Louis P. King
Beaver Township.
There was no King family listed in the 1870 census of Cowley County.
Beaver Township census 1878: L. P. King, 27; spouse, S., 22. P. O. Address, Winfield.
[RKW years ago gathered together the following information relative to Louis P. King. MAW]
Louis P. King was born in Washington County, Illinois, October 22, 1850, a son of E. H. King, a veteran of the Mexican war, who in 1854 brought his family to Johnson County, Kansas. When war was declared between the states he enlisted in the Union Army, Eighth Kansas Volunteers, from Kansas, and was killed in service while driving a wagon for the quartermaster’s department on General Sherman’s march to the sea.
Left fatherless at a tender age, Louis King was forced to make his own way in the world, and he secured what education he could in the public schools of Doniphan County, Kansas. In 1871 he came to Cowley County, and while teaching school during the winter months, continued his own studies in the State Normal School during the summer.
On September 20, 1874, He married, in Cowley County, Miss Syinda Smalley, born in Indiana. They had three sons and a daughter, Fred W., Harry W., Aubrey Louis, and Ella Leona.
Louis P. King was elected to the legislature in 1884 and again in 1886. He was president pro-tem for eight years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
On list of letters remaining in the post office at Winfield March 1, 1873: Louis P. King.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Election Clerk: L. P. King. Paid $2.00.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 13th day of April, 1876. On list: Scyinda King.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Beaver elected the following straight Republicans for her township officers last Tuesday. Trustee, R. H. True; Clerk, Louis P. King; Justice of the peace, J. H. Kinney; and constables Mr. Snyder and M. S. Teter.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Beaver Township Officers: R. H. True, Trustee; L. P. King, Clerk; W. Wood, Treasurer; J. H. Kinney, J. P.; M. Teter and W. A. Snyder, Constables.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The following teachers were in attendance at the examination held at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, September 15 and 16, 1876. [From Winfield: Louis P. King.]
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election Fee: Louis P. King, Clerk, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Election Fee: Louis P. King, Clerk, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
A spelling school at the Centennial last evening afforded amusement for the youths and adults of this community. “Boss” spellers: Messrs. L. King, C. Roseberry, T. Timmerman, and M. Teter.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
M. H. Markcum’s winter’s career as a disseminator of ideas at the Centennial schoolhouse terminated last Wednesday. A pleasant and profitable time was had. The performances closed with a spelling match in the evening. Messrs. L. King and C. Jenkins were the successful spellers.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
BIRTH. Another little cherub adds another ray of sunshine to Servis King’s household. For information in regard to avoirdupois and sex, inquire of Dr. Holland—Servis is too happy.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
A typographical error appeared in my previous communication. Mr. “Servis” King should have read Mr. Louis King.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates entitled to vote in this convention; which report was adopted.
Beaver: M. S. Roseberry, L. P. King, Warren Wood.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. Editorial Page.
There are ninety teachers in Cowley County holding certificates, of whom the following are teaching in the districts named.
WINFIELD. District 4: L. P. King.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
TANNEHILL. L. P. King, District 4. Monthly Salary: $33.33.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
The following applicants were in attendance at the examination for teachers’ certificates Friday and Saturday. [L. P. King was included on list.]
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
L. P. King was compelled to adjourn his school at Centennial on account of illness.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Louis P. King, of Beaver, brought us May 16th a small bundle of wheat which measures 5 feet 3 inches tall and is so slim and straight as to show that it must stand extremely thick in the field. He has a field of 25 acres standing over four feet high, as thick as it can stand and very even. If any man can beat Louis P. King and Beaver Township, it is time he came to the front.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
The Republican Committee of Cowley County met at the COURIER office in Winfield, on Saturday, July 8th, at 1 o’clock p.m. Present:
In attendance: Louis P. King, Beaver Township.
67th DISTRICT COMMITTEE...JUSTUS FISHER, Chairman; J. D. GUTHRIE, Secretary. Present: Louis P. King of Beaver Township; J. D. Guthrie of Bolton; J. B. Nipp of Creswell; Justus Fisher of Liberty; S. Johnson of Pleasant Valley. Cedar, Silverdale, and Spring Creek not represented. Voted to hold convention at the office of I. H. Bonsall in Arkansas City. . . .
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Delegates entitled to seats.
Beaver: M. S. Teter, Louis P. King, L. K. Bonnewell.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Last week Louis P. King and family accompanied Mr. Winton and wife on their return to Colorado. They intend engaging in the grocery business at Pueblo. Mrs. Winton had the misfortune of losing her little boy during her visit here among relatives. We regret very much to part with Louis, but wish him all manner of success in his new enterprise.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Mr. Louis King, after securing the services of Charley Kizer to till his soil the coming season, moves out to Pueblo, Colorado, expecting to carry on business in the grocery line.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Cowley County Teachers. The following persons hold valid certificates in this county, and can make legal contracts with school boards. [Listed: L. P. King, Grade 2.]
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
Tannehill, District 4, L. P. King: $45.00 monthly salary.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 3, 1884.
Long article by Editor bemoaning the fact that Creswell’s candidate, Mr. Tucker, did not get nominated. Instead, Louis P. King was nominated. The following comments were made about King: “Mr. King has been a resident of Cowley County for the past fourteen or fifteen years, mostly engaged in school teaching. He is a bright, intelligent, and thoroughly upright young man.”
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
The Representative Convention.
The district convention met in Highland Hall last Saturday, August 30, at 2 p.m., and was called to order by Dr. H. W. Marsh, chairman of the district committee, who was also elected temporary chairman. L. J. Darnell and Dr. P. Marshall were elected secretaries.
On motion of J. D. Guthrie the following committee on credentials was appointed: J. D. Guthrie, J. N. Fleharty, and M. Croco.
The committee on credentials reported the following delegates or proxies present and entitled to seats.
Beaver: H. W. Marsh, J. R. Sumpter, M. Croco.
Bolton: D. P. Marshall, J. D. Guthrie, P. B. Andrews, Al. Mowry, R. L. Balyeat.
Cedar: Louis Funk, J. Reid, R. Wamsley.
Creswell: A. E. Kirkpatrick, C. W. Burt, Bowen Lewis, S. C. Murphy, T. H. McLaughlin,
E. G. Gray, J. L. Huey, D. G. Lewis, F. M. Vaughn, J. W. Warren.
Liberty: J. A. Cochran, J. Fisher, J. Darnell.
Pleasant Valley: A. H. Broadwell, H. Harbaugh, M. Markcum.
[Note: This township is entitled to four votes.]
Silverdale: L. J. Darnell, H. V. Chancey, J. N. Fleharty.
Spring Creek: T. S. Parvin, H. Mead.
Nominations then being in order, J. R. Sumpter presented the name of L. P. King. On behalf of Bolton Township, R. L. Balyeat placed Dr. Z. Carlisle in nomination. Bowen Lewis, of Creswell, offered the name of J. R. Tucker, and J. A. Cochran nominated S. G. Castor, of Liberty.
The first ballot resulted as follows: King, 7; Carlisle, 8; Tucker, 10; Castor, 8.
The balloting proceeded with little change until Tucker withdrew on the seventy-second ballot.
The seventy-third ballot stood: King 13; Carlisle, 14; Castor, 6.
Castor withdrew on the eighty-eighth ballot, and the eighty-ninth resulted in the nomination of King by a vote of 19 to 14. Mr. King’s nomination was then made unanimous.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
The convention of the 87th District was held at Arkansas City, Saturday. There were four candidates: J. B. Tucker of Creswell, Dr. Carlisle of Bolton, S. G. Castor of Liberty, and Louis P. King of Beaver. Each had about equal strength. After 89 ballots were taken, Mr. King received their nomination.
Among the many bright, energetic young men of Cowley County, Louis P. King has no superior. With strong convictions, fearlessness in expressing them, a thorough acquaintance with the needs of his district, a bright mind, and an active temperament, he combines in a large degree the elements which will make his administration of the office an honor and a benefit to the district. He owns a fine farm in Beaver Township, on which he lives and enjoys the respect, confidence, and esteem of everyone who knows him. He is a strong candidate and will grow stronger every day, as his many qualities of mind and heart are brought to the knowledge of the people.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Our Representative.
Last Saturday afternoon, as we announced, the nomination for representative occurred in Highland Hall. Each township in the 67th district had her entire representation there. Four candidates were placed before the convention, as follows: J. B. Tucker, of Creswell; Dr. Z. Carlisle, of Bolton; L. P. King, of Beaver; and S. T. Castor, of Silverdale Township. The delegates of each candidate came to the convention prepared to stand by their man to the last. A good-natured determination was displayed all through the convention. Although the workings was long and tedious, the utmost good feeling prevailed; 89 ballots were taken before a choice could be made, and resulting in the nomination of L. P. King, of Beaver Township. On the 68th ballot, Creswell’s choice arose and withdrew his name from before the convention in a neat speech. Mr. Tucker’s action created a number of warm friends for him, and undoubtedly they will remember him in the future. When he made his withdrawal, Mr. Tucker still had his entire representation. They stayed with him until he refused to accept, and even then he headed the list of the candidates with the largest number of votes. Mr. Tucker saw that a deadlock had been formed and unless something was done, the delegates might yet be sitting there balloting and Dr. Marsh informed them “no election had occurred.”
Bolton Township never wavered from Dr. Carlisle, nor Silverdale from S. T. Castor; until the nomination was made, when Mr. Castor withdrew.
All the candidates were good men. The writer having but a slight acquaintance with the four gentlemen, we could hardly say which would have been our choice.
Mr. King, the nominee, is a young man of considerable ability. He has been a resident of Kansas for over 30 years, and in Beaver Township about half of that period. By occupation, he is a farmer, although having employed a great deal of his time in teaching. A sterling Republican all of his life. From a mere boy up to the maturer years of manhood his name has been enlisted in the cause of Republicanism, and as such a disciple he is entitled to the suffrage of every Republican voter in the 67th district. On the temperance question, he is perfectly sound. Not fanatical, but with clear and concise judgment, he advocates the great cause of temperance. His ambitions are not selfish. He desires to serve the poor in this capacity and will do so honestly and faithfully if elected. His record in public life he has yet to make, but his title to an honest man is clearly depicted on his countenance. As such a man the REPUBLICAN accepts him as its candidate, and will gladly tender Mr. King our hearty support, which we would have given for Creswell’s fair son, if he had received the nomination, or to either of the other candidates.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
J. M. Davis and L. P. King, of Beaver Township, came in to make the acquaintance of the new editors of the REPUBLICAN, last Saturday. We placed their names on our roll of honor.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.
Speaking of our nominee for representative, the Courier remarks: “Among the many bright, energetic young men of Cowley County, Louis P. King has no superior. With strong convictions, fearlessness in expressing them, a thorough acquaintance with the needs of his district, a bright mind and an active temperament, he combines in a large degree the elements which will make his administration of the office an honor and benefit to the district. He owns a fine farm in Beaver Township, on which he lives, and enjoys the respect, confidence, and esteem of everyone who knows him. He is a strong candidate and will grow stronger every day, as his many qualities of mind and heart are brought to the knowledge of the people.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Beaver Briefs.
L. P. King says, “That he would like to shake off some of the dust of honest toil in the legislative halls of Kansas, provided the people are willing.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 1, 1884.
Whatever may be the actual facts in the case, and while we believe rumor has magnified them considerably, it is nevertheless true that a few Republicans in Arkansas City have signified their intention to vote against Mr. L. P. King, Republican candidate for the legislature, and in favor of the Democratic or independent candidate—for what reason? Simply because Mr. King does not live in Arkansas City, or has not done all his trading at this point—because he is not known by every businessman in the city. It has even been asserted that Republicans were very desirous of bringing out Mr. Pyburn and electing him, so that our city should have the representative. This is not true, but it shows to what extent rumor will go, and in the light of Arkansas City’s political history, it has considerable weight with the outside townships.
We do not hesitate to say that any defection in the Republican ranks of Arkansas City this fall will be more serious in its results than is generally believed. It is a fact that in times past Arkansas City has frequently thrown aside party allegiance and elected men solely on their claims to interest in the city. This was all well enough when the Republican party sought to elect unworthy men, as in the instances when Judge Pyburn was made county attorney and state senator, but we have carried this feeling too far in more than one instance.
Arkansas City slaughtered A. A. Wiley, for which Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Cedar Townships still entertain a feeling of resentment toward us. Arkansas City beat Harbaugh for commissioner, which has strained Pleasant Valley’s friendship. As soon as Mitchell was thought to have more interest outside of Arkansas City than in it, the city did its best to beat him. And now if we follow up this record by defeating King, Arkansas City will simply stand alone, advertised as caring for nothing outside of its city limits, and courting the opposition and enmity of the county at large.
Now, can we afford to do this? Is Republicanism here to mean nothing more than Arkansas Cityism? True, we are growing, and growing rapidly, but we are not yet able to get along entirely independent of the county. In the event of a railroad fight, we are keen enough to send our men into Beaver, Bolton, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Liberty Townships to coax, argue, and plead with the farmers to stand by Southern Cowley; but a great many farmers are beginning to think that we are not so completely carried away by Southern Cowley as we are bound up in Arkansas City, and two or three election returns bear them out in their convictions.
We have today petitions in circulation in this city praying the county commissioners to submit to Cowley’s voters a proposition for the county to purchase the three bridges now owned by Creswell and Bolton Townships. Will the county commissioners act on this before the general election? If Arkansas City, with its Republican majority, defeats King, is anyone foolish enough to suppose the county will help take this bridge burden from our shoulders? In the coming years we may frequently desire to call on the county at large for aid. The county is Republican; so is Arkansas City; and if we do not show a reasonable degree of fairness in politics, we cannot blame the rest of the county for working against us in matters purely local.
Another item is that of prohibition. Three-fourths of our businessmen are prohibitionists and opposed to resubmission. At least, they claim to be such, and the opportunity for proof now presents itself. Does any man suppose that any independent or Democrat will vote against resubmission? Now, if you want prohibition, who will be most likely to aid you—a Republican, Democrat, or an independent? This is the issue all over Kansas. In every instance the Democratic candidate is instructed for resubmission; in some instances resubmission Republicans will be elected. The plain truth is the chances for and against resubmission will be pretty equally divided in our next legislature, and wherever temperance people can elect their man, they should do it. We can safely trust the farmers with this question, but will every prohibition businessman in Arkansas City have the courage of his convictions and vote for L. P. King? No man is stronger than his party, and it is folly to look to a Democrat, however respectable, upright, and honorable he may be, to vote against his party. Many good men are opposed to the prohibition law, but those in favor of it cannot trust their interests to such men. It is the man’s vote you must take into consideration; not the man himself, nor how many dollars he spends in Arkansas City.
Still another and most important question is that of United States Senator. There is little or no political significance in such offices as sheriff, county, attorney, county clerk, and the like; they are merely offices which must be filled, and are usually given to those who have been most willing to work for a party’s interests, and who are sufficiently qualified. But a vote for state senator or representative is a vote that directly influences the political complexion of the United States. To use a common phrase, we pull the trigger here and the report is heard in Washington. Do we want to run the risk of a combination next winter that may send Glick to the United States Senate? In the event of such a thing being possible—and stranger things have happened—is there a Democrat in Kansas who could resist the party pressure brought to bear upon him and withhold his support from Glick? Democrats are not fools, though very knavish.
There is no reason for any good Republican refusing to support Mr. King. He was fairly nominated; he is an honorable, intelligent farmer and school teacher, with the esteem and respect of his entire township without regard to politics; he is a staunch Republican, and for fourteen years has done as much as any one man to make Cowley what she is as an agricultural country. There are only two questions of importance to be acted upon in the next legislator—prohibition and United States Senator. Let every Republican ask and answer the question: “Who will best represent my views on these points?”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Our next representative, L. P. King, has been in the city this week, making the acquaintance of his constituents.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
L. P. King and Jerry Tucker were in town Saturday repairing political fences. Even if Jerry did not receive the nomination for representative, he is putting in some good licks for the nominee.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
He Did Say It.
Dick Howard is a handsome and innocent looking young journalist as one could wish to see, but Dicky has a painful and dangerous habit of telling naughty fibs. When you quoted the Secretary of the Dem. Convention as saying that King would be elected, why Dicky you knew you was telling a naughty lie. Democrat.
Oh, no, Mr. Democrat, we were right in our item. Ed. Gage was the secretary of the convention, and we would refer you to that gentleman to substantiate us. Let Mr. Gage speak and see if the Democrat is not the one guilty of telling “naughty fibs.”
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Our fellow citizen, and candidate for legislative honors, Louis P. King , is receiving an enthusiastic support throughout this section, which he richly merits. With the permission of the editor, I would like to say a few words in regard to this representative matter in a succeeding issue of the REPUBLICAN. GRAPHITE.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
L. P. King says he has surrendered his position as a farmer for the present, and will proceed to pay due respect to the great party that has placed him in the political field.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 15, 1884.
A CHALLENGE for joint debate has been issued by the Independent outfit, requesting Messrs. King and Harkleroad to meet our mayor on the stump. If Mr. Harkleroad wishes to canvass this district with Mr. King, all well and good, but neither Mr. King nor the Republican party recognizes Mr. Schiffbauer as the exponent of any principle or as the candidate of any political organization. The challenge was issued solely for effect, as the framers knew that the names signed to it was a give away, and that no attention would be paid to it. They will now try to make capital out of Mr. King’s refusal to recognize them, assigning as a cause his fear to meet Mr. Schiffbauer in debate. This all folly. This is King’s business, and a ten-year-old child could meet Frank in debate, with no difficulty whatever. Go on, boys, with your enthusiastic meetings in Bolton Township. We’ll take care of our candidate.
Excerpts from a lengthy article by Mayor Schiffbauer...
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Editors Republican: GENTLEMEN: Knowing as I do that you are my political opponents in this campaign, yet I still believe there is still honor and fairness enough in journalism to allow you to publish the following statement in answer to an article published in the Traveler under the title of “Schiffbauer as a Legislator.” The amount of truth there is established in that article I will attempt to show; and I leave the matter to those who were present and heard all the remarks I made whether or not I have made a true statement.
As to your statement that Southern Kansas, and especially Cowley County, would be ruined eternally in the event of Mr. King’s defeat, I only answer that we have survived thus far without Mr. King in our representative Hall, and I believe we will exist even if this terrible disaster should befall the Republican party of the 67th district in November next.
You say I announced myself for no other reason under heaven than to get the Democratic endorsement. I answer that by stating just as emphatically as you do the Republicans of Arkansas City brought out Mr. Pyburn for no other reason only to knock me down with and elect Mr. King; and when Mr. Pyburn found he could not deliver the goods he shouldered the load onto Mr. Harkleroad and he has not delivered it yet. That thing was so transparent that all the people have seen through it long ago in spite of your denial. People should never sell out unless they can give a true bill of sale.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
The REPUBLICAN makes the following prophecy on the vote for representative: Mr. Schiffbauer in Arkansas City will poll a very good vote, drawing mostly from the Democracy. In Bolton he will do the same. In the other townships his vote will be exceedingly light. In fact, it will be so light that the votes can almost be counted on the fingers. Mr. Harkleroad, the Democratic nominee, outside of the above mentioned precincts, will poll almost the usual Democratic vote. Mr. King will poll the full Republican vote in the district and will be elected by 200 majority. The fight, it seems, is becoming tainted with personalities, simply because parties who have a slight influence indulge in innuendos of a personal nature. This is all wrong. It stirs up bad blood. The three candidates are men whom we all know. The REPUBLICAN is not fighting either the Democratic or Independent candidate, but re-submission and Glick we are. John J. Ingalls and Prohibition is the motto of our campaign banner. We believe the Prohibitionists have the ascendancy in this district, and in order to promote that cause we must as Republicans, use our vote and influence for Louis P. King.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Messrs. Asp, Tansey, and King delivered speeches in Bolton Township last evening. Monday evening Asp and King with others will make addresses to the voters of Silverdale Township. Tuesday afternoon the same speakers will visit Otto and in the evening Maple City. Wednesday afternoon at Fairview schoolhouse in East Cedar. These are all appointments in this district for next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
For Governor: JOHN A. MARTIN.
Judge 13th District: E. S. TORRANCE.
Senator 27th District: F. S. JENNINGS.
Representative 67th District: LOUIS P. KING.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Louis King is brushing up his old clothes, preparing for the duty that will be assigned on November 4th. He’s bound to be a King.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
L. P. King got there, Eli, for the legislature in the 67th district, with a good majority.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Our “dear people” have had an agonizing time over the results of the election.
The grand victory won in state and county politics, makes us feel extremely jubilant.
Hon. (when) Lewis P. King felt so hilarious over his “getting there,” that he actually donned a sprink-span new suit of clothes Wednesday morning.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. King buried their infant child on last Monday, the 1st inst.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
DIED. Louis P. King, our representative, was in the city Thursday. This is Mr. King’s first visit to town since his election. He has had to remain at home on account of sickness, but Sunday it was terminated. His little boy, Warren, died. It was a sore affliction to the parents.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Louis P. King was on our streets again last Thursday.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
DIED. Mr. L. P. King, representative elect from the 67th district, had the misfortune recently to lose his bright little boy, Warren. The loss is a severe affliction to the parents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Hon. F. S. Jennings, our Senator, Hon. John D. Maurer, Representative of the 68th District, and Ed. P. Greer, Representative of the 66th District, left for Topeka yesterday. Hon. L. P. King, of the 67th District, goes up Saturday. The Legislature convenes Tuesday next.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
L. P. King, representative from this district, will leave for Topeka today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Mr. Louis King and Mr. Warren Wood were baptized into the Christian church on Monday of last week by Rev. Frazee; also Mrs. Dr. Marsh united with the same by letter on the following evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
Hon. Louis P. King, of Cowley, is on the House Committee on Penitentiary, and on the Committee on Temperance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
Penitentiary: G. E. Beates, Alfred Blaker, Daniel McTaggart, L. P. King, C. J. Burton, F. Hopkins, J. J. Veatch.
Temperance: A. H. Vance, Samuel J. Stewart, George Morgan, George Seitz, D. Overmyer, W. C. Sweezey, L. P. King.
Excerpts from article by E. P. Greer to Courier...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Although the House has been in session two weeks, it is only just ready for business, and will begin to grind out additions to our already bulky and complex statutes tomorrow.
The prohibition and railroad questions will receive much attention. The temperance committees in both Houses are admirably constructed. In the Senate Hon. Geo. I. Barker, a splendid lawyer and earnest prohibitionist of Douglass County, is chairman. In the House, Mr. Vance, who, as County Attorney of Shawnee County, has had large experience with the working of the present law, as chairman. These two gentlemen are jointly preparing a bill which will be presented as a substitute for the many bills on the subject prepared by as many different members, many of whom know but little of what is needed, but fire in “A Bill” on some important question hoping to regain renown and get their names on the House Journal. The writer had a pleasant and profitable interview with Mr. Vance on the features of the committee’s bill and ventured some suggestions upon the “search and seizure” clause which seemed to meet with favor. The bill will remove all restrictions from druggists, putting them on a plane with all others in case of violation and only requiring them to take out a permit at the Probate Court without fees or bond. The physician clause seems to be the most difficult to agree upon. There seems to be a general desire to exempt honorable physicians from the annoyances and complications thrown around them by the present law, but the existence of so-called physicians who creep into the practice to pose as middlemen in the violation of law, and are content to perjure themselves for from fifteen to fifty cents a perjury, makes it necessary to carefully look after this phase of law. However, the committee are honorable, faithful, and efficient men and will, I fully believe, succeed in bringing forth a law that will be just, but efficient. Cowley is honored with a member of this committee, in the person of Mr. King.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Messrs. W. J. Wilson and Louis P. King left Topeka and the Legislative halls to spend Sunday with the folks at home. They report “our boys” corpulent, happy, and busy.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
Hon. L. P. King was in the city Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Frank Jennings, Will Wilson, and Louis P. King came down from Topeka, to spend the Sabbath at home.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Louis King procured leave of absence from the legislature last Saturday and came down from Topeka to remain over Sunday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Both King and Greer voted for the bill for the state appropriation of $50,000 to Leavenworth, to secure the Soldiers’ Home there.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The house did nobly yesterday in its action on the Imbecile asylum bill and on the university natural history bill. The first of these provides for the removal of the state imbecile asylum from its temporary location in Lawrence to a permanent place at Winfield in Cowley County. Hon. E. P. Greer and Hon. L. P. King, and Hon. J. D. Maurer, the members from Cowley, made a splendid fight; and the gentlemen from Douglas County showed their good sense by offering no particular opposition. The state university never ought to be hampered by the immediate presence of any other state institution, and the south-central part of the state now feels that it has been properly recognized. We congratulate Cowley County on its success. Capital.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Louis P. King and John D. Maurer have represented their constituents ably and well and have earned the gratitude of the districts they have represented and of the whole County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Since his last contribution, “Mark” enjoyed a week’s recreation at the State Capital and Manhattan, returning by way of Kansas City. Were he to give a description of the sights, scenes, and pleasures incident to his trip, the columns of the COURIER would be too much crowded. During his sojourn at Topeka he was the recipient of many valuable favors and appreciated courtesies from Representatives Greer and King and Senator Jennings, for which they have his hearty thanks. Having spent much time in the House part of the Legislature, he was pleased to notice the active part Hon. Greer took in the debates of that August assembly. Hons. King and Maurer, although more conservative, appeared none the less interested and solicitous concerning the disposition of bills. Senator Jennings seemed to have but few, if any, superiors in the Senate, and was quite fortunate in accomplishing what he undertook. “Our boys,” with possibly one single exception, made as clean and clear a record as legislators as any county delegation in the State. The fact that they finally secured the Imbecile Institution after a close and sharp contest, entitles them to the just recognition of our people in the future. The “boys” are now acquainted and could exert a more powerful influence in the next Legislature.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
We all swear by Jennings and Greer. They are daisies.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
Hon. Louis P. King returned from his legislative labors last Monday. With one possible exception he made a clean record and can face his constituents with his usual frank, free, and honest countenance. GRAPHITE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Hon. Louis P. King was up from Beaver today looking as handsome and smiling as ever.
Hon. Louis P. King and Mose Teter, the auburn gentlemen from Beaver, made THE COURIER a pleasant call Saturday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
M. S. Teter and L. P. King are the champion machine drivers of this section. They are so well qualified to sit in the seat and take things cool.
The directors of school district. 4 have requested L. P. King to teach their winter term of school.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 8, 1885.
G. H. Teter, M. S. Teter, and L. P. King will each sow one hundred acres of wheat.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
On the adjournment of the county convention, the delegates from the second commissioner district met in the same hall, to choose a candidate to succeed Commissioner Walton. Louis P. King presided, N. T. Snyder was appointed secretary. The names of J. D. Guthrie, of Bolton, and W. M. Sleeth, of Arkansas City, were presented, the choice rested on the former by a vote of 42 to 8. This closed the business of the day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Convention called to order. Committee on credentials reported the following names of delegates entitled to seats in this convention. BEAVER. Delegates: J. R. Sumpter, L. K. Bonnewell, J. W. Browning, Louis P. King. Alternates: None.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
At 2 o’clock the delegates assembled once more in convention, and the reports of committees were had. The committee on organization that the temporary organization be made permanent. The committee on resolutions then reported the following resolutions.
3rd. We hereby heartily endorse the course of our State Senator, Hon. F. S. Jennings, in the state of Kansas, and of each of our Representatives, the Hon. J. D. Maurer, Hon. Louis P. King, and Hon. Ed. P. Greer, and hereby desire to express our appreciation of their ability, fidelity, and patriotism.
After the election of the Central Committee, the convention adjourned, and the delegates from the 2nd district proceeded to nominate a commissioner. Louis P. King was chosen chairman, and N. T. Snyder, secretary. J. D. Guthrie of Bolton Township and William Sleeth were named for commissioners. A vote being taken resulted 42 for the former and 8 for the latter, and Mr. J. D. Guthrie, of Bolton, was declared the nominee, which, upon motion, was made unanimous.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Last night a literary society was organized at the Centennial schoolhouse in district four. Officers elected: Hon. L. P. King, president; M. H. Markcum, vice-president; Ed Garrett, secretary; Miss Lulu Teter, treasurer. A programme was extemporized for next Tuesday evening when the following question will be discussed: “That wealth causes more happiness than poverty.” Chief disputants: affirmative, W. D. Holcomb; negative, John Vandever.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
The debate at the Centennial literary last Tuesday evening was on the question, “Resolved, That the cattlemen have a better right to Oklahoma than the boomers.” Argued affirmatively by Messrs. Jno. Vandever, Sheridan Teter, and Rance Holland. Negatively, by Messrs. Lloyd Guyer, M. H. Markcum, and Monroe Teter. The discussion awakened considerable interest and the judges wisely decided in favor of the negative. Ed. Byers presented a witty and entertaining paper, “Resolved, That the ladies have greater influence in society than gentlemen;” the paper will be debated next Tuesday evening. Monroe Teter and L. P. King will affirm; Willis Burke and W. B. Holland will deny. The election of officers last evening resulted in the choice of M. H. Markcum for President; Monroe Teter, Vice President; Lloyd Guyer, Secretary; Miss Maggie Teter, Treasurer; and Jno. Vandever, Marshall. The attendance at these exercises is too large for some comfort—being attended from a radius of five miles. They expect a rich literary feast and have not yet been disappointed. GRAPHITE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
A roaring time was had at the Centennial literary last Tuesday evening, it having been circulated quite extensively that the debate would occur on the quotation, “Resolved, That the cattlemen have a better right to Oklahoma than the boomers.” A large crowd was present. Messrs. John Vandever, Sheridan Teter, and Rance Holland affirmed; and Lloyd Guyer, M. H. Markcum, and Monroe Teter denied. Notwithstanding the fact that John Vandever and his assistants made a good fight for the cattlemen, the opposition downed them for the verdict of the judges.
Messrs. Teter, King, Burke, and Holland will affirm and deny at next debate the question, “Resolved, That the ladies have more influence in society than the gentlemen.”
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
L. P. King, our representative, goes to Topeka Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Senator Jennings and Representatives Ed. P. Greer, Louis P. King, and John D. Maurer went to Topeka Sunday to attend the special session of the Legislature.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
L. P. King was down from Topeka Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
We publish on another page the full text of Senator Jennings’ bill in relation to building and maintaining bridges in Cowley County, which has passed the legislature and is now a law. We are indebted to Hon. L. P. King for a printed copy of the bill.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The Centennial literary elected new officers last Tuesday as follows: President, Louis P. King; Vice President, J. C. Snyder; Secretary, Ed. Byers; Treasurer, Miss Belle McCulloch; Sergeant at Arms, Ves Byers; Editors, Miss Maggie Teter and W. B. Holland. The question “Resolved, That the world is growing worse, morally,” was debated in the affirmative by Messrs. J. C. Snyder, W. B. Holland, and M. H. Markcum; negative, Louis P. King, Ed. Byers, and Lloyd Guyer. Decided in favor of the affirmative. GRAPHITE.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-nomination for representative from the 60th district, subject to the decision of the republican district convention.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
As no candidates for representative have yet appeared on the political horizon of this district, I will announce the fact that Hon. Louis P. King, the present incumbent, will be a candidate for the second term. Mr. King has made a clean record and has been guilty of no action but what he can point back with pride. No petty schemes nor jobbery in his own private interests can be laid at his door. He guarded the interests of his constituents as carefully as it was possible for him to do. His alertness saved to our district one township that a combination had determined on tearing off. It would only be treating Mr. King with courtesy by complimenting him with a second term. I understand that he is opposed to third termism.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
L. P. King announces in today’s REPUBLICAN as a candidate for representative of the 60th district. Our readers are acquainted with Mr. King and all the good words the REPUBLICAN might say of him, will be useless. Mr. King is candidate for re-election and should he receive the nomination, will get the votes of all Republicans in the district.
ANNOUNCEMENT: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-nomination for representative of the 60th district, subject to the decision of the Republican district convention. L. P. KING, Tannehill, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Who is L. P. King?
EDITOR TRAVELER: I was in your city not long since, when the question was asked, who is L. P. King? Our county is growing so rapidly in wealth and population, and local interests absorb so much attention, that the question, by those who have recently come among us, who is the man that is put forward to represent our district in the state legislature, and what is his character? is one that deserves a truthful answer. There are others who, perhaps, could better reply to this than I, but I am not sure it will be done, and so with your indulgence, I will tell as nearly as I can what I know of the Hon. L. P. King.
I have been acquainted with Mr. King for eight years—five years a neighbor—and hence will be presumed to know something.
Mr. King is a native of Illinois; is 36 years old; came to Kansas, with his parents, in 1854, received his education in the common schools of Kansas, and is of course identified with her growth and prosperity.
Mr. King’s father went out in the Eighth Kansas volunteers at his country’s call and was killed in 1863. The boy, Louis, was too young to take his father’s place, which he would gladly have done, but he did the next best thing, sought and obtained a place as clerk in the quartermaster department, and served nearly two years.
L. P. King came to Cowley County in 1871 and has lived here since, teaching school winters and farming during summer. He has met with a fair measure of success, and while he is not rich, he is in comfortable circumstances, and is not a seller of place because of failure in everything else. He is an earnest Republican, a strictly honest and conscientious man, and we who know him best believe him incorruptible as to legislative jobbery.
He was elected two years ago to the legislature from this district, served his constituents faithfully and now the Republicans of Beaver Township are going to ask the Republicans of the district to compliment Mr. King for his faithfulness in the past by returning him as our representative this fall. We think this should be done for the best interests of the district, as well as an act of justice, and in recognition of the faithful service of an honest public servant.
I could say much more in Mr. King’s favor; but abstain, lest I be charged with writing a eulogy. H. W. MASON, M. D. Tannehill, Sept. 4, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.
The Representative Subject.
The time is approaching; in fact, it is quite near at hand, when the Republicans of the 60th Representative District will have to perform the duty of nominating a candidate to represent this portion of Cowley County in the next session of the Kansas legislature. According to published announcement there seems to be but one aspirant for the honors of this position, Hon. L. P. King, our present representative. Were it not for the fact that there has been some low rumblings from a certain quarter of the district in regard to springing a “dark horse” on the convention when convened, it might be inferred that the Republicans of this district intend to compliment Mr. King with a re-nomination.
Mr. King has fairly and honorably announced his candidacy and desire for re-nomination. He has already creditably represented our district in two legislative sessions and thereby acquired the necessary drill and training that makes the services of a legislator efficient and valuable. The record he has made in the past is open for inspection and investigation and the fact that no grave objections have been urged against it should be sufficient evidence that his services were highly satisfactory to his constituency. This being so, in accordance with established precedence and all rules of courtesy, Mr. King should be complimented with a re-nomination and re-election. I understand that he is strongly opposed to third termism and should his desires be gratified in this respect by his constituency returning him to the legislature, he would ask no further honors and emoluments in this direction.
There can be no question raised against Mr. King’s loyalty in the Republican party nor his fidelity in guarding his district and performing the duties devolving upon him as a representative, to his utmost ability. The writer has had a personal acquaintance with Mr. King for the past ten years and knows him to be a gentleman of strict integrity and unblemished character. For several years he did excellent service as a teacher in the schools of Cowley County and his pedagogical abilities were recognized and appreciated by the teaching fraternity. He is as sound and solid as the rock of Gibraltar on the question of prohibition, and all measures tending to promote temperance and sobriety among the people would be certain to secure his hearty support. He possesses good common sense and sound judgment and would not be found “straddling” any important issue that might come before the people for attention. Being a farmer and accustomed to earning an honest living by the sweat of his brow, his sympathies are naturally with the laboring element of humanity. As the other two representatives of Cowley County will in all probability be deservedly returned by their respective constituencies, it would be an exhibition of wisdom for our district to return Mr. King in order that the old delegation might work in harmony together and thereby make their services more effectual in accomplishing benefits for Cowley County. Let us give Mr. King a rousing support and show by our actions that we appreciate his fidelity, sincerity, and honest services in the past. M. H. MARKCUM, Pleasant Valley Township.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Lower District.
The issues in county politics seem to be very largely made up and settled in the minds of the voters, except in the lower representative district where an ominous calm pervades the political atmosphere. The little hamlet at the mouth of the Walnut is laying dark plots and will try to throw sand in the eyes of the various townships and defeat Hon. Louis P. King’s renomination. Mr. King made an honest and faithful representative and it would be an outrage not to return him. He may have made mistakes, but if so, they were honorably made. He was loyal to the whole district. Winfield Courier.
The above does the “little Hamlet at the mouth of the Walnut,” an injustice. It would convey the idea to the uninitiated that this is the only place there is any turbulence beneath the surface of politics, while outwardly there is an “ominous calm,” and that scheming is going on among our people to defeat Mr. King. We wish to say this is false. No effort is being made to throw “sand in the eyes of the various townships,” in order to defeat Mr. King. The “ominous calm,” which pervades the lower district has nothing beneath, and no significance.
But we wish to say right here that the lower district is wonderfully able to pilot its own “ship of state” into port without the dictates of the Courier. We need no assistance from anyone in the upper district and protest against outsiders putting their finger in our pie. If the Courier really desires to see Mr. King re-nominated, it should say nothing but saw wood. And if that gentleman desires the nomination, he should muzzle his rabid canine friend.
Further, does the Courier mean to say the upper district is settled upon the representative question? Does it have the impertinence to suggest the idea that its own editor is bound to be returned to the legislature when J. F. Martin has a following equal if not greater than the Hon. E. P. G.? Do you mean to say, Mr. Courier, that you can whip Martin’s friends into line? Oh, the gall you do possess. No doubt that self-same gall led you to believe that you wield the same influence in the lower district. But you do not. You no longer crack the whip of power in the lower district. Please bear this in mind.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 6, 1886.
L. P. King Re-Nominated.
In the representative convention held in this city on Monday, the names of but two candidates were presented, Hon. L. P. King and Rev. J. O. Campbell, and the first named was chosen by a vote of 32 to 21. The delegation from this city went solid against him, but the outlying townships supported him energetically and the choice was made unanimous. There has been much active discussion of this matter since the nomination has been made, and those who express their dissatisfaction are not few or far between. The alleged causes for this discontent may be thus stated.
Mr. King is a Winfield man in sympathy, and when he is away from home, he registers as hailing from that city. He visits Arkansas City but rarely, is not known to the bulk of his constituents, and shows his alien feeling by the little attention he pays us. In the legislature he does not mix in with the boys, spending $10 a day on a salary of $3; but he indulges inexpensive habits and thus loses all prestige as a legislator. He has no ability as a speaker, and is altogether too easy going to amount to much as a representative. Some of these disgruntled republicans express an intention to slaughter Mr. King at the polls by putting up a candidate from this city and rallying all the strength of the party to his support.
Between now and election day there is time for all angry passions to cool, and when sober second thought takes possession of these men’s minds, we look to see them work zealously for the party nominee.
In the first place, Winfield is looking with keen gaze for a division in our councils. The serious error committed by the little ring of politicians who have managed the affairs of our neighbor city has been an indulgence of selfishness. They professed to see a great future before them; half of the railroads of the country running past their doors, and thousands of railroad employees enriching their merchants and swelling their census table. With these extravagant notions in their heads, they grew insolent, unfair, and domineering. The townships adjacent to that city were treated as dependencies, and the declaration was repeatedly made by leading men, who assumed to speak for Winfield, that they must seek the favor of that city if they wanted railroads or any other agency of development. Pride goes before a fall.
Arkansas City, by pursuing a totally different policy, is growing at the expense of its truculent neighbor. When our leading businessmen labored in Silver Dale, Spring Creek, and Cedar last spring, honestly endeavoring to secure those townships the benefits of railroad communication, and exposing the duplicity and reactionary policy of Winfield, a friendly feeling toward Arkansas City was aroused in the breasts of those people, which can be retained and perpetuated if we continue to deal fairly and generously by them.
At the convention on Monday the townships comprising this representative district (outside of the city) voted solidly, through their delegates for Mr. King. Many of his supporters personally know the man, and take this way of showing their confidence in his judgment and integrity. They know his habits to be correct, his character to be upright, and his family honorable. They do not claim that he is a brilliant orator, but they know he is clear-handed, a diligent worker, and devoted to the best interests of his constituents. His short address to the convention, when called on for a speech, was characterized with manliness and good sense, and showed conclusively that Mr. King can express his views fluently and pointedly, which are the main qualities in a practical discussion. His preference for Winfield we believe to be an unfounded charge. He denies it emphatically to this writer, declaring that he buys his groceries of Arkansas City merchants and his farm implements of Geo. Cunningham.
This is the man nominated by the convention, and whom it will be the business of the republicans of this city to support at the polls. The townships ask it at our hands, and fidelity to party lays it on us as a duty. If those who had other preferences shall bring out another candidate; or if any number of voters shall strike Mr. King’s name from their ballots, thereby bringing about his defeat, let them bethink in time they will have a heavy reckoning to pay in the alienation of their neighbors, and a reproach attaching to the name of their city that will retard its growth and prosperity. Any opposition that may be shown will proceed from spite or political treachery, and these are qualities that no lover of the city and its welfare can afford to indulge. A straightforward course will be the true one, for honesty, now as at all times, is allied with thrift. Crooked politics are a dangerous game to play, and are always apt to plague their inventor.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
We acknowledge a friendly call on Monday from Hon. L. P. King, and M. S. Teter, of Vernon Township, and regret our absence from the office at the time of their visit.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the Republican Representative convention of the 60th district was held. Major L. E. Woodin called the delegates to order at 2 o’clock in Highland Opera House and on motion S. G. Castor, of Liberty Township, was made chairman of the convention and R. C. Howard of this city, secretary.
Chas. Roseberry, of Beaver, in a neat speech, placed the name of Hon. L. P. King before the convention and was loudly applauded. C. T. Atkinson followed in an eloquent but short speech, placing the name of Rev. J. O. Campbell before the convention. No other nominations being made, the convention proceeded to ballot. The first balloting resulted in Mr. King receiving 32 votes and Rev. Campbell 23. On motion Mr. King was made the unanimous choice of the convention. Mr. King was called for and greatly surprised his hearers in the neat speech of acceptance he made. He was lustily applauded. At the close of his remarks, Mr. Roseberry, of Beaver, introduced the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, The Hon. L. P. King has shown himself an honest, capable legislator and eminently loyal to the best interests of his constituents, and
WHEREAS, We, the Republicans of the 60th District, State of Kansas, in convention assembled, deem it wise and prudent that he should be returned for the ensuing session of the State Legislature.
Therefore, be it resolved: That Hon. L. P. King be, and is hereby nominated for re-election by acclamation.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Just as we go to press, the Representative convention adjourns. Hon. L. P. King was re-nominated on the first ballot by a vote of 32 to Rev. J. O. Campbell’s 23. The nomination was made unanimous.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. R. Sumpter and Hon. L. P. King were down from Beaver Township today. Mr. Sumpter informs us that wheat in his neighborhood never looked better. It has come up nicely and if no ill-wind blows next season we will witness a big wheat crop in this portion of the Arkansas Valley.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
SKIPPED ITEMS RE MAYOR SCHIFFBAUER RUNNING ON DEMOCRATIC TICKET AGAINST L. P. KING...[WHO BY THE WAY MADE A COMMENT ABOUT HAVING FOUR BROTHERS-IN-LAW IN ARKANSAS CITY.] Editor blamed Schiffbauer for his political recreancy, and duly cautioned him that the favorable opinion he had won as a faithful municipal officer would be withdrawn now he has bobbed up as a political aspirant on the other side.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
A Solid Democrat Tells Why He Cannot Support Frank Schiffbauer.
ED. TRAVELER: I suppose a dyed-in-the wool democrat has a right to indulge in a friendly talk with a republican journalist. I am not a reader of your paper (which I readily allow to be “valuable”), but I perceive by an extract given in my own paper, the Democrat, from your columns, that you are still lending generous support to Mayor Schiffbauer, notwithstanding he has joined the ranks of the democracy and is running in opposition to your own party candidate for the legislature. “Frank Schiffbauer,” you say, “as mayor of the city—alert, clear-headed, and continually striving after the public interest, is a man whom all parties can cheerfully support.” This is handsomely said; and I admire the candor which leads you to stand by a man whose useful and intelligent services as mayor of Arkansas City win the commendation of all. Now he aspires after political honors, and allies his fortunes to the opposite side in his endeavor to gain position. The fact that you do not abate your friendship for the man is an evidence of your consistent devotion, and shows that the quality of your friendship is durable and lasting.
But let me caution you against assuming for others the partial feeling that animates your own breast. Who told you that all parties could or would cheerfully support Frank Schiffbauer in his race for the legislature? As a consistent democrat I cannot, and I find on inquiry among my neighbors that many of my fellow partisans feel as I do. He is too recent a convert, we have no evidence of his sincerity, and the causes that brought about his change of convictions have not been placed on record. We know that the republican candidate, Hon. L. P. King, is not acceptable to a large share of the voters of your city because he is not an Arkansas City man, and because he is suspected of affiliation with Winfield interests. At the convention which nominated him, your city delegates cast a solid vote against him, and his selection was due to the townships composing the representative district. This caused some dissatisfaction, and produced an antagonism which favored the choice of an Arkansas City man by the democracy. I am not informed of the secret work which led to the selection of our worthy mayor, of what guaranties he gave to the delegates of his fidelity to their principles. But on the surface it appears all too sudden. His name was taken up by the convention without inquiry, and his letter of acceptance gives no assurance of the political course he will adopt. I want to move, on surer grounds. With you, Mr. Editor, I accord due credit to F. P. Schiffbauer’s alertness, but there is such a thing as a man being too alert, and moving around with a celerity that a slower going man cannot follow.
Frank Schiffbauer as mayor of the city has won my approval; but as a democratic candidate for the legislature, is placed in a false position and has forfeited my confidence. This is plain talk, and honestly expresses my own feelings and the feelings of quite a number of my neighbors. A DEMOCRAT. BOLTON TOWNSHIP, Oct. 18, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Representative Question.
The coming political fight in this county is warming up considerably. The pot is fast beginning to boil. The principal contest has narrowed down apparently to which candidate for representative of this district will be elected. Our readers are aware who those are before them seeking the office. The Republican nominee is Hon. L. P. King; the Democratic nominee is F. P. Schiffbauer. The former is of Beaver Township; the latter of this city.
Many of our Democratic readers, who reside in this city, accuse us of a lack of patriotism for Arkansas City because we do not support Mr. Schiffbauer, claiming that Mr. King is a Winfield man and the latter a true blue Sandhiller. We deny this allegation, and of all who have made it, have demanded proof. As yet, not one could furnish it. Some assert that Mr. King does his trading in Winfield. We know this to be false. We have seen Mr. King a number of times buying provisions at our stores and the Daniel Bros., the blacksmiths, inform us that they have been doing all his work in their line for three years past. The truth of the whole matter is, this is a trumped up charge. In fact, it is a Democratic campaign lie made out of whole cloth and one which that party has sprung on every nominee of the Republican party since there has been a rivalry existing between Arkansas City and Winfield. We think it is about time they give us something new. That old taunt is too tame and won’t wash down with the voters of this district. On the other hand, we assert Mr. King to be a strong Arkansas City man. He realizes that if this town is benefitted, he will be also. With this in view he has always labored for his constituents. Right here, we can hear some good old Democratic campaigner remark: “He didn’t do us any good in the legislature; he didn’t even get us a bridge law; we want to send someone there who will do Arkansas City some good.” Well, we reply, he did do us some good in the legislature, and did us no harm. Will you be kind enough to tell us of some one legislator from this district who ever did as any great good since this district has been organized? There never was but one and that was Dr. Leonard. If Mr. King had been a legislator then, he probably would have accomplished the same end for us as Dr. Leonard. The gist of the whole thing then is simmered down to the bridge question. If our memory serves us well, we believe Mr. King in the last legislature made an exceedingly strong fight on this question. Many of our readers are not aware of the facts in the case, and so we repeat them. During the early part of the legislature, Senator Jennings introduced a bridge bill, which it was thought would suit us if it could be made a law. Mr. King refrained from introducing a bill at the time because from a conference of a committee of our prominent citizens he learned that Jennings’ bill would do, and he and they thought best not to antagonize it by introducing another. The bill passed the house, but was defeated in the senate. By the time the fate of this bill was known, the session of the legislature was so far advanced that it was useless to introduce another bill, and it would have been folly to have done so. At the special session Mr. King introduced a bill, which a committee of the city sanctioned as the proper thing, and worked hard for its passage; but it too was defeated. The reason why is very simple. Senator Jennings, Mr. Greer, and Mr. Maurer worked diligently against it. The first is our senator; the remaining two, representatives from districts in this county. We ask who could accomplish the passing of our bridges on the county when the entire remaining delegation from Cowley County was against him? There is no man who could have accomplished the task undertaken by Mr. King.
In regard to sending a man from Arkansas City to the legislature who will do us some good, we will say that by sending Mr. King from this district, more good will be accomplished than by sending Mr. Schiffbauer. The Republican nominee is equally as brilliant, if not a great deal more so, than the Democratic nominee. Then why should the Republicans of Arkansas City disrupt their party by voting for a man who has been in every political organization known, except the prohibition, and has no fixed political principles governing him. He has been in the Republican party; he has been an Independent; he has been in the Labor party; and now he is in the Democratic, so he tells us. Perhaps he is by this time a full fledged “Irishman’s flee,” and will rest content until after the election. Quite likely then he will hop over to the prohibitionists. Again, should the Republicans of this city vote against Mr. King and elect his opponent, a chasm would be created between Arkansas City and the townships of the district. At present the townships and this town are in harmony, and we must keep them so. It is conceded that this district is Republican; and should Schiffbauer be elected, it would be by Republican votes. In the Republican nominating convention, the delegates from the county, excepting Bolton Township, were solid for King and against the gentleman brought out by the city. We might sometime in the future desire to ask for railroad bonds from the townships which are urging Mr. King forward very strongly, and then we would be told to get our favors at the hands of the Democracy. Republicans, we cannot afford to allow this breach to be made. It behooves us all to get out and labor for Mr. King’s election or else we will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Our prosperity today is principally due to the aid which the surrounding townships have extended us.
Further, if Mr. Schiffbauer should by a chance be elected, what could he do for Arkansas City in a Republican legislature? He would be sent there as a Democrat. His principles would not be in accordance with the powers that be and therefore he would gain no recognition. Mr. King, as before, would be placed on many important committees from the fact that he is a Republican and could there serve Arkansas City, his district, and the State to a greater advantage. Besides, his first term experience would place him on any equal footing with the majority of his brother legislators. In conclusion, we say to Republicans, work and vote for Hon. L. P. King for representative.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Why He Won’t Do.
ED. TRAVELER: I seem to be in the same box with yourself, in having a personal fondness for Mayor Schiffbauer, and yet not daring to vote for him. I like his broad gauge style, his level headedness, his audacity, and his aptitude for business. I readily accord that he has made a good mayor, and if our city should continue to grow and prosper and become opulent, Frank P. Schiffbauer must always be remembered as one of its early builders. This much is only due to our excellent friend.
But I do not like the misgivings in regard to the correctness of his intentions that I hear uttered on every hand. His ambition to represent this district in the legislature is not attributed to correct motives. It is thought he has a number of axes to grind, and that he is moved less by a desire to benefit his fellow citizens than in advancing his own fortunes. I will not repeat all the talk I hear about subsidies paid him by this corporation and that for public services rendered, because it is likely the facts to sustain imputations are not at hand, and if the suspicions are groundless, their publication would be injurious to an innocent man.
But there is told enough on the street, and by men who have known the Schiffbauer boys much longer than I have, to satisfy me that they do not enjoy the public confidence, and this is bad for a man who seeks political office. Where there is smoke, there is fire, is an old adage, and quite applicable in this case.
I can’t help thinking that Mr. Schiffbauer was guilty of a little trick in going before the democratic convention in a clandestine sort of way, and procuring the nomination before many of his republican friends knew of his intention. The first public intimation of his flop over was published in the Democrat one day, and the next day his nomination for the legislature was made. This looks as much like fixing up things that it carries the air of suspicion along. Furthermore, even if he should be elected, he will form one of a small and insignificant minority in our law making body that will have no influence, and his active qualities will be neutralized by the misfortune of his being on the wrong side.
To sum up. He does not possess the confidence of his fellow citizens; he is too unstable, veering around on expediency, or as the breath of public opinion directs; and he can accomplish no good for his constituents—whatever aims he may promote for himself, because of his being on the wrong side in politics.
For these good and sufficient reasons, I shall give my vote for L. P. King. He at least is stable and consistent. We know where he stands today, and we have a moral assurance that he will occupy the same position while in the performance of his duties. He may not be brilliant, but he is honest, diligent, and always attentive to the wants of his district. His merit lies in being a safe man, and such an one is the man to support at the polls. In the townships he is sure of a large majority, and it will be to the interest of republicans in the city to vote the same way. FIRST WARDER. ARKANSAS CITY, Oct. 25th, 1886.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Our first ward correspondent hits the nail on the head. There is a lack of confidence in the moral integrity of Mayor Schiffbauer, and this fact alone disqualifies him for the office he seeks. No word of suspicion is breathed against L. P. King, and he is the man to send to the legislature.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
BIRTH. Hon. Louis P. King was in the city today from Beaver Township. He informs us that his wife presented him with a handsome boy the first of the week; consequently, he feels very jubilant.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Hon. L. P. King has no unsavory business record attached to him. He has always born the name of an honest and upright citizen.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Yesterday in Arkansas City was an unusually quiet one for election day. Drunks were few and far between, although representatives of the rival candidates were out in full force. The vote in the city was hardly a half of a full vote. Scratching was the principal feature of the voting. Cal. Swarts received the largest number of votes in the city, and will likely do the same in the county. The principal fight was on representative, and Mr. Schiffbauer, the Democratic nominee, who usually has a walk-away in the city, had his majority cut down to 66 votes. This was due largely to the laboring men of the city voting against him. They worked faithfully for his defeat, and assisted very materially in accomplishing it in the district. The following is the vote in the city.
FIRST WARD. For Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 82.
SECOND WARD. Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 100.
THIRD WARD. Representative: King, 30; Schiffbauer, 81.
FOURTH WARD. Representative: King, 100; Schiffbauer, 83.
TOTAL VOTE OF THE CITY: Frank P. Schiffbauer, 346; L. P. King, 280.
SILVERDALE TOWNSHIP. Representative: King, 88; Schiffbauer, 52.
CRESWELL TOWNSHIP. Representative: King, 146; Schiffbauer, 76.
Returns of the district are not all in yet, but we feel safe in saying Hon. L. P. King’s majority over Mr. Schiffbauer is in the neighborhood of 100. Bolton Township and Arkansas City were the only places that gave the Democratic nominee majorities; in the two, the majority was 90, Creswell gave King a majority of 70; Beaver, 35; Silverdale, 32; Spring Creek, 10; Liberty, 30; Grant, 26.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mr. Schiffbauer, Independent candidate for the legislature, two years ago, and Mr. Harkleroad, Democratic, combined, had a majority over Mr. King, Republican, of 98 votes in the city and in Creswell Township. Tuesday Mr. King in his re-election received a majority of 19 votes in the city and township.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The official canvass made by the county canvassing board shows the following footings or total vote received by the various candidates at the late election in Cowley County.
L. P. King, 1,076; F. P. Schiffbauer, 935; T. V. McConn, 67.
King’s plurality, 141; majority over all, 64.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Hon. L. P. King has again been elected president of the Centennial Literary Society.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Hon. Louis P. King, representative from this district, was placed upon three committees in the legislature. He was made a member of the committee on Engrossed Bills; Private Corporations, and Internal Improvements. Hon. J. A. Eaton, of the Winfield district, was made a member of the committee on cities of the second class.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Hon. L. P. King presented the petition from this county asking for woman suffrage in the House. It was referred.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Hon. L. P. King came down from Topeka this morning. He informed the scribe that the house passed about thirty local bills last night while in committee of the whole, in which he had the honor of sitting as chairman. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Hon. L. P. King is in the city today seeking his constituents.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 7, 1891.
L. P. King dropped in to see us Tuesday evening. He was on his way to Kansas City. He has been around over the state some in the last ten days and finds the reform movement gaining in popularity wherever he goes.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 9, 1891.
The Courier of last night boiled over with a lot of sympathetic heart rending gush. It started out as usual to show to its readers the stereotyped story that our mortgages was evidences of our wealth and prosperity. It says nine out of every ten mortgaged as an alternative to have a home. No one doubts this for a moment, but when these Cowley County farmers mortgaged their farms from six to ten years ago, they had confidence in the administration who was supposed to be running this government in the interest of the people. They did not expect a government to be run on the principle of a reduction of values, in order to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, but such is the fact, and the Courier dare not tackle this question to the contrary. The Courier drops on to the chattel mortgage question, and intimates the great majority of chattel mortgages is caused by our farmers buying machinery. This is to a great extent true, but why do those farmers put chattel mortgages on their stock, from the simple fact, they have grown the grain, and it takes the necessary machinery to take care of it, and values on everything has been depreciated to such an extent that they have no ready money to buy with. The grain they raise has not paid the true cost of production for the last eight years on account of depreciating values and gambling in the products of what the farmer produces. This great promulgator of law and morality after showing that mortgages was a benefit, and a necessity, then gives L. P. King a round up on what they call his misrepresentation of the railroad bonds in Cowley County, which no doubt is a snag the Courier and its “prosperity yawpers” do not like to run against.
Another stumper the Courier ran against was the fact that our County Surveyor has been allowed $156, instead of $52. This extravagance is all laid at the door of the last legislature, which passed a law to the effect that the county surveyor “must keep his office open one day in the week, or that he may keep his office open six days and receive $4.00 per day.” Mr. Carnes should be given credit for being a conscientious reformer, as he only made out a bill for $162, while the law would have given him $304. The Courier man sees in this law a rare chance for boodle, and is striving to place a man in the office, who will put in a bill of $304 each quarter instead of $152. This $152 boodle that the Courier looks at will go a long ways to help keep up a corrupt newspaper for a corrupt political ring. With a reform county surveyor in office, the county saves $608 a year, which if in the hands of the prosperity yawping party, would be used for political boodle.
The Courier finally winds up on “the old soldier racket,” and says the people’s party, in order to catch votes, put up by a one armed soldier (J. D. Salmons for register of deeds) against R. S. Strother, “as brave a soldier as ever faced the privations of war.”
Could our readers peruse the article on the “old soldier racket,” in last night’s Courier and then read some of the pathetic slobbering of this same paper of a few years back, they could see at a glance, that this “old soldier racket” has about lost power with the Courier and its party.
The pension that Mr. Salmons receives, that is such a bugaboo in the eyes of the Courier, does not pay him for the loss of a strong right arm and the suffering he underwent for many months caused from the loss of his arm. This little fusillade being fired at Mr. Salmons emanates from the brain of one who should forever hold his tongue about the “old soldier racket,” when the position he now occupies and under the circumstances he occupies it, is so well known to every citizen almost in this county. He should take a back seat on the “old soldier” question. A man who has no use for an old soldier, only to get his vote to keep his party in power and then occupy a position the “old soldier” is entitled to, is not much on “consistency.”
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 10, 1891.
J. W. Browning and Louis P. King of Tannehill, were in town today.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 13, 1891.
There was a large and enthusiastic meeting at Udall last night. King and Bradshaw were the speakers and two glee clubs furnished music for a crowded house. Mark down gains for the People’s ticket from Ninnescah.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 16, 1891.
Senator King and J. C. Bradshaw go to Akron tonight to hold a political meeting. Ira P. Russell will accompany them with his organ and will mingle enchanting strains of music with political truisms.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 21, 1891.
L. P. King will address the voters at Tannehill on Friday evening, Oct. 23, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 23, 1891.
The People’s meeting at Rock was a grand one. Prof. Russell and his glee club were there. Senator King addressed the audience upon the subject of the session of the Kansas legislature. A talk was given by Mr. Cochran. KANSAS ANNIE.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 28, 1891.
The Courier says Senator King voted against the uniformity of school books. No one who knows the facts will deny it, but Senate Bill No. 264 was to create a county uniformity of school books. King wanted a state uniformity of text books. The Courier thinks it is a little cute at times, but others can read as well as those educated yawpers over the way. No sensible man will blame Senator King for voting against the bill as it was, and the House did just right in killing it outright. Now, Mr. Courier, next time you undertake to misrepresent our honorable senator, you had better cover up your tracks.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886. As no candidates for representative have yet appeared on the political horizon of this district, I will announce the fact that Hon. Lewis P. King, the present incumbent, will be a candidate for the second term. Mr. King has made a clean record and has been guilty of no action but what he can point back with pride. No petty schemes nor jobbery in his own private interests can be laid at his door. He guarded the interests of his constituents as carefully as it was possible for him to do. His alertness saved to our district one township that a combination had determined on tearing off. It would only be treating Mr. King with courtesy by complimenting him with a second term. I understand that he is opposed to third termism.
He was an organizer of the State Bank of Winfield which they chartered in 1905 He served as president. Mr. King left the State bank in 1912. M. B. Light as President succeeded him. L. B. King received a charter for the Progressive State Bank of Winfield which opened in 1913. In 1924 these two banks merged under the name of the State Bank of Winfield and are still in business. When the two were merged he was made chairman of the united Board of Directors.
Louis Phillip King died February 17, 1929.
Syinda Smalley King was born November 14, 1855 and died August 30, 1937.
Arkansas City Republican, October 30, 1886. BIRTH. Hon. Lewis P. King was in the city today from Beaver Township. He informs us that his wife presented him with a handsome boy the first of the week; consequently, he feels very jubilant.