Alonzo Howland
Winfield and Walnut Township.
Winfield 1873: Alonzo Howland, 50; spouse, Emma S., 42.
Winfield 1874: Alonzo Howland, 51; spouse, Emma S., 43.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
A. Howland 52 m w Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Emma S. Howland 43 f w New York Pennsylvania
Frank A. Howland 15 m w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Emma L. Howland 9 f w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
John D. Howland 6 m w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Winfield 1878: A. Howland, 58; spouse, E. S., 50.
Walnut Township 1881: A. Howland, 57; spouse, E. S., 50.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Meets Masonic Hall first and third Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m.
OFFICERS: D., Wm. M. Allison; V. D., J. W. Curns; A. D., C. D. Austin; R., W. C. Root; T., E. P. Kinne; F. R., A. Howland; P. D., W. O. Johnson; G., G. S. Manser; S., Hiram Brotherton; G., W. G. Graham.
MARTIN, G. C., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Howland A. A., Dollar Store, 910 Main, res Cowley County.
Meets at the Masonic Hall on the second Monday of each month. A. Howland, H. P. J. M. Stafford, Secretary.
Meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Lewis Conrade [Conrad], President; A. Howland, Secretary.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
Real estate is changing hands lively. Mr. Howland sold ten acres of his farm east of town for $50 per acre. Mr. Wolf has sold his improved farm one mile east of town for $1,600, J. P. Short being the purchaser.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
If you want a nice piece of ground for a suburban residence, call on Mr. Howland.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report. To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873. Whole number enrolled, 104.
UPPER ROOM. Average daily attendance, 31.
Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin, M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster, F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt, Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski, Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield, Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.
J. B. PARMELEE, Miss E. A. TUCKER, Teachers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 19, 1873.
That “Old White Hat” is here again. It is not the one worn by the illustrious philosopher, but the same old hat that M. B. Mathews wears, who is the founder of the popular Independence Commercial Nursery. This nursery has long felt the need of a good agent in Winfield, and Mr. Mathews has succeeded in securing the right man in the right place to take charge, as agent, at this place. Alonzo Howland, the well known and popular clerk at the store of C. A. Bliss, where he will take orders for all kinds of nursery stock, and warrant their delivery in health and good order. Call on Mr. Howland and leave your orders.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
M. B. Mathers has been here and traveled through Cowley Co., and expresses himself so well pleased with the present and future prospects of the county that himself and partner have decided to purchase ground near Winfield where in a short time the planters can purchase home grown stock from this enterprising firm. Alonzo Howland is taking their stock grown at Independence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
THOSE ROSES OF THE INDEPENDENCE COMMERCIAL NURSERY Are the Most Magnificent Extant. This is the most complete Nursery in all kinds of stock in the Southwest.
Mr. Alonzo Howland, OF WINFIELD, is our Special Agent. HE CAN BE FOUND at C. A. Bliss’s store on Main Street AND WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR FALL, 1873.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
The Tableaux. (Listing participants mentioned by editor.) Mr. Michener, Mr. Howland, Mr. Mansfield, Mr. Bedilion, Mr. Saffold, and Mr. C. A. Bliss; Misses Parmelee and Leffingwell also mentioned. The spacious new Winfield Courtroom was filled to overflowing with an orderly and appreciative audience, number at least 500 persons to watch John Bunyan’s splendid conceptions of “Pilgrim’s Progress” for the exhibition given under the auspices of the Baptist church of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL! To be given for the benefit of Adelphi Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at the Courtroom, Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 25th, 1873.
PROGRAMME. There will be a public installation of officers of the Lodge at the Baptist church at one o’clock P.M. After the Installation there will be a few short addresses by members of the order. Dinner will take place at the courtroom at five o’clock P.M. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. After dinner a grand ball will be given at the courtroom. Good music will be in attendance. A cordial invitation is extended to the fraternity to be present. Special invitations will be given by the Committee to those not members of the order.
RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Dr. Graham, M. L. Read, A. Howland, P. Hill, J. P. Short, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, Mrs. P. Hill, Mrs. Robinson, Miss Ella Quarles, J. L. M. Hill.
TABLE COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, J. F. Paul, T. A. Rice, W. M. Boyer, J. E. Saint, J. D. Cochran, J. C. Fuller, John Swain, J. A. Simpson, A. T. Shenneman, A. S. Williams, J. P. Short, Mrs. J. P. Short, Miss Read, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. Geo. Oakes, Mrs. J. F. Paul, Mrs. E. Maris, Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mrs. W. M. Boyer, Mrs. L. B. Paul, Mrs. L. J. Webb, Mrs. J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Howland, Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. W. G. Graham, Mrs. J. D. Cochran, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Miss Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Graham, Miss Yount.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Resolution of Respect. The undersigned Sunday School Class at a recent meeting passed the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us our much loved and valuable friend and teacher, Dr. D. N. Egbert; and
WHEREAS, We, as a class, wish to express our deep sorrow at the loss we have sustained in the removal of so worthy a teacher; therefore,
Be it Resolved, That we tender to the mother and other relatives of the deceased our sincere sympathy in their and our loss, praying that our Father in Heaven will keep us unto that glorious day when we shall sing with our departed friend the songs of the redeemed.
Emma Howland was listed as a member of the Sunday School class taught by Dr. Egbert.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Intermediate Department. Emma Howland was listed.
Grammar Department. Frank Howland was listed.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
The Public Schools give an exhibition at the Courthouse Friday evening, the 12th of March. Frank Howland was one of the participants.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
The Festival. The Congregational festival at the courthouse last Thursday evening was well attended. The tables over which Mrs. Howland and Mrs. Wait presided were well patronized, and we think the ladies at the other end of the hall had no reason to complain as we noticed the frank and open countenances of Prof. Lemmon and the senior editor of the COURIER up there the greater part of the evening. A lemonade stand from behind which Misses Manley and Powers handed out the cooling beverage and took in the nickels was a feature of the evening. Several old fashioned songs were sung by an impromptu “glee club,” and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
It seems that Amos Walton is fearfully exercised because a request signed by sundry individuals, asking Mr. Howland of this place to become a candidate for Register of Deeds, was not published in the COURIER, and assigns various reasons for its non-appearance, all of which reasons, we need hardly say, are perfectly absurd as well as entirely at variance with the truth. The reason we did not publish the request, friend Amos, was because no one offered to pay us therefor.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
Five candidates were nominated for Register of Deeds: Henderson, Roseberry, Allison, Cheneworth, and Howland. Mr. Roseberry rose to a personal explanation and charged Amos Walton with misrepresenting him and thought this would be a good time for Amos to “take it back.” He was also willing to read a recommendation given him by the county officers, but the Chair couldn’t see it, and Mr. Roseberry was chalked off. First ballot: Henderson, 16; Howland, 12; Roseberry, 6; Allison, 28; Cheneworth, 18. No Choice. Here Mr. Cheneworth withdrew his name and said that he had been solicited to become a candidate, and the inference was, by those who had control of the convention; but there was something back behind the screen which would slaughter him and he preferred to withdraw his name. By this time it was apparent that the race would be between Allison and Henderson, Howland and Roseberry having already been lost sight of. The last ballot proved Tom Henderson the winner by 17 votes, Mr. Howland receiving but one vote and Roseberry none.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
The following are the recently elected officers of the Winfield Chapter of R. A. M.’s.
M. L. Read, H. P.; J. D. Pryor, K.; B. F. Baldwin, S.; W. C. Robinson, Capt. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. Capt.; J. W. Johnston, G. M. 3 y.; P. Hill, G. M. 2 y.; S. H. Myton, G. M. 1 y.; J. A. Simpson, Sec.; F. Gallotti, Treas.; N. C. McCulloch, M. Cro.
This is one of the thirty Royal Arch Chapters of Masons in this State, and as a citizen of Winfield we are proud that she, only a five year old, supports it.
[Note: Wirt Walton, who wrote the first county history under the guidance of E. C. Manning, mixed fiction with fact. The following item shows that W. G. Graham and others came before C. M. Wood. This data is incorrect! MAW]
In the month of November, 1869, several families crept down along the valley and settled on claims in the vicinity of where Winfield now stands. These settlers each paid the Osage chief $5 for the privilege of remaining in peace. These early pioneers were W. G. Graham and family, who came the last of October, and whose wife was the first white woman that settled on Timber (then known as Dutch) Creek. During the next week P. Knowles, J. H. Land, J. C. Monforte, and C. M. Wood came with their families.
A. Howland, W. W. Andrews, Joel Mack, H. C. Loomis, A. Menor, and others took claims during the winter in this vicinity, and the families of those who were married soon followed. They all settled on the claims where they now reside. Mr. Howland built the first frame house in the county. It is his present residence.
The Congregational denomination has one church organization. It is located in Winfield. Its organization was perfected in January, 1871, S. B. Johnson, Pastor. J. B. Fairbank and A. Howland, Deacons. It became a chartered corporation June 13th, 1873: Directors A. Howland, J. B. Fairbank, James A. Kirk, Ed T. Johnson, Ed W. Perkins. Rev. J. B. Parmelee became pastor in 1873. Mr. Parmelee moved to Indiana in the spring of 1875, since which time the church has been without a pastor.
Masonic. On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H. P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1st V.; A. A. Newman, member. October 19th, a charter was issued to them under the name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 26th of the same month the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. A list of the officers for this year was published last week. This branch of Masonry here is in good working order and in a healthy condition financially.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas.
During the Winter of 1869, Alonzo Howland, W. W. Andrews, Joel Mack, H. C. Loomis, A. Meanor, and others took the claims upon which the most of them reside. Mr. Howland built the first frame house in the county—his present residence—which was considered at the time a herculean task, having to haul the lumber over 100 miles without the sign of a road.
The Methodist was the first regularly organized church in Winfield. It perfected its organization in May, 1870. The Baptist organized in the following October, and the Congregationalist in January, 1871, with J. B. Fairbank and A. Howland as deacons.
R. A. M. On the 15th of March, 1875, a dispensation was granted M. L. Read, H. P.; M. C. Baker, K.; John D. Pryor, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, C. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; P. Hill, M. 1st V.; A. A. Newman, member. On October 19th a charter was issued to them under the name Winfield Chapter, R. A. M., No. 31; and on the 29th of the same month, the Chapter was instituted by J. C. Bennett, of Emporia. This branch of Masonry here is in good working order and in a healthy condition, financially.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The Republican Caucus. Last Saturday the Republicans of Winfield Township met in caucus at the courthouse, at 4 o’clock p.m., and elected the following delegates to the county convention, to be held next Saturday in Winfield: R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, E. S. Torrance, and John Mentch were elected delegates, and W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, John Weakley, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland, alternates. The vote stood 91 for the ticket elected and 9 for the ticket that was defeated. It is an able delegation and was very enthusiastically supported.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly, and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakley, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
For delegates to the Republican convention of the 88th Representative district: N. C. McCulloch, J. H. Land, G. S. Manser, J. S. Hunt, W. D. Roberts, Chas. Love, W. G. Graham, J. M. Baer, G. W. Arnold, E. G. Sheridan. Alternates: I. W. Randall, W. E. Christie, Perry, J. H. Curfman, A. B. Lemmon, Z. B. Myers, A. Howland, J. J. Plank, E. P. Hickok, and Thos. Dunn.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
Dr. A. Howland, W. G. Graham, M. D., Dr. W. C. Hare,
GRAHAM, HOWLAND & HARE, SURGEON DENTISTS, Have removed to their new office first door south of C. A. Bliss & Co.’s Store, on Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Teeth filled with all the approved materials, also the latest approved materials for plate work. All work warranted.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
THAT TIN-WEDDING. Winfield is celebrated for her impromptu weddings, social gatherings, brave women, and fair men. No town in the state possesses a class of citizens who can be at “swords point,” so to speak, one day, and the next, meet together and enjoy themselves socially as does our little hamlet: Whatsoever may be their views concerning the administration of the Servian war or the “latest arrival,” all is forgotten when a wedding is announced and they meet together on neutral ground and vie with each other in making it the most pleasant affair of the season.
But we digress—the tin-wedding is what we started out on, and to start right, we first mention the prime movers. Dr. Howland, assisted by Frank Baldwin, Jno. Pryor, Will Robinson, Anna Newman, Kate Millington, and Jennie Stewart, seem to have been the original conspirators. A leading M. D., of this city and his estimable wife, it was whispered about, were to be the subjects of this secret conclave. All unknown to them, of course, were these arrangements made. Every man, woman, and child in the city, almost, was on the tip-toe of expectation for three days, awaiting the event that these ominous little square cut pieces of tin, bearing the words, “Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham, at home 8 p.m., Oct. 5th, 1866 and 1876,” had so mysteriously foretold. The Doctor, all unconscious of the “eyes” that followed him in his daily rounds, but conscious of ten years of upright and devoted life as a true Benedict, walked the streets, attended his business, and pursued the even tenor of his day, little dreaming that his sacred home would so soon be invaded, and he be jerked up to answer to charges preferred by the citizens of his adopted town.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
The following were the officers of Winfield Chapter, No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, installed by P. H. P. Bennett, of Emporia, assisted by P. H. Hargis, of Wichita.
John D. Pryor, High Priest; M. L. Read, King; James A. Simpson, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, Captain of the Hosts; A. Howland, Principle Sojourner; W. G. Graham, Royal Arch Captain; J. W. Johnston, Commander of the 3rd Vail; Perry Hill, Commander of the 2nd Vail; S. H. Myton, Commander of the 1st Vail; Frank Gallotti, Treasurer; N. C. McCulloch, Sentinel.
After the installation P. H. P. Read was presented with a fine lambskin apron and collar and a jewel of office, after which the members, with their wives and ladies, repaired to the Central Hotel, and partook of supper and refreshments prepared especially for the occasion. The supper was gotten up in that good and tasteful style as only the cooks of a first-class house can get up. It was undoubtedly the grandest supper ever given in Winfield. The cakes were trimmed and mementoes with the different designs and emblems of the Masonic order. Quite a number of members of the order from Wichita, Arkansas City, and Lazette were present.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
Another Lodge. A new organization has sprung into life in our midst—a secret society called Knights of Honor, having for an object the promotion of the interests and welfare of the members, and to establish a widows’ and orphans’ benefit fund, out of which will be paid, on the death of a member, to his family or whom he may direct the sum of two thousand dollars.
The first lodge in Kansas was organized at Winfield, February 20th, 1877, by A. E. Keyes, Past Supreme Director of the Supreme Lodge, having twenty-three charter members.
On the same evening the following officers were elected and installed.
W. G. Graham, Past Director; Alonzo Howland, Director; W. C. Robinson, Vice Director; Frank Williams, Assistant Director; J. L. Rushbridge, Chaplain; T. R. Bryan, Guide; Geo. W. Robinson, Reporter; Henry E. Asp, Financial Reporter; B. F. Baldwin, Treasurer; A. E. Baird, Guardian; Charles E. Love, Sentinel.
Lodges have also been organized at Arkansas City, Oxford, and Wellington. The plan of this organization is a feasible one and we bespeak for it success.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Master Frank, son of Alonzo Howland, has undertaken the study of medicine and dentistry with Dr. Graham, of this place. Success, Frank.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
The Closing Exercises of the Winfield public schools came off Friday afternoon of last week under the direction of Geo. W. Robinson, principal. The four schools united in giving an entertainment in the Courthouse hall. These exercises consisted of songs, declamations, essays, dialogues, and a paper. Jay Bryan, in a well delivered declamation, told us why a dog’s nose is always cold, and Samuel Aldrich rendered the “Wedding of Whitinsville” quite well. Three little girls, Ada Rushbridge, Minnie Andrews, and Nellie Plank gave a dialogue teaching the true source of pleasure, and Minnie Quarles and Anna Hunt illustrated the difference between the “good old times” and the present degenerate age. Frank Robinson came to the rescue of the much-abused grandmothers, while George Black advised us to “smile” whenever we can. Berkey Bartlett gave a good rendition of “The Sculptor Boy,” and Johnny Howland told us how well we look “sitting around.”
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Mr. A. Howland is at home. The “Knights of Honor” have engrossed his special attention of late.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
This grand body was organized in this city September 28th, by Past Supreme Dictator, A. E. Keyes, of Mansfield, Ohio, with the following officers.
Alonzo Howland, Past Grand Dictator; Dr. W. G. Graham, Grand Dictator, Winfield; C. W. Rambo, Elk Falls, Grand Vice Dictator; E. Maris, Eldorado, Grand Assistant Dictator; B. F. Smith, Oxford, Grand Chaplain; Henry J. Walker, Grand Reporter; S. P. Channell, Arkansas City, Grand Treasurer; R. W. Stephenson, Wellington, Grand Guide; H. O. Lystre, Cedar Vale, Grand Guardian; James Fogy, Douglass, Grand Sentinel.
The Grand Dictator appointed the following committees.
On Laws and Supervision: A. Howland, R. F. Smith, and H. J. Walker.
On State of the Order: H. J. Walker, A. Howland, B. F. Smith, J. W. McWilliams, and L. F. Chandler.
Upon motion the Grand Lodge adjourned to meet the second Wednesday in June, 1878, in the Knights of Honor Hall, in Eldorado, Kansas.
The first Lodge of the Order in this State was organized February 20, 1877, in this city. There are at present twelve subordinate Lodges working in the State, all in a good prosperous condition, having an aggregate membership of about 240 members.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
Dr. A. Howland, D. G. D. K. of H., of Winfield, Kansas, is in the city. The cabalistic letters at the end of the Doctor’s name refer to a new social order, the Knights of Honor, a lodge of which the Doctor is instituting in this city. Ottawa Republican.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
There was a public installation of officers of the Knights of Honor at the Courthouse last Friday evening. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge delivered an address. The officers of the organization for 1878 are as follows: Past Dictator, A. E. Baird; Dictator, E. P. Kinne; Vice Dictator, Geo. W. Robinson; Assistant Dictator, J. L. Rushbridge; Chaplain, S. H. Myton; Guide, John W. Curns; Reporter, H. D. Gans; Financial Reporter, A. Howland; Treasurer, W. C. Robinson; Guar., H. Brotherton; Sent’l., J. F. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Mr. A. Howland’s smiling countenance appears on our streets again after a long lecturing tour through the state. He is looking strong and healthy. His occupation evidently agrees with him.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
State News. Mr. A. Howland, of Winfield, organized a lodge of “Knights of Honor” at Junction City on the 3rd inst.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
At a regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 479, K. of H., on Monday evening, January 6th, the following officers were installed for the present term by W. G. Graham, G. D. of the State: G. W. Robinson, P. D.; T. R. Bryan, D.; W. O. Johnson, V. D.; David Berkey, A. D.; Hiram Brotherton, Guide; E. W. Holloway, R.; W. C. Robinson, Treas.; A. Howland, F. R.; H. D. Gans, Chaplain; J. F. Snyder, G.; S. H. Myton, S. This lodge is in a prosperous condition, having forty-two members, with many applications for membership.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
Mrs. L. J. Webb is visiting in Wichita. L. J. Webb is building a neat residence on Howland’s land, 12th avenue.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. Albro, nephew of Mr. A. Howland, has been visiting.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
We were pleased to meet this week Mr. W. H. Albro, a nephew of our old citizen, A. Howland, from Elmira, New York. Mr. Albro has engaged in business in Winfield, and will be a permanent fixture among us.
Alonzo Howland, “Howland & Co.”...
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The Boston Dollar store has changed hands, and is now under the management of Howland & Co. The new firm starts in with the advantage of a large acquaintance throughout the county, and will succeed.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Knights of Honor lodge met and elected officers Monday evening. The officers elected were: Dictator: A. P. Johnson; Vice Dictator: W. J. Hodges; Assistant Dictator: S. S. Lynn; Chaplain: H. D. Gans; Reporter: W. C. Root; Financial Reporter: A. Howland; Treasurer: E. F. Kinne; Guide: J. W. Batchelder; Guard: W. C. Robinson; Medical Examiner: Dr. W. G. Graham. Dr. Graham was also elected as delegate to the state lodge, which meets soon.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
Mr. A. Howland returned from Arizona Saturday. He looks much improved in health.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
A new lodge called the National Union, has been organized in Winfield, with the following officers: F. Barclay, ex-president, A. Howland, president, C. H. Bahntge, vice-president, Mrs. Mina Bliss, speaker, G. N. Searcy, Chaplain, Jacob Nixon, secretary, W. G. Graham, financial secretary, E. S. Bliss, usher, Mrs. E. S. Howland, sergeant-at-arms, A. H. Graham, door-keeper. There were twenty odd charter members. The objects of the society are similar to those of the Knights of Honor, and the members carry a life insurance of from $1,000 to $5,000.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
At a regular meeting the evening of the 20th, the Winfield Council No. 2, National Union, the following officers were elected: A. Howland, president; Frank Barclay, ex president; H. E. Noble, vice-president; Mrs. Mina Bliss, speaker; Jacob Nixon, secretary; J. E. Snow, treasurer; W. G. Graham, financial secretary; Mrs. Fanny Barclay, chaplain; E. S. Bliss, usher; E. I. Howland, sergeant-at-arms; G. W. Searcy, doorkeeper.
Alonzo Howland, Dollar Store...
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
The proprietor of the Dollar Store would like to take the opportunity to thank the thousands of patrons who visited us during the week and hope to see them many times during the coming year. We will soon have our stock replenished with new goods and hope to be able to sustain the reputation of our Dollar Store as being the cheapest place in the county to buy goods. Wishing you all a happy New Year, we respectfully ask you to come and see us. HOWLAND & CO.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
The Presbyterian Church is in need of some interior repairing and the ladies have decided to have it papered as well. To gain the money for such purpose, they held a Paper Festival at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, which was a decided success. The hall was beautifully decorated and the tables were temptingly arrayed. A number of young ladies were dressed in becoming costumes of paper. At the paper booth Mrs. Bahntge, a charming Rosebud in red and green tissue presided, assisted by Miss Amanda Scothorn representing a glowing Poppy, Miss Lizzie Wallis, a blushing sweet Carnation, Miss Jennie Hane, “The Queen of Flowers,” the Rose, and Miss Jessie Millington a gorgeous Sunflower, attracted much attention. They sold all manner of pretty paper trifles, fans, parasols, and baskets.
Miss Ida Johnson, Nina Anderson, and Anna Hyde sold button hole bouquets, and other flowers, and wore also beautiful paper dresses and were a success. The Tea booth probably attracted more attention than anything else. Each person who purchased a cup of tea was presented with the cup and saucer containing it, but the attraction was the ladies who attended and poured the tea. They were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Shreves, and Mrs. Spotswood.
Miss Margie Wallis and Chas. Bahntge made lots of fun selling soap bubbles at five cents a blow. A bevy of bright young ladies, in fancy caps and aprons, attended at the fancy tables, and sold all manner of pretty things made by the ladies of the Ladies Aid Society. They were: Misses Mary Shivers, Mate and Belle Linn, Mattie and Mary Gibson, Emma Howland, and Ella Johnson. “Rebecca at the well,” was successfully carried out by Mrs. Buckman, who sold gallons of choice lemonade. Ice cream and cake were sold by the quantity and, although not a new feature, was none the less a profitable one. Mrs. Doane, Mrs. Kretsinger, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Allen, and Mrs. Van Doren attended at one table while Mrs. Green, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Manser, Mrs. Schofield, and Mrs. Cochran attended at the other. The gross receipts of the evening were $130. The ladies also had a dinner at the Opera House Wednesday noon, but we have not been able to learn what success attended it.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
We were given several peaches Tuesday from Mr. A. Howland’s orchard. They were as large as a tea cup, and of delicious flavor. The meat was a bright yellow.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Peaches. Crawford’s Early, very fine, Mr. Howland and Mrs. Parker; Geo. 4th, Geo. W. Robertson; Large Early York; S. H. Jennings.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Dr. Howland has returned from New York.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Frank Howland has charge of the freight department at the K. C., L. & S. Depot in place of J. E. Snow, resigned. J. E. now holds forth at Earnest’s grocery.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Mr. Howland of Winfield has succeeded in inducing Eastern capital to take hold with himself and the writer in developing some of their mining properties in this vicinity, and operations will commence on the same lively, in a few days.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best pair black-breasted game fowls, J. D. Howland, Walnut, 1st premium; also, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Property is selling rapidly in the east part of the city. Judge Torrance purchased a ten acre tract of Mr. Howland for twenty-five hundred dollars. Henry E. Asp has sold his house in the Howland addition, and nine lots have changed hands in the Courier Place, since Monday.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
CLOVERDALE. District No. 70. Teacher, Emma Howland. Salary. $35.00.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Frank Howland made a flying visit to Winfield. Frank has been a salesman with Fitch and Barron at Arkansas City for some months past.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Recap. S. D. Pryor, Plaintiff’s attorney, District Court case, Alonzo Howland, Plaintiff, vs. George H. Sprague and Carrie L. Sprague, Defendants. Judgment asked for $121.98 plus costs on mortgaged property.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
RECAP. Sheriff Sale by G. H. McIntire, Monday, December 15, 1884. Alonzo Howland, Plaintiff, vs. George H. Sprague and Carrie L. Sprague. Sale of real estate. Property appraised at $225.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Frank Howland, son of Mr. A. Howland, of the Dollar Store, is studying medicine in Chicago.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The Dollar Store. This store is always very attractive about holiday times. Messrs. Howland & Company have always succeeded in stocking up with a class of goods most desirable, and as a result their sales are large. As headquarters for novelties, they have made a good reputation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Alonzo Howland vs. George H. Sprague et al: sheriff’s return of real estate confirmed; deed to purchaser ordered.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
School closed last Friday at the Plumb Creek schoolhouse, with quite an interesting entertainment given by the teacher and pupils. Miss Howland leaves here for her home with the best wishes of her scholars and friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Dr. F. A. Howland, of Chicago, has arrived in town and is fitting up an office in the Harris residence, which indicates that he means to stay. The doctor is strictly homeopathic, and we bespeak for him a good practice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Dr. F. A. Howland, son of our A. A. Howland, and well known to our people, has returned from Chicago and settled, for the practice of his profession, in Cambridge. He took a thorough course in the Homeopathic school. He is a young man of splendid ability and ambition, and will make a mark in his profession.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The matter of taking additional territory into the city limits came up before Judge Torrance yesterday evening, and was postponed to Monday next. Bliss & Wood, Col. Loomis, A. J. Thompson, D. C. Beach, A. A. Howland, the Highland Park Company, and others appeared to protest. The point was made that a mistake occurred in the publication of the late law enabling cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits, the official State paper omitting one section. An enrolled copy of the original bill, from Auditor McCabe, has been sent for.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The Arkansas City Democrat, issued Friday, launched the following item too tempting to resist THE COURIER scissors.
“The Winfield Courier in a recent issue pays high and deserving tribute to our young friend, Dr. F. A. Howland, who for some time was in the employ of Fitch & Barron in this city. Dr. Howland has just completed his medical course and has begun practice at Cambridge. Frank is an able and enterprising young man and we wish him success in his profession.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
ADDITIONAL TERRITORY. Judge Torrance came home Sunday, having closed Court at Howard. The incorporation matter came up in chambers before him Monday. The kickers composed about all whose property is in the proposed boundaries: Col. Loomis, A. A. Howland, D. C. Beach, A. J. Thompson, The Highland Park Company, and others. Joseph O’Hare appeared for the city and M. G. Troup, J. F. McMullen, S. D. Pryor, and other attorneys for clients. The Judge has the matter under consideration, having postponed his decision to the 29th inst. He is undecided as to the power of an administering officer in this matter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Miss Emma Howland, of Winfield, and Miss Alice Harden, of Cambridge, spent Thursday night with Miss Eva Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Cowley County Normal Institute opened Monday in the High School building with a splendid outlook. One hundred and six were enrolled—almost double the first day’s enrollment of any year since the Institute’s inception. Sixty is the largest recorded for any first day up to this year. Prof. J. N. Wilkinson, of the State Normal School, is conductor, and Prof. A. Gridley, Miss Ella Kelly, and Mr. Will C. Barnes, all educators of experience and ability, are instructors. Of course, County Superintendent Limerick has general supervision. The teachers are vigorous and ambitious, exhibiting great interest in the enhancement of their vocation. The Institute is a marked contrast to that of last year, in attendance. Over half are new faces, if anything an improvement in appearance over any past Normal. Last year the Institute was held seven weeks, with one session a day. This year it will be but four weeks, with two sessions daily; morning, from 10 to 12; evening, 4 to 6. Following is Monday’s enrollment.
B. GRADE. Emma S. Howland.
C. Grade. John D. Howland.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Alonzo Howland et ux to Jesse L Kuhn, lots 11, 12, and 13, blk E, Howland’s add to Winfield: $175.
Alonzo Howland et ux to O P Hirons, 22½ acres sw qr 27-32-4e: $600.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Our elongated scribe spent Friday at Burden and other eastern Cowley places. Such a trip imbues one with the prominent fact that Cowley is a mighty big and wealthy institution.
Dr. F. A. Howland, son of our A. A. Howland, and well known here, is working up a splendid practice in Cambridge and vicinity. He is a young man, but a thorough student, and will succeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
“Under the Laurels” was rendered in good style at the schoolhouse last Saturday evening to quite a large audience. The drama was played by home talent and should be encouraged in a rousing way. The participants are Misses Allie Harden, Maud and Minnie Leedy, and Lillie Long; Messrs. Harden, Howland, Alberts, and Allen. The play will be repeated next Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
This request comes from Kokomo, Indiana. “Would you please publish the official census of Winfield in the next issue of THE COURIER? By so doing you will settle a dispute and oblige two ex-residents of your city.”
Nothing could give us more pleasure, sir. The last census of Winfield, taken March 1st, shows 5,141 inhabitants in the then city limits. At that time a number of populous additions were outside of the city: Howland’s addition, most of Thompson’s addition, Highland Park, College Hill, and the Vandeventer property, with a good population in the west part of town that went to swell Vernon’s census. We then counted about fifteen hundred inhabitants in the outlying additions. Since then their population has largely increased, with a big increase all over the city, and for school and other purposes all these platted tracts have been brought into the limits. A fair estimate now places our population at 8,000, and our registered voters would indicate even more. At the fall election we had 1,243 voters on the city poll books. At least two hundred voters had not registered, and three hundred more live in additions that have since been made a part of the city, indicating, by the rule that applies all over the country, a population of 8,715. We can count safely on a population of 8,000, with some to spare. And any disbeliever who will come here and view the rush of improvements all over the city, the rustling appearance of our streets, and the general spread of the Queen City, will soon have all the incredulity knocked out of him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The City Fathers, at their special meeting Thursday evening, besides locating the city building, ground out a common grist. Riverside Park, the tract of the West Side Town Company, and everything between the city limits and river, excepting the Fair Grounds and Capt. Lowry’s residence, were taken in to the city limits on petition of the owners. The west bridge is included, the corporation extending just across the river. This will relieve Vernon township from any responsibility regarding this bridge. The city will have it put in repair and keep it so till a better bridge is built on west 9th avenue. All platted and underlying territory, reaching clear to the mounds, down the north side of Highland Park, following the Walnut around to the section line this side of Harve Jennings’, is now in the city limits, excluding only Bliss & Wood’s mill, the Fair Grounds, and a small population in Howland’s addition, near Earnest Reynold’s. And the forty acres of the West Side Town Co., over the river, as stated above, is also a part of the city. We won’t need any more territory for a few years, anyhow.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
NATIONAL UNION. The members of the National Union had another of their pleasant social gatherings at their hall last evening. This Order, though not so familiarly known, is one of the best secret societies existing, for general fraternity and mutual insurance. As its name indicates, it is a typical American institution, governed on the plan of our general government. The local body is a Council, the state body an Assembly, and the National body the Senate. The Senate is the supreme law-enacting power and every state membership of 500 entitles one senator; 3,500, two senators; and an additional senator for each 6,000 thereafter. The insurance is on the mutual plan, graded assessments on from $1,000 to $5,000, embracing, heretofore, all persons of good moral character and sound body, male or female, between the ages of twenty and fifty. A recent enactment excludes the ladies on the ground of too great risk. The insurance is among the cheapest and surest. The Winfield Council has a membership of seventy-three of the city’s prominent gentlemen and ladies. It is offered by: Lewis Conrad, president; Mrs. C. D. Austin, vice-president; A. A. Howland, secretary; Dr. W. G. Graham, financial secretary and medical examiner; Wm. Newton, treasurer; Mrs. E. S. Bliss, speaker; Miss Emma Howland, chaplain. The gathering last night evidenced the success of the National Union as a Social Order. The hall was full—of people, and genuine social intercourse was mingled with a splendid supper, served in regular table style. These socials are indulged in often, including non-members as well as members.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
PROCLAMATION! To All People Greeting. I, Santa Claus, have made arrangements with Howland & Co., at the Dollar Store, to fill all my orders for Christmas presents, at lower prices than ever offered, and wish all to call and examine their large stock of Holiday Goods.
Santa Claus, at the Dollar Store! The Old Dollar Store is again filled with the largest and cheapest stock of Holiday Goods ever offered to the people of Cowley County. Call and see us and be convinced that this is the place to buy your Christmas, New Year, Birthday, and Wedding Presents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
THE WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY. This society met at Normal hall Thursday evening. This society is composed of the students of the Commercial college only. The subject for discussion was “Resolved, that a person can gain more information by reading than by observation.” It was decided in favor of the negative. The present enrollment of the school is 98. Mrs. A. H. Limerick resigned her position as principal of the preparatory department Friday. Miss Emma Howland was chosen to fill the vacancy. This Commercial College and Normal School is one of our most creditable institutions. Its attendance is very encouraging and speaks splendidly for the conductors, Profs. Wood & Inskeep. The students are from all over the county and many from surrounding counties.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The Webster Literary Society met at Normal Hall, Thursday, and quite an interesting meeting was held. The question for discussion was, “That the credit system should be abolished.” It was decided in favor of the negative. It was argued by Messrs. M. Owen, Carl Wood, and B. Bartlett on the affirmative and by Prof. Inskeep, J. C. Bradshaw, and J. Smith on the negative. Some excellent speeches were made, after which “The Literary Casket,” a bright and spicy sheet edited by Miss Emma S. Howland, was read. It consisted of many practical points and some good jokes on the boys.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Alonzo Howland & wf to Henry Trobough, 11¼ acres in sw qr 27-32-4e: $375.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 13, 1891.
MARRIAGE LICENSE SECURED. R. L. Halley, of Ponca, Indian Territory, and Miss Lida Park, of Clemence, Kansas, secured marriage license last evening. E. P. Reynolds and Miss Nettie Perry, of Arkansas City; Wm. H. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Miss Emma S. Howland, of Winfield, were the latest victims of cupid as shown by the records of the probate court.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 14, 1891.
MARRIED. Miss Emma Howland, of this city, was married to Mr. Wm. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia, at the Presbyterian church Tuesday morning. Rev. J. C. Miller officiating. The bride is well-known here and is one of the first ladies of Winfield. The groom is a young man of excellent character and is traveling in the interest of an Atlanta commercial house. The happy pair left on the 10:04 Frisco train for St. Louis, where they will visit a few days and then go home by way of Mammoth Cave and Chattanooga. The best wishes of a host of friends accompany them.