Lee Kokernut
[Ties to George W. Miller of Winfield and 101 Ranch.]
[From Fabulous Empire..Zach Miller book]
1877 - Ponca forcibly moved, old Quapaw Reservation, near Baxter Springs.
1878 - Ponca Reservation, near Dean’s Ranch
1878 - 101 Ranch brand started...before that used Lee Kokernut brand.
1880 - 101 Ranch brand started...From 101 Ranch book...Collings
By George Miller England
CORONADO came first to the Cherokee Strip country. And Washington Irving saw it on his journey through the west. Except for them, “Miller” is the name earliest connected with the history of the Strip.
Colonel George W. Miller started with his family for California, in 1870. He sold his interest in his Grandfather Fish’s Kentucky plantation, and started by wagon for the far west. Stopping for the winter in Newtonia, Missouri, Colonel Miller decided to employ his capital and enterprise in driving cattle through from Texas to the railroad at Baxter Springs, Kansas. When he found this business quite profitable, and found that the country through which he drove the cattle was so well suited to grazing, Colonel Miller decided to remain permanently in this country and eventually established a modern plantation on a grand scale—a cattle barony.
Colonel Miller first set up his cattle depot on the Quapaw Indian reservation, near what is now Miami, Oklahoma. And, in 1880, he moved his family to Baxter Springs, Kansas, a few miles north across the line. His youngest son, George L. Miller, was born in Baxter Springs. His eldest son, Joseph C. Miller, had been born in Kentucky. His only daughter, and his second son, Zack T. Miller, were born while the family lived in Newtonia, Missouri.
During the time the headquarters were at Miami, the government moved the Ponca Indian tribe into that territory from Nebraska. The Poncas were unhappy in their new location. With the aid and influence of the Millers, the Poncas succeeded in persuading the government to move them to a new reservation at the eastern edge of the old Cherokee Outlet.
[Think Zack Miller lied about Kokernut Connection with Miller.]
At this time, Colonel Miller was using the brand ‘K’, the initials of a business associate, Lee Kokernut. In 1880, he bought out Kokernut and assumed the brand 101, which, in the next fifty years, became one of the most famous and romantic of all business symbols, and the name of one of Oklahoma’s greatest commercial enterprises.
In this same year, the Miller family moved to Winfield, Kansas, where a large home was purchased, as the permanent residence for the family.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Geo. Miller, of Winfield, recently rounded up and branded 5,400 head of cattle at his ranch on Salt Fork south of Hunnewell. He has changed his old brand of LK to 101 on hip and horn.
Miller Family moved to Winfield latter part of 1881.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
MR. GEO. W. MILLER has bought the Lindsay property in this city and located here as a permanent home. He is one of the leading cattle kings of this country and has now about 5,000 head of cattle on the range in the Territory. He has selected Winfield as his headquarters, because it has good society, churches, and schools, and a wide awake people, making it the most desirable place for his family, consisting of a wife and four children.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Mr. G. W. Miller, the gentleman who recently purchased the Lindsey place, on Manning street opposite Judge McDonald’s, has built a neat addition to the house, and will at once erect a barn, put down walks, and add other improvements that, when completed, will make it a very desirable property. Mr. Miller has large cattle interests in the Territory, and is handling hogs on the market in this city, is a gentleman of means, and, together with his family, makes one of the many valuable acquisitions recently made to Winfield’s business and society circles.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
G. W. MILLER has on the trail 1,900 beef cattle, driven from Gonzales County, Texas. He will locate for the season at Baxter Springs, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Cocoanut’s herd of through Texas cattle, numbering 2,500 head, are now on the trail immediately south of this city, en route for Baxter Springs to be delivered to the purchaser of the same at that place.
[Note: Believe they were referring to L. M. Kokernut instead of Cocoanut.]
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
The Caldwell Post states that there are 40,000 head of cattle west of the Chisholm trail in the Indian Territory. The following herds, held east of the trail, south and west of Arkansas City, will swell the number to 60,000.
Cocanut, on the trail: 2,575 [?L. M. Kokernut]
Gilch & Wait: 300
Burress, on Salt Fork: 300
Capt. Nipp, on Shawascaspa: 150
Kincaid, on Thompson creek: 600
Bates & Beal, on Thompson creek: 2,000
Gatliff & Dixon, on Bitter creek: 200
Jas. Hamilton & Co., Pond creek: 3,000
Jas. Estus, on Red Rock: 200
Potter, on Red Rock: 300
Badley, on Red Rock: 160
Dean Bros., on Bear creek: 600
Wiley & Libby, on Bear creek: 400
Musgrove, on Polecat: 600
Malalla, on Pond creek: 2,900
Richmond, on Shawascaspa: 600
Riney, on Inman creek: 400
Manning, on Thompson creek: 600
Dunn & Co., on Deer creek: 700
Cloverdale & Stafford, on Bodoc: 300
R. A. Houghton, on Bodoc: 150
In addition to these there are a number along the State line, and several herds in the Nation, the number of which we did not learn.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
L. Kokonut, who recently drove a herd of cattle to Coffeyville, while on the road, came in and purchased a large bill of supplies of Schiffbauer Bros. He expressed himself very much surprised at the showing made by our town and at the accommodations it afforded to all needing supplies of any kind. [?L. M. Kokernut]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Geo. W. Miller bought of L. M. Kokernut, of Gonzales, Texas, Wednesday, 2,048 head of cattle. The price paid was $51,200. This looks like a pile of money to change hands, but it is a very common occurrence with Mr. Miller, who thinks about as much of such a transaction as our reporter does of giving a nickle to the hand organ man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Geo. W. Miller is highly pleased with the big cattle trade consummated yesterday. Old Guthrie bossed the cattle through. Mr. Miller says he is the best man he ever had for this business. Mr. Kokernut, the man from whom Mr. Miller bought the cattle, returned yesterday to Gonzales, Texas. Mr. Miller speaks highly of Mr. Kokernut as a gentleman and a businessman. The cattle were in a No. 1 condition and never had a bunch been delivered in a better condition. They were two months on the drive to Hunnewell. The cattle were three year olds and a fine bunch. Mr. Miller shipped 500 to Chicago and will ship the balance at once.