Howard County, Kansas


From KANSAS, A Cyclopedia of State History, Edited by Frank W. Blackmar, A. M., Ph.D., Volume I, page 876, Standard Publishing Co., Chicago, copyright 1912.
Howard County.—On Feb. 26, 1867, Gov. Crawford approved an act creating a number of new counties in the territory recently acquired from the Osage Indians. One of these counties was Howard, the boundaries of which were defined as follows: “Commencing at the southeast corner of Greenwood county, thence south to the 37th degree of north latitude, thence west 31 miles to the center of range 8 east, thence north to the southwest corner of Greenwood county, thence east to the place of beginning.”
Owing to a county seat fight, the county was divided by the act of March 11, 1875, into the counties of Elk and Chautauqua, and Howard county passed out of existence.
Emporia News, August 20, 1869.
By private letter from Washington we learn that the surveyed portion of the Osage Reservation known as the “twenty mile strip,” is now open to settlement, under instructions from the Interior Department, to the local Land Offices, dated June 3, 1869, the material portions of which we quote below.
“1. That the said resolution is designed to protect and secure the rights of bona fide actual settlers—citizens of the United States, or who have declared their intentions, where such settlement claims may be duly proved and paid for at any time prior to the 10th of April, 1871, the period of limitation fixed in the aforesaid resolution, except where a valid adverse right exists.
“2. The late Secretary of the Interior, under date November 8, 1867, ruled that in virtue of the acts of Congress approved March 3, 1863, and July 26, 1865, the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston, and Union Pacific Southern Branch railroads were entitled to the odd numbered sections along the line of their routes which fall within the tract of country ceded by the first article of the treaty with the Osage Indians of September 29, 1865, the sections in place restricted to ten miles additional.
“The Department decides that the aforesaid ruling of 8th November, 1867, is of controlling authority, and consequently that the rights of said companies are protected by the last proviso of the aforesaid joint resolution.
“The withdrawal for the above named roads, viz: Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston, and Union Pacific Southern Branch, was made by letter of January 21, 1868, and became effective from February 4, 1868, the date of its receipt at your office.
“Therefore the lands thus withdrawn and awarded by the Secretary’s decision are to be regarded as set apart for said companies, with the exception of any such tracts on which actual settlement may have been made prior to said withdrawal. Such prior settlements of this class being protected by the act of 27th March, 1854, ‘for the relief of settlers on lands reserved for railroad purposes.’

“The 16th and 36th sections are reserved by said resolution for school purposes, and are to be respected accordingly, having due regard, however, for the rights of settlers coming within the terms of the resolution of March 3, 1857 (stat. vol. 2, page 254), wherein it is provided that where settlements are made upon any portion of such 16th and 36th sections prior to survey, the settler shall have the right to purchase the tracts settled upon or occupied, ‘as if such sections had not been previously reserved for school purposes.’”
It will be seen that anyone, no matter if he has exercised the right of pre-emption, who settles upon this land can obtain the same, by proving settlement and cultivation, and paying $1.25 per acre cash, prior to April 10, 1871. The only excepted portions are sections 16 and 36, which are reserved for common schools, and the odd numbered sections along the line of L. L. & G. and U. P. S. B. railroads. The reservation for railroads only affects Neosho and Labette Counties, while all the land except school land, in the southern part of Sedgwick, Butler, and Greenwood, and the northern part of Howard, and nearly all of Wilson Counties is open for settlement.
This will be good news for the hundreds of settlers now on the land, and for thousands of others who are awaiting this opportunity. We are personally acquainted with a large portion of this land, and we unhesitatingly state that thee is no better in the country. It is well watered by such streams as the Neosho, Verdigris, Fall River, Walnut, Whitewater, Little and Big Arkansas. These all have numerous branches, nearly all of which are well timbered, and whose valleys, varying in width with the size of the streams, are as rich as any in the State.
The great bulk of these lands lie west of a line running south from this place, and this is the direct route for the vast tide of immigration which will soon settle up this magnificent domain. Within three years, the “seat of empire” in this State will be in the Neosho and Cottonwood valleys. Mark the prediction. Bancroft & Co.’s Real Estate Register.
Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870. Front Page.
The papers for the organization of Howard County have been made out. Elk Falls is the temporary county seat. This is the fourth new county organized this winter.
Walnut Valley Times, July 1, 1870. Front Page.
[From the Fort Scott Monitor.]
THE OSAGE PURCHASE. Information of the purchase of the Osage lands has already spread over the country to such an extent that immigration has even now set in, and white covered wagons may be seen almost daily winding their way to the Southwest.
This large domain contains over 8,000,000 acres of land, and comprises eight large counties, as follows: Montgomery, Howard, Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, Comanche, and Clarke.
Montgom­ery is already a tolerably well settled county; it is estimated to contain a population of between six and seven thousand people, and large numbers are still going in.
Howard is also settling up very rapidly, though there is not a large amount of land unoccu­pied.
Settlements have also been made in Cowley County, along the valley of the Whitewater and Arkansas, while the counties west may be considered beyond the present settled limits, though within the next twelve months many thousands of settlers may take up homes in counties west of the Arkansas.

Montgomery, Howard, and Cowley are three eastern counties on the Osage purchase, and are all well watered and well tim­bered, and the land is said to be rich and very productive, and for grazing purposes and stock raising, it is by far the best in the State. Along the bottoms and lowlands grass remains green during the entire winter season, and stock will winter on it and come out in the spring in fine condition.
Several large streams pass through the Osage lands—the Nescutunga, Cimarone, and the East Branch of the Salt Fork of the Arkansas—all large streams, furnishing an abundance of pure water—pass diagonally to the southeast, through the counties of Comanche, Barbour, and Harper, on the west, while the Whitewater, Fall River, and their numerous tributaries pierce the counties on the east, forming a complete network of streams; the banks are studded with a fine growth of timber of every description usually found in Kansas.
Like all the counties, there is plenty of game. Deer, antelope, buffalo, and wild turkey abound in great numbers, and afford a fine field for sportsmen.
The tide of emigration is now settling in towards this new country, and ere many years roll round, it will become one of the most densely populated districts of Kansas. While it is not likely the extreme western portion of this land will ever become celebrated for a fine agricultural region, it is claimed that for purposes of stock raising it cannot be excelled.
Emporia News, July 8, 1870.
ON A TRAMP. Davis Peyton, Addison Scott, J. Hamilton, and Hiram Conner, of Emporia, and N. M. Carter, of Plymouth, started out on Tuesday for a trip through Montgomery, Howard, Cowley, Sedgwick, Butler, and Chase counties. Their object is health and a look at the country. We hope they will have a pleasant trip.
Emporia News, July 8, 1870.
The necessary papers have been filed for the organization of a new company to build a railroad from Emporia through Greenwood County, via Eureka to the southern line of the State at some point either in Howard or Montgomery County. The incorporators are Henry Keys, of Vermont; George Opdyke, of New York; T. J. Peters, of Cincinnati; Ex-Gov. S. J. Crawford, Harvey Bancroft, and H. C. Cross, of Emporia; and William Martindale, of Greenwood. There are two vacancies yet to fill in the road corporators. We have heretofore urged the organization of such a company, believing the proposed route to be one of the best in the State for a road, and we are glad to announce that the above step has been taken.
It will be seen at a glance by the names connected with this enterprise that the corporators mean business. Mr. Keys is the President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, and also of a prosperous eastern road, and is a man of immense capital and influence. Mr. Opdyke is also a heavy capitalist. Mr. Peters’ reputation as a railroad builder is already established. He is the manager and superintendent of the A., T. & S. F. road. The other names connected with the enterprise are well known in Kansas for energy and business qualifications. We do not think it out of the way to say this road will be built at an early day. The interests of several railroads extending as far east as the Atlantic, together with those of several large and important cities demand that the road should be built, and the backing which it gets farther north than this insures its success.
P. S. Since the above was put in type, we learn that the names of Hon. E. Tucker, of Greenwood, and Judge Andrew Akin, of Wilson, have been added to the list of incorporators.

Walnut Valley Times, July 8, 1870. Editorial Page.
We are receiving urgent appeals from the President and Directors of the Kansas City & Santa Fe and Humboldt & Arkansas River Railroads to vote bonds to aid these enterprises. An effort is being made to divert the Kansas City road south to Burlington and Eureka and on through to Howard County, striking the Arkansas River at or near where said stream leaves the State. A strong effort is also being made to have this road run by the way of Emporia & Eldorado to Arkansas City. The people of Ottawa are favoring the Burlington route, although they have already voted bonds to the road, provided it runs to the west line of Franklin County. . . .
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
The citizens of Allen, Wilson, Howard, and Cowley Counties will meet in general and mass convention at Fredonia, on Saturday the 16th of July, 1870, for the purpose of effecting a railroad organization and electing directors of the Humboldt, Fredonia & Arkansas City railroad. Eminent speakers from a distance will be present.
Emporia News, July 29, 1870.
Near the crossing of Elk, in the corner of Howard County, a new town has been laid out, called Union Center. Elk River is a good stream, with some fine farms of bottom land.
Emporia News, August 26, 1870.
Coal it is abundant in all parts of the county, more especially the western part. In fact, Cowley and Greenwood counties are supplied with Howard County coal. . . .
Cedar Vale, on Cana River, twenty-five miles south [of Union Center], it is in a good location, and will make a fine town.
On Elk there it is a splendid crop prospect this season, in fact travelers have said that Mr. L. D. Blizzard, opposite town, on Elk, has the finest crop of corn between here and Topeka.
Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.
We are indebted to Col. Houston, of Kansas, for the follow­ing official returns of the census of the State. These figures include the entire State with the exception of Davis County, which will not be in until Monday next. The figures on the left of the counties indicate the number of census subdivisions of the county. Where the words “all west” are added, they mean that the figures given include all territory lying west of the county mentioned. It will be seen that the total population of the State, Davis County excepted, is 348,082. Davis County has a population of about 5,000, so that the total population of Kansas is about 353,000. These are the first official figures that have been published.
[Listing of some of the counties.]
1 BUTLER   3,042
1 HOWARD 2,796

5 DOUGLAS 20,582
Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.
RAILROADS. A big railroad meeting is to be held at Howard on the 15th of this month, in the interest of the Humboldt, Fredonia, Winfield & Arkansas City R. R. Cowley County should be well represented.
Walnut Valley Times, October 28, 1870.
We take the following items from the Cowley County Censor of the 22nd.
This county has been visited with more rain and more high water than the oldest inhabitant of Kansas ever experienced before. On account of the impassable streams and bad roads of course it has been difficult for men to travel. Now that the weather appears settled and the roads are growing better we may look for brisker times and stirring events.
On the 12th or 14th day of November a large party of explor­ers and pleasure seekers will start from this place on a trip to the Great Salt Plains that lay about 125 miles to the west of us. A scientific geologist and several newspaper correspondents will accompany the expedition, as well as several experienced and skillful hunters. Citizens of Humboldt, Fredonia, Howard, Emporia, Augusta, and other points in southwestern Kansas will be in the expedition. Saddle horses, and all the necessary equipage will be furnished by each individual of the party. It will take about two weeks time to make the tour. Everybody is invited to go along and enjoy themselves in their own way.
Walnut Valley Times, November 11, 1870.
From the Cowley County Censor of November 3rd, we take the following:
COUNTY LINES. Prof. Norton has pledged himself not to change the county lines of Cowley County if elected. He has been driven to this position by the people of the county. He started out with the full determination of cutting a strip off from the north end of Cowley, but he found the measure so unpopular that he has abandoned it for the present. He is still in favor of the measure, but offers to not favor it this winter if elected. Besides this project, we have been told that Prof. Norton report­ed on Grouse Creek that we and Mr. Manning, especially, intended if elected, to cut a piece off from the east of Sumner, and attach it to Cowley, and to drop a piece off of the east of Cowley on to Howard. We are authorized by Mr. Manning to say that he has no such desire or intentions; but that he is opposed to any change in our county lines.
Emporia News, November 11, 1870.
SURVEY OF THE OSAGE LANDS. A party of surveyors left Lawrence a few days ago, as we learn from the Tribune, to survey the Osage lands recently treated for. The party is headed by Deifendorf & Mitchell, of Leavenworth. The party numbers about thirty men, and are fully equipped for camp life. The work of the survey will commence at the northwest corner of Howard County and be pushed with the utmost expedition to completion, without doubt to the great gratification of the settlers on these lands.
Excerpts from lengthy letter...
Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

A Trip in Hunt of a Home for the Kaw Indians.
AMERICUS, 11 mo., 15th, 1870.
ESTEEMED FRIENDS, STOTLER & WILLIAMS: On the 26th of last month I joined the company that were going to look out a new home in the Indian Territory for the Kaw Indians, consisting of their agent and farmer, six of the prominent Indians (four of them that are part French), one Frenchman who had married a half-breed, and Carlos Briges, our cook. Two of the party acted as interpreters when occasion required it.
From Independence we went nearly west about ten miles, to a small settlement of Friends, and from there struck across to Little Cana, near the west side of Montgomery County. Here we came up to the rest of our party, and proceeded on down the Cana to St. Paul, a town of about six houses, near the southeast corner of Howard County; and about three miles further on is Euniceville, very near the south line of the State, on the east bank of Little Cana. Nearly one mile west of this little town the 96 w. l. and 37 n. l. cross each other.
Emporia News, December 16, 1870.
SUMNER COUNTY. The Surveyors for the Government are on the west side of the county getting ready to commence the survey of that, Cowley, and Howard Counties. The county of Sumner is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Butler County, thence south with the east line of range two east, to the Thirty-sixth Degree of North latitude; thence west with said parallel to the west line of range four west, thence north with said range line to the Southwest corner of Sedgwick County to the place of beginning, being 30 miles north and south and 36 miles east and west. . . . Walnut Valley Times.
Walnut Valley Times, March 3, 1871.
The apportionment bill passed by the Legislature, on Wednes­day, gives Butler County one Representative, and places Butler, Cowley, Sedgwick, and Howard in one Senatorial District.
Walnut Valley Times, March 10, 1871.
We acknowledge the receipt of the Elk Falls Examiner, a new paper started at Elk Falls in Howard County.
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
Messrs. Millington and Manning spent three days this week in viewing a good road from here to Howard County and report a very favorable route.
Walnut Valley Times, May 26, 1871
Messrs. Baker and Manning secured the passage of a bill in the Legislature, last winter, for the location of a State road from Florence to Arkansas City, and had J. C. Lambdin, of Eldorado, J. M. Herman, of Augusta, and D. A. Millington, of Winfield, appointed viewers. These gentlemen have just located this road, making the distance from Eldorado to Florence thirty-one miles. The Stage Company, in the meantime, have opened a daily route from Florence to Eldorado, and made the necessary arrangements for a permanent line from Florence to Arkansas City, via Eldorado, Augusta, Douglass, Walnut, Lone Tree, Rock, and Winfield.

Prominent gentlemen of this Stage Company came to Eldorado and said that if we would make them a donation of lots, they would establish a daily line from the railroad to our town; and that they would also build their repair shops and offices here, and make this town the Headquarters for all their lines in this portion of the State. We proceeded to “shell out” town lots to the number of twenty-five. We are well satisfied that Eldorado cannot influence the Stage Company to run their lines either by the way of Chelsea or Plum Grove. We expect to get a new route opened from Eldorado via Little Walnut, Hickory and Rock Creeks to Elk Falls, in Howard County. This will supply a large portion of the southeastern part of the County with mail, direct from the railroad. The people on Little Walnut and Hickory Creeks have not had any mail facilities, whatever.
It takes time and work to establish mail routes, and it is necessary for the people to act harmoniously if they expect to secure what they want.
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, July 1, 1871. [Vol. 1, No. 44.]
NEW STAGE LINES. Winfield is ahead, and now has three stage lines running to it from various points. The Southwestern Stage Company have just established a tri-weekly line from Independence to Winfield; it runs via Elk Falls and Canola, in Howard County, and crosses Grouse Creek at Jeffersonville, in this county. This gives us stage communication with railroad lines to the east and north.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
We learn that a non-resident Notary made his appearance in Howard County and after taking filings to the tune of about $500, sloped and has not since been seen.
Emporia News, August 18, 1871.
The Augusta Crescent says the following statement shows the business transactions at the U. S. Land office at that place for the month of July. The filings upon the Osage Lands were 743, the largest number being in Cowley County, but many in Sumner and Howard. Also the largest number of proofs and payments in any one county have been in Cowley. The fees and commissions on homestead entries amounted to $2,049.95. Homestead entries, 17,011.61 acres; Osage entries, 26,898.76 acres; Pre-emption and private entries, 2,587.45 acres. Total: 46,977.82. Cash receipts: $36,767.57.
Walnut Valley Times, December 1, 1871.
SOUTHWESTERN KANSAS. For the information of our readers, and the general public, we have carefully prepared a few facts and figures in relation to the great Southwest—its growth, development, increase in popula­tion and wealth, and its future prospects—so that a fair idea may be obtained of what can be done in a new country within the space of a few years.
The vast territory in Kansas lying west of the counties of McPherson, Sedgwick, and Sumner, is yet to a great extent unex­plored, and is to all intents and purposes, a “howling wilder­ness”—the home of the Indian, the buffalo, and the prairie dog. None of the counties west of those above named have, as yet, been organized; although some of them are being rapidly settled up by white people.

In speaking of Southwestern Kansas proper, we mean the ten organized counties in this portion of the State that are more or less identified in interest. The counties of Lyon, Chase, Marion, McPherson, Sedgwick, Butler, Greenwood, Howard, Cowley, and Sumner make up what is to all intents and purposes, Southwestern Kansas. With the exception of three counties, the country is all comparatively new.
There are in these ten counties 10,803 square miles of land, three-fourths of which will at some future time, be cultivated.
The total population of this vast area in 1860 amounted to but 5,275, or one person to every square mile.
The total taxable valuation in 1865, as fixed by the State Board, was $1,702,761. The actual taxable valuation of property in those counties now amounts to $27,479,046; an increase of over $5,000,000 per year.
This enormous increase in population and wealth is attribut­able to the fact that Southwestern Kansas is the “Egypt” of the State.
We have but one single line of Railroad in all this section of the country, and that but lately built. Therefore, it is natural to conclude that our growth is of a permanent and steady order. It will be readily seen, by the most superficial observ­er, that our portion of the State, will, so soon as we secure railroads and other internal improvements, become very populous and wealthy.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Walnut Valley Times, December 15, 1871.
[From the Cowley County Censor.]
Now we find hundreds and probably thousands of settlers on the Diminished Reserve, within the limits of Montgomery, Howard, Cowley, and Sumner counties, who are upon improved claims or tracts of land, worth hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars, and yet they cannot afford an opportunity to enter the same. In some cases all their worldly possessions are embraced in these improvements. They will not yield them willingly. Let relief come.
It lies with Congress to pass a bill concerning these Osage lands that shall contain plain and reasonable features. One that will not be subject to a hundred rulings and necessitate and allow a hundred interpretations. And above all extend the time of payment to all now upon the land for at least one year, and give to all who come after one year to pay in after settle­ment. Will one congressional delegation attend to this immedi­ately after Congress convenes next month?
Walnut Valley Times, January 19, 1872.
A new Judicial District, composed of the counties of Greenwood, Howard, Butler, Cowley, Sedgwick, and Sumner, is talked of.
Walnut Valley Times, Friday, February 2, 1872.
Mr. Nichols, Howard County, has introduced a bill in the Legislature creating the Thirteenth Judicial District, comprised of the counties of Greenwood, Howard, Cowley, and Sumner.
Walnut Valley Times, February 23, 1872.
NEW DISTRICT. The House of Representatives has passed a bill creating the 13th Judicial District to be composed of the counties of Green­wood, Howard, Butler, Cowley, Sedgwick, and Sumner. This will no doubt meet the approbation of all the counties interested. We hope this bill will pass the Senate.

Walnut Valley Times, February 23, 1872.
We give below an article published in the Arkansas City Traveler upon its enlargement.
“We present our readers this week the Traveler enlarged and improved. Its actual circulation, nearly 700 copies each week, is much larger than that of any other newspaper published in Butler, Cowley, Howard, or Sumner Counties, with the single exception of the Eldorado TIMES. Its advertising patronage speaks for itself, and also for the enterprise and push of the businessmen of Arkansas City.
We do not think there is a newspa­per in Kansas which re­ceives a better home support, taking into account the size of the place in which it is published. Our object in mentioning this is not to glorify the Traveler, but simply to furnish another illustration of the kind of people making up this community. Intelligent men abroad, speaking of Arkansas City, have frequent­ly said in our hearing that no town possessing such a class of citizens as this has, can fail. It is true. Arkansas City is not intended to fail. Without boast­ing, and without unneces-sary noise it propos­es to keep plugging away, until it becomes a thriving, populous city commanding the trade of a large scope of country. Let the Traveler prophesy: Two thousand people in Arkansas City at the end of two years from this day, one rail­road, and the Traveler a nine column paper; five thousand at the end of five years, three railroads, and the Traveler a daily; further, this prophet speaketh not.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, March 15, 1872.
This is the fifth county west of the Missouri State line in the southern border tier of Kansas.
The east line of Cowley County is 105 miles west of the west line of Missouri.
It lies between 37 and 37½ degrees of north latitude, and the meridian of 97 degrees of longitude west from Washington, passes through Winfield Township in this county.
It is bounded on the East by Howard County, on the North by Butler County, on the West by Sumner County, and on the South by the Indian Territory.
It is the largest and most attractive county in the famous Osage Diminished Reservation, which was opened for settlement by the act of Congress of July 15th, 1870.
Walnut Valley Times, March 22, 1872.
Our readers are aware that at the last session of the Legislature, a new Judicial District was formed, composing the counties of Greenwood, Howard, Butler, Cowley, Sedgwick, and Sumner, and called the thirteenth Judicial District. . . .
The friends of various lawyers in the District presented the names of about half a dozen, as suitable candidates for the office of Judge.
Greenwood: I. R. Phenis.
Cowley: Col. Alexander; Mr. Fairbank.
Sumner: Hon. W. P. Hackney; Hon. R. C. Sluss; and Judge Tucker.
Butler: W. P. Campbell.

The friends of W. P. Campbell, and especially the lawyers of this city, were unanimous in their request that he should receive the appointment. Besides receiving the support of his friends here, he was highly recommended by many of the prominent lawyers, Judges, and Legislators throughout the State. On last Friday, we were happy in receiving the intelligence that W. P. Campbell had received the appointment.
Judge Campbell came to this State from Kentucky over two years ago, and since his location here, has always been consid­ered one of the leading lawyers of Southwestern Kansas; and while here has received the support and patronage of those who desired the services of the best legal talent that could be secured. As a lawyer, he has the friendship and good will of the profession; as a citizen, he is courteous and gentlemanly, and has many warm friends who feel honored in his promotion. As a Judge, we feel assured that he will not only do honor to the bench, but that he will also receive the substantial support and recommendation of the legal profession throughout the entire District. We certainly wish him every success in his new field of labor.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
Baptist Association. The Southwestern Baptist Association, embracing the counties of Chase, Greenwood, Howard, Cowley, Butler, Marion, Harvey, and all west of these counties will hold its second annual meeting at Eldorado, commencing Friday, August 9th, at 2 o’clock p.m. Rev. E. P. Hickok of Winfield will preach the annual sermon.
C. N. JAMES, Clerk.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 18, 1872. Front Page.
Convention temporary chairman: J. W. Custer.
Convention temporary secretary: L. J. Webb.
Credential committee member: John Irwin, Cowley County.
Named as delegates from Cowley County: John Irwin, C. R. Mitchell, E. C. Manning, R. L. Walker, and L. J. Webb.
L. J. Webb was chosen permanent secretary.
On motion of T. B. Murdock, of Butler County, the convention proceeded to an informal ballot for Judge with the following result: S. P. Moore, of Howard Co., 5; J. M. Balderston, of Sedgwick, 5; W. P. Campbell, of Butler, 10; C. Rizer, of Green­wood, 5. Total votes cast: 30. On motion of Col. Manning of Cowley County, the convention decided that it required a majority of all the votes cast to nominate. On motion of Col. Manning, the convention proceeded to a formal ballot, with the following result: Moore, 5; Fairbank, 5; Campbell, 10; Rizer, 5; Balderston, 5. Convention continued to vote until 6 o’clock, when it adjourned for supper without making a nomination. After supper, the balloting continued till ten o’clock when W. P. Campbell, of Butler County, was nominated on the 63rd ballot. The following is the result of the ballot: Campbell 16; Rizer 12. Judge Campbell was then declared nominated, and in a few brief remarks, thanked the convention for the nomination.
Member of Judicial committee for District:
C. R. Mitchell, Cowley County.
W. P. Hackney, Sumner County.
The Commonwealth, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Dr. Brogan says that he has discovered a vein of coal three feet thick, only three feet from the surface, on his farm, about a mile from Boston, Howard County.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.

Coal. A Mr. Clain, hailing from the central portion of Howard County, exposed for sale on the streets of Winfield, a superior quality of stone coal, mined from the bluffs of Baker Creek, in the vicinity of New Boston. The vein from which this was taken is four feet under the surface, and averages sixteen inches clear coal, and can be easily mined by stripping.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
The following we clip from the Commonwealth, relative to the burning of the depot at Independence. The merchant referred to is undoubtedly W. H. H. Maris.
Some fifteen or twenty thousand dollars worth of goods stored there were totally destroyed. A gentleman living in Longton, Howard County, had only the day before paid $107 freight on a lot of goods and household furniture. A merchant in Winfield, named Miers [Myers], was also a heavy loser, and a gentleman named Henry, living four miles west of there, lost a fine piano. There were a number of smaller losses.
The Commonwealth, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Howard, Cowley, and Neosho counties have, by action of their county boards of commissioners, postponed the penalty on unpaid taxes in the two former for one month, and in the latter until February twenty-fifth. The query is, where does the authority for such an act come from?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 27, 1873.
A TERRIBLE AFFRAY. One Man Killed and Another Wounded.
From Mr. Gilstrap of Silverdale we learn the following.
On Saturday morning last four men traveling horseback were in camp at Hilton’s crossing of Grouse Creek below Silverdale in this county, and about daylight four men in a spring wagon rode up to the horseback party, and inquired for stolen horses, whereupon one of the horseback party drew a revolver and dis­charged two shots at Van Orm, a deputy U. S. Marshal, one of the party in search of horses, and at the third shot killed Parker, another of Van Orm’s party, the ball passing clear through his body. At the time Parker was shot he was scuffling with one John Stroup for the possession of a shot gun, and which Stroup ob­tained when Parker fell, and turning it upon Van Orm, fired without effect; whereupon Van Orm shot Stroup in the shoulder. He now lies at the house of Mr. Gilstrap in a critical condition under arrest. Parker’s body was taken back to Elgin, in Howard County, by his friends.
It appears that the horse thieves passed through Elgin Thursday or Friday last, coming west, and that the evening mail brought a poster that advertised some stolen horses and thieves that answered the description of the party, whereupon Van Orm, Parker, and two other men, citizens of Elgin, started in pursuit of the thieves with the result as above related.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
John Stroup, the horse thief who was shot in the shoulder in the affray on Grouse Creek some weeks since, was taken possession of by a party from Howard County, who said they were going to take him back for trial. It is supposed that he never got to Howard.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 12, 1873.
Deputy U. S. Marshal S. S. Peterson, of Parker, Montgomery County, Kansas, has just made official return of the State Warrant issued against James Stewart, one of the horse thieves who killed U. S. Marshal Parker on Grouse Creek last winter.

It will be remembered that the last heard of Stewart was when he broke jail in Missouri, and from there no trace of him could be found until Mr. Peterson, with his four years active experience on Kansas borders, took the matter in hand and traced him through, found and captured him in Iroquois County, Illinois, on the 21st day of May, ultimo. Stewart is now lodged in jail at Emporia awaiting his trial at the July term of our court.
John Stroup, the horse thief that was wounded at the same time Parker was killed, was taken from the officers by a posse of armed men and hung in Howard County, a few days after the fight occurred.
Thos. Davis and John Tussey have not yet been caught, but with Marshal Peterson like a blood hound on their trail, they may yet expect a speedy capture and the just retribution that so surely awaits them.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873. Front Page.
[From the Bolivar Free Press.]
Going westwardly, and after leaving Cherokee County, we find good water almost universally, and especially so in Howard and Cowley counties. We crossed Elk River, a lovely stream of clear, pure water, at, and in plain view of Elk Falls, a picturesque Niagara in miniature, having a perpendicular fall of nine feet, over a rocky precipice.  . . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 14, 1873.
The Topeka Times is informed that our members of Congress have agreed upon the following division of the state, for the convenience of themselves and the people.
Hon. S. A. Cobb’s district, has the counties of Douglas, Wyandotte, Leavenworth, Atchison, Doniphan, Nemaha, Johnson, Brown, Jackson, and Jefferson.
Hon. D. P. Lowe’s district, has the counties of Franklin, Miami, Coffey, Anderson, Linn, Bourbon, Allen, Woodson, Green­wood, Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Cowley, Howard, Wilson, Montgom­ery, Neosho, Crawford, Labette, and Cherokee.
Hon. W. A. Phillips’ district comprises all of the remaining territory of the state.
The appointments and all local business of each district are to be controlled by the members as above. Appointments at large are controlled by the Senator.
The Commonwealth, Friday, September 19, 1873.
Postal changes in Kansas during the week ending September 13, 1873, furnished by Wm. Van Vleck of the postoffice department.
Established—Chalk Mound, Wabaunsee County, Wm. Brewer, postmaster; Farms, McPherson County, Isaac P. Carper; Hebron, Clay County, Wm. Milroy; Oak Bridge, Howard County, David H. Faler.
Walnut Valley Times, September 26, 1873.
IN TOWN. Col. Donaldson, county attorney of Howard County; Dan. Watson, E. W. Fay, and Mr. Elcook, of Peru; R. R. Nichols and Mr. Blake of Elk Falls, and Mr. Nix, County Commissioner of Howard County, were all in town before Judge Campbell this week on matters relating to the late county seat election in that county.

Walnut Valley Times, October 10, 1873.
Howard County nominates a division ticket and passes resolu­tions in favor of dividing the County.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
A herd of cattle numbering about 1,400 passed through this place on their way to Howard County, where they belong.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
We cannot close this imperfect sketch without saying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D. Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings would be a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county, Howard, is just now a case in point. Elec­tion after election has been held, the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, “from pillar to post.” Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it. They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time the history of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard, and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seat was simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at the whim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.
The Commonwealth, January 4, 1874.
[From the Winfield Courier.]
As we promised last week, we now call attention to a petition, or petitions, that are being signed to some extent upon the Osage diminished reserve, and which had their origin with the Wichita Eagle. The Eagle says in introducing the petition to its readers: “In view of the facts that under the existing law, the settlers upon the Osage Indian trust lands are compelled to pay for them within one year from the date of settlement, etc.” Now what is true of the trust lands, is also true of the Osage diminished reserve, and action should be taken to embrace all the Osage lands. The trust lands are in Howard, Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, and the counties lying west of Sedgwick. The diminished reserve is embraced in the lower tier of counties in the state, of which Cowley and Sumner is a part. The settlers of Cowley want a congressional law that will allow them time to pay for their claims, and they are not so much interested in the wants of the people on the trust lands as to be signing petitions for them.
The plan proposed by the Eagle will not do at all, even if it were a desirable one. The government is not going to bother itself by making mortgages and foreclosing the same.

The proposition is defeated by the suggesting. The payment of taxes could not be enforced on land thus encumbered. No one would bid the land off at sale, and take the chances of ever getting their money back or obtaining title to land; and any system of taxation that will not insure the collection of taxes is a failure. A better plan by far would be to compel each claimant to file with the register at the local land office, at the time of each annual payment of interest is made, a receipt from the county treasurer, showing that the said occupying claimant had paid his taxes in full for the preceding year. To do this congress should confer upon the legislature authority to tax government lands within the Osage trust and diminished reserve limits, for it is really government land. Then provide by congressional enactment, making the claimant forfeit the right to the land and improvements within a certain time after default of payment of interest and the presentation of the tax receipt aforesaid. This would make a simple and effective law.
An attempt was made last winter to have a law enacted by congress giving settlers five years time to pay for their lands upon annual payment of the five per cent interest; but our congressional delegation were so engrossed with a senatorial election that their attention could not be obtained for the bill, and the probabilities are that the story of last winter will be the story of this. Col. E. C. Manning, of this place, visited the commissioner of the general land office in person, at Washington, in January last, and urged him to recommend the passage of some such law, but the commissioner thought the settlers were getting along well enough. The whole question was clearly and tersely put to that gentleman, and its great importance urged upon him in a way, which those who know him best, knew Col. Manning to be capable of; and we may say here that the commissioner’s endorsement is necessary to obtain any change in the land laws.
It is ruinous on the settlers of southwestern Kansas that they are forced to pay for their lands. The money-loaners will get it. The records of Cowley County along show that there is loaned upon real estate within its limits about $200,000. The annual interest upon this is at least $75,000. What a drain upon the energies of a pioneer people!
We are anxious that some plan be adopted that will relieve the settlers upon all the Osage lands, but a practical plan is necessary to success.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
There is great excitement in Howard County over the county seat question. On the 20th inst. about one hundred and fifty armed men from Boston and vicinity entered Elk Falls at midday and loaded all the county books, records, desks, etc., into wagons and took them to Boston. It appears that Boston had won the county seat by vote, but Elk Falls or the county officers prevented the removal of the records and offices. The county officers give notice that they will continue to do business at Elk Falls.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.
About as original a proceeding as we have heard of lately is that of the citizens of Boston, in Howard County. As we noticed in our issue of last week, the citizens of that town collected en masse and forcibly possessing themselves of the county books then at Elk Falls, conveyed them to their own city. Finding that none of the officers would follow the books, they took matters into their own hands. The mob established a criminal court, appointed a judge, jury, etc., and proceeded to try each member (amounting to over a hundred) for riotous conduct, the other members of the mob being the witnesses. Of course, all were acquitted and the costs taxed up to the county.
Walnut Valley Times, January 30, 1874.

At half past eleven o’clock this morning, while our citizens were pursuing their usual avocations, the town was entered by twenty-four wagons, accompanied by about one hundred and fifty men from Boston and vicinity, armed with guns, sabres, and revolvers, who immediately drove up in front of the various county offices and commenced to load up the books, papers, etc. They were not longer than twenty minutes at the work, when they fell into line, gave three cheers, and departed for Boston.
Deputy County Attorney, Watson, is the only official who left with them. The Treasurer is absent at Topeka, and they forced their way into his office and took the books therefrom.
What the final result will be it is not easy to determine. We are bitterly opposed to acts of violence of whatever nature, and think Boston certainly acted a very unwise part in thus taking the law into her own hands, even though her friends may have deemed that she was entitled to the county seat, and that it was wrongfully kept from her.
It would undoubtedly have been better policy in the friends of Boston to have waited until they could have received a hearing before the courts, when they may have gained the full benefit of the law, without resort to violent measures. As it is at pres­ent, Boston, in the end will be the sufferer, in the loss of time and money, trouble, and the good feelings of law-abiding citizens all over the county.
We await developments, and will apprize our readers of any interesting (or uninteresting) features which the course of action inaugurated today may bring about.
The undersigned County Officers of Howard County, Kansas, respectfully inform all persons having business in their respec­tive offices, that, although the desks, papers, and furniture have been removed by force to the town of Boston, they are, and will remain, at the town of Elk Falls, the present county seat of Howard County, prepared to do all business pertaining to their respective offices.
GEO. F. GRAHAM, Probate Judge; DAN. CARR, Clerk, District Court; FRANK OSBORN, Register of Deeds; E. D. CUSTER, Treasurer; By C. W. MOORE, Deputy; ELI TITUS, Sheriff, By J. W. VANNOY, Under Sheriff.—Elk Falls Journal, Jan. 20th.
On a motion to vacate the Injunction restraining the offi­cers of Howard County from moving their offices to Boston, Judge Campbell was like a western Justice, who after hearing argument on both sides, decided the case upon the grounds neither party had touched, and decided ‘the election of the 11th of November uncalled for.’ M. G. Miller, the attorney for Boston, took exceptions; and the Judge promised to send his order immediately to the District Clerk of Howard County. Two weeks have elapsed and no order yet. Either the immaculate Judge Campbell is withholding his order or some wily Elk Falls man has ‘gobbled it up,’ for the purpose of keeping it out of the January term of the Supreme Court. In either case it is calculated to defraud the people of Howard County of their expressed rights! Howard County Messenger.
Walnut Valley Times, January 30, 1874.
Armed men captured the records of Howard County from Elk Falls, the recognized county seat, and took them to the town of Boston. The Sheriff with a posse started to take them, but were threatened with their lives if they tried it.
The Howard County Messenger says: “We understand from reliable authority, that the Elk Falls people are getting hold of all the remonstrances signed, against the division of Howard County, and attaching them to Petitions for division. If Howard County is divided, it will be through instrumentality of Elk Falls men and her satellites.”
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874. Front Page.

Special Correspondent, “J. K.” sent news from Topeka January 26, 1874, re Kansas Legislature. [J. K. was James Kelly.]
A bill has been introduced into the House to create the county of Yates, including that part of the 20 mile strip which is in Butler County.
A bill has also been introduced to create the county of Elk, out of the north half of Howard. It is waiting the action of the House.
Walnut Valley Times, February 13, 1874.
House Bill No. 118 to divide Butler County and create the county of Yates, and house bill No. 130, to divide Howard County and create the county of Elk, were both referred to the committee on county lines and county seats. But as these bills provide for new counties, and propose to adjust the legal questions necessar­ily arising by reason of the division of old counties, they ought to be considered by the judiciary committee. The bills have the same object and purpose, and yet are very unlike, and it is doubtful if either will secure a proper adjustment of the rights and equities of the old and new county, in case of a division.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874. Editorial Page.
Mr. A. L. Williams, attorney-general of the state, and Chester Thomas, Jr., of this city, who had been sent to Howard County by Gov. Osborn to settle the troubles down there, returned home yesterday. They went to Boston and found matters there as they have been heretofore detailed in this paper, and after some discussion with citizens of that place, a committee was appointed which went with these two gentlemen to Elk Falls, where, after more talk, it was finally decided that the matter should be arbitrated in the courts, the archives of the county meantime to remain at Elk Falls, the Boston people agreeing to submit to legal process without any resistance of any kind. As this disposed of the matter for the present, the gentlemen above named came home very much pleased that the affair was so well settled, as they supposed. But arriving at Ottawa, a telegram from the sheriff of Howard County informed them the trouble had broken out afresh.
It seems that an officer went to Boston to secure the books and records, but after the most diligent search failed to recover them, and on attempting to arrest the parties who had removed them was met by armed resistance, the parties alleging that they had been tried once and punished for the offense for which their arrest was sought. The sheriff did not persist, but again sought help from the governor. It is understood that Messrs. Williams and Thomas will return to that county next week, when it is to be hoped a settlement will be had that will bring the whole question into the courts where it can be properly decided. Commonwealth.
Walnut Valley Times, February 13, 1874.
Latest reports from Howard County say that the Boston people have concluded to return the books and papers, and await the course of the law. Meanwhile, more complications have arisen. The county safe was by some parties injured so that it cannot be opened. The deputy treasurer swears that there are $8,000 in school bonds, warrants, and cash in the office at Elk Falls, and that all of it was taken by the Boston men. This affair will cost Howard County many thousand dollars, and all because a few individuals have town lots to sell.
Eureka Herald.

Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
Boston, the late captured county seat of Howard County, as we were informed last night, has been thoroughly fortified, and three hundred armed men guard the county records. The sheriff of the county was at Leavenworth yesterday soliciting aid from the Governor.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
HOWARD COUNTY TROUBLES. The Militia Called For To Enforce Order.
Mr. Titus, sheriff of Howard County, arrived in this city last evening on the 9 o’clock train from his county to advise with the governor and attorney general on the state of affairs in relation to the county seat question.
The readers of the Common­wealth are already advised of the visit of Messrs. Williams and Thomas to that county and the refusal of the Boston people to surrender the records as it was supposed they would under the advice of Attorney General Wil­liams. Since that time Capt. Berry of Howard County was depu­tized by Gov. Osborn to go down there and try to settle the matter. But it seems his efforts were as fruitless as those of the first named gentlemen. On arriving in the county Capt. Berry had a written agreement drawn up at the instance of the Boston party which after some demur was agreed to by the Elk Falls people. This agreement was to the effect that the books and records were to be peaceably given up by the Boston party and that in the suit in the district court Boston was to be made a party so that their rights might be adjudicated at once. After this agreement was signed, the Boston people backed out and refused to deliver up the books, etc.
Under this state of affairs the sheriff, Mr. Titus, has come here to ask of the governor the aid of the state Militia to enable him to execute the laws of that county.
Mr. Titus says some of the Boston people have made some very loud threats as to what they will do in case the militia is called out, but it is very possible that even armed as they are and with all their warlike demonstrations, Gov. Osborn will surely enforce the law if he commences. It is understood that a conference is to be had by the governor, attorney general, and Mr. Titus, this morning, when it will be decided what course the state authorities will pursue. Commonwealth.”
Excerpt from lengthy report...
Walnut Valley Times, February 20, 1874.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, February 17th, 1874.
The bill to divide Howard County passed the House last week, and is now before the Senate Committee on County Seats and County Lines, and will be reported on this week.
Walnut Valley Times, February 20, 1874.
The bill to change the boundaries of Howard County, and to create the county of Elk, passed the House by a vote of 72 to 37, with an amendment to the effect that the Governor shall select a temporary county seat for Howard County. An amendment requiring the matters embraced in the bill to be submitted to a vote of the people of Howard County, was voted down. This bill was defeated in the Senate.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.

HORSE THIEVES. Two men named James Smith and Jessie Rus­sell, charged with having stolen two ponies from the stable of Mr. Hilton near Arkansas City last Saturday night, were overtaken by A. W. Patterson and John Garaha, near Cedarvale, in Howard County, on Monday, and brought to this place to await trial at the next term of court.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
Constable Burt Covert arrested Albert G. Headrick a few days ago in Howard County, on a charge of stealing a pair of horses from Judge Saffold sometime last Fall. He had a preliminary examination before ’Squire Boyer and in default of bail was lodged in jail to await his trial at the March term of the District Court.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
A NEW FEEDER. Work Commenced Upon the Paola & Fall River Railroad.
Gentlemen prominently connected with the Paola and Fall River Railroad were in this city yesterday making arrangements for men and material for the Paola & Fall River railroad.
This railroad is one of the natural features of Kansas City, and is chartered to run from Paola, Miami County, to Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. It will strike the Arkansas River about fifty miles south of Wichita, and from the time it leaves Garnett, where it crosses the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston railroad, it runs through a fertile section of country as yet unblessed by a railroad; it runs in a southwesterly direction, and intersects the fertile counties of Miami, Anderson, Woodson, Greenwood, Howard, and Cowley. The northern terminus of the road is Paola, on the Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf road, fifty miles south of Kansas City. The road has been graded southward from Paola; work will at once be put on the road and kept up until the road reaches the fertile valley of the Arkansas. To Paola, the completion of this road will be of great importance; as the terminus, it will bring her much of the trade of the Southwest. The road will connect at Paola with the M., K. & T. for Holden, and the M. R., F. S. & G. R. R. for Kansas City, with which it will no doubt be run in close connection, thereby giving Kansas City a direct route to the Arkansas Valley, striking it fifty miles nearer the Texas cattle fields. Kansas City Times.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
HOWARD COUNTY. The war in our sister county has been at last amicably settled. To the sagacity, firmness, and inflexible integrity of the Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge of the District, the people of Howard are indebted for their salvation; and the world from witnessing the mournful spectacle of a disgraceful civil war. Below we give our readers Judge Campbell’s letter to the people of Howard. The manly and dignified stand taken by his Honor, is well worthy of imitation.
“TO THE PEOPLE OF HOWARD COUNTY. Every court is vested with the power to enforce obedience to its process and respect for its authority. It has become my duty as Judge of your District Court, in view of the unfortunate state of your public affairs, and the recent alleged unlawful interfer­ence by certain persons with the due administration of the law by said court, to resort to the time honored process of attachment for contempt. This is not a rash unpremeditated move, but the result of an honest desire, and a firm purpose to perform a sworn duty.

“Sufficient has been made to appear, to induce the belief that certain proceedings and orders of the court over which I have the honor to preside, have been set at defiance by the open and forcible resistance of some of the citizens of Howard County. If such a circumstance should pass unnoticed, the people might well doubt the stability, and lose confidence in the efficiency of the courts. In such a case, there remains but one course for me, as a public officer resting under the obligations of an oath, to pursue, and that is, to bring the strong arm of the court to bear in its own protection, and to enforce its lawful authority by all the means known to the law. This duty will be resolutely per­formed. I am actuated by no hostile feeling. The notorious fact that for two months the authority of the court has been openly defied, without proceedings being taken to enforce submission, shows no less than a proper spirit of forbearance. It has now become a matter of importance to the people generally, that the county records and files shall be preserved in their proper places of deposit, in the custody of the legally constituted authorities. Compared with this, the particular location of the county seat is of minor importance. The pending questions affecting the location of the county seat, are matters of law and fact, which will in due time, be settled by the courts.
“In the meantime, it is the duty of all good citizens to let the law take its course.
“Personally, I have no interest in your local controversies, only desiring, when required to decide upon them judicially, that they shall be decided according to the law and the fact. I have no feeling against any locality in your county, only desiring that when the will of the people has been expressed in a lawful manner, the same shall be enforced. I have no apology to offer for any of my judicial determinations affecting your local affairs. They speak for themselves. I care nothing for idle and groundless stories affecting my integrity, circulated in your midst, trusting implicitly in the ultimate good sense and justice of an intelligent people for a complete vindication. I try to act in a manner which will gain your confidence, for no court can expect to fulfil its mission perfectly without being sustained and confided in by an enlightened public sentiment. But most of all, I desire to faithfully discharge the varied and responsible duties of the exalted position to which I have been elevated by a magnanimous people, and leave the bench with a pure and unspotted record, so that the state will have been none the worse off because I have occupied it.
“Attachments have been issued for the arrest of certain persons charged to have been engaged in removing the county records in violation of an order of the court, and for the seizure of the records and their restoration to proper custody, directed to the sheriff. The sheriff and his deputies are bound to serve the process, and are vested with authority to call to their assistance all the forces necessary to execute the writs, and all citizens of the county are bound to obey their orders in that behalf. We desire your sympathy, your confidence, and your assistance in restoring order, and upholding the majesty of the law.
“I know not who are the guilty parties—that is to be hereafter determined—after due investigation. If any sincere and honest men have been led into an unlawful interference with the court, by deception, misrepresentation, or under excitement and passion, they owe it to themselves, their families, and their country, to abandon their vain attempt, as they would flee from a pestilence, and hasten to restore the county records to their proper custodians, and otherwise as much as lies in their power to atone to an outraged law.
“It is for the people to say whether by sustaining the courts and the officers, they will have peace, order, and protec­tion, or by a contrary course produce disorder, crime, and ruin.

“It may cost something to restore order in your county, but it will be money well spent. It is the purchase of immunity to a more or less extent, from crime and violence in the future. The law must govern. Respectfully, your obedient servant, W. P. CAMPBELL, Judge.”
March 13th, 1874.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
HOWARD COUNTY RECORDS. We learn from Mr. Lippman of Dexter that the stolen records of Howard County were secreted during the county seat trouble, in a ravine three miles from Dexter in this county. They were kept concealed in three wagons under the guardianship of a young lawyer of the town of Boston, who with the others of his party pretended to be hunting claims until word was sent from Boston that the difficulty had been settled and for the books to be returned, when they informed one of the citizens of Dexter what they had in their wagons. The citizens of that town say that if they had only known what those wagons contained in time, they would have captured the books and proclaimed Dexter the county seat of Howard County.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
Church Services. The Disciples of Christ will hold a co-operative meeting in Winfield, commencing on the last Tuesday in May, 1874, composed of the counties of Greenwood, Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Howard, and Cowley.
Winfield Courier, Friday, May 22, 1874.
The people of Howard County are in mourning. Their county treasurer has pocketed the funds of his office and “lit out.” The Longton Ledger tells it this way.
“It will be remembered that in the county seat difficulty last winter, the books and records were carried away from Elk Falls, and for some time concealed. A short time since all were returned except the tax roll for the year 1873. The Boston people claimed they did not take it. Lately a warrant of arrest was issued against the treasurer and several other parties, for keeping this tax roll. Judge Campbell held the parties to bail, each in the sum of $2,000. Upon the return day, Custer asked for a delay of a day or so, on account of absent witnesses.
“On Friday last, the final day for trial, Mr. Custer was not on hand, having left during the night previous. It is not known how much he is short as the books are in confusion and the tax roll of 1873, upon which most of the money has been collected, is not yet produced. It is thought the county will lose about $15,000.
“This is the second time Howard County has lost money through default of her county treasurer.”
The Topeka Commonwealth, May 29, 1874.
EL DORADO, May 12, 1874.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth.
An institute of the 13th judicial district representing the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, Sumner, Howard, and Cowley, was held at El Dorado, Butler County, commencing the 5th inst., and closing the 8th. Prof. H. B. Norton was the principal conductor and lecturer. If there is one place which will test a man in the teacher’s profession more than another, that place is to put him in charge of a large class of real and wide-awake teachers. The institute held a daily session of about six hours, and much earnest work was done. Every teacher present seemed determined to improve to the utmost the advantages offered by the institute.

Superintendent McCarty was on hand, and presented many practical ideas on physiology, theory, and practice, and various important topics. His lecture on “Little Things,” Thursday evening was replete with illustration and genuine common sense. All were pleased with it.
But the man who was brought face to face with the teachers more than any other, who understood teachers and teaching better than any other, who infused more vitality into every exercise which he conducted, who left the most indelible stamp on the minds of all present, whether teacher or spectator, that man was Prof. H. B. Norton. It made no difference what exercise he conducted, whether replying to the questions from the query box or handling the whole institute in a calisthenic exercise; whether presenting a model object-lesson or exhibiting the beauties and advantages of scientific knowledge; in all these cases he was equally at home with his subject. The teachers all loved him. His lecture on “The Iceberg Period,” Wednesday evening, was delivered to a crowded house. Full of new thought, it was presented so plainly none could fail to comprehend it. Though the lecture was delivered without manuscript, the professor never wanted for a word and his rhetoric was excellent.
The teachers present, learning that Superintendent McCarty positively declined to run for re-election, unanimously adopted the following resolution.
Resolved, By the teachers of the 13th judicial district, that we present the name of Prof. H. B. Norton as our unanimous choice for the office of state superintendent, and that we will by all honorable means labor to secure his election.
The professor is known throughout the southwest as a man of learning, of deep piety without sectarianism, of unimpeachable moral character, and as a man thoroughly conversant with the school wants of our young and flourishing state. H.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
[Item from the Arkansas City Traveler.]
Loads of bacon have been brought to this market from Howard County. The farmers of Howard smoke and pack the meat them­selves.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
A daughter, aged about five years, of a Mr. Acton, living near the south line of the county, was bitten by a mad dog last Friday. The father took the child to Wichita in search of a mad stone, and failing there, telegraphed to various places in search of one, until finally he heard of one in Howard County. He passed through here on Monday last with the child on his way to Howard. The dog was killed after having bitten some domestic animals.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
The following named gentlemen compose the Republican Central Committee for the 25th senatorial district, to which Cowley belongs: E. C. Manning, of Cowley, chairman; T. B. Murdock, of Butler; J. M. Balderston, of Sedgwick; H. C. St. Clair, of Sumner; C. C. Hutchinson, of Reno; J. W. Custar, of Howard; and Joel T. Davis of Harvey.
Winfield Courier, Friday, July 24, 1874.
The Howard County Messenger says: A large flock of sheep passed through town yesterday on their way to Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Forty old racks of bones, branded “S. Co.,” at one time horses in the employ of the S. W. Stage Company, passed through town yesterday on their way to winter quarters in Howard County.

The Commonwealth, Thursday Morning, October 22, 1874.
A gentleman who has traveled over Greenwood, Howard, Butler, Cowley, and Sedgwick counties, says he never saw anything like the wheat, in area. And in promise it excels all previous years.
Excerpt from Coffeyville Courier correspondent’s letter to Winfield Courier...
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
From our Special Correspondent.
COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS, October 24th, 1874.
The road from Winfield to this place is a very rough one, hilly and stony. It is about one hundred miles in distance. Our route lay by Dexter, Cedarvale, Peru, St. Paul, and Canaville. At Cedarvale we left the limestone country and entered the sandstone region, which extends to this place and to the Boston mountains in Arkansas for ought I know. Cedarvale is a little larger than Tisdale and shows more thrift than any place between here and Winfield. Peru is about the size of Cedarvale but looks deserted, about one half the buildings being vacant. St. Paul consists of a very large white hotel, two deserted stores, a good well, a running race track one half mile long, and corn at a dollar and a quarter. It is on the east edge of Howard County and the ragged edge of despair. The heavy timber of Cana Valley are on one side and timber crowned hills on the other give a mellow tinge to the somber picture. Canaville two miles away and out of sight smiles upon the top of a little hill where the solitary loafer on the street corner points the traveler on the right road to Coffeyville. Canaville is twice as large as St. Paul and consequently happy. All the towns that we passed through from Winfield here have county seat aspirations that glow or slumber during the annual election canvass and legislative session according as they win or lose on their respective candi­dates. The distances as given us (and they always hold out) are Dexter 18 miles; Cedarvale, 15 miles; Peru, 15 miles; St. Paul, 12 miles; Canaville, 2 miles; Coffeyville, 22 miles.
Howard County will give Brown for congress 500 majority and St. Clair for the Senate a still larger majority. The division candidate for the House will probably be elected.
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
The caravan of teams toward the corn country of Howard County seems to have been very effectively stopped by the sudden rise in the price of that article from fifty to eighty cents per bushel.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

CAN’T SEE IT. We have private advices from Howard and the east line of our county that there is a scheme on foot to divide Howard County by taking a “chunk” out of her southwest corner, and another out of Cowley’s southeast corner; out of which to form a new county, with Cedar Vale for the county seat. We care but little how much Howard County may divide herself, but we seriously object to giving one foot of Cowley County soil away, for any purpose whatever. If Howard or any part thereof wishes to attach herself to Cowley, we think she ought to be allowed so to do. We like large counties. They can be run cheaper. And for that reason, under the circumstances, we would not object even to a slice from Sumner County on our west. But as for giving any away, such foolishness can’t be played on us.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
E. Simpson, Esq., once county commissioner of Cowley County, now resides in Howard County, on Rock Creek, north of Howard City. He informs us that coal is furnished the schoolhouse in his district for 8 cents per bushel.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874. Editorial Page.
A Brave Man Gone. Many citizens of Cowley County will learn with deep regret of the death of Joseph W. Vanoy, of Howard County. It will be remembered that Mr. Vanoy was the most active in dispersing the gang of horse thieves who shot and killed deputy U. S. Marshal Parker two years ago, on Grouse Creek, this county. He after­wards traced James Stewart of the same gang to northern Illinois, and brought him to this county, where he was tried, convicted, and sentenced to the penitentiary. Mr. Vanoy was undersheriff of Howard County but resigned on account of failing health. He died at the Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, of consumption, at the age of 32 years.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Messrs. Paugh and Wodsen of this place have established a grind-stone manufactory in Howard County and are turning out a first class article of grindstones. One of these gentlemen is experienced in the business, having followed it for a long time in Ohio. Upon discovering the quarry, which is inexhaustible, these gentlemen leased it for a term of years, got their machin­ery together, and went to work. Last Saturday they delivered half a ton of grindstones to Mr. M. Miller, one of our hardware merchants. They are all of different sizes and equally good as imported stones. They are laid down here thirty dollars per ton, cheaper than the foreign article. Several Cowley County men are employed in the works, among whom are Patrick Kirby and Mr. Gould.
Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.
The commissioners of Howard County say there are five hundred families in that county who must have aid.
The Elk Falls Journal says that five thousand people assem­bled at Elk Falls and passed resolutions asking congress to open the Indian Territory to settlers.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
A NEW FEATURE. For the year 1875 we shall publish a list of all the strays taken up in Cowley, Howard, Sumner, Butler, and Greenwood coun­ties. We believe this will be of great benefit to those who may have stock to stray off.
Howard County—M. B. Light, Clerk.
HORSE. Taken up by C. A. Eckart, Nov. 17, a dun-Texas pony horse, about ten years old, an unknown brand on left hip, ap­praised $12.
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
The bill to divide Howard County, having passed the House, has been report­ed favorably upon by the committee on counties and county lines in the Senate.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.

The Howard County division bill was beaten in the senate by a ruse. Having passed the house by a large vote, it stuck in the senate several weeks. At last it passed that body with an amendment, submitting the question of division to the people. This will not be concurred in by the house, and the senate will not recede. The supreme court has already decided that such a law is unconstitutional, even should the house accept the amend­ment. The tricks of legislation are various.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.
There is a paper called the Progressive Communist, published at Cedarvale, Howard County.
The Commonwealth, March 7, 1875.
Howard County suffers not only from the horrors of “division,” but mad dogs are raging.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875. Editorial Page.
The bill dividing Howard County—making Elk and Chautauqua —is finally become a law without the clause submitting it to a vote of the people.
The Commonwealth, April 10, 1875.
Last Saturday Miss Sarah Campbell, a young lady living with her parents near Peru, Howard County, took a large dose of arsenic, from the effects of which she was a corpse the next day.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
The Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad has been completed to Las Animas, Colorado. The first train ran through to that place on the 8th inst.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875. Editorial Page.
The Supreme Court has decided that the act splitting Howard County in two is constitutional. Now the citizens of Elk and Chautauqua counties are happy.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875. Editorial Page.
Howard County is now holding a series of anti-division mass meetings notwithstanding the fact that it is already divided.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
From the Longton, Howard County, Ledger, we learn that a railroad company has recently been incorporated for the purpose of running a line from Osage Mission, Neosho County, to Winfield, Cowley County, by the way of Thayer, Fredonia, and Howard City. A number of the best men of Neosho and Wilson counties are taking an active part in the advancement of this new and much needed enterprise and we can see no reason that those of Elk and Cowley counties should not come forward and manifest the same interest.
The Winfield Courier Centennial Issue, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
The Territorial Legislature of 1855 defined the boundaries of Hunter County, embracing the present territory of Cowley and twenty miles of Butler. In 1864 the Kansas State Legislature annihilated Hunter County by extending the boundaries of Butler to embrace all the territory south of township 21, east of the 6th principal meridian, down to the State line and west of range 10. On March 3rd, 1867, the Kansas Legislature defined the boundaries of several counties, and Cowley was among the number. It was named by Gov. S. J. Crawford in honor of Lieut. Mathew Cowley, a soldier of the 9th Kansas regiment, who died at Little Rock, Arkansas, August 1864.

This act made the county thirty-three miles square, bounded on the north by Butler, on the east by Howard (now Elk and Chautauqua), on the south by the Indian Territory, on the west by Sumner counties. At this time there was not a white settler in the county. It was the home of the red man.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876. Editorial Page.
Elsewhere we publish a call for a Judicial District Conven­tion, to be held at Winfield, August 21st, to nominate a Judge, in place of W. P. Campbell, whose term of office expires this year. The apportionment is neither just or fair, but presume we have no other recourse than to abide the call. Eldorado Times.
What is the matter with that apportionment, Mr. Times? Are you fixing to bolt the nomination if you should fail to name the man? Four years ago Butler County attended a Judicial convention at this place and succeeded in nominating a candidate for Judge from Butler County and then at the election cast several hundred of a majority vote against him. In that convention Howard County had the same representation that Butler had although exceeding it in population about one third. Butler County acted then as though it considered itself the biggest end of this Judicial district; it has acted so ever since and intimates that it will continue to act so. Suppose you cast your solid vote against the republican nominee for Judge and then suck your thumbs in de­spair. Either action would not hurt him no matter who is nominated.
[The last item relative to Howard County is where I stopped inasmuch by that time it was definitely defunct and only “Elk County” and “Chautauqua County” were mentioned by the newspapers. MAW