Rev. Irwin


   [At first Rev. Irwin was located at Floral.]
Am not certain if Rev. Irwin had anything to do with Irwin Chapel. Put some of the information in this file relative to “Rev. Irwin” in that file also. MAW
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Had a fine time at the picnic. Plenty of goodies to take home. Prof. Limerick favored us with an excellent speech. Rev. Graham and Rev. Irwin also made short speeches both full of good things.
Rev. Irwin of Lane University (?)...
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
The United Brethren Church at Constant will be dedicated Sabbath, Oct. 12th. Rev. Irwin, president of Lane University, will officiate. Preaching Saturday evening by Rev. J. H. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Program of the evening session of the Cowley County Teachers Association to be held at New Salem, February 20th, 1885: Music. Address of welcome, Rev. Irwin; response. R. B. Moore; music. Paper, relation of teacher and pupil, Fannie Stretch; talk, Prof. A. Gridley; music. Recitation, Jessie Stretch. Paper, W. C. Barnes; Exercise by New Salem school; roll-call of teachers with five minute responses.
Rev. Irwin’s grove...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The members of the Christian Church held a basket meeting in Rev. Irwin’s grove on June 28th and had an excellent meeting and a good time socially. Good will and kind feelings seem to prevail in our churches in peaceful Salem. Let harmony always prevail and our Sunday Schools will be full and jails empty, we hope. Let the youth of the land all get interested in Sunday School work and help build a grand and glorious kingdom on earth and be ready to meet the “king of kings” when He cometh to make up His jewels.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.

Last Sunday was pleasantly celebrated by the Christian church at Tannehill in holding their regular annual basket meeting in Mr. Smalley’s grove, on the verdant banks of Beaver creek. The indications of the thermometer were low enough to make the day comfortable and the exercises enjoyable. It being the fifth Sunday of the month, many ministers from a distance who were afforded leisure by an “off” Sabbath, were present to add to the attractions of the hour. Among the visiting ministers your reporter remembers the following names: Revs. Wright, of Douglass, Butler County; Irwin, of Floral; Broadbent, of Geuda; Hawkins, of Vernon township; and Drennen, of Ninnescah township. Rev. Hopkins, of Mulvane, was expected to deliver the annual sermon, but a business call to St. Louis prevented him being present. Rev. Frazee, the resident preacher, was chief master of ceremonies, and at his request, Rev. Wright occupied the pulpit before and after dinner. The Reverend gentlemen delivered two very interesting discourses, which were attentively listened to throughout by the large assemblage of people present. Quite a large number of persons were in attendance from Winfield, Geuda, Kellogg, Hackney, Floral, and other remote localities. The exercises of the day were pleasantly and harmoniously adjourned to the Tannehill schoolhouse. The writer did not remain for the evening services, but wearily wended his way homeward ever and anon meditating on the subject whether or not it was possible for him to read his “titles clear to mansions in the skies,” when members of different religious denominations are not quite positive that his brethren and sisters of opposite faith are presenting the proper route in their pilgrimage toward the “pearly gates.” MARK.
W. H. H. Maris and Rev. Irwin...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Messrs. Eli Reid, of Burden, and T. Walker, of Salem, have bought the dry goods and grocery stock of Mr. Maris. Mr. Reid is determined to be a Salemite and Burden citizen also. Guess we will keep him in Salem this time. Are glad to welcome his family back. Mr. Maris and Rev. Irwin have bought the grocery store of Mr. Long in Winfield. Shall we lose these good, energetic citizens?
(Successors to John C. Long.)
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Having bought the business of John C. Long, we can be found at his old stand with the freshest and best Groceries always on hand, at the lowest living prices. The HIGHEST MARKET PRICE paid for produce. Hoping for a continuance of old customers, we will strive to please all in everything.