Will J. KImmel


[Note: It was popular in 1901 for citizens to present their “Biographical Record” and as a result a number of families were able to record the history of their family starting quite often with the first generation to arrive in Cowley County. When the early newspapers are studied, the first generation is the one usually written about. In this case the father of Will J. Kimmel (T. J. Kimmel, often called Thomas Kimmel) emerges as the most prominent figure. We learn from the newspapers that Mr. Thomas Kimmel got a divorce from Will’s mother and later remarried; that the oldest son of Thomas Kimmel, Earnest or Ernest Kimmel, got in trouble with the law, and that there were two different men by the name of Moore who were partners of Thomas Kimmel. The early newspapers assist in giving a more complete outline of families then given in the “Biographical Record” and other printed matter. MAW]
Arkansas City.
WILL J. KIMMEL, of the firm of Kimmel & Moore, the popular and reliable grocers of Arkansas City, was born in Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa, in 1869, and was a son of T. J. and Hannah (Tucker) Kimmel.
T. J. Kimmel, his father, was born in Carroll County, Ohio, and died suddenly in October, 1898, in Arkansas City, aged 57. When a young man, T. J. Kimmel moved to Hamilton County, Iowa, taking up a farm near Webster City. There he was subsequently married to Hannah Tucker, by whom he had two sons and a daughter:  Ernest, a resident of Cleveland, Ohio, where he was engaged in the street railway business; Effie, who became the wife of James Coffee, of Arkansas City, and had two boys—Ray and Roy Coffee; and Will J.

On November 26, 1871, shortly after the birth of Will J., Mr. T. J. Kimmel located in Cowley County, Kansas, and took up a claim three miles east of Arkansas City, in Creswell Township. There he resided until 1880, when with William Benedict he opened a grocery in Arkansas City, the firm name being Benedict & Kimmel. During the three years they continued in business together, they rented a building on the lot occupied later by the Hustler Store, on Summit Street. W. E. Moore later succeeded Mr. Benedict as Mr. Kimmel’s partner, after which the firm name became Kimmel & Moore, and they bought, of George Cunningham, the building in which Mr. Moore conducted his store. This firm remained in existence from 1884 until the real estate boom in 1886, when W. E. Moore sold his interest to G. B. Moore, and he and Mr. Kimmel continued in business together until the latter sold his interest to an attorney named Wilson. Mr. Kimmel retired temporarily from business and, having previously sold his farm, returned to his old home in Ohio, where he spent a part of the year 1889. He then returned to Arkansas City, and re-embarked in the grocery business with a Mr. Davenport, under the firm name of Kimmel & Davenport. Until 1892, they conducted their store at No. 316 South Summit Street. In that year Mr. Davenport assumed entire control of the business, which he continued until 1894, when he secured the trade privilege at the Kaw Agency, whither he removed his entire grocery stock. Mr. Kimmel, with his son, reestablished himself in the store room formerly occupied by him in Arkansas City, and they conducted a grocery under the firm name of T. J. Kimmel & Son. In March 1898 T. J. Kimmel sold out to Joseph Bell, and retired from business. The firm of Kimmel & Bell continued until March 1900 when A. H. Moore, a son of G. B. Moore, bought out Mr. Bell’s interest. The firm of Kimmel & Moore employed two clerks and conducted a first class store in every respect. The building in which the store was located was owned by the Kimmel estate, and was a two-story stone structure with a large basement, its dimensions being 85 by 25 feet. It was purchased in 1887 by T. J. Kimmel, who also built a beautiful residence in the Second Ward, which in 1901 was occupied by his widow.
Will J. Kimmel, son of T. J. Kimmel, received his early schooling in Arkansas City, where he graduated from the high school. He also took a course in the business college at Ottawa, Kansas. In religious views, he was a Unitarian, although he was reared in the orthodox faith. He was a leading promoter of athletic sports. He was manager of the famous “Tigers” football team, and was also manager of one of the best known baseball teams in the West—“The Arkansas City Grays.”
   Thomas Kimmel.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Thos. Kimmel 35 m w Ohio Iowa
Anna Kimmel 34 f w New York Iowa
E. Kimmel 13 f w Iowa Iowa
Earnest Kimmel 11 m w Iowa Iowa
Willis Kimmel 5 m w Iowa Iowa
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
Thomas Kimmel threshed 713 bushels of wheat for Will Stewart in one day, last week. Will has it stored within a few feet of the river ready to load the first steamboat that makes a trip from Little Rock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
A two-year old son of Thomas Kimmel, residing east of the Walnut, fell into a bucket of hot water last Monday and scalded him from the hips down so badly that he is not expected to live.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Our enterprising grocery men, Kimmel & Moore, have struck something new “under the sun” for Arkansas City in the matter of a cider press, which they have just received, and now operate in their store. They make their own cider and cider vinegar, thus silencing all doubts as to its genuineness, besides being a boss institution. This firm has also on hand a fine assortment of fresh canned goods as well as everything else in their line, which we advise our citizens to take note of.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Kimmel & Moore have posts and cord wood for sale at all times and at reasonable prices.
AD: Posts for Sale. Mulberry, Oak, and Coffee Bean at Kimmel & Moore’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
Decorated China Set to be given away at Kimmel & Moore’s, If you want a chance, come soon or you will be left.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
If you want a pocket knife cheap, Kimmel & Moore’s is the place to buy it.
Full line of Table and Pocket Cutlery just received at Kimmel & Moore’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
If you want stove wood, cord wood, or posts, call on Kimmel & Moore.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
Mr. Ollie Stevenson has secured a position with Messrs. Kimmel & Moore, of this city. Ollie is a thoroughly reliable and energetic young man and we sincerely wish him success in his new business.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
The grocery firm of Kimmel & Moore are doing a rushing business these days, but are sadly inconvenienced for want of room. They have purchased G. W. Cunningham’s large store next door and will shortly move their stock thereto. This will give them one of the best store rooms in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
CIVIL DOCKET—SIXTH DAY. Hannah Kimmel vs. T. J. Kimmel.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
FOR SALE. Wood and Posts at Kimmel & Moore’s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Groceries. Kimmel & Moore are among our most prosperous firms. Genial, whole-souled fellows, they enjoy their full share of the public patronage.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Stockholders of the Commercial Building Association, Arkansas City.
This association, of which we gave particulars in a former issue, is now in readiness for active work, all its shares being taken, as will be seen by the following list of stockholders.
Kimmel & Moore, 5 shares, $500. Total shares: 200. Total Amount: $20,000.00.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Purchasers of Peaches.
Many of our farmer friends have asked us who will buy and ship their peaches. They think truly that our immense crop should be placed where we will all realize the most money. A dollar coming to an individual of our community, enhances the wealth of the whole and the more dollars that come to stay the better. Almost all of our grocers will buy and ship but of twenty, Kimmel & Moore, J. W. Hutchison & Sons, and Kroenert & Austin will purchase at fair rates whatever amount is brought them. Mr. Austin of the firm of Kroenert & Austin informs us that they will take all the farmers will bring them. They now have large orders to be filled. The farmers must bear in mind that as peaches are a perishable product, the merchants cannot afford to pay high prices and run the risk of loss. Sell them at a fair price and there will always be buyers.
Earnest or Ernest Kimmel...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.

Early Monday morning Henry Coryell, night watch, and John Williams arrested Earnest Kimmel and Frank Hillman on the charge of highway robbery. Their preliminary trial was held before F. P. Schiffbauer, at which the following facts were elicited.
Between 8 and 9 o’clock Sunday evening a young man named Macomber, with Frank Hillman, a stranger in this city, came into the Arcade Restaurant and said they had been “held up” at the canal bridge west of town. Hillman didn’t appear very much frightened, but soon passed out of the building, and was seen by Williams and Coryell as late as 2 a.m. walking about the streets with Kimmel. Macomber says he and Hillman had walked down to the bridge, and as soon as they got there, Kimmel stepped out and ordered them to hold up their hands, keeping a revolver leveled at him all the time, but not attempting to cover Hillman. Hillman handed over his pocket-book and advised Macomber to do the same, which he did, giving up some $78. Then Kimmel started towards town, while the two victims ran across the bridge and proceeded some fifty yards before turning their steps back to the city. As the officers had seen Hillman and Kimmel together that afternoon and evening, and suspecting the former of being a hard character, suspicion naturally turned on them. Consequently, they watched the young men until after 2 o’clock, and saw them separate and go towards the depot by different routes. About 5 o’clock Coryell and Williams proceeded to the depot, where the two boys were found in a freight car. After a pretty hard chase, they were captured and brought uptown. The evidence pointed so strongly toward a scheme having been connected by these two to rob Macomber that Esquire Schiffbauer bound them over in the sum of $500 each to appear in the district court, failing to secure which they were taken to jail yesterday morning. Macomber swears positively that Kimmel was the one to whom he gave his money, which, taken with the fact that Kimmel and Hillman have but recently returned from a spreeing trip to Caldwell, Wellington, and elsewhere, makes an ugly case for the boys, and may result in teaching them a severe lesson.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
Last Monday morning our citizens were startled by the report that a bold robbery had been committed just south of the bridge crossing the canal near where Speers’ mill formerly stood. The trial which was held Monday afternoon, developed the following facts.

On Saturday, a young man from Caldwell, now known as the “confidence man,” and Ernest Kimmel, ascertained that a young man, called about town, “Posey,” had about $30 in money on his person. They courted him with fervor and endeavored to make him drunk. They were unable to have him drink beyond a small quantity of liquor, not sufficient to intoxicate him. On Sunday the same methods were employed, but were alike unsuccessful. On Sunday evening young Kimmel  disappeared. The “confidence man” told Posey that there were parties beyond the canal that they could visit and have a “jolly time,” and asked the latter if he would accompany him. Posey readily assented, and the two started. They had crossed the bridge mentioned before, and had passed a short distance beyond, when a third party suddenly arose before them and commanded them to “hold up your hands.” The confidence man was seized with sudden fright and obeyed the command with alacrity. Posey followed the example of his illustrious companion. The robber searched both parties, taking a pocket-book from the former, and $78 in cash from Posey. The robber and the confidence man then left Posey to find his way back to town as best he might. Night Marshal Coryell and John Williams, from suspicious movements, kept the two parties under surveillance and tracked them to a box-car, which they were seen to enter. Soon after, Messrs. Coryell and Williams approached the car and ordered the persons within to come out. The persons so commanded left the car in haste from the other side and strove to escape. After a hard chase, they were captured. Kimmel endeavored to prove an alibi, but failed. The evidence was so strong that his Honor, Mayor Schiffbauer, bound the two parties over to the district court in the sum of $500 each. No one being found to stand good for their appearance, they were remanded to the county jail, there to await their trial for highway robbery.
We understand that the name of the confidence man is Hillman, and Posey’s name is Macomber.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 30, 1884.
In the spring we understand that Kimmel & Moore and Howard Brothers intend raising their store room another story. The building occupied by Fitch & Barron, between the two buildings, will be moved out and replaced by a two story brick store room. In fact, the two firms mentioned above have entered into an agreement with Frank Hoffman, the owner of the Fitch & Barron site, to make such improvements, he to put up a similar business room. Kimmel & Moore had intended to make the improvement this spring, but learning that Mr. Hoffman contemplated building, they concluded to postpone their own on account of Mr. Hoffman desiring to put a cellar under his room.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Kimmel & Moore were selling good, solid peaches this week at 70 cents per bushel.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
NOTICE. The public are warned against buying our brand of flour from Kimmel & Moore and Kroenert & Austin, as they do not handle our goods. Beware of imitation and repacked bogus sacks. LANDES, BEALL & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week. Included in list: Kimmel & Moore.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
Ad. Car Load of Flour just received by Kimmel & Moore.
Ad. For Prices on Newton Flour, see Kimmel & Moore.
Ad. White Fawn at Kimmel & Moore’s.
Ad. Kimmel & Moore sell Newton Morning Star Flour for 80 cents per fifty pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1884.

In the course of my business as an advertising agent, I came to Arkansas City last week, and, thanks to the liberality of the businessmen of the city, I succeeded in getting up my advertisements, which may now be seen at the leading grocery houses in town. Wishing the printing to be done in the city, I visited the TRAVELER, Democrat, and Republican offices, and finally decided to give the work to the Republican. The nature of my business is such that I am compelled to travel alone, but though I have visited many cities of the state, I have never yet experienced the slightest inconvenience, as I always endeavor to conduct myself as a lady, relying upon true manhood as protection from insult. In order to superintend the printing, I visited the Republican office, and the object of this card is to state that by one of its proprietors, Mr. Howard, I was treated as no one with a spark of manhood would treat a lady. His only reason for making the remarks he did must have sprung from the instincts of a contemptible coward. He knew I was alone and unprotected. I left the office at once, and succeeded in getting my work done at the TRAVELER office; and that I fulfilled my contracts to the satisfaction of my patrons (under whose advice I publish this statement), will be seen by the subjoined testimonial. FLORA WILCOX, Springfield, Illinois.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. On this the 30th day of October, 1884, before the undersigned, a notary public within and for the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, personally came Flora Wilcox, of lawful age, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says the statements made in the foregoing are true in every respect. FLORA WILCOX. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 1884. RICHARD U. HESS, Notary Public.
We, the undersigned, desire to state that Miss Flora Wilcox has been making a business canvass of our city, seeking advertisements, and having transacted business matters with her, we believe her to be in every sense of the term a lady and a thorough business woman.
WARE & PICKERING, grocers; KROENERT & AUSTIN, grocers; McDOWELL BROS., butchers; MOWRY & SOLLITT, druggists; KIMMEL & MOORE, grocers; F. W. FARRAR, assistant cashier, Cowley County Bank;   H. H. PERRY, proprietor, Leland Hotel; H. P. STANDLEY, editor, TRAVELER; S. MATLACK, dry goods; J. W. HUTCHISON & SONS, grocers.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
The carpenter work on Thos. Kimmel’s new residence was completed Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
We notice three neat cottages on Third Street being built by V. M. Ayres, Allen Ayres, and Joe Perry. Also further south on the same street two just completed by our grocerymen, Kimmel & Moore.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Marriage License. The following marriage license has been issued since our last report:
Thomas Kimmel and Lydia Mann.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
MARRIED. Thos. Kimmel - Miss L. Mann.
At last Thos. Kimmel’s residence is completed. Thursday of last week, he left ostensibly to visit his son, Willie, at Chetopa, but by some mistake procured a ticket for Girard. This city is the place where Mr. Kimmel’s sweetheart did reside. After finding out his mistake, Mr. Kimmel concluded to make one trip answer all purposes. He took out a marriage license at Winfield, and armed with this document, proceeded on his way to ferret out the consequence of his “error.” Just why Tom wanted a license from Cowley County, when his bride lives in Crawford, we don’t see through, but suppose it was for future “contingencies.” Probably he now has one for sale. Anyway, since Mr. Kimmel took his departure, he has become a benedict. He was to have been home Tuesday last, provided he made connections at Cherryvale, but we suppose from his non-arrival up to the time of going to press that he did not make connections. The high contracting parties are well known to one and all. The REPUBLICAN is only too glad to be able to welcome the twain and wish them a long and joyous life.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.

MARRIED. Miss L. Mann and Thos. Kimmel at Girard, this state. Mr. Kimmel and wife arrived Saturday. We extend our hearty congratulations to Tom and wish him and his bride a bon voyage.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
Kimmel & Moore have repainted the front of their grocery store in an attractive manner.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Ad. BALED HAY! At Kimmel & Moore’s.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
KIMMEL & MOORE are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery houses of Arkansas City. They keep a select stock of staple and fancy groceries, the finest line of glass and queensware in town. Beautiful hanging lamps adorn their show windows, such as would be an attraction in any lady’s parlor. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore are good men to deal with. Accommodating, sociable, and generous, they await you at their store. You will find it a pleasure to deal with them.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Will Kimmel, son of Thomas Kimmel, came home from Chetopa Wednesday. He has been at Chetopa attending school.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
The council convened Monday night with the following members present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, C. G. Thompson, councilmen. After the minutes were read and approved, the Mayor appointed T. Kimmel, W. Spray, and H. D. Kellogg as appraisers on vacating alley in block 141, and city clerk ordered to notify appraisers of their appointment.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
County Bastille Notes. E. Kimmel, who was discharged by the October term of the District Court from a charge of robbery, at Arkansas City, was rearrested Monday on another phase of the same charge, and now languishes in the bastille.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
   Included in list: Thos. Kimmel and wife; Will Moore and wife.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
The following is explanatory within itself. “HON. A. J. PYBURN, We, the undersigned, citizens of Arkansas City, Kansas, herein respectfully request and urge the use of your name as a candidate for the office of mayor and pledge you our best support.”
Included in list: T. Kimmel.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.

Court met this morning and went through a few cases. The term will last six weeks and the docket is quite heavy. Case of State vs. Kimmel was set for next Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
From the Daily Courier we glean the proceedings of the mill of justice.
Case of State against Kimmel was set for next Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
Arch McGrew to T. J. Kimmel and W. E. Moore, lot 24, block 31, Arkansas City. $200.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
The City Council met in adjourned meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present.
The following bills were acted on: Kimmel & Moore, $1.10, allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Frank Landes and Willie Kimmel are home from the Ottawa University spending their vacations.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Kimmel & Moore have just received a carload of sugar, and are selling it off very cheap. Parties who intend canning fruit can save money in the purchase of this article by calling on this firm.
The Kansas Millers Practically Tested by the Arkansas River Navigation
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Through the courtesy of Mr. Spencer Bliss, representing Bliss & Wood in the Arkansas River Navigation Company, our elongated reporter hauled himself from his couch at 3:30 yesterday morning, and in company with Mr. J. W. Millspaugh and Prof. Davis, sped away behind Mr. Bliss’ bay chargers for the city of many “invalids” and much “medicine.” The object was to join the Navigation Company, composed of James Hill, Bliss & Wood, Searing & Mead, and V. M. Ayres, and leading citizens of the Terminus, in an excursion down the “ragin’ Arkinsaw” on the new steamer, Kansas Millers, as a practical test of its ability to master the sand bars and general “cussedness” of the American Nile.
The Navigation Company has divided its capital stock into 110 shares of $100 each. They were opened for subscriptions from those on the boat, and well on to $5,000, the amount necessary to construct the barges, was subscribed by H. D. Kellogg, J. H. Sparks, Ira Barnett, Herman Godehard, T. R. Houghton, Snyder & Hutchison, H. O. Meigs, Peter Pearson, Henry Endicott, Frick Bros., Wagner & Howard, S. F. George, C. H. Burroughs, A. V. Alexander, Mayor Schiffbauer, George Cunningham, Kimmel & Moore, Judge Sumner, and others. All were enthusiastic over the success, so far, of navigating the river.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
W. J. Kimmel, William Price, Sam Graham, Dr. Mitchell, and W. B. Thomas were among our Arkansas City visitors Thursday—to their benefit socially and financially.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.

A business establishment to which we point with pride is the wholesale and retail grocery house of Kimmel & Moore. By their long residence in Arkansas City, this firm has acquired a patronage from the citizens of the town, from the tillers of the soil surrounding our beautiful city for many miles, from the white residents of the territory, and from the aborigines of the United States equal to any other like establishment in the city on the sand hill. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore carry in stock none but the best of staple and fancy groceries. It is not old but always fresh. They sell goods so cheaply that their patrons do not allow them to become stale. The reason they can afford to sell so cheaply is because they buy of the eastern wholesale houses in large quantities and pay the cash therefor. In addition to this, they attend strictly to business. When customers call their wants are attended to expeditiously, besides being treated very gentlemanly. This firm also carries a stock of glassware and Queensware unequaled by any in the city. Farmers congregate at Kimmel & Moore’s trade emporium when they visit the city with the products of the orchard, the garden, and the dairy; and they find a ready market at good prices. “So mote it be.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
CRIMINAL DOCKET. 417. State vs E Kimmel.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Kimmel & Moore will sell more goods for one dollar than any house in the county. Try them. Proof of the pudding is chewing the string.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
Choice Bacon at Kimmel & Moore’s at 9 cents a pound.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The last sitting of the District Court for this term was held Saturday, Judge Dalton on the bench. State vs. E. Kimmel, cause continued and bond approved.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Baled Hay at Kimmel & Moore’s at 40 cents.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
Mrs. Thos. Kimmel, while using a vapor lamp last Monday, was severely burned in the face by the flames flaring up in her face. The burn was around the eyes, extending over the forehead. Dr. Fowler was called in to dress the injuries.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The festival in District 80 was a glorious occasion for the people of East Bolton. At least 250 persons were present to partake of the good things under the weight of which the tables fairly groaned. A better display of large cakes never was made in Bolton. Two experts were kept carving for three hours, and they tell us that boxes and baskets filled with roast turkeys, chickens, and pigs were left untouched! Everybody in the vicinity of District 80 bent every energy to make it a success. Among the persons present from Arkansas City were Thomas Kimmel and lady, W. R. Hoffman and lady, Rev. Lundy, Rev. Fleming and lady, Ira Barnett and lady, Will Mowry and lady, Miss Guthrie, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Vawter, and O. P. Houghton. Ira Barnett thinks the tall grass in the hollows must all have been searched to get such a large crowd in East Bolton. We believe that we can truthfully say, and that without boasting, that District 80 has the best schoolhouse, outside of towns and cities, in Cowley County. The festival netted them about $50. It was financially, socially, and in every sense, a success. Lamps for lighting the house and a bell have already been purchased with a surplus of $20 in the treasury for furnishing the house with reading and physiology charts.
East Bolton Band dispensed some fine music at the festival. Ed. Buzzi, who plays the bass, was absent in the Territory hunting, but his father took his place and showed the boys he could play that part. Mr. Buzzi came from Switzerland near the Italy line and the Swiss and Italians beat the world for music.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
State versus E Kimmel, M G Troup for State.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Kimmel & Moore, the jolly grocers, will meet any and all cuts on the prices of groceries. They are not selling out to make a move, but are ready from now till Gabriel toots his horn to meet any competition. They do not cut prices for a few days and then raise them again. They sell as cheap as the cheapest at all times.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Thos. Kimmel informs us that on Tuesday last he received a letter from one of his school boy friends, whom he had not heard from for more than 25 years. It was at a town in Colorado that he saw an addressed envelope to some businessman. He remembered Tom’s handwriting at school, and a glance at the printed card of Kimmel & Moore on the corner of the envelope convinced him that the letter was from his friend of youthful days. Pleasant memories of the great fun they had had when going to the little white schoolhouse on the hill came flooding back to his memory. They had never heard of each other since separation some 25 years ago, and neither knew the whereabouts of the other. Right forcibly is the thought brought to our mind, by this instance, the value of using printed stationery, and especially envelopes. Businessmen will please make a note of this.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The case of the State vs. E. Kimmel, charged with robbery in the second degree, was dismissed for want of prosecution.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Notice. All parties owing the firm of Kimmel & Moore will please call at the store of Kimmel & Raney and settle immediately. W. E. Moore retires from business and he has the settling of all accounts. KIMMEL & MOORE.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
ATTENTION. Everyone should be interested and if you don’t look out for yourself, nobody else will. KIMMEL & RANEY sell as good goods as cheaply as anyone else. They buy for CASH, which always tells on Prices. We don’t pay men $45 and $50 per month to stand at the back doors and beg for orders. We prefer to give this all to our customers. What makes cheap goods is a merchant’s light hire. We pay no rent. We can afford to sell goods at Rock Bottom Prices. KIMMEL & RANEY.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.

Will Kimmel, while exploring the basement of Frick Bros.’ building, the first of the week, discovered in a crevice in the wall a plaster paris crucible of a silver dollar. It is supposed to have belonged to an individual who ran a shooting gallery there last winter, but who has now gone away. We examined the moulds and they were a correct imitation of the silver dollar, but quite crude.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
This morning a representative of the DAILY REPUBLICAN caught on to a big building scheme. P. F. Endicott, E. Carder, Thos. Tyner, Thos. Kimmel, W. E. Moore, J. F. Hoffman, and A. A. Newman have entered into an agreement to erect a handsome business block of six rooms, on lots south of the Burroughs’s block. Work is to be commenced in a few days. The block is to be two stories high and 100 feet deep with basements under the entire block. Storerooms are in demand in Arkansas City. As rapidly as they can be built, they are occupied. The building of these six business houses will aid very much in supplying the demand. It will be but a short time until Summit street will be lined all the way to the canal with handsome stone and brick business blocks.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Lost. A Morocco pocket book, containing promissory notes payable to the order of Kimmel & Moore as follows: O. W. Annis, $66.67; Arthur Bunnell, $26.45; Calvin Newlin, $8.50; John Pruett, $35.00; P. B. Sharp, $10.00; Chas. Shaw, $20.05; W. Ward, $18.50; E. P. West, $39.75; J. A. West, $15.00. All parties are hereby warned not to purchase the above notes. KIMMEL & MOORE, Arkansas City, Kansas, May 20, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Next Tuesday the work on the six brick store buildings, which are to be erected on lots south of the Monumental Hotel, will commence. The contracts are being let now for the work. The block is to be 150 x 100 feet, and the builders are E. H. Carder, Tom Tyner, J. F. Hoffman, A. A. Newman, P. F. Endicott, W. E. Moore, and Thos. Kimmel.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Today upon our Sanctum table Thos. Kimmell placed one of the best cakes it has ever been our good fortune to partake of. It was made by Mrs. R. Hoffman. We can testify to Mrs. Hoffman’s thorough knowledge of the culinary art. In mixing the cake she used the celebrated Big Can Baking Powder. It made the cake so light and nice that it fairly melted in our mouth. We would fain have had that cake last forever; but, alas! We were too many for one cake, and in a few minutes after its being placed upon our table, it had gone to refresh the inner man.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The trial of Brubaker for cruelty to animals before Judge Kreamer has ended. It went to the jury last evening. They were out until midnight and agreed to disagree. The court dismissed the jury and the prisoner. This is the second time the jury agreed to disagree in this case. It was composed of A. D. Prescott, A. D. Hawk, H. P. Farrar, John Ware, S. B. Adams, Geo. W. Spruill, G. W. Herbert, Thos. Kimmel, M. S. Hasie, O. F. Lang, Calvin Dean, and J. C. Topliff.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Thos. Kimmel was taken sick last evening. At last reports he was convalescing.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.

Thos. Kimmel sold his interest in the business lot and building belonging to him and Will E. Moore, to A. D. Hawk, for $4,800 this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Hose Company No. 2. organized last evening with twenty-two members, viz: T. C. Gage, Will J. Kimmel, F. E. Barnett, Joseph Bell, F. M. Hollenbeck, Will B. Edwards, Jay Fairclo, John D. Mott, James Williams, Geo. Farrar, Fred Bell, Wm. Baxter, P. W. Myers, Jay Deming, Andy Delzell, E. J. Hoyt, Geo. B. Love, Julius Behrend, E. O. Stevenson, Al. Heitkam, Guy Sparks, R. Hurbet [Herbert]. The following officers were elected by ballot: President, Julius Behrend; Treasurer, Geo. Farrar; Secretary, T. C. Gage; Foreman, Geo. B. Love; Assistant Foreman, P. W. Myers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Will E. Moore has purchased Thos. Kimmel’s half interest in the store building and business lot now occupied by Kimmel & Raney.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Thos. Kimmel purchased a business lot and building of A. A. Newman, yesterday, on South Summit Street. The consideration was $8,000.
Mrs. (?) Kimmel...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The rain has no effect on our real estate boom. Snyder & Hutchison closed the following sales yesterday.
B. C. Lent, lot 1, block 4, McGrath’s addition, to Mrs. Kimmel, $450.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
A very enjoyable birthday party was held at the residence of David Bear in honor of Mrs. Bear. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grady, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kimmel, Mrs. Frink, Mrs. Doughter, and Mrs. G. S. Morris were the parties in attendance. Oysters and other refreshments were served.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
George B. Moore leaves with his family this (Thursday) afternoon for Arkansas City, Kansas, where he will engage in business with Thos. Kimmel. During Mr. Moore’s business career and residence here, he has from a comparatively small stock of goods met with success that is almost wonderful, and the Gazette joins with his many friends in wishing him a prosperous career in Kansas, and also that his family will never regret the move, but gain for themselves as large a circle of friends as they enjoyed in New Windsor.
Mercer County (Illinois) Gazette.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
This morning G. B. Moore made the purchase of J. C. Raney’s interest in the grocery business of Kimmel & Raney. Mr. Moore takes possession immediately. The firm will be Kimmel & Moore, the same as it was a year or so ago, with the exception that it is a different Moore. Mr. Moore recently located here from New Windsor, Illinois, and is an experienced merchant. The REPUBLICAN extends its best wishes. Mr. Raney retires to private life with many regrets from his friends and customers.