John M. Keck
Pleasant Valley Township 1879: John M. Keck, 32; R. W. Keck, 38.
Pleasant Valley Township 1881: J. M. Keck, 34; R. W. Keck, 40.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Coil Geo, works Keck’s stable, 802 Main, res same.
Keck J M, livery stable, 802 Main, res 1103 Millington.
Lobdell James, works Keck’s barn, res 511 Main.
Schofield Frank, works Keck’s stable, res 113 w 10th.
Keck Brothers [John M. Keck and R. W. Keck]...
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
Our friend, Lemuel S. Cook, one of the first settlers in the county and since for years an enterprising merchant of Topeka, but more recently a resident of a splendid farm of 480 acres in South Bend in this county, has sold the said farm to Keck Brothers, late from Martinsville, Indiana, for $4,500 cash. We hope he will invest his money in this county and remain, for he is one of the men we cannot afford to spare.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
J. M. Keck $2.00.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The Grand Hunt proved a grand success. Several catastrophes are reported. Jake Nixon burst a barrel of his fine breech-loading gun, Tom Soward lost a “plunger,” and Deacon Harris got soaking wet. The score was a very fair one!
J. N. Harter: 830 A. D. Speed: 170
J. M. Keck: 1,000 B. F. Cox: 290
G. A. Rhodes: 975 C. C. Black: 90
T. H. Soward: 335 G. L. Eastman: 2,375
S. Burkhalter: 480 Dr. Davis: 450
Jacob Nixon: 80 E. Meech, Jr.: 285
Fred Whitney: 765 Q. A. Glass: 180
___ Chapman: 980 Deacon Harris: 500
Total: 5,445 Total: 4,360
The defeated party gave a big banquet at the Brettun Friday evening and the tired and hungry sportsmen fed their friends and told of the hair breadth escapes of “mud-hen” and turtle-dove. Skunks counted fifty, but none were brought in.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
John M. Keck sold his big farm in South Bend to a New York man last week for $9,000. This is the old Lem Cook place, which John paid $4,000 for two years ago.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Although this has been a dull, rainy day, an important real estate transfer has been made, John M. Keck having sold his six hundred acre farm to a gentleman of Brooklyn, New York, for $9.000. This is the Cook place, and is located nine miles down the river. Lem sold it just before the railroad came, for $4,500. Mr. Keck has had it about two years, and doubles his money. While considering the price paid, it is a good sale, yet we consider it a bargain for the man who will occupy it and go into the stock business.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Mrs. Dr. Black sold her residence in this city yesterday to John Keck for $2,000 spot cash.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.
Dr. George Black has sold his residence property to John Keck for $2,000.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Mr. Keck paid Speed $3,000 for the two lots and livery barn.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
A. D. Speed, of the firm of Speed & Schofield, has sold his interest in the livery stable to Mr. Keck, the gentleman who purchased Dr. Black’s residence. Mr. Speed will remain here and invest his money where it will pay him. We are glad to hear this for Mr. Speed is too lively a man to lose.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Scofield & Keck is the style of the Main Street livery firm now. The “deacon” looms up as a proprietor.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Amasa Speed shook us all up today by informing us that he had sold his interest in the livery stable to John Keck, of this city. All the boys will be sorry to hear that Amasa has severed his connection with this popular firm. The new firm of Schofield & Keck contains two genial, sociable, and good business gentlemen, and we wish them all the success in the world.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Schofield & Keck now have a team of goats.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
LOST. Between Rock and Winfield, a buffalo robe. Name of R. Schofield is on inside. Return to Schofield & Keck’s livery stable and get a reward.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
FOR SALE. Two Phaetons, one buggy and one family wagon, three springs and two seats. Will either sell for cash, give time on part, or trade. Call at Schofield & Keck’s livery stable.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Lost. Between Rock and Winfield, a Buffalo Robe, on inside name of R. Smithers, U. S. A. Return to Schofield and Keck’s livery stable and get reward.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
For Sale. Two Phaetons, one buggy, and one family wagon with 3 springs, 2 seats. Will either sell for cash, give time on part, or trade. Call at Schofield and Keck’s livery stable.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
THE COURANT family loaded itself into one of Schofield & Keck’s best rigs Sunday morning, and made what is sometimes termed a flying trip to the Geuda Springs. We won’t say “far famed,” “world renowned,” “justly celebrated,” for that would not be strictly accurate, and as the truth is all we desire to tell, the facts must be adhered to.
The ride to the Springs on a beautiful morning like yesterday is simply delightful. The road from the time you leave the livery barn, till the springs are reached, is as near perfection as it well can be, stretching as it does, across what we will risk to say, is the most beautiful township in Kansas. Cowley County, in our judgment, is one of the best looking counties in the state, and Beaver township is certainly very near if not quite the garden spot of the county. There are no hills to speak of, and the little streams are all bridged and unless it is immediately after a heavy rain, there is no more delightful drive in the west. The wheat is now headed and is of such uniform height and advancement, and so limitless in acreage, that it requires but little imagination to make it a shoreless green sea. But we must hasten to the Springs.
The Arkansas River is crossed on a good ferry boat, in charge of a careful boatman. Let us stop for a moment on this raging Arkansas, or as Vinnie Beckett would say: “this big rolling muddy.” We have had considerable acquaintance with this river for a number of years. So much so, that we are not afraid of being laughed at on the score of total ignorance on the subject. Thousands of dollars have been squandered—that’s the word—in making surveys of the stream by “competent engineers.” These surveys invariably follow the bed of the river on the old theory that nature knows what is best for us, which she don’t. The cutting across of miles of bend here and there, the advantage of crowding that body of water into a new and narrower channel never seems to have entered the “competent engineer’s” mind. The only competency seeming to be requisite was the ability to get through with the appropriation by the time Congress met again. But we are at the Springs. Scores of well dressed men and women, most of them for the first time, tasting this rare, mysterious, and to them not altogether pleasant beverage are here before us. It is considerable amusement to the old coons sitting around to watch the tasting process, especially the other sex, who for some unaccountable reason arrogate to themselves all the squeamishness extant. True, we couldn’t expect that seventeen year old girl to roll it down as Fritz does his beer, nor guggle it as Pat would his whiskey; but we can’t see any use in making such fearful grimaces, walling the eyes like a dying calf and wriggling the body like an eel, to get the blessed water down, when you can cut a basket full of slimy, boiled lettuce, two quarts of raw onions, and a skillet full of rotten tomatoes mixed with rancid butter without making a solitary wrinkle in your pretty face.
There are seven different springs or hydrants, each shooting up a different kind of water. A qualitative analysis, shows Bi-Carbonate of Soda, Bi-Carbonate of Iron, Bi-Carbonate of Calcium, Sulphate of Ammonia, Sulphate of Magnesia, Chloride of Sodium, Chloride of Potassium, Iodide of Sodium, Bromide of Potassium, Sulphur, and Silica. In addition to these constituents, the waters are charged with Carbonic Acid Gas. There is no question as to the healing properties of this water.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
Mr. Powell, a sheep man of Harper County, while returning from the country Tuesday in one of Schofield & Keck’s best rigs met with a very serious accident. In coming down the grade at this end of the west bridge, the buggy struck a large rock, almost upsetting it, and throwing Mr. Powell out. The horses immediately became frightened and began to run. Leaving the road, they ran into the timber at the right, and while going at a terrific rate, one horse struck a large tree, instantly breaking his neck. Luckily there was no lady in the buggy.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
The livery firm of Schofield & Keck seem to have their share of what is called bad luck, recently. Only a short time ago they had a new buggy smashed to pieces, and now it is one of their best horses killed. The circumstances are about as follows: A gentleman from Harper county by the name of Powell hired a team and buggy to drive a short distance in the country. On his return he by some means upset the buggy, when the team started and ran away, along the Riverside Park road. The nearside horse outran the other and drove him full against a tree to one side of the road, killing him instantly. The poor horse’s chest and shoulders were crushed into his body. He was one of the very best horses in the town, and was valued at one hundred and twenty-five dollars, which Mr. Powell will pay. The team was a pair of matched sorrels, gentle and good drivers, and it will be difficult to replace the dead one.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
STRAYED. A bay horse, suckling colt. Any information may be left at the livery stable of Schofield & Keck, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Fox Chase.
John Keck offers a premium of five dollars for best hound in a fox chase to run at the fair ground the last day of the fair.
Ben Cox offers $3.00 premium for the second best hound at the same chase.
E. C. Seward offers $2.00 for third premium at same chase.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Scofield & Keck sold their elegant little sorrel team Monday to J. P. Baden for $250. This is the finest matched team that has ever been on our streets.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
We spent Thursday night at the magnificent farm of Vermilye Bros, in South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township. It is what was known as the “Keck place,”: and contains over six hundred acres of the finest land in the world. The boys are raising horses, cattle, and hogs, work a bevy of hands, and are doing well.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883.
HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas.
Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town—it having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinks—we would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its application shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.
Both J. B. Schofield and his partner, John M. Keck, signed above petition.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Some of the fellows have got up a ticket for the city election next Tuesday. They call it a kind of compromise ticket, claiming that it is on both sides of party politics, prohibition, water works, and every other question. Most of the candidates named are good fair men, but there is too little prohibition in it to call it a compromise on that question, being one prohibitionist to eight antis. In politics it is five Democrats, three Republicans, and one Greenbacker. The names are: Emerson for mayor; Kretsinger and Keck for council; Snow for police judge; O’Hare for city attorney; Silver and Wallis for school board; and Long and Pratt for constables. It looks to us that the main point of the ticket is to elect councilmen in the interest of Mart Robinson’s water works, for the getters up are willing to trade off any of their candidates except Krets. The water works fellows want Krets bad. They would trade off the balance of the ticket if necessary, but he must be retained at all hazards. The fact is, they know Krets would do anything that Mart would ask and he would ask even worse things than he would do himself. If they had put Frank Finch and Capt. Siverd on their ticket for constables, they would have shown a great deal more sagacity, for they are tried men doing their duty honestly, carefully, and fairly, and will get the votes of the best men of all parties and factions. There is talk of calling a public meeting to nominate a ticket.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
The bond of L. L. Beck as Police Judge with C. L. Harter, J. M. Keck, H. S. Silver, and J. B Lynn as sureties, was presented and approved.
R. W. Keck, brother of John M. Keck, mentioned in next item...
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Ben Cox, Frank Schofield, and R. W. Keck started Monday for Texas. They go overland, with guns, dogs, and “grub boxes” well filled and expect to have a good time whether they make fortunes or not.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
By virtue of a previous call, the citizens met to devise ways and means for a 4th of July celebration at Winfield. Capt. J. S. Hunt was elected President, and O. M. Seward, Secretary.
Hon. C. C. Black stated the object of the meeting, and Col. Whiting moved to celebrate. Carried.
On motion Mayor Emerson was elected President of the day, and Col. Whiting, Marshal, with power to select his own aids, and have general charge of programme for the day.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Finance: J. P. Baden, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson.
Grounds: S. C. Smith, D. L. Kretsinger, E. P. Greer.
Programme: J. C. McMullen, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans.
Committee on Indians: W. J. Hodges, N. C. Myers, Col. Whiting.
Special Trains: Kennedy, Branham, H. E. Asp.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
Fire Works: Henry Goldsmith, J. P. Baden, M. O’Hara.
Music: Crippen, Buckman, Snow.
Military Display: Capt. Haight, Dr. Wells, Col. Whiting.
Speakers: Rembaugh, Millington, Hackney.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at call of president, or chairman of committees.
J. S. HUNT, President. O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Stockholders: number of shares owned.
J. B. Schofield & John M. Keck, 2.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Coal. A coal company has been formed for the purpose of prospecting for coal here. Quite a large sum has already been subscribed to prosecute the work and it is the intention of the company to begin work as soon as the necessary boring machinery can be secured. This enterprise is a most important one for our City. There is no doubt but that our town is underlaid by coal deposits and all it needs is enterprise to develop them. The following gentlemen are the incorporators: W. P. Hackney, M. L. Robinson, B. F. Cox, J. L. Horning, C. C. Black, J. M. Keck, O. M. Reynolds, C. L. Harter, S. C. Smith, and Geo. Emerson.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires. Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Schofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
For Sale. A carload of Missouri mules, 13 to 16 hands high, all well broke, at Schofield & Keck’s barn.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Estray Notice. Estrayed from my place three miles north of Douglass, one iron gray horse with white face, inclined to be lazy, with rather short tail. Anybody taking him up will please take him to Schofield & Keck’s livery stable, Winfield, Kansas, where they will be well paid for their trouble. H. W. Hartenbower.
Schofield & Keck’s livery barn two feet over on the lot...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Jennings & Crippen have decided to build a brick and stone building a hundred feet deep with two stories and a basement on the lot south of Schofield & Keck’s livery barn. A survey brought out the fact that the barn was two feet over on the lot. It will be moved off and the work of erecting the building proceed at once.
Schofield & Keck’s livery stable abandoned by Jennings & Crippen; they will erect a two story brick and stone building on lot next to Wallis & Wallis...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The City Fathers ground out the usual grist of business Monday evening. Curns & Manser and Jennings and Crippen were granted building permits.
An ordinance was passed allowing Jennings & Crippen to move the building next to Wallis & Wallis grocery to the lot next to Schofield & Keck’s livery barn. These gentlemen, instead of building on the latter lot, as previously announced, will erect a large two story brick and stone store building on the lot next to Wallis & Wallis.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The ground is being cleared for Curns & Manser’s new brick block, and work will commence at once. Jennings & Crippen will also erect a brick building next to Wallis’ store. The barber shop will be moved to the lot next to Schofield & Keck’s livery barn. As Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, would say, “still we boom!”
John M. Keck sole owner of livery business: buys out partner, J. B. Schofield...
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
John Keck bought the interest of his partner, J. B. Schofield, in the livery business of the firm and is now going it alone.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Following bill referred to finance committee:
Schofield & Keck, team and carriage for conveying visitors, $3.00.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
A. J. Thompson, J. S. Hunt, and John Keck were appointed to view the John Mentch road.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Both J. M. Keck and former partner, J. B. Schofield, stockholders in association.
Fowler Town Company in Ford County organized by J. B. Lynn, J. B. Fowler, John M. Keck, Sol. Burkhalter, T. F. Axtell, and others...
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
J. B. Lynn took in the western counties recently and came home with the fever. He has organized the Fowler Town Co., composed of himself, J. B. Fowler, John Keck, Sol. Burkhalter, T. F. Axtell, and others. The town is located in western Ford County. Winfield men agree with the idea that the star of empire shall continue to westward take its way and are doing much for the development of that new country.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
John Keck, the jolly and competent livery man, is rejoicing after two months’ widowhood. Mrs. Keck has returned from her eastern visit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Bill of J. M. Keck, team and carriage, $2.00, ordered to be paid.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
TO LOVERS OF HORSEFLESH. Horsemen all understand that to get the best results out of horse, no matter for what purpose he is used, it is indispensable that the animal be properly shod. Recognizing this fact, Merrill & Merrill, whose shop is second door East of the Telegram office, have secured the services of one of the most expert horse-shoers that money could get. Specimens of Shoes used by this firm may be seen at John Keck’s livery barn. Also do a General Blacksmithing Business.
OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO FARMERS: J. J. Merrill, of this firm, has had 30 years experience in the manufacture of Plows, and is prepared to “lay and point” Plows—something of great advantage to farmers, and work that has never before been attempted in Winfield. Don’t throw away your plowshares, but take them to Merrill & Merrill, and thereby save from $2.30 to $3.00 on each share. MERRILL & MERRILL.
John M. Keck sells livery stable stock to Frank Schofield and George Applegate, connected with barn for some time. Keck retains the livery building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
The fat and jolly John Keck, having become a bloated bond and lucre holder, has retired to walks of leisure. He sold his entire livery stable stock Friday to Frank Schofield and George Applegate, who have been connected with the barn for some time. The new firm will be Schofield & Applegate. Both are young men of much vim and business tact and will succeed. Mr. Keck, of course, will continue to live here and invest in Winfield property, sandwiching in a speculation occasionally in the western counties. He retains the livery building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The festive burglars tried it on John Keck’s residence Saturday night, but were scared off by little Junie Scofield, aged thirteen, who was sleeping in the front room. She heard two men talking at the window, a few feet from her head. They said, “This is the place.” The window was open and they were trying to open the screen. Junie got up and started to wake up Mr. and Mrs. Keck, when she stumbled over a chair and the burglars got up and got. Brave little girl! Much better than some larger ones would have done.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
John Keck, Berry Scroggins, Frank Schofield, and Milt Hite returned from a big hunt in the Territory. They report a fine trip and lots of fun.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
A very happy little party of ladies dropped in on Mrs. John Keck last evening in celebration of her birthday. It was strictly a female party—no measly men around. Men are very much out of place around where women are anyway—they can’t talk enough. The occasion in question was one of the liveliest. The merry chatter was sandwiched at the proper hour by delicious oysters and nice delicacies. Among the ladies present were Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mrs. Capt. Whiting, Mrs. Fred Whiting, Mrs. Ed. Nelson, Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. Walters, and Miss Lydia Holmes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Miss Lydia Holmes has returned from Colorado and will spend the winter in the home of Mrs. Keck.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The exclusive ladies’ parties are becoming very popular since their inauguration a short time ago in Winfield. The latest was given by Mrs. Cap. Whiting Friday evening. We were not able to get the names of the ladies present, but following are the names of those we did get: Mrs. Irve Randall, Mrs. Geo. Copeland, Mrs. John Keck, Mrs. Ed Nelson, Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mrs. Col. Whiting, and Mrs. Fred Whiting. At the proper hour the happy assembly were banqueted by their kind hostess to a magnificent supper, composed of the choicest of the season’s delicacies. These parties are becoming contagious and it will be but a short time until the men will be excluded entirely from parties of all kind where the gentler sex are in any way concerned. Things are taking a turn in the wrong direction. We think there should be a reform started to nip(?)s this move in the bud. But aside from all jests, the ladies make these gatherings very pleasant and lively, and they are calculated to drive dull care away, and relieve the mind of the cares and monotonous domestic duties. So mote it be.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Cap Whiting, P. A. Huffman, John Keck, Kendall Smith, and A. J. Thompson returned Saturday from a hunt in the Territory, and report an immense time. They were lucky enough to secure the full swing and liberty of a Ranch upon getting into the happy hunting grounds, the owner wishing to go off on a short visit. They took in three deer, one hundred ducks, ten turkeys, several wagon loads of chickens and quails. They report plenty of soldiers down there guarding Uncle Sam’s domain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Anathemas have been heaped for years on the heads of the men who persisted in coining large rents from the old rookeries on Main street, and yet were able to shove them off and put up good buildings. Sweeping fires have been silently longed for. Developments prove that the sticktoitiveness of those old frame buildings have been a good thing in many instances. Look at the J. P. Short corner and the McGuire corner. Nothing but the magic development of Winfield in the past year or so would prompt the erection of such magnificent buildings as the Farmers Bank and Short blocks and the projected block of the First National. Had those rookeries been removed even a year back, no such buildings would have adorned those corners—the main pillars to the business portion of the city. Now the old Keck barn has fallen into hands that will rear in its stead buildings a credit to the city. As the city grows, so does the class of its business blocks improve. The blocks now put in the place of these relics must be large, valuable, and of modern architecture to harmonize with the metropolitan air of our city. The next year will leave but a few old frame landmarks—all will be replaced by improvements worthy the coming Kansas City of the great southwest. And the opportunity for these magnificent improvements are largely traceable to these men whom we have been wont to class as hogs, in swinging to their old landmarks with enormous rents. But the edict has now gone forth, with the future of our city thoroughly established: the rookeries must go. And their owners know it, and are preparing to meet the inevitable demand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
A. H. Doane has bought John Keck’s two lots where the old Main street livery barn rears its majestic presence. He paid $9,000. In the spring he will put up two fine business blocks. Jennings and Crippen and others in that block, who have been afraid of the sweet-scented livery odor, will also build in the spring.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
John M Keck et ux to Albert H Doane, lots 2 and 3, blk 128, Winfield: $9,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Pearl Party. One of the pleasantest parties of the season assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt last Saturday evening to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The spacious rooms were well filled and the host and hostess were everywhere present with their careful attentions which, seconded by Miss Anna, made the enjoyment complete. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Reider was brought forward and in a neat and appropriate speech presented to the host and hostess a beautiful set of silverware as a testimonial of the high appreciation of the contributors for the recipients, accompanied by a card with the compliments of the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Young, Rev. and Mrs. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin. This silver tea set embraced cake basket, berry dish, six teaspoons, and sugar spoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo Emerson, pearl card case. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, silver fruit dish.
Capt. Hunt responded as happily as the emotions of this surprise would permit.
A magnificent collation was placed before the guests, which was highly enjoyed, and after music and other entertainments, the party dispersed with many thanks to their entertainers for the pleasures of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. John Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. McClellan, Mrs. Whitney, Sr., and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
Excerpts from lengthy article “Rambler’s Rambling Rambles,” written by a member of Winfield Courier staff...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The Leavenworth Times calls Winfield the most enterprising town in Kansas. The fact is self evident. Everybody knows it—if some rivals won’t admit it.
The replacing of the sidewalk on the New Farmer’s Bank south is a blessing. Big improvements always make us step high. But many’s the person who has failed to step high enough there, on some dark night, and planted a black plaster on his nose.
Now comes John Keck and E. C. Seward, the heavy weights of Winfield, and declare that they can throw professional sluggers over the moon in two seconds and one round. They have heavy backing and the Noble Greeks and Johnny Bull are getting nervous.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Sarah E Aunt and husband to John M Keck, lots 5 & 6, blk 149, Winfield: $4,100.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
John M. Keck is catching onto the surety of our boom and investing largely. His last purchase is the Wallis & Wallis new business block opposite the St. James, for $5,500. The building is not quite finished.
R. W. Keck, brother of John M. Keck, buys lot from W. L. Morehouse...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
R W Keck to W L Morehouse, lot 7, blk 105, Winfield: $1,000.
Next item refers to “old Schofield livery barn.” Think they should have referred to John M. Keck livery barn inasmuch as Keck owned the barn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The old Schofield livery barn, one of the oldest and homeliest landmarks in Winfield, will soon be moved on north Main next to the old foundry building, where Frank Schofield will continue his livery business. A. H. Doane will erect a handsome business house in its place. And still we boom. The old shells will all be banished from Main street before 1886 goes out.
Next item refers to “Schofield stable.” Overlooks the fact that the stable building was owned by John M. Keck...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
A. H. Doane’s frame business building, corner of Ninth & Millington, is going up and will be occupied by McGuire Bros. It would seem to be a mistake in putting up a frame building on such a valuable corner, with the grand prospect that this year shows. Before 1886 is closed very few of the old rookeries will be left on Ninth, two blocks down. Substantial buildings, anywhere for business houses, are far safer for the city and the investor. Mr. Doane will erect a fine stone block, handsome cut front, on the lot now occupied by the Schofield stable.