James L. Huey


Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
James Huey 28   m w Pennsylvania Illinois
The following article reveals that James L. Huey was a “Notary Public” in 1874...
The Truth as to the Osages.
  Rascality, Mendacity, and Secrecy.
A Band of Murderers and Horse Thieves Threatening Our Southern Border.
How Enoch Hoag and His Quaker Subordinates Conspire to Conceal the Truth.
A Solemn Protest by the Friends of Murdered Citizens Against the Quaker Policy.
The Commonwealth, Saturday Morning, September 5, 1874.
We approach a subject now that we are unable to handle without a burning sense of indignation that in some degree may prevent a just consideration of it; it is as the reader surmises from the head of this article the very present and grave question, of how to protect white settlers from butchery, and keep in proper subjection several thousand of treacherous and implacable savages. It is the policy inaugurated by the government in some hour of sentimental and highly poetized philanthropy, when the practical Yankee wit and judgment of our governors were abroad and replaced by a false, unreal, and illogical sense of justice to a wild, untutored people, who respect only power strenuously applied; and humanity to wretches who look upon a humane man as a milk-sop and a coward. Though, as we have said, our views on this subject may have the appearance of being over-wrought and tinged with prejudice, we are sure that our indignation will in some degree be shared by those whose patience will permit them to read through the array of facts subjoined and relating to a matter which has of late been in controversy between the governor of Kansas and certain members of the society of Friends, having charge of Indian affairs in this superintendency, to-wit: whether or not our southern border is threatened by an invasion of Osages.
Before entering into a consideration of this specific subject, we desire to say something in a general way on what is known as the Quaker policy, which are sure will merit and receive the endorsement of all fair minded men who are familiar with the facts. Whatever of genuine humanity and supposable justice and reason were present at the inauguration of the present Indian policy, it is now clearly devoid of. Experience has proven it not only impracticable, but calamitous, and the time has now come for a solemn and strenuous demand for its abolition and the substitution of a strong and practical policy that will not only confine the Indians to their reservations, but furnish absolute security to white settlements on the border.
We pointedly and emphatically charge:
1st. That it is not love of the well-being or hope for the civilization of the savages that actuate the Quakers in their persistent foisting themselves upon the government as the curators of the Indians, but mainly a sordid love of gain.

2nd. That a ring has been formed among the Indian agents, the cementing bond of which is mutual self-interest and the continuance of which in the control and fiduciary management of the affairs of the Indians mainly depends upon the maintenance of silence and secrecy as to all outrages against the whites committed by them.
3rd. That Mr. Mahlon Stubbs has in pursuance of this common policy wilfully prevaricated, or in plain Saxon lied, as to the warlike intentions of the Osages and that Mr. Enoch Hoag, the superintendent of Indian affairs of this department has, wittingly or unwittingly abetted him; thus by misrepresentations, and for the sake of preventing any detriment to the present Indian policy misleading the government, so that the lives and property of thousands of citizens of this state are endangered, and if the stories of these agents were to be believed, no military protection might be extended them.
4th. That when one of their number sent a dispatch to the commanding officer of this department, asking protection for his agency from hostile Cheyennes and Arapahos, Mr. Enoch Hoag secured the passage of a resolution through the yearly Quaker meeting at Lawrence, condemning his (John D. Miles) action and asking him to resign.
A dispatch from Capt. G. H. Norton, of Arkansas City, appeared in the COMMONWEALTH a number of days ago, stating that Mahlon Stubbs had told citizens of Arkansas City that owing to the killing of five Osages in Barbour County by Captain Ricker’s company, the entire Osage tribe had held a council and declared war, and were only restrained from going on the warpath by promises of Mr. Stubbs to secure pay for the dead Osages and the return of certain ponies captured from the Osages by Capt. Ricker’s men.
As soon as Mr. Stubbs arrived in Lawrence and had a consultation with his chief, he found that he had transgressed the role of silence imposed on all his class, and straightway came out with a denial that there was any truth in Capt. Norton’s dispatch as to the attitude of Osages, or that he ever said or intimated such to be the fact. This denial of Mr. Stubbs was sedulously circulated, and procured, published in the associated press dispatches. A few days afterwards, Mr. Hoag and Mr. Stubbs visited Gov. Osborn to treat for the return of the Indian ponies. The result of their visit was not encouraging. Gov. Osborn, in the course of a random talk, told them that if the murders of white men and American citizens that had been committed by this tribe had occurred in Hong Kong, they would stir the civilized world.
He offered to return the ponies on the condition that the Osages would prove that in their absence from the reservation and their presence within the borders of this state they had no knowledge of existing orders against Indians leaving their reservations, and that they had not fired upon the militia first, as claimed by Capt. Ricker. Hoag and Stubbs retired in good order, but crest-fallen, and as they went out, Stubbs intimated that he had to get home by a certain time, as his Indians had given him only that time to return. This in the face of a point-blank denial the day before that any fears were to be apprehended from the Osages.
But our evidence on this head is now conclusive, convicting Mr. Stubbs of willful lying, and Mr. Hoag of aiding him in circulating the lie and concealing the truth.
I see by the papers that Friend Stubbs through Mr. Hoag denies the statement made by me to Gov. Osborn some days ago in regard to the Osages.

Mr. Stubbs did make the statements as I gave them to the governor. I did not see him myself, but he told A. D. Keith, second lieutenant of my company, and postmaster at that place. I enclosed Mr. Keith’s affidavit. Mr. Stubbs the same day left a message for Agent Williams of the Kickapoos, warning him to abandon his agency and move to the state as he and his family were in danger. Agent Williams accordingly moved to this place and has been here ever since.
The condition of affairs on this frontier at present is most deplorable. The people are almost frightened out of their wits, but I hope we shall soon be able to quiet them.
State of Kansas, )
Cowley County, ) ss.
I, Aylmer D. Keith, being first duly sworn, say that on the 17th day of August, 1874, in conversation with Mahlon Stubbs, late agent of the Kaws, said Stubbs used the following language in regard to the anticipated trouble with the Osage Indians, to-wit: “The Indians have held a council and declared for war. They are on the fight the biggest kind. In my opinion you are in ten times as much danger as you ever have been.” AYLMER D. KEITH.
Cowley County, )
State of Kansas ) ss.
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 1st day of September, 1874.
JAMES L. HUEY, Notary Public.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: R. F. Burden, Robert White, Wm. Sleeth.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Deputy Treasurer: Jas. L. Huey.
Probate Judge: H. D. Gans.
Registrar of Deeds: E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
Coroner: Sim. Moore.
County Attorney: A. J. Pyburn.
Clerk District Court: E. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
Examining Surgeon U. S. Pensioners: W. Q. Mansfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Full Report of All the Business Transacted by the Board of County Commissioners Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, April 10, 11, and 12.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, April 10, 1876.
By virtue of authority vested in the Board, by reason of chapter 77 of the session laws of 1875, be it remembered that the Board have on this 11th day of April, 1876, appointed James L. Huey County Treasurer of Cowley County, Kansas, to serve from the first Tuesday of July, 1876, to the second Tuesday of October, 1876, and the County Clerk is hereby ordered to notify him of said appointment.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Miss Kate Hawkins of Arkansas City is visiting her sister, Mrs. James L. Huey, of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
James L. Huey has just returned from St. Louis, where he has been to purchase a set of new legs. Jim could generally get away with most any one with his old ones.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 16, 1876.
JAS. L. HUEY and lady were down from Winfield last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.  
JAMES HUEY says he has “a big , fat boy.” Date of arrival, Tuesday, Oct. 3rd.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
The form of our genial friend, Thos. R. Bryan, can now be seen behind the lattice work in the Treasurer’s office. It’s been so long since his election that we’ve almost forgotten whether he was elected on the Republican or “Rephorm” ticket. He took formal possession of the office last Tuesday. Mr. Huey is retained in the office as assistant.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
BIRTHS. Four Family “fysicians” couldn’t keep run of the “advents” of late in this town. A new bankeress, a new city marshaless, and we don’t-know-what-else. This we do know. Messrs. Fuller, Denning, and Huey are the proudest men in the city—except Troup. Troup said it was a whole Troup in itself, weighed a ton, and would vote for Hayes and Wheeler.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876..
E. P. KINNE and Jas. L. Huey favored the office with a call last Thanksgiving. Jim was the man who didn’t complain of cold feet on that day.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
JAMES HUEY will move to and reside on his farm east of the Walnut next month.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
“WILD CAT” writes us from Guelph, under date of February 18th, that there is a man in that vicinity who openly boasts that he “intends making it warm for someone about the TRAVELER Of­fice,” and that “some fine day this week he is going down to put a head on the editor.” “Wild Cat” kindly gives us the name of the party, but out of charity we withhold it from the public.
Now, if the gentleman could realize how it shocks our mental and physical constitution, he surely would not speak so rashly. Ever since we first made our abode in the beautiful and verdant county of Cowley, we have had to undergo the tortures of threats of being shot, waylaid at midnight, and finally a new head is to be put on our person.
The thought of it is terrible! But what is, must be. Our fighting weight is just 127-1/2 pounds; time for fracases, twenty-five minutes of 12, at noon, as that is the time we feel most hungry and savage.

If the gentleman desires “deadly weapons,” we can furnish them, as we like to be accommodating. Our choice is shot guns, at long range. We will not quarrel about the distance. The bluff north of town and Dr. Leonard’s fence would suit us nicely for stations. Our second will be Jim Huey—he can’t run. Now if these arrangements are satisfactory, the gentleman can name the day, and we will endeavor to have a friend there to explain the cause of our absence; otherwise, he will have to take the peril­ous chances of standing in front of our accident shot gun, that goes off without provocation, or being demolished with a hair space.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
J. L. HUEY will in a week or ten days open a real estate office in this city, where all kinds of notary work will be attended to such as drawing deeds, mortgages, etc., and any other business in that line.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
Real Estate agents have loomed up like mushrooms within the last two weeks. Mitchell & Channell, Walton & Hoffmaster, W. S. Hunt, J. L. Huey, and some others have expressed the determina­tion to engage in the business. It is a branch of business that has been somewhat neglected heretofore, and we are glad to see the institution well represented.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
JAMES HUEY goes to the county seat to make a numerical index of the land titles of Cowley County, by order of the Commissioners.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May term of the District Court, of Cowley County, to be begun and held on the first Monday, 7th day of May, A. D. 1877, and have been placed on the Trial docket in the following order.
  Arkansas City vs. Jas. L. Huey, Treas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
DISTINGUISHED GUEST. O. J. Schneck, of the St. Charles Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who lately paid this place a visit to see his friend, James Huey, is a young man of consider­able renown. It was he, two years ago, who made the balloon ascension from Philadelphia that created be so much excitement. He has made five ascensions, varying from one to three and a half miles above the earth. It was his intention, when he left this place, to return and engage in the stock business before many months.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
JUDGE CHRISTIAN has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for Creswell Township
by Gov. Anthony, and James Huey a Notary Public. Both appointments were well bestowed.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Jim Huey was with us again last week assisting Treasurer Bryan in his arduous labors.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
In this issue appears the card of Huey & Mitchell, real estate agents. Office over J. I. Mitchell’s harness store. These gentlemen are reliable businessmen who have the confidence of the community. If you want a deed, mortgage, or note drawn, call on them.
Real Estate Agents and Notaries Public,
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Will pay taxes and furnish abstracts of title.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.

The following committees have been chosen by the Ladies’ Sewing Society for their Thanksgiving Festival.
Mrs. S. B. Fleming, Mrs. V. Hawkins, Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. E. Weatherholt, Mrs. L. C. Norton, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. DeMott, Mrs. S. Pepper, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. I. H. Bonsall.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MONEY TO LOAN. J. L. Huey has money to loan on chattel or real estate security. Real estate greatly preferred and at a much lower rate of interest.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MITCHELL and HUEY are talking of erecting a building on the vacant lot between the Post Office and Mr. Bonsall’s gallery.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A stray black pig, about 90 pounds weight, taken up by J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A BUILDING ASSOCIATION WAS FORMED A FEW WEEKS AGO, and entered into by twelve parties, agreeing to build a house each. Since then fourteen more have declared their intention to build. The original twelve were:
S. P. Channell, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, L. H. Gardner, O. P. Houghton, Gardner Mott, H. P. Farrar, Silas Parker, J. L. Huey, C. R. Sipes, R. C. Haywood, James Wilson.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
A petition has been circulated asking the County Commission­ers to appoint James L. Huey, Trustee of Creswell Township, in place of M. R. Leonard, who resigned.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Monday, the 14th. New board: R. F. Burden, chairman; W. M. Sleeth and G. L. Gale. Appointed John B. Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell Township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale Township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
MITCHELL & HUEY will remove to the new rooms over Houghton & McLaughlin’s in a week or two.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
MITCHELL & HUEY will remove to their new office over Houghton & McLaughlin’s store next week.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Probate Judge’s Office.
James L. Huey appointed administrator of the estate of Albert Chamberlain.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

ON SUNDAY MORNING about one-third of the west pier of the Walnut River bridge was discovered to have been washed out. Mr. Newman and James Huey, the Township Trustee, immediately engaged four teams and had them work all day Sunday hauling rock to throw in above the pier to save it. It does not interfere with cross­ing, and will be permanently repaired when the water lowers.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
J. L. Huey was up from Arkansas City Tuesday. He says Huey & Mitchell have moved into their fine office over Houghton & McLaughlin’s store—said to be the finest office in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
The phiz of the assessor is abroad in the land. It is James Huey this year.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
The contract for the erection of the Arkansas River bridge south of town, was signed by James Sample, trustee of Bolton Township, and James Huey of Creswell Township, last week. Just before the letter was mailed, a representative of another company came in and asked the privilege of bidding on the work, promising that they would put up a better bridge for the same money, or as good a bridge for less money. The trustees, thinking there might be an opportunity of saving the townships from one to three hundred dollars, concluded to hold the contract until the bid could be made. This will delay the matter five days, after which, the bridge is to be completed within sixty days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
J. L. Huey, Administrator of Albert A. Chamberlain, has been granted an order for the sale of the deceased’s property.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City. Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
SOMEONE has shamefully cut and damaged the pine siding in the hall leading upstairs in the Me ton [? Melton ?] building. I hereby give fair warning that I intend to prosecute any person caught in the act. J. L. HUEY, Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
L. B. HATCH, representing the New York Life Insurance Company, was in town last Friday, and has appointed J. L. Huey local agent for the company. Jim will make a good agent, and expects to talk us all blind as soon as the necessary blanks arrive. The company is spoken of in the highest terms.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
   Our New Bridge.
Within six or seven weeks our people can have the pleasure of crossing the Arkansas on a good, substantial, Pratt truss bridge, built by a Pittsburg company.
The bonds were voted and money raised with a view to letting the contract to the Missouri Valley Company of Leavenworth, but the wording of the contract, which the latter company sent to the Trustees of the two town­ships interested, differed materially from the proposition made by their agent, and as the Pittsburg gentlemen made a more satisfactory offer, for the same money, they were awarded the contract.

The iron furnished by this company is to come from their foundry at Pittsburg, is stronger than that proposed by the Leavenworth firm, and at every joint there is thirty percent more iron than in the bar, thus adding to rather then detracting from the strength of the bridge. The joists are to be 2-1/2 x 12 inches, 20 inches from center to center, and laid lengthwise, while those of the other company were to be only 2 x 12 inches, 24 inches from center to center, and laid crosswise. These advantages, together with the unsatisfactory course pursued by the Leavenworth company, induced the Trustees to accept the offer they did.
Another fact, worthy of note, is the Leavenworth company demanded in their contract that half the money be paid when the material was on the ground, in defiance of their first proposi­tion, while the gentlemen from Pittsburg ask for no money or bonds until the work is completed, and then take the Bolton township bonds at par.
The Trustees have acted with a promptness and decision that reflects credit upon their judgment, and their course will undoubtedly result beneficially to those interested. They have been left to act solely by themselves, the businessmen whose opinions were asked displaying a singular apathy upon a question of such importance, thus throwing the entire responsibility upon the aforementioned gentlemen. Thanks to Mr. Huey, of Creswell, and Mr. Sample, of Bolton, our people will have a number one bridge, less liable to need repairs than that over the Walnut, built by a perfectly reliable company—and in a short time, too.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
The board examined and approved the official bonds of the following township officers: J. L. Huey, trustee, Creswell tp.; Jas. A. Barr, trustee, Silver Creek tp; K. McClung, constable, Vernon tp.; W. A. Freeman, clerk, Beaver tp.; G. W. Savage, clerk, Harvey tp.; G. B. Darlington, clerk, Omnia tp.; W. B. Wimer, trustee, Rock tp.; David Walck, constable, Maple tp.; J. J. Smith, justice of peace, Otter tp.; A. B. Odell, constable, Ninnescah tp.; C. N. Gates, constable, Dexter tp.; Wm. Morgan, constable, Cedar tp.; J. M. Barrick, justice of peace, Rock tp.; W. D. Mowry, clerk, Creswell tp.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
Mrs. Huey goes to Iowa this week for a four months visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
MONEY TO LOAN, on first class real estate securities, for two and three years. Inquire of J. L. HUEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
  For Sale or Trade.
80 acres of land, 3 miles north of Arkansas City.
   Apply to J. L. Huey or W. E. Gooch.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
A new Domestic sewing machine for $31. Inquire of J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
All persons indebted to Mrs. D. T. Thompson, or having any business transactions, can settle the same with J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

H. P. FARRAR and JAMES HUEY returned from Wichita last Sunday. They report eight cases of small pox in the city—two cases at the Tremont House, where they both stopped. Proper attention is being paid to it, and there is but little chance of the disease.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Our town at this time faithfully illustrates the lines of the Irish poet:
“The rich may ride in chaises,
But the poor must stay at home, be J___s.”
During the past week some ten of our leading businessmen’s wives have gone east and north to spend the summer: Mrs. O. P. Houghton, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. M. Rexford, Mrs. David Thompson, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Sleeth, Mrs. S. P. Channell.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
List of Advertising Business Houses of Arkansas City
and Winfield.
Huey & Mitchell, Loan Agents.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
ALL PERSONS knowing themselves to be indebted to Kellogg & Hoyt, or H. D. Kellogg, by note or due bill, will please call on J. L. Huey and settle at once, thereby saving costs. KELLOGG & HOYT.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
MRS. McKNIGHT and daughter, Laura, of Winterset, Iowa, are paying a visit to J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
James Huey will receive taxes at this place on the 10th day of November, and receipt therefor.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
You can pay your taxes to James Huey next week and get a receipt therefor. He will have the books here from week to week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
The Presbyterian social will be held at James Huey’s, Tuesday evening, Feb. 11. All are invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
About the neatest thing in town are those windows of Huey & Mitchell that were touched up with “Graphic’s” brush.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
For three and five years on first-class improved real estate, at 10 percent, and small commission. HUEY & MITCHELL.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
James L. Huey, W. D. Roberts, and W. B. Norman have been appointed by the District Court of Cowley County the committee to condemn the right of way for the Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith R. R. through this county.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.

Judge Campbell has appointed Messrs. J. L. Huey, W. D. Roberts, and W. B. Norman commissioners to assess damage to land, crops, buildings, etc., by reason of the right of way of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith R. R. through Cowley county. They will commence their work on the 9th day of June next.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1879.
James Huey is a candidate for treasurer of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
MONEY TO LOAN For three and five years on first-class improved real estate, at 10 per cent, and small commission. HUEY & MITCHELL.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Statement of the Indebtedness of Creswell Township.
The Board is unable at present to make a complete statement further back than the commencement of Mr. A. Chamberlain’s term as Trustee, with E. D. Eddy and W. D. Mowry as Treasurer and Clerk, i.e., 1875-6. Orders issued, $1,099.73; orders outstand­ing Dec. 11, 1878, $171.00.
T. M. McIntire, Trustee, 1876-7: Total amount of orders issued, $2,312.88, as follows: To Walnut Valley Bridge Company for road purposes, $1,634.00; issued on general fund, $678.88. Total amount outstanding Dec. 11, 1878, $1,724.20.
James Huey, Trustee, 1877-8: Total amount of orders issued, $745.50; orders outstanding Dec. 11, 1878: $406.71.
Total amount of outstanding orders against the township, Dec. 11, 1878, $2,301.91.
1st series—Date, Nov. 26, 1872; due Nov. 26, 1882; amount, $4,500, in nine bonds of $500 each; interest 10 percent, payable annually; for bridge near Newman’s mill.
2nd series—Date, Sept. 20, 1873; due Sept. 1, 1883; amount, $7,500, in seven bonds of $1,000 each and one of $500; interest 10 percent, payable semi-annually; for purchase of Arkansas River bridge.
3rd series—Date, May 1, 1877; one bond of $500; due May 1, 1877; interest 10 percent, payable semi-annually; for Walnut River bridge.
This is a statement of the indebtedness of the township, with the exception of a few unpaid orders of this year. Next week we will attempt to show how this amount has been expended. A. WALTON, Trustee.
R. E. MAXWELL, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
A commandery of Knight Templars was instituted in this city, last evening, starting out with the following charter members, comprising some of the best citizens of this city, Oxford, and Arkansas City: John D. Pryor, W. G. Graham, Robt. Allison, Joseph Conklin, Chas. C. Black, S. P. Channell, K. F. Smith, Jas. L. Huey, Jas. Ridenour, A. J. Chapel, Benj. F. Smith, Ansel Gridley, Jas. M. Stafford, R. D. Jillson, A. A. Newman, J. Cairns.
The Commandery will work under dispensation, with the following officers.
E. Commander, W. G. Graham; Generalissimo, Jas. Huey; Captain General, R. D. Jillson; Prelate, Rev. J. Cairns.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Township Treasurer’s Report.
To cash received of W. E. Gooch $113.80

To amount received of County Treasurer $1,301.94
To cash received for sale of house $25.00
Total: $1,170.74
By amount paid on Scrip issued by W. W. Berkey $1.00
By amount paid on Scrip issued by H. Chamberlain $181.15
By amount paid on Scrip issued by T. McIntire $415.16
By amount paid on Scrip issued by Jas. L. Huey $195.52
By amount paid on Scrip issued by A. Walton $366.72
Total: $1,159.55
Balance on hand October 28, 1879 $11.19
S. B. ADAMS, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
There will be a meeting of the citizens of the town on Thursday night, Dec. 4th, at the office of Mitchell & Huey, for the purpose of taking preliminary action to welcome and celebrate the completion of the Santa Fe railroad. Turn out gentlemen and help enthuse.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
J. L. Huey has tax roll for 1879, in the office lately occupied by Channell & McLaughlin. Tax receipts given when money is paid. Fee 50 cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
Bennett Chapter of Royal Arch Masons elected the following officers at their last regular meeting:
High Priest:  S. P. Channell.
King:  A. A. Newman.
Scribe:  C. R. Mitchell.
Treasurer:  O. P. Houghton.
Secretary:  J. L. Huey.
Captain of the Host:  J. I. Mitchell.
Principal Sojourner:  Jas. Benedict.
Royal Arch Captain:  K. Smith.
Master of 3rd Veil:  Jas. Ridenour.
Master of 2nd Veil:  C. M. Scott.
Master of 1st Veil:  L. McLaughlin.
Tyler:  George Russell.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
The best Livery Barn in the city for sale. Also a good dwelling house and town lots for sale in a desirable part of the city. Inquire of JAMES L. HUEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.

J. L. Huey has tax roll for 1879, in the office lately occupied by Channell & McLaughlin. Tax receipts given when money is paid. Fee 50 cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. A. C. Williams has opened a real estate office in the room with Mr. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
The groom and bride have resided in this city for several years, and have a large circle of friends. Mrs. A. A. Newman held a reception at her residence from 9:30 to 11:30, receiving a large number of friends from this city, Wichita, and Emporia. An elegant repast was served during the evening, and friends were coming and going until after midnight. This was one of the largest receptions ever held in this city, and was enjoyed by all.
Present from Mr. and Mrs. Huey: willow work basket.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880. Editorial Page.
   An Exhibit of the Transactions of the Board of
Creswell Township for the Year 1879.
To the Citizens of Creswell Township:
Your township officers having completed their duties for the past year, and having been relieved from further service deem it their duty to make a full and complete report of the state of your township at the time they entered upon the duties assigned them, and also the status at the expiration of their term of office.
The debt of the township at the time we entered the office was in bonds as follows:
Bonds for building Walnut River bridge, $5,000.
Bonds for building Arkansas River bridge, $7,500.
In scrip as follows:
Report for the past year as follows:
Amount of scrip issued by board, A. Walton, trustee, $864.32.
Scrip paid off as follows:
Issue of A. W. Berkey, Principal $4.15; Interest $.80. Total: $4.95.
Issue of Chamberlain, Principal $170.00, Interest $35.55. Total: $205.55.
Issue of T. McIntire, Principal $404.20, Interest $38.11. Total: $442.31.
Issue of Jas. L. Huey, Principal $387.21, Interest $21.03. Total: $408.24.
Issue of Amos Walton, $864.32, all paid.
There was a portion of indebtedness, acquired under Chamber­lain, not fully shown in the books and interest on bonds not figured. With these exceptions we have made a fair exhibit of the books paying every dollar of indebtedness created by our­selves and $1,060.95, made by others. By order of the board. A. WALTON, Trustee. R. J. MAXWELL, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
  Township Treasurer’s Report. [S. B. Adams, Treasurer.]

Mr. Editor: My term of office as Township Treasurer having expired, I deem it my duty to make a full statement of all the business transacted by me during my term of office, which is as follows:
Cash received of W. E. Gooch, former Treasurer: $113.86
Cash and vouchers received of T. R. Bryant, County Treasurer: $1,772.65
Cash received of A. Walton on sale of house: $48.85
Total amount received: $ 1,935.36
Cash paid on scrip issued by Berkey: $4.15. Interest on same: $.80
Total amount received: $4.95
Cash paid on scrip issued by Chamberlain: $170.00. Interest on same: $35.55
Total amount received: $205.55
Cash paid on scrip issued by T. McIntire: $404.20. Interest on same: $38.11
Total amount received: $442.31
Cash paid on scrip issued by J. L. Huey: $397.21. Interest on same: $20.93
Total amount received: $418.14
Cash paid on scrip issued by A. Walton: $858.44. Interest on same: $1.90
  Total amount received: $860.34
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Loan, Insurance & Real Estate.
Money to loan at 8, 9, one and 10 per cent on Real Estate.
You can get money equally as cheap from me as you can at any other place if your securities are first class.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
The best Livery Barn in the city for sale. Also a good dwelling house and two lots for sale in a desirable part of the city. Inquire of JAMES L. HUEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
One to five-year loans with good real estate security negotiated at from 8 to 12 per cent and small commission. Deeds and Mortgages
 Made and acknowledged.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
One of the most charming opportunities for doing good and enjoying one’s self will be afforded by the ice cream social to be held in J. L. Huey’s new brick building, on Friday night, May 7, under the auspices of the young lady friends of the Methodist church. A general invitation is extended to all.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
The social at J. L. Huey’s new building under the auspices of the M. E. church last Friday night was a complete success in every particular and left nothing to be desired in the way of a real, home-like social good time on the part of those who attended the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.

Mr. J. N. Goolman gave an entertainment in Huey’s building last night, consisting of stereoptical views of various points of interest throughout the world, interspersed with good vocal and instrumental music. He had the genuine oxycalcium light, and reproduces the pictures with wonderful effect. He shows again tonight. Go and amuse and at the same time instruct yourselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.  
Mr. James Wilson, the well known dry goods man, has leased the new brick building erected by J. L. Huey, and expects to move his entire stock therein about the first of June.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Mr. James Wilson will remove his large stock of dry goods, etc., into Huey’s new brick building tomorrow, he having leased the same for three years.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
Wilson’s Central Store may now be found in J. L. Huey’s new stone building on the opposite side of the street. It will henceforth be known as Wilson’s Solid Rock Store, in allusion we presume to the solid basis upon which the business is transacted and the material of which the building is constructed. The many friends and patrons of this concern will find Mr. Wilson and his popular clerk, Johnny Kroenert, ready at all times to display the bargains constantly on hand at this establishment.
AD: FRESH FROM THE FAR EAST, By far the finest assortment of Boots, Shoes, and Summer Hats we have ever opened. Come and look at them, they are just splendid and positively cheap, at Wilson’s “Solid Rock” Store, on the other side of the street, opposite the old stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
1. Giles Brothers & Co., Plaintiffs...$300.
2. J. L. Huey, Plaintiff...$26.51.
3. J. L. Huey, Plaintiff...$50.00.
4. Shepard & Maxwell, Plaintiffs...$48.00.
5. Houghton & Speers, Plaintiffs...$21.60
He was given until July 12, 1880, to settle.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880.
On next Monday Mr. Al. Pruden will sell his household goods at public sale, preparatory to taking his departure for Dayton, Ohio. Al. says he is going back to wait for another boom.
AD: PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public sale, on Monday, June 28th, at my residence formerly occupied by J. L. Huey, all my household goods; also, 1 cow, 1 side saddle, 1 gent’s saddle, and 1 guitar. AL. PRUDEN.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
LOST. A boy’s double-breasted navy blue, Middlesex cloth coat. Will the finder please leave it at the office of J. L. HUEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.

The corn doctor went off mad when he was recommended to operate on J. L. Huey’s wooden feet.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
J. L. Huey will soon commence the erection of a brick building, 20 x 30, on Summit street between the Central drug store and Houghton & Speers’ clothing store.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
J. L. Huey and wife, and Miss Kate Hawkins propose to attend the marriage ceremony of Miss May Deming at Wichita next Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
The new brick building in course of erection by J. L. Huey is already enclosed, and will very shortly be ready for occupa­tion. A stone sidewalk will be laid in front thereof.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Owing to the cheap rates of Saturday last, quite a crowd took advantage of them and started for Chicago or way points. As far as we could learn, the Arkansas City list comprised Mrs. Matlack and child, Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mrs. Henderson, J. L. Huey and family, Will and Henry Mowry, Mrs. Coombs and two children, J. D. Houston, J. B. Walker, and Mr. McConn. Messrs. Huey and McConn will attend the Knights Templar conclave at Chicago, while the others took this occasion to visit various points in Iowa and Illinois. The fare was ten dollars from Winfield to Chicago and return.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
James Huey has moved into his new bank building.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
The new building just opened by J. L. Huey, as a bank, is one of the best fitted and most tastefully finished buildings in town. The same was under contract, by Messrs. Beecher & Son, who did the work entirely themselves, and the result is one that reflects great credit upon these gentlemen as No. 1 workmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
House for Sale. Good story and a half house 12 x 16, first floor bricked and plastered, 10 x 12 kitchen and two lots, in Arkansas City, will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office or of J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
In this issue appears the “ad” of the Creswell Bank, which advertises to do a general banking business, etc., with J. L. Huey as cashier. This gentleman has been long and favorably known among us as a businessman, and will receive a liberal patronage from his many friends and the public at large.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
J. L. HUEY, Cashier.
Exchange bought and sold,
Money loaned at the very lowest rates on personal and real estate securities.
Agent for Hartford, Connecticut, Springfield, Phoenix, Continental and American Central Fire Insurance Companies.

Deeds and Mortgages made and acknowledged.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Frank Hess, of Arkansas City, made us a pleasant call Tuesday. He is engaged in Huey’s bank.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Never did we see punishment follow the commission of crime more quickly than we did last Tuesday. Alexander May, from near South Haven, Sumner County, went into Huey’s bank at Arkansas City and offered for sale a note signed, J. W. Brown and Pickett, with the name endorsed, John Long, his mark. Mr. Huey asked May if that was his mark, and he said yes. The note was for sixty dollars and not due. The bank offered him fifty-six dollars, which he accepted. In a few minutes afterward, Pickett was in the bank, and Mr. Huey carelessly remarked he had a piece of paper, which he had just bought, with his name to it. “Guess not,” said Pickett, “let me see it.” As soon as he saw it, he pronounced it a forgery. The man was at once arrested for forgery, he having had the money but a few minutes. He acknowl­edged the crime, gave up the money, and offered his team to compromise the matter; and gave in extenuation that his family was suffering for the necessaries of life. No compromise could be made, he had a preliminary trial, was bound over, and in default of bail is now in jail. If the man’s statement is true in regard to his family, steps should at once be taken to relieve them.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
The board ordered duplicate tax rolls for Beaver, Bolton, Cresswell, Pleasant Valley, and Arkansas City. These rolls will be placed in the hands of Mr. James Huey, and the taxpayers of the above townships can pay next year’s taxes either to Mr. Huey or the County Treasurer as most convenient. There will be no additional fees on the taxes paid to Mr. Huey, as Treasurer Harden pays him for such services. This will be a great conve­nience to the taxpayers of these townships, as it will save them much trouble and time. Treasurer Harden is trying to make arrangements to have a duplicate roll for the east part of the county. It will probably be at Dexter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881. Front Page.
James L. Huey vs. Agnes Wilson.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
RECAP ONLY: In Justice Court, Cowley County, before I. H. Bonsall, Justice of the Peace in and for Cresswell township, in said county and State: James L. Huey, Plaintiff vs. Rudolph Hoffmaster, and A. J. Gilbert, defendants: NOTICE IN ATTACHMENT.
On May 16, 1881, I. H. Bonsall issued an order of attachment against Rudolph Hoffmaster, defendant, for $60.10; said cause to be heard on June 21, 1881.
C. L. SWARTS was attorney for plaintiff, James L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.

The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
Among the participants: Mr. and Mrs. James L. Huey.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
A railroad company has been organized to build a road from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs and westward. The directors are H. B. Pruden of Ohio, J. W. Devoire, of Indiana, W. P. Hackney, James Huey, Maj. O’Gradey, C. R. Mitchell, and W. M. Berkey, of Cowley County. The capital stock is $250,000 in shares of $100 each.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Harry Farrar, cashier of the Cowley County Bank, visited the metropolis Friday. Also, James Huey of the Cresswell Bank. Pity they didn’t bring the newspapermen along. Wealth and brains should travel hand in hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.
J. L. Huey has been putting several additions to his resi­dence lately, and has quite a force of hands now at work painting and papering the same. When completed it will be one of the best and most commodious residences in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Jas. L. Huey will receive personal tax and issue receipts therefor at the Creswell Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
The following named gentlemen were elected officers of Bennett Chapter No. 41, at their last regular meeting held in Masonic Lodge at Arkansas City, Wednesday, Nov. 30th.
High Priest: James Benedict.
King: James L. Huey.
Scribe: H. P. Farrar.
Treasurer: O. P. Houghton.
Secretary: W. D. Mowry.
Captain of the Host: C. M. Scott.
Principal Sojourner: James Ridenour.
Royal Arch Captain: Charles Hutchings.
Master of 3rd Vail: L. McLaughlin.
Master of 2nd Vail: J. R. Mitchell.
Master of 1st Vail: J. T. Shepard.
Tyler: George Russell.
Installation of officers takes place on the evening of St. John’s Day, Thursday, Dec. 27th, 1881, at the hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.

The social event of the Holiday week was the masquerade party held at the residence of Mr. James L. Huey on Friday evening, December 30th. A large number of invitations had been sent out, which were almost universally responded to, thus making the party a glorious success. The residence of Mr. Huey is one of the largest, and most commodious, in town; and as the merry throng of maskers promenaded the handsomely appointed salons of the mansion their costumes showed, to perfection, in the bril­liant light of the glittering chandeliers. The guests were received by Mrs. James L. Huey, the hostess, assisted by her sister, Mrs. Fred Farrar, and it is needless to say, that under their hospitable care, every attention was shown “the motley crew” that claimed their cares. Refreshments in the shape of many tempting kinds of cake, sandwiches, teas, and coffee were liberally provided. Music lent its aid to the other enjoyments which coupled with the many unique costumes, and the cheering hum of voices lent a charm never to be forgotten by those who were fortunate enough to take part in the festivities.
The following is a partial list of the guests with the characters they represented.
Mrs. Cunningham, Flower Girl; Mr. Cunningham, Imp; Mrs. Howard, Miss Prim; Mrs. Farrar, City Belle; Mrs. Searing, “Boss” Flour; Mrs. Matlack, “Straight” Flour; T. R. Houghton, Blazes; Alma Easterday, Bridget; Mrs. Grubbs, A Lady; Mrs. Nellie Houghton, Dreadnaught; J. Kroenert, “Lo”; C. M. Swarts, Chapeau; R. E. Grubbs, Widow Pudge; Miss Haywood, Queen Elizabeth; Mrs. Norton, Widow Bedott; Miss Guthrie, Incognita; Angie Mantor, Fat Woman; Jerry Adams, Bashful Maid; R. A. Houghton, Judge; I. H. Bonsall, Minister; Mrs. R. A. Houghton, A Bride; Mrs. Ingersoll, Quakeress; Mrs. Sipes, Quakeress; C. U. France, Uncle Toby; W. Thompson, Father Time; A. D. Ayres, Irishman; Mrs. A. D. Ayres, Anonyma; Mrs. Mead, Languedoc; Mr. Mead, Ghost; Mrs. T. Mantor, Mask; T. Mantor, Mask; J. G. Shelden, Cow Boy; Mrs. Watson, Old Maid; Mrs. Chandler, Night; C. R. Sipes, Uncle Tom; Miss A. Norton, Sunflower; Miss S. Hunt, Sunflower; Miss M. Parker, Sunflower; Miss Peterson, Nun; Miss A. Dickson, Sister of Mercy; Miss L. Wyckoff, Sister of Mercy; J. T. Shepard, Guiteau; J. H. Walker & wife, German Couple; C. H. Searing, XXXX Flour; J. Gooch, Private U. S. A.; C. Hutchins, Private, U. S. A.; Mrs. Haywood, Dinah; Mrs. Newman, Topsy; Dr. J. Vawter, Prohibition; C. L. Swarts, Post no bills; W. D. Mowry, A Bottle; Clara Finley, A Lone Star; R. C. Haywood, Fat Dutch Boy; Ben Matlack, May Fisk; M. B. Vawter, Fireman; O. Ingersoll, Big Mynheer; Mrs. Shepard, Japanese Lady; Miss Cassell, Red Riding Hood; Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Smith; Mr. Matlack, “Pat” bedad; Mrs. Gooch, Equestri­enne; R. J. Maxwell, Priest.
Among the ladies and gentlemen who were present, unmasked, were Rev. Fleming and wife, W. E. Gooch, H. P. Farrar, Mr. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Mowry, and many others whose names our reporter failed to receive.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Mrs. Fred Farrar, Mrs. Harry Farrar, and Mrs. J. L. Huey were in town Monday doing some shopping. Mrs. Huey went to Independence on the Tuesday evening train.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Quite a company came up from the terminus Monday, among whom we noticed Fred Farrar and wife and Mrs. James Huey. The ladies were the handsomest group we have seen on our streets for some time.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Andrew R. Lee made annual settlement as guardian of the estate of the minor heirs of Israel Swickard, deceased, and Lee’s resignation as to one of said heirs accepted, and J. L. Huey appointed in his stead.

Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey of Arkansas City were in attendance at the Knight Templars ball at Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
J. L. Huey and wife, Mr. Ordway and wife, Wm. McConn and lady, Stacy Matlack, Major Searing, Mr. Ingersoll, Conductor James Miller, Samuel Hoyt, Michael Harkins, H. P. Farrar, C. M. Scott, H. Godehard, Wm. Speers, Mr. Roberts, Chas. Hutchins, Chas. Howard, W. Wolfe, S. Longsdorff, Herman Wyckoff, Pink Fouts, Mr. Abbott, Chas. Holloway, and J. M. Bell, were among the number who braved the storm and went to Winfield on the special train to hear the Governor lecture on temperance last Sunday.
In spite of the fearful storm, the excursion train to Winfield last Sunday left on time with about sixty passengers to attend the temperance lecture by J. P. St. John. After they had taken possession of the hall, they were informed that the Commit­tee of Arrangements had decided not to have the Governor speak until evening; but when the Governor learned that the Arkansas City delegation had arrived, he determined to speak, and before he reached the hall the seats were all filled and many were stand­ing. Those who were fortunate enough to attend the lecture will never forget it and much more never regret it. The lecture was a clear, strong, able argument, and delivered in a very able manner, the effect of which was plain to be seen from the many handkerchiefs that were brought to the faces of even strong men. Gov. St. John is an orator; and his reputation is spreading throughout the whole land.
The following item pertains to the drama, “Esmeralda,” which was presented by the Ivanhoe Club at Winfield in behalf of the Library Association, at which $52.75 was netted for the Winfield Library Association by the Ivanhoe Club. Over eight weeks were spent in preparing it for the stage at the Opera House in Winfield by local amateur talent...
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
A jolly party of Arkansas City’s people came up last Wednesday evening to see the show. Among those who stopped over were Conductor Miller, Lady, and Miss Wyckoff, H. P. Farrar, O. Ingersoll, M. J. Capron, G. W. Abbott, B. W. Matlack, A. W. Patterson, H. S. Davenport, H. P. Stanley, C. M. Scott, J. L. Huey, C. U. France, and others whose names we did not get. The Santa Fe freight was held over until after the show in order to let the folks go home that night.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Attend the Social at Mrs. J. L. Huey’s tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
Ice-cream Festival at J. L. Huey’s building, on Summit St., tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
The Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will give an Ice-cream Festival and Social, in the Huey building, on Summit Street, tonight. A cordial invitation is extended to all, and we heartily advise all lovers of a good time to be on hand.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.

The convention met promptly at 11 o’clock a.m., and was called to order by D. A. Millington, Chairman of the County Central Committee, who read the call under which the convention met. On motion of T. H. Soward, H. D. Gans was elected temporary chairman and J. V. Hines, temporary secretary. On motion committees were appointed as follows.
Creswell Township, Delegates: G. S. Rorick, W. M. Sleeth, Theo. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, Uriah Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates: A. Dunn, O. J. Pickering, J. Barnett, R. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The Ladies of the M. E. Church will give a Hot Maple Sugar and Biscuit Festival, on Wednesday evening, May 24th, in Huey’s building, on Summit Street. Everybody is cordially invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Too, too Sweet! The hot biscuits and maple sugar at the M. E. Social in Huey’s building tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
The ice cream festival given by the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church in Huey’s building last Wednesday evening was very largely attended and judging from the gusto with which ice cream, coffee, and cake were dispatched, the edible and social characteristics of the meeting were duly appreciated. We under­stand the net proceeds amounted to forty dollars. Dot vas petter as goot.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Several Lies Nailed.
CRESWELL TOWNSHIP, May 20th, 1882.
Ed. Traveler:
Permit me space in your paper to reply to an article which appeared in last week’s Democrat. It is so evidently the work of spleen, and comes so near to downright intentional lying that I do not feel it right to let it pass. The article referred to is headed “A Pretty Kettle of Fish,” but it is too wordy for repro­duction here.
In the first place the issue was not Hackney, or anti-Hackney, but Whiskey, or anti-Whiskey—such issue being made secretly by a few persons; and some good temperance men put on the ticket to give it tone, and the Democrat know such to be the case.
Secondly—Creswell Township was represented in the Conven­tion by the ticket elected with the exceptions shown below, the reason of which exceptions will be seen by the following extracts from the report of the Committee on Credentials.
Creswell Township: Delegates—G. S. Rarick, W. M. Sleeth, T. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, U. Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates—A. Dunn, A. J. Pickering, I. Barnett, R. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
We further recommend that J. B. Nipp cast the vote for R. H. Reed, that C. M. Scott cast the vote for U. Spray, and Calvin Swarts cast the vote for W. H. Speers for Creswell Township in this convention, those delegates and their alternates being absent.
Why the Democrat is so worked up on a Republican issue, and goes for Mr. Bonsall by name, is more than we can tell, unless it is on account of its editor being so badly scooped by the people when he ran against Bonsall for Police Judge a few weeks since.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.

We predict a very pleasant time for those who participate in the Y. L. H. M. social, in Huey’s Hall next Friday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
The Young Ladies Home Mission Society intend giving a Strawberry, Ice Cream, and Musical Social in Huey’s Hall on Friday evening next, June 2nd, to which all are cordially invited to attend. The proceeds of the evening will be devoted to alleviating the wants of the poor in this vicinity, and we hope all will assist to make the affair a financial success.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
An impromptu dancing party, in honor of Mrs. C. W. Bitting and her sister, Miss Julia Deming, was gotten up by some of their old-time friends on Monday evening last. The company, embracing the elite of the city, gathered at Huey’s Hall, which had been prepared for the occasion, and it is needless to say a most enjoyable time was the result. As we were unfortunately prevent­ed from attending, we infer that such was the case from the fact that the cheering strains of music and the tripping of dainty feet mid the labyrinths of the mazy dance was kept up till the midnight hour.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
The Ice Cream Festival, given by the Young Ladies’ Home Mission, in Huey’s Hall, last Friday evening, was very well attended notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, and the company appeared to enjoy themselves muchly. The net proceeds, amounting to $21, will be devoted to furthering the charitable aim of the society.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Supper at 6 o’clock this evening at Huey’s Hall with straw­berry attachments, in aid of the M. E. church tower.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a Social this evening at Huey’s Hall. The tables will be spread at 6 p.m., and strawberries will be one of the main attractions. One of the later features of the social will be a selection of instrumental music by the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
The festival given by the ladies of the M. E. church in Huey’s Hall, last Wednesday evening, was fully up to the standard of excellence which is ever attained at entertainments of the kind. The supper tables were tastefully as well as plentifully spread with the best of edibles, with ice cream, strawberries, and coffee as prominent features. A jolly time was had, and the music supplied by the Arkansas City Cornet Band was fully appre­ciated. We learn the net proceeds of the evening amounted to $45.00, which, thanks to the enterprise of its members, will put quite a large stone in their new church tower.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Blackberries and Ice-cream Social Friday night at Huey’s Hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Huey’s Hall was filled yesterday by samples opened out by runners for the inspection of our merchants.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.

The social at Huey’s Hall last Friday night was an exception to the general rule in not being extensively patronized, the  intense heat and stormy appearance of the weather deterring many of our people from attending.
 We are glad to say, however, that something over expenses was realized, and wish them “better” luck next time.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mrs. W. W. McKnight, of Winterset, Iowa, who has been visiting this section with a view to regaining her health, returned to her Iowa home yesterday very much improved by the trip. She was accompanied on her return by Mrs. J. L. Huey, who will probably spend several months visiting former friends at Winterset and other parts of Iowa.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Some weeks ago, while returning from the east, Mrs. Jas. Huey, of Arkansas City, was robbed of $100 on the Santa Fe train at Arkansas City. Her pocket was picked.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Hon. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Baker left last Monday night for Winfield, Kansas. They have not as yet decided whether they will make that place their future home but will remain there for the present. Mr. Ordway expects shortly to take a trip into New Mexico on business and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Ordway are among the oldest residents of Waterloo and have seen the growth of the city from 7,000 inhabitants. We trust that they may become pleasantly located and that their future may be a prosperous one.
Waterloo (Iowa) Courier.
The above named Mr. and Mrs. Ordway arrived at Winfield from New Mexico yesterday morning. They were on the east bound train into which the cannon ball train ran Monday evening on the prairie five miles east of Nickerson. He says that the shock of the concussion was fearful and the two engineers, the two firemen, and one baggage man were killed outright and mutilated almost beyond recognition. Two passengers in the smoking car were mutilated so that they will probably die and many other passengers were injured, among which were Mrs. Ordway. Mr. Ordway will now make this place his permanent home and this will be a valuable accession to our society. Mrs. Baker is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ordway and Mr. Baker is cashier in Huey’s bank at Arkansas City, where they will reside.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
J. L. Huey is around again in good shape after several days on the sick list.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
James L. Huey has submitted final report as guardian of the estate of Albert Chamberlain.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
J. L. Huey is putting up a large stable and carriage house back of his residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
Bennett Chapter No. 41, R. A. M., at its meeting last Tuesday evening, elected the following gentlemen as officers for the ensuing year.
ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO READ NAMES LET ALONE TITLES. GIVING NAMES ONLY.  J. L. Huey, A. A. Newman, L. McLaughlin, O. P. Houghton, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Benedict, J. Ridenour, C. Hutchins, H. P. Farrar. W. M. Sleeth, A. T. Shepard, N. W. Kimmel.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.

LOST. On Sunday last between the White church and J. L. Huey’s residence, a pair of spectacles in plain tin case. Finder will please return to Creswell Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
The home of Mr. Hawkins fairly rang with laughter during the three days’ visit of Mrs. Huey, Mrs. Hinchins, and Mrs. Fred Farrar. JETTA JAY.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 18, 1883.
Railroad Meeting.
There was a call for the businessmen of the city and country to meet at McLaughlin’s Hall at 4 o’clock, April 13th, to take into consideration the building of a railroad from Arkansas City, Kansas, to Coffeyville, Kansas, and west as far as Caldwell, and farther, if desired.
After the project being understood, a committee, comprising James Hill and Dr. Chapel, was appointed to solicit bonds, along the line, from the cities and counties. Another committee was also appointed to solicit funds to meet the expense of surveying. Committee: James Huey, E. D. Eddy, N. T. Snyder, and Wm. Sleeth. Motion made to adjourn.
WM. BLAKENEY, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
J. L. Huey is putting another story to his residence and otherwise improving the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Our real estate man, Mr. Frank J. Hess, reports the following farm transfers in the past week: J. L. Huey to James I. Bigelow, 80 acres, $800; L. W. Hutson to H. L. Ryan, 160 acres, $2,000; James A. West to I. D. Harkleroad, 160 acres, $1,000; W. E. Clark to John Myrtle, 160 acres, $2,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 4, 1883.
   15. Creswell Bank.
22. J. L. Huey, residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Frank J. Hess yesterday sold to J. C. Duncan the brick building owned by J. L. Huey and now occupied as a billiard saloon. Consideration $2,500. Mr. Duncan intends to remove his stock of groceries thereto.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Grand Opening of the New Opera House.

For many years the need of a public hall large enough to accommodate the rapidly growing population of our city, and to serve as an inducement to the best class of opera and theatrical entertainments traveling through this state, has constantly presented itself to our citizens, and many have been the suggestions pointing toward securing such an institution. It was not until the latter part of May, 1882, however, that the movements began to assume tangible shape, when a stock company of nearly all our businessmen was organized with an authorized capital of $10,000, for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a first-class opera house. H. P. Farrar, to whom probably more than any other one man, is due especial credit for the admirable manner in which the work has been carried on, was chosen as secretary and treasurer, the multitudinous cares of which office he has conducted with signal ability. The contract for building the hall was let to Sargent & Smith, of Topeka, for the sum of $12,400, which figures included but the building and stage. To this expense has been added that of such necessaries as chairs, scenery, gas machinery, piping, fixtures, etc., for the hall upstairs, and the expense of fitting out the three large store rooms underneath, with their excavations, basements, counters, sidewalks, awnings, plate glass, and the countless items contingent upon such a structure, until now the entire cost of our beautiful hall foots up the neat little sum of $19,700. For this amount our citizens have the finest opera house outside of Emporia or Topeka, with a stage large enough to accommodate the largest troupes traveling, the finest and most elaborate scenery, acoustic properties second to none in the country, and an auditorium capable of comfortably seating 700 people.
The stock in the Highland Hall company, which was at first held by nearly all our businessmen, is now owned by some twelve or fifteen parties; the heavier owners being Messrs. J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, Stacy Matlack, O. P. Houghton, J. B. Nipp, Schiffbauer Bros., and J. T. Shepard. The other stockholders, and the citizens in general, have never let their interest flag in this enterprise from the first up to last Saturday night, when the opera house was thrown open for its initial entertainment, and the pride and joy in this valuable acquisition to our city is universal.
Though the gas machine, chairs, and reflector for the ceiling have not yet arrived, the chance for opening the hall with a good entertainment, so opportunely presented by the Union Square Theater company, was accepted, and every effort made to supply all deficiencies. The result was all that could have been wished. Though the afternoon was rainy, and darkness ushered in a terrific storm, the hall was filled last Saturday night to witness the excellent presentation of “Uncle Reuben Lowder” by the Union Square Theater company, whose performance was a credit to themselves, to the large and fashionable audience, and to the signal event of opening such a house. Monday night was a repeater in the way of attendance and satisfaction, when the ever ready “French Spy” was admirably placed before our people, preceded by the laughable farce, “Barnaby Bibbs.” Last night was given up to the enjoyment of “Widow Bedott,” and followed by a grand ball. Tonight we will have “Rip Van Winkle,” a play that always holds a strong place in the hearts of Americans, and in which Mr. Jay Carner unquestionably rivals the renowned Jefferson. Let the attendance tonight equal that of the three preceding nights, and let the opening of our magnificent hall end as it began—in a blaze of light and glory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Last Monday and Tuesday, Mrs. Dr. A. J. Chapel, Mrs. J. L. Huey, and Miss Ella Smith, under the protecting care of Frank Hess, drank in the beauties of Ponca Agency, and the lovely country intervening between that point and Arkansas City. Frank evidently understands how to turn business into pleasure.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.

J. L. Huey last Monday purchased the Leland Hotel property, consisting of the building and three lots. So long as the present lease holds good, no change will be made; but at the expiration of the lease, Mr. Huey contemplates the erection of a substantial business block, with seventy-five feet front. This is a fine corner, and will prove a most excellent investment for the Creswell Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1883.
Mrs. Fred Hyskell and children, of Harper, are in the city visiting the lady’s sisters, Mrs. J. L. Huey and Mrs. Fred Farrar.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
Mayor Kincade and Capt. Willis, of Cherryvale, J. L. Huey, Jas. Hill, and Ira Burnett, of Arkansas City, and S. L. Hamilton, of Wellington, were over Monday to witness the Water Works test.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1883.
Mr. Samuel Newell and son, Gerish [?], spent several days of the past week in our city and returned to their New York home on Wednesday last. While here, Mr. Newell, who has been interested for some time past in the Creswell bank, of this city, completed arrangements with Messrs. Cal. Dean and James L. Huey, which will result in changing the Creswell bank to the Arkansas City bank, with a paid up capital of one hundred thousand dollars, thus making this one of the most solid banks in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
  Arkansas City Bank.
One of the most important business changes inaugurated with the new year in Arkansas City is the reorganization of the Creswell Bank under the name of the Arkansas City bank, with Samuel Newell as President, Calvin Dean, Vice President, and J. L. Huey, Cashier. This bank has a capital of $100,000, which with the well known character of the above gentlemen places it upon a most solid basis. All checks, etc., drawn upon the late Creswell bank will be honored by the Arkansas City bank, and with the exception of the change in name, the business will be conducted as usual. These gentlemen start in the new enterprise under the most favorable auspices, and we bespeak for them still greater prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 13, 1884.
Township Election.
The following shows the result of the election held on the 5th inst. There were eight tickets in the field, and the total vote polled was 444.
TRUSTEE: M. N. Sinnott, 288; Uriah Spray, 152.
CLERK: W. D. Mowry, 348; M. B. Vawter, 88.
TREASURER: J. L. Huey, 184; H. P. Farrar, 125; W. M. Sleeth, 122.
JUSTICES: Frank Schiffbauer, 264; W. D. Kreamer, 208; P. F. Endicott, 133; J. B. Tucker, 130; I. H. Bonsall, 107.
CONSTABLES: J. J. Breene, 257; J. S. Lewis, 202; J. E. Beck, 178; J. N. Huston, 118; W. J. Gray, 113.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.

   Township Officers.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Beaver, Irwin Graves; Bolton, C. J. Beck; Cedar, D. Baird; Creswell, James Huey; Dexter, C. A. Walker; Fairview, J. H. Curfman; Harvey, Henry Fromm; Liberty, J. H. D. Mounts; Maple, T. C. Daniels; Ninnescah, H. H. Suss; Omnia, Andrew Hattery; Otter, J. W. Hosmer; Pleasant Valley, D. Gramm; Richland, D. F. McPherson; Rock, H. F. Hornaday; Sheridan, E. J. Johnson; Silver Creek, J. Chandler; Silverdale, Joel Lewis; Spring Creek, John Robinson; Tisdale, John W. Conrad; Vernon, T. B. Ware; Walnut, F. M. Chaffee; Windsor, J. S. Mohler.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Stockholders of the Commercial Building Association, Arkansas City.
This association, of which we gave particulars in a former issue, is now in readiness for active work, all its shares being taken, as will be seen by the following list of stockholders.
Name, Shares, Amount.
Geo. E. Hasie, 20, $2,000
M. S. Hasie, 20, $2,000
A. A. Newman, 20, $2,000
G. W. Cunningham, 20, $2,000
H. P. Farrar, 20, $2,000
W. M. Sleeth, 20, $2,000
T. R. Houghton, 20, $2,000
J. L. Huey, 20, $2,000
T. H. McLaughlin, 10, $1,000
F. J. Hess, 5, $500
J. C. Topliff, 5, $500
W. S. Houghton, 5, $500
Kimmel & Moore, 5, $500
Howard Bros., 5, $500
A. J. Chapel, 5, $500
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
  Railroad Meeting.

A railroad meeting was called on last Monday, March 3, at I. H. Bonsall’s office, for the purpose of considering the narrow gauge proposition now before the people and taking steps to insure its defeat. Mr. T. McIntire was made chairman and I. H. Bonsall secretary. A resolution to the effect that the interests of Cowley County demanded the defeat of this proposition was read and unanimously endorsed, and the following committee was appointed to raise funds to defray the expenses of canvassing the county: A. A. Newman, W. M. Sleeth, James Benedict, T. H. McLaughlin, and J. L. Huey. Messrs. A. A. Wiley, J. B. Nipp, A. J. Chapel, O. S. Rarick, T. H. McLaughlin, and N. T. Snyder were appointed as committee on arrangements with power to select sub-committees, to take whatever steps may be deemed necessary to accomplish the object of the meeting. The meeting then adjourned to next Saturday at 2 p.m. at Highland Hall, when we hope to see a general turn out of businessmen and farmers.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
  Railroad Meeting.
A railroad meeting was called last Monday, March 3, to take measures for defeating the proposition to vote county bonds for the narrow gauge railroad next Tuesday. A motion was made that the voters of Creswell Township vote against said proposition, and was carried unanimously. On motion, the following committees were appointed by the chair:
A. A. Newman, Wm. M. Sleeth, Jas. Benedict, T. H. McLaughlin, and Jas. L. Huey were appointed as a committee to raise funds to pay the expenses of canvassing the county.
A. A. Wiley, J. B. Nipp, A. J. Chapel, O. S. Rarick, T. H. McLaughlin, and N. T. Snyder were appointed a committee on arrangements, with power to select sub-committees to canvass and make any arrangements necessary to accomplish the object of the meeting.
The meeting then adjourned to convene today, at 2 p.m., at Highland Hall, when we hope to see a good crowd assembled.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
ELECTION NOTICE. To the qualified voters of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas. Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of a petition duly presented to the township trustee, treasurer, and clerk of said township, on the 4th day of March, 1884, that on the 5th day of April, 1884, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. of said day, at the usual place of holding elections in and for said Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas, a special election of the qualified voters of said township will be held for the purpose of voting upon a proposition to issue the bonds of said Creswell Township, in the amount of five thousand ($5,000) dollars; said bonds to run ten years, and to draw interest at the rate of seven percent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas, in the city of New York. Said bonds to be issued and used for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut River near Arkansas City in said county, at the point, or as near thereto as practicable, where the north line of section thirty one, township thirty-four, south range 4, east, crosses said river, and what is known as Harmon’s ford. Said special election to be conducted according to the general election laws of the state of Kansas, and those in favor of building the bridge as aforesaid, shall have written on their ballots “For the bridge and bonds,” and those voting against the building of the bridge as aforesaid, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words “Against the bridge and bonds.”
By order of the township trustee, treasurer, and clerk of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas. Done at Arkansas City, Kansas, this 4th day of March, 1884.
M. N. SINNOTT, Trustee.
JAS. L. HUEY, Treasurer.
W. D. MOWRY, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
A. N. Deming and wife, so well and favorably known in this city, were visiting with Mrs. J. L. Huey a few days the past week.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.

A. N. Deming, formerly of this place, but late of Little Rock, Arkansas, was in the city several days of this week, accompanied by his wife, visiting friends. He gave us an appreciated call last Monday. Through the kindness of Mr. J. L. Huey he was shown around the city. While he resided here, he was proprietor of the City Hotel, and was one of our best and most respected citizens. He contemplates going into the real estate business at Wichita.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn: Though aware of your repeated refusal to become a candidate for any office; and the determination to devote your time to your profession, and although cognizant of the fact that an election and acceptance would involve to a certain extent the sacrifice of personal interests, yet we request and urge that you permit your name to be used in nomination for the position of mayor of Arkansas City, feeling as we do, that in your election, you will represent the whole people regardless of politics, issues, or business, and have only at heart the best interests of the place, and welfare of the citizens.
One of the many who signed petition: J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Bitting and Miss Julia Deming, of Wichita, spent last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday in this city, visiting Mrs. J. L. Huey and Mrs. F. W. Farrar.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
A large number of the citizens of this township assembled at Highland Hall in this city last Tuesday evening to take action upon the proposition of the directors of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad to run their road to this city, upon Creswell Township’s voting bonds for $35,000 of the capital stock of said road. Judge T. McIntire was elected chairman, and S. W. Duncan, secretary. Upon being requested James Hill stated the object of the meeting, and, with convincing arguments, he dwelt at length upon the advantages of the road to the township and the city. James N. Young, president of the railroad company, then read the proposition, and a motion was made to adopt it, upon which considerable argument was produced. Pending the discussion, C. R. Sipes offered as a substitute for the motion that Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. H. McLaughlin, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, M. N. Sinnott, G. W. Cunningham, and James Benedict be appointed a committee to confer with the directors of the railroad present, and examine the proposition submitted and report whether it was suitable to the wants of the township, and just, and legally binding. The substitute was adopted and the committee, after making some small changes in the proposition, reported favorably, whereupon the house on motion adopted the report of the committee, and passed the motion to adopt the proposition as amended by the committee.
On motion of James Hill the chair appointed T. H. McLaughlin, G. W. Cunningham, and J. L. Huey a committee to have the petitions printed and circulated for signers. The meeting then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Wanted. By Mrs. J. L. Huey, a girl to do general housework in a small family. Good wages will be paid.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.

The teachers, patrons, friends, and pupils of our schools have decided to dispense with the literary entertainment, for the present, and substitute a social and festival. Accordingly the Perry House has been secured and active preparations are making for an agreeable and pleasant time. The young ladies of the school secured a considerable sum from our businessmen. This amount will be expended in strawberries, ice cream, lemonade, and other delicacies. The following committee on arrangements has been secured: Mrs. W. M. Sleeth, Mrs. A. Worthley, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Beall, Mrs. C. T. Atkinson, Mrs. J. C. Loveland, and Mrs. C. A. Howard. The committee itself is sufficient guarantee for an excellent supper.
The supper, consisting of cold meats, cold chicken, cold turkey, light bread, rolls, buns, pickles, etc., will be served for 25 cents for each person. Ice cream and strawberries will be 10 cents a dish, extra. Gentlemen are requested not to wear buttonholes bouquets, as Misses Edna Worthley and Lida Whitney will preside over the flower stand, and be able to supply all wants. All are cordially invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
The family of Vincent Hawkins had a pleasant reunion on the Fourth, at his farm, northwest of town, there being present J. L. Huey and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, F. J. Hess, and R. C. Hess. In the evening quite an elaborate display of fireworks rounded up a day of perfect enjoyment, free from the heat and discomfort of a more public celebration.
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
The I. O. O. F.’s of this city have purchased three lots of J. L. Huey, opposite the new grocery of L. Eldridge, and will proceed at once to erect a handsome hall on the corner lot.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
J. L. Huey is building a large addition to his already commodious residence. Park & Lewis have the contract.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
The primaries last Saturday were hotly contested throughout, and drew out more votes than at any primary election yet held in this city.
The following gentlemen were elected delegates to the county convention: F. M. Vaughn, C. L. Swarts, E. G. Gray, T. Fairclo, F. E. Pentecost, Dave Lewis, L. E. Woodin, Sr., O. S. Rarick, W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour.
The delegates to the district convention in this city, to be held one week from next Saturday, are: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, J. W. Warren, F. M. Vaughn, E. G. Gray, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, D. G. Lewis, J. L. Huey, T. H. McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
J. L. Huey’s addition to his residence will soon be completed.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
The Representative Convention.
The district convention met in Highland Hall last Saturday, August 30, at 2 p.m., and was called to order by Dr. H. W. Marsh, chairman of the district committee, who was also elected temporary chairman. L. J. Darnell and Dr. P. Marshall were elected secretaries.
On motion of J. D. Guthrie the following committee on credentials was appointed: J. D. Guthrie, J. N. Fleharty, and M. Croco.

On motion of J. R. Sumpter, a committee of one from each township was appointed on resolutions as follows: J. R. Sumpter, R. L. Balyeat, E. G. Gray, J. A. Cochran, A. H. Broadwell, H. N. Chancey, T. S. Parvin, and Robert Wamsley.
On motion of E. G. Gray, a committee on permanent organization and order of business was appointed as follows: Henry Harbaugh, F. M. Vaughn, and Joseph Reid.
The convention then adjourned for thirty minutes.
On reassembling the report of the committee on order of business and permanent organization was read, and adopted. The temporary organization was retained.
The committee on credentials reported the following delegates or proxies present and entitled to seats.
Creswell: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, T. H. McLaughlin,
E. G. Gray, J. L. Huey, D. G. Lewis, F. M. Vaughn, J. W. Warren.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Mrs. J. L. Huey occupied the parlors of the new addition to the residence last Monday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Telephone Exchange.
  Arkansas City Bank
J. L. Huey’s residence
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company.
A meeting of the stockholders in the above enterprise was held in the Cowley County Bank Monday evening, and a stock company formed for the purpose of erecting and operating a woolen mill on our canal. The capital stock is $40,000. Mr. J. H. Gordon, who with Mr. Sanborn visited this city a few weeks since in the interest of a woolen mill, has been here about two weeks talking up the matter, and left yesterday morning for his home in Missouri. A charter for the company will be secured at once. The stockholders in this enterprise comprise our most solid businessmen. The directors for the first year are James Hill, J. H. Gordon, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, and T. H. McLaughlin. The work will be pushed as rapidly as possible, and in a few months the busy hum of our woolen mill will be heard by the finest water power in the state, furnishing employment to more than forty operatives and starting Arkansas City firmly on the road as a manufacturing city.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Samuel Newell, of New York City, arrived with his wife and daughter in town Thursday. They are guests at the residence of J. L. Huey. Mr. Newell is president of the Arkansas City Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
The Cemetery Meeting.
Pursuant to call a number of our citizens met a council rooms Wednesday to take action in regard to our cemetery. Uriah Spray was chosen chairman and W. D. Kreamer secretary.

On motion a committee was appointed to investigate title to said cemetery, and gather all information possible in regard to the old books and plat of same, and report at next meeting. J. L. Huey, W. D. Kreamer, D. Sifford, Uriah Spray, and Herman Godehard compose this committee.
The meeting adjourned to the evening of October 20, at same place.
URIAH SPRAY, Chairman.
W. D. KREAMER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newell, of Berkshire County, Massachusetts, with their little daughter, are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey. The gentleman is largely interested in our city, and expresses himself much surprised at the rapid improvement since his last visit a few months since.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
At the meeting of citizens last Wednesday evening for the purpose of taking some action with reference to our cemetery, Uriah Spray was chosen chairman, and Judge Kreamer secretary. After talking the matter over a committee consisting of J. L. Huey, W. D. Kreamer, D. Sifford, Uriah Spray, and Herman Godehard was appointed and instructed to investigate the title to the cemetery tract, and gather such other information relating to the old books and plots as is possible. The committee was further instructed to report at the next meeting, Wednesday evening, October 29, at the same place. It is to be hoped this matter will be pushed without delay, and that as soon as possible some reliable man will be employed to keep the cemetery in order.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Mrs. J. L. Huey returned from a short visit to Anthony Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Auction Social. The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church of this city will give an auction social, at the residence of Mrs. J. L. Huey, on Tuesday evening, December 9, 1884. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present at the new departure in the social line. It will be the event of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Auction Social at Mrs. J. L. Huey’s next Tuesday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
A novel affair, the first of its kind ever given in our city, will be the Auction Social at the residence of Mrs. J. L. Huey next Tuesday evening, December 9. Don’t fail to be there and enjoy the fun.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
The Event.

Last evening a large number of our people gathered at the residence of Mrs. J. L. Huey, for participation in the pleasures of an auction social, and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the large and elegant salons of the mansion were filled at an early hour. The programme embraced music, singing, drawn and shadow pictures, the auction, and the last, but not least, a cold collation. Everybody was happy, although the results of too much mince pie for a moment caused a dark cloud to loom before them, which, however, was quickly dispelled by the comic and gastronomic feats of the shadows. The music, vocal and instrumental, was exquisitely rendered, especially “The Witch’s Dance” solo on the piano by Mrs. Frank Beall, and some nursery rhymes sung and played by the two little sons of Rev. Harris. And the auction—oh my! Why were there not such chances when we were young? Beautiful young ladies to be obtained from 75 cents to $7. One imprudent individual went so far as to buy two for $1.50. Then came refreshments, which were partaken of and enjoyed by all. The charming hostess and the ladies of the Presbyterian Church spared no efforts to amuse and entertain their guests and eminently succeeded, as all went home happy, taking away pleasant recollections and leaving a little balance of about $50 for the use of the ladies’ society. It was good to be there, and we know whereof we speak.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
A Mistaken Idea.
From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago we clip the following.
“The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”
If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of their city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our own sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
  The Auction Social.

Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy.
Miss Maggie Sample to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Ida Lowe to J. L. H. Huey.
Miss Ora Farrar to F. K. Grosscup.
Miss Viola Bishop to F. B. Hutchison.
Miss Mary Love to Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Miss Albertine Maxwell to A. A. Newman.
Miss Alto Maxwell to J. M. Steel.
Miss Hattie Corey to Fred Farrar.
Miss Nellie Nash to Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Miss Eva Collins to E. L. Kingsbury.
Miss Myrtle Jones to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Jennie Peterson to Dr. Love.
Miss Lizzie Gatwood to H. Wyckoff.
Miss Liiase [?] Guthrie to Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
Miss Alice Pyburn to R. U. Hess.
Miss Rose Morse to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Annie Bowen to J. R. L. Adams.
Mrs. Henderson to G. W. Cunningham.
Mrs. Nicholson to J. M. Steele.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham to Rev. W. H. H. Harris.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy to Ivan Robinson.
Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury to Phil. A. Snyder.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.

The Courier accuses us of being inspired by a “contemptible spirit” because of our persistency in requesting that she at least treat Arkansas City squarely and that we are trying to promote discord. You are wrong again, friend Courier. We were inspired by a careful perusal of your columns. Thanks, to the compliment paid to “Messrs. Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others.” They are deserving of every word. To them may be attributed to a great degree the prosperity of Arkansas City. They have been the life of the city. We will now be content for a time at least for this kind notice.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Arkansas City has a correspondent in the Wichita Eagle. A. G. L. are his initials. The Eagle typos, in the report of our auction social, got the name of Mrs. J. L. Huey wrong. They had it Heney. Dr. Vawter’s name is Dr. Vanters.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
J. L. Huey traded for the furniture stock of J. W. Mansfield last week. It is supposed one of our other furniture men will take the stock.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Mrs. J. L. Huey and her son, Barrett, start for the East tomorrow under the escort of J. F. Hess, who if we do not miss our guess, will be escorted home in his turn by another lady.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Does a General Banking Business. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. Funds Guarded by Sargent & Greenleaf’s Time Lock. Your Business is Respectfully Solicited.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
TO BE MARRIED. Frank J. Hess, in company with Mrs. J. L. Huey and son, Barrett, left Christmas day for Suncook, New Hampshire. Frank has realized that “to be alone is not good for a man.” So on the first day of the new year, he will be married to Miss May Johnson, who formerly resided here. After visiting Washington, D. C., and other eastern cities on their bridal tour, they will come to Arkansas City. This is the cause of the erection of Mr. Hess’ new residence, and which will be about completed by the time he arrives with his bride. Wishing you and your bride, Frank, all of the unalloyed bliss imaginable, is all the harm the REPUBLICAN extends.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
A private circulating library is being formed by ten of Arkansas City’s literary people. The members of the society subscribe for different magazines and have headquarters at Eddy’s drug store. From there the magazines will be taken by the members desiring to read, and returned. Dr. Sparks, T. H. McLaughlin, E. D. Eddy, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, C. R. Sipes, T. J. Sweeney, J. L. Huey, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Rev. J. O. Campbell, C. H. Searing, and others have already joined this literary band.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
   Knights of Pythias.
Triumph Lodge No. 116, of Arkansas City, Kansas, was instituted last Friday night, with the following members.

Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. J. Sweeny, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, T. H. McLaughlin, F. W. Farrar, G. S. Howard, J. J. Clark, J. M. Ware, W. E. Moore, H. P. Standley, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, J. A. McIntyre, W. B. Higgins, W. D. Mowry, C. Mead, and O. Stevenson, Jr.
The lodge was instituted by the following members of the Newton lodge.
John S. Haines, Chancellor Commander; G. W. Holmes, Past Chancellor; P. J. Mathis, Past Chancellor; Henry E. Brunner, Vice Chancellor; H. Godfrey, Master at Arms; A. R. Ainsworth, Isaac Levy, and J. A. Heilman.
After the institution of the lodge in due form, the following officers were elected and installed.
A. J. Pyburn, Past Chancellor.
W. D. Mowry, Chancellor Commander.
H. P. Farrar, Vice Chancellor.
J. L. Huey, Prelate.
C. C. Sollitt, Keeper of Records and Seal.
T. H. McLaughlin, Master of Finance.
F. W. Farrar, Master of Exchequer.
T. J. Sweeny, Master at Arms.
G. W. Miller, Inside Guardian.
J. J. Clark, Outside Guardian.
In the final instructions the visiting brethren remarked that they never before had had the pleasure of instituting a lodge with such bright prospects of future usefulness and growth, and that has the inherent strength and stability that Triumph Lodge No. 116 had.
After the initiatory ceremonies were concluded, all adjourned to the dining room of the Windsor Hotel, where a feast was served, “such as never man saw”—all the delicacies of the season, and served only as Mo, the genial host, and his able corps of assistants can. Thus the time passed until nearly five o’clock Saturday morning, when the participators parted, the visitors extending their heartiest thanks to the new lodge for the Knightly manner in which they had been received, having been treated in a truly royal way, worthy of their patron Knights of old.
The new lodge returns thanks to the visiting K. P.’s for their kindness and vote them to be genial, jovial, generous fellows with hearts fully as large as their feet, and hope to meet them many times in and out of the lodge room.
The visitors left on the 2:30 p.m. train Saturday for Newton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago, we clip the following:
“The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”

If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand, it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of the city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.”—COURIER.
We cut out the foregoing, not to give publicity to the little mistake of our sister city’s editors little spat, but to give the sensible words of the COURIER. We believe that Judge Millington, in these few lines, gives the true secret of success in any new town or county. Perhaps no two towns in Kansas are better examples of the truth of his statement than Winfield and Arkansas City. We well know of another town not far off which took the Killkenny cat code. Its citizens’ best abilities were taxed to the utmost on all improper occasions to prove that about all the other citizens of the place were just the wrong men for the places they occupied. Strangers were too polite to disbelieve them, and located elsewhere. Although located on the best townsite in Southern Kansas and surrounded by the best four townships of arable land in the state, it grew less, until it had driven away or buried in contempt the last one of the Kilkennys, when it commenced again to grow, and will yet be one of the prettiest little cities in the state. Its motto should be “Quarrels killed me once; Quit quarreling or die again.”
Winfield and Arkansas City were quite different. Two of her citizens might be like Mark Twain’s twin bull pups, want to chaw on the same bone and fight terribly over it, but if an outsider interfered, they were a double barreled unit until they used him up. We know Arkansas City when it was principally sand dunes and a section of very poor prairie, but it was not the proper thing to tell Capt. Scott, Amos Walton, or Maj. Sleeth. We were a little too smart to tell them so when it was eight or ten miles to the next place where we could get rations for ourself and team. I suppose they had their private bone, and had private fights, but they did not call on any outsider to settle it, nor did they advertise their little difficulties. If any of their men wanted an office, you might depend on a solid delegation, and if nominated by his party, he was elected if the city and one or two townships near it could cast votes enough to do it.
We have known Winfield ever since it was a prairie of tall grass, a lob cabin store, Max Shoeb’s cabin blacksmith shop, and a few cottonwood shanties that kept the coyote out till the owner could go out and show some new men a very fine claim. But the town company were “one man” when Winfield’s interests were at stake, whether you struck Millington, Fuller, Alexander, Mansfield, or Jackson. Winfield was the exact center of the Union in general and South Kansas in particular.

The fertility of soil was proven by great stalks and ears of corn that were raised just north of the townsite (perhaps much nearer Emporia). The health proven by Drs. Mansfield and Graham; the morality by Ross; the loyalty of the people by Col. Manning. In short, if it was necessary to prove anything to catch a newcomer, they knew just where to get the evidence and got it.
It became necessary to have a paper so their stories would not conflict, so the COURIER was started and Jim Kelly put in charge; one of the jolliest, social editors in the state. The power behind the throne was Millington, to write heavy editorials for the eastern people to read, Mansfield to write articles comparing favorably the climate and health of Winfield to the Italian skies, the robust health of the English and Scotch, proving the almost impossibility of a foreign consumptive to die here; Manning and Alexander to write up the loyalty and far-abiding qualifies to the people, with Wirt Walton to write up the immense area of arable lands going to waste in the flint hills, Dick Walker to do the same for the Arkansas Valley. And they had a score or more to work up the special good qualities of the city, of the county, or of the Walnut, Arkansas and Grouse valleys. In short, every man in the town was a committee of about ten to prove Winfield the great future and Max Shoeb was there to translate it into Dutch if necessary. If a storm came, and the Walnut ran four feet deep across the townsite, it was found upon the next issue of the COURIER, that a reliable Indian chief said the like had not happened once before in a century or more. If a drought as in 1874 came, Arkansas City and Winfield could forthwith have an Indian scare and have the young men ordered out at good wages and rations for themselves and horses, till the next corn crop was safe. Winfield and Arkansas City today are monuments not only to the pluck, energy, and faith of their friends but to that unity of action and the sacrifices of that little narrow selfishness so common in little towns. We have much of the same spirit in Burden, and it will be our endeavor to encourage this unity that should exist. Burden Exchange.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Wedding of Miss Mary A. Johnson and Mr. Frank J. Hess, Suncook, N. H.

SUNCOOK, JAN. 2. A brilliant wedding occurred on Prospect Street in this place today, the parties being Miss Mary A. Johnson, only child of Mr. Augustus R. Johnson, a wealthy merchant of Suncook, and Mr. Frank J. Hess, of Arkansas City, Kansas. Miss Johnson was graduated from the Tilton Seminary two years ago, and has recently been a teacher in Kansas. Mr. Hess is a descendant of a German family of Pennsylvania, and is a prominent real estate broker in his Western home. The only invited guests were relatives and immediate friends to the number of about 50. All the apartments on the first floor of Mr. Johnson’s residence were decorated with flowers and greenery. The ceremony took place at noon, Mr. Johnson escorting the bride and Mrs. Johnson the groom into the parlor, Mr. C. P. Morse of Suncook being master of ceremonies. The marriage service was performed by Rev. Otis Cole, pastor of the Methodist Church in Suncook. The bride looked charming, and was richly and tastefully attired, her dress being a stone-colored silk, cut Basque, and with full drapery. After the happy couple had received the hearty congratulations of the company, the guests were invited into an adjoining apartment to view the lavish display of gifts. The presents were numerous, many of them being of solid silver, and reaching several thousand dollars in value; the donors nearly all attended. The parents of the bride gave a beautiful silver service of nine pieces, also sets of dessert, table, and tea spoons, and other choice offerings. J. P. Johnson and wife of Arkansas City, gave a massive silver water service, including a tilting pitcher and goblet; Miss Lillie Hess of Reading, Pennsylvania, napkin rings; Master Barrett V. Huey of Arkansas City, articles of rattan work; Geo. Currier of Heverville, Massachusetts, “The Raven,” illustrated by Dore; J. K. Hosnier, of Suncook, a piece of Rogers’ statuary; and Miss Grace A. Potter of Suncook, a fine bronze card receiver. Among others who gave choice gifts were Roscoe E. Collins of the Franklin Journal; H. M. Bosworth and wife, of Andover; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dearborne and Mrs. D. G. Mowe, of Hill; Phillip F. Gordon and wife of Plymouth; Mrs. J. A. Hutchison of Franklin; Miss Lillian Chase of Plymouth; Geo. and Sadie Dearborn of Hill; Miss Mary Putney of East Andover; Mrs. Ella Rublee of Boston; Mrs. Clara Currier of Haverhill, Massachusetts; Geo. D. and F. H. Mowe of Concord; and J. C. Chickering, C. P. Morse and wife, Miss Sadie Morse, Miss Mamie Paine, Eleazar Baker and wife, P. S. Hainville and wife, Metta C. Davis, Miss Lizzie Paine, A. S. Heath, Belle Fifield, J. S. Robinson and wife, Miss Florence Desilets, and Mrs. H. Livingston of Suncook. At a later hour a wedding dinner was served, Isaac N. Andrews of Boston being the caterer. Mr. and Mrs. Hess took the evening train for Washington, D. C., and other points in the south, not expecting to arrive in Arkansas City until nearly the middle of February. Boston Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
J. L. Huey gave a handsome supper to the chapter members of A. F. & A. M. last Friday night. An enjoyable time is reported.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson, S. J. Rice.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. B. Hilliard, C. H. Searing, S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
It is of course unnecessary to say that this is an office that will seek the man; not the man the office. What we need is a council composed of such men as will devote some of their time and ability, without any hope of reward, except an approving conscience. We need men of ability and business integrity, who have made a success for themselves and are thus qualified to legislate for the good of the community. Our citizens will doubtless make a wise choice.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Mrs. J. L. Huey left Washington D. C., Wednesday for Arkansas City. In all probability she will be home today.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Mrs. Huey and her son, Barrett, arrived home from an extended trip east, last Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
Mrs. J. L. Huey and son, Barrett, arrived home Monday afternoon. J. L., during his wife’s absence, has prepared the manuscript for a book, to be printed soon, on “the adventures of a benedict during his frau’s absence.” Ira Barnett is to be canvassing agent. The work is respectfully dedicated to inexperienced husbands, and as a matter of fact we have taken over.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
About a dozen couples of our young folks spent a most pleasant evening at J. L. Huey’s residence last evening, which goes without saying when we mention that to the rare tack and eminent social qualities of Mrs. Huey was added the graceful presence of Miss Julia Deming.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Frank J. Hess and wife will receive calls at the residence of James L. Huey, Thursday afternoon and evening of this week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess were at home afternoon and evening of last Thursday at the residence of Mr. J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Miss Julia Deming, of Carthage, Missouri, is visiting at the residence of F. W. Farrar and J. L. Huey. Tuesday evening, at the residence of the latter, a social gathering of the young people was had in her honor. A pleasant evening was had.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.

C. H. Searing and wife, S. Matlack and wife, H. P. Farrar and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, E. L. McDowell, W. D. Mowry and wife, C. C. Sollitt and wife, J. V. Hull, Frank Austin and wife, John Kroenert and wife, Al Heitkam, C. O. Harris, Dr. Westfall and wife, John B. Walker and wife, Matt Aldridge and wife, C. R. Sipes and wife, John Ingliss, Will Griffith, A. A. Newman and wife, Wyard Gooch and wife, L. N. Coburn, A. V. Alexander and wife, Dr. J. Vawter and wife, Geo. Schmidt, J. Landes and wife, Frank Beall and wife, C. G. Thompson and wife, J. H. Hilliard and wife, Joe Finkleburg, J. A. McIntyre and wife, E. L. Kingsbury, F. K. Grosscup, A. D. Ayres and wife, Thos. Kimmel and wife, Will Moore and wife, Ivan Robinson, J. C. Topliff, Will Thompson, R. E. Grubbs and wife, Chas. Schiffbauer and wife, L. H. Northey, O. Ingersoll and wife, Chas. Chapel, Lute Coombs, P. L. Snyder, J. W. Heck and wife, Frank Thompson, Sherman Thompson, W. A. Daniels, F. B. Willitts, Jerry Adams, Sept. Andrews, Will L. Aldridge, A. J. Pyburn, S. B. Reed, Dr. S. B. Parsons, Dr. M. B. Vawter, Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Isaac Ochs and wife, H. Nicholson, Frank Hutchison, R. P. Hutchison and wife, Herman Wyckoff, F. J. Sweeny and wife, J. L. Huey and wife, R. B. Norton, Chas. Hutchins and wife, Cal. Dean and wife, C. M. Scott and wife, Frank J. Hess and wife, R. U. Hess, R. L. Howard and wife, Dr. H. D. Kellogg and wife, H. P. Standley and wife, E. O. Stevenson and wife, H. H. Perry and wife, G. W. Cunningham and wife, J. G. Shelden and wife, Sam Wyle, Maj. M. S. Hasie and wife, Chs. Hilliard, Tillie Crawford, J. W. Duncan, A. H. Fitch, James Ridenour and wife, J. R. Rogers and wife, Tip Davenport and wife, E. W. Weston, of Wellington, Kansas, Ed. Cole and wife, Lafe Tomlin and wife, and Ed. McMullen, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
James L. Huey vs. Franklin P. Schiffbauer. Judgment by default for $340.60 and interest at 10 percent, with costs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The following is a list of transfers for the months of January and February, 1885, as taken from the transfer books of Frank J. Hess, Real Estate Agent.
Jas. Hill to M. E. Huey, 1 lot: $100
  J. L. Huey to Mansfield, 4 lots: $1,100
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Bank.
   Capital $100,000.
Does a General Banking Business.
Funds Guarded by Sargent & Greenleaf’s Time Lock.
Your Business is Respectfully Solicited.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Wm. O’Gilva has been ornamenting the beautiful residence of James L. Huey. The result is a surprise even to those best acquainted with the ability of Mr. O’Gilva. We have no hesitancy in saying that it far surpasses anything of the kind in the city. The rooms have been finished up in oak and maple, the hallways in cherry and walnut. The graining is something wonderful in its artistic excellence. The ceilings are papered with velvet and gold in unique arrangement, and the general effect is most pleasing, being elegant as well as artistic in all its details. We have never seen better or more attractive work any place; it is the ne plus ultra of excellence.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
J. L. Huey is going to build an addition to the Arkansas City Bank. It will be 25 x 30 feet and will contain a vault. Mr. Huey has orders already in for the vault doors, and the work will begin shortly.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Mr. J. L. Huey was confined to the house a couple of days this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Citizen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of the city met in Highland Hall, Friday night, at 8-1/2 o’clock. The meeting was called to order and Prof. C. T. Atkinson elected chairman, R. E. Howard, secretary, and J. P. Musselman, assistant secretary. The following nominations were made for Mayor: Frank P. Schiffbauer, A. V. Alexander, Chas. Bryant, and Geo. E. Hasie.
The informal ballot resulted.
F. P. Schiffbauer: 198; A. V. Alexander: 45; C. Bryant: 4; A. J. Pyburn: 6; L. E. Woodin: 3; James Hill: 1; J. J. Breene: 1; W. D. Kreamer: 1; Col. E. Neff: 1.
Under suspension of rules, F. P. Schiffbauer was nominated by acclamation, which was made unanimous.
C. R. Sipes was nominated and by acclamation, without a single dissenting voice, elected as the nominee of the convention for City Treasurer.
For Police Judge, Chas. Bryant and W. D. Kreamer were candidates, resulting in the election of the latter by a vote of 97 to 67.
James L. Huey was unanimously nominated as candidate for Treasurer for Board of Education.
S. C. Lindsay was nominated for Justice of the Peace without any opposition.
For Constables, J. J. Breene and J. R. Lewis walked off with the bread basket, no one dissenting.
The several gentlemen made short speeches after their nomination.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Meeting Held at Highland Hall Sunday Night
And Proposition of the Company Accepted.
Now, All Pulling Together, “a Long Pull, a Strong Pull, a Pull Altogether;” and Cowley County will Double in Population and Wealth in the Next Two Years.
A meeting of our citizens was called Monday night to hear the proposition of the K. C. & S. W. Ry. Co. J. Q. Ashton was elected chairman and Wm. Jenkins, secretary. The proposition, as read by the secretary, was submitted in the form of a petition to the board of county commissioners, and tenor of it was as follows.
The undersigned resident tax payers respectfully petition for a special election to be called for the purpose of accepting a proposition to subscribe $160,000 to the capital stock of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co., and to issue bonds to that amount, to aid in securing said road to be constructed from Kansas City, in the state of Missouri, to the south line of the state of Kansas, through said county, the Co. first promising to construct that portion from the St. L. & S. F. R. R. north or northeast from said Cowley County into and through said county by the way of the City of Winfield and the city of Arkansas City to the south line of the state.

The bonds to be issued to be of the denomination of $1,000 each, to run 30 years (redeemable at the expiration of 10 years at the will of the county), to bear 6 percent interest, the interest payable semi-annually at the fiscal agency of the state of Kansas to the city of New York.
The said railroad shall enter the said Cowley County on the north side thereof, and extend through said county in a southwesterly direction, and through the townships of Omnia, Richland, Fairview, and Walnut, to Winfield, and thence by the most practicable route to Arkansas City, and touching its corporate limits, and thence to the south or west line of said Cowley County, with suitable passenger and freight depots located—one in Omnia Township, two in Richland Township, one within 3/4 of a mile by an air line from the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue in the city of Winfield; one in Pleasant Valley Township; one within 3/4 of a mile of the intersection of Central Avenue and Summit Street, in Arkansas City; and one in Bolton Township.
The railroad to be of standard gauge, to be a first-class road, and to be built and completed and have cars running thereon, for the transaction of business to Arkansas City on or before six months from date of election, and to the south or west line of Bolton Township, on or before nine months.
Provided, That before any election shall be called, the said company shall give security either by depositing with the county treasurer a sum sufficient to defray the expenses of said election or by executing a bond to the State of Kansas for the benefit of said county to pay the costs of such election, in case the said company fails to build said road.
When the company shall have built 10 miles of road and fully equipped the same, bonds to the amount of $30,000 are to be issued to them; when they reach Winfield, bonds to the amount of $30,000 more shall be issued; when they shall reach Arkansas City, $40,000 more, and the balance when completed.
The form of the ballots to be “For the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.,” and “Against the railroad stock and bonds of the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Co.”
With very little discussion the proposition was adopted. The following committee was appointed to work in the interest of the road to the outlying townships: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, C. Mead, Rev. S. B. Fleming, J. Q. Ashton, Wm. Jenkins, S. Matlack, N. T. Snyder, Maj. M. S. Hasie, Judge T. McIntire; and they were empowered to add others to the committee at their discretion.
The first steps have now been taken toward securing this road, a good beginning made. But our people must realize that it is only a beginning, a small one at that. Before us lies a great deal of hard, persistent work. The eastern portion of this county, through the mistaken idea that if the road does not traverse their townships, it will be of no benefit to them, will oppose the bonds to a man. The northwest will go equally as strong the same way. We take the following statistics from the last report of the Board of Agriculture, because we have not the vote of the townships at hand.
The population of concerned townships in 1884.
Omnia Township: 458
Richland Township: 905
Walnut Township: 1,285
Pleasant Valley: 936
Creswell Township: 879

Bolton Township: 1,228
Winfield, City: 3,617
Arkansas City: 2,838
TOTAL: 12,186
Population of county in 1884, 26,149.
Difference: 14,018
Leaving a majority against us in 1884 of 1,977. This, of course, is allowing that everyone is in favor of the road in the townships named and all the rest against us. We presume that this relation between the total population and the number of voters remains the same relatively all over the county.
The additional fact must also be kept in mind that while Winfield and Arkansas City have increased in population at from 25 to 40 percent since the above census was taken, the rest of the county has in a very small percent. Looking at it in this light, the most favorable we can allow, the total population of the townships mentioned above is less than the balance of the county, and the voters in proportion. The difference and a sufficient number more must be obtained by hard work. Not by the holding of an occasional meeting in the outlying townships, but by meeting six nights in the week, and twelve hours a day. If this road will be of any benefit to us, it will be of thousands of dollars in benefit. This will take time, money, and dogged persistence. If our city wants to do this work, or its share of it, well and good. If not, then the county bonds can be counted on as defeated from the beginning.
Arkansas City Republican, Wednesday, April 4, 1885.
   The Squirt-Gun Ordinance the Cause.
Thursday the businessmen and taxpayers held a meeting to place in nomination a ticket for the city officers to be filled next Tuesday. The following was the result.
Councilmen: Jacob Hight; A. C. Gould.
School Board: S. B. Adams; T. D. Richardson.
Councilmen: Archie Dunn; Calvin Dean.
School Board: J. P. Witt; John Landes.
Councilmen: J. P. Johnson; M. C. Copple.
School Board: A. D. Prescott; L. E. Woodin.
Councilmen: John M. Ware; W. P. Wolf.
School Board: A. P. Hutchinson; T. R. Houghton.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
BIRTH. Another banker was added to the city population on Sunday, the 5th inst., in the shape of a bouncing boy, who made his appearance in the household of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
The Citizens Elect Their Ticket and the Reformers Get Scooped.
Our city election yesterday hinged upon the question of sustaining Mayor Schiffbauer and the council in their water and gas ordinances. The matter has been discussed at some length in the newspapers, and voters have talked the matter over with more or less warmth. The meeting on Monday night was held for the purpose of more fully informing the people of the merits of the case, it being the belief of those who called the meeting that when the action of our city fathers was fully rehearsed, the popular verdict at the polls would be given in their condemnations. Mr. Hill, as an expert, denounced the method for supplying our city with water, as ineffective and obsolete; the contract which binds our citizens to pay for the work he showed to be so loosely worded that no security was afforded the public interest; and the haste with which the business was transacted, he said, naturally begot the suspicion that some secret influence had been at work which the people would do well to rebuke. Judge Pyburn dwelt more especially upon the law governing the case. He declared that since the proclamation of the Governor changing Arkansas City from a city of the third to the second class, no legislative action of the city government had been valid, except the ordinance dividing the city into four wards. This dictum relegated the water and gas ordinance to the region of informality.
This brought Mayor Schiffbauer to his feet, who explained the action of himself and council, and in the brief vindications made some telling points. Mr. Porch also arose to declare that he had money at his command to fulfill the contracts, be the cost what it may; and Mr. O’Neil made the further assertion that gas and water would be furnished our citizens no matter what might be said in opposition.
This exposition, it is to be supposed, was duly considered by the voters, and how it affected their judgment is best shown by the result of the polls. The Citizens’ ticket elected in most the wards, but owing to the late hour of receiving the returns, we can only give the majorities, which are as follows.
For Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer [C] 117.
Treasurer, C. R. Sipes [C & R] 578.
Treasurer, Board of Education, James L. Huey [C & R] 643.
Police Judge, Chas. Bryant [R] 35.
Justice of the Peace, S. C. Lindsay [C] 100.
Constables, Frank Thompson [C & R] 641. J. J. Breene [C & R] 641.
For council: Jacob Hight [C & R] long term, 57.
James Hill [C * R] short term, 57.
For school board: J. W. Ruby [C] long term, 57.

S. J. Rice [C] short term, 57.
For council: Calvin Dean [R] long term, 2.
Archie Dunn [C & R] short term, 134.
For school board: Rev. J. P. Witt, 68; John Landes, 68.
For Council: O. S. Rarick [C] long term, 1; M. C. Copple [R] 66;
C. G. Thompson [C] 66. [A tie between the two latter.]
For school board: H. D. Kellogg [C], long term, 1.
John Love [C], short term, 1.
For Council: A. N. Davis [C], long term, 44.
H. George Bailey [C], short term, 45.
For school board: Alex. Wilson [C], long term, 67.
J. C. Duncan [C], short term, 58.
The initials in the above statement stand “C” for Citizens’ ticket, and “R” for Reform candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
Thursday morning the Johnson Loan and Trust Company was formed. The company starts off with a cash capital of $100,000. The incorporators are: A. B. Johnson, J. P. Johnson, A. D. Prescott, H. P. Farrar, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, Calvin Dean, J. L. Huey, and C. A. Howard. The company is formed for the purpose of making loans on real estate and to negotiate loans in the New England states. Several of the incorporators reside in that section. The company’s office will be in the vacant room in the rear portion of the Cowley County Bank building. They will be ready for business about May 1, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The City Election.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby.
In the second ward, the race of councilmen was very close. It resulted in the election of Archie Dunn, long term; and Calvin Dean, short term. J. P. Witt and John Landes were put in the school board.
In the third ward Capt. Rarick and C. G. Thompson were elected councilmen; the school board is John Love and Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
In the fourth ward A. A. Davis and George Bailey were made councilmen; J. C. Duncan and Alex. Wilson were elected to serve on the school board.
Chas. Bryant was elected police judge.
C. R. Sipes was elected city treasurer.
J. L. Huey was elected treasurer, board of education.
Constables elected were J. J. Breene and Frank Thompson.

Justice of the Peace elected is S. C. Lindsay.
No fights occurred during the day, and no drunkenness occurred until after the returns came in. The returns were not canvassed until last night; therefore, the REPUBLICAN is unable to give the vote of each candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey, Sunday, April 5, 1885, a son. Family doing splendidly.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
The Johnson Loan and Trust Company have received their charter and Tuesday night the organization was perfected. H. P. Farrar was chosen president; J. L. Huey Vice-president; A. D. Prescott secretary; J. P. Johnson treasurer; and A. B. Johnson general manager. The company will be ready for business May 1st.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
A. B. Johnson, J. L. Huey, and H. P. Farrar, of the Johnson Loan and Trust Company went to St. Louis Wednesday to buy office fixtures for the company. They will be gone several days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
H. P. FARRAR, President
J. L. HUEY, Vice President
A. D. PRESCOTT, Secretary
J. P. JOHNSON, Treasurer
A. B. JOHNSON, General Manager
Arkansas City, Kansas
   Capital, $100,000.
Money to loan on improved farms at lowest rates.
Call and see us in the Cowley County Bank Building.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey, Fred Farrar, Rev. Fleming and wife, Rev. Walker and wife, Misses Nellie Johnson and Hattie Corey, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess attended the festival at the Parker Schoolhouse Wednesday evening. They were well entertained.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
H. P. Standley and J. L. Huey were up from Arkansas City Thursday, H. P. remaining to attend the special conclave of Knights Templar last night, when the Temple degree was conferred on Capt. Nipp.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
J. L. Huey bought the W. C. Brown farm north of town. There was 70 acres and the consideration was $5,000. F. J. Hess made the sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
. . . . The mayor presided and Councilmen Hight, Dean, Dunn, Thompson, Davis, and Bailey responded to their names as called by the clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

James L. Huey, on behalf of the insurance men of the city, said the ordinance taxing each insurance company represented in the city $10 a year, is resisted, and the best companies refuse to take fresh business. They say if all the cities where they have agents should impose a similar tax, they could not do business. In this dilemma, the agents of the companies in this city had resolved to present the matter to the council, and ask that the occupation tax levied on them suffice for purposes of city revenue. To drive insurance companies away would be unwise, we have lately had experience of the necessity of placing our property in the hands of reliable underwriters.
N. T. Snyder said not the best companies alone, but all the insurance companies represented here, have ordered their agents to take no fresh business, and not to renew existing policies. They pay a state tax, and this they declare is all that justice demands of them.
Mr. Huey said further that the occupation tax as now assessed would absorb 20 percent of all the premiums paid.
Mr. Dunn moved that the matter be referred to the equalization committee of the council.
The mayor said it was talked by taxpayers that this committee had no right to affix a tax; it must be done by the council.
A suggestion was made that the committee could look into the matter and make recommendations to the council.
After some discussion Mr. Dunn withdrew his motion.
Major Schiffbauer said there was no question of the legality of the occupation tax; its equitable adjustment was the matter to be considered. If the insurance companies resist the assessment and have resolved to withdraw, the business of the council was to consider whether the ordinance should be amended.
Mr. Snyder said a similar tax on insurance companies had been imposed in Emporia, but it was found inexpedient and oppressive, and it had been repealed.
The application was finally referred to the committee on ordinances.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
This week the Johnson Loan and Trust Company change their ad. Read it and then call at the office and interview the affable A. D. Prescott. This company gives superior inducements to money borrowers.
H. P. Farrar, Pres.
J. L. Huey, Vice-Pres.
A. D. Prescott, Sec.
J. P. Johnson, Treas.
A. B. Johnson, Gen. Manager.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Capital, $100,000.
Money to Loan on improved farms at the lowest rates.
   We Loan our own Money. No delay.
Money furnished as soon as property and title are found satisfactory.

All business pertaining to making or paying off a Loan transacted at our office in the First National Bank Building.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
J. R. Rogers and J. L. Huey have purchased the flouring mill of W. H. Speers, down on the canal, and by October will have a complete roller system in operation. The firm will do business under the name of J. L. Huey & Co. Mr. Rogers is a first-class miller and a young and energetic businessman. Mr. Huey is one of our bankers and is known to all. We wish the new firm success.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
A Proposition to Erect Water and Gas Works Considered in a Citizens’ Meeting.
Agreeable to the call of the mayor, about one hundred of our citizens assembled at Highland Hall on Friday evening, to listen to the proposals of Theodore Plate, of St. Louis, and J. B. Quigley, of Belleville, Illinois, to construct gas and waterworks in this city, and to express their views on the same. Precisely at 8 o’clock, Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order and proposed that James L. Huey be appointed chairman. This motion being approved, N. T. Snyder was then chosen secretary of the meeting.
Mayor Schiffbauer being called on to explain the object of the gathering, said he had been corresponding with the gentlemen above named for some time, and since their arrival in the city, at noon the previous day, had been put full in possession of the nature of their offer. They were men of ample means, fully able to carry out any undertaking with our citizens they might embark in, and experienced in the construction and conduct of gas and waterworks. They proposed to furnish the city both water and gas, and asked no aid in erecting the machinery. He (the speaker) had been favorably impressed with the offer made by the gentlemen, and he would describe it as well as he was able to the citizens present.
For the supply of water they propose to put in two duplex compound pumps, so arranged as to be run separately or together, and capable of raising one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours. These pumps will be run by two boilers, also to run separately or together, capable of running both pumps at their full capacity with easy firing. They agree to furnish 14,000 feet of standard iron water pipe, 2,250 feet of which is 8 inches bore, to be laid along Summit street, the size of the remainder of the pipe to be determined by the requirement. The stand pipe will be made of the best boiler iron, 8 feet in diameter and 100 feet high. The city is required to take sixty fire plugs at a yearly rental of $50 each.
The quality of the gas to be furnished by these gentlemen will be standard, or 16 candle power, and the city will be required to take thirty street lamps at a yearly cost of $30 each. The price of the gas to private consumers will be $2.75 per 1,000 feet for the first 5,000 feet daily consumption, and this price to decrease two cents per 1,000 feet until the daily consumption shall reach 55,000 feet, when the price will be and remain at $1.75 per 1,000 feet.

The parties ask fifteen days to file an unencumbered real estate bond in the amount of $20,000 in each franchise of the contract, and as a guaranty that the works shall perform the requirements of the test. They engage to throw a stream of water 50 feet high from any fire hydrants the council may select, from the standpipe pressure alone, the pumps not to run at the time of the test, and to throw water 85 feet high, with 65 lbs. of steam, independent of the standpipe pressure.
They further engage to have both gas and water works completed and ready for testing by the first of January next.
A pause followed this statement of the mayor, and the chair then asked for an expression of opinion.
Major Sleeth arose and said the great want of the community was pure water; but it was necessary first to determine where shall be the source of supply, before we build our water works. He would like a chemical analysis made of the water before it is adopted for use, in order that we may proceed with some certainty. Gas, he thought, was in advance of our present wants; we have enough of that commodity around already. He was pleased to see his fellow citizens assembled to deliberate on this matter, the city council had wrestled with it to slight purpose. He wanted to hear others speak.
Major Searing said the unfortunate experience of our neighbor cities in the construction of water works should teach us caution on the present occasion. In Wichita the mistake had been made of not getting elevation enough. He favored an elevation of at least fifty feet. Also, he would not have the main pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, and the distributing pipes should never be less than four inches.
Mr. T. H. McLaughlin wanted this work prosecuted with caution. The proposition before the meeting would cause an outlay of $3,000 a year, and it might not give a corresponding benefit. Other parties might be willing to furnish a water system for less than the offer made by these men.
Mr. A. D. Prescott favored competition, and did not approve of determining this matter hastily. Before we build water works, we must make up our minds where we are to get our water from. But he did not favor both propositions.
Mr. Plate being called for, said before he and his friend, Mr. Quigley, started for this city, they were under the impression that our water works were constructed. Mr. O’Neil had called several times at their office, who represented that he had built our water works, and he offered the franchise to build gas works for sale at a low price. This franchise allows till September 24th to begin their construction, and requires that they be completed by November 21st. He had been suspicious of the gentleman from the low price he asked for his franchise, and on arriving here found that he had misrepresented facts. He called the attention of those present to the fact that the proposition submitted to our citizens required no bonus, no expenditure of money to build the works from the city. The only privilege he and his partner asked was leave to put in the works and lay the pipes at their own expense, and to sell water and gas to consumers at the lowest price it could be afforded. They had put down the price of the plugs $10 below Mr. O’Neil’s offer. No profit was to be derived from furnishing a city of our present size, and they expected to make no profit for two or three years. But they proposed to erect works of adequate capacity to supply a city of 20,000 to 25,000 inhabitants, and if our city attained to any such size then our contract with them would be remunerative. But they declined to furnish water on the terms offered unless their gas proposition was also accepted. As a matter of fact, he believed the gas franchise given to O’Neil was still valid and could be held to, but he and his friend had no thought of undertaking any work that was not sustained by the good will of the people.

Several other speakers having urged deliberation, Mayor Schiffbauer inquired if in going as slow as was recommended, there was not danger of going down. We had paid a heavy penalty for slowness in the recent fire, and it was necessary to bestir ourselves if we would avoid another such a calamity. The contract he would make with these parties would bind them to supply a sufficient amount of good wholesome water, and we could safely trust to their judgment in locating their works. But no one is going to dig around and prospect and plat unless some assurance is offered them that their time and money will not be wasted. The machinery these men engaged to put up would furnish a barrel of water a day to every man, woman, and child, and then leave enough to put out fires.
Some mechanical details having been entered into by Mr. J. G. Danks and others, Mr. Quigley explained that the works he proposed to build, with a cut off from the main, and a pressure of fifty pounds, would throw a stream fifty feet. The pressure increased to 150 pounds would give a stream 192 feet high. He thought there would be no trouble experienced in procuring a supply of pure water, as in these western rivers there is always an undercurrent which is comparatively free from impurities. He understood there was a stratum of rock underlying this city, beneath which there was a constant flow of water. To test whether this would suffice for a supply, he would take three or four threshing machines and pump continuously several million gallons of water. If no exhaustion [?] was produced, he would consider that source adapted for the city use. The speaker explained his plans at some length, which it is not necessary to report here.
The mayor said as a number of our citizens was gathered to discuss the water question, he desired an expression of their will to aid the deliberations of the city council. After a long discussion of the matter, Messrs. Sleeth, McLaughlin, and J. G. Danks were appointed a committee to act with a committee of the city council, and combine in a report recommending a plan of action to the city council. The meeting then adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
  The Water Works.
A good representation was had of the businessmen at the water works meeting in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order at 8 p.m., and J. L. Huey was chosen chairman and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the meeting had been called to discuss the water works question; that Messrs. Plate and Quigley were here from St. Louis with a proposition which they wished to submit to the citizens of Arkansas City for putting in gas and water works. The proposition was to the effect that they put them in for the franchise, the city agreeing to take 60 fire plugs, at a rental of $50 a year and also take 30 street lights at $30 each per annum. Speeches were made on the subject by Maj. Sleeth, J. G. Danks, A. D. Prescott, J. P. Johnson, O. P. Houghton, Maj. Searing, Mayor Schiffbauer, and others. The gist of their remarks was that we needed and must have water works; but at present we were unable to put in gas works.
Messrs. Quigley and Plate did not want one without the other on this proposition so the matter was ended in regard to it. These gentlemen desire to put in a bid when we have water works put in. They propose what we think is a good system, and by their talk they showed that they were perfectly conversant with the water works question. They propose the stand-pipe system and explained it in detail to those present.

During the meeting a motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed from the citizens meeting and city council to investigate the different systems of water works of our neighboring cities and report which they thought was the best. J. G. Danks and Maj. Sleeth were selected to represent the citizens, and Monday night Councilmen Dean, Dunn, Thompson, and Mayor Schiffbauer were taken from the city council. On motion the meeting was adjourned to await the report of the committee.
The time has come for some action to be taken. The citizens of Arkansas City have expressed their desire for water works. The start has been made to get them. Let the ball be pushed forward rapidly. Protection from fire for our town we must have and right now is the accepted time to get it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
The editor of the Traveler attended the mass meeting held in the interest of water works in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. At 8 p.m. Mayor Schiffbauer called the audience to order and J. L. Huey was selected as chairman. Several of our citizens had been called upon to make speeches and about a half dozen had responded. During a lull in the speech-making process, the animal first mentioned above wandered from his den up into the opera house. He walked up the aisle and took a front seat, sat a moment, when an idea struck him. It hit him so forcibly that he was compelled to unload himself. He rose up with all of his imposing dignity—acquired after two weeks of rehearsing—cleared his throat, and relieved his mind of his only thought in the following words: “I move that Mayor Schiffbauer act as chairman of this meeting.” It is evident that Bro. Lockley did not study the effect which his favorite motion would have upon his hearers. They were convulsed with laughter and the applause was deafening as the Traveler man resumed his chair. This wild break did not efface the brass upon our co-temporary’s face. He sat there as complacently as though he never offered an insult to the honorable chairman of the meeting. It would have been in accordance with parliamentary rules for Mr. Huey to have administered a dressing down to the Traveler man and compelled him to apologize publicly.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
“I move that Mayor Schiffbauer act as chairman of this meeting.” Frederic Lockley. “Not much, My Mary Ann.” Chairman Huey.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
112. Arkansas City Bank.
143. Huey, James Residence.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Water Works Wrangle.

Thursday evening in Highland Hall a goodly number of citizens congregated to hear a submission of Mr. Quigley’s proposition to put in water and gas works in our city. At previous meetings a committee had been appointed to prepare plans and specifications for water works, which it did, and the report was accepted. Advertisements had been prepared stating that the city clerk was ready to receive bids. Just at this stage of the proceedings Mr. Quigley appears on the scene from St. Louis and makes the citizen’s committee and council a much better proposition by at least $1,000 in cash than he made to our citizens some six weeks ago. Besides, he offers to put in a much better system of works than he proposed heretofore. As a consequence of this proposition, a meeting was held Thursday night to see if our citizens were desirous of accepting Mr. Quigley’s proposition. J. L. Huey was chosen chairman of the meeting and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Everyone present considered Mr. Quigley’s proposed system of water works a good one for this city, but the meeting was about evenly divided when a motion was made to accept the proposition. Mr. Quigley proposed that he receive the franchise of the city for 21 years for the putting in of gas and water works. The city was to take 65 fire plugs at an annual rental of $50 per plug, making the water works cost the city $3,250. The system was to be the Standpipe and Holly system. The gas works were to be put in without any cost to the city, and at any future time the city should desire, we were to take 30 street lights. In the meantime, the gas company was to derive their profit from private consumption. Mr. Quigley’s proposition had to be accepted then and there or not at all, and yet he asked for 30 days in which to file his bond of $5,000 for the faithful performance of his contract with the city. This was where the kick came in. Many thought that if Mr. Quigley saw a good thing in putting in water works of this kind here, there were other companies who could see a better thing and put in the same system a great deal cheaper. In other words, they desired to exercise the right of competition, place Mr. Quigley’s proposition on file, and proceed to receive propositions from other parties. But this was not as the other side desired. They wanted Mr. Quigley’s proposition accepted then and there, claiming that it was a good one, and no competition was necessary. That no better proposition could be secured. When a vote was called upon the question, it resulted in a tie. At this time the war began. R. U. Hess claimed that minors, non-residents, and non-taxpayers voted that the city accept Mr. Quigley’s proposition, which was unfair. Pat. Franey demanded that Mr. Hess show his property; upon which that gentleman said he did not vote upon the question. Champions of both sides began to make speeches as to who had a right to vote. When the discussion had reached fever heat and an opportune moment presented itself, a motion was made to adjourn, which was unanimously carried. Thus nothing was done except to widen the breach between the two factions of Arkansas City.
The REPUBLICAN thinks, as it always has, that competitive bids should be secured. We think that Mr. Quigley made a good proposition. Yet the 30 days which he asks of the city in which to file his bond, he should allow us the same time in which to secure bids from other companies. His proposition should have been placed on file. If Mr. Quigley wanted to establish gas and water works here $1,000 cheaper on his second visit to our city than he did on the first, why is it not reasonable to suppose that there are other persons who will furnish the same system of works at a less figure. It was evident that our friend from St. Louis was slightly afraid he would lose the job if any other bids were put in and probably that was why he left no alternative but to accept his offer then and there. If bids had been received and not opened until Oct. 12 as some desired, the putting in of water works would not have been delayed any, because Mr. Quigley asked for 30 days, which a portion was ready to grant to him but not to the city. We see no objection to the city securing bids and we think it should. The matter would not have been delayed any at all by so doing even if Mr. Quigley’s proposition had been accepted.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.

The Citizens Reject Mr. Quigley’s Second Proposition.
The meeting of citizens held in Highland Hall on Thursday evening was called by the water works committee to learn their views on the proposition submitted by Mr. J. B. Quigley, of St. Louis. This gentleman was here some months ago with his partner, Mr. Platter, and then the pair submitted a proposition to build gas and water works for the city, owning the franchise, and charging $4,000 for the public use of the water and gas. That is, they agreed to furnish a water system, which was generally approved by those competent to form an opinion, on condition that the city pay $50 a year rental for 60 fire hydrants, making an annual tax of $3,000. They also offered to build gas works, and furnish consumers with an excellent quality of illuminating gas for $2.50 a thousand feet, the city being required to pay for 30 street lamps, at the rate of $30 a year each. This would be an additional charge of $900. They refused, for good reasons given at the time, and repeated by Mr. Quigley at the meeting on Thursday evening, to accept one franchise without the other.
The matter was debated with due deliberation at the former meeting, and the conclusion arrived at was that the city was not then ready to bear the burden of lighting the streets, and before the offer to build water works was adopted, they preferred to invite bids from other responsible parties. A committee was appointed to formulate a plan for the water supply, and advertise in the proper channels for proposals to construct the same.
The work assigned the committee was being intelligently and diligently performed, when Mr. Quigley, who happened to be in Hutchinson, and hearing that our citizens were still laboring on a water works system, inquired of Mayor Schiffbauer by telegram whether a modified proposition would be received. The latter expressed his doubt, in a reply, but invited the gentleman to come and make his offer. He arrived here on the Wednesday train, and that evening laid his proposition before that body. It may be briefly given as follows.
An iron standpipe, ten feet in diameter and 110 feet high. Two compound duplex pumps, each capable of raising 1,000,000 gallons of water in 24 hours. Two boilers capable of running the machinery with easy firing. The main to consist of 5,800 feet of 10-inch pipe, 3,200 feet of 8-inch, 6,200 feet of 6-inch, and 7,400 feet of 4-inch pipe. The machinery is guaranteed to throw water from five plugs 65 feet high by standpipe pressure alone, and 100 feet from pump power. Mr. Quigley asks 30 days to file a bond for $20,000 for the satisfactory fulfillment of his contract. The city will be required to take 65 fire plugs and a rental of $50 a plug per annum. All the mains to be standard condition, and to be extended 600 feet for every six consumers.
The committee was favorably impressed with the offer, but feeling that their instructions did not warrant them to act without authority, they thought it proper to call another public meeting and take the sense of the people. The meeting was held on Thursday evening, about 150 persons being in attendance.

All of the committee was there, except Major Sleeth, and several of the members set forth their reasons for recommending the acceptance of Mr. Quigley’s offer. They may be summarized as follows. The plan originally proposed, the details of which were in print for mailing to pump makers and contractors, involved too great an outlay, and would impose too heavy cost on the city. The standpipe of the dimensions given above, and the water mains graduated from ten to four inches, would suffice for a city of 30,000 to 40,000 inhabitants, and would certainly answer our wants for many years to come. It would be well to accept the offer now because there was the prospect of a dull winter before us; the erection of the machinery and the laying of the pipes would afford employment to scores of our workmen, and the evidence of progress and enterprise, made manifest by such a work, would give our city a good name abroad and be apt to attract capital and population hither. While to decline this offer and advertise for this would cause a delay of two months, the winter is a bad time to prosecute such an undertaking, and it was most likely that nothing would be done in the way of procuring a water supply till next year.
These statements were met by arguments from Messrs. Meigs, T. H. McLaughlin, Prescott, Cunningham, and others, that as the city had waited so long, the further delay of a few weeks would not be detrimental. Mr. Quigley had made his offer, but there might be others who were willing to do the work for less. It would be in conformity with business rules to put it up to competition and take the lowest bidder. Mr. Quigley’s present one was nearly $1,000 a year better than the offer he made before; under the spur of a little wholesome competition, he might find it to his interest to make a still better offer, and the delay involved would be fully justified by the possible advantage to be gained.
The above is the substance of the reasoning used on both sides, until to bring the matter to an issue. Mr. J. P. Johnson moved that the committee be held to their former instructions to advertise for bids, which was amended by G. W. Cunningham restraining that body from opening any bids before October 12th. Both amendment and the original motion were negatived by the meeting. Judge Kreamer then moved that Mr. Quigley’s offer be accepted, which was submitted to a rising vote. The chair and the secretary (James L. Huey and N. T. Snyder) counted noses and pronounced the vote a tie. It was then proposed that the vote be taken by ballot, but on Mr. Dean’s suggestion that so indeterminate an expression of public sentiment would have no weight with him as a councilman, but he should be left to the exercise of his own judgment, a motion to adjourn was entertained and the meeting broke up leaving the committee to act as they thought best in the matter. As their instructions were not modified by the citizens they called together to consult with, we cannot see that they can act in any other way than to go on and advertise for bids.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
Huey & Rogers have purchased a complete set of rollers for their flouring mill, and are now engaged in putting them in. When completed, this flouring mill will rank among any in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 3, 1885.
“Let Us Have Peace.”

The above plea for mercy comes from the Traveler. After devoting about three columns of valuable space to the REPUBLICAN, it winds up with a plea for peace. Coming from the source it does, we are naturally surprised. When the present editor assumed the management of the Traveler, he was very aggressive, constantly criticizing the course of this journal. He opposed all the measures advocated by us. In our efforts to create a reform in our city government, he antagonized us. When we worked for the removal of the notorious Stafford, he upbraided us and defended him. He defended the old city water and gas works franchise. He defended the infamous skating rink, criticized a minister of the gospel because he wished to banish the evil from our midst. He has called us a Democrat. He has criticized Councilman Prescott and T. H. McLaughlin unjustly. He never found fault with them as public officers or as private citizens, but he attacked their private opinions. He has called us ill-bred, yet he offered a public insult to J. L. Huey, as chairman of a citizen’s meeting, and never apologized. He has made bad calculations in making out his city printing bills. He has made fun of our youthfulness, calling us “callow,” forgetting that ignorance in youth is excusable, but in old age, contemptible. He has charged the school treasurer with paying money out of the wrong fund and never corrected, although he has been informed that his allegation was untrue. He awaits for the REPUBLICAN to take issue upon a question and then he antagonizes. The above calendar of sins is enough to try the patience of Job. But that is not all. Our space is just too limited to produce a complete list. And yet in the face of all he has done, he hoists the white flag and sues for peace. Having begun the battle, but being worsted, he pleads for peace. Can we do aught else but grant it so long as it does not injure the welfare of the public? The vision of the white-haired newspaper veteran rises before us and as his plea for peace rings in our ears, our heart is touched. The spirit of
 “Then lay on McDuff,
And damned be he who first cries enough,”
is crushed. Henceforth, we will allow the editor of the Traveler to pursue his way along the rugged path of life without fear from us, unless he again becomes too officious. The REPUBLICAN will continue to labor in the interest of Arkansas City. We will propel the rudder of this journal, allowing Mr. Lockley the privilege of editing the Traveler. We realize that the REPUBLICAN has come out victorious in the fight and that is why we can afford to be magnanimous.
Your request is granted. You shall have peace as long as you remain in your present condition. Now, kind neighbor, go home and give that “mighty” and weary brain a rest.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
  What Kind of a Person Shall we Admit to our New Jerusalem?
The Republican, in its last issue, republishes a list of houses and stores in process of erection, most of which have been mentioned in our own columns. It is gratifying to record such building activity, because it gives evidence of the steady growth of the city, and is proof that the confidence in its continued prosperity is unabated. Commenting on this expansion in business facilities and population, our neighbor says: “Situated on the border of the great Indian Territory, and the gateway to the Oklahoma country, Arkansas City is bound to lead the procession in growth. . . . Our advantages are superior to those of Wichita. Although Wichita is probably three times as large as Arkansas City at present, we have in the last eighteen months had erected as many business blocks as the old Square City.”

This is pleasing reading, but it suggests a parallel instance. In Salt Lake some years ago a glib canvasser presented himself, who prevailed on the bishops and holy apostles who composed the common council of that city of Saints, to appropriate a sum of money to have illustrations of its temple and other prominent buildings published in some eastern journals. He said it would attract emigration to Utah. But the question suggested itself to the minds of the unregenerate in Zion, what is the use of spending the public money to induce people to come here, who are proscribed for their way of thinking, who are pointed out as goats to the sheep of the fold, and who are so hounded and beset that there is no way of living open to them?
The editor of the Republican in like manner sets himself up as censor of morals in this community. In the depths of his vast intellect, he has formulated some ideal state of society—some modern Utopia—into which nothing common or unclean must intrude, and any person or persons who enter our boundaries and do not conform with his idea of what is desirable, he sets to work to assail, and never ceases from his abuse, till he drives the stranger away. Is not this a repetition of the proscriptive practice of the Mormon zealots? Is the statesmanship of our youthful journalist so profound that he shall dictate who of our incoming population shall leave and who may stay? Can a city acquire a healthy growth with such a marplot active in its midst?
Not long since a Wichita merchant came here, opened out a stock of dry goods, and offered “astonishing bargains” to the people. Perhaps his establishment was a cheap john affair, and his mode of advertising was confusing to the conservative habits of some of our tradespeople. But he paid his rent, hired three or four clerks, and contributed his fair proportion to the city treasury. If he offered cheap goods to his patrons, a public benefit was derived from his enterprise; if he cinched them in cost or quality, full privilege was extended them to stay away. But it takes all kinds to make a world, and when we invite people to join us, the only limit we should impose on them is obedience to state law and the city ordinances.
But our fancy journalistic censor saw mischief in the enterprise of this Wichita man, he was solicitous for the welfare of rival tradesmen, and conceived it his duty to assail him with all the feeble force of his truculent pen.
More recently two deserving young men came here from a neighboring town to resurrect a place of amusement and purge it of its former ill name. They expended their little capital in fitting up the place, gave pledges to the public that it should be well conducted, and made their appeal for a liberal share of support. But our modern Cato scented evil in their design; he opened the mud catteries of his columns against them, and by incessant clamor created such an adverse prejudice that their place of entertainment was deserted, and this city deprived of two very useful citizens. Perhaps these two young men may tell in their travels how the people of Arkansas City welcome strangers to their midst.

It has also been the misfortune of this editor to fall under the ban of our irrepressible marplot. After living half a century and supposing some slight usefulness had attached to our labor, we came to this city to learn to our confusion how entirely wrong are our methods, how libelous our utterances, how totally depraved our every word and deed. In our printing for the city, we attempt to cheat the public in every item we charge; a city councilman detects our villainy and recommends a reduction of the excessive charges, and that officer we single out with full intent for obloquy and insult. Other prominent citizens, and they are named in our censor’s arraignment, Messrs. T. H. McLaughlin, James L. Huey, and one of our city clergy, have been made the victims of our ribald pen, and this effusive youth has time and again been impelled to defend them from our vile aspersions. We would go through the whole catalogue of sins imputed to our charge, but space fails us. Evidently his aim is to add this journal to his list of victims, and drive its editor into some other community where a larger measure of charity will be extended to his heinous sins.
We ask the people and property holders of Arkansas City, whether the intemperate ravings of such an ill-advised youth are a benefit or a harm to the city? Do they delegate to him the right to judge who, of the people who seek to make homes with us, shall be allowed to abide and who shall be driven away with reproach and contumely? Do they build houses and stores and appoint the Republican editor absolute dictator over the character and kind of tenants they may admit?
It is not necessary for this journal to inform its readers that there will be slight need for building enterprise if this officious and inexperienced scribe is to be allowed to stand as a Cerberus at our city gates and bark at and beslaver every newcomer whose appearance does not please him. Population is not attracted by such means, and new dwellings and stores are not in demand among a people where repulsion and reproach take the place of hospitable welcome.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Dollars Worth of Improvements Made to Arkansas City This Building Season.
The following is a partial list of the improvements made in Arkansas City since March 1, 1885.
Huey & Rogers, flouring mill, fixtures, etc.: $30,000
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
A Citizens Committee.
Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the office of Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, its object to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in any way that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City. A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinnott was elected secretary. A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committee was also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham, Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessment of $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of good standing could become a member by paying the same fee.
The following are the charter members.
Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham, Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas. L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, Jacob Hight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H. D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

J. L. Huey has been in Chicago this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
A Popular Movement to Advance the City’s Interests.
On Monday evening of last week, about a score of our prominent citizens held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office to consider the most practicable means of advancing the interests of this city. The views expressed were that in a rapidly growing country, where incoming population is apt to seek new channels, and business interests are created by the changing tide of affairs, it is necessary for every city that seeks growth and prosperity to be on the alert and lend its hand in shaping matters to its own advantage. It was agreed that to put the forces of a community to the best avail, it is necessary to have some organization to depute some number of men of good judgment and business acumen to watch the changes in the kaleidoscope of social life, and suggest means for turning them to proper advantage; to perform the duty of a picket guard in the army. In fact, holding themselves in an advanced position, and watching every movement that comes under their notice. As an initial step to the organization sought after, the meeting chose of the persons present, Messrs. A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, G. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, and Amos Walton as an executive committee, with power to add to their number, and report to a public meeting to be held in the Opera house the following evening.
On Tuesday the Buckskin Border Band stationed outside that popular place of amusement, gave notice to the public that business was to be done by playing several choice airs in their usual artistic style. Several score of people gave heed to the summons, and by 8 o’clock there were about a hundred assembled. The meeting was called to order, Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen chairman, and our new postmaster, M. N. Sinnott, appointed secretary. Amos Walton, on behalf of the originators of the movement, was called on to explain the object of the meeting. He told what had been done the evening before, and handed to the secretary a list of names selected by the committee to add to their number, and said he would then ask the sense of the meeting on the choice made. The secretary read the following names.
C. R. Sipes; G. W. Cunningham; Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. J. Pyburn; H. O. Meigs; W. M. Sleeth; Jacob Hight; O. S. Rarick; J. P. Johnson; Ed Grady; Geo. Howard; D. Mowry; F. P. Schiffbauer; James Ridenour; Jas. L. Huey; W. D. Kreamer; T. H. McLaughlin; Dr. Jamison Vawter; Dr. H. D. Kellogg; O. P. Houghton; M. N. Sinnott.
Mr. Walton said he commended the object of the proposed organization because it gave our citizens the benefit of the counsel and services of two dozen of our most experienced citizens (He wished to exclude himself from self commendation.) who would be on the lookout for opportunities to turn to the public good. The plan as he sketched it was for those two dozen sagacious men to mature among themselves whatever movements would advance the public good, and then call a public meeting to whom their plans could be unfolded and action taken on them. On motion the list of names read by the secretary was approved.
Several other speakers followed in like strain.

Frank Austin preferred to have the organization placed on a broader basis. It had been called a board of trade by some speakers, and he wanted it made one in fact. He wanted membership thrown open to all eligible persons, and stated times of meeting. To create a fund for any sudden use he would have an initiation fee and an annual subscription.
But this proposition was generally opposed on the ground that it was taking the organization out of the hands of those who framed it. The meeting having nothing further before it, adjourned.
At a subsequent meeting of the executive committee, on the 29th, an organization was effected by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. It was also decided to increase the membership by admitting any fitting person on payment of $5 initiation fee. The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, W. D. Kreamer.
Executive Committee: G. W. Cunningham, W. M. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.
Ridenour & Thompson yesterday were packing some elegant articles of plate, purchased by Mrs. James L. Huey, Mrs. Frank Hess, and Mrs. Fred Farrar, for presentation to Miss Julia Deming, formerly of this city, but now living in Wichita, to grace her approaching nuptials.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.
A. J. Pyburn, Chairman; W. M. Sleeth, H. D. Kellogg, T. H. McLaughlin, F. P. Schiffbauer, James Hill, C. S. Burroughs, G. W. Cunningham, Amos Walton, N. T. Snyder, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, J. L. Huey, and A. A. Newman.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
CALVIN DEAN, Vice-President.
J. L. HUEY, Cashier.
CAPITAL, $100,000.00.
Pays Interest on Time Deposits.
Your Business is Respectfully Solicited. Funds Guarded by Sargent & Greenleaf Time Lock.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Knights of Pythias Ball.

The anniversary ball given by the Knights of Pythias in Highland Hall on Friday evening was, as the Winfield Courier characterizes it, “a grand affair.” The committees to whom the preparations for the festivity were assigned, determined to make it the social event of the season, and they spared neither money nor labor in carrying out their ends. Invitations were sent to acceptable citizens in this city, Winfield, and other parts of the county, and so hearty was the response to the call that 115 tickets were readily sold. Ten couples and a few odd bachelors came in from Winfield on a special train, and the orchestra came down from Wichita. By 9 o’clock fully 100 couples were on the floor, many of the ladies dressed in elegant costumes and their beaux attired in conventional style. The orchestra discoursed music from the stage; and parlor games, such as cribbage and chess, were provided for those who were tired of the light fantastic. The arrangements of the ball were admirable, no pains being spared to secure the enjoyment of every participant.
The reception committee—Messrs. Landes, Huey, H. P. Farrar, Pyburn, George, and Balyeat—performed their duties with assiduity and grace; and the floor managers were equally efficient in their supervision.
Dancing was kept up till 11 o’clock with interest and animation, when a portion of the company withdrew to partake of supper at the Leland Hotel. In preparing the banquet Mine Host Perry displayed his customary liberality and taste as a caterer; but the dining hall being inadequate to provide for so large a company, the guests were entertained in divisions. This broke into the dance arrangements, and the interruption was continued for several hours.
About seventy persons sat down to the first tables, which were bountifully supplied with every delicacy, and the table service was perfect. These guests, satisfied, returned to the ball room, and a second relay filled the dining hall. When they had partaken their meal, the tables were again set for a third company. The supper thus eaten in detail consumed nearly three hours, and the program was abandoned, miscellaneous dances being substituted. But this no way marred the enjoyment of the company.
The revelry was kept up to the wee sma’ hours, and when the company finally broke up, all admitted that the enjoyment of the night was unalloyed and long to be remembered. The Winfield folks returned home at 3 o’clock on a special train over the Kansas City & Southwestern road, and our own citizens repaired to their several abodes. The anniversary hall was a gratifying success, and the Knights of Pythias have won honor for the handsome and successful manner in which they carried it through.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
In accordance with a notice to that effect, a meeting was held in Masonic Hall Wednesday evening for the purpose of instituting a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past Grand Master, Wm. Cowgill, presiding. Mrs. Linnie A. Thompson was chosen Worthy Matron; Jas. Ridenour, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Matilda Bird, Worthy Associate Matron; Mrs. Mary Hess, Secretary; and Mrs. Hattie Gooch, Treasurer. After several votes on a name, it was decided to call it “Myrtle Chapter.”
The Worthy Matron then appointed the following officers.
Conductor, Cornelius Chapel.
Associate Conductor, Etta Kingsbury.
Warden, Minnie Huey.
Laura Chinn, Adah.
Olive Mantor, Ruth.
Eva Woodin, Esther.
May Newman, Martha.
Elected, Maggie Pickering.
Sentinel, H. Endicott.

On motion it was decided to hold the regular meetings of this chapter on the second Wednesday of each month. There were 62 charter members. After remarks by Bros. Cowgill and Bonsall, the chapter was closed to meet on Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
Huey & Co., the millers, are putting in more new machinery in their flouring mill. They will be at it most all winter. The Richmond City Mill Works furnish the machinery per their agent, J. W. Heck, of this city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
At a meeting held in Winfield in the interest of the Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper and Northwestern railroad, the following officers were elected: President, A. Stevens, Chicago; vice-president, Jos. Munger, Harper; secretary, W. S. Forrey, Harper; treasurer, J. L. Huey, Arkansas City; attorney, Henry Asp, of Winfield. We were informed that the prospect for the road was flattering if the people would work for it. Harper needs another railroad badly, and the citizens should not let this chance slip. Let her come. Harper Sentinel.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The Wilcox and White Organ Co vs James L Huey, A J Pyburn pros; Henry T Sumner defense.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
The directors of Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper, and Northwestern railroad met in their office at Winfield, Kansas, and organized by electing Alonzo Stevens, of Chicago, President; Jos. Munger, of Harper, Vice-President; J. L. Huey, of Arkansas City, Treasurer; W. S.  Forrey, of Harper, Secretary; and Henry E. Asp, of Winfield, Attorney. Immediate steps will be taken to procure the right of way from Harper to Caldwell and vote the aid along the line necessary to secure the building of the road. The directors expect and desire the hearty co-operation of the people of Harper and the people along the line. Harper Graphic.
  The K. P. Ball at A. C. a Grand Affair.
Winfield and The Terminus Mingle.—The Frigidity Broken.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
For years past there has been a considerable frigidity between Winfield and Arkansas City society. Why this was, couldn’t be explained. Invitations to social events of note passed back and forth, but fell on the desert air. The ice had got to be a foot thick. It is now broken: completely melted, on the part of Winfield. Friday night did it. It was the occasion of a ball and banquet by the Knights of Pythias, of Arkansas City. This Lodge is composed of many of the Terminus’ most prominent men. A grand affair was assured. A number of Winfield’s young folks determined to participate, in answer to hearty invitations. A very happy and mutually agreeable party was made up, as follows.

Mrs. Riddell and Misses Julia Smith, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Sadie French, Jennie Lowry, Emma Strong, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, and Anna Hunt; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, E. B. Wingate, Willis A. Ritchie, Wm. D. Carey, Tom J. Eaton, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Byron Rudolph, P. H. Albright, George Jennings, Eli Youngheim, and THE COURIER scribe. They went down on the K. C. & S. W., arriving at 7 o’clock, and were handsomely received. This ball and banquet was the biggest social event in Arkansas City’s history. The entire management was perfect under the careful attention of—
Executive committee: A. Mowry, G. W. Miller, and Geo. S. Howard.
Reception committee: John Landes, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, A. J. Pyburn, S. F. George, and F. E. Balyeat.
Floor managers: C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, T. B. Hutchison, Thos. Vanfleet, and W. E. Moore.
Over a hundred couples of the best people of Arkansas City participated—its youth, beauty, and vivacity. Many of the ladies appeared in elegant costume. The music was furnished by the Wichita Orchestra. The Winfield folks were made perfectly at home and given every attention. Our girls “shook” the Queen City fellows for the handsome ones of the Terminus, and our boys put in the time admirably under the charming presence of the A. C. girls. It was a hearty mingling that made many agreeable acquaintances and completely broke the distant feeling heretofore existing socially between the two cities. The Terminus certainly shows enticing sociability—a circle of handsome, stylish, and genial people, whom the Winfield folks are most happy to have met on this occasion. The banquet, set by H. H. Perry, mine host of the Leland, was fit to tickle the palate of kings—everything that modern culinary art could devise. At 3 o’clock the “hub” folks boarded a special train on the K. C. & S. W., which the managers of that road had kindly furnished for the convenience of the visitors, and were soon landed at home, in the sweet realization of having spent one of the most enjoyable nights of their lives. A jollier crowd of young folks than went down from here would be exceedingly hard to find. The got all the enjoyment there was in it. The A. C. people were delighted with the visit and expressed a warm desire and determination to return the compliment at the first opportunity. This is the inauguration of a new social feeling between the two towns.
Arkansas City Republican, December 26, 1885.
Bennett Chapter No. 41 elected the following officers last Wednesday night. J. Ridenour, H. P.; O. P. Houghton, K.; L. McLaughlin, S.; J. L. Huey, Treasurer; C. Hutchins, Secretary; W. D. Mowry, C. of H.; J. Benedict, P. S.; George Russel, R. A. C.; J. C. Pickering, 3rd Vail; J. P. Johnson, 2nd Vail; J. T. Shepard, 1st Vail; H. P. Standley, G.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, we understand, is to be retained as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church here. It was decided Thursday. The subject was considered by the session of the church, who referred it to the presbytery, which body met in Wichita Thursday. J. L. Huey,
A. A. Newman, T. B. McConn, and Dr. Carlisle attended the meeting of the presbytery from here.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
J. L. Huey’s family assisted by relatives and friends celebrated Christmas eve by having a grand Christmas tree.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.

The resignation of Rev. S. B. Fleming, having been referred to the presbytery to consider, that body met in Wichita on Thursday last, Messrs. Huey, Newman, McConn, and H. Carlisle, representing the congregation, being among the members. After a full discussion of the matter, it was considered advisable to retain the Rev. gentleman in his present pastorate another year. This will be gratifying to the people of Arkansas City, who recognize in Mr. Fleming a useful and progressive citizen as well as an able and zealous churchman. We understand that without solicitation, an addition of $300 a year has been made to his salary.
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Jas. L. Huey attended the directors meeting of the K. C. & S. W. Road at Winfield last Wednesday night. A special train was ordered out by the Frisco company to convey Mr. Huey home. Arkansas City’s railroad magnates are receiving a great deal of hospitality lately, but ’tis all due them.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent favors: T. R. Carson, Wilmot; Jno. A. Smith, Silverdale; A. W. Beswick, Kellogg; W. B. Norman, Udall; D. S. Sherrard, Pleasant Valley; G. A. Lindsey, Winfield; P. Belveal, Walnut; W. J. Orr, Fairview; J. W. Evans, Dexter; Henry Ireton, Seeley; John H. Tharp, Kellogg; George Erickson, Cedarvale; H. Falkingham, Milton Drew, Pleasant Valley; Z. Oldham, Vernon; N. B. Robinson, Walnut; J. P. Henderson, Walnut; J. B. Daniels, Dexter; J. M. Barrick, Akron; N. B. Hammond, Tannehill; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; Gibson & Co., Winfield; Zeb Foster, Udall; D. M. Adams, Winfield; H. C. Castor, Liberty; J. A. Simpson, Winfield; Joseph Anglemyer, Winfield; Samson Johnson, Pleasant Valley; R. B. Waite, Winfield; S. W. Pennington, Vernon; Sid Cure, Walnut; J. M. Harcourt, Rock; W. H. Waite, Udall; W. H. White, Ninnescah; Charles A. Peabody, Dexter; R. B. Hanna, Burden; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City; W. H. Moore, Winfield; W. R. Lorton, Wilmot; R. S. White, Winfield; G. C. Cleveland, Cedarvale; Nelson Utley, Winfield; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; S. C. Smith, Winfield; W. H. Dawson, Winfield; T. W. Maddux, Winfield; J. R. Taylor, Winfield; J. L. Huey, Arkansas City; L. D. York, Maple City; Greer Fleming, Winfield; Jas. Hollister, Seeley; T. M. Graham, Winfield; Thos. Larimer, Winfield; W. M. Stout, Udall; William Carter, Kellogg; H. D. Syron, Winfield; J. H. Hall, Tisdale; W. H. Fry, Dexter; V. F. Ogburn, Glen Grouse; M. A. Holler, Rock; W. H. Grow, Rock; J. M. Mark, Liberty; E. W. Woolsey, Burden; E. H. Gilbert, Winfield; W. H. Bolton, Dexter; J. F. Stodder, Burden; Geo. W. Moore, Udall; W. B. Lewis, Dexter; J. C. Snyder, Constant; Geo. R. Stevens, Wilmore; Mrs. B. McKee, Dexter; S. S. Condit, Winfield; R. W. Flener, Silverdale; Philo Winter, Tisdale; Dennis Shaw, Arkansas City; W. H. Campbell, Grand Summit; John Shoup, Udall; J. S. Herron, Tannehill; J. W. Stansbury, Arkansas City; Jas. Greenshields, Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Rev. Fleming, James L. Huey, and Frank J. Hess came up from the Sand Hill town Monday eve, taking the S. K. for K. C. and St. Louis, with a twinkling determination in their eyes indicative of some great scheme. They expect to come back with a railroad or two in their vest pockets, especially some agreement with the Frisco folks regarding the State Line “apocryphal” extension.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.

The Stand-Pipe.
Mr. Plate, the president of the Inter-State Gas Company, is in town this week in answer to a notification from the city clerk that the council desired to reconsider the location of the stand-pipe. There was a called meeting of the council Wednesday evening, all members present. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman and discussion invited. Mr. Plate endeavored to show that the stand-pipe at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Summit Street would be no obstruction, as there would be room enough for two wagons to pass on either side; that it would be built on the best foundation making it perfectly safe, and that, as his drawings showed, it would be artistically built. He also stated that the pumping would be easier if there was no turn in the feed-pipe. He asked that a remonstrance be read or that some arguments be advanced proving that it should not go where located.
After some discussion, Mr. Hill’s motion was carried that a committee of seven citizens be appointed to meet Mr. Plate the next day and try and determine the best location for the pipe. The committee consisted of C. R. Sipes, Maj. Hasie, Geo. Frick, H. Godehard, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, and C. D. Burroughs.
Thursday was spent by the committee and Mr. Plate in a fruitless attempt to have the location of the stand-pipe changed, but nothing was accomplished, only to condemn its present location.
In the evening the council met as adjourned. Mr. Plate opened the discussion by stating his failure to accomplish anything with the committee. They simply did not want it on its present site, but did not suggest any other. Although he did not want to antagonize the citizens, he had taken legal advice and claimed he could, under the circumstances, hold the present site. He would consent, however, to either of the intersections directly west or would purchase a vacant lot if insured from injunction and damages by private individuals in the vicinity.
Mr. Davis thought the company was persecuted and would aid in purchasing a site. Mr. Hill offered the company $50 toward buying a location and $2,000 for their franchise. Mr. Hight spoke in favor of the present site. Mr. Dunn said he had voted for the present site, but that he had found great opposition from his constituents, which was reason enough that he was wrong, but did not want to vote to reconsider, preferring to let the matter rest without further action, believing that the company could not afford to antagonize the citizens and would purchase a location.
After several irregular motions were withdrawn, a motion to reconsider was made and under the roll call stood: Ayes—Hill, Dunn, Prescott, and Dean; Nays—Thompson, Bailey, Hight, and Davis. The mayor declared the motion just and the matter now stands as it was.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
The Cracker Factory.

Thursday Geo. W. Cunningham and L. B. Davidson received the charter for the Arkansas City cracker factory. The capital stock is $20,000. The directors are L. B. Davidson, of New York; James L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, G. W. Cunningham, N. T. Snyder, and F. J. Hess. The stock is all subscribed and the company is now looking up a building site. It proposes to erect a building suitable for the business and place the machinery in and commence operations as soon as possible. Mr. Davidson is an experienced cracker manufacturer and will have charge of the factory. He will go east Monday to make the necessary purchases of machinery and also to remove his family here. Thus does Arkansas City’s great boom go on.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Elk Falls, Kansas, March 15, 1886.
To the Editor of THE COURIER, Winfield, Kansas:
J. L. Huey, Arkansas City; F. J. Hess, Arkansas City; J. A. Scandrett, Wellington; G. W. Miller, Wellington; A. Graff, Wellington; S. B. Fleming, Arkansas City; A. C. Kirby, St. Louis; E. P. Miller, Cherryvale; C. L. Berry, Cherryvale; and J. B. Montgomery, Oswego. This outfit was here on this date and organized the State Line railroad company for which bonds are asked in southern Cowley. Huey is a broker of doubtful commercial paper in Arkansas City. Hess is a real estate agent there. Scandrett sells poor calico in Wellington. Miller, the scalper of Slate creek. Graff sells nails there; while Fleming dispenses the gospel at Arkansas City. Kirby is without business or capital. Miller keeps a second-class hash hostelry in Cherryvale. Berry is a la Huey; while Montgomery is a “what is it.” They dickered some house for half rate on their hash and finally compromised by paying two-third rates and accepting second class accommodations in a first-class house, and this is the outfit that wants the people of Cowley County to vote bonds to build the State Line railroad. Verily the cheek of this crowd is phenomenal. Yours, SEDAN.
Our friend, “Sedan,” is rather hard on those Arkansas City incorporators. We are acquainted with Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. J. L. Huey, and Mr. F. J. Hess, and honor them for their energy, fidelity, and enthusiasm in their work for the interests of their city.
But the above meeting at Elk Falls proves our statement that the south line railroad was trumped up for the purpose of heading off the road from Winfield to Ft. Smith, that Arkansas City men filed a charter for that purpose and put petitions in the field before they ever had an organization, and that they never had an organization for a state line railroad until Monday, March 15th, three days after the County Commissioners called the elections and ten days after they put their petitions in the field and filed their charter.
It also shows, as we stated, that they never thought of the thing until the Winfield and Fort Smith project had been underway two months and had been in shape to proceed for two weeks, during which time our petitions had been prepared and printed for all the townships and been sent to A. A. Robinson, Topeka, for approval, and had been returned by him approved and with orders to proceed with them. After all this was done, the idea of the State Line Railroad was conceived by our fertile friends of the Terminus, and we must admit that they did lively work in getting petitions in circulation within two days after their idea was born, and in getting them signed up almost as soon as the Winfield petitions were filled up and returned.
It also proves that the Commissioners did but their impartial duty in giving the precedence to the elections of the Winfield and Santa Fe scheme.

The above list of corporators’ names simply proves that the State Line scheme does not have the backing of the Frisco Company or any encouragement therefrom. The list does not contain the name of a single man connected with the Frisco. It has three Arkansas City names, of good men well known, three Wellington, two Cherryvale, one Oswego, and one St. Louis, all names of men never heard of before. A million of such names could never build a railroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
That a citizen of Arkansas City never leaves town without malicious and felonious intent has become self-evident. We are glad, however, that there is one exception—one ray of sunshine in all the darkness. We know of no one more likely to create this happy and encouraging exception than Rev. S. B. Fleming. The following postal, received Saturday evening, explains itself.
You state in your weekly issue, and, of course, in your daily, that James L. Huey, F. J. Hess, and myself were at Elk Falls in the interest of the “State Line” road. Your first guess was that we had gone to Kansas City and St. Louis. You missed it on the first guess; you missed it on the second. We were not in Elk Falls in the interest of the State Line road. Guess again. I am going to Presbytery at Peabody next week—to save you the trouble of guessing, I thought it wise to tell you so that you might not be led to the sad extremity of making capital for your “fish hook” road out of a legitimate trip away from home. Yours truly,
S. B. Fleming.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
Articles of incorporation were today filed with the secretary of state organizing the Memphis, Kansas & Western railroad company. The incorporators are S. B. Fleming, James L. Huey, and Frank Hess, of Arkansas City; Eliphas P. Miller and Chas. L. Cerry, of Cherryvale; John B. Montgomery, of Oswego; and others. The charger provides for a standard gauge railroad and telegraph line from Memphis through Arkansas and Missouri to the eastern boundary of Kansas, thence through the counties of Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, Cowley, Sumner, Kingman, Pratt, Reno, Rush, Ness, Hodgeman, Trego, Gove, Lane, St. John, Wichita, Greely, and Wallace, with a branch through Harper, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Mead, Seward, Stevens, and Norton counties. The principal offices at Winfield. The capital stock is $10,000,000. Journal.
Now on behalf of Winfield, I mildly protest against our city being made the place of business of a bastard concern like the above, that has neither brains or capital, but is simply a sad commentary upon the looseness of our laws which allows any number of galoots (who can raise enough money to pay for filing a charter) to fatigue the railroad agitation now in this state with abortions of this character. This is a characteristic corporation for which Arkansas City now seems to enjoy the entire franchise, and is on a par with the “State Line” fraud now asking for bonds in southern Cowley. Now let the “morphodite” that presides over the columns of the Traveler and the “Eunoch” who scissors brains for the Republican, the smut machines of that ancient and fossilized burg, vomit on me “some more.”
Bar Docket for the April Term of the Cowley County District Court,
Convening Tuesday, the 6th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
116. 2267. The Wilcox & White Organ Co. vs James L. Huey. A J Pyburn for pltf; H T Sumners for def.

Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Among the charters lately filed with the Secretary of State was that of the Memphis & Western Railroad Company, with eleven directors as follows: George Miller, Andrew Grogan, James A. Leavitt, of Wellington; Samuel Fleming, James Henry [Huey], and Frank Hess, of Arkansas City; E. P. Miller and Charles Henry, of Cherryvale; John Montgomery, of Oswego, and Allen C. Kirby, of St. Louis. The charter provides for a standard road from Memphis, on the Mississippi, through Arkansas and Missouri to the east line of the State of Kansas, thence through the Counties of Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, Cowley, Sumner, Kingman, Pratt, Reno, Stafford, Edwards, Pawnee, Barton, Rush, Ness, Hodgeman, Trego, Gove, Lane, St. John, Wichita, Greeley, and Wallace, with a branch through Harper, Meade, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Seward, Stevens, and Morton Counties. The offices of the company are to be located at Winfield. The charter provides for a capital of $10,000,000.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The State Line Road.
A charter was filed the latter part of last week with the Secretary of State for the Memphis & Western Railroad company, with eleven directors as follows. George Miller, Andrew Graff, James Scandriff, of Wellington; S. B. Fleming, James Huey, and Frank Hess, of Arkansas City; E. P. Miller and Charles Berry, of Cherryvale; John Montgomery, of Oswego; and Allen C. Kirby, of St. Louis.
The charter provides for a standard road from Memphis on the Mississippi, through Arkansas and Missouri to the east line of the State of Kansas, thence through the counties of Cherokee, Labette, Montgomery, Chautauqua, Cowley, Sumner, Kingman, Pratt, Reno, Stafford, Edwards, Pawnee, Barton, Rush, Ness, Hodgeman, Trego, Grove, Lane, St. John, Wichita, Greeley and Wallace, Comanche, Clark, Seward, Stevens, and Morton Counties. The offices of the company are to be located at Wellington. The charter provides for a capital of $10,000,000.
The filing of the above charter insures the building of the State Line road. All the necessary arrangements have been made preparatory to the commencement of work as soon as bonds have been voted. Hurrah for Arkansas City and the State Line road. Join hands Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Cedar, and shout.
We have been made acquainted with some railroad news which we are not at Liberty to divulge yet, but it is glorious and good.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Mrs. J. L. Huey visited Winfield yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
MARRIED. Married Wednesday evening by Rev. J. P. Witt, Miss Flora Byfield and Isaiah Holmes. A number of invited guests, J. L. Huey and wife, Dr. J. A. Mitchell and wife, F. W. Farrar and wife, and Miss Jennie Patterson were in attendance and gave the young people several handsome presents. The young couple have commenced housekeeping. The REPUBLICAN showers its most munificent blessings upon them.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
The following is taken from a Memphis paper of a recent date.


“Mr. Allen Kirby, an intelligent gentleman from Wellington, Kansas, is in the interest of a projected railroad, intended eventually to connect Memphis and Denver. Three hundred miles of this road will run through the extreme southern tier of counties in Kansas; some sixty-five miles through the southwestern corner of Missouri, and about 290 miles through Arkansas. Then there is a northwestern branch of some 180 miles projected from Arkansas City, Kansas. The people of Southern Kansas are extremely anxious to have the road built and will do all they can for it. A subsidy of $4,000 a mile is already available in Kansas. But it is important that the work should begin at this end of the line so that the road can carry out its own construction material and not be at the mercy of rival lines. Hence, Mr. Kirby and his associates desire encouragement from Memphis. He is backed by and represents such as J. B. Montgomery, vice-president of the First National Bank of Oswego; C. L. Berry, cashier of the State National Bank, and E. P. Miller, president of the security loan company at Cherryvale; J. L. Huey, cashier of the Arkansas City bank; F. J. Hess, a responsible real estate agent of Arkansas City; S. B. Fleming, a prominent citizen of the same place; George M. Miller, cashier of the First National Bank of Wellington; James Scandrett, leading dry goods merchant, and A. Grag, hardware merchant of the same place, as well as many others who are ready to aid the enterprise. The importance of this road to Memphis can hardly be overestimated. It would be worth to this city far more eventually than some of the big roads that already come here. The reason is that these roads are not particularly in the interest of Memphis, whilst the projected line would be obliged to make Memphis its objective point. It would have connections and relations entirely different from any of its competitors, most of which are run in the interest of eastern capital. This is an important question for our Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
T. H. McLaughlin, Jas. Hill, Maj. Sleeth, S. Matlack, A. A. Newman, and G. N. Newman purchased the Huey property, northwest of the city, yesterday morning; the consideration was $10,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
For two business lots, upon which a portion of the Leland Hotel stands, the owner, J. L. Huey, was offered $14,000. The offer was refused. The lot on the corner will be occupied by a large bank building, which is to be put up by the Arkansas City Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following real estate transfers have been made in Arkansas City within the past two days and deeds sent up for record.
J. L. Huey to J. C. Topliff, lot 22, block 92; $150.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
V. Hawkins, accompanied by his grandson, Barrett Huey, left this afternoon on the Frisco with a carload of ponies for Massachusetts. Mr. Hawkins will trade the ponies for Jersey cows and bring them to this community.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The following is a list of transfers made by Howe & Drury, in the town of Maple City, June 19, 1886.
J. L. Huey, lots 23 and 24, block 3. $27.50
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
   The K. C. & P. H.
Arkansas City is going to build a railroad to Kamchatka by way of Burden and Behring’s Straits. When this is done Burden will be the capital of Cowley County and the sand hill the capital of the United States. The road will only cost $5,000,000,000, including the bridge across the Behring straits, and Nat. Snyder, A. A. Newman, and Jim Hill have the money deposited in Jim Huey’s bank to do it with. Mud-hole Courier.
Oh, no, Courier, you are partly mistaken in the above. Arkansas City does not intend building the road mentioned; the Missouri Pacific folks are going to do it for us, you know. Then again, you get your I. & S. W. Route mixed up with our Kansas City & Pan Handle line. For the information of the Mud-hole denizens, the REPUBLICAN states that the line spoken of above will run from Arkansas City via Burden direct to Reece in Greenwood County. The remainder of the above items is true.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.

Saturday, the 3rd, a pleasure party composed of J. L. Huey and family, Dr. J. A. Chapel and wife, Wm. Henderson and wife, F. J. Hess and wife, Dr. J. A. Mitchell and wife, and F. W. Farrar, wife and baby, went out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Hawkins, where the day was most pleasantly spent.
Arkansas City Republican, July 10, 1886.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Jas. L. Huey started for New York on Thursday to transact some financial business, and on Monday Mrs. Huey and family went to visit friends in Iowa, where her husband will join her. They will be absent about two weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
J. L. Huey went to New York yesterday on business matters connected with his bank. On his return he will come through Iowa. Mrs. Huey will go to meet Mr. Huey in the Hawkeye state Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
This afternoon Mrs. J. L. Huey, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. V. Hawkins, left for Iowa, where they went to meet Mr. Huey.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Frank Hess, the real estate agent, was offered $25,000 for the Leland Hotel corner one day this week. He refused. J. L. Huey, the owner, will erect the finest banking block in the State in the spring. It is to be three stories high and elegant in finish.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Huey returned home today from their visit up in Iowa.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Judge John Grether and son, of St. Louis, are visiting in the city, guests at the residence of J. L. Huey.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
J. L. Huey asked permission to erect a coal office on the rear of the Leland Hotel lots and was by motion rejected.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. J. Jones, wife, and children, of Washington, D. C., are visiting in the city. They are guests at the residence of J. L. Huey. They visited the Knights Templar conclave at St. Louis on the way here.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.

Mrs. F. W. Farrar and Mrs. J. L. Huey visited Anthony the first of the week. They came home this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Saturday’s Wichita Eagle says: “The Kansas and Arkansas Valley railroad company has been chartered. The object of the company is to build a line of road from Arkansas City south along the Arkansas River to the southern line of the county, a distance of fifteen miles. The directors are James Hill, L. J. Miles, J. L. Huey, Charles Hutchins, and Wm. M. Jennings. Capital stock: $300,000.” [At least it appears that figure was $300,000. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Yesterday George Druitt purchased the business lot of Peter Pearson next to Cunningham’s implement establishment. The consideration was $9,000. Mr. Pearson immediately made the purchase of the Leland Hotel property of J. L. Huey. He gave $16,000 for it. F. J. Hess made the sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
The Arkansas City Bank has been chartered as a corporate institution under the state law, and will re-organize for a fresh start on January 1st. The incorporators are Samuel Newell, Gen. L. Whitman (of New York), James L. Huey, Chas. Hutchins, and Frank J. Hess. The intention of the officers is to build next spring on the Leland Hotel corner a three-story and basement bank, the full size of the lot, 25 by 132 feet, in a style of solid elegance that will be surpassed by no similar building in the state. The business of this banking institution has kept pace with the commercial growth of the city and county; a spirit of judicious accommodation being its recognized policy, and the competence and financial standing of its owners and officers above question. Sound banks are a vital necessity to business prosperity, and Arkansas City is favored in the ability of its banking houses.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Arkansas City Bank has been chartered as a corporate institution under the state law, and will re-organize for a fresh start on January 1st. The incorporators are Samuel Newell, Geo. L. Whitman (of New York), James L. Huey, Chas. Hutchins, and Frank J. Hess.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
From Arkansas City to Wichita.
For some weeks past a movement has been on foot for the building of a railroad from this city to Wichita, as a continuation of the Ft. Smith. The officers of the company are J. L. Huey, president; D. Badger, vice-president; L. J. Miles, secretary; and A. B. Johnson, treasurer. The enterprise has now developed sufficiently for publication, and we give it to our readers as we glean the particulars from the Mulvane Record.

Our people now have before them for their consideration a proposition directly from the company that is building the road from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, to Arkansas City, Kansas, to build a standard gauge road from a connection with their road in Arkansas City to Wichita. The proposed line is to run up this side of the river from Arkansas City to Mulvane, through the townships of Beaver and Vernon, in Cowley County, crossing the Southern Kansas at Kellogg. It will enter Gore Township at the extreme southern point, and run up the entire length of the township to Mulvane. Gore will get two stations—one at or near old Bushnell, the other at Mulvane. The road will cross the river here or a little above here, and run through Salem and Waco Townships on to West Wichita. This is no wild-cat scheme or visionary project gotten up by a few designing parties, with the intention of working up a line of bonds, and then selling out to the best advantage for themselves, as many of these schemes prove to be. It is a straight business proposition that originated with the company that intends to build the road. The Ft. Smith is now located the entire distance between Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and Arkansas City, and the arrangements all made for condemning the right-of-way between the latter city and the Territory line.
Gore Township will be asked to vote twenty thousand dollars, and Salem the same amount. And by the time this paper comes to its readers, the petitions asking for an election in each township along the line, will be fairly before the people, and it will be for them to say whether they will vote the aid asked for, and thus secure the very thing that this part of Kansas most needs; the very outlet that will reduce the price of the two important items of coal and lumber, and at the same time enhance the price of farm products, or whether they will stand aloof and let the road go by some other route, for it is bound to be built to Wichita. If we comply with the request of the company, we will undoubtedly get the road for we have the most favorable route, the easiest, shortest, and cheapest to build, the one that will insure the most local traffic, and, more than all, the route that is preferred by the company.
A committee of Arkansas City men, who are interested in building this road from their city to Wichita, held a conference with the board of trade and city council of the latter city Monday evening. They held a meeting, carefully examined the proposition in all its bearings, the source of its origin, its feasibility and the probability of its being built if the bonds are voted, and after mature and careful deliberation they voted unanimously to drop the W. & W. project and pull this line through.
Now, we have Arkansas City working with might and main at the lower end; Wichita, the city that never lets any good thing escape, working at the upper end, and the company (popularly known as the Fort Smith) backing the scheme. It only remains for the people along the line to do their part and the road is sure to be built.
It may be proper right here to state that, by a recent transaction, Jay Gould obtained the control of the Fort Smith and all its branches, and that he is now the power behind the throne. He is the motive power of this movement, and everybody knows what he means.
We trust that the people in the townships below will duly consider this project as compared with the W. & W., which is now before them. The W. & W., is purely a local scheme that had its origin in Winfield, without any outlet or connection with any other road. It had neither connection with the Ft. Smith road, nor the promise or prospect of any such connection. Wichita has fully and forever rejected it. The Ft. Smith never intended to build a road on that route, and the townships that vote bonds to it will never have them to pay, but will tie themselves up so they cannot assist in securing this line that has direct connection with the main line (in fact, becomes a part of the main line) of the Ft. Smith, thus opening a through line to New Orleans.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.

The following named ladies, Mrs. H. D. Keeler, Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mrs. Jas. Chapin, Mrs. Wm. H. Henderson, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. J. P. Smith, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. Halloway, Mrs. Pyle, and Mrs. L. J. Miles, composing the visiting committee of the King’s Daughters, are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. H. D. Keeler Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
At a meeting of the directors of the Arkansas City Cracker Company, G. W. Cunningham was elected president; S. P. Gould, vice-president; and J. L. Huey, secretary and treasurer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Col. Hughes, and Mrs. F. W. Farrar went down in the Territory this morning. They will go to the end of the track.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
J. L. Huey left last evening for New York, where he went in the interest of the Arkansas City Bank. V. Hawkins accompanied him to Illinois, where he went to visit a brother whom he had not seen for 30 years.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
A large number of the ladies of the city met yesterday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, for the purpose of organizing a Women’s Christian Temperance Association. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. M. H. Kreamer, who stated the object of the meeting. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. M. H. Kreamer; vice president, Mrs. Mary E. Huey; secretary, Mrs. Grace E. Campbell; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Ruby. An executive committee was selected for the purpose of presenting temperance work. The association has about 75 members of the most active lady temperance workers of the city. Their next meeting will occur Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, at the same place. All ladies are invited to be in attendance and take a hand in the good work.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
J. L. Huey returned home last evening from his trip back east.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Chas W. Gackenback and O. J. Schenck, both of Allentown, Pennsylvania, the former an uncle and the latter the cousin of Frank J. Hess, are in the city visiting Messrs. Hess and Huey.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Building Boom Prospective.

During the year of 1886 Arkansas City enjoyed a very extensive building boom. Many handsome blocks were built during the year and our citizens as well as visitors thought it would be almost impossible for any city to make a more rapid growth in this direction. But the year of 1887 promises a greater building boom. Schemes are now being agitated and are well under way for the building of several handsome business blocks. We are informed that work will be commenced on several of them within the next 60 days. There will be extensive building on 5th Avenue and also on Summit Street. On East 5th Avenue, Messrs. Johnson, Hill, Rhodes, and Hess have about completed the arrangements for the immediate erection of a substantial business block on the lots formerly owned by Wm. Gibby. The block will consist of six business houses, all three stories high and of handsome finish. F. W. Farrar et al, have concluded to build a three-story business block on their lots next to the McLaughlin block, on the south. Messrs. Coleman and Bishop inside of 60 days will commence the erection of a fine two-story business block on their lot on 5th Avenue next to Frank J. Hess’ new building. T. H. McLaughlin, W. J. Mowry, and W. S. Houghton have each agreed to build on their lots respectively on north Summit Street. They will build together as the lots adjoin. J. F. Hoffman will soon remove the frame building next to Howard Bros’ hardware store and build an imposing business house on the lot. The frame building, known as the English Kitchen, will also be removed and Capt. C. D. Burroughs will occupy his lot with one of the most substantial business blocks in the city. J. L. Huey, on the lots on the corner of 5th Avenue and Summit Street, will have erected the handsomest bank building in the Arkansas Valley. The building will be 50 x 132 feet, the fronts being of pressed brick trimmed with cut stone. Mr. Huey is away now attending to the plans and specifications. Work will begin on this block in the early spring. The lease on the frame building used as the Leland Hotel expires in March, after which it will be removed and be replaced as above stated. Peter Pearson will also build a business house 25 x 128 feet for his mammoth furniture store. It will be located on the lot next to the Arkansas City bank. J. P. Johnson is drawing up the papers and making ready to begin the erection of a business house on his lot on north Summit Street. There are several others who contemplate building during the year 1887, but as yet have their plans not fully matured.
In addition to the above A. A. Newman will complete his four blocks on which work has been commenced. S. Matlack will finish his store extension. Thos. Tyner, E. H. Carder, and D. G. Carder will each complete a business block.
Residence building is also going to boom with a vim. Many were built during last year, but the number will be trebled this year.
The above is but a brief outline of some of the principal building features of 1887. Many will no doubt deem it what is known in Kansas as a newspaper boom, but we wish to relieve our readers of any such idea. The report is with a fact basis and we believe twice the above number of business blocks will be erected in Arkansas City during the year.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. L. Huey has finally consented to be a candidate for the office of mayor of Arkansas City. At former elections Mr. Huey has been frequently urged to allow his name to come before the people for this office, but he has as often refused. But, now, upon the presentation to him of a petition signed by 500 voters, he has consented to run for the office. Mr. Huey will make a first-class mayor. He is an honest, moral, and a thorough businessman.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The City Election approaches and it is in order for the voters of Arkansas City to put honest and thorough businessmen up for office. The time is here to begin action. But 10 days intervene between now and election day. The REPUBLICAN has remained quiet upon this subject, preferring this election to allow the voters of the city to designate who they want.

For the office of Mayor, J. L Huey has been spoken of. He has been urged by his friends so strongly to run for the office that he has finally consented to do so. It is useless for the REPUBLICAN to tell of Mr. Huey’s qualification and general fitness for the office, for there is not a reader of our paper but who is perhaps perfectly acquainted with Jim Huey’s many virtues. He has been with Arkansas City for many years; he is public spirited, always lending a liberal hand in originating and establishing industries; he has the interest of the city at heart fully as much as the most patriotic citizen; no man can blacken his record with an accusation of dishonesty, nor claim that he is versed in ways that are dark.
Mr. Huey’s opponent in the race, we are informed, is to be F. P. Schiffbauer, our present mayor. This is the third time Mr. Schiffbauer has aspired to fill the office of Mayor, he having already served four years in this capacity. The REPUBLICAN has always been opposed to third termism, even when the brave and gallant General Grant had third term aspirations for the office of president. The people of this grand and glorious union rose up and said we do not want a third term president; we do not want to continue a man in office for life; it is contrary to the spirit of American institutions; stand aside and give some other man a chance. Now, Mr. Schiffbauer has had a bully good time in the Mayor’s office for four years, and he should stand aside and give some other man a chance. Unless this be done, it would be better to dispense with holding city elections every two years. Have them every four, six, or eight years and dispense with the evils attending these local contests. Let us try a change.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The opposition is telling around that the Huey voters are divided. This is false. They are all united and as a consequence Jas. L. Huey will be the next mayor of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
   Ward Convention.
Last evening the voters of the four wards of the city held their convention for the purpose of making nominations. The following is the result.
About 100 voters assembled at the brick school building, several ladies being among the number. The meeting was called to order by Jas. Hill. Geo. Sudborough was elected chairman and Prof. Weir secretary.
Five delegates (Jas. Hill, Frank Austin, J. C. Weir, Dr. Westfall, and F. M. Peak) were elected to attend the city delegate convention when held. They were instructed for Jas. L. Huey for mayor, for Jacob Haight for police judge, for D. Baxter for justice of peace, for Johnnie Breene for constable, for Chas. Sipes for city treasurer, and for Wyard Gooch for treasurer of school board. Maj. L. Miles was nominated for councilman and R. B. Norton for member of school board. On motion meeting adjourned.
The meeting was held in the new brick schoolhouse building. T. V. McConn was chosen chairman and D. G. Carder secretary. Calvin Dean was nominated for councilman and H. B. Keeler, member of school board. Uriah Spray, John Landes, and Ira Barnett were chosen delegates to attend the delegate convention; they were uninstructed.
The voters assembled in Wm. M. Jenkins’ law office. Rev. Cline was made chairman and Rev. S. B. Fleming secretary. J. P. Johnson was nominated for councilman and J. F. Hoffman for school director. G. W. Cunningham, Thos. Van Fleet, and O. P. Houghton were elected delegates and were instructed for Huey for mayor.

The voters convened in the Fourth Ward school building. T. J. Mitts was chosen chairman and J. W. Heck secretary. D. L. Weir was nominated unanimously for councilman and Alex Wilson for school board. The following delegates were chosen: C. T. Atkinson, J. W. Heck, S. S. McDowell, T. R. Houghton, D. L. Means, Mrs. Alex Wilson, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. M. H. Kreamer, Mrs. H. M. Provost, and Mrs. E. M. Lockley. They were uninstructed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Huey for Mayor.
Jacob Haight for Police Judge.
L. J. Miles, councilman from the first ward.
Calvin Dean, councilman from ward Number 2.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The delegates chosen from the wards Monday night met last evening in Wm. Jenkins’ office and nominated the following ticket: for Mayor, J. L. Huey; for Police Judge, Jacob Haight; City Treasurer, C. R. Sipes; Treasurer of School Board, Wyard Gooch; Justice of the Peace, Geo. Sudborough; and for constable, A. Provost. The number of delegates was reduced to three from each ward, so all would be entitled to the same number of votes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Godfrey & Adams have shown themselves to be practical and experienced house movers. They have just completed the moving of the old Leland Hotel (notwithstanding that many said it could not be done) and several other houses very successfully. Every job they have taken they have given perfect satisfaction. One reason for this is that they have the best machinery in the county for this kind of work and another is that they are perfectly conversant with their business. If you want a house moved, employ Godfrey & Adams.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The action of Dr. Westfall and Prof. J. C. Weir at the delegate convention last evening in voting the opposite to their instruction is a surprise to all first warders. The convention in the first ward instructed all delegates, very plainly, for D. Baxter for justice of the peace. Last evening they over marched their authority and instruction and voted for Geo. L. Sudborough for justice of the peace. It is almost needless to say that this action will injure Mr. Sudborough’s chance of election considerably, besides losing votes to the Huey ticket. Frank Austin, the delegate from the first ward, voted as instructed, which was wise and eminently correct. When a voter is commissioned a delegate by a convention and instructed to vote for certain candidates, he accepts a trust. He violates that trust when he votes contrary to his instructions.
Skipping to 1922...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 30, 1922.
It will not be a great while until the Huey lumber yard, under the management of Hawkins Huey, will be open for business. The office is now under construction at the site at the junction of the Midland Valley and Summit street. Hawkins Huey, the manager, was born in Arkansas City. His father was one of the first bankers in the city.