T. K. Johnston


[At one time Postmaster of Winfield.]

Winfield 1874: T. K. Johnston, 37; spouse, Ella, 35.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth  Where from
T. K. Johnston 40  m w Maine Maine
E. A. Johnston 33 f w Maine Maine
D. A. Johnston 5  m w Maine Maine
Winfield 1878: T. K. Johnston, 50; spouse, E. A., 36.
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, July 1, 1871.
Messrs. Smith and Johnston have our thanks for late Maine papers.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
FINE WORK. Ira Kellogg has just finished plastering Mr. Johnston’s building and we have not seen a better job in the State. We don’t know which to congratulate most: Mr. J. on having so fine a house, or Mr. K. for knowing how to finish it.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Mrs. S. C. Smith’s fine two-story business house was dedi­cated by our young folks last Friday evening. Although it was not spoken of until about seven o’clock in the evening, there was present a large and intelligent company. Mr. T. K. Johnston’s building was treated in like manner on Wednesday evening. Dobyns, the gentlemanly proprietor of the City Restaurant, furnished the ice cream for the occasion, and when we asked for our bill, we were told it was settled. We have our suspicions. T. K., we’re obliged to you.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Hearth and Home, Saturday Night, Chimney Corner, Western Rural, Rural New Yorker, New York Weekly and other excellent papers at Johnston & Lockwood’s.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Through the kindness of Messrs. Johnston & Lockwood we have received the November number of Harper’s Monthly.
Reference made in next item to Johnston as Postmaster...
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
We announce to the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County that through the efforts of our Post Master his office has become a Money Order Office, and that citizens can now make remittances, without the usual delay attending “Registered letters,” or the danger of losing their funds. Mr. Johnston drew his first order this A.M.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Dr. Lockwood, of the firm of Johnston & Lockwood, started east yesterday morning for his health. He still retains his interest in the drug store, and will return at an early day.
Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.
T. K. Johnston, at the post office, has on exhibition the largest water melon of the season.
It was donated to Mr. Johnston by L. Small, of Posey Creek, and weighs 42 pounds.

Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872. Front Page.
Office at Johnston & Lockwood’s Drug Store.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Mails arrive from the North and East via Kansas City, Topeka, Wichita, and Augusta, at 6 o’clock p.m. daily, Sundays excepted.
From the East via Independence, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday at 6 o’clock p.m.
From Arkansas City, at 8 o’clock a.m., daily, Sundays excepted.
Mails leave for the East via Augusta, Wichita, Topeka, and Kansas City, at 8 o’clock a.m., daily, Sundays excepted.
For the East via Independence at 8 o’clock a.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
For Arkansas City, at 6 o’clock p.m., daily, Sundays excepted.
All letters must be mailed one hour before the time of departure.
Mails arriving after 9 o’clock p.m. distributed the follow­ing morning.
Office hours, from 7 o’clock a.m. to 9 o’clock p.m. Office open on Sunday from 6 o’clock p.m. to 8 o’clock p.m.
Money orders issued from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. T. K. JOHNSTON, P. M.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1873.
Facilities for Telegraphing. Through the energy of Postmas­ter Johnston, our citizens can now receive and send messages without a trip to Wichita. The Telegraph Company has furnished Mr. Johnston a schedule with authority to receive and transmit dispatches from this office to Wichita. A message placed in his hands in the morning will be forwarded promptly from Wichita the same evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873.
Money Orders. Winfield Post-office has issued at the rate of twenty-seven money orders per week. Mr. Johnston is kept on the move to transact the business of his office.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
T. K. Johnston, the Winfield Postmaster, is the only man heard of in the county thus far that publicly justifies Rev. Martin for refusing to give up his railroad pass. Stick to him, T. K., you brought him out.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
T. K. Johnston, Enoch Maris, and C. M. Wood were appointed a finance committee.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
NOTICE. Contributors to the 4th of July Celebration fund are re­quested to meet at the office of Curns & Manser on Saturday evening, the 25th inst., at 8 o’clock to hear the report of the finance committee, and direct the disposition of surplus funds.
Finance Committee: T. K. JOHNSTON, C. M. WOOD, ENOCH MARIS.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
The readers of the COURIER will bear witness to our patience under the slanderous misrepresentations of the Telegram and its allies, for two years past. We have hoped in forbearance to avoid a conflict with the “ring” that keeps that paper on its legs. Long since the people of the county withdrew their support from it on account of its personal abuse and unreliability. For more than a year it has been kept running by desperate make­shifts, by moving from room to room, and from garret to cellar about town because it could not pay rent. By paying its employ­ees with promises, by borrowing material, by taking continuances in court against creditors who were trying to compel it, or its editor, to pay their honest debts, and with the aid of all the subterfuges, practiced only by scoundrels, backed by a ring that we hereafter describe in detail, it has succeeded in maintaining a sickly existence.
The ostensible purpose of its being is reform in politics and abuse of Manning. The real purpose of its being is the maintenance of the “Post Office ring” in Winfield. This ring has no influence in the country whatever except through it organ, the Telegram.
  If a democrat in Pleasant Valley wants an office, he knows he must get it without the aid of the republican party—hence he comes to town, joins the post office ring in the abuse of the republican party, and says that Manning runs it. This is report­ed to the Telegram and at once Mr. Democrat is called a hardy son of toil, and a good man for some office. No questions are asked about his qualifications in reading, writing, or spelling, nor is his past character looked into. It is enough to know that he is opposed to Manning.
If a bull-head from Tisdale Township wants an office, whose ignorance and stupidity makes him a failure as a farmer, and who cannot get an endorsement from any intelligent man in the county, he at once seeks the P. O. ring, puts in some heavy anathemas against the Republican party in general and Manning in particu­lar, and he is at once reported to the Telegram as a good man from Tisdale to work up the reform ticket in that locality.
If a bummer of Arkansas City, who has been kicked out of the Republican party for incompetency, ignorance, and rascality, wants an office, he writes an abusive article about Manning specially, and the Republican party generally, signs himself “Republican” or “farmer,” sends it to the Telegram for publica­tion, whereupon the P. O. ring set him down as one of the “good, noble, and true,” men of Creswell Township who are disgusted with conventions and party lines, and who will make a good candidate on the “reform” ticket for some office.
Now and then a man who has voted for the Republican ticket for years from principle, is proposed for some office, and is beaten in convention because some other man is thought to be better, and he in a fit of passion and disappointment will fall to berating the Republican party or some of its members, whereupon the P. O. ring and Telegram fall to besliming him and convincing him that he was beaten by a trick, and that merit has no show in the Republican organization, and his only hope is to be a “reformer.”
When the creditors of Allison or the Telegram press too hard upon the concern for pay, postmaster Johnston, or M. L. Read, step in with either cash or security and give relief. They can’t afford to have the thing go down. Thus the P. O. “ring,” by management, and the Telegram by blowing, have made and are making perpetual war on:
1st. The Republican party of Cowley County.

2nd. On the financial interests of Cowley County.
3rd. On the material development of Cowley County.
4th. On the business prosperity of Winfield.
Now we propose to show how it is done, and to show up the men who are doing it.
As to the first charge: the Republican party of Cowley County is or should be composed of men who adhere to the princi­ple and policy of the national party, and carrying its principles and policy into Cowley County affairs, they demand that honest, competent, and honorable men be put in office, and that the public money be economically used, and strictly accounted for. That manufactories be fostered and markets for produce be estab­lished. To this end has the COURIER labored. To this end have the active members of the party devoted their energies political­ly. We challenge from anyone a successful contradiction of this statement.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram, have done for two years, and are still doing their best, to destroy the Republican party, and to defeat its noble mission. Two years ago this fall the
P. O. ring opposed the Republican nominees and worked up the liberal ticket and supported it. Capt. McDermott, the Republican nominee, was elected to the House in spite of them. As a member of the legislature from Cowley County he sent forty copies of the Commonwealth every week during the session, to the Winfield post office for distribution among the people here that they might know what the action of their representative was. Postmaster Johnston did not distribute those papers, but destroyed them, and Capt. McDermott knew nothing of it until his return. Not one word of reproach can be raised against Capt. McDermott while a member of the legislature.
Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.
Now we declare that neither the Republican party nor any of its active members were responsible for the actions of the board which were subject to criticism. The county board was composed of two men, Messrs. Cox and Maurer, who were elected by the Republican party, and Mr. Smith, the other, was elected on the liberal ticket. There are but one or two acts of that board that can by any stretch of the imagination be subjected to justifiable censure. One is the erection of the courthouse, without authori­ty from the people, another was extravagance in purchasing books and blanks for the county officers.
For the first act, Col. J. M. Alexander and the P. O. ring are responsible. They are the parties who more than anyone persuaded Mr. Cox to make the contract with the city of Winfield to build a courthouse and jail.
Mr. Maurer, one of the Republican commissioners of the county, never consented to the movement. This action of the board was taken, too, in the face of a protest against it, signed by several prominent Republicans of Cowley County, E. C. Manning among the number.
The Telegram at the time endorsed the action of the board, and ridiculed the protest. This action of the P. O. ring cost the county $12,500.

For the second act A. A. Jackson, a Democrat, elected on the “people’s” ticket, is responsible. He was familiar with the wants of the various county officers, and ordered books and blanks at pleasure. He obtained the confidence of the board and either recommended all the books and blanks that were ordered or else ordered them himself, and afterwards obtained the sanction of the board by stating that they were necessary. Jackson made a certain percent on all the books and blanks ordered by him by special arrangement with the various firms from which he ordered them. Jackson was one of the Telegram’s pets at that time and a howler against the Republican party, and of course that paper had no word of censure for him. By this arrangement the county lost several thousand dollars.
The two acts above mentioned are all that could in any fairness be censured, unless it be claimed that the salaries allowed some of the county officers be considered too high. This may be true, but no party is to blame for that. Col. Alexander and other pets of the Telegram told the board that the salaries allowed the County Attorney and Probate Judge ought to be al­lowed, and several Republicans, among the number, E. C. Manning, discountenanced all these propositions, and Col. Manning de­clined to accept one half of the salary of the Probate Judge, notwithstanding he was entitled to it under the terms of his partnership association with Judge Johnson. He told Judge Johnson at the time that the salary was too large and he would not have a cent of any such money. So much for Colonel Manning, who we think deserves this mention at our hands, in passing, as he has been accused by the Telegram and its snuffers with being at the head, or bottom, of all the rascality ever perpetrated in the county.
An examination of County Clerk Jackson’s books, which was demanded by the COURIER and Mr. Troup, the Republican County Clerk, who succeeded Mr. Jackson, developed the fact that Jackson’s books, through incompetency, criminality, or both, were in a scandalously incorrect condition, and that J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, had embezzled several thousand dollars of public money. Short was not a Republican elect, but was a member of the P. O. “Ring,” a pet of the Telegram, and a howler against the Republican party.
An investigating committee of three, two of whom, the Chairman and one other member, opposed the Republican party last fall, has thus far failed to find anything wrong with the affairs of the Republican county officers although they have been in session several months.
The Telegram is for anybody or anything that will keep T. K. Johnston in the Post Office at Winfield, and serve the interests of its masters, Read & Robinson, and Alexander & Saffold.

When the COURIER expressed the sense of the Republicans of Cowley County, by reproaching Judge Lowe, our member of Congress, for his vote in favor of the salary gain  bill, the Telegram made haste to endorse Judge Lowe, and the P. O. Ring sent Lowe a marked copy of each paper. About that time there was an effort made to put Johnston out and put in somebody else, but it failed through Lowe’s influence. Lowe was told that all the Republicans wanted was a man in harmony with the party, no one was particular about the individual. But the COURIER had incurred Mr. Lowe’s displeasure for denouncing him in common with the other salary grabbers. This coupled with the “Ring” endorsement of him saved T. K. At the present hour, after abusing the Republican adminis­tration, national, state, and county, for two years, the Telegram hoists the Republican State ticket because it knows it will be elected anyway. This is done to get Governor Osborn’s endorse­ment to keep Johnston in the Post Office. It then hoists J. K. Hudson’s name, a newspaper publisher, as a candidate for Congress because he is a “farmer,” and hoists R. B. Saffold’s name for State Senator because he is a “reformer,” and opposed to the Republican party; while H. C. St. Clair, the Republican nominee, is a practical farmer and a patron of husbandry.
Now the Telegram and the “ring” are moving everything to organize an opposition to the Republican party of Cowley County this fall. Why? Because the Republican party won’t endorse Johnston, a man bitterly obnoxious to the public, and notoriously dishonest, as postmaster; won’t give the carpet-bagger from Leavenworth, Alexander, an office; won’t favor the bonding of the County debt so as to enable Read & Robinson, and a few non-residents, to convert the several thousands of dollars of Co. scrip that they hold, into cash. These are the real reasons, no matter what their pretended reasons are. This disposes of charge No. 1.
Now for charge No. 2.
“War on the financial interests of Cowley County.”
At the time the County Board let the Courthouse contract, Read & Robinson, bankers, were behind the scenes with the money bags. No one would take the contract unless the scrip could be cashed. Read & Robinson, bankers (known as M. L. Read), took the scrip at 65 cents on the dollar. They got it all. In August of last year, the Telegram “Ring” tried to hold a “farmers” politi­cal meeting at Winfield. They partially failed of their purpose. Rev. William Martin was one of the speakers of the occasion. The “ring” saw that Martin was the kind of stuff to make an available candidate out of, for the Legislature. He was just about stupid enough to be “above suspicion.” So T. K. Johnston went out to the old man’s home shortly after the meeting to interview him. He found the old man “sound,” found him possessed of that quali­fication without which no “reformer” in Cowley County is consid­ered sound, that is, he was opposed to Manning (that he didn’t know why he should be, doesn’t matter), and were he not a Reverend, might be induced to curse him, which would make him the more desirable. Anyway, he would oppose him and that was a good start in the right direction (although Manning was an invalid in the state of New York at that time and had been all summer, but at last accounts he was alive and consequently dangerous); then he would keep T. K. in the Post Office, and favor bonding Read & Robinson’s scrip, and besides was “above suspicion.” But the old man didn’t want to be the representative, or said he didn’t, nor would he consent to run. T. K. came back gloomy. The horizon about the Post office was beginning to get somewhat cloudy. By a little strategy, however, by representing to the old man that the people considered him “above suspicion,” and demanded that he make the sacrifice, the old man yielded. “Reform” delegates were worked up in Martin’s interest, and he was nominated. By Tele­gram falsehoods he was elected, and almost the first thing he did was to try to bond the scrip. The Telegram, backed by Read & Robinson, at home, and Allison at his elbow at Topeka, helped him. But the COURIER and the people opposed the measure and he failed.

Last week the Legislature met in extra session to relieve the destitute. Martin went to Topeka. Just before he went to take his seat, he had an interesting interview with members of the “ring.” We understand they went in a carriage to his resi­dence in the country and what took place at that interview, of course we can’t tell, except by what the Hon. William did when he reached Topeka. The second bill introduced into the House was “House bill No. 2 by William Martin to bond the debt of Cowley County.” It is no measure of relief, no stay of  law, no postpone­ment of taxes, no appropriation for the needy, no act of any kind for the relief of the poverty stricken of Cowley County, but an act to convert the scrip of Read & Robinson, Geo. L. Thompson, J. C. Horton, et al, into Cowley County bonds. This, too, in the face of the well known opposition of the taxpayers of Cowley County to bonds of any kind.
Charge No. 3: they make “war on the material inter­ests of Cowley County.” To this we say, that by stirring up strife, by seeking to promote personal ends, by detracting from the influence of those who would work unselfishly for the welfare of the whole county, they prevent that material development that awaits us if our people would work and counsel together.
The one overshadowing interest to Cowley County, after the distress of the present hard times is provided for, is the building of a railroad through the Indian Territory. The Republican party is turning its attention to this question.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram are too busy looking after county bonds and “available men” who are “above suspicion” to pay any attention to it. The “ring” delegates to the “reform” congressional conven­tion (Allison and A. Walton) did not go to Emporia and demand a recognition of the interests of Cowley County in that convention. They remained at home still looking for available men who were “above suspicion,” and to help Johnston watch the post office for fear Manning might steal it in their absence.
Cowley was not represented in the convention that nominated J. K. Hudson. What did these fellows care about a market for the farmer’s produce so long as they could get their votes? On the other hand, the Republicans sent active, able men to represent them, in the Republican convention at Emporia. Those delegates demanded that the candidates should be pledged to a railroad direct to Galveston, through the Indian Territory. The majority of the delegates in that convention lived on railroads that already lead to Galveston, and defeated the Cowley County resolu­tions offered by Col. Manning.
Now the Telegram jeers those delegates for their failure. The Telegram and the P. O. ring sneers at the efforts made to wake the people of Cowley up to the importance of this question.
As to the fourth charge, “war on the business prosperity of Winfield.”
The P. O. ring, and the Telegram, in order to divert atten­tion from their real designs, must abuse and malign someone, and these are generally the best men in town and county. A. T. Stewart, J. B. Fairbank, C. M. Wood, Rev. Parmelee, C. A. Bliss, W. M. Boyer, and others, together with all the county officers it could not control, have suffered calumny at its hand. The people of the county are taught that the citizens of Winfield are thieves and cutthroats. This drives people away from the town. This divides our people among themselves. It prevents a coopera­tion among the citizens of the place in any laudable endeavor, either charitable, educational, religious, moral, or social, or for the general prosperity of the place. No one can deny this.
The COURIER has endeavored to establish good feeling among our own people, and to show to the people of the county that there was no cause for bad blood between town and country. It and its friends have received nothing but abuse in return.

The cabal that backs the Telegram in its baseness has its head and front in Alexander & Saffold, Read & Robinson, and T. K. Johnston. This “ring” is what Alexander calls the “respectable faction in the Republican party.”
We have written what we have written in calmness, after carefully considering the whole subject. We have no desire to make personal assaults on any man. But we have come to the conclusion that longer submission to the assaults of this “ring” upon us, through their mouth-piece, would be cowardly. And in the interests of the people of Cowley County, who have so long been mislead by the misrepresentations of this “ring,” we here­with fire our first shot.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Alexander, the Leavenworth carpetbagger, Johnston, the fisherman, and the other members of the P. O. “ring,” which the “COURIER” showed up so effectually last week, have joined in an article covering one whole side of the Telegram, all devoted to the abuse of Manning.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
A CARD. WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 28, 1874.
Editor Traveler: Dear Sir: In looking over a copy of the COURIER of last week, I see there are certain charges made against myself and others. Which charges, in so far as they relate to myself, I pronounce untrue from beginning to end; except one, and that is that I offered a bill in the special session of the Legislature providing for the funding of our county debt. And if this was criminal, I have only to say to the COURIER that I did so after consulting with prominent Republicans in reference to such a bill, and being encouraged by them to make such a move, I call upon the COURIER man to make goods his charges. Very respectfully, WM. MARTIN.
The Courier response:
The above we take from the Traveler. Why send your denial to the Traveler, Mr. Martin? Why not send it to the paper which made the charges you complain of. The fact that you sent it to any other paper than the COURIER, shows either that you do not understand the common courtesies, or that you are a moral coward. No doubt it would have been just what you wished if your card in the Traveler should by some chance have escaped notice. It would have left you with a challenge out, of which we knew nothing, which might materially assist you in securing another nomination.
You start out by saying that the COURIER’s charges in so far as they relate to you “are untrue from beginning to end, except one, etc.” Now, Mr. Martin, what are the charges made against you by the COURIER? As you have not the manliness to say what they are, we shall make them specific.
1st. “That you are but the pliant tool of T. K. Johnston and the P. O. ‘Ring.’” Do you deny that you were consulted by them as to your being a candidate last fall?
2nd. “That you were just stupid enough to be above suspi­cion.” Do you deny that? True it is rather a hard personal charge to make against you. But you are a public man, Mr. Martin, and have to put up with the criticisms of the public, whether you will or no.
3rd. “That you went to Topeka last winter cocked and primed, with Allison, your adviser, at your elbow, to pass a bill funding the county debt.” Do you deny that?

4th. “That you accepted a pass from the A. T. & S. F. railroad, and drew your mileage besides.” Do you deny that?
Now allow the COURIER to propound to you a few pertinent questions which you can answer by yes, or no.
Did you accept a pass on the railroad to Topeka and return, during the extra session?
Did you draw mileage to the amount of $67.50?
And did you not know that the condition of that pass was that you were not to draw mileage from the state?
Haven’t you consulted T. K. Johnston and other members of the Winfield P. O. Scrip “Ring,” as to your being a candidate again this fall?
You are welcome to the columns of the COURIER, Mr. Martin, in which to answer all their queries. At the request of a mutual friend, Mr. Martin, we had intended to let you drop into that obscurity from which, for the good of yourself and certainly for that of Cowley County, you should never have been called. But your card in the Traveler, releases us from any promise we made to let you alone in the future, and we are now ready to deal with you the same as we would with any other public man.
We have no desire to accuse you of dishonesty, Mr. Martin. What we do accuse you of, is that you allow yourself to be made the tool of a few renegade republicans and democrats, such as constitute the P. O. “Ring” here in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874. Editorial by James Kelly.
Col. E. C. Manning had Allison of the Telegram arrested last Saturday on charge of libel. The ground for the charge was an article in the Telegram of the 2nd inst. We are sorry that Col. Manning saw fit to take the course he has in the matter. We advised him otherwise, but he thought different.
We were satisfied that that was just what the “ring” in their desperate strait wanted. Something that would create sympathy for their champion. We understand that they (the ring) justified Allison on the ground that Col. Manning wrote the “ring” expose for the COURIER, and that he is in the habit of writing our articles for us.
Now while we take it as quite complimentary to have writers of such well known ability as Col. Manning, Maj. Fairbank, and D. A. Millington credited with the authorship of our articles, yet we will say once more, that no man writes our editorials for us (except when we may be absent, and our local attends to that) and nobody knows this better than the P. O. “ring.” If they are not satisfied that we have the ability to show them up, we invite T. K. Johnston, J. M. Alexander, or any other members of the “ring” to call on us any week, and we will give them permission to look over our shoulder while we tell the public of their many rascalities.

So far as the article which appeared in the COURIER two weeks ago is concerned, we never dreamed of claiming any merit save that of telling the truth in a straight forward manner. In that article was nothing disrespectful of anyone. Nothing libel­ous. The “ring,” instead of denying the charges we made, piled all the abuse they could think of on Manning, of course. The “reformer” boor of the P. O., who would today be a pauper were it not for the Government pap furnished him by the republican party, has vilified and abused for the last three years, knew that what we said about him was too true for him to risk a denial, and consequently, the article is devoted to the abuse of Manning.
In the suit now pending between Manning and Allison, we have no part or interest. Col. Manning is perfectly able to take care of himself and fight his own battles. But we do think that he, as a private citizen, is entitled to the protection of the law he has invoked. Were he before the public for an office, or even the editor of a country newspaper, there might be some excuse for this wholesale abuse and calumny. But without any public good to be attained, there can be no excuse.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874. Editorial. James Kelly, Editor.
Both Sides. T. K. is managing things pretty fine now to keep himself in the P. O. He hoists the name of J. K. Hudson for reform candi­date for Congress in his official organ and he runs around and tries to hire the band, after we had engaged them, to play for Judge Brown. That way he thinks he is safe. Should Brown be elected (which he will be by a big majority), T. K. will come in on the score of friendship, and should Hudson chance to be the man, T. K. has but to show that the P. O. organ supported him, and he is all right.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
T. K. Johnston thought when he engaged rooms for Judge Brown that he was playing it fine. T. K. has an eye to business. He has just sense enough to see that Brown will be our next Con­gressman, and might control the P. O. at Winfield, hence his agony. But poor T. K., Judge Brown wasn’t fool enough to fall into the hands of his enemies. The Judge was promptly taken care of by the republicans.
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
Our kind and obliging (?) postmaster, T. K. Johnston, kept the post office open all day last Sunday for the accommodation of the public. We never saw him so anxious to please the public before; but we suppose the fact of J. K. Hudson’s being here had something to do with it.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874. Editorial by James Kelly.
A new paper is soon, if ever, to be started here by Lillie, Smith, Alexander & Co. As we have not been taken into the confidence of the managers, we of course cannot tell just to a “brilliant em,” how many feet wide by yards long the new paper is going to be. We suppose, however, that it will be something near a 19 column paper, and will contain about 700 pages nonpareil. It is to be issued regularly when started, once in two years, or as Alexander gets run out of Leavenworth and carpet bags back to Winfield. It will be perfectly independent in politics, having no interests to serve, save that of the P. O. “Ring,” and other peculiar interests of its managers. As its name indicates it will be ready at all times to pack up its carpet bag and go back to Leavenworth.
Its motto is to be taken from Alexander’s celebrated 4th of July oration: “God Bless the Grangers!” As near as we can find out the editorial staff stands about as follows:
J. C. Lillie, editor in chief.
J. M. Alexander, agricultural editor.
S. C. Smith, financial editor, with occasional contributions from T. K. Johnston, Dr. Dobson, and others.

As a ready writer Mr. Lillie has few superiors, as witness his “My say so,” something over a year ago. On the subject of agriculture, Alexander is well posted, having practiced skinning the farmers for thirty odd years, he knows a thing or two on that subject. On finances S. C. is up with the times, having probably loaned as much or more money than anybody in Cowley County. As to the honesty of the management, we have nothing to say. What if they did try to steal Allison’s subscription books, and start their paper on his ruins. That was but a clever coup de plume which will better stand excuse than investigation. True, the new paper will be called a bastard by some igno­rant people; but suppose it has not been blessed with either father or mother, its foster-mother, Alexander, is an experienced wet nurse, who will no doubt raise the bantling to a respectable standing in society. Of course, we write this “prospectus” without our host, as the Carpetbagger may never make any more of an appearance than it now does behind Read’s bank. But as we always hate to be behind in this matter, we give it the benefit of this advertisement.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Mrs. T. K. Johnston and little son have recently returned from a visit “way down East.”  T. K. has been observed to smile frequently since their arrival and the sun shines again around the Post Office.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Messrs. Lockwood & Johnston, dealers in drugs and chemicals, advertise in half column. There is no better firm than this in our city, and the stock of medicines and other goods generally found in a first class Drug store advertised by this house, is complete and not inferior to any.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals. Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles. Pure Wines and Liquors, for medical purposes. Dye Stuffs, etc., etc.
Physicians prescriptions carefully and accurate compounded at all hours, day or night.
Post Office Building, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
The Winfield Institute. The members of the Winfield Institute met at the courthouse last Monday evening and elected a board of directors, consisting of W. Q. Mansfield, T. K. Johnston, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. C. Fuller, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. B. Fairbank, Chas. C. Black, and E. B. Kager. According to arrangement they met last evening and elected from the number a president, secretary, and treasurer, to-wit: D. A. Millington, president; W. Q. Mansfield, secretary, and T. K. Johnston, treasurer.
Among the objects sought to be accomplished by this movement is the establishment of a public library and reading room, and it is the intention of the directors to make all necessary effort to insure success. To this end, therefore, donations of books are solicited from all who are friendly to the enterprise, and of those desirous of becoming members of the Institute. Books will be taken in payment of dues, if desired. Standard works in good condition, on history, theology, science, travel, fiction, and miscellaneous literature will constitute the library; and it is intended to furnish the reading room with a selection of the leading publications, periodicals, and magazines of the day.

Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
A dog from the country made a flying leap through one of postmaster Johnston’s front windows yesterday. The unfortunate owner of the canine went down in his pants and fished up and forked over the amount of damage.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
TO THE VOTERS OF COWLEY COUNTY. This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto sub­scribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency.
T. K. Johnston was one of those who signed above.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
In the matter of insuring the courthouse, the board, after first ascertaining the rates of different companies represented by the local agents of the city of Winfield, agree to take a $5,000 policy on said courthouse, $2,500 to be taken in the “Home” of New York and $2,500 to be taken in the “Kansas” of Leavenworth, Kansas. It is hereby ordered that an order be drawn on the County Treasury in favor of T. K. Johnston, agent of the “Kansas,” for $75.00 and an order in favor of A. H. Green, agent for the “Home,” for $75.00 in payment of said policies.
[Note: James Kelly succeeded T. K. Johnston as Postmaster by April 1876.]
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
T. K. Johnston has for sale the best and cheapest croquet sets ever brought to Cowley County.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Mr. Manser sports the best baby wagon in town. It was ordered by T. K. Johnston from Chicago.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnston, C. C. Haskins.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
One of the leading spirits who opposed making an appropria­tion of city funds for railroad purposes recently made a speech at the courthouse, favoring using fifty dollars of city money for fire works on the 4th of July. He probably had fire works for sale. By inquiry you will find out that this consistent (?) man is T. K. JOHNSTON.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.

On Monday evening last Mr. Manning presented to the City Council a petition signed by over sixty citizens, including the heaviest tax-payers of Winfield, asking that an appropriation of some amount, not exceeding three hundred dollars, be made by the city to defray the expense of making a view of the several railroad routes from here to the east and northeast and to secure a report showing which would be the most feasible enterprise for the people of our county to enter into. On the presentation of the petition, Mr. T. K. Johnston presented a remonstrance signed by twenty-five persons opposing the appropriation. On examina­tion it was found that the law gave no direct authority for such an appropriation, and so long as anyone objected, the council did not feel at liberty to make the appropriation. The opposition to the appropriation was gotten up by W. M. Allison, T. K. Johnston, and H. S. Silver. They pretended that they opposed it because the law did not authorize it, but the real cause was evidently through spite towards those who favored it. There is over six hundred dollars lying idle in the city treasury subject to the order of the council. It might far better be used for this purpose than as one of these remonstrators suggested in a recent speech, be appropriated to buy fire-crackers with. “Consistency (?) thou art a jewel.”
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
In pursuance to the request made by the City Council to Mr. E. C. Manning at its last meeting, he presented to the Council a petition containing sixty-six names of the citizens and taxpayers of the city, praying for the appropriation as mentioned in the minutes of last regular meeting.
Mr. T. K. Johnston presented a remonstrance containing the names of twenty-five remonstrating against the appropriation mentioned. Mr. H. S. Silver handed a letter to the Council in regard to the same, and all being read, on motion of Councilman Lemmon, the petition, remonstrance, and letter were received by the council and ordered filed with the City Clerk. On motion of councilman Lemmon, the matter of the above appropriation was laid on the table.
Dine Johnston, son of T. K. Johnston...
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.
MASTER DINE JOHNSTON has the smallest and neatest riding pony of any boy in the valley.
Excerpts from a lengthy article taken from the Winfield Telegram...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joel Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.

As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolu­tions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
THE BOLTERS. One variation of the programme agreed upon by the minority in the convention on Saturday was, that at a signal certain townships should withdraw from the convention. Having utterly failed in all other maneuvers to baffle the majority, the conven­tion had commenced to vote by ballot for a candidate for State Senator, and no one’s name had been mentioned as such candidate, when the delegates from Creswell arose and withdrew with as much demonstration as possible, then followed Bolton, then up jumped a Democrat from Silverdale, and said, “Here goes Silverdale,” but said Democrat was not a delegate; then out walked a man from Windsor, saying, “Here goes Windsor,” but he was not a delegate either. The magnanimous convention had given him a seat by courtesy to fill the place of an absent delegate. The regular delegates from Windsor remained in the convention. The regular delegates from Silverdale arrived shortly after this scene (they had been accidentally delayed) and took their seats in the convention and repudiated Mr. Democrat who attempted to carry Silverdale out of the convention.
T. K. Johnston, a bitter personal enemy of the person who was a Senatorial candidate, who led the bolt in the Winfield Township meeting, had been around among his bogus delegates on Saturday forenoon and warned them to be present at 1 o’clock. He proposed to coax them into the convention and then lead them out. But they would not go in for him, and if they had been in, they would not go out for him. In fact, several men put upon the T. K. Johnston ticket as delegates had not been consulted about the matter and would have no part in his quarrel.
As to Creswell and Bolton townships, the only townships in the county that bolted the convention, this can be said with truth: their action was prompted by the local jealousy of the citizens of Arkansas City towards the nominee for State Senator. That jealousy is without warrant, and the suspicion bred of it should vanish. We feel sure that in the fall election Creswell and Bolton will give the Republican ticket a good majority, and the nominee for State Senator a very handsome vote, if not a majority over whoever may enter the field against him. “Let us have peace!”
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.

The Tisdale Hurrah! EDITOR COURIER: Last week the Tilden and Hendricks club, of Tisdale, challenged the Hayes and Wheeler club of that place to a joint discussion of the political questions of the day. The Democrats selected for their champion J. Wade McDonald, and the Republicans the Hon. James McDermott. Last night the discussion took place in the schoolhouse at Tisdale. The house was crowded and there were enough people outside to fill another house of the same size. The Hayes and Wheeler club of this place attended the meeting in uniform. McDermott opened the ball, and from the time he commenced until the time he ended, every sentence was a “red-hot” shot into the camp of the enemy. The history of the Demo­cratic party, its frauds and corruptions, were completely shown up. McDonald, who, as everybody knows, is the orator of Cowley County’s Democracy, followed, but there was no “discussion.” He did not answer a single statement made by McDermott, but simply said, “I deny, where’s your proof?” The old worn-out story of “Grant’s frauds,” “Caesarism,” “Military interference and bayonet rule,” and a heart-rending appeal for the rights of the “Sover­eign States” of the South, closing with a denunciation of the removal of T. K. Johnston from the Winfield post office and the appointment of Kelly in his stead constituted his speech. McDermott, in replying, reminded him that he had forgotten about the removal of the maimed Union soldiers by the rebel House and putting in their places rebel soldiers, and gave proof of all his assertions to be matters of record in the archives of the Nation­al Capitol, and known by the American people to be true. In fact, McDermott, instead of being “skinned,” as was anticipat­ed by the Democrats, was the party who performed the operation, and his opponent was the victim.
The Democrats of Tisdale are not likely to want any more discussions.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The following named gentlemen were selected members of county central committee.
T. K. Johnston, Winfield, was one of those selected.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
A motion to allow W. P. Hackney to vote as proxy for G. W. Arnold, principal, and E. P. Hickok, alternate, and to allow T. K. Johnston to vote as proxy for J. H. Land, principal, and W. E. Christie, alternate, was lost.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
E. S. C., Which means “Evening Star Club.”
The above named social organization is just making its debut in Winfield’s fashionable “upper-ten” society. The need of a similar association has long been felt in this community. “Hoodlum dances” have become the rule instead of the exception and are growing very monotonous. Social lines are now to be drawn, and a new order of things will soon take the place of the old breeches-in-boots regime. “Hoe-downs” and their concomitant evils will pass into oblivion, and the big nosed “caller” who used to sing out, as he buckled on to the red-haired girl him­self, “Grab pardners for a quadrille!” will be a thing of the past. Kid gloves and waxed moustaches are not to take the place of all these old frontier familiarities, but a jolly, fun loving, respectable class of our citizens who have been reared in the higher walks of life, resume their position in the social scale, and propose to conduct these entertainments in a manner that will reflect credit upon the management and the city at large. The world moves and we must keep pace with the hour, socially, morally, and otherwise.
The charter members, so to speak, of the Club are Messrs. Frank Gallotti, Esq. Boyer, E. W. Holloway, T. K. Johnston, R. L. Walker, J. B. Lynn, W. P. Hackney, C. C. Black, J. O. Houx, and A. E. Baird, as they were its organizers.

The election of officers followed. W. P. Hackney was chosen president; J. B. Lynn vice president; A. E. Baird, treasurer; and J. O. Houx, secretary. T. K. Johnston, C. C. Black, and
F. Gallotti were named as directors. Frank Gallotti was appointed a committee of one on bylaws. Balloting was then had on the following candidates, resulting in their election to full membership: J. Wade McDonald, [?] James, Bert Crapster, Wilbur Dever, O. M. Seward, Fred Hunt, and Chas. Harter.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
THE PARTIES RESPONSIBLE. For nearly two years we have labored for the construction of a railroad into our county. Others have labored with us. Considerable time and money have been spent by four or five men in Winfield to that end. If a policy that was marked out in November, 1875, by those who really wanted a railroad had been followed, the cars would now be running to Winfield. We desired the railroad bond law so amended last winter as to secure the building of a road. But it was not amended, and we have no road. We have labored to secure that amendment this winter, but it has not nor will it be amended. Consequently, Cowley County will be without a road for at least two years. Every step taken towards securing a road has been headed off by a ring in Winfield. The leaders in that ring of wreckers we give below. There are a few less important members in the ring, but they are only small potatoes and do the bidding of the leaders, who own them. These are the men who have damaged the people of Cowley County one half million dollars by their course in the past, and which course is likely to damage them in the future a half million more. Let them be held responsible. M. L. ROBINSON; M. L. READ; T. K. JOHNSTON; W. P. HACKNEY. CUT THIS LIST OUT and paste it on the cover of your pocket-books, where you can see it each time you open them to pay from 50 to 75 percent per annum interest on every dollar you borrow at the banks; paste it where it will come in sight every time you sign a cut-throat mortgage; paste it on your wagon boxes to be cursed on the road to Wichita with your wheat and other products for the next two years. And when the sheriff sells your home, and you close the door for the last time to leave what was once your own, nail this list upon that door and tell your wife and children that those are the men who are responsible for the calamity that has made you homeless.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
Mr. T. K. Johnston has ordered a basket phaeton, to which he will drive those handsome ponies. He will have the nicest turn-out in the city.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877. Editorial by E. C. Manning.

AN OUTRAGE. On Saturday last, by a trick, T. K. Johnston, of this place, was made chairman of the Republican Central Committee of this county. Less than one half of the members of the committee were present in person and only five of those who were present voted to name Mr. Johnston as its chairman. The committee consists of twenty-two members, one from each township in the county. Mr. Sam Jarvis, the late chairman, has moved out of the county. The committee had been called together by the Secretary and it was understood by the committee that Mr. Chas. Eagin, of Rock, should be named as its chairman. Everybody seemed satisfied with that choice and no other result was expected. But in a clandestine manner certain parties had been sent to different members of the committee and obtained their proxies. In every case of which we have heard that any choice for chairman was expressed by the committeeman himself on giving his proxy, that expression was adverse to Mr. Johnston. But these proxies, disregarding their instructions, voted for the very man they were instructed to vote against. Aside from the sneaking manner in which this outrage upon the Republican party of Cowley County was perpetrated, the disgrace of putting a vicious Democrat like Johnston at the head of a Republican committee must fall heavily upon the men who are responsible for it. Mr. Johnston has never voted or worked with the Republicans of this county. He has persistently fought the party and voted against its candidates. If he took a fancy to a particular man on the ticket, he would vote for such only. For six years he has tried to break down the Winfield Courier, and to build up the Cowley County Telegram. The one has been a consistent Republican journal, the other has been everything but Republican and is now a square-toed Democratic paper.
The COURIER, during that time, has had two different proprietors—Mr. Waddell and Mr. Kelly—and three different editors, Messrs. Waddell, Kelly, and Manning.
Last fall we were informed by some of his friends that Johnston voted for Tilden against Hayes and for Martin against Anthony, and for Crawford against Ryan and for other Democratic candidates. He was to have been the first lieutenant in Bill Hackney’s company that was going to help inaugurate Tilden with bayonets. He has always been a chief counselor in the camp of the Democrats of this county and can say and has said who they should or should not nominate as candidates, when their conventions should be held and when not. And now, if he can nominate such men in the Republican convention as he desires, the Democrats will not make any other nominations but will ratify the selections he makes. Every step taken by Republicans in party matters will be reported by him to his associate managers of the Democratic party. His favorite political journal during the presidential controversy last winter was the Kansas City Times. He has never given a Republican journal in the county any business or countenance but has given all his business to the Democratic journal. And it is a man of these inclinations and with this kind of a record who was put at the head of the Republican committee. Of course, if a man wants to be a Democrat, it is his right, but he has no business in the counsels of the Republican party. The members of the Republican Central Committee should assemble in person and repudiate this outrage. The job was put up for the purpose of getting the advantage of the Republicans of Cowley. Johnston and his counselors will run both party machines; and if the Republicans do not dance to their music, then the Democratic forces will be rallied.
The duty of the COURIER is plain in a case like this. It cannot be silent and see the party to which it owes fealty betrayed. It would not be worthy the confidence of Republicans if it did so. Hence we are compelled to say that this movement has the appearance of a trade among certain politicians. Johnston and his huckstering Democratic associates have agreed that the Democrats shall not run anyone against George Walker as a candidate for Sheriff and it was three or four men who are pushing George ahead as the Republican nominee who put Johnston where he could command the forces of both parties. This high-handed outrage will find little else than stern repudiation among the Republicans of this county.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Two different companies, in which the Courthouse has been insured, have failed and the county has lost the insurance money. T. K. Johnston was the agent who wrote up the policies.

Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The Republicans of the county may expect to see the call for a Republican convention in the Telegram, the private and official organ of the man who is acting as chairman of the Republican Central Committee.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
A SQUIRT. The look of astonishment on the county commissioners’ faces was as good as the side show of a circus. This was when T. K. Johnston presented a formal written document to the board directing how the county should be divided into commissioner districts and signed “T. K. Johnston, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of Cowley County.” The law directs how a county shall be divided, and a citizen might make suggestions; but just how the “chairman” of a political committee could “officially” give directions or make suggestions in a matter of this kind was a stunner. He will probably formulate the programme for the coming dedication and sign it “officially.”
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The New Commissioner Districts. Some townships having been elected since the last division of this county into commissioner districts, it became necessary to redistrict the county, which the commissioners proceeded to do as follows last Tuesday. At the next election district number one elects a commissioner to serve for one year, district two for two years, and district three for three years.
District No. 1: Total, 4,000.
Population in townships.
Winfield, 1,444; Rock, 737; Maple, 408; Ninnescah, 341; Vernon, 593; Beaver, 477.
District No. 2: Total, 4,071.
Population in townships.
Bolton, 731; Creswell, 1,052; Pleasant Valley, 435; Liberty, 425; Silverdale, 403; Spring Creek, 223; Cedar, 275; Otter, 527.
District No. 3: Total 3,651.
Population in townships.
Dexter, 616; Tisdale, 503; Sheridan, 373; Windsor, 582; Silver Creek, 338; Richland, 710; Omnia, 188; Harvey, 341.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
REPUDIATED. From every township in the county the earnest Republicans protest against the action of a few committeemen who attempted to make T. K. Johnston chairman of the Republican Central Committee. The significance of the movement is too apparent and the outrage too flagrant to be passed unnoticed. As will be seen by a card elsewhere a majority of the committee refuse to recognize the action taken by that minority as binding upon the committee and have united in a request to the secretary to call a convention. In pursuance of that request he has issued a call which appears elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
A CORRECTION. Endeavoring always to state the truth in the COURIER and willing at all times to correct misstatements, we now say: that having in last week’s paper, said, under the head of “An Outrage.”

“In every case in which we have heard that any choice for chairman was expressed by the committeeman himself on giving his proxy, that expression was adverse to Mr. Johnston. But these proxies, disregarding their instructions, voted for the very man they were instructed to vote against.”
Our information being second hand at that time was only partially true. These are the facts: Mr. Wooley instructed the party to whom he gave his proxy to cast the vote for Chas. Eagin for chairman. Mr. Van Orsdal says that he instructed his proxy against Mr. Johnston; Mr. Norman was known by the person to whom he gave his proxy to be opposed to the putting of Johnston into that important position. His instructions were: “McDermott first, Eagin next.”
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
TO REPUBLICANS. We, the undersigned members of the Republican County Central Committee, believing that the election of T. K. Johnston as chairman of said committee does not represent the wishes of the Republican party of this county and that said election was by a minority of the Committee do hereby disapprove of and repudiate the same, and hereby request the Secretary, Chas. H. Eagin, to publish the call for a county convention at the time and in accordance with the order of the Committee made at the meeting held on the 4th of August, 1877.
P. Stout, Ninnescah Tp.; W. H. Gilliard, Omnia Tp.; J. O. Van Orsdal, Richland Tp.; Wm. B. Norman, Maple Tp.; L. L. Newton, Harvey Tp.; A. P. Brooks, Silver Creek Tp.; B. H. Clover, Windsor Tp.; H. C. McDorman, Dexter Tp.; R. P. Goodrich, Spring Creek Tp.; W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Tp.; C. W. Roseberry, Beaver Tp.
I unite with the committee in protesting against and repudiating the attempt to elect Mr. T. K. Johnston as chairman of the Committee. CHAS. H. EAGIN, Rock Tp.
A series of editorials by E. C. Manning in the August 16, 1877, issue...
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877. Editorial by E. C. Manning.
FORGOT HIMSELF. When the Republican Central Committee was in session on the 4th inst., someone moved to have the proceedings and call published in the Republican papers of the county, and T. K. Johnston instinctively, and forgetting the company he was in, suggested that they be published in the Cowley County Telegram,” the Democratic organ.
SPOT HIM. When Republicans see a sidewalk politician going in and out at T. K. Johnston’s Democratic headquarters, they should spot him. Such men are in the ring whose purpose is to surrender the Republican party of Cowley to the Democrats. They expect to accomplish by intrigue and strategy that which cannot be done by reason and numbers.
QUIET. Every year heretofore at this season there has been great bustle and activity in the Democratic and Reform political camps of this county. Not so now. The Democratic leaders are hid in the fence corners watching the result of T. K. Johnston’s effort to manipulate the Republican party in their interest. If he succeeds, they will fall into line. If the Republicans shake him off, then will the call “to arms and reform” be sounded.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
Silver Creek Heard From. At a meeting of the Republican voters of Silver Creek Township, Cowley County, held August 11th, 1877, Mr. J. P. McDaniel was chosen chairman, and A. P. Brooks, secretary of the meeting.

On motion Mr. A. P. Brooks was elected chairman of the township Republican committee, and as the member of the Republican County Central Committee from this township in place of S. M. Jarvis. The remaining members of the township central committee not being known, Z. W. Hoge and James Goforth were elected as the remaining members of the township committee. The Republicans of this township feeling themselves outraged by the selection of a Democrat to the position of chairman of the Republican Central Committee of this county adopted the following:
Resolved, That we, the Republicans of Silver Creek Township, do most earnestly protest against the action of the Central Committee in electing T. K. Johnston as chairman and recommend that the secretary of said committee issue a call for a county convention in accordance with the call agreed upon.
Resolved, That we deny the right of any individual or individuals not residents of this township to say who shall represent it as a member of the County Central Committee.
Resolved, That the Republican party is composed of the bone, a sinew of the county, and they are able to take care of themselves. J. P. McDaniel, Chairman.
A. P. Brooks, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1877.
REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican voters of Cowley County are hereby notified that there will be a delegate convention of the Republican party to be held at the Courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, September 22nd, 1877, at 11 o’clock, a.m., for the purpose of nominating the following officers:
One Sheriff, one County Clerk, one Register of Deeds, one Treasurer, one County Surveyor, one Coroner. Also one Commissioner each for districts 1, 2, and 3, to be nominated by the delegates from their respective districts.
The following is the Representation each township is entitled to in the convention, as fixed by the Central Committee at their meeting Aug. 4th, 1877.
Beaver, Cedar, Harvey, Liberty, Maple, Ninnescah, Omnia, Otter, Pleasant Valley, Silver Creek, Sheridan, Spring Creek, Silverdale, Tisdale, two delegates each.
Bolton, Dexter, Rock Creek, Richland, Vernon, Windsor, three delegates each.
Creswell, four delegates.
Winfield, six delegates.
Total, 56.
It is ordered by the Committee that the primary meetings for the election of delegates be held on Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1877, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the usual places of voting, in each township, except in townships where there are two precincts, in which case the place of meeting shall be designated by the Chairman of the township committee, except further that in Winfield and Creswell townships, said primaries will be held at 1 o’clock p.m.
Let every Republican voter in the county be present at the primary meetings at the hours above designated, in order that a fair and impartial representation may be had in the convention.
By order of the Republican Central Committee. T. K. JOHNSTON, Chairman.

NOTE: IN THE PREVIOUS ISSUE, COURIER PRINTED ELECTION NOTICE BY CHAS. H. EAGIN, SECRETARY...IT WAS REPEATED IN THIS ISSUE...THE NOTICE GIVEN BY EAGIN AND JOHNSTON WERE MORE OR LESS IDENTICAL EXCEPT EAGIN SAID “It is recommended by the committee that the primary meetings for the election of delegates be held on Saturday, Sept. 15, 1877, etc.,” WHEREAS JOHNSTON SAID “It is ordered by the committee, etc.,” and added final paragraph: “Let every Republican voter in the county be present at the primary meetings at the hours above designated, in order that a fair and impartial representation may be had in the convention,” followed by the line “By order of the Republican Central Committee.”
On August 23, 1877, E. C. Manning announced his retirement from Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Republican Convention. The Republicans of Richland Township, Cowley County, met pursuant to call at the Floral schoolhouse Sept. 8, 1877. On motion N. J. Larkin was chosen chairman and James Groom secretary. On motion Samuel Groom and John R. Thompson were elected delegates to the county convention by acclamation. On motion the third delegate was elected by ballot. M. C. Headrick received 13 votes, Daniel Maher received 17 votes and was declared elected. Motion to instruct the delegates for Walker for Sheriff and Troup for clerk was lost.
Daniel Maher offered the following preamble and resolutions and moved their adoption.
WHEREAS, We Republicans of Richland Township in caucus assembled, believe that T. K. Johnston was chosen chairman of the County Republican Committee by unfair means and against the best interests of the party, therefore,
Resolved, That our delegates are hereby instructed not to recognize him as such chairman, but to recognize Chas. H. Eagin as secretary and chairman pro tem.
Resolved, That our delegates are instructed to use their votes and influence in the county convention for James S. Hunt for County Clerk and A. T. Shenneman for Sheriff. Adopted.
Moved and carried that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Winfield COURIER. On motion adjourned. N. J. LARKIN, Chairman.
JAMES GROOM, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877. Editorial by Millington and Lemmon.
“LET US HAVE PEACE.” There is considerable feeling in the county over the chairmanship of the Republican County Central Committee. Some of the townships have made that an issue in their primary meetings. We understand a few parties are disposed to drag it into the convention to be held next Saturday. If this is done, it is liable to result in the holding of two conventions and the nomination of two tickets. Under such circumstances what should be the policy of the men who believe in the party and rejoice at its success?
The writer of this article does not care to discuss the question of the chairmanship of the central committee. He was not here when Mr. Johnston was selected for the place, does not know by what means he secured it, and does not think the question of sufficient importance to merit much attention. If, all things considered, Mr. Johnston is the proper man for the place, the people will endorse the men who put him there. If the selection was unfortunate, their action will not be sustained.

When we assumed control of the COURIER, it contained a call for a county convention signed by Mr. Eagin as secretary of the central committee. Soon after Mr. Johnston handed us another one worded almost as the first and signed by himself as chairman. Since then these two calls have been published in the same column and strange as it may appear, they have not quarreled. Is it not possible for the delegates elected under these two calls to meet in the same hall, transact the business for which they have been chosen, and adjourn without any serious disturbance? We believe it is, and we believe the time has come when personalism should be banished from the politics of this county. The primaries of last Saturday were largely attended and they show clearly that the party belongs to no man nor clique. It is a party of principle and every attempt to make it one of prejudices should be condemned. We believe that Mr. Johnston has always claimed to be a Republican. However that may be, he is now serving as chairman of our central committee. Unless he resigns or is deposed by the committee, it will be his duty and privilege to call the county convention to order. This will end his duties unless the convention reelects him. It is a small matter not worth making a fight about. We hope that the delegates to the convention will look at this as we do. We believe they will. It is for the good of the party that they should. It is very important that there should be a good worker as chairman of that committee, for the success of the coming canvass depends largely on his efficiency. We hope this matter will receive the attention it merits, and that the position will be filled by one not inferior as a speaker to the present incumbent.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.
The convention was called to order by T. K. Johnston, Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee.
On motion Albert Chamberlain of Creswell Township, was chosen temporary chairman, and Chas. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
[M. G. TROUP.]
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Last fall he [Troup] requested to be placed on the Manning ticket as a delegate in the convention, and was so placed and selected a delegate. He entered that convention and supported and voted for Manning, as senator, but after Manning was nominated, he was among Manning’s opposers, and anxious to be made a nominee for the same office against Manning. He has talked heavily against bonding the county for any purpose, when that view was popular, and has afterward made speeches in favor of voting bonds. He is strongly temperance, with temperance men; signed three petitions for saloon licenses in one season; and signed a petition and a remonstrance the same week. He has supported both Johnston and Kelly for postmaster at the same time. In fact, his political duplicity has become so notorious that it is often remarked that Troup is on both sides of every question.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]

The principal drug stores in Winfield are kept by Giles Bros. and T. K. Johnston.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
We would call attention to the advertisement of Mrs. Pixley which appears today. She has a fine stock of millinery goods and knows how to please her customers, in styles, prices, and excellence of her work.
AD: Mrs. T. S. Pixley has just received a large stock of Millinery Goods, in her store, one door north of Johnston’s drug store, which she is selling at very reasonable rates. Trimmed Hats, from 75 cents upward. The public are invited to call and examine the stock.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
The fire-works were a success, although for awhile it looked as if the committee on “fizzle” would make a good job of it. Through the exertions of E. P. Kinne, T. K. Johnston, J. H. Finch, and others of our citizens, the little “misunderstanding” was righted and everything “went off” nicely.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
The members and adherents of the Episcopal Church in Winfield held a meeting yesterday morning to organize a parish. Rev. J. T. Colton, of Wichita, presided, and J. E. Snow was elected Secretary of the meeting. A parish was organized under the name of Grace Church, and the following officers were elect­ed: Senior Warden, G. A. Scovill; Junior Warden, T. C. Woodruff; Vestrymen, R. E. Wallis, T. K. Johnston, W. H. Smith, H. P. Vermilye, F. J. Sydal; Parish Clerk, J. E. Snow. The parish hopes to secure the services of a settled clergyman at an early date. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
At the meeting of the Directors of The Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company, of Sherman, Colorado, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, President; John Service, Vice-President; T. K. Johnston, Treasurer; E. P. Kinne, Secretary; F. Gallotti, General Manager.
Advisory Board: S. C. Smith, M. G. Troup, John D. Pryor.
Special Executive Committee: T. K. Johnston, E. P. Kinne, F. Gallotti.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.

T. K. JOHNSTON, DRUGGIST. There is a material falling off in my business as compared with a year ago. I think it is one third less. I do not attrib­ute this to a bad year for crops last season. I do not think it was a bad year. The county produced a large corn crop, which has been fed out, and an unusually large number of hogs have been marketed at good prices. A great many cattle have been marketed, a great deal of flour and wheat has been turned off, an unusual amount of butter, eggs, etc., has been sold, and I believe the farmers received more money than ever before. I intend to go west and find a place where I can do business with some degree of freedom. Under the prohibition law it is not safe to give bond and sell drugs for there are so many things in the drug and medicine line which contain alcohol in some proportion that one will be caught by some enemy before he is aware of breaking the law and his bond is forfeited. The law prohibits the sale of drugs containing alcohol, except by going through a routine that I do not intend to undertake.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Our young friend, Charlie Seeley, is clerking for T. K. Johnston, in his drug store.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
T. K. Johnston is summering at Durango, Colorado.
Frank Gallotti is at Durango, Colorado.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Stealing beer on Sunday is one of the mean things we hear of. The cellar of Johnston & Lockwood was the scene. Scamps unknown at this writing.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Office upstairs, first building north of Johnston’s drug store.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Have just opened the house new, and offer the public better accommodations for the money than any hotel and restaurant in the state. $1.50 per day. Day board, $3.00 per week. House fitted throughout with new furniture.
Five doors east of the Post office, Winfield, Kansas.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Ninth Avenue, just west of the Post office, Winfield, Kansas.
Keep the finest turnouts in the city in the way of buggies, carriages, and teams, provided especially for commercial men. Special attention given to our business and the care of stock left in our care. Give us a trial.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
T. K. Johnston is expected home from Durango, Colorado, the first of next month.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
T. K. Johnston will be home from Durango the latter part of this week.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. T. K. Johnston came in from Durango Tuesday, looking stout and hearty. He will spend several weeks with his family and friends.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883. HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas. Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town—it having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinks—we would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its application shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.

T. K. Johnston was one of the many citizens who signed the above petition.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Theo. Johnston returned from New Mexico Tuesday and will probably remain during the summer.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires. Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED $5.00: S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith. THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED $2.50: R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
For Pure Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, FANCY GOODS AND PERFUMERY, Go to L. M. WILLIAMS, Druggist, Winfield, Kansas.
(Successor to Johnston & Lockwood.)
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
TRIAL DOCKET. Cowley County District Court, First Tuesday, October 7th, 1884.
1ST DAY.—CRIMINAL DOCKET. State vs. T. K. Johnston.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is a list of names set for trial at the January, 1885, term of the District Court of Cowley County, commencing January 6th, 1885.
First Day: Criminal Docket.
Paper listed 7 cases relative to “State versus T. K. Johnston.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Mr. T. K. Johnston and family returned Friday from their winter’s sojourn in Boulder, Colorado, much improved in health.
[Above was the last item I could find on T. K. Johnston. MAW]