H. L. Hunt
Emporia News, June 5, 1868.
Fight Between Cheyennes and Kaws.
Wednesday, at five o’clock, Mr. Pyle, of Cottonwood Falls, arrived here bringing the following letter from two of the most reliable men of that place.
Mr. Pyle says this information was obtained from the citizens of Cottonwood Falls who saw the Indians on Diamond Creek.
The Indians were camped at Marion Center for two days, and said they were coming down to “clean out the Kaws.” They showed no signs of depredations until Tuesday morning.
Mr. Pyle says about 25 families had come into Cottonwood Falls for protection, from west of that point.
Several of our citizens started last night for the Falls.
The following is the letter received from Hunt and Doolittle.
COTTONWOOD FALLS, June 3rd, 1868.
JACOB STOTLER—Dear Sir: Reports of a startling character have arrived here of Indian depredations.
First, that some five hundred wild Indians passed Marion Center, on Tuesday morning—
that they committed depredations there.
Word has just come to us direct from Diamond Creek. They are there, killing stock and cleaning out every house. There may be some degree of exaggeration, but there is no doubt but what there is a large number of Indians, and committing all sorts of depredations.
Think you had better take immediate steps for safety; also send such help as you can up this way. Respectfully, H. L. HUNT. J. S. DOOLITTLE.
Emporia News, June 5, 1868.
About a dozen of us arrived here last night at 12 o’clock.
We find things more quiet here than we anticipated. Men just in from Diamond Creek put a better face on things than our former intelligence did. That the Indians—said to be Cheyennes, from 400 to 600 strong—have been on Diamond Creek and are marching toward the Kaw Reserve, for the express purpose of fighting the Kaws, there can be no doubt. No depredations have been committed except the killing of from two to five head of cattle, and the stoning of one house.
What are these Indians down here for? That’s a question we propose to investigate a little farther, and we strike out this morning in the direction of Kaw agency.
There are sixty Kaw warriors in arms. It is supposed that they can do nothing against the large force of Cheyennes, and some fears are expressed that the cry of fighting Kaws is only a blind. It is generally believed that these Indians mean mischief on their return. An effort will be made to make them return over the same route they came in on. We ought to have one hundred more men. We only have about 150 and all are poorly armed with a few exceptions. It is believed there will be a little chunk of a fight between the Kaws and Cheyennes this morning, and the boys are all keen to see it. The boys are getting “to horse,” and I close.
LATER. We learn of a gentleman from Council Grove that a large body of Cheyennes made their appearance near Council Grove on Wednesday evening, the 3rd, dressed and painted for the war path. They passed down the Neosho about six miles below the Grove and attacked the Kaws in the timber in the neighborhood of the Kaw Agency. They kept up a skirmish for an hour or two and darkness coming on, the Cheyennes returned to camp just west of the Grove; keeping out a large number of scouts during the night. On Thursday morning the Cheyennes were not to be found. The citizens of Council Grove sent out a large number of scouts to ascertain their whereabouts, but when our informant left there they had not ascertained where they had gone to. The Agent of the Kaws sent a messenger to Fort Riley for Government troops. As far as we can learn the Cheyennes have not as yet murdered any white people, but have plundered several houses. They declare they will have some Kaw scalps before they return.
Quite a number of our citizens have gone out to discover what it all means.
Emporia News, June 12, 1868.
In company with ten or a dozen of our citizens we went “post haste” to Cottonwood Falls last week on the receipt of the letter from Messrs. H. L. Hunt and J. S. Doolittle. Our reasons for going were two, as follows: 1st, because two responsible and reliable citizens of the Falls asked for “what help could be sent up that way;” and 2nd, to see just what there was in the reported Indian troubles, that we might give our readers a truthful account.
Some of our friends thought we had better say nothing about the matter, as it would tend to discourage immigration in this direction. We take a different view of the subject. It is always best in the long run to give the truth about such reports. If there was real danger, it was our duty as a public journalist to tell the people so. If there was no danger, it was equally our duty to publish it. If we could keep the reports of such things at home, there might be no necessity for local papers to say anything about them. But these reports were bound to get out, and have already appeared in all the dailies of this State, and we doubt not, others at a distance. Persons at a distance picking up THE NEWS and seeing not a word said about the Indians would at once come to the conclusion that the matter was so bad that we did not want to say anything, from interested motives, for fear of creating a panic. And so, notwithstanding we desire to see immigrants coming as much as any person can; notwithstanding all our interests are here, and we have a piece of property for sale, we thought best to give such reports about the matter as seemed to us most reliable at the time.
We didn’t “go to the front” to get into a fight. Not much. That ain’t our style. Just as we expected when we left Emporia, the nearer we got to the scene of the reported difficulties, the less scary the affair looked, and although we traveled for thirty-six hours almost constantly, in the direction of the Indians, we did not so much as see one. Like the milk sickness, they were just ahead, but we didn’t catch up with them. The Indian raid was made up of about four-fifths scare and one-fifth truth. As usual on such occasions, the thousand reports flying over the country were unreliable. We found the people of Cottonwood Falls quiet, and apparently very little alarmed. Some families had come in there from Marion County for protection.
The object of the visit of the Indians to the settlements was to make war upon the Kaws. The last named tribe visited the Cheyennes last fall, and killed seven of their number and stole a lot of their ponies. The Cheyennes swore vengeance, and sent word that as soon as the grass was sufficiently large they should visit the Kaws for the purpose of avenging the outrages committed upon them.
The Cheyennes repeatedly said they did not intend to disturb the whites and did not want any trouble with them.
The extent of the depredations in Marion County were, that some five or six head of cattle were killed for beef, and one family was somewhat frightened by demonstrations of a warlike nature, but no real harm was done them.
After the fight with the Kaws, two houses were burned on the Kaw reservation which were occupied by Frenchmen who had married half-breed squaws. The Indians marched through Council Grove both as they came in and went back. They did not attempt any disturbances in the Grove. A mile and a half west of the town they destroyed all the household goods of a Mr. Polk, tearing up his bed clothes, emptying the feathers out of the beds, etc. It was stated that this was done to revenge some wrongs which Mr. Polk had done them. Whether there was any truth in the statement or not, we do not know. Further out on the Santa Fe road, they robbed the house of R. B. Lockwood. We did not hear any particular reason given for this outrage. There are reports that the Indians committed various other thefts and depredations, but they lack proof. We have only given what we know to be true.
The number that came into the Kaw Agency was variously estimated at from seventy-five to one hundred and fifty. It is pretty well ascertained that only about eighty were engaged in the fight with the Kaws. They fought some two hours, firing about three thousand shots. One Kaw received a scratch on the hand and one Cheyenne was shot in the foot. After the fight the Kaws, who only have about one hundred warriors, all told, pursued the Cheyennes to within three quarters of a mile of the Grove. There was every evidence that this band was only sent forward as a sort of a feeler, and that a large number of Cheyennes remained behind. They said repeatedly that they were coming back. They were riding bare-backed horses and each had two revolvers. The result of their trip must have been very unsatisfactory to them. The only way we can account for their leaving so abruptly and without having satisfaction out of the Kaws is that the number of white men in arms was becoming rather thick on the prairies to suit them, and they feared a conflict with the whites. As near as we could judge there were not less than two hundred and fifty men tolerably well armed and mounted watching them, and the number was rapidly augmenting. The Indians concluded they had better go. It is said they will come back, as they intend to wage a general war on the Osages and Kaws this summer. The assertion made about their coming back is only guess work. It is said the Cheyennes had a permit from Col. Wynkoop, their agent, to make this trip, under pretense of protecting their frontier from the Osages, and stating that they were peaceable Indians. An officer at Fort Harker saw this permit. If Wynkoop gave these Indians such a document, he ought to be removed at once. He certainly knows that the visits of the Cheyennes to the white settlements will lead to trouble.
The whites do not propose to interfere in the quarrel between the Cheyennes and Kaws. They are willing for them to fight as much as they please. But they will not submit to have their country overrun. And for that reason every citizen is anxious to see the Kaws and Osages removed at once. At present their reservations are almost surrounded by whites. They can go on the plains and commit outrages against other Indian tribes and then take refuge on their reservations in the white settlements, and be comparatively secure. This has been the practice of these miserable cowardly tribes. Some of the plains tribes have become so incensed at them that they say they will have revenge even if they have to come in among the whites. If they do come in, it will be impossible for them to go out without committing more or less damage, and hence there is danger of trouble with them. The government should see that they do not make further raids upon the settlements. The Kaws and Osages should be moved onto the plains at once. Their removal is loudly called for both for the good of the whites and the Indians.
This same body of Cheyennes have visited the Arkansas and Walnut, stating that they were going to fight the Osages. We have heard of no damage being done by them, down there. The people were somewhat frightened, and gathered in small parties for protection.
But at the present writing all is quiet. The Indians have probably gone back to the plains. We wish to say to immigrants that thee is no more danger here from Indians than there is of being garroted or run off a railroad track in the East, and hardly as much. Knowing what we do about such excitements as the last one, and having no desire to deceive or misrepresent to gain population, we say to those who are coming that we would have no hesitation in settling at once in Lyon, Butler, Marion, Chase, Greenwood, or any of the counties of Southwestern Kansas. There is really nothing alarming, as we can see, in the late Indian demonstration.
Emporia News, November 5, 1869.
CHASE COUNTY. Three candidates for Representative: F. B. Hunt, A. S. Howard, and Capt. H. Bradley. Mr. Hunt was elected.
County officers elected: Commissioners, G. W. Brickell, H. E. Snyder, and H. L. Hunt.
Treasurer: U. B. Warren.
Sheriff: F. E. Smith.
Emporia News, November 19, 1869.
[An accusation came from H. Brandley of Matfield Green, Chase County, Kansas, dated November 7th to Editor Stotler re dirty campaign run by H. L. Hunt, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee, stated that Hunt virtually ran the ticket that was elected: H. L. Hunt and H. E. Snyder as Commissioners, etc.]
Note: Editor Stotler stated: “In another column we publish a communication from Chase county. We know nothing of the matters spoken of, and do not wish to be understood as endorsing it.
H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls, was part of the initial town company from Emporia and surrounding towns. I have often wondered about his involvement in matters pertaining to Cowley County. The following article mentions him and also has mention of “Hunt and Fawcett” (from Emporia?) as being involved in the beginning of the town that became Arkansas City. Unfortunately, the article does not tell us which Hunt this was! Further stories about “H. L. Hunt” follow the first, which date wise does not correspond with them. MAW
Emporia News, February 25, 1870.
This new town (formerly called Delphi) at the mouth of the Walnut seems to promise good things. The town company consists of Messrs. Plumb, Stotler, Norton, Eskridge, and Kellogg, of Emporia; Judge Brown and H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls; Kellogg & Bronson, of El Dorado; Baker & Manning, of Augusta; and Messrs. G. H. Norton, Strain, Brown, Moore, and Wilkinson on the site.
Mr. John Morris, of this place, is intending to open a grocery store there speedily. The company have the material to start a newspaper as soon as circumstances will permit. The company have not yet received a title to the land, but hold it as yet by the border law. They make good offers to all actual settlers. Having 160 acres of timber adjacent to the town site, they offer a lot and the necessary timber to any person who will build a log house, and proportional bounties to those who make more costly improvements.
Mr. Clarke’s bill, to remove the Osage Indians and open the land to actual settlers, recently received a decided majority in a test vote in the House of Representatives; and the Senate committee has reported favorably upon a similar bill. It is almost certain that this will speedily become a law, and that the land will be dedicated to civilization within the next thirty days. There is already an immense rush of settlers in that direction. Thousands on thousands of fertile homesteads await the coming of the pioneer.
A considerable Welsh colony is already located upon the Arkansas bottoms, a short distance above Cresswell, the vanguard of a great host of most worthy, moral, industrious, intelligent people.
Cresswell is an excellent site for merchants, mechanics, mill-wrights, and all classes of workers. Owing to its position at the convergence of several of the finest valleys in Kansas, and only seven or eight miles from the southern border, it must be the center of a great traffic with the Indian tribes and the military posts. The soil and climate are especially adapted to livestock, hoed crops, and fruits.
Messrs. Hunt & Fawcett, of this place, have located there, intending to embark in the fruit and nursery business. No point in the State is better provided with building materials—
sand, timber, clay, sandstone, and the choicest magnesian limestone. For young men of energy and enterprise, seeking new homes on the border, we know of no better site than Creswell.
The place wants, immediately, a hotel, stores of different sorts, a sawmill, and a full representation of the various mechanical trades. For all these, the town company offer good inducements. Who speaks first?
Sherb. Hunt or W. Sherb. Hunt or W. S. Hunt...Arkansas City.
Emporia News, March 25, 1870.
Change in Proprietorship -OF- NEOSHO VALLEY NURSERY.
HAVING decided to locate at Cresswell, I have sold the Neosho Valley Nursery to John Fawcett and Sherb. Hunt. Their motto, like mine, will be good stock at fair prices, and true to name. MAX FAWCETT.
Emporia News, March 25, 1870.
Shade Trees Planted.
We are now ready to receive orders for planting shade trees. FAWCETT & HUNT.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871.
A company has been organized under the above name, having for its object the construction of a railroad commencing at Council Grove, Morris County, Kansas, and thence by way of Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Chelsea, El Dorado, Augusta and Douglass, Butler County, Winfield and Arkansas City, Cowley County, and thence on the most direct and practicable route to Florence, near the mouth of the Little Wichita, on Red River, Texas.
The capital stock of said company to be one million dollars.
A meeting of the directors of said company was held at Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Kansas, January 4th, A. D. 1871.
The proceedings of the meeting were as follows.
In the absence of Hon. T. H. Baker, President, Vice President C. A. Britton took the chair. After a lengthy discussion of the project by Messrs. Wood, Baker, Stover, and others, the meeting proceeded with the following action: At the request and recommendation of G. M. Simcock, treasurer by the charter, William Shamleffer was elected to fill vacancy as director and treasurer. H. L. Hunt was also elected to fill vacancy of director.
S. N. Wood, superintendent, was authorized to cause books to be opened in the Indian Territory and in Texas for subscriptions to the capital stock of the company. Hon. E. S. Stover was authorized to open books in Council Grove, Morris County; H. L. Hunt in Chase County; T. H. Baker in Augusta; H. T. Sumner in El Dorado, Butler County; E. C. Manning in Winfield; and H. B. Norton in Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas.
On motion Hon. E. S. Stover, Hon. James Finney, Hon. S. M. Wood, Hon. L. S. Friend, Hon. T. H. Baker, and Hon. E. C. Manning were appointed a committee to ask the Legislature of the State of Kansas for the passage of a memorial asking Congress to grant the right of way to the above railroad company through the government lands in the south of Kansas and the Indian Territory to Texas.
It was moved and adopted that S. N. Wood, H. P. Dumas, and A. Eldridge be a committee to procure action and the influence of the Legislature of Texas in favor of obtaining the right of way through the Indian Territory and also obtaining a grant of land from the State to the company. The said committee were also authorized to present to the proper authorities the question of getting a transfer of the Atchison branch road as required by act of Congress, running from where said Atchison road crosses the Neosho River to where the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston road crosses the same, to run from Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, by way of the Walnut Valley in Butler and Cowley Counties, to the south line of the State of Kansas.
Moved and adopted that the Superintendent cause a preliminary survey of the road to be made, if the same can be done without involving the company in debt. Moved and adopted that the proper officer, as soon as local subscriptions are sufficient, cause to be let under contract any portion of said road and, also, to negotiate with any other railroad company to construct any part or the whole of said road. It was also resolved that the secretary correspond with the secretary of St. Joseph, Wamego and Council Grove R. R. Co., in relation to the probability or possibility of forming a continuous line of the two roads. It was moved that subscriptions to capital stock of the company be received, payable in county and township bonds, lands, or town lots at their cash value, and that certificates of paid up stock be issued therefor as well as the ordinary subscriptions of stock in money. Ordered that the secretary furnish a copy of the proceedings of this meeting to the newspapers of Morris, Chase, Butler, and Cowley Counties. Moved and adopted that the meeting adjourn subject to call by the secretary. C. A. BRITTON, Vice-President.
W. S. ROMIGH, Secretary.