Gus Ivey


Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Alas!  Another Typo Gone!
The Hon. Ben Gardner and His Royal Highness, Gus Ivey, of Cherokee fame, are on a bum in the salubrious climate of Colora­do. They recently graced the printing offices in this city with their presence, but King whiskey did much to poison Ivey and little Ben was alive to temptation. A few scattering debts and a nocturnal ride has sent them where wrong can hide from fear and the weary find some rest. Their absence brought the first intimation to us of their departure, and this accounts for the tardiness of the TRAVELER this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
The Cherokee Council is in session at Tahlequah. We learn from the Cherokee Advocate, published at that place, that Gus Ivey has at last arrived in those pastures.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Gus Ivey, editor of the Indian Chieftain, was in town last Sunday and Monday, and gave the COMMERCIAL a call. Gus has it in him to make the Chieftain a first class paper, and from the way he starts in with the first number, we think that he will do it.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 30, 1882.
Last week Gus Ivey, editor of the Vinita Chieftain, published in the Indian Territory, accepted an invitation from Major J. E. Thomas, chief engineer of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, and went to Tulsa, on the Arkansas River, the present terminus of the road. Mr. Ivey describes the country through which the road runs, giving its advantages and privileges in the following manner.
“To summarize our trip, we are very glad to express ourselves as much gratified with the manner in which the company has constructed this road and are sure that great benefits will accrue to the country. The road has been built in a first-class manner throughout, all buildings being completed in an exceptionally good style and finish. The track is laid with steel rail, all bridges and culverts are built in a permanent style. In short, it looks as if the company had ‘come here to stay,’ make money for themselves, and benefit our people. We understand from reliable sources that the company will soon commence the construction of the bridge crossing the Arkansas River, and build thence on to a connection with the western division at Albuquerque, their engineering parties being now out on surveys and providing for an additional 100 miles. This line has long been recognized as the best located, shortest, and most valuable branch granted by the Government to the Pacific Ocean. The land grant is simply immense, being 47,000,000 acres of land.”
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.

Democratic Senator Vest, of Missouri, in his hasty desire to gain notoriety by investigating the Indian leases, has been made the object of ridicule. In the examination of R. B. Hunter, of St. Louis, Wednesday, the same testimony was developed as was devolved from other witnesses. Mr. Hunter is the lessee of 500 acres of land belonging to the Cheyennes and Arapahos. His evidence was substantially a repetition of that given Tuesday by other lessees of these lands. He was searchingly examined with regard to any payments to third parties to secure leases and declared he knew of no such payments. No agent employee or official of the government and no member of congress held, so far as witness knew, any interest in leases. Senator Vest, under whose resolution the investigation is proceeding, was present and stated to the committee that before he introduced his resolution and made his remarks upon the subject, he had found in an executive document letters from Augustus Ivey, of Vinita, Indian Territory, making most serious charges in connection with the procuring of land leases for grazing purposes. He did not personally know Ivey, but had received letters from him upon the subject. He now understood that Ivey refused to come before the committee to testify. Senator Vest asked the committee as a matter of justice to himself and to promote the public interest, to take steps to bring Ivey before them and compel him to testify. He did not propose to submit to such an attempt to make him ridiculous.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 14, 1885.
It appears that the individual above mentioned is the sole and only cause of the appointing of the present senate investigating committee to investigate the leasing of the Indian lands in the Territory below us.
There has been no evidence, whatever, adduced to prove anything fraudulent or illegal in the manner of obtaining such leases. We do not claim, nor are we fully convinced, of the advisability of leasing such large bodies of land at such low prices to single individuals; but, at the same time, we do condemn anyone, whoever he may be, who will cause the expense to the government and to private citizens that the individual above named has caused.
We know this Ivey—know all we wish to know about him. Arkansas City had about six months’ knowledge of him, enough to last her through the next two or three decades. It would perhaps be pertinent to mention him gently in this connection; Gus Ivey is a printer. He came here in the fall of 1879 from the Cherokee Nation, where he left an Indian wife, and stayed here until along in the spring of 1880. While here he was a drunken, dissolute, good-for-nothing dog, working until he had a few dollars and then laying off until he could drink it up; in the interim he made what he could out of gambling. The police judge of that time made his acquaintance several times. A dirty, drunken bummer, he spent his time around the saloons, drinking and playing billiards. A dead-beat of the worse character, no one would associate with him. Our people remember him as a beat, a bummer, a loafing, lying, lazy cur. He is the brute who enticed Ben Gardner into giving him all his money, by representing that they could travel together, and by working now and then on daily papers, on any of which he could get a case, and thus go West very cheap. He spent Ben’s money and deserted him up near Topeka or Lawrence, leaving him without a cent. Oh, yes, we know Gus Ivey.
The next time Senator Vest wants to make himself conspicuous, he should choose a different co-partner than a drunken, free-lunch, good-for-nothing vagabond like Gus Ivey.
Vest now wonders why Ivey didn’t appear and testify against the cattlemen! If the senator should see this eulogy of the illustrious gentleman, he would wonder no more, for he would know that Ivey did not dare show his face where decent men have their boots blacked. Selah! We have done.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Slightly Upstairs.

The wise and good Deacon McConn of the dying TRAVELER, in a crushing article on Gus Ivey, takes occasion to annihilate Senator Vest. Our wise and owlish Deacon sitting down on Senator Vest is something like a little termite trying to devour Barnum’s Jumbo.
After several nightly vigils and the burning of much midnight oil with Payne in fine frenzy rolling, the mighty intellect of Charlie dear evolved the above refined and withering sarcasm. We notice a few slight mistakes in which we call attention.
In the first place, the readers of the TRAVELER observe, if at all, that it is dying by issuing each week a paper containing more local news than any paper in the county without a single exception. Another proof is the fact that we do two thirds of the job work done in town, and still another, that we have more subscribers paid for a year in advance than either of our E. C.’s.
In the second place, the article referred to, and which even our imaginative friend does not dispute, does not “take occasion to annihilate Senator Vest,” nor does it contain any attempt in that direction.
Thirdly, the comparison loses its focus, and it lost its grammatical construction by passing through the aforesaid elongated youth’s hands. And,
Fourthly and last, the whole thing is untrue.
These are a few of the mistakes made, not including the typographical errors of which we noticed twenty-five in the first column.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
SENATOR VEST thinks Augustus Elbert Ivey is a blasted fool and wants him brought before the Indian lease committee in a basket if he will come in no other way! While the honorable Augustus is smiling in his sleeves to think what a fool he made of the reverend Senator with his little pen. Vest will suffer more than Ivey in this deed as he has more to lose.
Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 21, 1885.
The testimony of Gus. Ivey, who finally made his appearance at Washington, is not what Senator Vest expected. He testifies that a man, who is since deceased, told him he got some money for his vote. He does not say or produce the notices of any others who sold out. He incidently remarked that the lease of the Cherokee lands had injured him personally, because he had already completed arrangements with a man of means, to form a partnership, he, on account of his second partnership to the Cherokees, to furnish the color [??] of title to the lands and the other man the money to stock it. He did not mean to give it away in that manner, but he has let the cat out of the bag. Poor Augustus.
[Article hard to read. May have goofed up.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The Emporia Daily Republican copied our article on Gus. Ivey and concludes with the words: “It looks as though the Missouri Senator should pull down his vest before offering any more resolutions of investigation.” Between Charlie’s weak utterings and the approval of Hon. C. V. Eskridge, we guess we can stand it.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.
Gus Ivey.

The article in the TRAVELER of some time ago, headed as above, has created such a demand for that issue that we are compelled to reprint the article to supply the many calls. Every paper of that date we could possibly get hold of has been sent away. Here is the article, and may it do him as much good as he deserves.