Hudson Family
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Will Hudson.
William H. Hudson was born in Canada July 12, 1855. He came to the United States with his father, Robert Hudson, and the family, in 1969. They came to Winfield in 1869.
Mr. Robert Hudson, Jr., remembers the first story, a log building with a dirt floor, located close to the present site of the state bank. Upstairs was the first newspaper. Mr. Robert Hudson worked with the printer (He was the devil- he inked the type with a roller while the printer placed the paper, made the impression and took out the finished result.) when he was little, and his brother, Will, as well as Ed Greer, were typesetters. Setting a column of print a day was considered a good days work, which they both were able to do.
W. C. Robinson wrote, “We opened Reads’s Bank September 21, 1872, occupying one-half the room, on the lot now where the Orr Crawford Shoe Store is; the other half was occupied by John Zeager who had a jewelry store, and with whom Will Hudson learned his trade. This was the start of the Hudson family as Jewelers and successful business men.”
Will Hudson learned the jewelry trade and established a business while Robert was still going to school. After school hours Robert worked in the store and gradually learned the trade himself.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
It was not Wm. Hudson that bought out the City Hotel. Will still watches the wheels and wheels the watches into time down at the City jewelry store.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
WILL HUDSON has moved the City Jewelry Store to the rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Kennedy.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
WM. HUDSON denies that he is inexperienced in the watch-repairing business, and denies that his are second-hand goods. He says he will duplicate any other man’s work or prices in the county, and warrants his work to last as long as time. His goods are the best and were bought especially for Cowley County buyers.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
WILL HUDSON is ordering goods in his line every day. Persons wishing silver spoons, forks, casters, napkin rings, ladies’ and gent’s sets, bracelets, cuff pins, watches, watch chains, etc., will do well to leave their orders with him. He will order goods for holiday presents at cost. Orders solicited at the earliest possible date.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
An Advertisement. I do not advertise my goods in anybody’s “oral Bugle,” in the Telegram, or in any organ that sells its columns to advertisers for the sole purpose of abusing a rival jeweler. I am running a first class jewelry store, buy my goods of first class dealers, and I pay for them. I warrant all my work. I came here before there was any Winfield or any junk-shop jewelers in this section--I came here to stay. You will not find me moving from place to place every month, or abusing those who chose to come after me. Call and see me and you will find the above statements substantially correct.
Very respectfully, S/ W. M. HUDSON.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
Will Hudson’s jewelry store has been muchly improved by the addition of a new fire proof safe and a metal show case. Now he can keep watches, jewelry, and other valuables left in his care with perfect safety.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1877.
Opposite Read’s Bank,
Needles, Oil, Attachments, and Supplies for all machines always on hand.
J. A. SEXTON, Agent for Cowley.
(Note - This means his store is at about 905-911 South Main street. RKW)
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Wm. Hudson & Bro., Watchmakers And Jewelers, Keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. REPAIRING done with promptness and skill, and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. FIRE PROOF SAFE in which are kept all articles left for repairs.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Geo. Hudson has quit black smithing and gone to work in the jewelry store. (Note - This must have been when the name was changed to the Hudson Brothers, as Robert Hudson was still in High School. RKW. )
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Hudson Bros. received last Monday a large and handsome safe, which will be placed in their jewelry store. It the largest safe, outside of the banks in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Will Hudson, Shelly Hyde, and others started overland for Colorado last Friday. Their trip is one of pleasure, and they intend to spend several weeks camping among the mountains angling for the festive trout.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
Will Hudson has returned from his Colorado trip much improved in health.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
Hudson Brothers are running the Arkansas City jewelry business in the Palace store, as well as their Winfield store.
Winfield Monthly Herald, June 1, 1890.
Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, Clocks, etc.
Fine Repairing a Specialty.
No. 904 Main Street, Winfield, Ks.
Winfield Monthly Herald, September, 1891.
Hudson Bros. are willing to spend a part of their earnings for the good of the public. They have erected a large 500 pound bell over their store, striking the hours and half hours, day and night, which can be heard all over the city, and hundreds of clocks and watches are regulated every day by the striking of this bell.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
We are doing twice the amount of business we did a year ago, probably because we are carrying twice as many goods and are better known. Do not know as the short crops of last year has any effect on our trade. Have not noticed any particular effect of the prohibitory laws on our trade.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1879.
Mr. Will Hudson and Miss Emma Green were married on last Sunday evening.
Note - Emma Elizabeth Green Hudson died Jan 11, 1891 and is buried in Union Cemetery.. They had one child, Archie Elister Hudson, born Jan. 6. 1880. RKW )
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
The city authorities are sinking a public well in front of Hudson Bros. jewelry store.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I, W. H. Hudson, and Lenora P. Hudson, my wife, have forever separated. Cause: that mother-in-law of mine. This is to warn all persons from harboring or trusting either of them on my account as I will pay no debts of their contracted after this date. W. H. HUDSON.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Will Hudson, the jeweler, has been tendered the sympathy of a large number of friends recently, because of a notice in the COURIER by a man of the same name announcing a dissolution of a matrimonial partnership. Will wants it understood that he isn’t the man, and that he and his wife are sharing life’s troubles and blessings with the greatest felicity with not even a mother-in-law to disturb the equilibrium of their days.
W. H. Hudson married Maude Ethelyn Hurlbut on Feb. 12, 1894. They were divorced. He then married S. Elizabeth Harrod on Nov. 10, 1897 who died July 20, 1951. They had two children, William Harrod and Mary Elizabeth. He died Friday, March 16, 1940.
Archie Elister Hudson was born Jan. 6, 1880, in Winfield. He married Gertrude Ruth McQuitty. They had three children, William, born 12/13/1907; Lillian, born 7/31/1909; and Virginia, born and died 5/1/1919. He died Dec 11, 1953 and his wife died Dec. 15, 1968.
William Harrod Hudson Jr., was born 4/17/1903 and died 4/4/1904 and is buried in Union cemetery..
Mary Elizabeth Hudson was born June 4, 1909. She married March 16, 1935 Burrling Mathias Stump. They had two children; Mary Lou Stump, born 1/2/1936; and William Stump, born 1/4/1945.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884. Our Town Clock.
Our City Clock in the McDougle building has at last fallen into good hands and is now, after being as dead as a door nail for a year or more, running in good shape. The work of fixing it up was done by Hudson Bros., our enterprising jewelers, and as a result of their skillful handling, it is running “on time,” for the first time. It has been through the hands of several workmen, but has been getting worse instead of better. Hudson Bros. have put it in first-class order and will keep it so. They are now the “official time keepers” of the city.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
Will Hudson received several specimens of quartz from his brother, George, taken from their mine in the San Juan country. George is there now working a gang of men in the mine and is taking out some rich ore. We hope the boys may find that they have struck it rich. Their mine is called the “Flag of Truce.”