John Irwin
Rock Township.
The 1872 census of 1872 lists; J. H. Irwin, age 33, and his wife M., age 29.
The 1875 Kansas census of Cowley County lists Chas. Irwin, age 30, male, white, born in Pennsylvania. Came from Pennsylvania.
John Irwin, 42; spouse, Alta R., 36.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
For Senator, 25th District, J. M. ALEXANDER.
For Representative, 75th District, E. C. MANNING.
For county commissioners:
District No. 1: FRANK COX, of Richland
District No. 2: LUCIUS WALTON, of Beaver.
District No. 3: R. MAURER, of Dexter.
For Sheriff: THOMAS A. BLANCHARD, of Vernon.
For County Clerk: JOHN W. HORNBEAK, of Winfield.
For Register of Deeds: JOHN IRWIN, of Rock.
For Treasurer: A. H. GREEN, of Winfield.
Fort Supt. Public Instruction, JOHN DUDLEY, of Windsor.
For Coroner, DR. G. P. WAGNER, of Dexter.
For Railroad Assessor of the 11th Judicial District, DR. R. W. WRIGHT, of Labette County.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The following named gentlemen were the delegates.
Richland Township: James Kelly and Frank Cox.
Windsor Township: S. Wilkins, B. H. Clover, and John Dudley.
Vernon Township: Geo. Easterly, T. A. Blanchard, and F. A. Schwantes.
Beaver Township: T. W. Morris, B. Y. Hunt, and L. M. Kennedy.
Tisdale Township: G. W. Foughty and A. B. Lemmon.
Pleasant Valley Township: W. E. Cook, D. Hostetter, and S. W. Greer.
Rock Township: John Irwin, A. V. Polk, W. H. Grow, and J. Funk.
Dexter Township: Jas. McDermott, J. H. Reynolds, and G. P. Wagner.
Winfield: E. S. Torrance, I. H. Coon, J. W. Hornbeak, C. A. Bliss, J. A. Myton, Capt. Tansey, D. A. Millington, and Jno. Stannard.
The convention was called to order by J. McDermott, Chairman of the Central Committee.
E. S. Torrance was chosen temporary Chairman and L. H. Coon, Secretary.
Representatives: E. C. Manning and S. M. Fall.
Sheriff: T. A. Blanchard, Warren Ablen, J. M. Pattison and E. M. Conklin.
Register of Deeds: John Irwin, F. A. Hunt, G. C. Swasey, and J. W. Tull.
Treasurer: A. H. Green, W. H. Grow, and G. W. Bullene.
Coroner: G. P. Wagner.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
County Clerk: J. W. Hornbeak and J. A. Myton.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jno. Dudley and A. B. Lemmon.
Dexter township, James McDermott.
Creswell township, G. H. Norton.
Beaver township, L. M. Kennedy.
Rock township, John Irwin.
Winfield township, L. J. Webb.
JOHN IRWIN. The nominee for Register of Deeds, of Rock Township, is a leading farmer of the county. For many years he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, is a thorough going businessman, a good scribe, and well known to be an honest upright citizen.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
Committees of the different townships, met pursuant to call. On motion L. J. Webb was chosen chairman, and John Irwin, secretary. On motion, Messrs. Kelly and Kinne chosen committee on candidates. The committee on credentials, reported the following persons as members of the County Central Committee.
James R. Bryan, Dexter.
L. J. Webb, Winfield.
C. R. Mitchell, Creswell.
J. B. Nipp, Pleasant Valley.
L. B. Wamsley, Ninnescah.
James Kelly, Richland.
John Irwin, Rock.
E. P. Kinne, Bolton.
The remaining townships were not represented. On motion, L. J. Webb was elected chairman of the County Central Committee. L. J. Webb resigned, and James Kelly, on motion, was duly elected chairman.
C. R. Mitchell was elected secretary of County Central Committee.
On motion, Messrs. Irwin and Kinne were elected as committee to ascertain the number of persons on the tax roll in each township.
The committee to ascertain the number upon the tax rolls of the several townships reported as follows:
Vernon, 125.
Silver Dale, 66.
Creswell, 177.
Richland, 97.
Ninnescah, 87.
Pleasant Valley, 92.
Winfield, 560.
Cedar, 88.
Beaver, 83.
Bolton, 146.
Tisdale, 185.
Windsor, 170.
Rock, 230.
Report received, and committee discharged.
On motion, a Republican Convention was called, to meet on the 29th day of August, 1872, at Winfield, at 1 o’clock P.M., to elect delegates and alternates to the Republican State Convention at Topeka and Lawrence, on Wednesday, September 4th A. D. 1872. . . .
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
County Commissioners Proceedings.
The following bills were allowed.
John Irwin: $2.00.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
Our Trip to Kansas.
We clipped the following from the Marion County, West Virginia, Liberalist. Mr. Grove, publisher, visited our town as he states, and upon his return home, gives his opinion of Kansas. While he has exaggerated in very few instances, the main features of his article are correct. We expect to see Mr. Grove here soon with his office to start a Democratic paper as a result of his visit to Winfield.
On the 15th ult. we left our home at Fairmont, West Virginia, westward bound, in view of seeking a place of abode which might offer better advantages to the poor man than Fairmont.
We visited our esteemed friends, Capt. T. B. Myers and his estimable family, formerly of Fairmont. We were glad to find them enjoying good health and doing well in their new home. Mr. Myers has a cabinet shop at Winfield and is doing a good business. He also has a farm of splendor and beautifully located, four miles from town.
We also met two young gents, John and Charles Irwin, who left Fairmont a year or two since. They both have nice farms about eight miles from town; and are enjoying good health. They are well pleased with the country. . . .
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 4, 1872. Front Page.
Premium List of the National Horse Fair, to be Held on the Grounds of the Cowley County Agricultural Society, at Winfield, Kansas, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1872.
John Irwin, Superintendent.
Lady exhibiting the best horsemanship, on side saddle, silver pitcher, valued at $30; second best, silver pitcher, valued at $20. These premiums will be on exhibition at the Secretary’s office. Entrance fee, 10 percent; five to enter. Ladies taking premiums at the last Cowley County Agricultural Fair are barred from showing in this ring.
In case the receipts of the fair are not sufficient to pay the premiums in full, a pro rata payment will be made.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 18, 1872. Front Page.
Convention temporary chairman: J. W. Custer.
Convention temporary secretary: L. J. Webb.
Credential committee member: John Irwin, Cowley County.
Named as delegates from Cowley County: John Irwin, C. R. Mitchell, E. C. Manning, R. L. Walker, and L. J. Webb.
L. J. Webb was chosen permanent secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
The collection was good. We remember the time when vegetables were as rare and as great a luxury in this county as the rarest tropical fruits. Now most every kind is abundant and the quality excellent. There were some forty entries in this department.
The premiums were awarded to J. H. Land, J. Lowery, H. H. Johnson, C. M. Wood, J. H. Curfman, J. A. Churchill, Jno. Irwin, and Mrs. J. H. Curfman.
In the class of textile fabrics, domestic products, etc., premiums were awarded to Mrs. Curfman, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Voris, Mrs. Shepherd, and J. Irwin.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Please announce the name of Dr. Samuel Thompson of Tisdale as a Republican candidate for the office of Representative. Subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention.
John Irwin: Register of Deeds.
N. C. McCulloch, Beaver Tp., Register of Deeds.
A. B. Odell, Ninnescah Township, Register of Deeds.
James F. Paul, re-election as Register of Deeds.
J. B. Noffsinger, Maple Township, Register of Deeds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
For Representative: JAMES McDERMOTT.
For County Commissioners—
1st District: JOHN MANLY.
2nd District: J. G. TITUS.
3rd District: R. F. BURDEN.
For County Clerk: M. G. TROUP.
For County Treasurer: E. B. KAGER.
For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCULLOCH.
For Sheriff: R. L. WALKER.
For County Surveyor: W. W. WALTON.
For Coroner: S. S. MOORE.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.
Fifty-seven grange delegates, being nineteen granges represented by three delegates each (the Lazette grange not being represented), met at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Monday, February 2nd, at 11 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of organizing a County council. The meeting being called to order Mr. A. S. Williams was made Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch, Secretary pro tem. The Council was then organized and the following officers were elected: A. S. Williams, Master; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; A. T. Gay, Overseer; W. A. Freeman, Gate-keeper. A. H. Acton of Bolton Township, Simeon Martin of Maple Township, and John Irwin of Rock Township were elected Trustees. A Constitution and By-laws were adopted, a copy of which we are sorry to say we have not yet received. After the matters pertaining to the County Council were satisfactorily settled, they proceeded to choose delegates to the State Council. The following are the delegates chosen: J. J. Johnson of New Salem, B. A. Davis of Silverdale, and Adam Walck of Grand Prairie.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1874.
County Council.
10 o’clock A. M., Feb. 3d, 1874.
Pursuant to a call of Deputy J. H. Worden, the delegates from the different subordinate granges throughout the county met at the Courtroom in Winfield. The meeting being called to order by the worthy Deputy, proceeded to temporary organization by electing brother A. S. Williams temporary Chairman, and N. C. McCulloch Secretary pro tem. Whereupon the Master appointed the following committees.
On Constitution and By-laws: J. H. Worden, Jos. Stansberry, and Frank Cox.
Committee on Credentials: W. H. Grow, H. H. Martin, and A. Walk.
Committee on Resolutions: T. A. Blanchard, John Irwin, J. C. Vanorsdal, C. G. Handy, and A. T. Stewart.
Adjourned to meet at 1:30 o’clock, p.m.
1:30 p.m.: Meeting called to order by the sound of the gavel, whereupon the committee on Credentials made the following report and declared the following members entitled to seats.
Pleasant Valley grange: Lucius Walton, E. Frederick, H. H. Constant.
Winfield grange: A. T. Stewart, J. D. Cochran, N. C. McCulloch.
Darien grange: W. H. Grow, John Irwin, Wm. White.
Eagle grange: Daniel Grant, Samuel Jay, J. Tipton.
Bethel grange: Jos. Stansberry, John Mentch, Geo. Yount.
Silverdale grange: B. A. Davis, Wm. Butterfield, S. C. Winton.
Beaver grange: W. A. Freeman, Warren Wood, J. A. McCulloch.
Grand Prairie grange: Adam Walk, W. P. Heath, Thos. Cooley.
Sheridan grange: Jos. Burt, H. W. Stubblefield, W. H. Clay.
Vernon grange: A. S. Williams, J. H. Worden, T. A. Blanchard.
Philomathian grange: H. H. Martin, A. H. Beck, John Boyd.
Richland grange: S. W. Phoenix, N. J. Larkin, Frank Cox.
New Salem grange: J. J. Johnson, C. C. Crow, J. C. Baker.
Centre grange: C. G. Handy, Ed Millard, A. T. Gay.
Committee on Constitution and By-Laws made the following report, which was unanimously adopted.
ARTICLE I. The association shall be know as the Cowley County Central Committee of P. of H.
ARTICLE II. The object of this Council is to aid Patrons and persons connected with the business department of our order in buying supplies, in selling, in marketing, and shipping their surplus products, and for mutual consultation and action of all members upon matters that effect their financial interest, and relate to the good of the order.
ARTICLE III. This Council shall be composed of delegates from the subordinate granges of Cowley County and others adjacent thereto, as follows: one for each grange at large and one for each ten members or fraction equal to six, who shall be elected by the subordinate granges at their last regular meeting of the Council in February next following their election, and hold their office for one year, or until their successors are duly elected.
ARTICLE IV. The officers of this Council shall be a Master, Overseer, General Agent (who shall be ex-officio Secretary), Gate Keeper, and an Executive Committee of five, two of whom shall be the Master and Overseer. The Council agent shall be the Assistant State Agent within his council district, and shall give suitable bond to the Executive Committee of the Council for the faithful performance of duty. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the first regular meeting after the meeting of the State Grange in each year.
ARTICLE V. This council shall hold its regular meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 10 o’clock a.m. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for doing business.
ARTICLE VI. The Executive Committee shall have the general supervision of the officers of the Council, any three of whom shall constitute a quorum for doing business, and shall have the power to remove at any time the Council and appoint someone in his place.
ARTICLE VII. It shall be the duty of the Council agent to receive, bulk, and forward all orders for goods, under the seal of the State Agency and upon their arrival see that the same are properly distributed to the parties ordering. He shall levy such percent upon goods purchased, and upon products sold through this agency, as the executive committee of the council shall direct, and at the end of each quarter report the total cash value of such purchases, and, sales to the office of the Central State Agency. He shall keep a correct cash account of all money received and paid out by him as Council Agent and keep his books open to inspection at all times by the Executive Committee, and under their direction make arrangements with the retail dealers and business houses of his district for supplying goods to members of the order. He shall open a stock record, keep prices current from different localities that are deemed of importance, attend to the business correspondence of the Council, and perform such other duties as the Executive Committee or Council may from time to time direct, and receive such compensation for his services as the Executive Committee may designate, subject to the approval of the council.
ARTICLE VIII. Any article of this constitution may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting of the Council by a vote of two thirds of all the members present, provided notice of such change was given at some preceding meeting of the Council.
SECTION 1. Each subordinate grange represented in this Council shall pay to the Council Agent a quarterly due of 25 cents for each delegate.
SECTION 2. Purchasing tickets shall in no case be transferable, but all members of the order shall be entitled to one; all tickets to be stamped with the seal of the State Agency kept in possession of each council agent, and when so stamped shall be good in any part of the state; one person is not to be permitted to do business on another ticket, but each individual entitled shall procure a ticket of his own.
SECTION 3. The rules of order of the Kansas State Grange as passed at the last session held July 30th, 1873, and found in the 1st Article of the By-Laws, shall be the rules of the order of this Council, with the following exceptions, viz: Where the word Grange is used read Council and consider the last clause of Section 1 stricken out.
SECTION 4. Order of business of this Council shall be as follows:
1st, calling to order by the Master and examination by the Overseer.
2nd, calling roll and reading minutes.
3rd, report from the Council Agent.
4th, report of the standing committee.
5th, report of special committees.
6th, unfinished business.
7th, new business.
8th, suggestions for good of the order, and financial prosperity of the council.
SECTION 5. The following standing committees shall be appointed by the Master of the Council.
1st, a committee on crop reports and the best method of marketing products on hand.
2nd, committee on warehouses, mills, factories, etc.
3rd, committee on banks, currency, and insurance companies.
4th, committee on taxation, transportation, and needed Legislation.
SECTION 6. Any of the by-laws may be amended or repealed at any regular meeting, by a majority vote of all the delegates present.
The Council then proceeded to permanent organization by electing brother A. S. Williams, Master; A. T. Gay, Overseer; T. A. Blanchard, Central Agent; Wm. Freeman, Gate Keeper; and A. A. Acton, John Irwin, and H. H. Martin Executive Committee.
The Master appointed the following standing committees: On taxation, transportation, etc., A. T. Stewart, John Irwin, and T. A. Blanchard.
County papers requested to publish. Council closed to meet on second Saturday of February, 1874, at 1 o’clock p.m. A. S. WILLIAMS, Master.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
Council Room P. of H.
WINFIELD, July 11, 1874.
Council called to order by the worthy Master, and corrected by the Overseer. After reading minutes of last meeting, etc., and under the suggestions for good of the order it was
Resolved, That the Patrons of Cowley County hold a grand social feast on the 22nd day of August, 1874, at Winfield, and the following committees were appointed:
Committee of 5 on general arrangements consisting of Brothers A. S. Williams, T. C. Bird, A. T. Gay, J. O. Vanorsdal, and P. Smith, and that Winfield Grange be requested to act in conjunction with said committee in procuring grounds. etc.
Committee to procure speakers consisting of Brothers Irwin, Deming, and Stewart.
Ordered that Sub. Granges appoint each a Committee of 2 whose duty it shall be to properly arrange the table.
Brother Stubblefield was elected Marshall and Brothers Deming and Stewart assistants.
Resolved, That members of the Order in adjacent counties be invited to meet with us and that the invitation be also extended to persons not members but who are friendly to the cause.
Ordered that these proceedings be forwarded to the county papers with the request to publish.
Council closed in due form. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
The Grange Festival.
The festival held by the Grangers of Cowley County, in the woods northeast of Winfield, on Saturday last, was a success. At an early hour the different Granges commenced driving into the city and taking up position on the Courthouse square, awaiting the formation of the procession, and at eleven o’clock, when the procession was formed, not less than three hundred teams were within the city limits. The procession, which was over a mile long, was headed by the Chief Marshal, H. W. Stubblefield, followed by the Winfield Band; next came some fifty or sixty horsemen, and then the different Granges—some thirty in number—with their banners, flags, and mottoes flying to the breeze. Near the middle of the procession and at the head of the Creswell Grange came the Arkansas City Band.
The following are some of the mottoes:
Bethel Grange, “Our Watchword—Reform.”
Floral, “United we Stand, divided we fall.”
Winfield, “Honor to whom Honor is due—The success of the Farmer is the Success of the Nation.”
Grand Prairie, “Reduce Expenses—Plow Deep.”
Philomathian, “Sit Lux.”
Little Dutch, “In God is our Trust—Justice to all—The Farmers forever.”
Creswell, “Better days are coming—In the soil we Trust.”
South Bend, “Agriculture—Our Hope. No honest labor we despise.”
Union Grange, “In Union there is strength.”
Vernon Grange, “Our Liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”
After patrolling the principal streets of the city, the procession headed for the Picnic Ground. Upon reaching the grove, the meeting was called to order by A. S. Williams, Master of the county council, followed by the bands supplying some excellent music, after which a motion to adjourn for dinner was put and unanimously carried.
The afternoon exercises were opened by music from both bands followed by a song from T. A. Wilkinson and others. Prayer by Rev. Martin, of Vernon Grange, and a speech by Amos Walton.
The following toasts were then given by the Toast Master, A. N. Deming.
“The laboring class.” Responded to by T. A. Wilkinson of the Winfield Grange.
“The Dignity of labor.” By G. N. Fowler, Little Dutch Grange.
“The Province of the Grange.” By John Irwin, Darien Grange.
“Grasshopper and Chinch Bug.” By P. W. Smith, Philomathian Grange.
“The State of Kansas.” By H. W. Stubblefield, Sheridan Grange.
Several other toasts were to have been given, but time would now allow.
The meeting then adjourned and the assemblage sought their respective homes apparently well satisfied with their first annual reunion.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Hay for Sale.
100 tons choice hay for sale cheap. The purchaser securing a range of 400 acres, 30 acres corn stalks, good feed lot, plenty of timber for shelter, and plenty of good water. Altogether a desirable location for wintering cattle. For terms call on John Irwin, on the Walnut, 3 miles northwest of Little Dutch P. O.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
Sale. Our readers should bear in mind that John Irwin, living on the Walnut just above little Dutch P. O., will sell a lot of farming materials, household furniture and stock on Thursday, Oct. 15th. There is the chance to buy cheap.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
The many friends of John Irwin, who left our county in November, for his old home in Illinois, will read with pleasure the following kindly greeting, which we take from the Decatur Daily Republican.
“It is with feelings of more than ordinary pleasure that we this morning took by the hand our old friend, John Irwin, late of Cowley County, Kansas, who has come back, as he expresses it, ‘to spend the remainder of his days in Decatur.’ John has been away from here over five years, and he returns looking a little older (like all the rest of us), and the threads of silver are beginning to show themselves quite plainly in his curly locks, but his face bears the same kindly smile as of old, and his voice has in it the same jolly ring that it possessed when he had ‘the honor to introduce to you, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Chas. F. Browne, better known as Artemus Ward.’ That was in the good old days, when Powers’ Hall would seat comfortably the entire elite of Decatur, and when John was a young man with rosy cheeks and Hyperion locks—before Southern Kansas was known to emigration and grasshoppers were esteemed only as festive but harmless insects.
“But times have changed since then, and John comes back to us to recuperate from his losses in the country recently foraged by the countless millions of ‘hoppers that ate up every green thing, and right glad are we to welcome him back to the scenes that he used to make so musical with his joyous disposition.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 9, 1876.
C. M. Scott, Esq.: DEAR SIR: In reply to your question as to Manning bolting the Republican ticket in 1870, I have this to say. The party was organized by the appointment of a Republican Central Convention of one from each voting precinct in the County. This was done in Convention at Dexter. At the same time a delegate was elected to represent this County in the State Convention and he was admitted. Col. Manning, although there and claiming to represent the county, was rejected. That Central Committee called a Republican County Convention to be held at Winfield, I don’t remember the date. At the appointed time the Convention met in the building, then unfinished, in which Green’s Drug Store is situated, and organized by the election of John Irwin as Chairman and myself as Secretary.
All the precincts were represented but Winfield, and we nominated a straight Republican ticket. Afterwards a People’s Convention was called at Winfield and E. C. Manning nominated for Representative; Judge T. B. Ross, of Winfield, for Probate Judge; A. A. Jackson, of Winfield, for County Clerk; John M. Pattison, of Rock, for Sheriff; William Cook, of Winfield, for Register of Deeds. The other members on the ticket escape my memory. My recollection is the ticket was composed of three Republicans and three Democrats. This ticket was the only ticket nominated that fall against the Republicans.
Manning was defeated at the polls, but the easy conscience of the County Board resulted in the throwing out of the votes returned from six precincts, resulting in Mr. Manning being declared elected.
I commenced a contest against him, and the notice was served on T. H. Johnson at Manning’s residence, he (Manning) having absented himself to avoid such service.
When the Legislature met, the contestor, H. B. Norton (who was the choice of a majority of the voters of the county as aforesaid at that election), was very sick, and confined to his bed until towards the close of the session: hence the contest was abandoned. Respectfully,
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Many of our old settlers will remember John Irwin. He was one of the earliest settlers in Cowley County, and owned a claim nine miles up the Walnut bottom. The place is now owned, we believe, by Mr. Green. He left a $1,500 a year salary in Decatur, Illinois, to seek his fortune in the west. He had a contest with Mr. William Raglan, in which they both sunk about all they were worth. John was one of the finest specimens of manhood we have ever seen. He was six feet two in his socks, broad, square shoulders, blue eyes, with light curly hair slightly sprinkled with gray, and a smile that would melt the heart of an iceberg. He was one of the most genial and companionable of men; one of those who never forgot that he was a gentleman. Talking, or rather writing of Mr. Irwin, reminds us of a story.
Col. E. C. Manning and the writer having been on a county seat excursion, those being the days of county seat elections, made it a point to call by Mr. Irwin’s place, arriving there about the middle of the afternoon, tired and hungry. Not finding the family at home and the gnawings of hunger making us more desperate at every fresh gnaw, we removed a window, the door being locked, and climbed through. We found plenty, and after eating to our satiety, we made our escape as we had entered. Carefully replacing the window, we lit out for Winfield, little dreaming that all that time we were closely watched by a posse of Mr. Irwin’s neighbors, who, having seen us enter the house in that surreptitious and burglarious manner, armed themselves with shot guns, concealed themselves in the hog lot and awaited our egress, when upon recognizing us, made no demonstration, and we didn’t know for long afterwards how near we came to being shot for tramps.
We have been reminded of John and this trifling reminiscence by seeing in the Decatur (Illinois) Herald that John Irwin has the best $1 shirts in that town. They are for sale, however. We hope that John will make a fortune out of them.