Nick Hurly
Blacksmith. Winfield.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Hurly, Nick. Blacksmith. 1022 Main.
[Note: Directory called him “Hurrle” rather than Hurly.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
NICK HURLY, General Blacksmith!
Farm Work and Horseshoeing a Specialty.
I have an expert in horseshoeing and will guarantee first-class work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Only a Mule. Many hundreds of years ago, this noble animal was mistreated by Mr. Balaam, a pioneer who took a claim near Jerusalem, and while going to the country post office, he, with malice aforethought, belabored the above forefather of the mule we are going to speak about, and was becomingly reprimanded by his victim. From that day to this the mule has been recognized as misused and of very deep feeling; in fact, he has been known to feel for you when you least expected it. As the reporter was passing by Hurly’s blacksmith shop today, he noticed some dozen or more men with rope and tackles, jerking and twisting away on a small black mule with a glass eye and hind heels. This descendant of Mr. Balaam’s mule had a meek, lowly look, and no doubt would have spoken or felt with his feelers, but a large rope around his throat and heels stopped him short of doing so. The reporter crept up and looked him square in the eye, and a brotherly affection passed from one to the other, and we determined then and there that a mule was the most harmless and innocent looking being upon the earth—when tied head and heels, no matter was said to the contrary. About this time the mule seemed to desire a close acquaintance with the quill driver, and approached him. The mule, being weighted down with four men, his progress was slow, but the reporter’s was fast. We left never more to return until that noble animal homeward goes.
No further information on Hurly.