Elwin Hunt


   Son of C. N. Hunt, Arkansas City.
Hunt, C. N., 28; spouse, H. E., 27.
[Bunner Cemetery Records Riverview Cemetery, Arkansas City 11/96]
Hunt, Charles N., birth date 1865, Space 4, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Hunt, Elwin S., birth date 1888, Space 6, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Hunt, Helen E., birth date 1866, Space 2, lot 152, block ?, Add. SOUTH.
Elwin Hunt was living in El Dorado, Kansas, when he appeared as a witness at the preliminary hearing relative to Luella Moncravie murdering her husband in 1917. Mr. Hunt was described as being very deaf.
Excerpts from that trial follow pertaining to Elwin Hunt...
Death of Henry Moncravie.
On the night of June 1, 1917, in the south­west corner of the parking of the United Presbyterian Church, just north of the  Fifth Avenue sidewalk, at the B Street and East Fifth Avenue intersection, Arkansas City, Kansas, Henry E. Moncravie fell, after leaving the house of his estranged wife at 119 South C Street in that city.
That night the report from a gun was heard by several people near Mrs. Luella Moncravie’s residence. Al F. Good, at that time an express driver in Arkansas City, was walking by when Henry Moncravie approached him from the house, crying “Call a doctor, quick,” and then proceeded to the corner and turned west on Fifth Avenue. Mr. Good then heard a woman scream and a phone ring. He saw Mrs. Moncravie in front of the house, sobbing and talking to a neigh­bor lady, “I’ve shot him. I know I’ve killed him!” Good told Mrs. Moncravie that he had seen her husband depart and that he didn’t think Henry Moncravie had been shot.
Luella Moncravie did not respond to Good’s statement. She asked her neighbor to answer the phone for her, was refused, and promptly returned to her home. Startled by events, Mr. Good asked the neighbor what had happened and was told by her that Henry Moncravie had been shot. Mr. Good then saw Mrs. Moncravie leave the house, now wearing a coat, and quickly hurry away. Good followed.
Ralph M. Stillwell, an employee of the Hill-Howard Motor Co., driving home in an eastward direction from the Rex theatre, saw a man lying on his side, leaning upon his elbow, in the church parking. Stillwell rushed to his side. Henry Moncravie stated he was shot and asked Stillwell to take him to the Windsor Hotel across the street. Instead of carrying Mr. Moncravie to the Windsor Hotel, Stillwell rushed to the residence nearby of Ross Hayden and asked him to phone for a doctor. As he left Mr. Moncravie, Stillwell saw a woman approaching.

As Stillwell rushed off, Luella Moncravie located her husband. Mr. Good was right behind her and heard her say, “Henry, I wouldn’t have shot you for anything.” Henry Moncravie was groaning, and said nothing. Mrs. Moncravie told Good, “Get a doctor; get a move on you.” Mr. Good rushed to the nearby Windsor Hotel and phoned Dr. Hahn. He then notified Police­man Tom O’Connell and Night-watchman Allie Gilbert that someone had been injured and was at the intersection on B street and East Fifth Avenue.
Night-watchman Allie Gilbert and Policeman Tom O’Connell, summoned by Mr. Good, arrived next.
Mr. R. D. Howard, a member of the Arkansas City Daily Traveler staff, was driving north on B street and arrived at the scene about 9:30 p.m., when no one was present except the wounded man, Night-watchman Gilbert, Policeman O’Connell, and Mrs. Luella Moncravie. Recognizing Mr. Howard, Henry Moncravie asked him to get a doctor for him as he was suffering great pain. The wounded man lay on the ground, hatless and coatless, with his head resting in the lap of Night-watchman Allie Gilbert. Mr. Howard asked: “What happened?” Mrs. Luella Moncravie, who stood beside her husband, wringing her hands and weeping hysteri­cally,  sobbed: “I had to shoot him or he would have shot me.”
Stillwell returned, followed closely by Mr. Hayden, who had phoned Dr. Young for assistance.
In recounting events, Mr. Howard commented:
“Mrs. Moncravie soon walked to a small tree about 15 feet from where her wounded husband lay on the ground and putting her arms around it, leaned on it for support, then sank to the ground, where she lay with her head almost in the gutter for several minutes.  No one went to her assistance and she finally got up and returned to the side of her husband.”
By this time a good-sized crowd had arrived, among them the only daughter of Henry Moncravie, Miss Eunice Moncravie. At the sight of her father, she broke down with emotion and her cries were most pitiful and heart rending.
Dr. Hahn was the first doctor to arrive; soon followed by Dr. Young. The injured man was placed in Dr. Young’s car and taken to the Arkansas City Hospi­tal by the doctors, officers, and Mrs. Moncravie. Despite all efforts to save him, Henry Moncravie died at 11:30 o’clock. He passed away without making a statement even though fully conscious and rational until he was placed under anesthetic.
Harry Collinson took Miss Eunice Moncravie to the hospital, where she was calmed by nurses. A phone call was made to C. S. Beekman, a lawyer used frequently by Henry Moncravie. From the hospital, Mr. Beekman called Deputy Attorney Ed. J. Fleming, informing him of the situa­tion. Miss Moncravie spent the night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beekman, and the next day was given in charge of her aunt, Mrs. Murphy of Law­rence, Kansas.
Mrs. Luella Moncravie, who did not enter the hospital, was escorted by Policeman Pauley to her home. Her daughter’s friend, Mr. C. C. Winters, was present when word reached them that Henry Moncravie was dead. Mrs. Moncravie, escorted by Pauley and Winters, went to Winfield and turned herself over to Cowley County Sheriff B. R. Day.
Deputy County Attorney Fleming, who resided in Arkansas City, went to Winfield the next afternoon to consult with other county officials and to accompany Sheriff Day and Mrs. Moncravie back to the city.

Dr. H. W. Marsh, county coroner, came to Arkansas City to investigate the case, having been called by Constable Gray. Upon his arrival he learned that Mr. Fleming had already issued a warrant charging Luella Moncravie with first degree murder; as a result, Dr. Marsh took no further action in the case, stating that had the woman not been under arrest, it would have been his duty to hold an inquest.
Mrs. Luella Moncravie was represented by her attorney, A. M. Jackson.  County Attorney James McDermott came in from Winfield for the arraign­ment before Justice McIntire in the Arkansas City court. The attorneys agreed to set the case for preliminary hearing on Wednesday, June 20th, and Justice McIntire fixed the bond at $5,000. When the bond matter was handled by William Bunnell and F. J. Hess, Mrs. Moncravie was released from custody.
The preliminary hearing began at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 20, 1917, in the large room in the basement of the Home National Bank building.
Elwin Hunt.
Elwin Hunt, city editor of the Eldorado Republican, son of C. N. Hunt of Arkansas City, told of seeing Henry Moncravie strike the defendant. That this took place in the spring of 1916. His description was graphic, humorous, and showed a most observing disposition.  Hunt rapidly drew a map of the situation, describing it as he went, and even the spectators at a distance could get his idea. That on this occasion Mr. Henry Moncravie used a 3 foot 1 inch by 1 inch stick three feet long.
Elwin Hunt testified that while he was a guest at the house of Aunt Clara Farrar, he heard her exclaim loudly: “There is going to be a fight.” That he looked out the window and saw Henry Moncravie coming down a path towards Luella Moncravie at the rear of the Moncravie house. Being very deaf, Mr. Hunt testified that he could not hear what was said, but he observed that the Moncravies were talking to one another. That he then saw Henry Moncravie slap Luella Moncravie. That the defen­dant then struck back. That Mr. Moncravie dodged and she missed him. That Henry Moncravie then picked up the stick, previ­ously described by Mr. Hunt, and struck at Luella Moncravie with it. That the defendant then fled from the scene into the house.
Elwin Hunt was living in Arkansas City in October 1921...
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Monday, October 31, 1921.
Elwin Hunt is taking his vacation this week from the News office and started the sale of his new book of poems, which is now on the market.