J. W. Howard
Richland Township, Winfield, Geuda Springs?
Richland Township 1872: J. W. Howard, 41; spouse, C. B., 35.
Richland Township 1874: J. W. Howard, 42; spouse, Celia B., 37.
Kansas 1875 Census Richland Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. W. Howard 43 m w Kentucky Kentucky
Celia B. Howard 38 f w Kentucky Kentucky
[H. Howard 17 f w Missouri Kentucky
Winfield 1878: J. W. Howard, 48; spouse, Celia B., 43.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 16th day of May, 1876.
J. W. Howard was on this list.
(?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
We learn from Mr. McMillen that Mr. Howard, formerly of this city, is running the Howard House, a large brick hotel in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is doing a very good business.
Jos. Howard...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Richland Township: T. Hart, Jos. Howard, S. B. Hunt, C. R. Turner.
Judge McDonald moved that a county central committee be appointed consisting of one from each township and also a campaign committee consisting of five members who should be centrally located. The following gentlemen comprise the central committee: T. McIntire, W. D. Lester, N. J. Thompson, W. R. Bedell, J. P. Eckels, Wm. Moon, Adam Walck, Jos. Howard, C. C. Krow, J. B. Lynn, K. McClung, J. W. Ledlie, P. W. Smith, Wm. Morrow, Jno. Smiley, Geo. Harris, Jno. McAllister, Wm. Grow, Jno. Bobbitt, Dennis Harkins, and Wm. Anderson.
J. (?) Howard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
HORSE RACE. Next Saturday a race will take place between “Jack Rabbit,” owned by Simms, and “John Bascom,” owned by J. Howard. $300 has been bet on a side, besides a lot of cattle, mules, and hogs. The race will be run on the quarter-mile track at South Bend.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
The Race in South Bend. The TRAVELER reporter arrived at South Bend last Saturday afternoon in time to witness the races, examine the horses, and hear the general talk of the bystanders. Nearly seventy-five people had gathered to see the trial of speed, and although all were interested, very little money exchanged hands. The track was on the Walnut River bottom, on the farm formerly owned by Fislar, and was one of the best we have seen in the Southwest. While it was hard on top, it had a spongy appearance, and gave slightly to the horses’ hoofs, enabling them to strike firm and strong without damaging the feet. The tracks were one-quarter of a mile in length, and far enough apart to prevent the riders striking one another’s horses, and level as a floor. At the starting point on one track was a shoot, or pen, made to prevent the horse from flying the track. This was used by the sorrel colt. For some time considerable parleying was done on how the horses would start, and the race was finally given up on account of a dispute. Simms, who made the race, contended they were to turn on a twelve foot score and run. Phaler, the owner of the gray horse, claimed they were to come up to the score and run. The bets had been a wagon, team, and horses, against a mule and wagon. Finally by allowing Phaler to withdraw the wagon and bet the mule against the wagon, team, and horses, the race was made up, and the horses taken to the end of the tract to start.
“John Bascom,” owned by Howard, is a small chestnut sorrel stallion, four years old, weighing 1,000 pounds. He was in a splendid condition, well trained, and was handled nicely.
“Jack Rabbit,” owned by Dan Phaler, of Dutch Creek, is a gray horse, six years old, weighing 860 pounds, and remarkably well muscled. He is the same horse formerly owned by Hackney & McDonald, for which Phaler paid $360, and mortgaged his farm to pay for. The horse, to our eye, was not in good order for running. The horse was poorly handled and made the race as though he had been overworked or strained.
Some time was taken to get the horses started. Repeatedly they came to the scratch, but something would be wrong. One horse would not get started on the right foot or the other was not far enough ahead.
Finally the “go” was given and both horses sprang into the air and came bounding over the level surface as though shot from a canon. For awhile they ran nearly even; then the little sorrel hugged the ground like a greyhound, and began gaining inch by inch until near the middle of the track, when he ran away from the gray and reached the score several seconds before his adversary. Very little whipping was done, but the speed was good, the sorrel horse making the quarter of a mile in less than 30 seconds.
T. M. Vaughn, Jake Keffer, and Tom Shales were the judges, and gave the race to “John Bascom” by ten feet, although it appeared more like twenty from where we stood.
Other horses were on the ground, and two or three scrub races were run after the main race.
Col. McMullen’s “Sleepy Jack,” was generally admired, and many offered to bet he could outrun anything on the ground. But as no one seemed inclined to risk anything, and the Colonel did not propose to let him run, the matter was dropped.
Lewis Shales, of Rock Township, had his roan pony on hand, but did not have an opportunity to run him. His horse is a small, heavy built pony, branded “L. W. ALLEN,” and has good action.
It was late in the evening when the races were run, and everyone sought their homes as soon as it was over, congratulating themselves that they had seen one fair race if nothing more.
Mr. (?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
We are happy to see Mr. Howard, who went to Colorado Springs several months ago, upon our streets again this week.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Mr. John P. McMillen has returned to Colorado Springs, where he goes into the hotel business as proprietor of the Howard House of that place. His family started yesterday. They are forced to make this move on account of Mr. McMillen’s health. We heartily commend this excellent family to the good people of Colorado Springs. They will be a valuable acquisition to that place. They have a host of friends in Winfield who deeply regret their departure.
J. (?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877. Front Page.
Richland Township Heard From.
PRAIRIE GROVE, Dec. 22, 1877.
MR. COURIER: Jot this down. Health is generally good, some whooping cough; weather fine and spring-like; the sweet song of the frog has been heard all the week; wheat is as green as May and growing finely; corn not all gathered; schools successful, at least no complaint.
Miss Stansbury is teaching a good school at 108. Miss Mary Pontious teaches the Floral “young idea how to shoot.”
Floral Grange still lives and has elected officers for 1878, as follows: James O. Van Orsdal, M.; S. B. Stone, O. T., Dicken, Stewart; H. Robin, A. S.; J. Howard, Ch.; F. Thirsk, Sec.; S. W. Phoenix, T. R.; J. J. Jarvis, Gate Keeper; P. T. Stevenson, L.; Miss Fanny Pontious, Ceres; Miss Laura Jones, Pomona; Miss Martha Wilson, Flora; Miss Martha Pontious, S. A. S.
Grange meets second and fourth Friday evenings of each month. Literary meets every Thursday eve. A Good Templar’s lodge is being organized at Floral.
A Christmas tree will bloom at Floral under the care of Misses Pontius and Mollie Hart.
Supper Friday eve.; admittance ten cents; proceeds for the tree. A. F.
(?) Howard...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Challenge for a Race.
WICHITA, June 10, 1878.
Friend Scott: I wish to state through the columns of your paper that I will match my horse against the horse known as the Howard colt, to run four hundred and forty or five hundred yards; two hundred dollars a side. Will deposit fifty dollars in Cowley County Bank as a forfeit. To run in four weeks at Arkansas City. Yours, J. C. BEACH.
(?) Howard...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
RACE. A race is to take place on Beaver Creek, near Maple City, on Saturday, September 21st, between Howard’s colt and a bay mare from Illinois, owned by Wm. Pierce, for $100 a side. Distance to be run, a quarter of a mile. The colt will run the “Dick” horse at Wichita next Saturday.
(?) Howard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
SOLD. A. W. Patterson has sold his horse, “Tom Thumb,” to Mr. Howard at a handsome profit, and has purchased Mr. Sims’ horse, “John Bascom,” better known as the Howard colt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
CHALLENGE. We challenge any horse to run on the Arkansas City race track, for $100 or $500 a side. A. W. PATTERSON, W. H. SIMS.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Brown Dick and John Bascom (the Howard colt) are matched to run a race of 600 yards next Saturday, on the track adjoining town, for $100 a side. The horses are to run at 2 o’clock p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
The 600-yard race last Saturday, between “Brown Dick,” of Wichita, and “John Bascom” (the Howard colt), resulted in no decision, and the stakes were withdrawn. The race was a close one, the colt leading until near the end, when Dick sprang forward and won the race. As there were but two judges, no agreement could be made, as one claimed the sorrel horse was three feet ahead, and the other that Dick had the three feet. There was diversion among the crowd also, and the only way to settle it was to withdraw stakes or run it over.
J. W. Howard...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: The Murphy movement has reached here. Rev. Mr. Rushbridge delivered a lecture here last evening, after which the following persons signed the pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks as a beverage.
FIRST COLUMN: Monforte, J. C., Jr.; Burton, W. L.; Baird, Mattie; McKee, Mrs. Ben.; Kicks, Emma; Baird, Allie; Lahr, Peter; Wilson, Ernest; Leech, Francis M.; Newberry, A.; Limbocker, Maggie; Newberry, Mary; McKee, Erma; Curfman, Mary; Keck, Mollie; Limbocker, Clara; Curfman, Bella M.; Wells, Samuel; Limbocker, W. W., Bartlow, Anna L.; Knox, W. W.; Curfman, Mrs. J. H.; Newberry, Chris.; White, William; Howard, J. W.; Barrick, Mark.
SECOND COLUMN: Wells, Hattie; Baird, W. C.; Limbocker, F. E.; Bush, R. A.; Bush, S. D.; Bariman, M. E.; Roberts, Cary C.; Monforte, A. C.; Robertson, Quincy; McKee, Benjamin; Morgan, Richard A.; Monforte, Hattie; Andrews, Mattie L.; Curfman, John W.; Curfman, E.; Curfman, J. H.; Graham, Emily; Lindley, Thos. J.; Curfman, Oscar; Limbocker, Fred; Wallis, Wesley J.; Keck, James; Orr, William J.; Limbocker, Cynthia; Rouse, Alley; Burton, A. C.
Our organization was effected and the following officers chosen: J. W. Howard, president; W. W. Limbocker, vice president; W. L. Burton, secretary; J. H. Curfman, treasurer. Society meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. J. W. HOWARD, President.
W. L. BURTON, Secretary.
(?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Democratic Convention. This body met in the office of C. C. Black, in Winfield, on Saturday last, at 11 o’clock a.m. E. P. Young was chosen temporary chairman and C. C. Black secretary.
A committee on credentials was appointed consisting of Williams, Lester, and Yount; and as committee on permanent organization, McIntire, Howard, and Pratt; also a committee to confer with a similar committee from the National Convention to report a fusion ticket, consisting of Judge McDonald, Sol. Smith, and Amos Walton.
Adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m. Met according to adjournment, and committee on credentials reported, which report was adopted.
Committee on permanent organization reported for chairman E. P. Young, of Tisdale, and for secretary W. H. H. Maris, of Winfield. Report was adopted.
Committee on conference with Nationals reported.
For Representative 88th Dist., M. G. Troup; 89th District, M. R. Leonard; Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; County Attorney, J. E. Allen; District Clerk, J. S. Allen; Superintendent, J. S. Baker; Commissioner 1st District, A. G. Wilson. The report was received.
The report was amended by the substitution of E. A. Millard in place of Baker for superintendent and adopted as amended.
A platform was adopted, committees appointed, and convention adjourned.
(?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
Mr. Newt. Yarbrough and party have returned from their trip to the eastern part of the state. Also Messrs. Howard, Wright, and Goodwill have returned from Missouri.
(?) Howard...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Mr. (?) Howard suffered a loss of $150 due to cyclone.
Twenty-seven residences were totally destroyed besides stables, corn cribs, sheds, wagons, horses, agricultural implements, organs, pianos, clothing, bedding, household furniture, etc. The loss of crops can hardly be realized.
Many curious incidents are told in connection with the storm, some of which would be incredible were they not vouched for by parties of the highest respectability.
Mrs. (?) Howard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Mrs. (?) Howard is building a summer residence here, and D. A. McIntire has also just commenced building his residence.
J. W. Howard died at Salt City in July 1882...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
DIED. At Salt City, of catarrh of the lungs, on Saturday last, J. W. Howard. The deceased came to Geuda some two weeks since, but the disease was too far gone for the water to help him.
Talk about confusion! Above item shows that J. W. Howard died. Months later he is listed as one of the directors of the Geuda Mineral Springs Co., a Kansas corporation...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geuda Mineral Springs.
NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1883, at 10 o’clock a.m. of said day, at the office of C. R. Mitchell, at the Geuda Mineral Springs, in Cowley County, Kansas, the books of the Geuda Mineral Springs Co., a corporation under the laws of the state of Kansas, will be opened for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation.
The authorized capital of said corporation is $250,000, divided into 10,000 non-assessable shares of $25 each. J. W. HOWARD, C. R. MITCHELL, J. S. WYNANT, GEO. M. BAUGH, A. W. McCARTY, Directors.