Lorton Family
James Lorton and Brother, Will.
[The following are notes made by RKW many years ago.]
James Lorton was born in Roodhouse, Illinois, February 3, 1860; his sister was born in 1861; and his brother, William, was born May 18, 1862.
Their father, James Lorton, died in April 1862. The widow married Henry Kincade in 1864 and they had three children.
The family came from Roodhouse, Illinois, in 1873 to Portland, Sumner County, Kansas. The family then consisted of the parents and five children.
In 1876, James came to Winfield to attend high school. In order to do that, he had to make his own way. He found work in the home of J. C. McMullen, a partner in the Winfield Bank, first bank organized in Cowley County, and later worked in his bank.
In spite of many hindrances he remained in school, completing his course with the first class to graduate from the Winfield High School. This class was graduated in 1880 with two members. Upon completion of his high school course he went to St. Louis where he entered a business college to take a course in banking. He returned to Winfield in the early spring of 1881 and entered the Winfield Bank as bookkeeper.
On January 1, 1911, James Lorton and H. E. Kibbe, who also was associated with the bank, purchased the stock of W. E. Otis, who was retiring as President. Mr. Lorton was elected president and Mr. Kibbe cashier. Mr. Lorton remained president for 32 years.
On September 9, 1911, James Lorton was married to Miss Estelle Fuller, daughter of J. C. Fuller, first president of the early-day Winfield bank, and pioneer builder of Winfield. They had no children. James Lorton died, after a lingering illness, in December 23, 1942, with his wife surviving him.
Will Lorton. Will Lorton followed his brother, in 1878, to Winfield to continue his education. He also lived in the J. C. McMullen home until he married Alice Carson (sister of Tommy Carson) in December 1883.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of H. E. Silliman, in Winfield, December 12th, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Wm. R. Lorton and Miss Alice M. Carson, both of this city. Will surprised his friends by this matrimonial move, but the surprise was not sufficient to interfere with well wishes. We hope Will and his excellent bride may enjoy uninterruptedly the long and happy life indicated by their dispositions and surroundings. They have taken up their residence on Will’s farm, near Wilmot, this county.
After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lorton lived on a farm near Wilmot until returning to Winfield the fall of 1895. In 1896 he opened a real estate and insurance agency. Mrs. Lorton died June 6, 1935, and in September 1936 he was married to Mrs May Wright, who died in December 1945. He was a member of the First Baptist Church since 1896. They had three children, two daughters, Winifred of Washington, D. C., and Mrs Alan Watrous of Wichita, and one son, Hugh Lorton, of Winfield.
Winfield Directory 1880: Lorton, James, student, boards J. C. McMullen.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
James Lorton was listed among the students in Arkansas City High School.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
James Lorton was on this list.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
James Lorton was one of the students listed as an “Honor Student.”
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
LIST of letters remaining in the post office at Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, June 1st, 1878. C. M. Scott, Postmaster.
James Lorton was on this list.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Winfield Post Office June 18, 1878.
James Kelly, Postmaster.
James Lorton was on this list.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
Below we append a corrected list of those in attendance.
James Lorton was on this list.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The Winfield public school closed last Friday, and commencement exercises were held in Manning’s hall Friday evening. The valedictory address by McClellan Klingman was very fine, and the original oration of James Lorton is spoken of in the highest terms. The following was the order of exercises.
Prayer. Music. Original Oration, Jas. Lorton, “Improvements of Time.” Recitation, Lou Morris, “All the World.” Declamation, George Black, “Allow for the Crawl.” Recitation, Hattie Andrews, “We Measured the Baby.”
Music. Essay, Rosa Frederick, “Life of Cowper.” Recitation, Cora Shreves, “My Good Old-Fashioned Mother.” Declamation, Charles Beck, “Pyramids not all Egyptian.” Recitation, Sarah Hudson, “Thoughts During Church Service.”
Music. Original Oration, Lee C. Brown, “Wards of the Government.” Recitation, Leota Gary, “The Minister’s Door-Bell.” Recitation, Rose Rounds, “After the Battle.” Valedictory Address, McClellan Klingman.
Music. Address, R. C. Story. Presentation of Diplomas.
Music. Benediction.
Messrs. McClellan Klingman and James Lorton were the graduates for 1880.
The hall was tastefully arranged and a large audience present. Through the efforts of Prof. Trimble, our schools have reached a remarkable degree of efficiency, and with more room, more teachers, and Prof. Trimble as principal, Winfield will be the equal in educational facilities of any city in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The Normal Institute for 1880 has opened with a large attendance of teachers. Four instructors have charge of the divisions, and the aim of all is to make this summer’s work especially practical. The morning exercises begin at 7:30, in the courtroom, and the recitations end at 1 p.m. There are at present enrolled 79 teachers as follows.
From Winfield: James Lorton.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Mr. James Lorton returned from attending commercial college in St. Louis last week. James is one of last years graduating class from our high school. He will take a position as assistant bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Winfield Bank: Monitor mentions what Courier had about officers and directors...but adds a wee bit more!
Chas. E. Fuller takes the position of paying teller; A. W. Berkey, collection clerk, and Jas. Lorton, a new man, takes the position of bookkeeper. Mr. H. G. Fuller retires. The business of the bank for the past year has been prosperous and unusually satisfactory to the officers and stockholders.
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
Miss Ella Kelly, Miss Etta Johnson, Miss Anna Hunt, Miss Jennie Lowry, Addison Brown.
Brown delivered the valedictory; Miss Kelly the salutatory. Messrs. James Lorton and McClellan Klingman, graduates of last year, occupied positions on the platform.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
James Lorton gave $2.00.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
The general march commenced at 8:30 o’clock with 41 couples on the floor, and formed a brilliant procession striking in its comic effect. Beautiful and rich costumes glittering with gold and silver trimmings, dukes and kings, knights and ladies, Indians, negroes, harlequins, grotesque figures, all commingled in one strange and startling crowd.
At 11 o’clock the command was given to form in procession for a march, a grand circle was formed in the hall, the order to face in was given, followed by the order to unmask, and for the first time the parties knew each other, face to face. The ejaculations of surprise, the mutual exclamations of “Well, I declare! Is that you?” attested the excellent manner in which the disguises were gotten up.
At twelve o’clock the hall was deserted for supper, after which the dancing was resumed until the—well, that is—the wee—or rather—oh, what’s the difference?—”until the wee sma’ hours,” according to Hoyle, when everybody went home, rather broke up for the next day, but having had a glorious, happy time.
James Lorton was one of those who attended the “Masquerade Ball.”
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Professor E. T. Trimble’s Reading class of 1881-2 (including the A class of the High school and James Lorton, graduate of 1880), surprised him on Tuesday evening of last week. According to previous arrangements, the class assembled and proceeded to the Professor’s. Arriving at the place designated, they walked in, led by the president of the class, and Jas. Lorton in behalf of the class presented him with a very beautiful set of Dickens complete works. After the presentation speech had been ably delivered, Prof. Trimble responded, thanking the class heartily for their kindness shown in his behalf. The evening passed off very pleasantly, the Professor taking an active part in all their amusements. About 9:30 p.m., the company dispersed and went to their several homes, realizing that the evening had been profitably spent and would ever be fresh in their memory.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention.
The following gentlemen were in attendance. Their “costumes” were remarkable for subdued elegance and the absence of aesthetic adornment.
Messrs. Steinberger; J. N. Harter; G. A. Rhodes; E. E. Thorpe; George, Will, and Ivan Robinson; Fred and Will Whiting; Mr. Colgate; F. C. Hunt; C. E. Fuller; C. C. Harris; W. H. Smith; Will Smith; W. J. Wilson; Jos. O’Hare; Jas. Lorton; Frank and E. P. Greer; Eugene Wallis; Saml. E. Davis; L. H. Webb; Harry and Chas. F. Bahntge; Chas. Campbell; Ezra Nixon; L. D. Zenor; E. G. Cole; C. H. Connell; Mr. Ed. M. Clark of McPherson; and W. C. Garvey of Topeka.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Lodge Items—Communicated. The Good Templars had one of the most pleasant meetings at their hall on last Saturday evening of any since their Lodge was organized. It was the evening for installation of officers, and they were regularly installed by Lodge Deputy, E. T. Trimble.
The officers for the ensuing quarter are:
W. C. T., Mrs. E. T. Trimble; W. V. T., Frank W. Finch; P. W. C. T., David C. Beach; R. S., E. T. Trimble; L. S., Forest V. Rowland; R. Sec’y, Frank H. Greer; Ass’t Sec’y, Miss May Halyard; F. Sec’y, Miss Anna Rowland; W. T., Mrs. L. Schaffhausen; W. Chap., Rev. J. Cairns; W. M., James Lorton; W. D. M., Miss Alice Dunham; W. G., Miss Lizzie Schaffhausen; W. Sen., M. F. Higgins; Organist, Miss Lola Silliman; Chorister, Mrs. H. Rowland; Violinist, W. W. Leffingwell; Librarian, Mrs. A. Hamilton.
After the installation the members mingled in social intercourse for some time, and were entertained with music by the choir, literary exercises, etc. Quite a large delegation from the Oxford Lodge came over in answer to a special invitation. The members of Winfield Lodge passed a few very pleasant hours with their visitors, and dispersed at a late hour feeling that “there was strength in union.” The party from Oxford returned at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon. OBSERVER.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
A Pleasant Party. On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson entertained a large company of their young friends at their elegant residence, which they have been fitting up with new paper of a very beautiful and expensive pattern. Having the carpets up in the parlors, it was considered a good time to give a party and take the opportunity to indulge in a dance. The evening was just the one for a dancing party, for although “May was advancing,” it was very cool and pleasant, and several hours were spent in that exercise, after which an excellent repast consisting of ice cream, strawberries, and cakes was served, and although quite late the dancing continued some hours, and two o’clock had struck ere the last guest had lingeringly departed. No entertainments are more enjoyed by our young folks than those given by Mr. Robinson and his estimable wife. We append a list of those persons on this occasion: Misses Jackson, Roberts, Josie Bard, Jessie Meech, Florence Beeny, Jennie Hane, Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Scothorn, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Curry, Klingman, McCoy, Berkey; Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Harter, Mrs. and Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt; Messrs. W. A. Smith, C. C. Harris, Charles Fuller, Lou Zenor, James Lorton, Lovell Webb, Sam E. Davis, Eugene Wallis, C. H. Connell, Dr. Jones, Campbell, Ivan Robinson, W. C. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The party given on last Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge was one of the most enjoyable ever given here, and was looked forward to with pleasant anticipation for some time previous, for it is a well known society fact that Mrs. Bahntge’s charming little house with its merry occupants insure a lively time to their fortunate guests, and last Thursday evening was no exception to the rule. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while a refreshing repast was served at a seasonable hour which was fully appreciated, and at a late hour the company dispersed, with hearty thanks to their kind host and hostess for the very pleasant evening spent. We append a list of those present.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read; Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood; Mr. and Mrs. Buckman; Judge and Mrs. Soward; Dr. and Mrs. Emerson; Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitney, of Wichita; Mrs. Carson, of Cherryvale; Mrs. Hackney.
Misses Nettie McCoy, Jennie Hane, Amy Scothorn, Kate and Jessie Millington, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Belle Roberts, Florence Beeny, Josie Bard, Sadie French, Hila Smith.
Messrs. W. C. and Ivan Robinson, L. D. Zenor, L. H. Webb, Henry Goldsmith, C. C. Harris, W. H. Smith, C. E. Fuller, Jas. Lorton, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, S. E. Davis, R. M. Bowles, Eugene Wallis, and O. M. Seward.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Mr. James Lorton, bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank, met with quite a serious accident while returning from Arkansas City Saturday night. He was riding a pony that had been purchased in the city and leading one of Col. McMullen’s fine black horses, which he had ridden down. Three miles this side of Arkansas City, he left the main road and took a nearer route. The road he followed had been recently closed by a barbed wire fence and, it being very dark, James did not discover this until he ran against it. The horses were going on a fast walk, and the pony was immediately checked, but the other became frightened and sprang through. The wire being very severe, the horse was lacerated in a horrible manner, a large piece of flesh was torn from his breast, and the muscle of one of his front limbs nearly severed, besides numerous other cuts. James managed to get the animal home, but it is in a critical condition. “Clyde,” as he was called by the family, is a very fine horse and was valued at $300. The misfortune will break one of the best matched and prettiest spans of horses in the town. Barbed wire is being made so severe that it is a dangerous thing, and when put across a recently traveled road, it certainly should have brush or something of that kind laid upon it, that a person could tell at night what they were running into.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
James Lorton took in Geuda Springs Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Good Templar Items. The Good Templars of this city on last Friday evening installed the officers for the term commencing August 1st as follows.
P. W. C. T.: Mrs. E. T. Trimble; W. V. T.: Mrs. Riehl; W. Sec.: James Lorton; S. T.: Miss M. Page; W. G.: Miss Lizzie Schaffhausen; W. Sen.: S. B. Davis; W. C.: John Rowland; W. A. Sec: Miss May Halyard; W. F. Sec.: D. C. Beach; W. M.: Frank W. Finch; W. D. M.: Miss Alice Dunham; R. H. S.: Mrs. Clara T. Beach; L. H. S.: Mrs. Kate M. Smedley; W. C. T.: Frank H. Greer; L. D.: E. T. Trimble; Sec. Of Divisions: Miss Lizzie Gridley.
The Lodge has been formed into two literary divisions, furnishing exercises for the entertainment of the members alternately. The exercises consist of essays, recitations, music, debates, etc. They are now editing a semi-monthly paper called the Prohibitionist, which is always very interesting. The members are not only striving to forward in every way possible the temperance cause, but are making the lodge room a pleasant place to spend an evening. The lodge is weekly increasing in numbers, and the meetings are becoming very interesting and profitable. J. B.
Wm. Lorton, brother of James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
The Good Templars installed their officers on last Friday evening for the quarter commencing Nov. 1st as follows.
W. C. T. S.: S. B. Davis; W. V. T.: Mrs. N. J. Lundy; W. S.: Miss Ella Kelly; W. C.: John Rowland; W. F. S.: D. C. Beach; W. M.: Wm. Lorton; W. T.: Mrs. Anna Hamilton; W. I G.: Miss Mary Cairns; W. Sen.: John Conner; P. W. C. T.: Frank H. Greer; W. A. S.: Frank W. Finch; W. D. M.: Miss Alice Carson; W. R. S.: Miss Louie Morris; W. L. S.: Miss Lizzie Schaffhausen; Captain of Division No. 1: F. W. Finch; Captain of Division No. 2: James Cairns; Organist: Miss Lola Silliman.
Wm. Lorton, brother of James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
The Good Templars installed their officers for the ensuing quarter on last Friday evening as follows. W. C. T.: Frank W. Finch; W. V. T.: Mrs. N. J. Lundy.; W. Secretary: Chas. Jenkins; W. F. Secretary: D. C. Beach; W. T.: Mrs. A. Hamilton; P. W. C. T.: S. B. Davis; W. M.: Miss Alice Corson; W. I. G.: Miss Ella Rounds; W. O. G.: Geo. Case; W. Assistant Secretary: Miss Lena Walrath; W. D. M.: Wm. Lorton; W. R. S.: Miss Lucy Cairns; W. L. S.: Miss Rose Rounds; W. C.: James A. Cairns; Organist: Lola Silliman.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Commencement Exercises. The fourth annual commencement of the Winfield High School will be held in Manning’s hall on Friday evening, May 11th. The following is the program.
Essay: “Links”: Hattie Andrews, Class ’82
Declamation: “Flying Jim’s Last Leap”: James Cairns, Class ’82.
Essay: Mary Randall, Class ’82.
Recitation: “The Legend of Bregenz”: Jennie Lowry, Class ’81.
Oration: “Perseverance”: James Lorton, Class ’80.
Recitation: “Charlie Machree”: Ida Trezise, Class ’82.
Essay: “A Chain of Fancies”: Anna Hunt, Class ’80.
Select Reading: “The Pilot’s Story”: Anna Hunt, Class ’80.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
The Opera House was crowded on Friday evening last for the annual Commencement exercises of the Winfield High School. The principal part of the program consisted of performances by the Alumni of 1880, 1881, and 1882, which were all excellent, and showed that though their time of school day activity had passed, their intellects had lost no lustre, but improved with time and use. After the opening prayer by Rev. J. Cairns came the greeting song by the class, followed by an essay on “Links” by Miss Hattie Andrews, of the class of 1882. Miss Andrew’s voice was clear and distinct, and her essay exhibited a depth of thought which is very commendable. Succeeding this was a declamation, “Flying Jim’s Last Leap,” by James Cairns, another of the class of 1882. James did the piece full justice and brought out the points very nicely. Next came the recitation of Miss Jennie Lowry, class of 1881, “The Legend of Bregenz,” which is rich in sentiment. James Lorton, class of 1880, then made his first appearance as an orator. His subject was “Perseverance,” and he proved the necessity of this important factor in the human make-up in a manner which showed careful consideration and did himself much credit. Miss Ida Trezise, class of 1882, brought out in the next recitation the grit of “Charlie Machree” in battling against the tide to win a kiss. Miss Trezise’s appearance was pleasing, and she has the faculty of imitation necessary to good elocution. An essay by Miss Anna Hunt, also of the class of 1882, gave the audience some bristling thoughts on “A Chain of Fancies.” Miss Rose Rounds, of the same class, read in her interesting way the sensational tale, “The Pilot’s Story.”
Then came the graduating exercises. Miss Fannie Harden, being unable to be present, her essay on “Woman’s Work” was nicely read by Miss Etta Johnson. It asserted that woman’s sphere for work is broadening and ere long she will have equal rights with the men and use these rights for the accomplishment of much good. Miss Clara Bowman’s essay, “Whence, Where, and Whither,” sparkled with bright thoughts and fully demonstrated from whence we came, where we are, and whither we are tending. The presentation of diplomas was made by Prof. Trimble with appropriate words of advice. The program was interspersed with instrumental music by Miss Josie Bard and Prof. Farringer, the entertainment closing with a good night song by the class.
William Lorton, brother of James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
William Lorton, brother of James Lorton in the Winfield Bank, left Saturday for Illinois, where he will spend the summer.
Wm. R. Lorton, brother of James Lorton, marries Alice M. Carson...
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
The Probate Court has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES during the past week.
Wm. R. Lorton to Alice M. Carson.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of H. E. Silliman, in Winfield, December 12th, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Wm. R. Lorton and Miss Alice M. Carson, both of this city. Will surprised his friends by this matrimonial move, but the surprise was not sufficient to interfere with well wishes. We hope Will and his excellent bride may enjoy uninterruptedly the long and happy life indicated by their dispositions and surroundings. They have taken up their residence on Will’s farm, near Wilmot, this county.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade. The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
James Lorton was disguised as a clown.
James Lorton: elevated to position of “bookkeeper” in the Winfield Bank...
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
The Winfield Bank directors have elected for the ensuing year, J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; Charles E. Fuller, assistant cashier; W. J. Wilson, secretary; James Lorton, bookkeeper; Ed. McMullen, teller.
Next item refers to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lorton: He was brother of James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
A few of the citizens met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Watts on the evening of the 25th, and surprised them with a paper wedding. They received nice presents, and Mr. Editor, I tell you we had a jolly good time; and what helped along, the ladies happened to bring some pie and cake, and oh! I could not tell how we did feel. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Sizemore, Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lorton, and Mr. and Mrs. Givler. DICK RELVIG.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
The Courier Observes
That James Lorton has bought lots in the eastern part of the city and if he now hurries up the “little brown front,” the ladies will “pop the question” at a lively rate.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
How We Boom! From the books of H. G. Fuller & Co., we copy the following sales of city and county property made by the firm between the 6th and 18th of this month. It is a wonderful record in real estate movement.
WINFIELD CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Perkins to James Lorton, 5 lots: $250.00.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
James Lorton took in the terminus last Sunday. The denizens of that burg took advantage of his generosity in such a way as to send him home accompanied only by a solitary ten cent piece and the knowledge of having had a good time among old friends.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
In chronicling a picnic party in our last issue, we made it totter like a three legged stool by accidentally leaving out the name of one of the liveliest participants. A committee, of which James Lorton was chairman, has waited upon us with the picnic lemonade and we hasten to correct the error.
The above item in May 22, 1884, referred to a picnic covered in May 15, 1884...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
A pleasant little party composed of Misses L. and M. Dawson, Leota Gary, and Mrs. Bishop, and Messrs. Frank Leland, Lacey Tomlin, and B. W. Matlack, took advantage of last Sunday’s balmy atmosphere, gathered up their baskets, Sunday school books, etc., and held a small Sunday school (?) picnic in the beautiful grove of Mr. T. S. Green, ten miles up the Walnut.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
TO BE MARRIED. Mr. Jas. S. Tull and Miss Lizzie Palmer, of Cambridge, will be married in that place this evening at the home of the bride. A party of young folks from this city will be present, composed of Misses Ida McDonald, Anna Hunt, Jennie Lowry, Leota Gary, and Mrs. Bishop; and Messrs. James Lorton, Lewis Brown, Will C. Barnes, Frank Robinson, and Frank H. Greer.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Messrs. James Lorton and Charlie Fuller have been “keeping house” at J. C. Fuller’s residence since the family left for their summer’s jaunt in the mountains. Friday evening they kept “open house” to a few lady and gentleman friends, upon which occasion the festive watermelon, fricasseed with ice cream and other seasonable dainties were freely dispensed. The informality of the occasion rendered it most pleasant.
Wm. Lorton, brother of James Lorton, has a baby girl...
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
BIRTH. Will Lorton, of Richland Township, was made happy and proud last Saturday in the arrival of a lively little girl at his home. Will bears the high-sounding title of “papa” very gracefully for one so young.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The Christmas Night Wedding. A large assembly witnessed the marriage of Mr. Fred D. Blackman and Miss Ida M. McDonald, in the Methodist church last Thursday evening. The ceremony was most impressively conducted by Rev. B. Kelly, and the happy couple were attended by Misses Lizzie McDonald and Maude Kelly and Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Lewis Brown, James Lorton, and Charley Dever. The bride was beautifully attired in white satin. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mr. Robinson, on behalf of the official church board, stepped to the rostrum, and in a very neat speech presented the bride with forty dollars in gold as a token of appreciation of her valuable musical services to the church. At eight o’clock a large number of friends were received at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McDonald, where congratulations, an excellent repast, and general mirth were freely indulged in. The presents were numerous and elegant, and the congratulations hearty. Among the most noticeable presents was a very handsome silver pitcher, presented to Mr. Blackman by his young gentlemen friends. No personal mention of ours could possibly add to the high esteem in which the happy couple are held by all who know them. The COURIER again wishes them happiness and prosperity. We append a list of the principal presents: White velvet hand-painted pin cushion, Miss Belle Lowe; pair of silver napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Millspaugh; picture and easel Madonna, Charles Dever; silver vase, Leota Gary; silver celery stand, Lizzie Graham; silver vase, Minnie Gibson; colored glass with castor, Nettie McCoy; colored glass water set, W. C. Robinson; pair of hand-painted gilt plaques, Lena Walrath; hair ornament, Gracie Oliver; hand-painted velvet banner, Mrs. Leavitt; bracket lambrequin, Jessie Millington; hand-painted hammered brass plaque, Miss Anna Hunt; beveled-edge French plate mirror with Hammered Brass frame, M. Hahn; gold-lined individual silver butter dishes, Miss Delia Lisk; set silver teaspoons, sugar spoon, and butter knife, Lizzie and Margie Wallis and Maggie Taylor; Russia leather photograph album, Lewis and Addison Brown; one-half dozen China fruit plates, Lucy Tomlin; one set silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Robbins and Miss Carrie Tillotson, Aurora, Illinois; China salt and pepper bottles, Mr. and Misses Rev. Kelly; silver cake basket, Ida Johnston; silver fruit basket, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Miner; silver berry dish, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy and Miss Lydia Young; large mounted silver water pitcher and mug, E. H. Nixon, M. H. Ewart, Geo. Headrick, James Lorton, and M. J. O’Meara; silver tea-set and waiter, bride’s parents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The beautiful, commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of a most pleasant gathering of our young society people on last Thursday evening, the occasion being in honor of Miss Mattie Harrison, a highly accomplished young lady of Hannibal, Mo., who is visiting here. The pleasing entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, gracefully assisted by Miss Harrison and other members of the family, banished all restraint and made genuine enjoyment reign supreme. Miss Harrison made a beautiful appearance in a lovely evening costume of white Nuns-veiling, entrain, and a number of elegant toilets were worn by the ladies. Those present were Mayor and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller; Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. Ex. Saint; Misses Jessie Millington, Anna Hunt, Nellie Cole, Emma Strong, Jennie Lowry, Hattie Stolp, Mamie Baird, Lena Walrath, Mattie Kinne, Alice Dickie, Maggie Taylor, Sarah Kelly, and Alice Aldrich; Messrs. Ezra Nixon, T. J. Eaton, M. J. O’Meara, M. H. Ewart, Ed. J. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, F. F. Leland, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, James Lorton, Lewis Brown, W. H. Smith, D. E. Kibby, and Frank H. Greer. At the proper hour a splendid repast was spread and received due attention from the joyous crowd. The “light fantastic” keep time to excellent music and the hours flew swiftly by until the happy guests bid adieu to their royal entertainers, feeling delighted with the few hours spent in their pleasant home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
A jolly crowd of Winfield’s best young men, composed of Robt. Hudson, Addison Brown, Jas. A. Cairns, W. L. P. Burney, R. J. Brown, Will H. Hodges, Robt. Rogers, James Lorton, and George Reed spent Sunday last in Wellington. Their comparison is largely in favor of the Queen City of Southern Kansas, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
A wave of Winfield’s youth and beauty captured Arkansas City Sunday. The sensation was extreme. The girls of the Terminus made comparisons amid profound tears, while the brave boys looked on perfectly awestricken. Such a sudden burst of beauty and style was too much for their delicate nerves. Winfield always establishes her reputation as a city of pretty women and handsome men. Among those who enjoyed this drive yesterday were: Misses Hattie Stolp, Nellie Cole, Minnie Taylor, Gertrude McMullen, Anna Hunt, Leota Gary, Mary Randall, Lena Walrath, Cora Dousman, Anna Hyde, and Nina and Carrie Anderson; and Messrs. Ben W. Matlack, John R. Atkins, H. E. Kibby, Frank F. Leland, James Lorton, Ed. J. McMullen, Will R. Gray, Mat. H. Ewart, D. H. Sickafoose, Geo. H. Schuler, Tom Eaton, and THE COURIER scribe. The morning shower, followed by such glorious sunshine, made the air soft and balmy, and all nature fairly sparkled with radiance. The drive was charming. A number took along baskets filled with culinary delicacies and dinnered on the shores of the placid Walnut, just east of the city, amid the warblings of the feathered songsters, the bursting of the buds, and under the sturdy oaks, where the roasted fowl, the animated pickle, and other charms held seances with the ferocious mosquito, the entertaining chigger, and other inhabitants of the forest. The day’s tranquility was ended in damp romance, the storm giving a number of the party a ducking. The trip was exhilarating and highly enjoyable throughout—if it was more extensive to some than was anticipated; even unto Monday morning.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood was, last night, the scene of a most enviable gathering of our young society people. The occasion was in honor of the Misses Sarah Bass, of Kansas City, and Sarah Gay, of St. Louis, accomplished and attractive young ladies who are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Spotswood. It was one of the jolliest companies; all restraint was banished under the royal hospitality of the entertainers. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson and Misses Nettie McCoy, Julia Smith, Libbie Whitney, Jessie Millington, Bert Morford, Hattie Stolp, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Gertrude McMullen, Ida Johnston, Sadie French, Minnie Taylor, Leota Gary, Maggie Harper, Anna Hunt, Mary Hamill and Lizzie McDonald; Messrs. J. J. O’Meara, W. H. Smith, F. F. Leland, B. W. Matlack, T. J. Eaton, Eugene Wallis, Lacey Tomlin, D. H. Sickafoose, W. H. Whitney, M. H. Ewart, Byron Rudolf, Harry Bahntge, E. J. McMullen, Everett and George Schuler, James Lorton, Charles Dever, Frank Robinson, Addison Brown, Fred Ballein, S. D. Harper, and F. H. Greer. Music, cards, the “light fantastic,” and a collation of choice delicacies made the time pass most pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood and daughter, Miss Margie, and the Misses Bass and Gay did the honors of the evening very delightfully, and reluctantly did the guests depart, with appreciative adieu, wishing many more such happy occasions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
James Lorton spent Sunday in Wellington, with his cousin, W. C. Galbreth, and—well, we promised to keep still. Sweet young lady, you know.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Miss Anna Hunt opened her pleasant home Thursday to our young society people. The occasion was most enjoyable, distinguishing Miss Anna as a successful entertainer. She was very agreeably assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt in doing the honors of the evening. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosmer, Mrs. Frank Balliet; Misses Bertha Williamson, of Cincinnati; Clara Lynch, of Wichita; Corinne Cryler, of Parsons; Edith Hall, of Burlington, Iowa; Nona Calhoun, of Maysville, Kentucky; Mollie Brooks, Sarah Bass, Sarah Gay, Bert Morford, Jessie Millington, Nellie Cole, Mary Randall, Lizzie McDonald, Maggie Harper, Ida Johnston, and May Hodges; Messrs. R. B. Norton, of Arkansas City; M. J. O’Meara, T. J. Eaton, M. H. Ewart, Lacey Tomlin, S. D. Harper, J. R. Brooks, Chas. Dever, Addison Brown, Everett and George Schuler, James Lorton, Chas. Hodges, and Frank H. Greer. With a bright moon, balmy atmosphere, and vivacious young folks, the lawn, adorned with Chinese lanterns, was indeed a lovely scene. Restraint was completely banished by the charming entertainment. Social promenade, music, a banquet of choice delicacies consisting of ices, cake, etc., the “light fantastic,” with cribbage and other games made the evening fly very happily, to remain among the pleasant memories of the participants.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
A jolly party of young folks, embracing Misses Leota Gary, Nellie Cole, Mollie Brooks, Anna Hunt, and Ida Johnston; and Messrs. James Lorton, George Schuler, Addison Brown, and J. R. Brooks drove down to Prof. Hickok’s farm, five miles down the Walnut, last evening, accompanied by broad smiles, full baskets, lemons, ice, etc. The grove, on the bank of the river, with a beautiful mat of blue grass and large, branching elms, was delightful: as lovely a place as can be found for a picnic party. A fascinating supper and comfortable hammocks were spread, and a very happy evening spent. The festive chigger seemed to have gone off to some other health resort, and the sharp mosquito had lost his tune.
Mr. Lorton, Kansas City merchant??? Father of James and Wm. Lorton???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Work on Mr. Lorton’s building is progressing rapidly and will be ready for our Kansas City merchant in a few days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James Lorton to Andrew Shaw, lot 9, blk 245, Citizens ad to Winfield: $16.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The Marriage of Mr. Ezra H. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington Thursday Night.
Thursday night was the occasion of one of the most brilliant weddings in the history of the city, that of Mr. Ezra H. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington, which took place at the pleasant, commodious home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington. The wide acquaintance and popularity of the contracting parties, with the fact that the bride was the last child of a happy home, made the marriage anticipated with warm interest. The parents had planned a celebration fitting to the departure in marriage of the last and youngest member of their household—the one who was the greatest pride and joy to their ripened years.
Thirteen children and grandchildren were present, including Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lemmon, of Newton, with their children, Masters Bertie Flint, Allen B., Jr., and Fred and little Miss Mary; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ex Saint, of Acoma Grant, New Mexico, with their little daughters, Irene and Louise; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, of this city, and Master Roy. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Millington, of McCune, Kansas, were also among the relatives present.
At an early hour the large double parlors, sitting room, and hall were filled almost to overflowing by the following friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Capt. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Gans, Col. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen, Senator and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short, Judge and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Root, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, Senator and Mrs. J. C. Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balliet, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harter, Senator and Mrs. F. S. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Richards; Mesdames J. C. Fuller, A. T. Spotswood, E. P. Hickok, Ed Beeny, T. B. Myers, A. C. Bangs, Judd, H. H. Albright; Misses Emma Strong, Sallie McCommon, Nettie R. McCoy, Annie McCoy, Anna Hunt, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Ida Johnston, Leota Gary, Sadie French, Hattie Stolp, Lena Walrath, Minnie Taylor, Huldah Goldsmith, and Lillie Wilson; Messrs. R. E. Wallis, C. Perry, Geo. C. Rembaugh, C. F. Bahntge, W. C. Robinson, E. Wallis, Ad Brown, Lewis Brown, Ed J. McMullen, Frank H. Greer, P. H. Albright, I. L. Millington, T. J. Eaton, M. J. O’Meara, M. H. Ewart, R. B. Rudolph, M. Hahn, James Lorton, C. D. Dever, E. Schuler, F. F. Leland, Lacey Tomlin, Jos. O’Hare, Eli Youngheim, H. Sickafoose, H. Goldsmith, Moses Nixon, L. D. Zenor, and George Schuler.
At 8:30 the chatter of merry voices was ceased for a few moments and the bridal pair appeared, amid the sweet strains of Mendelsohns’ wedding march, by Miss Nettie R. McCoy. The bride was on the arm of her father and the groom accompanied by the bride’s mother. The bride looked beautiful in an exquisite costume of white Egyptian lace, with white satin slips. The groom was tastefully attired in conventional black. The ceremony, pronounced by Rev. H. D. Gans, was beautiful and impressive. The heartiest congratulations ensued and gaiety unrestrained again took possession of all. At the proper hour a banquet of choice delicacies was served and hugely enjoyed. The banquet over, an hour was spent in jovial converse, when the happy participants in a wedding most auspicious departed with renewed congratulations and wishes for a long, happy, and prosperous life for the bridal pair.
The bridal tokens were numerous, valuable, and handsome—the admiration of all who saw the array last night.
Messrs. G. H. Schuler, James Lorton, and R. Hudson, silver and cut glass pickle caster.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen, silver breakfast carter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, silver cake basket.
Wm. R. Lorton, brother of James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Wilmot Town Co to William R Lorton, lot 1, blk 24, and lot 1, blk 34, Wilmot: $100.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
James Lorton to Sarah E Schermerhorn, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 296, Citizens ad to Winfield: $50.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The Marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
Once again have the wedding chimes echoed. Ever since the announcement of the intended marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen, society has been on the qui vive in anticipation of the brilliant affair. Its date was New Year’s Day—the starting of a new year, with all its bright prospects and happy hopes. What time could be more appropriate for the joining of two souls with but a single thought? As the cards signaled, the wedding occurred at the elegant residence of Col. J. C. McMullen, uncle of the bride. At half past one o’clock the guests began to assemble and soon the richly furnished parlors of one of Winfield’s most spacious homes were a lively scene, filled with youth and age. It was a representative gathering of the city’s best people, attired as befitted a full dress occasion. Many of the ladies were very richly costumed.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Gull, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Blair.
Arkansas City: Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Topliff, Mrs. E. H. Wilson, Mrs. M. L. Matlack, Mrs. A. M. Clevenger, and Miss Lucy Walton.
Misses Minnie Taylor, Josie Pixley, Ida Trezise, Lena Walrath, Alice Bishop, Mary Bryant, Mary Berkey, May Hodges, Hattie Stolp, and Leota Gary.
Messrs. Judge Jay J. Buck, of Emporia; George and Everett Schuler, Will Hodges, Robert Hudson, Eli Youngheim, Jos. O’Hare, S. and P. Kleeman, Henry Goldsmith, E. Wallis, Addison Brown, Tom J. Eaton, Lacey Tomlin, Dr. C. E. Pugh, Frank Robinson, Lewis Brown, Will Robinson, James Lorton, Amos Snowhill, Livey J. Buck, Harry Sickafoose, and Frank H. Greer.
This list is as nearly correct as our reporter could get. In such an assembly it is almost impossible to get every name.
The bridal party were in a bower formed of white satin ribbon, in which were the bride’s father and mother, Mrs. Wm. H. Colgate and children, a sister, Col. McMullen, his mother and family, Mrs. M. L. Matlack and Stacy Matlack and wife, mother and brother of the groom. Mrs. J. F. McMullen was attired in a stone colored silk, trimmed with plush, same shade, and Mrs. J. C. McMullen in garnet-colored silk. Mrs. Colgate wore a pink cashmere dress, with satin mora bon trimming; Pussy Colgate, blue alabastrass Gretchen dress. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. J. H. Reider, pastor of the Baptist church of this city.
Silver nut cracker and half dozen nut picks, Ed J. McMullen.
Silver salt and pepper castor, Miss Nellie McMullen.
Silver tray with tea and coffee service, Mrs. M. L. Matlack.
Large steel engraving “Rural Scene,” S. Matlack.
Morocco bound bible, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen.
Decorated China dinner set, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen.
Diamond earrings, groom to bride.
Point lace handkerchief, Mrs. W. H. Colgate.
Hand painted pickle castor, Mr. E. Schuler, J. Lorton, G. Schuler, and Robt. Hudson, Jr.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The large attendance at the wedding interfered considerably with New Year’s calling. It interfered with the formal banquet of many who would otherwise have kept formal open house. But the enjoyment was all the greater. Too much form spoils fun. About fifty callers were out, the two largest parties being “The Young Men’s Kerosene Association,” composed of Ed. J. McMullen, Tom J. Eaton, Frank F. Leland, Will E. Hodges, Addison Brown, Frank Robinson, and Livey T. Buck, and the “Great and Only Original Order of Modern S. of G.’” composed of D. H. Sickafoose, J. W. Spindler, A. F. Hopkins, E. Youngheim, R. Hudson, L. T. Tomlin, F. H. Greer, O. J. Dougherty. J. Lorton, and Q. A. Robertson. Judge Torrance, Senator Hackney, Judge Soward, and Ed P. Greer, formed another party.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
THE GUESTS. Rev. and Mrs. Kelly; Rev. and Mrs. Reider; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gridley; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Blackman; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Park; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch; Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vance; Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff, Wellington; Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown and Ralph; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller; Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Mrs. T. H. Soward; Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Mattie Harrison, of Hannibal, Mo.; Lola Silliman, Leota Gary, Anna Hunt, Alice Thompson, Ida Ritchie, Clara Wilson, Julia B. March, Ida Johnston, Nellie and Kate Rodgers; Ora Worden, of Garnett; Nellie and Alice Aldrich, Minnie Taylor, Nellie McMullen, Lou Gregg, Maud Kelly, Mattie Reider, Hattie and Mamie Young; Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Will Hodges, Addison Brown, Jas. Lorton, L. J. Buck, Everett and George Schuler, W. A. Ritchie, C. E. Pugh, Chas. H. Slack, Jno. Brooks, Frank H. Greer, Will Brown, Harry Caton, Lewis Plank, P. S. Hills, J. L. M. Hill, Ed J. McMullen, and M. Hahn.
Silver butter dish, Everett and George Schuler, James Lorton, Ed J. McMullen, L. J. Buck, and Frank H. Greer.
Will R. Lorton visits brother, James...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Will R. Lorton was down from Wilmot Tuesday. He is a brother of our Jim in the Winfield National Bank, and is as bright and gentlemanly as his brother.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Wilmot Town Company to Wm R Lorton, lots 2 and 3, blk 34, Wilmot: $30.00.
James Lorton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Miller entertained, in honor of Mr. Miller’s forty-fourth birthday, a large number of old folks. Last evening their pleasant home was again open, on behalf of Joe C. Miller and Jno. R. Brooks, and was the occasion of a very happy gathering of young folks. Those whose presence contributed to the gaiety of the evening were: Misses Anna McCoy, Minnie Taylor, Leota Gary, Anna Hunt, Josie and Lulu Pixley, Mary and Eva Berkey, Ella Randall, Nellie McMullen, Mattie Reider, Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Jennie Hane, Maggie Harper, Hattie Stolp, Bessie Handy, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Ella Wilson, Sallie Bass, Alma Smock, Carrie Christie; Messrs. Elder Vawter, W. E. Hodges, Ed J. McMullen, Lacey T. Tomlin, Thos. J. Johnston, Willis A. Ritchie, Addison Brown, Everett T. and Geo. H. Schuler, Jas. Lorton, Frank H. Greer, Chas. Slack, Eugene Wallis, J. W. Spindler, Geo. Lindsley, Phil. Kleeman, F. F. Leland, C. F. Bahntge, Harry Bahntge, Dr. Stine, and A. L. Schultz.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
The G. O. Club gave another of its very enjoyable parties last evening in the agreeable home of Miss Anna Hunt. The juicy consistency of real estate didn’t interfere in the least with the attendance. Cabs were out and annihilated any weather inconvenience. Those participating in the gaiety of the evening were: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balliet, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt; Misses Nettie and Anna McCoy, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Ida Ritchie, Nellie Cole, Maggie Harper, Ida Johnston, Mary Berkey, Eva Dodds, Hattie Stolp, Minnie Taylor, and Leota Gary; Messrs. C. A. Bower, A. G. Haltinwanger, Frank F. Leland, Addison Brown, Charles F. and Harry Bahntge, Otto Weile, Willis A. Ritchie, Lacey T. Tomlin, H. D. Sickafoose, G. E. Lindsley, P. S. Hills, James Lorton, Eugene Wallis, Will E. Hodges, George Schuler, and Frank H. Greer. The graceful entertainment of Miss Anna, appropriately assisted by Capt. and Mrs. Hunt, was most admirable. With various popular amusements and the merriest converse, supplemented by choice refreshments, all retired in the realization of a most delightful evening, full appreciating the genial hospitality of Miss Hunt. The G. O.’s will probably have but one or two more meetings this season. Successful indeed have been its parties during the winter, affording a very pleasurable alternate to the Pleasant Hour Club.
The Literary Union, though unavoidably meeting on the same evening of the G. O., had a good attendance and an evening of much interest and profit. It met in the capacious home of Miss Lola Silliman, whose happy reception made perfect freedom and enjoyment. The program was acceptably arranged and meritable—Quartette music by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown, C. I. Forsyth, and Charles Slack; a revel with Longfellow, with numerous and applicable quotations, all giving a stanza; a basso solo by Mr. Forsyth, with Miss Kelly at the instrument; essay, “The Moral Codes,” N. W. Mayberry; vocal duet by Mrs. Brown and Chas. Slack; recitation by Miss Maud Kelly; duet, violin and piano, A. F. Hopkins and Miss Silliman; recitation, by Frank H. Greer. Besides those named there were present: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, and Mrs. A. Silliman; Misses Eva Berkey, Minnie Burney, and Ora Lowry; Messrs. P. S. Hills, James Lorton, O. D. Wagner, M. A. Stewart, C. E. Webb, L. E. Barbour, and Lewis Plank. This Union certainly has a meritable object—the drawing out, in pleasant and profitable entertainment, the city’s literary ability and taste. It will at once enlist the appreciation of all of a literary or musical turn. Among the city’s numerous parties where “airy pleasantries” are the order, a Union of this kind is very appropriate. The next entertainment will be given in the new St. James Hotel parlors, in conjunction with a social by the Ladies Aid Society.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane opened their agreeable home Thursday to one of the gayest gatherings of young folks. Receptions by this popular and very social couple are always marked by the freest and most acceptable enjoyment. Their graceful entertainment admits no restraint—all go in for a genuine good time, and they always have it. Those experiencing the free-hearted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Doane on this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Doane; Mrs. E. H. Nixon, Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Nettie and Anna McCoy, Margie Wallis, Nellie McMullen, Ida Ritchie, Leota Gary, Jennie Hane, Sadie French, Anna Hunt, Jennie Bangs, Ida Johnston, Hattie Stolp, Eva Dodds, Lena Oliver, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Nellie Cole; Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Lacey Tomlin, James Lorton, W. A. and Walter Ritchie, Tom J. Eaton, Ed J. McMullen, Byron R. Rudolph, C. E. Vosbourgh, Addison Brown, Harry Sickafoose, Frank F. Leland, Wm. D. Carey, Ivan A. Robinson, Will E. Hodges, and Frank H. Greer. Indulging in the ever popular whist and other amusements, with the jolliest social converse, until after the serving of the choice luncheon, the music began and the Terpsichorean toe turned itself loose. The evening throughout was one of much delight, and all bid adieu fully realizing that Mr. and Mrs. Doane are foremost among the most admirable entertainers of social Winfield.
Wm. Lorton, brother of James Lorton, loses child...
Winfield Monthly Herald, September, 1891.
DIED. On August 7th, the pastor was called to Wilmot, to preach the funeral sermon of Mamie Lorton, 7 years old. Only the week before her sister was called home, both being victims of that dreadful disease, Diphtheria. The large circle of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lorton deeply sympathize with them in this double affliction.
James Lorton...
Winfield Monthly Herald, November, 1891.
James Lorton gave $2.00.
Winfield Monthly Herald, April, 1892.
There have been a large number on the sick list this last month. Mrs. Harriett Bliss, Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mrs. G. P. Wright, Mrs. Dr. Hoyt, Mrs. C. Collins, Mrs. Dea. Jimmerson, Lila and Vina Hubbell, Jas. Lorton, Mrs. Eva Littell, also Katie, Anna, and Bertha.