Dr. M. R. Leonard


Arkansas City.
[Note: It appears that Mary Leonard was the second wife of M. R. Leonard.]
Creswell Township 1874:
M. R. Leonard, 47; spouse, Mary, 32.
Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
M. R. Leonard 47 m w Pennsylvania Illinois
Mary Leonard 33 f w Ohio Ohio
James A. Leonard 20 m w Illinois Illinois
Wm. A. Leonard 18 m w Pennsylvania Illinois
Hugh Leonard 7 m w Kansas
Frank Leonard 3 m w Kansas
Lena Leonard 1 f w Kansas
Will Leonard, son of Dr. M. R. Leonard, learned the printing trade under C. M. Scott at the Traveler. He settled in Wellington, Kansas, for some time and then began to travel. On February 24, 1886, the Traveler reported that Will Leonard had visited friends in Arkansas City for several days. “We are glad to learn that Will has established quite a reputation as a journalist in his new home, and has made the Silver City Enterprise a recognized journal of that Territory. In addition to newspaper work, Mr. Leonard is engaged in stock and stock ranches, and has a fine list of grazing lands for sale. . . .”
Father of Mrs. M. R. Leonard:
Note: There was an item in the March 3, 1880, issue of the Traveler which informed us that Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Topeka, was the father of Mrs. Leonard and a Mrs. Hughes. Campbell was at that time one of the oldest residents in Topeka, having settled there when Topeka was a small village, in 1859.
Following is an item taken from article re “William Benedict” family, contributed by Mrs. Lillian Freed from notes made by her mother, May Benedict (Curtis) McNaughton, daughter of the Benedicts. Article appeared in Volume I of the book entitled “Between the Rivers.”
“Aunt Mollie Leonard and her husband, Dr. Leonard, lived on a claim east of town, south of Madison—about where Sleeth Addition now stands. Theirs was a sod house, but what a wonderful home—Aunt Mollie had a Mason Hamlin organ and how she could play that organ. She was a fine housekeeper and wonderful cook. Everyone felt welcome there and so much food always. Remember the tin wedding anniversary for them, especially a delicious cake she served, made with dried apples.”
After studying the above item, it is apparent that daughter May [or Mae] Benedict, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis, was quite young when she described her visit to the sod house of Mollie [Mary] and Dr. M. R. Leonard.

The “M. R. Leonard” file is fascinating to study. It appears that Dr. M. R. Leonard, who was never mentioned as a practicing physician in the early Traveler issues that are available to us starting with 1876, was an unsung hero. In 1878 although he was a Democrat and a Greenbacker, Dr. Leonard was elected as Representative from the 89th district. The newspapers ignored his accomplishments. Leonard worked hard on two projects: navigation on the Arkansas river and getting a railroad to come to Arkansas City. On October 23, 1886, he was praised by an unknown correspondent in the Arkansas City Republican.
“. . . Will you be kind enough to tell us of some one legislator from this district who ever did as any great good since this district has been organized? There never was but one and that was Dr. Leonard.”
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The Board of County commissioners met in Clerk’s office. All present.
Petition of M. R. Leonard for sec line road. Granted.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
Traveler Items.
Amos Walton will apply for admission to the bar next week before Judge Campbell.
At a meeting of the directors of the grange mills, M. S. Roseberry was elected president, L. Small, secretary, and M. R. Leonard, treasurer. It was decided to begin work June 1st, or as soon as the $5,000 in stock was taken in.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
District Court Docket.
No. 504. Morgan R. Leonard vs. County Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
   Reform Convention!
Meeting of the Unterrified and Slaughter of the Innocents!
The Republican Ticket Indorsed Almost Throughout!
The convention of self-styled Reformers met at the Court­house in this city last Saturday and organized with M. R. Leonard of Creswell, for Chairman, and C. G. Holland and Ed Millard, Secretaries.
The Committee on Resolutions, of which T. M. McIntire, of Creswell, was chairman, reported the following which, on motion, was rather meekly adopted.
1. Resolved, That the policy of further contraction of the currency at this time is calculated to bring financial ruin to the agricultural, manufacturing, and commercial interests of the country and will only be of advantage to the bond holders and money loaners of the East.
2. Resolved, That the National bank system was originated and has been sustained in the interest of the monied oligarchy of the East and has subserved no purpose save the protection of that interest at the expense of the productive and commercial inter­ests of the West.
3. Resolved, That the course of the administration in subsidizing the local press of the country by the appointment of partisan editors to federal offices is destructive of the independence and usefulness of the press and merits the hearty condemnation of all patriots.

4. Resolved, That competency and honesty being the quali­ties which should alone commend a candidate, we hereby pledge ourselves to the nominees of the convention so long as we remain convinced that they possess these qualifications and no longer.
 T. M. McINTIRE, Chairman.
George Melville then read the programme, which was that nominations begin with Representative, then Treasurer, etc., down to Coroner, which programme was adopted with some misgivings on the part of the more wary, believing, as they did, that George had some hidden object in view.
W. P. Hackney, the Republican candidate, was the only nominee for Representative, the Reformers being out of that kind of timber.
A call being made for Mr. Hackney, that gentleman came forward and told the convention that he was a Republican and as he had been placed at the head of the Republican ticket by the County Central Committee, he would be pleased to receive the indorsement of the convention, etc. The convention then nominat­ed Mr. Hackney by acclamation with a few dissenting noes.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
MR. LEONARD, when last heard from, had reached Arkansas, but found no place that suited him as well as this section.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
M. R. Leonard and George Whitney returned from Arkansas last Monday. They will remain with us awhile.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
Dr. Leonard, of Arkansas City, has sold his place for $3,500, and is going to Florida.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
DR. LEONARD, of Arkansas City, has sold his place for $3,500, and is going to Florida.
The Doctor has not sold yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
Dr. Leonard’s hired boy turned out his horse, “old John,” the other day, with a rope on. The horse got in a pond and drowned himself.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
Rev. John Blevins is to start a paper at Oxford. Will Leonard will have charge of the mechanical part of the work.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
The Oxford Independent is fortunate in having secured the services of Will. Leonard, an accomplished printer, a graduate of the Arkansas City TRAVELER office, and a good fellow generally. Wellington Press.
We’ll bet on the TRAVELER office boys every time.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
WILL. LEONARD, Oxford’s typo, and C. M. McIntire, of Winfield, visited our city last Saturday and Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.

Chas. McIntire and Will. Leonard are having a boat built to make a voyage down the Arkansas. They are to engage in the rubber stamp business on the way.
Jim Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
JIM LEONARD, after perambulating around in Illinois and Philadelphia, has at last “come home to work for dad.” He thinks he is about as good a man to work for as he knows of.
Dr. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The steam thresher has been at Dr. Leonard’s and Dr. Hughes. Some of Dr. Leonard’s wheat yielded over thirty bushels per acre.
Accident on slope near Dr. Leonard’s...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
S. P. CHANNELL and H. P. FARRAR had a mash up in their buggy, as they left town Thursday evening, to attend the steamboat meeting at Theaker’s.
The particulars of Channell and Farrar’s accident was something like the following: They started out about dark, and going down the slope near Dr. Leonard’s, the king bolt of the buggy broke, letting the fore wheels from under the front, and throwing the occupants on their heads to the ground. Mr. Channell had one rib broken, and Mr. Farrar was bruised. Silas Ward was riding horseback a short distance ahead, and when the horses were running, could not get out of the way quick enough, and was struck in the back with the buggy pole, and landed on his head. His horse then jumped in a post hole; and it, too, elevat­ed its heels in the air. For a second, three men and one horse were wrong end up and in a bad condition, but finally all settled down with no serious injury, except Mr. Channell, who probably laughed more at the fun than all the rest.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
CHARLES McINTIRE and WILL LEONARD started from Harmon’s ford yesterday, for the voyage down the Arkansas. They have a good boat, covered with oil cloth, with a portable stove in it to do their cooking, and expect to float all the way to New Orleans.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
CHARLEY McINTIRE and WILL LEONARD are at Little Rock. The rubber stamp business was not a success, and they have gone to work at their trades.
Simpson building new house near Dr. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
A new house is being built on the townsite near Dr. Leonard’s. It belongs to Mr. Simpson.
Reference made to bluff north of town and Dr. Leonard’s fence...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.

“WILD CAT” writes us from Guelph, under date of February 18th, that there is a man in that vicinity who openly boasts that he “intends making it warm for someone about the TRAVELER Of­fice,” and that “some fine day this week he is going down to put a head on the editor.” “Wild Cat” kindly gives us the name of the party, but out of charity we withhold it from the public.
Now, if the gentleman could realize how it shocks our mental and physical constitution, he surely would not speak so rashly. Ever since we first made our abode in the beautiful and verdant county of Cowley, we have had to undergo the tortures of threats of being shot, waylaid at midnight, and finally a new head is to be put on our person.
The thought of it is terrible! But what is, must be. Our fighting weight is just 127½ pounds; time for fracases, twenty-five minutes of 12, at noon, as that is the time we feel most hungry and savage.
If the gentleman desires “deadly weapons,” we can furnish them, as we like to be accommodating. Our choice is shot guns, at long range. We will not quarrel about the distance. The bluff north of town and Dr. Leonard’s fence would suit us nicely for stations. Our second will be Jim Huey—he can’t run. Now if these arrangements are satisfactory, the gentleman can name the day, and we will endeavor to have a friend there to explain the cause of our absence; otherwise, he will have to take the peril­ous chances of standing in front of our accident shot gun, that goes off without provocation, or being demolished with a hair space.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
CHARLES McINTIRE, who has been in Arkansas for several months, returned last week. Will Leonard, who went with him, remained there. Charley don’t go much on that region.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877. Editorial Item.
Railroad Matters.
The committee who went from this place to Augusta, learning that Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge intended going to Winfield to confer with the people of that place, at the urgent request of one of the citizens and a member of the Railroad Committee of Winfield, sent word for a delegation to come up to agree to a new proposition. A number went, but upon their arrival, found that no agreement could be made, as the Committee of Winfield had stated they could not entertain any proposition from the north, as they had one from the east. Mr. Young and Gov. Eskridge then came to this place and submitted the proposition to Creswell Township to build their road down the west side of the Walnut by Township aid. The same proposition will be submitted to Rock, Nennescah, Vernon, Beaver, Creswell, Bolton, and probably Pleasant Valley Townships, and if the aid is rendered, the road will be built.
In the evening a large and enthusiastic meeting was held at the church, during which a stirring speech was made by Mr. Eskridge, and remarks by Mr. Young, Rev. Fleming, Judge Chris­tian, Amos Walton, Mr. Channell, and others, after which a committee of eleven were appointed as follows, as Managing Committee, with power to appoint Finance, Canvassing, and Sub-Committees: Dr. Hughes, O. P. Houghton, C. M. Scott, A. A. Newman, James Christian, J. C. McMullen, S. B. Fleming, M. R. Leonard, Amos Walton, R. C. Haywood and S. P. Channell.

The Committee then elected Dr. Hughes, President, J. C. McMullen, Vice President, Amos Walton, Secretary, and R. C. Haywood, Treasurer. The hour being late, the Committee then adjourned.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1877.
Two prominent and extensive farmers of Creswell and Bolton Townships, M. R. Leonard and Frank Lorry, are enthusiastic for the Kansas City railroad.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
WILL LEONARD is expected home from Emporia soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
WILL LEONARD returned to his father’s house last week, after perambulating through Arkansas and a great portion of Kansas.
Jim Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
The following is the score of the game of base ball played August 23rd, between the east and west sides of Summit Street.
Note: East Side Won—25 to 20.
Will Leonard...
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Will Leonard, of Arkansas City, a jolly good type, graced the COURIER with his presence last Saturday.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
The report was a mistake that Dr. Leonard sold his farm adjoining the town site on the south to a sister of Noah Kimmel’s, for $4,500, including the fruit on the trees and grain on the farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
The Democrats of this township held a meeting Saturday night and elected five delegates and five alternates to attend the Democratic nominating convention at Winfield next Saturday. The delegates are M. E. Welch, Amos Walton, Noah Kimmel, A. J. Burrell, and M. R. Leonard.
M. R. Leonard, Trustee...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.

The election at this place yesterday passed off very quietly and pleasantly. The votes polled lacked about seventy of being the entire vote of the township. Some little strife was made for the offices of constables and justices of the peace. The following is the vote on township officers.
Trustee. M. R. Leonard, 203.
Treasurer. L. Finley, 119.
Clerk. W. D. Mowry, 197.
Justices: I. H. Bonsall, 166; James Christian, 120; T. McIntire, 107.
Constables: Geo. McIntire, 185; James Morgan, 133; W. J. Gray, 82.
Road Overseers: J. W. Hutchinson ; Capt. Bird, 7.
There were two justices and two constables to elect.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Creswell—M. R. Leonard, Trustee; M. Finley, Treasurer; W. D. Mowry, Clerk; J. Christian, I. H. Bonsall, Justices; Geo. McIntire, Jas. Morgan, Constables.
Jim Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
HUNTERS. Jas. Morgan, Jim Leonard, George Allen, and Henry Mowry returned from a three days’ hunt in the Territory last week, with three deer, five turkeys, and smaller game.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
CHARLES McINTIRE, foreman of the Telegram office, and Will Leonard, who manages the Oxford Independent, are visiting their parents at this place.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
Mr. L. Finley intends removing to Pleasant Valley Township, and Dr. Leonard will not act as Township Trustee, so the Board of Commissioners will have to appoint a Clerk and Trustee.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
A petition has been circulated asking the County Commission­ers to appoint James L. Huey, Trustee of Creswell Township, in place of M. R. Leonard, who resigned.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
[From the Winfield Courier.]
At the regular meeting of Jan. 7th the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township offi­cers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been in the county clerk’s hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas river, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.

Monday, the 14th. New Board: R. F. Burden, chairman, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale. Appointed John Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell township, vice Leon­ard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
WILL. LEONARD came down from Oxford last week to see the old folks at home.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
WILL LEONARD has purchased a half interest in the Sumner County Democrat, and will be recognized as one of the members of the press at the county seat of Wellington. Will has it in him to become a worthy newspaper man, and a few months at the capital of Sumner county will convince the people of it.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Will Leonard has purchased a half interest in the Sumner County Democrat, and will be recognized as one of the members of the press at the county seat of Wellington. Will has it in him to become a worthy newspaper man, and a few months at the capital of Sumner County will convince the people of it.
A good practical printer always makes a good readable paper. We hope he will have the support of the people generally.
M. R. Leonard places farm, implements, livestock on market...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
FOR SALE. My farm of 155¼ acres, joining Arkansas City on the south; 140 acres in cultivation; 80 acres in wheat; fruit in abundance; price $20 per acre. M. R. LEONARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
1 span large mares and harness, $150
1 span young horses and harness, $200
1 Buckeye Sen. Combined Machine, $80
1 John Deere Gilpin Plow, $45
1 Hoosier Wheat Drill, $40
1 Sulky Corn Cultivator, $25
Also other tools and property. M. R. LEONARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
My farm of 155¼ acres, joining Arkansas City on the south; 140 acres in cultivation; 80 acres in wheat; fruit in abundance; price $20 per acre. M. R. LEONARD.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
WILL. LEONARD and a brother typo came down from Wellington on Saturday and remained until Sunday. Will. is making a reputa­tion worthy of pattern for most young men.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...

DR. LEONARD left us a quantity of peaches last Saturday afternoon, and we were so well pleased with them that we walked down and “saw” him on Sunday to the tune of a peck or so. We think the Doctor is an awful nice man.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
DR. LEONARD left at our office last Thursday a specimen of “Pearl” millet, which has created considerable interest among the farmers. The stock resembles that of sugar cane, and is eleven feet long, while the head is thirteen inches in length. We believe the doctor obtained the seed from New York.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
GRAPES 5 cents per pound at Dr. M. R. Leonard’s farm till August 31, 1878. None for sale after that date.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Dr. Leonard is making some excellent wine from the native grape.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
Dr. Leonard will make fifteen barrels of native wine this week.
Hugh Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
School Report.
The following is a list of scholars who have been perfect in attendance and punctuality during the past month. The annexed standing gives their grade in class as determined by the
Fred McLaughlin, 98; Mary Theaker, 97; Stella Swarts, 97; Linnie Peed, 93; Mary McClung, 92; Charlie Grimes, 91; Mattie Mitchell, 90; Carrie Benedict, 89; Jessie Findley, 86; Georgia Findley, 80.
Angie Small, 95; Lillie Mitchell, 92; Hugh Leonard, 90; Gracie McClung, 90; Frank Theaker, 90; Perry Fullerlove, 85. C. H. SYLVESTER, Principal.
MRS. L. THEAKER, Assistant.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
We had the pleasure of sampling some of Dr. Leonard’s home-made wine, or rather should say, “pure grape juice,” as it has not been adulterated with either sugar, alcohol, or anything else, but is the straight juice of the grape. It is of a rich color, has a good body, splendid bouquet, and is altogether ahead of anything we have ever tasted in the West. Being pure, it is the best to be used for medicinal purposes, and indeed we think it is a medicine in itself that will obviate the use of so much quinine if taken moderately as a tonic. When the Doctor gets ready to sell, we bespeak for him a lively trade.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Sold Out by a Ring—The Way It Was Done.

During Thursday and Friday of last week, Allison, A. A. Jackson, J. E. Allen, and two or three other greenbackers of this city were apparently very industrious and busy with the Democrats fixing up something. It seems that they arranged who should be chairman of the greenback convention, what he should do, who should be the committees, what they should do, who should be nominated by the convention, and how it should be done. They had their tickets printed and everything well cut and dried. At least the developments of Saturday show such a state of facts.
The National Greenback Labor Convention met on Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. B. Callison was chosen chairman and A. J. Pickering secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed and then Allison moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Democratic convention, then in session, to agree upon terms, and candidates for a fusion of the two parties. This motion was opposed by several delegates. When one of them commenced to speak against the motion, Allison would boisterously call him to order and the chairman would help choke the speaker down. Then Allison would make a speech for the motion abusing the opposers. In this way they choked down several delegates and finally crowded the motion to a vote taken standing. Fourteen delegates voted for and sixteen against the motion. The chairman looked beat and at a loss what to do, but Allison was equal to the occasion. He said, “It is carried, Mr. Chairman,” and then the chairman said, “it is carried,” and took up a paper from his table and read from it the names of the pre-arranged committee, of which Allison was made chairman. The convention then adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
At the hour named the convention again met and the committee on credentials and permanent organization reported the names of delegates entitled to vote, and in favor of J. B. Callison for chairman, A. J. Pickering for secretary, and T. J. Floyd for assistant secretary. The report was accepted but was not adopted or otherwise disposed of.

Allison then sprang to the floor and in a loud, hurried, and excited manner read without leave the report of his fusion committee nominating M. G. Troup for representative 88th district, M. R. Leonard for 89th district, H. D. Gans for Probate Judge, John E. Allen for County Attorney, J. S. Allen for District Clerk, J. S. Baker for Superintendent, and A. G. Wilson for commissioner first district. He said that the Democrats would nominate this ticket and moved that his report be accepted. This immediately raised a storm. The anti-fusionists were in a majority and a number of speakers arose to oppose, among whom were Douglas and Tansey and Crum, who would not be choked down, as their speakers had been in the morning. A standing vote was taken on the motion to accept, which resulted 17 for and 20 against. This did not trouble Allison much. He pronounced his motion carried and so did the chairman, but Tansey demanded in a motion a call for the ayes and noes. Allison made several speeches and Alexander and Jackson spoke. Seeing they were in a minority they changed their tactics to entreaty, said a vote to accept was not a vote to adopt, that it was necessary to vote to accept in order that the convention might get to work, that after they had voted to accept, they could kill the report by laying it on the table or in any other way they chose and that it would be a terrible insult to the committee to refuse to accept. After an hour of choking down speakers who opposed, of entreaty, bulldozing and confusion that would have put Babel or the gold room into the shade, some of the anti-fusionists yielded and the vote to accept was carried. A part of the anti-fusionists announced their withdrawal from the convention. Allison then decided that the report was adopted so far that the convention must vote for or against the nominees of the report. The anti-fusionists not having the matter cut and dried as had the fusionists, were taken at a disadvantage and were caught and beaten by the trick. In order to make the trick sure to win a motion was made that the candidates having the highest number of votes should be the nominees and was carried before the anti-fusionists had time to see the drift of it. The balloting then commenced and of course the fusion nominees got a plurality and were declared the nominees of the convention. By some blunder some of the fusionists voted for Millard instead of Baker which was the only flaw in the execution of the program.
A cold deck had been prepared, the cards were stocked carefully, the deal and cut were in the hands of the fusionists and the moment a few anti-fusionists consented to play with them they were beaten. It was perfectly clear to any unprejudiced observer that the anti-fusionists were in a majority but were beaten by the cut and dried tactics of Allison and his ring. This ring had completely sold out the convention to the Democrats. They did not even adopt a platform but adjourned hastily. This omission of the platform was evidently not accidental, but was probably a part of the pre-arranged program. The Democrats furnish the platform as they dictate the candidates for the new fusion party. The Democratic snake has swallowed the tail end of the National party but we imagine that the head end will separate and go for principles rather than for fusion with the democrats. After the adjournment of the Nationals the Democrats accepted their blunder and nominated Millard, Allison, Jackson, Allen, and perhaps a few others composing the ring that has done the business.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Democratic Convention.
This body met in the office of C. C. Black, in Winfield, on Saturday last, at 11 o’clock a.m. E. P. Young was chosen temporary chairman and C. C. Black secretary.
A committee on credentials was appointed consisting of Williams, Lester, and Yount; and as committee on permanent organization, McIntire, Howard, and Pratt; also a committee to confer with a similar committee from the National Convention to report a fusion ticket, consisting of Judge McDonald, Sol. Smith, and Amos Walton.
Adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
Met according to adjournment, and committee on credentials reported, which report was adopted.
Committee on permanent organization reported for chairman E. P. Young, of Tisdale, and for secretary W. H. H. Maris, of Winfield. Report was adopted.
Committee on conference with Nationals reported.
For Representative 88th Dist., M. G. Troup; 89th District, M. R. Leonard; Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; County Attorney, J. E. Allen; District Clerk, J. S. Allen; Superintendent, J. S. Baker; Commissioner 1st District, A. G. Wilson. The report was received.
The report was amended by the substitution of E. A. Millard in place of Baker for superintendent and adopted as amended.
A platform was adopted, committees appointed, and convention adjourned.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.

M. R. Leonard attended the meeting of the A., T. & S. F. railroad men at Topeka this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
The Telegram says Dr. Leonard, the Democratic nominee for Representative from this district, will cast his vote for a Greenback U. S. Senator. In that case his vote will be thrown away, as no Greenbacker will stand any chance whatever this winter. A. A. Wiley will cast his vote for Senator Ingalls or some other good Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Dr. Leonard returned from Topeka last Saturday, where he had been to interview the offices of the A., T. & S. F. railroad company. A meeting of the directors will be held at Boston this week, and a proposition made to extend the road from Wichita to this place within eighteen months.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Farmers and Laboring Men.
Do not fail to vote for farmers and laboring men when you have such candidates who are honest, faithful, and efficient. Such are G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, A. A. Wiley, and E. C. Manning and such Troup, Gans, and Leonard are not. Surely enough professional men get into office at best.
M. R. Leonard, Greenback candidate, elected as Representative of 89th district...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
The official count of the vote in this (89th) representative district shows that M. R. Leonard, Greenback candidate, is elected.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
PLEASANT VALLEY, Nov. 11, 1878.
The conflict is over. A great victory is won, but representative district 89 lost one gun. Two years ago we pitted our Mitchell, of the sand-crested village on the Rhine against their Ed. Green, a very successful agriculturist, and we won by 302. Now in 1878 we pitted A. A. Wiley, a horny-handed, hard fisted son of toil from our agricultural district against their Dr. Leonard, of the aforesaid sand-crested village on the Rhine and they won. Our solemn judgment is that sand has some weight in this district and in future will govern ourselves accordingly. Our seaport metropolis is weighty in this matter of voting for her own citizens no matter what convention nominated them.
Kind wishes, DAN LAMME.
M. R. Leonard, Representative of the 89th district...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 8, 1879.
M. R. Leonard will leave for Topeka on Friday next, and will cooperate with other members of the Legislature in passing measures for the benefit of the State or district.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Leonard have another child: a daughter...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
BORN. January 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Leonard, a daughter.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.

A letter from Dr. Leonard of the 25th says: “I think the navigation of the river is the big thing for our town and coun­try. Many persons are being introduced to me. You are destined to be a city. The river will be navigated and it will make your town.”
Representative M. R. Leonard...
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Arkansas City Items.
Our Representative, M. R. Leonard, W. M. Sleeth, of the county board, and Col. W. M. Whiteman, Ponca agent, passed up to Wichita on Friday.
The steamboat Cherokee still lies bound up in icy chains, unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Representatives Manning and Leonard and Senator Pyburn, who represent Cowley County in the Legislature of this State, went to Topeka last week, and they will be on hand to attend the inaugu­ral ceremonies the 31st inst.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
We publish in this number a letter from Hon. Thomas Ryan to M. R. Leonard on the subject of an appropriation to improve the river. We received a somewhat similar letter from Mr. Ryan several days ago, a synopsis of which appears in the local column.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 1, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard, Topeka, Kansas.
I am this moment in receipt of your letter of the 28th ult., signed also by C. R. Mitchell and Nathan Hughes. Allow me to say that it is wholly unnecessary to introduce a bill for this purpose. The proper course is to push the subject upon the Committee on Commerce, and get them to incorporate an appropria­tion into the River and Harbor Bill. I have thus far been greatly embarrassed by the delay in the report of the survey. It is not possible to get action until that report is before the Committee. At one time I was advised it was in print, and would be out in a few days. I soon after found that was a mistake, and that the report had not yet been received at all at the War Department. I got the War Department to telegraph to St. Louis for it. The reply came that it would be ready in two weeks. It is now time it was here, and probably will be in a day or two. I have never neglected the matter for a moment. I have pushed it upon the committee time and again and they are now awaiting the report preparatory to such action as the report may warrant. I am sensible of the great importance of the project. I was the author of the movement and shall have more pride in prosecuting it to a successful termination than in any other one of my Congressional career, as I believe it will contribute more than any other one measure to develop the resources of the valley.
Respectfully, THOS. R. RYAN.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1879.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard, Mrs. Hughes and daughter, left on Friday to visit friends in Topeka.
Hon. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard returned from Topeka last Thursday night.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.

Dr. Hughes, of the Traveler, and Hon. M. R. Leonard came up from Arkansas City last Tuesday.
M. R. Leonard injured by horse...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1879.
M. R. Leonard was kicked in the chest and knocked down by a horse Monday afternoon. The horse then turned upon him with his fore feet, and did him severe injuries. His condition has improved as we go to press.
M. R. Leonard on jury...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879
List of jurors drawn to serve at the May term of the District court, in and for Cowley County, Kansas.
Hon. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1879
We publish this week J. D. McKown’s report of the upper Arkansas river to Maj. Charles R. Suter, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Also the endorsement of the latter officer and recommendation of the work to Brig. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. The same was forwarded to Hon. M. R. Leon­ard, by our Congressional delegation, and left with the TRAVELER for publication. Senator Plumb writes a very interest­ing letter on this subject, and will spare no pains in securing the neces­sary appropriations for this purpose.
St. Louis, Mo., January 27, 1879.
Major: I herewith respectfully submit the following report of the examination of the Arkansas River from the mouth of the Little Arkansas River to Fort Smith.
In accordance with orders received from this office, I proceeded to Wichita, Kansas, and commenced the examination of the river at the mouth of the Little Arkansas.
The latter stream empties into the main river a short distance above Wichita, part of the water is diverted from the natural channel to supply a mill, but again comes into the main river some two and a half miles below the city. The Arkansas River is very tortuous in its course, that portion from Wichita to Arkansas City passing through a prairie country, and has very little timber on the banks, a thin growth of cottonwood and willow prevailing.
The bed of the stream is very wide for the amount of water running, and is of a light sandy nature, quicksand prevailing in a large degree. In many places where the current is strong, there is a thin layer of gravel over the sand, which once broken through, shows the soft sand underneath.
As we go down the river rock becomes somewhat frequent, rock ridges often crossing the stream, sometimes almost amounting to rapids, and leaving but little room for passage of boats at low water.

I had the advantage of seeing the river at a very low stage of water and in its worst condition. At no time during the examination was there a rise of more than six inches, and that lasted but a few days.
From Wichita to Arkansas City 65
From Arkansas City to the State line 14
From State line to Grand River 236
From Grand River to Ft. Smith 94 
TOTAL: 409 Miles
The small amount of money available rendered rapid work necessary, and hurried reconnaissance was all that could be made. On such information as I could obtain, I respectfully submit the following approximate estimate of the cost of improving the river for steamboat navigation at low-water.
The Little Arkansas River empties into the Arkansas about three quarters of a mile above the bridge at Wichita. The bed of the main stream is from 600 to 800 feet wide from there to the bridge. The slope of the river from the mouth of the Little Arkansas to a point 1 mile below is 3.03 feet; high water mark at Wichita from the best information obtainable is 7.45 feet above low water, but as the landing would probably be below it, it need not be taken into consideration.
From Wichita to El Paso, a distance of some 15 miles, the slope of the river is about 3 feet per mile, or 45 feet for the whole distance. The bed of the river is generally wide, and to within 2 miles of El Paso needs a continued series of dikes and dams to contract it to a proper width, which would be about 150 feet. This would take a dike of 600 feet every half mile for 13 miles, or 7,800 feet in all. About 2 miles above El Paso, the river narrows down to about the required width, with not less than 3 feet of water in the channel. This extends for nearly 2 miles.
About one-half mile above El Paso there is a rocky reef extending across the river, running out from the left, where there is a rocky bank. The expense would be but slight to place it in good boating order: $2,500 would be sufficient.
From El Paso to Oxford the distance is 25 miles. The difference of level between the two places is about 69 feet, giving a slope of 2.75 feet per mile. This piece of river is a continual series of comparatively short bends, and the water being forced on the convex side of them, forms a good channel in most places. It will require about 78,000 feet of dam for this distance, or 312 feet per mile.
About one and one-fourth miles above Oxford there is a brush and rock dam which is built for the purpose of throwing in a race or ditch, where it is used for mill power. The dam is a slight, irregular built affair, angling down stream.
The difference of the level of the water above and below it at the left bank is 1.37 feet. The right bank here is about 40 feet high and of talcose slate.
At Oxford there is a pontoon bridge. A roadway built to it is made of rock, brush, and prairie hay, the latter predominat­ing, and seems to make an excellent dike, closing the river in to about 150 feet, and making a good channel along the bluff for about a half mile.
Some 4 miles above Oxford the Ne-Ne Scah Creek empties into the river, adding something to the volume of water.

Brush for mattresses is quite scarce on the river from Wichita to this place; but there is but little doubt that the tall, rank prairie grass, which is indigenous to this region, and grows in great abundance, could be used to advantage in the work by mixing it in with the brush, and in all probability would be economical.
About three-fourths of a mile below Oxford the river widens out and is full of bars. At five miles from Oxford, the banks on the right are high and contain considerable loose slate. The river bottom is of rock, but there is a fair depth of water: from 2-1/2 to 6 feet. About fourteen miles above Arkansas City, the banks on the left are about 30 feet high, of sand and clay, underlaid with loose rock.
The slope of the river from Oxford to Arkansas City, a distance of 25 miles, is 65 feet, or 2.6 feet per mile. There will be necessary for this piece of river about 16,500 feet of dike and dam: 660 feet per mile. The approximate amount of water in the river at Arkansas City is 575 cubic feet per second. At this place there is a wagon-bridge about 600 in length, with the lower chord 20 feet above low-water. A draw would be neces­sary to allow the passage of boats. In the present state it is an obstruction to navigation.
From Arkansas City to Kaw Agency, the distance is 44 miles. The fall of the river between these points is 110 feet, or 2.5 feet per mile.
It will take about 16,500 feet of work to improve this part of the river, or 375 feet per mile.
The river banks are becoming better timbered, and the river improving. Walnut river empties about six miles below Arkansas City and adds a fair amount to the volume of water in the river.
Below the Walnut the river changes somewhat in character. The banks and bluffs are higher and more rocky, the bed of the river more narrow, and timber more plentiful. Oak, hickory, pecan, walnut, blackberry, and many other varieties are common. Cottonwood, of course, is always to be found on the banks and low grounds. Below and near the State line, and a few miles farther down, about the mouth of Chaloca [Chilocco] Creek, a quantity of loose rock, apparently piled up during freshets, shows itself in the river. Some of this rock should be removed and a dam thrown in to concentrate the water. About $3,000 would do it.
On this piece of river, from Kaw Agency to Salt Creek, the distance is 62 miles. The slope of the river is 136 feet, or about 2.3 feet per mile. It will take about 28,000 feet of dam to improve it, or 451 feet per mile. On this part of the river snags are becoming more plentiful. Between Kaw Agency and Salt Creek the Salt Fork empties; it throws in considerable water.
From Salt Creek to Black Bear Creek, a distance of 15 miles, the river is wide and bad, and will take about 14,000 feet of dam to improve it, or 933 feet per mile. The slope is about 2.2 feet per mile, or 33 feet for the distance of 15 miles. Black Bear Creek comes in on the right, and adds something to the amount of water in the river, even when very low.
From Black Bear Creek to Cimarron River, the distance is 62 miles. The bed of the river is very wide and sandy, sometimes getting as wide as 2,000 feet. It will take some 20,500 feet of dam to improve this part of the river, or 500 feet per mile. The slope of the river is about 1.8 feet per mile, or 112 feet for the distance of 62 miles.

The Cimarron or Red Fork of the Arkansas comes in on the right, and contributes a considerable amount of water to the main river. Its deep red tinge is in strong contrast with the muddy water of the Arkansas, and the waters running side by side some distance before mingling have a marked and unique appearance.
From the Cimarron to the mouth of Grand River the distance is 87 miles. The slope of the river in this distance is about 152 feet, or 1.75 per mile. It will take about 38,000 feet of dam to improve this portion of the river, or 437 feet per mile.
About 3 miles above the mouth of Grand River is the bridge of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad. The length is 800 feet; there are four spans of 200 feet each, and the lower chord is 34 above low-water. The bridge is a strong and handsome structure, built of wood and iron. It has no draw, and may be considered an obstruction.
About one-fourth of a mile above, the mouth of the Verdigris empties and makes quite an addition to the volume of water. The Grand River discharges still more than the Verdigris, and togeth­er they make a very perceptible difference in the main stream.
Below the mouth of the Grand, the river changes very much in its character. The bed of the river is not so wide, the channel much better, and the bars and banks contain more gravel.
From the mouth of Grand River to Greenleaf’s Creek, about 28 miles, generally good; 5,000 feet of dam will suffice for this distance, but it is almost impassable in places on account of snags, which in some locations almost fill the water-way.
At Greenleaf’s Creek the river was closed with ice, and the examination had to be abandoned. But as Mr. Albert had made a survey of that part of the river in 1879, his report will give information concerning it. The distance from Grand River to Fort Smith is 94 miles, and I should think that $150,000 would be sufficient as most all of the work would be in shallow water.
Locality. Distance, miles.
Wichita to El Paso: 15
El Paso to Oxford: 25
Oxford to Arkansas City: 25
Arkansas City to Kaw Agency: 44
Kaw Agency to Salt Creek: 62.5
Salt Creek to Black Bear Creek: 15
Black Bear Creek to Cimarron River: 41.5
Cimarron River to Grand River: 87
Grand River to Fort Smith: 94
Total: 409 miles.
Wichita to El Paso: 7,200 Linear feet of dam.
El Paso to Oxford: 7,800
Oxford to Arkansas City: 17,000
Arkansas City to Kaw Agency: 16,500
Kaw Agency to Salt Creek: 28,000
Salt Creek to Black Bear Creek: 14,000

Black Bear Creek to Cimarron River: 20,500
Cimarron River to Grand River: 38,000
Grand River to Fort Smith: ___
Total: 149,000 linear feet of dam.
El Paso to Oxford: $3,000 Cost of rock excavation.
Arkansas City to Kaw Agency: $3,000 Cost of rock excavation.
Total: $6,000 Cost of rock excavation.
Locality. Cost.
Wichita to El Paso: $32,400
El Paso to Oxford: $38,600
Oxford to Arkansas City: $76,500
Arkansas City to Kaw Agency: $77,250
Kaw Agency to Salt Creek: $126,000
Salt Creek to Black Bear Creek: $63,000
Black Bear Creek to Cimarron River: $92,250
Cimarron River to Grand River: $174,000
Grand River to Fort Smith: $150,000
Total: $826,500
Add for contingencies and Engineer expenses: $73,500
GRAND TOTAL: $900,000
The Arkansas River passes through the Indian Territory, from the southern boundary line of the State of Kansas, to Fort Smith, Arkansas, a distance of about 330 miles by river. Little trade could be expected from the Territory except in the Cherokee Nation, between Fort Smith and the Grand River, where perhaps some business might be done.
That portion of the country tributary to the river in Kansas, from Wichita to the State line, is rich, fertile, and well cultivated, and would derive great benefit from the opening of the river to navigation. Very Respectfully, J. D. McKOWN, Assistant Engineer.
Maj. CHAS. R. SUTTER, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A.
In accordance with your instructions of July 8th, 1878, I have caused a reconnaissance to be made by Mr. J. D. McKown, assistant engineer, of the Arkansas River from the mouth of Little Arkansas to Fort Smith, and a copy of his report thereon is herewith submitted.
Except in the upper portion before mentioned, the navigable low-water depth is about the same as that of the Arkansas River between Little Rock and Fort Smith, and it would of course be useless to attempt to get a greater depth until the balance of the stream was correspondingly improved.
The estimates presented by Assistant McKown are for removing snags and rocks and so contracting the width of the stream as to give at low-water a depth of about 2 feet, but this estimate is only a rough approximation at the best, and no work on this scale should be undertaken, even if deemed advisable, until a thorough survey of the stream has been made, the cost of which is estimated at $16,360.

I am, however, of the opinion that by removing the snags and constructing slight dams at some of the worst shoals the naviga­tion would be so much improved as to render it as good as that between Little Rock and Fort Smith, and this would seem to be all that is worth doing until the general improvement of the river is undertaken. The cost of this work would be about $100,000, which could be expended in one season.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CHAS. R. SUTTER, Maj. of Engineers.
Brig. Gen. A. A. HUMPHREYS, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A.
James A. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1879.
The reputation of Dr. M. R. Leonard’s grape wine is on the spread. The demand for this article is increasing, and its good qualities are proverbial.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879
The man who took the turning plow from M. R. Leonard’s, last April, will please call at this office.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
A stalk of corn, of sixty days growth, measuring six feet in height, was brought into the TRAVELER office last Monday. This corn grew on sandy land but a few rods from the residence of M. R. Leonard. This is an average growth of one and one-fifth inches per day.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
Dr. Leonard will soon lay off and offer for sale a number of very desirable town lots.
Hon. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard, Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Maj. Sleeth, and Col. Haywood are at Topeka, looking after railroad interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard and Gen. Haywood have gone to take a peep at the mountains.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
Will Leonard, of the Sumner County Vidette, gave us a call last week. He reports Wellington lively and good times generally.
Hon. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
Col. Haywood and Dr. Leonard returned from Colorado and New Mexico, last Thursday. They had a splendid trip and brought home some beautiful views of mountain scenery.
Leonard’s addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.

Two small brick houses are going up near Leonard’s addition. The city seems to be crowding south.
Hon. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Hon. M. R. Leonard and Mayor Mitchell left for Topeka last Saturday to find relief for the pain that is felt from that cooked goose.
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 5, 1879.
For the benefit of the school library, at the School House Friday evening, November 7th, 1879, a play will be given.
Participants: C. H. Sylvester, C. M. Swarts, F. B. Hutchison, S. B. Reed, J. Leonard, Miss Annie Norton, Miss Linnie Peed, Miss Laura Gregg.
Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. Tickets for sale at Eddy’s Drug Store.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
Dr. Leonard returned from Topeka on Tuesday. Railroad terminus all right.
The “railroad” became an issue of controversy in 1879...three letters appeared in the newspaper relative to this matter. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1879.
Read the proposition of M. R. Leonard to the dissatisfied in Bolton township.
1st Letter from M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
To the Township Board of Bolton Township.
Messrs. W. B. Skinner, Frank Lorry, and all other citizens of Bolton. From many conversations with you and from the tone of the resolu­tions and communications published in the newspapers, I am convinced you wish to be relieved of your liabilities of future repairs, and the erection of a new portion to the south end of the bridge.
I have talked to a great many of the citizens of Arkansas City in regard to this bridge controversy, and I am confident that the city will do what is right and that she will at any time you may choose, meet your township board, and any committee you may select, and at said conference agree in regard to the bridge and the cattle drive. I feel sure by taking this course you can save many dollars in future taxes.
I know if Bolton will permit cattle to be driven at all times of the year, on and over the trail to the Arkansas river, during next summer, or so long as Mr. W. B. Strong may so desire, in that event this city will agree to, and will erect anew, that part at the south end where the old part now stands.
Now, gentlemen of Bolton, what say you? Do you wish to get rid of the old bridge? Will you consent to the cattle drive?
There is no use in so much talk and no action. I mean business, and if you mean business, come over, or if you won’t come, and wish us to meet you in Bolton, name the time and place, and let’s understand ourselves and settle definitely our present and future interests in this matter, and may there be peace on both sides of the turbulent Arkansas river for many days. M. R. LEONARD.

Arkansas City, Dec. 8th, 1879.
2nd Letter from Amos Walton...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
Bridge Question.
Editor Traveler:
SIR: I have written some articles lately as an official of Cresswell township, which I deemed necessary in justice to Mr. Sample and myself, and now I wish to offer a few words as a citizen of the southern part of the county, in regard to matters in controversy between a portion of the citizens of Bolton township and Arkansas City; matters which say the Winfield papers are representing as very serious indeed, but which I think will be settled without any of their assistance whatever.
I find in a recent issue of the Semi-Weekly a set of resolu­tions purporting to represent Bolton Township feeling, handed into the paper by Frank Lorry, with the statement that they were refused by the home papers  Let us see now as to the action of the home papers. I myself asked Mr. Deweese, whose name is appended to the resolutions as chairman, about them. And he said he did not know anything about them, and he would not publish them. He did not believe it was the sentiment of Bolton.
Here is a quotation from a recent issue of the TRAVELER, the writer of which I believe to be one of the most prominent in advocating what he believes to be for the best interests of Bolton.
“If my communication is not already too long, I would like to add that a late meeting held in this township to consider the railroad question, a very small number were present, neither did the resolution express the voice of any respectable number of the township.”
Now let us say a few words in regard to a square, honest, manly understanding of the differences in this controversy, and then go to work in a square, manly way to settle the questions  I would suggest first, that as full a meeting of the citizens of Bolton as can be called together meet at some central point, that a full delegation of the citizens of this city meet with them, and consider every proposition which they have to make. That in the mean-time the work on the road which has been agreed on be thoroughly prosecuted, that the bridge as it stands be put in shape that there can be no possible quibble about danger in passing over it, and immediate measures be inaugurated for one or more new spans as soon as the city can command the ability to accomplish it.
Let a committee of citizens from both townships take into consideration what will be for the best interests of all knowing it is the intention of the city to do all in her power to induce and hold trade.
I am satisfied that the people of Bolton will only insist upon that which they have a right to demand, and which is their just due if they are forced to come to this side of the river with their produce. Am I right, in the language of the great, “let us have peace.” A. WALTON.
3rd Letter from “Joel”...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.

Editor Traveler: What has happened? How or when did Winfield learn that we are to have a railroad down here? Listen to the last Courier. “Track laying on the extension to Arkansas City has commenced, etc.” Why, dear friends, over in Winfield, let us tell you that this railroad started from Wichita to come here and never intend­ed to make anything but a way station of your town, and it was always intended that this city should be the terminus of the road, for a time at least.
To all our Winfield friends we extend an invitation to embrace the first opportunity to visit our beautiful city, and see what a live place it is. We hope none of you will be discouraged thereby, and cease your efforts to build up your own town, because in a few years at farthest, we expect to take you in as one of the suburbs of our growing city. Do not relax your efforts a particle, and then when we are all united in one grand city, you can congratulate yourselves that you did something toward building up the grand city of the southwest.
It is already said you are so wealthy and take such an interest in Bolton township that you have offered to assist the railroad company to build through that township to the state line. No doubt these are slanderous reports gotten up to injure you, but a few men of Bolton have become so excited over the idea of having a railroad in the township that there is a danger that they will do something desperate while under the impression that Winfield will foot all bills. These excited citizens do not wait to consider the impracticability of having cattle pens two or three miles from water, as well as some other bad features in the matter. They ought to know at once that you will not be account­able, peculiarly, for any further trouble or expense and all the world may know that the terminus of the railroad is at Arkansas City.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1879.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard went to Topeka last Thursday.
“West Bolton” defends M. R. Leonard and Amos Walton...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
EDITOR TRAVELER: DEAR SIR: I notice an article in the Semi-Weekly purporting to have been written from Bolton, reflect­ing on Dr. Leonard and A. Walton. Allow me to say that the citizens of Bolton regard Dr. Leonard with the highest respect and incapable of double dealing. That, but for him, the road would never have reached your city, and for which they render lasting obligations; and that both gentlemen are too well known to be injured by parties in Winfield, or the man who thinks he will get a depot on his farm and employed a lawyer to write for him.
The people of Bolton do not want the cattle drive either to the State line or Arkansas City. Not because it would injure your city, but for the reason that it would drive the native stock out of Bolton. WEST BOLTON.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard returned from Topeka on Thursday last after an absence of two weeks.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.

Dr. Leonard has surveyed the north part of his farm adjoin­ing town into town lots, and will offer them for sale so low that those who want a good sized lot, handsome location, and perfect title will be induced to purchase.
Frank Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
School Report.
The following Report of the Public Schools of the city for the school month ending February 6th.
Grace McClung, Nina Pickering, Charlie Rarick, Walter Wintin, Phillip Huff, Frank Peek, Otis Endicott, Clara Ford, Lizzie Garris, Susie Fullerlove, Frank Leonard, Willie Peek, Newton Lancaster, Howard Warren, Etta McMahon, Frank Nowe.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
We call the attention of the readers of the TRAVELER to the new ad. of M. R. Leonard, offering for sale his addition to Arkansas City. These lots are very desirable, being located convenient to the central part of the City, while they are double the size of the lots in the City proper and are free from the objections arising to tax titles and other defects. If you wish to locate, examine them, and you will be pretty certain to invest.
12 Half Blocks, each 300 by 131 feet. Price for Half Blocks $125 to $150.
My Lots are 50 feet front, by 131 deep.
Will sell as low as $20 per lot.
I have other LOTS & BLOCKS for sale Cheap.
My Addition joins Arkansas City on the South and is situated but three to four blocks from business on Summit Street and about the same distance from the Depot.
To those wishing larger HOMES, I will sell 5, 10, 20, or 40 acres at $50 per acre.
These prices are only good for 30 days.
Arkansas City, February 10, 1880.
Father of Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Hughes, Hugh Campbell, of Topeka, visits...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 3, 1880.
Mr. Hugh Campbell, of Topeka, came down last Friday night to visit his daughters, Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Hughes. Mr. Campbell is one of the oldest residents in that city, having settled there when Topeka was a small village, in 1859.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Dr. Leonard left for Topeka this morning.
Leonard’s addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Lots in Leonard’s addition are going off like hot cakes.
M. R. Leonard’s...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Good rooted layers. Price $3 per hundred at M. R. LEONARD’S.

Arkansas City, March 1, 1880.
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
By an Old Bachelor.
The fact in this case is that Jim must get married. He was never cut out for a bachelor as he is too genial and talkative to waste away in any such condition. We warrant a capture here if the young lady is good looking and will work on his affections. He is abundantly able to take care of a wife, and if we are not very much mistaken there is a bargain at Sipes’ Corner for some young lady.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880.
Dr. Leonard has returned from a short business trip at Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 17, 1880
Capt. Sanford has purchased of Dr. M. R. Leonard three residence lots for parties in New York City. They propose to build this spring and will also erect as he is a florist [?] by profession. [Paper had underline after erect.]
M. R. Leonard: purchased coal yard and office from Mr. Evans...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
M. R. Leonard has purchased Mr. Evans’ coal yard and office, where he will be found to supply you with the black diamonds and choice town lots. Give him a call if you want a clear title and desirable location.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1880
Dr. Leonard has built an addition to his office at his coal yard on Summit Street.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1880.
Mr. Leonard’s office, one door north of the Post Office, will in addition to Mr. Leonard be occupied by Messrs. A. Walton and James Benedict, and will assume the familiar cognomen of “The Democratic Headquarters.”
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 7, 1880.
James Leonard, son of M. R. Leonard of this city, left for the mountains last Tuesday morning in search of fame and fortune. Jim leaves a host of friends here among his associates who very much regret his departure.
Leonard’s addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 14, 1880.
Mr. Godfrey is building a tenant-house on Leonard’s addition.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.

Cap Sanford has purchased nine more lots of Dr. Leonard, which now makes him the owner of an entire block in that addi­tion. Cap purchased the property for a friend of his in the East, who intends shortly to take up his residence among us and engage in horticulture and market-gardening.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
It now turns out that our friend Will Leonard has not sold out his interest in the Democrat, but will remain in Wellington.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The Editorial Convention at Wellington was not very largely attended, but was a very enjoyable affair. The editors, mayor, and good people of Wellington had made ample preparations to entertain a much larger number of guests, and felt disappointed that the convention was not larger. We do not give the minutes of the proceedings, for these we shall probably give officially later. The excursions to Hunnewell and Caldwell were full of interest and pleasure. We were royally treated by Captain Folks and his brother, Will Leonard, Mr. Harpham, Mayor Bohannon, and others. Wellington is a flourishing city and  will continue to grow. The most attractive building in the place is the new Press block, which would be a credit to any town.
M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
The Democrats of this county scrambled together at the county seat last Saturday, and tickled themselves in the ribs by putting in nomination a county ticket. The following are the nominees: State Senator, A. J. Pyburn; Representative, 88th district, R. H. Schofield, of Rock; 89th district, M. R. Leonard, of Creswell; county attorney, L. Pence, Winfield; probate judge, T. McIntire, of Creswell; clerk of district court, J. S. Allen; county superintendent, Mrs. I. E. Brown, of Tisdale.
W. C. Garvey, Amos Walton, C. C. Black, G. W. Gardenhire, and R. Hite were elected delegates to the State convention, and were instructed for E. G. Ross for Governor.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The Democrats nominated M. R. Leonard for Representative from the 89th district. Two years ago he was elected on the grounds that he was a Greenbacker, a Democrat, and an Arkansas City man. He made an excellent member of the House and voted for Ingalls, but we don’t think he will be elected this time, because the Greenbackers are largely Republicans this year, the Democrats cannot get up a fusion, and Bob Mitchell is just as good an Arkansas City man as he is.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
We must answer to the many inquiries of our friends, we do not know. Mr. Mitchell is square out for the Amendment, but how Dr. Leonard stands we cannot say. It doesn’t make much differ­ence though, so far as the success of Bob is concerned.
Dr. Leonard’s place...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
An accident that came near having a fatal termination occurred on Dr. Leonard’s place last Monday morning. Two men were engaged in digging a well, and one was being drawn to the surface for some purpose. As he neared the top the windlass got out of fix, one end getting loose, and the unfortunate man was hurled to the bottom, a distance of thirty feet, badly bruising his head and hip. It is little short of a miracle that he escaped with his life.

Hon. Dr. Leonard???...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
SILVERDALE, October 2, 1880.
The Democrats of Lower Grouse had quite an interesting time at Coburn’s schoolhouse on Thursday last, at 7:30 p.m. After some little trouble in securing a chairman (none of the party desiring office), Mr. Hill was induced to act. I never saw either of the speakers before, but was told their names were General Amos Walton and Hon. Dr. Leonard. The General made a great impression on his Democratic audience of nine by a fine oratorical display, who cheered him as if they were afraid of hurting the floor. The impression he made on us Republicans was that he hadn’t his lesson well learned. It may not be improper to notice some of the General’s “p’ints,” as he termed them.
He said he could explain what had become of the Republican votes of the South, which he did to the satisfaction of his nine. He said the negroes were persecuted by their old masters to vote the Democratic ticket. The General ought to know that every school boy in Silverdale township knows how the negroes were persuaded. The “old masters” persuaded Judge Chisholm and his innocent children to cease voting the Republican ticket.
Dixon was persuaded not to oppose the nominee of the party the General represents with the good loyal Southerners whom the General said had now come back under the flag; but he did not tell us these same loyal persuaders gave Dixon’s murderer the best office in the county, and sent him to Cincinnati to nominate the candidate whom General Walton will support.
The spirits of those murdered children will appear as witnesses against any party who will wilfully make such false representations.
In 1876, in the State of Alabama, there were 68,230 Republican votes counted; in 1878 there were 213. Alabama is only a fair sample of the Solid South, and in a free North the editor of a newspaper gets up and attempts to make an audience believe that 68,017 men in one State were persuaded in two years to leave the party that was instrumental in securing their freedom. “The right preservative of all rights must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States,” says the sixth plank in the Democratic national platform, 1880. What does it mean?
He charged General Garfield with desertion at Chickamauga, which he did not do.
He charged him with being implicated in the Credit Mobilier, which he was not.
He eulogized Hancock as a soldier and military man, but forgot how his party condemned General Grant for being one four years ago.
He told how the Republicans under Gen. Grant had defrauded the Government, but did not say anything about the Democrats of the South, who make war on the United States Marshals that a Democratic Congress refused to pay.

He closed by appealing to Republicans not to support a Winfield ring, speaking of Mr. Hackney in a light manner; but don’t you forget it, General, the soldier boys will send W. P. Hackney to the State Senate. He is the volunteer’s brother and friend. That scar on his face will admit him to the Senate chamber. He marched, fought, and starved with us, and we will honor him again. He wore the bloody shirt you harp so much about. The thirteen thousand dead who sleep in the pine woods of Georgia near Andersonville, whom your party starved to death, cry out from their neglected graves for us to stand by our comrade and vote for the principles for which they died—only to have their widows and orphans refused an increase of pension by a Democratic Congress, 68 out of 109 voting against it.
It is recorded against your party. VOLUNTEER.
Leonard’s addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
The Arkansas City town site contains 171 blocks and 4,390 town lots, including Leonard’s addition. The dimension of each block is 280 x 350 feet, with the exception of twelve, which are 50 x 116½..
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Back to the old home hearth they come as the chill blasts and other concomitants of the winter season materially detract from the pleasures of a camping out life. This time it is the return of Jim Leonard, James Burrell, and Chris. Birdzell that we have to chronicle, they having put in an appearance on last Monday’s train from a summer of roughing it amid the varied charms of Colorado. The boys do not report making any big strikes, but state they had a tip-top time and intend to try it again next summer.
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
The names of the various committees having in charge the Christmas tree festivities to be held at the Presbyterian church, were handed in last week, but were unavoidably crowded out, and are presented in this issue, as follows.
Decorating Committee: Mr. and Mrs. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Haywood, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cypher, Misses Mary Parker, Angie Mantor, Carrie Benedict, Annie Norton, Mattie Mitchell, Linnie Peed, Flora Finley, Albertine Maxwell, Sadie Thomas, Linda Christian, Annie Hutchison, Mary Theaker, Emma and Susie Hunt, Ada Easterday; Messrs. E. G. Gray, W. D. Mowry, John Kroenert, J. D. Houston, George Howard, D. Cunningham, James Leonard, Will Peed, J. C. Topliff, Dick Chamberlain, Irving French.
Dr. M. R. Leonard sells farm to canal company...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
Dr. Leonard has sold his farm south of town to the canal company for $4,000, and we are informed that he will take a trip to Florida in a few weeks, with a view to locating there. A change is deemed necessary on account of the health of Mrs. Leonard. The Doctor is one of our oldest citizens, and a gentle­man whom all will be sorry to lose.
Dr. Nathan B. Hughes and Will Leonard...
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
We were right last week in stating that Dr. Hughes and Will Leonard had made arrangements to start a paper at Eureka Springs. The Doctor informs us that it will be a daily, and they will commence operation as soon as they can move their press and material to the Springs.

Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
Dr. Leonard left town yesterday for Florida, whither he goes to see the country, and if found satisfactory, may perhaps locate there.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
Will Leonard paid the city a flying visit last Monday on his way to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where he intends to locate and run a job printing establishment.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Dr. Leonard left town yesterday for Florida to see the country; and if he finds it satisfactory, may locate there.
Will Leonard, in company with Mrs. Doctor Hughes and family, leave for their new home, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, tomorrow. We are indeed sorry to have the Doctor and his family leave our city. It will leave a vacancy not easily replaced in our busi­ness and social circle.
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
Capt. C. M. Scott, accompanied by James Leonard, started into the Territory on a pleasure trip last Saturday, and expect to be absent about two weeks.
Leonard Place...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
The Arkansas City Water-Power Construction Company are making things lively in the vicinity of their works south of town. Some twenty teams have been employed hitherto, and have already made a goodly show, being almost across the Leonard place. In this issue Mr. Hill advertises for fifty more teams at $2.50 per day of ten hours, and we are assured from the present management of the enterprise that both men with or without teams desiring work can have no excuse for lying idle. Of course, at this early stage it is impossible to say how long the work will take, but of one thing we may rest assured—that which money and energy can accomplish will be done by the gentlemen composing the company towards completing this, the most important enterprise ever undertaken in Cowley County.
James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 6, 1881.
C. M. Scott and James Leonard returned from their trip in the Territory last week and reported having a good time, only a “little cool in the morning,” you know.
Mrs. M. R. Leonard and family going to Florida to join Dr. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
Mrs. Dr. Leonard intends to leave town today, with her family, for a visit in the northeastern part of the State; from thence she will join her husband, Dr. M. R. Leonard, at Lake Eustis, Florida, in which State they expect to locate. The Dr. and Mrs. Leonard were amongst our first settlers, and were highly respected in this community. Their many friends, we are assured, unite with us in wishing them “God speed” wherever they may cast their lot in the future.

Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Leonard and family going from Florida to Eureka Springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
A letter from our traveling Postmaster informs us of his meeting with Dr. Leonard, who, with his family, was en route for Eureka Springs; totally out of conceit with Florida.
Will A. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
Will A. Leonard, formerly an editor and joint proprietor of the Sumner County Democrat, arrived in this city the latter part of this week, from Eureka Springs. He says, in his judgment, Geuda Springs, in this county, are fully equal to the former.
Leonard’s addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
The city council met last Monday evening and passed an ordinance, the terms of which incorporates the land known as Leonard’s addition to the City of Arkansas City within the corporate limits of said city in accordance with arrangements made at the time said land was purchased by the parties having the construction of the canal in hand.
Doctor Hughes and Leonard sold their property at Eureka Springs and are moving to Texas...
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
McIntire’s Madam Rumor says:
That Doctor Hughes and Leonard have sold their property at Eureka Springs and intend moving to Texas.
Will and James Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Will Leonard, late of Wellington, was last heard from at Waco, Texas, while his brother, Jim, is luxuriating in the sunny South at New Orleans.
Leonard vineyard...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Selected Concord Grapes from the Leonard vineyard, delivered to any part of town at 4 and 5 cents a pound by Beecher & Son.
Leonard property...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Ed. Haight, our County surveyor, was in town yesterday attending to some surveying on the Leonard property south of town.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Will Leonard writes us from Silver City, New Mexico, under date of the 17th inst., and informs us he will shortly commence the publication of the “Silver City Enterprise.” We wish it success and will place the same upon our X list with pleasure.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.

From a postal card received on the 5th inst., from Dr. M. R. Leonard, we learn the gentleman is intending to revisit Kansas, and will probably greet his many old friends in this section ’ere many weeks pass by.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1882.
We acknowledge receipt of the Silver City, New Mexico, Enterprise, a new sheet published by W. A. Leonard & Co. Will graduated at the TRAVELER office under C. M. Scott and is a first-class printer. We wish the Enterprise success and herewith place it upon our X list.
Dr. M. R. Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
Dr. Leonard is at Silver City, New Mexico.
Leonard addition...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
We call attention to the advertisement of town lots in the Leonard Addition for sale, by Messrs. Green & Snyder, which appears in this issue. These lots are 50 x 131 feet and are situated in one of the most desirable parts of town.
Ad. 100 LOTS 50 X 131 FEET FOR SALE IN LEONARD’S AND CANAL ADDITION. These lots will be sold on time to parties wishing to build. Prices $25 to $10 a lot, giving purchaser the choice of location. This addition will soon be supplied with the water works, saving all expense of digging wells. GREEN & SNYDER.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Joint Stock Association.
A joint stock association has been formed by Messrs. Beall, Hill, Alexander, Vawter, and Landes, with a paid up capital of $10,000. The object of the company is to purchase and sell town lots, build houses for rent and sale, and improve the city generally. They have purchased in Leonard’s addition, twenty-two lots, and expect to erect, within the next thirty days, five large and elegant houses. The design was to build them alike, paint them alike, and surround the number with a neat picket fence, but dividing the residence lots by fine curbing stones. This idea, however, may be changed. We wish these gentlemen success in their undertaking. The firm is composed of persons who possess superior business talent, and will materially aid in the development of the city. The office of the firm is with Mr. Alexander at his lumber yard. Anyone seeking houses will do well to call on this new firm.
Will Leonard...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Will Leonard, formerly of this place, but now of Silver City, New Mexico, has been visiting friends in this city for several days. We are glad to learn that Will has established quite a reputation as a journalist in his new home, and has made the Silver City Enterprise a recognized journal of that Territory. In addition to newspaper work, Mr. Leonard is engaged in stock and stock ranches, and has a fine list of grazing lands for sale. While here he created considerable interest among the stock men regarding New Mexico as a grazing country, and several contemplate making a visit in the spring. It is said grass grows green on the mountain side during the entire winter.
Dr. M. R. Leonard is praised...

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Representative Question.
The coming political fight in this county is warming up considerably. The pot is fast beginning to boil. The principal contest has narrowed down apparently to which candidate for representative of this district will be elected. Our readers are aware who those are before them seeking the office. The Republican nominee is Hon. L. P. King; the Democratic nominee is F. P. Schiffbauer. The former is of Beaver Township; the latter of this city.

Many of our Democratic readers, who reside in this city, accuse us of a lack of patriotism for Arkansas City because we do not support Mr. Schiffbauer, claiming that Mr. King is a Winfield man and the latter a true blue Sandhiller. We deny this allegation, and of all who have made it, have demanded proof. As yet, not one could furnish it. Some assert that Mr. King does his trading in Winfield. We know this to be false. We have seen Mr. King a number of times buying provisions at our stores and the Daniel Bros., the blacksmiths, inform us that they have been doing all his work in their line for three years past. The truth of the whole matter is, this is a trumped up charge. In fact, it is a Democratic campaign lie made out of whole cloth and one which that party has sprung on every nominee of the Republican party since there has been a rivalry existing between Arkansas City and Winfield. We think it is about time they give us something new. That old taunt is too tame and won’t wash down with the voters of this district. On the other hand, we assert Mr. King to be a strong Arkansas City man. He realizes that if this town is benefitted, he will be also. With this in view he has always labored for his constituents. Right here, we can hear some good old Democratic campaigner remark: “He didn’t do us any good in the legislature; he didn’t even get us a bridge law; we want to send someone there who will do Arkansas City some good.” Well, we reply, he did do us some good in the legislature, and did us no harm. Will you be kind enough to tell us of some one legislator from this district who ever did as any great good since this district has been organized? There never was but one and that was Dr. Leonard. If Mr. King had been a legislator then, he probably would have accomplished the same end for us as Dr. Leonard. The gist of the whole thing then is simmered down to the bridge question. If our memory serves us well, we believe Mr. King in the last legislature made an exceedingly strong fight on this question. Many of our readers are not aware of the facts in the case, and so we repeat them. During the early part of the legislature, Senator Jennings introduced a bridge bill, which it was thought would suit us if it could be made a law. Mr. King refrained from introducing a bill at the time because from a conference of a committee of our prominent citizens he learned that Jennings’ bill would do, and he and they thought best not to antagonize it by introducing another. The bill passed the house, but was defeated in the senate. By the time the fate of this bill was known, the session of the legislature was so far advanced that it was useless to introduce another bill, and it would have been folly to have done so. At the special session Mr. King introduced a bill, which a committee of the city sanctioned as the proper thing, and worked hard for its passage; but it too was defeated. The reason why is very simple. Senator Jennings, Mr. Greer, and Mr. Maurer worked diligently against it. The first is our senator; the remaining two, representatives from districts in this county. We ask who could accomplish the passing of our bridges on the county when the entire remaining delegation from Cowley County was against him? There is no man who could have accomplished the task undertaken by Mr. King.
In regard to sending a man from Arkansas City to the legislature who will do us some good, we will say that by sending Mr. King from this district, more good will be accomplished than by sending Mr. Schiffbauer. The Republican nominee is equally as brilliant, if not a great deal more so, than the Democratic nominee. Then why should the Republicans of Arkansas City disrupt their party by voting for a man who has been in every political organization known, except the prohibition, and has no fixed political principles governing him. He has been in the Republican party; he has been an Independent; he has been in the Labor party; and now he is in the Democratic, so he tells us. Perhaps he is by this time a full fledged “Irishman’s flee,” and will rest content until after the election. Quite likely then he will hop over to the prohibitionists. Again, should the Republicans of this city vote against Mr. King and elect his opponent, a chasm would be created between Arkansas City and the townships of the district. At present the townships and this town are in harmony, and we must keep them so. It is conceded that this district is Republican; and should Schiffbauer be elected, it would be by Republican votes. In the Republican nominating convention, the delegates from the county, excepting Bolton Township, were solid for King and against the gentleman brought out by the city. We might sometime in the future desire to ask for railroad bonds from the townships which are urging Mr. King forward very strongly, and then we would be told to get our favors at the hands of the Democracy. Republicans, we cannot afford to allow this breach to be made. It behooves us all to get out and labor for Mr. King’s election or else we will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Our prosperity today is principally due to the aid which the surrounding townships have extended us.
Further, if Mr. Schiffbauer should by a chance be elected, what could he do for Arkansas City in a Republican legislature? He would be sent there as a Democrat. His principles would not be in accordance with the powers that be and therefore he would gain no recognition. Mr. King, as before, would be placed on many important committees from the fact that he is a Republican and could there serve Arkansas City, his district, and the State to a greater advantage. Besides, his first term experience would place him on any equal footing with the majority of his brother legislators. In conclusion, we say to Republicans, work and vote for Hon. L. P. King for representative.
[Note: The last entry found concerning Dr. M. R. Leonard was that of January 10, 1883, when he was living in Silver City, New Mexico. No further data can be found concerning Dr. Leonard and the rest of his family. MAW]