Alexander H. Limerick


Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
Charles Williston, J. B. Parmelee, Mrs. Bostwick, Mrs. J. C. Graham, J. B. Fairbank, Prof. Wilson, Prof. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. N. J. Ferguson, Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Prof. H. B. Norton, H. H. Martin, C. L. Rood, J. W. Cowgill, Alexander Limerick, Mrs. Bostwick, Miss Helen Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Swarts.
Efforts are being made to secure the presence of our State Superintendent, H. D. McCarty. T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. H. Grow and wife to Alex. Limerick, northwest 33-30-4, 160 acres, $2,000.
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Alex Limerick and wife to Hannah W. Grow, northwest 33-30-4; 160 acres, $2,000.
Hannah M. Grow to Alice G. Limerick, northwest 33-30-4; 160 acres, $2,000.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
Teachers’ Directory.
District No. 24: ROCK. Electa F. Strong.
District No. 25: Connected with Rock. A. Limerick.
District No. 29: Connected with Rock. Simeon Martin.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like bea­vers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
In attendance: A. Limerick.
Cowley County Teacher, October 8, 1879.
Cowley County Teachers. ROCK—GRADE B: Simeon Martin; Alex. Limerick.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.

The temperance convention met in Manning’s Hall last Friday. R. C. Story was elected president; A. Limerick and J. E. Platter, vice presidents; J. S. Allen, secretary. A committee on Plan of Operations was appointed, and reported in favor of a Campaign Committee of seven members, who should superintend the canvass of the county for the prohibition amendment. The following gentle­men were appointed as such committee: James McDermott, chairman; R. C. Story, secretary; H. S. Silver, treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, W. D. Mowry, S. S. Holloway, and J. S. Allen. Saturday afternoon and evening the Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity to listen to speeches from Gov. St. John. In the evening it was almost impossible to get standing room and the enthusiasm was immense. The Governor’s speech was a sound, logical, and eloquent appeal for sobriety, and law and order. The results of this convention have been highly satisfactory to the temperance workers, and the interest manifested shows that Cowley is awake to the importance of the amendment, and will roll up a large majority for it in November.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
At the close of the recent Normal Institute the teachers of Cowley County met in their annual association. Two days were spent in the consideration of topics of interest to teachers, to schools, to school boards, and to the public generally. It is probable that at no association in the state have questions of wider or deeper significance been discussed by teachers. This fact shows the advanced standing held by the teachers of Cowley County. Their resolutions were as follows.
Resolved, That it is unwise to admit children under seven years of age to our public schools, as they are too young for anything but the kindergarten work, which cannot be given in our ordinary schools, and when they are thus admitted, three hours a day should be the utmost limit of their stay, lest they be injured in health and stupefied and dwarfed in mind.
Resolved, That, in addition to the indispensable studies of reading, writing accounts, and language, including orthography, orthoepy, correspondency, business forms—we should carefully and zealously cultivate the aesthetic nature of the young, by the studies of man, literature, poetry, plants, insects, and all that is beautiful around us, as an essential condition or happi­ness, and a shield from vice.
Resolved, That district clerks be paid a reasonable compen­sation for their services.
Resolved, That the power of changing district boundaries should be transferred from the county superintendent to some other persons.
Resolved, That the law of the state should require school boards to furnish at least fifteen square yards of black board for each school room.
Resolved, That true economy would justify, and a just pride in our schools should encourage the surrounding of our schoolhouse with grateful shade, both for protection and ornament.
Resolved, That experience has proved in other states the great superiority of the township system of schools, and we ask its adoption throughout our state, including the appointment of county superintendent by the township trustees, since it has been shown to be thus less fluctuating than when an elective office, and the best men are thus retained longer in the places in which they excel.
Resolved, That successful work in the school room should entitle the teachers to a certificate recognizing such work, and that certificates of high grade should become permanent after thorough examination in the school room and before the examining board.
Resolved, That the holding of low grade certificates for two successive years should render the holder ineligible to the office of teaching.
Resolved, That general information should take prominent place in the studies and in the examination of teachers.
Resolved, That this association meet monthly, holding its sessions in Winfield, Arkansas City, and Burden.

Resolved, That monthly reports should be made by the teacher promptly at the end of each calendar month and that the same should be at once sent to the county superintendent.
Resolved, That we would rebuke and condemn as unworthy of our profession any persons, who so far disregards a decent respect for an obedience to the school law of the State as to teach in our public schools without a certificate, or after it has expired, and believe a school board deserves prosecution that is so disorderly as to expend school money for such lawless teaching.
The officers for the following year are: President, R. C. Story; Vice President, E. A. Millard; Secretary, J. R. L. Adams; Assistant Secretary, Linnie Peed. Executive committee: Orlin Phelps, Ella Freeland, M. J. Melville, W. E. Ketcham, A. Limerick. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Teachers’s Association met in the high school building Saturday week. Present: Trimble, Hickok, Jewett, Limerick, Bower, Carson, Story; Mrs. W. B. Caton, Misses Melville, Dickie, Bartlett, Kelly, Davis, Cook, West, Frederick, and Bowman.
The work in algebra and physiology was very satisfactory. The time for geometry was too limited for much work. The next meeting will be held February 12th, when the subjects of division in algebra, respiration in physiology, and the second book in geometry will be reviewed. Messrs. Trimble, Hickok and Story, and Misses Cook and Melville, reported the following petition and resolutions.
To the honorable members of the Kansas Legislature:
Gentlemen: The undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, most respectfully ask your attention to the following suggested changes in the school law. We respectfully ask that such changes be made, should they seem in your judgment desirable for the good of the public schools of the state.
1st: That a state certificate and no less than three years work in the public schools be made prerequisite qualifications to the county superintendency.
2nd: That the county superintendent be required to give his entire time to the schools of the county.
3rd: That the township system of schools be substituted for our present district system.
4th: That high grade certificates be clothed with a degree of permanency attainable upon successful work in the school room.
5th: That the annual school meeting be changed from August to June, or to an early day in July.
The third and fifth recommendations drew out considerable debate, but were approved by a majority of the teachers present.
Petitions with these recommendations will be circulated for signatures and then will be sent to the Solons at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Rock supports a good Sunday school under the Superintendency of Thomas Harp, our village blacksmith. Our day school is being taught by Alex Limerick, one of Cowley’s best teachers.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
A. H. Limerick goes back to Rock, his old stamping ground.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. Editorial Page.
There are ninety teachers in Cowley County holding certifi­cates, of whom the following are teaching in the districts named.
ROCK. A. H. Limerick, district 24; R. B. Hunter, district 29; J. C. Martindale, district 73; Albert Brookshire, district 27.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Alexander Limerick has the Star school of the township.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
ROCK. A. H. Limerick, District 24. MONTHLY SALARY: $40.00.
ROCK. Alice G. Limerick, District 122. MONTHLY SALARY: $30.00.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Please announce that the teachers of the Northwestern Association District, will hold their next meeting at Udall, Friday, February 3, and continuing through the next day.
The following is the program for Friday evening. 1. Song by Anna and Maggie Martin; 2. Address of welcome: P. W. Smith; 3. Response: A. H. Limerick; 4. Music by R. B. Hunter; 5. Declamation: Jennie E. Hicks; 6. Music. 7. Essay: Fannie McKinley; 8. Declamation: R. A. Hall; 9. Address: R. C. Story; 10. Music.
The following is the program for Saturday: 1. Mistakes in teaching: Porter Wilson; 2. Troubles in Ireland; cause and cure: A. H. Limerick; 3. Comparison of Longfellow and Tennyson: R. B. Hunter; 4. Dinner; 5. Digestion: L. McKinley; 6. Teachers’ aids: Mrs. Alice G. Limerick; 7. Rainfall: Jennie E. Hicks; 8. Report of critics; 9. Business of the Association.
Teachers, be there. Porter Wilson, Jennie E. Hicks, George Wright, Committee.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
[Comments Concerning Article about Cowley Teachers.]
   Wretchedly Low.
“Let us whisper to your ear the cause of low wages in Cowley County and the source from whence the cause must come. Your County Superintendent has an itching for the State Superintendency. He spends much more time in writing, or having written, long-winded articles on education than he does in attending to the interests of Cowley’s schools. Further, in pursuance of his plan to go higher in politics, he must be popular at home. In order to be popular at home, he must grant certificates to all who ask an examination for them and some of Cowley’s teachers have never ‘syphered’ through the ‘Rule of Three,’ have no accurate knowledge of even the elements of grammar, they spell by guess, and read without understanding. They are not qualified to teach because they know nothing of how to teach. The ‘steadiness’ characteristic only of an age, many of them have not yet reached, renders their government faulty or worthless. You want to weed out the boys and girls, put to the men and women, and drive away or kill the drones and the numbskulls. Book knowledge is much in favor of a teacher, but the man or woman of good, sound sense, thinking and energetic, with judgment matured, will accomplish ten times what your book worm will, with no guide but his theories.” El Dorado Times.

We quote the above for the purpose of making some corrections of matters which the Times knows nothing about, but makes guesses which do great injustice, not only to our Superintendent, but to the teachers of this county. The usual way to answer such articles is to charge the writer with slander and falsehood, but we prefer merely a statement of facts. Though we may think the wages paid teachers in this county are too low, the fault is not peculiar to this county. Probably no county in the state pays on an average, higher wages to teachers. In this county are employed 119 teachers; 56 males and 63 females. The lowest wages is $22 per month to a female, and the highest is $90 to a male. The average of wages is $32.18 to females and $37.67 to males. If Butler County can make a better showing, bring on your figures. If it is a fact that Supt. Story has an itching for the state superintendency, he has the merit of being as well qualified for the position as any man in the state. It is true that he writes many articles on education for publication, and it is equally true that they are among the best that are written, but it is not true that he spends more time in writing than he does in attending to the interests of the schools. On the contrary, he spends nearly all his time in visiting schools in all parts of the county and in work at his office, and no superintendent in the state does more work or does it more efficiently. It is not true that he and the examining board grant certificates which are not fully merited. The only complaints heard of here are from persons who did not get certificates, or as high grade certificates as they believed they merited. We believe the certificates issued in this county stand for as high orders of merit as the same grade certificates in any county in the state, higher than in Butler County, and that the teachers in this county rank as high in all that makes efficient teachers as those of any county in the state.
The writer of the above from the Times was superintendent of Butler County for the four years ending January, 1881. During that four years, according to his own reports, he visited schools as follows: 19, 102, 33, 73, total 289. Supt. Story during the same four years visited schools: 26, 97, 134, 160, total 417. Will the Times man take some of his criticisms to himself?
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
School has commenced at Floral, A. Limerick, teacher.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: In accordance with instructions, the following report of the fifth Northwestern Teachers’ meeting is submitted for publication.
The teachers met at Udall Friday evening, Feb. 30. Udall’s school mistress, as usual, had fled to parts unknown; but there were a goodly number of teachers and people present. President Wilson failed to put in an appearance, leaving the teachers like sheep without a shepherd, but Vice President Corson made a very good “hireling.” A part of the teachers had not seen the program in time to prepare the work assigned them, but impromptu exercises from them and some of Udall’s citizens supplied the deficiency. The welcoming address by P. W. Smith was full of characteristic wit and energy. The response by A. Limerick showed a good comprehension of the educational question.

It was resolved to hold the next session at Darien schoolhouse, March 3rd and 4th. Friday evening’s program is as follows. Music; Welcoming address, Miss Fannie McKinley; Response, Miss Jennie Hicks; Essay, Mrs. A. Limerick; Declamation, George Wright; Recitation, Mrs. Normie Wilson; Music, B. B. Hunter; Exercises by Darien school; Declamation, L. McKinley; Select reading, R. B. Corson. Question drawer. Topics for Saturday were assigned to the following: Mrs. A. Limerick, Porter Wilson, A. Limerick, R. B. Hunter, Miss J. E. Hicks, L. McKinley, and George Wright.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
According to appointment, the teachers of the Northwestern Division met at Darien schoolhouse on the evening of March 3rd. The night was beautiful, and the attendance larger than at any previous time. Little Dutch, Valley Center, and Darien schools were well represented, and the evening was occupied very pleasantly with exercises from the different schools. The attendance at the Saturday meeting was small; but the program was taken up, and the different subjects discussed. Most of the work was retrospective, and the teachers all agreed that our monthly meetings had been beneficial to both schools and teachers. As an evidence of that fact, on motion it was decided to adjourn to meet again at Valley Center schoolhouse, on the first Friday evening of October, 1882. The vice president and secretary pro tem, were appointed to arrange a program for that time. The following is a list of teachers and patrons of the N. W. Division, who have attended one or more of the six Saturday meetings. Messrs. Porter Wilson, A. H. Limerick, R. B. Corson, J. Martindale, R. B. Hunter, Geo. Wright, Albert Brookshire, L. McKinley, and J. E. Hicks; and Misses Villa M. Combs, Fannie M. McKinley, Mrs. A. Limerick, and Nannie Wilson. Patrons: G. L. Gale, Rock Township, and Mr. Meece, Ninnescah Township. The Association wishes also to express its thanks to P. W. Smith for the interest he has manifested in its welfare.
L. McKINLEY, Secretary pro tem.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
The Floral school, under the management of A. Limerick, opens work this week with new books.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
We overheard two prominent teachers of Cowley County naming over the prospective candidates for County Superintendent, and caught the following names: S. A. Smith, H. T. Albert, Tom Rude, Frank Werden, P. B. Lee, E. A. Millard, R. B. Hunter, A. H. Limerick, and Prof. Atkinson. We failed to catch onto any more names and are unable to say how many candidates there will be. Burden Enterprise.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.

The Little Dutch School of Fairview township was closed today, the 24th of March. The patrons of the school, and friends from surrounding districts, gathered at the schoolhouse and spread a very tempting dinner in honor of the occasion, after which came the exercises of the afternoon, which consisted of declarations interspersed with singing. Then followed short speeches from the gentlemen. Prominent among them was one from Mr. Limerick, in which he set forth the ill looked after school fund. And it certainly is the most poorly looked after of any public money. The exercises closed with the presentation of a photograph album in behalf of the school by Mr. W. B. Wimer, one of our honored school board, with a few appropriate remarks. Mr. Wilson has made an excellent teacher, doing all in his power to make the school attractive and instructive. L.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Mr. A. H. Limerick is being pushed by his friends as a candidate for county superintendent. He is one of the best practical educators in the county.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
No delegates having been elected in Rock Township, we recommend that W. H. Grow, Alex Limerick, and Frank Akers cast the vote of Rock Township in this convention.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The candidates for Superintendent of Schools seem to be numerously numerous. No new ones since our last issue. Mr. Limerick’s school closed week before last and Alex will begin to stir up the animals at once. He will have a large support in the north and northwest.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The Floral public school closed on the 5th inst., after a four months term. The patrons of the school came en masse to see and hear, and to eat. Baskets and buckets were filled to the brim, but the contents were quickly displaced by the hungry crowd. Your correspondent was the fortunate possessor of a two story appetite, and did excellent service in sampling the goodies, after which he declared the dinner a success. I would that such things could occur six times a week. Mr. A. H. Limerick is a success as a teacher. He has labored under great disadvantages, but has done splendid work. As he is an aspirant for the office of County Superintendent, I would say that he is eminently fitted and qualified for the office. He is what you might call an educational enthusiast. He is practical in the full sense of the term, and does not depend entirely on theory. His qualification as an instructor is pronounced, and Cowley County will make no mistake if he is selected to be Mr. Story’s successor.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Messrs. A. H. Limerick, of Rock Township, and T. J. Rude, of Windsor Township, visited our office yesterday, and from the tenor of their remarks we conclude they have designs upon the county superintendency.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
The COURIER favors Mrs. Caton, Tom Rude, and A. H. Limerick for County Superintendent, with Gene Millard a good fourth. Courant.
The COURIER is not making County Superintendents to any considerable extent, but is liable to speak of the good qualities of candidates whenever they appear in the ring. If there are any other candidates, trot them out.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: Inasmuch as Mr. Limerick is a prospective candidate for the position of County Superintendent of Public Instruction, some of his soldier comrades want the public to know what his record is from youth to manhood. We do not appeal to the public simply from the fact that Mr. Limerick was a faithful soldier and did his duty like a brave man, for he has superior qualifications fitting for the office to which he aspires. But all other things being equal, there are no persons on the continent to whom we should pay tribute and honor as the private soldiers. They sacrificed everything that made life enjoyable, and stood strong in their country’s time of danger to battle for what they believed to be right and true, and how seldom has merit been recognized and the high private advanced to a position of trust and profit. I heard a man say that it was time this talk for the soldier should cease. Now we do not crave honors for ourselves, but our comrades saved this government from going into the breakers during the storm, and if the people ever forget them and their welfare, it had been better that the old ship of state had been left to the mercy of the wreckers. To the crew who saved surely belongs the right of salvage. We are glad that our friend, Mr. Limerick, has a record above reproach. Loyalty and good sense has made him a sound upright citizen. He is equal to the occasion and if necessity ever demands it, he would again give his time and shed his blood for the cause of loyalty and justice. Of his social and intellectual qualities we need not speak except to say that they are of the highest orders. This is written without the knowledge or consent of our old comrade, neighbor, and friend; it is only a tribute to his sterling worth.
The following is an outline of his past life. A. H. Limerick entered the army at the age of 17 in the 93rd Illinois Volunteers. In the bloody engagement of Allatoona Pass, he was wounded and taken prisoner. He was alternately confined in the prison pens of Milan, Savannah, Charleston, and Florence, and was subjected to all the indignity and misery that could be offered by a brutal foe, escaping only with his life when released on March 1, 1865. The money earned in the service he used in obtaining an education in an institution of learning in Illinois, after which he taught school in the same state from 1867 to 1871. Came to Cowley County and entered a claim in Rock Township, which he still occupies. He taught the first school and organized the first Sunday school in Rock Township in 1872, then went back to Illinois, his native state, and taught school three years. Came back to Cowley County in 1876 and has been teaching ever since. Mr. Limerick holds an “A” grade certificate.
Please publish this and oblige his many old comrades and Republican friends.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Information relative to Alexander H. Limerick, of Rock Township, candidate for the office of School Superintendent.
“He is a native of Illinois. In the spring of 1863 he enlisted in Company B, 93rd Ill. Infantry, was one of the heroes in the famous defense of Allatoona Pass, where he was severely wounded and maimed for life, and was taken prisoner and was confined at West Point, Milan, Andersonville, Savannah, and Charleston. He has taught schools in Cowley County for the last five years with eminent success and holds an “A” grade certificate. He is an amiable, energetic gentleman of retiring deportment and high moral character, and is well qualified for the position he seeks. . . .”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
We call attention to the announcement of Alex H. Limerick of Rock Township, as a candidate for the office of County Superin­tendent. Mr. Limerick is an old timer in the county, having taken a claim in 1871, and has taught in our schools for the past five years, holding an A Grade certificate. He is an old sol­dier, an amiable gentleman, and in every way competent of the office he seeks.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
ED. COURIER: On Thursday the 6th inst., in company with E. A. Henthorn, senior editor of the Burden Enterprise, I started for the Sunday school picnic convention in North Richland. We drove west to New Salem, past springing corn and numerous stacks of splendid wheat, to the “Gunn quarter,” where Mr. Jas. Barr was threshing his wheat. Mr. Henthorn being agent for the rental, we stopped, and there I saw as fine wheat as ever threshed. The berry is full and plump, and the yield estimated at twenty bushels per acre. From here we drove to the city of Salem and then to the picnic in “Groom’s grove,” on Dutch Creek, arriving there at 11 o’clock. As the morning had gathered quite lowery the crowd gathered slowly, and we had the pleasure of seeing how they came to such places. Some on foot, some in wagons, some on horseback, and some in buggies. Through the courtesy of Mr. Henthorn, I was soon on a talking basis with the leading men of Richland, Rock, and Omnia townships. Nearly all the good-looking candidates were present For representative were E. A. Henthorn, Washington Weimer, father of his country, and John Maurer. For county superintendent were Mrs. Caton, Mr. A. H. Limerick, and—well, I was there, too. After greeting old and new acquaintances, I looked for E. A., but he was putting in big strokes among old friends, so I went to work for myself. Finding very soon that Mr. Limerick was way ahead of any other candidate for superintendent, I rested until after dinner. As soon as that interesting ceremony was ended, I found myself too full for utterance, but managed to ask a few men if Mr. Henthorn could safely expect anything in that vicinity; and on being told more than a dozen times that he was solid, I borrowed his pencil and a cigar, went to the buggy, and began taking notes with this result. Called to order by Capt. Stephens; singing by the Richland Sunday School. I have forgotten the title of the song, but the little ones did well both in singing and acting. Following the song was a speech by Rev. Thompson, of Omnia; then we were treated with a fine song by the Floral Sunday School, after which Prof. Limerick, of Rock, delivered an interesting address on the general work and conducting of Sabbath Schools. After another song by Floral, Mrs. Caton, of Winfield, made the neatest little speech it was ever my fortune to hear. The exercises concluded by singing, and music from the Richland martial band, of which Mr. H. H. Hooker is leader. I arrived home at sundown feeling that it was good to be there, even if I did not make a vote. E. A. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
The attendance at the County Normal is excellent. About sixty teachers have enrolled, with others still coming in. Three counties in the State are having eight-weeks’ normals, Clay, Cowley, and Ottawa. Superintendent Story and Professor Trimble have the classes this month. In August, when the enrollment will reach one hundred, Professor J. W. Cooper, of Lawrence, and Miss Lillian H. Hoxie, of this State Normal, will take part in the work.
We give a list of the teachers enrolled. [Rock: Mrs. A. H. Limerick.]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882. Editorial Page.

For Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mr. A. H. Limer­ick, with whom your correspondent has had the privilege of enjoying the most intimate and unreserved relations and always found him manly and intelligent, a dutiful citizen, and a true and sympa­thetic friend. The gentleman is also on record as a loyal soldier and a first-class school teacher, and will doubt­less receive the recognition from the people that his qualifica­tions merit.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
Politics are at fever heat and we see no good reasons why A. Limerick, E. Bedilion, and Judge Gans will not sail safe into the harbor. Truly they are faithful, honest, and competent. What more do we want?
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Henry Asp and A. H. Limerick, of Rock Township, drove down from Winfield Monday, returning in the evening.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
County Caucuses. A dozen or so township caucuses have been held and delegates elected as follows. Vernon sends delegates for Baker, Millspaugh, Gans, and Rude. Walnut sends delegates for McDermott, Gans, Bedilion, and is divided on Limerick and Mrs. Caton. Dexter is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Rude. Silver Creek elects delegates for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick. Windsor is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Albert. Sheridan is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Smith. Tisdale is for Baker, Gans, Bedilion, and undecided on Superintendent. Maple is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
To Mr. Limerick belongs the sweepstakes. It appears at present as though it would be a one-sided question for him.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882. [Editorial Column.]
The names of A. Limerick, of Rock; T. J. Rude, of Dexter; Mr. Albert, of Windsor; and Mrs. W. R. Caton, of Winfield; were offered as candidates for County Superintendent of Public Instruction. The vote for County Superinten­dent stood as follows out of a total of 87. Limerick, 44; Rude, 29; Albert, 8; Caton, 6. Mr. Limerick having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared the nominee of the Convention.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1882.
A. H. Limerick, of Rock township, was nominated on the first ballot by a vote of one majority over all other competitors.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
We have here a full list of our teachers now enrolled in our County Normal, with grade and post office. ROCK. GRADE B. C. Martindale; Mrs. A. H. Limerick.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
Mrs. Limerick is teaching us a good school.
Our Sunday school is progressing finely with A. Limerick, superintendent; J. W. Douglass, assistant superintendent, and Miss Mattie Vanorsdal, secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
The teachers of Rock Division met at Udall Friday evening, Nov. 17. House called to order by president. Song by Udall Glee Club. An address of welcome by Miss Strong, which was followed by several very interesting recitations. Association adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. Saturday. Nov. 18th Association met pursuant to adjournment. After discussion of the topics which had been previously assigned, the following program was assigned for the next meeting. 1st. Methods of teaching beginners in reading; [a] alphabetic, [b] word, [c] phonic, [d] sentence, to Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Limerick. 2nd. Causes of the Revolution, to Messrs. Maddux, Brookshire, and Goodrich. 3rd. Franklin and Hamilton, to Misses Strong and Perrin. 4th. The needs of our school system; to A. H. Limerick and C. M. Leavitt. 5th. Our course of study, to Miss McKinley and Messrs. Corson and Walker. A committee on competitive examination was appointed, consisting of A. H. Limerick, R. B. Corson, and P. Wilson.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Two of Fairview’s schools are presided over by ladies this winter, and judging from what I hear, they are a success. Prairie Grove school is being taught by Mrs. A. H. Limerick, wife of our County Superintendent elect. If he should make as good a Superintendent as she does teacher, Cowley will have made no mistake.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Teachers’ Association.
The Rock division met pursuant to adjournment, Jan. 6, 1883, R. B. Corson in the chair, with a sufficient number of teachers present to ably discuss all the topics marked out for this meeting. In the absence of the secretary, J. C. Martindale was appointed secretary pro tem. The topics being satisfactorily discussed, they proceeded to miscellaneous business.
Resolved, That R. B. Corson’s name be substituted for A. H. Limerick’s on the “Committee on Examination,” and that they report at the next meeting. On motion it was agreed that the next meeting be held at Darien on the evening of 2nd of February for a literary entertainment and the 3rd for discussion of topics.
Program for the 3rd as follows.
1. Do exhibitions pay? R. B. Corson and L. T. Maddux.
2. Causes of the Rebellion: A. Brookshire, Miss Lide Strong, and J. C. Bradshaw.
3. Webster and Calhoun: Miss Green and Miss Fanny McKinley.
4. The railroad system of the U. S.: M. Akers, Lu Strong, and Miss Perrin.
5. The postal rules and regulations of the U. S.: J. C. Martindale and C. M. Leavitt.
6. Written recitations: Mrs. A. Limerick and Porter Wilson.
All patrons and teachers cordially invited to attend both sessions.
J. C. MARTINDALE, Secretary pro tem.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mrs. Limerick is having a two weeks’ holiday vacation of her school. The other schools have all resumed business this week.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.

A public examination of candidates for teachers’ certificates will be held at the High School building in Winfield, on Saturday, February 3rd, commencing at 9 o’clock a.m.
A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
The apportionment of State school fund has been made by Supt. Limerick. It amounts to 37 cents per capita. Winfield gets $333.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Superintendent Limerick is in luck. His cow is the mother of twin calves. He ought to go into the stock business.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held at the high school building in Winfield and in Arkansas City on the 16th and 17th of March.
A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
County Superintendent Limerick is now settled down to housekeeping again in Winfield, and is occupying his property on east Ninth Avenue. Mrs. Limerick has been teaching in Rock Township this winter, her school closing last week.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.

Report of Walnut Valley S. S. Convention. The Convention met according to program on Thursday, April 12th. A good attendance on hand, considering the busy time of year. On motion of Rev. Graham, A. H. Limerick and C. M. Leavitt were chosen chairman and secretary. The exercises opened by singing, followed with prayer by Dr. Humble. The regular program was then taken up. The first topic was assigned to Dr. Humble. The chairman thought best to postpone this topic until afternoon, so others coming after dinner could have the chance of hearing it. The “Importance of training a child correctly,” was discussed freely by Dr. Humble, Rev. Graham, C. M. Leavitt, and Chairman Limerick. The Convention then adjourned for dinner, when a bountiful repast was spread upon the pulpit platform, and all took a leading part in this invigorating exercise. The Chairman wanted to remain through the first, second, and third tables, but was finally dragged away by Bro. Graham, who had been waiting patiently on him for an hour. All enjoyed the repast, for it was good. The Convention was called to order at 2:30 p.m., when Rev. Hopkins, of Douglass, accompanied by Dr. Bicknell, of Chicago, a representative of the Standard, made their appearance. Prayer was offered by Dr. Humble, and after singing, Rev. Hopkins discoursed on “Fruitfulness of S. S. Work,” followed by Mrs. Lydia Thompson, of Rock, and Drs. Humble and Bicknell. S. S. Teachers, their place and power, was ably discussed by Dr. Humble, Mrs. Pember, Drs. Poke and Bicknell, Rev. Graham, and Chairman Limerick. A short recess was taken, when the children treated the audience to some select music, and a very interesting talk to the children was given by Dr. Humble and Chairman Limerick. Reviews—how and why?—were thoroughly discussed by Rev. Graham and Drs. Humble and Bicknell. This closed the exercises for the day. Rev. Graham offered a vote of thanks to those from a distance helping in the convention, viz.: Mrs. Nickels (organist), Rev. Hopkins, Dr. Bicknell, A. H. Limerick, and Leavitt. There was much disappointment at the failure of several on the program to attend. At night we had a temperance meeting. The house was crowded. Addresses were listened to with great pleasure from Dr. Bicknell, Rev. Hopkins, and Mr. Limerick. All went home well pleased. C. M. LEAVITT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Arrangements are being made for a Sabbath school picnic the 24th of June at the W. V. P. Church. The committee on preparations are A. Limerick, W. B. Weimer, R. P. Burt, and C. F. Baxter. AUDUBON.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Cowley County Normal Institute will open at Winfield, Monday, June 25th, 1883, and continue five weeks. Conductor: Prof. Buel T. Davis, State Normal School, Emporia. Instructors: Prof. A. Gridley, Jr., Chanute; Prof. E. T. Trimble, Winfield. For particulars address A. H. Limerick, Supt., Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
County Superintendent Limerick was out last Sabbath.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Cowley County Normal Institute will open at Winfield, June 25th, 1883, and continue in session five weeks. Conductor, Buel T. Davis, State Normal school; assistants, A. Gridley, Jr., of Chanute, and E. T. Trimble, of Winfield. For further particulars address A. H. Limerick, Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Prof. A. H. Limerick, our county superintendent, was in the city yesterday visiting the schools; and although we did not have a very lengthy talk with the gentleman, we gleaned the facts that he found the High School in all its departments in first-class shape, which indeed reflects credit upon our teacher, Prof. Atkinson, and his corps of assistants.
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
The Sabbath school is in a flourishing condition under the management of A. Limerick and C. F. Baxter.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Last Sunday the temperance people of Richland met at the Summit Schoolhouse for the purpose of pushing on the good work, and behold we were greeted by our worthy County Superintendent, Mr. Limerick. Mr. Limerick, after being introduced by Capt. A. Stuber, addressed the audience with an accomplished speech, followed by Capt. A. Stuber, President of the association. A general invitation was extended to all to help in the temperance cause.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
To Teachers. An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held at the High School building, Winfield, beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., August 31, 1883. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.

By telephone we receive the following items from the ragged edge of Creswell and Pleasant Valley Townships. “Monkey Hill” is no more. We are told that its funeral was tolled at Mr. Tolles’ place a few days ago, where a meeting of school district 59 was held, and located the site for the schoolhouse in “Possum Hollow.” This district has been “Wrighted” up considerably lately. Superintendent Limerick came down, and caused the district to “come down to Limerick.” Its territory has been enlarged: receiving a Blessing, a Toombs (who is in disguise), and several others. Yesterday bonds were voted to build a new schoolhouse. The old building will be sold to relic hunters to make into cases, etc.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Acres, Two of Cowley’s Pioneers, Celebrate Their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary, With Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, and Many Acquaintances  Present. The Particulars by a Spectator.
In response to invitations extended to them, a large number of the relatives, friends, and neighbors assembled at the home of Cornelius and Susan Acres, in Rock Township, on the 22nd of August to celebrate with them the fortieth anniversary day of their wedded life. The day was exceptionally fine, the attendance large, and the spirits of all present rose in harmony with the occasion. When all were gathered together and seated, Prof. Alex. Limerick, in his usual happy manner, and with speech at once neat, touching, and appropriate, addressed the venerable and venerated couple whose wedding we came to celebrate, and presented to them, in the name of all, the gifts and tokens each had brought. The presents were handsome and when arranged upon the table presented an attractive display. The list of gifts and names of the givers were: Pair of silver initial napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Limerick, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Our District Schools. From the records of County Superintendent Limerick, we get the following information regarding the length of the winter terms of our district schools and the teachers who teach them.

Nannie A. Crum will shoot the young ideas in district 88 for 20 weeks from Oct. 1st. Mrs. F. E. Craven advances the rising statesmen of District 113 to the extent of a 24 weeks term, beginning Sept. 17th. Miss Hattie Andrews, of this city, has contracted to teach a term of 16 weeks in district 114, beginning on Nov. 10th. The bright Republican youths of district 19, Queen Village, will have H. S. Wallace as their teacher for five months after Nov. 1st. Laura Phelps will instill true American principles and learning into the youngsters of District 110 for 16 weeks from Sept. 30. For 24 weeks after Sept. 17th, the school in district 125 will be taught by Annie F. Barnes, of Winfield. Jennie Pollock will care for the intellectual welfare of the pupils in district 42 for a term of 20 weeks after Oct. 13. District 105 also has a 20 weeks’ term conducted by Carrie A. Plunkett, commencing Oct. 8th. Cyrus Perkins trains the rising generation of district 80 for 24 weeks after Oct. 13. The future statesmen of district 14 will be taught to “speak” for a period of 24 weeks, after Oct. 13, by Emma L. McKee. The future “agitators” of district 61 will receive instruction from Emma Rhodes for 20 weeks from October 15. We hope a few Republicans will be turned out of district 134 by A. L. Primrose, who has engaged the school for 16 weeks from October 1st. Peter A. Alderson will manage the busy youngsters of district 30 for 20 weeks after October 1st. The rising congressmen of district 55 will be taught for 36 weeks from Sept. 10 by W. H. Lucas. The little Democrats of district 45 will be shown the errors of their papas’ ways during the 28 weeks after Oct. 18, by A. P. Fuller. S. L. Herriott will advance the pretty little girls and boys of district 68 for the 24 weeks following Sept. 17. District No. 10 has secured B. F. Myers to teach them a 24 weeks’ term, commencing on Oct. 1st. J. R. Smith will assist the youths of district 62 in rising up to be an honor to their country during the 20 weeks succeeding Sept. 10th. The coming politicians and woman suffragists of district 31 will be reared by Anna D. Martin for 24 weeks from Oct. 1st. Jas. E. Ford will culture the young ideas of district 48 during the 20 weeks following Oct. 1st. District 53 has a 24 weeks’ term of school presided over by C. F. Cunningham, to commence Oct. 1st. The would-be dudes and dudesses of district 50 will soon learn the errors of the pattern under Jas. H. Hutchinson for 28 weeks succeeding Oct. 1st. The pretty girls and brave boys of district 95 will be “shaped” during the 24 weeks following Sept. 20th by Grant Wilkins. Ella Kempton will assist the young of dist. 10 in the road to usefulness during a term of 16 weeks from Oct. 1st. Hattie Daniels manipulates the festive school pupils in district 91 for the 8 weeks succeeding Sept. 30. Some bright thoughts will be developed by Chas. Messenger while teaching the 4 months term of district 76 which commences Sept. 17. Maggie Kinney, of Winfield, teaches a 24 weeks school in dist. 38, beginning Sept. 10th. For the 24 weeks succeeding Oct. 1st, W. P. Beaumont will have charge of the school in district 41. Will C. Barnes, of this city, will govern his first Kansas youths in dist. 15 for a term of 32 weeks after Oct. 1st. The school books of dist. 20 will be rigidly perused by the pupils for their term of 22 weeks beginning on Oct. 1st under the watchful eye of S. W. Norton. We anticipate the instilling of good Republican virtues into the minds of the children of District 65, during the twenty-four weeks’ term of P. L. Shaffer, which commences on September 19th. Laura Elliott will keep in check and teach the youth of District 75, for a term of twenty-eight weeks after September 17th. The reins of school government in District 133, for the sixteen weeks following November 5th, will be held by Miss Anna McClung. That “knowledge is a useful thing” will be shown in District 39, by D. W. Ramage during his term of thirty-six weeks, which commenced September 3rd. The youths in District No. 1 will be shown the path to usefulness by Miss Leota Gary, of this city, for a nine months’ term, commencing October 1st. Claude Rinker, one of Winfield’s substantial young men, teaches a sixteen weeks’ school in District 29, beginning on October 3rd. Book-learning will be administered to the lads and lasses of District No. 2 for the thirty-six weeks after September 10th, by Annie L. Norton. District 46 will be presided over by F. P. Vaughan, Jr., for a twenty-eight weeks’ school, commencing October 1st. Frank A. Chapin will advance, intellectually and otherwise, the young of District 43, during the twenty-four weeks following October 1st. Among the above list we notice but few who will receive less than forty dollars per month. Some of the districts commence a little late, but a majority of them will be in full blast before October 5th.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.

The teachers of the Southeastern Division met at Maple City Saturday, October 6th, at 10 a.m., according to program. By the assistance of Prof. A. H. Limerick, who was present and went enthusiastically into the work, the occasion was made both pleasant and profitable to all present. The teachers seemed to enjoy the meeting hugely. The session ended after three hours of very animated discussion which seemed to be brightened ten-fold by the wonderful magnetic power, executive ability, and skill continually displayed by Prof. Limerick during the entire discussion of the various subjects handled by those present. The citizen ladies were very much pleased with the free, affable courtesy and social qualities manifested by Mrs. Limerick, who was present with her husband; and highly entertained by her during the time allotted to general converse. We hope she will call around this way often. Among the teacher celebrities present, was Mr. ___, recently of Normal, Illinois, who has in view the Maple City school. The few teachers who were not present missed a rare treat.
S. F. OVERMAN, Vice President.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
During the Soldiers’ Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year. The committee met and organized by electing comrade James McDermott, chairman, and comrade A. H. Limerick, secretary. The roll of the committee was called and the following members were found present.
A. H. Limerick, 93rd Illinois.
The committee made the following report, which was adopted by the soldiers at dress parade on Friday evening, October 18, 1883. The committee of one person from each state represented at this Re-union, appointed to recommend a plan of organization for future Re-unions, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following: That an association be formed to be called “The Arkansas Valley Re-Union Association,” for the purpose of holding annual re-Unions. The association shall be composed of all old Soldiers and Sailors of the United States residing in the counties of Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, Harvey, Reno, Kingman, Harper, and Barber. The officers of the association shall be a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and one vice-president from each county. The officers named shall constitute an Executive Board. The officers shall be elected at the annual Re-unions and shall hold their offices until the next annual Re-union, and until their successors are elected. The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of each Re-union, but the time shall be between August 1st and October 1st, and the Re-union shall not be held in connection with any fair or other public gathering. The president, secretary, and three vice-presidents shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have power to fill all vacancies in offices in the intervals between Re-unions.
The officers for the first year shall be: President, T. H. Soward of Winfield; Secretary, A. H. Limerick of Winfield; Treasurer, James McDermott of Winfield; Vice-presidents: Cowley County, H. W. Stubblefield; Sumner County, John H. Wolfe; Chautauqua County, Ward; Butler County, Charley Durham; Barber County, James Springer; Harper County, J. P. Horton; Vice-presidents for the other counties to be appointed by the Executive Board. It is further recommended that the present Re-union be designated the first annual Re-union, and that future Re-unions be numbered accordingly. Respectfully submitted, JAMES McDERMOTT, Chairman. A. H. LIMERICK, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held at the High School building, Winfield, beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., November 3rd, 1883. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
The school in District 39 was visited by the Co. Supt., Prof. Limerick, one day last week.
W. P. Hackney and Supt. Limerick addressed the people of Tisdale Township at the New Salem schoolhouse Friday evening, November 2nd. Olivia, am I trespassing? (We get our mail at New Salem.)
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association. Winfield, Kansas, October 27, 1883. Meeting called to order at 2 o’clock p.m., President A. Gridley in chair. Prof. A. H. Limerick stated the object of the meeting in a few very appropriate remarks. Moved and supported, That the programme for the second and third meetings be combined in one; the one to contain the more important topics of both. Moved and supported, That the Saturday meeting convene at 9 o’clock a.m., and continue till 1 p.m. The propriety of continuing the Friday evening meeting was discussed to some length. It was decided to continue it by having a literary program on that evening; the program to consist in declamations, select readings, debates, etc. Moved and supported, That the following resolution, presented by Mr. L. C. Brown, be adopted.
Resolved, That we, the teachers of the Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers Association, ask that the school boards of our respective schools allow us the privilege of closing our schools at noon on the Friday of each month set apart for the teachers’ meeting, in order that the teachers may attend this meeting.
Moved and supported, That a committee of three be appointed by the chair to adopt a program for the next meeting. Miss Dickey, Prof. A. H. Limerick, and Mr. H. G. Norton were appointed. F. P. Vaughan, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
The Grand Legion of the Select Knights of the Ancient Order of United Workman has just closed its session at Topeka. Our worthy county Supt., Limerick, was representative from the Winfield Legion. He reports that the session was conducted with great harmony and much useful work accomplished. The Grand Legion paid a handsome compliment to Winfield by electing J. F. McMullen, Esq., Grand Commander of the state. The Winfield Knights are much pleased with this action and a boom in the Legion here is expected. This is a uniformed order, standing to the Workman, about as the Knights Templar do to the Masons. They are very numerous in the eastern states, and are flourishing in Kansas, having already about forty Legions, with new ones rapidly instituted.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

About sixty of the friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Polk, November 8, 1883; to unite with them in celebrating their crystal wedding. Dr. A. V. Polk and Miss Elizabeth Vallerschamp were married in Middle Smith Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Henry Little, on September 16, 1863. There they lived until December 1, 1868, then coming to Topeka, Kansas, December 4, 1868, and finally to Cowley County, February 12, 1869, and the next day settled on their present claim, where we find them this beautiful day. The wedding should have occurred September 16th, but as the Dr. was building, it was postponed until November 8th, which caused none the less enjoyment. The Dr. had beautiful apples for dinner of his own raising. The occasion was a very pleasant one. All seemed to enjoy themselves and most heartily congratulated Dr. and Mrs. Polk in view of the prosperity which had attended them during the first fifteen years of wedded life. The dinner, which was abundant in variety and supply, and of the best quality, was served in good style, and was well received, as was evident from the manner in which the guests carried out their part of the programme. After dinner, Prof. A. H. Limerick, in a beautiful and appropriate speech presented to Mr. and Mrs. Polk the following gifts.
Among the gifts listed: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Limerick, glass pitcher.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The Good Templars held their regular semi-monthly social on Tuesday evening, this time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Limerick. An interesting literary program was rendered, and with general sociability and the pleasant hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Limerick, the occasion was very enjoyable.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The Teachers’ Association (Central Division) met in the East Ward school building Saturday, November 17th, at 10:30 a.m. S. L. Herriott presented some very valuable suggestions on course of study for our common schools. General discussion followed. Messrs. Limerick, Lucas, and Gridley were participants. Amusements for teachers and pupils was the next topic introduced by H. G. Norton, whose remarks provoked a very lively discussion, engaged in by Messrs. Limerick, Brown, Lucas, Herriott, and Gridley. At the close of this discussion, the Association adjourned to meet at 1½ o’clock p.m. At the afternoon session there was a large attendance. A spirited discussion engaged in by various members of the Association, on the following topics: “Libraries” and “Defects in our School System.” President Taylor of Emporia Normal School, being present, made an address to the teachers with much wholesome advice. An evening session was held at the Courthouse, with select reading by Miss Mary Hamill, declamation by W. P. Beaumont, and an excellent lecture by President Taylor of Emporia. It is to be regretted that more teachers and school officers did not hear the above lecture. The next meeting of the Association will be held December 21 and 22, to which all the teachers of the county are cordially invited.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”

Limerick, Alexander, Winfield, wd rt arm, $4.00, September 1880..
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
The Friday evening meeting on November 30th, of the Northern District of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association, at Akron schoolhouse, was well attended by the people of the vicinity. Pleasant exercises filled the evening. County Superintendent Limerick addressed the meeting on the subject, “Needs of our School System,” in a comprehensive way. On Saturday several teachers were present, among whom were Messrs. J. C. Bradshaw, Parker Ellis, our honored President R. B. Corson, and the Misses Fannie and Gertrude McKinley.
The topics of the day were discussed with no little enthusiasm, interest, and profit, considering that everyone was wholly unprepared. But no one pleaded lack of preparation when surrounding a bountiful repast supplied by Miss Kate Weimer and others, and all manifested their sincere thanks for favors conferred. The next meeting will be held at Centennial schoolhouse, two and one-half miles north of Udall, on the first Friday evening and Saturday in January, 1884.
Program for Friday as follows: Address of welcome, C. McKinley; Response, J. W. Campf; Declamation, C. A. Lewis; Recitation, J. C. Bradshaw; Recitation, Parker Ellis; Essay, J. W. Campf; Select reading, Miss Fannie McKinley; Exercises by Centennial school.
Topics for Saturday were assigned as follows: “Methods of Teaching Primary Reading,” Misses Jennie Knickerbocker, Leota Gary, and Lou Strong; “General Exercises,” Parker Ellis, J. C. Bradshaw, and Miss Fannie McKinley; “Causes and Results of the War of 1812,” J. W. Warren, and Misses Hattie Andrews, C. Cronk, and Gertrude McKinley; “Morals and Manners,” C. A. Lewis, J. Martindale, and Miss Lida Strong; “Graduating System of Country Schools,” Misses Hattie Daniels, Annie Barnes, C. Egan, and L. McKinley; “Methods of Teaching Penmanship,” J. R. Campf, Miss Lou Strong, and Mrs. Fannie Gammon. Teachers, don’t forget the time of the next meeting. L. McKinley, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
The Winfield Post G. A. R. elected officers Wednesday evening.
Commander: Chas. R. Steuven; Senior Vice Commander: S. S. Cure; Junior Vice Commander: R. B. Stout; Quartermaster: A. H. Limerick.
The post now numbers over a hundred and forty.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
An examination of applicants for teachers certificates will be held in the high school building at Winfield on Saturday, December 29, 1883. A. H. Limerick, County Supt.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
Supt. Limerick, Prof. Gridley, and Miss Allie Klingman attended the meeting of the State Teachers Association at Topeka last week. Supt. Limerick was honored with a place on the board of directors of the association.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Teachers of Cowley County.

We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
District Teacher Amount
1 Emma Robins $ 35.00
9 H. G. Norton 40.00
12 Anna Marks   40.00
21 Mary L. Randall 40.00
25 Leota Gary 35.00
37 Maggie Kinne 30.00
40 L. C. Brown   40.00
41 W. P. Beaumont 50.00
43 Lida Howard  32.50
45 O. P. Fuller 40.00
48 Jas. E. Ford 40.00
49 Clara V. Pierce 35.00
50 Jas. H. Hutchison 40.00
51 M. Estelle Cronk 37.50
64 Emma Rhodes 32.50
68 S. L. Herriott  50.00
75 Laura Elliott 40.00
77 Mary B. Burkey 30.00
97 Mary J. Rief   30.00
99 Haidie Trezise 33.00
115 Celina Bliss 45.00
116 Anna Robertson 30.00
127 Claud Rinker  40.00
2 Prof. C. T. Atkinson 80.00
Anna L. Morton 40.00
Virginia Walton 35.00
Albertine Maxwell 35.00
Mary A. Johnson 35.00
Mary Theaker 35.00
Anna Hunt 35.00
6 Ella King -------
28 Lizzie Wilson  35.00
32 R. P. Henderson -------
33 Hannah Gilbert 30.00
34 S. G. Philips   40.00
35 Lousetta Pyburn 35.00
36 Elsie McLaughlin 38.00

42 Jennie Pollock 30.00
53 C. F. Cunningham 55.00
62 J. R. Smith 40.00
69 C. W. Crank  45.00
80 Cyrus Perkins 38.00
89 Chas. Wing 40.00
96 H. D. Walker 40.00
131 Hannah Ramage   35.00
5 Anna Vaught  45.00
Sadie Davis 40.00
7 Wm. Carrens  35.00
54 S. A. Smith 40.00
56 Kate L. Ward 35.00
82 A. P. Cochran 35.00
111 J. C. Weaver  -------
123 Mary Miller 30.00
138 Gertrude McKinley 30.00
30 Peter L. Alderson 40.00
78 H. F. Albert 60.00
78 Lizzie Burden  33.00
78 R. O. Stearns 35.00
88 Minnie A. Crumb 35.00
90 T. J. Rude 40.00
92 May Christopher 35.00
113 Mrs. F. E. Craven 40.00
119 Harry C. Shaw 30.00
103 E. W. Woolsey 40.00
4 L. P. King 45.00
44 W. E. Tapping 45.00
65 T. L. Schaffer 45.00
106  Minnie Sumpter 30.00
15 W. C. Barnes 55.00
15 Lizzie Palmer  33.00
16 M. P. McName 40.00
95 Grant Wilkins 40.00
104 Emma Coil 40.00
112 Hattie Utley 30.00
117 Maggie Seabridge 35.00

118 Allie Wheeler  -------
10 B. F. Myers 40.00
59 Amy Chapin   -------
13 Fannie Gammon 35.00
27 Fannie McKinley 35.00
72 Lincoln McKinley 40.00
133 Anna Kuhn 35.00
11 Carrie Cronk  30.00
71 J. W. Campf   50.00
71 Jennie Knickerbocker 35.00
114 Hattie Andrews 32.00
23 Lou Strong 33.00
24 Parker Ellis 40.00
25 Leota Gary 35.00
29 J. C. Martindale 40.00
73 C. H. Eagin 40.00
74 S. M. Kirkwood 58.00
108 J. C. Bradshaw 65.00
128 W. L. Holcomb 35.00
81 Lida Strong 40.00
122 Fannie Bush 35.00
26 J. W. Warren 40.00
125 Anna F. Barnes 38.00
18 Ella Kempton 31.00
76 Chas. Messenger 40.00
100 Alice Johnson 35.00
17 Emma Briles   -------
94 Elsie A. Taylor 40.00
57 O. M. Akers  40.00
101 Ida Hemenway 30.00
84 R. B. Overman 40.00
   102 S. F. Overman 38.00
   107 Belle Bartgis   33.00
   110 Laura Phelps 30.00

60 Zoe Kephart   35.00
   121 Cora B. Beach 35.00
58 W. E. Ketcham 40.00
84 Cora Robins   40.00
98 R. A. Robinson 35.00
63 J. P. Hosmer  35.00
60 J. H. Bartgis   40.00
83 Clara Forbs 33.00
81 J. R. March 45.00
70 Emma Howland 35.00
   120 James Stockdale 30.00
39 D. W. Ramage 40.00
52 Ed. G. Roberts 35.00
55 W. H. Lucas   45.00
Clara Davenport 39.00  [District No. not given.]
46 F. P. Vaughan 50.00
47 M. E. Johnson 40.00
22 A. D. Stuber   40.00
   105 Carrie Plunkett -------
19 H. S. Wallace 40.00
20 S. W. Norton 40.00
20 Ora Irvin 30.00
3 Dido M. Carlisle 40.00
91 Hattie Daniels 30.00
8 Milton Stiles   40.00
31 Anna Martin   38.00
61 C. M. Harrison 38.00
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Supt. A. H. Limerick was reconnoitering in this vicinity this week. It is presumed that he was around scaring the school ma’ams. By his energy and enthusiasm for school work, he is a potent power in the cause of education.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.

The following officers were duly installed Wednesday evening of last week by Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R. C. E. Steuven, P. C.; S. Cure, S. V. P. C.; B. W. Stout, J. V. P. C.; H. L. Wells, Surgeon; A. H. Limerick, Q. M.; C. Trump, O. of D.; J. E. Snow, Adj’t.; A. B. Arment, Chaplain; M. M. Scott, O. G.; Sam’l Smedley, Guard; J. H. Finch, Serg’t Maj.; N. W. Dressie, Q. M. Serg’t. The post mustered during the year, 1883, 127 recruits, and 70 during the last quarter of 1883, and now numbers 163, with regular attendance of about 60, and is booming.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held at Arkansas City beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., February 2, 1884. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent. C. T. ATKINSON, Assistant Examiner.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Supt. Limerick was presented one of our social events this winter and used his opportunity of talking to the people about taking an interest in our common schools. His remarks and advice were good and should be followed by all parents.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
The Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers Association will meet Feb. 23, 1884, at the High School building, Winfield. Following is the program.
   SATURDAY, 10 O’CLOCK A.M., FEBRUARY 23, 1884.
1. “What improvements are needed in our examinations and certificates?” Prof. Limerick, W. P. Beaumont, and Anna Robertson.
2. “Periodicals versus readers for higher grades.” Miss Helen Mentch, S. L. Herriott, F. P. Vaughn.
3. “Closing the term.” Miss Allie Klingman, Miss Laura Barnes, S. W. Morton.
4. “General Review.” Leota Gary, Celina Bliss, Claude Rinker, Emma Gridley.
All are invited to attend. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given to applicants for teachers’ certificates, that a meeting of the board will be held at Arkansas City, in the high school room, on Saturday, March 8th, 1884. Applicants are requested to present themselves as early as 8 o’clock, as they will be required to finish the examination in one day.
A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent. C. T. ATKINSON, Examiner.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
County Superintendent Limerick now has an office clerk, in the person of Miss Cora Sloan.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.

The “German Volunteer,” by Winfield Post G. A. R., was greeted at the Opera House during four nights of last week with crowded houses. About forty persons took part and many of the characters were splendidly represented. Next to the German comedian, Will D. Saphar, who managed the play, Mr. F. F. Leland, as Horace St. Claire, received the highest praises. Frank has natural dramatic talent and a little practice would make him equal to many professional actors. Mr. W. A. McCartney’s appearance as Walter Morton, the Southerner, was appropriate and he rendered the part well. Walter Denning as John Harvey, G. H. Buckman as Col. St. Claire, Mit A. Bates as Charlie White, J. C. Evans as Milton Dare, J. E. Snow as “Teddy,” B. F. Stout as Major Clark, Col. Whiting as General U. S. A., F. J. Friend as Colonel U. S. A., Dave Harter as Uncle Jeff, John Herndon as Sam, A. H. Limerick as General C. S. A., Miss Cora Robins as May St. Claire, Miss Ida Vanlew as Mrs. St. Claire, and Miss Myrtle Page as Lizzie Morton, were the principal participants in the play, and we regret that lack of space prevents individual comment. The general verdict of the public was that the Post furnished a first-class amateur entertainment. The tableaux were very fine. The Post’s share of the proceeds put a neat sum into its treasury for the relief of old soldiers, their wives, and children in Cowley who, through one cause and another, are needy and worthy of assistance. Many such have been found, and Winfield Post is doing a grand work by taking them into its care.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates, will be held at the Courthouse beginning at 9 o’clock a.m., March 21, 1884, and continues two days. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
A very pleasant surprise party was given Mr. Gridley last Wednesday evening, it being his birthday. Mrs. Gridley provided a supper to which all the teachers of the city together with Mr. Buford and Mr. and Mrs. Limerick were invited. Mr. Gridley was made the recipient of a fine arm chair and an elegant volume of Bryant’s collection of poems. The evening was pleasantly spent in social conversation and all present agreed that the occasion was one of pleasure and profit.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
The past winter has been a very effective one in our public schools, and the many terms which are now closing show most satisfactory results. County Superintendent Limerick was on the go all winter and every school in the county was visited often by him. The Professor is an indefatigable worker, and to him much of this success in educational matters is due.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
County Supt. A. H. Limerick last week visited two of our schools, numbers 4 and 116. Between the pedagogue and the pedagogues, the Superintendent was slighted in regard to dinner. Drop in upon Mark next time, A. H., and have the wants of the inner man supplied. There is always a warm place in his anatomy for the earnest advocator.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
A “KICK.” In your issue of March 20th, we find the following.
“The past winter has been a very effective one in our public schools, and the many terms which are now closing show most satisfactory results. County Superintendent Limerick was on the go all winter and every school in the county was visited often by him. The Professor is an indefatigable worker, and to him much of this success in educational matters is due.”

Now we of District No. 28 have felt slighted, but concluded, perhaps wisely, to bear it in silence, until we read the above, which so rubbed in the slight that silence ceased to be a virtue, or to give honor to whom honor is due. The facts are, we have had a more than average successful term of school taught by Miss Lizzie Wilson of Arkansas City, an enrollment of fifty-five, an average attendance of thirty-five, and in deportment and scholarship are not ashamed to compare with any district in the county; yet in our two years’ residence here, the County Superintendent has never visited the school. He called on us and others in the district before the primary, when he wanted votes, but never once since, and in the face of all these facts to have the leading paper in the county say that the Superintendent visited every school in the county, and not only visited them but visited them often and attribute their success to him; and still more, this same article copied and thereby endorsed by an Arkansas City paper, one of whose editors was formerly an instructor of our teacher, we think, is taking the honor from our teacher, where it justly belongs; and in the face of all these facts, ’tis more than human nature ought to be called upon to bear without a kick. Hence, our kick. IRVIN.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
At a regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 20 I. O. G. T. held on Friday evening, March 28th, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in his Divine wisdom, to remove from our midst sister J. M. Fahnestock, therefore be it
Resolved, 1. That we tender to the bereaved family our sympathy in this their hour of affliction.
2. That in the  death of our sister the cause of temperance has lost a friend and supporter.
3. That as a mark of respect due our late sister, our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days.
4. That these resolutions be entered upon our records and that the secretary be directed to transmit a copy to the bereaved family.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
A Mass Temperance Convention, according to previous announcement, for the organization of the county for Temperance work, convened in the Baptist Church on last Friday at 11 o’clock, with a good representation from the different townships of the county. A temporary organization was effected with Rev. J. Cairns as chairman and Frank H. Greer secretary, and the following committees were appointed.
On permanent organization: Mrs. E. D. Garlick and Messrs. Capt. Stubblefield and N. J. Larkin.
On resolutions: Messrs. A. P. Johnson, D. C. Beach, and C. P. Graham.
On plan of work: Messrs. A. H. Limerick, R. O. Stearns, J. Cairns, D. C. Beach, and C. P. Graham.
“Temperance Work in Schools,” was taken up by Prof. A. H. Limerick and was followed with remarks from Prof. Collins and others, when the following resolution presented by Mr. R. M. Tomlin was heartily adopted.
The officers of the County Temperance Organization for the coming year were elected as follows. President, Rev. J. Cairns; Secretary, Frank H. Greer; Treasurer, A. P. Johnson; Corresponding Secretary, A. H. Limerick.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.

Miss Celina Bliss closed her school at the “Victor,” three miles south of town, last Friday, with a big dinner and a general good time. County Supt. Limerick and other visitors were present.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
We know of another school (63) which has not been graced by Prof. Limerick.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Grand Comanches J. F. McMullen and County Supt., A. H. Limerick, were down from Winfield Thursday evening to attend a meeting of Creswell Legion No. 14, A. O. U. W.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
An examination of applicants for teachers certificates, will be held at the High School building at Winfield beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., Saturday, May 10th, 1884. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Memorial Day. At a meeting of Winfield Post No. 85, the following comrades of the Post at the place were appointed a committee of arrangements: H. H. Siverd, Chairman; A. H. Limerick, James McDermott, J. E. Snow, and C. Trump, with power to appoint sub-committees. A general invitation is extended to all the Posts in the county and to all old soldiers and citizens to participate in the memorial services, May 20th. By order of the committee.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
CAMBRIDGE NEWS. A. H. Limerick and wife were over from Winfield this week visiting with friends.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
On Friday evening of last week, Judge McMullen, County Superintendent Limerick, Cap. Stevens, Mr. Harris, and other members of Cowley Legion, of Winfield, visited Creswell Legion of this city.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
The County Normal Institute opens in Winfield on June 16th and continues two months. It will be conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis, assisted by Prof. A. Gridley and County Superintendent, Limerick. A new department has been added for this year called the “Model School.” The purpose of this department is to give teachers ample opportunity to see in actual operation the best of the new methods of Primary Instruction. Miss Jessie Stretch, late of the State Normal School of Indiana, a teacher of much experience in this class of work, will have the supervision of this department.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
The County Normal Institute opens in Winfield on June 16, and continues two months. It will be conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis, assisted by Prof. A. Gridley and County Superintendent, Limerick. A new department has been added for this year called the “Model School.” The purpose of this department is to give teachers ample opportunity to see in actual operation the best of the new methods of primary instruction. Miss Jessie Stretch, late of the State Normal School of Indiana, a teacher of much experience in this class of work, will have the supervision of this department.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
Prohibition speaking was the order of the day yesterday at Victor schoolhouse. Addresses were delivered by Prof. A. H. Limerick, Revs. Cairns and Post, and Messrs. Millspaugh and J. M. Martin. Their work is deserving of great praise, as it is not for money but the good of the country they work. Let their banner wave.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
County Superintendent Limerick and Prof. Gridley were in attendance upon the County Superintendents’ Convention and the closing exercises of the State Normal School, at Emporia, last week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 21, 1884.
The County Normal Institute opened Monday with flattering prospects for a successful season. The enrollment is unusually large, and a real live interest is manifested in the work. It is conducted by Prof. B. T. Davis of the State Normal school, one of the best educators of the state, ably assisted by Prof. A. Gridley and County Superintendent Limerick. The Model Department, under the management of Miss Stretch, is a very attractive feature of this session. The arrangement of the work was for a session of eight weeks, but should the weather become hot, and the teachers wearied, the work may close at the end of the sixth week.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Mrs. Emma Smith and Mrs. E. D. Garlick organized a promising Woman’s Christian Temperance Union at Cambridge last Sunday. A Temperance meeting was held there Saturday evening at which Profs. B. T. Davis and A. H. Limerick were the speakers.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
Miss Minnie Limerick, sister of our worthy County Superintendent, arrived from Boonboro, Iowa, last week and will spend the summer in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Profs. B. T. Davis and A. H. Limerick addressed the people at Seeley and the Blue schoolhouse, in Ninnescah Township, last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
An enthusiastic temperance meeting was held at Sheridan Schoolhouse, in Sheridan Township, last Sunday afternoon, at which James Grimes, of Parsons, and Prof. A. H. Limerick and D. C. Beach, of this city, addressed the people.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Mrs. A. H. Limerick is off for a visit of some length at the old home in Wisconsin.
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.

A Visit to the Normal. Tuesday afternoon found us aboard the train, en route for the Normal. After a pressing delay caused by the rain, we met the genial county’s superintendent, Prof. A. H. Limerick, and received the cheering intelligence that the afternoon session was changed to seven o’clock in the evening. A newspaper man has not a surplus of time, and, as we had expected to return to our home in the evening, chill disappointment took possession of our breast. A cordial invitation to spend the night with the gentleman with whom we were conversing dispelled, to some extent, the gloom of mind enveloping us, and caused us thankfully to accept. Supper with our host over, we repaired in company with him to the courthouse, where we found the excellent instructor, Prof. B. T. Davis, and about one-half the students in attendance. After listening to an entertaining lecture by Prof. Davis, in answer to queries proposed, a general social season was enjoyed, and the exercises closed. Prof. Limerick entertained us, in his genial way, during the night, and morning found us in the chapel, amid an audience of nearly one hundred and fifty members. After devotional exercises, the roll was called to ascertain the political status of the Institute. The vote resulted in eighty-four for Blaine, eighteen for Cleveland, six for Ben Butler, and three for prohibition. There are one hundred and forty-three teachers in attendance at the present time. Of these, a large majority are young men and women, while the minority show years of service. Enthusiasm and energy pervade the whole school, and without exception this is the best session ever held in Cowley County. Unstinted praise is due Professors Davis and Gridley for their untiring zeal, and upon Superintendent Limerick too much cannot be bestowed. If unwearied effort and constant toil will place our schools in the front rank of the array of progress, the position will be won. Our only regret is that business prevents our constant attendance.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Teachers Examination. There will be an examination of candidates for Teachers Certificates, at Winfield, beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., July 30th. A. H. Limerick, Co. Supt.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Committee on reception and entertainment of teachers attending association: Misses Fannie Stretch, Laura Barnes, Lida Howard, Messrs. Limerick, and Gridley. Also mentioned as part of programme for the meeting: “Laff and gro phat,” J. W. Warren.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
Mr. A. H. Limerick will be a candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent subject to the action of the Republican Convention. He has made a capable, conscientious officer and is enthusiastic in his work. He deserves the position a second term, which opinion seems to be concurred in by the people, as he seems to have no opposition.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Republican primaries of Winfield to elect delegates to the county and district conventions were held in both wards on last Friday, August 15th, from 3 to 7 o’clock, p.m.
The principle contest and interest was centered in the office of county attorney between Henry E. Asp and A. P. Johnson, candidates. The voting for delegates was by ballot, each ballot containing the choice of the voter for the several offices to be filled, by way of instructions to delegates, as well as the names of the delegates voted for. Two tickets were in the field: the one known as the Asp ticket and the other as the Johnson ticket. The delegates are instructed to support Henry E. Asp for county attorney; E. S. Bedilion for clerk of the district court; H. D. Gans for probate judge; A. H. Limerick for Superintendent of public instruction; Frank S. Jennings for state senator; and Ed. P. Greer for representative.

Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
An examination of applicants for teacher’s certificates, will be held at Winfield, beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., Sept. 5th, 1884, and continue two days. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. Nellie M. Aldrich, and C. T. Atkinson, Assistant Examiners.
A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 27, 1884.
A. H. Limerick re-nominated by acclamation for County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Had a fine time at the picnic. Plenty of goodies to take home. Prof. Limerick favored us with an excellent speech. Rev. Graham and Rev. Irwin also made short speeches both full of good things.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Prof. Limerick was down from Winfield Wednesday on business connected with the county examinations.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Mrs. A. H. Limerick returned Friday last from a two months visit in the East. The Professor was glad enough to end his widowerhood experiences.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Meeting of Blaine and Logan Clubs and a Flambeau Club.
A meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield was held at the Courthouse Monday evening. The meeting came to order by electing Mr. A. H. Limerick, Chairman, and W. A. McCartney, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by W. J. Wilson. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and W. P. Hackney in favor of the complete organization and equipment of a Blaine and Logan club. It was decided to organize the club into three companies of torch-bearers and one Flambeau club. The following officers were elected: Colonel Whiting, Commander of battalion and D. L. Kretsinger, Adjutant; Spencer Miner, Captain “Co. A,” Frank Finch, 1st Lieutenant, M. B. Shields, 2nd Lieutenant, T. J. Harris, 3rd Lieutenant; Capt. J. B. Nipp, Captain of “Co. B,” W. P. Hackney, 1st Lieutenant, John McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant, H. H. Siverd, 3rd Lieutenant; Cap Steuven, Captain of the Flambeau club; H. G. Norton, 1st Lieutenant, W. A. McCartney, 2nd Lieutenant, Frank H. Greer, 3rd Lieutenant. The election of officers for “Co. C” was deferred until Tuesday evening. A meeting of the officers of the different companies was called for Wednesday morning for the purpose of appointing various committees, and deciding on the kind and number of suits and torches to be ordered. After the completion of business of the meeting, Henry E. Asp was called on, and responded in one of his characteristic speeches, after which the meeting adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Teachers Association.

The first session of Teacher’s Association was held in Winfield, Saturday, the 20th. Friday evening preceding a small band of teachers met in the high school building for a social time and were highly entertained by the reading of essays by Miss Jessie Stretch and Mr. Gridley. Also a short speech by Mr. Limerick. We then repaired to the Good Templars Hall where we were cordially received, and nicely entertained.
It is encouraging to know that someone outside of our own ranks feels an interest in our welfare and we tender our thanks for the hospitality shown us by the Good Templars of Winfield.
Saturday morning a meeting was held for the purpose of discussing topics of vital importance to every teacher. Prof. Davis was present and took quite an active part in the several discussions. The several topics were satisfactorily disposed of; the only feature over which we lament is that more of our teachers were not present.
The second session is to be held at Burden, on the third Saturday of October. The patrons are specially invited and the teachers should feel duty bound to be present and add interest to our meetings. Allie Hardin, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
The adjourned convention of the Democrats convened in Winfield Saturday last, and made the following nominations: John R. Smith for state senator; Joe O’Hare, county attorney; L. L. Beck, probate judge; W. J. Hodges, Legislator; Ed. Bedilion, district clerk. They endorsed Prof. Limerick for county superintendent.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
Rev. B. Kelly and Prof. Limerick will address the people of Dexter on the temperance question on Friday, October 24th, in the evening.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
There will be a union temperance meeting in the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church next Sabbath night at 7:30. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. S. S. Holloway and Prof. A. H. Limerick. A pleasant, profitable time is anticipated and a very cordial invitation is extended to everybody.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.


The COURIER office was jammed with eager faces at an early hour Tuesday evening to catch the first bulletins that came in. Anxiety, deep and searching, was depicted in every visage. The first dispatches were meager, but along toward midnight the news began to come from all quarters, fluctuating in the interests of both parties. The crowd overwhelmed all bulletin board space and the Opera House was secured. About this time dispatches giving New York, Indiana, and other strongholds to the Democrats began to come in. These engulfed the Democrats in wildest hilarity. Democratic throats that hadn’t yelled for twenty years were seen to oil up and fairly paralyze the air with hurrahs. The Republicans were feeling a little blue, which feeling was borne out by the dispatches until yesterday afternoon, when the tables turned and Republicans began to yell. The COURIER office was densely packed in the evening, and every dispatch as it noted increased Republican gains everywhere, received with triumphant shouts. When New York was conceded, enthusiasm knew no bounds. Men marched by hundreds up and down Main Street fairly renting the air with hurrahs. Headed by the Juvenile Band, they paraded the streets until a late hour. When the crowd left the COURIER Sanctum at one o’clock, it was to sleep in sweet consciousness of a grand Republican victory—in the sweet assurance of prosperous times and happy people for another four years. The last Republican meeting of the Campaign at the Opera House Monday night was an enthusiastic and harmonious one: a true precursor to the grand victory in waiting. Words are inadequate to express the effect of the beautiful and appropriate songs of the Glee Club. Mr. Blair, the leader, had transposed songs to fit each local candidate and their reception was telling and hilarious. Capt. W. E. Tansey, Senator W. P. Hackney, Judge T. H. Soward, A. H. Limerick, and Ed. P. Greer gave addresses. Before the meeting adjourned, Senator Hackney stepped forward and said that he had marched on the field with the colored man and he would also like to have one speak on the rostrum with him; and he moved that Mr. John Nichols express his opinions to the audience. John made a speech which would honor any man who had come up under similar circumstances and showed the loyalty that flowed in his veins for the Grand Old Party that gave his race the liberty and citizenship that would allow them to voice their sentiments anywhere in the north. He heaped just censure on the spirit that suborned the darky in the South. Gov. Glick in his speech at Arkansas City last Friday night paid a very uncomplimentary personal tribute to Rev. Kelly of this city, whereupon the citizens of the Terminus rented the Opera House there, telephoned Mr. Kelly to come down Monday evening and paralyze Glick’s abusive argument. The Rev. went down, and threw shot and shell into the camp of the enemy for two hours in a way that made the boldest of them wince. It was a powerful speech, and Tuesday’s 161 majority for Martin in that place voiced its results and the staunch sentiments of that people. Rev. Kelly has no use for a religion that can’t enter into politics and everyday life and no use for that political party that can’t stand a little religion; convictions which are appreciated by all loyal and noble-thinking people. Our more enterprising Democrats did all in their power to receive Governor Glick last Thursday in a manner indicating a warm place for him in the hearts of Cowley people. He was driven about in a fine landau drawn by four brightly caparisoned snow white steeds, jockeyed by liveried men, with all the apparent pride and pomp of Old England. Through courtesy to the Governor of the Great State of Kansas, Republicans swelled the crowd to respectable proportions. Merely as a gubernatorial candidate he would have made not even a small riffle among the loyal people of Cowley—a fact plainly exhibited through Tuesday’s ballot. The colored voters of Winfield showed their loyalty to the Grand Old Party which gave them citizenship by marching in a body of thirty, Tuesday, and casting their straight ticket, amid shouts of approval. A more enterprising and loyal lot of colored men can’t be found than those in Winfield. On Wednesday while the bulletins favorable to Sheriff Cleveland were coming in, Ben Cox was strutting the streets with a victorious little rooster perched on his Cleveland hat. He appeared on the street Thursday morning without the rooster and with his white plug encircled with crape. Spencer Miner says he bet his wife that West Virginia would go Republican and he saved his wife and got Virginia. “We turned the rebels out,” is the way he puts it. He’s wild with enthusiasm, especially over the result in his native State. The antiquated Democracy of Cowley could hardly hobble up to the polls Tuesday, and when it did get there, the dose was too much for its soured condition. Every Republican candidate ran head of the ticket. Over a thousand majority is estimated for Martin in Cowley and the Plumed Knight will get about fourteen hundred. Nearly every county Republican candidate got there with a thousand majority and upwards. Henry E. Asp beat the record of Maude S. His rousing majority is a compliment worthy the pride of any ambitious young man. It is a splendid recognition of his superior energy and ability. Liquid enthusiasm seems to have vanished with Glick’s prospects. Very few intoxicated men have been seen in this city during all this intense excitement. The visages of J. B. Lynn, Ben Cox, and Sam Gilbert are perfect pictures of despair: at least they were the last seen of them early yesterday evening. O, where! O, where! is G. Washington Glick and his red-nosed followers? In their caves of gloom never to come forth triumphantly again. Judge Torrance and Prof. Limerick, with no opposition, captured almost the entire vote of the county—a meritable compliment indeed. L. P. King got there, Eli, for the legislature in the 67th district, with a good majority. Poor, honest O’Hare! His only consolation is in having at least kept in sight of Sheriff Cleveland, in Cowley. Glick and whiskey downed and Martin and prohibition enthroned. “Ad astra per aspera.” Rewards are now being freely offered for the discovery of a Democrat. “God reigns and the Government at Washington still lives.”
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Teachers Examination. An examination of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held at Winfield, beginning at 8 o’clock a.m., Nov. 29, 1884. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time. A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
The county Temperance Union convened Thursday per call. A fair attendance was had. The meeting was held for the purpose of organizing so as to be able to work in harmony with the state association. The following officers were elected: President, A. H. Limerick; vice-president, S. H. Jennings; Secretary, Mrs. W. B. Caton; and treasurer, Miss Fannie Stretch. The county was divided into seven districts, and a president elected from each district. Rev. S. B. Fleming was the president elected from this district. These seven district presidents and the county officers constitute the executive committee. The convention adjourned and the executive committee was ordered to meet one week from next Monday at Winfield for the purpose of transacting other business.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
County Temperance Convention.
A good representation of the Temperance workers of the county assembled at the courthouse on last Thursday morning, according to a call of Rev. B. Kelly, president of the County Temperance Organization, for the planning of vigorous work throughout Cowley. The old organization was made auxiliary to the State Temperance Union and named “The Cowley County Temperance Union.” The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, A. H. Limerick; vice-president, S. H. Jennings; Secretary, Mrs. W. B. Caton; treasurer, Miss Fannie Stretch. Last year’s plan of districting the county was re-adopted.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Adjutant J. E. Snow furnishes us the following list of officers, elected by Winfield Post, No. 85, G. A. R., at its last regular meeting, Dec. 10, 1884: S. Cure, P. C.; J. H. Finch, S. V. P. C.; W. E. Tansey, J. V. P. C.; H. H. Siverd, C. of D.; H. L. Wells, surgeon; A. B. Arment, chaplain; A. H. Limerick, Q. M.; D. L. McRoberts, O. G; Wm. Sanders, J G; T. H. Soward, O G.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Bill Carniehall entertained your correspondent in company with County Supt. Mrs. Kilmer, in a manner which calls for our most kindly remembrance. Since Mr. Limerick has consented to attach the Cowley County part of Dist. 26, a general readjusting of 26 and contiguous districts became necessary, hence in pursuit of this object we did not lose sight of the pumpkin pie and other country luxuries with which our journey was blessed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
Mr. Ballard, representing Superintendent Limerick, visited our school last week. Wonder what he thought of our old windowless schoolhouse? It isn’t much credit to our school board to leave the house in such a condition this cold weather.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
The committee appointed by the Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R., take pleasure in thanking the citizens of Winfield for their liberal patronage of the Tennessee Scout. Considering the inclement weather, you more than surprised us, and through your liberality the Post has added $50.00 to its relief fund. We especially thank Miss Jessie Stretch who, in the character of “Alice Coleman,” would win laurels from professionals; Cora Finch, as “Aunt Jemima,” Hattie Andrews as “Bessie Fox,” Mattie Vanorsdal as “Maria Carey.” The Misses who formed the tableaux did so with credit to themselves and to the entire satisfaction of all citizens, who join with the Post in thanking the whole cast for their unceasing endeavors to make the play a success.
C. E. Steuven, J. H. Finch, H. L. Wells, A. H. Limerick, and D. L. Kretsinger, Com.
Winfield City Directory 1885: Cowley County Temperance Union.
Meetings held monthly, or oftener, at the direction of the executive committee. A. H. Limerick, President; S. H. Jennings, Secretary.
Limerick A H, county superintendent, public instruction, res 902 e 9th
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 24, 1885.
The county board at its last session appointed Miss Nellie Aldrich and W. C. Barnes, both of this city, as examiners of teachers of the county for the next year. They are both competent persons, and, with Superintendent Limerick, will constitute a first-class examining board. Miss Aldrich succeeds herself, and Mr. Barnes succeeds C. T. Atkinson, of Arkansas City. Winfield Tribune.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
Prof. Limerick was down from Winfield Monday and informed us of the facts concerning the shooting of Thomas Welch, Sunday morning, which is substantially as follows.
The shooting occurred at his boarding house. Four occupants were in the room at the time. Curley Skinner, one of the four men who were sleeping in the room arose and went to move a box from the middle of the room, on which lay two six-shooters, one of which was accidentally discharged, the 44-calibre ball entering Welch’s body near the heart, killing him almost instantly. Mr. Welch was buried under the auspices of the G. A. R. He was an old soldier and a pioneer of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.

A. H. Limerick, our county superintendent of schools, was in our town one day last week visiting the schools. He says we have a fine school.
The Queen City’s Prospective College.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
A. H. Jennings made an interesting address and sprung the matter of a college in Winfield. He cited the great advantages derived by his former home, Delaware, Ohio, through such an institution and allowed the feasibility of a college here. In all Southern Kansas there is not an institution of higher learning; no better field can be found. This would be an adjunct that would not only give one town a standing in the State, but greatly increase our population, our business patronage, and our educational conveniences. Cowley County is now sending abroad an average of fifty students annually at a cost of several hundred dollars each. And a great many more would seek classical education if the facilities were at home and the expense reduced. This college would also draw from a large territory surrounding us. It was proposed to organize a stock company, every man putting in one hundred or two hundred dollars being entitled to a twenty-year scholarship. Mr. Jennings’ scheme met with great favor, and now that the ball is rolling there is no doubt that fifty thousand dollars can be raised to boost the enterprise. Like every institution of the kind, it will have to grow from a small beginning. A. H. Jennings, Prof. Gridley, County Superintendent Limerick, Dr. Graham, Rev. Reider, and Dr. Kirkwood were appointed a committee to devise plans for the establishment of this college. The committee has been wisely selected and we have no doubt that they will put this important matter on foot and that it will reach an early fruition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Professors A. H. Limerick and H. T. Davis were in town a few minutes Friday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Since our voting precinct cast the largest percent of Republican votes cast for J. G. Blaine and the whole ticket last fall, I think we should at least command decent respect. Our county officers never visit our fair valley either in the performance of their official duties nor in their more trying days, viz: When they are making the canvass of the county asking for votes. We have been trying for six months to get Prof. Limerick to come over and settle a school division trouble, and we have always failed. We will vote other than for the Republican ticket if this thing is not remedied in the future.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
A brother of Mr. Limerick is sinking very rapidly from consumption.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick dropped in on our school ma’am, in No. 115, last Friday afternoon, for a short but pleasant visit. He imported a portion of his enthusiasm to the scholars in an interesting talk on the value of an education. The Professor is daily winning laurels because of the energetic manner in which he performs the duties of his position. If third-termism is not a crime and a violation of the constitution, Prof. Limerick’s continuance in this office should be insisted upon.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
A. H. Limerick and wife, Misses Cora Reynolds, Lois Williams, Fannie Stretch, Mattie Gibson, Mary Hamill, Mary Bryant, Flo Campbell, Kate Rodgers, Jessie Stretch, Allie Dickle, Sada Davis, Retta Gridley, Davenport, Mrs. C. M. Leavitt, Mr. C. W. Barnes, and A. Gridley and wife, prominent teachers of Winfield, were in the city last Wednesday for the purpose of visiting our excellent schools. Unfortunately, our schools had dismissed in order to allow our teachers to attend a meeting at El Dorado. Failing in this, they visited the Chilocco schools.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick and Prof. Gridley, wife and sister, attended the Burden Commencement exercises Tuesday evening, the gentlemen taking part in the exercises.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Superintendent A. H. Limerick and wife, Professor Gridley and sixteen of the teachers in the Winfield schools, visited this city last Thursday for the purpose of visiting our schools. Unfortunately, the schools here were closed to allow the teachers to attend a meeting of the Teachers’ Association at El Dorado. In the afternoon, accompanied by several of our teachers, the party paid a visit to the Chilocco Industrial school.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
The sixth monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association convened in Winfield Friday, March 27, at 3 o’clock p.m., with about thirty teachers in attendance. Pres. Limerick called the meeting to order, and, after discussing the relative value of Industrial and Political history, committees on finance and publication were appointed, and the meeting adjourned to meet at 8 o’clock p.m., at the M. E. Church. The inclement weather prevented a large crowd at the church; but quite a number of teachers and citizens of Winfield were in attendance. The programme was well rendered, and the lecture by Rev. Reider, entitled “The teacher’s unconscious tuition,” was worthy the consideration of all and especially the teachers. The Association met in the high school building, at 9 a.m. The attendance was more than twice that of the previous day. The session was an interesting one; papers were read by Misses Raynolds, Campbell, and Dickie. The afternoon session convened at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Greer, representing the W. C. T. U., met with them and gave an interesting talk on the study of Physiology and Hygiene, with regard to the use of stimulants and narcotics. After disposing of the query box, the usual resolutions were adopted and the Association adjourned.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Supt. Limerick created School District No. 144 this week. Cowley believes in schools. Let them grow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.

Teachers examination under the new law will take place in this city on the 25th inst. The examinations now are only quarterly, and the questions come from the State Board of Education. County Superintendent Limerick thinks the new law a big improvement. A first grade certificate will be good any place in the State when endorsed by the County Superintendent of the county in which it is used. Certificates granted in the past are yet good until the time expires for which they were granted. The law requiring all teachers to pass an examination in psychology and hygiene does not go into effect till January next.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick has just finished and sent out to the different townsite trustees plats of every school district in the county, in pursuance of a law passed by the late legislature. These plats will be a great convenience to teachers, school officers, and township boards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The Grand Army of the Republic is preparing to properly observe Decoration and Memorial Days, May 30th and the Sunday preceding. The initial steps were taken last week at its regular meeting in the appointment of T. H. Soward, A. H. Limerick, H. H. Siverd, A. B. Arment, and J. J. Carson as a committee of arrangement. This is a step that will receive the hearty encouragement of all. Nothing could be more fitting than this memorial tribute to those “vets” who have passed to the great beyond. The Decoration Day last year was slightly marred by rain, but the memorial services at the churches were very successful. Let us prepare this year for even greater success, hoping for weather propitious.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Burden voted $2,000 last Thursday for additions to their already commodious school buildings. Normal opens this year on the first Monday in July, the 6th, Prof. Wilkinson, of the State Normal, conducting. District 80, “Springside,” in Bolton township, have voted bonds for a new and substantial schoolhouse; also district 97, “Crooked Elm,” Tisdale township.
At the last Teachers’ Examination, the first under the new law formulating the questions in the State Board of Education, out of the seventeen applicants, eight failed. At the last county examination, out of twenty-two, but four succeeded. It is not as easy to get a certificate as in days of yore. As our State and county grow older, we must have better educators. While the questions of the State Board are rigid, they are entirely within the bounds of reason and will have a strong tendency to raise our educational standard. County Superintendent Limerick is in receipt of many inquiries regarding the new mode of examination, some of which, when occasion requires, he will publicly answer through THE COURIER. The criticism made on the questions of the State Board in THE COURIER a week ago, will be answered by the State Superintendent in the Western School Journal, official organ of the State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.

Post commander and comrades of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.: Your committee appointed to report to the Post a program for memorial and decoration services submit the following as their report. 1st. The committee recommend the following as the order of services for Memorial Day, Sunday, May 24th, 1885. That there be memorial services held in the 1st Baptist church of the city of Winfield on Sunday morning, May 24, at 11 a.m., and that this Post, with visiting comrades and all old soldiers, with their families, be requested to attend said services and that Dr. Kirkwood, of the Presbyterian church, be requested to deliver the address or sermon at said time and place, and that memorial services be held in the Methodist Episcopal church in the evening of said day, the address to be delivered by Rev. J. H. Reider, and that the Post march in column from their hall to each service.
The following committees are suggested to carry the above recommendations into effect.
Committee of 3 on procuring churches; Committee of 3 on procuring speakers; Committee of 3 on decorating churches; Committee of 3 on seating and ushering.

Decoration services May 30th, 1885. The Post to meet at their hall at 9½ o’clock a.m., and immediately thereafter to send committee of three to Vernon township to assist the citizens in decoration of soldiers’ graves at Vernon Center cemetery. A committee of five to decorate the graves in the Catholic cemetery; also a committee of five to decorate the soldiers’ graves in the cemetery south of the city. These committees to perform their duty and immediately thereafter to report themselves to the Post commander. At one o’clock p.m., an address in the Opera House by Rev. H. Kelly, with appropriate music. At 2 p.m., the parade will form on Main street facing west, the right resting on 10th avenue. 1st, twelve little girls dressed in white and twelve little boys with blue jackets and caps with flowers in the van. 2nd, Winfield Courier band. 3rd, Visiting Posts, Winfield Post, old soldiers not members of Post, ambulances with disabled soldiers and Woman’s Relief Corps and wagons with flowers, in the order named 2nd division, Winfield Union Cornet band, Company C, State Guards, 1st Light Artillery, Kansas National Guards, Winfield Fire Department. 3rd division, Adelphia Lodge, Winfield Chapter, Winfield Commanders, Winfield Council, Winfield Lodge, K. of H., Winfield Council, No. 5, N. U., Winfield Lodge, No. 18, A. O. U. W., Winfield Lodge, No. 16, S. K., Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., Chevalier Dodge, No. 70, K. of P., Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., and W. C. T. U. 4th division, Winfield Juvenile Cornet Band, Mayor and city authorities and citizens. Line of march, north on Main street to Eighth avenue; east on Eighth avenue to Harter street; north on Harter street to Fifth avenue; east on Fifth avenue to Michigan Avenue, in Highland Park, and thence north to cemetery. The services in the cemetery to be held on the mound in the center of the cemetery. The officers conducting the manual services of the G. A. R. and Miss Campbell, who will recite the original poem to be on said mound; the comrades and soldiers to be formed in double rank around the drive-way next to said mound. After the poem and manual services by the G. A. R., the twelve little girls and boys and a detail of twelve veterans with baskets of flowers will follow by the column and proceed to first decorate the soldiers graves in the southwest portion of the cemetery, then in the northwest portion, then in the northeast, and then in the southeast. The committee recommend that the Post Commander command the column and appoint such assistant commanders and aid de camps as he may desire. We recommend that the committee on securing tombstones from the national government be appointed a committee and be ordered to secure small, white headboards, and have the name of the dead soldiers in our cemeteries, with company and regiment printed thereon, and placed at each grave not so marked, first obtaining the consent of the family of the deceased soldier, and to also mark each grave with a flag of the United States. The committee would further recommend that the Post Commander appoint an executive committee of five, who shall have the power to appoint all sub-committees to carry this of the programme that may be adopted into effect. The committee suggest the following committees for Decoration Day: Committee of three on Invitation; Committee of three on Music; Committee of three on Procuring Children; Committee of ten on Flowers. The committee would further recommend that the Woman’s Relief Corps be most cordially invited to cooperate with us, and that they be requested to act with us on our committees. Your committee further recommends that the Mayor of the city be asked to request, by proclamation, our businessmen to close their places of business from 1 to 3:30 P. M., on Saturday, May 30th, and participate in decoration services. Respectfully submitted in F. C. & L.
Committee on Invitation: J. S. Hunt, chairman, J. B. Nipp, J. C. Long.
On churches: E. S. Wilson, chairman, T. H. Elder, D. S. Sherrard.
On speakers: S. C. Smith, chairman, F. S. Pickens, W. E. Tansey, J. M. Fahnestock.
On decorations: A. B. Arment, chairman, B. J. States, W. H. Cayton.
On music: Geo. H. Crippen, chairman, F. E. Blair, J. E. Snow.
Seating and ushering: H. H. Siverd, chairman, John Flint, J. N. Fleharty.
Committee on girls and boys: F. H. Bull, chairman, J. A. McGuire, A. E. Baird.
On marking graves: Samuel Parkhurst, chairman, Wm. Sanders, B. B. Wells.
On Flowers: D. L. Kretsinger, chairman, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, F. M. Lacey, J. C. Roberts, Adam Stuber, M. S. Scott, J. W. Fenway, H. H. Harbaugh, J. E. Farnsworth, D. L. McRoberts.
Decoration of Catholic Cemetery: T. J. Harris, S. Parkhurst, Ed. Haight, Jno. Gill.
Decoration of Vernon Center Cemetery: H. H. Siverd, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, Thos. Thompson, J. M. Householder.
By order of T. H. SOWARD, J. J. CARSON, H. H. SIVERD, A. H. LIMERICK. T. A. BLANCHARD, Executive Com.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
The annual Convention of County Superintendents of the State meets at Emporia on June 9th, 10th, and 11th. Superintendent Limerick is programmed for an address, “Suggestions in regard to the new examination law.” The meeting promises much for educational advancement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.

Dr. Humble, Emporia, the well known State Agent of the American Sunday School Union, is in our city looking after the interests of his work in this section. Yesterday he met the pastors of the different churches and some of our citizens most interested in Sabbath schools at the office of County Superintendent Limerick. An interchange of opinions, for some three hours, on the question of reaching the children who are not attending any Sabbath school, and of arousing the different churches to the necessity for more vigorous action, proved very interesting to those present. Dr. Humble proposes to take charge of the work and put a man for a year in the counties of Sedgwick, Cowley, and Sumner to locate and establish Sunday schools in districts where none exist and stimulate the weak schools. Of course, each denomination would be glad to occupy the ground themselves, and have the children trained in their own particular views. As this is impossible, for lack of men and means, they gladly endorse Dr. Humble’s proposed plan. The Dr. will solicit subscriptions from individuals of all churches and the schools established by his agents will be Union schools. All interested in the early Christian training of our youth will not wait for the Dr. to solicit, but will hunt him out and tell him how much cash they have on hand for so good an object. The amount to be raised by the Dr.’s plan will be for Cowley County, $260. The churches or Sabbath schools will not be called on, as individual subscriptions are solicited.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Decoration Day. The parade was in charge of Post Commander S. Cure and aid-de-camps, H. H. Siverd, J. J. Carson, A. H. Limerick, W. B. Caton, C. Trump, John Evans, and Dr. States.
The service of grave decoration then began. The garlands were deposited by a bevy of Misses and boys, in charge of Mr. A. E. Baird and Dr. F. H. Bull, and composed as follows: Maude Conrad, Alma Rogers, Maggie Hendricks, Hortense Kelly, Maude Cooper, Lottie Caton, Lottie McGuire, Mattie Paris, Lulu McGuire, Winnie Limerick, Katie Beck; Master Charley Stewart, Robert Scott, Clifford Stubblefield, Clyde Albro, Johnnie Scott, Robbie McMullen, Waldo Baird, Charley Greer, Harry Hunt, George Carson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
College. Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Profs. Limerick, A. Gridley, and B. T. Davis returned Friday evening from the State Superintendents’ Convention at Emporia. It was the largest convention of the kind ever held in the State. The new examination law was analyzed and the determination reached that all certificates without physiology have to be renewed after January first next. Professor Limerick witnessed the graduation of Miss Ella Kelly, of this city, which was done with much honor. Miss Kelly’s great ambition enabled her to do one of the remarkable things in the State Normal—took the course in one year, though a terrible strain on her system. She gained much notoriety in oratory and was assigned a place in the State oratorical contest, but was compelled to decline.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Supt. Limerick made us a flying visit last week in connection with dividing district No. 63, but have not heard how he divided it.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.

Cowley County Normal Institute will open Monday, July 6, 1885, for a term of four weeks. Conductor: J. N. Wilkinson, of the State Normal School. Instructors: A. Gridley, W. C. Barnes, and Miss E. C. Kelley.
To Teachers, Again we call your attention to the opening of the Normal Institute. There has probably not been a time since our institute law came into operation when the necessity for attendance was so potent as at present. A new plan of examination, the introduction of an additional study, and a probable change in many of our text books are matters of so vital importance that no live teacher can afford to lose so valuable an opportunity for adjusting himself to the new condition of things that in the near future must come about.
The Work. Prof. Wilkinson comes to us highly endorsed as a worker, and will give special attention to Methods of Instruction and School Management. Penmanship will be under the management of Prof. Finefrock, of Illinois. Dr. States, of Winfield, has tendered the use of his powerful microscope to the classes in Physiology.
Model Work. Miss Stretch, of Winfield, will have charge of this department. Miss Emily Kuhlman, of the State Normal Kindergarten, will give instructions in Primary Work in Common Schools.
Examination. The final examination for the school year will be held at close of the Institute; the second, Oct., 31. Standings made under the County Board cannot be taken in lieu of examination under the present law.
Fees. Enrollment fee $1.00. Examination fee $1.00
Cowley County Teachers’ Association will hold its sessions at such times as can be arranged for, while the Institute is in progress. For further information, address
A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
“The Hero of Tannehill” exists in the person of a young gent of bombastic style, who lately pranced the streets of Winfield and frothing of the mouth, hurled his anathemas upon our worthy superintendent of public instruction. Why? Because “the Hero” was examined and failed to get a certificate to teach. Now, honest thinking people, those who think the “Hero” was unfairly treated, if any there be, in the name of common sense, go and examine his papers, which are in the hands of the superintendent, A. H. Limerick; then we kindly ask you to credit A. H. Limerick with the honesty which he deserves.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Our Temperance Union was treated to a rousing speech last Sunday night by A. H. Limerick. The house was well filled and everybody enjoyed it hugely.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Supt. Limerick and wife, of Winfield, were guests of Mrs. Elliott last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.

The Cowley County Normal Institute opened Monday in the High School building with a splendid outlook. One hundred and six were enrolled—almost double the first day’s enrollment of any year since the Institute’s inception. Sixty is the largest recorded for any first day up to this year. Prof. J. N. Wilkinson, of the State Normal School, is conductor, and Prof. A. Gridley, Miss Ella Kelly, and Mr. Will C. Barnes, all educators of experience and ability, are instructors. Of course, County Superintendent Limerick has general supervision. The teachers are vigorous and ambitious, exhibiting great interest in the enhancement of their vocation. The Institute is a marked contrast to that of last year, in attendance. Over half are new faces, if anything an improvement in appearance over any past Normal. Last year the Institute was held seven weeks, with one session a day. This year it will be but four weeks, with two sessions daily; morning, from 10 to 12; evening, 4 to 6.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.

The members of the Normal Institute held a social in McDougall’s Hall Thursday, for genial commingling with each other and our citizens. Depositing his heart in the safe, under a time lock, our elongated reporter hied himself to the scene, and a happy, good-looking and entertaining lot of folks he found—among the ladies. The gentlemen, as usual at every gathering, were horribly ugly, in comparison. As our reporter stood awkwardly in the corner, with no place to put his big hands and no room for his huge pedal extremities, his eyes took in several things. County Superintendent Limerick was master of ceremonies. Elder Myers, of the Christian church, gave a sparkling welcome address, responded to very happily by Prof. Wilkinson, conductor of the Institute. Mrs. O. McGuire read a pithy essay on the educational profession, and Prof. Davis gave an applicable and mirthful little talk. Then a novel scheme was carried out, that of finding from what states the teachers present had come from to Kansas. Pennsylvania had two represented in a neat little speech by Mr. Littell, who mentioned that he was delighted with Kansas, but his heart was way back east—a sad blow to the girls. West Virginia also had two, one of whom, Mr. McClellan, told of its glories and sorrows, as compared to the Garden of Eden. North Carolina stood with the preceding ones, two, with the wittiest oration of all from Bob Holland. Kentucky had three, and Elder Myers and Prof. Craddock discussed its virtues and failings. George W. Bain, who is attending the Normal, wasn’t present. Wisconsin had two to unfurl her banner, which was done very nicely by Mr. Arnett. Michigan had two, without any speechifier. Ohio had six representatives and one orator, Will C. Barnes, who thought the Sunflower state at the head of the procession. Hoosierdom came up with a boom, sixteen. The orators of the occasion were divided as to the merits of her school system. Mr. H. A. Owens thought it far inferior to that of Sunny Kansas, while Miss Fannie Stretch and Mrs. O. McGuire touched the ire of the native Kansan by going back on the Sunflower State—placing the Hoosier school system above ours. Illinois carried off the golden belt in numbers, twenty-one. Mr. S. F. Owens, H. S. Wallace, and Miss C. E. Plunket discoursed on its merits, while Mrs. Limerick was proud to have come from the state that gave us Lincoln and Grant and that had old John Brown. Iowa showed fourteen. Mr. F. E. Haughey spoke splendidly of her grand prohibition record and commended Kansas for her proud advance. The Empire State was represented by but one, Miss Celina Bliss. “Arkansaw’s” spokesman was absent. But Kansas came up smiling with thirty-three, who had first taken up the pointer within her borders. Prof. Gridley, who was one of the first graduates of the State Normal, was chosen orator. He was proud to belong to the State of baked beans, grasshoppers, and chiggers, ending with a mention of her grand record. Prof. Limerick announced three lectures during the session of the Normal: Dr. Kirkwood, “Obedience to Law as Related to the Teacher,” Prof. Jay, principal of the Wellington schools, “Our Boys,” and Prof. Cowbric, principal of the Harper schools, “The Teacher’s Place in the Nation.” During the evening the musical talent was let loose, conducted by Prof. Merriman, closing with “America.” It was a very pleasant occasion throughout. There should be more such socials during the Normal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The Normal numbers one hundred and seventy-five Tuesday. Still they come and more to follow. The city is full of school marms now, with their books under their arms. It reminds us forcibly of by-gone days when we were a school marm and used the rod. The Normal is progressing exceedingly well. The conductors and instructors are doing good work. Mr. Limerick, our efficient County Superintendent, understands his business fully, and Prof. Wilkinson, the conductor, stands high as an educator. On account of legal business at the Court House, the Normal convened at the Christian Church. A general exercise was given. Prof. Wilkinson gave a very interesting and instructive lecture on the effects of Alcohol and Narcotics, after which the members adjourned to the class rooms in the Central school building, to recite on school organization and management. The late arrivals embrace quite a large number of experienced teachers, some of whom are recent arrivals from other states, who take this opportunity to acquaint themselves with Kansas school work and school workers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick spent Friday visiting the Sumner County Normal Institute and inaugurated a joint picnic of the Sumner and Cowley Normals in our Riverside Park Saturday. Sumner’s Normal is behind ours in attendance, having but 125.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick spent Friday visiting Sumner County’s Normal Institute, and arranged for a joint picnic of the Sumner and Cowley Normals at Oxford next Saturday. Oxford has a very good grove, and a grant time is anticipated. The trains run very conveniently for our folks, going over at 10 and returning at 5:30. Wellington will drive over. The Professor says Sumner has a good Normal, with 130 in attendance. Dr. Williams, of the State Normal, who conducted our Normal a few years ago, is in charge.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The joint picnic of the Cowley and Sumner County Normal Institutes, at Oxford, Saturday, was very enjoyable, affording an excellent vacation and opportunity for social acquaintance. There were 160 from Winfield, and 70 from Wellington. The artificial grove, though possibly a treat to a section unaccustomed to a charm like our Riverside Park, didn’t catch as expected, and the dinner and program were carried out in the large and airy schoolhouse. Speeches were made by Profs. Williams and Wilkinson, conductors of the Sumner and Cowley Normals, Rev. Reider, County Superintendents Limerick and Radcliff, and others, while our Institute choir, led by Prof. Merriman, furnished music. Our Institute and that of Sumner vied with each other in beauty, intelligence, and numbers, and that our walked off with the bakery all visitors conceded. And we can prove it by every young lady of our Normal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
County Auditor. Claims allowed in July. Salary county superintendent, A. H. Limerick, $250.00.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The success of this meeting is largely due to County Superintendent Limerick, whose efforts to make the exercises both interesting and profitable, have been unrelenting. The teachers and citizens of Winfield have left nothing undone necessary to promote the happiness and comfort of the teachers in attendance. The arrangements for supplying ladies accommodations in the homes of citizens are admirable. We also consider this city highly honored by the presence of so large a number of that class to whose efforts society is so deeply indebted. We honor teachers, not simply for their individual attainments, but for the sake of their calling. I honor them as I do the minister of the gospel. I cannot know or judge how much goodness each member of that sacred profession may have, but his sacred calling demands my personal respect. So with the teacher. I cannot judge of his or her attainments in natural science, but I honor them for their profession, and for this they command my utmost respect. I look upon teachers as I do upon ministers of the gospel and members of the medical profession, all following in honorable aims. They are associated in my mind alike in the places they hold in the community and the learned professions. I think in this point of view they may claim precedence over all other pursuits in the world. They are engaged in a work which requires a great amount of personal sacrifice and labor in order to accomplish a great amount of good. In this connection I would grant teachers the first place if not the highest. Regarding these three professions, connected together as they are by unity of purpose and aims, the teacher’s work is the first and most important. The teacher, it is said, has charge of the minds of the community; the physician their bodies; and the minister their souls. But without the teacher and his work, the other two professions would be lame and crippled in their influence for good. It is said to be easier to conquer disease than to overcome ignorance. It is the able, earnest, faithful teacher who lays the foundation for the others to base their work upon; and, therefore, I think the teacher commands our highest esteem, for without the teacher we could not get along at all. O. M.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.

WHEREAS, We, the members of the Cowley County Normal Institute, being about to separate for the work of the year after a pleasant session whose good results it is impossible to estimate, and whose influence must be felt in every school district in Cowley County, do realize our indebtedness to the people of Winfield for their aid and sympathy, and to the County Superintendent, the conductor and his assistant instructors, for their unremitting labors in our behalf, and WHEREAS, We recognize and appreciate the high value of the mental training afforded us during the past weeks, the ideal of teachers, and teaching that has been kept before us, and are grateful for the acquaintance and leadership of persons possessing that best product of modern education—a well rounded christian character, therefore be it Resolved, That we extend to Superintendent Limerick our hearty thanks for his patient and untiring efforts to promote our welfare, secure our comfort, and disseminate a spirit of good will among us. Resolved, That we hereby tender Prof. Wilkinson, his assistants, Profs. Gridley, Barnes, and Miss Kelly, our heartfelt thanks for the noble work they have wrought among us. We are grateful for the stimulus to higher attainments which their presence and influence has afforded us. May Heaven’s blessing attend them through life’s school, whether in the shadow of the valley of examination or on the delectable mountains of a Normal social. Resolved, That our sincere thanks are due the Winfield churches for the use of their buildings; especially do we appreciate the kindness of the elders of the Christian church in throwing open to us the church for our afternoon sessions. Resolved, That to Prof. Merriman for the kindness in directing the singing; to Dr. States for his work before the physiology class; to Profs. Jay and Wilkinson and Dr. Kirkwood for their interesting and valuable lectures delivered before the Normal, and to the people of Winfield for the interest manifested, the thanks of the Institute are unanimously expressed. Resolved, That we, the teachers of Cowley County, do go from this Institute fully determined to make this year’s work the best of our lives, and to this end we ask the aid and support of every friend and patron of the common school, and, Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Winfield papers. By order of the committee.
H. G. Norton, chairman. A. J. McClelland, secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The different school boards of the county will bear in mind that at the annual school meetings, August 13th, a vote will be taken on a uniformity text book. Copies of the 1885 school laws can be obtained by calling on County Superintendent Limerick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Revs. J. H. Reider and George Campbell and Profs. J. A. Wood and A. H. Limerick attended the Richland Sunday School Convention at Floral Thursday. The attendance was large, and the interest warm. It was undenominational, and a mass convention of all the Sunday schools of that township. These institutes are held annually by Richland, a fact worthy of emulation by other townships of Cowley.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
On next Tuesday evening, Aug. 18th, at 8 o’clock, a meeting will be held at the Christian Church for the purpose of discussing the propriety of establishing a commercial college and academy in Arkansas City. The meeting will be addressed by Judge S. Ballard, Superintendent Limerick, and gentlemen from the city. If the citizens desire such school and will support the enterprise, it will be established immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Visit to Winfield. Ed. Traveler: The ladies of the Women’s Relief Corps, a short time ago, received an invitation to visit the Relief Corps of Winfield, which they accepted and accordingly they made a raid on that city last Wednesday. After a sumptuous repast they were waited upon by our old townsman, Capt. Nipp, in company with the Courier’s reporter. The Winfield ladies having been notified of the arrival of the A. C. Ladies, soon had a committee ready to receive them and escort them to the G. A. R. Hall, where they were right royally entertained. Capt. Nipp again called around and brought with him Judge Soward, Prof. Limerick, and others of the G. A. R. boys, who favored the ladies with pleasant and appropriate addresses. They then escorted both corps to the ice-cream parlors, where they were entertained with ice cream and cake. Both ladies and gentlemen accompanied them to the hotel and started them safely on their journey home, where they arrived at a late hour, well pleased with their visit, and feeling assured that more such days of pleasure would make life happier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.

Profs. A. H. Limerick and J. A. Wood delivered temperance addresses at Burden Friday night, and organized an adjunct to the State and County Temperance Unions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
At a meeting of the Cowley County Teacher’s Association, held the last week of the Institute, an arrangement was agreed upon for carrying out the work of the State course of study in the schools of the county. A committee of teachers will arrange the work for each month, and give, through the county papers, such outlines and suggestions as will enable the teachers of the county to follow a uniform system of instruction. Examinations will be held at intervals during the school year on questions proposed to cover the work as it progresses. From these examinations each teacher will be enabled to measure his school with those of his fellow teachers, and determine its standing. The advantages of a carefully arranged plan by which all the schools of our county can move in one unbroken phalanx, with one common end in view, can hardly be estimated. Among them we might name the following.
1st. The assistance that can be given to each school in the arrangement of its study through the suggestions of a committee that will give the matter careful thought and study. 2nd. The stimulus that will be given by concert of action. 3rd. The emulation arising from the knowledge that others are doing the same work as ourselves. 4th. The discussions of subjects and plan of study at Teachers’ Associations, and 5th. The one “Projective Point” at which all are aiming.
Now, will not our school officers and patrons join in this movement and aid in putting our schools on the high road to success? The efforts of the best teacher, directed by the most careful management, without the sympathy and cooperation of parents and officers, must be, at best, but partially successful. Let us each, then, with our co-equal interests in our schools, do our part in this great drama, and we shall see this year mark a new epoch in our educational growth. A. H. LIMERICK.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
A delegation of leading men were before County Superintendent Limerick Saturday regarding the redistricting of Beaver township. The Superintendent decided it inexpedient to make the division now, the tax levy and new school boards for the coming year having been made.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Prof. A. H. Limerick and other speakers, of Winfield, will be out Friday evening, August 14, and have a meeting at the schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing a Temperance Union. These gentlemen are working in the interests of the State Temperance Union, and are speaking and organizing all over the county. They are able men for the work and we bespeak for them a good audience.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick discoursed on temperance at Floral Sunday, and organized an adjunct to the county Temperance Union, of which he is president. Floral’s society starts off with fifty members. Mrs. Limerick accompanied the Professor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

A. H. Limerick and Mr. Cure passed through our part en route for Duck Creek.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
County Superintendent Limerick and Sid Cure got home Thursday from a three days’ recreative trip to the Territory. They only caught one little minnow and shot a poor little cotton tail, but had “dead oodles” of fun, and return feeling corpulent and buxom.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Senator Hackney, Senator Long, Judge Soward, Rev. B. Kelly, Supt. A. H. Limerick, Capt. J. B. Nipp, A. B. Arment, John McGuire, J. E. Conklin, and many others are off to take in the Topeka Soldier’s reunion. About 130 from Winfield and surroundings took the train this afternoon for Topeka. Half of the Winfield Post went. The round trip fare is but $4.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
List of Appointments by Republican Central Committee. [Attended by Limerick.]
Ninnescah. Udall, Oct. 29. F. S. Jennings and A. H. Limerick.
Fairview. Little Dutch, Oct. 24. A. H. Limerick and Henry E. Asp.
Windsor. Cambridge, Oct. 20; Grand Summit, Oct. 19. H. D. Gans and A. H. Limerick.
All meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. Members of township committees will please see that the places of meeting are properly lighted and that due notice is given.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The Teachers Association at Arkansas City last Saturday was well attended and the full program as published in THE COURIER some time ago was carried out. There were some forty or more of the teachers of this county present. Those who attended from here were Misses Fannie and Jessie Stretch, Louise Gregg, Mary Berkey, Josie Pixley, and Flo Campbell, Supt. A. H. Limerick, and Profs. Wood and Inskeep. They report a delightful time and say the meeting was quite interesting as well as very profitable. We did not learn where the association decided to have their next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
The W. R. C., of Winfield, visited the Arkansas City Corps last Saturday. The visiting ladies arrived in the city at about 11:30 a.m., and partook of a sumptuous feast which our ladies had prepared for them at the Leland Hotel. In the afternoon the visiting corps was received in the G. A. R. Post-room. Mrs. J. Q. Ashton, president of our corps, presided. An address of welcome was made, followed by introductions. A most social time was had. The following are the names of the visiting ladies. Mrs. E. B. Dalton, secretary; Mrs. F. M. Pickens, treasurer; Mrs. J. H. Finch, chaplain; Mesdames W. B. Caton, Dr. Elder, L. Cure, F. Finch, C. Trump, A. H. Limerick, W. R. McDonald, J. Carmine, W. W. Tanner, L. Conrad, A. McClellan, J. A. Cooper, D. C. Beach, J. W. Holaday, J. G. McGregor, C. L. McRoberts, P. P. Powell.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

High School Notes. The Cowley County Teachers Association met in the high school room on last Saturday morning with an attendance of 35. After a few remarks by Prof. Limerick, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The first subject on the programme was dispensed with on account of the absence of Prof. Gridley. The second subject was opened by Prof. Weir. He gave a very interesting address on the methods to be used with the primary classes. He was followed by Miss Jessie Stretch and others. The importance of essay writing was next discussed very ably by Rev. J. O. Campbell, Prof. Weir, and Miss Campbell. On account of the illness of the Arkansas City teachers and absence of others, the fourth, fifth, and six topics were not discussed. Business was attended to and after voting to have an afternoon session the association adjourned for dinner. As most of the teachers in attendance left on the afternoon train, the meeting after dinner was of little importance. It was voted to have the next meeting at Winfield. Messrs. Wood and Inskeep of the Winfield Commercial College were at the meeting. The Arkansas City teachers rather give the city away by rising when called on and begged to be excused from duty on account of having the chills. Prof. Barnes and wife attended the meeting of the association. Mr. Barnes came as a representative of the Winfield Tribune. It was quite a disappointment to all that Rev. Harper was unable to fill his engagement for Friday evening. A severe cold prevented his coming. The high school is still flourishing in spite of the disadvantages the teachers labor under on account of Prof. Bryan’s absence. New pupils are coming in every week. The janitor evidently needs a few lessons in the art of heating a school room, part of the time the room is at the freezing point, and at other times is too warm to be comfortable. Several pupils have contracted severe colds from this carelessness. The pupils desire to return their sincere thanks to the persons who have given so liberally toward an instrument; $16 is the sum now on hand. In two weeks the high school expects to move to its new quarters. LUDO.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885. [After Election Results Came In.]
The Love Feast. At eleven o’clock the crowd, music and all, were banqueted at the Brettun by Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. The spread was immense, embracing oysters and a full supper. Several hundred enjoyed the feast. The large Brettun dining room was chock full, and after the banquet, Senator Hackney called order and toasts began.
“The health of Capt. Nipp,” was responded to by Capt. Tansey; of Smock, by Prof. Limerick; of Soward, by Capt. Siverd; of Wells, by J. E. Conklin; of Haight, by G. H. Buckman—all good subjects and eulogized fittingly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.

The reporter dropped into our Normal and Commercial school Thursday. We found everything conducted on a high order. The attendance was much larger than we had any idea. The rooms are very pleasant and commodious, situated on south Main, over the Blue Front. The Normal department is conducted by Prof. Wood, a gentleman of high attainments as an educator, having spent many years in the school room. The Commercial department is conducted by Prof. Inskeep, who is a graduate of the best Commercial school of the country. The walls of their rooms are adorned with works of fancy penmanship, which alone show the Professor’s skill as a penman. Mrs. A. H. Limerick and H. A. Owen also assist in the lower grades, and soon, if the school increases as it has in the last few weeks, the corps of teachers will have to be increased. We see no reason why anyone should go away to secure a thorough course in bookkeeping or penmanship when we have such an institution in our midst. Though this school has been running but a few months, the large and rapid increase from the very start shows the excellent work done and the appreciation in which it is held by the public at large. New pupils are arriving every week, not only from our own county and city but from afar. The fact of the matter is, a pupil can attend this college at about half the cost of going off, and secure as thorough a course in any of the branches from a commercial course down to the common English branches as can be secured in any college at a distance. Profs. Wood and Inskeep deserve great credit in their perseverance to build up such an institution in this city. It is not only a credit to our city but to our county also. This Normal is of especial importance to young ladies and gentlemen that desire to teach. Special training is given them in this direction in the Normal department. Also the young men or ladies who wish to become thorough bookkeepers, the commercial department offers them special advantages. Prof. Wood and Inskeep inform us that they are here to stay. They have invested here and are two of us.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
A. H. Limerick, Dr. Green, J. E. Snow, and J. F. McMullen left for Lawrence last evening on the S. K. to attend the Grand Legion of the A. O. U. W.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
J. F. McMullen, Judge Snow, Dr. Green, and Prof. Limerick got home Thursday from the annual session of The Grand Legion of Select Knights, A. O. U. W., held in Lawrence Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The meeting, presided over till the installation of new officers, by Grand Commander McMullen, was one of great interest. The attendance was large, of the best men of the state. The reports showed a splendid growth of the order in the past year, the finances in good condition, and general prospects very flattering. Lawrence tendered the Legion a royal reception. The officers for the coming year are: J. A. Montgomery, of Lawrence, Grand Commander; H. J. Rodman, of Atchison, G. V. C.; F. C. Frederick, of Topeka, G. L. C.; F. Steen, of Ft. Scott, G. M.; E. M. Ford, of Emporia, G. R.; C. F. Canten, of Waterville, G. T.; W. S. Cassell, of Parsons, G. S. B.; C. F. Chase, Topeka, G. S. W.; A. H. McCleary, Parsons, G. G.; D. Kennedy, Lawrence, G. J. W.; Dr. J. B. Hibben, Topeka, G. M. E.; J. F. McMullen, Winfield; C. F. Smolt, Nickerson; and H. E. Cowdry, Topeka; representatives to the Supreme Legion to be held at St. Paul in August, 1887. Cowley Legion, Number 16, stands high in the Grand Legion, with a representation whose labors were honored and effective.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The Teachers’ Social. Friday evening was the occasion of a very enjoyable time at the rooms of the Normal College. Some fifty teachers, as well as visitors, gathered to have a jolly time. The teachers from Howard were there and everything went off as merry as a marriage bell. Prof. Limerick acted as presiding officer. After spending some time getting acquainted and having a good social time, Prof. Finfrock gave a humorous recitation entitled “Darius Green and his flying machine,” which was excellent. Prof. Rice followed in a short and pointed address. Rev. Kelly made a timely and short speech full of pith and humor. Prof. Landes, principal of the Howard schools, made a few remarks, excusing himself from saying more on account of fatigue. C. M. Leavitt, formerly one of Cowley’s teachers, addressed the meeting, after which the social adjourned. All seemed to enjoy themselves and went away feeling as though they had spent a very pleasant evening. Such occasions bring our teachers into closer acquaintance and is a source of benefit to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

The Cowley County Teachers’ Association met in Normal Hall Saturday with about fifty teachers in attendance. The minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary and adopted by the assembly. Prof. Gridley opened by an able paper on “What are the secrets of success in school government?” He first showed that good government must be secured, and after suggesting several other methods, concluded by saying that the way “to govern was to govern.” Profs. Rice, Wood, and Finfrock, and Miss Miller discussed the question and agreed with Prof. Gridley. Charles Wing opened the question, “Should a knowledge of vocal music be a qualification of a common school teacher?” He took the negative side and made a neat speech, but his argument was annihilated by Messrs. Rice, Funk, McClellan, and Misses Campbell and Stretch, all of whom were in the affirmative. The question, “What preparation should a teacher have for his work?” was opened by Prof. Moore, who claimed that it was impossible to be too well prepared. Professor Rice divided the preparation into physical, educational, and moral, and made a neat speech on the first two divisions, but declined to speak on the third. Prof. Gridley thought the question referred to what special preparation a teacher should make, and thought he should make as much as possible. Prof. Limerick held that a teacher should be well posted on current events of political or other topics, and was warmly seconded in his statements. This led to a reference to the Servia-Bulgarian war, and Prof. Gridley asked Prof Moore to give a synopsis of that event, which he did in very good shape. The moral preparation of a teacher will be made a question for the next meeting. The association then adjourned for dinner, the teachers all being entertained by the hospitable people of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows. [Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.] Judge T. H. Soward then came forward with figures, taken directly from the official records of the county, that will knock the winds out of the “burdensome taxation” growler, should he attempt to display himself. They are conclusive evidence that the voting of bonds to secure this railroad is not a burden. The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. Committees were appointed as follows to see that this matter is properly worked up. Winfield: Capt. Nipp, J. E. Conklin, D. L. Kretsinger, C. Schmidt, Col. Whiting, J. A. Eaton, and A. H. Doane. Walnut: J. B. Corson, J. P. Short, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and W. D. Roberts. Fairview: M. C. Headrick, J. C. Paige, A. H. Limerick, J. W. Douglas, and T. S. Covert. Rock: G. L. Gale, G. H. Williams, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilber, J. M. Harcourt, S. P. Strong, J. B. Holmes, and John Stalter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Supt. A. H. Limerick was visiting the Bethel school lately, and made the children a nice little speech, which seemed to please them very much.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Prof. Rice, Prof. Limerick, and Miss Bertha Wallis left Monday for Topeka to attend the annual meeting of the State Teachers Association, which convenes Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Prof. Gridley and Misses Fannie and Louie Stretch went up Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Prof. Limerick, Prof. Wood, Misses Fannie and Louie Stretch, and Miss Mary Berkey returned Friday from the State Teacher’s Association at Topeka. They report it the grandest meeting in the history of the State—as big a State Association as ever assembled in any state. There were 850 teachers there, from every quarter of the state. Cowley took the cake, with her ten representatives, considering the distance. Representative hall of the capital was jammed, gallery and all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

Monday evening was the occasion of a very enjoyable time at the Post, it being the installation of the new officers elect. The boys have a very roomy and well furnished Post room and well fitted for entertaining a crowd. The Woman’s Relief Corps was out in full strength and quite a number of visitors. Everybody was sociable and jolly and the reporter felt just like a school boy on holiday. We like to mingle in such a crowd. We feel better for days afterward. After the installation the ladies of the Relief Corps slyly brought out some mysterious looking packages and soon revealed a feast that every old “vet,” including the reporter, began to grin about and never let up until they reached home and had to send for the doctor. Cakes, oranges, candy, apples, and everything good was passed around in abundance. The reporter and John Arrowsmith were on the sick list and looked as blue as indigo because they couldn’t eat anything. Dr. Wells’ friends watched him closely and whenever the bald place on his head began to turn blue, they pounded him on the back, and took away his dish. Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp were cautioned by their friends several times to eat slower, but you might as well have told them, during the war, to fight slower. They are excusable as they confidently told the reporter they had been expecting this and had fasted since the day before. Earnest Reynolds never grunted after the cake began to go around. He looked down at the floor and lost no time. It is estimated that the Post lost $4.67 by his presence. As for Siverd, words will not express his troubles. Three times was he choked on an orange. His friends are very much worried about him, as he has been troubled for years with dyspepsia. After the feast it was noticed that the Captain’s pockets stuck out like an air balloon, and it is thought he is injured internally. Space will not allow us to speak of the other boys. They all did justice to everything. Their gastronomical propensities worked like a charm. The following were the officers installed: A. B. Limerick, Post Commander; J. E. Snow, S. V. P.; J. J. Carson, J. V. P.; T. H. Soward, Q. M.; H. L. Wells, Surgeon; H. H. Siverd, O. B.; J. H. Snyder, C.; C. L. McRoberts, O. G.; Lewis Conrad, A.; D. C. Beach, S. M. The following are the officers of the Woman’s Relief Corps: Mrs. Elma Dalton, P.; Mrs. Julia Caton, S. V. P.; Mrs. H. L. Wells, J. V. P.; Mrs. Dr. Pickens, Treasurer; Mrs. D. C. Beach, Secretary; Mrs. Lewis Conrad, C.; Mrs. A. J. Thompson, C.; Mrs. C. Trump, G. The installation ceremonies were beautiful. We don’t believe there is any city in Kansas that can boast of a better Post than Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Cowley County Teachers’ Association met in regular monthly session in the Central Ward school building Saturday last, with a good attendance from all over the county.

Prof. Rice led out with an excellent paper on “How shall we accomplish the moral and spiritual education of our pupils?” His paper was admirable and will be published. “Should stenography be taught in the public schools” was papered by P. H. Finfrock, who took the negative on the grounds that our schools were already too crowded. Prof. Finfrock is an eclectic short-hand writer and gave some interesting facts in regard to the science. W. B. Holland and other stenographers next took the floor and boldly asserted that stenography should be made universal, and that the best means to accomplish this would be to introduce it through the public schools. He showed that our present alphabet is very complex, requiring, on an average, four and one-half movements to make each letter. He very pointedly asked why it was necessary to make the letter “m” as it is made, requiring seven movements, when a simple dash (-) would do as well. He claimed that, in order to be faster, a short-hand system would have to be easier learned than long-hand. F. E. Haughey next took the floor and took the negative side, giving as his reasons that our schools were already too incompetent and that not one person in ten could make successful reporters. Mr. Holland replied by stating that he (Mr. Holland) had spent fifteen years writing long-hand before he was able to write a very poor hand at the rate of thirty words per minute, while one month’s desultory practice in eclectic stenography gave him a speed of sixty words per minute. Prof. Wood also thought that we should make improvements in writing as in everything else and Prof. Limerick thought that stenography would make itself universal. Miss Campbell, an old reporter, also made some remarks showing the difficulties of the Pitman system. Prof. I. N. Inskeep met with very serious trouble in organizing the teachers into a class for a model lesson in percentage, and Prof. Rice would occasionally surround him by saying he had forgotten some point which had been especially impressed on his memory. Prof. Inskeep said he would use analysis in teaching percentage, and he gave the teachers several good points. Prof. Limerick read a very exhaustive paper on the advantages of the township or county system over the district system. He set forth as some of the difficulties met with in district systems that would be obviated by a county system: short term, low wages, having to wait for pay after it was earned, railroads only paying taxes to districts through which they pass. He read reports from state superintendents of Wisconsin, Iowa, California, and Indiana, and was very bitter in denunciation of our district system, and we think his remarks made a decided impression on most of our teachers. Mr. Haughey gave a synopsis of the Iowa system, and Prof. Wood did Indiana the same honor. “What are the best methods of teaching the effects of stimulants and narcotics” was answered by R. B. Corson, who said “teach all the bad physiological effects, and keep repeating them.” Miss Kelly thought that good results would follow teaching of the financial effects. There were over forty teachers in attendance and usual interest was manifested. The next meeting will be held at Cambridge, February 20th, and a Friday night program will be prepared. Teachers can go from Winfield on the Friday afternoon passenger and come back Saturday night on the freight train. Accommodations will be furnished all teachers free of charge. We append the program for next meeting. 1. Methods of teaching history. H. F. Alberts, R. B. Moore, and Miss Williams. 2. The extent and purpose of a language course in common schools. Miss Ella Kelly, P. H. Finfrock, and S. J. Shively. 3. How should Geography of U. S. be taught? H. G. Norton and Miss Maud Pearson. 4. How shall a teacher proceed to classify an ungraded school on the first day? Miss Dickey. 5. Exercises in pronunciation. Prof. Rice and Miss Campbell. 6. The importance of voice culture to good reading. W. H. Finfrock and H. A. Owen. 7. Methods of teaching spelling. R. B. Corson and Mrs. Limerick. 8. Best methods of teaching penmanship. D. W. Ramage, W. H. Lucas, and I. N. Inskeep.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
At its last meeting the Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., passed the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, By a dispensation of Divine Providence, our esteemed sister, Mrs. Geo. Sanderson, has been taken from our number here to the Grand Lodge above. Therefore, be it Resolved, That in the life of our deceased sister, we recognize an exemplary Christian character, a devoted wife and mother, always to be found where her advice could best direct, or helping hand forward a good work. Resolved, That we condole with the family of her who lived to gladden their hearts, then “Like a little drooping, she bowed her head and died.” We commend them for consolation to Him who rules all that is done for our good. Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be furnished the city papers.
Mrs. S. G. Gary, Mrs. F. H. Bull, Mrs. A. H. Limerick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
S. W. Phenix, of Richland, and County Superintendent Limerick went up to Topeka Monday to circulate among the Legislative Solons.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Webster Literary Society met at Normal hall Thursday evening. This society is composed of the students of the Commercial college only. The subject for discussion was “Resolved, that a person can gain more information by reading than by observation.” It was decided in favor of the negative. The present enrollment of the school is 98. Mrs. A. H. Limerick resigned her position as principal of the preparatory department Friday. Miss Emma Howland was chosen to fill the vacancy. This Commercial College and Normal School is one of our most creditable institutions. Its attendance is very encouraging and speaks splendidly for the conductors, Profs. Wood & Inskeep. The students are from all over the county and many from surrounding counties.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

The twelfth monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers Association was held at Cambridge Friday and Saturday. Through the kindness of W. T. Hardy, of the Commercial College of this city, we are enabled to give the proceedings. Friday evening the teachers of Cambridge schools met the visiting teachers at the train and elsewhere, and taking them to the Cambridge House, astonished their appetite by a big oyster supper, which all enjoyed as only a hungry pedagogue and a hungry Methodist preacher can. After the supper the teachers and friends wended their way to the school building, filling the house to overflowing, when Prof. Wood, of the Commercial College, called the Association to order and a song of greeting was sung by the Cambridge school which was excellent, after which Prof. Albert, of Cambridge, delivered an address on “How to teach U. S. History,” which was full of good points. “Never say Fail,” was rendered by the choir, after which Prof. Limerick, county superintendent, was called upon by the association and made some very healthy remarks to the teachers as to their power and possibility of doing wonders in the school room. His remarks were highly appreciated and of much instruction to the teachers. After some little time devoted in social chat, the association adjourned to meet in the morning at 9 a.m.
Saturday’s Session. The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m., and the Association sang a few songs, after which Prof. Rice asked the divine blessing. Miss Holland was appointed secretary pro tem and read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted. Prof. Albert delivered a lecture on U. S. History. Profs. Limerick and Rice gave an interesting talk on extent and purposes of language lessons in common schools, which proved of great interest to all. Now the teachers were told to stop by the hospitable citizens of Cambridge and two long tables were spread clear across the school room and all invited to come right up to the board and help themselves. Everything good to eat was there and all did ample justice. After dinner Miss Dickie, of the Winfield public schools, read an interesting article on “How shall a teacher in a country school classify her pupils?” Mrs. Weaverling, of Cambridge, followed in a discussion of the same. This brought Messrs. Norton, Lucas, Limerick, and Haughey into the discussion, which waxed lively for a little while. Prof. Rice then talked upon “Exercises in Pronunciation,” illustrated by practical examples. H. G. Norton followed in “How should the geography of the U. S. be taught?” Mr. Norton discussed this matter in an able manner, assisted by several of the other teachers. Prof. Rice gave an interesting talk on “Importance of Voice Culture in Teaching.” Mr. Bradshaw and others discussed the best methods in teaching spelling, which brought out some good points, and was participated in by quite a number. The best method in teaching penmanship was fully discussed by Messrs. Lucas, Ramage, and Inskeep. A vote of thanks was extended to the citizens of Cambridge and vicinity for the kind and courteous treatment received from them. There were thirty teachers present. The next meeting will be held at Winfield March 20th, which will be the last meeting of the year.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Sid Cure, Prof. Limerick, A. B. Arment, G. H. McIntire, P. P. Powell, of Winfield; H. C. McDorman, Joe Church, James Nicholson, Boone Daniels, of Dexter, got home Thursday from the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita. J. E. Snow, the ladies’ man of our delegation, was detained to deliver the inaugural address, tonight, of the Woman’s Relief Corps. Our “boys” are enthusiastic over the success of this annual encampment, pronouncing it the heartiest meeting ever held in the State. There were a thousand or fifteen hundred old soldiers present, and a rousing commingling that renewed the old time warmth. The Grand officers were elected as follows: Department commander, C. J. McDivitt, of Abilene; Senior vice-department commander, T. H. Soward, of Winfield; Junior vice-commander, J. D. Baker, of Girard; Chaplain, Allen G. Buckner. Especially enthusiastic is our delegation over the glory of “our Tom.” Judge Soward, elected to the next highest position in the department of Kansas, captivated the whole encampment by his eloquent speeches. He was frequently called out, making a speech last night, which, though impromptu, our fellows declare the finest effort they had ever known Judge to make. The election of Judge Soward to vice-commander is an honor worthily bestowed, and one which Winfield fully appreciates.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Miss Winnie Limerick entertained very charmingly a happy party of her young friends Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Prof. Limerick, our present county Superintendent, elected by the people, is another one of our county officers who is guilty of prostituting his office and pandering to the corruption ring at Winfield. He was over in Spring Creek working like a Turk for the Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter-and-any-way-to-suit-the-crowd railroad. When a public officer works for the benefit of one community to the detriment of the other, then it is about time they were relegated to private life. The REPUBLICAN never entered a protest against a man, as long as he was not a county officer, working tooth-and-toe-nail for Winfield. But when the people of this end of the county aid in raising men from obscurity to affluence, they do not desire to be kicked and trod upon. The voters in this vicinity are human and will resent any such thrust as either Limerick or Smock has made at them in this late “little bit of pleasantry,” when an opportunity presents itself at the polls.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
County Superintendent Limerick took the S. K. Monday eve to spend a few days visiting the schools in eastern Cowley. The spring terms are beginning to close and soon the pent up urchin will again ply his marbles, his fish pole, with the best of fun of all, swimming, soon at hand, with joy and freedom that fills his heart with joy and his frame with spring and summer disfigurement. The schools of the county have been very prosperous this winter and close with fine records. Prof. Limerick will give our readers a few interesting county school statistics shortly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.

The thirteenth monthly session of the Teachers’ Association met in the Central school building Saturday with an attendance of sixty. The first topic, “How to question?” was opened by Prof. J. A. Wood with a first-class address, showing the importance of correct questioning and giving examples of the opposite kind. He stated that a teacher should know his subject, be a close observer of human nature, and know the objects of questioning: which were to test the pupils’ knowledge, to start them to thinking, and to instruct, always being careful to proceed from the known to the unknown. Questions must be short, clear, and of a form that will bring out a full answer. A correct question will use few words and will elicit many words from the answering pupil. Prof. Rice asked how to study human nature, and Prof. Wood replied that there were three ways: to “know thyself,” to study mental science, and to study the pupils. “What is the new education?” was fully answered by Prof. Weir, of Arkansas City, with a paper, rich in historical facts and tracing the history of education and comparing the “old” with the “new” to the great detriment of the former. The new education teaches a child to know itself and its neighbors, and fits it for society by educating all its faculties equally. The new system requires of the teacher acquaintance with the children and in immense store of learning. Teachers are born and not made by expensive experiment or costly material. Under the old dispensation the child was forced to fit the mold; under the new, the garment is cut to suit the material in hand. Prof. Rice said that we teach too much and instruct too little. Prof. Gridley read a paper on “how to induce pupils to think,” showing that in order to accomplish this, all conditions must be favorable. The temperature of the room should be something above freezing and the health of the pupils should be good. Exercise is the key-note and Prof. Gridley suggested several examples. A model class of a dozen bright little boys and girls about eight years old, was called in and were taken through the intricacies of a lesson in fractions by their instructor, Miss Fannie Stretch, which not only showed the capability of the pupils and efficiency of the teacher, but was highly interesting and beneficial to the assembled teachers. “Little things in the school room,” was prepared by Miss Gibson, showing that some little things were of large dimensions and should be carefully watched. Miss Young held that cleanliness should be enforced, and care exercised in regard to etiquette, such as wearing hat in house, picking up articles dropped by girls, etc. The sharpening of pencils, cleaning of slates, and arrangements of books should also be noticed. Considerable interest was manifested about the topic, “Author Study.” Miss Flo Campbell opened the discussion stating that it is by law unprovided for and advising teachers to introduce it, sprinkling it all the way through. Various suggestions as to its introduction were made by Messrs. Limerick, McClelland, Rice, and Holland. “Retrospective view of the work of the Association for the past year, and plans for the next year,” was called; and W. H. Lucas made quite a humorous address, showing some of the faults of the past year, and making good suggestions for the future. This was the last, best attended, and most interesting meeting of the year. One peculiar phase of these meetings is the cheering, which is conspicuous by its absence. Several of the addresses and papers contained genuine humor interspersed with hints that would do credit to anyone; but no cheering and very little laughter was perceivable. One would believe that the scene of humor was left out of the faculties of the pedagogue, but nothing could be more erroneous. They appreciate humor, but do not see fit to make any demonstrations. The officers for the coming year, as elected Saturday, are: W. N. Rice, president; W. H. Lucas, vice president; Miss Mattie Gibson, secretary; Miss Lizzie Wilson, treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Professor A. H. Limerick, our county school superintendent, is in town visiting the schools.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Miss Ella Kelly, our new county superintendent, has entered upon her duties. Prof. A. H. Limerick is the retiring official.
Arkansas City Republican, March 26, 1887.
The headquarters of the department of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, has been established over J. S. Mann’s store, where a suit of rooms have been handsomely fitted up for the purpose and here T. H. Soward, department commander, and A. H. Limerick, A. A. G., can be found at any time from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. They will be glad to see the G. A. R. boys at any time. Winfield Courier.
Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1891.

Winfield Chautauqua Assembly, Fifth Annual Session. Island Park - Winfield, June 23 to July 3, inclusive. Officers. J. C. Fuller, President; P. H. Albright, Treasurer; A. H. Limerick, Secretary. Executive Committee: J. E. Conklin, Rev. J. C. Miller, A. B. Arment, M. E. Phillips, Rev. B. T. Vincent, D. D., Superintendent of Instruction.
Daily Calamity Howler, Thursday, October 1, 1891.
Dexter Item. Prof. Limerick returned Sunday from his visit to Ohio and commenced his school Monday morning.
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 17, 1891.
A. H. Limerick is over from Dexter, in the interest of his paper, the Western Reveille. Mr. Limerick is principal of the Dexter schools and reports the work in good condition.
Prof. Limerick dismissed school last Thursday, so that all who wished might attend the reunion at Arkansas City.