Various Hunt Members
First name of Mr. Hunt is not given...
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
While fires are raging all over the country and destroying lives by the hundreds and property by the millions, it is not strange that we are called upon to chronicle some of the fire demon’s work in our county. Last Saturday the country between the Walnut and Arkansas rivers was burned over; the loss of property was great, in many instances, the hard working farmer losing all he had except the clothes he wore, and himself and family barely escaping with their lives. We give below a list of these losses so far as we have been able to learn them.
Mr. Spangler lost 60 tons of hay, Mr. Brown 20 tons, Mr. Meeks 90 tons, J. S. Wooley a stable and 10 tons, Mr. Road five tons and a stable valued at $300, H. Hickman lost his house, S. Pennington 6 tons of hay, Mr. Hunt lost a house and 10 tons of hay, Walker lost house, hay, and fencing, Gleason 6 tons of hay, Paul 10 tons, Dunn 20 tons and stable, Dr. Headrick 20 tons, Copple lost house, clothing, and money—all he had; Sargent lost house and clothing. a great many others suffered losses but we have been unable to learn their names and the amount of damages they sustained. This fire is said to have started from a steam saw mill on the Arkansas; the wind was blowing very hard and although most of the farmers had either burned or plowed around their farms as protection against fire, the wind was so high that the flames swept through the tall, dry grass at a fearful rate, and the narrow strips of breaking and ground which had been burned over were no bar to them.
Fires are now burning in every direction and we have no doubt but that the losses given above are a small part of those sustained.
First name of Mr. Hunt is not given...
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
The largest stock of Boots and Shoes in the Southwest is now being opened at Cochran & Hunt’s.
U. S. Hunt...
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Proceeded to act on the following Road Petitions.
Report on County Road of Godfrey’s was received and adopted, and ordered opened, and damages were allowed to U. S. Hunt, to the amount of $18, and also to E. P. Hoyt for the same amount.
William Hunt...
Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.
Last Monday night a most terrific prairie fire swept over the country between Silver and Grouse creeks. The wind was blowing very hard, and to put the fire out, or even get out of its way was impossible. Mr. William Hunt was bringing a load of goods from Independence for E. E. Hillis, of this place, and the night being cool, he made his bed by a hay stack and went to sleep. In the night the fire came onto him while asleep, and burned him to death. His team was close by and shared the same fate, and the goods and wagon were entirely consumed by flames. Persons living in the neighborhood knew his situation, and started to rescue him, but no horse was fleet enough to keep up with the fire, so to save him was impossible.
There is too much carelessness in putting out fire at this season, when but few are prepared with fire breaks to defend their property. We have not learned the extent of the damage done by the fire, but with such a wind to drive it ahead, but little property in its track could be saved at all.
S. B. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Board met in county clerk’s office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following described section line roads were laid over under the rule until next meeting.
Section line road of S. B. Hunt, commencing at N E corner of Sec 1, town 31, R 5 E; thence S to S E corner Sec 24, town 31, R 5 E, to intersect road running from Winfield to Lazette, to be 50 ft wide.
Olive A. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
Number of Marriage Licenses issued for the year ending December 31, 1873: 88.
The following were issued for the month of December just ended.
Charles Fisk to Olive A. Hunt.
Dr. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Dr. Hunt has gone to Missouri on a short visit.
Samuel R. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. Samuel R. Hunt vs. W. L. Cottingham.
Willis Hunt...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. J. D. Bosworth vs. Willis Hunt.
Wm. Hunt was employed at Kaw Agency. Am only giving his first report. See Volume II, Indians, Cowley County History for more of his stories. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1876.
Flood at Kaw Agency—Fourth of July With the Indians.
KAW AGENCY, July 4, 1876.
Editor Traveler:
I came home from your city on the afternoon of the 28th of June, through a terrific rain, which continued in unceasing torrents until noon the next day. Beaver Creek was at high water mark at sunrise on the morning of the 29th, and by noon it was ten feet above anything ever known, sweeping fences, pig styes, chicken houses, and crops; corn five and six feet high entirely submerged. Indians and half breeds had to flee their tents and houses, the water being four feet deep on the first floors. The engine at the mill was entirely submerged, and a pig was found lodged in the forks of a tree, some ten or twelve feet from the ground, the next day after the waters had subsided, and rescued, still alive, by an Indian.
We have made no estimate of the loss to the Mission and Agency farms, nor to the loss of our Indians; neither do I suppose that your readers would be interested in such an estimate—knowing, as they generally do, the Indian’s capability of making up by traffic and begging any loss he may suffer. Furthermore, it is not my object to give you a doleful picture of the damage done by the flood, so much as to inform you of the great Centennial celebration held at this place today.
In order to revive the drooping spirits of our red brethren, occasioned by their recent losses, the managers of affairs decided that we would give an issue of beef, flour, sugar, and coffee, and have a grand barbecue and feast. Accordingly, we sent out word yesterday for all to come in and celebrate the Centennial anniversary of American independence, and they came en masse—Indians, squaws, papooses, dogs, and cats—with the stars and stripes fluttering in the breeze. Now I do not pretend to say that it was altogether an outburst of patriotism, on the part of our red brethren, to thus assemble with such enthusiasm, for it may possible be that longing appetite for roast beef had something to do with it. Be that as it may, they barbecued, roasted their beef, fried their cakes in the tallow thereof, made their coffee in a fifteen-gallon kettle, and ate to their heart’s content, smoked, and ate again. Of course, ice cream, lemonade, and epicurean delicacies, were not in the bill, but the real substantials of life were in abundance. Doubtless the citizens of Philadelphia and other great cities of the States enjoyed themselves on this day, but none more so than did the Kaw Indians.
Orations were delivered by Superintendent Spray and the writer of this article, and the Kaws went home happy and contented. They were so favorably impressed with the importance of Centennial celebrations they would be perfectly willing to sacrifice whatever time and labor it might cost them to hold one every week, provided two or three good beeves, etc., could be furnished. WM. HUNT.
S. B. Hunt, Richland Township...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Richland Township: T. Hart, Jas. Howard, S. B. Hunt, C. R. Turner.
Hattie Hunt...Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
Miss Hattie Hunt is again among the number of Winfield’s fair ones.
Justice Hunt??? Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
A SUIT was held before Justice Hunt last week between Houghton & McLaughlin and Pittman, for an amount due on account. The first parties gained the suit. C. R. Mitchell was attorney for plaintiff, and E. B. Kager, for defendant.
Ella Hunt and J. D. Hunt...Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
The following are the teachers attending the Cowley County Normal.
Winfield. Misses Ella C. Davis, Mary Pontious, Fannie Pontious, Mina C. Johnson, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie E. Minnihan, Lissie Summers, Mattie E. Walters, Rachel E. Nauman, Allie Klingman, Alice A. Aldrich, Genie Holmes, Ella E. Scott, Ella Hunt, Ella Wickersham, Emma Saint, Molly Bryant, Ella Freeland, Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson, Lizzie Kinne, Sarah Hodges, Jennie Hane, Sallie Leavering, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ina Daniels; Messrs. O. S. Record, Frank Starwalt, M. H. Markcum, J. D. Hunt, J. A. Rupp, C. C. Holland, J. B. Freeland, N. N. Winton, A. B. Taylor.
Grade II, Winfield: Mr. J. D. Hunt...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
The following persons were qualified to teach in Cowley County at the last examination.
GRADE “A”: Misses Mina Johnson, Alice Aldrich, Emma Saint, Sarah Hodges.
GRADE I: Ella Freeland, Ella Scott, Allie Klingman, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Mr. O. S. Record.
GRADE II: Misses Maggie Stansbury, Ann Robertson, R. E. Newman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers, Mattie Minnihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Loretta Pyburn, Mrs. B. Seibert, Mr. J. D. Hunt, John Poor, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt, E. M. Snow, J. A. Rupp, M. H. Markcum.
J. D. Hunt, Winfield...teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
SCHOOL NEWS. J. D. Hunt closed his term in 31 on the 25th inst.
Robert Hunt...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Centennial scholars deserving special mention for excellence in recitation, attendance, and deportment are George Beach, Edward Hunt, Robert Hunt, John Williams, Willie Holtby, Dick Holtby, Sheridan Teter, Alonzo Banfille, Oscar McCulloch, Rowell Browning, Clara Browning, Jessie Browning, Nelly Holtby, and Maggie Teter.
Linton Hunt...Arkansas City...student.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
GIRLS: Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Emma Mitchell, Nellie Swarts, Mary Theaker, Linnie Peed, Linda Christian, Flora Finley, Laura Gregg, Susie Berry, Mary Wintin, May Benedict, Carrie Benedict, Carrie Cramer, Sarah Randall, Mary Holloway, Stella Swarts, Mollie Christian, Clara Morgan, Annie Brown, May Hughes, Emma Theaker, Albertine Maxwell, Annie Hutchinson, Belle Birdzell.
BOYS: Jerry Adams, Lewis Coombs, John Parker, James Lorton, Fred. McLaughlin, Peter Trissell, Charles Holloway, Harry Finley, Willie Edwards, George Berry, Benny Dixon, Alvin Hon, Sammy Swarts, Frank Randall, Charlie Randall, Linton Hunt, Frank Swarts, Charles Swarts.
Ella Hunt and John D. Hunt, teachers, Winfield...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
At the late examination, the following teachers were present.
Miss Mollie Davis, Miss Ella Hunt, Miss Henrietta King, Miss Mattie West, Miss Maggie Stansbury.
Mr. B. F. Starwalt, Mr. M. H. Markcum, Mr. J. O. Barricklow, Mr. John D. Hunt, Mr. John Bowers, Mr. J. K. P. Tull.
Linton Hunt...Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
Two foot races took place last week. The first was between Charles Holloway and a Pawnee Indian. The second was between Linton Hunt and the same Indian. Holloway “threw up,” and the Indian won the prize. Hunt won the second race by several feet. The distance run was about 150 feet.
S. B. Hunt...Pleasant Valley Township...
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Greenback Convention. There will be a meeting of the presidents of greenback clubs in Cowley County at the courthouse in Winfield at one o’clock, p.m., on Saturday, the 27th of April, 1878, for the purpose of perfecting a county organization. It is hoped there will be a full attendance as the business to be transacted is of great importance to our cause. Each club is also requested to appoint two members as delegates to meet with the presidents at the time and place above mentioned for consultation.
A. S. WILLIAMS, President, Vernon Club.
S. B. HUNT, Pres., Odessa Club, Pleasant Valley Township.
J. B. CALLISON, Pres., Fairview Club, Dexter Township.
GEORGE BURDETT, President, Dexter Club.
N. B. Correspondence relating to the organization of clubs may be addressed to N. C. Coldwell, at Winfield, who will furnish all information desired upon the subject.
J. D. Hunt and Miss Ella Hunt..
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
As an evidence of the prosperity of our public schools we offer the following: Miss Emma Burden, Lazette; Misses Alice and Etta Johnson, Miss Sarah Bovee, New Salem; Miss Rosa Rounds, Tisdale; J. D. Hunt, Miss Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Pleasant Valley; Risdon Gilstrap and Miss Emma Gilstrap, Silverdale, are enrolled among the pupils in the high school.
S. B. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
COUNTY GREENBACK CONVENTION. Pursuant to a call for a county convention, the Presidents of the various Greenback clubs in the county and two delegates from each, convened in convention at Winfield, April 28, 1878, for the purpose of effecting a county organization. Mr. T. A. Blanchard was called to the chair and C. C. Krow elected Secretary of the convention.
Committee on credentials appointed as follows: A. S. Williams, S. B. Hunt, and C. G. Handy. The committee reported the following persons entitled to seats in the convention.
Odessa Club: S. B. Hunt, S. F. Howard, T. Hughes.
On invitation Mr. N. C. Coldwell addressed the convention, giving his views of the manner of an organization it was desirable to effect. He was followed by W. E. Merydith, C. C. Krow, F. W. Schwantes, H. S. Libby, S. B. Hunt, and other gentlemen, each giving his idea of what should be done.
Mrs. Hunt [?]...Winfield...
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
A few day boarders are wanted at Mrs. Hunt’s, opposite the new foundry building in the north end of town.
Ella Hunt and J. D. Hunt...Winfield?
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Normal Institute.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
From Winfield: Margie K. Wallis, Lewis Brown, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Mattie E. Walters, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Any Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minnihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Lizzie T. Wallis, Sarah Hodges, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, Mina C. Johnson, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Nellie M. Aldrich, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Ella Stewart, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, M. D. Snow.
Ella Hunt and J. D. Hunt...Winfield?
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Teachers’ Examination.
Winfield: Lewis Brown, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Amy Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minnihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, Warren Miller, Hattie McKinlay, Mrs. P. B. Seibert, Mrs. S. E. Litton, G. C. Whitelock, L. McKinlay, ’Squire Humble.
S. B. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The Greenback Executive Committee. Committee met August 17, J. B. Callison presiding, W. M. Allison, secretary. The committee chose N. C. Coldwell, J. B. Callison, F. W. Schwantes, and D. Elliott as delegates to the Congressional Convention at Florence August 20. The chairman and secretary were instructed to call a county convention to put a full county ticket in the field when they think best.
The following were appointed a committee to see after unorganized territory: F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, D. Elliott, J. B. Callison, J. W. Searle, A. S. Williams, B. H. Clover, N. C. Coldwell, Wm. Morrow, S. B. Hunt, C. C. Krow, O. C. Brubaker, and W. M. Allison.
Mystery woman...Elizabeth C. Hunt...
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
E. Bland, guardian, to Elizabeth C. Hunt, part of se. 3, 35, 3, and se, 33, 32, 4; $1,000.
Hattie Hunt gets married: exit Hattie.
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
Miss Hattie Hunt, who formerly resided in this city, was married recently to a gentleman from Missouri.
Sarah E. Hunt...Winfield?
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
Sidney S. Majors and wife to Sarah E. Hunt. $2,000.
S. E. Hunt and husband...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
S. E. Hunt and husband to W. S. Houghton, lts. 14, 15 and 16, blk. 132, Ark. City.
S. E. Hunt and husband to H. M. Kinsie, lot 13, blk. 69, Ark. City.
George Hunt and Marion Hunt...Arkansas City?
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1879.
Maggie Sample, Rose Sample, Annie Coulter, Clara Lorry, George Hunt, Frank Lorry, Frank Bland, Ruth Voris, Fred Lorry, Mamie Schnee, Marion Hunt, Mary Lorry, Clyde Akers.
S. B. Hunt...Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
According to previous arrangement the citizens of Pleasant Valley township and vicinity met at Odessa schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing a stock protective union. The following officers of Bolton Stock Protective Union were elected: Captain, C. C. Pierce; 1st Lieut., R. C. Devore; 2nd Lieut., Wm. P. Hostetler; Orderly Sergeant, E. T. Green; General Messengers, S. B. Hunt and A. DeTurk.
Annie Hunt and Jonathan Hunt...teachers...location?
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
Two of those in attendance: Jonathan Hunt and Annie Hunt.
James W. Hunt...location ?
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
The thoroughbred Devonshire bull, “Red Bird,” owned by Mr. James W. Hunt, attracted much attention, and was truly a fine animal. He carried several premiums, for best thoroughbred bull and sweepstakes.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hunt...Pleasant Valley (South Bend Grange)...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
There was a public installation of the officers of South Bend Grange (No. 1036) last Saturday night at their hall in Pleasant Valley township. The room was tastefully decorated; a good audience was in attendance, and an interesting meeting was held. The following is a list of the officers for the year 1880.
Stewart: S. O. Hunt.; Pomona: Mrs. Hunt.
S. E. Hunt...West Bolton...moving to Missouri.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
A cheap farm with all the appurtenances thereto belonging, as well as a complete outfit of household goods, is offered for sale by S. E. Hunt, of West Bolton.
AD: INVEST AND MAKE MONEY! FOR SALE! A good house, 14 x 20, well finished, and furnished throughout, with box kitchen; 160 acres choice land, all fenced, with cross fences of fine young hedge; 45 acres pasture that was never known to be dry; 83 acres good corn; 80 acres under cultivation; 86 apple and 100 peach trees, all bearing; 2,000 cotton-woods.
A new Bain wagon; 1 span of horses, 1 span of mares, 1 mule, with harness for all. Some stock hogs; 18 Fine Stock Cattle. New sulky plow; a standard cultivator and breaking plow, and various other farming implements. A box granary, log stable, and over $100 worth of framing timber on the place. Will sell all the above, giving full and clear title to the same, for $3,500. S. E. HUNT, 4½ miles southwest of Arkansas City, Kas.
Joseph Hunt...Tisdale?
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
TISDALE, July 25, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: An article appeared in the Monitor, of July 20th, under the head of “Query” and signed “Justice,” purporting to be from Tisdale, in which the Rev. S. S. Holloway was grossly misrepresented, and by the editor maliciously assaulted. I, with your kind permission, beg leave to reply through the COURIER to the unprovoked attack.
I, with many others, some of whose names will be found below to corroborate my statement, were present at a temperance meeting called at Tisdale, July 17th, at which time and place Mr. Holloway made the remarks referred to by “Justice,” who states that Mr. Holloway said that he is opposed to Mr. Asp for two reasons: First, because Mr. Asp is opposed to the amendment; Second, because Mr. Asp was in favor of the nomination of Mr. Hackney. Now in justice to Mr. Holloway, whom I highly esteem for his many excellent traits of character, I will just say that he made no such statements. The only allusion he made to Mr. Asp whatever was in expressing his regret that Mr. Asp was not present at the meeting as was anticipated, saying that he understood Mr. Asp was for the amendment and he wanted to hear him define his exact position on the temperance question. The gentleman that wrote the article either was not present at the meeting or his listening apparatus was out of repair. Every reading man knows that Mr. Asp is in favor of the amendment; therefore, it is unreasonable to say that Mr. Holloway was ignorant of the fact. Yet it seems the writer was not positive on the subject.
In conclusion, I would advise Mr. Justice to never resort to injustice in order to carry out some petty motive. As to the remarks of Mr. Conklin, nothing better could be expected as it is habitual with him to abuse and vilify every individual that does not cringe to his ideas, whether fanatical or otherwise. FAIRPLAY.
We, the undersigned, being present at the time above mentioned and distinctly hearing the address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Holloway, do emphatically endorse the above statement as being true in every particular.
W. H. Hunt...Location ?
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
The Wizard Oil outfit has been a great attraction on our streets this week. It consists of a fine carriage drawn by four splendid, large gray horses, and filled with cushioned seats for performers, and an excellent organ. The crew are a driver, three vocalists, and an orator, each perfectly and wonderfully fitted for his position. John Moffitt plays the organ and sings the air in a perfect and inimitable manner; W. H. Roscoe has a wonderfully strong and melodious tenor voice, and W. H. Hunt is the best bass we have heard for years. Together they make a glee club that cannot be beat. After singing a few amusing songs, Dr. E. McConkey, one of the finest orators in the country, explains the virtues of Wizard Oil for an hour and then adjourns to the next time. It is the best circus we have had, but we are skeptical on the question.
S. B. Hunt...Bolton Township.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Mr. S. B. Hunt, of Bolton, spent Monday in the city. Mr. Hunt has one of the finest stock farms in the township.
W. S. Hunt...Location ??
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans lately as follows:
W. S. Hunt and M. A. Snodgrass.
W. F. Hunt...Location ???
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
The matrimonial market remains passive since last week. Seven couples have received permission from Judge Gans to travel life’s troublesome paths together.
W. F. Hunt and Louisa A. Keef.
Ella Hunt...Odessa...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Miss Ella Hunt after an absence of several months has returned to her parents.
Samantha Hunt, Winfield. Widow ???
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Hunt, Samantha, Winfield, widow, $8.00, March 1864.
S. B. Hunt, son George Hunt, daughter, Emma Hunt...Odessa??
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Mr. S. G. Martin and S. B. Hunt and his son George made a trip for apples in the eastern part of the state. Apples are very scarce. They paid 50 cents a bushel, but came home loaded with 35 bushels to the load. They were accompanied by their daughters, Miss Emma Hunt and Miss Louie Martin. The girls report a jolly time.
Anyone riding through our beautiful valley can see that the farmers are improving rapidly. There have been several new buildings put up this fall. Mr. Gamon has built an addition to his barn. Mr. Hunt has also built a large barn. Mr. Ki Hertsel has built a new house on his farm. Mr. Sparks has built a new buggy shed; also Owen McCollum and Jim Devore. By this I mean they sport in fine top buggies.
On last Friday night both young and old of this neighborhood gathered at the schoolhouse in order of spelling school given by the teacher, W. P. Beaumont. After spelling was organized a lyceum. It will meet every Friday night. The officers were elected: Mr. A. DeTurk, president; W. P. Hostetter, vice president; Miss Emma Hunt, secretary; Louie Martin, assistant secretary; Mr. Jim Devore, treasurer. All are invited to come.
Emma Hunt and Geo. Hunt...Odessa???
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The first leap year party of Odessa was given by Miss Louie Martin and Miss Mattie DeTurk at the residence of S. G. Martin, on Tuesday evening, January 8th. The evening was exceptionally fine and the spirits of all in harmony with the occasion. At half past eleven an excellent supper was served of the luxuries of the season.
The following is a list of a few present.
Misses Louie Martin, Mattie DeTurk, Nettie Crawford, Mamie VanCleve, Lucy Henderson, Emma Hunt, Cora and Hattie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. DeTurk, Kate DeTurk and Lizzie Martin; Messrs. Larry Henderson, W. P. Beaumont, Frank Crawford, Stephen McCollum, Oscar DeTurk, Geo. Hunt, Ike DeTurk, B. Crisp, Owen McCollum, and Lewis Yount, and others whose names we did not get. The evening was a pleasant one and everyone went home rejoicing. M. S.
Ed Hunt...Constant.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
The candy pulling at Ed. Hunt’s last Wednesday night proved to be a success. The entertainment of the eve consisted in playing and pulling taffy, eating apples and pop corn, and violin music by George Beach, Buck Tannehill, M. S. Roseberry, and others. Buck is good on giving the girls taffy. Let us have another soon. Y. W. C.
S. B. Hunt, Ed. Hunt, and Emma Hunt...Odessa.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Mr. S. B. Hunt has also purchased a new two seated buggy.
In response to invitations given, about forty of the young folks met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Martin, last Monday evening, Feb. 25th, to celebrate the sixteenth birthday of Miss Louie, their eldest daughter. The evening was exceptionally fine and the spirits of all present were in harmony with the occasion. The following is a list of presents left in token of their respect and well wishes for Miss Louie.
Gold bracelets, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Martin.
Silver thimble, Miss Lucy Henderson.
Gold pen and holder and birthday cards, Oscar and Mattie DeTurk.
Scrap book, Lizzie Martin.
Autograph album, Mr. John Yount.
Looking glass, and birthday card, Bee Crisp.
Handsome silver card receiver, given by W. P. Beaumont, Owen McCollum, D. L. Henderson, Lewis Yount, Frank Crawford, and Stephen McCollum.
Box of stationery, Will Scott.
Beautiful picture, Ed. Hunt.
Handsome tidy, Emma Hunt.
There were a number of other gifts I will not mention. M. S.
Bob Hunt...Ed. Hunt...Constant???
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Mark is Gratified
To have an opportunity to conjecture what forlorn maiden Bob. Hunt will secure as housekeeper for his elegant domicile now building.
To be able to inform Ed. Hunt that he has made an egregious blunder in purchasing an AEra wind engine; and that the writer, from his experience with the Challenge, can pronounce it the best wind power extant.
Hunt & Herron???
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Messrs. Hunt & Herron have shelled about 8,000 bushels of corn for Searing & Mead with their steam sheller this week. These men have done a large business with their sheller this spring and the past winter in Arkansas City and surrounding country. They shell about 2,000 bushels per day.
Ellen Hunt...???
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Included on list: Ellen Hunt.
Evalene Hunt...???
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Best display vegetables, Evalene Hunt, 1st; George Vanway, 2nd.
Bob or Robert Hunt...Pleasant Valley??
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Mr. Bob Hunt has added forty acres to his farm, for which he paid sixteen hundred dollars.
Mrs. Gus. Hunt...Hackney???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Prof. Thos. Hadley took the train at our station last Wednesday for his home near Emporia. He spent the past two months doing missionary work among the Indians in the Nation and visited two weeks in this community with his niece, Mrs. Gus. Hunt. Prof. Hadley has spent twenty-five years of his life among several of the tribes of Indians in the Territory, and speaks several of their dialects fluently. He was for a long time agent for the Kaws and principal of their school. He is an enthusiast on Indian civilization through the means of education.
Mr. E. Hunt (Hackney?) Pleasant Valley Township.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Mr. E. Hunt has been buying stock hogs. He says that he has got as many now as he wants to buy corn to feed.
George Hunt...Location???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
George Hunt has pulled down his vest buttons and escaped from the wrath of a “not-to-be-blarneyed” elder of a certain family across the Walnut. George well knew that should “Uncle Bobby’s” ire have broken upon him, his pelt would have “got hence” muchly.
George Hunt...South Bend???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
George Hunt has “come back to my arms, Biddy darling,” from Colorado. He attributes his return to the stern fact that his parents are getting “aged and gray, Maggie,” and need his assistance. How noble and kind was George to grant his parents this little boon.
P. Hunt...Location???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. Isaac Wood was in Friday from the Arkansas valley, and informed us that the web worm has entirely destroyed eighty acres of corn for Thomas Jackson, sixty for John Jackson, P. Hunt’s whole crop, and numerous others. Many will begin to replant immediately. They are determined to try late planting as the last alternative.
Marian Hunt...Location???
It Opened Monday with 108 Enrolled—Flattering Prospects.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Institute is a marked contrast to that of last year, in attendance. Over half are new faces, if anything an improvement in appearance over any past Normal. Last year the Institute was held seven weeks, with one session a day. This year it will be but four weeks, with two sessions daily; morning, from 10 to 12; evening, 4 to 6. Following is Monday’s enrollment.
C. GRADE. Marian Hunt.
Marian Hunt and Ida Hunt...Location???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The attendance of the County Normal Institute has reached its zenith and below we present a complete list of those in attendance.
C. GRADE. Hunt, Marian, Hunt, Ida.
S. B. Hunt...Pleasant Valley Township.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
S. B. Hunt, of Pleasant Valley, has left in THE COURIER agricultural department, a bunch of millet that is simply immense—as big as any producer, even in prolific Cowley, can show up. It is seven feet tall, with heads nearly a foot long, with heavy stalk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Matrimony is looming up. Chas. Grant and Jennie Banister, Jas. Frost and Hannah Bannister; Robert Hunt and Ella King; William Stivers and Ada Rice, are the latest victims, according to Judge Gans’ Record.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Bob Hunt and Miss Ella King launched their barque on the turbulent tide of matrimony this week. Bob is an exemplary young man, and by industry, economy, and frugal habits has secured a fine farm and provided a cosy home for his bride. Miss King has been one of our intelligent and energetic teachers, and will be missed from the ranks of the profession. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous voyage down the ceaseless stream of time.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
MARRIED. Bob Hunt and Miss Ella King permitted Cupid to apply the matrimonial noose last week. The teaching fraternity loses one of their worthy disciples in Miss Ella. Bob is an honorable, energetic, and enterprising young man. Their many friends wish them a happy and useful career. GRAPHITE.
E. C. Hunt...Creswell.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
Delegate Convention.
The primaries were held in this city and in Creswell Township on Saturday evening, notwithstanding the severe rain storm. The proceedings were orderly and the selection of delegates was gone through with as a routine matter.
Pursuant to a call duly issued the Republican voters of Creswell Township met in caucus at the Stone House on the Winfield road at 7 o’clock p.m., September 12th. On motion E. C. Burt was chosen chairman, and W. C. Guyer, clerk. On motion the following named gentlemen were chosen as delegates to the County Convention: G. W. Ramage, Jesse Stansbury, E. C. Burt, A. B. Sankey, W. C. Guyer, P. M. Vaughn, at large. Alternates: Washington Allen, Frank Houghton, I. L. Wade, A. G. Kells, J. B. Tucker, R. L. Marshall. On motion it was ordered that the delegates go uninstructed. On motion the following named gentlemen were chosen as Township Central Committee: F. M. Vaughn, Chairman; I. L. Wade, clerk, A. B. Sankey. The caucus then adjourned.
W. C. GUYER, Clerk. E. C. HUNT, Chairman.
Unknown to which Hunt this applies: Hunt cellar...Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Paris & Herrod, excavators of the Curns & Manser, Wallis & Wallis, and Hunt cellar, are almost done with their work, and the mason work will soon commence. The block will be a seventy-five foot front and eighty feet deep; three stories high. When completed the building will fill the vacancy between Mater’s blacksmith shop and the millinery store, which has so long been an unsightly place and a wilderness of sunflowers and other weeds. This is not all. The corner below the second hand store of Ira Kyger is owned by men of capital, who are arranging to erect a fine building thereon. And still we boom, notwithstanding the wail from other towns that times are close and nothing doing.
Robt. P. Hunt...???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 17, 1885.
Since our last issue, Judge Gans has issued the following permits to wed.
Robt. P. Hunt and Ella R. King.
Nellie E. (Nash) Hunt...Territory...?
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Monday’s dispatch was received from Mrs. Nellie E. Hunt, nee Nellie Nash, by her parents, stating that she was dangerously sick and for them to come immediately. Mr. Nash was down in the Territory when the telegram was received, so Mrs. Nash made ready and started for Massachusetts. Wednesday another dispatch was received stating that Mrs. Hunt was convalescing.
Robert Hunt...Location???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Matrimony is looming up. Chas. Grant and Jennie Banister, Jas. Frost and Hannah Bannister; Robert Hunt and Ella King; William Stivers and Ada Rice, are the latest victims, according to Judge Gans’ Record.
Bob Hunt...???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Bob Hunt and Miss Ella King launched their barque on the turbulent tide of matrimony this week. Bob is an exemplary young man, and by industry, economy, and frugal habits has secured a fine farm and provided a cosy home for his bride. Miss King has been one of our intelligent and energetic teachers, and will be missed from the ranks of the profession. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous voyage down the ceaseless stream of time.
Bob Hunt...Hackney???
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
MARRIED. Bob Hunt and Miss Ella King permitted Cupid to apply the matrimonial noose last week. The teaching fraternity loses one of their worthy disciples in Miss Ella. Bob is an honorable, energetic, and enterprising young man. Their many friends wish them a happy and useful career. GRAPHITE.
W. L. Hunt...Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hunt were recipients of a son last Saturday night of the regulation size and weight, and are happy beyond comparison. Dr. Marsh is responsible for this item and we have not smoked.
Sue Hunt...Winfield??
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Miss Sue Hunt and Mrs. H. P. Mansfield left for Florida Tuesday to spend the winter.
Mrs. Nellie Nash Hunt...???
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
Jas. E. Nash desires the REPUBLICAN to come to Abington, Massachusetts, in order that he may know what is transpiring in the metropolis of Cowley County. Mrs. Hunt nee Nellie Nash, who has been very sick, is convalescing.
Ella Hunt...Winfield.
A Complete List of the Teachers of Cowley County.
Their Districts and P. O. Addresses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
District No. 133 - Ella Hunt, Winfield.
Mrs. Nellie E. Nash in Massachusetts?
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
BIRTH. Born to Mrs. Nellie E. Hunt nee Nash, at Abington, Massachusetts, Friday night of last week, twin babes of the gentle sex.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
DIED. The twin babes born to Mrs. Nellie E. Hunt have died.
Chas. M. Hunt...Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Chas. M. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, is in the city. Mr. Hunt will locate with us and enter the butcher and packing business. In the winter Mr. Hunt will turn his attention to the packing of meats and in summer continue in the butcher business. Mr. Hunt is a most affable gentleman and we are pleased to note that he is to become one of us.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Chas. M. Hunt, who has been in the city for a week or more making preparations to locate here, left on the afternoon train for his home at Keokuk, Iowa. With him Mr. Hunt took the two young catamounts captured by J. F. Cue several days ago. He intends placing them on exhibition in a public park at Keokuk. Mr. Hunt will return here shortly and embark in the meat packing business.
Chas. M. Hunt...Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday Kroenert & Austin received a telegram from Chas. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, informing them he would take the storeroom occupied by them under Highland Opera House. Mr. Hunt will remove here shortly and establish the finest meat market in southwest Kansas. In the winter the packing of meats will be made a specialty.
J. P. Hunt...what happened to Chas. M. Hunt??? Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
J. P. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, who was here last Spring with intentions of opening a pork-packing establishment, has returned and is using his utmost endeavors to obtain a store room.
Now they are calling him C. H. Hunt...Arkansas City???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Fred H. Brinkman and C. H. Hunt, of Keokuk, Iowa, who have been in the city for several days with intentions of opening up a meat market and a packing establishment, have been unable to secure a room in which to do business. These gentlemen shipped two carloads of machinery here the first of the week and this morning they shipped them to Wichita because they could obtain no room. They inform us that they regret very much leaving Arkansas City, but the above circumstances compelled them to do so.
Chas. Hunt??? Arkansas City. Who is he???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Chas. Hunt is fencing his fourth ward property.
William Hunt...Caldwell???
Winfield Newspaper Union, December 27, 1890.
William Hunt, a rich ranchman of Caldwell, says the Cherokee strip is not worth over one dollar an acre.