Hudson Family
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George Hudson.
George C. Hudson was born August 13, 1853, in Canada. He came to the United States with his father, Robert Hudson, Sr., and the rest of the family. They arrived in Winfield, Kansas in 1869.
The first business in which he was engaged was blacksmithing, which was located one-half block east of where the Brettun Hotel now stands.
He married Clara Jane Green in 1873. She came to Kansas from Iowa with her mother and father, Jane and David Green. Her sister, Emma Elizabeth Green, married George’s brother, William Henry Hudson, on March 16, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
HUDSON (George) & BROWN do a prospering business at blacksmithing. They are accommodating and reliable. “Give the boys a chance.”
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
Notice is hereby given that George Hudson and James Brown, under the firm name of Hudson & Brown, have dissolved partnership--George Hudson continuing the business. Also that all parties indebted to the said firm will find their accounts at W. M. Boyer’s.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Mr. George Hudson left for the Black Hills last Monday morning. Mr. Joe. Rickels, formerly of Winfield and Arkansas City, who is at present in the Hills running a blacksmith shop, sent for him, offering him $4.00 a day and his board.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1877.
Geo. Hudson returned Saturday from the Black Hills.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
BIRTH. Born, on Saturday night (Oct. 12), to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, a son; nine pounds and a half--cigars. (Dr. LaMotte C. Hudson of Hollywood, California, who died August 20, 1965).
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Geo. Hudson has quit blacksmithing and gone to work in the jewelry store.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879 .
George Hudson’s blacksmith sign was wrecked by the gentle zephyrs that played around so lively last Monday.
A second son (Frank Preston Hudson) was born May 31, 1881 and died 3/10/1961.
Mr. Hudson told many interesting tales of his experiences as a miner in the Black Hills between years of 1875 and 1877. He made the trip with Bob Robinson, driving a mule team. At the same time that Mr. Hudson was there Blanchard and Rodocker, two Winfield men, were also mining in the Black Hills. They located one of the largest gold mines in that territory. The mine was still being worked in 1933.
While in the jewelry business in the early days Mr. Hudson with his brother, Robert Hudson, made the great town clock, which was the pride of the city at that time. The immense clock had one-third less mechanical parts about it than the ordinary clock and was located in the rear end of the Hudson Brothers Jewelry store. The dial was eight feet in diameter and the bell, which weighed 1,000 pounds, was framed upon the roof of the building, striking regularly the hour and half hour. The hammer weighed 35 pounds, the weights, 600 pounds each. The clock kept accurate time and the bell could be heard all over the city.
Clara Jane (Green) Hudson, wife of George Hudson, died April 17, 1904, at Winfield, Kansas. She had been ill of Tuberculosis for several months.
George C. Hudson later married Alma Parisho, who survives him.
George Hudson became a naturalized citizen on Nov. 28, 1921.
George C. Hudson died in Winfield December 23, 1933. As a youth he ran a lumber yard and a hotel with his father. George entered the jewelry business in 1879 with his brother Will. They taught their younger brother, Robert Hudson, Jr., the business. In 1882 George built the building where Anthony’s store (904 Main) is situated, and there he was in the jewelry business for 43 years until he retired in 1925. For 13 years, between 1904 and 1917, he was actively engaged in the oil industry, being interested in the Peru field.