Lippman Family


Leon Lippman.
[Note: I really think that the last name was spelled “Lippmann,” but as time went on it appears that almost all of the newspapers used the word “Lippman.” MAW]

Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Leon Lippman 29 m w France   Illinois
E. H. Lippman 30 f w Illinois Illinois
Franklin? Lippman 11 m w Illinois Illinois
E. Lippman 7 m w Illinois Illinois
E. Lippman 5 m w Illinois Illinois
E. Lippman 3 f w Kansas
E. Lippman 4m f w Kansas
Silverdale Township, 1879: L. Lippman, 35; Mrs. Lippman. P. O. Address: Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 27, 1873.
DEXTER, KS., March 22, 1873. The people of this township met at this place this afternoon and nominated the following persons to fill the various township offices at the spring election. For Trustee, John A. Asbury; For Treasurer, Oliver P. Darst; For Clerk, Davis A. Merydith; For Justices of the Peace, Thomas R. Bryan and Leon Lippman; For Constables, Wm. E. Rice, Reuben H. Gates. For Road Overseers, 1st district, John D. Maurer; 2nd district, N. P. Rider; 3rd district, Isaac D. Rice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners. On canvassing the votes, the following township officers were declared elected. DEXTER: Trustee, J. A. Asbury; Treasurer, O. P. Darst; Justices of the Peace, T. R. Bryan and L. Lippman; Clerk, D. H. Merydith; Constables, W. E. Rice and R. Gates; Road Overseer District No. 1, L. Bullington; No. 2, N. P. Rider, No. 3, I. D. Rice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
Last week we accidentally omitted the announcement of Mr. Lippman of Grouse Creek. We hope, however, that the delay will work him no injury. Mr. Lippman is a farmer, a Republican, and an honest man, and should he receive the support of the Republi­cans, will make Cowley County an able and energetic Sheriff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Howard County Records. We learn from Mr. Lippman of Dexter that the stolen records of Howard County were secreted during the county seat trouble, in a ravine three miles from Dexter in this county. They were kept concealed in three wagons under the guardianship of a young lawyer of the town of Boston, who with the others of his party pretended to be hunting claims until word was sent from Boston that the difficulty had been settled and for the books to be returned, when they informed one of the citizens of Dexter what they had in their wagons. The citizens of that town say that if they had only known what those wagons contained in time, they would have captured the books and proclaimed Dexter the county seat of Howard County.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
In another column will be found the advertisement of Leon Lippman’s saw and grist mill, situated upon the Grouse Creek in this county. He has any quantity of lumber which he offers cheap. His mill is in good running order and grists will be ground on short notice. Mr. Lippman is a reliable businessman, and one who can be depended upon.
SAW AND GRIST MILL! GOOD LUMBER AT FAIR PRICES AT L. LIPPMAN’S MILL, ON GROUSE CREEK. All bills filled promptly and any kind of good stock taken at market price. Price of Lumber. Soft lumber $21.50 per thousand, when taken by the thousand. Oak $2.25 under 14 feet. Walnut $2.75 to $3.50. Grists ground at any time and good meal insured.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate.
Leon Lippman and wife to Miles W. Hart, sw ¼ of se ¼ of sec 31 tp 32 S 7. $407.
Isaac Smith and wife to Joseph H. Reynolds and Leon Lippman n w qr. of n w qr. sec 18 tp. 33 s r 7 e $300.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
The sealed bids to build sidewalks were opened and read. Mr. L. Lippman having the lowest bid, the contract was awarded to him. On motion the committee on sidewalks were empowered to contract with Mr. Lippman to build such sidewalks as are neces­sary to be built.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
The committee on sidewalks reported they had contracted with L. Lippman to build the sidewalks required to be built.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
The balance of Lippman’s bill as referred to the finance committee was presented, and reported favorably thereon, and allowed $75.60.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
L. Lippman presented a bill of $20.63 for building side­walks, which was referred to finance committee and reported unfavorably on.
The bill was rejected on account of its not being signed by Mr. Lippman.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the March term, A. D., 1875, of the District Court of Cowley County, to be holden on and from the 22nd day, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.

State of Kansas versus— L. Lippman.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
Disposition of cases in the District Court up to Wednesday night.
State of Kansas Versus—   L. Lippman, acquitted.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.

For about a year past there have been spiritual meetings held by Major F. Strout, formerly from Gridley, Illinois, at the houses of Esq. Butterfield and a Mr. Adams, living on Grouse Creek, near Silver Dale, and claimed to have very strange and mysterious demonstrations in the way of “Materialized Spirits,” appearing in life-like form, and conversing with friends on earth. A number of persons in that vicinity have frequently been invited. Fifteen attended their meetings and conversed and joined hands with the materialized forms of their departed friends, and for those who could believe all they saw, it was a grand entertainment, and made lasting impressions on their minds by being honored by the returning spirits of departed friends. But there were some in the neighborhood who were slow to believe all they saw; consequently, it was talked up by a few to put it to the test—to prove it to be a fraud or true. So on the night of the 14th inst., there were quite a number invited to attend a meeting at Esq. Butterfield’s, among whom were Messrs. Lippman, Blendin and brother, Allison and lady, Harlow, Hilton, Darnall, and myself, and several others besides their own circle. We went prepared with lamp and plenty of matches, and with an understanding that when the signal was given that we make a rush. When the medium, Mr. Strout, was put under control of the spir­its, there was considerable discussion as to the propriety of so large an audience, as it was feared they would not be able to produce satisfactory result; but at length all were admitted, and seated by Esq. Butterfield, who gave a brief lecture as to how we should conform to certain rules and laws during the exercise, in order that satisfactory results might be produced. Then it was voted that I should witness the tying of the medium in an adjoining room, with a curtain hung over the door. After he was securely tied in his seat by Mr. Butterfield, the curtain dropped, and the music commenced. In about three minutes something commenced poking at the curtain and calling through a French harp to lower the lights, which was in the main room in rear of the audience, and also doubly curtained. At first the spirits seemed very shy, but as one and another scene seemed to produce the desired effect, and was undisturbed, they became more bold, and showed some wonderful scenes, provided the same were Heavenly spirits and the medium still bound in his seat. But that was the question we wished to solve. So at about the usual time, the controlling spirit called for a quick step by the musicians, and there would be an Indian spirit in material form come forward and dance the war dance, which was done to the satisfaction of the audience, he coming forth dancing and waving his war club, letting the curtain drop behind him, and coming out in the main room among the audience. At this moment the signal was given and there was a grand charge for the spirit, which did not vanish into the ethereal regions, but fought manfully with his club and pulled hair. There was hurrying to and fro, upsetting seats, lighting matches and lamps, women screaming, and cries of don’t kill the medium, etc. When the room was sufficiently lighted, I saw some of the boys kindly caressing the stranger from the happy hunting ground, but it turned out to be the materialized form of Major F. Strout, instead of the Indian dancer. On the opposite side of the room, I saw another person lopping against the wall. It was Butterfield and it seemed as though some fellow was feeling his coat collar. If there were any spirits or angels hovering around there that night to behold the exposure of the fraud, I am quite sure they turned away in disgust when they heard the benediction pronounced on the head of Strout by those who had grasped his clammy hand instead of (as  they supposed) a father, mother, sister, or brother, who had long before departed. In the closet overhead was found left open a board in the ceiling, that slipped in its place very readily, and there is where he kept his spiritual trimmings. J. G. TITUS.
April 20th, 1875.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
Leon Lippman is able to be around again.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
The next heat was for Sheriff, for which there were five entries, to-wit: Hoffmaster, Deming, Lippman, Shenneman, and R. L. Walker. Walker’s name was withdrawn and Shenneman declined in favor of Deming. The last ballot resulted in favor of Hoffmaster.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
AT L. LIPPMAN’S MILL On Grouse Creek.
All bills or orders left at S. P. Channell & Co.’s filled as promptly as the weather will permit, and any kind of good stock taken at market prices.
PRICES OF LUMBER LOWERED TO SUIT THE TIMES! Soft Lumber, $14.50 per thousand, when taken by the thousand; Oak, $2.25, under fourteen feet; Walnut $.50 to $3.25. Grists Ground At Any Time. And good meal insured.
Steam saw mills are located on Grouse Creek as follows: Sherman’s, six miles above Lazette; Ward & Smiley, two miles below Lazette; French & Stalter, three miles further down; Lippman’s, ten miles below Dexter, and Samuel Jay, at the mouth of Grouse. These with a steam saw mill, owned by W. H. Keiser, about four miles above Winfield on the Walnut, constitute the mills of the county at this date.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
L. LIPPMAN’S MILL HAS MOVED TO A LARGE BODY OF TIMBER, NEAR SILVERDALE, ON GROUSE CREEK, AND IS NOW PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS for Lumber Lumber of any dimensions. Soft Lumber $20, Hard Lumber $25 per thousand. Reduction made on large bills for Cash. WAGON AND HARROW LUMBER left on hand.
CORN BURRS connected with the Mill. P. O. address Silverdale, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.

The Republicans of Silver Dale Township selected for central committee the following gentlemen: L. Lippman, chairman; John Tipton, secretary; and William Herbert—all good, active men.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
The Republican Convention of the 89th Representative Dis­trict assembled at Dexter, May 24th, 1876, and organized by electing J. B. Callison, of Spring Creek Township, temporary chairman, and T. H. Aley, of Otter Township, temporary secretary.
On motion, the following committees were appointed: On credentials, L. Lippman, T. H. Aley, and James McDermott. On permanent organization, Jas. McDermott, James England, and A. A. Wiley.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
Leon Lippman, one of the straightest republicans of the 89th district, is in town.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The following delegates presented credentials and, on motion, were admitted to seats in the convention: E. C. Clay from Liberty, L. Lippman and Ben. French from Silverdale, and D. W. Willy from Cedar Township.
On motion the following named persons were selected, by acclamation, as delegates to the 3rd District Congressional convention: L. J. Webb, R. L. Walker, J. B. Evans, M. G. Troup, and E. C. Manning; and the following named as alternates: L. Lippman, J. W. Millspaugh, S. S. Moore, T. W. Moore, and A. B. Lemmon.
On motion the following named persons were elected as delegates to the 13th Judicial convention: W. B. Norman, T. R. Bryan, E. Shriver, S. M. Jarvis, Dan Maher, E. S. Torrance, and D. Elliott. Alternates: S. H. Aley, C. R. Mitchell, T. A. Wilkinson, S. S. Moore, L. Lippman, A. V. Polk, and A. B. Lemmon.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Leon Lippman and R. Maurer were chosen at the Dexter conven­tion last Friday to represent the south district of Cowley in the State convention.
At the convention held at Dexter last Friday by the Republi­cans of the 89th representative district, Leon Lippman and Roland Maurer were elected as delegates to the State convention. They are instructed for Hon. Jno. Guthrie for Governor.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.
Lippman’s mill is sending a great deal of lumber to Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
A basket meeting began last Saturday on Grouse Creek, near Lippman’s mill, under the direction of Rev. Brady, M. E. minister stationed at Dexter, and will be continued until next Sabbath. General invitation extended.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
The lumber for the new floor in the Arkansas Bridge is being delivered by Mr. L. Lippman. There is to be 14,000 of two inch elm lumber furnished at $27 per thousand feet. Payment to be made in Township orders.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876. Front Page.

Silverdale Not a Bolter.   FRIEND SCOTT: In a recent issue of the TRAVELER appeared an editorial in regard to the late Senatorial convention, making it appear that the delegates from Silverdale Township bolted with the other townships named, and withdrew from the convention. As I was one of the delegates, I deem it my right and my duty to deny the assertion. There were no grounds for saying that we of Silverdale bolted, save the fact that a gentleman, who had no right whatever to say so, said “Silverdale will have nothing to do with this convention,” and then withdrew. He did this before the properly elected delegates arrived, who were unavoidably detained. When they arrived, they presented their credentials, and were admitted into the convention, subsequently denying the statement presumptuously made by the self-constituted delegate from Silverdale—remaining in the convention to the end. They endorsed the nomination, and I now claim that the Republicans of Silverdale will sustain them at the polls. L. LIPPMAN. SILVERDALE, Sept. 5, 1876.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Township Conventions. SILVERDALE. Delegates to the County Convention, L. Lippman and Wm. Butterfield, and to the District Convention at Dexter, B. A. Davis and L. Lippman.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials being called submitted the following report: Your committee on credentials find that the following named gentlemen were duly elected as delegates to this convention, and all are entitled to seats therein.
Silverdale: L. Lippman, Wm. Butterfield.
The following named gentlemen were selected members of county central committee.
Silverdale: L. Lippman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876. Front Page.
A Reply to Mr. Lippman. FRIEND SCOTT: Mr. Lippman evidently takes it to heart because it was claimed Silverdale bolted at the late Senatorial convention. I wish to give him the honor of being a delegate, but deny that he was there in time to vote—and I care nothing for his twaddle, was not that he misrepresented the language I used. At the time of voting Silverdale was not represented, and I told the convention she was not, nor did she wish to be. He makes me say that she would have nothing to do with the convention, while in reality I said she wanted nothing to do with it; and at the vote next November you will see my statement verified. Now, friend Lippman, if you propose booming for this fellow, E. C. Manning, do it fairly and in the interests of your ring master, and you may possibly get to run for Sheriff. H. L. C. GILSTRAP.
P. S. Since writing the above, I am informed that you wrote your own credentials in Mr. Bliss’ store at Winfield. If so, you should be ashamed. H. L. C. G.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. “Personals” Page.
[From the Traveler, Sept. 13th.] CHALLENGE FOR CHARGES. We received from E. C. Manning, and by his request, publish the following notice: PUBLIC MEETING. “I will address the voters of Silverdale Township at Lippman’s Mill, Saturday evening, Sept. 23, 1876. At that time I respectfully challenge all persons who have aught to say against me to be present, and make their charges publicly, that I may answer them E. C. MANNING.”

Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
This time, “as usual,” Leon Lippman came up from Silverdale. His colleague was Esq. Butterfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
Mutual Friend Scott: Mr. Gilstrap in his answer to a communication from me to the TRAVELER, makes some assertions and some insinuations that I feel inclined to reply to. I do not care for his twaddle if he would not misrepresent me. He makes a very nice distinction about what he said at the convention and what I make him say. The differ­ence is certainly astounding to the many readers of the TRAVELER, that he said “she” [Silverdale, I cannot account for the gender,] “was not represented nor did she wish to be, and she wanted nothing to do with it,” and audaciously made him say, “she would not have anything to do with it.” If anyone can find any materi­al difference in the two asser­tions, they are in possession of a happy faculty for judging small matters. It seems to me, even in my blind adherence, that if Silverdale did not want to have anything to do with that convention, no power could make her, and as H. L. C. Gilstrap is not Silverdale Township, and the only one that I know of who asserted she wanted no hand in the matter, I presume to say he could not speak for a number of other citizens of this township who did; consequently, I am forced to think that  Friend Gilstrap attached too much importance to the reputation and influence of one H. L. C. Gilstrap. So much for this part of the communication.
Now, Friend Gilstrap, a word to you in regard to the imputa­tion you strive to cast, about my booming around for this felon, E. C. Manning. You say “do it fairly.” I defy you or any other narrow, prejudiced, and harping person to show otherwise, and I would advise you before impugning my motives, to scrutinize yours and see if you are not looking into a mirror that casts back your own shadow. As for the ring-master thrust, I am sorry your influence is of so little importance that you cannot supplant him, but it can be helped. Do you remember my answer when L. J. Webb was a candidate and you strove to have me vote according to the dictates of your prejudice, by telling me at the polls that if I voted for him, you never would support me for sheriff? Do you remember that? Well, I am just as independent now as I was then, and if at the proper time I make up my mind to run for sheriff, I will have to be fully satisfied that my course and actions are condemned by better friends and truer republicans than you are, before I will be driven off the track. L. LIPPMAN.

P. S. Since writing the above, I have been informed that I was secretary of the meeting that elected me as a delegate and failed to write my credentials until I reached Winfield, and wrote them in C. A. Bliss’ store and that C. A. Bliss was a witness to the shameful sight. And now that I am pushed so close, I feel an open confession would be a relief, so I will acknowledge that at the primary held in our township on the 9th of this month for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention and to the representative convention, the occasion upon which you promised to see that “that fellow Lippman would not have the opportunity to misrepresent Silverdale Township again,” having assured those gentlemen who did not wish to see me a delegate, that you would be there and all would be right. The result I hope you have not forgotten, but as secretary to that meeting, I was compelled to write out credentials in favor of my master’s servant and did not do it until the day of the conven­tion, in Ed. Bedilion’s office; and still I rear my head in effrontery and do not feel ashamed of my act, but I am inclined to think that there is ample ground that somebody should feel ashamed.
In conclusion, friend Gilstrap, let me say this to you in that spirit of kindness that ever characterizes my actions, don’t cast too many insinuations, don’t slur those that cannot in their ignorance see wisely like you, and of all things don’t make so many statements that will have to be verified at a future time; and in all probability, there will be no cause for you and I to see who can say the meanest things. Boomingly, L. LIPPMAN.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Read the appointments of the Republican nominees in this county. They will speak at the places and times appointed. The township Republican committees will please make the necessary arrangements and secure as large a turnout as possible in their respective townships.
Silverdale, Tues., Oct. 31st, at Lippman’s mill, at 7 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
At a meeting of the citizens of Silverdale Township, without regard to party, the following action was taken. The meeting was organized by L. Lippman being called to the chair, and Mr. Anderson, Secretary. Upon motion, it was voted that the selec­tion of trustees be made by ballot. B. A. Davis and Daniel Grant were then placed in nomination, the result being Mr. Davis received thirteen votes and Mr. Grant three. Mr. B. A. Davis was declared the nominee. The following officers were chosen by acclamation: S. Cattrell, Clerk; Wm. Estus, Treasurer; Justices, W. S. Coburn and D. Francisco; Constables, W. I. Gilman and H. L. C. Gilstrap. Road Overseers chosen as follows: 1st Dist., Mathias Hoyt; 2nd Dist., H. W. Chancey; 3rd Dist., J. B. Splawn; 4th Dist., Alonzo Butterfield; 5th Dist., J. P. Musselman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
CORN GRINDING AT LIPPMAN’S MILL goes on all the same during cold weather.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
A TURKEY SHOOTING MATCH is to take place on Saturday, Dec. 23rd, near Lippman’s mill on Grouse Creek. It will be the Saturday before Christmas, and gives all a chance for a turkey.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1876.
for Lumber of any dimensions. Soft Lumber $20, Hard Lumber $25 per thousand. Reduction made on large bills for Cash. WAGON AND HARROW LUMBER left on hand. CORN BURRS connected with the Mill. P. O. Address, Silverdale, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
L. LIPPMAN, the Grouse Valley Lumberman, was in town Wednes­day taking new orders for his busy mill.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
The lumber for the new Methodist church comes from Lippman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.

CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. Cornelius Perry vs. L. Lippman et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
LIPPMAN’s mill is now at work sawing lumber for Mr. Coombs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
THE SAW FRAME OF LIPPMAN’S MILL was lost in the river while crossing in a boat at Newman’s mill last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
NATIVE LUMBER. Wm. Coombs has secured the services of W. L. Lippman, late of Grouse Creek, who now has his saw mill in full blast on Mr. Coombs’ land northeast of town. Mr. Lippman is a thorough master of his business and all needing lumber will do well to see him. He expects to cut out a large amount of lumber during the summer, will keep on hand all kinds of sawed material, which he will sell at low rates. Go and see for yourselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
RECOVERED. The saw frame belonging to Lippman’s mill, sunk in the Walnut River by the capsizing of the boat, was fished out yesterday. It was lying 15 feet under water and was bedded 18 inches in mud.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
NINETEEN THOUSAND FEET OF LUMBER was sawn in four days and a half, last week, at Lippman’s mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
The announcement of Leon Lippman appears this week, declaring himself a candidate for Sheriff of Cowley County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Nominating Convention. Mr. Lippman is an old resident of this county, and has many friends who will be glad of an opportunity to vote for him. A few years ago he came within three votes of receiving the nomination.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Cowley County, subject to the decision of the Republi­can Nominating Convention, the action of which I expect to cheerfully abide by. LEON LIPPMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
L. Lippman has the contract for furnishing 24,000 feet of native lumber for the two Winfield bridges. They are to be completed in sixty or ninety days.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.

On last Saturday the delegates of the several townships, chosen to nominate officers for the Republican ticket, gathered together at Winfield. As considerable interest and strife was manifested among several of the candidates, the members of the convention met early to organize. After considerable dispute, the temporary organization was completed and Mr. Callison, of Spring Creek Township, chosen Chairman, Chas. Eagin, Secretary, with R. A. Houghton and L. J. Webb, tellers. Nominations being in order, Geo. Walker, Leon Lippman, A. T. Shenneman, and S. W. Chase were nominated for the office of Sheriff, and an informal ballot taken resulting in 21 for Lippman, 16 for Shenneman, 15 for Walker, and 4 for Chase. Fifty-two ballots were then taken in succession, with nearly the same result and without any delay further than remarks now and then by the friends of the several candidates and one hour for supper, lasting from one o’clock p.m. until eleven o’clock at night. By this time everyone was tired, weary, and disgusted, and expressed themselves bitterly against the men who seemed to endeavor to prevent a nomination by shunning a compromise, or listening to the advice of friends. Finally, one of the leaders of Mr. Walker’s party was overhead to say he was going to throw his votes for Lippman. Mr. Shenneman was made aware of the fact and ran in ahead and withdrew his name from the convention in favor of Mr. Lippman, who was unanimously declared the nominee.
Mr. Leon Lippman is a hard working, industrious mill man, and one of the best posted countrymen that can be found in the county. He is perfectly competent to fulfill the office of Sheriff and will pride himself in doing it well. He is well known throughout the county, has been here several years, and has the confidence of the different communities he comes from.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
ECONOMY. WM. SPEERS pays $20 for the saw dust from Lippman’s mill, and hauls it to his own mill for fuel.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
They made Lippman stand upon the table and make a speech when he was declared by the convention the nominee for sheriff.
[Note: The Courier Company came into being in August 1877 and the Winfield Courier was handled by D. A. Millington, James Kelly, and A. B. Lemmon. On September 20, 1877, Millington and Lemmon became the editors. They were not familiar with running a political campaign in the usual fashion in a newspaper. Also, the Democrat candidate, Harter, was a heavy advertiser in the paper. To make matters worse, their was a Democratic opposition newspaper, the Telegram, which backed Harter.]
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
On Saturday, September 22nd, the Republicans of Cowley County in a regularly called and organized convention, selected from the many good men in the party, the following gentlemen as candidates for county officers at the ensuing election. After an unusually warm contest Leon Lippman was nominated for Sheriff. Mr. Lippman is a native of France, of French parentage, and is 33 years old. He came to the United States when but eleven years of age; joined the Union army in 1862 and was honorably discharged from the same at its close in 1865, with all the rights of citizenship of the government. However, to avoid all imaginary objections, he presented his proofs at the last term of our district court, and was “naturalized” under the laws of the U. S., a proceeding entirely unnecessary. He has been a resident of Cowley since 1870, and a more temperate, honorable, and upright citizen does not live within this county, all the flings and covert insinuations of his enemies to the contrary notwithstanding. Mr. Lippman is a Republican, has always supported the nominees of the party by his voice and vote, and is now deserving of the straightforward and honest support of the entire party.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.

Leon Lippman, the Republican Candidate for Sheriff. As some slurs have been made against Mr. Lippman being a citizen of the United States, etc., we give place to the follow­ing taken from the Courier of Winfield. Mr. Leon Lippman is a native of France, of French parentage, and is 33 years old. He came to the United States when but eleven years of age; joined the Union army in 1862, and was honorably discharged from the same at its close in 1865, with all the rights of citizenship of the Government. However, to avoid all imaginary objections, he presented his proofs at the last term of our district court, and was “naturalized” under the laws of the U. S., a proceeding entirely unnecessary. He has been a resident of Cowley since 1870, and a more temperate, honorable, and upright citizen does not live within this county; all the flings and cover insinuations of his enemies in the country notwithstanding. Mr. Lippman is a Republican, has always supported the nominees of the party by his voice and vote, and is now deserving of the straightforward and honest support of the entire party.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
SHERIFF. Charley Harter, the Democratic nominee, is a good fellow, has no faults except such as are common to Democrats, and would possibly make a good sheriff, therefore it is to be expected that most of the straight unterrified Democrats will support him, but there is no good reason that any Republican or any Democrat who wants the best man elected should vote for him. The Republican nominee for Sheriff, Leon Lippman, was a candidate in the contest against two other Republicans, of acknowledged ability and fitness for the office, men that would have honored the party and the county had they or either of them been nominated and elected, yet the convention, composed of men of judgment and sagacity second to none in the county, selected Lippman against the others, thus giving him such an endorsement as few candidates ever get. Mr. Lippman is not a stranger in this county. He is one of the early settlers, an honest, thoroughly educated, energetic, courageous, hard-working man. He has demonstrated his fitness for the office in his whole course of life and business in our midst, has earned his popularity by earnest hard work, fair, honest dealing, and pleasant, affable intercourse with all his acquaintances, and if any man deserves the office, that man is Leon Lippman. The only fault we have ever heard mentioned against him are the facts that he was not born in this country, and that he took out naturalization papers at the term of court last spring. He was born in France because he could not help it, and the evidence we have that he would have helped it if he could, is that he migrated to this country at the age of eleven years, entered the Union army at the age of 18, and fought for our country during the war, receiving his honorable discharge three years later at the close of the war. Under the laws of the United States such service invests a foreign born man with all the rights and privileges of citizenship, hence in 1865, at the age of 21, Mr. Lippman was as fully and legally a citizen of the United States as any other person, and had no need to take out naturalization papers, but to avoid all cavil he took the trouble to take out his papers last spring just as he would have done in 1865 when he had reached his majority, had he not been already invested with citizenship by his discharge papers. No Republican, who desires the integrity of his party, no elector who has the interests of the county at heart, can afford to neglect to vote for Leon Lippman on the 6th day of November.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.

Charley Harter’s democratic friends have perpetrated rather a good joke on him. They intended it for a joke, but we understand he takes it in good earnest. They thought it would be a good thing to get Charley out of a store long enough to tan his face and soil his soft white hands. Had they intended to do him a favor they might have nominated him for county clerk, register of deeds, or some other office suited to his tastes. The idea of selecting a nice, ladies’ man like Charley for sheriff, is simply ludicrous. Would it not be fun to see him called out of bed at 12 o’clock of a cold winter night to chase a horse thief? How long would it take him to get up? On such occasions wouldn’t he give the boys who elected him blue blazes. Where would the horse thief be by the time Charley had put on two overcoats, drawn on his tight kid gloves, and over them a pair of buckskin gauntlets, warmed bricks, and put them in his stirrups to keep his feet from becoming cold, placed the sheepskin in his saddle to make his ride as easy as possible, tied a couple of handkerchiefs around his neck, and pulled a very broad-brimmed hat low down over his face to keep the moonshine from tanning him? Charley, take our advice and do not spend much money in this campaign. Quit rubbing your hands on the fork handle so much trying to harden them. You will only make blisters, not calloused spots. Stay in out of the sun and keep your hands and face smooth and white. The people may elect you to a nice indoor office, when they have one to spare. They would not think, for a moment, of subjecting you to the hardships incident to the sheriff’s office.
Lippman was a poor orphan boy. He has always been exposed to hardship and toil. The hard work of the office will not hurt him. Let him have it and you take care of yourself.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
The Republican candidate for Sheriff [Lippman] came to this county seven years ago, and has been one of the people, having followed farming for three years, and milling and farming for four years. His relation to the working class gives him better opportunities for serving the county than his opponent can have, who has been a clerk in a store for several years, and cannot sympathize with them as can Leon Lippman.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
TACTICS. Some of the leading supporters of Charley Harter are throwing out hints that a scheme is on foot that will beat Lippman and are offering to bet it will succeed. From other sources we have hints that some yarn against him has been fabricated and been sworn to by some unscrupulous scamp, which is to be published in the Telegram and in hand bills and circulated on the morning of the election, when it is too late to refute it. Such tactics have often been practiced by politicians in desperate straits, but are too contemptible to think of. Every sensible voter should know that nothing but lies are ever circulated in that way.
As we go to press we learn that the Telegram has been printed but is still withheld, though it is now two days behind its regular time of publication. This confirms the suspicion that it contains something that the COURIER would disprove if published before the COURIER goes to press. It is possible that some similar game against Capt. Hunt is on foot.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.

The result of the late election so far as the offices of sheriff and county clerk are concerned is a republican defeat. The causes of this are quite apparent. In the first place the successful candidates, M. G. Troup and Charley Harter, are well known all over the county and their well known affability and obliging dispositions have made them extremely popular everywhere. In the next place Capt. Hunt and Mr. Lippman were not so widely known, but that electioneering lies told against them had considerable effect. The result does not show that they were not the choice of a majority of the republicans in the county, but it does show that they were not the choice of a minority of about one-fourth of the Republican voters, and that this minority voted with the democrats for Troup and Harter. Now that the election is over and the smoke of the contest is clearing away, we can look back on our course and the words we have published and say truly that we have done what we could honorably for the success of the whole republican ticket and have said nothing that we need to take back or apologize for. We can stand by what we have said.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
Total Cast for Harter and Lippman: 1,103 for Harter; 1,020 for Lippman.
Majority [Harter over Lippman]: 88.
Creswell: 23 Harter, 20 Lippman; Bolton East: 23 Harter, 16 Lippman; Bolton West: 5 Harter, 23 Lippman; Winfield: 333 Harter, 168 Lippman.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
LIPPMAN took his defeat very cool, and went to work at his mill harder than ever, the morning after the election, resolved to keep out of politics.
Very few supposed Charles Harter would be elected over Mr. Lippman, and he probably would not without the desperate fight made upon his opponent. But he was, and time will tell whether he fulfills the office faithfully and efficiently. We have always found him to be a gentleman and a good citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
14,763 feet of lumber were sawn at Lippman’s mill in three days and a half, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
MR. LIPPMAN took the contract to haul both of Col. McMullen’s safes to Winfield for $30. He has six yoke of oxen to each wagon. The safes weigh 4,400 and 4,460 pounds each.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
A raft of 10,000 feet of lumber was brought down the Walnut from Mr. Leander Finley’s timber to Lippman’s saw mill this week. Harklewood was Captain of the craft, with Thad. McGinnis and Ben. Moore as first and second mates, and Tim McIntire, pilot. All went well until two of the crew immersed themselves in the river and nearly swamped the raft climbing out.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
Lippman is running on full time. During the last week there were two rafts of lumber, of ten thousand feet each, landed at Lippman’s landing on the Walnut. The Murphy movement has reached the mill. They have also formed an anti-tobacco society. The Ragamuffins and Advance had a boat race on Saturday. The Ragamuffins came out victorious, they challenge any two men in Creswell township for a race. If accepted, leave word at the mill. Strayed or stolen from the mill, three jacks, two blacks, and one red one. Persons finding the above will be rewarded by calling at the mill and leaving the property. DEAD BEAT.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Leon Lippman is moving his mill up to J. G. Titus’ timber, just below town. Lippman is one of the men that will keep business moving in spite of bad weather and hard times.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
The boys down at Lippman’s mill think they have a horse that can run. Can’t someone give them a chance?
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
A fire started from a spark from the engine at Lippman’s mill, last Wednesday night, and before it was discovered, burned ten cords of wood. They had a lively time keeping the machinery from being damaged.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
There are three logs at Lippman’s mill ten feet each in length that will make 3,000 feet of lumber.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
FRANK HALE, who works at Lippman’s mill, came near meeting with quite a severe accident last week, in descending a well. The air was so foul that it was with great difficulty he succeed­ed in getting out alive. Parties should be careful and test the condition of wells before descending into them, as many a poor fellow has lost his life in such a manner.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
MAN FOUND DEAD. On last Sunday morning, as one of Lippman’s men was hunting, he found the body of an old man who recently came up from the Territory riding an old mule. A coroner’s jury was called and an examination held over the body, resulting in the decision that he came to his death from falling over the rock while in a state of intoxication. The only paper that could be found on his person was a letter to J. S. Britton & Co., asking that the company please forward a trunk. The body had lain until it was badly decayed, and had to be buried near the place where it was found. He was a man about forty-five years of age, dark complexion, dark hair, and weighed about 150 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
RUNAWAY. As Leon Lippman and J. F. Pierce were driving to the Walnut on the west side of the river last Monday, the wagon was upset in a rut and both parties thrown out. As Mr. Lippman fell, his leg caught in the wheel and he was dragged one hundred feet or more, one wheel striking him on the head and inflicting a severe wound. The horses did not run far until they came against a tree and stopped.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
50 BUSHELS of lime suitable for building stone wall; to be sold cheap. L. LIPPMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
As Lippman’s log team with six yoke of oxen attached was crossing the log bridge near Newman’s mill, yesterday, the bridge gave way, and upset the wagon in the creek, and pulled one steer in with it. The boys cut the bow of the one that was hanging by the neck, and saved the rest from being pulled in. Mr. Lippman thinks he will sue the township for damages.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Lippman’s mill will be moved in about three weeks to a new body of timber on Grouse Creek, where he will be able to turn out a large quantity of first-class lumber to supply his old custom­ers and as many new ones as may come.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.

Item From The Traveler. While James Ernuf and James Coffee were sawing logs in the woods down at Lippman’s mill, two wildcats attacked them, and the boys found it difficult to keep out of the way; but by throwing rocks and clubs at them, they managed to get to the mill, when the cats returned to the woods.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
Someone stole a pair of harness and two saddles from Leon Lippman Monday night. Look out for your horses.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Mr. Lippman’s harness and saddle were found last week by Mr. Goff’s boy under a straw stack a few miles from where they were stolen. The boy was herding cattle, and had laid down on the stack to rest, when happening to cast his eyes downward, he noticed a strap, and got down to pick it up. He reached to pull it out, but it didn’t come. He then gave a jerk, and out came a set of harness, greatly to the boy’s surprise, who did not risk another pull, for fear a mule might come out next.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 13, 1878.
Lippman’s mill is at Winfield being repaired. It will be moved to Grouse creek near Simpson’s ford as soon as repaired, where lumber will be cut out at a surprising rate of speed. The corn cracker won’t be put on this fall, as it don’t pay the miller very well.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.
Lippman is fixing to do a rattling business at his mill on Grouse. Those in need of native lumber, a good article, and full measure, can find no better anywhere. Send him your orders.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Mr. Lippman’s Mill has stopped for a few days, but he has work for all summer in the yard and will be in full blast soon. Leon has done well since leaving us and we must rejoice in his prosperity and wish him success.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Read the ad. of L. Lippman in this number. Those in want of native lumber or frame timber will find at the yard in this city an ample supply.
Native Lumber at Parker & Canfield’s, back of Benedict’s. All bills can be filled promptly from Lippman’s mill, by leaving orders with Parker & Canfield. Soft lumber, $2.25; hard lumber and walnut, $2.75. Township bills filled, for bridges and culverts, and orders taken in payment.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1879.
Leon Lippman was in town last week. He contemplates saying good-bye to Cowley next fall, and with Mr. Chatterson will go to Cirus, Arkansas, there to engage in the saw-mill business.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
Leon Lippman was in town Monday. He leaves for Arkansas tomorrow, where he and Mr. Chatterson are to engage in the saw-mill business. Mr. Lippman will return early in October, and complete his arrangements for making his home in Arkansas permanent.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates entitled to vote in this convention; which report was adopted.

Silverdale: H. L. C. Gilstrap, J. B. Splawn, L. Lippman.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
L. Lippman will not remove his mill, now on Grouse, for some six weeks, and orders will be filled at the mill.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
Native Lumber at Parker & Canfield’s, back of Benedict’s. All bills can be filled promptly from Lippman’s mill, by leaving orders with Parker & Canfield. Soft lumber, $2.25; hard lumber, and walnut, $2.75. Township bills filled, for bridges and culverts, and orders taken in payment. L. LIPPMAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1879.
At the regular October meeting of the board of Creswell township, the following bills were presented and allowed.
Leon Lippman, lumber:  $45.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Winfield Monitor. L. Lippman has sold most of his personal property, and will remove to Arkansas, where he has large property interests, on the 20th of June.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880. Editorial Page.
The county convention met at Winfield last Saturday, for the purpose of electing six delegates to the Congressional convention at Newton, and putting in nomination a candidate for State Senator. By the time our delegation arrived, excitement was at fever heat on the streets of Winfield. The names of Hackney and Bryan were on every tongue, showing that between these two candidates had the fight been warmest, and on them centered the interest of those attending the convention. The convention was called to order at 11 a.m., and organized by calling S. M. Fall, of Windsor township, to the chair, and electing W. D. Mowry, of Arkansas City, secretary. After appointing a committee on credentials and a committee on permanent organization, the convention adjourned until 1 p.m., the delegates from the 88th legislative district in the meanwhile meeting and nominating A. B. Lemmon for the legislature from that district.
Immediately upon assembling in the afternoon, the reports of the two committees were read and adopted, after which they proceeded to ballot for delegates to the Congressional
convention. Some ten or a dozen names were put in nomination, from which three from each district were to be selected, resulting in the election of D. A. Millington, D. O. McCray, and O. S. Woolley from the 88th district, and Dr. A. J. Chapel, E. G. Gray, and H. C. McDorman from the 89th district. On motion of Leon Lippman these delegates were instructed to vote for Hon. Thomas Ryan.

Following this came the event of greatest interest—the nomination of State Senator. Mr. Denning, of Tisdale township, in quite a lengthy speech, presented the name of Hon. Thomas Bryan, being frequently and loudly applauded by the friends of his candidate. After Mr. Denning sat down, Mr. H. E. Asp stepped to the platform and in an eloquent and telling speech offered the name of Hon. W. P. Hackney. The storm of applause that greeted this name drowned all things else for several minutes, and the elo­quence of the young orator was repeatedly interrupted to allow the delegates to give vent to their feelings. It was the best speech we ever heard from Mr. Asp, and spoke well for the great possibilities and probabilities of the speaker. The nomination of Mr. Bryan was seconded by Mr. P. B. Lee, in a speech, the intentions of which might have been good enough, but which received but little favor in the eyes of the conven­tion. However ardent the people of Cowley are for any particular candidate, they are not in the habit of bolting in case their man is defeated fairly and squarely in a convention, and we think Mr. Lee’s remarks were somewhat in bad taste. It is not for us to comment on this point, though. It was effectually met and settled immediately by Leon Lippman, who seconded Mr. Hackney’s nomination in the best speech we ever listened to in Cowley County. It was short, convincing, and unanswerable, every sentence breathing forth the living truths of true Republicanism and denouncing in strong terms the mistaken policy of the gentle­man who preceded him. It was no cut-and-dried political ha­rangue, but a fervent appeal to the people of Cowley to stand to their colors like men, letting demagogues and political weather­cocks go their way. It was a stinging rebuke to the threats of Mr. Lee, and put to rest all doubts of Mr. Hackney’s nomination. After Mr. Lippman’s speech, the convention proceeded to balloting, each delegate answering to his own name, and the result was: Hackney 56, Bryan 34. The scene of confusion and uproar that followed the an­nounce­ment of the result was beyond description. Mr. Hackney was called to the platform amid deafen­ing cheers and made a neat speech, picturing the future of Cowley in such glowing colors the people could hardly contain them­selves. Mr. Bryan was then called out, and after thanking his friends for their support, proved his fidelity to the party by assuring the people his fight was at an end. There was no “bolt” in him. The rank and file of the Republican party stand united on one subject: the election of Hon. W. P. Hackney to the State Senate from the twenty-fifth Senatorial district of Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Mr. Leon Lippman, of Dexter, formerly a resident of this place, met with a severe accident last week in being thrown from his buggy and badly fracturing his right shoulder blade. The team he was driving ran away, and in his efforts to control them, he was thrown out. Dr. Wagner, of Dexter, has the injured man in charge, and we are glad to learn he is progressing as favorably as could be expected, but it will be some six or seven weeks ere he can entirely recover therefrom.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. G. W. Chaplin vs. L. Lippman et al.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
There is a report in town that Lippman and Chatterson, who went from this county to Arkansas, have been convicted of pur­loining timber from government lands and sent up for twenty years. The report is from doubtful authority and we hope it is not true. They were regarded as good citizens here and we are slow to believe ill of them.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
There is only one thing which makes the report about Lippman and Chatterson seem probable to us. They both slid out without paying their little bills to the COURIER.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.

Lippman and Chatterson. A report is current to the effect that the above former residents of this county have been sentenced to 20 years each in the penitentiary for stealing Government timber. We had hoped it was untrue, but Mr. Harkleroad, of Silverdale, writing to his wife, confirms the rumor and to add to the trouble of the family states that Lippman’s two boys got into a quarrel which ended in a stabbing affray, the younger son killing his brother. This is a sad sequel to the life of two former respected citizens of this county.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
We have received information, which seems to confirm the report published last week of Lippman and Chatterson being sent to the penitentiary for twenty years for stealing government timber. The report also comes that two of Lippman’s children got into a fight and one killed the other with a knife.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Some enterprising and reckless parties cut, and ran down the Arkansas River 1,500 cedar poles in one raft, last spring, and sold them at three dollars each; making $4,500 on the transac­tion. The poles were cut at the mouth of the Cimarron River, where they have as many more cut, ready for the rise next spring. The U. S. troops and Indian police are keeping a close watch on them, however, and if the timber thieves are not very careful, they may follow Mr. Lippman and his companions.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
LATE FROM LIPPMAN. Dr. Wagner has handed us a note just received from Leon Lippman, of whom we have noticed reports from two sources and which we are glad to learn have no foundation in fact. In this letter Mr. Lippman says: “I find myself compelled to write you at once, for my wife has received a letter from yours inquiring about my reported imprisonment. I am not in prison, am not in danger of getting in, and have done nothing to merit it.” He gives a detailed account of his saw mill and lumber business, which are prospering, and of all his children, mentioning them by name, and showing that they are all well, lively, and learning rapidly. He mentions that Mathew Coleman got killed sometime ago, that his widow recently married again to a good man, and that Mr. Chatterson lost a child last August. He writes from his present home, Russell, Arkansas.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The report that Lippman was in the penitentiary proves to be a canard. J. E. Allen has received a communication from a lawyer at Cercy, Arkansas, stating that Lippman and Chatterson are there and doing well and are in greater danger of going to Congress than the penitentiary. We are glad to hear this and to be able to report it to their many friends in the county. We suppose that the story about Lippman’s boys getting into a quarrel in which one was killed has about the same foundation. This sounds to us more like truth than the former report.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
It is with pleasure we correct the rumors recently current with regard to Messrs. L. Lippman and Chatterson. They were pure fabrications as both gentlemen are, at this writing, respected citizens of our sister state, Arkansas.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
J. M. Stinson has sold the farm he bought of Lippman to Mr. Weddle.