L. B. Kellogg
[Brother of Dr. Hiram D. Kellogg.]
[Note: Professor L. B. Kellogg became the first president of the Normal School in Emporia. This school is now Emporia State College. Sam Dicks has written about both Dr. Kellogg and Professor Norton, who at one time were early citizens of the small town that became Arkansas City. MAW]
Emporia News, January 17, 1868.
Valuable Present. On entering the office yesterday morning we found on our table a new and substantially bound volume of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, of the newest illustrated edition. A note accompanied the book signed by Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Principal of the State Normal School, asking us to accept it for THE NEWS, and the donor’s best wishes for the editor. We can assure friend Kellogg that we value the present very highly, and can scarcely express our thankfulness in mere words. We can only return the compliment at present by wishing Professor Kellogg the highest degree of prosperity in all his undertakings, and a long life of usefulness. This book shall be one of our companions through all our life in the sanctum, and the donor shall ever occupy a warm place in our affections.
Emporia News, January 31, 1868.
Professors Kellogg and Norton are both absent in attendance upon the meeting of the State Teachers’ Association at Topeka. Mrs. Gorham has charge of the Normal in their absence.
Emporia News, July 31, 1868.
Schoolmasters Abroad. There seems to be a conspiracy against the faculty of our Normal School. Prof. Kellogg and family, on a recent trip to El Dorado, were treated to a breakdown and supperless bivouac on the prairie beyond Cottonwood Falls; while Mrs. Gorham was lately robbed of her trunk and money, at Omaha. The pickpocket was caught, and part of the money refunded, but the trunk has not yet been found. Prof. Norton, though “spoiling” for a journey, is quietly at home, afraid to venture out, and waiting for the Governor to send an escort.
Emporia News, August 14, 1868. [Part of an article]
The State Normal School, which is one of the most important institutions of the State, is located in Emporia. It has two departments, the Model and the Normal. Prof. L. B. Kellogg is Principal, assisted by Mr. H. B. Norton, Mrs. Gorham, and Miss Plumb. The average attendance of scholars fitting themselves for teachers, when the school is in session, is about 130. The school building is a most substantial structure, three stories high, built of stone, and a portion of the twenty acres belonging to it, is enclosed with a fine fence.
Emporia News, September 18, 1868.
Eastward Bound. Prof. Kellogg and family started on an extended visit to the East this morning. It is the Professor’s intention to visit many of the leading institutions of learning in the East, especially the Normal schools, with a view of bringing to our Normal school all the modern improvements in teaching, and to gain such other information as will be of benefit to the school here. The Board of Directors have granted him a leave of absence for three months. They will visit Mrs. Kellogg’s parents in Massachusetts. We wish them a pleasant journey and safe return.
Miss M. J. Watson, a graduate of the school, will assist Prof. Norton during the absence of Prof. Kellogg.
Emporia News, November 13, 1868.
Visiting among New England Farmers. Interview with Sturges.
Chicago, Politics in Massachusetts.
WARREN, MASSACHUSETTS. October 30, 1868.
Massachusetts is eminently a good state to visit in, while Kansas is preeminently a good state in which to live. The people here have passed the hurrying period of life. The slow aggregation of forty years of hard labor and economy, added to what their fathers left, gives to each family a competence. The economy remains but the hard work abates. Luxuries, bought to good advantage, creep in. A handsome turn out, with spirited team and well burnished carriage, proclaims the human nature that delights in a good horse. Excruciating chignons and much be-puffed dresses announce proximity to the “head center” of American fashions. Well-dressed turkeys, mince pies, most wholesome bread, brown as well as white, and plump looks of the boys and girls unite in the announcement that the inner man is well care for in New England. Well furnished libraries, dealing largely in theology, agriculture, philosophy, and history, and but sparingly in fiction, give intimation of well balanced, cultivated mines.
But it is leisure that adds the chiefest grace to visiting. People whose minds are upon business, and whose hands are instinctively grasping for some implement of labor, cannot enjoy a visit. If they meet together, the press of work, the mental strain, may be observed in the conversation which hurries on bounding over great and small inequalities as the Denver coaches, never suffered to stop, scarcely to lag, until, the time having expired, each departs tired but thankful that the visit is paid and he can now proceed with his work. Here visiting jogs on leisurely throughout the greater part of a day, participated in by the fathers and mothers and sons and daughters of three or four families. Preparation has been made before hand. The large parlor has been opened and the furniture dusted. Fresh air and sunlight have been admitted. Cheerful fires have been kindled early, so as to remove from the room all dampness. And now the visitors begin to come at about 10 o’clock a.m., uncles, aunts, and cousins, for it is a family gathering. After the bustle of first greetings, inquiries are made and answered about absent relatives and friends, about home work and pleasures, marriages and deaths. Then conversation settles upon ministers and preaching, politics, new books, lectures, manufactures, and, with the women, it ultimately arrives and is fixed upon dress and fashion. With the men it dwells longest upon their farms and stock, for I am talking about life among New England farmers. Dinner, luxurious and bountiful, is announced about half past two. The visitors depart for their homes about four.
When in Chicago (October 13th) I had a long interview with the capitalist, Sturges. He is a brother of our William Sturges, of the Lawrence and Galveston railroad, and as I understand it, furnishes the money for the construction of the road. He is therefore to be regarded as the “power behind the throne.” His conversation turned mainly upon the action of Douglas County in refusing to issue the bonds. On this subject he seemed much wrought up and quite free in expressing his disapprobation at the refusal of the bonds. But he evidently had a disposition to conciliate. He professed his willingness to do any and every fair thing towards settling the difficulty. In regard to the unpaid claims against the road held in Douglas County, his remark was “I will send $25,000 there tonight to pay off every claim, if the county will issue the bonds.” In speaking of the Osage treaty, he seemed very desirous of ascertaining the state of public opinion in Kansas in regard to it. He said that it was his intention (I observed that he used the singular number always in referring to the management) to build the road south to the Osage lands, and then, stopping work on the main line, to construct the road throughout the entire length of the lands east and west, thus opening up the whole country to settlement and civilization. Respecting the Emporia Branch, he said little. Concerning the thing as a whole, he pronounced it a losing investment. If he could be made whole for the money which he had already put in, he would drop it.
In this connection he spoke of a piece of land near Chicago, which he sold a little over a year ago for $25,000, to send the money to Kansas. A week before I was there the same piece was sold for $80,000. I mention this simply as an illustration of the extraordinary increase in the valuation of real estate which Chicago has witnessed within the last year and a half. Chicago is made with progress. Property owners find it impossible to hold real estate long enough to keep buyers off.
Massachusetts politics seem so like that of Kansas it is hard to realize at a political meeting that we are not at home. Last evening I had the pleasure of hearing Hon. Geo. F. Hoar, of Worcester, candidate for Congress from this district. His discourse was earnest, scholarly, and able. Occupying the floor for a few moments at its close to correct a statement in the address which might lead to misapprehension of the part taken in this canvass by the West, three such rousing cheers were given for Kansas as would convince anyone how near our young State is to the loyal heart of the Nation.
On Monday next I intend going down to Boston; shall hope to hear Senator Wilson and Gen. Burnside at the meetings on the eve of election, visit Harvard University, and the City Normal, High, and Grammar schools, and make the American’s pilgrimage to Bunker Hill Monument.
Will try and write you again from Boston.
Emporia News, December 18, 1868.
RETURNED. Professor Kellogg and family returned from their visit to the East on last Tuesday, and received a hearty welcome from the members of the Normal School and their numerous friends in town, a welcome in which we are happy to join. Mr. Kellogg is looking better physically than we have ever seen him before, and has resumed his enthusiastic labors for the cause of education.
Emporia News, January 1, 1869.
[Portion of Official Report for 1868, State Normal School, Emporia.]
Estimate for 1869.
H. B. Norton, deficiency in salary as Associate Principal for 1868: $1,200.
L. B. Kellogg, deficiency in salary as Principal for 1868: $500.
Report submitted by
Executive Com. State Normal School.
In the Preparatory Department and Model School, we found 27 pupils.
The Instructors during the year have been L. B. Kellogg, Principal; H. B. Norton, Associate Principal; Mrs. J. H. Gorham, and the first two graduates of the Institution, Miss Ellen Plumb and Miss M. J. Watson.
The pupils enrolled during the year represent 19 different counties in the State.
There are about 150 young men and women now teaching who have received instruction here, some of whom are filling situations in prominent schools.
Committee that signed report.
A. D. CHAMBERS, M. S. CROSWELL, L. M. HANCOCK...Emporia, Dec. 16, 1868.
Emporia News, January 22, 1869.
MODEL SCHOOL. Two more pupils can be received in the Model School this term.
Emporia News, February 26, 1869.
Prof. Kellogg has made arrangements to put up a residence near the Normal School.
Emporia News, April 2, 1869.
Noticed: Announcement of Spring Term at State Normal School does not have the name of Norton listed...only L. B. Kellogg.
Emporia News, April 23, 1869.
[Legal notice.]
L. B. Kellogg to H. B. Norton, quit-claim for lot 154, Mechanics St.., Emporia.
Emporia News, June 25, 1869.
RECAP: Program for July 4th at Emporia. L. B. Kellogg to give “Declaration of Independence,” Col. P. B. Plumb to give an oration.
Emporia News, July 16, 1869.
Messrs. Kellogg & Norton, of the Normal School, have the contract for editing and publishing the Educational Journal for two years. It will be published at THE NEWS office.
Emporia News, August 13, 1869.
Paper indicates that fall term of State Normal School will begin September 13, 1869, and that L. B. Kellogg will be principal again and H. B. Norton will be associate principal.
Emporia News, August 13, 1869.
Big article re EMPORIA NEWS getting the first power press in the Neosho Valley from George Taylor & S. P. Rounds, of Chicago, Illinois. He gave thanks to his friends: Harry Norton, Major E. P. Bancroft, Col. P. B. Plumb, Major Wright, Profs. Kellogg and Norton, and others not named.
Emporia News, October 2, 1869.
Ad. Taken Up. Five white pigs. The owner is requested to call and take them away.
Emporia News, December 17, 1869.
Election, Tuesday Evening, December 28, 1869.
Nominating officers (S. B. Riggs, L. B. Kellogg, and H. Bancroft) put the following ticket in the field.
President, Col. P. B. Plumb; Vice President, Col. L. N. Robinson; Secretary, Col. J. M. Steele; Treasurer, H. C. Cross.
Board of Directors: Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Harvey Bancroft, Charles H. Riggs, Mrs. E. P. Bancroft, Miss M. J. Watson.
Emporia News, February 25, 1870.
This new town (formerly called Delphi) at the mouth of the Walnut seems to promise good things. The town company consists of Messrs. Plumb, Stotler, Norton, Eskridge, and Kellogg, of Emporia; Judge Brown and H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls; Kellogg & Bronson, of El Dorado; Baker & Manning, of Augusta; and Messrs. G. H. Norton, Strain, Brown, Moore, and Wilkinson on the site.
Mr. John Morris, of this place, is intending to open a grocery store there speedily. The company have the material to start a newspaper as soon as circumstances will permit. The company have not yet received a title to the land, but hold it as yet by the border law. They make good offers to all actual settlers. Having 160 acres of timber adjacent to the town site, they offer a lot and the necessary timber to any person who will build a log house, and proportional bounties to those who make more costly improvements.
Mr. Clarke’s bill, to remove the Osage Indians and open the land to actual settlers, recently received a decided majority in a test vote in the House of Representatives; and the Senate committee has reported favorably upon a similar bill. It is almost certain that this will speedily become a law, and that the land will be dedicated to civilization within the next thirty days. There is already an immense rush of settlers in that direction. Thousands on thousands of fertile homesteads await the coming of the pioneer.
A considerable Welsh colony is already located upon the Arkansas bottoms, a short distance above Cresswell, the vanguard of a great host of most worthy, moral, industrious, intelligent people.
Cresswell is an excellent site for merchants, mechanics, mill-wrights, and all classes of workers. Owing to its position at the convergence of several of the finest valleys in Kansas, and only seven or eight miles from the southern border, it must be the center of a great traffic with the Indian tribes and the military posts. The soil and climate are especially adapted to livestock, hoed crops, and fruits.
Messrs. Hunt & Fawcett, of this place, have located there, intending to embark in the fruit and nursery business. No point in the State is better provided with building materials—sand, timber, clay, sandstone, and the choicest magnesian limestone. For young men of energy and enterprise, seeking new homes on the border, we know of no better site than Creswell.
The place wants, immediately, a hotel, stores of different sorts, a sawmill, and a full representation of the various mechanical trades. For all these, the town company offer good inducements. Who speaks first?
Emporia News, March 11, 1870.
Business Notices.
For Sale. I have for sale a few cords of building stone. Price, $5 at the quarry east of Normal School; $7.50 delivered to any part of town. L. B. KELLOGG.
Emporia News, March 18, 1870.
Biographical Sketch of the Kansas Normal School Teachers.
The following letter, published in the Elgin (Illinois) Gazette, was written by one of the students of the Normal. [Skipped part of article.]
PROF. L. B. KELLOGG was born in Ohio, Sept. 28, 1841, and his parents removed to Northern Illinois when he was but four years old. He was educated in a district school until the age of sixteen years. At this age he received from his father a gift of his time to the age of twenty-one, for the purpose of acquiring a better education; and the summer after his sixteenth birthday he commenced teaching as a writing-master. At the age of seventeen he commenced his career in the teacher’s profession, as an assistant in a country district school, at a salary of ten dollars per month. The next summer (1858) he taught the village school at Solon, McHenry County, Illinois, at a salary of sixteen dollars per month. In the spring of 1860, he entered the Normal University of Illinois as a student—stopping at intervals to earn money by teaching, and continued the course of study until graduation in 1864, where he left behind him a reputation for true morals, upright demeanor, and thoroughness in scholarship.
In the fall of 1864 he was engaged as Principal of the Grammar department in the Normal University, and in January, 1865, he was selected by the Board of Directors of the Kansas Normal School, through the recommendation of President Edwards, to commence the experiment of a Normal School in Kansas, and to accept the Principal’s chair, which position he still holds.
His appearance is manly—a young, boyish cast, his conversation elegant and plain, his views extensive, his disposition amiable, his great executive talent is indelibly impressed in his countenance. He is as much admired for his amiability, simplicity, and high-bred courtesy as for his remarkable abilities and acquirements.
In February, 1865, he took charge of the Normal School, and with a zeal, diligence, self-denial, and perseverance which have seldom had any parallel in the history of education, he has been able to make and sustain the rank and character of the Kansas Normal School; and has, by his unflinching labor in the cause of education in Kansas, gained a reputation as one of its best educators. All the friends of the Normal, as well as the students, are highly elated at the thought of having such a spokesman at the helm, and the manner in which he entered upon his duties more than answered their highest expectations. The consciousness of intellectual strength, the just reputation he has attained, the elevated station to which he has been raised, have not, in the slightest degree, injured the natural modesty of his character or the mildness of his temper. . . .
The Normal School opened its present session with 160 pupils. A. G. O. E.
Emporia News, March 25, 1870.
The directors of the Creswell Town Company met in this place on Monday last and effected a permanent organization as follows. President, H. B. Norton; Vice President, C. V. Eskridge; Secretary, W. R. Brown; Treasurer: L. B. Kellogg. Executive Committee: C. V. Eskridge, H. D. Kellogg, and Capt. Norton.
Walnut Valley Times, March 25, 1870.
We have just returned from Emporia, and regret to find it too late for a full report of our trip in this issue. Suffice it to say, however, that Emporia is improving beyond all former precedent. As we entered the city, we could not but contrast the village of Emporia as we found it last spring with the city we see it today, with its broad and busy thoroughfares, lined with costly structures. Of course, we stopped at the Robinson House, for it is the only first class hotel in Emporia. The gentlemanly proprietors, L. N. Robinson & Son, received us kindly and treated us cordially. We observed that a large number of the bon ton of the city board at the Robinson House. We also noticed a large number of wholesale drummers and railroad officials, besides Alf. Burnett and his troupe at the Robinson House. . . .
We attended a meeting of the Creswell Town Company, which, besides transacting other important business, elected the following officers. Prof. Norton, President; Judge Brown, Secretary; Gov. Eskridge, Vice President; Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Treasurer; Dr. H. D. Kellogg, Capt. Norton, and Gov. Eskridge, Executive Committee.
Adjourned to meet May 5th, on the town site of Creswell. From the interest manifested by the stockholders, and the natural advantages surrounding Creswell, we predict for it the most brilliant future, believing it to be the very best point in Southwestern Kansas. D.
Emporia News, June 17, 1870.
Our friends at Arkansas City (Creswell) will hold a grand celebration on the Fourth of July. Max Fawcett’s celebrated claim is the spot selected. Music, a big dinner, an oration by H. B. Norton, toasts, responses, and short speeches by Prof. L. B. Kellogg, General Ellet, J. S. Danford, and others, and unlimited boating, swinging, and sight seeing are on the programme. A large party will leave for the new town on the 31st inst.
The Commonwealth, June 29, 1870.
The Normal School Anniversary.
Correspondence of the Commonwealth.
The sixth anniversary of the State Normal School has just passed. For good and sufficient reasons, the school year of this institution has been so changed as to correspond with the fiscal year, thus postponing the commencement till the last days of December, when the present senior class will graduate. The public exercises of the occasion were the usual oral examination and a public meeting of the Normal Literary Union.
The examination was, as usual, impartial, searching, and entirely satisfactory. The students look somewhat pale and worn, like persons who had been striving to do laborious duty, and their clear and lucid explanations of the various topics presented, their readiness of speech and freedom from embarrassment, all bear witness to the thorough training which is characteristic of the school. The grounds and buildings are models of neatness and order, and bear abundant evidence to the taste and energy of those in charge. The Governor and Superintendent McVicar honored us with their presence during part of the week.
The exercises of the evening included a debate upon the advisability of returning Mr. Clarke to congress, readings from Shakespeare, music, and some minor items. The debaters were Miss Julia B. Thayer, of Coffey County; Miss Sarah A. Hawkins, of Greenwood; Mr. Spangler, of Cowley; and Mr. Bales, of Lyon—all being members of the senior class. The debate showed the same careful preparation, the same fluency and ease, the same conversational powers as I have mentioned in connection with the examination. Miss Thayer’s effort would honor any legislative assembly in the country.
The model, or experimental, school has, for the past term, been under the charge of Miss Mary E. Baker, recently from Illinois. Educated at a Normal School (the Illinois Normal University), experienced and disciplined, her work has thus far been a decided success. Prof. Kellogg is just off for a summer trip to Lake Superior. Prof. Norton, whose impaired health rendered necessary a leave of absence for a part of the past term, which time he has been spending on the southern border, will remain hereabouts to attend to the business affairs of the school. Mrs. Gorham goes to Nebraska for the summer. The students have scattered to their different homes to rest till September.
It is highly probable that a department of the classics will be opened here next term. Arrangements are being made looking in that direction. Large additions will speedily be made to the cabinet and apparatus. Upon the whole, we may safely pronounce our Normal School to be in a most prosperous condition, doing nobly and well the work for which it was founded. The policy which has been pursued with reference to the lands forming its endowment has been amply vindicated by its results. Instead of being forced into the market at a low price, they have been held till they are now worth at least $200,000; and will probably soon sell for $250,000, or $300,000, thus forming a magnificent endowment.
Emporia is flourishing, having almost doubled in population during the past six months. Crops never looked better. Wheat and oats are a fair average crop, the former being remarkably plump and sound. Much of the corn is now six feet high, and growing rapidly. The granaries of the great Neosho will overflow this season. Much attention is now being given to the question of an adequate supply of pure water for the city. A reservoir on the hill near the normal school, with pipes leading to all parts of town, seems to be the favorite project. Whether this reservoir shall be filled from the Neosho, or from an artesian well, is yet to be settled.
A large excursion will start from here for Arkansas City on Wednesday, the 29th. Several Emporians are expected to speak there on the 4th. Mr. Mains, of the Tribune, has just contracted to commence the publication of a paper there, on or before August 1st. Arkansas City is the rage here just now; the one yearning and longing of all good Emporians is to get lots in this new Eden, and a steady stream of wagons loaded with emigrants and merchandise goes pouring thither through our streets.
The grading on the A., T. & S. F. R. R. is completed to this point, and trains will speedily be running. The completion of this road, and the promised completion of the Kansas City road to this place will do great things for Emporia.
Emporia News, July 1, 1870.
Prof. Kellogg and family have gone to Lake Superior to spend their vacation.
Several of our teachers, including Profs. Kellogg and Chambers, are in attendance upon the State Teachers’ Association at Wyandotte this week.
Emporia News, August 26, 1870.
L. B. KELLOGG, Principal, State Normal School, announces opening of the fall term.
No mention of any Assistant Principal in statement.
Emporia News, November 4, 1870.
MARRIED. On Thursday evening, October 27th, 1870, at 9 o’clock, at the residence of Prof. L. B. Kellogg, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. Willis Gardner, of Arkansas City, and Miss Helen Thomas, of Emporia.
Emporia News, November 11, 1870.
L. B. Kellogg offers some valuable property for sale, adjoining the city on the north, and east of the Normal building. Now is the time for bargains.
Emporia News, December 9, 1870.
At the close of the quarter of the fiscal year, H. B. Norton, Associate Principal, resigned his place in the school. Ill health, coupled with a desire for an active, out-door life, constituted the motives inducing the resignation.
Report was signed by L. B. KELLOGG, Principal.
Emporia News, December 30, 1870.
Prof. Kellogg has gone into the elephant business. He has bought the Arkansas Traveler office. The well known energy of the Professor will make it a paying elephant.
Emporia News, January 6, 1871.
Prof. Kellogg having resigned the editorship of the Educational Journal, to take effect with the end of the present volume, which closes with the April number, the Association which met in Leavenworth this week, elected, as editors for the coming year, Professors Banfield, of Topeka, and Dilworth, of Emporia. The Journal will continue to be printed at THE NEWS office. . . .
Emporia News, January 13, 1871.
The Arkansas City Traveler comes to us, under the new administration of Prof. Kellogg, one of the neatest, brightest sheets in the southwest. Who is doing the writing and superintending of the office, it does not say.
Emporia News, January 20, 1871.
Prof. Kellogg is making arrangements to enlarge the Arkansas City Traveler to an eight column paper.
Walnut Valley Times, January 27, 1871.
Prof. Kellogg is making arrangements to enlarge the Arkansas City Traveler to an eight column paper.
Emporia News, January 27, 1871.
Mr. Eskridge and Prof. Kellogg went to Topeka Tuesday to look after the interests of the Normal school.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871.
Augusta, Kansas, January 29th, 1871.
Over a week has passed since an opportunity has presented itself for us to forward an account of our wanderings to the NEWS. Within that time we have traveled through the Walnut Valley from El Dorado to Arkansas City, near the mouth of the stream, and returned to this point; a distance of almost 60 miles.
Arkansas City has one of the finest locations for a town to be found any place in Kansas, but as this has been written of so often and so extensively, we will pass it for the present. The city contains about eighty houses, some of them are very good buildings.
The Arkansas Traveler, the property of L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, published here, is superintended by C. M. Scott, the local editor. Mr. Scott is a first class printer and gets up one of the neatest little papers in the State.
Owing to the bad condition of the roads, our return trip was not as pleasant as dry soil and fine weather would have made it. G. G. PATTERSON BRIX.
[Note: I did not give details on the fight that went on for some time at the State Normal School by Prof. L. B. Kellogg with Rev. Overstreet and Editor Stotler. I only gave some of the highlights and felt at the time that there was a move to get rid of Kellogg. MAW]
Emporia News, February 10, 1871.
Excerpts. Ex-Gov. Eskridge favored the application of the teachers of the Normal School, and also an increase of their salaries.
Mr. Overstreet opposed any increase in the number of teachers or their salaries.
Mr. Kellogg spoke in explanation of the former action of the board.
Superintendent McCarty urged that we pay the principal of the Normal School a respectable salary and then demand that the money shall be fully earned.
Mr. Eskridge moved that the estimates submitted by him be passed upon by items, and the motion was carried.
The following estimates were then adopted:
Salary of Principal: $2,500.00. [Skipped the rest.]
Mr. Overstreet moved that an itemized account of expenses for fencing be filed with the Secretary of the board, which motion was carried.
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
More About the Normal School.
[Skipping article...seems that Eskridge and Stotler were furnished salary increase figures by Kellogg...Overstreet only heard of meeting after it had started...ended up making Kellogg’s salary $2,000. Many questions raised!]
Emporia News, February 17, 1871.
A Word from Mr. Kellogg.
EDITOR OF NEWS: Permit me to say a few words in regard to Honorable Jacob Stotler’s small controversy with the Board of Directors of the State Normal School. I deprecate the necessity for thus taking part in a public discussion, which up to this time has had but one participant. However, judgments might differ in regard to the pest policy to be pursued in the management of the Normal School, previous to this time the custom has been for all parties to abide the decision of the Board of Directors, the ultimate authority as provided by law. Mr. Stotler’s ideas suffered a severe defeat by the Board, the vote being four to one against them.
He now takes exception to the deliberate action of a meeting of the Board called expressly to consider the very thing in regard to which he has most industriously endeavored to create adverse public sentiment.
Not only does Mr. Stotler object to this final and authoritative action, but he seems to say that he and Mr. Overstreet will entirely repudiate the decision of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE GRINDS ON AND ON...MAIN THING: SALARIES! Stotler cut them. Reading between the lines, it looks like L. B. Kellogg is not long for the academic world.
Emporia News, February 24, 1871.
As Mr. L. B. Kellogg, in his strictures upon Hon. Jacob Stotler, in the DAILY NEWS of February 13th, has seen fit to place me in a false position before the public, I take this method of saying that the figures which I submitted to the Board of Directors of the State Normal School, at their late annual meeting in Topeka, January 18th, cutting down the estimates of salaries for Principal teachers, etc., as reported by the Executive Committee in their annual report for estimates for the year 1871, “was put into my hands and mouth by Mr. Stotler,” (as Mr. Kellogg declares), is a base falsehood. And further, that what I advocated in the open Board, “as my own convictions of duty,” being merely the carrying out of Mr. Stotler’s instructions and advice (as Mr. Kellogg unjustly imputes to me), is also false, as well as unbecoming any man making the slightest pretensions to be a gentleman. I leave the public to decide from the patent facts in the premises, as to whether Mr. Kellogg’s assault upon myself without any provocation, is not to be explained solely upon his own pecuniary interest in the matter or perverted moral sense. . . .
Topeka, Feb. 15th, 1871.
Emporia News, February 24, 1871.
Another Word from Mr. Kellogg.
EDITOR OF NEWS: Craving your indulgence and that of the public for this further intrusion, I submit an additional word on the little controversy which has so rapidly degenerated to the rank of an ordinary newspaper quarrel.
I am sorry that the Rev. Mr. Overstreet’s violent ebullition of anger, and uncourteous expressions were of so gross a nature as to prevent any desire on my part for a continuance of the discussion with him. With the permission of the “generous public,” I will, accordingly, using a schoolmaster’s term, dismiss Mr. Overstreet; or, leaving him standing, will excuse myself. I do this without malice, regretfully rather than otherwise, trusting that, should he deem it advisable to publish a second card, he will not so hedge it in by the use of vituperative language as to make it unwelcome handling.
Those of us who have lived in Emporia five or six years are familiar with Mr. Stotler’s plan of conducting a newspaper controversy. If I am not in error, the first articles are composed of ridicule, more or less pointed, as in his communication published yesterday. After one or two of these, he endeavors to bring on a crisis by using foul adjectives, “smutty” expressions; school children would speak of it as “calling names.” There is always danger of his winding up one of these articles by the statement that no further discussion of this subject will be permitted in his paper. Having entered upon this controversy somewhat deliberately, I feel as though I should like “to fight it out on this line,” letting it take as much of the coming spring and summer as may be necessary. Presuming on Mr. Stotler’s good nature, I beg leave to request that he will not shut me off from making a courteous reply, should he deem it of sufficient interest to his readers to continue the discussion, and also that he will not descend from “making fun” to “throwing dirt.” I will endeavor not to be burdensome to his paper, and being a “little man,” will content myself with one column to his two, or if this should seem egoism and effrontery, I will endeavor to use two columns to his one.
Recurring now to his communication, I desire to say this: in regard to the general questions at issue, I am willing to rest the case upon the merits of my former article, after correcting one error, notwithstanding Mr. Stotler pronounces it “wild, illogical, and unsystematic.” Facts constitute strong logic. I fear he uses these words to ward off a conviction to the contrary, though far be it for me to claim any merit for the article, save its rigid adherence to what I deem truth. I would gladly have the public put the two articles, Stotler’s and mine, side by side, and read them together.
The error I would correct is the following: He says I am defeated. I think he is defeated. The Board of Directors voted four to one against him. He now attempts to carry the impression that the action of the Board is not worth anything. Here are his words: “All the Board attempts is to recommend the estimates. I suppose there is nothing legally binding in the mere recommendation of sums for salaries, etc., and that the legislature is at liberty to fix the amounts.”
Here is the law governing the case:
“General Statutes of Kansas, edition of 1868, page 590, Section 5. Said Board of Directors shall have power to appoint a principal and assistant, to take charge of said school, without expense to the State, and such other teachers and officers as may be required in said school, and fix the salary of each, and prescribe their several duties. They shall also have power to remove either principal, assistant, or teacher, and to appoint others in their stead. * * * *”
POSTSCRIPT. Let me now mention one or two personal items, and I will wait until my turn comes round again.
Mr. Stotler speaks freely of my avarice, my desire for $500, my selfishness. I tried to say in my article that the chief cause of grievance was Mr. Stotler’s cutting away the entire amount recommended by the Executive Committee for the additional assistant. The salary of the Preceptress was the next point upon which I desired a reconsideration. Finally, in regard to that of the Principal, knowing that in case of a vacancy in the office, by reason of my expulsion, resignation, or death, that at least $2,500 would be needed by the Board to secure such a Principal as the school ought to have, and believing that if this institution paid less for similar services than either of the other State institutions, it would be likely to give occasion for invidious comparisons, damaging to the rank of this school, I came to the conclusion that no injustice would be done, no extravagance committed, if the salary of that office was placed at $2,500.
It so chances that for the present, I am filling the office. If done, it would give me an additional $500; because of this fact, it becomes easy for Mr. Stotler to raise the cry that I am seeking my own personal aggrandizement. I will not say that I don’t care for the $500. It is worth as much to me, although I may not make as good use of it, as to any other ordinary businessman or laborer in Emporia, and no more. I mentioned that the President of the Illinois Normal receives $4,000. Let me now mention that when that institution began, in 1858, when it had 40 students, the Principal was paid $2,500. When this school began in 1865, a dollar then did go as far as in 1858—the salary of the Principal was $1,200. But I do not care to multiply words.
Mr. Stotler ought not to assume the injured air, and raise the cry of “fire in the rear.” If he is a martyr, in danger of being immolated, he should remember whose hand it was that gathered the faggots and threw the first burning brand; or, replying to him as school children do, I shall find it necessary to say, “You began it.” L. B. KELLOGG.
Emporia News, February 24, 1871.
[SKIPPED STOTLER’S LONG ARTICLE RE “fire in the rear.” He really did get “down and dirty,” so to speak. AS I SAID EARLIER, FIGURE KELLOGG WILL GO!]
Emporia News, March 3, 1871.
Emporia News, March 24, 1871.
Mr. Eskridge chooses to take advantage of the temporary absence of Mr. Stotler to ridicule his course as a member of the last Legislature, and to assail by cowardly innuendo, rather than by open manly charges, his private character. He also deals Mr. Overstreet a left handed blow as often as he can find it convenient, and lastly—so great is the personal malignity of this disappointed politician—he goes out of his way to pay his compliments to the Daily NEWS, stigmatizing it as “Jake’s $12 per annum imposition,” insinuating that the proprietors are a set of swindlers, having endeavored to filch from the taxpayers by colluding with the publishers of the Tribune in order to obtain exorbitant prices for doing work for the City and County. To give vent to all this personal animosity his eminence occupies three columns of solid brevier in the last number of the Tribune. . . .
As to Mr. Eskridge’s strictures upon Mr. Stotler’s course in the Legislature, we shall have nothing to say, preferring that Mr. Stotler, who is abundantly able to defend himself, should make, with his own pen, whatever reply he may deem best. Neither do we deem ourselves called upon to say anything in Mr. Overstreet’s defense, as that gentleman, having proved himself more than an equal match for the Governor in the contest for Representative last fall, will undoubtedly be able, if he should choose so to do, to vindicate his course as our Representative, and to prove to the same constituents who put him up, and Eskridge down, that so much of this lengthy criticism as is devoted to Mr. Overstreet is incited by a feeling of hatred and chagrin that still lingers as a puerile consequence of a humiliating defeat.
[ARTICLE GOES ON AND ON FOR TWO WHOLE COLUMNS] It is followed by another article re Eskridge espousing the cause of L. B. Kellogg, and resuming the small controversy about the Normal School, where the Prof. broke down. Article written by R. M. Overstreet.
Emporia News, March 31, 1871.
[An attack is made by Stotler on Eskridge...or else the junior editor...but the wording is more that of Stotler...very nasty...very sarcastic as usual. SKIPPED.]
Emporia News, April 7, 1871.
It is no secret that Prof. Kellogg intends to resign his position in the Normal School at the end of the term to commence next Monday. He has received several offers of more remunerative positions lately. But it is his intention, we believe, to go to Arkansas City.
Emporia News, April 7, 1871.
The April number of the Kansas Educational Journal has just been issued from this office. With this number the management and editorship of this excellent monthly pass from the control of L. B. Kellogg to that of Messrs. Banfield & Dilworth. Prof. Kellogg has had charge of the Journal for about four years, and that it has prospered, grown better and better with each succeeding year, its numerous readers will all agree.
Emporia News, May 5, 1871.
Life member: L. B. Kellogg.
The Commonwealth, June 24, 1871.
Professor L. B. Kellogg, who has been principal of the State Normal School at Emporia ever since its commencement, has severed his connection with that institution, and is going to Arkansas City, Cowley County, to engage in the banking business. His retirement from that school leaves a void that will be hard to fill. By his activity, energy, and devotion to the interests of the school, combined with his superior ability as a normal instructor, he has made the Emporia school a decided success. We have heard it stated that there is a probability of Prof. Banfield, of Topeka, being made his successor. We doubt whether that institution can do better than to employ Prof. Banfield. He is an experienced and practical educator, and is thoroughly posted in all the modern systems of teaching. The best educational instructors in the state endorse him. He is a Kansas man and is imbued with all the energy, enthusiasm, and progressiveness which characterize its people; and sympathizes with them in their enterprises. We believe the appointment would be a judicious one.
Emporia News, June 30, 1871.
NORMAL BOARD. The Board of Directors of the State Normal School met on the 23rd. There were present Governor Harvey, State Superintendent McCarty, Major Stover, of Council Grove; Col. Horner, of Chetopa; E. P. Bancroft, Harvey Bancroft, and S. B. Riggs, of Emporia. The members resident here were made the Executive committee. The resignation of L. B. Kellogg as Principal, and Mrs. Gorham, as Preceptress, were accepted, to take effect immediately.
Mr. J. C. Greenough, of Westfield, Massachusetts, Normal School, was selected as Principal of the school to succeed Mr. Kellogg.
Emporia News, July 28, 1871.
PERSONAL. We learn by a note from Prof. Kellogg that he is at Central City, Colorado, enjoying himself well. He says: “We are all well, and greatly enjoy the mountain air and scenery. . . . Central City is about 35 miles northwest of Denver, in the heart of the Gregory mining district. It is a place somewhat larger than Emporia, and supports two daily papers. It has an elevation of near 8,000 feet above sea level. Will return about the middle of August.”
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.
Prof. Kellogg and family returned from the mountains on Saturday last, after having enjoyed the mountain climate for several months, looking all the better for the trip.
[Note: Professor L. B. Kellogg was mistaken in mentioning that a man by the name of Young had anything to do with the Arkansas City Traveler. What is most puzzling to me is the following: Was the newspaper in Arkansas City first called the Arkansas City Traveler or was it called the Arkansas Traveler? I cannot find out, hard as I try! MAW]
Arkansas City.
On Wednesday, July 27, 1870, a momentous event occurred: Mike Mains proposed to young Scott that he should go to Arkansas City to run the newspaper for Mains. Scott was utterly indifferent. He wrote in his diary: “Don’t care much whether I go or not.” He told Mains that he would go if he could get $12 a week and board. On July 30th he got provisions for the trip and set off from Emporia early the next morning. He took the press that had been damaged in the March fire at Emporia with him. By this time it had been fixed. He arrived by wagon in Arkansas City on Thursday, August 4, 1870, to observe twelve horses grazing on the grass in the meadows, and an office with no roof.
Scott succeeded in getting the first number of the Traveler printed on August 24, 1870, and issued the following day. He began to observe Osage and Kickapoo Indians as well as soldiers in Arkansas City.
One of my most interesting stories concerning the early Traveler office was printed by H. P. Standley, editor of the Traveler on October 1, 1884, in answer to a comment from another newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
C. M. Scott is credited with being the first man who had the nerve to start a paper in the Arkansas valley. Atchison Champion.
The above is true in a certain extent. Mr. M. G. Mains, of Emporia, owned the material for the first paper in the Arkansas valley—The TRAVELER—and his name appeared as publisher, though C. M. Scott, as local editor, was editor, manager, foreman, and compositor.
We doubt if any paper in Kansas was started under greater difficulties than was the TRAVELER. The first number was issued August 25, 1870, since which time but two issues have been missed, and these in early days when high water cut off communication with the outside world, and the stock of paper had given out.
Everything came by stage from Emporia, 150 miles distant, and many times when the swollen streams made it impossible to come by way of Winfield, the plucky stage driver, interested in the dissemination of knowledge, would take the TRAVELER’s paper on a buckboard and come jogging down on the east side of the Walnut to Harmon’s ford, where he was met by the office boys in a boat, who took charge of the paper and carried it on their backs to town.
The office stood on the same corner it now does, and consisted of the sides and rafters of a building with no floor and but an indifferent roof. A tent was stretched overhead inside the building to keep the boys and material dry in wet weather, but in fair weather the cases were moved out into the open air. More than once a sudden dash of rain would fill the “boxes” with water, which of course could not be emptied out, and so the boys had recourse to straws, through which they sucked the superfluous fluid. (Whether this was the only manner in which the old TRAVELER force imbibed water, Capt. Scott fails to say.) During that long and cold winter of 1870-71 the boys slept in the well ventilated office, all rolled up together in blankets, while the beautiful snow silently and softly covered their slumbering frames with a mantle white and pure as were the fancies flitting through their dreaming brains; covered press, type cases and stones; wood box, saw-buck, and ax. In addition to this the boys “kept bachelors’ hall,” and cheerfully boiled beans and roller composition on top of a rickety stove, and baked bread on the hot coals. True, there was a hotel. Uncle Dick Woolsey presided over what is now known as the Central Avenue; but provender was an uncertain quantity in those days. Sometimes the beans were short, then it was the corn-bread; and again Uncle Dick would become so engrossed in descanting to a stranger upon the wonderful possibilities of Southern Kansas as to entirely forget to order more bacon. So the boys “bached,” and reveled in the luxury of Sunday hotel dinners.
Indians were plenty—outnumbering the whites ten to one. What is now our well graded Summit Street, with its twelve-foot stone sidewalks, was then a narrow path through grass three feet high; and for a few months an Indian’s right to this path was not questioned by white intruders.
One day a TRAVELER “head rule” was missing, and the most careful search failing to bring it to light, for three weeks the paper was issued without this desirable adjunct to its neat appearance, when a swarthy son of the forest was seen with the long brass ornament dangling from his neck, and was persuaded to give up his trophy.
Many such instances might be cited; many stories told that would sound strange and curious in the light of our present advancement and civilization; but the foregoing gives a fair idea of the experiences in those days, not only of the TRAVELER, but of the handful of businessmen who laid the foundation for this prosperous city. Thanks to the men “who had the nerve to start the first paper in the Arkansas valley,” and to those who have so liberally patronized it from the beginning, the TRAVELER is now well on in its fifteenth year, more prosperous than ever, and Arkansas City is truly queen of the border—a city of education, refinement, and enterprise, and growing faster than any two cities in Southern Kansas.
C. M. Scott was recognized as the local editor of the Arkansas City Traveler, published by Mains. At first H. B. Norton was the editor. In September 1870 L. B. Kellogg succeeded Mains in the proprietorship and became the editor, with Norton serving as special contributor and Scott still in the capacity of local editor. In February 1872 the Traveler office was enlarged. C. M. Scott became the proprietor and editor in October 1872 when L. B. Kellogg retired.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 11, 1872.
The Traveler has met with a change. Mr. L. B. Kellogg has retired from the office in order to devote his time to the study and practice of law. The paper will be conducted in future by Mr. C. M. Scott, its former local editor. We wish Mr. Scott success.
L. B. Kellogg: editor of the Arkansas City Traveler.
Walnut Valley Times, September 8, 1871.
We have received a personal letter from L. B. Kellogg, in which he says the people of Emporia feel confident of the speedy building of the railroad from Ottawa to that place, and its extension down the Walnut Valley to Arkansas City, within twelve months. Traveler.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg has taken editorial charge of the Arkansas City Traveler. He proposes to give the paper his attention, and we know it will be one of the first papers in Southern Kansas in point of ability. With Mr. Kellogg as editor and your young friend Scott in charge of the typography, we believe the people of Cowley County will have a paper to be proud of.
Emporia News, September 22, 1871.
For Sale. Three shares of Arkansas City town property have been left with me for sale.
Walnut Valley Times, December 1, 1871.
Cowley County.
The Arkansas Traveler will be enlarged and greatly improved soon.
There is no let up, no diminution of zeal and enterprise with which the citizens of Arkansas City work for the interest of the town. The prospects of this young city were never brighter than now. All goes well with us.
The citizen’s Association has ordered the printing of 5,000 pamphlets, descriptive of Arkansas City and vicinity.
H. B. Norton and L. B. Kellogg have been appointed to edit the pamphlet. It will be printed at this office.
Walnut Valley Times, January 19, 1872.
Dr. H. D. and Professor L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City were in town last Tuesday.
Walnut Valley Times, February 9, 1872.
The Arkansas Traveler is to be enlarged to a seven column paper and otherwise improved, the material being on hand. The Traveler is published at Arkansas City, a young and thriving town at the mouth of the Walnut, by Kellogg & Scott, and edited by L. B. Kellogg, late of the Emporia Normal School. It is one of our most welcome exchanges.
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Bids for County Printing was then canvassed and awarded to Kerns of Winfield and Kellogg and Scott of Arkansas City.
The proceedings of the County Board to be Printed in both papers free of charge, and legal rates for other work and Blanks at Topeka prices per agreement on file in this office.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
The Traveler says that Collins says that the “cattle trail” will be passed early in the Spring of the next Congress!
That’s right, brother Kellogg. The Bible says that, “who so findeth himself in a grave yard at the twilight, shall whistle to keep his knees braced.”
Walnut Valley Times, July 19, 1872.
Delegates from the several conventions along the line of the Kansas City, Emporia & Walnut Valley Railroad, and from Kansas City, met at the courthouse in Emporia July 11th to consider the matter of raising money and apportioning to each locality along the line its equitable share to build the road. Prof. H. B. Norton, of Arkansas City, was made chairman, and Prof. Warner Craig, of Osage County, secretary.
Entitled to seats in the convention—
Cowley County: H. B. Norton, L. B. Kellogg, C. A. Bliss, and D. A. Millington.
Butler County: W. M. Sparks, A. L. Redden, and T. B. Murdock.
Among those who were made directors—
Cowley County: C. A. Bliss and Thomas Blanchard, of Winfield, and A. D. Keith, of Arkansas City.
Butler County: Wm. Sparks, of Chelsea, T. B. Murdock, of Eldorado, and Neil Wilkie, of Douglass.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
Mr. Herman, E. L. Akin, and G. P. Garland of Augusta; Mr. McDermott of Dexter; L. B. Kellogg and C. R. Mitchell of Arkansas City, were in attendance at court this week.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
The Traveler of last week accuses someone of smuggling the Winfield package of Travelers. We are requested to say in behalf of the good people of Dexter that if Mr. Kellogg will write “Winfield” on the package instead of “Dexter” that the subscribers at Winfield will get their papers several days sooner than they can if the papers have to be re-mailed at the latter place.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
Kellogg & Scott, County Printing, allowed $7.00.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, October 11, 1872.
The Traveler has met with a change. Mr. L. B. Kellogg has retired from the office in order to devote his time to the study and practice of law. The paper will be conducted in future by Mr. C. M. Scott, its former local editor. We wish Mr. Scott success.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
Charles Williston, J. B. Parmelee, Mrs. Bostwick, Mrs. J. C. Graham, J. B. Fairbank, Prof. Wilson, Prof. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. N. J. Ferguson, Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Prof. H. B. Norton, H. H. Martin, C. L. Rood, J. W. Cowgill, Alexander Limerick, Mrs. Bostwick, Miss Helen Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Swarts.
Efforts are being made to secure the presence of our State Superintendent, H. D. McCarty. T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, the “jack of all trades and master of none,” who lately flourished at Arkansas City, has removed to Colorado.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 27, 1873.
Mr. Norton received a letter from Prof. L. B. Kellogg, late Principal of the State Normal School, dated Golden City, Colorado, May 17th inst., containing information that Mrs. Abbie G. Kellogg, his wife, died at that place on the 15th inst., and that he will go to Illinois, and perhaps to Massachusetts with his little children, after which he will return to Arkansas City.
Prof. Kellogg left Arkansas City a couple weeks since, with his family, to spend the summer in the mountains for the benefit of Mrs. Kellogg, who had been in poor health for some time. The sympathies of a large number of our citizens will be enkindled in behalf of the bereaved husband by the above announcement. Mrs. Kellogg was a faithful wife, and greatly attached to her husband, always ready to sacrifice her personal comfort and enjoyment to his interests. We have a vivid recollection of their starting from Emporia two years ago for their new home on the border, and considering the position they filled in society here, we could not but admire the devotion of a woman, who crowding into a rough wagon, filled with household goods and her little ones, would take the lines and drive an imperfectly broken pair of colts, her husband on horseback following, to a new home on the borders of an uncivilized Indian Territory.
To many who have made such journeys to a new country, this circumstance may appear trivial, but in days to come there will be some at least who will find immense comfort in the contemplation of those days when a wife and mother, educated, and accustomed to social and refined associations, willingly surrendered her own comfort that in the future herself and family might enjoy the rich blessings of an honest earnest sacrifice. Emporia Ledger.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg were old residents of this county, and will long be remembered by the old settlers of Arkansas City and Winfield. Mrs. Kellogg was an estimable lady, and the news of her death brings a pang of sadness to the hearts of her many friends in Cowley County.
Walnut Valley Times, June 20, 1873.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Arkansas City, called in to see us last Tuesday.
[Note: The Creswell Township census of 1874 listed H. D. Kellogg, 34; wife, S. E., 30; and L. B. Kellogg, 32.]
The Commonwealth, Saturday Morning, May 9, 1874.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg writes as follows to the Arkansas City Traveler, from Washington, concerning legislative matters in which Kansas is specially interested.
Those who have lived on the frontier, in proximity to the Indians, have often been led to wonder that the average New England mind is utterly unable to understand that in any of the frequent collisions between Indians and whites, on any portion of our country’s frontier, that the Indians are in any other situation than that of exercising the inalienable right of self-defense from the depredations of marauding white aggressors. The same sentimentality had an illustration in the United States the other day. The question was on a proposition to distribute arms and ammunition to the settlers on the extreme western frontier of Nebraska and Kansas, to protect themselves from the barbarities of Indian incursions. Pending the discussion, Senator Buckingham, of Connecticut, chairman of the senate committee on Indian affairs, introduced an amendment to the bill to the effect that an equal amount of arms and ammunition should also be distributed to enable them to protect themselves from the whites! Senator Ingalls, of Kansas, replied to this in a deservedly sharp and cutting five minutes’ speech, that occasioned the withdrawal of the amendment.
I have written you that the bill for the relief of the settlers on the Cherokee strip was by the earnest work of Senators Ingalls and Harvey brought up by unanimous consent and passed far in advance of its regular time and place on the calendar. As soon as it is signed by the president, I will procure an official copy of the bill and send you for publication. It is substantially as published by you last winter shortly after its introduction in the house of representatives by Mr. Lowe.
The bill to extend the time of payment on the Osage lands another year passed the house, but has not yet been introduced in the senate. It will have to take its place on the calendar and cannot be reached for some little time.
The cattle trail bill has been introduced in both the senate and house, and has in each been referred to the standing committee on Indian affairs. Senator Ingalls, who is a member of the senate committee, says that his committee have agreed to report the bill favorably.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The following are the Attorneys attending at the District Court: Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, Wellington; Hon. Jas. McDermott, Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, A. J. Pyburn, L. B. Kellogg, Arkansas City; Gen. Rogers, Eureka; M. S. Adams, Wichita; Fairbank, Torrance & Green, L. J. Webb, Manning & Johnson, Judge R. B. Saffold, Lewis T. Michener, Esq., Suits & Wood, D. A. Millington, Winfield.
[Note: First church covered under “Kellogg: Fact vs. Fiction. See other file.]
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Ordination and Dedication.
The exercises at the liberal church last Sunday were interesting and well attended. Prof. Norton was ordained according to the Congregational order in the forenoon. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Platter conducted the dedication exercises.
Prof. Kellogg gave an interesting history of the origin, nature, and progress of the enterprise, announcing that the church had been built without foreign aid, had but a small debt, and was in a prosperous and hopeful state. Mr. Platter preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The church is a neat and tasteful edifice, finely and completely finished, and is in all respects an honor to its founders.
Butler County has but one newspaper, while Cowley and Sumner have three each. There is hardly enough enterprise in that county, outside of El Dorado, to run a saw mill.
Bound to Win.
We learn from Senator Ingalls that the “Trail Bill” will become a law, which will not only be of great advantage to the state but make a rush for claims on the border. A project is on foot to have the right of way granted for a railroad through the Indian Territory, which will open the pine forest of Arkansas, and build large commercial cities on the banks of the Arkansas River.
With these and many other projects, the future of Arkansas City is preferable to any young town in Kansas. Both the measures alluded to will not fail, and if more than one is carried through, our prospects are flattering.
What We Claim.
The various cities of Kansas are each in the habit of claiming special merit, and especially in some particular direction. Thus Lawrence is the Fast Horse Centre, Fort Scott the Manufacturing Centre, and Emporia the Gooseberry Centre.
Arkansas City proudly claims pre-eminence in the most important of all human industries. Arkansas City is surely and emphatically the Baby Centre.
We speak according to the facts. There is surely no other portion of Kansas where babies are so numerous, and have such healthy lungs. It never rains but it pours in this country, and the babies come in showers, and warble in unison. It is enough to strike envy into every bachelor’s soul to waken at midnight and hear the dulcet notes that resound from every house. The cooing of cats is forgotten; the voice of the nightingale is no more attractive. We lie awake and listen and envy the married men their happiness.
We say to our people, go on! You are doing well. The Centennial comes in 1876, and the Census in 1880. We believe that all will render a good account of themselves. We have faith in corn-culture, tree-culture, mental culture, and especially in Stirpiculture.
Meanwhile we want our brethren of the press to distinctly understand that Arkansas City is the Baby Centre of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
L. B. Kellogg has returned from Washington. He does not think the “Cattle Trail Bill” will become a law much before the close of the present session of Congress. Some modification of the bill will be necessary to insure its success. Some enactment to legalize and regulate the cattle driving from Texas to Kansas is absolutely necessary for the mutual protection of the drovers and Indians.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Prof. Kellogg, C. R. Mitchell, and A. J. Pyburn, of Arkansas City, have been in town for the past week attending the meeting of the County Board.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
Fun for the Lawyers, But Death to the Tax-Payer.
A High Old Time.
Last Saturday three young men who had just returned home from Texas were arrested here on charge of horse stealing. They had been followed from the Indian Territory by the parties who owned the stock, and overtaken in this city just as they were trying to dispose of the stolen property. It being late Saturday evening the boys were lodged in jail to await examination Monday morning. However, late Saturday night, Brown, one of the number, with his attorney, L. J. Webb, Esq., appeared before Squire Boyer, waived examination, and in default of bail, was sent to jail to await the September term of the District Court.
The other two, Brocknell and Onstott, were brought up for examination on Monday morning. Squire Boyer, on the motion of the County attorney, and knowing that the U. S. Marshal was ready to re-arrest and take them before the Federal court at Arkansas City, discharged the prisoners. No sooner was this done and Hill, the U. S. Deputy Marshal, attempted to serve his warrant then revolvers were flashed in his face, by two or three deputy Sheriffs of the county. Of course, he was powerless, and the prisoners were immediately re-arrested by a warrant issued by Squire Wood.
Again they were locked up for the night, and Tuesday morning brought before N. H. Wood, Esq., where they plead guilty, and in default of $1,500 bail, each, they were again sent to board at the expense of the county, where all three now await their trial at the next term of the District Court.
This case certainly presents many curious and anomalous features. It is the only case we have ever seen where the accused insisted upon their own guilt, and retained three prominent lawyers to help them plead guilty. The County attorney was willing and even anxious to have them turned over to the U. S. Courts, and thereby avoid expense to the county. But, not their attorneys, Messrs. Webb, Hackney, and Johnson, who insisted that their clients were undoubtedly guilty, and should be held for trial here.
We have no wish to manufacture sentiment one way or the other—but of one thing we are sure, and that is, if the ends of Justice could be reached just as well (which in our opinion it could) by handing them over to the U. S. Commissioner Kellogg, at Arkansas City, and save this county considerable expense, that was just what should have been done. Cowley County has no desire to pay for anybody’s whistle but her own.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, after spending two days at the Osage Agency last week, and learning the deliberations of a two week’s council of all the Osages, says there is no danger of an outbreak by the tribe. He says, however, that small parties of the young men in squads of ten or fifteen, may slip out and do mischief to isolated settlers.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Court convened last Monday, the following lawyers in attendance: Webb & Millington, Pryor & Kager, Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Alexander & Saffold, Suits & Wood, E. C. Manning, W. P. Hackney, T. H. Johnson, and John E. Allen, of Winfield. J. Wade McDonald, of Wellington. M. S. Adams and Chas. Hatton, of Wichita. James McDermott, of Dexter; and C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg, of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 5th, 1874.
Institute met per appointment at schoolhouse. 1 o’clock p.m., Prof. Wilkinson in the chair. After singing and appointment of Committees, the rhetorical exercises of the day were entered upon.
1st. Class drill in grammar by Miss N. M. Aldrich.
2nd. Object lesson by Miss Anna Melville.
3rd. Class drill in mental arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
4th. A short lecture on theory and practice by Prof. Wilkinson, which was both interesting and instructive. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of a complete system of uniformity of government, in which he gave several useful hints about calling and dismissing classes. The treatment of different temperaments met in our common schools—
making his remarks more effective by illustrations from former schools of his own.
Prof. Robinson’s exercise in mental arithmetic was one that could be practiced in all our district and graded schools with great success, and as he told us, it will always prove diverting and instructive, strengthening the mind as no other one method can. And we have no doubt the teachers will introduce it into their schools. . . .
Oct. 6th, 1874.
After the devotional services the following exercises took place.
Class drill in spelling by E. A. Millard.
Class drill in drawing by Miss Lillian Norton.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
Class drill on the organization of country schools by Prof. Kellogg.
Class drill in penmanship by Geo. W. Melville. . . .
Prof. Kellogg’s class drill was excellent. He awoke life and interest among the teachers. He drew methods and idea from the teachers—deciding upon those that he thought best for adoption, and presenting them in clear concise language. His remarks were spicy and entertaining.
Lesson in penmanship by Mr. Melville, good. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of some one system of penmanship, and the adoption of that by the whole school, devoting a portion of each day to a thorough drill causing pupils to improve slowly but surely. He recommended the Spenserian system. His lesson was given from that.
Miss Norton’s method on drawing was a happy combination of instruction and pleasure, as it calls out ideas from each and every pupil, teaching at the same time the beauty of invention and the training of the eye and hand.
Class drilling in spelling by Mr. Millard, was well conducted, and the teacher seemed to understand his work. The method presented for teaching spelling was really a superior one, and cannot fail to awaken interest in the dullest of classes. The teachers could not help noting the difference between the method presented by Mr. Millard and the old method of oral spelling from text book. The lesson consisted of the spelling of an object, its parts, and description of parts, the teacher pronouncing and the pupils writing the words upon their slates, which were to be corrected by the teacher after school closed. He believes the Analytical speller to be the standard.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson. The Prof. dwelt at length upon the necessity of a thorough drill in numeration and notation, holding them as the only key by which arithmetic can be taught successfully. After which followed an explanation about inverting the terms of the divisor in division of fractions, which he did full justice to as it is one of the most difficult parts of arithmetic to teach, and the teachers were glad to hear his method, which can be found in “Robinson’s Practical Arithmetic.”
Miss Greenlee’s class drill in primary arithmetic was short, but excellent and to the point. It was something that we needed—how to teach primary arithmetic. Her plan was new and simple. She commenced her work energetically, and by being greatly interested herself produced a like interest among her pupils.
Reading by Miss Daggett was good. The method she presented was a combination of the letter and word method combined—having the pupil learn the name of the object by first placing the object before them and then the names used in the description of the object, and after that they are required to learn the letters of the different words, thus doing away entirely with the method of “learning the letters first.”
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
Brown, Brocknell, and Onstatt, who have been resting here in jail for some months past, had a hearing before commissioner L. B. Kellogg last Monday, and Brown was discharged. Brocknell and Onstatt were bound over to appear before the U. S. District court of Arkansas; E. S. Torrance appeared for the prosecution, and Hackney and Webb for the defense.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
The District Court is in full blast, Hon. W. P. Campbell presiding. The following attorneys are in attendance: Webb & Millington, Hackney & McDonald, E. C. Manning, J. B. Fairbanks, Pryor & Kager, T. H. Suits, John E. Allen, A. H. Green, Alexander & Saffold, T. H. Johnson, M. S. Adams of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City, James McDermott of Dexter, and A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
Item From the Traveler.
Prof. Kellogg goes to Emporia this week.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Ex-Gov. S. J. Crawford and L. B. Kellogg, late of Arkansas City, have formed a law partnership at Emporia.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the following described tracts of land and town lots, situated in the County of Cowley and State of Kansas, sold in the year 1873 for the tax of 1872, will be deeded to the purchaser on the 5th day of May, A. D., 1876, unless redeemed prior to that date.
Given under my hand this 27th day of December, 1875. E. B. KAGER, County Treasurer.
By F. GALLOTTI, Deputy.
A notice was sent to L. B. Kellogg, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City.
Does a General Banking Business.
Makes Collections.
Loans Money on Real Estate Security.
Loans for Capitalists A Specialty.
In the Savings Department of the ARKANSAS CITY BANK of Arkansas City, there will be received Sums as low as One Dollar, upon which will be paid Seven per cent interest.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
[Note: I skipped the long article in the January 6, 1876, issue of the Winfield Courier covering details of the Emporia group arriving in December 1869, etc. This has already been covered in the other file: Kellogg: Fact vs. Fiction. MAW]
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
D. A. MILLINGTON has been appointed U. S. Commissioner for this section of Kansas vice Kellogg, resigned.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
PROF. KELLOGG will be here this week, or as soon as court adjourns.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
PROF. KELLOGG OF EMPORIA, called on us last week. He has been attending court at the county seat. Mr. Kellogg has many friends and a wide reputation in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
There were in attendance upon the District Court in this County, the following named attorneys.
General Sherry, of Leavenworth.
Judge Adams and Major Ruggles, of Wichita.
Judge Christian, C. R. Mitchell, and E. B. Kager, of Arkansas City.
Prof. Kellogg, of Emporia.
Capt. McDermott, of Dexter.
Judge McDonald, of Wellington.
Messrs. Pryor & Pryor, Allen, Boyer, Pyburn, Webb, Millington, Hackney, and Alexander, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1876.
PROF. KELLOGG is to deliver the oration at the 4th of July Celebration at Emporia. They appreciate a man up there.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, once a resident of Cowley County, has been nominated as a Republican candidate for representative from Lyon County.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, who is quite well known in this county, having lived here four years, is in attendance on the district court. The Prof. has been nominated by the Republicans of the Emporia district for the honorable position of Representative. He will be elected by a strong majority as he is well liked wherever he is known. The Normal school interests will not suffer with such men to guard them.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following attorneys are in attendance at the present term of court: M. S. Adams, of Wichita; L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia; C. R. Mitchell, A. Walton, and James Christian, of Arkansas City; James McDermott, Dexter; Webb & Torrance, Hackney & McDonald, Pyburn & Seward, D. A. Millington, J. M. Alexander, Jennings & Buckman, A. H. Green,
Pryor, Kager & Pryor, A. B. Lemmon, and John E. Allen, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
HISTORICAL. The first money order ever issued in Arkansas City, was on July 17, 1872, to A. D. Keith, and the first one received for payment was from Hon. W. R. Brown to L. B. Kellogg. Since then, there have been 3,182 orders issued.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Prof. Kellogg goes up to the House from Emporia in the interest of the State Normal School.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
PROF. KELLOGG was elected Representative from Lyon County. His opponent withdrew and left him a clear field.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Railroad to Cowley County—Definite Arrangements Being Made.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, writes to his brother, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, of this place, that definite and positive arrangements are being made with Eastern capitalists for a railroad from Emporia to Arkansas City, and that they are at work making out the proper papers to close a contract for building and operating the road before the winter of 1878, or in time to carry next year’s wheat crop. The proposition will first be submitted to Lyon County, then Butler or Greenwood, and then to Cowley. It is generally understood that it is to be a narrow gauge, and that its course will be down the Walnut Valley. The Eastern capitalists are at Emporia, and Mr. Kellogg says it looks as though the road would be built. They can’t get here too soon to please us.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877. Editorial.
The Courier of last week gives an exceedingly complimentary notice of the editor himself, for the wonderful influence he exerted in securing the passage of the new bond law bill requiring a majority vote only, and says:
“The friends of a railroad have reason to thank Col. Manning, Leland J. Webb, and R. L. Walker for their untiring efforts in their behalf. Leland J. Webb, solitary and alone, aided by Col. Manning’s fertile brain and Dick Walker’s splendid tact, wins the fight and the people are again triumphant.”
The facts are that the two gentlemen spoken of, not members of the Legislature, learned at Winfield that the law was about to pass, as we learned here, and immediately hurried away to share the supposed glory of its success. The matter was all understood before the gentlemen left Winfield, and they barely arrived to see the result of it, notwithstanding credit is given to the gentleman of “fertile brain” notoriety.
Mr. Webb worked earnestly for the bill, and with the assistance of Prof. Kellogg, of Lyon, and members from the Western counties, secured its passage, while the Winfield gentlemen were eagerly hunting over the papers to learn the result.
J. L. Kellogg, relative of L. B. and H. D. Kellogg...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
J. L. KELLOGG, ex-Treasurer of Sumner County, and relative of Dr. Kellogg, has been spending several days at this place.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877. Editorial Page.
We feel sorry for poor Winfield! She begins to see where her little, narrow-minded, selfish and chuckle-headed course on railroad matters is about to lead her. She begins to plead for the But End road to save her. O, Winfield, Winfield! How would “that old hen” have gathered thee under her wings because of the love she has for thee, but ye would not. Now you can go to—thunder, and get the But End if you want it. Emporia News, May 25, 1877.
The News had not heard from our bond election when the above was published. It supposed that Gov. “Eskrow” and Prof. Kellogg could “build a road round Winfield,” and that, as said by Gov. “Eskrow,” “an old woman would be picking greens in the streets of Winfield in a year.” The “old hen” don’t know who she is fooling with. Two of Winfield’s talkers knocked Eskridge and Kellogg so badly out of time at Darien schoolhouse that they had to remain in the building all night to get their wind. This chicken is getting old enough to crow, and if the old hen comes round to “gather thee under her wings,” she will get stepped on, that’s all.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877. Editorial Page.
“Had Emporia been either Eldorado or Winfield, she would have had a road down that valley several years ago.” Emporia News.
Plumb, Stotler, Eskridge, Bancroft, and other leading lights of Emporia settled in that burgh in 1875. They all went to work to get a railroad.
They had two government land grants of seven millions acres of land to go on.
They worked hard, and they howled railroad just as we have done.
They traveled over the country and attended railroad meetings, just as we have done.
They had an old county seat war, just as we once had.
They got their road in just twelve years seven months and twenty-seven days from the day they commenced howling for a railroad.
Eldorado has just been seven years in getting her first road.
But then, Emporia had a “Free Love” society, just the same, and she did not need a railroad. Eldorado Times.
If Emporia, by its representatives, J. Stotler, Esq., and another gentleman had not interfered at the Augusta railroad meeting in 1872, Eldorado and Winfield would have had a railroad four years ago.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877. Editorial Page.
The Independence Courier has had a little attack of sour grapes, too. That paper says that it will cost $400,000 to extend the L. L. & G. railroad to Elk Falls, and estimates that the people of the latter place will be compelled to wagon their goods from Independence for many years to come. The Courier need not worry itself; Elk Falls is not anxious for the L. L. & G. railroad, but proposes to have two roads, at least within as many years, and inside of five years will be a better town than Independence ever was. Mark that, Mr. Courier.
Elk County Ledger.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
The Normal Institute for this county will begin work August 1. Prof. L. B. Kellogg, formerly of the Emporia Normal School, will have charge of the Institute. He will be assisted by Geo. W. Robinson, of Winfield, Miss Ella Wickersham, of Tisdale, and R. C. Story, County Superintendent.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The Normal Institute for Cowley County will open Wednesday, August 1st, in Winfield. Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, will conduct the exercises, assisted by Bro. W. Robinson, of Winfield, Miss Ella Wickersham, of Tisdale, and R. C. Story, County Superintendent. G. H. Buckman, of Winfield, will give special instruction in vocal music.
The following gentlemen will address the teachers and citizens upon subjects of interest: Rev. Mr. Fleming, August 3; Rev. Mr. Rushbridge, August 10; Dr. C. E. Pomeroy, August 13; Rev. Mr. Platter, August 17; Mr. D. A. Millington, August 25.
An address is expected from Rev. J. J. Wingar, should he return from the west before the close of the month.
Parties attending the normal will be charged a tuition fee of one dollar. Applicants for certificates will be examined August 30 and 31, fee one dollar.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1877.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, made his appearance in our city on Tuesday evening. He is assisting the board of examiners at the Normal.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
The Normal Institute at Winfield will close on Wednesday, the 29th inst. An examination of applicants for teacher’s certificates will be held on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 30th and 31st. Prof. Kellogg, of Emporia, R. C. Story, George W. Robinson, Miss Ela Wickersham are conducting the Normal, assisted by G. H. Buckman in instructions in vocal music.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
Winfield may more appropriately be called “the hub” since she has two daily mails. The first connection of mail between this place and the El Dorado branch road was made last Monday. So Winfield now has two daily arrivals and departures of stage coaches.
The phase of railroad matters was completely changed in the last few weeks, say since the township bonds were defeated in Beaver.
The leading railroad builders of Winfield are now the most zealous workers for the Kansas City, Emporia & Southern railroad project, while only a short time ago, they were the bitterest enemy the North and South road had. Winfield has concluded she had rather be a common station on the road than not be a station at all. We are glad Winfield and the “Sand Hills” have once more buried the hatchet, and hope it may prove permanently buried. So much for railroad matters.
Next in order is the Normal School, which convened Aug. 1st, with Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, as Principal, you know. The school is composed of seventy-one students, fifty-four of which are ladies and seventeen gentlemen. Prof. Kellogg is assisted by Prof. Geo. H. Robinson, who conducts the grammar class, G. W. Buckman, who conducts the class in vocal music, Miss Wickersham, who conducts the geography recitation, and Superintendent Story. The managers of the school have shown unequaled skill in their respective branches and have gained the confidence and good wishes of every member of the school. Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Robinson deserve especial commendation for their services rendered the school. Mr. Buckman is also doing a good work in vocal music. Mr. Buckman is a thorough musician, and will undoubtedly advance the cause of music in our district schools.
I would suggest District Officers, who desire to employ teachers, to visit the Normal and select from the whole school such teachers as they think would best suit their respective schools. More anon. C. C. H.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1877.
Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, will address the teachers and citizens Friday evening at the Courthouse on “Education for the People.” Free to all. Give him a house full.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
An Excellent Educational Pamphlet.
Prof. A. B. Lemmon, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, was elected president of the State Teachers’ Association, at a late meeting of the association at Emporia.
Prof. Lemmon recognizing the importance of placing the papers read before the association in the hands of every teacher in the State, has published in pamphlet form 5,000 copies of the proceedings, which will be distributed without charge among the teachers and others interested in educational work. Among the addresses published are “The Opening Address,” by Prof. L. B. Kellogg. Kansas Farmer.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
The Normal Institute.
MR. EDITOR: It will certainly be gratifying to your readers, who have the best interests of our county at heart, to learn that with all her other achievements, in the way of development, Cowley County is not behind in the matter of education. With sterling and enterprising men to manage the rapid improvement, we have attained a success of which every citizen can be justly proud, and today our county stands almost a prodigy in wealth and prosperity. It might be supposed that, with all the incidents and vicissitudes naturally attendant upon the new settlement and development of a new county, the educational interests would be neglected, but it is certainly not so in this county, and nothing can be more indicative of the enterprise and determination of our people in this direction than the well attended and eminently successful normal that has just been held.
Mr. Story, our county superintendent, spared no efforts to induce a full attendance and secure good and efficient instructors, and was certainly very successful in both. Prof. Kellogg, formerly president of the State Normal, assisted by R. C. Story, Prof. G. W. Robinson of the Winfield schools, Miss Wickersham, also of the Winfield schools, and Mr. Geo. H. Buckman, conducted the various branches of study pursued.
The attendance from the first was equal to the most sanguine expectations of those interested, there being on the first day over sixty enrolled. This number was steadily augmented until it reached almost a hundred earnest hard-working teachers. The interest throughout was unabating, and every branch in which applicants for teachers’ certificates are required to be examined was thoroughly and systematically discussed.
In addition to the regular exercises, a course of lectures was given by some of the most eminent men of the State and county on moral, educational, and scientific subjects. These lectures were well attended and very highly appreciated. Dr. Pomeroy, Prof. Kellogg, D. A. Millington, Esq., Rev. J. E. Platter, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, and Rev. C. J. Adams filled the different appointments in this course.
The immediate effects of the normal were very perceptible in the teachers’ examination held at the close; out of nearly eighty applicants, only seven failed, while twelve got first grade and six “A” grade certificates although the rate of marking was higher than at any time during the past year, and we think it safe to predict that our schools will be conducted with greater efficiency during the coming year than ever before.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
PROFESSOR KELLOGG, of Emporia, was in our city last Wednesday, negotiating for the purchase of Dr. Hall’s drug store for a brother in Arkansas City. If the brother is as full of snap and energy as the professor, he will be a valuable acquisition to our city.
Junction City Union.
Dr. Hiram D. Kellogg makes plans to move to Junction City, Kansas...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
DR. LOOMIS purchased the drug store of Kellogg & Hoyt’s. The latter named gentlemen are going into business at Junction City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
CHANGE OF FIRM IN EMPORIA. Tandy & Eastman, so long the owners of the post office drug store, have sold out to Kellogg & Hoyt, who came from Arkansas City. Some of our readers will remember Dr. Kellogg as a former resident here. He is a brother of Hon. L. B. Kellogg, and settled here several years ago, but when Arkansas City was started, located at that place. All will regret to learn of the retirement from our business of Dr. A. S. Tandy and D. W. Eastman, but we are glad they are to be so efficiently and acceptably succeeded, and we speak for the new firm a large share of the public trade. Emporia News.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
DR. KELLOGG and family, with Mrs. A. O. Hoyt, took their leave on Monday to make their residence at Emporia. The Doctor was one of the first settlers in this section, and purchased the farm joining the town on the south of T. A. Wilkinson over seven years ago. Mr. Hoyt is a thorough business gentleman, full of enterprise and energy, whom the people of Emporia will be glad to meet, and his wife is one of the most agreeable ladies to be found in the West.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Hon. L. B. Kellogg, for many years President of the Emporia Normal School, and during the years of 1873-1874 one of the proprietors of this paper, but late of Emporia, and Representative of Lyon County, came down and spent a few days with us. Professor Kellogg was one of the original owners of the townsite of Arkansas City, and was here in a very early day. He is now permanently located at Emporia, where he, in company with Hon. J. J. Buck, is enjoying a good practice in the legal profession. Many old friends welcome Mr. Kellogg at this place.
District Court Proceedings.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Friday, May 11th. Motion to admit C. H. Payson to the bar. Court appointed S. D. Pryor, J. E. Allen, and L. B. Kellogg a committee of examination. Committee reported favorably and applicant admitted.
[Note: Payson, it was determined later, was very crooked. Have numerous stories about C. H. Payson, who triggered a number of incidents in Cowley County. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
LAFAYETTE McLAUGHLIN traded his one-third interest in a brick building in Emporia for the building known as L. B. Kellogg’s law office, and forty acres one mile north of town (part of the Coberly tract).
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
HON. L. B. KELLOGG has traded off all his Arkansas City property for Emporia property. Courier.
Hold on, hold on, Mr. Courier. Mr. Kellogg only traded one piece of property here, and now owns several hundred lots.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
JOHN NEWMAN, the gentlemanly barber, has moved his shop to the building known as Kellogg’s law office, and will be found at all business hours ready to give you attention. Remember he is one of the best barbers in Kansas, and give him a trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
MARRIED. HON. L. B. KELLOGG was married at Emporia last week to a daughter of Rev. Mitchell. The TRAVELER extends its congratulations.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 24, 1878.
HON. L. B. KELLOGG, of Emporia, formerly of this place, is a candidate for Probate Judge of Lyon County, and has little or no opposition.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Mary H. Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. [Buck & Kellogg.]
Dr. H. D. Kellogg returns to Arkansas City from Emporia...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Dr. Kellogg, who formerly resided here, has returned and will resume the practice of his profession. We hear of others who will return to this vineyard, to reap the benefits of a railroad terminus.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Dr. Kellogg has exchanged his farm south of town with S. P. Channell for the property formerly occupied as a residence by L. B. Kellogg.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
Hon. L. B. Kellogg, late of Arkansas City, but more recently attorney at Emporia, and representative of Lyon county in the State Legislature, has been in town this week. Mr. Kellogg is appreciated and honored not only at Emporia but throughout the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
The A., T. & S. F. railroad company commenced running trains to Arkansas City regularly yesterday. This recalls the time when, a few years since, a delegation of pioneers, prominent among whom were Profs. Kellogg and Norton, started from this place to locate a “future great city” somewhere in the Southwest. Arkansas City is the outgrowth of this enterprise, and we are pleased to believe it is destined to be a leading city of Southern Kansas. Emporia News.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
We had the pleasure last week of shaking hands with our old friend and fellow citizen, Prof. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, who with his wife and two sons, paid a visit to his brother and this, his home in former years. The Professor was one of our leading spirits in the times of “auld lang syne,” and if we remember rightly, was part owner of the TRAVELER. Times have changed since then, but L. B. is the same genial gentleman as of old, and is ever sure of a warm welcome from his many friends in this community.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
Mrs. L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia, wife of Hon. L. B. Kellogg, formerly of this city, has been admitted to the bar as an attorney at law. She is said to be the first lady in Kansas ever admitted to the practice of law.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Fred McLaughlin left on Monday’s train for Emporia, to make a visit in the family of Hon. L. B. Kellogg.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg, of Arkansas City, who was on his way home from Topeka, spent yesterday in the city and favored the Republican with a call. The doctor spent several years in Emporia, and is a brother of Judge Kellogg. Emporia Republican.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
J. F. Drake to Emporia Republican.
WINFIELD, May 10. The State Editorial Association, now in session in this place, and whose deliberations are noted in another place, could not have chosen a better place for its meeting. Right royally are we welcomed and right royally are we being entertained. To be sure, there is more or less of a hitch in things, caused by the trains being away off time. For instance, the entertainment last evening had to wait till midnight for its music, but it was good when it appeared.
Perhaps at this time a few items about Winfield will not be amiss, but they were hastily gathered and must necessarily be short. Cowley County, of which Winfield is the county seat, dates back to 1870, and I find that in its early history several Emporians figured quite prominently, notably among whom are P. B. Plumb, Jacob Stotler, C. V. Eskridge, and L. B. Kellogg. The county now has a population of over 22,000, and last year reported over 36,000 acres of wheat that averaged thirty bushels to the acre; 141,000 acres of corn, besides its other products. No better class of farmers can be found anywhere, and no better proof of this is needed than the fact that Cowley County is known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the banner prohibition county of the state.
Winfield was incorporated as a city of the third class February 23, 1873; has steadily increased, and was made a city of the second class in 1879, and the census just taken gives a population of over 3,000. Its better buildings, of which I might name the Brettun House, the Methodist and Baptist Churches, M. L. Robinson’s residence, and several others which we have not space to mention, with many of its best business blocks, are built from home quarries of fine magnesia limestone, the same as is being used for the government buildings at Topeka. J. C. McMullen and J. C. Fuller also have very fine residences of combination brick and stone. In sidewalks it boasts of fifteen miles laid out with fine flagging, which is also quarried nearby. Its two railroads—the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Kansas City & Southern—give it good shipping facilities. Three elevators handle the grain that is brought in. There are two flouring mills, both doing a good business, and we have had the pleasure of looking through hurriedly and gathered the following description of the Winfield Roller Mills, operated by Messrs. Bliss & Wood, who have been in the milling business about fourteen years. On the 18th of last August their old mill was burned, and believing that the best was none too good for their trade, they immediately started to rebuild on the most approved plans, and today no better mill or flour can be found in Kansas. The following brief description will give some idea of the work it is capable of doing. The building is of stone 40 x 60 feet, and five stories high. It has a double operating power—water and steam—and is so constructed that it can be run by either. The steam is of 125 horsepower. An elevator of 50,000 bushels capacity is within about a hundred feet and connected with iron tubes, the cleaning all being done in the elevator. Of the mill proper the basement is occupied by the shafting, pulleys, gear, elevator boats, etc. The first floor is used for the reduction of wheat to flour, there being thirty-four sets of rolls, 18 corrugated for wheat and 16 for middlings. Gray’s noiseless rollers and the packers, three for flour and one for bran, are also on this floor. The bolts and purifiers start in the second floor and run through the third, fourth, and fifth. To take care of and finish the work commenced on the first floor, are ten No. 2 Smith’s purifiers, twenty-six ordinary bolting reels, and four centrifugal reels. All the machinery above the first floor is run by a twenty-inch belt traveling from that floor to the top at the rate of 2,000 feet a minute. The mill has a capacity of 500 barrels per day and employs about twenty-three men. Their side-track privileges admit of loading four cars at a time, and many of these cars find their way east as far as Illinois.
Two banks, The Winfield and Read’s, have been largely instrumental in building up the town and county.
Of its hotels, the Brettun stands away ahead of any other in any town of its size in the state, and I have yet to see the city anywhere of its size that equals it. Every room is supplied with water and gas, and heated by steam. It is well furnished, with sample rooms, bath rooms, billiard hall, tonsorial rooms, etc., attached, and all under the management of C. L. Harter, who not only knows what his guests need, but supplies it. The traveler finds a home that is all he could desire.
The COURIER and Telegram are among the leading weeklies of the state, the former being under the management of D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, with probably as large a circulation as any county paper in the state. The latter is now run by Messrs. Black and Rembaugh.
One thing has been lacking, that is soon to be supplied, to-wit: waterworks. The contract is now let, and in a short time six and a half miles of cast iron pipe will be laid, connecting with a reservoir of 2,000,000 gallons capacity, supplied by a Worthington pump. The reservoir is to be 108 feet above the level of Main Street, giving it all the pressure needed. The work is being done by a home company and will cost about $75,000.
There are other things that I would like to say about this town, but time forbids. Here is where the irrepressible Hon. W. P. Hackney lives, and near here, out on the railroad bridge, is shown the place where Cobb, the murderer of Sheriff Shenneman, dropped through the bridge and was only saved from falling into the water by the rope that was around his neck.
At the business meeting of the editors this afternoon the old officers were re-elected, except Hinkle, and Hon. D. A. Millington was elected in his place. Noble Prentis was elected as poet for the next annual meeting, and A. P. Riddle as orator. The excursion will leave this evening at 11 o’clock for Mexico.
1885. Ed. P. Greer, member of the Winfield Courier, got elected as a Representative. As a result, he began to send back copious data relative to both Senate and House members in Topeka when in session.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
E. P. Greer, the present member of the House from Winfield, Cowley County, is a son of S. W. Greer, the first territorial superintendent of common schools in 1859. Representative Greer is the youngest member of the Legislature and as bright as any member in it. Capital.
Thanks, Mr. Capital. We like to see evidences that our boys are appreciated.
The rest of the entries shown below apply to Senator L. B. Kellogg.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
Senator Donnell of Rooks introduced a resolution to constitute a standing committee on woman suffrage and made a very effective address on the right of women to the ballot. The vote stood 19 to 19 and the resolution was lost.
Senator Jennings of Cowley introduced a resolution for the appointment of a committee of five on the political rights of women. Motion to lay on the table was lost. The vote on the adoption stood 19 to 19 and was lost.
A resolution was adopted to secure telephone connection between the two houses.
Senator Kellogg offered a resolution to appoint a special committee of five on the political rights of women. Laid over under the rules.
Federal Regulations: Humphrey, Congdon, Green, Kellogg, Edmonds.
Corporations: Bawden, Congdon, Humphrey, Jennings, Kellogg.
Education: Young, Kellogg, Lingenfelter, Donnell, Whitford.
State Library: Kellogg, Buchan, Hick, Blue, Marshall.
Cities of the First Class: Harwi, Lowe, Sheldon, Bawden, Green, Kellogg, Baker.
Mileage and Per Diem: Allen, Case, Kellogg, Hewins, Congdon.
No. 61, by Kellogg, making appropriations for the Normal School.
Several committees were allowed clerks.
Kellogg introduced a resolution making it the duty of the Governor to fix a day for the hanging of murderers sentenced to death by this court. Laid over.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
No. 76, Kellogg, to relieve supreme court.
No. 77, Kellogg, to endow Normal School.
A number of bills were read second time and referred.
Concurrent resolution 13 to reduce the freight on grain which had passed, was called up on a motion to reconsider.
The following is the resolution:
WHEREAS, The grain industry is the great source of wealth and prosperity to the State of Kansas and as such should not be burdened with excessive freight rates, therefore be it
Resolved, By the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring therein), that the attention of the committee on railroads is called to the present grain freight charges over the several roads of this State, with a view that they be restricted to a fair and equitable maximum by the Legislature of the State of Kansas.
The motion to reconsider was lost. Those voting in the affirmative were Senators Barker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Green, Hewins, Hick, Humphrey, Marshall, Shear, and Sheldon.
Those voting in the negative were Senators Allen, Bawden, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Edmonds, Granger, Harwi, Jennings, M. C. Kelley, H. B. Kelley, Louis Kelley, Kellogg, Kimball, Kohler, Lloyd, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Pickler, Ritter, Rush, Smith, Wasson, White, Whitford, Young.
Absent: Senators Harkness, Miller, and Redden.
A lengthy discussion was had upon the Senate concurrent resolution instructing the various committees on charitable institutions to visit them, participated in by Senators Green, Blue, Buchan, Kellogg, Jennings, Barker, Allen, John Kelly, and others. All agreed that it was well to visit the institutions, but it was defeated on the ground that the committees already had the power and it was unnecessary to instruct.
The resolution of Senator Kellogg to appoint a special committee of five on the rights of women being under consideration.
Senator Buchan moved to amend by inserting, “and all other troublesome humans.”
Senator John Kelly moved to lay the whole subject on the table.
On this motion Senator Kellogg demanded the yeas and nays, which resulted as follows.
Ayes: Allen, Barker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Greene, Harkness, Harwi, Hick, Humphrey, M. C. Kelly, John Kelly, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Marshall, Miller, Redden, Shean, Sheldon, Smith, Wasson—ayes, 21.
Noes: Bawden, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Jennings, M. B. Kelly, Kellogg, Kimball, Mohler, Pickler, Ritter, Rush, White, Whitford, Young—noes, 15.
A long discussion followed several attempts of Senator Kellogg to procure the reference of certain woman’s rights petitions to special committees, which failed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The following is the complete roster of the members of the legislature.
District No. 20. L. B. Kellogg, Emporia.
District No. 22. Frank S. Jennings, Winfield.
Note: Frank S. Jennings from Winfield was a former teacher.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Kellogg’s bill to endow the State Normal School with twelve sections of salt springs was lengthily discussed in committee of the whole, as was also to amend the code of civil procedure.
Senator Barker, from a majority of the Committee on Temperance, reported back Senator Allen’s bill to establish a metropolitan police force in cities of the first class, with the recommendation that it pass, also that it be placed at the head of the calendar.
Senator Lowe and Sheldon made a minority report.
On the motion to adopt the majority report and place the bill at the head of the calendar, Senator Sheldon demanded the ayes and nays, which resulted: Ayes, 16; Nays, 12.
Ayes: Messrs. Allen, Baker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Congdon, Donnell, Edmonds, Granger, Green, Harkness, Hick, Humphrey, Jennings, H. B. Kelly, John Kelly, Kellogg, Kohler, Pickler, Redden, Ritter, Shean, Smith, Wasson, White, Whitford—26.
Nays: Messrs. Bawden, Crane, Harwi, Hewins, M. Kelly, B. Kimball, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Marshall, Miller, Sheldon, Young—12.
On motion of Senator Kellogg, Senate went into Committee of the Whole on special orders, Senate bill No. 77, an act to further endow the State Normal School. Passage recommended.
S. B. No. 92, an act for the better protection of the University and Normal School funds of the State of Kansas, passed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
The Agricultural College appropriation bill, the University appropriation bill, and the Topeka Insane Asylum appropriation bill passed.
Senator Kellogg’s bill to further endow the Emporia Normal school was defeated on third reading; as was also the bill to further endow the State University.
The bill to transfer certain moneys and lands of the railroad fund to the permanent school funds passed.
The bill appropriating $2,000 to the Kansas Woman’s department of the World’s far was defeated.
Senator Kellogg moved the reconsideration of the vote by which the 12 sections of land endowment of the Normal school were defeated. Laid over.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
On third reading three Senate and fifteen local bills were passed.
Substitute for Senate bill No. 8, and to amend sections 51 and 74 of chapter 37, laws of 1881, and to repeal sections 5, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, and 74, relating to jurisdiction of Police Judge, being under consideration, Senator Blue moved to amend by striking out that part which requires an appellant on a misdemeanor to give bond for fine and costs. After a pretty general discussion by Senators Harwi, Ritter, Kellogg, Harkness, Kimball, Bawden, and others, the motion was lost: yeas 15, nays 21. The bill passed: ayes 27, noes 4.
Senate bill No. 244; an act relating to cities of the first class, and to authorize provision for payment and issuing evidences of indebtedness therefor, of unpaid amounts in cases of certain general and special improvements, was passed.
House bill No. 21, an act to authorize cities of first class to provide public parks and grounds for the inhabitants thereof, was passed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The day was mostly spent in discussion of H. B. 367 amendatory and supplemental to the prohibitory law. Senators Lloyd, H. B. Kelly, White, Blue, Hick, Pickler, Bawden, Buchan, Kellogg, Jennings, and others took part. Many proposed amendments were voted down and one carried, that proposed by Mr. Jennings making the penalty for the first offense not less than $100, and ten days imprisonment and for subsequent offenses, not less than $200 and thirty days imprisonment, and in no case over $500 and ninety days imprisonment. Several amendments to make the language more grammatical carried.
House bill (Greer’s) 246 to enable cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits, was considered in Committee of the Whole and recommended for passage.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
On motion of Senator Buchan a committee of five members of the Senate, and the President, Secretary, and Sergeant-at-Arms, were appointed to attend the funeral of Hon. James S. Merritt, at Wamego.
The following Senators were appointed: Buchan, Hicks, Kellogg, Kelly of McPherson, and Smith.
Senator Miller called up the report formerly made of the committee of the whole on the question of a constitutional convention. The President directed the Secretary to read the journal. This being done, it was found that the committee had reported in favor of the indefinite postponement of the question, and that, pending a motion of Senator Redden to disagree to the report of the committee, the whole matter had been laid over by consent to await the action of a full Senate. Senator Miller then moved to take the question up, and the Chair stated the question to be on the motion of Senator Redden to disagree to the report, and the yeas and nays being demanded resulted as follows.
Yeas: Buchan, Edmonds, Harkness, Harwi, Hewins, Kelly, M. C., Kelly, Jno., Kimball, Lloyd, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Miller, Redden, Rush, Sheldon, White, and Young.
Nays: Allen, Barker, Bawden, Blue, Case, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Granger, Green, Hick, Jennings, Kelley, H. B., Kellogg, Kohler, Marshall, Pickler, Ritter, Shean, Smith, Wasson, and Whitford.
The bills to authorize cities to establish and maintain free libraries and reading rooms, relating to the Twelfth Judicial District, and providing for holding an additional term of court in Republic County, were passed on third reading.
The following bills were passed on third reading.
Senate bill No. 327, an act fixing the terms of court in the Third Judicial District, and authorizing the Judge of said District to appoint a stenographer, and fixing his compensation.
House bill No. 456, an act to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Reno County, Kansas, to build certain bridges, and to assume the indebtedness incurred by the townships of Melford and Grant in the erection of certain other bridges.
Senate bill No. 309, an act making appropriation for State printing for the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887.
Senate bill No. 321, an act making appropriation to pay per diem and mileage of Regents, Trustees, and Directors of State Institutions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1886, and June 30, 1887, and for deficiencies for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885.
Senate bill No. 322, an act making appropriations to the Legislative Department.
Senate bill No. 193, an act relating to county boards of examiners, and repealing chapter 151 of the laws of 1881.
House bill No. 402, an act providing for a uniform system of examination of school teachers in the several counties of the State of Kansas.
Senate bill No. 266, an act prohibiting the selling, giving, or furnishing of tobacco in any of its forms to minors.
Senate bill No. 258, an act authorizing banks to be designated as depositories of public funds in certain counties, and providing for the deposit of money therein by County Treasurers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The House resolution to provide for iron railing on the east end of the Capitol passed.
Senate concurrent resolution No. 36, relating to dismissing suits against the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, and the directors of the Union Pacific Railway Company, passed.
Mr. Barnes called up Senator Kellogg’s bill relating to county boards of examiners, and it was read a third time and passed.
The following appointments by the Governor were confirmed in executive session.
For Regent of the State Normal School, for the term ending April 1st, 1899, Wm. M. Rice of Fort Scott; Milton Stewart, of Sedgwick County.
For the term ending April 1st, 1887, J. H. Franklin, of Russell County.
Regent of State Normal School: E. W. Warner, of Phillips County.
Unknown: (Kellogg & Sedgwick, attorneys)...Kellogg might be L. B. Kellogg.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Recap: Suit against Camilla Bigler, Frank Robinson Bigler, Bertha Bigler, and Kate Willard Bigler. Parties to the action are S. B. Riggs, plaintiff, and those noted at first, Albert Newman, B. W. Matlack, and Charles H. Searing, defendants. [Lots of property mentioned in suit, all in Arkansas City.] Kellogg & Sedgwick, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ed. Pate, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 4, 1885.
DIED. Prof. H. B. Norton died June 22, at his Skyland home near San Jose, California. Prof. Norton was one of the founders of Arkansas City, and for a long time was president of the town company. In the winter of 1869-1870 he, in company with fifteen others, came here and laid out the town of Arkansas City. At one time Prof. Norton was the editorial writer on the Traveler.
In speaking of his death, the Emporia Republican says: “It is with profound sorrow that we are called upon to announce the death of Prof. H. B. Norton. This sad event took place at his Skyland home, in the Santa Cruz mountains, near San Jose, California, June 22nd, 1885, at 6 o’clock a.m. Professor Norton was a resident of this city for many years, during which time he was associate principal of the Kansas State Normal school with Judge Kellogg, as principal. He was also associated with Judge Kellogg as editor of the Kansas Educational Journal, then published in this city. Prof. Norton was one of the founders of Arkansas City and for two or three years was a resident of that place. Subsequently he resumed his position in the State Normal school, which position he held until a disagreement in the faculty caused him to accept a position in the State Normal school of California, whither he removed with his family in 1875. His memory will be held in grateful remembrance by all who knew him. He was an encyclopedia of knowledge and one of the most benevolent and kind-hearted men that ever lived.
The following are the particulars of his death.
“On Thursday of last week, Prof. Norton, together with Prof. C. H. Allen, principal of the Normal school, was surveying in the mountains and appeared to be quite well. That evening he was taken ill with pleurisy, and on Friday, while not deeming himself very sick, kept to his bed. At about 11 o’clock on Friday night, Prof. Norton was seized with congestion of the brain, and from that time until his death remained in an unconscious condition. It was not until congestion set in that any serious alarm was occasioned, and on Saturday morning Dr. H. C. Morey of Gilroy, an intimate friend of the professor, was telegraphed for. Meanwhile the sick man was being attended by Dr. Chas. Washburn. Dr. Morey, on arriving and making an examination, saw that the case was almost beyond hope. The patient’s constitution was almost worn out through straining and continuous labor, and a rally was almost out of the question. The remains of the deceased were interred at Skyland.”
Prof. Norton is a cousin of L. C. Norton of Arkansas City.
Remarks made by Judge Kellogg...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
The Life and Services of a Pioneer Evangelist.
We have received an interesting little volume, entitled “Memorials of Henry Brace Norton,” who was well known to the earlier inhabitants of Arkansas City, as the editor of this journal. His life and labors in this city are thus described in the biography, which forms part of the Memorials.
“A colony town was projected on the southern border of Kansas, in Cowley County, next to the Indian Territory. The settlers were mainly from Emporia, and they urged Mr. Norton to go with them, to which he was led the more readily by the fact that his brother was one of the colonists and was beginning mercantile business with the settlers. Here, on the banks of the Arkansas River, from which the new town was finally called Arkansas City, Mr. Norton put his hand to every new effort. He and his soldier brother built the first house of logs and the first store. They surveyed roads, they planned the townsite, they started the first newspaper, with the printing press in an open shed.
“The Indians, who had suffered so much from the rascality of the Indian traders, and whom the government was trying to protect, liked to deal with Mr. Norton and his brother. As the friend of those early days, Judge Kellogg, writes: “Osage, Kaw, Cheyenne, and Arapahos were equally at home in Prof. Norton’s store and Indian ranch in the territory, and the chiefs from the neighboring tribes were not infrequent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norton, sharing the hospitalities of Mrs. Norton’s table, and, wrapped in their blankets, spending the nights in the door-yard near the house, while Mr. and Mrs. Norton with their children slept in security, thus guarded.” After a little he began to make journeys among them, while his brother maintained the store at headquarters. Then began a series of wanderings over the plains, among the wild tribes, which was the most remarkable of Mr. Norton’s many strange experiences. Many of you have heard him refer to it. Once or twice he made it the subject of a fascinating lecture, and his friends were never tired of drawing out these reminiscences. It is a thousand pities he did not write them out so that they might have been preserved. Farther and farther he struck out into the Indian Territory, till, finally, one winter he spent alone among the Apaches, one hundred miles or more from any other white man.”
He removed to California in 1875, his family then consisting of a son and two daughters, and engaged in normal school work in San Jose. His educational labors, which seem to have extended over a good portion of the state, and work in the Congregational pulpit employed his time and taxed his energies during the remaining ten years of his life.
Several Bills Passed in Senate and House.—Others Advanced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, KAN., Jan. 27. In the Senate yesterday morning, Senators Marshall, Kellogg, and Ritter presented petitions, respectively praying for the erection of a town hall in Arvonia; for a change in the county lines of Seward County, for woman suffrage, the last petition being signed by 683 women of Emporia, and for an appropriation for a company of militia of Cherokee County. All were referred.
A number of bills were favorably reported and standing and special committees reported. Mr. Burton’s bill providing for the selection of court stenographers by the bars of districts was referred to the Committee of the Whole.
When the resolution protesting against the confirmation of Hon. George W. Glick as pension agent was called up, Mr. Kellogg moved that it be referred to the Committee on Federal Relations, which was carried.
The Senate then went into Committee of the Whole with Mr. Kellogg in the chair, and the following bills were recommended: To amend chapter 133 of the session laws of 1883, relating to parks in cities of the first class; to remove the political disabilities of certain persons.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 9. The Senate met in the afternoon yesterday, and petitions asking for municipal suffrage for women were presented; also a petition protesting against the cutting of Comanche County.
Bills were introduced.
By Mr. Kellogg: To change the lines of Coffey and Lyon Counties.
A number of resolutions were offered and the consideration of bills on third reading was entered upon.
As soon as the Senate met in the afternoon, it resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, and quite a number of bills were taken from the general orders and placed under third reading.
The bill relating to capital punishment caused a long discussion. It declares that six months after conviction the murderer shall be hanged by the sheriff of the county in which the crime was committed, without order from the Governor. After some running discussion, the motion to strike out the enacting clause was lost by a vote of 22 to 12.
Mr. Kellogg’s amendment, to make the time elapsing between conviction and hanging one year, instead of six months, was lost, as was the amendment to make the time three months.
The motion that the committee rise and report the bill favorably was passed.
After the committee had risen, the motion was made that the whole of the bill below the enacting clause should be stricken out, but it was defeated by a vote of 25 to 8.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb. 18. When the Senate met yesterday morning, no quorum was present. A call of the Senate was ordered and warrants were issued and placed in the hands of the sergeant-at-arms for the absentees. In a short time that officer returned with Messrs. Blue, Barker, Kellogg, Miller, Humphrey, and Ritter. After considerable jesting the Senators were excused and the work of the day’s session commenced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Lyman B Kellogg et al to Mark Morris, lot 27 & 28, blk 119, A C: $20.00.
The very last issue of the Republican that I covered had a number of items relative to the brother of L. B. Kellogg, intimating that he was selling out and possibly planning to move. It also mentions that L. B. Kellogg came to see his brother, Hiram D. Kellogg about this time. This was the first mention of the two brothers seeing each other for a number of years.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg sold his lot in the first block below the Cracker Factory, this morning, at $2,750.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Kellogg & Chapel have quit the handling of intoxicants. Also E. D. Eddy. The new law was the cause.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg sold his Third ward residence property this morning to James Rayner, of Chicago, for $11,000 cash. Mr. Rayner came into the city only yesterday, but he was so thoroughly and favorably impressed with Arkansas City’s many natural advantages and present substantial growth that he was convinced that it would be a great city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Judge Kellogg, of Emporia, was in the city today attending to real estate business and visiting his brother, Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
My coverage of L. B. Kellogg ends at this point. MAW