Walter D. Hutchison


Arkansas City.
[RKW made this file years ago.]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Mr. A. P. Hutchison, father of Walter D. Hutchison, left here on Monday to join his family at Arkansas City, he having resigned his position as superintendent of the Arapaho boarding school.  Mr. Hutchison has been over two years in the employ of the government at this Agency, during which time he has proved himself to be thoroughly qualified to all positions of trust, and only leaves the service that he might be with his family.  While in charge of the Arapaho school (almost two years), his labors with the Indian children had good effect, the enrollment of pupils also being larger than it has usually been.  While the loss of Mr. Hutchison is regretted, it is to be hoped that the school under its new superinten­dent will retain its full quota of pupils and that the interesting work will go on at the same old ratio.  He goes to Arkansas City, his former residence, and will there embark in business.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
A. P. Hutchison resigned his position of superintendent of the Arapaho Indian School, and returned to the city last week to reside permanently.
Walter David Hutchison, son of A. P. Hutchison, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1875 and came to Arkansas City in 1880 with his parents when he was 4 years old.  He lived in Arkansas City about a year and then moved on to Indian Territory, where his father, Mr. A. P. Hutchison) was in the Government Indian School service for about 12 years.  He lived with Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Otoe Indians until he was almost grown.  He once saw 3,000 Arapaho tribesmen on the warpath at one time.  The family then returned to Arkansas City in 1892.
On August 25, 1898, Walter D. Hutchison married Jessie May Miller, a daughter of Cyrus Miller, at the home of her parents, 821 North Fourth Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.  The Cyrus Miller family came to Arkansas City in 1885.
Mr. and Mr. Walter David Hutchison had one son, Howard A. Hutchison. He married and had four sons: David, Donald, Walter V., and Richard Dean. Howard A. Hutchison and family moved to Duncan, Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hutchison resided at 706 North Fourth street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, April 20, 1922.
Walter D. Hutchison, who has been city editor of the Travel­er for 14 or 15 years and filled that position acceptably, today noon tendered his resignation and has quit chasing the pestive news item for this paper. He had at the time of his resignation not decided what he would do in the future, but no doubt he will seek a position more to his liking.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, April 25, 1922.

O. S. Seyster, secretary of the chamber of commerce, accom­panied by R. H. Lane and Walter Hutchison, went on a road marking trip to Shidler yesterday, completing the marking of the road to that point. Their automobile mileage showed that Shidler is just 43 miles from here. They put up mileage signs and direction signs wherever needed along the route, which runs one mile east of Maple City, then southeast marking all turns to Fall City, then south through Grainola, and from this point straight south fourteen miles to Shidler.
“The road is good practically all the way and it is now properly marked and will help to advertise this city in the oil territory,” said Mr. Seyster.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 31, 1922.
Walter D. Hutchison will resume his duties as city editor of the Traveler tomorrow morning. Mr. Hutchison resigned a few weeks ago after having been with the Traveler for 16 years.
Mr. Hutchison said, “I decided that I was so used to working for the Traveler that I was not satisfied trying to do anything else.”
The Traveler was loathe to part with Mr. Hutchison, who had been a faithful and efficient man on the editorial staff. The paper is as glad for him to come back as he is pleased to renew his work for the Traveler.

Notes by RKW:
Walter D. Hutchison retired after 41 years as a reporter for the Arkansas City Traveler, on March 15, 1941. He started his work career selling groceries and at the age of 30 started working for Prof. H. B. Funk, who was then operating the Arkansas City Daily X-Ray. After two years he was hired by R. D. Howard, editor of the Traveler. When the Arkansas City Traveler was sold to O. S. Stauffer, Mr. Hutchison was retained in the news department until his retirement.

Cemetery records [Bunnell 11/96] show...
Jessie M. Hutchison, born 01-11-1881, space 6, lot 20, block I, OLD ADD.
Walter D. Hutchison, born 07-19-1875, space 8, lot 20, block I, OLD ADD.