Philo Kent
[Beaver Township.]
PHILO KENT, whose portrait, executed from a recent photograph, is shown herewith, was an early settler and a prosperous farmer of Cowley County, Kansas, residing in Beaver Township, on the northwest quarter of section 3, township 33, range 3 east. Besides his homestead, he owned other property in Beaver Township. He was born April 25, 1837, in Union County, Ohio, and was a son of Daniel Kent. His father died in 1865, and his mother, whose maiden name was Allen, passed away February 6, 1877. Philo Kent was one of a family of 12 children, with five half brothers. The following three were living in 1901 besides Philo Kent: Elizabeth (Myers) of Sedgwick County, Kansas; William, of Florence, Kansas; and Daniel, of the Cherokee strip.
Philo Kent was a young man of eighteen years, when he left home, and spent several years in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota. He was in the last named state when the Civil War broke out, and in 1862 enlisted in Company D, 9th Reg., Minn. Vol. If. During the first year he was in the campaign against the Indians, but after that his regiment was sent to Missouri, where for three years and seven days it formed a part of the 16th Army Corps—being in the 2nd Brigade, under Gen. A. J. Smith. He was mustered out in Minnesota, after which he returned to his native state, and while there was married.
The first three years of his married life were spent there in farming, in partnership with his brother, but in 1870 he located on a farm in Miami County, Kansas. Remaining there but a short time, he took up a claim in 1871, in Beaver Township, Cowley County, comprising the northwest quarter of section 10, township 33, range 3 east. He made numerous improvements upon this tract, but sold his preemption in 1878 on account of the disadvantages encountered by his children in securing an education. He then purchased land in the northwest quarter of section 3, which he made his home. At the time of its purchase, it contained many improvements made by Mr. Keyser, its original owner. Mr. Kent later purchased the southwest quarter of section 34, Vernon Township, which was preempted by Mr. Metcalf, and in 1892 added to his possessions the northwest quarter of section 4, Beaver Township, where his daughter and son-in-law resided in 1901. On Mr. Kent’s farm were fine outbuildings, a good house and barn, and a 10-acre orchard, which yielded an abundance of fruit. Choice cattle and hogs were raised in large numbers, Mr. Kent preferring Shorthorn cattle and Poland-China and Berkshire hogs.
Mr. Kent was a Democrat, in politics, and for twelve years served on the school board. He was a member of the Christian Church. He was formerly a member of the G. A. R.
Mr. Kent married Maggie Clark, a native of England, who came to the United States when a girl of seven years, and to the happy union five children were born.
1. Henry, who was married, and living six miles north of Winfield.
2. Effie (McClung), who lived three miles south of her father's farm, in Beaver Township.
3. Allie (Luster), who lived in Beaver Township.
4 and 5. Howard and William Kent, who were living at home in 1901, assisting their father in cultivating the farm.
Beaver Township 1873: Philo Kent, 34; spouse, Magrett, 27.
Beaver Township 1874: Philo Kent, 35; spouse, Margarett, 29.
Beaver Township 1875: Philo Kent, 36; spouse, Margarett, 32.
Kansas 1875 Census Beaver Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Philo Kent 36 m w Ohio Ohio
Margaret Kent 32 f w England Ohio
Henry Kent 8 m w Ohio Ohio
Effie Kent 4 f w Kansas
Alice Kent 2 f w Kansas
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The Beaver grange of the order of Patrons of Husbandry was organized at Thomasville, Cowley County, Kansas, on the evening of December 26th, 1873, by Deputy J. H. Worden. The following named persons paid their fees, took the obligations, and were duly installed into the following offices: W. A. FREEMAN, MASTER; B. F. NESMITH, OVERSEER; Z. B. MYERS, LECTURER; A. K. JENKINS, STEWARD; JAMES DALTON, ASSISTANT STEWARD; M. S. ROSEBERRY, CHAPLAIN; WARREN WOOD, TREASURER; C. M. ROSEBERRY, SECRETARY; PHILO KENT, GATE KEEPER; MRS. JENNIE WOOD, CERES; MRS. MARY J. FREEMAN, POMONA; MRS. SUSAN DALTON, FLORA; MRS. MARY C. McCULLOCH, LADY ASSISTANT STEWARD.
Other members are J. A. McCulloch, Harvey Dwyer, Jasper Smalley, Mrs. C. J. Dwyer, Mrs. M. A. Roseberry, and Maggie Kent.
After instructing members with reference to their duties, the Deputy closed the meeting.
C. M. ROSEBERRY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Philo Kent is erecting a new residence. Those of Warren Wood and George Teter have just been completed.
Effie Kent...
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
One month of school has been taught in district No. 75, and the meritorious scholars are as follows: Highest in deportment, Millie Kerr, Joseph Kerr, Thos. Kerr, Flora Bradbury, Effie Kent, Julia King, and May Alexander.
Those who scored a hundred are: Julia King. In reading and spelling: May Alexander, and Flora Bowers; Flora Bradbury and Johnnie Orr, in arithmetic. Those who reached ninety-five are Effie Kent, Millie Kerr, Joseph and Thos. Kerr, in reading; Julia King and Joseph Kerr in geography; and Harry McCullough in arithmetic. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
A sumptuous feast will be given tomorrow (Sunday) at Mrs. Philo Kent’s in honor of Miss Hatcher, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity, when she returns to her home in the northern part of the State. I surmise that the pedagogue who holds forth at the Beaver Center schoolhouse will heave many a doleful sign.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
A literary is now in full blast in District No. 75. President, Jno. Bowers; secretary, Miss Cordie Kimble; marshal, Joe. Poor; treasurer, Philo Kent. The way the Ciceros and Demosthenes of modern times air their eloquence, is, to put it mildly, refreshing in the extreme. Question discussed last evening: “Resolved, That the press has exerted a greater influence for good than the pulpit.” Decided in favor of the affirmative.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Philo Kent was allowed $35 damages in J. B. Taylor county road.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Absalom Clearwater et ux to Philo Kent, s hf n hf se qr and s hf ne qr sw qr and tract in lot 16, blk 17, 6-33-3e: $2,000.