M. P. Johnson
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
M. P. Johnson, one of the most genial of stockmen, who has been holding cattle south of town, has sold out and will shortly start for Texas to purchase more.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
M. Johnson, who has been in Texas for some time, returned to the city last week, and will make headquarters at his cattle ranch for a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Our old friend, M. P. Johnson, spent three days of the past week in the city attending to stock biz and shaking hands with the boys. Mode has a stock ranch near Cedar Vale, where he is at present holding stock and at which place the TRAVELER will make him a weekly call.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
“Mode” Johnson, known throughout Kansas and Texas as one of the most experienced of stockmen, spent a few days at this place this week. Mr. Johnson has, in addition to his large farm in Texas, two stock ranges in the Territory, and a deeded range of 2,000 acres on Rock Creek, in Cowley County, which he is now fencing.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
Our old friend, M. P. Johnson, informs us he has 242 head of livestock on his ranch, which he intends to offer for sale, between the first and twentieth days of March, 1884.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
M. P. Johnson paid this city a short visit last week, going from here to his cattle ranch on Deer Creek. “Mode” is one of the heaviest and most experienced cattlemen in this section. He has a very large farm in the eastern portion of the county, on which is a very commodious stone house, yet his heart continually yearns for the old cabin and ranch life.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Mode Johnson was up from his ranch last week for a day or so. He reports everything as prospering finely.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
We notice in the Kansas City Indicator the advertisement of the New Jersey Cattle Co., offering their ranch of 6,000 acres of deeded land in the southwestern portion of Cowley County, for sale. The ranch adjoins E. M. Hewins’ pasture and the horse ranch of M. P. Johnson. A “mint of money” has been expended on this land in improvements and Arkansas Cattle, and the profits no doubt have not been what our eastern friends expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Destructive Prairie Fire.
The prairie fire in the Territory on Friday was terribly destructive, sweeping the entire region of country from Chilocco Creek southward to Stewart’s ranch, on the Salt Fork. Besides the destruction of thousands of acres of prairie, large stacks of hay were burnt, and we hear that some cattle were caught in the flames. Among the sufferers by this wanton act of incendiarism, are Winfield Cattle Co. (Formerly Tomlin & Webb’s), and Pettit, who pastured his herd on the above named ranch, is also a severe loser. The ranches of Hill & Allen, Beach & Pickens, H. G. Chinn, and M. P. Johnson are also burnt over. A furious gale blew at the time of the conflagration, and the flames were carried with railroad rapidity. This leaves a gloomy prospect for carrying the herds through the winter.
[Note: Many issues of Traveler missing in January/March issues. There is no way of showing the first part referred to in the next article. I believe “Moses” applies to “Mode P.” Johnson. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
A number of cattle were frozen to death in this vicinity. Mr. Botts, who has a range on Wolfe Creek lost two; M. Johnson, who has a range at the mouth of Deer Creek, lost quite a number; H. J. Chinn lost one; and Dan Feagins of Bolton Township six.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Fred B Eiklor et ux to M P Johnson, s hf se qr & se qr sw qr sec 18 & n hf ne qr & se qr ne qr & ne qr & 5 acres off sw qr ne qr 17-35-8e, 285 acres: $2,500.00.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
In the Traveler this week Chas. F. Chambers, over his signature, says the REPUBLICAN perpetrated a foul slander upon him last week. We print his explanation in full, which corresponds with ours of last week, excepting the portion relating to his arrest.
“I went down to Moses Johnson’s ranch on business; the fellow who stole the horses was working there, and got in a conversation with me. He said he was going to steal Mr. Conroy’s horses that night. I thought strangely of this talk, and went to Mr. Johnson’s foreman and told him the conversation. He said the man was lying, and I thought the same. I then started home, stopping on the way at Mr. Roup’s. Having been invited to attend the Literary at Springside, I put up my pony, and by invitation rode with them in their conveyance to the Literary, and returned with them. I remained all night at Mr. Roup’s house. All of which I am fully able to prove, and that is all there is in it so far as I am concerned.”
It seems to the REPUBLICAN editor that Mr. Chambers has kicked before he was spurred.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
Mode T. Johnson is at his ranch, in Deer Creek, this week; he makes his home near Cedarvale.