Ezra P. Kinne and Family


The family does not appear in the 1860, 1870, or 1875 Federal or State census.
E.  P.  Kinne does show in the Tisdale Township census of 1876.  It does not show his age nor whether he is married or not.
He also shows in the Winfield census of 1878.  He is 43 years old and has a wife whose initials are H. M. and who is 36 years old.
[Note: Helen M. McMullen Loomis Kinne, widow of Ezra P. Kinne, died in Oakland, California, November 20, 1927. The Oakland Tribune, November 21, 1927, stated the following: “Died. Kinne. In Oakland, November 20, 1927, Helen M. Kinne, mother of Edward P. Kinne and Howard Loomis, a native of New York, aged 85 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral at the chapel of Grant D. Miller, 2372 East Fourteenth Street, corner Twenty-fourth Avenue, Oakland, Tuesday, November 22, 1927, at 3 o’clock p.m. Incineration, Oakland crematory.”]
First newspaper entry that has Kinne.
Emporia News, May 19, 1871.
Bell Plaine. [Later called Belle Plaine.]
MESSRS. EDITORS: To those unacquainted with the rapid growth of this part of the State, and with the enterprising spirit which characterizes the greater part of the people now immigrating, the changes which have taken place may seem incredible, but they are nevertheless facts. Newcomers expect to find a wilderness, but find a garden. Men of ability and sagacity, who came down here in advance of spring immigration, have traveled this strip over thoroughly, and have become familiar with all the best land, and points where soil, timber, water, building material, and commercial advantages were centered; they have located and surveyed out town sites, and are keeping pace with the tide of immigration, building up places of business as fast as the country settles up around them. And it now bids fair to be a lively race between the town and country to see which shall grow the fastest.
After examining the whole county of Sumner, a party of men have organized a town company, and chosen the most favorable location in that county for a town site. This enterprise I am told started sometime during the past winter, and since then few towns have grown so fast as Belle Plain. It is situated in the richest and most fertile part of the county between the Arkansas and the Ninescah Rivers, about ten miles from the mouth of the latter, and surrounded by a vast tract of bottom land extending from river to river. They are quite sure of the county seat, and bid fair, judging from their present progress, to rival any town in the Arkansas valley. The main current of emigration into this strip seems to be heading in that direction, and inasmuch as I judge from a disinterested standpoint, I must say their part of the country is getting more than its proportion. Businessmen of moderate capital will find there an opening not to be found in older towns where the requirements for building call for too much expense.

There are a great many who come into this State with capital just sufficient to put up an inexpensive building, and have enough left to go into trade; but many of our western towns, when donating a lot, place the conditions upon which the lot is given beyond the reach of men with ordinary means. For the present this is not the case at Belle Plain. The town company have appropriated a large number of lots to be given to men wishing to start in any honorable business, and those who wish to make a sure investment, and a large percentage on their money, whether the amount be great or small, cannot do better now than either to go and see or write to the proprietors of the Belle Plain townsite. The country adapted to general farming or stock raising is so extensive in their vicinity that trade cannot be overdone for the next year at least. Business houses are going up quite fast, and trade is thriving.
The following buildings are either filled with goods, or expecting to be in running order soon: Town Hall, Thurman and Richards, 20 x 40; Lamberson, livery stable, 40 x 60; Hotel, Barton and Son, main building, 30 x 30, two stories high with an ell 16 x 24; J. Hamilton’s store, 16 x 20, general assortment of groceries; George Hamilton, 16 x 20, dry goods; J. Kellogg, 18 x 30, drugs; Deavenport, first class stock of hardware, 20 x 40; Miller, 16 x 20, flour and feed; Kinne, 16 x 20, groceries; Chamberlin, 16 x 20, land office. A good ferry crosses the Arkansas near the town.
A mail route has been established from Wichita to Arkansas City, and stages will soon be running. A stage route from Thayer, via Winfield, to Belle Plain has been surveyed out, and it is expected that stages will be running on that route also soon.
Walnut Valley Times, January 26, 1872.
     [From the Arkansas TRAVELER.]
Cowley County.
Work on the Arkansas River bridge commences today. The pile-driver arrived a few days ago, and Mr. Hobson, the contrac­tor, is expected every day. Laborers desiring work had better call on E. P. Kinne or on Dr. Keith, immediately.
There is a movement on foot to try and get a railroad from Eureka through Winfield and Arkansas City. We understand that the Arkansas City people had a meeting last Tuesday evening for the purposes of having some action taken in the matter. If Cowley County wishes to have a railroad, and wishes for one that will benefit her, we are of the opinion, from what we can learn at present, that this would be a desirable road to obtain. We regret that circumstances were such that we could not attend this meeting.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Board met in county clerk’s office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following described section line roads were laid over under the rule until next meeting.

Section line road of E. P. Kinne, commencing at the N W corner of Sec. 6, town 35 R 3 E; thence E to N E corner of the N E quar of Sec 2, town 35, R 3 E, to be 60 ft. wide. Sec line road of S. B. Hunt, commencing at N E corner of Sec 1, town 31, R 5 E; thence S to S E corner Sec 24, town 31, R 5 E, to intersect road running from Winfield to Lazette, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of A. J. Walk, commencing at S W corner of Sec 18; thence E on Sec line to S E corner of 18, all in town 30, R 3 E, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of D. M. Hopkins, commencing at the W line of Cowley County at the S W corner of Sec 6, town 32, R 3 E; thence E on Sec line to Blanchard’s crossing on the Walnut River; thence E to the State road running from Winfield to Augusta.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
Ordination and Dedication. The exercises at the liberal church last Sunday were interesting and well attended. Prof. Norton was ordained according to the Congregational order in the forenoon. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Platter conducted the dedica­tion exercises.
Prof. Kellogg gave an interesting history of the origin, nature, and progress of the enterprise, announcing that the church had been built without foreign aid, had but a small debt, and was in a prosperous and hopeful state. Mr. Platter preached a sermon appropriate to the occasion. The church is a neat and tasteful edifice, finely and completely finished, and is in all respects an honor to its founders.
Butler County has but one newspaper, while Cowley and Sumner have three each. There is hardly enough enterprise in that county, outside of Eldorado, to run a saw mill.
Forty-two beds were made at the City Hotel on the night of the circus. This Hotel has been compelled to put on another addition in order to make room for the traveling public. H. O. Meigs is well known as a landlord, and his many friends are glad to hear of his resuming control of this most estimable house.
The city council met at Meigs & Kinne’s office last Monday evening, and after being sworn in, appointed R. C. Haywood, City Treasurer, and H. P. Standley, Clerk. The Council consists of H. O. Meigs, Mayor; and A. K. Melton, W. S. Packhard, Dr. Sheppard, E. P. Kinne, and I. H. Bonsall, councilmen.
Mrs. G. H. Norton writes from Vicksburg bitter complaints of the weather there; rain and mud all the time. We have about the right latitude and climate. Let us try and make the most of it.
The peach trees are in full bloom this week, and the weather is warm, showery, and beautiful.
  Bound to Win.
We learn from Senator Ingalls that the “Trail Bill” will become a law, which will not only be of great advan­tage to the state but make a rush for claims on the border. A project is on foot to have the right of way granted for a rail­road through the Indian Territory, which will open the pine forest of Arkansas, and build large commercial cities on the banks of the Arkansas River.
With these and many other projects, the future of Arkansas City is preferable to any young town in Kansas. Both the mea­sures alluded to will not fail, and if more than one is carried through, our prospects are flattering.
   What We Claim.
The various cities of Kansas are each in the habit of claiming special merit, and especially in some particular direc­tion. Thus Lawrence is the Fast Horse Centre, Fort Scott the Manufacturing Centre, and Emporia the Gooseberry Centre.
Arkansas City proudly claims pre-eminence in the most important of all human industries. Arkansas City is surely and emphatically the Baby Centre.

We speak according to the facts. There is surely no other portion of Kansas where babies are so numerous, and have such healthy lungs. It never rains but it pours in this country, and the babies come in showers, and warble in unison. It is enough to strike envy into every bachelor’s soul to waken at midnight and hear the dulcet notes that resound from every house. The cooing of cats is forgotten; the voice of the nightingale is no more attractive. We lie awake and listen and envy the married men their happiness.
We say to our people, go on! You are doing well. The Centennial comes in ’76, and the Census in 1880. We believe that all will render a good account of themselves. We have faith in corn-culture, tree-culture, mental culture, and especially in Stirpiculture.
Meanwhile we want our brethren of the press to distinctly understand that Arkansas City is the Baby Centre of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Judge Peffer, Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Loomis, and several ladies, also the “Special Contrib­utor,” visited the salt works on the 6th. We found Judge McIntire superintendent of the works. Our July sun is doing the handsome thing for these just now, giving a product of a ton per week.
There are also springs containing, apparently, glauber’s salts and other minerals in solution. We concluded the “warm spring” to be caused by the action of the solar heat.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
We are informed by E. P. Kinne, Esq., that Agent Gibson of the Osages came up to the state line a few days ago and took the Kickapoos down with him to the agency.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
The contract to build a bridge across Dutch Creek was let to E. P. Kinne, Esq., of Arkansas City, for $2,500 dollars. It is to be what is known as the Fake Truss. The bridge is, we be­lieve, to be completed in sixty days.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
   Winfield, Kansas, Sept. 7th, 1874.
Board met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.

Mrs. Hannah Marquis appeared with her attorney, T. H. Johnson, in pursuance of an order to correct her personal proper­ty assessments for the year 1874, and it is hereby made known that the board have this day allowed the said Mrs. Hannah Marquis to correct her said assessment by returning for taxation $1,000 in money not heretofore returned by the assessor, for the year 1874. And the County Clerk is hereby ordered to place the same on the tax roll for the year 1874.
And now comes Lewis Stevens in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assess­ment for the year 1874. Be it known that after hearing of the statements under oath, of the said Stevens, it is hereby ordered and adjudged by the board that the personal property of said Lewis be increased $260. That being the proceeds of a span of mules sold about the first of March 1874, and the county clerk is hereby ordered to place that amount on the tax roll of 1874 in addition to what has been heretofore returned by the assessor against the said Stevens.
And now comes David Thompson in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assess­ment for the year 1874, and after hearing the evidence of the said Thompson under affirmation, it is ordered by the board that the county clerk increase the assessment of said Thompson $700 on the tax roll of 1874 in addition to that already returned by the assessor.
And now comes John Brooks in pursuance to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment for 1874, and after hearing his sworn statement, it is ordered that the county clerk increase the assessment of said Brooks, as heretofore returned by the assessor of 1874, by adding thereto one horse valued at one hundred dollars, one mule seventy-five dollars, one wagon sixty dollars, and money and credits less legal deductions $2,000, making a total increase of said Brook’s assessment of $2,236.
And now comes Kinne, of the firm of Meigs & Kinne, in pursuance of an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment of said Meigs & Kinne, as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. And after having statements of said Kinne under oath, it is hereby agreed by the board that the assessment of Meigs & Kinne as reported by the assessor for the year 1874, is correct.
And now comes R. B. Saffold in pursuance to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assess­ment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. And after hearing the statements of the said R. B. Saffold under oath, it is agreed that the assessment of said Saffold as heretofore returned is correct.
And now comes James Jordon in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the statement of said Jordon under oath, it is ordered that the county clerk place upon the tax roll for the year 1874 all the mortgages that appeared on the records of the county on the 1st day of March, 1874, in the name of said James Jordon, and tax the same as the property of said Jordon.
And now comes S. D. Pryor in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the sworn statement of the said S. D. Pryor, it is ordered by the board that the county clerk shall assess and place upon the tax roll of 1874 all the mortgages that appear on the records of the county in the name of Pryor. Mortgages to be taxed as the property of S. D. Pryor.

Now comes C. C. Harris, in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for 1874. After hearing the evidence, it is agreed to allow Harris to furnish the county clerk a list of his mortgages for taxation. The county clerk is authorized to place the same on the tax roll for 1874, for taxation.
Now comes R. B. Waite in answer to an order issued by the board to appear and correct his personal property assessment as returned by the assessor for the year 1874. After hearing the evidence, it is ordered by the board that the personal property assessment of Waite as returned by the assessor be increased $110.80. The county clerk is ordered to place on the tax roll of 1874 as the property of R. B. Waite, all the mortgages that appear on the records of the county on the 1st day of March, 1874, in the name of R. B. Waite.
The board then proceeded to levy taxes for the year 1874, as follows, to-wit:
For State tax, 6 mills; County tax, 10 mills; County Judgment, no levy; Beaver Township  tax, 1 mill; Bolton, 2½ mills; Creswell, 7 mills; Creswell Tp. Bond, 6 mills; Cedar, 1 mill; Dexter road, 2 mills; Harvey, 1 mill; Maple, 1 mill; Ninnescah, 1 mill; Omnia, 1 mill; Omnia road, 1 mill; Otter, 1 mill; Pleasant Valley, 1½ mills; Richland, 1½ mills; Rock Creek, ¾  mill; Silver Creek, 1 mill; Spring Creek, 1 mill; Spring Creek road, 2 mills; Silverdale, 2 mills; Sheridan, 1 mill; Tisdale, 1 mill; Vernon, 1 mill; Windsor, 1 mill; Winfield, 1½ mills;  Winfield Bond, 6 mills.
Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 o’clock a.m.
Sept. 8, 1 o’clock p.m.
Board met. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
Max for school bonds and school purposes in the various districts as follows . . . .
And now came A. C. Holland, and moved the board to set aside the order of the board heretofore made on the 19th day of May, 1874, rejecting the report of the viewers and survey of what is known as the Holland county road, and it appearing to the board that the road is traveled by the public and the owners of the land affected by the opening of the road having relieved all damages sustained by them in consequence of the opening of the road, the report of the viewers and survey made in that behalf is approved and the road ordered opened, and the same recorded and platted on the road record.
Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 9 o’clock.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
The following bills were presented and acted on as follows.
J. J. Williams, courthouse repairs: $33.00
J. W. Strickland, courthouse repairs: $9.50
Stewart & Simpson, courthouse repairs: $26.00
M. Miller, courthouse repairs: $14.62
S. H. Myton, courthouse repairs: $2.17
Road Viewers: $2.00—Lucius Walton, James Vandersol, E. Willet.
Road Chainmen: $1.50—F. J. Jones, L. D. Randall, J. M. Midkiff.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton—$8.00
A. H. Green, drugs for prisoners: $15.00; $14.47.
T. G. Peyton, phy. for pris.: rejected.
[Skipped the rest of bills presented and acted on.]

Ordered that the County Clerk notify the trustees of each township to furnish this office a statement of the necessities of their townships with a view to furnish the Legislature the necessary data upon which to disburse relief.
Report of J. I. Mitchell, Township Trustee, presented and approved by the Board.
Board adjourned to meet at 9 o’clock tomorrow.
SEPTEMBER 10, 1874.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry, present.
The contract made between A. H. Green and the Board for medicine for prisoners, is this day revoked, and it is agreed between Dr. G. W. Graham and this Board that Graham shall have the sanitary care of the prisoners of Cowley County, and Graham shall furnish his own medicines until further ordered.
In the matter of boarding the prisoners of Cowley County made by this Board with the Sheriff, is this day revoked.
The County Clerk is ordered by this Board to prepare a list of all the mortgages on the records of this county on the 1st day of March, 1874, and submit the same to the board at its next meeting for the tax roll, in accordance with law, all mortgages not returned by the assessor.
In the matter of the personal property assessment of the Cowley County Bank, it is ordered by the Board that the assess­ment shall be increased to the amount of capital stock of said bank as published in the annual statement of the bank by the cashier, during the month of July, 1874, in the Arkansas City Traveler.
On motion the Board adjourned to meet on the first Monday of October, 1874.
M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
MARRIED. On Tuesday, September 22nd, 1874, at the residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, by Rev. Platter, of Winfield, Mr. E. P. Kinne and Mrs. Helen M. Loomis, both of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Nelson Abbott Comes and Goes
How He Didn’t Do It.
Nelson Abbott came to Winfield the day that September left. Wednesday night the courtroom filled with voters to hear Nelson speak. Besides some things that Nelson isn’t, he is a candidate on the “reform” ticket for Secretary of State. Nelson is some things, but he isn’t a good many things. He is the publisher of a democratic paper in Atchison, he is an awkward public speaker, is doing the republican ticket much good, and is a fair specimen of the “reform” genius. He isn’t an honest man, he isn’t doing his cause any good, he isn’t paying off those lottery tickets, isn’t telling the truth one-third of the time when he talks, isn’t fooling anybody with his lies, isn’t going to be elected secretary of state.

He opened his remarks by saying that last fall the reform party had only county organizations throughout the state, and that said reformers were successful in electing their candidates in a majority of the counties. This being true the reformers had a majority in the Legislature. He then charged this same legislature with authorizing Barbour and Harper counties to issue large amounts of bonds, fraudulently. That was the work of the reform legislature, Nelson, and not chargeable to the republican party. He then charged the republican party with rob-bing the school fund of 500,000 acres of land and giving it to railroads, but forgot to tell us that Sam Crawford, who is now a noisy reformer, was governor at the time and signed the bill, and that F. W. Potter and dozens of other blatant reformers were then members of the legislature and voted for the bill and held the law to be constitutional.
But the wind was badly let out of Nelson when Mr. Kelly, the senior editor of this paper, who knew Abbott in Macomb, Illinois, took the floor and told the audience that Abbott published a scandalous, copperhead paper in Macomb during the war, and only saved his press by taking the oath of allegiance. He stated that Abbott’s paper counseled resistance to the draft, advised deser­tion, and so incensed and encouraged the copperheads at home as to cause the murder of W. H. Randolph, the deputy provost mar­shal. He also accused Abbott of selling lottery tickets to dispose of his own property in Macomb, and then sold the property at private sale and left the country with his ticket money in his pocket.
Abbott denied all these charges, but Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City, who also knew Abbott and his history, happened to be present and at once arose and verified Mr. Kelly’s statement.
Great applause followed Mr. Kelly’s exposure of Abbott. From this time on the meeting became boisterous but good natured. Judge Ross, the chairman, got “on his ear” and defended the old time democracy in eloquent terms, and urged the people to disre­gard party lines and unite on honest men for office. The Judge’s enthusiasm and rough hewn sentences, frequently brought down the house.
R. B. Saffold, democrat, and Allison’s candidate for the state senate, made a few remarks.
Capt. Jas. Christian, of Lawrence, happened to be present, and was called out. His speech was humorous and well put, its criticisms being divided not equally between the republican and reform parties. He was a democrat and took no stock in either. He admitted that Abbott might have been a bad man, but if he was trying to reform himself now and live an honest life hereaf­ter, he should be allowed to do so.
The Winfield band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. Taken altogether the meeting was cold comfort to Abbott and his followers, and it were far better for Nelson and his cause if he had never seen Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.
The bridge across Timber Creek progresses finely under the supervision of E. P. Kinne.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
The new bridge across Timber Creek at the north of town is completed and accepted. It looks like a good job. Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City had the contract and has done himself credit in the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.
E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City was in town a couple of days this week.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the March term, A. D., 1875, of the District Court of Cowley County, to be holden on and from the 22nd day, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
No. 501. John C. Hays vs. E. P. Kinne.
E. S. BEDILION, Clerk, District Court.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.
Several people from Arkansas City were in town last Satur­day. Among the number we noticed H. O. Meigs, S. P. Channell, Mr. Haywood, and E. P. Kinne, Esq.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
Hon. Thos. R. Bryan, of Dexter, made us a friendly call last Saturday. He informs us that Meigs & Kinne, of Arkansas City, are about to erect a steam flouring mill at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.
E. P. Kinne, of Arkansas City, finished threshing last Monday night at 11 o’clock. One piece of wheat, upon which only eighteen bushels of seed was sown, threshed out five hundred and twenty bushels.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Cowley County District Court.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
John C. Hays vs. Ezra P. Kinne.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
Ezra P. Kinne, Arkansas City, runs for register of deeds for Cowley County—
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.
Lazette News.
Henry Vanover has returned from Missouri. He reports as much sickness in the section visited by him as there is in this county.
T. A. Wilkinson, of Winfield, gave us a flying visit on the 11th inst. He came in the interests of the “horny-handed” fraternity.
John Dudley, of Missouri, a former resident of this county, is visiting Grouse Valley friends.
Brooks has moved on his farm just south of Lazette.
Port Coons put in an appearance a few days ago. His sojourn with the Pawnee braves agrees with him. Upon his return to the Agency, he took with him Charles Brintzenhoffer.

The Lazette mill property has passed into the hands of B. H. Clover, who, with the assistance of David Batrum, will “push along, keep moving,” for the benefit of all patrons and friends of the mill.
W. G. Ward intends erecting a steam sawmill in the timber two miles south of town.
A. T. Shenneman paid a visit to Grouse Valley last week, spending Friday night in our city.
Calvin Dwyer, youngest son of Mrs. Mary Dwyer, was thrown from a colt last week and was quite severely bruised thereby. Fortunately, no bones were broken by the accident, though Cal’s sides and limbs were skinned beautifully.
BIRTH. Henry Wilkins is happy, and his many friends may now con­gratulate him on the arrival of a daughter, October 18th, 1875.
The joint discussion between the candidates of our parties came off last night. A good crowd met at the schoolhouse to see the aspirants for office and to hear the speeches. While there was no discussion between the opposing candidates, each one of them made a speech, not so much however to display his oratorical abilities, for each one said, “I am no orator, as Brutus is,” but to let the people see what good looking men were seeking to serve them. Col. W. P. Hackney opened the exercises, after which Messrs. Handy, Bryant, Kinne, Henderson, Deming, and Walker became bold enough to speak. Col. J. M. Alexander was then called out, and he made a happy and well received speech. Judge Gans followed the Colonel with some good natural remarks and a joke on one of the candidates. After our distinguished visitors had spoken, some of our township candidates and citizens joined in the “discussion.” Squire John Clover, Charley Jones, B. H. Clover, H. D. Wilkins, and Burt French made effective and telling speeches. There was but one disappointment in the evening, namely, the non-appearance of friend Walton of the Plow-Handle. The meeting was closed with a few remarks by the chairman, R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.
Look out for bogus tickets on next Tuesday. We have reason to know that a lot of tickets will be scattered over the county with the name of Thos. H. Henderson instead of E. P. Kinne. The ticket is gotten up as near like the Republican ticket as they can make it; in fact, it is the straight ticket with that excep­tion. Look out for it.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
Serviss and Merydith have threshed over twenty-five thousand bushels of grain this season. They are still at work, running early and late.
Dr. Wagner has had considerable riding to do this fall, but is now taking a rest. The sickly season is over and quinine is below par.
Thomas R. Bryan is teaching the Dexter school. He is giving good satisfaction. Whether as a legislator, candidate for treasurer, or schoolmaster, T. R. Bryan makes a whole team.
To show their appreciation of the good school now being taught, D. M. Patten, Tom Smith, and several others have moved into town so their children might attend this winter.
The wheat prospect of this township is as good if not better than that of any township in the county.
Miss Let Smith is visiting her relatives in Michigan.

Meigs & Kinne have sold their new steam saw and grist mill to the Carter Bro.’s, of Arkansas City. The boys are doing a rushing business. They run day and night, grinding at the rate of fifteen bushels per hour and yet cannot keep ahead of their custom work.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
’Squire Ramage has disposed of his upland farm.
Miss Ella Clover has opened school in the district north of Lazette.
Mr. Polk Tull is teaching in the Armstrong schoolhouse.
Our mill is running day and night, and customers come in from four counties.
The Literary Society at the Gardenhire schoolhouse has opened its winter session.
Farmers are very busy gathering corn, and the demand for help is greater than the supply.
The wheat of Grouse Valley looks very thrifty, though a few warm rains would help many fields.
DIED. The many friends of Henry Wilkins will be sorry to learn of the death of his infant daughter, which occurred on the 13th inst.
DIED. John Moser buried his oldest daughter, Mary, last Monday, and Solomon Mooney lost a child, one year old, the previous Saturday.
Reports from the late prairie fires continue to come in, and the losses incurred thereby are shown to be heavier than was at first thought.
Thomas Clover met with quite an accident in having a foot slip under the wheel of a loaded log-wagon. The foot was consid­erably bruised and crushed.
Mac Stapleton, in company with Lieutenant Dale, went into Elk County in search of Mac’s fugitive steeds. The party re­turned, bringing the horses with them.
Our mail contractor has been bringing us the mails about three times a month of late. The COURIER of last week failed to come in, and our Republican brethren were not favored with a sight at Kelly’s rooster.
J. P. McDaniels has the contract for the stone-work of the new mill. J. P. Kinne was given the contract for digging the race.
LAZETTE, November 18, 1875.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.
E. P. Kinne, Register of Deeds elect, has removed up from the City, and will henceforth be “one of us.” Winfield welcomes him.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
The contest case between Messrs. Henderson and Kinne has been settled amicably. It was arranged last Monday.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
Mr. Thomas Henderson, late candidate for Register of Deeds, is to take possession of the Lagonda House as proprietor. We predict that he will make a popular landlord.
VOL. 4, NO. 1.

W. B. SMITH   Nov. 8, 1870.   Jan. 8, 1872.
J. PAUL Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
N. C. McCULLOCH Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
E. P. KINNE Nov. 2, 1875.
There are seven grist mills in the county, four water power, three steam power. C. A. Bliss & Co. are proprietors and C. A. Bliss and J. C. Blandin were the builders in 1872 and 1873, of the four-story stone mill on the Walnut adjoining Winfield. It rests upon a solid stone foundation at the south end of a beauti­ful stone dam. The mill contains three run of burrs, merchant and custom bolt, $1,200 Middlings Purifier (the only one at work in the State at this time). Its daily grinding capacity of 24 hours is over 1,000 bushels of grain. This is the best water mill in southern Kansas. The mill is valued at $24,000.
I. E. Moore is proprietor of the Tunnel Mill, built by Covert and Koehler in 1872 and 1873. It is a three-story, substantial frame building containing two run of burrs driven by the water of the Walnut flowing through a tunnel beneath a narrow neck of land three quarters of a mile south of town. The mill is valued $16,000.
Wm. Speers is the proprietor of a substantial steam grist and saw mill, located upon the town site of Arkansas City.
All of these mills manufacture a superior brand of flour that has favorite reputation in Kansas City, which it reaches via Wichita over the A. T. & S. F. R. R.
B. H. Clover, at Lazette, has a flourishing saw and grist mill run by steam. Carter Bro.’s, at Dexter, also have a grist and saw mill driven by steam power, built in 1875 by Meigs & Kinne. Moses Miller is the proprietor of a small grist mill on Silver Creek, southeast of Tisdale.
Steam saw mills are located on Grouse Creek as follows: Sherman’s, six miles above Lazette; Ward & Smiley, two miles below Lazette; French & Stalter, three miles further down; Lippmann’s, ten miles below Dexter, and Samuel Jay, at the mouth of Grouse. These with a steam saw mill, owned by W. H. Keiser, about four miles above Winfield on the Walnut, constitute the mills of the county at this date.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
MR. E. P. KINNE and brother visited this place last week. E. P.’s daughter has returned from Illinois. [Note by RKW: “This is Elizabeth, born in 1861, and the daughter of Ezra P. Kinne’s first marriage to Elizabeth Harris, who died in 1872.”]
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
Mr. M. A. Kinne, brother of E. P., our Register of Deeds, and a resident of Fulton County, Illinois, has been prospecting in this county for the past few days.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
Recorder Kinne informs us that more mortgages are being released now in his office than there are being put on record. A good sign.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

DIED. We are pained to chronicle the death of a little child of our estimable fellow citizen, John Easton. The child was playing near a wagon from which the driver was unloading wood at the residence of Mr. Kinne. The driver, unconscious that the child was near, started the team and a wheel passed over its little body. It got up, walked home, a distance of a square, and told its mother that it was sick and wanted to go to bed. She asked it where it was hurt. Putting its hand on its chest, it said: “The wagon hurt me here.” These were the last words it uttered. It died in its mother’s arms the same instant. Dr. Black was called in, but the child was then beyond human surgery. He thinks the main artery leading to the heart was broken. Many friends express sorrow at the accident and sympathize with the grief stricken parents.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
  Republican Work.
The following townships have reported the proceedings of last Thursday’s conventions.
Winfield Township caucus met at the Courthouse at 2 o’clock p.m.; M. G. Troup was selected as chairman and E. C. Manning, secretary. Thirteen delegates to the 88th District Convention were elected as follows: D. A. Millington, J. C. Monforte, M. G. Troup, A. H. Green, T. J. Jones, T. B. Myers, Geo. Robert­son, Sam. Burger, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, J. L. King, J. P. McMillen, and E. C. Manning.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
Republican District Conventions.
Pursuant to call the Republican delegates from the townships of the 88th Representative District met in convention at the Courthouse in Winfield last Saturday.
On motion, W. B. Norman, of Maple, was chosen chairman, and Wm. White, secretary of the meeting.
After the usual formalities were disposed of, the delegates present proceeded to vote for two delegates and two alternates to represent this district in the State Convention, May 24, 1876. The choice fell upon D. A. Millington and E. P. Kinne, with respective alternates, as follows: Charles Eagen, of Rock, and J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.
All motions to adopt resolutions declaring for Presidential candidates were tabled, though the meeting was strongly Blaine in sentiment.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
COL. ALEXANDER started for Topeka Monday morning, to attend the Republican Convention as alternate for Mr. E. P. Kinne. He will go from there to the Exposition.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of proce­dure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
Gen’l Supt.: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.

County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, W. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaw.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Our Winfield Schools.
The Winfield Public Schools closed a nine month’s term last Friday. To see how the “rising generation” was taught to shoot ideas in our city, we visited, in the order named, the Higher, Intermediate, and Primary Departments last Thursday. The school never having been visited by an “item chaser,” it is not neces­sary to say that one was not expected at that time. We found the “house in order” however, and the floor occupied by Prof. Lemmon, and a corps of handsome young ladies engaged in a hand-to-black­board contest with “tenths, hundredths, thousandths,” and that little “period” that causes so much trouble with amateurs in decimal fractions. They soon proved themselves mistresses of the situation. . . . We next paid a visit to the INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT, presided over by that successful teacher, Miss Jennie Greenlee. . . .
Now we come to the PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, in charge of Miss Ada Millington. This is the most difficult department to manage in any public school. . . . Though her first school, Miss Millington has proven what her friends predicted, that she would make a very successful teacher.
Students Mentioned.
Miss Laura McMillen was most punctual in attendance.
The following students passed the required examinations and received teacher’s certificates: Misses Mary E. Lynn, Maggie Stansberry, Kate Gilleland, Sarah Bovee, Amy Robert­son, Ray Nauman, Iowa Roberts, C. A. Winslow, and Mrs. Estes.
Names of students worthy of special mention at the examina­tion at the close of the school year:

“A” Class Arithmetic: Mary E. Lynn, Emily Roberts, and Samuel E. Davis.
“B” Class Arithmetic: Minerva Martin, Nannie McGee, Luzetta Pyburn, and Alice Pyburn.
“C” Class Arithmetic: Lizzie Kinne, Rosella Stump, and Anna Hunt.
“B” Class Geography: Mollie Davis, Emily Roberts, Alice Pyburn, Nannie McGee, Minerva Martin, Ida McMillen, and Jennie Haine.
U. S. History: Harry McMillen and Emily Roberts.
“B” Class Grammar: Mollie Davis, Luzetta Pyburn, and Minerva Martin.
“A” Class Grammar: Emily Roberts and Mary E. Lynn.
The following named students of the Intermediate Department received prizes for good standing in their classes: 1st Fourth Reader, Minnie Stewart; 2nd Fourth Reader, Alfred Tarrant; Third Reader, Eddie Bullene; 1st Spelling class, Hattie Andrews; 2nd Spelling class, Ada Hudson; 3rd Spelling class, May Manning.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
COL. J. C. McMULLEN, of Arkansas City, writes from the celebrated summer resort, Creson, Pennsylvania, to his brother-in-law, E. P. Kinne, that his child is improving in health. He describes the resort as a three hundred acre tract of land, situated on the highest point of the Allegheny Mts., and beauti­fully laid out into walks, drives, natural and artificial. The curative properties of its mineral springs attracts hundreds to it every year. Its visitors are rich, gay, and fashionable, and their fine clothes and turn-outs contrast strangely with the plain suit of a western man. The Col. is spending a pleasant summer, and hopes to return soon with his little boy entirely recovered.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The following is a list of the delegates to the republican county convention, from the nine townships heard from.
Winfield: R. L. Walker, James Kelly, E. P. Kinne, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myres, C. C. Pierce, Nels Newell, Jno. Mentch, E. S. Torrance, and A. B. Lemmon.
Creswell: I. H. Bonsall, W. M. Sleeth, O. P. Houghton, Geo. McIntire, and Dr. Hughes.
Richland: D. Maher, M. C. Headrick, Alex Kelly, and Dr. Phelps.
Vernon: J. S. Woolly, Fred Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Beaver: T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.
Pleasant Valley: C. J. Brane and S. H. Sparks.
Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Liberty: Sam Pitt and E. C. Clay.
Omnia: E. A. Henthorn.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
The Republican Caucus.
Last Saturday the Republicans of Winfield Township met in caucus at the courthouse, at 4 o’clock p.m., and elected the following delegates to the county convention, to be held next Saturday in Winfield.

R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, E. S. Torrance, and John Mentch were elected delegates, and W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, John Weakly, S. M. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland, alternates.
The vote stood 91 for the ticket elected and 9 for the ticket that was defeated. It is an able delegation and was very enthusiastically supported.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reported the following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternates to the convention.
Silver Creek Township: Delegates, S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge. Alternates, H. Smith and A. P. Brooks.
Spring Creek: Delegates, F. M. Nance and R. P. Goodrich.
Pleasant Valley: Delegates, S. H. Sparks and C. J. Brane.
Nennescah: Delegates, A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Beaver: Delegates, T. W. Morris and L. Bonnewell.
Dexter: Delegates, J. D. Maurer, T. R. Bryan, Jno. Wallace, and G. P. Wagner. Alternates, W. W. Underwood, J. H. Service, T. A. Creager, and O. P. Darst.
Maple: Delegates, H. H. Severd and W. B. Norman.
Otter: Delegates, J. J. Smith and B. Hockett.
Harvey: Delegate, R. C. Story.
Tisdale: Delegates, S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Vernon: Delegates, J. S. Wooly, J. Millspaugh, and F. W. Schwantes.
Sheridan: Delegates, Barney Shriver and E. Shriver. Alternates, J. W. Hamilton and R. R. Longshore.
Rock: Delegates, Frank Akers, A. V. Polk, Hiram Fisk, and C. H. Eagin. Alternates, J. C. McGowan, E. G. Willitt, L. J. Foster, and R. P. Akers.
Richland: Delegates, Alex Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Danl. Maher, and J. H. Phelps. Alternates, J. O. Vanorsdal, F. W. Bowen, N. G. Larkin, and S. D. Groom.
Bolton: Delegates, W. E. Chenoweth, Frank Lorry, and Will Thompson. Alternates, H. B. Pruden and Strong Pepper.
Windsor: Delegates, C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Creswell: Delegates, I. H. Bonsall, Nathan Hughes, Geo. McIntire, O. P. Houghton, H. D. Kellogg, and Wm. M. Sleeth. Alternates, A. A. Newman, R. A. Houghton, T. C. Bird, W. H. Speers, Elisha Parker, and W. S. Hunt.
Winfield: Delegates, R. L. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, E. P. Kinne, Jno. Mentch, James Kelly, and E. S. Torrance. Alternates, W. M. Boyer, T. L. King, Jno. Weakly, S. D. Klingman, S. Johnson, H. L. Barker, G. W. Robertson, J. E. Saint, John C. Roberts, and A. Howland.

E. S. TORRANCE, Chairman.
A. B. ODELL, Secretary.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
Subsequently the following delegates presented credentials and, on motion, were admitted to seats in the convention: E. C. Clay from Liberty, L. Lippmann and Ben. French from Silverdale, and D. W. Willy from Cedar Township.
On motion B. H. Clover was allowed a seat in place of delegate Jones, who was absent.
On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made permanent officers of the convention.
On motion the convention proceeded to nominate, by ballot, a candidate for State Senator. The result of the ballot was as follows: E. C. Manning receiving 42 votes; C. R. Mitchell 5 votes; I. Moore 1 vote. E. C. Manning having received a majority of all the votes cast was declared duly nominated.
On motion the following named persons were selected, by acclamation, as delegates to the 3rd District Congressional convention: L. J. Webb, R. L. Walker, J. B. Evans, M. G. Troup, and E. C. Manning; and the following named as alternates: L. Lippmann, J. W. Millspaugh, S. S. Moore, T. W. Moore, and A. B. Lemmon.
On motion the following named persons were elected as delegates to the 13th Judicial convention: W. B. Norman, T. R. Bryan, E. Shriver, S. M. Jarvis, Dan Maher, E. S. Torrance, and D. Elliott. Alternates: S. H. Aley, C. R. Mitchell, T. A. Wilkinson, S. S. Moore, L. Lippmann, A. V. Polk, and A. B. Lemmon.
On a rising vote the following resolution was unanimously adopted by the convention:
WHEREAS, For the first time in the history of Cowley County, the Republicans thereof are called upon to nominate a candidate for the office of State Senator to fill said office for the next four years from said county in the Senate of Kansas, and
WHEREAS, during the term of four years next ensuing, for which the said Senator from Cowley will be elected, there will occur the election of two United States Senators by the legisla­ture of the State of Kansas, and
WHEREAS, the honor of our State, and particularly of the Republican party thereof, has heretofore been sadly tarnished by the open, notorious, and unscrupulous use and receipt of money in aid of the election of United States Senators by the legislature of the State of Kansas; therefore be it
Resolved, by the Republican party of Cowley County that every consideration of public policy and political integrity imperatively demands that our representatives in each house of the State legislature, at the time of such approaching United States Senatorial elections, should be men against whom character for personal probity and political integrity not even the breath of suspicion has ever blown. And, be it further

Resolved, that as the Republican party of Cowley County numbers, within its membership, hundreds of men whose characters are as spotless, both personally and politically, as the new fallen snow, and whose abilities are fully adequate to the honorable and efficient discharge of the duties of State Senator, we will therefore, in the coming contest for that important and honorable position, support no candidate therefor whose past and present political as well as personal history will not bear the closest scrutiny and most unsparing criticism when viewed in the light of the foregoing resolution.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die.
R. C. STORY, Chairman.
JAS. KELLY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
   Eighty-Eighth District Convention.
Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876.
R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consist­ing of one delegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves. The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, of Winfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Woolly, Vernon; A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock. Pending the report of the committee, Capt. James McDermott being called, came forward and made a brief speech, which was enthusiastically received, after which, a few remarks, in response to a call, were made by the temporary chairman.
The committee on credentials then submitted the following report.
“Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the following named persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.
Vernon Township: J. S. Wooly, F. W. Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield: R. S. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, Jas. Kelly, E. P. Kinne, John Mentch, and E. S. Torrance.
Harvey: R. C. Story.
Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.
Windsor: C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Richland: Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and J. H. Phelps.
Tisdale: S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Sheridan: E. Shriver and Barney Shriver.
Maple: W. B. Norman and H. H. Siverd.
Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made the officers of the permanent organization.
The object of the convention being to elect two delegates and two alternates to attend the Republican State convention on the 16th inst., at Topeka, a ballot was had resulting in the election of James Kelly and Wirt W. Walton as such delegates, and A. B. Odell and J. P. Short as such alternates.
There being no further business before the convention, on motion adjourned sine die.
R. C. STORY, Chairman.
CHAS H. EAGIN, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The Democratic jollification last night, over the election of one man out of the thirty-one on the ticket, was a huge affair. At an early hour sundry dry goods boxes, barrels, etc., were fired at the crossing of Main and 9th, the band was brought out, and the unterrified proceeded to get together. They met to rejoice over the election of Mr. Pyburn for fear that they wouldn’t have anything else to rejoice over. Mr. Pyburn was called out and in a few words thanked the Democrats for his election, which cooled the ardor of the bushwhacking Republicans, who were hanging on the outskirts expecting to get a comforting crumb.
Mr. McDonald followed him, of course, and put on the finish­ing touches. By insinuating remarks he cast reproach upon the name of the defeated candidate for State Senator.
This was more than his hearers could stand, and the only applause he received at its close was loud and repeated cries for “Manning!” “Man­ning!!” Mr. Manning climbed halfway up the stairway that led to the speakers stand and stopped, remarking that it was a time for “the Republican flag of Cowley County to stand at half mast.” From this stand he gave the “bushwhacking” enemy in his own party such a raking as they will remember for years. He had no feeling against the honest Democrats, who voted their honest sentiments, but against the men who had been nursed and petted by the Repub­lican party until they thought they owned the entire thing.
Mr. Hackney, late of California, was then called out and tried to explain why he was furnished with a “sleeping car” to ride free from Topeka to Galveston last winter, while his con­stituents were holding mass conventions at home to persuade the same road to build them a line down this valley. He then spoke a few kind words to “my friends,” the Democrats and Republicans, whereupon a full fledged “Dymocrat,” about half “set up,” yelled out, “Which side yer on?” This brought our friend Hackney down, and after more music the next Democratic (?) orator took the stand.
L. J. Webb, who had carried his district by a Republican majority of nearly four hundred, gave the jollifiers a few words that convinced them they had missed their man again.
Dick Walker, the Republican wheel-horse of this county, next stood up and put on the “cap sheaf.” He spoke of Arkansas City’s going back on him, bolting Webb’s nomination, Kinne’s nomination, and every other nomination the Republicans had ever made that wasn’t dictated by them, and that loyal old Vernon, “the only loyal State in the Union,” would remember them for all time to come.
Dick was followed by Capt. McDermott, Prof. Lemmon, and Mr. Kelly. They all made Republican speeches, which the poor Demo­crats were compelled to swallow. Prof. Lemmon said that he thought the meeting was called to attend a Republican funeral. That thirty out of thirty-one corpses were Democrats, and the anthem singers were nearly all Republicans.
The crowd was good humored and everything passed off harmo­niously. The funniest thing is to find where the Democratic jollification came in. The meeting was captured by Republicans, and seven speakers out of ten were “true blue Republicans.”
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Prof. Lemmon has sold his property on 11th Avenue to Mr. Kinne. This is not his home place.

Winfield Courier, February 1, 1877.
MR. KINNE liberally offers to record deeds, patents, and certificates from February 5th to the 10th, and donate the fees to the building funds of the two new churches in this city.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1877.
For those who wish to assist in the building and completion of the two fine churches now in process of erection, in Winfield, I have this proposition to make: Bring in your deeds, patents, and certificates, which you have neglected for so long, together with the fee for recording the same, and I will do the work and donate the proceeds to the above cause, commencing on Monday, February 5th, and continuing until Saturday the 10th. Bring on your work, the more the better.
E. P. KINNE, Register of Deeds.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
[County Commissioner Proceedings...am only putting down amount allowed. Skipping amount claimed].
   County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, April 11th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. All the Board present with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, sundry claims were presented and passed upon as follows:
S. S. Moore, assessor: $42.00
M. G. Troup, Co. clerk salary: $343.05
T. B. Myers, pauper bill: $10.00
J. McDermott, Co. Attorney salary: $175.00
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary: $150.00
T. R. Bryan, Co. Treas. salary: $452.75
Houghton & McLaughlin, pauper bill: $7.80
W. G. Graham, pauper bill: $25.00
J. B. Lynn & Co.: $6.75
Geo. W. Robinson, school examiner: $10.00
E. P. Kinne, fuel: $2.00
B. F. Baldwin, lamp fixtures: $12.35
M. G. Troup, postage, express, etc.: $33.70
Boyer & Wallis, pauper bill: $11.50
A. H. Green, blank book: $.80
R. L. Walker, drawing jury: $2.00
J. W. Curns, drawing jury:  $2.00
W. M. Boyer, drawing jury:  $2.00
Tell W. Walton, deputy Co. surveyor: $30.00
R. L. Walker, sheriff fee: $3.00
George Gray, pauper bill: $2.00
C. B. Hamilton & Co., books and stationery: $276.60
J. W. Johnston, pauper bill: $10.00

R. H. True, pauper bill: $7.50
Road viewers—S. W. Phoenix, $4.00; H. Harbaugh, $4.00; C. Coon, $4.00.
Chainmen—P. T. Walton, $1.50; A. W. Lewis, $1.50.
Road viewers—J. A. Bryan, $2.00; J. D. Maurer, $2.00; W. W. Underwood, $2.00.
Chainmen—P. T. Walton, $1.50; R. C. Nicholson, $1.50.
Road Viewers—H. C. Catlin, $2.00; J. T. Conrad, $2.00; J. M. Mark, $2.00.
Chainmen—G. W. Stout, $1.50; J. B. Butt, $1.50.
Jacob Berger, road marker: $1.50
S. W. Buell, janitor service: $1.00
S. Dodsworth, stationery: $39.80
Calvin Dean, assessor: $24.00
Justus Fisher, assessor: $36.00
S. H. Myton, fuel and merchandise: $203.90
W. H. Clay, assessor: $39.00
H. D. Gans, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
T. B. Myers, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
M. S. Roseberry, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
J. W. Cottingham, pauper bill: $63.00
Thos. Baird, pauper bill: $12.00
C. G. Holland, pauper bill: $20.00
C. M. Scott, county printing: $ 9.10
B. F. Baldwin, stationery: $ 6.40
R. C. Story, stationery: $10.70
H. D. Gans, Probate Judge: $16.90
Jurors—[Each paid $1.00.]
G. Black, R. B. Pratt, A. G. Wilson, C. M. Wood, J. B. Lynn, J. F. Walker.
R. L. Walker, sheriff: $2.50
J. W. Cottingham, pauper bill: $75.95
Emma J. Wedding, pauper bill: $19.00
J. T. Shephard, pauper bill: $38.50
R. L. Walker, sheriff: $140.00
Houghton & McLaughlin, pauper bill: $10.00
D. W. Frew, pauper bill: $10.50 claimed [bill was rejected].
J. W. Johnston, furniture: $28.75
J. Headrick, coroner’s fees: $7.30
James Land, witness: $1.00
A. Land, witness: $1.00
Mrs. Austin, witness: $ .50
Jurors—[Each paid $1.50.]
T. R. Bryan, M. G. Troup, J. H. Finch, B. M. Terrill, S. C. Smith, F. S. Jennings.
E. R. Evans, constable: $2.50
J. W. Johnston, pauper bill: $10.00
C. M. Bliss & Co., pauper bill: $3.05

F. S. Jennings, school examiner: $15.00
W. R. Davis, pauper bill: $60.00
C. C. Stevens, pauper bill: $85.00
S. E. Burger, pauper bill: $46.50
Jno. D. Payden, sawing wood: $43.75
Kellogg & Hoyt, pauper bill: $12.50
R. F. Burden, Co. commissioner: $9.00
W. M. Sleeth, Co. commissioner: $9.00
Wm. White, Co. commissioner: $9.00
W. R. Stivers, tax sale index: $100.00
A. L. and J. Foster, witness fee: [$4.20 claimed: rejected.]
State vs. Chas. Ball, fee bill: [$31.25 claimed: laid over.]
State vs. E. J. Wilson, fee bill: [$9.70 claimed: laid over.]
J. W. Snyder, pauper bill: [$6.00 claimed: laid over.]
TOTAL PAID $2,890.90
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true statement of all claims presented to the Board at their session held on the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of April, 1877.
Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of April, 1877.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1877.
Messrs. Kelly, Seward, Kinne, and Curns went over into Elk county last Tuesday. They have gone to meet the editor, who is still railroadin’.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
The Closing Exercises
Of the Winfield public schools came off Friday afternoon of last week under the direction of Geo. W. Robinson, principal. The four schools united in giving an entertainment in the Courthouse hall. These exercises consisted of songs, declamations, essays, dialogues, and a paper. Jay Bryan, in a well delivered declamation, told us why a dog’s nose is always cold, and Samuel Aldrich rendered the “Wedding of Whitenville” quite well. Three little girls, Ada Rushbridge, Minnie Andrews, and Nellie Plank gave a dialogue teaching the true source of pleasure, and Minnie Quarles and Anna Hunt illustrated the difference between the “good old times” and the present degenerate age. Frank Robinson came to the rescue of the much-abused grandmothers, while George Black advised us to “smile” whenever we can. Berkley Bartlett gave a good rendition of “The Sculptor Boy,” and Johnny Howland told us how well we look “sitting around.”
The essays by Misses Robertson, Nauman, and Winslow, were well read, and showed that this important branch of education has not been neglected by our teachers.
Lady Clare, by Miss Lizzie Kinne; Maud Muller, by Miss Laura McMillen; and The Ballad Carnilhan, by Miss Eugene Holmes, were recitations of some length and much merit.

The opening song was a good selection, and was well rendered. The quartette, Beautiful Rain, sung by Misses Jennie Hane, Lutie Newman, Eugene Holmes, and Jennie Lowry, was finely executed and highly appreciated by the audience.
The exercises altogether were quite pleasant, and scholars and teachers deserve praise for the labors which ended in this afternoon entertainment.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
The Elk County folks speak in the highest terms of praise of the delegation sent by Winfield to assist in their bond election: Messrs. Manning, Seward, Kelly, Curns, and Kinne.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
The following are the teachers attending the Cowley County Normal.
Winfield. Misses Ella C. Davis, Mary Pontious, Fannie Pontious, Miss C. Johnson, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie E. Minihan, Lissie Sumners, Mattie E. Walters, Rachel E. Nauman, Alie Klingman, Alice A. Aldrich, Genie Holmes, Ella E. Scott, Ella Hunt, Ella Wickersham, Emma Saint, Mollie Bryant, Ella Freeland, Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson, Lizzie Kinne, Sarah Hodges, Jennie Hare, Sallie Levering, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ina Daniels; Messrs. O. S. Record, Frank Starwalt, M. H. Marcum, J. D. Hunt, J. A. Rupp, C. C. Holland, J. B. Freeland, N. N. Winton, A. B. Taylor.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
Geo. Walker is announced as a candidate for Sheriff. George is a gentleman and a whole souled good fellow, well qualified by education, energy, and experience for the position he seeks.
A. T. Shenneman is announced as a candidate for Sheriff. He is in every way well qualified for the position. In his long career in this county in business of the same nature as are the duties of sheriff, he has proved himself to be honorably and eminently efficient. He has hosts of friends.
Leon Lippmann comes forward as a candidate for sheriff with a host of friends to support him who insist that he is thoroughly well qualified for, and eminently worthy of the position in every respect. We heartily agree with them.
Notice the announcement of E. P. Kinne as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds. He has not got rich from the office the first term by charging illegal rates, nor by pinching and penuriousness, but he has been a faithful, obliging, pleasant, and gentlemanly officer, satisfied with the moderate pay provided by law, a noble and generous citizen always ready and willing to assist with his time and money in every good work, and he deserves a re-election.
James S. Hunt is announced in our columns as a candidate for County Clerk. We have known the candidate for many years as a truly liberal citizen, a faithful and honorable man and officer, and he is eminently well qualified for the office he solicits.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 22, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.

The convention was called to order by T. K. Johnston, Chairman of the Republican County Central Committee.
On motion Albert Chamberlain of Creswell Township, was chosen temporary chairman, and Chas. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
On motion the following committees were appointed by the chairman: Committee on permanent organization, C. A. Metcalf, A. A. Wiley, Robt. Strother, C. S. Smith, and H. L. Barker.
Committee on credentials, W. P. Hackney, H. H. Siverd, James Utt, G. W. Herbert, and Daniel Maher.
On motion convention adjourned to meet at half past 1 o’clock.
A. CHAMBERLAIN, Temporary Chairman.
CHAS. EAGIN, Temporary Secretary.
Convention called to order by the chairman.
The committee on credentials submitted the following report.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on credentials beg leave to request that the following townships and delegates therefrom are entitled to representation and seats in this convention.
Maple: H. H. Siverd and W. B. Norman.
Winfield: J. E. Allen, H. L. Barker, W. P. Hackney, N. M. Chaffey, L. J. Webb, and S. Johnson.
Ninnescah: A. S. Capper, Len Stotle.
Harvey: Robt. Strother, Martin Barber.
Spring Creek: A. A. Wiley, J. B. Callison.
Richland: Sam’l. Groom, J. R. Thompson, Daniel Maher.
Vernon: W. F. Schwantes, P. M. Waite, Chas. S. Smith.
Sheridan: C. Treadway, J. W. Dow.
Tisdale: O. P. West, J. S. Baker.
Silverdale: Benjamin French, G. W. Herbert.
Beaver: S. B. Littell, M. S. Teter.
Windsor: J. W. Jackson, Jos. Reynolds, Geo. Lee.
Bolton: L. Harkins, M. Bussi [?Buzzi], J. O. Herbert.
Omnia: J. L. Parsons, E. A. Henthorn.
Otter: J. J. Smith, Jas. Utt.
Liberty: Henry Colyer, J. H. Mounts.
Rock: Chas. H. Eagin, Frank Akers, Wm. J. Funk.
Creswell: A. Chamberlain, D. W. Cormic, Kendall Smith, Reuben Houghton.
Silver Creek: Harvey Smith, Mr. Peters.
Dexter: Jas. Harden, Fred Coger, John Wallace.
Cedar: W. A. Metcalf, Henry Thompson.
Pleasant Valley: Chas. Seacat, T. J. Harris.
Total: 56 delegates.
Respectfully submitted.
W. P. Hackney, Dan’l. Maher, H. H. Siverd, Jas. Utt, G. W. Herbert.
On motion the report was adopted.

The committee on permanent organization submitted the following report.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization and order of business beg leave to submit the following report.
For permanent chairman, J. B. Callison; for permanent secretary, Chas. H. Eagin; assistant secretary, R. A. Houghton. That the order of business be as follows.
1st. Selection of County Central Committee.
2nd. Nominations in the following order: Sheriff, Coroner, County Clerk, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Surveyor, and County Commissioners.
3rd. That in balloting for each candidate the secretary shall call the roll and each delegate as his name is called will answer with the name of the person he desires to vote for.
W. H. Metcalf, A. A. Wiley, C. S. Smith, R. S. Strother, H. L. Barker.
On the question of the adoption of the report, a motion prevailed to adopt the order of business, excepting the selection of Central Committee and the manner of voting for candidates.
It was then moved and carried that the selection of County Central Committee be the last thing in the order of business, and that tellers be appointed to receive and count the votes for candidates in the regular way.
Nominations being next in order, a motion to take an informal ballot to bring out candidates for Sheriff was carried.
On the first ballot Leon Lippmann received 21 votes; A. T. Shenneman, 16; Geo. Walker, 15; S. W. Chase, 4.
The balloting continued until the 24th ballot was reached, when the convention adjourned for supper.
At 7 p.m. convention called to order and proceeded with the ballot for sheriff. At the 45th ballot S. W. Chase withdrew from the race. When the 53rd ballot was reached, A. T. Shenneman withdrew in favor of Lippmann, followed by Geo. Walker.
A motion carried to suspend the rules and call the roll of the house on the question of making Mr. Lippmann the nominee. The roll was called and resulted in favor of Lippmann, who was declared nominated.
Nominations for Coroner being next in order, Dr. J. Headrick and Dr. W. G. Graham were nominated. The ballot for Coroner resulted as follows: Dr. Graham, 38; Headrick, 13. Graham was declared nominated.
Nominations for County Clerk being next in order L. J. Webb announced that M. G. Troup had withdrawn in favor of J. S. Hunt and moved the nomination of Hunt by acclamation. The motion prevailed and Hunt was so nominated.
Nominations for County Treasurer being next in order, T. R. Bryan having no opposition was nominated by acclamation.
Next in order was Register of Deeds. Jacob Nixon received 5 votes, E. P. Kinne, 30, Chas. Irwin, 10, M. G. Roseberry, 4, I. S. Bonsall, 5. E. P. Kinne was declared nominated.
Next in order was County Surveyor. G. S. Manser and N. A. Haight were nominated. Manser received 5 votes, Haight, 44; result declared in favor of Haight.

On motion a county central committee consisting of one member from each township was chosen by the delegates from the respective townships. The following gentlemen were selected:
Maple, W. B. Norman; Winfield, L. J. Webb; Ninnescah, H. Martin; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Spring Creek, J. B. Callison; Richland, N. J. Larkin; Vernon, P. M. Waite; Sheridan, B. Longshore; Tisdale, S. W. Chase; Silverdale, John Tipton; Beaver, C. W. Roseberry; Windsor, S. M. Fall; Bolton, Reuben Bowers; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, C. R. Miles; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Rock, Frank Akers; Creswell, C. R. Mitchell; Silver Creek, A. P. Brooks; Dexter, H. C. McDorman; Cedar, W. A. Metcalf; Pleasant Valley, T. J. Harris.
The following named gentlemen were nominated by the delegates from their respective districts as candidates for County Commissioners:
1st District: Geo. L. Gale.
2nd District: W. M. Sleeth.
3rd District: R. F. Burden.
On motion convention adjourned.
J. B. CALLISON, Chairman.
CHAS. H. EAGIN, Secretary.
R. A. HOUGHTON, Assistant Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Peace and Harmony in the Republican Party—A Full Ticket Nominated.—Presbyterian Church Dedicated.
WINFIELD, Sept. 24, 1877.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth.
Peace and harmony prevails once more in the ranks of the Republicans of Cowley. They met last Saturday, and from the many good men presented, selected the following straight Republican ticket:
For sheriff, Leon Lippmann; clerk, Capt. J. S. Hunt; treasurer, the present incumbent, Thos. R. Bryan; register, present incumbent, E. P. Kinne; surveyor, N. A. Haight; coroner, Dr. W. G. Graham; commissioners, G. L. Gall, and the present incumbents. W. M. Sleeth, and R. F. Burden.
The principal fight lay between Messrs. Shenneman, Walker, and Lippmann, all first-class men, candidates for sheriff. The convention met at one o’clock and balloted until ten, resulting in the nomination of Lippmann on the fifty-sixth ballot. This is without doubt one of the strongest tickets ever placed in the field here, and I predict for it complete success. The Democrats and a few “off” fellows will probably form an alliance and make a break for one or two of the best offices on the “independent” or “greenback” line. The convention selected J. B. Callison as chairman of the county central committee, a man who will not expect a post office in consideration of his services for the party. This last selection is an unusually good one.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.

On Saturday, September 22nd, the Republicans of Cowley County in a regularly called and organized convention, selected from the many good men in the party, the following gentlemen as candidates for county officers at the ensuing election. After an unusually warm contest LEON LIPPMANN
was nominated for Sheriff. Mr. Lippmann is a native of France, of French parentage, and is 33 years old. He came to the United States when but eleven years of age; joined the Union army in 1862 and was honorably discharged from the same at its close in 1865, with all the rights of citizenship of the government. However, to avoid all imaginary objections, he presented his proofs at the last term of our district court, and was “naturalized” under the laws of the U. S., a proceeding entirely unnecessary. He has been a resident of Cowley since 1870, and a more temperate, honorable, and upright citizen does not live within this county, all the flings and covert insinuations of his enemies to the contrary notwithstanding. Mr. Lippmann is a Republican, has always supported the nominees of the party by his voice and vote, and is now deserving of the straightforward and honest support of the entire party.
In the selection of E. P. Kinne for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds, the convention did just what the people would have done had they been present, retained a good and faithful officer at his post. Mr. Kinne has the confidence of all classes and will receive his reward in November.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
J. C. Fuller sold T. M. McGuire, E. P. Kinne, and E. S. Bedilion each a quarter of a block in his new addition, east of town, for residences.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
We took a look through the register’s office the other day and are pleased to be able to inform our readers that it is in the best possible shape.
The cases for books are on the most approved plan, the shelves being constructed so that the books slide back into their places on rollers, making the wear in handling them very slight. We have seen but one other office in the State so well arranged.
We find that the expense of the purchase of books for the office has been greatly reduced during Mr. Kinne’s term. The records that cost us formerly $28, are purchased now for $22.
We have now as complete a set of abstract books as can be found anywhere. These books have been made for the public. The plan is so simple that anyone can determine at a glance the exact condition of the title to any piece of land in the county. These abstracts were prepared by Mr. Kinne for less than half the fees allowed by law. He has the business of his office so systematized that everything moves like clock work. Mr. Kinne deserves another term and he will get it by a majority of about six hundred votes.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Mr. Troup asserts that during his term he has saved this county ten thousand dollars. How, Mr. Troup? When were we in danger of sustaining such a heavy loss? Have you done any more than your sworn duty as an officer? On the contrary, we have just come into possession of evidence that satisfies us that this county did sustain a loss of at least $2,561.20, that is directly charged to either your inefficiency or neglect.

October 23rd, 1876, the retiring county treasurer filed in your office a statement of his business during his term. The board of county commissioners intrusted you to examine that statement in detail, and ordered the county treasurer to refund to Mr. Kager any sum of money you should find due him. You have, or should have, in your office such checks and balances as would enable you to detect at once any error in the county treasurer’s accounts. On the 7th of last December, after examining the statement with Mr. Kager’s attorney, you reported to Mr. Bryan that Mr. Kinne had overpaid the county $522.17, and that that sum should be repaid to him as ordered by the county board. Sometime after this county attorney McDermott called your attention to the fact that Dist. No. 5 had sustained a loss of about $300, and said that it must be an error in your settlement with the county treasurer. You denied this emphatically, and said you knew the statement was correct. Mr. McDermott showed you after your efficient (?) service of three years as county clerk, how to detect such errors, looked up with you the affairs of Dist. No. 5, convinced you that a mistake of over $300 had been made in that instance, and left you to examine the accounts of other districts and see if other blunders had been made.
You then proceeded to make the examination and discovered that in your statement to Mr. Bryan you had made a mistake of $2,561.30, and you reported that blunder to the county board April 11th, 1877. Would the mistake ever have been discovered had it not been for the efficiency of the county attorney? Does not the county attorney deserve the credit for the detection of your blunder and the recovery to this county of the lost $2,561.30? We think so.
Did you save the balance of the ten thousand dollars in the same way?
You are invited to make your defense through the columns of the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Sunday School.
The Methodist Sunday School will give the first of a series of monthly concerts Sunday evening next, November 4th. The exercises to consist of select reading by Misses Ella Wickersham and Ina Daniels, recitations by Misses Lizzie Kinne and Eugenie Holmes, declamations by some of the little folks, and music by the school. All are most cordially invited.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
We have been unable to obtain before going to press the full returns of the election in this county last Tuesday, but we can give the result with sufficient certainty. Troup, Independent, is elected county clerk by about 150 majority; Harter, democrat, is elected sheriff by over 100 majority; the republican candidates, Kinne for register of deeds, Haight for surveyor, Graham for coroner, and Gale, Sleeth, and Burden for commissioners are elected by large majorities, and Bryan, republican, is elected treasurer without opposition.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
FRIEND MILLINGTON: Have you ever heard of Cowley County? Of Winfield? Of Kansas? Well, it beats the world how things grow out West! What sudden and wonderful development our country makes! How our population increases!
There was Dick Walker, who was not satisfied with being sheriff a second term, and mayor of Winfield, and so he brought on a walker to keep him company.

This got Doctor Davis on his ear, and he sent right off and got a full-blooded Kentuckian, but gave him a Kansas name.
Then Judge Gans thought he would trump that card, but he missed it, for it was only a girl.
Then our accommodating county recorder, E. P. Kinne, resolved not to be out of the fashion, and he bought a ten pound boy.
After Dr. Mendenhall formed a partnership with Dr. Davis, of course he could not afford to be behind the times, so he rushed out one night and caught a bouncing big boy.
Then J. B. Lynn, chuckling in his sleeve, said he’d show ‘em, and sent all the way to Kansas City for a little lad.
But how Tom Bryan laughed to himself, waiting till these other fellows got through, when he went up to Topeka to see the state treasurer, and now Tom has a bran new boy weighing nine and a half pounds. Yours, SAMMY
P. S. I forgot John D. Pryor, who, you know, is a broker. Well, seeing how matters were going around town, he broke out and fished up the sweetest little girl in town.
And there’s Bill Hackney—well, he won’t be behind anybody, and nothing would do him but to take a run into Sumner County, or into the territory, and bring back a full-fledged attorney-at-law, weight nine pounds.
Won’t these chaps have a big Thanksgiving. SAM.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
School Entertainment.
On Thursday evening last, one of the largest audiences we have witnessed in this town was entertained in a most enjoyable manner at the M. E. Church by the pupils of our city schools. The entertainment was under the management of Prof. George W. Robinson, assisted by Misses Saint, Wickersham, and Bryant. At an early hour every available seat in the church was occupied by some friend of the school, eagerly waiting for the commence-ment of the exercises. At about quarter after 7 o’clock the programme was commenced by a piece of music entitled “Home of Rest,” very beautifully rendered by Misses Dever, Haine, Lowry, and Newman. We have not time nor space to make minute mention of each part of the exercises, but will make the sweeping statement that every part was excellent and merited great praise, and will let it suffice by mentioning more particularly a few which greatly impressed us. We considered the concert reading by the Fifth reader class of Miss Emma Saint’s department the best exercise of the evening, in that it showed better than anything else the progress which the pupils are making. It showed great labor and training on the part of the teacher as well as the pupils. The recitation of the “Bridal Wine Cup,” by Miss Lizzie Kinne, was very affecting, and left a deep impression on the minds of the listeners. The “Old Bachelor,” by one of the little boys, tugged hard at the heart-strings of many present. The recitation, “Tom’s Come Home,” by Miss Haidee Tresize, was very affecting. “The Three Lovers,” as read by Miss Ina Daniels, was excellent, and we hope the moral contained therein may be heeded by the young men of our flourishing town. Taken as a whole, the entertainment was a grand success. Great credit is due to our teachers for the manner in which the whole matter was conducted.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.

There was a public installation of officers of the Knights of Honor at the Courthouse last Friday evening. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge delivered an address. The officers of the organization for 1878 are as follows: Past Dictator, A. E. Baird; Dictator, E. P. Kinne; Vice Dictator, Geo. W. Robinson; Assistant Dictator, J. L. Rusbridge; Chaplain, S. H. Myton; Guide, John W. Curns; Reporter, H. D. Gans; Financial Reporter, A. Howland; Treasurer, W. C. Robinson; Guar., H. Brotherton; Sent’l., J. F. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
C. L. Harter, the new Sheriff, has gracefully and quietly assumed the office and its duties; Mr. Haight, the new surveyor, is also installed in his office without display; E. P. Kinne and M. G. Troup succeeded their predecessors without much trouble and the county offices are ready for the business of the term.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
E. P. Kinne has a friend East who wrote him for information concerning the inducements for moving into this county. Mr. Kinne answered in such a manner that the friend came out to see. After looking over the situation, he complained to Mr. Kinne for not telling him one-half of the inducements; but Mr. Kinne excused himself with the answer that if the whole had been told, none of it would have been believed and that he probably did not believe all that was told him. The friend answered that such was the fact. Moral: Come and see for your-selves. One of Mr. Kinne’s letters East was published in a local paper and has since called out many letters of inquiry.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
DIED. On the 17th inst., an infant child of J. E. Platter. Aged six months.
A big revival meeting is going on in the M. E. church by all the churches combined. Crowded house every night. E. P. KINNE.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
CALLED. We received calls from Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Senator Pyburn, Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, James Hill, Burt Covert, John Allen, of Winfield; Mr. Haskell, the Kansas archi­tect, and Mr. Smith, the contractor of the Pawnee school build­ing, last week.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Mr. W. J. Wilson, of Hammond, N. Y., has located in our city and accepted a clerkship in Mr. Kinne’s office.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
E. P. Kinne, county recorder, made Tisdale a call last week.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.

J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Charles A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; Dr. Holland, G. Teeter, Beaver; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; Wm. J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; J. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
Cowley County Fair.
A public meeting will be held at the courthouse in Winfield on the 11th day of May, 1878, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of organizing an agricultural society, and to take into consider­ation the propriety of holding a fair during the coming fall. All are invited to attend, and it is hoped that all interests appropriately connected with the enterprise will be represented.
J. E. Platter, B. B. Vandeventer, J. B. Lynn, T. R. Bryan, C. A. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, H. D. Gans, E. E. Bacon, Winfield; J. B. Holmes, W. White, W. J. Funk, Rock; S. M. Fall, R. F. Burden, Windsor; N. J. Larkin, A. Kelly, Richland; Chas. A. McClung, J. S. Wooley, Vernon; W. B. Norman, Adam Walck, Maple; Dr. A. S. Capper, Ninnescah; Ira How, Liberty; William J. Hodges, C. G. Handy, Tisdale; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; D. W. Wiley, Cedar; E. Shriver, Sheridan; Jonas Messenger, Omnia; J. A. Bryan, Dexter; R. Stratton, Harvey; S. B. Adams, Creswell; S. M. Sample, D. P. Marshall, Bolton; G. W. Herbert, Silverdale; D. B. McCollum, S. Watt, Pleasant Valley. Courier.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
There is a quarter section of land in this county that the records show has been sold five times, and yet it has never been entered from the government. It was probably sold to strangers on bogus abstracts of title. Register Kinne says he sometimes is shown bogus abstracts and is asked if he made them.
Agricultural Society.
 Minutes of the Organization.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Pursuant to a call heretofore issued, a large assembly of representative men from different portions of Cowley County congregated at the courthouse in Winfield at 2 p.m., Saturday.
S. M. Fall, of Windsor, was chosen temporary chairman of the meeting and W. M. Allison, of Winfield, was chosen temporary secretary.
The chairman having requested that some gentleman should state the object of the  meeting, Col. J. J. Alexander responded with impressive and well considered remarks. The scope and design of the organization was further discussed by Messrs. J. B. Callison, W. B. Nauman, P. M. Wait, E. E. Bacon, and Solomon Wise, and words of encouragement came from each.
On motion the chairman appointed the following committee on permanent organization: E. P. Kinne, A. Walck, Chas. McClung, S. Phenix, A. A. Wiley, and E. E. Bacon.
The committee having retired for duty, Capt. S. W. Greer, having been called upon, spoke warmly and interestingly in favor of the permanent organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society.

The roll of townships was also called to ascertain how large a representation from the county was present. Richland, Maple, Ninnescah, Vernon, Tisdale, Silver Creek, Windsor, Sheridan, Liberty, Pleasant Valley, Beaver, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Winfield responded.
The committee on permanent organization having completed their labors reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted.
Permanent Organization.
Cowley County Agricultural Society.
President: J. W. Millspaugh.
Vice President: S. M. Fall.
Secretary: E. E. Bacon.
Assistant Secretary: W. H. Grow.
Corresponding Secretary: S. W. Greer.
Treasurer: J. M. Alexander.
Executive Committee: E. P. Kinne, A. A. Wiley, R. F. Burden, Ed. Green, Dr. A. S. Capper, O. P. Darst, E. C. Manning.
Col. Alexander, Mr. Manning, and Mr. Millspaugh each asked to be excused from service in the organization; but the audience would accept no declinations.
Upon discussion it developed that the most satisfactory plan upon which to base the society was to incorporate it under the state law and issue shares of stock. On motion, after discussion, the shares will be 2,000 in number at five dollars each. The executive committee will meet at the courthouse next Thursday, at 1 p.m., to perfect the organization.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Note: Creswell and Bolton Townships not present. Apparent Winfield started this organization.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Strayed from my stable Sunday afternoon: a bay colt, one year old, having a white stripe in his face, both hind feet white, and long tail; will rack or pace; is partly broken. Suitable reward will be given for any information of his whereabouts. E. P. KINNE.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
 A Threatened Famine.
C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Forty Young Visitors.

The liveliest and jolliest crowd of young folks that we have seen for some time drove into this place last Friday evening and took supper at the Central Avenue Hotel. There were twenty couples of fair women and brave men, all in the best of spirits, and as chuck full of fun as they could be. The party had held a picnic several miles out from Winfield, and concluded the day by making a drive to this place. We were called on by several—something like forty—and extended what hospitalities we had on hand, afterwards escorting the parties through the streets to prevent them from being lost on the many avenues. If time had permitted, Captain Walton would have tendered them an excursion down to the island, but the hour was too late.
  It was a sight worth seeing to see the fair young ladies, as charming as angels, their faces ruddy with the glow of bloom­ing youth. We have seen the Southern blondes, the Baltimore prin­cesses, the Green Moun­tain girls, and the pride of the West; but these Cowley County damsels excel in beauty, affability, exqui­siteness, and all those things that make woman the noblest work of God. Among the party were:
Misses Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Minnie H. Finney, Nora Caldwell, Mattie Coldwell, Frances E. Wallace, Emma Saint, Carrie Olds, Jennie Hans, Tinnie H. Finney, Sarah E. Aldrich, Kate E. Holloway, Lizzie Kinne, May A. Hudson, E. Green, D. Emerson.
Messrs. Suss, J. N. Harter, George W. Robinson, W. C. Root, M. B. Wallis, William Hudson, W. J. Wilson, Burt Crapster, C. C. Harris, W. C. Robinson, M. Gillelan, J. N. Holloway, E. H. Bliss, C. Emerson, O. M. Seward, A. D. Speed, and of course, Frank Baldwin and Ed. Clisbee. There were others whom we have at this writing forgotten. We hope to see them all again on a similar errand, only let us know in time so that we can receive you into our arms and good graces—the gentlemen, we mean, for the ladies may object.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
Reading of the proceedings of last meeting was dispensed with.
The committee to prepare premium list submitted for consideration a printed list and recommended its adoption. It was then read, corrected, and adopted, whereupon the following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendents of the various classes, to wit:
Class A - Horses - R. B. Pratt.
Class B - Cattle - L. Finley.
Class C - Sheep - John Statler.
Class D - Swine - W. L. Mullen.
Class E - Poultry - ___ Bull.
Class F - Agricultural Implements - S. H. Myton.
Class G - Mechanical Arts - J. Hoenscheidt.
Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.
Class I - Horticulture - S. S. Holloway.
Class J - Pomology - I. H. Bonsall.
Class K - Floral - Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.
Class L - Fine Arts - Mrs. M. E. Davis.

Class M - Textile Fabrics - T. H. McLaughlin.
Class N - Plowing Matches - J. H. Worden.
Class O - Honey - E. P. Hickok.
Class P - Boys and Girls - J. E. Platter.
Class Q - Riding and Driving - W. H. Walker.
Class R - Speed - B. M. Terrill.
Class S - Fruits, etc. - Mrs. S. M. Fall.
On motion, A. J. Pyburn was appointed Chief Marshal.
On motion, R. L. Walker was appointed Chief of Police.
By motion the committee on grounds were instructed to close contract for the same that the committee on track might commence work.
The board then adjourned until called by the president. E. E. BACON, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.
Walnut Valley District Fair.
The attention of farmers in the District, and all others interested in the same, are now called upon to send in their names and take one or more shares and thus help in one of these institutions which will add much to the wealth and prosperity of Southern Kansas. The shares being five dollars each and but 20 percent, paid down (and not more than 40 percent, can be called upon in any one year), places it in the reach of all to contrib­ute. Besides this, anyone taking one share and paying the same in full will receive a certificate of stock paid up and a season ticket for himself and family during the fair, free.
The management is in the hands of a good and sufficient board, who will deal fairly with all and allow no personalities before merit; avoiding as far as possible any unpleasantness to arise. They ask this as an especial favor, for the reason that they wish to incur the least possible expense in getting up and maintaining a good fair, and to go to each and lay these matters before them, would take more time than any committee of persons can spare; but by the above course both time and money can be saved and the same end reached. Starting out anew they find it necessary to get along with the least possible expense and fulfill every promise made and only ask that each one so inter­ested will take at least one share. Do not delay this matter, but call on one of the committee, viz: J. B. Lynn, Frank Wil­liams, E. P. Kinne, committee; or Eugene E. Bacon, Secre­tary, who will issue to you certificate for amount subscribed. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
E. P. Kinne has recently sold a farm in Spring Creek Township and six lots in Arkansas City for a farm in Iowa through the agency of J. W. Hamilton.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
  Primary Convention.
WINFIELD, August 3, 1878.
Convention met at the courthouse in pursuance to call of County Central Committee.
The meeting was called to order by W. Q. Mansfield, and D. A. Millington was elected as chairman and G. H. Buckman secretary.
On motion the chair appointed a committee of three to report names of delegates and alternates. S. M. Jarvis, E. P. Kinne, and W. M. Boyer appointed on such committee.

The committee reported the following named persons as delegates and alternates.
Delegates: R. L. Walker, W. P. Hackney, E. S. Torrance, F. S. Jennings, L. W. Spack, O. M. Seward, James Kelley, E. C. Manning, D. A. Millington.
Alternates: E. P. Kinne, W. M. Boyer, W. Q. Mansfield, G. H. Buckman, S. M. Jarvis, John Mentch, Sampson Johnson, Henry E. Asp, T. B. Myers.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted by the convention. Thereupon the convention adjourned. D. A. MILLINGTON, President. G. H. BUCKMAN, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A delegate Convention of the Republicans was held at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 10 o’clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, who read the call and stated the object of the meeting.
On motion, Hon. E. C. Manning was elected temporary chair­man, and C. M. Scott, Secretary, with Ed. G. Gray, Assistant Secretary.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chairman, to act as Committee on Credentials: W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Town­ship; Ed. G. Gray, of Creswell Township; Mr. Strong, of Rock Township; James Kelly, of Winfield Township; and A. J. Pickering, of Windsor Township.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
The election for school district No. 1 last Thursday resulted in the choice of E. P. Kinne for district treasurer.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
E. P. Kinne and wife to Adeline M. Fleckenger, lots 17 and 18, block 110, and lot 10, block 53, Arkansas City; $100.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
William and J. J. Shreves, friends of E. P. Kinne, and from his old home in Illinois, are spending a few days in our city. They are looking up a location.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878. School Items on Back Page.

James E. Platter: Director.
E. P. Kinne: Treasurer.
John D. Pryor: Clerk.
   Department Teachers.
Miss Sarah E. Aldrich, Grammar School.
Miss Emma Saint, Second Intermediate.
Miss Sarah Hodges, First Intermediate.
Miss Allie Klingman, Second Primary.
Miss Mary A. Bryant, First Primary.
Fall term commences Sept. 9, and closes Dec. 24.
Winter term commences Jan. 2, and closes March 21.
Spring term commences March 3rd, and closes May 30.
Skipped the rest. Showed courses of study in first and second primary; first and second intermediate; grammar school, and high school. Also rules and regulations of the Winfield Public School.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Railroad Prospects.
[From the Telegram.]
The railroad prospects for Cowley County are brighter somewhat. The A., T. & S. F. folks stand ready to submit a proposition to build into the county, while the Kansas City, Burlington & Santa Fe—better known as the Schofield road—are also ready to do something for us. We read a letter a few days since from one of the managers of the road, written to Mr. Kinne, in which he is informed that the officers will be down here soon to submit a proposition. They have already let the contract to build their road to Eureka in Greenwood County—the work to be completed as soon as possible—and are anxious to push on down in this direction.
With these prospects ahead, Cowley can afford to be jubi­lant, as they are brighter than we have had since the organiza­tion of the county. The Santa Fe company, of course, mean business. If they offer to build a road within a given time, they will do it. And Schofield’s success so far, in building thirty or forty miles of his road when no other road was being built in the State, with the addition of the capital which is now backing him, makes his word as good as gold. With either of the roads, the county will be served to the best advantage, and we hope our readers will stand ready to assist either that comes to us with a definite proposition—no difference which it is. We will keep the Telegram readers posted upon any new developments.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
William and J. J. Shreves, friends of E. P. Kinne, and from his old home in Illinois, are spending a few days in our city. They are looking up a location.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
Mr. Bliss, E. P. Kinne, Mr. Payson, and Saml. Jarvis, all of Winfield, were in town yesterday.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.

E. P. Kinne.
The measure of success that attended the fair last week has been purchased by the expenditure of a large amount of labor and energy. It was no small job to work up the scheme, solicit the subscriptions to the stock, arrange the schedules, prepare the grounds, attend to the details in a hundred different phases, and, most important of all, to excite an interest in the people. To E. P. Kinne more than to any other man is due the credit of this work. His time and energies for months have been devoted to this scheme. He has talked, worked, planned, and dreamed scarcely anything else, and his efforts have been powerful, constant, and untiring until, now it is over, he finds himself worn down and exhausted. We desire to place him in a high niche among those who have expended their energies, time, and money, without remuneration, for the good of our county.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
MARRIED. GREER-KINNE. On Wednesday morning, October 30th, at the residence of E. P. Kinne, the bride’s father, in Winfield, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Ed. P. Greer and Miss Lizzie Kinne.
Ed. is one of our boys; intelligent, honest, industrious, and of unexceptionable habits. He is one of the most reliable young men you will meet, and has a future of promise before him. The bride is one of the most accomplished and beautiful of the Winfield ladies and would be a prize to any young man who should have the fortune to win her.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
Our worthy Register, E. P. Kinne, has been gone from home some ten days on a visit to his old tramping ground in Illinois. He returned last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
   Opening Benefit.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity purpose giving an entertainment benefit on
at Manning’s Opera House, to show their appreciation of the enterprise of a citizen who has erected a magnificent hall in our city.

Winfield—J. B. Lynn and O. M. Seward.
Arkansas City—C. M. Scott.
Dexter—Dr. Wagner.
Lazette—Mc. D. Stapleton.
Douglas—Neil Wilkie.
Oxford—Dr. Maggard.
Doors thrown open at 7 o’clock.
Opening overture (orchestra) 7:30.
Social intercourse and vocal and instrumental music from 7:30 to 8:30.
Address (welcome and congratulatory), J. W. McDonald, 8:30.
Banquet and Toasts, 9 o’clock.
Dancing to commence promptly at 10:30.
Tickets to social entertainment and supper, per couple, $1.50.
Dance, per couple, $1.50.
Tickets sold separately, so that only those who wish to remain and take part in the dancing need purchase dancing tickets.
A general invitation is extended to the public to participate in this entertainment.
E. P. KINNE, Chairman, Committee of General Arrangements.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
One of the Garden Spots of Kansas.
Winfield, Its County Seat—Its Wonderful Growth and Business.
[Special Correspondent, Atchison Champion.]
WINFIELD, Dec. 18, 1878.
As yet Cowley County has no railroads, but before another year passes away it is confidently predicted the iron horse will be running through her borders. Two roads, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the other, known as the Schofield road, are now trying to get bonds to build through the county, and in all probability the former will be completed in time to move next year’s crops. One would naturally think a railroad was badly needed to move the enormous grain crop of the present year, for any day a hundred or more teams can be counted loaded with wheat, passing over the road between here and Wichita, a distance of over forty miles. The trade of this county is all done by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, at Wichita and El Dorado, and the enterprise of that gigantic corporation will hardly permit another  road to get the start of them in the trade of the Walnut Valley. The Company has accordingly submitted a proposition asking bonds to the amount of $144,000 to extend the Wichita road to Winfield, to be completed by September 1st, 1879. The election on the bond proposition occurs on the 24th of December. There seems to be no doubt but that this proposition will be carried, as the farmers are anxious for a railroad, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe is the one they want.

Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County, is situated on the east side of the Walnut, at the junction of Timber Creek with that stream, and in what is familiarly known as the “garden spot of Kansas”—the great Walnut Valley. The average width of the valley is about two miles, and more fertile farming land than this valley contains cannot be found in the State. The width of the timber belt on the Walnut is one-fourth of a mile. The town grew up slowly, and in 1870 there was scarcely a building on its lovely town site. Year by year, however, it has steadily gone forward, and today, despite the drouth and grasshoppers, it has a population close on to 1,800. The early buildings completed were frame, and small at that, but each year has added more capital, until now there are in Winfield many of the finest and most costly buildings, private and public, to be found in the State.
Winfield is the center of business for the county, as anyone can see by the number of people on the streets every day in the week. I spent Saturday here, and I was convinced that it was the liveliest city of its size in the State. From morning till night the streets were crowded with people and a look into the different business houses confirmed the impression I always had of the town, that Winfield is bound to be the metropolis of Southwestern Kansas. Her main business street, 120 feet wide, would remind anyone who has been there, of Broadway, New York, it was so jammed full of teams, and it was really surprising to know where so many people came from. But when a person stops to think that Winfield is situated in the center of one of the richest agricultural counties in the State, and whose population has almost doubled during the past two years, these facts become apparent to everybody.
Winfield has two large flouring mills, each with four run of burrs, running day and night. They are both run by water, the Walnut and Timber furnishing good water power; a hand-some courthouse, costing $10,000, presided over by the following trusted and efficient offi-cials: M. G. Troup, county clerk; T. R. Bryan, treasurer; H. D. Gans, probate judge; E. P. Kinne, register of deeds; R. C. Story, county superintendent; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk of the district court; James McDermott, county attorney; M. G. Graham, coroner. The enterprising mayor of the town is J. B. Lynn. There is a commodious graded school building completed, with nearly 500 scholars enrolled. The church structures completed are five, costing all the way from $2,000 to $9,000. There are but few towns in the State having handsomer or more costly church edifices than are to be found in Winfield. Besides, there are two excellent newspapers working for Winfield and Cowley County; three banking institutions, all doing a large business; plenty of lawyers and doctors; and one of the largest public halls in the State. I refer to that of E. C. Manning, one of the leading public-spirited citizens of the town. This hall is 20 feet high, 50 wide, and 100 feet long, and will comfortably seat 800 people. It will be fitted up for theatrical purposes, the scenery painted, by careful artists, and when completed will be one of the most convenient halls west of the Missouri. The cost of the building is $15,000. All the iron used in its construction was furnished by Capt. John Seaton, of Atchison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
E. C. Manning, opera house, brick: $10,000.
J. C. McMullen, residence, brick: $13,000.

J. Page, store room, brick: $3,000.
J. C. Fuller, residence, brick: $10,000.
M. L. Robinson, residence, cut stone: $15,000.
E. P. Kinne, residence, frame: $1,300.
[Paper showed that the total cost of buildings was $180,200. It stated 201 were erected.]
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—Hon. W. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—T. B. Bryan.
Probate Judge.—H. D. Gans.
Register of Deeds.—E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—R. C. Story.
Sheriff.—C. L. Harter.
Coroner.—M. G. Graham.
County Attorney.—James McDermott.
Clerk District Court.—B. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—N. A. Haight.
Deputy County Surveyor.—J. Hoenscheidt.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1879.
Daniel Hunt has traded his home farm, of one hundred and sixty acres, with a good brick house on the same, with E. P. Kinne for a soup house in Winfield. Good bye, Daniel.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879
At a meeting of the stockholders held in this city on the 14th inst. the following were elected officers of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
R. F. Burden, President.
E. P. Kinne, Vice President.
J. M. Alexander, Treasurer.
E. E. Bacon, Secretary.
W. J. Hodges.
A. A. Wiley.
S. R. Marsh
John Stalter.
H. B. Pratt.
Chief Marshal: P. M. Wait.
Chief Police: Jno. C. Roberts.
  E. E. BACON, Sec.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
To the Voters of Cowley County.

On the 29th of this month you will be called upon to cast your ballots for or against the proposition to exchange the bonds of your county for $68,000 of the stock of the Southern Kansas and Western Railroad Company. It is your duty to prepare your­selves to vote intelligently, and in order to assist you in doing so, your committee, appointed to look after the railroad inter­ests of your county, desire to advance a few reasons (which appear to them to be well founded), why this proposition should receive the favorable consideration of every vote in the county.
In the first place, the proposed road is greatly needed to advance the material interests and welfare of the people. It is to extend through the county from east to west, affording this county a connection with all the eastern roads running through Missouri to the Mississippi river; with the projected road through southern Missouri to Memphis and with the M. K. & T. road running through the Indian Territory to Texas, with a Ft. Smith connection soon to be made which will open up to us the long coveted market of Little Rock and other coveted southern points.
The advantages to be derived from these connections, in bringing to our doors the cheap lumber from the pineries of Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas, the superior coal of the eastern counties, reduced freights from St. Louis and the east, and in the transportation of our own exports to a favorable market, certainly cannot be overestimated.
But will the road be built if the bonds are voted? This query, owing to the singularly modest demand of the company in asking but $68,000 for building nearly forty miles of first-class road, using steel rails, and overcoming the Grouse hills, may well be repeated and answered doubtingly by the reflective mind. Nevertheless, we can confidently assure you, fellow-citizens, that if the bonds are voted in Elk and Cowley Coun­ties, the road will not only be built, but will be completed considerably ahead of time. A letter just received by the chairman of this commit­tee from Major O. B. Gunn, chief engineer (and who, we may justly add, stands at the pinnacle of his profession), whose honor and truthfulness are unimpeachable, says: “I told your people that while our proposition was for the first of March, we should expect to reach Winfield by the 1st of January; but I am able to say that if the bonds are voted all along the line, so we can spread out, we shall try to do even better than I stated.”
How do we know that the company mean business, and that the road will be constructed if the bonds are voted? We know it on business principles. The company is backed by representatives of some of the best railways in the country, and possessed of immense capital. The building of this road is necessary to the welfare and prosperity of other roads owned by these backers. The company have deposited with the Winfield Bank the amount of money fixed by the county clerk to pay the expenses of the election, provided the bonds are voted and they fail to comply with their agreement.
The company has placed in the hands of T. H. Bryan, county treasurer, a certificate of deposit of the banking house of Armour Bros., Kansas City, payable to the order of the county treasurer, for $10,000, dated April 12, 1879, to be forfeited to the county, provided the bonds are voted in Elk and Cowley counties, and the company fail to build the road as stipulated.
The contract for the construction of the road from Indepen­dence west to the Elk county line has already been let, to be commenced immediately, and the ties and steel rails for the same are purchased and waiting to be used.

But some men say that the voiting of this subsidy, though small, will, added to that already voted to the Cowley, Sumner & Ft. Smith company, increase and make our taxation burdensome. Let us see if it will. We propose to make a plain statement of figures that cannot lie, nor be controverted.
The interest on $68,000, for one year, at 7 percent, amounts to $4,760. The road will be assessed at not less than $6,000 per mile. Taking 38 miles as the least length (a low estimate) of the road, the assessment will amount to $228,000. We will average the tax at $3 on the $100 valuation, as some townships pay more, and some less. The tax on the road then will amount to $6,840, or $2,080 in excess of the interest! It is easy to see that this excess, each year for 30 years, without any accumula­tion of interest, would nearly extinguish the whole debt. But used as a sinking fund, which under the present law, it must be, and availing ourselves of the wise provision in the proposition, giving the county the privilege, after ten years, of paying off the indebtedness, as we become able, no one need feel the least apprehension that the county is assuming more than she is able to bear; but that, on the contrary, she could not do a wiser thing for her future welfare and prosperity, than to buy the construc­tion of this road with her bonds, getting the stock of the company to boot, which may not be considered, by any means, worthless. The time may come when the stock of a first class road like this one, and backed by unlimited capital like this, will be worth nearly par.
But the road itself is by no means all the taxable property that it brings in. Consider the increased valuation of all kinds of property resulting from it! The settlement of unsettled lands—the growth of towns and stations—the increase of crops and stock, and the inflow of capital for all purposes, certainly must convince a reasonable mind—a mind of fair capabilities—that it would not be the part of wisdom to reject such a proposition as the one before us.
In conclusion, fellow-citizens, we would have been pleased to have paid a deserved eulogy to our county, the best and fairest, and to become the richest of the best and fairest state in the Union; a county, in which to be a resident, may justly add to one’s pride and self-respect—but our circular is full lengthy now; and we must be contented with the few plain facts herein stated.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879
E. P. Kinne has purchased ground near the mound, at the head of Ninth Avenue, and intends creating a commodious residence during the coming summer.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879
Sid S. Major has purchased the property formerly owned by E. P. Kinne, on 12th Avenue.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879

Messrs. T. K. Johnson and E. P. Kinne visited Elk county last week in the interest of our east and west railroad, and it is reported, did splendid service in that county. Their adven­tures by floods and runaways were exciting if not amusing. They reported on their return the defeat of the $40,000 proposition submitted by the Emporia and Eureka branch of the A. T. & S. F. to Elk county, voted on last week Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
E. P. Kinne called last Friday and handed in complete returns of election, as follows: For 1593, Against 410.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879
Register Kinne is decorating his mound property with a large lot of choice forest and fruit trees.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and orga­nized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secre­tary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879
Messrs. Kinne, Baird, and Graham are attending the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor, which convenes at Emporia this week.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879
Messrs. Kinne, Johnston, Manning, and others of our public spirited citizens deserve great credit for the prompt action in regard to the fireworks on last Friday. Rather than disappoint the people by having the display at an inaccessible place, they bought up all the fireworks in town, paying for them out of their own pockets, and touched them off on the courthouse square. At a late hour the fireworks provided for the occasion were brought out.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879
Last Friday was undoubtedly the biggest day Winfield ever had. Considerable preparation had been made by our citizens; but as so many celebrations were to be held in the county, no one expected such a crowd as gathered at the metropolis to observe “the day we celebrate.” Over 8,000 people were present.
The streets and avenues were lined with wagons, crowding the streets and lining the roads for miles.
About half past ten a.m., Gen. Green, with a corps of assistants, began the work of organizing the procession and getting the different township delegations together. The proces­sion was delayed somewhat by the Vernon delegation, which came in about eleven o’clock headed by the Winfield Cornet Band, and took their places at the head of the column. When all was ready, the band struck up “Hail Columbia” and the procession, reaching from the courthouse to Millington street, south on Millington street to 13th avenue, thence west to Main street, and north to the grounds, over two miles, started. It was supposed that over half of the teams had not formed in the procession, and the number of wagons was estimated at five hundred.

The speech of the occasion, which was delivered by Judge McDonald, was pronounced by all to be one of his most brilliant efforts, and was as creditable to himself as it was pleasing to the audience.
Everybody seemed to be a committee of one to provide dinner for a score of persons, and we wished a dozen times that we had the capacity for victuals of the “two-headed giant” of picture book fame.
After dinner, the presentation of the flag to the largest delegation, was awarded to Vernon township. Prof. R. C. Story presented the flag in one of the neatest speeches it has ever been our fortune to hear. Judge Ross, Squire Barrack of Rock, and Rev. Joel Mason of Pleasant Valley made some happy and appropriate remarks.
In the “glass ball shoot,” which took place at 4 o’clock, Jas. Vance carried off the first premium, breaking 14 balls out of a possible 15. The races, owing to the bad condition of the track, were postponed.
The fire-works were a success, although for awhile it looked as if the committee on “fizzle” would make a good job of it. Through the exertions of E. P. Kinne, T. K. Johnson, J. H. Finch, and others of our citizens, the little “misunderstanding” was righted and everything “went off” nicely.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1879.
P. M. Waite, Vernon Township, Republican, for Sheriff.
E. P. Kinne, Republican, Register of Deeds.
J. Nixon, Vernon township, Republican, Register of Deeds.
[E. P. KINNE.]
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879
This gentleman is announced as a candidate for reelection to the office of Register of Deeds. He has been the incumbent for four years and has made the office one of the most convenient and best arranged in the State, so perfect that there is little use for abstract books in this county. Any man can go to his office and procure any information about titles in this county, quickly, pleasantly and surely.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879
The Cowley county Republican convention met on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 11 o’clock a.m., at Manning’s Hall, in Winfield.
Order of nomination:
Sheriff, Treasurer, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Surveyor, Coroner.
The voting to be viva voce.
Vote for register of deeds.
1st ballot  2nd ballot  3rd ballot
I. H. Bonsall, 15, 13, 14
E. P. Kinne, 18, 14, 14
Jacob Nixon, 25, 43, 48
D. S. Wilkins, 18, 15, 15
Alex. Thompson, 1st ballot, 8
C. W. Roseberry, 2nd ballot, 3
Thompson withdrew after the first ballot.
The nomination of Jacob Nixon was made unanimous.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
We notice by the Anthony Journal that H. O. Meigs, formerly a resident of this city, will be a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Harper County. Mr. Meigs was in the real estate business at this place with Mr. E. P. Kinne, now Register of Deeds for Cowley, and his many friends would be glad to hear of his success in Harper. He is a thoroughly honest and trustworthy man. Harper will do well to elect him.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879
Mr. E. P. Kinne donated the proceeds of the register’s office for last week, amounting to over fifty dollars, to the Baptist association to help build their new church. This is only one of the many donations which that gentleman has made toward enterprises of a public nature, all of which deserves the highest praise. He not only donates liberally but devotes much time and energy to the promotion of public interest.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879
Last Saturday ended the most successful fair ever held in Cowley county. The display, especially of blooded stock, was large, and shows that our people are awake to the advantage of well-bred over common scrub stock. We hope this may result in rooting out the old scrubby breeds that are so numerous at present.
Taken all in all, the fair has been a grand success, and our people may well feel proud of the display. Messrs. Bacon, Kinne, Burden, and other officers of the association have worked unre­mittingly to place it upon a solid foundation, and deserve much credit for their labors.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879
North Main street has the “boom” bad since the location of the east and west depot. In addition to the building already commenced by Manning, Kinne, and Curns, which will be of brick, 75 x 60, Messrs. T. R. Bryan, W. L. Mullen, and J. C. McMullen will soon begin the erection of a block of buildings on the vacant land just north of the American House and south of the foundry. The buildings will be of uniform size, each 25 x 100 feet and of brick. Mr. W. M. Berkey will also build a brick building, 25 x 75, on North Main street. It looks as if things are inclined to go northward.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879
Col. Manning, E. P. Kinne, and J. W. Curns on Monday began “throwing dirt” for his new brick building on North Main street opposite the Winfield House. It will be of brick, 75 x 60, and will be an ornament to that part of the city.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879
Messrs. J. D. Pryor and E. P. Kinne have formed a partner­ship in the real estate and loan business. Mr. Pryor is well and favorably known throughout the county, and has, during the past two years, done an immense loan business. Mr. Kinne, having served two terms as Register of Deeds, has a personal knowledge of lands and titles that is almost invaluable in this business. This will make one of the strongest firms in the country, and we predict that their business will extend throughout the entire southwest.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880, are
W. M.: James McDermott.

S. W.: M. G. Troup.
J. W.: E. P. Kinne.
Treas.: C. C. Black.
Sec.: W. W. Perkins.
S. D.: R. C. Story.
J. D.: James Simpson.
S. S.: S. H. Myton.
J. S.: J. C. Roberts.
C.: E. T. Trimble.
T.: S. E. Berger.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880
E. P. Kinne has retired from the office of Register of Deeds with the respect and good will of all. He goes into the loan and real estate business and will make it a success.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880
On Monday Messrs. Pryor & Kinne moved their office into the second story of the new Bank building. They now have the finest office in town.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
We call the attention of the public to the new card of Pryor & Kinne in this number of the TRAVELER. One of the firm can be found every Thursday at the office of C. R. Mitchell, and as they have been favorably known for many years throughout the country we have the best reasons for believing they will receive a liberal patronage.
References given if required. Office over Winfield Bank.
One of the firm will be in Arkansas City on Thursday of each week, at the office of C. R. Mitchell.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
The real estate business of Messrs. Pryor & Kinne is assum­ing large proportions. They are both gentlemen of integrity and business ability, and people are beginning to learn that their representations can be relied upon. One day last week, they sold two farms for $1,600 each, and negotiated loans on seven others.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880
Messrs. Pryor & Kinne completed the sale of the store room and lot next to Lynn’s store, last Thursday, for $2,200. Martin West, the south end grocer, is the purchaser. This is one of the best business locations in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880
E. P. Kinne and wife left Monday morning for Leavenworth. Mr. Kinne is treasurer of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor, and goes to attend the annual meeting of the Lodge at that place.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
At the annual meeting of the Walnut Valley District Fair Association, the following named persons were elected as officers for the ensuing year:
President, Hon. E. P. Kinne, vice-president, Hon. J. W. Millspaugh; treasurer, J. L. Horning “76,” secretary, E. E. Bacon, general superintendent, Hon. W. J. Hodges, chief of police, John C. Roberts; Directors, Hon. A. A. Wiley, Hon. R. F. Burden, Hon. S. R. Marsh, Hon. W. W. Limbocker, Hon. P. B. Lee.
EUGENE E. BACON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880
E. P. Kinne sold, last Friday, a half section of land near this place.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880
See “ad” of Pryor & Kinne in reference to the Howland addition, in another column.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Pryor & Kinne platted and are selling lots in the Howland addition. This is one of the finest portions of the city, and persons desiring residence property cannot find a more pleasant location.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Last Thursday night, between 11 and 3 o’clock, Winfield was visited by the most disastrous conflagration yet happening within her borders. The fire started in the old log store, one of the landmarks of the town, and for years occupied by the COURIER, but was now being used by F. Leuschen as a cabinet shop. The fire is supposed to have originated from the old rags, oil, and varnish in the shop. The alarm was given before the fire was thoroughly underway, and had those first on the ground been furnished with decent appliances, it might have been controlled, saving thou­sands of dollars worth of property. The old log building was like a tinder box and made a very hot fire. Next to it on the east were two buildings, one belonging to C. L. Harter and occupied by the moulder at the foundry, the other owned and occupied by Robert Hudson. These buildings were both destroyed, but the contents were saved.
Immediately west of the log building, across the alley, was an old livery barn belonging to Hackney & McDonald, which was the next to go.
From this the fire was communicated to the Central and Lindell hotels. As soon as it was evident that the hotels must go, the work of getting out the furniture began. Carpets, bedding, crockery ware, and furniture of all descriptions were tumbled promiscuously out of windows and doors into the street, much of it being broken and smashed. The hotels being dry, pine buildings, burned rapidly, sending up large cinders which fell in different parts of the city, making the utmost vigilance neces­sary to keep them from igniting buildings three blocks from the fire.

When the two hotels caught, everyone turned their attention toward saving the buildings on either side of the street. They were covered with men who handled buckets of water and barrels of salt, and by their exertions prevented the fire from spreading and destroying the larger part of the business portion of our city.
The old part of the Central Hotel was owned by Jas. Jenkins, of Wisconsin. The new part of the Central Hotel was owned by Majors & Harter. They had sold out to A. H. Doane, and were to have given possession Saturday morning.
The Lindell Hotel was owned by J. M. Spencer, and was leased by Jas. Allen one month ago.
Our citizens generously opened their homes to the homeless people, and accommodations were offered for more than was needed.
The following is a list of the losses and insurance.
Captain Stevens, store, loss $1,000; no insurance.
Fred Leuschen, furniture store and dwelling, loss $1,200. Insurance on stock, in Home, of New York, $300.
C. L. Harter, tenant dwelling, loss $300; no insurance. Tenant had no loss except damage.
Robert Hudson, dwelling, loss $800. Mrs. Hudson removed most of her furniture. No loss except damage. No insurance on either house or contents.
Hackney & McDonald, livery stable occupied by Buckhart, loss $800; no insurance.
Central Hotel, main building: James Jenkins, loss $3,500; insurance, $1,500 in the Atlas.

Central Hotel, Majors & Harter portion: loss to building, $2,500; insurance, $2,100, as follows: Weschester, Springfield Fire & Marine and Hartford, $700 each. [Their insurance was on building and furniture.]  The loss of Majors & Harter in excess of their insurance will be upwards of $3,000.
PUZZLING! $2,100-INSURANCE...AND YET $700 EACH ($1,400)...DOES
J. M. Spencer, Lindell Hotel, loss $2,500; insurance $1,000, as follows: Fire Association, $500; Phenix, of Brooklyn, $500; James Allen, loss $1,000; insurance, $800.
Policies are in the agencies of Gilbert, Jarvis & Co.; Curns & Manser; and Pryor & Kinne. The companies are all first class, and the losses will be promptly adjusted and paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
E. P. Kinne, of Winfield, was in town last Thursday, having brought down some land hunters. His wife now lives on their farm east of the Walnut.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
The recent rains have caused great activity in real estate transactions, and the real estate firm of Pryor & Kinne have their hands full. Lands placed with them change owners rapidly.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
We cut the following from the Topeka Commonwealth.
In another column is another letter from Rambler from Albuquerque. The writer is a gentleman we have known for twenty years, and is well known in Kansas, and we can conscientiously say that we believe that he only writes what he believes to be the truth. We have received numerous letters of late extolling this and that mining property, but have not published them for the reason that we were not well enough acquainted with the writers to endorse what they said.
Among the numerous mining corporations lately organized, some are undoubtedly frauds, and we shall not knowingly endorse any writer unless we have every reason to believe that his statements are truthful.
[Rambler’s report.]
I write you again from Albuquerque. My first and last having appeared in your paper of the 13th inst., I make another venture. This time I write upon the all absorbing topic of mines. First and oppropo let me quote, “all is not gold that glitters,” and supplemental thereto comes an original aphorism, though for ages self evident, “all is not true that’s told,” and conversely, “all is not told that’s true.” At the risk of modern criticism, I shall endeavor to run counter to the last and antithesize the first.
The desire to take the short cut to fortune pervades the average western American mind. ‘Tis a hope that if indulged breaks more than it makes. The mineral field of New Mexico and Colorado do promise a shorter and surer cut than any other at present. Under the impression that some of your otherwise sensible readers may be in that class, or having money to risk in small sums in hopes of large returns, I write this letter from New Mexico.

That this territory has mineral—gold, silver, lead, platina, copper, iron, and other valuable metals, no one can deny. That it is a safer place than any other region in which to obtain some profitable return for the money invested, no sane man will controvert. While the deposits have not proven so rich as in Colorado, their extent and accessibility is greater here than there. Two other considerations must enter in the long run, into the make-up of wise investments. First, the seasons will permit labor the year round, and universal health prevails. This cannot be said of Colorado. What I have said being as near the truth as I (a Kansan) can tell it, I ask that you accept it as a hypothe­sis for what follows. The man that leaves a sure living to expend his patrimony in quest of precious metal is very foolish.
But two classes of men can really afford to venture into mining districts, to-wit: They who have nothing to lose but their time, and value their time worth nothing, and also they who have money to spare in some speculation, and the loss of which would not materially damage them. To this latter class I address myself. You cannot as well afford to spend your time in connec­tion with your money in individual effort to catch the tempting ore, as you could to aggregate your surplus funds with friends in developing mineral claims.
A prudent and industrious man can as well represent $100,000 or $500,000 capital in this country, as to represent the few dollars that he carries in his pocket-book. In that event he secures more favorable chances for less money than in the other case. To this end a few Kansas and ex-Kansas men have organized a corporation under the laws of New Mexico under the name of the Central New Mexico Mining Company, principal office at this place. Hon. John Guthrie, Hon. A. B. Lemmon, Maj. T. J. Ander­son, and O. F. Boyle, of your state, and ex-Governor E. S. Stover, Judge Sidney M. Barnes, Judge W. C. Hazletine, Hon. E. C. Manning, and Capt. C. G. Thompson of this territory are direc­tors. They have organized a corporation with a capital stock of $100,000, shares of $100 each. They own nineteen mines; two of them being gold leads, one copper, and the remaining being silver bearing galena. These claims have cost the company less than $1,000 each and they propose selling stock enough to put $15,000 or $20,000 into the treasury to go down into those mines. Every dollar that goes into the treasury will be expended in opening the mines. The mines are located in six mineral districts, and the company has a man prospecting all the time. The fair reputa­tion of the directors where known insures investors that what is promised will be performed. Messrs. Guthrie, at Topeka; Jenkins & Madden, at Kansas City; and E. P. Kinne, of Winfield, have each stock for sale for the company, so I am informed.
This plan is the much more suitable one, and will yield more satisfactory results than any other. Parties who contemplate investing in mines had better adopt this plan. RAMBLER.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
Mr. H. E. Sellman (Silliman) is loaning money. His office is with Pryor & Kinne, and a notice thereof appears in another column.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880
There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Walnut Valley Fair Association at the office of Jennings & Buckman, on Tuesday, July 6th, 1880, at two o’clock sharp, for the transac­tion of important business. E. P. KINNE, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
What with its attacks on the city marshal and “E. P. Kinne and his old shanty,” the Democrat appears to be working off considerable bile, during the last two weeks. Well, spit it out, Charley. It is only a pailful, it may ease you; but if it tastes as badly as it is spelled, we pity you.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880
MONEY TO LOAN. On Real Estate on 2 to 5 years’ time. Call and get terms before you borrow elsewhere. Office with Pryor & Kinne. H. E. SILLIMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Winfield now has a telephone from E. P. Kinne’s office to the courthouse. Several others are in contemplation.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880
Pryor & Kinne have a telephone from their office to the courthouse.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880
At the meeting of the Directors of The Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company, of Sherman, Colorado, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, President.
John Service, Vice-President.
T. K. Johnston, Treasurer.
E. P. Kinne, Secretary.
F. Gallotti, General Manager.
Advisory Board: S. C. Smith, M. G. Troup, John D. Pryor.
Special Executive Committee: T. K. Johnston, E. P. Kinne, F. Gallotti.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
At the meeting of the citizens of Winfield in the interest of the Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company, an organization was perfected and the following officers elected: President, Hon. W. P. Hackney; vice president, John Service; treasurer, T. K. Johnston; secretary, E. P. Kinne; general manager, Frank Gallotti; advisory board—S. C. Smith, M. G. Troup, John D. Pryor. A special executive committee, consisting of T. K. Johnston, Frank Gallotti, and E. P. Kinne, was selected.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Pryor & Kinne have a telephone in good working order con­necting their office with E. S. Bedillion’s office at the courthouse. It saves them a great many journeys to the court­house to make inquiries about the public records. They are agents for the Telephone Company, and will soon be in a position to put up more telephones.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Winfield is partly depopulated by the great exodus to the Knight Templars triennial reunion in Chicago. Last Saturday and Sunday the trains were loaded with excursionists, many of whom were taking this opportunity to visit friends in the east with the excursion rates for fares. A great many went from here whose names have not been given us, but the following are some that we know of: Dr. W. G. Graham and wife, Capt. S. C. Smith, E. P. Kinne, J. E. Conklin, Capt. James McDermott, Rev. J. Cairns and wife, Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, J. D. Pryor, R. D. Jillson and daughter, Mrs. D. A. and Miss Jessie Millington. C. C. Black and wife, J. W. Johnson and daughter, J. P. M. Butler and wife, Miss Jennie Melville, G. H. Buckman, J. C. and Miss Ioa Roberts, Will Baird and wife, Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Jacob Nixon and wife, J. S. Hunt, and T. R. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.

Pryor & Kinne have been doing a lively business in real estate for several weeks past. Last week they succeeded in locating Mr. Wood, a brother of our Warren Wood, in Beaver township. We don’t know Mr. Wood’s politics; but if he is anything like Warren, Beaver is the place for him. They need a few more Republicans in that locality.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
The social party of Col. J. C. McMullen’s was the most enjoyable of the season. There were present about fifty guests all in fine spirits and in jovial mood. Col. and Mrs. McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Kinne were present everywhere attending to the pleasure of the guests. The supper was magnificent to which the visitors did full justice; and at the noon of night, when they took their departure, all felt that nothing had been wanting to make their enjoyment complete.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Mr. Provine, of Champaign, Illinois, a friend of E. P. Kinne’s, spent several days of last week in this city.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Pryor & Kinne have furnished their office with an immense fire and burglar proof safe, one of the largest in town. Fred Kropp had the contract for putting it into the second story from the ground, and did the work without a Jar. Fred understands the business.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Pryor & Kinne’s office resembled a barbershop last Saturday. The rooms were filled with people waiting for their turn. The increase of their Real Estate and Loan business during the past few months has been immense, and they today occupy a leading position among the live business firms of southern Kansas.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
We regret that we have to record the failure of the dry goods and grocery firm of Williams & Jettinger, who have occupied the building vacated by Lynn & Loose. They opened up about three months ago, and were apparently doing a good business until Monday morning, when the goods were turned over to Mr. E. P. Kinne on behalf of the creditors. Mr. Jettinger is also partner in the old Bliss mill. The liabilities of the firm, we under­stand, were very heavy. It is not yet known what effect this break will have upon the mill firm. Mr. Kinne still has charge of the stock, amounting to about ten or twelve thousand dollars, and will dispose of it to the best advantage for the creditors.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Charley Clayton has sold his insurance business to Pryor & Kinne.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Knights of Honor lodge met and elected officers Monday evening. The officers elected were:

Dictator:  A. P. Johnson.
Vice Dictator:  W. J. Hodges.
Assistant Dictator:  S. S. Lynn.
Chaplain:  H. D. Gans.
Reporter:  W. C. Root.
Financial Reporter:  A. Howland.
Treasurer:  E. F. Kinne.
Guide:  J. W. Batchelor.
Guard:  W. C. Robinson.
Medical Examiner:  Dr. G. W. Graham.
Dr. Graham was also elected as delegate to the state lodge, which meets soon.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.

Col. McMullin and lady entertained a number of friends at their home last week. The elegant parlors were comfortably filled, and we, at least, passed a pleasant evening. Those present were: Mayor and Mrs. Lynn, Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Prof. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Loose, Mr. and Mrs. John Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mrs. Buck and son, of Emporia, and Mr. Harris, of Bushnell, Illinois.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Mr. Isaac Harris, a merchant of Bushnell, Illinois, is paying E. P. Kinne, his son-in-law, a visit.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
CRYSTAL WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves celebrated the 15th anniversary of their marriage by inviting their friends to attend their crystal wedding on Tuesday evening, February 8th. Accord­ingly a merry party filled the omnibuses and proceeded to their residence, one mile east of town, and spent an evening of unal­loyed pleasure. Mrs. Shrieves, assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Wm. Shrieves, entertained theirr guests in a graceful and pleasant manner. Although invitation cards announced no presents, a few of the most intimate friends pre­sented some choice little articles in remembrance of the occa­sion. The following were present: Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Butler, Miss Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robin­son, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Rev. and Mrs. Platter, Mrs. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, Rev. and Mrs. Borchers, Mr. and Mrs. Meech, Mr. and Mrs. Mill-house, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. Hendricks, and John Roberts.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Mr. E. P. Kinne and Mr. McCloy were parties to a runaway Monday. They were out looking at the country and drove a little too far up on a side hill when the buggy tipped over. The horses stopped, they got out, and Mr. Kinne went to the horses’ heads while Mr. McCloy righted the buggy. As soon as the horses saw the top of the buggy rising up from the ground, they became frightened and started off, dragging Mr. Kinne between them for a considerable distance. When he saw he could not stop the team, he grabbed the neck yoke, threw himself on his back in the middle of the road, and let them pass over him. It was an experience that Mr. Kinne does not care to repeat.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Repub­lican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Demo­crats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasure of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarrels and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.

Mr. Tansey had been nominated by the Republicans for justice of the peace, but made a speech accepting the nomination of the Citizens, and enlisting to support the whole ticket, going back on the Republicans. Of course, it was inconsistent for the Republicans to keep on their ticket a candidate who was fighting the balance of the ticket, so the Republican committee met and struck off his name and placed the name of J. H. Kinney in his stead, which was eminently proper and right. E. P. Kinne was not present at the time of the Citizens meeting nor on the day of the election, but we understood him before he went that he would not accept a nomination on the Citizens ticket. N. L. Rigby posi­tively declined to be a candidate.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
We did not get a report of the speakers, for we were in the other meeting: that of the republi­cans in the opera house. Of this meeting Col. C. M. Wood was chairman, and made a stirring address, which was followed by strong and pungent speeches from H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup, W. P. Hackney, and T. H. Soward.
The scathing that Mayor Lynn and Marshal Stevens got at their hands was terrible and cruel to the victims. Their admin­istration was shown up in no enviable light, and the speakers demanded a change.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The result of the city election of last Tuesday is given in the table below. Names of candidates on the Republican ticket are in Roman, Citizens ticket in small caps, and on both in caps.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
The Old Phoenix of Brooklyn, Pryor & Kinne, agents, paid last Tuesday the S. D. Johnson loss. This was made on the new form insurance department and had been drawn but little over a month. This speaks well for the Old Phoenix of Brooklyn.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
While in Winfield the other day, thanks to the courtesy of Mr. E. P. Kinne, we drove around the hub and took in its various improvements. Buildings are going up in all parts of town as well as other improvements. A driving park in the north part of town, near Dutch creek, is to be a prominent feature before very long. A large amount of garden products is grown and shipped West from the garden in the northeast part of town. Oh, yes! There’s life in the old town yet.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.

Mr. A. W. Berkey, cashier of the Winfield Bank, paid his friend in the city a short visit last Friday.
While in Winfield the other day, thanks to the courtesy of Mr. E. P. Kinne, we drove around the hub and took in the various improvements. Buildings are going up in all parts of town, as well as other improvements. A driving park in the north part of town, near Dutch creek, is to be a prominent feature before very long. A large amount of garden products is grown and shipped west from the garden in the northeast part of town. Oh, yes, there’s life in the old town yet.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
   Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.
We have received many letters from Iowa and other states containing a letter written by Frank Manny, of this city, clipped from one newspaper or another, with the inquiry if the statements therein contained are true. We answered one of these briefly last week, but subsequently we learn that the Manny letter is being published widely in other states, not only as an argument against prohibitory liquor laws, but against emigrating to Kansas, and particularly against this city and county. It is known that Winfield and Cowley County are the
for prohibition. The vote on the prohibitory amendment last November was in Winfield 443 for, and 121 against. Majority for: 322. In Cowley County the vote stood, 3,248 for, and 870 against. Majority for, 2,373. No other city or county in the state gave anything like such majorities for, and most cities as large or larger than Winfield gave majorities against. If prohibition is disastrous to a community, it is fit that this city and county be the heaviest sufferers. If it is a good thing, this city and county should come in for a goodly share of the benefits. This city and county are only eleven years old. In that time they have risen from nothing to a population of 21,539 for the county, and 2,850 for the city, according to the U. S. census of 1880, and the population of the city today is not less than 3,300. Of these eleven years, nine of them have been years of magnificent crops of all kinds, and two of them have been years of partial failure. The first year of short crops was 1874, and the following spring showed a decrease of population and a stagnation of business. The other year of short crops was 1880, which was even worse than 1874, and the result on the population and business this spring will appear in the statements which follow. Either in consequence of, or in spite of the fact that intoxicating liquors have always been sold here in any abundance, we have arisen from nothing to one of the best and wealthiest counties in the west in eleven years. Was it whiskey, or was it our wonderfully fertile soil, fine climate, and attrac­tive surroundings?
Here is the famous Manny letter.
“WINFIELD, KANS., April 1st, 1881.

Herewith I send you a car load of barley, which please sell for me and remit proceeds after deducting all expenses. I have tried my best to dispose of it in our neighboring towns, but have not succeeded. I have invested $20,000 in my brewery, and I do not believe I could get $500 for it now on account of the prohi­bition law. I have over $1,000 worth of beer in my vaults and am not allowed to sell a drop. My barley and malt cost me 95 cents a bushel, but I cannot get 50 cents for it now. You have no idea how our people are upset by the new law. A year ago our town was prospering, not a house or store to be had, and now you will find from 100 to 150 houses vacated. Stores that brought $50 a month rent are empty. The state of affairs is such that even our prohibition people are getting scared and regret what they have done. If you should find anything for me there, please let me know.
Real estate and loan agents. The demand for farms and the prices of real estate are about the same in this county as they were a year ago. There are many newcomers who appear to be men of standing and of more wealth than those who came last year. They do not hesitate to buy on account of prohibition, but express gratification on account of it. We believe prohibition is going to be a great benefit to our county by inducing the better class of people to settle here.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Mr. Vandeventer has given the citizens of Winfield the privilege of converting his small tract of timber, north of town, into a public park, lay off drives, etc., provided they pay the necessary expenses. Sufficient money was raised last Saturday to lay out a driveway, grade the bad places, clean out the under­brush, and cut down the grass, all of which is being rapidly done under the supervision of E. P. Kinne. The necessary work will be completed by next week, when Winfield will have one of the most pleasant, pleasure, and picnic grounds we know of in the State, outside of Bismarck.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
Mr. Vandeventer has granted the city the use of his timber land north of town, known as “the bayou.” The grounds are being cleaned up and put in order by E. P. Kinne. Funds enough were raised by the citizens to complete the work. The grounds will be used for the grand camp meeting this fall and for picnics and celebrations. This can be made a most attractive park at slight expense, and will be of superb benefit to the city.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
  (Special Dispatch to the K. C. Times.)
Dodge City, Kas., May 8. L. W. B. Johnson, county attorney of Gray County, was shot and instantly killed by A. J. Shumate, Deputy Sheriff. The difficulty originated in an old feud. It was done at Cimarron two hours ago. The Sheriff of this county starts on a special train to arrest Shumate. Both parties are well known, in good circumstances, and have families.
Mr. Johnson was a cousin of E. P. Kinne of Winfield, and was one of the guests at the editorial convention held in Winfield a year ago.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881

Winfield has been in a fever of excitement for the past few days over the arrest of Frank Manny for violating the prohibition amendment in selling beer. The trial was first brought before Justice Kelly, but the defense secured a change of venue to Justice Tansey’s court. Monday was the day set for the trial and early in the day numbers of spectators gathered to see the opening of the case.
The array of legal talent retained on the part of the defense was simply appalling: Judge Campbell, with eight years’ experi­ence on the bench; J. E. Allen, one of the most precise and painstaking lawyers at the bar; O. M. Seward, the leading temper­ance attorney of the southwest; and Messrs. Soward & Asp, gentle­men of high standing at the bar. Certainly Mr. Manny should feel that his interests will be protected as far as the law is con­cerned.
County Attorney Jennings appeared for the State.
The hall opened at 9 o’clock, the jury was called, and the examination for jurors commenced. This proved to be a tedious matter as most everyone called had either formed or expressed an opinion, or had conscientious scruples that unfitted him for sitting in the case. Generally when a juror went into the box thinking he was unprejudiced, he found that he was mistaken before the lawyers got through with him. Up to noon thirty-five jurors had been called and twenty-nine of them proved to be incompetent.
After dinner the examination of jurors was continued and soon developed into a lively fight. The question was raised of whether a member of a temperance organization was a competent juror in the case, on which Judge Campbell made an exhaustive argument, insisting that such a person was not and could not be competent to sit in the case. County Attorney Jennings replied in a brief but convincing manner. He stated that if Judge Campbell’s theory was correct, a horse thief could be tried only by persons not opposed to horse stealing, and that persons who were in favor of enforcing the laws would not be competent jurors in criminal cases.
The court sustained the County Attorney, and the juror was passed. The jury was finally empaneled at 5 o’clock Monday evening.
The following is a list of the jurors: A. G. Wilson, James Bethel, E. P. Harlen, Elam Harter, I. N. Holmes, E. P. Kinne, J. H. Mounts, T. H. Jackson, T. S. Smith, Wm. Trezise, W. L. Morehouse, and W. I. Shotwell.
The court met Tuesday morning and upon calling the jury, it was found that Mr. T. W. Jackson, of Vernon township, was absent. An attachment was issued by the court and the sheriff started for Mr. Jackson’s home. The court then adjourned until one o’clock. About two o’clock the sheriff arrived with Mr. Jackson, who was quite ill, and asked to be discharged. The court ruled that he must serve unless positively unable.
The case was then opened by a statement from the County Attorney. Judge Campbell then arose on a “question of privilege” and asked the court to rule that the state use but three wit-ness­es for the proving of any one fact. After much discussion the court overruled the request. The defense then moved that the case be dismissed, alleging that the information did not state facts sufficient to warrant any action. After another lengthy argument, the court promptly overruled the motion.

County Attorney Jennings then attempted to open the case, when the defense again objected and moved that the case be dismissed because “the complaint was not sworn to by a responsi­ble party.” Judge Campbell then made an exhaustive argument on a constitutional point. Mr. Jennings answered Judge Campbell at considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Asp for the defense, who closed the argument. The objection was overruled and duly excepted to, and the state proceeded with the examination of the first witness, Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller testified that he resided in Winfield, and that he knew where Mr. Manny’s brewery was. He was asked if he had been in Mr. Manny’s brewery between the first day of May and the 21st day of June, the latter being the date the indictment was made. The defense objected on the ground that the state should confine its proof of offense to the date mentioned in the indict­ment: the 12th day of June. On this objection Mr. Allen spoke, and cited authorities, though none of our Supreme court. The State replied with Kansas authorities bearing directly upon the point. Mr. Asp closed the argument on this point, and the court overruled the objection.
The witness was allowed to answer the question; but instead of doing so, he laughed. The mouths of the audience cracked asunder, and his Honor got down under the counter to hold his sides. Witness then affirmatively answered the question. He also stated that he had drank something on Manny’s premises between those dates. The State asked in what building the drink was obtained. Before this question was answered, Judge Campbell requested his honor to instruct the witness that he was at liberty to refuse to answer any question that would tend to criminate himself. This request raised argument and the court adjourned to meet Wednesday morning, when the question will be discussed.
Court convened promptly at 6 o’clock and Judge Soward opened the argument. Numerous authorities were cited, among which were the celebrated Burr and Morgan cases. County Attorney Jennings replied in an extended argument, citing a large number of authorities.
At noon, Wednesday, we go to press. As yet the case has not been fairly opened, the defense bringing up point after point for the decision of the court. Each point must be argued exhaustively, which takes time and how long no one can tell. The case will be fought step by step. The council for defense will leave no stone unturned, and Attorney Jennings, although bearing up under a terrible pressure, will melt them at every turn. Our reporter will attend the trial throughout and a complete record of the proceedings will appear in our next issue.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881
Died at the residence of E. P. Greer in Winfield, Saturday afternoon, little Dolly, infant daughter of W. H. Harris, of Arkansas City.

Only a few weeks ago, relatives and friends were called upon to follow the remains of Mrs. Harris to the cemetery, and now the destroying angel has again invaded the family circle and taken from its midst the youngest: baby Dolly. Certainly the ways of Providence are past finding out. Hardly had the husband become resigned to his first great loss before he was called upon to give up another of his family. The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. Harris, Rev. Fleming officiating, and at five o’clock Sunday afternoon little Dolly was laid to rest beside her mother.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881
The markets this week are about the same as last. Wheat remains steady at $1.00 to $1.10. Alex. Kelly sold 250 bushels Tuesday for $1.13 per bushel, but his wheat was the finest yet put upon the market, and, indeed, the best we have ever seen. It was raised on E. P. Kinne’s farm across the river from South Bend.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881
Messrs. Lycan and Obrist, who were here from Illinois a few weeks ago to consider the matter of a woolen factory, are coming again soon. Mr. Obrist has written to E. P. Kinne to the effect that Winfield suits them better than any place they have found; and if our citizens will render them the assistance they must have, they will establish a factory here. They will make a proposition on a different basis from that proposed before, and one which it has been thought will suit the businessmen of this city.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Col. McMullen and E. P. Kinne are in Kansas City this week.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Col. McMullen and E. P. Kinne are in Kansas City this week.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Mr. E. P. Kinne is about to remove to Kansas City where he will engage in business.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
E. P. Kinne contemplates leaving Winfield for Kansas City to engage in business.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Mr. E. P. Kinne left for Kansas City Monday with his house­hold goods, and his family follow tomorrow. His business rela­tions here remain unchanged and he simply removes there to attend to business, which will occupy him for four or five months. He will still claim Winfield as his permanent home.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Mr. E. P. Kinne, with his family, are now residing in Kansas City attending to business matters, which will occupy his atten­tion for several months.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
To the stockholders of the Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company of Sherman, Colorado.
You, and each of you are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of above named company will be held at the office of said Company in the city of Winfield, Kansas, on Tuesday, the 10th day of Jan. A. D., 1882.
You and each of you are further notified that a Board of Directors for the year thence next ensuing will be elected at said meeting, and all business that may properly come before the said meeting will be transacted.
Dated at the company’s office in the City of Winfield, Kansas, this 26th day of Nov. A. D., 1881. E. P. KINNE, Secretary.

Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
In Justice Buckman’s court the cases of John H. Lindly vs. A. T. Shenneman and James Lindly vs. same, action in replevin, judgment for plaintiff. Pryor & Kinne for plaintiffs, and Capt. J. M. White, of Howard, for defendant.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City Tuesday and will spend several days getting around among his friends. E. P. has been a “widdy” for the past two months, while Mrs. Kinne visited friends in Iowa and Illinois.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Mr. E. P. Kinne, now of Kansas City, but a former resident of this place, and a friend of his from Winfield, were in our city last Friday.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Mr. E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City Saturday and spent Sunday with us.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
County Normal.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office.
Anna Kuhn, Mary E. Curfman, Emma L. McKee, L. M. Page, Mary A. Orr, Ida Bard, Pattie Andrews, Leoti Gary, Lydia L. Horner, Anna McClung, Haidee Trezise, Ida G. Trezise, Hattie Pontious, Mary Berkey, Maggie Kinne, Fannie Headrick, Mr. M. M. Stearns, R. B. Bartlett, Harry Bullen, Will Tremor.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
OUR NORMAL. Notes About Our Teachers and Their Work.
The first month of the County Normal closed Friday week. The enrollment was 68 and the average attendance for the month was 62. The B class took a careful study of the U. S. Constitution, thorough work in bookkeeping, language, and arithmetic. The C class had daily drills in elocution and reading, arithmetic, geography, and practical language. The work of July was pleasant, deliberate, and fruitful. Those who attended the first month are in excel-lent condition for the work of the present month. Prof. J. W. Cooper, of Lawrence, and Miss Lillian F. Hoxie, of Emporia, have arrived, and the work of August starts off with flattering prospects. The opening exercises are held in the Court Room, from 7:45 till 8:30 a.m. The recitations then take place in the High School building upstairs. Friends and school officers are invited to visit the Normal at any time.
Of Winfield: Anna Kuhn, Mary E. Curfman, Emma L. McKee, L. M. Page, Mary A. Orr, Ida Bard, Hattie E. Andrews, Lou M. Morris, Leota Gary, Lydia L. Horner, Anna McClung, Haide A. Trezise, Ida G. Trezise, Hattie Pontious, Mary Berkey, Maggie Kinne, B. B. Bartlett, Will Tremor, Harry Bullen, Miss Fannie Headrick.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.

Mr. Sam Gilbert is now building a two-story addition to the dwelling he lately purchased of Mr. Kinne.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Mrs. Prudence Kinne, of Table Grove, Illinois, mother of E. P. Kinne, our Ex-Register of deeds, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Ed. P. Greer, this week. She was one of the early pioneers in Illinois, knows something of frontier life, and is surprised at the rapid advancement of our country in comparison with the early days of Illinois. Railroads make a wonderful difference in the development of a new country—and we had many of the Illinois folks to help us along.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Col. J. C. McMullen accompanied his mother to Kansas City Monday, where she will visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Kinne. The Colonel will take in the fair during his stay.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Dr. J. A. Loomis is down with an attack of fever and exhaus­tion, caused by his unremit-ting attention at the bedside of his father.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
FUNERAL OF I. C. LOOMIS. The funeral of I. C. Loomis, father of Dr. J. A. Loomis, will be held at 10 o’clock this (Wednesday) morning at his farm, two miles northwest of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
DIED. At his farm two miles northwest of this city, on Monday last, Oct. 9th, 1882, I. C. Loomis, in the 83rd year of his age. The funeral took place on the following Wednesday. The deceased had been a resident of this vicinity for many years and was universally re-spected by all with whom he came in contact. He sank to sleep in the fullness of years and in the full hope of a joyful resurrection.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
We are pleased to see Dr. Loomis once more on our streets.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
Mrs. Snider, the widow of Wesley Snider, who was killed on the street last year, fell in an epileptic fit in Pryor & Kinne’s office Wednesday, and many thought she was dead, but she finally came to.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Dissolution Notice. January 1st, 1883.
The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of “Pryor & Kinne” is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. D. PRYOR, J. D. PRYOR, E. P. KINNE.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Rose Valley Winks.
Mr. Phillips, of Arkansas City, expects to move soon to the Kinne farm, which he bought some time ago. You are welcome, Mr. Phillips.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday with friends here.
Who is J. H. Kinne? This is a new name to me. Could paper have erred and should have said E. P. Kinne? MAW
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
During the last two weeks H. G. Fuller has sold eleven thousand dollars worth of city property. Among them was the J. C. Fuller house, just east of the schoolhouse, to F. M. Dickey for $740. The J. H. Kinne house on Manning Street to Cap. Whiting for $768. The stone house near the Santa Fe depot to M. E. Page for $800. The Hackney residence to Geo. Ordway for $2,500, and numerous other improved and unimproved property.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Mrs. E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City last week, and will spend several weeks here as the guest of her brother, Col. J. C. McMullen. She notes with pleasure the improve-ment in our city, but is hardly ready yet to give up her beautiful home in Kansas City for a residence in Winfield.
Not certain there is any relationship to E. P. Kinne family. MAW
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
DIED. From Johnson & Hill, undertakers, we learn of the death of John Carpenter, near Udall, on Monday last, and of the loss in this city, by Mrs. Mary Kinne, of her little two-year-old daughter.