C. N. Hunt


Arkansas City.
Hunt, C. N., 28; spouse, H. E., 27.
Hunt, W. H., 46; spouse, E. T., 41.
[Bunner Cemetery Records Riverview Cemetery, Arkansas City 11/96]
Hunt, Charles N., birth date 1865, Space 4, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Hunt, Elwin S., birth date 1888, Space 6, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Hunt, Helen E., birth date 1866, Space 2, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Could this be Charles N. Hunt???...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Chas. H. [? Could be M or N?] Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, is in the city. Mr. Hunt will locate with us and enter the butcher and packing business. In the winter Mr. Hunt will turn his attention to the packing of meats and in summer continue in the butcher business. Mr. Hunt is a most affable gentleman and we are pleased to note that he is to become one of us.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Chas. M. Hunt, who has been in the city for a week or more making preparations to locate here, left on the afternoon train for his home at Keokuk, Iowa. With him Mr. Hunt took the two young catamounts captured by J. F. Cue several days ago. He intends placing them on exhibition in a public park at Keokuk. Mr. Hunt will return here shortly and embark in the meat packing business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday Kroenert & Austin received a telegram from Chas. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, informing them he would take the storeroom occupied by them under Highland Opera House. Mr. Hunt will remove here shortly and establish the finest meat market in southwest Kansas. In the winter the packing of meats will be made a specialty.
Now the Republican is calling him J. P. Hunt, not Chas. [?] Hunt...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. P. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, who was here last Spring with intentions of opening a pork-packing establishment, has returned and is using his utmost endeavors to obtain a store room.
Now the Republican is calling him C. H. Hunt...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Fred H. Brinkman and C. H. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, who have been in the city for several days with intentions of opening up a meat market and a packing establishment, have been unable to secure a room in which to do business. These gentlemen shipped two carloads of machinery here the first of the week and this morning they shipped them to Wichita because they could obtain no room. They inform us that they regret very much leaving Arkansas City, but the above circumstances compelled them to do so.
Chas. Hunt???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Chas. Hunt is fencing his fourth ward property.

[Data that I have on early newspapers skips from 1887 to 1918. RKW had me type up selected entries only. The first item refers to “Mayor Hunt.” It is thought that this might be C. N. Hunt.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, November 18, 1918.
Services of One Are Badly Needed Says Commissioner Murray.
Services of a city attorney to succeed John Parman, de­ceased, are urgently needed at the city hall, declared Commis­sioner Murray, this morning, demanding to know what objection the mayor has in naming one immediately. Mayor Hunt replied that a new city attorney will be selected by next Monday. Commissioner Clay agreed to wait until then, but Commissioner Murray insisted an attorney was needed at once to draft some important ordinances and look after the legal interests of the city. First, he put a motion to employ L. C. Brown temporarily. It failed. The mayor advised him to hire any attorney he wanted to look after matters in his department, but Murray claimed no one commissioner had the authority to employ an attorney. It had to be done by the entire commission, he asserted. He put a motion giving him authority to hire a lawyer to draft paving bonds and health ordinances. It was passed.
Meanwhile, speculation is rife, with H. S. Brown, recent candidate for county attorney on the democratic ticket, who pulled a big vote in Arkansas City, being mentioned as a possible choice by the mayor.
Mrs. C. R. Spain and Mrs. A. J. Hunt visited the city hall to report the success of the community market. Mrs. Spain read a very interesting report, declaring the market had succeed­ed despite its undesirable environment in the old Central hotel building. At first, the report said, the market was viewed with suspicion by both the producer and consumer, but it had resulted in bringing them closer together for their mutual profit. The total receipts from May 4th to November 1st amounted to $3,876.38. Commissions and sale of supplies yielded $223.95. Disbursements totaled $89.63. The balance is $134.32. Mrs. Spain could not say whether the market will be conducted by the women next year. Commissioner Murray said a market ought to be established on the city hall block facing Chestnut avenue, where the producers could rent booths and sell their own products.
The government has removed all restrictions on paving, and G. W. Thurston, Secretary of the Western Paving Brick Manufacturers’ association, declared paving was being promoted more vigorously than ordinarily to give employment to men return­ing from the ammunition plants, cantonments, and from France. It was encouraged by the government, he said, and property owners contemplating asking for paving are urged to get their petitions in at this time or at least before next June.
Mr. Thurston said he had inspected the paving in this city laid by both Chas. Besler and Jim Stanton, and he pronounced it as good and in some instances better than any paving he had seen in the middle west. Mr. Stanton is laying a lot of brick paving in the city at present, and he expressed the desire to acquire some new con­tracts. Mr. Thurston said Kansas would be the best paved state in the union in five years.

Commissioner Murray asked action be taken in regard to junking and selling the old pumps owned by the city and the installation of a generator to furnish the juice for the pumps now in operation. He also asked for an ordinance making the Kansas Gas & Electric company assume the entire responsibility for the maintenance of all the bridges on the canal. He said the war was over now and there was no reason to delay this action longer. The mayor said it would be taken up later.
H. R. Branstetter has been released as inspector of the construction of the new $50,000 city building, his six months contract having expired. It was announced this new building will be completed in six weeks. The plastering and insulation are in progress now.
The following refers to Mayor and Mrs. C. N. Hunt’s son, Percy E. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, November 30, 1918.
Acting under orders of the secretary of war, Lieutenant Percy E. Hunt left this morning for the United States military academy at West Point, where he will report to the commandant. He does not know yet what his assignment will be. Lieutenant Hunt, who is a graduate of West Point, has been spending a several weeks’ furlough with his parents, Mayor and Mrs. C. N. Hunt, of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 11, 1918.
O. S. Gibson, who was ousted from the mayor’s office by the supreme court of Kansas a couple of years ago, has announced that he is going to be a candidate for the office of mayor at the spring election. He claims he wants to be vindicated. Just how his being a candidate will vindicate him when the supreme court of the state found him guilty as charged, a man with average intelligence will fail to see.
The court ousted Mr. Gibson from office on the charge of bribery and made him pay what salary he had collected as mayor to the successful contestant, C. N. Hunt, present mayor.
If all the people in Arkansas City voted for Mr. Gibson, it would not vindicate him. No one can blot out the decision of the supreme court.
All Mr. Gibson’s candidacy will do will be to continue the Hunt-Gibson town row. If Arkansas City is wise, it will not permit this to happen.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, December 19, 1918.
To Build an Auditorium Costing $100,000.
Special Election Will be Held To Vote Bonds
Names of Men Will be Inscribed on Tablets in Useful Building Adjoining City Hall.
At a meeting of the memorial hall committee held last evening in the city building, it was unanimously decided to call an election to vote $100,000 in bonds to erect a memorial hall on the quarter block north and adjoining the present city building. Many cities all over the country are preparing to erect a monu­ment or a memorial hall in honor of the allied soldiers and Arkansas City is not going to be behind any city in demonstrating her patriotism. It will erect a memorial hall.

Some time ago Mayor Hunt appointed a memorial commit­tee, consisting of Dr. Geo. Frank, A. A. Newman, Dr. B. C. Geeslin, W. J. Hill, William Powers, W. T. Bloomheart, Vern Thompson, J. W. Boyd, Ralph Oldroyd, Pat Somerfield, Chas. Spencer, Lewis Logan, Charles Swarts, Norman Musselman, E. J. Stahl, and R. C. Howard. Last evening Mayor Hunt called a meeting of the committee and there was almost a full attendance. The committee was organized by making Mayor Hunt, chairman, and Dr. Frank, secretary. The mayor explained that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of providing ways and means for the erection of a memo-ri­al in honor of the soldiers of the various wars in which our country had been engaged, dating back to the civil war. He then asked for an expression of those present as to what would be a befitting memorial for Arkansas City to erect.
Pat Somerfield suggested that each end of Summit Street be made into a boulevard, have the street paved, trees set out and grown, and slabs containing the names of the dead heroes of war placed there—or anything similar along that line.
Chas. Spencer thought the best plan would be to erect a memorial hall as had been suggested in the Traveler.
Lewis Logan announced that he had no definite idea, but thought the movement was all right, and that something befitting the memory of the soldier should be erected in Arkansas City.
C. M. Swarts made the statement that he had not decided what would be the best and most fitting memorial just at this time.
A. Dorner [??? Not mentioned as a committee member] thought a memorial hall would be a splendid thing and would be not only a credit to the city but to the departed heroes.
N. Musselman was of a similar opinion and J. W. Boyd thought there ought to be a memorial hall with a place for entertaining the returning soldiers and that could be used for other purposes.
Dr. Frank was of the opinion that we should erect a memorial hall and raise the money by private subscriptions.
Mr. Stahl favored a memorial hall and Ralph Oldroyd thought a memorial hall would be all right for the purposes intended.
Chairman Hunt then addressed the committee and said he thought the most appropriate thing would be to erect a memorial monument containing bronze statues representing the soldiers of the civil war, Spanish-American, and allied war. He said that in larger cities many monuments of this nature were erected and were most appropriate.
Voted For Memorial Hall

R. C. Howard suggested that the quarter block north of the city building be used for the purpose of erecting a memorial hall, one that would seat at least 3,000 people. In the walls of this hall let there be placed tablets of stone with the names of each soldier carved therein. It would not only be a befitting and lasting memorial, but it would be a historical one. There could be nothing nicer or more appropriate than a memorial hall containing a list of our heroes, carved in stone, and placed in the wall where all generations could read it. Also, there should be a provision for the display of war relics. There should be some place in or on the building where bronze statues represent­ing the soldiers and sailors of the Civil war, Spanish-American, and the Allied war would be displayed. At the conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Howard made a motion that the city vote $100,000 for the purpose of erecting a memorial hall and the motion prevailed.
Dr. Frank, the secretary, was instructed to write the proper authorities at Washington to see if they would furnish plans for a memorial hall for this city, as it is understood that the government is doing this. It was also the sense of the committee that an early election be called on the bond proposi­tion.
The matter was discussed at considerable length and the longer it was talked over the more enthusiastic the committee became upon the proposition. It is the intention to enlarge the committee as the work progresses and get everyone interested in the proposition if possible to do so.
Arkansas City is in need of a municipal auditorium; and by making the municipal auditorium and memorial hall, it will serve the double purpose for the city, a meeting place for large crowds and also be a fitting monument to our soldiers.
It was also decided to ask any adjacent townships to the city if they desired to get in on the memorial hall, to join in with the city and vote bonds sufficient to place the names of their soldiers in tablets of stone in the wall of memorial hall, the same as those of Arkansas City, in order that their soldier boys may be properly honored and remembered.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee adjourned, subject to the call of the chairman.
Mrs. C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, February 17, 1919.
Women Armed With Pledge Cards Are Out Today.
There Was Great Enthusiasm at the Meeting of the Team Members
Held On Saturday Night.
Armed with enthusiasm and a pledge card, some of the most prominent women of the city are visiting the business and resi­dence districts today asking support for the girls of the city in the campaign which the Young Women’s Christian Associa­tion is making to raise $7,000 in order to enlarge its sleeping accommo­dations and make other improvements in the building.
Saturday night at the Y. W. C. A. the captains and workers gathered to receive final instructions from the chairman of the campaign, Mrs. W. M. Gardner.
Mrs. Gardner said that the workers were like soldiers enlisted in the army of service to mankind and that they were there to get their marching orders from their commanding offi­cers, Miss Amy G. Bruce of Denver, executive secretary for the West Central Field of the Y. W. C. A., and Miss Vera Rodger, secretary in charge of the Arkansas City branch.
Mrs. Gardner spoke of the pressing need for a rest room at the Y. W. C. A. where weary women and girls could find a haven for a few hours and where the young girls in the gymnasium classes could rest after their exertions. She said that often women in the city between trains came up and begged to be permit­ted to lie down and rest, and that some provision should be made to care for them.

Miss Bruce spoke on the awakening all over the country to the need for caring for the girls if the nation is to progress and work toward the great ideals for which America stands all over the world.
“This week,” she said, “I am sure Arkansas City is thinking in terms of girls. I find that all over Kansas they are thinking in the same terms. I was amazed to get a call the other day from El Dorado. El Dorado has thought so long in terms of oil that we thought they were going to continue so thinking forever. But, behold! They are thinking in terms of girls. They wrote me and said that they were in despair over the situa­tion of their girls. There was nothing for them to do. They wanted the girls inter­ested. ‘We must do something,’ they wrote, ‘to keep the girls off from the streets.’
“All towns in Kansas the size of yours are waking up and thinking in terms of the youth of their communities. And you splendid women who are willing to go out next week and beg not for yourselves but for somebody else, you who believe in your cause and believe in girls, are going to have a very special joy when you see this humble center grow and develop year by year into a wonderful club for girls that shall solve so many problems for you.”
Prof. E. G. Betz was also one of the speakers.
He said: “People on the outside do not know what comes to us of the business world. It means so much to people who send their daughters in here to have them cared for. If you enlarge your sleeping accommodations, I want to help. It really gave me a pang when I heard that girls knocked on the door of the Y. W. C. A. and knocked in vain. We cannot afford as a town to feel disgraced because we cannot take care of the girls who come to us.”
The captains and their teams are:
First Ward—Captains, Mrs. C. N. Hunt and Mrs. Charles Cusac; Lieutenants, Mesdames B. C. Geeslin, F. M. Taylor, Fred Jepson, Tom Stewart, R. L. Rhoads.
Second Ward—Captains, Mrs. Frank Bryant and Mrs. A. Carlton; Lieutenants, Mesdames George Norris, W. B. Conrad, J. O. Camp­bell, M. W. Roloson, J. C. Nix, J. Slater, C. M. Pitt, W. T. Bloomheart, J. Bienfang, A. H. Dohrer, M. Ruf, F. Watson, M. C. McIntire, Mary Humes, S. A. Brown, Clarence Bryant.
Third Ward—Captain, Mrs. John Probst; Lieutenants, Mesdames Chester Harris, Raymond Finnefrock, Hartley, Alfred Sowden, Phillip Clark, Stickelmire, Will Becker, Bert Houston, Will Rector, R. L. Baker, and Miss Hazel Smith.
Fourth Ward—Captains, Mrs. Albert Denton and Mrs. George Wheeler; Lieutenants, Mesdames Arthur Bly, J. Funk, Joseph Cooper, William Moore, W. W. Mathews, M. D. Haney, M. C. Crouse, A. H. Dohrer, Charles Spencer, J. S. Mowatt, Jack Ogren, Fred Lewis, and Miss Lulu Hunter.
Enterprise Addition—Captain, Mrs. A. F. Morrison.
Sleeth Addition—Captain, Mrs. Burns.
County Districts—Captains, Mesdames Will Seyfer, Moore, Abrams, Fred D. Mott, G. Smallfield, J. W. Nelson, Charles Baird, J. A. Ramsey, L. Guthrie, and Miss Mary Bossi.
Schools—Captain, Miss Bella Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, February 17, 1919.
Women Armed With Pledge Cards Are Out Today.
There Was Great Enthusiasm at the Meeting of the Team Members
Held On Saturday Night.

Armed with enthusiasm and a pledge card, some of the most prominent women of the city are visiting the business and resi­dence districts today asking support for the girls of the city in the campaign which the Young Women’s Christian Associa­tion is making to raise $7,000 in order to enlarge its sleeping accommo­dations and make other improvements in the building.
Saturday night at the Y. W. C. A. the captains and workers gathered to receive final instructions from the chairman of the campaign, Mrs. W. M. Gardner.
Mrs. Gardner said that the workers were like soldiers enlisted in the army of service to mankind and that they were there to get their marching orders from their commanding offi­cers, Miss Amy G. Bruce of Denver, executive secretary for the West Central Field of the Y. W. C. A., and Miss Vera Rodger, secretary in charge of the Arkansas City branch.
Mrs. Gardner spoke of the pressing need for a rest room at the Y. W. C. A. where weary women and girls could find a haven for a few hours and where the young girls in the gymnasium classes could rest after their exertions. She said that often women in the city between trains came up and begged to be permit­ted to lie down and rest, and that some provision should be made to care for them.
Miss Bruce spoke on the awakening all over the country to the need for caring for the girls if the nation is to progress and work toward the great ideals for which America stands all over the world.
“This week,” she said, “I am sure Arkansas City is thinking in terms of girls. I find that all over Kansas they are thinking in the same terms. I was amazed to get a call the other day from El Dorado. El Dorado has thought so long in terms of oil that we thought they were going to continue so thinking forever. But, behold! They are thinking in terms of girls. They wrote me and said that they were in despair over the situa­tion of their girls. There was nothing for them to do. They wanted the girls inter­ested. ‘We must do something,’ they wrote, ‘to keep the girls off from the streets.’
“All towns in Kansas the size of yours are waking up and thinking in terms of the youth of their communities. And you splendid women who are willing to go out next week and beg not for yourselves but for somebody else, you who believe in your cause and believe in girls, are going to have a very special joy when you see this humble center grow and develop year by year into a wonderful club for girls that shall solve so many problems for you.”
Prof. E. G. Betz was also one of the speakers.
He said: “People on the outside do not know what comes to us of the business world. It means so much to people who send their daughters in here to have them cared for. If you enlarge your sleeping accommodations, I want to help. It really gave me a pang when I heard that girls knocked on the door of the Y. W. C. A. and knocked in vain. We cannot afford as a town to feel disgraced because we cannot take care of the girls who come to us.”
The captains and their teams are:
First Ward—Captains, Mrs. C. N. Hunt and Mrs. Charles Cusac; Lieutenants, Mesdames B. C. Geeslin, F. M. Taylor, Fred Jepson, Tom Stewart, R. L. Rhoads.

Second Ward—Captains, Mrs. Frank Bryant and Mrs. A. Carlton; Lieutenants, Mesdames George Norris, W. B. Conrad, J. O. Camp­bell, M. W. Roloson, J. C. Nix, J. Slater, C. M. Pitt, W. T. Bloomheart, J. Bienfang, A. H. Dohrer, M. Ruf, F. Watson, M. C. McIntire, Mary Humes, S. A. Brown, Clarence Bryant.
Third Ward—Captain, Mrs. John Probst; Lieutenants, Mesdames Chester Harris, Raymond Finnefrock, Hartley, Alfred Sowden, Phillip Clark, Stickelmire, Will Becker, Bert Houston, Will Rector, R. L. Baker, and Miss Hazel Smith.
Fourth Ward—Captains, Mrs. Albert Denton and Mrs. George Wheeler; Lieutenants, Mesdames Arthur Bly, J. Funk, Joseph Cooper, William Moore, W. W. Mathews, M. D. Haney, M. C. Crouse, A. H. Dohrer, Charles Spencer, J. S. Mowatt, Jack Ogren, Fred Lewis, and Miss Lulu Hunter.
Enterprise Addition—Captain, Mrs. A. F. Morrison.
Sleeth Addition—Captain, Mrs. Burns.
County Districts—Captains, Mesdames Will Seyfer, Moore, Abrams, Fred D. Mott, G. Smallfield, J. W. Nelson, Charles Baird, J. A. Ramsey, L. Guthrie, and Miss Mary Bossi.
Schools—Captain, Miss Bella Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, February 18, 1919.
First Day’s Work is Very Gratifying to the Women.
The Workers Are Busy Today Canvassing Residence Section of City
In Behalf of the Girls.
The widow’s mite proved mighty—mighty in sympathy, mighty in generosity, and mighty in the qualities of the spirit.
She is a woman who is educating her boy and helping out her slender store by keeping roomers. The women in her ward who approached her to give in the campaign which the Y. W. C. A. is making to raise $7,000 did so rather timidly, wondering if it was just right to ask her to give away what she so plainly needed for herself. The widow heard them through and then said quietly that she was so glad they had come to her, that she had not much to give but that she wanted to help the girls of the city; and then she made a donation that would have put to shame many leisurely people, could they have been there.
But the first thousand dollars has been raised, al­though several teams only just organized yesterday and started out today for the first subscription, and other teams did not report yester­day.
That the public conscience of Arkansas City is growing by leaps and bounds—and by public conscience one really means the sum of individual consciousness—was shown by the attitude of many of the citizens. Some of them increased their last year’s subscription over three times; others doubled it; and still others made it twenty times as great. Mrs. M. C. Crouse, who last year gave but five dollars, having been a visitor at the Y. W. C. A. daily and seeing the many splendid things that are accomplished for the girls, decided that she wanted to aid it materially so she presented the worker who asked for her subscription with a check for $100.
Today a huge thermometer swung on wires across the street in front of the Y. W. C. A. As the public interest increases and the fund grows, the thermometer will go up.
Watch it rise!
The few teams reporting yesterday were:
Mrs. C. N. Hunt and Mrs. Charles Cusac: $365.00
Mrs. Frank Bryant and Mrs. A. Carlton: $197.00

Mrs. John Probst: $188.00
Mrs. W. M. Gardner, chair­man: $162.50
The Kanotex Refining Co.: $108.00
The largest subscriptions were:
Harry Bayliss and Mrs. Elizabeth Bayliss:$50.00
Mayor and Mrs. C. N. Hunt: $25.00
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodrich: $40.00
Mrs. A. V. Franklin: $25.00
Mrs. F. L. Richey: $24.00
Mr. and Mrs. Foss Farrar: $24.00
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown: $25.00
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dixon: $24.00
Mrs. J. P. Johnson: $25.00
Mrs. E. L. McDowell: $25.00
Doane & Jarvis: $25.00
Prof. E. G. Betz: $40.00
Mrs. M. C. Crouse: $100.00
* * * * *
Richard C. Howard, Editor-Publisher
J. Max Coulter, Assistant Editor
Harry D. Howard, Business Manager
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 19, 1919.
Y. W. C. A. Workers Are Still Very Busy Soliciting
Women Who Are Engaged in This Work Will Meet Tonight
To Make Their First Report.
The Y. W. C. A. campaign for funds for the local association’s yearly budget of $7,000 is now going merrily on and the women who are doing the soliciting are very much encouraged on account of the manner in which they are being treated. Funds are coming in quite rapidly, as the report of the second day’s canvass shows. Women workers are making a house to house canvass and they are meeting with great success at present.
Tonight the members of the various teams, headed by their respective captains, will meet in the Y. W. C. A. dining hall for dinner and to make their first official reports on the canvass for funds. The women are going to complete the work of solicit­ing the funds this week, at least that is the plan today.
Mrs. Russell, the publicity manager, has gone to Wichita on Y. W. work, but she is expected to return on Friday. At present the work is being carried on under the supervision of Mrs. W. M. Gardner and Miss Rodger, the local secretary.
Following is the report of the finances subscribed on Tuesday:
First ward—Mrs. C. N. Hunt and Mrs. Chas. Cusac, captains. Total $179. Large subscriptions:
$100—Newman Family.

$ 24—Dr. L. D. Mitchell.
$ 25—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cusac.
Second ward—Mrs. Frank Bryant and Mrs. Anthony Carlton, captains. Total $90. Large subscription:
$ 25—Dr. Young.
Third ward—Mrs. John Probst, captain. Total $164.65. Large subscription:
$ 50—Union State Bank.
Fourth ward—Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Geo. Wheeler, and Mrs. Jack Ogren, captains. Total $376.05. Large subscriptions:
$ 50—Mrs. A. H. Denton.
$ 25—Mrs. Edith Haney.
Industries — Mrs. Gardner, captain. Total $175. Large subscription:
$100—New Era Milling Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, February 20, 1919.
Subscriptions Today Are Nearing the $3,000 Mark
  Reports of Team Captains Given at Meeting Last Night.
Several Men Give Talks to the Women.
Last night at six o’clock the women who are serving as captains of the Y. W. C. A. campaign now in progress in this city met in the Y. W. rooms for supper and to give reports for the day’s work. All of the captains were not present on this occa­sion, however.
Therefore, the report was not complete. The ladies are working very faithfully and taking a great interest in this worthy cause. After the supper was served, Rev. Gardner made the first address in behalf of the Y. W. C. A. and its influence upon the young women. His address follows:
“When I first came to this town and for a considerable time thereafter, I was known as the Rev. W. M. Gardner, pastor of the First Presbyterian church; but I am now known as the husband of Mrs. Gardner. In our bedroom there is a desk and an old fash­ioned commode and large bureau. When we first came to Arkansas City, it was thought the desk would be large enough for Mrs. Gardner’s needs; but she has the desk full to overflowing, every drawer and even the top of the desk covered with Y. W. C. A. material. Then she moved to the commode and filled the drawer where I kept my collars; now she has finally moved over to the large bureau; and if the campaign kept up much longer, I am sure we would all have to move out of the house to make room for the Y. W.
“I can’t imbue you with any more pep and enthusiasm than you now have. You are doing well. Getting $1,000 a day is good, but you will have to beat that if you are going to get $7,000.

“Personally, I believe after living in Arkansas City and knowing the spirit of the people, there is $7,000 in Arkansas City for this work and you are going to get it. Some people know and believe in the splendid work the Y. W. C. A. is doing. But some people do not know. You must acquaint them with it and some day your work will have far outgrown your present quarters and you will have a building of your own. Your task ought to be easy. With a fine year of accomplishment behind you, you should not feel faint hearted. I have no doubt there are hundreds of people waiting to be asked to give. You may be a little timid, a little worried as to the reception you will get when you ask for subscriptions; but with the work the association has done in the past year and the influence it is wielding, the workers in this campaign ought to be able to approach every man and woman in this community with confidence because you are doing a mighty work. If you can prove to this community that you are doing, not a good, but a necessary work, you need not be afraid to go out and ask for money to continue it. The experience of the young girls you have helped is an argument sufficient and you can go forth armed with your pledge cards and ask, “What are you going to do for the Y. W. C. A.?”, secure and confident that through grace and grit this community is going to do the right thing by you.”
Secretary John B. Heffelfinger of the Chamber of Commerce also made a few timely remarks to the women in regard to the work that these ladies have started out to do and he gave them some very much appreciated advice. Mr. Heffelfinger is very much enthused over this proposition and would like to see the amount needed to make this a success be subscribed by the people of this city. Mr. Heffelfinger told of three things to be considered and his remarks were addressed to the ladies on the soliciting committees. He believes this to be a very important work and that the proposition should be made clear to the people; and when they understand it, they will open their hearts and then their pocketbooks and give liberally. Mr. Heffelfinger offered many good suggestions which will help the ladies greatly in their work in completing this campaign.
Mrs. Gardner told of several people who had subscribed, raising their subscriptions when they thoroughly understood the proposition. Mr. Heffelfinger offered his services in any way he could be of any help to the ladies in their great work.
Prof. St. John was called upon to address the ladies in regard to their work and also offered many very good suggestions to be used in the raising of the amount designated. While Prof. St. John is somewhat of a stranger in our city, at the same time he is very much interested in this work for our young ladies and hopes to see this Y. W. a real success. He is in a position where he would like to see a Y. W. that would accommodate all teachers and girl students who care to make this their home for at the present time this association has not been able to do this. He puts special emphasis on the need of an extension and would be greatly pleased to see it a real success, of which he has no doubt. Prof. St. John states that our girls must be protected and this Y. W. is the proper place to protect them. Perseverence is the only thing and do not stop, he advised the women, until you put the quota across.
Following are some of the large sums subscribed for the day yesterday:
$ 50—Mrs. George Wheeler.
$100—A. C. Mill.
$100—Kroenert Bros.
$ 50—Robert Cox.
$ 30—Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Carlton.
$ 36—Gilbreath & Calvert.
$ 50—Mrs. Denton.

One case was cited wherein a young man raised his subscrip­tion from $12.50 to $20.00 after he had learned how splendidly the association is caring for the young women at the present quarters.
Report From Wednesday
First ward—Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Cusac. Total $61.29.
Second ward—Mrs. Frank Bryant; Mrs. Carlton. Total $228.75.
Third ward—Mrs. John Probst. Total $82.40.
Fourth ward—Mrs. Denton, Mrs. Wheeler, and Mrs. Ogren. Total $206.60.
Industries—Mrs. Gardner. Total $290.50.
Schools—Mrs. Belle Smith. Total $21.00.
Total for day: $890.54
Total for the three days:
First ward $605.23
Second ward 515.75
Third ward 435.65
Fourth ward 582.65
Industries 628.00
Schools 21.00
Grand Total: $2,788.28
Mayor C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, September 29, 1919.
The city commissioners met in regular session this morning at the city building and after the routine work, the first business taken up was the proposition that Mr. Southard of North Eighth street had to offer...wants Eighth street opened, grade, straightened, and a two-way concrete bridge put in on Chestnut avenue across the canal...also wanted the water mains extended to take care of that street...later on expected the property owners there would ask for some kind of paving. Matter discussed: no money to handle at present time in street fund.
A petition was presented asking that the alley be paved in the block in which is located the Presbyterian church. A majori­ty of the property owners signed the petition. The peti­tion was referred to the city engineer. Another petition asking for paving from Central avenue to Cedar avenue on Fifth street was ready. It was signed by 26 property owners. This was also referred to the city engineer...this paving was to be of brick.
Claude Vaughan, city treasurer, presented his resigna­tion to take effect October 2...resigning because his private business has grown to such an extent that he cannot afford to give his time to city work...resignation accepted...no successor selected at meeting.
Mayor Hunt made the statement that he had a petition signed by ten Mexican residents of this city, who while not living in the city, asked that they be given permission and assistance in building a school house to which Mexican children could be sent and taught Spanish. After a considerable discus­sion it was decided to refer the petition to the school board as the site selected and petitioners were out of the city limits. It was also brought out at the meeting there was possibly a law passed during the 1919 legislature preventing the teaching of foreign language in elementary schools.

City Attorney Kirk Dale reported on the ex-City Engi­neer Alford claim. Mr. Alford asked for $200 in payment for gasoline used in his automobile while he was city engineer. Mr. Dale recommended that the bill be rejected.
The gas company served notice on the city that after the next reading of the meter, gas used at the municipal pump house would cost 17-1/2 cents per thousand feet...an increase of 5 cents per thousand feet.
The question of the franchise given to the Arkansas River Gas company was brought up and it was announced that the ordi­nance as passed had been accepted by the company. It was also stated that Mr. Shyrock, president of the company, was quite sick at Tulsa and was unable to be here to look after business matters at present.
Mr. Murray took the floor and made a talk in regard to the city establishing a municipal electric light plant. Mr. Murray said Arkansas City was talking about voting $150,000 in bonds for a memorial hall and he said that it would be much better if this money was voted for a city electric light plant. He said the plant at Winfield was a money maker for the city of Winfield and the profits from the plant were assisting very materially in paying the expenses of that city. Mr. Murray claimed that Winfield’s taxes were 25 per cent cheaper than those of Arkansas City and he thought it might possibly be the light plant was the cause of the reduction.
Mayor Hunt asked Mr. Murray if he would like to change towns. Mr. Murray said “No,” and stated “if a municipal electric light plant made money for Winfield, it might do the same for Arkansas City.” City Clerk Sinnott said that it was only recent­ly that Winfield had issued $40,000 refunding moneys to pay outstanding warrants. Mr. Murray replied that this would not necessarily have anything to do with the electric plant business and that on the other hand it might have had to issue more than $40,000 bonds if it were not for the electric light plant.
Mayor Hunt then took the floor and said that he object­ed to the statement made by Mr. Murray that our taxes were higher than other towns. It would indicate that this city was extrava­gant. He claimed that the reason the taxes were higher was due to the many improvements that had been made. He went on to say that the water plant was a good investment for Arkansas City and that all of the old indebtedness and a part of the new improve­ment indebt­edness had been paid out of the water receipts and that there was now remaining in the neighborhood of $100,000 still to be paid on the water plant. This included the $190,000 that was originally paid for the water works and the $98,000 that was voted for the water works extension under the Reed adminis­tra­tion. Mayor Hunt said that the water works had not only been self-sustaining, but that two  supply wells had been paid for out of water receipts, and that all of the extensions that had been put in and water works improvements had also been paid out of the water receipts. The municipal water plant was the only thing for several years until this year that a tax levy had not been made to assist in keeping up. The levy this year was due to the fact that so many water extensions had been made and it was thought best to levy 2/10 of a mill for hydrant rental to help out.

At this time City Attorney Kirk Dale brought up the matter of the paving maintenance bonds. He said that on South First street while there had been a contract bond filed, the mainte­nance bond had not been filed. He understood the bond was ready to be filed; but as the bond was in the Lion Bonding company, he recommended that the bond be not approved by the city. H. O. Beaty, agency supervisor of the Lion Bonding compa­ny, was present and he said that the city would have to accept the bond offered by Mr. Stanton, contractor, for the reason that there was no law permitting the city to refuse a bond in a company that was good. He claimed that the bond was good and that because a controversy existed between the city and the bonding company over other bonds which were being adjudicated was no cause for refusing another maintenance bond from the Lion company. Further discussion of the matter was postponed until this afternoon when Mr. Beaty will meet with the city commission­ers at 2 o’clock.
Kirk Dale asked permission of the commissioners to use the commissioners room for American Legion meetings. Permission was granted.
Mr. Murray took the floor once more and asked when the memorial hall election was to be pulled off. The mayor replied Oct. 21. He stated from what he heard of the conversation that occurred at a recent committee meeting that the members of the committee were expecting much more than they would possibly receive. Some of them talked like it was to be a community center affair with Y.M.C.A. and swimming pool, etc. He said that such a building as was talked over by the memorial committee could not be built for less than $200,000 or $250,000. He said he was opposed to the memorial building at this time; and Commis­sioner Clay joined in and said that he was opposed to voting any bonds for anything for the reason that it was going to make taxes so much higher. He also stated that Arkansas City had done a big lot of improving and it had all cost a lot of money. Mr. Murray continued his talk and said that if the city was figuring on building a memorial hall with auditorium that it could possibly be done for $150,000; but it would be a small affair and would not satisfy the city.
Mr. Hunt said that this was the opportune time to vote bonds for the memorial hall as later on the people would forget all about the soldier boys being overseas and as time elapsed would lose much of their patriotism. This could hardly be possible when there are cities building memorials to the veterans of the civil war. Mr. Hunt said that the matter was up to the people; and if they vote $150,000 for a memorial building, he was willing they should have it. He said that he had corresponded with the new hotel architect and he said that he could guarantee a build­ing to be erected for the bonds voted and that was about the only concrete proposition they had to offer with the election.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, November 7, 1919.
Athletic Field at Paris Park
Ol Paris, accompanied by Ivan Trusler, physical direc­tor of the city schools, and a large class of students filled the commissioners’ room. Mr. Paris said they wanted an athletic field in the south part of the park, which could be secured by extending the tile pipe about 390 feet and filling in. Mr. Trusler said a track field was not available in the city, and that a sand dune west of the city had to be used last year. Despite this handicap the local school won second place in the state meet. He said athletics would have to be cut out in the local schools unless a suitable place can be found for practice.

Mayor Hunt stated that he had instructed the city engineer a month ago to take a complete survey of Paris park for the purpose of scheming big improvements for next spring when a levy of $5,000 will be available. Mr. Hunt demanded to know why the school board did not join hands with the commission and help provide a playground for the school pupils. The city engineer said he had been instructed by the mayor to plan proper drainage for the park, and that it was an engineering problem which would have to be worked out in detail and not piecemeal. Mr. Paris said all they wanted just now was the pipe, but he was informed the whole improvement would have to be made at one time. Mayor Hunt also stated that it was planned to dredge the lake and sand the bottom and that a pump to keep the water fresh had already been purchased. He said all the available park money was going to be spent on Paris park next spring.
Commissioner Murray said Mr. Paris was entitled to seek improvements for Paris park because it had always been a second­ary consideration to Wilson park for the last two years and under previous administrations.
The students gave their high school yell for the city in the hall as they left.
Mayor C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 11, 1921.
City Authorities and Chamber of Commerce Asking for $1,000.
“The conditions in Pueblo justify the people of Arkansas City in giving to the limit”—Mayor Hunt.
With this statement in mind, members of the city commission and directors of the Chamber of Commerce at a joint meeting held last night decided upon the quota for Arkansas City in the drive for relief for Colorado sufferers. The amount was placed at $1,000 and early today parties were out soliciting among the business houses in an effort to raise the fund.
Lieutenants Nelson and Morris, of Post Field, who have been doing reconnaissance work along the Arkansas river through the Pueblo district, were in the city last evening en route to Lawton, and talked before the meeting.
In their statements last night, the pilots stated that people not having seen the flooded districts could have no idea of the damage done to Pueblo. Martial law is in strict effect, sightseers are absolutely excluded from the town, and everything even to the relief service is strictly under a martial rule.
The railroad yards are practically swept clean, box cars, tank cars, passenger cars alike are piled in great heaps over the city. Carcasses of cattle, horses, and hogs killed by the flood can be seen strewn over the entire city, and the stench arising from this is said to be terrible.
The business houses are practically ruined, and many mer­chants will be forced from business through the great flood loss. Sides of the buildings were torn away, and the entire stock was washed away in many instances. According to Lieutenant Morris, Pueblo is in the need of aid and is in need in the greatest manner.
Arkansas City people can be depended upon, according to Mayor Hunt, to give to the utmost towards the sufferers in that district, and there is no doubt expressed as to the possibility of raising $1,000 or better before the close of the day.

Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 16, 1921.
Fund For the Relief of Colorado Flood Sufferers is Growing.
Over eight hundred dollars has been subscribed up to date for the benefit fund for the Pueblo flood sufferers, according to an announcement made this afternoon by the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Part of these subscriptions have not as yet been paid. The total sum now is $852.50.
Those people who have subscribed toward the fund are urged again to turn in their payments at once as it is necessary that this fund be sent out soon. The Pueblo people are in need of the money now and it is urgent that the money be taken in at once.
Following is a total list of those who have subscribed toward the fund for the Pueblo victims.
$50.00 pledges—Kanotex Refining company; Home National bank.
$25.00 pledges—Hill Investment company; A. C. Milling company; Faulconer-Dale-Swarts.
$20.00 pledges—New Era Milling company.
$15.00 pledges—Dawson-Bishop Produce Co.; Oldroyd & Sons; Keefe, LeStourgeon Co.
$10.00 pledges—Comley Lumber company; Collinson Hardware company; Mrs. A. J. Hunt; Beard Foundry; Houston Lumber company; Dr. R. Claude Young; Kirkpatrick Furniture Co.; Badger Lumber Co.; Henneberry & Company; Boyer Hdw. Co.; W. N. Harris; A. C. Transfer Co.; A. C. Sand Co.; Dr. Chas. Dunning; Daily News.
$ 5.00 pledges—C. N. Hunt; Osage hotel; W. H. Nelson; O. O. Holt; James R. Hull; John Ames; Busy Bee; A. C. Paine and Paper Co.; Mrs. Virginia Hamilton; Dr. Milton Hahn; C. C. Lytal; Hall-Finney; Mrs. Johanna Henneberry; Houston-Hill; Sturtz Inv. Co.; Cooperative grocery; Reed Farrell; A. C. Bottling works; A. C. Business college; A. C. Floral Co.; A. C. Traveler; Huffman & Ward; Lee Biggs; Geo. L. Beard; H. D. Baylis; Hill-Howard; Bunnell Inv. Co.; Saddle Rock café; Geo. S. Hartley; Dr. C. H. House; C. A. Bahruth; J. L. Brown; Mrs. Mary Curtis; E. G. Collins.
$ 2.00 pledges—Mrs. Mary Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin; W. E. Hall; Robert Cox; Chas. Herriford; H. W. Hendryx; E. C. Dye; W. T. Hamm; Mrs. Anna Ramsey; Mears Bros.; J. E. Cantrell; E. I. Leach; Russell Bros.; Mrs. J. O. Campbell; John Heffelfinger; Maude B. Harmon; Mrs. W. V. Reynolds; Mrs. Paul Way; Dr. H. J. Edwards; The Ideal grocery; J. W. Boyd.
$1.00 pledges—W. L. Martin; J. F. Maus; W. W. Rinehart; Guy Ecroyd; Duval Pharmacy; E. S. Dorrance; Mrs. Ida Buckley; Geo. M. Rooney; Mrs. J. P. Carlson; Mrs. W. G. Robson; Ms. W. V. Reynolds; Mrs. Paul Hartley; H. W. Earlougher; Miss Olive Ramage; Glenn Harrelson; Chas. Holmsten; W. L. Hopkins; John Probst; Sidle Coffee Co.; H. A. Clark; Mrs. H. H. Hill; H. B. Clapp.
Pledges on the Pueblo relief fund that are unpaid.
$25.00 pledges—Security National bank; Kininmonth Produce Co.
$10.00 pledges—A. C. Hide & Junk Co.; P. M. Clarke; J. C. Penney Co.; Drs. Day, McKay and Douglass; Wm. Cunningham.

$ 5.00 pledges—Hudson garage; Earl Baxter; E. L. McDowell; Geo. W. Saunders; Shea Furniture Co.; Devlin ready-to-wear; Economy Cash grocery; Anthony Carlton; Chicago store; Baer bakery; Ellis Billings; Palace Grocery; Newman Motor Co.; Davis Bros.; Domestic laundry; Fifth Avenue book store; Fifth Avenue hotel.
$ 3.00 pledges—J. T. Reeder; E. H. Clayton.
$ 2.50 pledges—J. R. Hayden.
$ 2.00 pledges—W. H. Hill; O. B. Seyster; R. R. Sawtell; Guy Curfman; Geo. B. Cornish; A. A. McAtee; Pete Hill; Fitch music store; C. N. Coleman.
$ 1.00 pledges—Chas. Shoup; Chester Harris; A. McAdams; G. G. Sawtell; Ray Seeley; Chas. Early; P. H. Richmond; Chas. Sills; Elston-McEwen Produce Co.; Dr. McCall; H. A. Schramm; Derry bakery; W. H. Rector.
Pledges, but no amount stated:
Doug Shaw; Service Motor shop; Scott & Son; Roseberry-MacAllister; Mattie Rice; Shank-Dweelard; Frank Seal; Swartz Electric Co.; F. L. Richey.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, August 10, 1921.
Business Men Attempt to Stop Motor Thieves
Twenty-Five Men Volunteer to Patrol Roads Immediately Following Any Theft Made.
A citizens squad, probably of twenty-five men, will be organized to combat the excessive theft of motor cars in Arkansas City. This came following a meeting of the city commissioners and several insurance agents this morning.
The insurance agents testified that there were over one hundred insurance companies doing business in Arkansas City, and that about ninety percent of these companies refused to write automobile insurance in the city because of the wholesale theft of motor cars and accessories here during the past two months. Many of these companies have withdrawn their insurance from the city.
According to the plans formulated, the twenty-five men pledging themselves on this citizens squad will be vested with the authority of arrest. They will be under oath to serve at any time during the day and night, and will also be under oath to serve until the thief is caught or until a halt is called by the captain of the squad.
It is planned that some type of a general alarm will notify the men immediately upon the theft of a motor car from this city. They will be called to a certain point in the city, and from there will scour the countryside, patrolling every main road and cross road leading out of Arkansas City.
“It is certain that a motor car cannot run forever on a certain amount of gasoline. They will stop some place, and with this citizens squad after them, the thieves will either be caught and sent to jail or this thieving in this city will be stopped immediately. There is but one thing in view, and that is some drastic means must be taken to cut down this wholesale thieving, which is going on in Arkansas City at the present time.” was the statement made by one of the men present at the meeting this morning.

One of the insurance men present made the statement that unless the wholesale robberies were cut down, insurance rates would hike as high as those in Kansas City. Whereas it costs eighty-five cents a hundred pounds here now, seven dollars and a half a hundred pounds will be charged. This is besides a fifteen dollar fee, which is added in case the lock is not a proven lock.
Mayor Hunt offered every assistance of the local police force in forming this patrol, and also added that the police were doing everything in their power to cut down the number of thefts. The police will also aid in this search.
Members of the automobile dealers this morning made the statement that they will give every assistance possible to the new movement, as the recent thefts have caused a slump in motor car business in the city.
The new squad will be in action in the city in a short while. The insurance men proposed to raise an association, and from this association twenty-five men will be selected who will devote all of the time necessary to the hounding of the thieves.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, August 29, 1921.
City Would Pave Outside Road.—Jitney Matter Presented Today.
A resolution for paving of a stretch of road five-eights of a mile in length, one half mile of which is West Kansas avenue, and the remainder north near the cemetery, was adopted by the city commissioners this morning. A copy of this resolution will be forwarded to the county commissioners for their action at the meeting to be held next week.
The resolution is in accordance with the Howard five-eighths of a mile law. With the paving of this stretch of road into the country, it will also mean the paving of Kansas avenue west to the city limits, Eighth street. According to the specifications this morning, the street in the city will be thirty feet in width and the country highway will be twenty-one feet in width.
At the suggestion of Mayor C. N. Hunt, it is planned to have a number of businessmen of the city and a number of the property owners along the road which is to be paved attend the county commissioners meeting at Winfield in order to present the case. It was stated this morning that about ninety-eight percent of the property owners along the road had signed the petition.
Perry Dunham, of El Dorado, this morning was before the city commissioners and asked for a franchise to operate a jitney bus service in Arkansas City. According to the specifications in the petition for a franchise, the routes will be laid out from the end of the pavement on North Third street to Fifth avenue, Down Fifth avenue to C street, and south on C street to the end of the pavement. From any point on the route to Summit street, a charge of five cents will be made.
Mr. Dunham this morning stated that they wanted an exclusive franchise. Two Ford motor cars will be maintained and a twenty minutes system will be maintained at all times. In case any of the passengers care to veer off the regular route, a charge of five cents extra will be made for the trip four blocks or under off the route, and for a trip up to seven blocks, an extra charge of ten cents will be made. It was moved at the meeting that the petition for a franchise be accepted by the commissioners for further consideration.

A petition for the paving of South Third street, between Van Buren and Tyler avenues, was presented. It was turned over to the city engineer for checking up.
The meeting was adjourned until 2:30 o’clock Tuesday afternoon.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Friday, September 2, 1921.
City Offices and Stores Closed During the Services Today.
Funeral services for John H. Clay, city commissioner of public utilities, whose death occurred at the family home here Thursday morning, were held in the First Methodist church this afternoon at 2 o’clock. During the one hour of the services at the church, all the city offices and most of the business houses were closed. City officials in general were in attendance at the services. Mayor Hunt issued a proclamation this morning asking that the business houses close during the funeral hour and most of the businessmen complied with the request.
The mayor, Commissioner L. A. Sturtz, City Clerk Sinnott, Fire Chief Brandenburg, and four of the firemen in uniform, Acting Chief of Police Pauley and four of his men in uniform, Water Works Superintendent Bennett and Street Foreman John Post were among those noted in the church for this service. There was a large crowd of the city employees and other friends of the deceased in attendance at the funeral. There were many beautiful floral offerings.
Music was furnished by Mrs. J. E. Day, Miss Nell Brown, F. D. Jackson, and J. H. Oldroyd, with Mrs. Wilda Hestwood at the organ.
Pall bearers were Mayor C. N. Hunt, J. W. Copeland, J. W. Bennett, John Post, L. A. Sturtz, and Capt. M. N. Sinnott.
The body of Mr. Clay was interred in Parker cemetery, east of the city.
Mr. Clay had served two terms, one of two years, one of three years, and a part of the third term, as commissioner of public utilities. He leaves a wife, one son, Bert, three broth­ers, and two sisters to mourn his loss.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, September 13, 1921.
Five Eights Mile Proposition Is Before County Board.
The decision on the concrete surfacing of the stretch of road known as the “Cemetery Road,” five eighths of a mile in length, will be handed down by the county commissioners at the first meeting in October. This was the report made this morning.
Mayor C. N. Hunt, Commissioner Louis Sturtz, City Attorney Kirke Dale, and Ed Mieran, president of the chamber of commerce, met this morning with Carl Dees and George Crotsley, two of the county commissioners, and Ellis Fink, county attorney, over the matter. They were not ready to make a decision upon the matter this morning.
Members of the party stated that the matter still looked favorable for the paving of the road. Carl Dees is much in favor of the proposition, and it is likely to go through—although it is generally conceded that there will be some opposition on some of the points recently passed by the city commission of Arkansas City.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 3, 1921.

Stanton-Wallace Construction Co. Capture Paving Contract.
Five contracting firms had in bids for street paving in Arkansas City, when the City Commission met this morning. . . .
The bid of Stanton-Wallace was lower than that of any of the out of town competitors, and after the bids had been considered by the mayor and commissioners in executive session, the regular session was resumed and the announcement was made in open session that the bid of the Stanton-Wallace Construction company was the lowest, and had been accepted by the city.
C. L. Bessler of Winfield was present, but after looking over the requirements, decided to not put in a bid.
The bid accepted is for brick paving at these prices: Paving $3.65, curbing 90 cents, excavation $1.
It was stated by Mayor Hunt that the commissioners in considering the matter of brick and asphalt paving found that none of the bids on asphalt paving complied with the requirements and exactions made by the city in receiving bids, in the matter of the ten year guarantee bond.
The proposed paving covered by the bids is on Madison avenue from Fourth street to Seventh; on B street from Maple avenue to Birch avenue; on Jefferson avenue from First street to Summit street; on Van Buren avenue from First street to Summit street; on Cedar avenue from Fourth street to C street; on Pine avenue from Fourth street to First street, and on Spruce avenue from Fifth street to C street.
The rejected bids were: A. L. Cook, paving $3,84, curb $1.05, excavating 97 cents; Amerman, paving $3.80, curb 94 cents, excavating $1; Geiger Construction Co., paving $3.80, curb $1.01, excavating $1.05; Kaw Paving Co., paving $3.72, curb $1, excavat­ing $1.
There were other items I did not cover.
Mayor C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, October 5, 1921.
A. C. Asks County Commissioners for County Road Improvements.
Big Crowd Meets with County Dads and Argue Questions.
Commissioner Dees “Told It To Them”
A large crowd of Arkansas City people, headed by E. C. Mierau, president of the chamber of commerce, Oscar Seyster, secretary of the chamber of commerce, Mayor C. N. Hunt, and Commissioners Sturtz and Thompson, went to Winfield this morning to appear before the county commissioners in behalf of the proposed cemetery road which Arkansas City is asking to be constructed under the Howard five-eighth of a mile paving law.
The commissioners adjourned their meeting to the district courtroom where Commissioner Dees acted as chairman. There were possibly one hundred citizens in attendance, some of them for and some against the proposed improvement, and others who were there just as spectators. Commissioner Dees announced as there were quite a number there who desired to speak on the improvement, he ruled that each speaker could have the floor once and speak as long as he wanted to, but could not have the floor the second time.

Mayor Hunt was the first one called upon and he stated succinctly the object of the meeting, which was in effect to pave the road to Riverview cemetery from First street under the Howard five-eighth of a mile paving law. He showed the demand for the road by informing the meeting that ninety-eight percent of the property owners along the road had petitioned for the improve­ment. He gave the cost that it would be to the individual taxpayer in the county, based on the present valuation per thousand dollars and other data that was favorable to building the road. He was followed by other speakers, some talking against the improvement and others for it. It was an easy matter to see that the farmers around Winfield were absolutely opposed to the improvement, and so far as getting anywhere in the meet­ing, it was just like butting your head against a stone wall.
C. T. Franks, J. F. Orr, Ed. Shepherd, and numerous other people living in and near Winfield claimed the law was un-Ameri­can, but did not say in what way it was un-American for the simple reason they couldn’t. Then they claimed it was an unjust law, claiming it imposed a burden upon people that can illy afford to have imposed upon them at this time.
Every argument opposed to the law was met by speakers of Arkansas City and in the benefit district through which the proposed improvement is to run.
The fact of the matter is the bunch opposed to the law is just opposed to it, and that is all there was to it.
During the meeting Chas. Baird, Ed. Mierau, City Engineer Lusk, Albert Newman, and several other Arkansas City people made short talks to explain the law, the improvement, how necessary it was to have permanent pavement on roads in Cowley county in order to save money.
In favor of the proposed paving, Commissioner Carl Dees made the best address of the meeting. He went into detail and ex­plained that Cowley county would never have a better opportunity to get cheap paving, that the individuals will pay a share of, the city a share of, and the county a share of. He showed that the cities pay for a goodly portion of the country road work in Cowley county, but that the country never pays for any roads in the city which they use fully as much as the town people do the country roads. Commissioner Dees predicted that if certain obstructionists continue to throw obstacles in the way of road building, it will only be a question of time until the town people will get together and get a law passed preventing cities paying for road work in the county. He said the cities were willing to pay their share for road improvement, and the farmers should meet them at least half way in securing good roads because it was of as much benefit to the farmer as it was to the city people. Commissioner Dees said he believed that in their hearts the other two commissioners favored the road paving asked for, but that they would not consent to it for the reason their constituents are unwisely opposed to it. Commissioner Dees made many other good points and not one of the opposing crowd could answer them. His argument in favor of the improvement was absolutely unanswerable, and none of the bunch of obstructionists opposed it.
The hearing lasted some two or three hours, and toward the latter portion became quite warm, and finally ended with everyone quitting and going home. What the commissioners will do in the matter can be only guessed at, and that is two of them will be against the proposition.

Under the five-eighth of a mile law, Burden can secure paving, Dexter can secure paving, Udall and Atlanta can secure it, and they need it fully as much as Winfield and Arkansas City.
Commissioner Dees was right. If the county can get paving at thirty cents on the dollar, it ought to accept it no matter where it is located, for the time is coming when the roads of Cowley County will be paved north and south, east and west, several times and the country will have to pay 100 cents on the dollar for it. The more paving that the country can induce the cities to pay thirty percent of, the better off it will be.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, October 25, 1921.
Fair Association Organized to Make Yearly Exhibits.
  J. C. Jarvis Heads Organization and Pollom is Secretary.
J. C. Jarvis, president.
W. G. Mullett, vice-president.
L. B. Pollom, secretary.
O. B. Seyster, assistant secretary.
V. E. Creighton, treasurer.
Board of directors—Al Beeson; C. M. Baird; W. G. Buffington; H. B. Holman; Harve Christy; Robert Warren; J. C. Dulaney; C. E. St. John; H. S. Collinson; Blaine Adams, J. Davis; Mrs. Lilly Crampton; and Miss Mary Parsons.
The Arkansas City Fair Association was organized last night in this city at the meeting and dinner at the Osage hotel, at which time a number of the progressive farmers and stock men and their wives of this immediate vicinity and some of the business­men of the city participated in a real love feast. The above names are the officers and directors of the association, which was perfected at this meeting. The old saying, “strike while the iron is hot,” proved to be very successful for the meeting last night, and this gathering following closely on the heels of the splendid livestock show of last week was the real cause of the fair association being organized at this time. The men and women elected as officers and board of directors of the new associa­tion, are representative men and women of the farming interests near Arkansas City, and of the business interests of this city.
That they will all serve in a capable manner is already cer­tain, as shown by the interest, of those in attendance at the meeting last night. The dates for the next annual livestock show and fair in this city have not yet been decided upon, but this matter was also discussed at some length last night and the men and women interested are determined to set the dates so that they will not conflict with other fairs in this immediate vicinity in order to give the regular exhibitors the chance to take their stock and household wares from one fair to another without any conflict in dates.
The officers of the Arkansas City Fair Association are all well known in and around the city and they are:
J. C. Jarvis, president, one of the most prosperous farmers and stock men of the county, who resides northeast of the city.

W. G. Mullett, vice-president, a new man in this vicinity, who resides south of the city and is already well known here, as a thriving and up-to-the-minute farmer.
L. B. Pollom, secretary, has been the competent instructor in the vocational agriculture department of the local schools for several years past and is a scientific farmer.
O. B. Seyster, assistant secretary, is the secretary of the local Chamber of Commerce and the Retailers Association.
V. E. Creighton, banker, and president of the Traders State bank of this city.
The board of directors, though numbering thirteen, promises to be one of the best and most thrifty bodies of its kind in the country and they are determined to make the Arkansas City fair the best in the county or in the entire country, it may be said.
The two women on the board, Mrs. Crampton and Miss Parsons, took an active part in the show last week and they demonstrated the fact that they are up to snuff on such subjects.
All of the men on the board are well known here and claim Arkansas City as their permanent home. Therefore, the board of directors and the officers of the association are bound to win out in this valuable enterprise.
Following the dinner served at 8 o’clock last night, the meeting here was called to order and “Big Bill Buff,” W. J. Buffington, was the toastmaster. He called upon a number of the men and women present for three minute addresses on various subjects pertaining to the main object of the meeting.
Mr. Buffington paid a nice compliment to the city and rural schools for taking such an active part in the affair of last week and said the city school authorities worked very hard for a number of days to make the show the success that it proved to be. He called upon Mayor Hunt and the mayor made a few appropriate remarks.
He said there is no line between the city and farm folks and that the city was open to the farmers at all times. City and rural districts are closely connected now, he said, and the city and country are one and the same at the present day and age. His remarks were addressed for the most part to the rural folks. They are the community life, he said, as he passed a nice compli­ment upon Mrs. Crampton, who spoke at the A. H. T. A. convention here last week. Mayor Hunt said that Arkansas City was going to ask for a division of the county, and stated that if Senator Howard and Representative Murray did not assist in this matter, they would be fired.
C. M. Baird spoke on Shorthorn cattle, and told of the start he made in this line some twenty-three years ago. “Praises of the Shorthorn.” was his subject.
Elmer Buffington, of Oxford, well known horse man, talked on “What It Takes To Make A Real Livestock Show.” He proved to be equal to the occasion and gave those present some excellent advice on the subject. He praised the show of last week and said the stockmen of Oxford would be here in full force next season. Elmer Buffington said his father, J. M. Buffington, who was unable to be present at the meeting, was the first man to bring a stallion into this section of the country.
The entire countryside knows of the success of J. M. Buffington and his two sons in the matter of raising pure bred horses. Proper feed and care of the stock was given by the speaker also. Animals must be fit to show and must be raised properly, he said. He said that C. M. Baird and Al Beeson were the best boosters for the livestock show in the country.

“The benefits of a stock show from the standpoint of the auctioneer,” was the subject of Harve Christy, of Newkirk, who said he resided in the southern suburb of Arkansas City, and that his wife says they will move to this city some day to live. He was reared on a farm west of the city and he is still in love with Arkansas City. He said the livestock men come here from Kansas City and Fort Worth regularly to pick up our fine horses and mules. Arkansas City needs a pavilion for the stock show, he advised.
“The benefits from the household section,” by Mrs. Crampton, of West Bolton, was one of the best of the short addresses. The farmer’s wife anticipates the shows in this connection; and therefore makes an effort to prepare something good at these times, she stated. This section of the show is far reaching. The woman prides herself in carrying out the plans in this connection and will always have something of interest for the fair.
“The future of the mule colt,” by Al Beeson was one of the subjects; and he said that Elmer Buffington had fully covered this subject. It was stated by the chairman that Mr. Beeson raised the premium list $15 on the mule exhibits at the recent fair.
At this stage of the meeting, the committee on nominations of officers and directors was sent out to deliberate.
John B. Heffelfinger, of the Security National bank, spoke on the “Influence of the stock show on the boys and girls.” The show must be successful to be of interest to all, he said. He asked, “What are we going to do with the boys and the girls on the farm?” He stated, “We must give them a chance. It is worthwhile and they must not be overlooked.” John is known in this city as a real friend to the school boys and girls.
“How it feels to be the biggest prize winner,” by F. D. Mielkey, the auctioneer of Oxford, was the next subject. He was in charge of the exhibit of cattle and horses from that town last week, which carried off the biggest end of the prize money, and he says it feels good and inspires the stockman to better grades of animals at all times. The Winton exhibit was one of the best at the show, he said. He said he had never seen a better line of stock in a small show as he had the opportunity to look upon here.
Senator R. C. Howard was called upon to speak on the sub­ject, “Which end of the cow gets up first.” Bill thought he had the senator stuck; but he turned the tables nicely by asking Buff which end his father spanked when he was naughty. Mr. Howard showed that he knew something about farming and live addresses. He said he was a member of the I. X. L. Farmers Union and was therefore a farmer. He was born on a farm, also, and served three years in the dairy department while there.
“Why do we need a stock show?” by O. B. Seyster. There are three distinct reasons, he said. One never knows what he can do for himself until he tries, and sees what the other fellow is doing in the same line; it’s an inspiration and one wants to do better the next time; and last, it takes good livestock to make the community prosper and grow.
V. E. Creighton, the next speaker, said he was proud of the show of last week. He said the city was always willing to help the country folks. Mr. Creighton was elected to the office of treasurer after he had left the hall.

Bob Murray defended the Jersey cow and he said that all other breeds were raised on the Jersey cow’s milk. He said everyone should use more milk. He said, “The percent of infant mortality in Arkansas City is less than in any other city in the state, with the exception of Lawrence; 62 out of every 1,000 are the figures here. Wichita’s is much more than that.” He attrib­uted the well raising and the good health of the Arkansas City babies to the fact that they are fed on good milk. Bob also got off a few jokes on the other cattle men in the audience.
R. E. Harp, Holstein raiser, spoke on “The benefit of the livestock show to the Holstein man.” He was the first man here to show two of these cattle at the Arkansas City show, he said. They are better cows and more profitable. He said to make the show an annual event, at all costs. It is a good thing to see what the other fellow has at the show, as the farmers have not the time to call upon one another to see the livestock.
Supt. C. E. St. John spoke on the subject, “The stock show and its relation to the schools.” He emphasized on the crop of boys and girls. He said the country schools should be interested in the stock show. The rural schools should be tested in this matter and should have their attractions along this line. All schools should enter contests of various kinds in order to keep up the interest. He is for boosting the rural schools and is of the opinion that they are coming to the front. He is for the show again next year.
Several impromptu talks were then given and the toast master called upon nearly everyone in the room. Among those who gave short talks were: Chas. Spencer, L. B. Pollom, Myron Bell, W. J. Gilbreath, J. C. Jarvis, W. N. Harris, W. G. Mullett, Mr. Howen, E. G. Newman, Roy Kuhns, Ferd Marshall, J. Davis of Ashton, who had Herriford cattle at the show, John Elliott of Ashton, who classed the recent Wichita fair as a fake, Ollie Christy, local auctioneer, the Williams brothers of north of the city, Mr. Fite of Kay County, and Dr. J. H. Knapp.
H. S. Collinson gave an account of the plans that were carried out at the recent show, and he stated that the agricul­tural committee of the Chamber of Commerce, of which he is the chairman, is willing at all times to be of service to the farmers in this vicinity. The stock show and fair is always of advantage to the merchants and the farmers, as well, he said.
E. C. Mireau, president of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the dinner of the evening was served at the expense of the chamber and he welcomed the farmers to the city on this occasion.
C. M. Baird reported for the committee on the recent show and said that everyone in connection with the show and the exhibits was well pleased with the attraction and the results. He said that Houser and Adams, of Oxford, were well pleased with the show here and would come again next year.
R. C. Howard stated that he would be one of fifty men to donate the sum of $50 for the next year’s stock show and this brought forth a round of applause. There was no action taken on this suggestion, however.
Here the nominations and elections of officers and directors took place, and the names presented by the committee were read by J. W. Wilson. As they were presented before the meeting, they were each chosen without any unusual formalities, and none of those named by the committee offered any serious objections.
H. B. Holman, one of the exhibitors, who had alfalfa at the recent show, stated that he would turn in his premium money to the next year’s show.

Here there was a lively discussion in regard to the admis­sion charge and the entrance fee, for the coming attraction, next fall. There were differences of opinion in this regard and the matter was finally left to the board of directors, upon motion of W. N. Harris. Mr. Fite of Kay County advised that the fair be a free fair, as is held in the Kay County towns. He gave various reasons for this contention and said he was for a free fair all the time. Others objected to this plan, and some of those present thought that the plan of the recent show, to charge a small admission price at the gate and give the entrance fee for exhibits and the stalls free, was the best.
Then the matter of a name for the association was brought up and discussed. Mr. Mullett suggested that it be called the Tri-County fair. The chairman thought this was not the proper thing and so stated. He said not to give the impression that it was to be a county, or one, two, or three county affair, but to have it open to the world, so that anyone who desired could come here and exhibit their farm and stock products. The Kay County man urged the promoters to keep it a clean show and not to allow fakirs of any kind on the show ground. Finally a motion by R. C. Howard to call it the Arkansas City Fair Association prevailed, and the discussion ended.
Upon motion of Elmer Buffington, the crowd extended hearty thanks to the Arkansas City crowd for the fine dinner and the cordial treatment extended to the members of the audience at this time.
The meeting ended shortly before 11 o’clock, after a very harmonious and interesting discussion of the entire matter and the perfecting of the fair association, as outlined above.
There were representatives in attendance from Sumner and Cowley counties in Kansas and from Kay County, Oklahoma; also from Winfield, Oxford, Dexter, Ashton, and some of the smaller towns in the surrounding country.
Son of Mayor C. N. Hunt: Elwin Hunt...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 31, 1921.
Elwin Hunt is taking his vacation this week from the News office and started the sale of his new book of poems, which is now on the market.
Note: J. M. Tucker was constantly in trouble with the law. The following article mentions Mayor Hunt. There were more items re Tucker. Another item appears next to give an idea relative to Tucker...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, November 12, 1921.
Jim Tucker Taken in Custody By Undersheriff Here Yesterday.
J. M. Tucker was taken in custody last evening by Under-sher­iff Don Goldsmith, on complaint turned in to the county sheriff by Mayor Hunt. Tucker was on the street late yesterday afternoon in a drunken condition, according to reports from the officer. A gun belonging to him had been left in Attorney Hines’ office. He went to the office and got the gun in Hines’ absence, it is said, and later put in his appearance around the city hall, where his actions were observed by the mayor, who immediately phoned the sheriff. However, it is stated he was not flourishing any weapons at the time.

Tucker has been in the toils of the district court for some time, on three different charges: first, on a threat on Judge Swarts’ life; then on a charge of selling liquor; and also threatening the life of witnesses in the liquor case.
Attorney Hines had got him out of his difficulty, by an agreement between Tucker and his attorney with the county attor­ney, whereby Tucker was released from jail on a peace bond, which was originally $4,000; but which Attorney Hines had succeeded in having reduced to $1,500, and with the agreement that Tucker was to leave the state within ten days.
This ten-day period had lapsed and Tucker had been advised by his attorney that he had better get out of the country. By getting drunk he knocked down the whole structure, forfeiting his liberty and razing to the ground all the work of his attorney. His bond will now revert back to $4,000, which it is said he will not be able to raise.
Attorney Hines has notified Tucker that he will not defend him further.
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, November 14, 1921.
   Was Getting Illuminated and was Brought Back to Jail.
Cowley County jail last night was again the place of repose of J. M. Tucker, of certain wild escapades. He had been getting illuminated with his home brew, it was said, and was taken up for safe keeping.
A few weeks ago Tucker was fined $250 on a charge of assault on a policeman; and $100 on a liquor charge. He paid these fines and the costs in two other cases pending against him, one for assault and one for disturbance of the peace. He was also required to leave the state. It appears that he was getting ready to move to Oklahoma, and that he put on the illumination as a celebration.
This morning he was sober and was let go back to Arkansas City to finish going away. He is to be away by Monday morning under the terms of the protocol.—Courier.
Local officers say that Tucker was released in Winfield Saturday with the understanding that he was to have his goods packed and leave the city not later than this morning. He has rented a farm near Red Rock, Oklahoma, and will raise hogs there, it is said by some of his friends.
Attorney Hines says he has nothing whatever to do with the Tucker matter at this stage of the proceedings.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, November 15, 1921.
Used Yesterday to Wet Down Football Field at Athletic Park.
Yesterday the city’s new fire engine of the fire department was used for the first time since the official test. Mayor Hunt ordered the engine into use for the purpose of wetting down the clay on the athletic field in Paris park. The clay which has recently been hauled to the field was loose and undesirable as the sand was before the work of wetting it down. It is believed now that the clay will become packed and make a very fine field. The water was pumped from the canal and thrown on the field. The firemen gladly accepted the opportunity to do this service. The field will be used on Thursday and Friday afternoons of this week for games.

Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, November 28, 1921.
City Commission Passes on Kansas Gas & Electric Matter.
At the regular session of the city commission this morning, the much discussed franchise ordinance of the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., was taken up and adopted by the city board. The ordinance in this regard is the same as the franchise which was taken up by the city commission several weeks ago and which has been published in the city papers. The ordinance is No. 437.
It was ready by City Engineer C. W. Lusk at the meeting this morning and was adopted in sections in the regular manner by the board. Ben Hegler, of Wichita, and W. L. Cunningham, of this city, were present at the meeting to represent the company. The ordinance as it was adopted today will be published tomorrow.
In regard to the agreement with the Kansas Gas & Electric Co., in the matter of the maintenance of the canal bridges, Mayor Hunt and Manager Tingley, of the company, stated that the agree­ment was that the company should keep up the four bridges, located at the following places: Fifth avenue, Chestnut avenue, D street, and First street. Plans are now underway in the electric office for a new structure on Fifth avenue, it was stated, and this would be constructed first. Then the others are to be rebuilt as rapidly as the company can get to them. It was also stated that the agreement in regard to the extension of the street lighting system and the new lights off South Summit street, will be carried out by the company at once.
S. I. Pering was present at the meeting and asked if there could be a bridge put over the canal on B street. He was in­formed that the street was not opened south of the canal, but the mayor said that the matter would be considered.
An ordinance presented by R. W. Pharo, for the Ark Superior Oil Co., asking for permission  to erect a building on lot 14, block 222, in Enterprise addition, and granting the right for a term of fifty years, was referred to the city attorney. The clause relating to a fifty year franchise in this matter did not meet with the approval of the commission. It will be taken up later, as the city attorney was not present at the meeting today.
The matter of the assignment of the Stanton-Wallace contract to the Home National bank, was left over to be referred to the city attorney, as the commissioners did not think the papers were drawn in the proper manner.
City Engineer Lusk recommended that the gas company be refunded a bond in the sum of $1,000, which was put up for the repairing of paved streets, as the company had put all the streets referred to in proper shape.
Mayor Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, March 20, 1922. Front Page.

RECAP: W. B. Oliverson submitted the proposition of receiving some financial aid from the city in connection with the building and equipping of an armory here for the battery of field artil­lery now in process of being established by the government. While the government supplies the principal equipment to the extent of approximately $150,000, Mr. Oliverson stated that there are some things which would be required at the armory for the securing of which the government made no provision, and which is left to the city or county where the battery is located. He read the Kansas statute in regard to this matter, which authorized the city to contribute to the battery for the extra equipment desired in an amount not exceeding $2,000. The equipment not provided for, and which Mr. Oliverson stated would be necessary or essen­tial to have, consists of office furniture, a technical library, additional radio equipment, lockers, athletic equipment, gun racks, etc., the cost of which he estimates would be about $1,500.
Mayor Hunt stated that as usual in cases of this kind, the government did not provide for all the details necessary, but considered it as a business proposition, and in harmony with the view of the commissioners thought the matter ought to have fair consideration. It was brought out that the battery will spend approximately $15,000 a year here, and the mayor thought that any business or industrial enterprise that would guarantee to spend that much money in the city per year would be well worth a contribution from the city to the extent of $1,500 to $2,000 to get the institution established. The value of the battery unit to Arkansas City from the standpoint of the moral and physical development of the young men was pointed out, as well as the commercial nature of the proposition. The commission will give their answer to Capt. Oliverson at their next regular meeting.
1) Adopted an ordinance vacating a part of an alley adjacent to the site of the new armory building to be erected for Battery F of this city.
2) Presented an ordinance by police department...it passed.
Related to pawnbrokers, second hand dealers, and junk dealers, requiring these dealers to keep a register for recording the names of all parties selling them property of any character and requiring them to take a fingerprint record of all parties selling them goods of any kind...dealers to keep a record and report daily to the police.
Mayor Hunt: retires...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, April 17, 1922. Front Page.
L. C. Brown was nominated city attorney, Ed Marshall, city clerk, O. S. Gibson, police judge, and Ben Cross, sanitary officer, by Mayor-elect George H. McIntosh at city hall this morning. None of the nominations were confirmed as there was no vote taken at this time. Following are appointments by the mayor to which the two commissioners raised no objections: Chester Daily for chief of police; for police officers, C. E. Elliott, Frank Ketch, Wm. M. Charles, Robert Atterberry, Wm. Jobe, and George Sims.
Those objected to or laid over were Ben Cross, for sanitary officer; O. S. Gibson, police judge; J. H. Knapp, dairy inspec­tor; E. G. Marshall, city clerk; L. C. Brown, city attorney.
Mayor Hunt stated that the city had tentatively agreed to take over the aviation field, on a lease basis of $150.00 per annum, and the mayor designated Commissioner Sturtz to take charge of the field as a matter of convenience to the aviation interests in transacting business with the city. This completed the session of the old administration.

Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, April 17, 1922.
Retiring Mayor C. N. Hunt at city hall meeting where mayor-elect George H. McIntosh assumed his duties as mayor, did the following:
Mayor Hunt stated that the city had tentatively agreed to take over the aviation field, on a lease basis of $150.00 per annum, and he designated Commissioner Sturtz to take charge of the field as a matter of convenience to the aviation interests in transacting business with the city. This completed the session of the old administration.
Mrs. C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, June 3, 1922. Front Page.
Topeka, June 3.—Mrs. C. N. Hunt of Arkansas City, was in Topeka today to ask state officers of the American Legion auxil­iary to require the Arkansas City unit to accept her membership in that body. Miss Emma Hadorn, state secretary, said the local unit has authority to accept or reject the membership.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, June 6, 1922.
The Traveler queried E. S. Swan, Associated Press correspon­dent at Topeka, this morning, on the accuracy of the item carried by the Traveler Saturday.
The following reply was received on the Traveler leased wire.
“Topeka, Kans., June 6.—Miss Hadorn today said A. P. story was correct; declares she has no authority to order Mrs. Hunt installed as member; it is entirely up to local auxiliary unit. Opposition correspondent says he did not send out story denying A. P.’s Saturday story. It possibly was written there. Mrs. Hunt called up this morning, declaring Miss Hadorn ordered her membership OK’D. Miss Hadorn denies that she did so.—E. W. Swan, Associated Press correspondent, Topeka, Kansas.”
Mr. C. N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 23, 1922.
Between the hours of 11 o’clock last night and 6 this morning. C. N. Hunt’s 1920 model Hudson speedster was stolen from the garage, where he had left it, and the thieves up to the present have made a clean get-away with it.
The garage where Mr. Hunt kept his car belongs to Joe Tighe, the oil man, who resides at 125 North C street, while Mr. Hunt’s residence is at 119 North C street. The garage was open at the time, but the car was locked.
It is though the car was rolled up an incline from the garage, which would require the aid of two or three men, then it could have easily been rolled downhill to the Santa Fe tracks. For this reason, it is believed two or three parties are impli­cated in the theft.
The car originally cost Mr. Hunt $2,800, and it was insured by Claude Vaughan of the Hess Real Estate company for $1,400. It also was under the protection of the A. A. T. A.

The theft was reported to the police and the local officers are taking all steps possible to locate the car.
It was reported by the police this afternoon that there had been a clue of the whereabouts of the Hudson found. The car was traced out of the city to the east, on Chestnut avenue, and then it is thought it came back into town and went south, on the Summit Street road. Late today the auto had not been located.
C. N. Hunt, Postmaster at one time...
Arkansas City Traveler, Monday, July 17, 1922. Front Page.
While Marion Smith, assistant postmaster, was looking over some old records of the Arkansas City post office recently, he dug up the record which showed when the money order business was established in this post office. It was just fifty years ago today. The first money order was written by the postmaster himself and was for $25, dated July 17, 1872. The postmaster at that time was Aylmer D. Keith.
According to Postmaster Hartley and Assistant Smith, Keith was the first postmaster, but according to some older residents, particularly M. N. Sinnott, the city clerk, the first postmaster was Capt. Norton. Both Captain Sinnott and Judge C. L. Swarts say that Captain Norton had the original post office in a com­bined store and residence at 104 North B Street, the corner now occupied by Senator R. C. Howard’s modern residence.
The first uptown location of the post office, it seems, was on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue, in the William Rowan building. This building still stands the same as it was nearly half a century ago, except that it had a new roof put on it the other day.
During the reign of C. M. Scott as postmaster, the post office was moved to the location now occupied by the Saddle Rock café. It being the general tendency of the post office to travel southwest, its next location was in the 200 block on the west side of Summit Street, either in what is now Kuntz’s cloth­ing store or the building adjacent to it on the north occupied by the New Home restaurant.
When the post office was young, it was active and didn’t like to stay in one place very long. It saw a good location on West Fifth Avenue in the building now occupied by the Fifth Avenue Book Store, and proceeded to move into it. After resting for a time, it then roamed up the avenue a little farther and stopped in the old Carder building, only three doors west of its previous location.
Here it stayed until a contract was entered into with the Odd Fellows for the occupancy of the first floor of their build­ing, corner of Fifth Avenue and First Street. The first floor of this building was built especially for the home of the post office, and here it proceeded to stay and grow.
The majority of Arkansas City residents know the movements and conduct of the post office from that time on and know that it has behaved itself very well. Only a few years ago it made its last and final move for an indefinite time, when it went into a home of its own and stopped paying rent, made possible by an appropriation secured by Congressman P. P. Campbell of the third congressional district. Ever since, both the post office and Mr. Campbell have been doing business at the old stand.

The order in which the postmasters served Uncle Sam and the people of this community is said to be as follows: Captain Norton, Aylmer D. Keith, C. M. Scott, Dr. Hughes, J. C. Topliff, M. N. Sinnott, W. H. Nelson, M. N. Sinnott, R. C. Howard, C. M. Scott, C. N. Hunt, and George S. Hartley, the two-times being C. M. Scott and M. N. Sinnott.
Mail Carrier By Stage
The first mail was carried to Arkansas City by stage, the Santa Fe railroad not having been extended to Arkansas City till the late ‘70s. Billy Preston was the first stage driver. The mail was carried from Emporia, that being the terminus of the Santa Fe. Preston operated a two-horse-power stage between this city and El Dorado, and from there a four-horse stage was run to Emporia. They resembled an automobile in that they got stuck in the mud, but they were not equipped with speedometers.
The driver occupied a seat high and dry on top of the omnibus, and it is said that on some occasions when crossing streams raging with high water, the water would come up a foot or two in the stage, almost floating its occupants, and the matter would not be noticed by the driver until some of the passengers called his attention to it after getting on dry land.
By and by the Santa Fe was seized with worldly enthusiasm and extended its line west from Emporia, running a spur from its main line down to a little cow town called Wichita. Then a stage was operated out of Wichita to Arkansas City and a lot of other towns in the southwest. It was near 1880 when the Santa Fe ruthlessly competed the stage lines along its route out of business, little realizing that in forty years it would have a competitor in the automobile and aeroplane.
Business Doubled in Ten Years
The growth of the post office business is indicated in the cash receipts for years selected about five years apart as follows: 1907, $20,728.95; 1913, $27,460.70; 1916, $29,513.54; 1921, $53,258.24; ending December 31, 1921.
It will be seen from the above figures that the business of the office practically doubled in the last ten years. For the first quarter in 1922, the figures show a gain of $809.26 over the first quarter of 1921. “Regardless of war conditions and the stringency following the war, the post office has never shown a loss or slump, but has continued to increase each year,” said Postmaster Hartley.
Pay Roll is $4,000 a Month
Money orders issued since the money order business was established amount to a total of $314,515. The post office force consists of the postmaster, assistant postmaster, superintendent, 9 clerks, 9 city carriers, 6 rural carriers, and 2 janitors. The payroll if about $4,000 a month.
Clerks and carriers receive from $1,400 to $1,300 per year according to length of time they have been in the service or in the case of rural carriers according to miles traveled. The pay of a rural carrier is $1,800 on a 24-mile basis, and $30 a year for each mile in excess of that. The carrier on route 6 makes 32 miles daily, drawing down pay for eight miles in excess of the 24-mile minimum, which would be $240 a year, thus making his annual income $2,040.

In the original record which the assistant postmaster dug up, some of the names familiar to the Arkansas City public are: E. D. Eddy, who is reported to be living in Chicago; H. O. Meigs, who has been dead several years; Amos Walton, whose widow is a resident here; E. J. Hoyt, “Buckeye Joe,” who is dead; T. H. McLaughlin, who is a merchant in Pawhuska; Herman Godehard, who was a merchant here, but is now dead; I. H. Bonsall, dead; C. R. Sipes, hardware merchant, dead.
George S. Hartley’s tenure in the post office will expire July 29, 1923. The present post office building was completed in 1915. Although there are no vacancies at the present time, twelve men took the civil service examination held in the post office building, Saturday. Those passing will be qualified as clerks to take any vacancy in that line that might occur here or anywhere in the country.
  [Note: E. J. Hoyt was known as “Buckskin Joe.” MAW]
[Godehard’s first name was given as “Herman” and “Hermann.” MAW]
Mr. Charles N. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 19, 1922.
C. T. Atkinson, local attorney, today filed in the district court of this county at Winfield, a damage suit against the city of Arkansas City, alleging that the city officials, during the year 1920, overcharged him and his wife on the assessment for certain paving in an alley back of his residence, located on South Second street, the sum of $455.45. This case was taken up with the city officials some time ago by the owners of the lots in question and Attorney Atkinson at the time called attention of the officials to the alleged overcharge and asked them for a settlement in the matter. This demand brought out an explanation of the financial affairs of the case by the city engineer, C. W. Lusk, which was published in the Traveler, and an answer by T. P. Alford, former city engineer. Atkinson threatened a damage suit at the time and now the petition has been prepared and was filed today.
C. T. Atkinson is the plaintiff, and the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, Charles W. Lusk, Charles N. Hunt, Lewis A. Sturtz, and the Stanton Construction Company are the defendants.
Following is a copy of the petition which is signed by C. T. Atkinson and Tom Pringle, for the Plaintiff.
The plaintiff states that he has resided in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, for more than forty years and that said city is his residence and post office address; that he is the owner of lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 in block 88 in the original townsite of said city and that his wife, Jessie Atkinson, is the owner of lots 6, 7, and 8 in the same block, and that for a valuable consideration, she has conveyed to this plaintiff all her claims in the matters hereinafter stated; and for a cause of action against said defendants and each of them this plaintiff avers:

That the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, is a city of the 2nd class under and by virtue of the statutes of the state of Kansas; that Charles W. Lusk, was at all the times hereinafter mentioned, the appointed acting city engineer of said city; that the defendant, Charles N. Hunt, was at all said times, the duly elected and acting mayor of said city; that the defen­dant, Lewis A. Sturtz, was at all said times one of the commis­sioners of said city, the said city being at all of said times under the commission form of government; that the defendant, the Stanton Construction Company, was at all said times as this plaintiff is informed and believes, a corporation, and that it was hired by the other defendants to construct pavement on the streets and alleys of said city; that some time in the fall of 1920 the defendants entered a contract between said construction company and the other defendants to pave the alley separating block 88 in the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, the lots belonging to this plaintiff and his wife being a portion of the lots comprising said block, and that the price agreed upon between the defendants was the sum of $3.75 per square yard, apportioned according to law, and that each lot is twenty-five feet wide.
Plaintiff further states that after the said defendant had entered into a contract to pave said alley, with the design to cheat and defraud this plaintiff and his wife, in the paving of the 225 feet by 8 feet and which comprised the surface of that portion of the alley, which under the law fell to this plaintiff and his wife to pay, the entered into a conspiracy by which they would charge much more than the contract price, in this to-wit: that they would not pave the said alley the full width, but would and did pave the said alley only fifteen feet and ten and one half inches, thus cheating and defrauding the plaintiff and the public out of that portion of the contract price; that they charged for a surveyor and engineer, for services, when the city had employed the defendant, Charles W. Lusk, as city engineer at the modest salary of $4,200.00 per year, for such work, and that the said engineer was ably assisted in his said work by some two or three assistant engineers, drawing nearly equally remunerative salaries; that the defendant, Lusk, conspiring with the other defendants and intending to cheat and defraud said plaintiff and his wife the sum of $998.20, when the correct allotment was the sum of $807.27.
Plaintiff further states that the property of his wife and himself had been assessed for paving purposes when Adams Avenue, Washington Avenue, and Second Streets had been paved, and that he had always been notified by the city officers, namely the commis­sioner of streets and alleys, and by the city engineer of the amount assessed to their property, and that he had always paid the same in cash, that while the said alley was being paved, this plaintiff requested John Clay, then one of the commissioners of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, to ascertain the amount assessed to his wife and himself on the alley paving, and also requested said Clay to notify the engineer and Sturtz, the commissioner, to send this plaintiff a statement of said assess­ment as soon as the same was ascertained, and that the said commissioner promised so to do, and that this plaintiff relied on said promise and on the usual custom of notifying the persons assessed, of the amount of their assessment, and ascertained some time after the completion of the paving that the defendants fraudulently concealed the fact of the amount assessed to this plaintiff and had issued bonds on said property for the said false amount at the rate of 5½ percent interest and had sold said bonds for the purpose of evading any suit this plaintiff might bring to restrain the issuing of said bonds, and that said bonds run for the period of twenty years from the issuance thereof.
That by the fraud, deception, and artifice practiced upon this plaintiff by the defendants, as heretofore set forth, he was deprived of the knowledge of what the amount was that was as­sessed against said property and the issuance of said bonds and has been damaged in the following sums to-wit:
Original overcharge  $ 190.93
“Change” to city engineer 44.60
Shortage on contract 10.90
Interest on $190.93 for twenty years at 5 ½ percent on bonds issued: $210.02
Total: $455.45

Whereof this plaintiff demands judgment against the defen­dants and each of them in the sum of four hundred and fifty-five and 45-100 ($455.45) dollars with five and one half percent per annum interest thereon from the day of October 19-20 and for the costs of this action all other proper relief.
Mr. C. N. Hunt, proprietor of the Empire Laundry...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, September 8, 1922.
C. N. Hunt, proprietor of the Empire Laundry, is at his home in a serious condition as the result of an accident which occurred last night, while returning to this city from Cherryvale, Kansas.
The accident happened about five miles north of Udall. Road workers were putting in a culvert and had dug a trench, which was eight to ten feet deep. It was about 8 o’clock when Mr. Hunt, driving his new Hudson coach automobile, approached the trench. He was driving about 20 miles per hour, he reports, and did not slow down for the reason that there were no warning signals and no lights of any kind to give warning of danger. The car went into the ditch with a smash.
Mr. and Mrs. John Long and Mrs. Guy Featherhoff and guest, Mrs. Duncan of Pittsburg, who had been to Wichita, were coming behind Mr. Hunt a distance of about one hundred yards. Mr. Long stated that it was a very dangerous place and that there were no warning signals of any kind at the place.
The Long party found Mr. Hunt in an unconscious condition. They immediately put him in their car and hastened to Udall, where Mr. Hunt was given emergency treatment. Upon the arrival of the party here, Mr. Hunt was taken to his home, 119 North C Street, where a local doctor worked with him about two hours, administering to his needs.
He was cut about the head and face, and there were cuts on his chest, also his hands were badly cut and bruised and his back was wrenched. While his injuries are very painful, he is reported not to be in a serious condition.
The accident happened in Montgomery County, it was stated, and damages will be asked of that county. The auto mechanic who went after the Hunt car reported the car was badly damaged.
Mr. Hunt had been in attendance at a Republic Third congres­sional district pow-wow, as chairman of a delegation from Cowley County.
Mr. Long reports that another car had just such an accident at the place only a few nights ago, as there were no lights there to warn the drivers of the danger.
This afternoon Mr. Hunt was reported to be doing as well as could be expected, and members of the family stated he was in a semi-conscious condition.