Dr. Nathan B. Hughes


Arkansas City.

Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth  Where from
Nathan Hughes 41 m w New York Texas
Olive Hughes   26 f w Ohio Ohio
May Hughes 9 f w Illinois Illinois
Adell Hughes 4  m? w Arkansas Arkansas
Dr. Nathan Hughes...
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
At a meeting of medical men held at the office of Dr. Egbert, Winfield, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1874, it was unani­mously resolved to organize a County Medical Society, and the following temporary organization was effected to carry out the necessary arrangements: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Treasurer.
Dr. Nathan Hughes, of Arkansas City, and Drs. D. C. Cram and W. A. Andrews, of Winfield.
It was resolved that the society meet at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday in February, at Dr. Egbert’s office, to form a perma­nent organization. Also resolved that the members of the medical fraternity of the county be respectfully invited to be present.
   Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, President.
D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.
County Medical Society.
At a meeting of medical men held at the office of Dr. Egbert, Winfield, on Tuesday, January 8th, 1874, it was unani­mously resolved to organize a County Medical Society, and the following temporary organization was effected to carry out the necessary arrangements: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secretary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Treasurer. Dr. Nathan Hughes, of Arkansas City, and Dr.’s D. C. Cram, and W. A. Andrews, of Winfield Executive Committee.
It was resolved that the society meet at 2 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday in February, at Dr. Egbert’s office, to form a perma­nent organization. Also resolved that the members of the medical fraternity of the county be respectfully invited to be present.
   DR. W. Q. MANSFIELD, President.
DR. D. N. EGBERT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
The Cowley County Medical Society met at the City Council Room in Winfield on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 1874, according to adjournment. Present: Drs. Mansfield, Wagner, Cram, Andrews, Black, Graham, and Peyton. Dr. Mansfield presiding. The Secre­tary being absent, Dr. Peyton was appointed to fill the vacancy, pro tem.

The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and ap­proved, after which Dr. Wagner moved for a permanent and immedi­ate organization, to be termed “The Cowley County Medical Soci­ety.” Motion carried.
Society then proceeded to the elec­tion of officers, which resulted as follows: Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, President; Dr. Wagner, Vice President; Dr. D. N. Egbert, Secre­tary; Dr. T. G. Peyton, Assistant Secretary; Dr. W. G. Graham, Treasurer. Upon motion, Dr. Hughes of Arkansas City and Drs. Cram, Andrews, Black, and Mansfield, of Winfield, were elected Censors for the society for one year. President Mansfield then appointed Drs. Wagner, Graham, and Peyton as the committee to draft a Constitution and By-laws to be acted upon at the next meeting of the society. By vote of the society, the Secretary was instructed to furnish each of the County papers with a copy of the minutes of this meeting.
There being no further business to transact, the society adjourned to meet at this place in two weeks (Wednesday, Feb. 25th, 1874) at 2 o’clock p.m. All physicians are requested to be present. T. G. PEYTON, Assistant Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
Dr. Hughes, of Arkansas City, dropped into our office yesterday.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
From the Traveler we learn that our old friend, Wm. Steele, of Grouse Creek, fell from a load of hay last week, while endeav­oring to hold a team that was running away, the wagon passing over his back and arm, breaking the latter. Dr. Hughes was sent for, who reports him seriously hurt.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the March term, A. D., 1875, of the District Court of Cowley County, to be holden on and from the 22nd day, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
No. 491. Nathan Hughes, vs. Board of County Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.
The ticket nominated last Saturday by the Republican County Convention is, all things, considered, one of the strongest and best ever nominated in the county.
E. C. MANNING, WM. P. HACKNEY, NATHAN HUGHES, AND WILLIAM WHITE. The first was an informal ballot, which resulted as follows: Manning 32, Hackney 11, White 5, Hughes, 12. After considerable sparing, Col. Manning, for the sake of harmony, declined the nomination. The names of L. J. Webb and James McDermott were placed before the Convention. The friends of Manning insisted on still voting for him and so declared their intention, whereupon the names of Webb and McDermott were withdrawn. The first ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 29 votes, Hackney, 22, Hughes, 9. No choice, Hughes withdrew his name in favor of W. P. Hackney. Second ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 32 votes; Hackney, 28. Manning declared nominated.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Notice: All persons knowing themselves indebted to me for professional services in 1873, 1874 and 1875, are requested to make settlement. Come, friends, pay your obligations, and enable me to discharge mine. NATHAN HUGHES.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Calls answered Night or Day.
 Special attention given to the diseases of women.
Office at his residence, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
Dr. Hughes did not sell his place, as reported.
Mr. (?) Hughes...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
About the last day of December, 1869, Judge W. R. Brown, H. B. Norton, T. A. Wilkinson, H. D. Kellogg, John Brown, [Silas] Moore, and G. H. Norton drove into camp near Wood’s residence as members and representatives of the Walnut City town company.
A few leading citizens of Emporia, among the number, C. V. Eskridge, P. B. Plumb, J. Stotler, L. B. Kellogg, H. B. Norton, and Judge Brown and H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls, had orga­nized a town company and sent the party mentioned down into the Walnut Valley to locate a town at the junction of the Walnut River with the Arkansas River. The map of Kansas at that time showed that the junction was about the center of Cowley County. After some conference with the settlers, the newcomers took five claims adjoining Manning’s claim, east, southeast, and south, with the intention of making this the location of the proposed town. In a day or two upon an examination of the country below, the party decided to locate their town at the present town site of Arkansas City.
On January 1st, 1870, T. A. Wilkinson, John Brown, G. H. Norton, and John Strain staked out and claimed the four claims upon which Arkansas City now stands, as the location of the new town. H. B. Norton took a claim adjoining the town site on the north, H. D. Kellogg took a claim south of the town site. When this party arrived at the mouth of the Walnut, they found the bottom and timber claims taken by H. Endicott and his son, Pad, and G. Harmon, Ed. Chapin, Pat Summers [Somers], Mr. Carr, Mr. Hughes, and one or two others.
The Walnut City town company consisted of fifteen members, and the four claim holders mentioned were of the number, and were to hold the claims and enter them for the company. On their way down the valley the party discovered a Walnut City in Butler County, and concluded to change the name of their company to Delphi. On their return to Emporia the name was again changed to Creswell, and by this name the town was known for some months. On applying for a post office, the Post Office department in­formed Senator Ross, who made the application, that there was a Creswell in Labette County, Kansas, and that no two offices of the same name would be located in the State, and at Ross’ sugges­tion, it was called Arkansas City. When the commission came to G. H. Norton, who was the postmaster named, the town was named Arkansas City. This was in April 1870.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.

The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from.
Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, Nels Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B. Lemmon.
Creswell: I. H. Bonsall, W. M. Sleeth, O. P. Houghton, Geo. McIntire, and Dr. Hughes.
Richland: D. Maher, M. C. Headrick, Alex Kelly, and Dr. Phelps.
Vernon: J. S. Wooley, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Beaver: T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.
Pleasant Valley: C. J. Brane and S. H. Sparks.
Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Liberty: Sam Pitt and E. C. Clay.
Omnia: E. A. Henthorn.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reported the following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternates to the convention.
Creswell: Delegates, I. H. Bonsall, Nathan Hughes, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H. D. Kellogg, and Wm. M. Sleeth. Alternates, A. A. Newman, R. A. Houghton, T. C. Bird, W. H. Speers, Elisha Parker, and W. S. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
Pursuant to call of the County Central Committee, the delegates to the county convention met in the courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 16th, at 11 o’clock a.m., and organized by electing Capt. J. S. Hunt temporary chairman and C. H. Eagin temporary secretary.
On motion the convention adjourned to meet at 2 o’clock p.m.
2 p.m.; convention called to order; Capt. Hunt in the chair.
The committee on credentials being called submitted the following report: Your committee on credentials find that the following named gentlemen were duly elected as delegates to this convention, and all are entitled to seats therein.
Bolton: Frank Lowry, W. Thompson, W. E. Chenoweth.
Creswell: N. Hughes, I. H. Bonsall, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H. Kellogg, and W. M. Sleeth.
The committee on the order of business submitted two re­ports.
The majority read as follows:
A majority of your committee recommend the following order of business, viz: 1st, nomination of county attorney; 2nd, nomination of probate judge; 3rd, clerk of district court; 4th, county superintendent of public instruction; 5th, secretary of county central committee.
  Signed, WM. B. NORMAN, S. S. MOORE, R. C. STORY.
The minority report read as follows:

A minority of your committee recommend, 1st, that in view of the serious charges made against the political character of Col. E. C. Manning, the nominee of the Republican party of Cowley County for State Senator, that he be removed and that the central committee of the Republican party of said county immediately call a new convention to nominate a candidate in his place, and recommend the passage of the accompanying resolution.
Resolved, That E. C. Manning, the Republican nominee for the office of State Senator be, and he is hereby requested to said nomination, and that the County Republican committee immediately call a new convention to nominate some other man in his stead.
2nd. That a county central committee, consisting of one member from each township, be selected by the delegates from the respecting townships, and their names reported to the secretary.
3rd. That in election of candidates, the clerk call the roll of townships, and as each township is called, the chairman of the delegation rise in his place and renounce the vote of the township.
4th. That we nominate a candidate for county attorney.
5th. That we nominate a candidate for clerk of district court.
6th. That we nominate a candidate for superintendent of public instruction.
7th. That we nominate a candidate for probate judge.
That we nominate in the order named.
The majority report was, on motion, amended so as to include the second clause of the minority report, which gave each town­ship one member of the county central committee, and the report was adopted.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
DR. HUGHES, one of Creswell’s old “stand-bys,” was at the Courthouse on the 16th.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1876.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Wingar Sunday morning, March 6th, a girl. Dr. Hughes was master of ceremonies. Weight—standard.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes started to Topeka this morning. Her mother is not expected to live.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
By request of several parties, Dr. Hughes obtained some new virus, and has inoculated a number of persons. Parties visiting the Centennial should take the precaution.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
A ditch is to be dug to run the water from the road east of Dr. Hughes.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
DR. HUGHES’ sod wheat is in the shock.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
One of the most startling occurrences that ever took place in this city was made known last Saturday.

Richard Page, aged 35 years, and for the past six years a resident of this county (with the exception of one winter spent in Canada) was at his place of business at the City Bakery, as usual, until about one o’clock p.m., when he started home to dinner, taking a chew of tobacco on the way, saturated with strychnia, which caused his death within ten minutes.
The circumstances, as far as could be gathered from evi­dence, and what the dying man said to his wife and others, are as follows.
On Monday morning Mrs. Page told her husband that mice had already got into their new cellar, and she wanted them killed before they got into the house. Mr. Page stated that he would get some strychnia and poison them, and as he passed Kellogg & Hoyt’s drug store, he stopped in and purchased a few grains, which he carelessly put in his vest pocket with his tobacco; carrying it until Saturday, when he took a chew as above stated, and discovered his mistake.
On arriving at the house, he complained of being sick, and went to the cellar to get a mug of ale, but could not drink it. He then called for sweet milk, and drank some, when he found he was unable to get to his bed except by crawling. Mrs. Page then asked him what was the matter, when he said: “I have taken strychnia with tobacco, by mistake.” He then called his wife and two little girls to him, and bid them good-bye.
Mr. Hutchinson was called in, and Drs. Shepard and Hughes sent for, but they arrived too late to lend assistance. On Sunday afternoon he was buried, being followed to the grave by a host of friends, making as large, if not the largest, funeral procession ever attending the remains of anyone from this place.
As a man, Richard Page was a respected citizen and devoted Christian, honored and respected by all who knew him. His life was insured in an Express Agents Insurance Company for $3,000, which, with what capital he had, will provide for the family.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The steam thresher has been at Dr. Leonard’s and Dr. Hughes. Some of Dr. Leonard’s wheat yielded over thirty bushels per acre.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
DR. HUGHES had one-half day of leisure last Friday, after six weeks’ hard riding. All the medical men will have more time since the frost.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me on account, or otherwise, are requested to make prompt payment in cash or marketable wheat at home prices.
September 29, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
A needle was taken from the shoulder of Mr. Farrar’s child last week by Dr. Hughes.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
SEVERELY HURT. J. C. SHUSTER was thrown from his horse one week from last Sunday while riding after dark, near Whitney’s hill, and severely injured. His scalp was cut and head bruised, but for a few days he felt no unusual pain, until swelling set in, when he suffered terribly. Dr. Hughes has charge of the case, and he is recovering slowly.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.

BORN. On Friday, Nov. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Embry, a daughter. Weight two lbs. Dr. Hughes was called in as the proper agent, with licensed authority to act.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
FOR SALE. MY FARM. Lying in Walnut Valley and adjoining Arkansas City, Kansas. There are forty acres, mostly in wheat, balance in woods, pasture, well watered. This farm is desirable for a farmer or professional man, as it is in the immediate vicinity of popular schools, churches, and excellent society. Price $2,200. Also, seven head of horses, two sets of harness, one top buggy, one farm wagon, and farming implements. If purchased by a physician, will dispose of No. 1 surgical and obstetrical instruments and other supplies.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
BORN, to Mr. and Mrs. Pennewell, on Thursday, Nov. 9th, a daughter. Dr. Hughes represented the medical faculty. If a boy, it would have been another Republican voter.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kager, Sunday, December 3rd, a daughter. Dr. Hughes was ex-officio.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
It cost $1,096 to run Creswell Township last year, and over $500 of that was expended on the Arkansas River bridge, leaving only $400 to pay for the draining east of Dr. Hughes’, the saving of the Walnut River bridge timbers, and current expenses of the township.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. C. R. Sipes. Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. Wm. Newton, Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes, O. C. Skinner, E. D. Eddy.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
The committee appointed to decorate the tree is as follows:
Ladies—Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. Breene, Mrs. T. Mantor, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. T. R. Houghton, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. R. A. Houghton, Miss Mattie Thompson, Miss Kennedy, Miss F. Skinner.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
BORN, to Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Channell, Sunday, Dec. 17th, a daughter. Weight nine pounds. Dr. Hughes was the attending physician.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
The ladies of this place presented Dr. Hughes a fine large album, in token of their appreciation and respect, on Christmas evening, and the Doctor is making a collection of photographs to place therein.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.

AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I have the honor of acknowledging, with gratitude, the receipt of a beautiful album, presented by the rising generation of Arkansas City. Hoping that the future will record noble deeds in the life of each one, and that my early acquaintance will redound to the good of mankind, I am, respectfully, DR. NATHAN HUGHES.
January 1, 1877.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
MR. SPRAY, OF KAW AGENCY, has been suffering from pneumonia for several days past, and at one time was not expected to live. Dr. Hughes was finally sent for, and has since made two visits to the Agency, and reports Mr. Spray is now improving.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1877.
MR. M. E. WELSH came down from Winfield last Friday evening, feeling as well as he ever did, but at about 9 o’clock he was taken with congestion of the liver, and suffered terribly all night. The next day, Saturday, he was no better, and Drs. Hughes and Kellogg were up with him all the following night. Sunday evening his friends began to think he would not live through another night, but he improved towards morning, and we are now glad to say he is in a fair way to recover. Mr. Welsh has experienced such attacks before, but they have never been so severe as this one.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
PARTIES at Wichita are endeavoring to have Dr. Hughes remove to that place. The Doctor has a wide reputation and extensive practice at this place that he cannot well afford to abandon.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877. Editorial Item.
  Railroad Matters.
The committee who went from this place to Augusta, learning that Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge intended going to Winfield to confer with the people of that place, at the urgent request of one of the citizens and a member of the Railroad Committee of Winfield, sent word for a delegation to come up to agree to a new proposition. A number went, but upon their arrival, found that no agreement could be made, as the Committee of Winfield had stated they could not entertain any proposition from the north, as they had one from the east. Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge then came to this place and submitted the proposition to Creswell Township to build their road down the west side of the Walnut by Township aid. The same proposition will be submitted to Rock, Nennescah, Vernon, Beaver, Creswell, Bolton, and probably Pleasant Valley Townships, and if the aid is rendered, the road will be built.
In the evening a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the church, during which a stirring speech was made by Mr. Eskridge, and remarks by Mr. Young, Rev. Fleming, Judge Chris­tian, Amos Walton, Mr. Channell, and others, after which a committee of eleven were appointed as follows, as Managing Committee, with power to appoint Finance, Canvassing, and Sub-Committees: Dr. Hughes, O. P. Houghton, C. M. Scott, A. A. Newman, James Christian, J. C. McMullen, S. B. Fleming, M. R. Leonard, Amos Walton, R. C. Haywood and S. P. Channell.
The Committee then elected Dr. Hughes, President, J. C. McMullen, Vice President, Amos Walton, Secretary, and R. C. Haywood, Treasurer. The hour being late, the Committee then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
WANTED. A girl to do general housework. MRS. DR. HUGHES.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
MUDDY. Now that the river is fordable something should be done towards draining the slue by Dr. Hughes. As it now stands, it is far worse to pull through the mud and water than it ever was last year. The road needs to be thrown up at least 4 feet and a culvert put in. The work done last year was good, but the trouble was that not half enough was done. We cannot expect people to come to town while the approaches thereto are in such bad shape.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877 - FRONT PAGE.
The Fourth of July in Bolton.
[For the TRAVELER.]
Mr. Editor: I attended the Fourth of July in Bolton last Wednesday, and took a few notes I want to tell you. I did not go for fun; I did not go for frolic; but for sober, solid information and instruc­tion, and to see the people and things. I saw you there, to begin with, and concluded from appearances that the local depart­ment of the paper would be neglected, as you had your hand full, mind full, and from the monstrous basket you towed around, I took it for granted you would soon have a stomach full. An editor is always hungry, they say, and I believe it. But I don’t want to write this article entirely about you, for there were others equally as handsome as yourself and lady.
I also want to say that the visit paid us by your most estimable ladies, Mrs. and Miss Revs. Thompson, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. McMullen, and a number of others, will be returned, as they added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. I also desire to thank the band boys, for they meant well in their heads, but their hearts, I fear, troubled them. There were a number of young ladies, also, whom I would be gratified to have call on me at any time, and the young boys know they are all cherished and loved by AUNT MARY.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me, either on book account or by note now due, are requested to call and pay the same without further notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
WHILE ADLEY DAVIS was leading M. A. Felton’s horse that was stunned by lightning to pasture, last Monday, the horse fell as they were going down the bank at Dr. Hughes’, and struck Davis’ horse on the hind leg, breaking both bones. The animal is now at Walker’s stable with splinters on its leg.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
We are glad to learn that Dr. Hughes is recovering. He has been confined to his home for two weeks or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
The following committees have been chosen by the Ladies’ Sewing Society for their Thanksgiving Festival.

Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Dr. Shepard, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. L. McLaughlin.
Mrs. Dr. Hughes, Mrs. Coombs.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
Dr. Hughes was at Wichita last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
A messenger came up from Pawnee Agency this week after Dr. Hughes. Mr. Ashton was very sick, and not expected to live. The doctor has been compelled to visit the Territory quite often lately.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
DR. HUGHES and wife were surprised last Wednesday evening by a company of young and married folks, but proved themselves equal to the occasion by making all enjoy themselves most heartily.
May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, May Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
GIRLS: Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Nellie Swarts, Mary Theaker, Linnie Peed, Linda Christian, Flora Finley, Laura Gregg, Susie Berry, Mary Wintin, May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, Carrie Cramer, Sarah Randall, Mary Holloway, Stella Swarts, Mollie Christian, Clara Morgan, Annie Brown, May Hughes, Emma Theaker, Albertine Maxwell, Annie Hutchinson, Belle Birdzell.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
Dr. Hughes has gone to Topeka to be absent a week or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
DR. HUGHES will be home from Washington this week, and will announce in our next issue what he has to do with the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
DR. HUGHES returned from Washington last week, and in company with R. L. Walker will go to the Territory this week for the purpose of selecting a suitable place for their headquarters. The office to which these gentlemen have been appointed by the Secretary of the Interior is known as Special Agents for the unoccupied Indian reserves and Government lands. Their duties will be to put a stop to all timber depredations, collect tax on cattle in the Territory, arrest all parties trafficking in liquor within their jurisdiction, and have general supervision of all matters not assigned to the different Agencies. After their return a statement will be made by them. It is the policy of the Government to first tax and then protect the stock men in the Territory, and to protect the timber at all hazards. After these gentlemen become thoroughly established, there will be less lawlessness in the region south of us, and instead of being a harbor will be a trap for thieves.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
District Court.

Mr. E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court, commencing on Monday, May 6, 1878.
L. McMasters v. N. Hughes.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
DR. HUGHES and R. L. Walker, special agents for the protec­tion of property in the Territory, are out west looking out a location for headquarters. After their return we shall know all about their movements.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 18, 1878. Front Page.
A Flourishing Town on the Border of the Indian Territory.
A Magnificent Valley Between the County Seat of Cowley
County and the Border Line.
[Special Correspondent Kansas City Times.]
The following gentlemen are prominent citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity: Dr. Nathan Hughes, Amos Walton, W. B. Skinner, A. W. Patterson, J. H. Dayton.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
DR. HUGHES is at Denison, Texas, making arrangements with cattle men who intend to pasture cattle in the Territory. On his return he will establish his headquarters on the Cimarron River at the stage crossing, and issue permits to all who want pasture privileges, for sixty cents a year, or five cents per head each month. The cattlemen express themselves well pleased with the arrangement, and will pay the tax willingly. Operations against timber depredators will probably begin near Fort Sill, where one man is engaged hauling saw logs to fill a very large contract. It is said he has five ox teams constantly hauling logs from the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Court Proceedings.
  [From the Cowley County Telegram.]
The following is a report of the disposal of the cases which have come up so far during this term.
Lucian McMasters vs. Nathan Hughes, continued.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
DR. HUGHES returned from Washington last Friday. He first went to Denison, Texas, and from thence to the Capitol. His boy, “Bert,” accompanied him, and thought the capitol building a big house, and, Kansas like, wondered what it cost.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
SMALL POX. DR. HUGHES just returned from Winfield and states Mr. Brooks died of the small pox yesterday. The public school has closed and the people are terribly agitated.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.

My farm of seventy acres adjoining the corporate limits of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. There are forty acres in cultivation, balance in woods, pasture; soil, Walnut bottom; good frame house, out buildings, fruit trees in bearing, and conveniences for a comfortable house. This would be an excellent situation for an intelligent physician, and special inducements will be extended to such a purchase. My reason for selling is a change of occupation. DR. NATHAN HUGHES.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A delegate Convention of the Republicans was held at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 10 o’clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, who read the call and stated the object of the meeting.
On motion, Hon. E. C. Manning was elected temporary chair­man, and C. M. Scott, Secretary, with Ed. G. Gray, Assistant Secretary.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chairman, to act as Committee on Credentials: W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Town­ship; Ed. G. Gray, of Creswell Township; Mr. Strong, of Rock Township; James Kelly, of Winfield Township; and A. J. Pickering, of Windsor Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
The following cases were tried before Judge Campbell during the term of court, up to September 5, 1878.
The suit of L. McMasters vs. N. Hughes, for malpractice, was continued.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Frank S. Denton died Monday morning about six o’clock from congestion of the brain. He was thrown from a mule about one o’clock on Sunday, September 8th, and was found lying insensible by Mrs. Brash. He was taken to Thomas Parvin’s house, where he died in the presence of his wife and three physicians, namely, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Shepard, and Dr. Carlisle. He did not speak a word. The shocking news was received at this place with many regrets. We have known Frank Denton as long as we have known Arkansas City, and always found him to be an upright, moral, and conscientious man. Thus passes away another one of the early settlers of this section. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
District Convention.
DEXTER, September 28, 1878.
Convention met pursuant to call, and was called to order and the call read by W. A. Metcalf, secretary of the Central Commit­tee. R. R. Turner was appointed chairman and W. A. Metcalf secretary.
The following gentlemen were admitted to seats:
Creswell: C. M. Scott and Dr. Hughes, to cast the vote for that township.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
Dr. Hughes’ corn yielded sixty bushels to the acre on his bottom farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
The Republicans of Creswell Township failed to elect dele­gates to the Convention at Dexter to nominate a Representative for this district. Dr. Hughes and C. M. Scott were admitted.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
ANOTHER TRADE. We have been told that Dr. Hughes has bought the Traveler outfit of C. M. Scott, and it is intimated that he will move the establishment to Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
We have been told that Dr. Hughes has bought the TRAVELER outfit of C. M. Scott, and it is intimated that he will move the establishment to Winfield. Courier.
Wrong again. We expect to retire from the newspaper busi­ness, but the TRAVELER will always be published at Arkansas City. There is no better field for a newspaper in Southern Kansas than at this place, hence there is no need of a change of location.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
In resigning the duties of editor and manager of the TRAVELER, we feel that an expression of gratitude should be expressed to the patrons of the paper, especially those who have been with us from the start.
For more than eight years we have published the TRAVELER, encountering every trial and adversity, and sharing alike the enjoyments and hardships attending the settling of a new country.
We began young, very young for the position, and it was not attended without mistakes. We have said things that we regretted sorely, and should have given expression probably when we did not. But with all we flatter ourselves that the TRAVELER is a success, and a recognized journal among the many.
Other matters of more profit and less labor have invited us, and we step aside to resign the duties to an able writer, strong partisan, and one not entirely a stranger to the newspaper profession.
Dr. N. B. Hughes will hereafter conduct the paper and add new life and energy to its columns. We hope his efforts will be sufficiently appreciated to enable him to gratify his ambition, by enlarging the journal and making it still more interesting.
The TRAVELER is not an experiment, but an established institution of Arkansas City and Cowley County. Nevertheless the present manager will feel the need of prompt and liberal patron­age to carry him through.
We shall always make Arkansas City and Cowley County our home, although the greater portion of our time for a year or more will be elsewhere.
Again, we thank the men who first greeted us on the townsite of the present city, and the friends who have come in since.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.

The readers of the TRAVELER will observe that the present issue appears under a new leadership. Since the settlement of Cowley County, the TRAVELER has been an important factor, and has shaped the destiny of many events. Those who have remained here from an early day have witnessed a growth in towns and country almost unexampled in the history of a people. Rapid as improve­ment has been, we believe that a greater prosperity is within the reach of us. With railroads soon to enter our county and river navigation to become established at an early period, the farmer, the trader, and the capitalist will awake from their nightmare and start in the race for better days. The TRAVELER will advo­cate the material interests of the people, and we invite corre­spondence on subjects of political or public interest, without regard to party, while we reserve the right to express our own convictions. In politics we shall keep our record as an Indepen­dent Republican Journal. Believing as we do, that brains are essential to the anatomy of a live Republican and fidelity to duty qualities that even in these days need create no shame in a public official, we shall be slow to push the chances of any who are resurrected from the dirty drippings of party. The TRAVELER will let no opportunity pass to advance the prosperity of this city. Our interests will be the same as her people, and in her growth and glory we shall ever rejoice. If we are true to ourselves and make a united effort to utilize the waters that run by our doors, very soon the steam whistle will be heard, not only at the paddle wheel, but on the iron rail. God never made a people free who fear to strike the blow. Reader, these are our views.
We ask of you a sober thought. If you think, that after reading the columns of the TRAVELER, you can afford to subscribe for the paper, or solicit others to do so, we believe you will be engaged in a good work that will redound to your advantage.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 6, 1878.
For months past our people have agitated the subject of navigation on the Arkansas. In July, as the reader will recall, the Sally made a trip from Little Rock to this point, and demon­strated the fact that something can, and should be done, with steam on our river. True, the Sally dropped down the river without loading, but the policy of another town and the influence of money is the key to the cypher. It is plain to any man with honest convictions and an eye that can see beyond his nose, that the Arkansas can be navigated to this point for months during the year, by the same class of boats that annually ply the Yellow­stone. But, says the reader, “It takes money to build boats, and we are all poor people.” Grant it, perhaps you are not only poor, but in the worst of all financial conditions, in debt, covered with a cut-throat mortgage, at possibly two percent, a month. Now, most men hope to see better days in the near future! For years you have been toiling, early and late, to lift that mortgage, but yet it remains a terrible tax on your strength. Year after year you have been hauling your crop fifty miles to meet a market too flat to compensate you for the cost of produc­tion! After paying your annual expenses together with your interest at two percent, you find that you have not a nickel remaining.

We are very ready to admit this is not the experience of all who may read this article. God forbid that it shall long remain so with any. Is there not a better way than you have been doing in the past? We think there is. Go to your neighbor and talk the matter over. Maybe he is in the same suds as yourself. Call a meeting, get out your best men—men of money if you have them. Make up your mind at the start that it will require patient, earnest labor to accomplish any object worth attaining. Ascer­tain the exact amount in wheat, cattle, or cash each will con­tribute to a general pool of funds. Go to another community and with your committee work for this purpose. Soon you will have on hand a fair amount, if not sufficient to build, to purchase something that can run on the river, if no better than the Sally. Make a beginning and others will follow. How long would the waters of the Arkansas run to waste if they passed through California? Little Rock has men of capital, though they seem slow to see the advantages that are sure to accrue to them, as well as us, from this enterprise. Put your boats on the river and you will see Little Rock, Ft. Smith, and other points send up their boats for your produce and pay a good price, almost at your doors.
Can you afford to rest easy and let this subject pass without earnest efforts? No, you cannot. Sober reflection will tell you that just as long as you raise wheat at a cost of 50 cents per bushel and haul it to Wichita and sell it for the same, or less figures, you can never lift that mortgage. One day the money loaner will jog your memory and the sheriff’s hammer will knock you out of house and home, and leave you, perhaps in old age, without a shelter  on life’s pathway to the grave. Work for a better market, work to get out of debt.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
Dr. Hughes has purchased the Arkansas City Traveler of C. M. Scott, and will take charge of the paper after the fall campaign. Telegram.
We predict that the Doctor will make the TRAVELER better than it ever has been, and that is saying a good deal, as it is the oldest and one of the best papers in the Arkansas valley. Sumner Co. Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878. Front Page.
Col. H. W. Jones, assistant quartermaster at the post at Helena, Montana, was recently discovered roaming aimlessly over the prairie, having sent away his escort, chopped his ambulance to pieces, and burned all his papers except his vouchers, which were not among them. He had suddenly become insane, probably from some domestic affliction.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
The launching of the first steamboat built at this point took place on the Arkansas directly west of town on Wednesday last. Her hull is 90 feet in length and her width 22 feet. After settling in the water, she drew about five inches. The builders assert that with machinery and fuel, she will carry two thousand bushels of wheat in sixteen inches of water.
This is an enterprise that should command the endorsement of every well-wisher of the land, not simply because of the wheat that she bears to a Southern market, but she will add further proof to the fact that the Arkansas can be navigated as far up as this place and thereby open the way to a line of boats.
We shall say more on this question in the future, but are crowded with “copy” this week.

State Normal Building.
The loss to Emporia and the State at large from the burning of this building will long be felt.
We look for a general snarling and bickering in the Legisla­ture over the question of rebuilding the Normal as well as future locality. . . .
The Railroad.
A proposition is about to be submitted to the voters of Cowley County to subscribe one hundred and eighty thousand dollars to the capital stock of the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith R. R. Co. to aid in the construction of said road from Wichita via Winfield, thence in a southerly direction on the most practicable route by the way of Arkansas City, or as near thereto as practi­cable, to the south line of Cowley County. The road to be standard gauge, constructed to Winfield by the 30th of Sept., 1879, and to Arkansas City in one year thereafter.
We hope our people will be prompt in coming forward and giving aid to this road. So far as we can judge, and we have talked with many, they desire to see this road constructed as fast as possible. Farmer, mechanic, trader, one and all; you cannot afford to see this opportunity pass without securing its advantages. You have lived long on the border, almost outside the world, hoping that every year would open some way to a near market, to more value to your possessions and better days for you and yours. Now that the boon is within your reach, don’t be foolish and throw away your last chance to get out of the wilder­ness. Some will tell you that we want an east and west road, and that the Schofield humbug is just the thing for you. Ask the person who has dreams of that delusion, how many miles of road Schofield has constructed, and the length of time consumed in building? If you are correct in figures, you will readily see that the children of this generation will be gathered to their Fathers long before you smell the smoke from his engine in Cowley County.
It is plain why a small faction in Winfield would like to kill off the Santa Fe. They fear they cannot induce the company to build a depot in special door yards, and rather than fail in the scheme, they would see the people of Cowley tied up to Schofield to build—nothing!
Now we do not believe that this is the wish of many in that enterprising young city. They cannot afford to feel thus. The masses have everything to gain by the construction of the Santa Fe, even though it may run to Arkansas City. Don’t be selfish, neighbor, there is cake enough in that loaf for both.
Vote and work for the “Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith R. R.” ’Tis the only route pointing towards Cowley with the money to build, that can secure to the citizen the blessing so long desired.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.
Our town has been interviewed by Maj. Schofield, of the Schofield road. The Major is a clever, pleasant gentleman, and is candid enough to state that for the present his road cannot reach our section of the country. He seemed pleased with our country, and the fair and candid hearing given by our citizens.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
Come out and go to work for the Cowley and Ft. Smith R. R. Don’t be led off and oppose the grandest opportunity to advance your interests since your residence in Cowley. No man can afford to vote to satisfy his prejudice. Neither can he expect to have everything pertaining to the action of a great R. R. corporation just precisely his own way. We were surprised to hear a man of some pretensions remark the other day that “the Santa Fe road was the cause of the low price of wheat, and no other cause could be assigned for it.” We asked him what he thought he could get for his wheat if there was no Santa Fe road. He bit off enough “native twist” to make a dip for a Cotswold sheep, and as the dark saliva flowed in familiar ways through his beard, replied that “he didn’t want the damn road anyhow as it had killed a cow for his mother-in-law in Chase County, and Sam Wood had charged $100 for collecting her value from the corporation.” Now this is an average of the character of argument often made by the little knots of men who gather on our street corners in discussing their opposition to the road. Sam has charged a round fee and the road is to blame. We appeal to every voter not to listen to such prattle. You cannot afford to throw away the opportunity of increasing the value of your possessions because the old woman lost a cow. Give your best efforts to the road, and your neigh­bor as well as yourself will receive a direct benefit from your action. Once the road is built into Cowley, wealth will follow, and with it, low rates of interest, more property to tax and greater population. But vote to suit some foolish neighbor and kill the road off and in less than three years, if you should hold out to remain in Cowley County, you will feel as lonely as the Ghouls raising the Stiff at the hour of midnight.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
The Burlington “gineral” is working up township bonds in the northwest part of the county. He proposed to us that we vote county bonds to this road and there plaster the townships with bonds to reach his Gas Line. The fact is Schofield is in a desperate row of stumps. We quote from one of our most reliable exchanges—the Southern Kansas Gazette:

“Maj. Schofield has succeeded in building about thirty miles of road in eight years time, and now has reached Burlington where he finds he cannot get business enough to pay the operating expenses of his road. He desires an outlet but can accomplish nothing without aid, and this he finds difficult to obtain. Greenwood County lies next west of Burlington, but here he finds the county under bonds to the K. C., E. & S. R. R., hence he must skirt this county and get down into Elk; but he here finds the same state of facts to exist—bonds voted to other companies. Hoping however to overcome this obstacle, he reaches Cowley Co., circulates petitions asking for an election, and though his petition is first presented to the Commissioners of that county, they give the preference to one asking for the submission of the Santa Fe proposition. (This is a slight mistake. The Santa Fe petition contained the largest number of names, and was presented hours before Schofield. ED. TRAVELER.)  As the county can only vote $75,000 more than the Santa Fe wants, Schofield withdraws his proposition, leaves the county to its fate, and comes up into Butler, asking the bonds of five townships, relying upon his ability to so, in some way, overcome the obstacles in Greenwood County. While there is a possibility of those townships voting the bonds asked for, we cannot, at the present time, see how Mr. Schofield can give them a road, and the result will be that they will be “tied up” and cannot aid any other enterprise that would be more promising.”
The reader can see Schofield in a nutshell. He has no ability to build, and even if the bonds were voted to his Gas Line, $4,000 per mile, he cannot put it through. The road known here as the narrow gauge went to the wall because it could not raise the money on the bonds, although this road has since passed into other hands, and work is now being done on this line. The time has come when people tire of humbugs. Most of us want a railroad, but we also want to vote for something that is real and has ability to build. Do you doubt the ability of the Santa Fe to push? No, you don’t, but you hate the corporation simply because it has made money and has the power to move.
Had you rather vote for a dead horse? Have we not had enough of that? If you think we have, than be up and doing for the Sumner, Cowley and Ft. Smith. Listen to no man who prates that they “won’t build if the bonds are voted.” The carrying trade of the Southwest, now done by the Santa Fe, is so rich and valuable that the stock of the company has advanced from eleven cents to ninety-seven cents on the dollar. Do you suppose the company will do nothing to retain and guard this wealth? Be a little just, and don’t let your “angry passion rise,” simply because she has the money to build.
Perhaps you feel that your self-importance has not received the attention it merited, and you feel like making a fight to show your puff if you can’t your power. Now reader, if it is you, just wait one moment. Send us your address and the measure of your consequence at the girth and we will forward the same to manager Strong, and we promise you a very low bow and a cigar besides; but don’t talk about the road not building because your nose feels elevated.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mister Hughes puts himself squarely on the record as opposed to more than one railroad and in favor of voting $180,000 to that one while $141,000 would answer the same purpose.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Did Mister Hughes say he bought the Traveler that he might use it as an engine to bring the government to terms and compel his appointment as agent to protect timber in the Territory and give him the privilege of taxing herders and drovers for his fees?
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Is that Hughes who edits the Traveler the same fellow who went to Dexter last September as a delegate to the Republican convention and helped to procure the nomination of A. A. Wiley as the Republican candidate for representative and then went home and did all he could to defeat Wiley and elect his competitor?
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.

Wonder if Mister Hughes, who runs the Traveler, is the individual who last spring circulated exaggerated reports about settlers in Cowley and Sumner counties stealing timber in the Territory and who tried to get an appointment from government as agent to protect the timber and have for his services all the grass, proposing to charge persons pasturing stock in the Territory a dollar a head. That would have been a nice job had it succeeded. If we have exhibited “long ears” as granny intimates, it was when we believed and published one of those reports.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
The “Senior” is eager to know if we are the Hughes that helped nominate A. A. Wiley and then turned around and did what we could to defeat him? No, no, “Senior,” ’twas you and “Brother John” that “fixed things” beating the candidate you expected to “own” in the next Legislature. Now, while “Brother John” is surprisingly accurate in counting interest, at three percent, he is not worth a pint of sour beer in politics. You see it “don’t pay” to make our cow pasture an issue at every election. Be­sides, had you played fair, you might have had the honor of carrying your “own” to the Legislature on the ragged edge of your vertebrae.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
As railroad election draws near it behooves every man to well consider whether he shall cast his ballot with the party who oppose the building up and improvement of the country with the blessings that naturally flow from such condition, or unite with those who labor for prosperity. We have been so long without a market that some have fallen into the belief that there is no better way. We appeal to every farmer for an answer if he is willing to see those who come after him plod through life with little or no gain from the annual drag of fifty miles to Wichita? Now is your time to make a choice, and do it in such a way, that you will not, in the end, feel like casting reflections on some stupid counselor.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
Did Mister Hughes say he bought the TRAVELER that he might use it as an engineer to bring the Government to terms, and compel his appointment as agent to protect the timber in the Territory and give him the privilege of taxing herders and drovers for his fees? “Senior” in Courier.
We will tell you a little story, “Senior.” You know that we have long felt a deep compassion for your condition. We could see that the rack you have been feeding at has caused your ears to lop, and Oh, how terrible the heaves! Hence we bargained for that cow pasture to turn you onto native grass. But the Depart­ment declined to take a risk on a donkey, insisting, that if you met a red blanket down there, you would push for the timber and tangle your ears in the underbrush, rendering you worthless as a fertilizer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.
As this is the last issue of the TRAVELER before railroad election, we ask the voter to be prepared to see and hear on election day all kinds of arguments against this, or any road.
We are informed that certain parties are now at work, preparing documents to be scattered before the people one or two days before election, hoping, in such a way, to make some impres­sion on the unthoughtful, while leaving no time to correct the abuse. Do not be led off in such a way. It is an old dodge and can catch but very few. If their opposition merits fair consid­eration, they would not have waited ‘till the last moment. Put your ballot into the box for the road and leave the foolish to regret that they failed to do the same.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.
We hope immediate action will be taken to follow up the suggestion of Henry Pruden, relative to the bridge, in his communication to the TRAVELER last week. If anyone can suggest a better or more practical way, why, speak out, and let’s hear it. By some, it is proposed to introduce a bill into the Legislature for the purpose of enabling Creswell and Bolton to issue more bonds—both townships having issued their maximum limits—to discharge township indebtedness, and finish the bridge. But such legislation is of a special character, prohibited by the Consti­tution of the State, and the Supreme Court has universally set it aside whenever appealed to. Again, the Legislators of Kansas, like a man engaged in business pursuits, have learned something from experience, and will be very slow to pass an Act that is notoriously void. A charter to keep a toll bridge with rates fixed by the Commissioners, can without doubt, be obtained from the County Court, and the amount of travel that crosses the bridge classed as non-residents of the two townships, will soon create a fund to pay off the debt, and build the south end complete. Suppose the townships give it a trial at least, and see if it is not an improvement on the dead fall method in vogue at present.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 18, 1878.
   Present Outlook.
The present outlook for the citizen is brighter than at any period since the settlement of Cowley County. Never before have we had a proposition from any road that gave equal promise of fulfilling their contract as the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith. With this road constructed into the county, the farmer will have a near market, equal to any in the Southwest, and though farm produce may remain low, the cost of shipping will be very much reduced. The increase of population that a road will naturally bring into the county together with the increase of wealth, will do not a little to lighten taxation and raise the value of real estate.

Some estimate can be made of the near future—premising the election to go in favor of the road—from a comparison of Sedgwick County as at present with what her condition would have been without a Wichita or a railroad. The natural resources of Cowley compare favorably with any county in the Southwest, but we drag in the background simply because we have no ready means of communication with the outside world. Now what shall we do? Shall we cast aside the only opportunity of reaching this line of communication or shall we secure it? Depend upon it, it will never do to vote it down because the road has done things to displease you. Any other road would have done the same. Great corporations are governed by monied influences, and are not apt to seek the advice of small fry. If you decide it not to be the road you want, because you cannot dictate to it the terms you wish, then you may have gained some satisfaction to your spite, but in the end, it will prove a very expensive job to you. You will simply say, by such a vote, that you had rather drag through dust, mud, and snow fifty miles to market, than to have the same road near home, and the blessings of a road bestowed upon the people of your own county. We do not believe there are many of this class. The man of practical sense will view this question from every standpoint, without prejudice, and as he will see great advantages arising to him with the road, he naturally will vote for the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.
The R. R. election seems to be engaging the attention of our people very generally. Many say that they want a R. R., but do not believe the present proposition, if carried, will result in building the road. Now if this theory is to govern our action, we would like to inquire if it will ever lead to the building of any road whatever? The same reason, or rather avant of reason, can be advanced with equal justice toward any road. As strong obligations as can be given by the company to build their line according to their proposition has been made to the people and yet there are those who oppose the proposition, claiming, never­theless, that they want a railroad. There is talk, very cheap talk, that if we vote this proposition down, then the El Dorado bobtail will push out and build down the valley. That we do not believe, but suppose it to be the case, of what advantage could it be to the people of Cowley over the present proposition? The same old howl could be used to oppose the El Dorado branch coming into the county as is now used to defeat the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith. But, from what we know, we advise our readers to place no faith in another proposition coming up from the Santa Fe if the present is voted down. There are those who are opposed to a proposition in any form no matter from what road. They had rather see the county lag fifty years behind other parts of the world so that they can use it for pasturage. To this class we make no appeal.
We appeal to those who live for something besides a Texas steer and who have hearts in common with the living, moving, world. We do not think, even if the proposition is defeated—which we do not believe will be the case—that will compel the road to remain at Wichita. There are other routes to Ft. Smith besides the one leading across our county and the company will find the way there, though they leave us a long way to one side. Active work is going on in Congress to secure the right of way to this road through the Territory and the question that is put to you to decide on Tuesday next is whether you will take your chances on one of the grandest railway thoroughfares on this continent or submit to plant yourself in a county destitute of public improve­ments.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.
The Project of Opening up the Indian Territory.
Major B. S. Henning, General Superintendent of the Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf road, returned yesterday morning from New York, where he has been several weeks on business relating to the opening up to settlers of the Indian Territory, which is now used as an asylum or home for a very large number of Indians.
It is now generally accepted as a fact that the Territory will be thrown open to settlement, and will be known as “Oklahoma.”

The press in the East are considerably worked up on the question, and the people are beginning to think that the best plan is to sectionize the land and make an allotment to each Indian in the Territory so that they can hold the land singly instead of jointly as is now the case. When the land is put into market by the government, there will be a great rush of emigra­tion, and Kansas City, and Kansas City railroads will be greatly benefitted thereby.
The Fort Scott & Gulf and Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston roads have lines directly to the north edge of the nation, and when the thousands and hundreds of thousands of acres of land are ready for settlement, their trains will be crowded with those in search of new homes. Kansas City will be wonderfully benefitted by the change, also, as it will bring thousands of dollars here that otherwise would be diverted to other channels.
The above article, taken from the Kansas City Times, has a meaning to it.
If the Territory is opened to settlement, with a railroad passing through Cowley County to supply freight and transporta­tion to the settler, the farmer in Kansas will have no need of a better market.
We all recall how it was with us at the early settlement of the Diminished Reserve. Our supplies could only be obtained from the older settled counties and we paid the highest prices. Just so it will be in the future with us if a non-producing people settle directly south of us. They must be supplied and the farmers of Kansas know how to do it.
Vote for the Cowley, Sumner and Ft. Smith R. R., and secure some communication with the world.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 8, 1879.
We publish in another column Walton’s reply to what he terms a sarcastic local. We certainly have no objections to the boat making every effort to prove successful, but deny, that if a failure, it falls entirely on the owners of the boat. The public have an interest in the navigation and improvement of the river, and if the first boat that starts down with a load runs onto a bar, without power to reverse, and push off, we think it will dampen the ardor of the enterprise, and not enhance our chance for an appropriation. We would like to see the boat make a successful trip, but we would like also to have an appropriation made to improve the river. On that appropriation being made, hangs the entire enterprise.
Now, if our correspondent can look beyond the single object of a small craft with weak power and appreciate the movement to improve hundreds of miles of navigation affording a market to thousands of our people and a blessing to generations, he will realize the situation. The one is a child’s toy, the other, a great measure for the benefit of a nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
Editor Traveler:
SIR:  I have been asked by Messrs. Seymour and McClaskey, the builders and owners of the steamboat [CHEROKEE], now completed and ready to move, to make a short reply to a sarcastic local in your last week’s issue, in which their work is called a failure, and to state that, in the opinion of good mechanics, the power is fully sufficient to drive the boat, and to say further, that since the matter if successful is all for the people, and if a failure, the heaviest loss will fall on them. They have a right, in justice, to ask a suspension of judgment until they have made a trial. Hoping at least for fair dealing from the paper, they remain yours, SEYMOUR & McCLASKEY,
By A. Walton.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
Boxes at the Post Office, on which the rent for this quarter have not been paid by the 16th of January will be declared vacant, and leased to other parties.
After this date Post Office hours will be from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p.m.
All parties having mail at this office are urged to take a box at the small price of 25 cents a quarter, as it facilitates the delivery of the mail, and saves time and trouble.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
LITTLE ROCK, ARK., Jan. 23, 1879.
Nathan Hughes, Esq.
DEAR SIR: Your favor of 20th at hand. We will take from 1,000 to 5,000 bushels of No. 2 winter wheat delivered here at 90 cts. per bushel, and guarantee to furnish transportation at 25 c. per bushel.
Who have you with capital sufficient to handle the grain business, shipping wheat here to be paid for on arrival? Or will it be necessary for us to send there and buy as it comes in town?
We understand two of your citizens intend bringing down 1,000 bushels with a small steamboat. We will make the offer to encourage the pioneer enterprise.
We will pay the following prices for the wheat here on landing.
For No. 2 winter, $1.00 per bu.
For No. 3 winter, .95 per bu.
For No. 4 winter, .85 per bu.
The lot to be nearly of equal division as to grades. Will you please consult with some grain dealer and place us in commu­nication. We can sent up a boat by February 1st, if the water remains. Respectfully, J. W. AUSTIN & CO., Rose City Mills.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
C. M. Scott has sold, what is known as the Hughes place, to a Mr. Godfrey, of Chicago, Illinois.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
Dr. Hughes, of the TRAVELER, and Hon. C. R. Mitchell, have gone to Topeka to attend the Senatorial election, which comes off the 29th inst.
“Granny Hughes” refers to Dr. Nathan Hughes...
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
   Cedar Township.
EDITOR COURIER:—Everything is quiet. Wheat looks well now that the snow is gone, and the sages are prophesying a big crop and the croakers say it won’t be worth anything; however, there is very little sown in Cedar.

About one-half of our population—thanks to Granny Hughes—have their names enrolled as trespassers on Indian timber. Last Friday they were in the Nation getting wood when along came the Osage agent, accompanied by a half wolf, half nigger, half “injun” lying, thieving cutthroat, and the citizens of this poor, puny, Indian-deviled Kansas had their names enrolled with the information that they would be called on to go to Fort Smith. Now there is not one of us who believe we will be taken to Fort Smith for what we have done, but it makes us mad all the same.
Horse owners are having a bad time down here. There is some kind of a disease going around that is almost certain death to the horse. Within a short period there have died or become almost wholly worthless a great number of horses. Mrs. Wells lost two valuable mares, M. T. Wells one, James Baker three, J. P. Gregg two, D. W. Wiley one, W. A. Metcalf one, Dr. Phil­lips one, and others too numerous to mention. Yours truly,
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
We publish in this number a letter from Hon. Thomas Ryan to M. R. Leonard on the subject of an appropriation to improve the river. We received a somewhat similar letter from Mr. Ryan several days ago, a synopsis of which appears in the local column.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 1, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard, Topeka, Kansas.
I am this moment in receipt of your letter of the 28th ult., signed also by C. R. Mitchell and Nathan Hughes. Allow me to say that it is wholly unnecessary to introduce a bill for this purpose. The proper course is to push the subject upon the Committee on Commerce, and get them to incorporate an appropria­tion into the River and Harbor Bill. I have thus far been greatly embarrassed by the delay in the report of the survey. It is not possible to get action until that report is before the Committee. At one time I was advised it was in print, and would be out in a few days. I soon after found that was a mistake, and that the report had not yet been received at all at the War Department. I got the War Department to telegraph to St. Louis for it. The reply came that it would be ready in two weeks. It is now time it was here, and probably will be in a day or two. I have never neglected the matter for a moment. I have pushed it upon the committee time and again and they are now awaiting the report preparatory to such action as the report may warrant. I am sensible of the great importance of the project. I was the author of the movement and shall have more pride in prosecuting it to a successful termination than in any other one of my Congressional career, as I believe it will contribute more than any other one measure to develop the resources of the valley.
Respectfully, THOS. R. RYAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1879.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard, Mrs. Hughes and daughter, left on Friday to visit friends in Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
WANTED. A girl to do general housework. Apply immediately. MRS. DR. HUGHES.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Dr. Hughes, of the Traveler, and Hon. M. R. Leonard came up from Arkansas City last Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Dr. Hughes and Mr. Godehard have gone down to the Sac and Fox Agency. It is to be hoped they will bring in some game.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
Departure and Arrival of Mails.
WICHITA. Leaves Daily 7 A.M. Arrives 7 P.M.
SILVERDALE, OTTO, AND MAPLE CITY. Leaves Wednesday and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday and Friday 6 P.M.
KITLEY, GUELPH, AND SOUTH HAVEN. Leaves Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6 P.M.
EUREKA. Leaves Thursday, 4:30 P.M. Arrives 4 P.M.
SALT CITY AND CLAREDALE. Leaves Saturday 6 A.M. Arrives Friday 6 P.M.
Office hours—7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays from 12 to 1 P.M.
Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
NATHAN HUGHES, Postmaster.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
Information has been received from the Contract office, P. O. Department, Washington, that they will receive bids up to July 10, 1879, for carrying the mail from Arkansas City, via Ponca Agency, Pawnee Agency, and Sac and Fox Agency to Okmulgee, 190 miles and back, twice a week. Time through, 60 hours. Blanks and other information will be furnished at the office in this city. Service to commence October 1st, 1879. NATHAN HUGHES, P. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
   [Report by Editor Nathan Hughes on Visit to Territory.]
On Saturday last, we started, in company with Joseph Sherburne, Esq., on a short trip into the Indian Territory. We crossed the State line at Young’s Ranche, and bearing southwest reached the mouth of Bitter creek about noon. Crossing the Chikaskia just below this point, we continued our drive in the same direction, and soon found that the trail we were traveling led to the late camp of James Bell and party.
It appears that Bell took a claim on the west side of the Chikaskia, and turned a few furrows of sod under the apprehension that, as a Cherokee, he could not be removed from the soil. But one morning, not long ago, an order came from Headquarters directing the military to remove Jimmy and his party, and a notice to that effect persuaded them that it was the better part of discretion to get up and dust.
They came into Arkansas City one hot day and cooled their fevered brow in the shade of a limb of the law. In the meantime, the Cherokee authorities at Tah-le-quah have sent a protest to Washington against Bell or other Cherokees settling on lands in the Territory west of 96 degrees of longitude, claiming that the treaty gives the General Government the sovereign right to take these lands on the Outlet—Sixty miles in width, through to the Pan Handle—for the use of other tribes, and wishing to act in good faith, they desire to keep them free from any encroachment on the part of their people.
If the President and the army of the United States are not all brought up into the august presence of some Kansas justice for disturbing the peace of this party, we presume the question will soon be settled.

From this camp we drove across the prairie, traveling several miles between the Chikaskia and Salt Fork. About 2 o’clock p.m. we espied an ambulance at the junction of the rivers, and driving into the timber, we met Chief Joseph and his band of Nez Perces, just crossing the Chikaskia, from the east side, to take a rest on their new Reservation. As each wagon arrived at the west bank of the river, Chief Joseph fastened a rope to the pole, and with the aid of his men, assisted the teams in pulling the leads up the hill.
The first white man we met on the ground was C. M. Scott, who had volunteered to guide the tribe to their new Reservation. Crossing the river, we met on the east side Special Agent Hayworth, also Agent Whiteman, of the Ponca Agency, who will take charge of the Nez Perces. After resting about two hours we were invited by Col. Whiteman to a seat in his ambulance, and in ten miles drive were at the Ponca Agency. Here we enjoyed the hospitality of the Colonel and his accomplished wife, for which we are greatly indebted.
We found things at the Ponca Agency in a flourishing condi­tion. The buildings already completed are neat and substan­tial, while the four new cottages in course of construction will add much to the comfort of the employees. The Poncas are hard at work, building houses and making homes, and on every side we saw evidence of prosperity. On the north of the Agency a field of over one hundred acres is planted to corn, and many small fields can be seen on the Reservation.
We think that the restless spirit of the Poncas can be justly attributed to the influence of whites at their old Reser­vation in the North. Certainly no tribe of Indians in the Territory has a more attractive agency, and no Reservation a finer body of land.
Under the supervision of Col. Whiteman, this tribe is gaining in livestock, the habits of industry are taught, and if undisturbed, in a short time will be an independent people. Sherburne & Houghton, the traders at the Ponca, are doing a good business, and with the addition of the Nez Perces, trade will be increased considerably. The loss of the interpreter at Atchison ten days ago is seriously felt by Col. Whiteman and the Indians. We met a number of employees at the agency, several who are residents of this town. On Sunday morning we started on our return, and with the cooling influence of a northwest breeze, our trip was a pleasant one.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
   ARKANSAS CITY, June 16, 1879.
Editor Traveler: Allow me a few words to say that you was misinformed in regard to the Davis Family being charged double hall rent. I charged John Davis my regular rate $5.00, but not knowing exactly what he wanted to do he left, and as far as the colored troupe concern, I will just say this—that I believe they have just as much right as any body else—and by the way they paid the hall rent ($5.00) without grumbling. They live at our county seat, and have organized a brass band, hence they gave entertainments in order to raise money to buy their instruments. If we are Republicans, let us be Republicans all over.
We fail to see what Peter’s hall or the colored band has to do with the Republican party.
Unknown whether “Hughes place” refers to something previously owned by Dr. Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.

MRS. O. F. GODFREY is now prepared to do fashionable dress­making at prices to suit the times, cutting and fitting a specialty. Residence, east side, formerly the Hughes place.
Dr. Nathan Hughes: appointed trader at Sac and Fox Agency...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Dr. Hughes, recently appointed trader at Sac and Fox Agency, has purchased the stock of John Whistler, former trader at that place.
Dr. Nathan Hughes, Editor.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879 - Front Page.
In the Chicago Commercial Advertiser of July 31, we find the following account of our thriving city. While the correspondent speaks in glowing terms, he says nothing more than the truth, of which anyone can be convinced by paying us a visit. After commenting upon other points of interest, he says:
I must make a little diversion down the Walnut valley to the junction of the Walnut river with the Arkansas. I want to take the reader with me down to the base of the valley, because the dozen miles to traverse from Winfield to the Arkansas marks a very garden land, wherein are splendid farms and beautiful homes, orchards, vineyards, hedge rows, and groves fairer than the gardens of the Orient, and because, too, it leads to
and the most attractive portion of the Indian border. I remember the Arkansas City of 1876 as a fair and promising village of 500 souls, with its superb location upon a crown of the prairie between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, its elegant high-school building, half a dozen substantial commercial houses, two banks, a versatile newspaper, pleasant grouping of neat and well kept homes, striking me as an index to a much higher order of social and intellectual life than I ever thought of finding upon the border of the Indian Territory.
I remember, too, the group of brave, self-commanding and well-disciplined men I found at the head of affairs in this model border village, and said to my garrulous compagnon du voyage, Arkansas City will be a real city some day, for all the condi­tions to success are here in a grand measure. Here are the men who have the nerve and sagacity to build a town, and here, on this beautiful mound overlooking the union of two of the great valleys and water courses of Kansas; here in the midst of the grandest wheat fields of the southwest, with vast deposits of gypsum in sight, and splendid quarries of white magnesian stone in the very suburbs; with noble forests of oak and walnut and water power without limit awaiting development; with the wealth of trade that flows in from the neighboring posts and agencies, and the illimitable cattle range just across the border—what is to hinder building

here?  I find in Arkansas City today full justification for my prophecy. Scarcely less than 1,000 bright, intelligent, enter­prising people are on this site—not strangers, stragglers, adventurers, gamblers, tramps, and cowboys, such as one may find at Dodge City, Ellis, or Ogallala, but a population equal in brain, culture, and business discipline to the best village life of New York, Pennsylvania, or Illinois. They have substantial work to attest their character and habits, and are as confident of building up a town of 5,000 people here as they are that the Indian Territory will be opened to general settlement and civili­zation. Nor will any visitor of clear vision and unbiased judgment take issue with them.
already measures in some degree their ability to compass more. They have not only an elegant high-school building, but one of the best city schools in Southern Kansas. They have a new model brick church that would honor a city of the first class. They have some fine commercial buildings, notably the Newman block, 22 x 100 feet, with O. P. Houghton’s heavy general stock below and the elegantly finished and furnished Masonic hall, jointly occupied by the Blue Lodge and Chapter, above. The Channell & Haywood stone building, 24 x 100 feet, with basement, and occu­pied by Schiffbauer Bros., with general hardware, is in many respects the finest mercantile building in the valley. They have two hotels to be proud of. The Central Avenue House, recently remodeled and newly furnished, is run by W. R. Scott & Co., late of St. Louis and Quincy respectively, and is pronounced by good friends of mine as good a hostelry as one may find between Kansas City and the mountains. [Mr. Scott has lately retired from this hotel, and his former partner, Dr. Chapel, of Quincy, is now sole manager.—ED.]  The old City Hotel is now undergoing remodeling and refurnishing, and will be put in first-class order by Mr. Cuyler, another Quincy man and a prime landlord. The Arkansas City TRAVELER, always a No. 1 journal under the management of Mr. Scott, has passed into the hands of Dr. Nathan Hughes, and is one of the best local journals in the south half of the State and, as of old, is quoted all over the Southwest.
[Since the foregoing was written, the Arkansas Valley Democrat, by C. M. McIntire, has made its appearance.—ED.]
They have recently opened a mail route between this city and Oklahoma, the center and coming city of the Indian Territory. They have an extensive trade with the posts and agencies of the “Nation,” which is yearly growing larger.
They have the finest range for cattle, horses, and sheep in all this region, and it is only four miles distant from the city, following the Arkansas river and a hundred minor streams through green sheltering groves and far-reaching savannahs leagues and leagues into the “Nation.”
East, west, and north are valleys radiant with glistening corn fields, and plains and tables of illimitable wheat fields. Within a distance of five miles, the Arkansas has waste water motor equal to 1,000 horse power, not a cubic inch of which is yet developed. The nearness of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern road, and the completion of the A., T. & S. F. road to this point will stimulate the Texas and Indian cattle trade to great volume, and make Arkansas City one of the most active stock dealing and shipping points in the Southwest. In
there are men and firms and stocks that would honor the first cities in the State.

O. P. Houghton has an immense stock of general merchandise, completely filling the lower floors of the Newman block, and has a trade of unusually large volume, reaching well into the Indian Territory. Mr. Houghton is the oldest merchant in this part of the county, has done a heavy retail and a large jobbing in staple goods, for several years, besides doing a government contracting business in flour, grain, and provisions, and livestock for the supply of the neighboring Indian agencies. He is one of the ranking businessmen of Southern Kansas, has done a grand work for this city, and is a man of great influence and business ability.
Mr. S. Matlack has a splendid stock of general merchandise, is driving a heavy retail trade with the surrounding country, and is jobbing largely to the merchants of the Territory. Mr. Matlack came here during the last year from New Jersey, is backed by ample capital, is a gentleman of superior mercantile knowledge and discipline, genial social nature, and fine executive talent; is in the best sense a royal merchant and man, and a capital acquisition to the social and business life of the Walnut and Arkansas valleys.
Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. have a very heavy and complete stock of heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, tin and copper ware, and kindred goods. Their aggregate sales are heavy, and they are pronounced one of the strongest mercantile concerns of the county. In the
department of the city, there are some very strong concerns, two of which I am especially pleased to notice.
Channell & McLaughlin, whose card will be found in our real estate column, have one of the strongest, most active and well-directed land agencies in Southern Kansas. They have also a real estate and loan brokerage, and are placing many important loans upon unencumbered real estate for eastern capitalists. They are giving careful attention to commercial collections, tax-paying, and abstracts, and will be pleased to correspond or confer with parties who want information respecting Arkansas City, Cowley County, or the Indian Territory. They have very complete lists of town and country property, are gentlemen of high character, liberal means, and splendid business abilities. I remember them both among the old settlers and staunch merchants of the town, known and honored of all men in this region. Mr. Channell was formerly mayor of the city, and almost from its inception has been an inspiring worker in its behalf. The Advertiser gives this firm joy of their fortunate location in the land business and leaves them a wish for long years of prosperous trade. Better land agents or more royal men may not be found in the land of the jayhawkers.
The Cowley County Bank, organized in 1872, and conducted with marked ability by its founders up to 1877, is a strong concern, and has a very high standing in business circles. Its capital and franchises were purchased in 1877 by Wm. M. Sleeth, its President, and H. P. Farrar, Cashier, who have continued its management up to the present, with distinguished ability and success. It has ample capital, a large and growing local patron­age, a liberal line of collections; like Read’s bank at Winfield, has burglar proof safes, secured by Yale time locks, and is firmly entrenched in the faith of the business community. Both of the gentlemen named are closely and largely identified with the city and county, are men of rare business tact, decided public spirit, and sterling personal character. Here, as at Winfield, there are so many sterling men to name, that to mention any at all seems invidious. It is enough to say of this beauti­ful little city of prime men and charming houses that
surely awaits it. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road will make this the terminus of its Wichita branch until the Indian Territo­ry is open to settlement. The Texas cattle trade is sure to grow into great magnitude on completion of this line early the coming fall. The K. C. L., & S. road will have only fifteen miles to build from Winfield to this point in order to secure a large share of the cattle transportation.

The city is growing rapidly in anticipation of the railway this fall; lots and improved town property are changing hands with increased activity; there was never so much demand for real estate of all kinds, and certainly never a finer opening for investors either in town or country. The cheap wild lands, farm, and town property of today will have commanding value two years hence, when the trade, population, and production of the city and tributary country have doubled. Real estate is cheap today and opportunities for profitable investment are as numerous as they are remarkable under the circumstances.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Dr. Hughes and family left for Sac and Fox Agency last Wednesday, intending to be absent about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Dr. Hughes and family returned from Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
David Thompson vs. Nathan Hughes. [James Christian was attorney for David Thompson and C. R. Mitchell was attorney for Nathan Hughes.]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Dr. Hughes is at Osage Agency inspecting cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
Dr. Hughes is expected home from Osage Agency today.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Mr. Jim Hill started on Tuesday to the Ponca Agency, where he will take charge of the post-tradership for Dr. Hughes. Jim is an old hand at the business, and the similarity between the favorite Ponca dish (dog soup) and the “shadow soup,” which so often graced the table of the “St. Nic.” while he was proprietor, is so strong that he will feel perfectly at home. Vale, Jim.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Jim Hill, of Winfield, has, we are informed, accepted the position as bookkeeper for Dr. Hughes at the Sac and Fox Agency. —Democrat.
We guess that Jim is more than bookkeeper for that institu­tion. We are informed that this post trader business at that place is flourishing and making money.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS: Mrs. N. B. Hughes, Mrs. Huey, Mrs. A. A. Newman, Mrs. McClung, Mrs. James Benedict.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1880

On Tuesday morning we went out to the grounds that have recently attracted considerable attention on account of the gold and silver formation said to exist there. This locality is about three miles northwest of town in a sandy region covered with a growth of black oaks. We publish in this number of the TRAVELER two assays of specimens taken from these grounds, and while we do not pretend to say whether the ore is rich enough to justify the expense of smelting, we know to a certainty that the supply is almost unlimited of both the black and red formation. If the mineral should justify the expense of smelting, it will soon revolutionize this part of the country and it is a gross fabrication to deny its existence.
San Francisco County, Missouri,
 January 11, 1880.
Mr. Eddy: The two samples of sand stone you sent me each carried 18 ounces of silver to the ton. I say about 18 oz. because with the scales I used I could only determine that it was more than 15 oz. and less than 20 oz.
I would have answered sooner but the package was delayed on the road and I did not receive it until two days ago. Yours, D. McK.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880
A. T. & S. F. Railroad Company,
Engineering Department,
Topeka, Kansas.
December 15, 1879.
I. H. Bonsall, Esq.
Dear Sir: Enclosed another assay. This is also from a careful and reliable assayist, and looks well. Truly Yours, THOS. A. SEELY.
Office of Assayer, Father DeSmet Consolidated Gold Mining Company
Golden Gate, Dakota Territory.
November 22, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880
H. B. Alexander, Esq.
Dear Sir: The Sample of ore pulverized and received by mail has been assayed by fire, and the return shows
Gold ... $10.34
Silver ... 1.93
Per ton of 2,000 pounds: $12.27
Yours truly, H. B. LAND.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Wedding Bells.
GOOCH - HOUGHTON. Married on Wednesday evening, February 4th, at the First Presbyterian Church in Arkansas City, Mr. Wyatt Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton, by Rev. McClung.
Dr. and Mrs. Hughes, chess table.
May Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
School Report.

The following Report of the Public Schools of the city for the school month ending February 6th.
Perfect attendance and punctuality.
Jerry Adams, S. B. Reed, Henry Smith, Sadie Pickering, Fred McLaughlin, Charlie Randall, Mollie Christian, Alice Knight, Alice Warren, Robert Hutchison, George Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Martin Warren, Frank Randall, May Hughes, Jessey Finley, Ella Bowers, Mary McClung.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
What is the matter in the southwest part of the county, that women get insane. In the last few weeks four insane ladies have been brought in from that section. Perhaps the opening up of the gold mines has something to do with it. Ex thinks there are more insane men than women in that section, but the men have more “method in their madness” and do not get picked up so readily as the women. How is this, Dr. Hughes?
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
Emigrant Information.
A. J. Carden, of Marion, Illinois, writes one of our towns­men about coming to Kansas, and we publish his reply.
“Send me a copy of your paper and answer the following questions.”
($150 will send you a paper a whole year, Dr. N. B. Hughes is the editor.)
It is believed that the following refers to Mrs. M. R. Leonard and Mrs. Nathan Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Topeka, came down last Friday night to visit his daughters, Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Hughes. Mr. Campbell is one of the oldest residents in that city, having settled there when Topeka was a small village, in 1859.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
The School Library Association acknowledges the receipt from Messrs. Bonsall and Hughes of $8, the excess of fares collected on the excursion to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Brother Hughes, of the Traveler, dropped into our sanctum very unexpectedly last Thursday. He came up from the City in General Manager Strong’s car.
Next item refers to U. S. Commissioner Hughes: unknown if this was Dr. Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
A. Fullerlove was brought before U. S. Commissioner Hughes today charged with furnishing Indians with liquor.
Bert Hughes...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
SCHOOL REPORT. For the month ending March 5, 1880.
SECOND PRIMARY: Bert Hughes, Howard Warren, Newton Lancaster, Charlie Nelson, Annie Wagstaff, Nina Pickering, Grace McClung, Lizzie Garris, Clara Ford, Otis Endicott, Belle Johnson.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
Amount of Scrip issued by City Clerk from March 15th, 1879, to March 14th, 1880, both inclusive:
June 26: Hughes & McIntire, Traveler, printing Ordinance: $2.00
Sept. 2: Hughes & Gray, Traveler, city printing: $9.50
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
A new paper is to be started at Arkansas City by Ed. Gray and H. P. Standley. It will be republican, and will appear about the 20th inst. The gentlemen engaged in this enterprise are men of ability and editorial experience, and if we are not mistaken, will make it warm for brothers Hughes and McIntire.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 21, 1880.
The TRAVELER will hereafter appear under the auspices of other parties, having this day sold the same. During the period that I have published the TRAVELER it has been the means of bringing a good immigration into the town and country while it has received the benefit of a good circulation. All debts due the TRAVELER on subscription to the amount of one dollar and over are due and payable to me, while amounts for subscription less than one dollar will be due my successor. NATHAN HUGHES.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
A petition was signed by a large number of stock men of Kansas City last week and forwarded to Senator Vest, at Washing­ton City, protesting against the removal of stock from the Territory, and asking him in connection with Senator Plumb to take such steps as may be necessary to prevent the issuing and carrying into effect of such an order. General Pope stated to Mr. Oaks, General Superintendent of the Kansas City, Ft. Scott & Gulf road, that he knew nothing of such an order and did not think one was to be issued.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
We are informed that Dr. Hughes is about to resume the practice of medicine. The Dr. is too well known as a physician to need any recommendation by our hands.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
The Arkansas City Traveler has changed hands, Messrs. Standley & Gray being the purchasers. Bro. Hughes will retire to the bosom of his post-office, and henceforth lead a peaceful and retired life. The new proprietors are young men of ability, have a thorough knowledge of the mechanical part of the business, and enjoy the good will of the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
MAILS. Arrive daily at 1:15 p.m.; depart at 2:35 p.m. Mails going north close at 2:35 p.m. In consequence of this change the post office will be open on Sunday from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., instead of as heretofore, between 12 and 1. N. HUGHES, P.M.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
TO OUR PATRONS. All subscriptions to the TRAVELER which, up to April 21, 1880, would amount to $1 or more, are due the late publisher, and should be paid up to that date, while subscrip­tions dating since August 21, 1880, are due and payable to us.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
The Arkansas City TRAVELER appears under the firm name of Standley & Gray—Hughes having sold out to them. The new firm had made arrangements to establish a new paper at the City, but Nathan didn’t like so much competition, hence sold to the boys. The TRAVELER is already greatly improved, and we hope it will continue in its upward flight towards prosperity and perfection. Reflex.
Commissioner (?) Hughes...
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Brown Donnigan, when arrested for horse stealing and brought before Commissioner Hughes, placed in possession of his sister three horses and certain other truck, in consideration of which she became security in the sum of $300 for his appearance for trial. Immediately after this was accomplished, Donnigan mounted one of the animals given his sister as security, and departed for parts unknown, as might have been expected. Telegram.
Commissioner (?) Hughes...
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
U. S. Attorney Hallowell, before Commissioner Hughes, at Arkansas City last week, dismissed the complaint against J. W. Ledlie as groundless.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Mr. James C. Topliff has been nominated by President Hayes as postmaster at Arkansas City, in the place of N. B. Hughes. Mr. Topliff has been assistant postmaster for several years and is a general favorite. His fitness for the position is recog­nized by all, and the nomination, we feel sure, will be heartily seconded by the citizens of our sister city.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
J. C. Topliff has been appointed postmaster at Arkansas City, vice Dr. Hughes removed. This course was first indicated by this paper at the close of our November election. The man appointed is an excellent one and fully meets the wishes and wants of the City people. [Ed.]
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
We were right last week in stating that Dr. Hughes and Will Leonard had made arrangements to start a paper at Eureka Springs. The Doctor informs us that it will be a daily, and they will commence operation as soon as they can move their press and material to the Springs.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Dr. Leonard left town yesterday for Florida to see the country; and if he finds it satisfactory, may locate there.
Will Leonard, in company with Mrs. Doctor Hughes and family, leave for their new home, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, tomorrow. We are indeed sorry to have the Doctor and his family leave our city. It will leave a vacancy not easily replaced in our busi­ness and social circle.

Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
McIntire’s Madam Rumor says:
That Doctor Hughes and Leonard have sold their property at Eureka Springs and intend moving to Texas.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Dr. N. B. Hughes is now stopping at the State capital.