Moore Family
[Relationship to Prettyman Knowles and Abe, James, and John Land.]
Mr. and Mrs. L. (Lucius) Moore, who lived at 1619 Loomis street were pioneers. Mrs. Moore was Emma I. Knowles, daughter of Prettyman Knowles, who arrived in Cowley County November 6, 1869. With Mr. Knowles came Abe Land and his wife, his brother, James H. Land, and his son, John Land. All were originally from Indiana except Abe Land, who joined the party in Illinois. James H. Land did not bring his family with him on this trip.
All of the party stopped at the home of Judge T. B. Ross on their arrival but proceeded to what is now the site of Arkansas City, where they planned to locate claims. They soon returned to Winfield, where Mr. Knowles took a claim on the north side of the Walnut river, two and a half acres of which extended across the stream and took in what is now the site of the Tunnel Mill Dam.
On November 28, 1869, Dr. W. G. Graham was called to attend Mrs. Abe Land, who became the mother of James Land, the first white child born in Cowley County.
Mr. L. Moore came to Winfield in 1879. He was originally from Indiana also but had spent three years in Larned, Kansas, before coming to Cowley County. Being a stone mason and since fine building stone was plentiful, Mr. Moore soon blossomed out as an extensive contractor and builder. Among the fine structures he built or worked on in Winfield were the Brettun Hotel, the McGregor building and the Fuller Building. Around the turn of the century, he entered the implement business. With him in the business was Roy Moore, a nephew, who had a half interest in the company. Their store was at 1111 Main street. The store had a 75 foot front and just to the south was a 100 foot lot for storage and sales of equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Moore were the parents of four daughters: Mrs. Pearl Dawson, Mrs. Ross Wilkins, Mrs. Ethel Toombs, and Mrs. Minnie Kite.
Mr. Moore’s brother, Luther, married Elizabeth (Lizzie) Knowles, who was a sister of Mrs. Moore. They had four boys, Charles, Jack, Roy and Otis.
Mr. Moore’s brother, Will, married Mary Knowles, who was also a sister of Mrs. Moore. They had two boys and two girls, one boy, Clyde, dying in infancy, Clyde. The two girls were Mrs. Lucy Smith and Mrs. Beulah Miller.
Winfield Directory 1885 shows the following under “Moore.”
Moore Bros., stone cutters and masons, 1112 Lowry
Moore Luther, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Luzern, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Wm. & Son, stone sidewalks, res n of Bliss & Wood’s mill
Moore W S, stonemason, res 1119 Lowry
From the above information given by Mrs. L. Moore, formerly Emma I. Knowles, it appears that her husband’s name was Luzern Moore in the Winfield Directory. Her sister, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Knowles, married Luther Moore, brother of Luzern Moore. Another brother, Will Moore, married Mary Knowles, another sister: all three daughters of Prettyman Knowles. It appears that W. S. Moore lived next door to his brothers. MAW
I have a file on Wm. Moore, which does not correspond with this Moore family.