Dr. Hiram D. Kellogg


Excerpt which pertains to brother of Hiram D. Kellogg: Prof. L. B. Kellogg...
Emporia News, August 14, 1868.
The State Normal School, which is one of the most important institutions of the State, is located in Emporia. It has two departments, the Model and the Normal. Prof. L. B. Kellogg is Principal, assisted by Mr. H. B. Norton, Mrs. Gorham, and Miss Plumb. The average attendance of scholars fitting themselves for teachers, when the school is in session, is about 130. The school building is a most substantial structure, three stories high, built of stone, and a portion of the twenty acres belonging to it, is enclosed with a fine fence.
Emporia News, April 2, 1869.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg has been appointed postmaster at El Dorado, Butler County.
Emporia News, May 28, 1869.
DIED. Near Emporia, Wednesday, May 26, 1869, of consumption, Anna, wife of Dr.
H. D. Kellogg, of El Dorado, Kansas.
Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.
Wilson’s Addition comes last in order, but greatest in point of importance. It is eminently more essential to have a location of health and beauty, with salubrious air and water, and fertile soil on which to build your residence, grow your orchard, and make your home than to own a whole block of business lots on Main street.
Wilson’s addition offers all these attractions and induce­ments. It joins the old town site on the west, and contains 86 acres of good undulating prairie, affording natural building sites, and especially adapted to parks, gardens, vineyards, etc.
Prof. T. R. Wilson has for this purpose very generously disposed of this land to the following company: Drs. H. D. Kellogg and A. White, J. S. Danford, J. K. Finley, and Mr. Knowlton, who have had it surveyed into blocks of two acres each, and sub-divided into lots of one quarter acre each, and now offer it for sale in lots of any size to suit their customers, and at prices so reasonable, that the poorest man may buy a home, while the rich and noble will have all the guidance of nature to enrich, magnify, and display their improvements. Were they to traverse famous Italy, they could not find a building site more surpassing in beauty, loveliness, and healthiness than now offered in Wilson’s addition.
Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg has ordered the material preparatory to building a large stone business house.

Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.
Our professional men should have been mentioned earlier, but better late than never. Messrs. Bronson & Kellogg are doing a thriving real estate business. They are among the first set­tlers, and are of course thoroughly acquainted with the real estate in the Walnut Valley.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg came here when an isolated log market (if he could have seen it through the sun flowers), the present site of our more than flourishing town. She was then young and feeble, and of course needed a physician. Doc. has treated her skillfully, and brought her through. The Doctor is also County Clerk and Postmaster. D. M. Bronson has served the citizens of Butler County as Register of Deeds, which has given him a thor­ough knowledge of all the titles in the county. He is now County Attorney, besides serving the State as Journal Clerk of the Senate. Our citizens will all agree that whatever of greatness in point of progress and improvements Eldorado may claim today is in a large degree owing to the energetic efforts of Dr. H. D. Kellogg and D. M. Bronson.
Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.
The old and reliable real estate agency of Bronson & Kellogg is doing a flourishing business inasmuch as they are compelled to enlarge their office for the spring market. They have in process of construction one of the largest and most commodious office buildings in the State. It will be located on Central avenue, in a central part of town, and furnished with maps, plats, and abstracts, to accurately describe every town lot and quarter section of land in Butler County. They will, in addition to this, publish (beginning the first of April) a seven column, Real Estate Journal, devoted to the interests of their customers. This medium of advertising their large list of property will sow seed that must produce a hundred fold. We take pleasure in recommending these gentlemen as honorable and trustworthy, and wish them abundant success.
Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870.
We have just returned from Emporia, and regret to find it too late for a full report of our trip in this issue. Suffice it to say, however, that Emporia is improving beyond all former precedent. As we entered the city, we could not but contrast the village of Emporia as we found it last spring with the city we see it today, with its broad and busy thoroughfares, lined with costly structures. Of course, we stopped at the Robinson House, for it is the only first class hotel in Emporia. The gentlemanly proprietors, L. N. Robinson & Son, received us kindly and treated us cordially. We observed that a large number of the bon ton of the city board at the Robinson House. We also noticed a large number of wholesale drummers and railroad officials, besides Alf. Burnett and his troupe at the Robinson House. . . .
We attended a meeting of the Creswell Town Company, which, besides transacting other important business, elected the follow­ing officers.
Prof. Norton, President.
Judge Brown, Secretary.
Gov. Eskridge, Vice President.

Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Treasurer.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Capt. Norton, and Gov. Eskridge, Execu­tive Committee.
Adjourned to meet May 5th, on the town site of Creswell. From the interest manifested by the stockholders, and the natural advantages surrounding Creswell, we predict for it the most brilliant future, believing it to be the very best point in Southwestern Kansas.
There was more to this article pertaining to other matters. He ended by saying:
“Dr. Kellogg was our right bower in the whole game, and is, indeed, a very pleasant traveling companion; being like all other doctors, entirely harmless without drugs, and we had a jolly good time of it. D.”
Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.
REMOVED. The Post office from Dr. A. White’s drug store to Bronson & Kellogg’s office adjoining the Eldorado Hotel.
Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.
Dr. Kellogg started for Creswell again. He makes a trip every few days, and says he likes it better every time. We are sorry to have the Doctor absent so much, but if he must leave Eldorado, Creswell is the next best point.
Walnut Valley Times, April 8, 1870.
The town of Creswell is being surveyed this week. Danford and Kellogg have gone down to see that it is well done. We autho­rized them to buy a “corner lot” for us.
Walnut Valley Times, May 13, 1870.
DISSOLUTION. Dr. H. D. Kellogg has withdrawn from the Real Estate firm of Bronson & Kellogg, Julius Hanback having bought him out. Mr. Hanback is from Jacksonville, Illinois.
For some strange reason, RKW put in the following information about Prof. L. B. Kellogg, who I much later learned was a brother of Dr. Hiram D. Kellogg...MAW
Emporia News, March 18, 1870.
   Biographical Sketch of the Kansas Normal School Teachers.
The following letter, published in the Elgin (Illinois) Gazette, was written by one of the students of the Normal. [Skipped part of article.]
PROF. L. B. KELLOGG was born in Ohio, Sept. 28, 1841, and his parents removed to Northern Illinois when he was but four years old. He was educated in a district school until the age of sixteen years. At this age he received from his father a gift of his time to the age of twenty-one, for the purpose of acquiring a better education; and the summer after his sixteenth birthday he commenced teaching as a writing-master. At the age of seventeen he commenced his career in the teacher’s profession, as an assistant in a country district school, at a salary of ten dollars per month. The next summer (1858) he taught the village school at Solon, McHenry County, Illinois, at a salary of sixteen dollars per month. In the spring of 1860, he entered the Normal University of Illinois as a student—stopping at intervals to earn money by teaching, and continued the course of study until graduation in 1864, where he left behind him a reputation for true morals, upright demeanor, and thoroughness in scholarship.

In the fall of 1864 he was engaged as Principal of the Grammar department in the Normal University, and in January, 1865, he was selected by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Normal School, through the recommendation of President Edwards, to commence the experiment of a Normal School in Kansas, and to accept the Principal’s chair, which position he still holds.
His appearance is manly—a young, boyish cast, his conversation elegant and plain, his views extensive, his disposition amiable, his great executive talent is indelibly impressed in his countenance. He is as much admired for his amiability, simplicity, and high-bred courtesy as for his remarkable abilities and acquirements.
In February, 1865, he took charge of the Normal School, and with a zeal, diligence, self-denial, and perseverance which have seldom had any parallel in the history of education, he has been able to make and sustain the rank and character of the Kansas Normal School; and has, by his unflinching labor in the cause of education in Kansas, gained a reputation as one of its best educators. All the friends of the Normal, as well as the students, are highly elated at the thought of having such a spokesman at the helm, and the manner in which he entered upon his duties more than answered their highest expectations. The consciousness of intellectual strength, the just reputation he has attained, the elevated station to which he has been raised, have not, in the slightest degree, injured the natural modesty of his character or the mildness of his temper.
Associate Principal, and a refined and accomplished scholar, was born in New York in 1837. Of his youthful years, I know but little; but that his education was not neglected, and that he applied himself with assiduity to his studies, I may fairly infer from his subsequent services in the teachers profession and the editor’s chair.
He was educated at the Rockford (Illinois) Academy and Beloit (Wisconsin) College, and graduated at the Illinois Normal University in July, 1861. From 1861 to 1863, he taught in the public school at Warsaw, Illinois, and in 1863-1864 he edited the Daily Pantagraph at Bloomington. In 1864 he was elected County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Ogden County, Illinois. In 1865, he entered the Kansas Normal School as Associate Principal, where he still remains.
To enter into the particulars of his early and eventful life—the continued offers of offices of public trust and honor; his fearless and manly defenses of the reform movements; to enter these and other numerous eventful incidents of his young life would be impractical for the writer to do and do him justice.

Prof. Norton is a very remarkable man. His power, as a speaker, as a writer, and of seizing and retaining a strong hold upon the popular mind, has seldom been equaled by the best speakers and writers of Kansas. Of great originality, and of strong and clear conceptions, which he is able to embody in language equally perspicuous and forcible, and has the power of making his oral instructions in the schoolroom superior to the text book. With a ripe scholarship, the patience to bear with dullness and waywardness (a peculiar trait with young people), those kind and urbane manners to win love and respect, that tact in controlling and governing the free and wild-spirited American youth, and that happy manner of illustrating difficulties and imparting knowledge, which are as essential as high literary attainment to form the perfect schoolmaster, has endeared him to the young men and women of the Kansas Normal School, and to his brother and sister teachers in Kansas and Illinois.
[Next Mrs. Jenette H. Gorman, teacher at the Normal School is played up...Skipped.]
The Normal School opened its present session with 160 pupils.
A. G. O. E.
Walnut Valley Times, June 17, 1870.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg returned this week from quite an extended visit to his friends in Illinois. We welcome him home.
Walnut Valley Times, July 22, 1870.
ARKANSAS CITY. Capt. Norton, T. R. Wilson, Dr. Kellogg, M. C. Baker, Miss Swarts, and several others from Arkansas City are in town this week.
Walnut Valley Times, July 29, 1870.
J. S. Danford was appointed County Clerk, vice H. D. Kellogg, resigned.
Walnut Valley Times, September 30, 1870.
Dr. Kellogg, of Arkansas City, was in town last week.
Walnut Valley Times, October 21, 1870.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg has ordered me to bring suit on all notes and accounts not paid by the first of November. Those who owe him and desire to save costs, will please call at my office at once and pay up. J. S. DANFORD.
Danford turned out to be one “crooked banker” as the years passed by. I set this information up in a separate file. MAW
Walnut Valley Times, January 27, 1871.
Prof. Kellogg is making arrangements to enlarge the Arkansas City Traveler to an eight column paper.
L. B. Kellogg is late of the Emporia Normal School.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1873.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, the “jack of all trades and master of none,” who lately flourished at Arkansas City, has removed to Colorado.
RKW had more entries about Prof. Kellogg, which I am skipping. MAW
The Creswell twp. census of 1874 Lists H. D. Kellogg, age 34, his wife S. E., age 30, as well as L. B. Kellogg, age 32.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
New firm! Kellogg & Hoyt (Successors to H. D. Kellogg & Co.) Dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, fancy notions.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
Card.  H. D. Kellogg, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.  Arkansas City, Kansas. Office at the Drug Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
Dr. Kellogg has ceased to practice medicine outside of the city limits. Attending to calls in the country kept him away from the store too much. He will now be found at the store during all business hours.
At the time I saw the following entry, I did not know it was in reference to Hiram D. Kellogg, Prof. Kellogg’s brother...
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.

Prof. Kellogg, of Emporia, was in our city last Wednesday, negotiating for the purchase of Dr. Hall’s drug store for a brother in Arkansas City. Junction City Union.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
Dr. Loomis purchased the drug store of Kellogg & Hoyt’s. The latter named gentlemen are going into business at Junction City.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
Dr. Kellogg and family, with Mrs. A. O. Hoyt, took their leave on Monday to make their residence at Emporia. The Doctor was one of the first settlers in this section, and purchased the farm joining the town on the south of T. A. Wilkinson over seven years ago.
L. B. Kellogg pays visit to Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Hon. L. B. Kellogg, for many years President of the Emporia Normal School, and during the years of 1873-1874 one of the proprietors of this paper, but late of Emporia, and Representative of Lyon County, came down and spent a few days with us. Professor Kellogg was one of the original owners of the townsite of Arkansas City, and was here in a very early day. He is now permanently located at Emporia, where he, in company with Hon. J. J. Buck, is enjoying a good practice in the legal profession. Many old friends welcome Mr. Kellogg at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Dr. Kellogg, who formerly resided here, has returned and will resume the practice of his profession. We hear of others who will return to this vineyard, to reap the benefits of a railroad terminus.
L. B. Kellogg mentioned...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
Mrs. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, wife of Hon. L. B. Kellogg, formerly of this city, has been admitted to the bar as an attorney at law. She is said to be the first lady in Kansas ever admitted to the practice of law.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg made improvements on his residence lots, or rather block, in the west part of town. Trees trimmed, fence repaired, garden planted, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Mr. Sollitt, for many years connected with a Chicago house, has entered into partnership with W. D. Mowry, Dr. Kellogg retiring from the old firm of Kellogg & Mowry. Mr. Sollitt is a valuable acquisition to our business and social circle, and we welcome him most heartily.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1899.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg died in Palo Alto, California.