James Kelly
Richland Township and Winfield.
Richland Township 1872: James Kelly, 32. No spouse listed.
Winfield 1873: James Kelly, 33. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jas. Kelly 34 m w Scotland Illinois
Martha Kelly 24 f w New York Iowa
[Note: It appears from the old newspapers that James Kelly became the Postmaster at Winfield on January 1, 1876. D. A. Millington became the Postmaster on February 1, 1879.]
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The following named gentlemen were the delegates.
Richland Township: James Kelly and Frank Cox.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
Committees of the different townships, met pursuant to call. On motion L. J. Webb was chosen chairman, and John Irwin, secretary. On motion, Messrs. Kelly and Kinne chosen committee on candidates. The committee on credentials, reported the following persons as members of the County Central Committee: James R. Bryan, Dexter; L. J. Webb, Winfield; C. R. Mitchell, Creswell; J. B. Nipp, Pleasant Valley; L. B. Wamsley, Ninnescah; James Kelly, Richland; John Irwin, Rock; E. P. Kinne, Bolton.
The remaining townships were not represented. On motion, L. J. Webb was elected chairman of the County Central Committee. L. J. Webb resigned, and James Kelly, on motion, was duly elected chairman. C. R. Mitchell was elected secretary of County Central Committee.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
A Worthy Man. We learn that James Kelly, of Winfield, Kan., is a candidate before one of the Republican Conventions of his state for the office of Clerk of the District Court.
Mr. Kelly was once a resident of this county, and we can assure our Kansas Republican friends that they cannot choose a more worthy, capable, or suitable man for any position to which he may aspire. Kansas republicans are no half way republicans, and in “Jim” they would find no half way candidate.
Mr. Kelly is a man of the true western type, fought his own battle of life, wrung an education between “working spells” amid poverty, grew up to manhood loving free institutions and hating slavery; was an earnest politician in 1860, before he was a voter, and proved his fealty to principle by shouldering his gun when our nation called to arms, and fighting through three years of terrible war. In this county he has held offices of trust, always with honor; and should the convention nominate him, it will have a candidate worthy a Kansas republican constituency. Macomb Journal, Illinois.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
District Clerk: James Kelly 35, E. P. Hickok 19; W. W. Walton 12.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
For Representative: J. M. McDermott.
For Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
For County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
For District Clerk: James Kelly.
For Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
Capt. James McDermott is a citizen of Dexter, where he located two years ago. He is a lawyer of ability and is a member of the Republican party. His course, since he has been among us, has been spotless. He is an old soldier, and the principles for which he fought will always be maintained. He comes from the portion of the county which is this year entitled to the Representative.
E. S. Torrance is re-nominated for County Attorney. Those who know the man are satisfied, and all who feel any interest in our county officers need only to look at his work during the two years past just to be convinced of his worth and ability. He is the “right man in the right place” and the people will keep him there.
James Kelly, of Richland, the Candidate for Clerk of the District Court, is also an old soldier, and a true and tried Republican. He is well fitted for the position, and will be a credit to the county.
T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge, by appointment by the Governor, is nominated for Probate Judge. He was nominated by a larger majority than any other candidate. Suffice it to say, that a majority of the people will think of the Judge as did a majority of the convention, and he will be elected.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
There will be a joint discussion of the political questions of the day between the candidates on the Republican and Liberal County tickets, at the following times and places.
Vernon, at Werden’s, Monday, Oct. 14th, 1 o’clock p.m.
Nenescah, Tuesday, Oct. 15th, at 1 o’clock p.m.
Maple, at Bush’s store, Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 1 o’clock p.m.
Rock, at Holmes’ store, Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 7 o’clock p.m.
Little Dutch, Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 1 o’clock p.m.
Richland, at H. L. Barkers’, Friday, Oct. 18, 1 o’clock p.m.
Windsor, at Omnia, Friday, Oct. 18, at 7 o’clock p.m.
Windsor, at Armstrong’s, Saturday, Oct 19, at 1 o’clock p.m.
Windsor, Lazette, Saturday, Oct. 19, at 7 o’clock p.m.
Dexter, Monday, Oct. 21st, at 1 o’clock p.m.
Cedar, at Patten’s, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, at 1 o’clock p.m.
Spring Creek, at Sutliff’s store, Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1 p.m.
Silver Dale, Wintin’s schoolhouse, Thurs., Oct. 24, 1 p.m.
Pleasant Valley, at Constant’s, Friday, Oct. 25, 1 p.m.
Beaver, at Thomasville, Friday, Oct, 25, at 7 o’clock p.m.
Bolton, at Sumner Oaks’, Saturday, Oct 26th, 1 o’clock p.m.
Bolton, at Wilkinson’s, Saturday, Oct. 26th, 7 o’clock p.m.
Arkansas City, Tuesday, Oct 29th, at 7 o’clock p.m.
Tisdale, Wednesday, Oct. 30th, at 7 o’clock p.m.
Winfield, Friday, November 1st, at 7 o’clock p.m.
By order of the County Central Committee.
JAMES KELLY, Chairman, Republican Committee.
A. A. JACKSON, Chairman of Liberal Committee.
Winfield Messenger, October 18, 1872.
James Kelly has received encomiums both at home and abroad in regard to his fitness for the position of Clerk of the District Court. Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, is one of the leading educators of the county.
[The Winfield Courier was established at Winfield, Kansas, on January 1, 1873, by R. S. Waddell & Co., with R. S. Waddell being the editor. The presses, type, and material were entirely new, and in good condition. On March 27, 1873, the paper was sold to James Kelly, who became the editor. On November 11, 1875, E. C. Manning succeeded Kelly as editor. On August 16, 1877, the Winfield Courier went into the hands of D. A. Millington and A. B. Lemmon, with the former as principal editor. In January 1879 Lemmon retired, having sold his interest to Mr. Millington.]
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman; O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.
County Clerk: A. A. Jackson.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds: J. F. Paul.
Deputy Register: Jno. W. Curns.
Sheriff: James Parker.
Deputy Sheriff: W. E. Dowd.
Coroner: G. P. Waggoner.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court: James Kelly.
County Surveyor: Manley Hemenway.
Deputy: W. W. Walton.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Judge Kelly, of the District Court, has traded for a slick stand-up hat with a stiff rim. He now says “Good morning, Colonel,” with a peculiar French touch that would make a dog laugh.
Valedictory. Today we close our interests and associations with the WINFIELD COURIER, and bid adieu to an extensive circle of true and warm hearted friends. For our course as editor and publisher of a newspaper devoted to politics, the general interests of Cowley County, etc., we refer to our files: there they are, our record, we are proud of them; they suit us exactly; we shall feel gratified if they have suited our readers; but, whether they have or not, there are no erasures to be made, nothing said that we wish to retract. While submitting our views for the criticisms of the public, we have been no tool for any person, faction, or clique; have always said and done just what we thought was best, and just as we shall do hereafter in whatever position we may be placed. For our successor, James Kelly, we bespeak success. He enters here with our kindest wishes in every respect: that he is a reliable man, and a Republican, no one will question. May he be rewarded according to his merit. To all our friends we say most respectful and heart felt adieu. R. S. WADDELL.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 27, 1873.
Having assumed control of the COURIER, a word from me now may pave the way for a quicker and better understanding hereafter. Without being advised or solicited to do so, without a word of encouragement, or a promise of help from anybody; without one dollar of aid or the pledge of one dollar from anyone, I have purchased the entire Winfield COURIER outfit, and shall settle down to publishing a newspaper in Winfield in good earnest. I have no friends to reward or enemies to punish; I have no alliances, and seek none; but with steady faith and honest purpose, I hope to win the respect and confidence of all. The COURIER will support no unworthy measures or men knowingly. Its highest and first aim will be to establish a reputation for reliability; then the highway to usefulness to the reader and profit to the publishers will be opened. The COURIER will be the friend of the best interests of Cowley County. In party matters this paper will be Republican and especially solicits the support of the Republicans of the county. Its columns will be open to a respectable discussion of all local questions or matters of general interest. Hoping for a generous welcome to this new sphere, from the people of Cowley, and craving a charitable construction for whatever of censurable character may appear in the paper, I am hopefully and timorously, JAMES KELLY.
Mr. Kelly will fill all the subscriptions for the COURIER as shown by the books.
R. S. W. & Co.
Walnut Valley Times, April 4, 1873.
CHANGED HANDS. The Winfield Courier has changed hands. James Kelly assumes editorial and business control of the paper. Mr. Kelly says he intends to publish a newspaper in Winfield in good earnest. We hope he will succeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.
The Town Site. “We see from our exchanges that the impression has gone abroad that the Winfield Town site trouble has been decided in favor of the Town company. Now this impression went abroad from the manner in which the COURIER spoke of the matter two weeks ago. It stated plainly that the decision vested the title in the Town company. This was untrue and published in that sheet with the intention of misleading the public.” Telegram.
The following is what we did say as clipped from the COURIER, and any honest man will see the difference between the Telegram and the truth.
* * *
“Thus the vexed suit, to set aside the deeds made by the Probate Judge to the Winfield Town company, is now settled, and everybody can take hold to make Winfield what it ought to be—the Queen of the Walnut Valley. We have never taken sides in the controversy, because it was in the courts and different persons had different views.
“Now that Mr. Maris is out of court with his suit, there is nothing in the way of making a prosperous town of Winfield. The Town company is also now in a position where it can afford to be generous and pursue a policy that shall contribute largely to the fullest development of the town.”
Now where do we “state plainly that the decision vested the title in the Town company?”
The suit is out of court. The “citizens” and Town company have it within themselves to adjust the difficulty in an amicable manner so that there may be an end to the strife and bickering that have thus far retarded the progress and prosperity of our town, and the COURIER will always be found ready to advocate anything that will tend to that most desirable end.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873. [From the Atchison Champion.]
WINFIELD, KAS., April 24, 1873. Two newspapers are very well sustained, viz, the Winfield Courier and the Cowley County Telegram. The former has just removed into more convenient quarters—over the “Old Log Store”—and has a very fine office. This office does the county printing for L. J. Webb, to whom it was awarded. Jas. Kelly is the editor and proprietor. Allison & Steinberger are editors and proprietors of the Telegram, which is a well printed, seven-column weekly, and has a good circulation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 5, 1873.
At a meeting held last week in the Methodist church by a number of our citizens, it was resolved to have a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield. A committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, E. S. Torrance, and James Kelly was appointed to correspond with Orators for the occasion. We want to meet our friends from the country, and unless we do something they will go—as many of them did last year—to Oxford, Lazette, and other places.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1873.
Skipped: Editorial by James Kelly in July 3, 1873, issue re problems he had with attorney Sam D. Pryor while Kelly served as clerk of district court. Evident someone lied on journal entry for judgment in the case of Swain vs. Tarrant—Judge Campbell presiding.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
RECAP. Thanks are given to the efficient officers and various committees appointed to carry out the programme on the Fourth. Col. J. T. Quarles was Marshal of the day, assisted by James Kelly, Esq., and W. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrews’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To obtain the grove: E. Freeland and Cora Andrews.
To invite Brass Band: Callie Blandin and Nettie Quarles.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Maris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. L. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles, Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.
To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas. Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.
To arrange the swing, croquet, etc.: J. D. Cochran, Spencer Bliss, Mrs. Flint, Miss Mary Stewart, Rev. Lowery, and T. A. Rice.
Committee to see that the trees are not injured in any way: A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Parker, M. L. Robinson.
On invitation: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, O. Lowry, M. Dever, Laura McMillen.
Chief Marshal: E. P. Hickok.
The children of the town and vicinity will meet in the Methodist church on that morning so as to start for the grove at 9 A.M. Outside districts are cordially invited to come and join with us in enjoying the day. Per order of the committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
We, the undersigned, late Soldiers of the Union Army, take this method of calling a meeting of the Soldiers of Cowley and adjoining counties to meet at Winfield, October 18th, 1873, for the purpose of getting acquainted and having a good social time.
James Kelly, Co. A, 84 Ill. Vol. Infantry.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans. At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary.
The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union.
The following were elected to hold the respective offices until the next meeting.
C. M. WOOD, President; Wm. H. H. McARTHUR, 1st Vice President; A. D. KEITH, 2nd Vice President; BEN F. HARROD, 3rd Vice President; JAMES KELLY, Secretary; T. A. BLANCHARD, Assistant Secretary; Dr. W. Q. MANSFIELD, Treasurer; J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Color bearer.
Mr. Wood, on assuming the chair, made a few brief appropriate remarks.
The following were appointed a committee to make arrangements for the next meeting.
A. A. Jackson, L. J. Webb, J. P. Short, E. S. Torrance, and James Kelly.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered to Miss Leffingwell for the music, which was given with a will. The following resolution was offered by L. J. Webb, and unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we extend a cordial invitation to the soldiers of the Union Army in Cowley County, to meet with us at our next meeting, and to become members of the society; and that the papers of the county publish this resolution and the proceedings of this meeting.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at Winfield on the 29th day of November, 1873. C. M. WOOD, Chairman. JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1873. Editorial Page.
(The editor really blasted the Telegram editor and James F. Paul, present Register of Deeds, re Farmers’ Mass Meeting held in Winfield on the previous Saturday.)
“They had their posters printed at St. Louis, and announced in flaming type the most noted speakers of our state to be present, without, to our certain knowledge, previously inviting them. They held a meeting composed almost entirely of Copperheads and Liberal Republicans. A few straight Republicans being in the meeting secured for C. M. Scott, of the Traveler and the Editor of this paper, a place on the committee on Resolutions.
“There was not a single person present at that meeting engaged in agricultural pursuits for a livelihood that we can think of just now, with one solitary exception. We know of a good many substantial farmers in and about town who were not there. We enumerate: J. D. Cochran, A. T. Stewart, John Lowry; C. M. Wood, A. Meanor [Menor?], J. H. Land, Mr. Roberts, and several others whose names we cannot now recall, farmers in about town, of all political groups, that were not present and had no voice in the meeting at all.
“Who did manage it? Farmer Allison and Farmer Paul, gentlemen who perhaps never turned an acre of ground in all their lives, and who are certainly not now for years past been engaged in agriculture. . . .”
Note: Not certain what the next item is all about. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Mr. Chas. A. Roberts came in yesterday, and made such explanations and apologies as to warrant Mr. Kelly in suspending hostilities as far as Mr. Roberts is concerned. But from what we could “nose” out of the affair, there is somebody else in the “fence;” we look for interesting developments soon, as our grand mogul though one of the kindest most reasonable men alive, when he does start, maketh it warm for somebody.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 6, 1873. Editorial Page.
Recap: Due to the vote by farmers dissatisfied with the status quo in Cowley County, William Martin was elected by a small majority as Representative of Cowley County, defeating Captain McDermott.
A Card. WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 27th, 1873.
MR. JAMES KELLY: Sir: On the evening of October 4th, 1873, Mr. W. H. H. Maris told me, in his store, that you would not only lie but steal, and had stolen from him. He did not state when nor how—but stated the amount was two dollars. And that he would be glad to see you kicked out of town. CHAS. A. ROBERTS.
ED. COURIER, Sir: In reply to a card from Chas. A. Roberts, published in this week’s issue of your paper, I would say that the statement made therein, is false, and that, according to the best of my recollections, I have never mentioned your name to him, at any time.
To one person, I did remark, that I would just as soon one would steal from me as to collect money from me and keep it, when it was not due him. I said further, that James Kelly had, in my absence, collected two dollars, from my clerk, on advertising my business, when I never had authorized anyone to advertise for me in that paper. I afterward learned that you intended to refund me the money collected.
Now for the benefit of Chas. A. Roberts, I would say, that, hereafter, he should be able to prove his assertions, or be willing to shoulder the responsibility of his own statements.
W. H. H. MARIS, Winfield, Nov. 3rd, 1873.
I was clerking for W. H. H. Maris at the time Mr. Kelly presented his bill for advertising, and remarked to him that I knew nothing about it, but supposed it was all right. Mr. Kelly said if it was not, he would make it right. I paid him the bill. Mr. Maris told me that he had ordered his card out of the COURIER. The next time I saw Mr. Kelly, I told him what Mr. Maris had said. Mr. Kelly told me if that was the case, he could have his money back, and handed me a ten dollar bill. I could not make the change, and he said he would pay it some other time. P. M. SHOLL.
The above speaks for itself. With regard to the advertising, we will simply say that when we bought the COURIER, we found the card of Mr. Maris as well as other businessmen of Winfield, already in it, and that we collected pay for it, never dreaming but that it was all right until Mr. Sholl, Mr. Maris’ clerk, of whom we collected the $2.00, told us that Mr. Maris had told him that his card had been ordered out—a fact of which we were not aware—and immediately offered to refund the money and handed Mr. Sholl a ten dollar bill to take two out of, but he couldn’t make the change. We have simply neglected to pay the money to Mr. Maris, and this is all there is of the great, long abusive article in the Telegram, from Chas. A. Roberts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
Ordered that the County printing be awarded to C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, and James Kelly of the Winfield Courier as per agreement on file in the County Clerk’s office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 20, 1873. Editorial.
“Another Swindle.” The circumstances are just these: A short time ago, our readers will remember the Telegram was made by Mr. L. J. Webb the County printer, the official County Paper. Not liking the Telegram they laid their heads together to concoct some plan whereby they could vent their spite against the Telegram, and thereby deprive it of the County Printing. They agreed to annul the contract with Mr. Webb, but then came a little hitch between Cox and Smith. Cox wanted to award the printing to the “COURIER” and Smith wanted his pet, the “Traveler,” to get the benefit of the change. The other Commissioner being absent, neither could carry his point without the assistance of the other, and consequently after a considerable amount of snapping and snarling over the bone, they agreed that both should have his way. As the sequel to this, an agreement was entered into with Kelly whereby he is to receive ALL THE COUNTY PRINTING for which he is to receive the fees allowed by law, and in addition to this five cents per line for all Commissioners’ Proceedings. Another contract with Scott of the “Traveler,” was also entered into whereby he is to be furnished ALL THE COUNTY PRINTING for which he is to receive the same fees allowed Kelly for the same services. This makes each the “official paper,” when the law provides for but one—and by this they pay two dollars where the law allows but one.
Now the contract between the county and Mr. Webb, was that ALL such work should be done FREE OF CHARGE. So you see by this contract being annulled and the Commissioners satisfying their feelings of spite, the county now pays two dollars for the same work which they were formerly having done free of charge. Thus the people of the county are put to over $1,500.00 extra expense per year just because Manning and the Commissioners do not like the Telegram. This is economy with a vengeance. Out upon such economy and the men who so defraud the people. The jail is too good a place for such men—and indeed we think that hanging is nearly too good. It makes not a cent’s difference to us. We were receiving no money for the services we were rendering the County, and consequently can lose no more in the change than any other taxpayer in the county, but we do despise to see any set of men so devilish mean as to gratify their hates at the expense of the people. As the editor of a peoples’ paper, we feel that it is our duty to show up all such frauds, and to not be “mealy mouthed” in our criticisms of such officials. These same officials we had occasion to show up several times last winter, and since they have been pretty careful not to dive too deep into the trickery. But now that the election is over and their term of office has nearly run out, they make one grand grab so as to gain all for themselves and friends that it is possible to wrench from the people. And then to enter into these contracts while already under one with Mr. Webb, whereby he can make them pay to him all moneys likely to come to him under such contract. This shows business tact, does it not? It certainly takes two to make a contract and just as certainly one party cannot of his own free will annul such contract—and so long as Mr. Webb holds himself in readiness to fulfill his part, just so long can he hold the county for the fees justly due him. If he had broken his contract, they had his bondsmen to go back on. But did they do this? Not much! His bondsmen were Kelly, Manning, and Johnson, and if they sued on the contract, these worthies would stand the loss. By their own action they clearly recognized the fact that Mr. Webb had in every way come up to his contract. Yet they make a show of annulling it, as if he had no right in the matter at all. This arbitrary way of doing things might have been appropriate for the dark ages, but is not to be borne by the people of this age, and these men should be made to pay the amount of extra expense, to which they have put the County. Telegram.
The foregoing tirade from the little boy is piteous. If the Telegram did not lie, it would be out of original matter for its readers. The first lie [We think it best to call things by their right names.] in the above, is the statement that the Commissioners have by their action squandered $1,500.00 of the county money. The contract for publishing the proceedings of the board of Commissioners in both papers at five cents per line amounts to only regular rates for such advertisements in one paper, to-wit: Ten cents per line. The COURIER and the Traveler reach about every intelligent family in the county, and the County Board is desirous that the largest circulation shall be given to its proceedings, and did wisely by directing that the proceedings be published in both papers. And the publication of said proceedings will not amount to one fifth the amount stated by the Telegram. Just so many and no more blanks will be printed and used, and it will make no difference, so far as expense is concerned, whether the Traveler or COURIER does the work. This work will cost the same it always has, so that there is no additional expense here. The balance of the county printing does not amount to enough to speak of. The second lie in the above article is the statement that Mr. Webb had made the Telegram the official paper of the county. Mr. Webb never had the authority to do this, and if he attempted to, he failed. If the county printing had been given to all three of the papers so as to include the Telegram, there would have been no howl. Another lie is that “all the county printing is awarded to the Traveler and COURIER.” For the most expensive and extensive of the county printing is the blank work, and of course only so many blanks will be printed in any event no matter where done. Another lie is the statement that this action of the Board causes “the county to pay two dollars where the law only allows one.” There are no legal rates for Commissioners’ proceedings, and the two papers charge just half regular rates and thereby put the reports of county business into twice as many readers’ hands as they would be if published in only one of them, and into four times as many hands as they would be if published in the Telegram. In fact, the Commissioners consider it a more acceptable policy to the people to pay regular rates for publishing the county business in papers having a large circulation and some character than it would be to have it published free in a paper without either circulation or character. Mr. Webb did violate his agreement with the Board of County Commissioners. The assertion that the violation of the contract by Webb made his bondsmen responsible is rather hard on Webb, who is thereby admitted to be irresponsible individually. The Telegram had rendered the county no service, and of course was “receiving no money” for the said service. The Commissioners have done in this matter what they considered for the best interest of the whole county. The falsehoods and howls of the Telegram have not deterred them in the past from exercising their own judgment in such matters. The Telegram would have the people believe that the County Board were bad men, but as one single evidence of their integrity and official ability, we call attention to the beautiful Courthouse erected by them at less expense than any similar building in the state.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 20, 1873. Editorial.
County Printing. At the last meeting of the Commissioners, the award for the county printing was again let. For sometime past the county has had no official paper, and the proceedings of the Board, which the law requires to be published, was left undone. Knowing this to be the fact, we repaired to Winfield and put in the claims of the Traveler for the printing, as it has double the circulation of either of the other two, and is largely taken in parts of the county where the others are not. Mr. Kelly then made his claims that the printing should be done at the county seat, and that the COURIER had a circulation where the Traveler had not, and in order to benefit the greater number of people, it was decided to award it to both, and divide the job work. This, we believe, will give greater satisfaction to all than any previous award, except to the Telegram, who will, more than likely, howl as usual, because he was not there to see that his claims were made known, and again the Traveler is the official paper of Cowley County. Traveler.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873. Editorial
The Soldier’s Association met at Winfield Nov. 27th, 1873. After falling into line under command of Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur and preceded by the Winfield Silver Cornet Band, they were marched to Hudson’s Hall, the place designated for the business meeting. The Association was called to order by C. M. Wood, President of the Association, who introduced Capt. S. C. Smith, Mayor of Winfield, who in a few happy remarks bade the heroes welcome to Winfield. The Secretary read the minutes of the meeting of October 18th.
Col. E. C. Manning, chairman of the Committee to draft a Constitution and By-Laws, submitted the draft, which was read by sections, etc. James Kelly, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873. James Kelly, Editor.
The Courthouse is now completed, and the county officers assigned to their respective places. We think that a description of this beautiful structure will not be altogether uninteresting, at least, to the tax payers of the county; although we may say right here, that no pen picture can give more than a crude idea of this splendid building.
The main building is 40 x 50 ft. The foundation is of stone, rubbleworked, cut-stone water-table, door, and window sills. The walls are 16 in. thick, and are of the best quality of brick. The first story is 11 ft. high, and the second 15 ft. The roof is what is commonly denominated double gable truss and heavily iron strapped, and bolted, with a tower 22 ft. high, the foundation posts of which are 12 x 12 inch oak timbers extending clear across the entire width of the building, the whole surmounted by a beautiful weather-vane, constructed by Mr. C. R. Sipes of Arkansas City, and we believe, a present to the county. A hall 8 ft. wide runs through the building, from South to North, with heavy double panel doors at each end. The offices are arranged on each side of the hall, six in number, and are 13 x 15 ft. sq. with two large 10 light windows in each room. The Courtroom proper is on the second floor, and is 37 x 38 ft. in the clear. On the north end, and on either side of the stair landing, are two jury rooms each 12 ft. square, which open into the courtroom by folding doors. The inside is painted both inside, and out, with three coats, and has three coats of plaster, the last a plaster paris finish; and is, on the whole, one of the best, prettiest, and most substantial buildings, of the kind—and certainly the best for the money—in the state. Of the contractors, Stewart & Simpson, we need say but little: their work speaks for them. The brick bank building of M. L. Read, and now the courthouse, will stand as monuments of the skill, honesty, and integrity of Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, long after they will have passed away. The sub-contractors, Messrs. Rice & Ray, carpenters, also deserve special mention. But our space will not permit us to say further than that they have shown themselves to be master workmen, and have done the county a good, honest job.
We cannot close this imperfect sketch without saying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D. Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings would be a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county, Howard, is just now a case in point. Election after election has been held, the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, “from pillar to post.” Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it. They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time the history of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard, and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seat was simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at the whim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County have built a better courthouse, for less money, than can be found in any other county in the state. No stealing, no jobbing, no trickery, of any kind whatever, but honesty, faithfulness, a desire to do the very best for the public have marked the history of the enterprise in an uncommon degree. The Board of County Commissioners deserve the thanks of every taxpayer in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
James Kelly was directed to procure appropriate signs and place the same on the office doors of the Courthouse.
The sheriff was ordered to set up the county stove that is in the District Clerk’s office in the courtroom of the Courthouse.
James Kelly, Co. printing: $19.50.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874. James Kelly, Editor.
A Peep Over the Shoulder. This number completes Volume 1st of the WINFIELD COURIER. One year ago it was started to supply a want long felt, not only in the Republican party, but among businessmen of all shades of opinion, who desired a good advertising medium. . . .
The buildings erected during the year just closed have been of the most substantial kind, the most prominent of which we call to mind, the splendid brick Bank building of M. L. Read; the neat Drug house of Maris, Carson & Baldwin; the magnificent flowering mills of C. A. Bliss and Blandin & Covert; the jail and Courthouse; the residences of Kirk, McMillen, and Dr. Graham. These are but a few of the many built during the last twelve months, and they are such as to do credit to any town in the state. Bridges of magnificent proportions span all main streams on the roads leading to town. . . .
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Every person in Cowley County who can raise enough money to pay half fare is going to Topeka as a delegate to the third house. Our worthy legislator, Hon. Wm. Martin, and his noon-day shadow, Allison, have already taken their departure and they will be followed in due time by W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, E. B. Kager, James McDermott, James Kelly, and others too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
Jas. Kelly, office signs: $5.00.
Ordered that the personal property assessed to James Kelly be transferred on the tax roll to R. W. Waddell & Co.
Jas. Kelly was permitted to withdraw from the files a bill enacted upon filed January 7th, 1874.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874. Front Page.
Special Correspondent, “J. K.” sent news from Topeka January 26, 1874, re Kansas Legislature. [J. K. is James Kelly.]
The Senate passed a resolution declaring that members should not draw pay for services not rendered; in other words, should not receive their per diem for such time as they might be absent from the sessions. In the House Mr. Boyd, farmer, from Montgomery County, moved to indefinitely postpone it (which motion would kill it) and the motion carried. Martin of Cowley voted “Aye.”
The Senate also passed a resolution that members who had accepted free passes from the railroads and whose passage to and from the legislature cost them nothing, should not draw their mileage of 15 cents per mile each way. This was indefinitely postponed in the House on motion of Mr. Potter, reformer, of Coffey County, the farmers and reformers all voting “Aye.”
The “Act to exempt mortgages from taxation,” as it is called, has been repealed.
A bill has been introduced into the House to create the county of Yates, including that part of the 20 mile strip which is in Butler County.
A bill has also been introduced to create the county of Elk, out of the north half of Howard. It is waiting the action of the House.
The petitions signed by our people praying for an extension of the time in which to make payment for our lands, was put into the shape of a concurrent resolution, and offered in the Senate by Senator Murdock the second day of the session and laid over one day under the rules. The next day it was taken up, adopted, and sent to the House, where it was referred to the Judiciary committee, which committee reported it back recommending its adoption. Since then nothing has been done with it. It might have been adopted in five minutes, at any time, but it seems to be left to float around loose, without anyone to look after it, and today, the fourteenth day of the session, it has not yet been adopted.
Our Representative, Mr. Martin, has introduced a bill to vacate the state road from Ninnescah to Winfield. He tried to introduce it under the head of “Presentation of Petitions,” and sent it up to the Clerk’s desk, but it was returned with the information that it was out of order. Afterward he was more fortunate and succeeded in getting it in. J. K.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874. James Kelly, Editor.
THE COUNTY DEBT. We understand, since our arrival at home, that an effort is being made to have Mr. Martin procure the necessary legislation allowing the Board of County Commissioners to fund, or rather bond, the county indebtedness. We do not believe that the people of Cowley County wish this thing done. Twelve months ago, the circumstances were altogether different. Then we had a Courthouse to build and many thought it necessary to provide funds for that. But now that our county buildings are all complete, we can see no necessity for it. We are very well aware that it would be money in the pockets of a few, for instance, county officials, who have to take most, or all their fees, in scrip. But we are now hopeful that the tax next year, with care and economy, will clear the county almost, if not altogether, of debt. In the present state of affairs we would not favor any bill authorizing the Board to bond the debt without first submitting the question to a vote of the people of the county. And we hope that whatever legislation Mr. Martin secures in that particular will provide that the question be so submitted. We would be glad to hear from our readers on this subject, that we may act understandingly in the matter and take such action as will place the county on the best financial basis having due regard for those who hold the county’s “promises to pay.”
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.
James McDermott, E. S. Torrance, W. W. Walton, and James Kelly returned home last Monday night.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Editorial.
THE OTHER SIDE. The editor of the Telegram is howling at the COURIER, charging it with having so much influence with the granges of Cowley County, and Representative Martin, as to prevent the bonding of the county indebtedness. Among other idiotic statements he asserts that it would take a direct tax of, from seven to ten, percent to pay the county indebtedness, which he asserts is $28,000. This modern Euclid don’t know that a tax of one and one-half percent upon the taxable property of the county would raise $30,000. The valuation of the property of the county last year was $1,260,963.33½. There were entered, prior to March 1st, 1873, 1,240 tracts of land, which were taxable last year; since which time, there has been entered and placed on the county clerk’s books 722 other tracts. Now, it is safe to estimate that the value of all property will have risen in the same proportion, or seven-twelfths more property for the purposes of taxation, then last year. This would give us a total valuation of $1,902,823. Then, including what mortgages can be taxed, and we have an aggregate in round numbers of $2,000,000. Then on a valuation of $2,000,000, a levy of one and one-half (1½) percent, instead of 7 or 10, as the Telegram has it, would wipe out the debt. Pick your flint and try it again, brother Allison, or come over and take lessons in Arithmetic of our devil. But we do not propose to make any extra levy this year, to pay off the entire debt. If we can pay one-half this year, and the remaining half, next, we can do so, and scarcely feel it.
We were not aware that the COURIER had so much influence with Mr. Martin, last winter, as to deter that gentleman from putting an enabling act through the Legislature. Had we then but known, the COURIER’s most potent influence, we would have certainly used it to prevent the passage of some of the outrageous measures that were enacted last winter. And, perhaps, had we been employed by certain scrip holders to go and stay in Topeka all winter, to run the Representative from Cowley, and see that he put a bond bill through, and then failed, after all our peculiar efforts, we might howl too.
[Note: This issue had two articles relative to stupidity on the part of the County Board in giving county printing to Allison. It worked! Kelly got printing soon after.]
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. James Kelly, Editor.
The Indian Territory. The Kansas City Times says that “the people of Kansas are almost a unit in favor of the Indian Territory.” If it means that the people of this state are in favor of the opening of the Indian Territory to general settlement, its assertion is absurd. Not one in ten is in favor of any such thing. Atchison Champion.
The Champion might go still further and truthfully say that the only support any such movement has in the states comes from a class of roving and impecunious political adventurers who are seeking new fields wherein to plant themselves. That is the only element in the state which favors opening and organizing the Territory. Paola Spirit.
No sensible Kansan wishes to see the Territory, just south of us, opened up, not because it is a better country than this, for it is not. But because people would make a rush down there all the same, leave pleasant homes here, and although at the end of the year they would find themselves willing to come back, the mischief would be complete. No, gentlemen, none but the politicians about Washington and the hangers-on and loafers about our own towns wish to see the Territory open for settlement.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
James Kelly, District Clerk: $2.90; $12.00; $2.00; $2.00; $9.30.
James Kelly, Printing: $35.00; $12.50; $7.90; $2.25; $6.25; $6.75.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874. Editorial.
As we promised our readers last week, we now lay before them a statement of the cost of Stationery, Printing, etc., since the 1st day of January, 1873. This includes books that have ben ordered for the County Clerk and Treasurer’s offices, and probably some others.
R. S. Waddell & Co. $125.12
W. M. Allison 76.08
C. M. Scott 295.00
James Kelly $238.81
Total: $740.01
Brayden & Burford, Indianapolis, Ind.: $ 77.65
Dodsworth & Co., Leavenworth, Kansas: $594.40
Crane & Byron, Topeka, Kansas: $1,013.90 Grand Total: $1,688.95
It must now be borne in mind that included in the county printing is the item $229.25, for advertising the delinquent tax list, every dollar of which the county gets back. Several other items included in the printer’s bill which the county does not lose, as, for instance, in the case of rejected road petitions, etc., where the principal petitioner has the cost to pay.
We are inclined to take the most liberal view of the amount that went out of the county in that time and allow two thirds of the amount for books, legal cap, ink, pens, pencils, etc., which could not be had here, and that leaves us the sum of $562.98½ that should have been paid to some printer in Cowley County. Now, we do not mean to say that the above sum has been thrown away, by no means; but on the other hand we suppose the county has got value received for its money. But, we do say that the work can be done in Cowley County just as well and for the same price. Then, why not have it done here? Echo, please answer. As we said last week, no agency in a county does so much to settle up that county as its newspapers. Then why not give them all the encouragement possible and the crumbs which will fall from the county table, anyway? We hope that those who have charge of county affairs, will, in the future, look at the subject in a higher, broader sense than they have heretofore.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
Fishermen are happy—except Manning and Kelly, who went angling the other evening and didn’t get a bite.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
James Kelly, county printing: $242.65; $17.00; $2.50; $34.00.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
At a meeting of the officers of the Soldiers’ Association of Cowley County, held at Winfield, June 4th, 1874, it was decided to have the reunion of the Association at Winfield July 4, 1874. All soldiers are cordially invited to attend and participate in the exercises of the day. Citizens are cordially invited, and the Patrons of Husbandry are especially invited to come and take part in the general exercises. A programme will be published in due time.
C. M. WOOD, Pres. JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
M. L. Robinson, James Kelly, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to procure speakers.
L. J. Webb and James Kelly were appointed a committee on artillery.
James Kelly offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we extend a cordial invitation to the several Granges of the county to attend and participate in the celebration.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
COMMUNICATED. LAZETTE, KANSAS, June 15th, 1874. BRO. KELLY: In answer to an article which appeared in your paper June 12th, written by one M. G. Troup, we would say that the spirit of his piece is not good, and any man to read it carefully can see that it is a boastful, headstrong, lengthy, labored article. Said committee considered it would be much better, and give more general satisfaction to be governed by instruction and advice from the County Commissioners, than a swell headed County Clerk, who repeatedly refused to let us have paper, pencils, receipts, etc., which we were justly entitled to in the prosecution of the work. If we had prosecuted the work in a way that Mr. Troup wanted us to, instead of the Commissioners, we would have been first rate fellows. But because he could not run the committee and Commissioners to whitewash the thing and have it said that he is the Grand Mogul of the whole concern, he became impudent and sulky. A man that undertook to find a delinquent list and upon trial couldn’t find a correct one, and yet swore he knew he was right and the committee a set of fools, and did not know anything about it, this committee has no use for. I would suggest that brother Troup part his hair in the middle, take county scrip, and buy a new plug hat, let Cowley County furnish him a gold headed cane, in order that he may walk about the city, put on style, and be more in his natural element. I do not wish to enter into a long personal dispute or quarrel in this matter, but if brother Troup don’t go a little slow, he will be shown up in a more minute and particular manner at no very distant day. Respectfully, S. M. FALL.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
To Our Patrons. In order to simplify our business, and make it more agreeable to publisher and patron, we have agreed, from and after this date, to charge the uniform price of ten cents per line for each and every insertion for local or special advertising.
(Signed) W. M. ALLISON, Cowley Co. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
Messrs. E. C. Manning, B. F. Baldwin, and James Kelly, senior quill driver of this paper, left this city last Monday morning for Wichita, then to take the train for other parts. Mr. Baldwin to visit his mother, who is very ill at her home in Illinois, and Mr. Manning and Kelly to attend the State Convention at Topeka of which Mr. Kelly is a member.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Mr. Kelly, the senior editor, has been very sick the past few days, but is recovering at present.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Mr. Kelly, the Sen. editor, has been up in the north part of the State all of this week. Numerous reports are in circulation as regards his business. Some who pretend to be posted state that he will undergo a great and wonderful change in his relation to the world and particularly to one of the gentler sex. We await further developments.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
The readers of the COURIER will bear witness to our patience under the slanderous misrepresentations of the Telegram and its allies, for two years past. We have hoped in forbearance to avoid a conflict with the “ring” that keeps that paper on its legs. Long since the people of the county withdrew their support from it on account of its personal abuse and unreliability. For more than a year it has been kept running by desperate makeshifts, by moving from room to room, and from garret to cellar about town because it could not pay rent. By paying its employees with promises, by borrowing material, by taking continuances in court against creditors who were trying to compel it, or its editor, to pay their honest debts, and with the aid of all the subterfuges, practiced only by scoundrels, backed by a ring that we hereafter describe in detail, it has succeeded in maintaining a sickly existence.
The ostensible purpose of its being is reform in politics and abuse of Manning. The real purpose of its being is the maintenance of the “Post Office ring” in Winfield. This ring has no influence in the country whatever except through it organ, the Telegram.
If a democrat in Pleasant Valley wants an office, he knows he must get it without the aid of the republican party—hence he comes to town, joins the post office ring in the abuse of the republican party, and says that Manning runs it. This is reported to the Telegram and at once Mr. Democrat is called a hardy son of toil, and a good man for some office. No questions are asked about his qualifications in reading, writing, or spelling, nor is his past character looked into. It is enough to know that he is opposed to Manning.
If a bull-head from Tisdale Township wants an office, whose ignorance and stupidity makes him a failure as a farmer, and who cannot get an endorsement from any intelligent man in the county, he at once seeks the P. O. ring, puts in some heavy anathemas against the Republican party in general and Manning in particular, and he is at once reported to the Telegram as a good man from Tisdale to work up the reform ticket in that locality.
If a bummer of Arkansas City, who has been kicked out of the Republican party for incompetency, ignorance, and rascality, wants an office, he writes an abusive article about Manning specially, and the Republican party generally, signs himself “Republican” or “farmer,” sends it to the Telegram for publication, whereupon the P. O. ring set him down as one of the “good, noble, and true,” men of Creswell Township who are disgusted with conventions and party lines, and who will make a good candidate on the “reform” ticket for some office.
Now and then a man who has voted for the Republican ticket for years from principle, is proposed for some office, and is beaten in convention because some other man is thought to be better, and he in a fit of passion and disappointment will fall to berating the Republican party or some of its members, whereupon the P. O. ring and Telegram fall to besliming him and convincing him that he was beaten by a trick, and that merit has no show in the Republican organization, and his only hope is to be a “reformer.”
When the creditors of Allison or the Telegram press too hard upon the concern for pay, postmaster Johnston, or M. L. Read, step in with either cash or security and give relief. They can’t afford to have the thing go down. Thus the P. O. “ring,” by management, and the Telegram by blowing, have made and are making perpetual war on:
1st. The Republican party of Cowley County.
2nd. On the financial interests of Cowley County.
3rd. On the material development of Cowley County.
4th. On the business prosperity of Winfield.
Now we propose to show how it is done, and to show up the men who are doing it.
As to the first charge: the Republican party of Cowley County is or should be composed of men who adhere to the principle and policy of the national party, and carrying its principles and policy into Cowley County affairs, they demand that honest, competent, and honorable men be put in office, and that the public money be economically used, and strictly accounted for. That manufactories be fostered and markets for produce be established. To this end has the COURIER labored. To this end have the active members of the party devoted their energies politically. We challenge from anyone a successful contradiction of this statement.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram, have done for two years, and are still doing their best, to destroy the Republican party, and to defeat its noble mission. Two years ago this fall the
P. O. ring opposed the Republican nominees and worked up the liberal ticket and supported it. Capt. McDermott, the Republican nominee, was elected to the House in spite of them. As a member of the legislature from Cowley County he sent forty copies of the Commonwealth every week during the session, to the Winfield post office for distribution among the people here that they might know what the action of their representative was. Postmaster Johnston did not distribute those papers, but destroyed them, and Capt. McDermott knew nothing of it until his return. Not one word of reproach can be raised against Capt. McDermott while a member of the legislature.
Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.
Now we declare that neither the Republican party nor any of its active members were responsible for the actions of the board which were subject to criticism. The county board was composed of two men, Messrs. Cox and Maurer, who were elected by the Republican party, and Mr. Smith, the other, was elected on the liberal ticket. There are but one or two acts of that board that can by any stretch of the imagination be subjected to justifiable censure. One is the erection of the courthouse, without authority from the people, another was extravagance in purchasing books and blanks for the county officers.
For the first act, Col. J. M. Alexander and the P. O. ring are responsible. They are the parties who more than anyone persuaded Mr. Cox to make the contract with the city of Winfield to build a courthouse and jail.
Mr. Maurer, one of the Republican commissioners of the county, never consented to the movement. This action of the board was taken, too, in the face of a protest against it, signed by several prominent Republicans of Cowley County, E. C. Manning among the number.
The Telegram at the time endorsed the action of the board, and ridiculed the protest. This action of the P. O. ring cost the county $12,500.
For the second act A. A. Jackson, a Democrat, elected on the “people’s” ticket, is responsible. He was familiar with the wants of the various county officers, and ordered books and blanks at pleasure. He obtained the confidence of the board and either recommended all the books and blanks that were ordered or else ordered them himself, and afterwards obtained the sanction of the board by stating that they were necessary. Jackson made a certain percent on all the books and blanks ordered by him by special arrangement with the various firms from which he ordered them. Jackson was one of the Telegram’s pets at that time and a howler against the Republican party, and of course that paper had no word of censure for him. By this arrangement the county lost several thousand dollars.
The two acts above mentioned are all that could in any fairness be censured, unless it be claimed that the salaries allowed some of the county officers be considered too high. This may be true, but no party is to blame for that. Col. Alexander and other pets of the Telegram told the board that the salaries allowed the County Attorney and Probate Judge ought to be allowed, and several Republicans, among the number, E. C. Manning, discountenanced all these propositions, and Col. Manning declined to accept one half of the salary of the Probate Judge, notwithstanding he was entitled to it under the terms of his partnership association with Judge Johnson. He told Judge Johnson at the time that the salary was too large and he would not have a cent of any such money. So much for Colonel Manning, who we think deserves this mention at our hands, in passing, as he has been accused by the Telegram and its snuffers with being at the head, or bottom, of all the rascality ever perpetrated in the county.
An examination of County Clerk Jackson’s books, which was demanded by the COURIER and Mr. Troup, the Republican County Clerk, who succeeded Mr. Jackson, developed the fact that Jackson’s books, through incompetency, criminality, or both, were in a scandalously incorrect condition, and that J. P. Short, Deputy County Treasurer, had embezzled several thousand dollars of public money. Short was not a Republican elect, but was a member of the P. O. “Ring,” a pet of the Telegram, and a howler against the Republican party.
An investigating committee of three, two of whom, the Chairman and one other member, opposed the Republican party last fall, has thus far failed to find anything wrong with the affairs of the Republican county officers although they have been in session several months.
The Telegram is for anybody or anything that will keep T. K. Johnston in the Post Office at Winfield, and serve the interests of its masters, Read & Robinson, and Alexander & Saffold.
When the COURIER expressed the sense of the Republicans of Cowley County, by reproaching Judge Lowe, our member of Congress, for his vote in favor of the salary gain bill, the Telegram made haste to endorse Judge Lowe, and the P. O. Ring sent Lowe a marked copy of each paper. About that time there was an effort made to put Johnston out and put in somebody else, but it failed through Lowe’s influence. Lowe was told that all the Republicans wanted was a man in harmony with the party, no one was particular about the individual. But the COURIER had incurred Mr. Lowe’s displeasure for denouncing him in common with the other salary grabbers. This coupled with the “Ring” endorsement of him saved T. K. At the present hour, after abusing the Republican administration, national, state, and county, for two years, the Telegram hoists the Republican State ticket because it knows it will be elected anyway. This is done to get Governor Osborn’s endorsement to keep Johnston in the Post Office. It then hoists J. K. Hudson’s name, a newspaper publisher, as a candidate for Congress because he is a “farmer,” and hoists R. B. Saffold’s name for State Senator because he is a “reformer,” and opposed to the Republican party; while H. C. St. Clair, the Republican nominee, is a practical farmer and a patron of husbandry.
Now the Telegram and the “ring” are moving everything to organize an opposition to the Republican party of Cowley County this fall. Why? Because the Republican party won’t endorse Johnston, a man bitterly obnoxious to the public, and notoriously dishonest, as postmaster; won’t give the carpet-bagger from Leavenworth, Alexander, an office; won’t favor the bonding of the County debt so as to enable Read & Robinson, and a few non-residents, to convert the several thousands of dollars of Co. scrip that they hold, into cash. These are the real reasons, no matter what their pretended reasons are. This disposes of charge No. 1.
Now for charge No. 2.
“War on the financial interests of Cowley County.”
At the time the County Board let the Courthouse contract, Read & Robinson, bankers, were behind the scenes with the money bags. No one would take the contract unless the scrip could be cashed. Read & Robinson, bankers (known as M. L. Read), took the scrip at 65 cents on the dollar. They got it all. In August of last year, the Telegram “Ring” tried to hold a “farmers” political meeting at Winfield. They partially failed of their purpose. Rev. William Martin was one of the speakers of the occasion. The “ring” saw that Martin was the kind of stuff to make an available candidate out of, for the Legislature. He was just about stupid enough to be “above suspicion.” So T. K. Johnston went out to the old man’s home shortly after the meeting to interview him. He found the old man “sound,” found him possessed of that qualification without which no “reformer” in Cowley County is considered sound, that is, he was opposed to Manning (that he didn’t know why he should be, doesn’t matter), and were he not a Reverend, might be induced to curse him, which would make him the more desirable. Anyway, he would oppose him and that was a good start in the right direction (although Manning was an invalid in the state of New York at that time and had been all summer, but at last accounts he was alive and consequently dangerous); then he would keep T. K. in the Post Office, and favor bonding Read & Robinson’s scrip, and besides was “above suspicion.” But the old man didn’t want to be the representative, or said he didn’t, nor would he consent to run. T. K. came back gloomy. The horizon about the Post office was beginning to get somewhat cloudy. By a little strategy, however, by representing to the old man that the people considered him “above suspicion,” and demanded that he make the sacrifice, the old man yielded. “Reform” delegates were worked up in Martin’s interest, and he was nominated. By Telegram falsehoods he was elected, and almost the first thing he did was to try to bond the scrip. The Telegram, backed by Read & Robinson, at home, and Allison at his elbow at Topeka, helped him. But the COURIER and the people opposed the measure and he failed.
Last week the Legislature met in extra session to relieve the destitute. Martin went to Topeka. Just before he went to take his seat, he had an interesting interview with members of the “ring.” We understand they went in a carriage to his residence in the country and what took place at that interview, of course we can’t tell, except by what the Hon. William did when he reached Topeka. The second bill introduced into the House was “House bill No. 2 by William Martin to bond the debt of Cowley County.” It is no measure of relief, no stay of law, no postponement of taxes, no appropriation for the needy, no act of any kind for the relief of the poverty stricken of Cowley County, but an act to convert the scrip of Read & Robinson, Geo. L. Thompson, J. C. Horton, et al, into Cowley County bonds. This, too, in the face of the well known opposition of the taxpayers of Cowley County to bonds of any kind.
Charge No. 3: they make “war on the material interests of Cowley County.” To this we say, that by stirring up strife, by seeking to promote personal ends, by detracting from the influence of those who would work unselfishly for the welfare of the whole county, they prevent that material development that awaits us if our people would work and counsel together.
The one overshadowing interest to Cowley County, after the distress of the present hard times is provided for, is the building of a railroad through the Indian Territory. The Republican party is turning its attention to this question.
The P. O. ring and the Telegram are too busy looking after county bonds and “available men” who are “above suspicion” to pay any attention to it. The “ring” delegates to the “reform” congressional convention (Allison and A. Walton) did not go to Emporia and demand a recognition of the interests of Cowley County in that convention. They remained at home still looking for available men who were “above suspicion,” and to help Johnston watch the post office for fear Manning might steal it in their absence.
Cowley was not represented in the convention that nominated J. K. Hudson. What did these fellows care about a market for the farmer’s produce so long as they could get their votes? On the other hand, the Republicans sent active, able men to represent them, in the Republican convention at Emporia. Those delegates demanded that the candidates should be pledged to a railroad direct to Galveston, through the Indian Territory. The majority of the delegates in that convention lived on railroads that already lead to Galveston, and defeated the Cowley County resolutions offered by Col. Manning.
Now the Telegram jeers those delegates for their failure. The Telegram and the P. O. ring sneers at the efforts made to wake the people of Cowley up to the importance of this question.
As to the fourth charge, “war on the business prosperity of Winfield.”
The P. O. ring, and the Telegram, in order to divert attention from their real designs, must abuse and malign someone, and these are generally the best men in town and county. A. T. Stewart, J. B. Fairbank, C. M. Wood, Rev. Parmelee, C. A. Bliss, W. M. Boyer, and others, together with all the county officers it could not control, have suffered calumny at its hand. The people of the county are taught that the citizens of Winfield are thieves and cutthroats. This drives people away from the town. This divides our people among themselves. It prevents a cooperation among the citizens of the place in any laudable endeavor, either charitable, educational, religious, moral, or social, or for the general prosperity of the place. No one can deny this.
The COURIER has endeavored to establish good feeling among our own people, and to show to the people of the county that there was no cause for bad blood between town and country. It and its friends have received nothing but abuse in return.
The cabal that backs the Telegram in its baseness has its head and front in Alexander & Saffold, Read & Robinson, and T. K. Johnston. This “ring” is what Alexander calls the “respectable faction in the Republican party.”
We have written what we have written in calmness, after carefully considering the whole subject. We have no desire to make personal assaults on any man. But we have come to the conclusion that longer submission to the assaults of this “ring” upon us, through their mouth-piece, would be cowardly. And in the interests of the people of Cowley County, who have so long been mislead by the misrepresentations of this “ring,” we herewith fire our first shot.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Astronomers tell us that the planet Jupiter has four satellites, whose apparent motion is oscillatory. That is, they weave first one way from Jupiter, and his attraction being so great as to force them to return, they fly back with such velocity as to carry them beyond when they are compelled to return again, and so continue. All but one are represented as being larger than Jupiter. Singular as it may appear we have an imitation of this wonder in the animal kingdom. Jupiter and his satellites—Manning and his delegates: Walton, Boyer, Kelly, and Webb. Telegram of Sept. 18th.
The curious orthography of the word “satellites” in two places in the above extract and the remarkable discovery that three of Jupiter’s satellites are each larger than Jupiter, are earmarks of such ample proportions as to convince us that none other than the celebrated “God bless the Grangers” Alexander could be its author. As that would-be candidate for Congress and the State Senate has a hankering for the office of County Attorney, we suppose that Webb must be the smaller satellite referred to.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
MARRIED. Our Editor has gone from the midst of his bachelor friends and become a quiet, steady going benedict. On the 15th inst. he was married to M. E. Arnold of Iowa and with his wife returned home last Friday. We might have given him some highfalutin sendoff if the Telegram hadn’t slopped over in such a sickish manner, but under the circumstances, we don’t think it necessary, so we will say that Mr. Kelly was fortunate in his selection, and we wish them both a long and pleasant life.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Nelson Abbott came to Winfield the day that September left. Wednesday night the courtroom filled with voters to hear Nelson speak. Besides some things that Nelson isn’t, he is a candidate on the “reform” ticket for Secretary of State. Nelson is some things, but he isn’t a good many things. He is the publisher of a democratic paper in Atchison, he is an awkward public speaker, is doing the republican ticket much good, and is a fair specimen of the “reform” genius. He isn’t an honest man, he isn’t doing his cause any good, he isn’t paying off those lottery tickets, isn’t telling the truth one-third of the time when he talks, isn’t fooling anybody with his lies, isn’t going to be elected secretary of state.
He opened his remarks by saying that last fall the reform party had only county organizations throughout the state, and that said reformers were successful in electing their candidates in a majority of the counties. This being true the reformers had a majority in the Legislature. He then charged this same legislature with authorizing Barbour and Harper counties to issue large amounts of bonds, fraudulently. That was the work of the reform legislature, Nelson, and not chargeable to the republican party. He then charged the republican party with robbing the school fund of 500,000 acres of land and giving it to railroads, but forgot to tell us that Sam Crawford, who is now a noisy reformer, was governor at the time and signed the bill, and that F. W. Potter and dozens of other blatant reformers were then members of the legislature and voted for the bill and held the law to be constitutional.
But the wind was badly let out of Nelson when Mr. Kelly, the senior editor of this paper, who knew Abbott in Macomb, Illinois, took the floor and told the audience that Abbott published a scandalous, copperhead paper in Macomb during the war, and only saved his press by taking the oath of allegiance. He stated that Abbott’s paper counseled resistance to the draft, advised desertion, and so incensed and encouraged the copperheads at home as to cause the murder of W. H. Randolph, the deputy provost marshal. He also accused Abbott of selling lottery tickets to dispose of his own property in Macomb, and then sold the property at private sale and left the country with his ticket money in his pocket.
Abbott denied all these charges, but Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City, who also knew Abbott and his history, happened to be present and at once arose and verified Mr. Kelly’s statement.
Great applause followed Mr. Kelly’s exposure of Abbott. From this time on the meeting became boisterous but good natured. Judge Ross, the chairman, got “on his ear” and defended the old time democracy in eloquent terms, and urged the people to disregard party lines and unite on honest men for office. The Judge’s enthusiasm and rough hewn sentences, frequently brought down the house.
R. B. Saffold, democrat, and Allison’s candidate for the state senate, made a few remarks.
Capt. Jas. Christian, of Lawrence, happened to be present, and was called out. His speech was humorous and well put, its criticisms being divided not equally between the republican and reform parties. He was a democrat and took no stock in either. He admitted that Abbott might have been a bad man, but if he was trying to reform himself now and live an honest life hereafter, he should be allowed to do so.
The Winfield band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. Taken altogether the meeting was cold comfort to Abbott and his followers, and it were far better for Nelson and his cause if he had never seen Winfield.
Date out of order, but it pertains to above item...
The Commonwealth, Thursday Morning, October 8, 1874.
When Cusey gets to be governor, his first official act will probably be to send a squad of militia down to Winfield, in Cowley County, with orders to shoot Jim Kelly, of the Courier, on the spot. Jim has been conducting himself in a manner that no rinderpest governor can ever excuse. He attended a reform meeting at Winfield the other night, and had the audacity to jump up in the midst of the exercises and reach for the political scalp of Hon. Nelson Abbott, the leading orator of the occasion, in a way that the average Kansas reformer doth most despise. Kelly knew Abbott of yore, it seems, in the pleasant pastoral village of Macomb, Illinois; and he improved the opportunity at Winfield to indulge in a few mighty interesting reminiscences concerning the said Abbott’s conduct in those days. He stated, among other things, that Abbott published a scandalous and virulent copperhead newspaper at Macomb during the war, in which he counseled resistance to the draft and advised desertion from the army, and so encouraged and emboldened the copperheads of that section as to lead to the murder by them of one W. H. Randolph, deputy provost marshal for the county. Also, that he (Abbott) got up a lottery scheme to dispose of his property in Macomb, and then, after selling a considerable number of tickets, sold the property at private sale, and skipped out of the country with the ticket money in his pocket. Abbott vehemently denied the truth of these accusations, and then Mr. E. P. Kinne, who also knew Abbott in Illinois, promptly arose and verified Kelly’s statements; and Kelly said that any citizen of Macomb at the time alluded to will cheerfully corroborate all the charges.
At the risk of being accused of aiding and abetting in the work of confusing the counsels and exciting the passions of the reformers, we have to say that we think Kelly did a very proper and very effective thing in telling Abbott’s audience those little stories of the olden time. It was a lick straight from the shoulder—the kind Jim Kelly always strikes—and will give Abbott and his friends something to think about that is practical in its nature and full of interesting suggestions.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher’s Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.
Listing participants only. Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, song by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowery and T. A. Wilkinson.
A farce in one act, “Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself,” was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.
Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
A large and enthusiastic meeting greeted our candidate for Congress. The Winfield Silver Cornet Band discoursed some of their delightful pieces.
James Kelly, secretary of the Republican Central Committee, conducted. Maj. J. B. Fairbank was elected chairman, who, in a few happy remarks introduced Judge Brown. Next speaker was Hon. Ed. Russell, of Leavenworth. Col. H. C. St. Clair, the republican candidate for state senator was next, followed by L. J. Webb.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
A CARD. WINFIELD, KAN., Sept. 28, 1874. Editor Traveler: Dear Sir: In looking over a copy of the COURIER of last week, I see there are certain charges made against myself and others. Which charges, in so far as they relate to myself, I pronounce untrue from beginning to end; except one, and that is that I offered a bill in the special session of the Legislature providing for the funding of our county debt. And if this was criminal, I have only to say to the COURIER that I did so after consulting with prominent Republicans in reference to such a bill, and being encouraged by them to make such a move, I call upon the COURIER man to make goods his charges. Very respectfully, WM. MARTIN.
The Courier response: The above we take from the Traveler. Why send your denial to the Traveler, Mr. Martin? Why not send it to the paper which made the charges you complain of. The fact that you sent it to any other paper than the COURIER, shows either that you do not understand the common courtesies, or that you are a moral coward. No doubt it would have been just what you wished if your card in the Traveler should by some chance have escaped notice. It would have left you with a challenge out, of which we knew nothing, which might materially assist you in securing another nomination.
You start out by saying that the COURIER’s charges in so far as they relate to you “are untrue from beginning to end, except one, etc.” Now, Mr. Martin, what are the charges made against you by the COURIER? As you have not the manliness to say what they are, we shall make them specific.
1st. “That you are but the pliant tool of T. K. Johnston and the P. O. ‘Ring.’” Do you deny that you were consulted by them as to your being a candidate last fall?
2nd. “That you were just stupid enough to be above suspicion.” Do you deny that? True it is rather a hard personal charge to make against you. But you are a public man, Mr. Martin, and have to put up with the criticisms of the public, whether you will or no.
3rd. “That you went to Topeka last winter cocked and primed, with Allison, your adviser, at your elbow, to pass a bill funding the county debt.” Do you deny that?
4th. “That you accepted a pass from the A. T. & S. F. railroad, and drew your mileage besides.” Do you deny that?
Now allow the COURIER to propound to you a few pertinent questions which you can answer by yes, or no.
Did you accept a pass on the railroad to Topeka and return, during the extra session?
Did you draw mileage to the amount of $67.50?
And did you not know that the condition of that pass was that you were not to draw mileage from the state?
Haven’t you consulted T. K. Johnston and other members of the Winfield P. O. Scrip “Ring,” as to your being a candidate again this fall?
You are welcome to the columns of the COURIER, Mr. Martin, in which to answer all their queries. At the request of a mutual friend, Mr. Martin, we had intended to let you drop into that obscurity from which, for the good of yourself and certainly for that of Cowley County, you should never have been called. But your card in the Traveler, releases us from any promise we made to let you alone in the future, and we are now ready to deal with you the same as we would with any other public man.
We have no desire to accuse you of dishonesty, Mr. Martin. What we do accuse you of, is that you allow yourself to be made the tool of a few renegade republicans and democrats, such as constitute the P. O. “Ring” here in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874. Editorial by James Kelly.
MANNING vs ALLISON. Col. E. C. Manning had Allison of the Telegram arrested last Saturday on charge of libel. The ground for the charge was an article in the Telegram of the 2nd inst. We are sorry that Col. Manning saw fit to take the course he has in the matter. We advised him otherwise, but he thought different.
We were satisfied that that was just what the “ring” in their desperate strait wanted. Something that would create sympathy for their champion. We understand that they (the ring) justified Allison on the ground that Col. Manning wrote the “ring” expose for the COURIER, and that he is in the habit of writing our articles for us.
Now while we take it as quite complimentary to have writers of such well known ability as Col. Manning, Maj. Fairbank, and D. A. Millington credited with the authorship of our articles, yet we will say once more, that no man writes our editorials for us (except when we may be absent, and our local attends to that) and nobody knows this better than the P. O. “ring.” If they are not satisfied that we have the ability to show them up, we invite T. K. Johnston, J. M. Alexander, or any other members of the “ring” to call on us any week, and we will give them permission to look over our shoulder while we tell the public of their many rascalities.
So far as the article which appeared in the COURIER two weeks ago is concerned, we never dreamed of claiming any merit save that of telling the truth in a straight forward manner. In that article was nothing disrespectful of anyone. Nothing libelous. The “ring,” instead of denying the charges we made, piled all the abuse they could think of on Manning, of course. The “reformer” boor of the P. O., who would today be a pauper were it not for the Government pap furnished him by the republican party, has vilified and abused for the last three years, knew that what we said about him was too true for him to risk a denial, and consequently, the article is devoted to the abuse of Manning.
In the suit now pending between Manning and Allison, we have no part or interest. Col. Manning is perfectly able to take care of himself and fight his own battles. But we do think that he, as a private citizen, is entitled to the protection of the law he has invoked. Were he before the public for an office, or even the editor of a country newspaper, there might be some excuse for this wholesale abuse and calumny. But without any public good to be attained, there can be no excuse.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874. Editorial. James Kelly, Editor.
Both Sides. T. K. is managing things pretty fine now to keep himself in the P. O. He hoists the name of J. K. Hudson for reform candidate for Congress in his official organ and he runs around and tries to hire the band, after we had engaged them, to play for Judge Brown. That way he thinks he is safe. Should Brown be elected (which he will be by a big majority), T. K. will come in on the score of friendship, and should Hudson chance to be the man, T. K. has but to show that the P. O. organ supported him, and he is all right.
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Oct. 31, 1874. JAS. KELLY, Esq.: Dear Sir: You will perhaps be surprised to hear from me, but as I want to get the home news and know of no better medium than through the sheets of the COURIER, we want you to send it to us for three months. I don’t like this country as well as Cowley County, to live in, but having a chance of going into something that has the prospect of paying well, we shall most likely stay through the winter. Although this has the name of being a great wheat country, the yield wasn’t near as much per acre as it was in Cowley, and if the farmers would grow the white varieties of fall wheat, there is no place in America that would beat them in quantity or quality; in fact, for a farming country we have seen nothing like it since we left, and the farmers who stick to it will become wealthy, as the old pioneers are here. The fruits and vegetables are in great abundance here, but they can be made just as much so there. All that is needed is time and energy. The weather is delightful here. We had two or three day’s rain about a week ago, the first rain of the season, though earlier than usual. As it is about mail time I will have to close. Respectfully yours, ED. T. JOHNSON.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
A Pleasant Time. Upon the invitation of the Maple Grove Grange of this county, a party consisting of Prof. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson, E. S. Torrance, Esq., Miss Helen Parmelee, ourself, and Mrs. Kelly attended the open session of that grange last Monday evening. This grange is held at what is called Ferguson’s schoolhouse in district 45. The schoolhouse is, perhaps, one of the best in the county outside of Winfield and Arkansas City. It cost the district nearly $1,000 in bonds. On our arrival we found the house full to overflowing with big and little grangers, the sons and daughters of honest toil. The Grange was called to order by the Worthy Master, Mr. James H. Land, who briefly announced the object of the open session. An opening song being sung by the members, and prayer by the Chaplain, the grange was declared ready for business. First a lecture was given by Mr. Frazier, in which he depicted the oppression and tyranny of today as equaled only by the oppression of the colonists in the days of King George the III. That it was the laboring men and farmers of that day who threw off the galling yoke just as the farmers and laborers of today would break the chains with which they are bound. Next came a song by Mr. McCune. Then instrumental music by Professor Wilkinson and Mrs. Kelly. An essay was read by Mrs. Amanda Roberts on the old, old theme of “Woman’s Work.” This to our mind, was the best production of the evening. Her essay was well prepared, and aside from a pardonable embarrassment, well read. The whistling “Plow Boy,” was then sung, after which a speech by Mr. T. J. Johnson. Then a paper entitled “Boys on the Farm,” was read by Mr. C. A. Roberts, which was quite humorous. Prof. Wilkinson made a short speech in which he advised the farmers to begin the work of reformation at home, and not mix the “tailings” with good wheat, nor sell half hatched, for fresh eggs. When the regular order had been gone through with E. S. Torrance, Esq., ourself and several others were called out but declined to make speeches. The thanks of the Grange was voted to the party from Winfield for the music furnished, when the meeting was closed in Grange order. The Winfield party are under obligations to Mr. David Ferguson for transportation to and from the meeting.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
County Officers.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, John Manly.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—E. B. Kager.
Deputy Treasurer.—Frank Gallotti.
Probate Judge.—T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds.—N. C. McCulloch.
Supt. of Pub. Inst.—T. A. Wilkinson.
Sheriff.—R. L. Walker.
Coroner.—Sim. Moore.
County Attorney.—E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court.—James Kelly.
Deputy Clerk.—E. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—W. W. Walton.
Examining Surgeon, U. S. Pensioners.—W. Q. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874. Editorial. James Kelly.
Alexander’s Salutatory, with running Comments
By the Courier.
“We have been a citizen of Cowley County for upwards of four years.”
How about the time you spent in Leavenworth, when you left here cursing the country, the town, and everybody in it?
“We have intended for a long time to start a newspaper in Winfield. . . . This intention has been accomplished sooner than we expected.”
Yes. Allison was down with a libel suit on his hands, his paper attached, so he couldn’t run. That was your favorable opportunity to start a paper on the ruins of the Telegram.
“We have never intended to build up by tearing someone else down.”
You didn’t intend it when you tried to throw Allison out and get your carpetbag paper installed in its place? And why was it necessary for Mr. Allison to replevin his subscription books from your clutches?
“When a newspaper has outlived its usefulness, its best service to humanity is to die. And when it is dead, a decent respect for its memory leaves nothing to be done but to bury it out of sight.”
The above is aimed directly at the Telegram. Everybody familiar with the facts know full well that Alexander as much as any man alive helped to kill the Telegram. In fact, Alexander is so far gone in sin, that his connection even with a newspaper, would be sure to kill it.
“We cannot consent to support a bad man for an office because he belongs to a certain party.”
Then you will never support yourself for an office.
“Capacity and integrity in a candidate, should govern the people’s support of him.”
Alexander just fills half that bill. He has the capacity (of stomach) without the integrity.
“We cannot descend to the muddy pools of blackguardism through this journal, nor can we condescend to loan its columns to others for such a purpose.”
Of course a man who has never been above the “muddy pools of blackguardism,” couldn’t descend to it. Alexander did not hesitate to enter the “dirty pool of blackguardism” when he could shift the odium and responsibility on somebody else. He could take advantage of Allison’s absence to fill the Telegram with dirty blackguardism, and then forge Allison’s signature to it. Descend, indeed!
“It requires both heart and brains to print a newspaper that a decent man or woman can read without a blush.”
So it does. That is the very reason we do not believe that you can run a decent paper. It is much harder for a man like you, whose mouth is daily filled with oaths, imprecations, and blasphemy—to say nothing of course vulgarity—to conduct a paper free from blackguardism.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874. James Kelly, Editor.
“Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may” is the motto of the carpetbag paper of this town. And it is wonderful with what exactness, the editor of that murky sheet, unwittingly describes himself, in an article, this week entitled “The Slanderer.” We quote:
“Whose tongue out venoms all the worms of Nile:
Whose breath rides on the posting winds, and doth belie all comers of the world.
Kings, Queens, and states; Maids, Matrons, nay,
The very secrets of the grave this viperous slanderer enters.”
Alexander has set himself up as a teacher of morals. Well, Aleck is about as competent to teach morals as any man we know of, he has been so immoral that he can warn the young how to avoid the filthy sluices he has passed through.
Now that our people have got a nice moral home paper, we expect to see it introduced in our Sunday schools this winter in place of the children’s papers heretofore taken there.
The Leavenworth carpet-bagger used to think nothing too vile or mean, to say about a Newspaper publisher. Wonder if he thinks so now.
Alexander is now publishing Major Hudson’s old campaign speech as an editorial.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
RECAP: Samuel D. Pryor and Eustace B. Kager, partners, under the firm name of Pryor and Kager, plaintiffs, versus Thomas L. Clark, defendant. James Kelly, Clerk, District Court, with Pryor & Kager, plaintiffs, as attorneys, notify Thomas L. Clark he has until Dec. 15, 1874, to answer to suit for judgment against him of $300 with interest from Oct. 1st, 1874, on the following real estate: Lot number three (3) in Block number eighty (80) in Arkansas City...the same to be sold to satisfy judgment.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
A large meeting of ladies was held at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss today to organize a society for the relief of the poor. Mrs. Huston presided and Mrs. Rigby acted as secretary. The society was permanently organized with Mrs. C. A. Bliss as President and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Secretary. They called it the “Winfield Ladies Aid Society.”
The city was divided into four wards, thus, all the territory lying east of Main street and south of 9th Avenue, to constitute the 1st ward; East of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 2nd; west of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 3rd; and the remainder, the 4th ward. Committees to solicit aid, and hunt up the needy, were appointed as follows: for the first ward, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Platter, and Mrs. Robinson. For the second: Mrs. McClelland, Mrs. McMasters, and Mrs. McRaw. For the third, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. Mullen. For the fourth, Mrs. Dr. Black, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Flint. The Society meets every Friday afternoon, at the house of Mr. Bliss.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
There will be a literary, musical, and dramatic entertainment given in behalf of the public school organ fund of Winfield, under the management of the Winfield and Arkansas City literary and dramatic clubs, at the courthouse in Winfield, immediately following the holidays. A full programme will be appear in the next issue of the COURIER.
JAMES KELLY, T. A. WILKINSON, E. W. HULSE. Committee on management.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Relief Meeting. At a meeting held at the office of Curns & Manser on last Saturday, the following action was had. On motion of Col. E. C. Manning, H. S. Silver was chosen chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated to be for the purpose of appointing a committee to act in the matter of relief for Winfield Township. On motion the following gentlemen were elected such committee: Robert Weakley, Jas. H. Land, S. D. Klingman. On motion meeting adjourned, sine die. H. S. SILVER, Chairman.
JAS. KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
James Kelly, late District Clerk of Cowley County, turned the office over to his successor, Mr. E. S. Bedilion, on the 19th inst.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
DIVISION OF THE COUNTY. All last week, rumors were rife to the effect that an attempt was being made to divide Butler County on the twenty mile strip, take six miles off the north end of Cowley, and out of said territory, form a new county. Several gentlemen living at the north side of our county came into this office during the week and informed us of the fact, but at the same time we could not believe that the report had any well grounded foundation. Saturday, however, D. A. Millington, Esq., received a letter from Captain Shannon, of Augusta, Butler County, warning him that such a move was on foot, and asking our cooperation in frustrating the measure. Mr. Millington circulated a remonstrance against any attempt to change the boundary lines of Cowley County, which remonstrance received three hundred signatures in a very little while. A meeting was called the same evening at the courthouse, which was numerously attended notwithstanding the fact that only a few hours notice had been given. The meeting was organized with D. A. Millington as Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary. A resolution was unanimously passed, opposing the giving away of any part of Cowley County. Speeches were made by A. T. Stewart, Wm. Bartlow, and others.
The meeting resolved unanimously to send Col. E. C. Manning to Topeka to watch our interests. Nearly enough money was subscribed on the spot to pay his expenses. A committee consisting of A. T. Stewart, Wm. Bartlow, and Wm. Rogers were appointed to canvass the town to raise the balance needed. These gentlemen, acting with their usual zeal and energy, did their work before they slept that night, and the result was that Col. Manning was in Topeka Tuesday noon. Now we defy any committee to best that time. The meeting acted wisely in sending Col. Manning. He has brains and experience and is perfectly able to cope with all the divisionists they may send from Butler County. We have not heard from Col. Manning, but expect to before going to press.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
Herd Law. MR. EDITOR: I saw a communication in the COURIER of Dec. 8th from Longhorn (ashamed to give his legitimate name) asking a repeal of the herd law. He commences: “Fellow farmers,” then “chinch bugs, drouth, grasshoppers, blinky milk, fatting pigs on grasshoppers at one cent per pound,” and about going to “wife’s folks.” Then talks about “mild climate, sparkling pure water, rich fertile land, making rails on shares, stone fence,” then after all the good and bad things, asks the question, “Is the present herd law suited to the best interests of the people of Cowley?” Then to prove that the herd law is a great curse, he commences with a lingo of slang that the farmers won’t put out hedges, and about hard times and mortgages, taxes, big cattle men, and what kind nature has done for us, a hundred and one other good and bad things. Just sum it all up, add it together, divide it, and then multiply it, and what does it amount to? Just this: Ought from ought and nothing remains. I am not acquainted with the gentleman but think he is either a fool, insane, or destitute of a good moral principle—either one is bad enough! Does the herd law curse all these things? If it does, it must be a terrible thing in its nature. One of his arguments is making rails on the shares. I ask, where would he make them, in Indiana or maybe in the great valley and tributaries of Silver Creek, in Cowley County, with only a few twisty elms and sycamore trees, with a little underbrush? I have been a citizen of Cowley County for most five years. I live near the Walnut River, which has more timber on it than all the other rivers and creeks in the county, and by strict inquiry, I can’t hear of one man who will let timber to be split into rails on the shares, or any other way. Every sensible, intelligent man knows that the rail timber and saw timber is about used up, and what is left is of very little account for anything much less for rails. How foolish and inconsistent some men do talk. Selfishness and self-interest causes a great many men to become dishonest, one side, all for me and mine. Longhorn well knows that there is not enough of rail timber in the county to fence one township against a Texas steer. Do be honest and consistent, if you never accomplish your ends. After he gets through with his rails on shares, he then says there is such an abundance of splendid rock for fence building that costs nothing. He did tell one truth, there is an abundance sure enough. I suppose Longhorn has a good supply on his own farm. Suppose there is, who is able to fence his plow land with rock, put in his crops, cultivate and harvest them, all against the first of November next, pray tell me? I wonder if Longhorn is. I think not. Talk about fencing with rock, supporting his family, raising a crop, and many other things to be attended to, all in so small a space of time, is not talking good sense; and just passing through terrible disaster and scourge, when starvation is staring nine-tenths of the farmers in the face, children crying for bread, thinly and poorly clad, not bed clothes enough to keep them warm at night, and nearly all their farms heavily mortgaged, paying a terrible interest, trying to get through this disaster so as to raise another crop to keep them and their families alive. And we are not one-fourth of the way through yet after all these hard things and hard times, in the midst of poverty and want and famine, still want to help a worse curse upon the poor farmers. It is more than flesh and blood can bear only to please a few and only a few, selfish, designing, plotting, speculators, who, to accomplish their hellish ends, would drive three fourths of the people out of the county. Talk about stock men helping to pay our taxes. Big cattle men, there is no truth in it. Those who own large herds of cattle do not pay any taxes on them. If they are assessed, they manage to run their cattle out of the county before tax paying time. One of our township assessors told me that it was no use to assess these big stock men, for they managed to clear out before tax paying time. And if some of us don’t see fit to invest our means in stock, whose business is it? We all have some stock and may have more, if we please to. If you want to have large flocks and herds, go ahead, we can’t all be big men. One of our most successful stock men told me it always paid him big to hire herders, and corral his cattle at night. It made them more gentle and tame and he always knew where they were and lost none. And if we are so unfortunate that we can’t have but small herds, four or five of us little one horse men can club together and hire a herder. And we can raise you big stock men cheap corn to winter your longhorns on. I believe it is possible that a man can own large herds and flocks and still be an honest man. Old Abraham, the father of the faithful, was rich in flocks and herds, and according to bible history was a very good man. Why was he? Because he kept herders all the time, day and night. And you, who are rich in stock, must have herders all the time or you can’t be honest. If you don’t, your longhorns will eat us little men up. So how can you be honest? Some of this same clique call little stock men paupers. I wonder if they understand the word pauper. I think not. I understand the meaning of the word skunk, and we have quite a number in Cowley County. I have been a citizen of Kansas for fifteen years, have never left, never intend to. I made my way through the big war on our border, and the big drouth in sixty. I had to battle with the noted Quantrill and all the bushwhackers. I faced the music and am now passing through another disaster, and thank God, I am well and hearty and feel good for several more years of hardships. But after all my combats, I, with others, now have the devil to fight with his long horns. A cloven foot. I intend to fight it out on this line if it takes the next five years. J. M. BARRICK.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
ELDORADO, KAN., Mar. 19, 1875. ED. COURIER. Dear Sir: On the 9th of August, 1870, I printed and sent to your county 1,500 personal property statements (Assessors blanks) on the order of your county clerk. I sent down the bill with the blanks ($17.50). I have repeatedly made out my bill, sworn to it, and sent it to your county clerk, but your commissioners have never allowed the bill. Last year I sent the account to L. J. Webb, and asked him to see to it for me. He wrote back to me that it was outlawed, and that the commissioners refused to pay it. I wish to ask your people a question or two through your columns: In the first place, I printed the blanks in good faith for your county before you had a printing office to do it for you in your own county. I have made no fuss about the bill, believing your commissioners would pay it. I write to ask some gentleman in the county to appear before the commissioners at their next meeting and ask them if they will pay it, and inform me through your columns what they say. The bill is just and right, and ought to be paid. I cannot afford to lose it. My bill, $17.50, with interest at ten percent for four and a half years, will be $26.85. The question arises, does your county pay its honest debts, or does it take advantage of the statute of limitations, and stand its creditors off from time to eternity? Will Mr. Kelly, Col. Manning, D. A. Millington, Mr. Webb, or some other gentleman present my claim to the commissioners? Yours for Justice. T. B. MURDOCK.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Cemetery Association on Wednesday, March 31, 1875, at W. H. H. Maris’ store. All persons owning a lot in the Winfield Cemetery are stockholders, and entitled to vote at the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The following is a list of the said stockholders.
James Kelly was on the list of stockholders.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
BETHEL GRANGE, No. 715, P. of H., May 1st, 1875. MR. KELLY: The within resolutions were passed at a regular meeting of the above Grange and a request that you print the same in your paper.
WHEREAS, Brother T. A. Blanchard has been a good and faithful member and an efficient officer of Bethel Grange, No. 715, P. of H., and whereas business calls him to another field of labor, therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the members of Bethel Grange, deeply regret to part with Brother Blanchard, and that we hereby tender him our sincere thanks, and that our best wishes and good will be with him hoping his lot may fall in pleasant places.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be furnished the Winfield COURIER for publication.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, on the 23rd inst., a son, weight 11¼ pounds.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.
Did you see that “eye” of Kelly’s? The new boy kicked him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 5, 1875. James Kelly, Editor.
The Wellington Press says: “The Osage Indians who have been collecting toll from the Texas cattle herds on the trail near Skeleton Creek, have been attacked and dispersed by United States cavalry. The Indians fled in confusion, their camp and equipage in possession of the soldiers. This will probably stop their depredations for some time to come.”
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.
“It never rains but it pours.” Mr. Kelly now has another Post Office. Floral, nine miles up Timber Creek, has been discontinued as “unnecessary,” and all the business will be done at this office. This will be somewhat inconvenient for our Floral friends, but considering the irregular manner in which they have received their mail for the past six months, it may be the best in the long run.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1875.
Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, held at the Courthouse in Winfield, on Saturday the 11 inst., to transact such business as may come before it. T. R. BRYAN, Chairman.
JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Mr. Kelly, editor of the COURIER, intends interviewing Jeff. Davis, at Kansas City, during the exposition.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
Mr. Kelly is building a neat little residence on the corner of Manning Street and Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875. Editorial.
A WORD TO THE PUBLIC. With this issue of the COURIER the undersigned is before you as its editor and publisher. There is work to be done for Cowley County. Through no medium can more be accomplished than a newspaper. I want the paper to make enough money to pay me for the time I devote to it. It shall not be an engine of malice or hate, or for the redress of personal grievances. Until a highway to the sea is built, I shall not lay down the pen. Until then, work. As the voice of Cowley County, the COURIER is for the men that will aid that work and against the men that neglect it. On this question the southwest means business and Cowley County loads the van. The COURIER desires the friendship of every man, woman, and child in Cowley County. It will be so conducted as to deserve it while under the control of E. C. MANNING.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
A CARD. Having leased the COURIER to Col. E. C. Manning, I retire from its management, at least, for a time. I certainly regret to part with the readers of the paper, but poor health and an advantageous office is my only apology, if indeed one be required. To those in arrears I would say, that during the entire grasshopper season you have not been asked to pay up, now I expect you to come in and pay, or send in the amount you know yourselves to be owing. To each of you ’tis but a trifle, to me it is a matter of some three hundred dollars. I need the money. Col. Manning needs no introduction from me to the people of Cowley County except to say that he is a practical printer with years of journalistic experience, and the COURIER cannot fail, under his management, to take rank with the foremost weeklies of the State. Very respectfully, JAMES KELLY.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
Mr. Kelly has had a well and cellar dug at his residence on Ninth avenue.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
Our mail contractor has been bringing us the mails about three times a month of late. The COURIER of last week failed to come in, and our Republican brethren were not favored with a sight at Kelly’s rooster.
E. P. HICKOK Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 10, 1873.
JAMES KELLY Nov. 5, 1872. Jan. 10, 1875.
E. S. BEDILION Nov. 3, 1874.
Facts covering Winfield Courier newspaper in Centennial issue 1/6/1876...
On the 11th day of January, 1873, R. S. Waddell & Co. started the COURIER at Winfield and continued its publication with R. S. Waddell editor and J. C. Lillie local editor until March 27th following, when James Kelly purchased the office. Kelly at once assumed the publication of the paper, editing it himself, with V. B. Beckett local. Beckett did the locals until March 4, 1875. Kelly conducted the paper alone from that time until July 1st, when Wirt W. Walton became and has ever since been local editor. On the 11th of November last E. C. Manning became editor and publisher.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
T. B. MYERS is the Centennial painter of Winfield. He has just completed the best job in town. See how Kelly’s residence shines! Mr. Myers is an old painter, but had to quit the business years ago on account of his health.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M., February 5th, to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting. Dated January 25, 1876.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, and one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
Bill of James Kelly for city printing was read and referred to Finance Committee.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
The finance committee reported on the bill of James Kelly, for city printing, thirty-six dollars and ninety cents, and moved it be allowed by the Council, provided it balanced all claims due him from the city for printing up to this date. Motion carried, and the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant on the treasurer for the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.
IN TOWN. Judge Gans, Tell Walton, Amos Walton, James Kelly and wife, and two other Winfield people were in town last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.
HON. JAMES KELLY, who occupies the official position of P. M., at Winfield, accompanied by his wife and boy, stopped at the Central Avenue Sunday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.
COL. MANNING and James Kelly made us a call yesterday.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Mr. Kelly has extended the wings of the post office box-delivery to a right angle which makes it more convenient for the public. He has also filled one side of the room with stationery.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
James Kelly is fitting up the post office building, and intends putting in a large stock of stationery.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
General Superintendent: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.
County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, B. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdal, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnston, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas.
Note: According to Walton, the following were the first postmasters...
The postmasters of Winfield have been, successively, E. C. Manning, Rev. Tousey, T. K. Johnston, and James Kelly.
I question whether or not Walton had the facts correct relative to whether or not Tousey was the second postmaster due to the following item...
Walnut Valley Times, May 26, 1871.
Winfield is the County seat of Cowley County. Last October the site was an unbroken prairie, now it contains half a hundred houses. C. A. Bliss, formerly of the firm of Bliss & Lee of Topeka, is the postmaster and stage agent, and has besides a large stock of goods, and is getting rich, I think. He says anybody that can’t make money in that country, should have a guardian appointed to take care of him. He is a generous and true hearted man, and is well deserving of success.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Editorial Page.
Driven into their Holes and Smoked out.
A Chapter of History Worth Preserving.
Recap: Involved Winfield Township: Republican local hierarchy versus local Democrats and Independents (self-styled Reformers).
At meeting in Courthouse 45 “Reformers” tried to control the organization of meeting called to obtain candidate for State Senator nomination from 88th representative district.
“Suddenly A. H. Green, a ‘leading Reformer,’ took the floor and called the meeting to order and nominated as chairman one of his followers. . . . James Kelly, chairman of the Republican Township Committee, called the meeting to order and L. J. Webb nominated Capt. J. S. Hunt as chairman. A rising vote was called for, resulting in 39 for, 12 against Hunt, a few not voting. J. P. Short was chosen secretary. . . . The balloting commenced and a large number of names had been registered, all of which voted for what were known as the Manning delegates, whereupon ‘the Reformers’ discovered that they were in the wrong convention. . . . Subsequently, and after nearly 100 ballots had been cast, and many voters had retired from the hall, W. P. Hackney and two or three others returned to the meeting and complained that the call for the meeting was irregular and he thereupon gave notice that on next Tuesday Aug. 8th at 4 o’clock p.m., the Republicans would hold another meeting. He and Tansey denounced the resolutions [made voters pledge themselves to support Hayes & Wheeler] as a gag and the meeting untimely, etc. Aligned against them: Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb, Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.
The Cowley County Telegram dated August 4, issued on Monday morning, August 8, had the following article.
Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more of that contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practices which has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odious in the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the ground on which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if the masses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions, to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them, and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odious they were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election. So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be present while the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in their shops.
The day set by the county central committee was the 8th—the call so read—the Republican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that day every voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly send out their strikers to tell the “faithful” that they must come in four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presence was needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posters were posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon. So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who were opposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to work and gathered together a force sufficient to scoop them, which they would undoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gang rushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribe a pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket. The “gag” a hundred or more Republicans refused to swallow, and they had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equal to the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt, illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political tricksters of whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatest disgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have been foisting upon the people as Republicanism for years past—and such a job as will cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfit at the polls next November.
The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for State Senator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Representative, District Judge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .
On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joel Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.
As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolutions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
Delegates. The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from. Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, News Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B. Lemmon; Creswell: I. H. Bonsall, W. M. Sleeth, O. P. Houghton, Geo. McIntire, and Dr. Hughes; Richland: D. Maher, M. C. Headrick, Alex Kelly, and Dr. Phelps; Vernon: J. S. Wooley, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh; Beaver: T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell; Pleasant Valley: C. J. Brane and S. H. Sparks; Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow; Liberty: Sam Pitt and E. C. Clay; Omnia: E. A. Henthorn.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The Republican Caucus. Last Saturday the Republicans of Winfield Township met in caucus at the courthouse, at 4 o’clock p.m., and elected the following delegates to the county convention, to be held next Saturday in Winfield: R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, E. S. Torrance, and John Mentch were elected delegates, and W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, John Weakley, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland, alternates. The vote stood 91 for the ticket elected and 9 for the ticket that was defeated. It is an able delegation and was very enthusiastically supported.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis.
Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly, and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakley, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland. E. S. TORRANCE, Chairman.
On motion the convention proceeded to nominate, by ballot, a candidate for State Senator. The result of the ballot was as follows: E. C. Manning receiving 42 votes; C. R. Mitchell 5 votes; I. Moore 1 vote. E. C. Manning having received a majority of all the votes cast was declared duly nominated.
On motion the following named persons were selected, by acclamation, as delegates to the 3rd District Congressional convention: L. J. Webb, R. L. Walker, J. B. Evans, M. G. Troup, and E. C. Manning; and the following named as alternates: L. Lippman, J. W. Millspaugh, S. S. Moore, T. W. Moore, and A. B. Lemmon.
On motion the following named persons were elected as delegates to the 13th Judicial convention: W. B. Norman, T. R. Bryan, E. Shriver, S. M. Jarvis, Dan Maher, E. S. Torrance, and D. Elliott. Alternates: S. H. Aley, C. R. Mitchell, T. A. Wilkinson, S. S. Moore, L. Lippman, A. V. Polk, and A. B. Lemmon.
On a rising vote the following resolution was unanimously adopted by the convention:
WHEREAS, For the first time in the history of Cowley County, the Republicans thereof are called upon to nominate a candidate for the office of State Senator to fill said office for the next four years from said county in the Senate of Kansas, and
WHEREAS, during the term of four years next ensuing, for which the said Senator from Cowley will be elected, there will occur the election of two United States Senators by the legislature of the State of Kansas, and
WHEREAS, the honor of our State, and particularly of the Republican party thereof, has heretofore been sadly tarnished by the open, notorious, and unscrupulous use and receipt of money in aid of the election of United States Senators by the legislature of the State of Kansas; therefore be it
Resolved, by the Republican party of Cowley County that every consideration of public policy and political integrity imperatively demands that our representatives in each house of the State legislature, at the time of such approaching United States Senatorial elections, should be men against whom character for personal probity and political integrity not even the breath of suspicion has ever blown. And, be it further
Resolved, that as the Republican party of Cowley County numbers, within its membership, hundreds of men whose characters are as spotless, both personally and politically, as the new fallen snow, and whose abilities are fully adequate to the honorable and efficient discharge of the duties of State Senator, we will therefore, in the coming contest for that important and honorable position, support no candidate therefor whose past and present political as well as personal history will not bear the closest scrutiny and most unsparing criticism when viewed in the light of the foregoing resolution.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die. R. C. STORY, Chairman.
JAS. KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
James Kelly and W. W. Walton have gone to Topeka to represent the north district of Cowley in the State convention.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Eighty-Eighth District Convention. Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876. R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary. On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of one delegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves. The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, of Winfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Wooley, Vernon; A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock. Pending the report of the committee, Capt. James McDermott being called, came forward and made a brief speech, which was enthusiastically received, after which, a few remarks, in response to a call, were made by the temporary chairman. The committee on credentials then submitted the following report. “Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the following named persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.”
Vernon Township: J. S. Wooley, F. W. Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield: R. S. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, News. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, Jas. Kelly, E. P. Kinne, John Mentch, and E. S. Torrance.
Harvey: R. C. Story.
Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.
Windsor: C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Richland: Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and J. H. Phelps.
Tisdale: S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Sheridan: E. Shriver and Barney Shriver.
Maple: W. B. Norman and H. H. Siverd.
Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted. On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made the officers of the permanent organization.
The object of the convention being to elect two delegates and two alternates to attend the Republican State convention on the 16th inst., at Topeka, a ballot was had resulting in the election of James Kelly and Wirt W. Walton as such delegates, and A. B. Odell and J. P. Short as such alternates. There being no further business before the convention, on motion adjourned sine die. R. C. STORY, Chairman. CHAS H. EAGIN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
Millington, Fuller, Kelly, and Buckman are the champion croquet players.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Tisdale Hurrah! EDITOR COURIER: Last week the Tilden and Hendricks club, of Tisdale, challenged the Hayes and Wheeler club of that place to a joint discussion of the political questions of the day. The Democrats selected for their champion J. Wade McDonald, and the Republicans the Hon. James McDermott. Last night the discussion took place in the schoolhouse at Tisdale. The house was crowded and there were enough people outside to fill another house of the same size. The Hayes and Wheeler club of this place attended the meeting in uniform. McDermott opened the ball, and from the time he commenced until the time he ended, every sentence was a “red-hot” shot into the camp of the enemy. The history of the Democratic party, its frauds and corruptions, were completely shown up. McDonald, who, as everybody knows, is the orator of Cowley County’s Democracy, followed, but there was no “discussion.” He did not answer a single statement made by McDermott, but simply said, “I deny, where’s your proof?” The old worn-out story of “Grant’s frauds,” “Caesarism,” “Military interference and bayonet rule,” and a heart-rending appeal for the rights of the “Sovereign States” of the South, closing with a denunciation of the removal of T. K. Johnston from the Winfield post office and the appointment of Kelly in his stead constituted his speech. McDermott, in replying, reminded him that he had forgotten about the removal of the maimed Union soldiers by the rebel House and putting in their places rebel soldiers, and gave proof of all his assertions to be matters of record in the archives of the National Capitol, and known by the American people to be true. In fact, McDermott, instead of being “skinned,” as was anticipated by the Democrats, was the party who performed the operation, and his opponent was the victim. The Democrats of Tisdale are not likely to want any more discussions. SCALPER NO. 2.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
James Kelly has been confined to his bed by ill health this week.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
A Call. The Republicans of Winfield Township will take notice that a meeting of the Republican voters of said township will be held at the Courthouse on Saturday, the 9th day of September, at 3 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the county convention, called for Saturday, the 16th of September, 1876. Also, to elect ten delegates to the 88th Representative District convention, to be held September 16th, at 10 o’clock a.m.
JAMES KELLY, Chairman of Committee.
Note: Change in editors of Winfield Courier mentioned in next item...
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
A CARD. Owing to the circumstance of my nomination as the Republican candidate for State Senator in this District, I am placed in an unpleasant position as the editor of the Republican paper of the county. This situation is brought about by the personal attacks that are being made upon me by malignant enemies. I desire to meet those men in public discussion, and hence cannot give the COURIER the attention it requires during the canvass. That I may be free to assist personally in canvassing the county, for the whole ticket, Mr. Wirt W. Walton will assume entire editorial control of the COURIER until after the election, at which time I shall resume, in part, the editorial duties. E. C. MANNING.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.
WIRT W. WALTON, EDITOR. In assuming editorial control of the COURIER we have to say, that it will still continue to be the fearless outspoken Republican journal that it has been in the past. We shall support the Republican ticket from President down to road overseer. Our criticisms of the opposite party shall be fair. Personalities during the campaign will be precluded from our columns as far as possible. This county is largely Republican and we believe in keeping the party intact. Knowing that in unity there is strength, we shall do all we can to help harmonize the difference in the party, and bridge the breach that is daily being made wider among the leaders. The success of our party this fall is worth more to us than the gratification of personal jealousies. If we work together, our success is assured. Will the Republicans of Cowley County stand by us? We think they will.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the Republican voters of Winfield Township at the Courthouse on Saturday, November 4th, at 4 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the various township offices. JAMES KELLY, Chairman of Committee.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Jollification. The Democratic jollification last night, over the election of one man out of the thirty-one on the ticket, was a huge affair. At an early hour sundry dry goods boxes, barrels, etc., were fired at the crossing of Main and 9th, the band was brought out, and the unterrified proceeded to get together. They met to rejoice over the election of Mr. Pyburn for fear that they wouldn’t have anything else to rejoice over. Mr. Pyburn was called out and in a few words thanked the Democrats for his election, which cooled the ardor of the bushwhacking Republicans, who were hanging on the outskirts expecting to get a comforting crumb. Mr. McDonald followed him, of course, and put on the finishing touches. By insinuating remarks he cast reproach upon the name of the defeated candidate for State Senator. This was more than his hearers could stand, and the only applause he received at its close was loud and repeated cries for “Manning!” “Manning!!” Mr. Manning climbed halfway up the stairway that led to the speakers stand and stopped, remarking that it was a time for “the Republican flag of Cowley County to stand at half mast.” From this stand he gave the “bushwhacking” enemy in his own party such a raking as they will remember for years. He had no feeling against the honest Democrats, who voted their honest sentiments, but against the men who had been nursed and petted by the Republican party until they thought they owned the entire thing. Mr. Hackney, late of California, was then called out and tried to explain why he was furnished with a “sleeping car” to ride free from Topeka to Galveston last winter, while his constituents were holding mass conventions at home to persuade the same road to build them a line down this valley. He then spoke a few kind words to “my friends,” the Democrats and Republicans, whereupon a full fledged “Dymocrat,” about half “set up,” yelled out, “Which side yer on?” This brought our friend Hackney down, and after more music the next Democratic (?) orator took the stand. L. J. Webb, who had carried his district by a Republican majority of nearly four hundred, gave the jollifiers a few words that convinced them they had missed their man again. Dick Walker, the Republican wheel-horse of this county, next stood up and put on the “cap sheaf.” He spoke of Arkansas City’s going back on him, bolting Webb’s nomination, Kinne’s nomination, and every other nomination the Republicans had ever made that wasn’t dictated by them, and that loyal old Vernon, “the only loyal State in the Union,” would remember them for all time to come. Dick was followed by Capt. McDermott, Prof. Lemmon, and Mr. Kelly. They all made Republican speeches, which the poor Democrats were compelled to swallow. Prof. Lemmon said that he thought the meeting was called to attend a Republican funeral. That thirty out of thirty-one corpses were Democrats, and the anthem singers were nearly all Republicans. The crowd was good humored and everything passed off harmoniously. The funniest thing is to find where the Democratic jollification came in. The meeting was captured by Republicans, and seven speakers out of ten were “true blue Republicans.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
A Grand Ovation to the Successful Senatorial Candidate.
Bonfires, Music and Speeches!
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
One of the grandest ovations ever tendered any man in Southwestern Kansas was upon Wednesday night of this week, given the Hon. A. J. Pyburn. Hundreds of citizens proceeded en masse to the office of Mr. Pyburn on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, and headed by the silver cornet band, serenaded Mr. Pyburn. Bonfires were kindled and the city was wild with enthusiasm over the result of the Senatorial contest.
When Mr. Pyburn appeared upon the balcony in acknowledgment of the serenading party, he was greeted with prolonged cheers, and it was many minutes before the crowd could be quieted so as to hear him. He made a few remarks acknowledging the “honor conferred upon him,” and thanking the citizens for their support in the contest, and “promising a faithful representation of the interests of the County.” After him Judge McDonald was called for and made a neat little speech which was received with wild enthusiasm, especially when mention was made of the favorite candidate for Senator.
Seeing the enthusiasm which prevailed and being so completely filled with bitterness that he could not hold himself, Manning sneaked across the street; and having had it arranged before hand with “backers” to call him, he passed half way up the stairs and there stopped, exclaiming that “he thought it was about time the Republican flag was run up at half-mast” and gave vent to his feelings in a bitter denunciation of his political opponents, denouncing those Republicans who voted against him as “Renegades,” and declaring that if it had not been for that “sink hole of Infamy, Arkansas City” that he would have received a majority of the votes cast,” which was utterly false, for with every Republican vote cast in Creswell Township, there would still have been a clear majority against him.
After considerable more blubbering of the same sort in which he showed his deep chagrin at his defeat, he attacked Hon. W. P. Hackney, and then he subsided; and the crowd called on Mr. Hackney, who in a few minutes speech completely upset everything that Manning had said, and again filled the crowd with enthusiasm for Pyburn and reform.
Manning and his friends, still wishing to turn the meeting into his favor, called for several of his backers—Walker, Kelly, Webb, and McDermott—who in turn pronounced a requiem over the corpse of Manning, which brought tears to the eyes of their hearers—tears of joy that the County had been saved the disgrace of electing such a man as Manning to the State Senate.
Taking all in all there was on that evening a greater display of wild enthusiasm than we have ever before witnessed in the State, and a greater display of petty spite, malice, and chagrin by the friends of Manning, than we have ever dared think they could be guilty of. A display of good feeling on one side and a display of despair and hopelessness on the other, which prompted them to make complete asses of themselves, thereby losing the respect of the honorable minded citizens who were present at the demonstration.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
MRS. JAMES KELLY was presented with a handsome silver cake basket by the members of the Presbyterian choir recently. The choir consists of Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Swain, Misses Jennie Greenlee, and Annie Newman, Frank Baldwin, John Pryor, and John Roberts. The basket is a beauty, and is highly appreciated by the recipient, the choir leader. Mr. Baldwin made the presentation speech, and it is said, by those who heard it, to have been in his happiest manner.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
ADELPHI Lodge, No. 110, of A. F. and A. M.’s of this city, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Dr. Graham, W. M.; Ex Saint, S. W.; M. G. Troup, J. W.; Frank Baldwin, Treas.; and James Kelly, Secretary. The following appointments were then made: C. C. Black, S. D.; J. C. Roberts, J. D.; Jas. Simpson, S. S.; N. C. McCulloch, J. S.; Wirt W. Walton, Tyler.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 23, 1876. Our Christmas tree on Saturday evening, the 23rd, was a success; the most remarkable feature was the very large number of books distributed from it. At the last regular communication of Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. and A. M., the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: W. M., Wm. G. Graham; Sen. W., J. E. Saint; Jun. W., M. G. Troup; Sec., James Kelly; Treas., B. F. Baldwin; Sen. D., C. C. Black; Jun. D., J. C. Roberts; Sen. S., Jas. A. Simpson; Jun. S., N. C. McCulloch; Tyler, W. W. Walton. They were installed at the Courthouse on the eve of the 27th, St. John’s Day, by Past High Priest, M. L. Read; at the close of the installation ceremonies, the retiring Master Hunt was directed to face the “East” when Bro. McDonald requested “permission to address Bro. J. S. Hunt,” which being granted, he advanced, while he held in his hand a beautiful casket, and proceeded to deliver a presentation address and invest Bro. Hunt with one of the most elegant and modest P. M. jewels that it has ever been our fortune to behold, and the speech and response was in such beautiful harmony with the present and the occasion, it was a surprise token of regard from the Lodge. After this all were called from “labor to refreshments,” and we turned to the tables where we found that the power and beauty of the culinary art had been exhausted to please the appetite and refresh the inner man.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Notice to Masons. The brethren of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., are hereby notified and requested to be present and participate at the ceremony of laying the “cornerstone” of the new Methodist church in Winfield, at 1 o’clock, Wednesday, the 10th inst. Neighboring lodges are also invited to be present and assist on that occasion. Ample provision will be made for the comfort of guests from abroad. By order of the lodge.
W. G. GRAHAM, W. M. JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
The mother of P. M. Kelly died recently in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
LATEST DISPATCH. TOPEKA, KAN., FEB. 27, 1877. 4 o’clock p.m.
TO JAMES KELLY, Winfield, Kansas.
Bill has passed the House O. K. Signed: MANNING.
Dear reader: The above isn’t much; but it means a great deal more than we can tell in this short article. It means that the bill to repeal the infamous “two thirds” clause of the railroad law which was passed in the interest of the railroads then operated in Kansas, has passed both branches of the legislature, and that now the interest paying and mortgage bedeviled yeoman of Cowley County can get a railroad by a majority vote. It means that brain and muscle has at last triumphed over money, wind, and brag. We cannot refrain from congratulating the good people of this county upon their happy deliverance from the thraldom of the money ring of Winfield. Now we can get a railroad in spite of the opposition of Read and Robinson and their paid strikers, the Hackneys and Rushbridges. The friends of a railroad have reason to thank Col. Manning, Leland J. Webb, and R. L. Walker for their untiring efforts in their behalf. Over the active opposition of Pyburn in the Senate, Mitchell in the House, the Traveler and Telegram, the brick bank, with a Methodist preacher and a lawyer as a tail to the kite thrown in. Leland J. Webb, solitary and alone, aided by Col. Manning’s fertile brain and Dick Walker’s splendid tact, wins the fight and the people are again triumphant. Glory enough for one day.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
From Dexter. Mr. Editor, I will give you an account of the effect of the news concerning the political situation. Early this morning I noticed quite a large crowd of Democrats assembled at Democratic headquarters. And as you know that a meeting called in the interest of democracy is always attended by a large number of persons and plenty of alcohol. I hastened to answer to my name as the roll was called. “Mr. Nasby,” said the chairman, “have you anything to say to this meeting?” I replied by saying: “Mr. President and gentlemen of this large and respected assemblage: we are called together to consider the situation concerning the news from Washington, as it affects us here more than all the other news put together. It is now certain that Hayes will be declared elected by that infamous set of radical scoundrels assembled in Washington, and as for my part as a leader among you, I won’t stand it. I will join Mr. Hackney’s command, and go there and resist his inauguration, for you know that set of radicals that set around McDorman’s will continue to keep the post office and I will continue to be left out. You also know that that thief Manning at Winfield will keep Kelly in office up there and great God what will we do? The post offices are all gone for four years, and that radical little scoundrel McDermott has taken the printing out of the Telegram office and given it to Manning, and undoing everything that our good brother Pyburn has done for our party. And now you know he can’t do anything at Topeka because you know that man Manning went up there and told the radicals that Pyburn was a Democrat and not to do anything for him; if they did, it would be helping the Democrats that much. So you see he can’t fool anybody up there. Great God, what will our good chairman do for an office. We expected Mr. Tilden to give him the Agency of the Kaw tribe; but alas, all is gone. Brothers, we can only do one thing, and that is for us all to stick close together, and not trade with any radical, or patronize any blacksmith that adheres to the radical side. We can go and get a democratic doctor when we get sick, and let Wagner wait on his radical friends, as you know he was the man that lit the lamps for Manning’s meeting and in consequence of that act he is unfit to practice among good Democrats.” With these remarks Mr. Nasby closed by saying, “May God bless the people of Crab Creek as they furnish more of that article called spirit than all the rest of the Democrats of the township put together.” The chairman called on others to speak, but they all declined to say anything more than endorsing Mr. Nasby’s remarks. One member moved an adjournment, which was carried by loud cheers for Mr. Nasby and the corners. NASBY. Feb. 28, 1877.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
James Kelly has sold his residence to Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly were visiting in the northeast part of the county during the fore part of the week.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
Mrs. Kelly started yesterday morning for Iowa, where she intends visiting friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
JAMES KELLY and MR. BUCKMAN, of Winfield, called on us last week. They came down to talk to the people of Bolton Township on the Parsons railway, and spoke at Theaker’s schoolhouse Thursday evening. They abandoned the meeting at Bland’s on Friday evening on account of the rain.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1877.
The lightning killed a mule belonging to Mr. Slemmons, at the Vernon schoolhouse Saturday night. Messrs. Millington, Jennings, Kelly, Seward, and railroad speakers from Arkansas City and Emporia were there. It’s kind of funny that the lightning selected that mule.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1877.
Mr. J. M. Kelly on Monday lost a pocket book in Grouse Creek near Dexter. It contains $71.25 in denominations as follows: One 50, one 10, and one 5 dollar bill, the remainder in smaller money. The wallet also contained one or two receipts for registered letters addressed to Martha J. Kelly, Granby, Mo. Also two promissory notes given by A. A. Shawl and A. P. Epperson. Fifteen dollars reward is offered for the restoration of pocket book and contents to H. McDorman, Dexter.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1877.
Messrs. Kelly, Seward, Kinne, and Curns went over into Elk County last Tuesday. They have gone to meet the editor, who is still railroadin’.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
James Kelly and O. M. Seward returned from Elk County this morning. They say the bonds were defeated in that county by about forty majority last Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
The Elk County folks speak in the highest terms of praise of the delegation sent by Winfield to assist in their bond election, Messrs. Manning, Seward, Kelly, Curns, and Kinne. Courier.
Yes, they praise them, for in working to carry the bonds, they defeated them. Elk County is able to manage her own affairs without the help of Winfield politicians.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
A change in the Courier management is rumored. The new firm would stand: Lemmon, Kelly, & Millington, with Fred Hunt as local editor. Telegram.
[Note: E. C. Manning stepped down as editor of the Winfield Courier on August 23, 1877. At that time the Courier Company (D. A. Millington, James Kelly, and A. B. Lemmon) took over the newspaper. This situation changed on Thursday, September 20, 1877, when D. A. Millington and A. B. Lemmon became the editors and James Kelly was dropped.]
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1877.
THE COURIER COMPANY is composed of D. A. Millington, James Kelly, and A. B. Lemmon, who will jointly edit and conduct the business of the COURIER. Job work, subscriptions and advertisements are respectfully solicited.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
The Courier Company is composed of D. A. Millington, James Kelly, and A. B. Lemmon, who will jointly edit and conduct the business of the Courier. Job work, subscriptions, and advertisements are respectfully solicited.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
ANOTHER CHANGE in the proprietorship of the Courier; Mr. Kelly retiring and Messrs. Lemmon & Millington taking the entire business. Mr. Millington will now be the sole editor of the paper. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
In Memoriam. HALL OF ADELPHI LODGE, NO. 110, A. F. & A. M.
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of the universe to summon hence Mrs. E. M. Thomas, the wife of our beloved brother, David Thomas, and while we reverentially and humbly bow with submission to this dark and afflictive dispensation of our Supreme Grand Master who doeth all things well; we also feel more closely drawn toward our brother in his great affliction, therefore be it
Resolved, That we deeply share in the sorrow of Brother Thomas and the other relatives of the deceased, and hereby extend to them our heartfelt sympathy and condolence, and we beseech Him who is gracious, and merciful, to bind up their broken and bleeding hearts.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this lodge and that the secretary furnish copies thereof to the city papers and request their publication.
By order of the Lodge. W. G. GRAHAM, W. M. JAMES KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
J. Ex. Saint and lady, James Kelly and lady, and L. J. Webb have gone to Topeka to attend the Masonic Grand Lodge, or the horse fair, or to visit their friends, we forget which. Hope A. B. will keep them out of mischief.
Excerpts from a series of articles relative to M. G. Troup...
[M. G. TROUP.]
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
It is due, however, that Mr. Troup’s political record should receive some attention.
After the republican convention of Sept. 22nd, last, had nominated Capt. Hunt, and up to the time of the democratic convention, Oct. 13th, Mr. Troup repeatedly stated to republicans that he would not be an independent candidate, but would support Mr. Hunt. Was this for the purpose of avoiding an examination of his official record until it should be too late to get before the people in time to influence the election, any facts that might be discovered?
Last fall he requested to be placed on the Manning ticket as a delegate in the convention, and was so placed and selected a delegate. He entered that convention and supported and voted for Manning, as senator, but after Manning was nominated, he was among Manning’s opposers, and anxious to be made a nominee for the same office against Manning. He has talked heavily against bonding the county for any purpose, when that view was popular, and has afterward made speeches in favor of voting bonds. He is strongly temperance, with temperance men; signed three petitions for saloon licenses in one season; and signed a petition and a remonstrance the same week. He has supported both Johnston and Kelly for postmaster at the same time. In fact, his political duplicity has become so notorious that it is often remarked that Troup is on both sides of every question.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Winfield Socially. The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable. The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Inez Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillelen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett. Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
The following item indicates that James Kelly received an annual salary of $1,200 for handling the Winfield Post Office effective January 1, 1878...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The following presidential post offices in Kansas were reviewed and the salary fixed as follows on the 1st instant: Burlington, $1,100; Clay Center, $1,000; Coffeyville, $1,100; Girard, $1,200; Hiawatha, $1,200; Osage City, $1,100; Rosedale, $1,100; Winfield, $1,200. The salary of the Emporia office was increased from $1,900 to $2,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
The following was the cast of characters for the drama of “Ten Nights in a Bar Room,” presented in Winfield on last Monday night. Chas. McGinnis, James Kelly, W. M. Allison, E. E. Bacon, Geo. Walker, Will Stivers, Sam Davis, Mrs. Chas. McGinnis, Miss Minnie Bacon, Miss J. Millington, and Miss Carrie Olds.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A delegate Convention of the Republicans was held at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 10 o’clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, who read the call and stated the object of the meeting. On motion, Hon. E. C. Manning was elected temporary chairman, and C. M. Scott, Secretary, with Ed. G. Gray, Assistant Secretary. On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chairman, to act as Committee on Credentials: W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Township; Ed. G. Gray, of Creswell Township; Mr. Strong, of Rock Township; James Kelly, of Winfield Township; and A. J. Pickering, of Windsor Township.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
It is reported that James Kelly has been appointed and confirmed postmaster at this place.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Front Page.
RED BUD, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, February 4, 1878. ED. COURIER: Dear Sir: For the usual reason, a hitch in the mail service to this place, the Winfield papers of the 24th ult. have not yet been received at this office; and this is no unusual thing, but is rather the rule than the exception, and is a source of great annoyance and frequently of serious business delay. Postmaster Kelly, of your city, I am satisfied, has done all in his power to remedy the evil, without meeting with much success. Our mail frequently goes to Oxford; thence to Wichita; from there to Eldorado, and then to Augusta, the initial point of this route making a complete circle around us and occupying about ten days to reach a point only eighteen miles distant from the city of Winfield; and this when there is a daily mail from your place to Wichita, which might leave the mail at this office en route, and not travel one rod farther to do so, and this too with a road as good as that now traveled over. Would it not be practical to have the services rendered daily at this office by the parties now carrying between Winfield and Wichita? Counting on your good office I am, sir, in behalf of the people of this community. Very respectfully, etc. W. B. NORMAN, P. M.
Mrs. Kelly...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
CHINA WEDDING. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Dr. and Mrs. Mansfield given at their residence last Thursday evening, was largely attended. Everything that met the eye gave evidence of a desire on the part of the host and hostess to render the affair as cheerful and pleasant as possible to their guests. As the guests were ushered from the dressing room to the parlor, they were at the east end of the room first introduced to a bride and groom manufactured for the occasion, and well done, with masks, wax eyes, and teeth, the wedding veil, hands joined and natural appearance, which caused much merriment. Directly over their heads was suspended a wreath of evergreens with 1858 in the center and above it the legend in large letters, “Looking toward Kansas.” Turning toward the west, the eyes of the guests rested upon a device arched over the opening of the folding doors, in letters of bright green moss and autumn leaves, “Looking toward sunset,” beneath which was another wreath encircling “1878.” On the west wall beyond sparkled a large star of gilt and diamond dust. All comprehended the design which was admirably arranged, at a glance. Prof. Farringer had charge of the music, presiding alternately at organ, piano, and violin, showing his talent and ability at each. He rendered Mendelsohns wedding march while the Dr. and lady were led to the altar by Mr. and Mrs. Read, who acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. Revs. Rushbridge and Platter performed the ceremony in the most humorous manner and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Supper was elaborately spread under a tent, where all repaired to revel in a superabundance of good things. Supper was followed by an original song and music entitled “Twenty years married,” sung by the Prof., Mrs. Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. Buckman. Music by Prof. Farringer, words by ___, Mrs. Buckman’s sweet voice entered into the air and spirit of the words while Mrs. Kelly rendered the alto and the piano accompaniment and Prof. Farringer and Mrs. Buckman supplied the other important parts. The other music given from time to time was very fine. The Dr.’s two boys are pupils of Prof. Farringer, the one on the piano, the other on the violin. The dining table in another room was filled to overflowing with China presents. A most exquisite dinner and tea set in moss rose decoration was the principal feature. Presents were received not only from citizens but from Richmond, Virginia; Brooklyn, New York; Buffalo, New York; and Cleveland, Ohio. All pronounced the affair as most enjoyable and Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield highly appreciated the kind wishes and interest shown in their behalf.
[Next items are out of date order, but might possibly explain matters with respect to the “Old Log Store.”...Covers items in 1878 and 1879. Since Kelly was the editor of the Winfield Courier in 1878 and 1879, he had the prerogative of printing what he chose to and ignoring other news items. Dr. Bottorff uncovered the relevance of the affidavits given in 1879 by Robert Hudson and J. P. Mayfield. MAW]
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Davis & Mendenhall are erecting an office on Ninth avenue.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The old log store has gone to a more northeastern site. Robert Hudson put his log wheels under it last Saturday and it had to budge, heavy as it was. In 1870 this building was about all there was of Winfield. It has done service as store, church, political headquarters, law office, post office, schoolhouse, printing office, and almost everything else, but it had to give place to a more pretentious building. It looks lonesome around the old site.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Robert Hudson seems to be rolling buildings about town with as much ease as rolling eight inch balls at ten pins.
Excerpts from a lengthy article containing two affidavits...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
Cowley County. ) ss.
Robert Hudson, after being first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he is a citizen of Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for several years last past.
That his occupation is that of house mover, that during the year 1878 James Kelly, then postmaster of this city, employed affiant to move the old post office building from Dr. Mendenhall’s premises. Dr. Mendenhall commenced an action in attachment against James Kelly, and the order of attachment was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of said county, to execute, and instructed him to levy upon said building. He came down to levy upon the building, affiant at the time being at work getting it ready to move away. James Kelly was present. Harter stated his business to him and said he was going to levy upon the building and for me to stop work, and for Kelly to get out.
Kelly ordered him to leave and told him he would put a head on him if he did not go and Harter taking him at his word left. Kelly told affiant to go ahead with the moving. Affiant did so and moved the building away and Harter never did get possession of the same, and further the affiant says not. ROBERT HUDSON.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.
HENRY E. ASP, Notary Public.
Cowley County. ) ss.
J. P. Mayfield, after being duly sworn upon his oath doth say, that I was one of the hands, and helped Robert Hudson move the old post-office building from Dr. Mendenhall’s premises. I went there with the tools and went to work, the first man on the building. Hudson and Jim Kelly were present. Charles L. Harter came there and Kelly and he had some words. Kelly ordered us to hurry up and pay no attention to anyone but him. We did so, and we never stopped the building until we got it into the street. Harter left and never got possession, or levied upon the building at all that day, and the moving of the building went right along until we got it into the street, where we had to stop, waiting for the cattle to pull it away, and as soon as the cattle came we went ahead, and if Mr. Harter ever levied upon the building his levy did not interfere with our business, and none of us ever knew of it. It is certain he never took possession or attempted to do so. John E. Allen to the contrary notwithstanding.
Subscribed and swore to before me, this 29th day of October, 1879.
W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.
Starting with next item, articles are once more in date order...
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The singing at Kelly’s, Thursday night, was enjoyed by all the people in North Winfield, the south wind carrying the notes clearly and distinctly to the farthest limits of town.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
The “Cantata of the Seasons,” under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, was repeated at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening of last week with the same eclat which greeted its first appearance. Mrs. Kessler performed exquisitely on the piano, assisted by Mrs. Earnest and Prof. Farringer. The Roberts Bros. furnished string band music of the highest order, while the performance of the vocalists, Mesdames Kelly, Holloway, Buckman, Swain, Earnest; Misses Coldwell, Dever, Stewart, Bryant, Bliss; and Messrs. Roberts, Buckman, Holloway, Holloway, Bliss, Payson, Chamberlain, Harris, Richmond, Root, Evans, and Berkey were very fine indeed. The Cantata company will soon commence to rehearse “Queen Esther” with a view to inaugurate Manning’s Hall, when completed, by the presentation of that beautiful cantata.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
The State Republican Convention met at Topeka yesterday. Delegate J. B. Nipp started last Friday, and delegates C. H. Eagan, B. F. Baldwin, E. C. Manning, and I. H. Bonsall started Monday. J. D. Maurer probably went by way of Eureka. James Kelly, R. L. Walker, and Ed. Clisbee go along for company. We have an inveterate habit of guessing, so will guess that John A. Martin, L. U. Humphrey, T. H. Cavanaugh, P. I. Bonebrake, John Francis, A. B. Lemmon, Willard Davis, and A. H. Horton will be the nominees. If we hit right on five out of the eight, it will be a good guess. We still think Martin will be the nominee for governor on the first formal ballot.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
James Kelly and wife to Susanna Paden, lot 8, block 166, Winfield, $65.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Col. Manning and James Kelly have gone to Parsons to attend the directors meeting of the Narrow gauge railroad. It is expected that matters of importance to this county will be acted upon by the meeting.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on Tuesday evening, December 17, 1878, at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
James Kelly, the good-natured postmaster, is the “right man in the right place.” I am under obligations to him for favors extended.
The next item really surprised me. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
Jas. Kelly, store, frame: $450.
Note that Millington became postmaster on February 1, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
D. A. Millington received his commission and assumed the office of postmaster at this place on February 1st.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 26, 1879.
James Kelly Shot by Manny at Winfield. James Kelly, ex-Post Master at Winfield, was shot on Saturday last by Manny, of that town. Kelly is said to have received two loads of bird shot in his side, and his condition is very serious. We have heard two or three different reports of the affair, and all point to whiskey as playing a full hand at the game.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The attack of the Semi-Weekly of the 22d on Mr. James Kelly was scarcely less cowardly and brutal than the attack with the shot gun. It was wholly unprovoked and gratuitous.
Note: The next article indicates that James Kelly is no longer the postmaster at Winfield and that he is no longer connected with the Winfield Courier newspaper.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
Nearly a Tragedy. On last Saturday morning, James Kelly, ex-postmaster and once editor of the COURIER, was shot by Frank Manny, proprietor of the brewery northeast of town. The particulars are, as near as we can learn, as follows. Mr. Kelly, it seems, attended the phantom ball Friday night to see that the lights, fire, etc., were all right (as he has been doing in the absence of Mr. Manning), and having a key to the back door, came in that way. The managers of the ball objected to his coming in without a ticket, and ordered him to leave; and upon his refusing, Frank Manny and Ed Nicholson dragged him upstairs from the dressing room, across the stage, and pushed him down the front steps. In the morning Mr. Kelly borrowed the delivery wagon of Baird Bros., and asking Charles Payson to “take a ride with him,” proceeded to the brewery northeast of town, where he found Frank Manny at work on his new stone building. On coming in sight of Manny, Kelly said, “There’s the man I want to see,” and handing the lines to Payson, jumped out of the wagon, upon which Manny started on a run for his house. Kelly called out to him to stop; that he wanted to see him. Manny ran on to the house, which is near the brewery building, and procured a shotgun, which he loaded, and returning to the scene of action, met Kelly coming from the ice house, northwest of the stone building, and commanded Kelly to leave his premises or he would shoot him. Kelly told him to lay down his gun, as they could settle their matter in a minute without it, at the same time advancing toward him. They were about forty feet apart when Manny appeared with his gun. Manny, in an excited manner, kept ordering Kelly off, threatening to shoot while Kelly kept advancing toward him, saying repeatedly that he (Manny) would not shoot anybody. This was continued until Manny pushed him (Kelly) off with the muzzle of the gun, again telling him to leave the place or he would shoot him. Kelly opened his coat and told him he “didn’t think he would shoot anybody.” Manny then stepped back about thirty feet, at the same time remarking that he “would see whether he would shoot or not,” and fired one barrel, which took effect in Kelly’s arm and thigh, and turned him partly around. Manny then fired the other barrel, hitting Kelly in the right leg, and then drew a pistol and walked up to Kelly, telling him that if he did not get off his premises, he would bore a hole through him. Kelly then got into the wagon and was brought to town. He was placed under the care of Dr. Graham, who pronounced him not dangerously hurt. Manny was arrested, and waiving examination, was held to bail in $2,000 to answer the charge of shooting with intent to kill, at the next term of the district court. We wish to state in connection with this that Charles Payson knew nothing of the affair of the previous evening, when asked by Kelly to go with him, and had no suspicions of anything wrong until they arrived at the brewery.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1879.
An action has been brought in the District Court by James Kelly vs. Frank Manny, for civil damages, arising from assault with that shot gun.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
CIVIL DOCKET. EIGHTH DAY. James Kelly vs. Frank Manny.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
The court commenced its session on Monday. His Honor W. P. Campbell presiding. Present: E. S. Bedilion, clerk; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Torrance, prosecuting attorney, and a full corps of local attorneys.
Tuesday. State against Frank Manny, shooting of James Kelly. Trial commenced and the testimony of James Kelly was in progress when the court adjourned for the day.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
James Kelly called on Tuesday evening. Jim is trying to induce the school boards to adopt the school books published by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., which we did just a few hours before Jim got in. I am sorry Jim did not get in sooner.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879 - Editorial Page.
The last number of the Courier contains an abusive article on Judge Campbell and Hon. W. P. Hackney, while referring to Lemmon’s chances for Congress. We publish the reply of Mr. Hackney below, that the public may arrive at a correct estimate of some who aspire to high honors. The letter is clipped from the Semi-Weekly.
OFFICE OF HACKNEY & McDONALD, Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 3, 1879.
Editors Semi-Weekly: Allow me, through the columns of your popular paper, to reply to a malicious and unprovoked attack upon me in the last issue of the Courier, written, I presume, by that infamous puppy, the political shyster who was raised from a babbling fool into unmerited notoriety through the efforts of Jim Kelly in a beer garden at Topeka some years ago. It is needless for me to say whom I mean; the story of how Lemmon was made Superintendent has been told a thousand times in Winfield and elsewhere, and there seems to be but one idea, and that is that Jim made him, and that it was a dirty job at that. Why I should be assaulted in the way I have is something I can’t understand; I am asking no favors at the hands of the people of Cowley County or the State of Kansas; there is no office in the gift of the people of this county that I would have.
I have asked the people of Cowley for an office but once, and I got that without opposition. I did my duty to them then. I am not aware of ever having done anything wrong while I was a member of the Legislature in 1876. It is true that I am charged with having led the fight upon unlawful appropriations and against the wholesale robbery of the treasury, and that papers asking for big appropriations have denounced me because I defeated their schemes, and particularly the normal schools; yet two Legislatures have convened since, and they refused appropriations to them, notwithstanding the mountainous ass, who is a son-in-law of the editor of the Courier, lent the scheme his mighty (?) influence, I made a hard fight against the State institution ring, of which the gentleman referred to has only been a too suppliant tool, and with the aid of the Legislature, defeated them.
I do not claim I did this myself, but the ring seems to think I did, and they never omit an opportunity to slur me. I do not care for this in a general way, but for nearly two years I have scarcely opened my mouth on political questions—certainly not in the last nine or ten months—and why the Courier should assault me at this time I know not, unless it is for what I said to Mr. Lemmon some days ago in my office. He came to me and said that Judge Campbell was telling it around that he was a candidate for Congress, and said he was very much exercised about it. I then told him that I never heard about it before, and I then said to him, “Do not pay any attention to it—that anybody who knows you will never think of such an absurd idea.” I was in dead earnest and thought he was; but since the Courier comes out, I learn that he was only fishing after aid and comfort in that direction, and I stupidly failed to see the point; hence I fear that my language may have been considered ironical.
Now, Mr. Editor, I don’t need to inform you that I do not write your editorials, but for fear that some babbling babe connected with the Courier thinks so, I will say that I have neither the time nor the inclination to write editorials, and if I had, my time could be better employed than giving gratuitous puffs to the bombastic fool above referred to, or the debilitated hypochondriac, who for the time being, controls that barren incubation called the Courier. I am not a candidate for the office referred to in the Courier, and nobody ever thought Lemmon was, and no one ever will, and in order that I may be recorded correctly hereafter, I will say that if any man ever accuses me of saying that Lemmon is a candidate for any office that requires brains to fill, shoot that man on the spot. A man to be a candidate must have not only brains, but backers with it, and Lemmon and the parasites who control the Courier, have neither. I am promised another shot next week by this political bastard. These men have a newspaper, and I have noticed that they prefer to assault men who have not, rather than tackle one who has. The editor is cowardly and mean who will take advantage of the columns of his paper to vent his spite at those he cannot control; and this the Courier outfit always do. If they will let me alone until I go into the newspaper business, I think, with practice in this peculiar warfare, that I might take care of myself; until then, I prefer that they let me alone. Many vile things have been said of me in the past by the Courier, but it remains for the man who occupies, by accident, for the time the high and responsible position of the head of the educational interests of this State, to apply to me epithets of a low and contemptible character, only heard in houses of ill-fame. I conclude from the language used by this bloviating blackguard that he has associated with rakes, libertines, and gamblers, rather than with gentlemen, and that his tastes and inclinations are low and groveling, rather than pure and honorable, and that he enjoys the society of the vilest rather than that of the pure. I will close this article by saying to this rotten intestine that “vinegar never catches flies,” and that he cannot succeed politically by abusing other people.
Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. James Kelly (Attorney: F. S. Jennings) versus Frank Manny (Attorneys: Hackney & McDonald).
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
The District Court convened Monday afternoon, of last week, and the following cases were disposed of upon call of the Docket.
James Kelly vs. Frank Manny. Defendant made application for change of venue.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880. We expect that the county is divided into twenty enumeration districts with enumerators as follows.
No. Districts. Enumerators.
1. Beaver C. W. Roseberry.
2. Bolton Wm. Trimble.
3. Cedar & Otter E. B. Poole.
4. Creswell I. H. Bonsall.
5. Dexter J. A. Bryan.
6. Harvey and Omnia E. M. Arnett.
7. Liberty & Spring Creek J. D. Maurer.
8. Maple & Ninnescah W. B. Norman.
9. Pleasant Valley Samuel Watt.
10. Richland I. N. Lemmon.
11. Rock Creek J. M. Harcourt.
12. Silver Creek E. A. Millard.
13. Sheridan W. H. Clay.
14. Silverdale J. P. Mussleman.
15. Tisdale W. C. Douglas.
16. Vernon E. D. Skinner.
17. Windsor Charles W. Jones.
18. Walnut S. E. Berger.
19. Winfield, 1st Ward E. E. Bacon.
20. Winfield, 2nd Ward James Kelly.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable “scratching” on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.
FIRST WARD. Justice of the Peace. James Kelly, 89; G. H. Buckman, 82; W. M. Boyer, 57; W. E. Tansey, 55.
SECOND WARD. Justice of the Peace. James Kelly, 143; G. H. Buckman, 123; W. M. Boyer, 57; W. E. Tansey, 64.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Justice Kelly has taken possession of the records and established his office in the Page building.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The Census Enumerators are hard at work. The following is the list of districts and Enumerators of Cowley County.
169 M. S. Roseberry, Beaver township.
170 Wm. Trimble, Bolton township.
171 Jas. Utt, Cedar and Otter Townships.
172 I. H. Bonsall, Creswell township.
173 J. A. Bryan, Dexter township.
174 E. M. Arnett, Harvey and Omnia townships.
175 Justice Fisher, Liberty and Spring Creek townships.
176 W. B. Norman, Maple and Ninnescah townships.
177 Samuel Watt, Pleasant Valley township.
178 I. N. Lemmon, Richland township.
179 J. M. Harcourt, Rock Creek township.
180 E. A. Millard, Silver Creek township.
181 W. H. Clay, Sheridan township.
182 J. P. Musselman, Silverdale township.
183 W. C. Douglass, Tisdale township.
184 E. D. Skinner, Vernon township.
185 Chas. W. Jones, Windsor township.
186 S. E. Burger, Walnut township.
187 J. H. Finch, Winfield City, 1st ward.
188 Jas. Kelly, Winfield City, 2nd ward.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
Justice Kelly has removed his office to the Morehouse building.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Charles Coleman testified against Ireton in a case before Justice Kelly, and got badly whipped for it. His story is that the elder Ireton attacked him at Bliss’ mill, and while he (Coleman) was only fencing against the attacks, the younger Ireton attacked him with a brick and bruised his head up frightfully. We have not heard the story of the other side.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
James Kelly and Frank Finch are the delegates of the Good Templars of this city to the Grand Lodge of the State which meets at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
At a recent meeting of the I. O. O. G. T. of this city, the following officers were installed: James Kelly, W. C. T.; Mrs. E. T. Trimble, W. V. T.; Henry Rowland, W. S.; Miss Mollie Bryant, W. F. S.; Frank Berkey, W. T.; Rev. Cairns, W. C.; Mr. Linn, W. M.; Miss Clara Berkey, W. G.; T. H. Soward, W. S.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
Messrs. James Kelly and Frank Finch left for Topeka Monday. They go as delegates to the Grand Lodge of Good Templars which meet there today.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The silliest lie that Black’s Telegram has made up is the statement that Lemmon undermined James Kelly and got the post office away from him. Mr. Kelly first suggested and recommended the appointment of the present postmaster.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
’Squire Kelly has moved his office to the rooms formerly occupied by Jennings & Buckman.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
A meeting was held in the council rooms last Thursday evening to consider means for temporary assistance to those in want in our city.
John B. Lynn was made chairman, and James Kelly, secretary.
By a vote of the meeting the city was divided into four wards by Main street and Ninth avenue, and committees were constituted as follows.
Northeast ward: Mesdames T. R. Bryan, Dr. Graham, and Rev. J. Cairns.
Northwest ward: Mesdames McDonald, McMullen, and Miss Service.
Southwest ward: Mesdames Spotswood and Jillson, and Miss Mary R. Stewart.
Southeast ward: Mesdames Hickok, Silver, and Swain.
Committees to solicit contributions were appointed as follows.
Northeast: Mesdames Holloway, Linticum, and Troup.
Northwest: Mesdames Short and Dr. Davis and Mayor Lynn.
Southwest: Mesdames Earnest and Landers, and Mr. R. D. Jillson.
Southeast: Mrs. Rigby, Miss L. Graham, and Mr. W. A. Freeman.
Lynn & Loose tendered their front basement for a storage room for the committees.
The committees were requested to meet in the council rooms on Tuesday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 p.m. to form plans of operation.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. & A. M., elected and installed officers on Monday evening as follows. J. S. Hunt, W. M.; James Kelly, S. W.; R. C Story, J. W.; J. C. McMullen, Treas.; E. T. Trimble, Secretary; C. C. Black, S. D.; M. G. Troup, J. D.; J. Cairns, Chaplain; W. A. Freeman, S. S.; W. W. Smith, J. S.; S. E. Berger, Tyler.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
The people living in the neighborhood of the Wilmot cave pronounce the hoax of last week a good one. The only truth in the matter seems to be the hole in the ground and the water in the bottom of the hole. The hieroglyphics are said to be Jim Kelly’s, while the other relics of the stone age are about equally antiquated; so says an unimaginative iconoclast who has been up that way.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The Second Ward Meeting was held at the opera house. G. H. Buckman called the meeting to order. James Kelly was chosen chairman and J. P. Short secretary. J. L. Horning was nominated for member of the school board. M. L. Read was nominated for council. James Kelly, T. H. Soward, and S. H. Myton were chosen a ward committee. The following 12 gentlemen were elected delegates to the city convention: G. H. Buckman, N. A. Haight, H. E. Asp, T. M. McGuire, T. H. Soward, W. Bitting, J. L. Horning, C. M. Wood, M. L. Robinson, Archie Stewart, H. Brotherton, I. W. Randall.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
For police judge J. T. Hackney and James Kelly were nominated. Mr. Hackney received the nomination.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The result of the city election of last Tuesday is given in the table below. Names of candidates on the Republican ticket are in Roman, Citizens ticket in small caps, and on both in caps.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The following is from the Howard Courant, Abe Steinberger’s paper. We take great pleasure in recording these little scraps of history of the early days and early boys of the COURIER.
“We omitted last week to acknowledge a very pleasant call from three as welcome visitors as ever darkened the Courant door, viz: James Kelly, formerly proprietor of the Winfield Courier, V. B. Beckett, an associate editor with Mr. Kelly, and Ed. P. Greer, the present local of the same paper. The three came to Howard for no other purpose than to visit me and my family, and we were truly proud of the compliment and their well wishes.
“We cannot account for having overlooked their call, unless it was because of accompanying them back to Winfield and having so much enjoyment basking in the sunshine of their company, that we forgot their having been to our town.
“There is a little history concerning this family which has never been written, and we cannot refrain from giving a partial synopsis of it. In the summer of 1872, a boy in his 20th year, who had just finished his apprenticeship in a printing office at Independence, felt very strongly the injunction of the father of printers, to “go west,” and accordingly started across the then new and barren country for Winfield, a small town eighty miles towards the setting sun, where he hoped to find a change for the better. The journey was made on foot, he not having money enough to pay for a ride on the stage, which was then the only public conveyance between the towns.
“The printers are characteristic for their walking propensities, and this one was not an exception to the rule. The journey’s end was reached in two days and a half, and on a bright Saturday afternoon in the month of July, 1872, the pedestrian found himself again employed in a printing office in Winfield, happy with his success. He worked in all the printing offices in the town during the next year, at the end of which time he accepted a position in the Courier, edited by James Kelly, mentioned in the beginning of this sketch.
“About the same time another boy started from the same Independence, and after walking on almost shoeless feet for three days, swimming all the streams, and soiling his good clothes, arrived at the same Courier office, and was so fortunate as to secure a situation. The two boys worked together a few weeks, and became attached to each other as brothers. They soon proposed to do the mechanical work in the office for the sum of $20 per week, each to receive an equal amount. This proposition was accepted, and they continued working in this manner for about a year, growing more and more attached, and thinking when one had a dollar both were millionaires. When this year was about expired, the older one married and started a boarding house, open only, however, to the associate printer who, alike with the landlord, tested his credit and exhausted his salary to keep up the boarding house table. A few months after this, the married one purchased an office of his own (all on credit, of course), and started a paper, which, after being moved from town to town, for a couple of years, he finally succeeded in placing it upon a self-sustaining basis. The other boy seeing his old partner’s name at the head of a newspaper, soon tired of journeyman work, and he, too, started out to seek his fortune, and after traveling over two or three states and trying his hand in a dozen different towns, established a paper as his chum had done, and is today growing rich.
“The elder boy referred to is the proud writer of this bit of history, and the office mate is V. B. Beckett, editor of the Norton Advance, one of the ablest conducted papers on the Courant exchange list. While in Winfield we dined together with our old “boss,” Mr. Kelly, and were made as welcome as though we were his own sons. The boys are proud of their old-time guardian, and Mr. Kelly says he is proud of his boys.”
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
The late city council closed its official record by ordering the issue of a certificate of election to J. H. Kinney as justice of the peace. It strikes us that they must have thought that their record would not be complete unless capped off by some act of astounding stupidity. It is of no consequence whether two justices should be elected or only one, whether James Kelly was elected last year to fill a vacancy, or for a full term, so far as Kinney is concerned. Kinney, certainly, is not elected. If Kelly is not justice, there is now a vacancy. No one was voted to fill the office he has held. There was no attempt to elect two justices. No one voted for more than one candidate for justice. There was no idea or intention of electing more than one. There were two candidates for that same office, which Tansey was holding by appointment, Kinney and Tansey. Tansey received a great majority of the votes and received the certificate. If Kinney is elected, Tansey is not, that is all there is about it. The supreme court has so decided in an exactly parallel case.
This idea of getting into office by a trick or dodge, against the express will of the voters, is getting to be looked at in its true light, and the courts for the last two years have invariably “set down on” such pretensions. No man of honorable sensibilities would accept of an office under such circumstances. No one would respect him if he did. We believe in a “full vote, a free ballot, and a fair count;” and are “down on” all attempts to get elected by indirection whether by our friends and partisans or our enemies.
We have no doubt that a year ago James Kelly was regularly elected for a term of two years, but that cuts no figure in the matter of this certificate.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
The following cases have been disposed of by the court up to date.
Kelly vs. Manny, change of venue.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Dr. Wells relieved ’Squire Kelly of a fifty foot tape worm Sunday. The doctor is death to worms and disease.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
The party consisting of F. S. Jennings, Ed. P. Greer, L. H. Webb, James Kelly, Will Stivers, T. H. Soward, Sol Burkhalter, Will Whitney, and W. H. Albro went last week to the Territory for fun, fish, and foolishness. All returned Tuesday evening except Ed., who returned the night before. They report lots of fun, fish, and squirrels. Grizzly’s and other large game were neglected. Most of them returned with their hair on.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881, and June 30, 1881.
ED. COURIER: It is now customary, I believe, when a party makes a trip anywhere, especially to the Indian Territory, for someone of the number to furnish an account of the same to the newspapers. As one of a squad of nine, who recently made a pilgrimage to the land of the Kaw, I will try to inform your readers of some of the matters and things connected therewith.
The party consisted of F. S. Jennings, Judge Tom Soward, W. R. Stivers, W. H. Albro, Will Whitney, L. H. Webb, E. P. Greer, James Kelly, and last but by no means least, Sol Burkhalter. The latter gentleman furnished the rigs and was of course wagon-master.
Grouse Creek was reached by noon of the first day, said day being, curiously enough, Thursday, June 9th, 1881, which should have been mentioned sooner.
Here a halt was called for dinner, and here also the verdancy of the party began to crop out. The temporary camp was made in a dense jungle on the lee side of a hill with a perpendicular front some twenty or thirty feet high. Underbrush, weeds, nettles, vines: pooh [?], but wasn’t it hot! Not a breath of air stirred a leaf in that miserable forest. Yes, it was hot, and some of us thought that spot would compare favorably with a modified hades according to the new version. But we had the shade.
While some of us built a fire and got dinner, Mr. Jennings, Judge Soward, and Will Stivers went in quest of game. Soon word was sent to send another gun and more ammunition, which request being speedily complied with, such a roar of musketing opened out as I’ll wager, the waters of the Grouse had not heard for many a day. Presently the mighty nimrods returned.
“Where’s your game?” chorused we of the bread and butter stay-at-home brigade.
“It crumbled in a hole,” mourned the Judge, “but I think it’s certainly wounded.”
“By the bones of my grandfather,” howled Webb (he never swears), “if those three big stout men with two double barreled shotguns and a rifle, haven’t been banging away at a poor little squirrel.”
After dinner the company was formally organized by electing Jim Kelly to the office of . Brother Greer made the point that this being a civil company, the title should be “president.” This however was promptly rejected. “What?” said the Judge “Suppose we have trouble with the redskins, which is more than likely, how would it sound to say our President marched us up the hill and then marched us down again. I move it be Captain.” But here the beneficiary declared that he would be no miserable captain and unless he be at once made Colonel, he would resign and leave the company to its fate. This settled it and the train moved out after dinner in the following order.
1. The elegant three-seated barouche containing the colonel, the major, the judge, Dr. Webb, Sergeant Whitney, and wagon-master Burkhalter, followed by the baggage wagon in which on the seat were Captain Albro and Chaplain Greer, with Will Stivers behind to look after things generally. Brother Greer drove the team, that is he drove it to the foot of the first hill, when the team stopped and would not be driven any further. We all got round the wagon, however, and pushed it up the hill notwithstanding the remonstrance of the team.
This Grouse Creek, I verily believe, is enchanted, or at least this company was, for all at once we couldn’t agree as to which side of the stream we were on. Of course, it made no difference, only it depended on a proper solution of this confounding mystery whether we were going up or down, towards or away from the Territory. Finally we came to a standstill and waited for two gentlemen who were plowing in a field to come to the end of their rows, which were headed off by the road, or more properly cow-path, we were then on. But our consternation was only increased when on inquiring, we found those gentlemen seemed to be as much at a loss as we were ourselves. One said we were on this side of the Grouse and would have to cross over to arrive at our destination; the other said as he had been in the country but a short time and was, unfortunately, from Missouri, really knew nothing about it. Just here a bright intelligent looking girl with a hoe in her hand, cut the miserable knot, not with the hoe, however. She explained by saying that dame nature had, right there, succeeded in reversing the old order, and made the bed so crooked that for a full half mile the water actually ran up stream. But I think if we could have told these good people where we wanted to go lucidly and plainly, they could have told us how to get there. But we couldn’t.
The caravan here parted in the middle, Chaplain Greer believing as he could successively steer the local columns of the COURIER, he certainly ought to be able to steer a two-horse wagon to the mouth of Grouse Creek. So he left us and drove out of sight into the wilderness. We, that is the other rig, took the opposite course. We drove into a pasture fenced with brush; out of that into a cornfield fenced with stone, and traveled down a row of corn about two miles—so we thought—let down a pair of bars and brought up in a cowpen. We were, however, more fortunate here for we found a man who could and would not only tell us where to go, but could actually tell us where we at that moment ought to be, instead of driving over his corn and garden patch, as we had done. Will Whitney, however, very adroitly mentioned “that those were the finest hogs he had seen in a long time,” which somewhat mollified the old man, who then told us how to get out. Thus, you see, kind words never die; and a little taffy, which Mr. Whitney after told us, was cheap, applied to the slab sides and ungainly snouts of the old man’s hogs, and got us out of an embarrassing dilemma.
In a short time after bidding good bye to the old man of the good hogs, we arrived at the house of Drury Warren, a gentleman well and favorably known to some of our crowd. Mr. Warren, however, was absent in the territory at the big “round up,” he having some six hundred head of cattle on the range on Black Bear Creek.
Having heard Mr. Warren speak favorably of some of us, and representing ourselves as “some of our best citizens of Winfield,” we soon got into the good graces of kindly Mrs. Warren: to about half a bushel of onions, and permission to drive through the field, thus cutting off some three miles of long, hilly road. Let me here remark that Mr. Warren has one of the most valuable farms in Cowley County, or I might say, in the state. He has 520 acres in a body. Two-thirds of it lies in the rich bottom at the very mouth of Grouse Creek, which is in corn, and such corn! The like of which is duly seen on the Illinois and Sangamon river bottoms, and there but seldom.
Here we passed out at the south gate of the state and entered the Territory when Messrs. Greer, Albro, and Stivers caught up with us and when your correspondent shot a squirrel, found a nice spring of water, and where we camped for the first night.
Nothing of any importance happened to us except the bites of some huge mosquitos, which happened rather often.
The next morning we tried fishing in the raging Arkansas with but poor success. An old blood-thirsty villain of a fisherman, who I have no doubt now was anxious to get us away from there, told us of a good place where he said we would find bass in abundance, well on toward the Kaw agency. Here trouble commenced. Some wanted to pull up stakes and go at once, some wanted to send a scouting party first to spy out the land and report. But the goers-at-once being in the majority, carried the point, so strike the tent, hitch up, and pull out was the order.
Sometime that afternoon we overtook an Indian afoot, leading a dog. Someone of our party asked him some questions, which he wouldn’t answer. Then someone asked him what he intended doing with the dog. He then very politely told us to go to hades, saying, however, the old version pronunciation of that word.
We pitched our tents on the banks of the Arkansas River that night. Another meeting was held at noon to determine whether or not we would move again. The colonel, by virtue of his office, of course, presided. The debate was long, learned, and dignified. Greer, Webb, Stivers, Whitney, and Albro, for the move, ably presented their side of the case.
“You see, gentlemen,” said Webb, “that we are on the very verge of starvation. No water, nothing to eat.”
“That shows,” said Jennings, “that you do not know what you are talking about. Here we are on one of the most delightful spots the sun ever shone upon. Look at that mighty river and tell me that there is no water. Look at the countless turkey tracks, and tell me there is no game, nothing to eat. Why, we are here in the very bowels of plenty, and I, for one, won’t move a peg.”
The motion was, however, put and carried, so move it was. That same evening the company arrived at the mouth of Otter Creek, where it empties into the Grouse, and once more the tent was pitched. The next morning, it being Sunday, it was agreed that no fishing, hunting, or euchre be indulged in but that this Sabbath be spent quietly and reverently as became our best citizens.
After breakfast some of the boys thought they would have some fun at the expense of the others. Word was accordingly passed along that a meeting would be held to consider the propriety of returning to the camp vacated the day before. The president being in the seat of course, proclaimed and made known that a meeting would be held at once. Every member being present the trouble began.
“Now, may the devil take me,” said Chaplain Greer, “if this move don’t beat all the moves I ever heard of.”
“I opposed coming here in the first place, but now that we are here, I propose to stay,” said Jennings.
“Me too,” said Judge Soward, “let go who will, I shan’t.”
“Question! Question!” shouted the mob.
The motion being put, the chair declared it carried unanimously. That was a straw too much.
“Give me my blanket,” groaned Greer, “I can hire a farmer to take me home.”
“Give me my things,” howled Jennings, “I can walk.”
“Don’t take my gun,” yellowed Judge Soward, “I won’t budge an inch.”
Seeing that the joke had gone far enough, the boys were informed of the “sell” and soon all was again serene.
Monday morning, Mr. Greer, having been really in bad health when he started, was found to be much worse. It was accordingly decided to send him home. He was taken by Mr. Burkhalter to Arkansas City, put aboard the train, and we saw him no more.
And, now to conclude, for every good writer must conclude, I have endeavored to chronicle events just as they transpired. If perchance there may be a few little things that didn’t happen exactly as I have said, I certainly cannot be held responsible.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
Mr. Frank Manny was arrested and brought before Justice Kelly Tuesday evening charged with selling beer in violation of the law. It will doubtless take several days to try this case, and we express no opinion as to the truth of the charge, desiring to avoid prejudicing the case in any way. We have no ill will against Mr. Manny, but we hold that the law must be enforced and whoever violates it should suffer the penalty. We do not apprehend that jurymen here will perjure themselves to screen a man who is proved guilty. If any such should appear, we shall give his case due publicity.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Winfield has been in a fever of excitement for the past few days over the arrest of Frank Manny for violating the prohibition amendment in selling beer. The trial was first brought before Justice Kelly, but the defense secured a change of venue to Justice Tansey’s court. Monday was the day set for the trial and early in the day numbers of spectators gathered to see the opening of the case.
The array of legal talent retained on the part of the defense was simply appalling: Judge Campbell, with eight years’ experience on the bench; J. E. Allen, one of the most precise and painstaking lawyers at the bar; O. M. Seward, the leading temperance attorney of the southwest; and Messrs. Soward & Asp, gentlemen of high standing at the bar. Certainly Mr. Manny should feel that his interests will be protected as far as the law is concerned.
County Attorney Jennings appeared for the State.
The hall opened at 9 o’clock, the jury was called, and the examination for jurors commenced. This proved to be a tedious matter as most everyone called had either formed or expressed an opinion, or had conscientious scruples that unfitted him for sitting in the case. Generally when a juror went into the box thinking he was unprejudiced, he found that he was mistaken before the lawyers got through with him. Up to noon thirty-five jurors had been called and twenty-nine of them proved to be incompetent.
After dinner the examination of jurors was continued and soon developed into a lively fight. The question was raised of whether a member of a temperance organization was a competent juror in the case, on which Judge Campbell made an exhaustive argument, insisting that such a person was not and could not be competent to sit in the case. County Attorney Jennings replied in a brief but convincing manner. He stated that if Judge Campbell’s theory was correct, a horse thief could be tried only by persons not opposed to horse stealing, and that persons who were in favor of enforcing the laws would not be competent jurors in criminal cases.
The court sustained the County Attorney, and the juror was passed. The jury was finally empaneled at 5 o’clock Monday evening.
The following is a list of the jurors: A. G. Wilson, James Bethel, E. P. Harlan, Elam Harter, I. N. Holmes, E. P. Kinne, J. H. Mounts, T. H. Jackson, T. S. Smith, Wm. Trezise, W. L. Morehouse, and W. I. Shotwell.
The court met Tuesday morning and upon calling the jury, it was found that Mr. T. H. Jackson, of Vernon township, was absent. An attachment was issued by the court and the sheriff started for Mr. Jackson’s home. The court then adjourned until one o’clock. About two o’clock the sheriff arrived with Mr. Jackson, who was quite ill, and asked to be discharged. The court ruled that he must serve unless positively unable.
The case was then opened by a statement from the County Attorney. Judge Campbell then arose on a “question of privilege” and asked the court to rule that the state use but three witnesses for the proving of any one fact. After much discussion the court overruled the request. The defense then moved that the case be dismissed, alleging that the information did not state facts sufficient to warrant any action. After another lengthy argument, the court promptly overruled the motion.
County Attorney Jennings then attempted to open the case, when the defense again objected and moved that the case be dismissed because “the complaint was not sworn to by a responsible party.” Judge Campbell then made an exhaustive argument on a constitutional point. Mr. Jennings answered Judge Campbell at considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Asp for the defense, who closed the argument. The objection was overruled and duly excepted to, and the state proceeded with the examination of the first witness, Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller testified that he resided in Winfield, and that he knew where Mr. Manny’s brewery was. He was asked if he had been in Mr. Manny’s brewery between the first day of May and the 21st day of June, the latter being the date the indictment was made. The defense objected on the ground that the state should confine its proof of offense to the date mentioned in the indictment: the 12th day of June. On this objection Mr. Allen spoke, and cited authorities, though none of our Supreme court. The State replied with Kansas authorities bearing directly upon the point. Mr. Asp closed the argument on this point, and the court overruled the objection.
The witness was allowed to answer the question; but instead of doing so, he laughed. The mouths of the audience cracked asunder, and his Honor got down under the counter to hold his sides. Witness then affirmatively answered the question. He also stated that he had drank something on Manny’s premises between those dates. The State asked in what building the drink was obtained. Before this question was answered, Judge Campbell requested his honor to instruct the witness that he was at liberty to refuse to answer any question that would tend to criminate himself. This request raised argument and the court adjourned to meet Wednesday morning, when the question will be discussed.
Court convened promptly at 6 o’clock and Judge Soward opened the argument. Numerous authorities were cited, among which were the celebrated Burr and Morgan cases. County Attorney Jennings replied in an extended argument, citing a large number of authorities.
At noon, Wednesday, we go to press. As yet the case has not been fairly opened, the defense bringing up point after point for the decision of the court. Each point must be argued exhaustively, which takes time and how long no one can tell. The case will be fought step by step. The council for defense will leave no stone unturned, and Attorney Jennings, although bearing up under a terrible pressure, will melt them at every turn. Our reporter will attend the trial throughout and a complete record of the proceedings will appear in our next issue.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. Miller was then asked what he had drank at Manny’s. He stated that he had called for “ginger” and that he probably got what he called for. That it was about the color of barnyard drainage, that he had bought a quart, and had paid twenty cents for it, that he had never become intoxicated on it, and had never drank more than two glasses at a time. He was then asked when he had heard that “ginger” was being sold there.
The defense objected, but the objection was overruled. The witness then said that it was about the middle of May. He stated that he had never seen anyone become intoxicated on this drink. That he lived several hundred feet from the brewery; that it had about the same effect as lemonade.
Mr. Jochems was then called. He had been at Manny’s brewery twice since the first of May. The defense then objected on the ground that the prosecution should confine itself to the sale already proven and the point was ably argued by Mr. Asp. Mr. Troup assisting the state, spoke for ten minutes, and Mr. Asp closed the argument. The objection was sustained and the court held the prosecution to the sale proven to Miller and allowed to introduce testimony to prove the drink known as “ginger” was intoxicating, providing no date or other sale than the one made to Miller was fixed by date. Mr. Jochems then testified that he had drank “ginger” and that it produced no effect on him.
LEVI GAINS was then called. He testified that he had been to Manny’s with a friend; that the friend had bought “ginger” and they both drank it. That he thought it was intoxicating; that it had effected him and had considerably intoxicated his friend; that it looked like beer.
H. DEWEY. Mr. Dewey stated that he had drank “ginger” at Manny’s; that it had no effect on him; that he noticed symptoms of intoxication upon the friend who went with him; that the friend had a half pint bottle of liquid; that he procured a bottle at the brewery.
JOHN GIBSON swore that he had been at Manny’s brewery and had drank “ginger” there. Only one glass because he was afraid it would make him tight. Looked like beer; didn’t taste like beer; saw another party intoxicated.
W. W. SMITH. Testified that he had drank “ginger” at Manny’s which looked like beer, but had not much foam, and made him tight. Was there several times, first at about nine o’clock, was not intoxicated when first went, was not intoxicated much at any time.
Cross examination: Drank ginger. Had drank nothing else that day but a dose of medicine put up by Dr. Cole for flat bottle. I took two swallows during the day; kept it in my side pocket. Did not give it to anyone during the day; offered to trade my watch for a pony, and do not think I offered any man a drink from bottle. Had bottle of “ginger” which I got from Manny and man drank from. Was not positive was at brewery three times. Think two of us drank quart or half gallon, went to brewery second time. Did not know whether he got dinner or not. Stayed at brewery longer third time than first times. Think drank more than at other times. Was intoxicated that day. Got in that condition about nine o’clock, and do not think can recall all that happened. Others afterward recalled things that I had said and done that I knew nothing of. Felt next day all used up and knew I had been drunk. Was arrested that day for being drunk. Had trial before Justice Kelly. Has no interest in case. Has been offered no consideration to testify in case. Got medicine from Dr. Fleming instead of Dr. Cole. Is in the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor to some extent. Had no other bottle except medicine and bottle of “ginger” and drank nothing but “ginger that day.”
LOUIE ZENOR was then called. The defense then introduced the objection that the prosecution had introduced all the witnesses necessary to prove the character of the liquor known as “ginger.” This objection was made on Tuesday and overruled by the court. The court again overruled the objection. The witness stated that he was familiar with the location of Manny’s brewery, that it was located on the east side of section 21, township 42, range 4.
Cross examination: Was not surveyed; had never found corners. Did not know whether brewery was in frame or stone building. Was familiar with records of county; had seen in register’s office. Had examined records in relation to this particular tract.
CHARLEY HODGES had obtained from Mr. Manny a drink known as “ginger.” Color dark red, darker than beer. Did not know whether it was intoxicating or not. Had no effect upon him. Had drank three or four glasses at once. Had drank beer but had no effect on him. Did not know whether “ginger” was fermented liquor or not. Did not know what fermented liquor was. Had foam like beer. Went out to brewery because wanted something to drink. “Ginger” was not a common drink.
Cross examination: Had foam something like cider or soda water.
W. A. SMITH had been to Manny’s. Thinks it was near the Walnut. Had drank “ginger.” Was a kind of “maroon” color. Darker than beer. Did not know whether it was fermented or not. Had no effect on his system. As compared with water for quenching, its effect was about the same. May have stimulated to a slight extent. Had taken two or three glasses at once. There was quite a number there with him. Has never seen anyone in or about Manny’s brewery intoxicated since the 1st of May.
A. D. SPEED had obtained “ginger” at Manny’s. Was a pleasant drink. Dark color. Had color of beer. Don’t know whether it was fermented or not. Never drank enough to know whether it was intoxicating or not. Had drank two glasses at once. Did not think he could drink enough to intoxicate him.
WILBER DEVER was called and stated that he had been at Manny’s, had obtained “ginger” from him. Pretty fair drink. Looks some like lager or Peruvian beer. Does not taste like beer. Does not know whether it was intoxicating or not. Had drank two or three glasses. Had never seen anyone intoxicated in or about Manny’s.
GEORGE REMBAUGH had been to Manny’s. Had drank “ginger” there. Looked some like Peruvian beer. Had foam on it. Did not know whether it was intoxicating or not. Had seen persons under the influence of something in and about Manny’s.
Cross examination: Thought Peruvian beer was slightly fermented to make it sparkle and foam. Re-examined by the state. Had about same effect as a glass of ice-water.
The state here rested its case. The defense also rested without introducing a witness.
The court then instructed the jury as follows:
The court instructs the jury that the question in this case is whether the sale made to Dan Miller about the 20th day of May, 1881, was a sale of liquor that would produce intoxication, and the burden is upon the prosecution to establish that the liquor was intoxicating liquor and this must be done by the evidence to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden is upon the state to show that the liquor sold to Miller was an intoxicating liquor and that it was not sold for mechanical, medicinal, or scientific purposes, that the sale was made at the place described in the complaint.
The defendant is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty, and the state is required to make out each particular and material point in the case to the satisfaction of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt; and if, upon the whole of the evidence, both direct and circumstantial, there is a reasonable doubt of guilt, the jury should acquit.
The argument of the state was opened by Mr. Beach in a general review of the evidence. He was followed by Judge Soward who made an able argument extending over an hour and a half, containing many excellent points. M. G. Troup followed with an hour, Judge Camp-bell with an hour and a half, and Attorney Jennings closed.
The jury remained out all night and till late the next day when, having failed to agree, they were discharged by the court. The ballot stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Jake Keffer has again been grabbed by the law. This time Uncle Sam is the prosecutor, and the charge is for sending obscure literature through the mails. It seems that Mr. Keffer had been sued by someone and the summons served on him. He returned it to Justice Kelly with a letter in which he defied the law and lawyers; said he had not, and never would have, a dollars worth of property in the county, and for him to send on his summons. Jake’s language was not copied from the classics, nor had there been any effort at elegance or diction. Brevity and force was what the writer wanted, and he got it. A man could retire to private life if he had all the money that Jake has spent in lawing.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.
On motion a committee of seven was appointed as a permanent organization consisting of comrades Wells, Steuven, Stubblefield, Nixon, Waugh, Kretsinger, and Jennings. After some interesting remarks on the part of Capt. Stubblefield, J. W. Millspaugh, H. D. Catlin, and S. M. Jennings, the meeting adjourned until 2 p.m.
The afternoon meeting showed an increase of delegates and much more enthusiasm. The committee on permanent organization submitted the following report.
Your committee on permanent organization beg to submit the following.
For President: Col. J. C. McMullen, of Winfield; for Vice Presidents, we would recommend one from each township to be named by this meeting, and one from the city of Winfield. We submit the name of T. H. Soward. For recording secretary, Jake Nixon, of Vernon; corresponding secretary, A. H. Green, Winfield; treasurer, J. B. Lynn, Winfield.
Executive Committee: Col. McMullen, Capt. Stubblefield, Capt. Hunt, Capt. Tansey, T. R. Bryan, D. L. Kretsinger, and C. M. Wood.
Finance Committee: J. B. Lynn, Capt. Siverd, Capt. Myers, James Kelly, and Judge Bard.
Encampment: Dr. Wells, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.
Printing: E. E. Blair and Jake Nixon.
Invitation and speakers: Hon. W. P. Hackney, Gen. A. H. Green, D. L. Kretsinger, M. G. Troup, Capt. Chenoweth, Capt. Nipp, Major D. P. Marshall, N. W. Dressie, and C. H. Bing.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Monday evening at nine o’clock Mrs. James Kelly breathed her last. Her illness was of short duration. I [Ed. P. Greer] was beginning my career as “devil” in the COURIER office when Mr. Kelly was editor and proprietor, and knew Mrs. Kelly well. Her many accomplishments, coupled with a kind and considerate regard for the feelings of others, gathered about her a circle of warm friends. To the bereaved husband and two motherless little children we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
JAMES KELLY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and U. S. Pension Attorney, Office over Read’s bank, Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
We paid a visit to the District Court Thursday, with a view of taking in the situation so far as possible, and to see if District Court is the same in Cowley County now as it was in 1872, when our city was in embryo, and the brilliant attorneys and learned judges of today occupied about the same positions on the stage of life. On entering the room, many familiar faces, and more strange ones, turned toward us as if to say: “Wonder if he expects justice here!”
Jim Kelly, then editor of the Courier and Clerk of the court, would work in the courtroom all day and then sit up till midnight pouring over his exchanges, trying to get a few pointers from which to write a handsome notice of the birth of a cross-eyed infant.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Mr. James Kelly resigned his position as Justice of the Peace Monday evening. The names of Messrs. Beach, Buckman, and Soward have been spoken of in connection with the succession.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
James Kelly has resigned his position as Justice of the Peace in this city. Several petitions have been circulated praying for the appointment of persons to the vacancy. Among those petitioning are G. W. Buckman and T. H. Soward. We would be perfectly satisfied with either.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
OUR NEW JUSTICE. Yesterday afternoon Gov. St. John issued a commission appointing Geo. H. Buckman Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Kelly.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Geo. H. Buckman receives the appointment of Justice of the Peace for this city in place of James Kelly, resigned.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
A wedding in high (colored) life was perpetrated at the office of ‘Squire Buckman, last night. Besides being high-toned, it was a very somber affair. The high contracting parties were Henry E. Keys, Esq., and Miss Alice Banks, eldest daughter of Mr. Anderson Banks, the well-known hostler. The party put in an appearance at precisely 7:30 o’clock p.m. Louie Zenor, who gave the bride away, was dressed in the conventional swallow-tailed coat and vest reaching to his knees. Jim Kelly, who gave the groom away (badly), was also dressed regardless of expense (to his tailor). ’Squire Buckman was in his best mood, and in anticipation of the three dollar fee, pronounced the “man and wife” with an unction most beautiful to behold. The happy pair took the Santa Fe train this morning for a short wedding trip, and will return to the city in a short time. May shadows increase periodically.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
James Kelly is going to the city of Mexico and wander through the “Halls of the Montezumas” and find some of that gold and precious jewels which the soldiers of Cortez lost on that fatal noche triste when they had to leave Mexico in a hurry. James could write home some interesting letters from that old country.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
James Kelly intends going to the city of Old Mexico, and started today.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Mr. James Kelly arrived home Monday from New Mexico. He is very sick with erysipelas.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
RECAP: Took Santa Fe train Feb. 8, 1882, with Conductor Miller in charge from Winfield. Stayed all night at Newton, then took the morning train for Las Vegas, New Mexico...first stop, Trinidad, Colorado. From Trinidad south the grade rises very rapidly, and I am told that it is one of the most interesting pieces of a road in the whole country...traveled at night...he could not see anything. Had breakfast at Raton...train then went downhill all the way to the south line of the territory, Las Vegas, being the objective point...took in the famed hot springs six miles from Vegas, at the foot of the Galinas mountains...the Santa Fe was in process of laying a track there. The Cormorants. Here he met several Winfield boys: J. E. Saint, Levi Seabridge, John Capps, Clarke Phelps, Val. Laubner, several others. He visited Santa Fe road headquarters, observed boxes marked “Return to A. T. Spotswood & Co.” and J. P. Baden, Winfield, Kansas.” He was told that these two firms shipped more produce into that territory than any other dozen firms in Kansas. Next trip was made to Socorro, 125 miles south...most structures were dobe, which was sun-dried brick: ground is plowed, then with an ordinary road-scraper it is scraped together in heaps, like hay cocks, and allowed to stand and take the weather for some weeks, the longer the better it is said. Then mixed with water and a stiff mortar is made, when it is moulded into ordinary sized bricks, spread out and dried in the sun. In the wall the brick is laid in mortar of the same stuff. “This dobe is said to last always, and I have no reason to doubt it, for the Catholic church at Socorro is said to be over 200 years old, and it is as sound now as ever, and bids fair to stand 500 years more. The same characteristics obtain here that is found at Las Vegas; only more so. Plenty saloons, gambling, and dance houses, etc. Cowboy, blowhard, no shoot again, unless it be in a drunken brawl. Another curious feature of the place is, that there is no moderate dram drinkers. Those who drink at all, do so with all their might, while he who doesn’t want to go to the dogs must let it strictly alone.”
He goes on to say that at Socorro he met several Cowley County friends: Dr. H. C. Holland, A. J. Rex, and G. W. Ballou and son, Frank. “These gentlemen are doing first rate in their respective callings. Dr. Holland is having a good practice, George Ballou is dealing in mining stocks, and A. J. Rex is working at his trade and watching his mining interests. Mr. Rex owns several ‘prospects’ or ‘leads,’ specimens of which he gave me. His claims are said, by experts, to be worth a good many thousand dollars. On the second day after my arrival at Socorro I was taken violently sick with erysipelas in my face and head accompanied with typhus fever, and the next two weeks are blank. To Dr. Holland, at whose house I lay, and to his estimable wife, and A. J. Rex, I am under many and lasting obligations for their great kindness and assiduous care. The morning of the 11th of March I was able to get aboard the train, and right gladly did I turn my face Winfield-ward, arriving home on the 13th inst. But being illy able to stand the journey, it sent me to bed another two weeks. But thanks to the skill of Dr. Emerson and the kindness of other good friends, I am able to finish this desultory letter begun several weeks ago. J. K.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
James Kelly, who returned from New Mexico three weeks ago and has been laid up ever since with erysipelas, is again able to be out, though he looks considerable worsted.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
On motion convention adjourned, to 1:30 p.m. On reassembling committee on credentials reported as follows.
MR. CHAIRMAN: We, your committee on credentials, report the following delegates and alternates from the various townships as entitled to seats in this convention.
Winfield City, 1st Ward, Delegates: J. E. Conklin, G. H. Buckman, D. A. Millington, Geo. F. Corwin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: A. H. Johnson, A. T. Shenneman, E. P. Greer, Henry Paris, James Kelly.
Winfield City, 2nd Ward, Delegates: A. B. Whiting, L. H. Webb, J. H. Finch, T. H. Soward, John Swain, W. E. Tansey. Alternates: A. H. Green, M. L. Robinson, Jas. H. Bullen, O. H. Herrington, J. L. Horning, M. B. Shields.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
Many of our older residents will remember J. C. Bigger, of the law firm of Webb & Bigger. He has been nominated to the senate by President Arthur for United States District Attorney for the Western District of Texas.
Mr. Bigger is a young man of more than average ability, and will, no doubt, make a good attorney for the government. Seeing his name brought to our mind a flood of reminiscences in connection with his stay here; among them, one at least, in which he cut not a very creditable figure. There was a woman in the case, as sometimes is the case. A notice of the affair appeared in the Courier, then published by James Kelly, with Vinnie Beckett, now of the Black Range, Robinson, New Mexico, as local editor, to which Mr. Bigger took umbrage. Meeting Mr. Beckett at the hotel, the old Lagonda house, he proposed then and there to have satisfaction. Beckett being a thorough local, was rejoiced at anything which afforded an item, even at his own expense, and having no fear of any but the Lord before his eyes, gave Mr. J. C. Bigger complete and entire satisfaction in a very meager period of time. When the gentleman was so well satisfied that he desired to stop further proceedings, Beckett let up, but found that he had lost a front tooth on the bloody and sanguinary field. We hope Mr. Bigger will be promptly confirmed.
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
Headquarters 1st Reg., Cowley County Vets. Special order No. 2. H. L. Wells is hereby reappointed Adjutant to rank as Captain. Rev. P. F. Jones Chaplain, to rank as Captain, 1st Lieut. James Kelly as Quartermaster, J. B. Magill, reappointed Sergeant Major and will be respected accordingly. By order, H. L. Wells, Adjt. C. E. Steuven Col. Commanding.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Soldiers, Attention.
H. L. Wells is hereby reappointed Adjutant with rank of Captain. Rev. P. F. Jones is appointed Chaplain with rank of Captain. 1st Lieutenant James Kelly is appointed Quarter Master with rank of 1st Lieut. J. B. Magill is reappointed Sergeant Major, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly. By order of C. E. Steuven, Col. Comd. Regt.
H. L. WELLS, Adjt.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
In obedience to the order issued from regimental headquarters, Old Veteran regiment, of Cowley County, the following line officers were present.
H. C. McDorman, Captain Dexter company.
A. A. Jackson, Captain company at Seeley.
Wm. White, Captain company F, Rock.
W. H. Bonnewell, First Lieutenant, Vernon company; Daniel Maher, representing company H; James Kelly, First Lieutenant, company A.
On motion Capt. Wm. White was elected chairman and Lieutenant James Kelly Secretary.
On motion Captain Charley Steuven was elected Colonel, T. H. Soward Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain James Van Orsdal Major.
After a harmonious talk the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the Colonel commanding.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Pursuant to the call issued, members of the Winfield company of old soldiers met at the Courthouse last evening, to fill vacancies. On motion, Jacob Nixon was elected chairman and James Kelly secretary. John A. McGuire was elected Captain, vice Bard transferred. Jacob Nixon was elected 1st Lieutenant, vice James Kelly, promoted. Henry L. Barker was elected 2nd Lieutenant, vice A. T. Shenneman, resigned. On motion the captain was requested to call a meeting of the company for Monday evening July 3rd, at the Opera House. The following appointments were made by Captain J. A. McGuire. Marquis Quarles to be Orderly Sergeant. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the commanding officer. James Kelly secretary, Jacob Nixon chairman. In accordance with the foregoing the members of the Winfield Company of veteran soldiers will meet at the Opera House Monday evening July 3rd, for the transaction of business, preparatory to the soldiers’ reunion at Topeka in September, and any other business that may come before us. Any honorably discharged soldier of the late war, who has not done so, can meet at that time and sign the roll. It is imperative that we know at once how many will go to Topeka in order that transportation be secured. J. A. McGUIRE, Capt. Commanding.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
A CARD. Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas. DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris, T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Short, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 17, 1882.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, D. A. Millington, and others:
GENTLEMEN: I have received your very flattering call to become a candidate for the legislature in this district, and after due consideration, have concluded to consent to the use of my name in that connection. At first I did not regard the proposition favorably, owing to business interests which I thought might suffer thereby but upon the representations of friends that I might be able to assist to some extent in making the temperance laws more effective; in guarding the interests of Cowley County in the Congressional apportionment; and in securing any other advantages that may be desired for the county and which may be attainable; I have overcome my reluctance and hereby authorize my friends to use my name as a candidate before the Republican District Convention—and if nominated and elected I will hold myself bound to consider the interests of the people of Cowley County as of paramount importance to all other interests, and will give my best efforts to maintain and protect them. Respectfully yours, JAMES McDERMOTT.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Echoes From the Past. We have before us bound files of the COURIER from the first copy, issued ten years ago. They contain an ever-varying panorama of the life and growth of Cowley and her people, of peculiar interest to the old residents, and replete with incidents and anecdotes of early life for the new-comers.
In the issue of March 27, 1873, Mr. James Kelly modestly announces in a half column salutatory that he has bought the COURIER, and has “no friends to reward or enemies to punish;” and in a card below R. S. Waddell, the founder of the paper, says his last say.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
The Belle Plaine News is authority for the statement that James Kelly and C. C. Newlin will start a newspaper at Mulvane; that the material has been purchased and the first number will be issued next week. Press.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The Mulvane Record makes its appearance this week and is a neat five-column quarto. It is edited by Kelly & Newlin. They announce in their salutatory that they have risked their “little all” and have “come to stay.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Our old time friend, James Kelly, passed through the city yesterday on his way from Geuda Springs.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
How Prohibition Kills Winfield. As an illustration of how prohibition is ruining the business of Winfield, we call attention to the statement of business of the Winfield Bank as compared with the statement a year ago which will be found in the local columns of this issue. We might remark that the excitement produced last winter by the saloon petition and Hackney’s reply led to a change of banks by a considerable number of depositors, many prohibitionists going to the Winfield Bank and antis going to Read’s Bank. The Winfield Bank increase is:
Cash and exchange on hand: $15,993,92.
Loans and discounts: $10,843.54
Deposits: $79,719.57
Capital and surplus: $10,000.00
The business of the Winfield post office is another illustration of the effects of prohibition. The postal receipts show an increase in the fiscal year just ended over the last before of $1,108.28 and $1,506.21 over two years ago. The following are the yearly receipts for the last six years (the year ending June 30).
1878, $2,783.10; 1879, $4,325.49; 1880, $7,079.36; 1881, $7,071.45; 1882, $7,467.38; 1883, $8,577.98.
The first year and half the second year above were under the Kelly administration.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
James Kelly came over from Wellington Saturday and will remain here for the present.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Mr. Kelly of the Mulvane Record was in the city Friday. He is making a live little paper out of it.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883.
James Kelly has purchased the Kingman Republican and the new metropolis of the Ninnescah will, for the future, have two bright papers. We are glad to see “Uncle Jim” again running a paper of his own. The Republican is an excellent little paper and on a good paying basis.
Note: The name is the same, but it is believed that Caldwell’s city marshal had no relationship to “James Kelly,” formerly a Winfield citizen...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Mr. James Kelly, Caldwell’s city marshal, was in our city last Saturday, on official business. He made us a pleasant call.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Mr. James Kelly is editing the Pratt County Press. The paper is full of legal advertising matter, and appears to be prospering. Jim has the hearty good wishes of hundreds of friends in Cowley.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Mr. A. H. Doane returned last week from a visit to Pratt County. He made a few investments in Pratt Center, a three-weeks-old city, located on the head waters of the Ninnescah, and in the geographical center of the county. There are already fifty houses erected and a hundred more under contract. He met our Jim Kelly there. He is editing a paper, is doing well, and prospering. This news will be most welcome to Jim’s many friends here.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
From the Pratt County Press, edited by our James Kelly, we learn that Charlie Eagan, long a resident of this county, has located there to practice law. The paper also advertises for five hundred teams to haul lumber from Hutchinson to Pratt Center at forty-five cents per hundred.
The following items carry an article by the Burden editor in which he gives his interpretation of early events. He gave his version of the role that James Kelly played in Winfield. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Mistaken Idea. From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago, we clip the following: “The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?”
If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand, it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of the city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other’s industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man.”—COURIER.
We cut out the foregoing, not to give publicity to the little mistake of our sister city’s editors little spat, but to give the sensible words of the COURIER. We believe that Judge Millington, in these few lines, gives the true secret of success in any new town or county. Perhaps no two towns in Kansas are better examples of the truth of his statement than Winfield and Arkansas City. We well know of another town not far off which took the Killkenny cat code. Its citizens’ best abilities were taxed to the utmost on all improper occasions to prove that about all the other citizens of the place were just the wrong men for the places they occupied. Strangers were too polite to disbelieve them, and located elsewhere. Although located on the best townsite in Southern Kansas and surrounded by the best four townships of arable land in the state, it grew less, until it had driven away or buried in contempt the last one of the Kilkennys, when it commenced again to grow, and will yet be one of the prettiest little cities in the state. Its motto should be “Quarrels killed me once; Quit quarreling or die again.”
Winfield and Arkansas City were quite different. Two of her citizens might be like Mark Twain’s twin bull pups, want to chaw on the same bone and fight terribly over it, but if an outsider interfered, they were a double barreled unit until they used him up. We know Arkansas City when it was principally sand dunes and a section of very poor prairie, but it was not the proper thing to tell Capt. Scott, Amos Walton, or Maj. Sleeth. We were a little too smart to tell them so when it was eight or ten miles to the next place where we could get rations for ourself and team. I suppose they had their private bone, and had private fights, but they did not call on any outsider to settle it, nor did they advertise their little difficulties. If any of their men wanted an office, you might depend on a solid delegation, and if nominated by his party, he was elected if the city and one or two townships near it could cast votes enough to do it.
We have known Winfield ever since it was a prairie of tall grass, a lob cabin store, Max Shoeb’s cabin blacksmith shop, and a few cottonwood shanties that kept the coyote out till the owner could go out and show some new men a very fine claim. But the town company were “one man” when Winfield’s interests were at stake, whether you struck Millington, Fuller, Alexander, Mansfield, or Jackson. Winfield was the exact center of the Union in general and South Kansas in particular.
The fertility of soil was proven by great stalks and ears of corn that were raised just north of the townsite (perhaps much nearer Emporia). The health proven by Drs. Mansfield and Graham; the morality by Ross; the loyalty of the people by Col. Manning. In short, if it was necessary to prove anything to catch a newcomer, they knew just where to get the evidence and got it.
It became necessary to have a paper so their stories would not conflict, so the COURIER was started and Jim Kelly put in charge; one of the jolliest, social editors in the state. The power behind the throne was Millington, to write heavy editorials for the eastern people to read, Mansfield to write articles comparing favorably the climate and health of Winfield to the Italian skies, the robust health of the English and Scotch, proving the almost impossibility of a foreign consumptive to die here; Manning and Alexander to write up the loyalty and far-abiding qualities to the people, with Wirt Walton to write up the immense area of arable lands going to waste in the flint hills, Dick Walker to do the same for the Arkansas Valley. And they had a score or more to work up the special good qualities of the city, of the county, or of the Walnut, Arkansas and Grouse valleys. In short, every man in the town was a committee of about ten to prove Winfield the great future and Max Shoeb was there to translate it into Dutch if necessary. If a storm came, and the Walnut ran four feet deep across the townsite, it was found upon the next issue of the COURIER, that a reliable Indian chief said the like had not happened once before in a century or more. If a drought as in 1874 came, Arkansas City and Winfield could forthwith have an Indian scare and have the young men ordered out at good wages and rations for themselves and horses, till the next corn crop was safe. Winfield and Arkansas City today are monuments not only to the pluck, energy, and faith of their friends but to that unity of action and the sacrifices of that little narrow selfishness so common in little towns. We have much of the same spirit in Burden, and it will be our endeavor to encourage this unity that should exist. Burden Exchange.
Next item reveals that James Kelly was at Pratt Center, Pratt County, and came to visit his children, staying with Mrs. S. W. Phenix in Richland township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
James Kelly came in from Pratt Center Sunday to see his children, with Mrs. S. W. Phenix, in Richland, and to spend a few days around the old familiar haunts. He looks spruce and happy. It looks like pioneer days to see Jim’s genial phiz on our streets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. James Kelly left for his Pratt County home Sunday, after a very pleasant visit among his many friends here. After staying a week he didn’t get half around. Jim has a warm place in the hearts of our people, who rejoice at his success and prosperity. His success in the new west is a matter of gratification and pride to THE COURIER, many of whose present attaches received their first lesson in the art of printing while Mr. Kelly was proprietor of this paper. Jim looks exceedingly well and hearty, but his hair is growing gray rapidly.
Long editorial by either Millington or Greer...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885. Editorial.
Prospectus 1886. The Winfield Courier. With the compliments of the season, the publishers of THE WINFIELD COURIER extend their warmest thanks to their thousands of patrons for their very generous support, which has enabled us to supply this office with a large amount of new, beautiful, and costly material, making it the most complete office in Southern Kansas and enabling us to do our work in all departments of the printing business rapidly, neatly, and in the most beautiful and perfect manner, and at a considerable less expense for the same amount of work. Our new four-horse power gas engine alone is saving us two-thirds of the former expense for power and our additional job material and press enables us to nearly double the amount of work formerly done and in a more perfect manner.
These improvements and savings we credit largely to our grand list of Weekly subscribers, who have stood by us with their prompt payments and encouraging words, and we propose to give them the benefit of these improvements.
We shall get things in shape by January 1st, 1886, prox., and on and after that date we shall enlarge the WEEKLY COURIER to a six page paper, thus giving our readers double the amount of reading matter that we have been able to give them in the past. This will make it the most valuable weekly newspaper in Kansas, and enable us to give more fully the local news of our County, full reports of Legislative, State, Congressional, National, and foreign news, full reports of the local and general markets of the country, a vast amount of selected, interesting, and valuable miscellaneous matter, and editorial comments on current topics.
THE COURIER has always kept pace with the wonderful growth and progress of Cowley County, or a little ahead. If it has not been the leader in all these improvements, it has kept ahead of the procession and has contributed no mean share of the work which has made this county one of the most prosperous on earth. When it started in January, 1873, it was a seven column, four page paper, of the size of our smallest DAILY COURIER now, but printed in much larger type, giving not half as much reading matter in a column as now, but it was so much ahead of the county that it did not pay, and its originator, R. S. Waddell, an experienced newspaper man, was obliged to sell out. His successors, James Kelly and E. C. Manning, were able to keep it up to its initial size and cost until in 1877 the increased support arising from the progress of the county made it begin to pay reasonably well. In August, 1877, it came under the present management and was immediately enlarged to an eight column paper.
In the spring of 1878 it was again enlarged in effect by discarding its large or primer type for brevier and its old brevier for nonpareil, which added nearly fifty per cent to its amount of reading matter. At the same time it added a thousand dollar press and new type and material. By persistent and expensive efforts, it increased its subscription list from 600 to 2,000; but all this cost the proprietors two thousand dollars to make the receipts balance the expenses for two years. Then the paper was again far ahead of the county in its advances. Later it absorbed the Monitor and increased its list to 2,700. A year ago it put on a new dress of beautiful minion, which being smaller than brevier, increased its amount of reading matter. It has been on a paying basis for the last four years and now enlarges again on January first to such extent as to double its amount of reading matter and that will all be home printed and carefully edited, and our subscribers will get double returns for their money.
There are 7,000 voters in this county and nearly as many more who ought to be voters and the WEEKLY COURIER ought to have from these a subscription list of not less than 5,500. It ought to double its list in the next thirty days. It aims to be the best and most valuable family paper in the state, the peer of any newspaper anywhere, and its character for purity of tone and devotion to the best interests of its county and its patrons is well established.
Please send in your subscription at once. If you cannot spare but twenty-five cents, send it along with your post-office address and you shall have the paper as long as that lasts at least. The price will not be increased, but remain as heretofore, $1.50 in advance or $2 if payment is delayed three months. When you remit, if you want the paper discontinued at the end of the time it pays for, please state it, for most of our subscribers in the county desire it right along and when we know the parties to be good pay in a reasonable time we prefer, to not discontinue, but we must have the option to discontinue in all cases when the time of prepayment has expired.
Terms if paid in advance: Two months, $.25; four months, $.50; six months, $.75, one year, $1.50. Persons visiting Winfield are invited to call on us and see the workings of our new gas engine and power presses.
Terms of THE DAILY COURIER: One week, $.15; four weeks, $.50; three months, $1.50; one year $6.00.