mayor Kellogg, Cal. Swarts, Joe Houston, the Fairclo boys, liveryman McIntire, Solicitor Holland, and Mr. Adams, supported by a number of other prominent citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Chas. Holloway officiated at J. Kroenert’s grocery several days last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
“Mr. C. H. Holloway has opened up the drug store owned by the late James Riely, and will conduct the same in the future. Success to you, Charles.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Charley Holloway has been granted a druggist’s permit for the sale of wines and liquors for medicinal uses.
Excerpts: Chas. H. Holloway had been clerk for James Riely, murdered druggist...
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
It is the evening of the day of the eventful race. Riely, the two Fairclo boys, Capt. Rarick, D. A. McIntire, and Charley Holloway, Riely’s clerk, are gathered in the low one-story frame store, talking over the incidents of the day.
Armstrong and Adams come in. Adams is still drunk, although able to navigate. Armstrong is happy and doesn’t care one cent whether the white-winged angel of peace is within one mile or fifty of the spot. He would like to see Riely squirm on general principles; and he proceeds to gratify this desire in the most subtle manner. He goes to the cigar case, calls out cigars for himself and Adams, and then turns to Riely with the query: “Riely, won’t you smoke with me?” You who have studied human nature can analyze the feelings of these two men as they stood there eyeing each other over the cigar case: the victor, self-important at the other’s expense, and spending with a lavish hand the money he had won.
No wonder Riely answered: “No. I won’t smoke with any man who bet against my horse.” A man of less spirit might have accepted the cigar as a peace offering; but no son of Erin would ever do it. He would hold out to the end and neither ask nor grant quarter. Hence, it is not strange that when Armstrong said, “You cannot smoke with a better man,” that Riely was ready with money to “bet he was a better man than any two in town.” This is the Irishman’s way out of any difficulty; and if he can only have the privilege of fighting two, or ten, or a dozen, he will come up smiling at the end, and whether he carries the scalps or the bruises, will feel all the better for it.
Here the situation seems to have been comprehended by those around. Capt. Rarick told them to put up their money and Charley Holloway suggested that it was time to close up the store. Riely said, “Yes, boys, let’s close up,” and began urging them out while Holloway commenced putting out the lamps.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Quite a party of Arkansas City folks came up Friday evening to see the Kendall troupe play “Hazel Kick.” Among them were Harry Farrar and lady, Chas. Schiffbauer and lady, C. D. Marshall and lady, O. Ingersoll and lady, E. O. Stevenson and lady, C. W. France, Charlie Holloway, G. H. McIntire, S. Matlack, W. D. Bishop, H. H. Stanley, and G. O. Hazard. The train was held till after the show, and we suppose Conductor Miller delivered them “right side up with care” at their homes sometime that night.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
J. L. Huey and wife, Mr. Ordway and wife, Wm. McConn and lady, Stacy Matlack, Major Searing, Mr. Ingersoll, Conductor James Miller, Samuel Hoyt, Michael Harkins, H. P. Farrar, C. M. Scott, H. Godehard, Wm. Speers, Mr. Roberts, Chas. Hutchins, Chas. Howard, W. Wolfe, S. Longsdorff, Herman Wyckoff, Pink Fouts, Mr. Abbott, Chas. Holloway, and J. M. Bell, were among the number who braved the storm and went to Winfield on the special train to hear the Governor lecture on temperance last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Charlie Holloway was among those who came up on the special Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1882.
The City Drug Store is now owned by Messrs. Holloway & Fairclo. See their “ad.”
Is the place to buy Reliable Goods at Low Prices.
Window Glass, Paints, and Paint Brushes,
Toilet Articles, and Druggists’ Sundries of all Kinds.
Pure Wines & Liquors
Sold for Medicinal, Mechanical, and Scientific Purposes,
West Summit Street,
Theodore Fairclo & Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
Among the many improvements being made in the appearance of our business houses our attention was specially attracted by the Drug House of Messrs. Fairclo & Holloway, who have repainted, refitted, and rearranged their establishment until it presents a most neat and tasty appearance, which speaks well for the business prosperity of the firm.
Charles H. Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882.
C. H. Holloway’s new home, in the west part of town, looms up in good shape.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
Charley Holloway’s new house will soon be enclosed.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Charlie Holloway, Cal. Swarts, and H. P. Standley were up from the city Tuesday and got their No. 10's under our mahogany.
Charles H. Holloway marries Annie Crow...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
MARRIED at the residence of the bride’s parents in North Creswell township, by Rev. I. N. Moorhead, Wednesday, December 13th, 1882, Mr. Charles H. Holloway, of this city, and Miss Annie Crow. The happy couple have the best wishes of their many friends in this community which the TRAVELER heartily endorses to the tune of “Long life and happiness be theirs in the bond of love that now enthralls them.”
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
The Probate Court has issued marriage licenses during the past week to the following.
Chas. H. Holloway and Annie E. Crow.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
MARRIED. Charlie Holloway and Miss Anna Crow were married at Arkansas City last Wednesday. We thought Charlie looked rather nervous on the occasion of his recent visit to the county seat.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
Chas. Holloway’s family has the measles.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
HOLLOWAY & FAIRCLO. AT THE CITY DRUG STORE, is the place to buy Reliable Goods at Low Prices. Drugs and Patent Medicines. Window Glass, Paints, and Paint Brushes, Toilet Articles, and Druggists’ Sundries of all kinds. Pure Wines & Liquors Sold for Medicinal, Mechanical, and Scientific Purposes. West Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Among the many improvements that every day witnessed at some of our business houses, the City Drug Store takes the lead. It has been refitted and repainted throughout, and now is the very picture of elegance and neatness. The proprietors, Messrs. Holloway & Fairclo, are doing a thriving business, which we are truly glad to see.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1883.
Messrs. Holloway & Fairclo’s drug store has just escaped from the hands of Allen & Braggins and looks as elegant and tony as it is possible for artists’ brush to make it.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Holloway & Fairclo, the enterprising South Summit Street drug firm, last week received a large invoice of new goods of every description, and we advise all needing anything in their line to call and inspect their stock.
Mr. (Charles H.?) Holloway...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Mr. Holloway is putting up a residence on Ninth street.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Charles Holloway and wife returned home yesterday after an extended visit among relatives and friends.
Charles H. Holloway and Theodore Fairclo receive stiff fine...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
The fine and costs in the case of Mr. W. T. Kitchen amounted to about $110, and in that of Holloway & Fairclo to nearly $1,100. Pretty dear business.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
The School Fund Booming.
Last week Fairclo & Holloway, druggists at Arkansas City, were arrested on eight counts for violation of the prohibitory law. The defendants came up, plead guilty, and paid eight hundred dollars, fines and costs, which amounted to three hundred more. This makes a total of eleven hundred dollars which went into the school fund of the county last week. If the thing keeps up at this rate for a short time, the expenses of the public schools of the county will be very light. In the old license days the towns in the county got all the revenue from whiskey selling, “while the country furnished its proportion of the whiskey drinkers. The present arrangement is much more equitable as the lines are divided up among all the people.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Holloway & Fairclo have fresh drugs, brushes, paints, chemicals, and sundries amid their large stock of goods.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Toilet Soap, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, and all kinds of DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES usually kept in a first-class drug store. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded and orders answered with care and dispatch. The public will find our stock of medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Holloway & Fairclo, 5,000 prescription blanks and 1,000 envelopes.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
The dance last Monday evening was a most enjoyable affair, the only drawback being the small attendance. The committee, on behalf of the participants, desire to return earnest thanks to Mr. Chas. Holloway for so generously giving the use of his fine place.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
A. Jeannette arrived from Kansas City Thursday, and located yesterday at Holloway & Fairclo’s drug store, and will do watch, clock, and jewelry repairing, having had 10 years experience in Switzerland and the U. S. He will open a jewelry store in connection in about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
The dissolution of the drug store of Holloway & Fairclo appears in this issue. We shall be sorry to lose Mr. Holloway as a merchant, but trust he will still make his home in the city where he has many friends.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Holloway & Fairclo, heretofore doing business as the City drug store, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Holloway having sold his interest to Mr. Fairclo, who will continue the business at the old stand. C. H. Holloway takes all the accounts of the firm and will have the collection of the same.
Arkansas City, May 17, 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Among the specials will be found the dissolution notice of Holloway & Fairclo. The business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. Fairclo, who is now refitting, repapering, and calsomining the store room.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Messrs. Frank Leach, George Baugh, I. H. Bonsall, M. J. Capron, O. A. Titus, R. E. Grubbs, C. H. Holloway, and W. Ward went over to Geuda Springs, Thursday evening, to dedicate the A. O. U. W. Hall at that place, but there was a misunderstanding as to the time, and the hall was not dedicated.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
BIRTH. Another man made happy. This time it is Charley Holloway. The new arrival is an 8½ pound boy. The worst of it is he halloos for Cleveland and Hendricks. It sometimes seems queer that the children will inherit the qualities of the fathers. We wish the little fellow the best success, anyway, and trust he may yet see the error of his ways.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
B. B. B.
BIRTHS. Bouncing baby boys, three of them, and all in one week. The first one made his appearance simultaneously with the TRAVELER last Wednesday morning, and now brings light and joy to the happy home of our friends, W. D. Mowry and wife. The little druggist has already laid claim to a share of the esteem in which his parents are held, and that he may make as many friends is our worst wish for him.
The ex-druggist, C. H. Holloway, was the next happy man, his radiant countenance on Friday morning telling the story of his delight.
E. O. Stevenson, a graduate of the TRAVELER office, says that on Saturday morning the brightest and most winning little Democrat ever born in Kansas soil came to his home, and of course none will dare dispute him.
Verily, the smile of the Lord is on Cowley.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
I. H. Bonsall, Archie Dunn, Chas. Holloway, John Shelden, Dr. Sparks, Pat Franey, Robt. Hubbard, and Gardner Mott, in company with Grand Master Workman, Donnelly, visited the A. O. U. W. Lodge at Geuda Springs Saturday night.
[Note: Republican states “Pritchard.” Traveler states “Prichard.” I do not know which spelling is correct. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
C. E. Ward, Frank Gage, John Pritchard, and Chas. Holloway left on a trip yesterday for some of the western counties. If the country offers good inducements to them, they will all locate.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
A party of young folks, including C. E. Ward, J. Prichard, Frank Gage, and C. Holloway started for Mead County, Kansas, last week to grow up with the country. We wish them every success.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
C. E. Ward and Charles Holloway, two of the four Clark County boomers who left this city a few days since, returned Monday noon for one more glance of civilization. They left Osage and Prichard hilariously happy, sitting by a camp fire and gazing into illimitable distance, meditating upon the beauties of a treeless plain. Ward and Holloway will return this week, and try it again.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
C. E. Ward and Chas. Holloway returned from Clark County Monday. They left Frank Gage and John Pritchard there. They have taken claims near a town to be started and called Ashland. Messrs. Ward and Holloway will return in a few days.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Oklahoma News.
Wednesday at the skating rink the Oklahoma colonists, Arkansas City branch, convened to make ready for their move to the Oklahoma country. They were in session nearly all day. No business of importance was transacted. Resolutions were drawn favoring W. L. Couch as their leader in place of David L. Payne, deceased. For several days a number of these colonists have been camped in the jack oaks across the canal. Thursday afternoon they took their departure under command of Couch for the territory. There were 31 wagons, averaging about 8 men to the wagon. Joe Finkleburg, Chas. Holloway, S. F. Stineberger, with a representative of the REPUBLICAN, went to the nation line to see them cross over.
When the colonists entered into the territory, Capt. Couch lectured them, and gave each “boomer” the command “not to shoot unless fired upon. Do what you do in self-defense.” It was reported that the soldiers were camped just over the line and trouble was anticipated by the boomers. Finally the command to move was given. They crossed the state line with hopeful hearts, and wended their way slowly southward to Chilocco creek, where they camped for the night. We learn that the soldiers have drawn farther back into the territory and are awaiting their coming. The boomers will make about two miles travel and then halt for a time and wait for colonists from Hunnewell and other points to join them. They claim between 600 and 700 altogether will be the number that invades Oklahoma this time. All were armed to the teeth. Revolvers, shot-guns, hay, provisions, and dogs were the equipments of the boomers. We suppose the soldiers will escort the boomers to the line once more.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Chas. Holloway is now employed in Dr. McMahon’s drug store on 5th avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Half a Block on Summit Street Goes Up In Smoke.
On Monday night about 11:30 the cry of fire was raised. Among the first attracted by the alarm were Frank Schiffbauer, mayor of the city, and Capt. Rarick, deputy sheriff, who were just parting for the night on the First National Bank corner. They ran in the direction of the cry, and seeing a blaze in the rear of the New York Restaurant, ran for the hose reel, and in five or six minutes returned to the same. The flames had burst forth in the meantime, and were making rapid headway, the building being of frame, and similar buildings adjoining it on both sides. A crowd gathered, and among the foremost to act was Charley Holloway, who kicked in the glazed door of Grimes & Son’s drug store, and walked through the building with a view of saving its contents. He found the fire had extended to the rear portion of the store, and an explosion of some vessel a short distance in front of him, which scattered fragments wounding both his hands, cautioned him that he was in an unsafe place. An attempt was made to attach the hose to the hydrant, but some trouble was experienced in detaching the cap. During this while the flames spread rapidly, the wind which fortunately was light, driving the fire in the direction of Central Avenue. Heitkam’s tailor store and a barber shop were on the lot south of the New York Restaurant, and the occupants were promptly on hand to save their stock and furniture from the devouring element. Mr. Heitkam saved half of his stock of cloth and made up suits, but the frame buildings with their combustible contents, burned so fiercely that the feeble efforts at extinguishing it were hardly perceptible. In half an hour the buildings extending north to Central Avenue were in a blaze, and it was evident that no power could be exerted to save them. Crowds of men worked diligently to rescue what was portable, but confusion prevailed, and there was no intelligent direction given to their efforts. The St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s drug store, Bundrem’s butcher shop, and Means’ implement store were by 12 o’clock in the vortex of the flames, and brief time was afforded the willing workers to rescue the doomed property from destruction. To save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, Kroenert & Austin’s grocery store, on the lot adjoining, was pulled down, which stopped the progress of the flames in a southward direction. Mowry & Sollitt, fearing their store would be involved, began moving their stock; but on the suggestion of Capt. Thompson that the risk was less to let their goods remain, the hasty tearing up was discontinued, and they escaped with slight loss. Being checked on the south side and isolated at the other end by the width of the street, the fire abated about an hour after a bad burst forth, and spread over no more territory. The stream from the hydrant was kept up through the night cooling the smoldering embers, and when the business of the next day opened, the sight was presented to the beholder of half a block on our main business street being laid in ruins. D. L. Means loses $3,000 in his stock, his insurance is $1,000. Kroenert & Austin suffer quite as seriously. C. A. Burnett estimates his loss at $2,400; he has $1,500 insurance. The buildings being rated as extra hazardous, and the rate of insurance 7 percent, owners and occupants were chary of securing themselves on heavy sums. The following is a list of the losses and insurance.
Lot 1. Lot and building owned by W. Benedict. Insured for $500. Occupied by D. L. Means, insured in North American for $1,000.
Lot 2. Lot and building owned by Dr. Shepard. Insured for $800 in Springfield Insurance Co. Occupied by Charley Bundrem as a meat market, who was insured for $300 in the New York Alliance, and by J. T. Grimes & Son, druggists, who carried $500 insurance in the Pennsylvania and the same amount in the Liverpool, London & Globe.
Lot 3. Lot and building owned by Mrs. Benedict and occupied by C. A. Burnett, as the St. Louis Restaurant. Building uninsured; stock insured for $1,500 in equal amounts in the Mechanics of Milwaukee, the Northwestern National, and the Connecticut.
Lot 4. Lot and building owned by S. B. Pickle, who is now absent in Springlake, Ohio. Occupied by O. F. Lang as the New York Restaurant. Stock insured for $500 in the Home Mutual.
Lot 5, with the frame building thereon, is owned by J. H. Sherburne—uninsured. Its occupants were A. G. Heitkam, tailor, insured for $800; half in the Glens’ Falls and half in the Fire Insurance of England; and a German barber, who carried no insurance.
Lot 6, and the grocery that stood thereon, were owned and occupied by Kroenert & Austin, who carried $500 insurance on the building in the North American, and the same amount on the stock.
Mr. Holloway received a severe bruise in the hand from an ax in the hands of an excited individual, who brought his weapon down on the hydrant while he was unscrewing the cap with a wrench.
The insurance of Dr. Shepard on his building ran out at noon on the day of the fire; but his agent, Frank Hess, had written him another policy, thus saving him from loss.
It is said that Charley Bundrem had $187 in greenbacks placed under his pillow, which went to feed the flames.
The fall of an awning struck City Marshal Gray to the ground, and he came near being badly scorched.
A young man in the employ of C. A. Burnett lost everything in the fire except the clothes he stands in.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The case of Ellen Riley [Riely] against Fairclo & Holloway, suit to gain possession of certain A. C. property, were filed with District Clerk Pate Monday.
A Druggist at Arkansas City Struck by Lightning.—Other Pointers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Chas. Holloway, who succeeded Butterfield in the drug “biz” at Arkansas City, was refused a permit and has determined to “git up and git” for a western county, where he thinks permits are easier to get.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Holloway & Son have moved their drug stock out west. Fitch & Barron have occupied the room vacated by the drug store with their notion stock, and Frank Balyeat & Co. occupy the room vacated by Fitch & Barron with a drug stock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Chas H Holloway et ux to Harry P Farrar, hf lot 19 blk 81, A C: $750.
John M. Holloway, Melvina Holloway, Chas. H. Holloway...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Aaron Turner et ux to John M Holloway, lot 10, blk 132, A C: $100.
Albert A Newman et al to Melvina Holloway, lot 8, blk 132, A C: $25.
Chas H Holloway to Melvina Holloway, lot 9, blk 132, A C: $25.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Chas. Holloway has gone to Sedan with his drug store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Chas H Holloway et ux to Alexander Crow, lots 20, 21, 22, and 23, blk 132, A C: $1,000.
Sophia A Clark to Chas H Holloway et al, 5 inches off of lot 20, blk 81, A C: $1.00.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Charles H Holloway et ux to Harry P Farrar, lot 19, blk 81, A. C.: $500.
Anna E. Holloway...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Alexander Crow et ux to Anna E Holloway, lots 20, 21, 22 and 23, blk 132, A C: $1,000.
Charles H. Holloway...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Lost. A gold watch chain, without a charm attached, no catch on chain. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to Chas. Holloway.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Harrison & Ward have secured the services of Chas. Holloway to assist in the running of their new drug store. Mr. Holloway was formerly of Arkansas City and is a man of much experience. Dexter Eye.