Hubbard Family
Jonathan J. Hubbard.
He is written about in the 1901 Biographic sketches of Cowley County. He came in 1870.
[1870] PAGE 49.
JONATHAN J. HUBBARD, a veteran of the Civil War, was one of the prosperous farmers of Cowley County, Kansas, residing on section 18, in Vernon Township. He was a native of Harrison County, Indiana, and a son of James Hubbard. His grandfather was born on the other side of the Blue Ridge Mountains, in Virginia, and both his grandfathers were in the battle of Tippecanoe, in which his paternal grandfather was shot in the left arm, necessitating amputation.
James Hubbard, father of Jonathan J. Hubbard, was born in Virginia, but was taken to Harrison County, Indiana, in 1800, the year of his birth. From his father he learned farming, which was his occupation throughout his entire active career. About the commencement of the War of the Rebellion, he broke his thigh, and though he was unable to serve in behalf of the Union, his sons, nevertheless, voiced his patriotism, as several of them enlisted in the Union Army. Mr. Hubbard was united in marriage with Rebecca Battman, who was also born in Harrison County, Indiana, and whose parents were natives of England and Scotland. They had ten sons and two daughters: Jeremia; John; Mary E. (Burnett); Francis Marion; Jonathan J.; Christopher Columbus; Andrew Jackson; Benjamin Franklin; James K. Polk; Elvira (Newkirk); Josiah; and George Washington. Mr. Hubbard passed to the other world in 1890, after living four score and ten years. His widow died at the age of sixty-eight years.
Jonathan J. Hubbard was reared in Crawford County, Indiana, although in after years he returned to Harrison County, and there lived until 1870, when, on October 22, he became a resident of Cowley County, Kansas. He settled on his present claim in section 18, Vernon Township.
When the Civil War broke out, Mr. Jonathan J. Hubbard laid aside all plans for the future to take part in the contest for the preservation of the Union. He became a private in Company C, 17th Reg. Ind. Vol. If. He enlisted December 6, 1861, and served three years and nine months. He was in the battle of Chickamauga, and in the engagement at Selma, Alabama, where 18 of the 36 men in his company were killed. He saw two weeks of constant fighting around Kennesaw Mountain, in Georgia, at which time his company was under John T. Wilder. In many of the skirmishes he was so near the Confederates that he could see their eyes. He took part in the Atlanta campaign, during which he was at the front on skirmish duty. While under fire Mr. Hubbard was always cool and deliberate, and although he displayed much valor, he was not a man to expose himself needlessly to danger. Many a time he lay behind rocks which the enemy’s bullets scaled, and he concealed himself behind stumps, while the leaden missiles pealed the bark from the other side. On one occasion a bullet passed through his blouse, and he felt the wind from hundreds of bullets, but fortunately he never received a single scratch from any of them.
Mr. Hubbard chose for his life companion Mary H. Pennington, a native of Harrison County, Indiana, and their home was blessed by the birth of seven children: Dennis; Elvira, deceased; Rebecca (Porter); Floyd W.; Rosalind; Nicholas Smith; and Howard.