John Love Family
I found this file most confusing to follow. Perhaps the 1893 Directory will help...
1893 - Arkansas City.
Putting them in with the oldest first:
Love, W. L., 69; spouse, Ruth, 57.
Love, Jno. [John], 69; spouse, Nancy, 61. [Believe this is “John Love.”]
Love, J. J., 48; spouse, Sally, 44.
Love, J. Mack, 41; spouse, Laura, 27.
Love, J. D., 40; spouse, Emma, 33.
Love, Geo. B., 32; spouse, Mary, 21.
Listed separately: Elma Love, 26.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1882.
I have 20 Young Thoroughbred and high-grade short horn bulls for sale cheap at my ranch 7 miles south and 2 east of Arkansas City. Geo. B. Love.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call a number of stockmen met at the office of C. M. Scott, in Arkansas City, Kansas, and organized by calling Mr. John H. Tomlin, of Winfield, to the chair and C. M. Scott, Secretary.
The following gentlemen were present: W. J. Hodges, John Myrtle, John Love, J. M. Love, Weathers, Tipton, Chinn, Wicks, D. Warren, Hugh McGinn, J. H. Saunders, Moorehouse, Dr. Carlisle, and others.
On motion a committee of three was appointed to settle all claims of stockmen with the parties proposing to fence, or any other whose interests might conflict.
Committee: W. J. Hodges, Chairman; Drury Warren, and C. M. Scott.
Mr. Weathers thought the Oil Company had no right in the Territory, and did not believe in adjusting matters with them. Thought they should not be recognized in the meeting at all.
Mr. Hodges thought if they paid the tax and complied with the law, they had as much right as anyone to the unoccupied range, and that we should not expect the range to lay idle, and that it would not, and anyone claiming it and paying for it would be protected, whether they were of Kansas, Pennsylvania, or England.
Mr. Chinn said if a man paid, he had no protection against Texas cattle, to which Mr. Hodges replied; only through the Stock Association.
Mr. Warren didn’t see any harm in the Oil Company occupying the range as long as they interfered with the rights of no one legally there.
Mr. Love is on the west side of the range they propose to fence. He hasn’t paid his tax. When he stopped there, he did not expect to remain long—was going farther west, but finally concluded to remain. He then rendered payment to the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, and his offer was refused, although he was first on the ground, and had conflicted with no one; and after they had refused, the grant and privilege was given to Mr. Gore. He did not believe in discriminating in favor of a monopoly, and that too, when they were not on the ground, and have not yet a hoof of stock on the range. He said there was no fairness in it, and that the Oil Company were only acting fair since they could do no better. That they had tried to shut out all alike and would have done it if they could, and he appealed to the stockmen to stand by him as he had stood by them.
Mr. Hodges thought Mr. Love’s case one of merit, and that his right would not be ignored.
On motion the meeting elected Mr. Tomlin, Mr. Love, and C. M. Scott a committee of three to forward the grievance to Major John Q. Tufts at Muskogee, Indian Territory.
On motion Drury Warren, Mr. Wicks, and Mr. Weathers were appointed a committee of three to attend the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, to be held at Caldwell March 6, 1883.
The following resolutions were introduced and passed.
Resolved, That it is the sense and desire of this meeting that no quarantine ground be established east of Bitter Creek.
Resolved, That no through Texas cattle be permitted to be driven along the State Line east of Bitter Creek, or within four miles of the line during the summer months and that we will use our best endeavors to prevent such doing.
Resolved, That each and everyone of us become a member of the Cherokee Strip Association, and that we stand by one another in the protection of our rights.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
No Show for Monopolists.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.
It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
The roll was called and the following officers reported.
Ben S. Miller, president.
John A. Blair, secretary.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was on motion dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, presented his report, showing the receipts to be $3,645.16; expenditures, $1,537.12, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2,108.04. Report accepted.
On motion, Messrs. W. E. Bridge, T. F. Pryor, P. Carnagie, J. W. Carter, and Cid. Eldridge were appointed as committee on membership.
On motion, Messrs. Hodson, Eldridge, Drumm, Hewins, and Tuttle were appointed a committee on permanent organization.
On motion the president appointed W. S. Snow, James Hamilton, and Ed. Hewins a committee on constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Hewins moved that the president appoint a sergeant at arms, whose duty it shall be to see that bonafide members of the Association are seated together and apart from spectators. Carried.
The Association then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnsons & Hosmer, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, S. P. Burress, C. C. Clark, J. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
The committee on permanent organization reported the following officers.
President, Ben S. Miller.
Secretary, John A. Blair.
Assistant Secretary, Tell W. Walton.
Treasurer, M. H. Bennett.
Report adopted.
Mr. Hamilton from committee on constitution and by-laws, asked for further time. Granted.
The committee on membership reported names received as temporary members until the constitution and by-laws were adopted. Report accepted.
On motion of Mr. Cooper, the report of committee on permanent organization was adopted. Whereupon Mr. Ben S. Miller thanked the convention for their united confidence in him as a presiding officer, and without any flourish, announced that the next order of business would be the appointment of a sergeant-at-arms, and therefore appointed Marion Blair.
On motion, the Association resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and on motion of Major Drumm, the following committee on round-ups was appointed.
A. Drumm, W. E. Campbell, Marion Blair, H. W. Timberlake, Syl. Fitch, J. W. Carter, Tony Day, M. K. Krider, Oliver Ewell, Pat Carnegie, and E. W. Payne.
On motion, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell COMMERCIAL; H. P. Standley, Arkansas City Traveler; T. A. McNeal, Cresset; E. W. Payne, Index, Medicine Lodge; H. A. Heath, Kansas Farmer, Topeka; J. J. Jewett, Kansas City Indicator; H. H. Heath, Kansas City Price Current; R. L. Owen, Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory; Lafe Merritt, Transporter, Cheyenne, Indian Territory; J. C. Richards, Press; C. T. Hickman, Democrat, Wellington; were elected assistant secretaries of the convention.
Report of H. B. Johnson, inspector at Kansas City, was read and accepted. The report sets forth that Mr. Johnson has caught 207 cattle wrongfully shipped, valued at $75.00. [Wonder if they meant $75.00 each???]
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Johnson, and various other inspectors, for their efficient work on behalf of the Association.
On motion the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee on programme for tomorrow’s work: Ben. Miller, Carnegie, Bridge, Hodgson, Hamilton, and John Blair.
Messrs. John Reese and John Volz were instructed to furnish the Association with an exhibit of expenses incurred in pursuing cattle thieves.
A telegram dated Kansas City, March 6, to W. B. Hutchison, from Agent Miles, was read as follows: “Agent Tufts recommends that fences be permitted to remain and others with the consent of the Cherokees.”
The convention adjourned until ten o’clock Wednesday morning.
Convention called to order at 11 a.m., on Wednesday morning by President Miller.
Mr. Hamilton, chairman from committee on constitution and by-laws reported progress.
The following report of committee on round-ups was presented by its chairman and on motion of Mr. Hodgson was adopted.
We, the assigned committee on round-ups, appointed by the Convention of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, held in Caldwell on March 6th, 1883, herewith submit the following report.
Division No. 1. To be composed of what is known as Red Rock and Salt Fork country, including the territory of, and then to the south line of Kansas, and thence west, including all tributaries of the Salt Fork, in the west line of the Comanche County Pool. Said division to meet at the Red Rock crossing of the Arkansas City road, and Thomas Wilson to be appointed as Captain of said division.
Division No. 2. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 1, and extend as far south as the division between the Cimarron and the North Fork of the Canadian, and to commence work at McClellen’s pasture, and, if necessary, to work on the North Fork, east of the crossing of the Chisholm trail, and work west as far as the west line of the Comanche County Pool. This division to meet where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeleton Creek, and Howard Capper to be appointed captain of said division.
Division No. 3. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 2, and as far south as the Washita River; and to extend as far west as A. J. Day’s range. Said division to meet at the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Fork of the Canadian, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain.
We also recommend that the captains of the several divisions be empowered to discharge all parties not doing their duty or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties discharged.
We also recommend that Marion Blair, A. J. Day, W. E. Campbell, J. W. Carter, H. W. Timberlake, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed as a committee to confer with the round-up committee appointed by the stock meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 28th and 29th of the present month, and that the joint communities then decide upon a date for the beginning of the spring round-up, together with such other recommendations as they may desire to proffer; and that the report be published in the Caldwell, Anthony, and Medicine Lodge papers. A. DRUMM, Chairman.
The President read a communication from W. W. Cook, chairman of the Barbour County Stockmen’s Association, inviting the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, and all others, to attend their meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge, March 28 and 29, 1883.
The committee on credentials reported several new names for membership, which report was received and the members admitted.
Mr. H. S. Lane, inspector at St. Louis, reported 105 head picked up, which sold at an average of $75 per head.
The bill of Stoller & Reese, amounting to $213.00, and of John Volz for $216.00, for expenses in recovering stolen stock and prosecuting thieves, were referred to committee on finance.
The questions of continuing the reward offered by the inspection committee for the conviction of stock thieves was discussed by Messrs. Buzard, Snow, Heran, McDowell, and others—the general feeling being that the reward ought to be increased.
Mr. Hodges asked leave to file paper for consideration of the convention at the proper time concerning Oil Company troubles. Paper was read and discussed.
Mr. Gore, representing the Company, supposed to be the Pennsylvania Oil Company, stated that it was not a part of said company, but was a private enterprise, and that they were willing to agree to anything reasonable concerning the ranges.
Mr. Hewins thought the paper should go to the committee on arbitration.
The following resolution was read and adopted.
Resolved, That as the Kansas Legislature has adopted a railroad bill providing for commissioners, the stockmen of Southwestern Kansas request that in the appointment of said commissioners, the stock interests of the State shall be taken into consideration; we, therefore, request that Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, be appointed as a member of said commission.
The convention was called to order at 11 o’clock a.m.
James W. Hamilton from the committee on organization, reported that articles of incorporation had been adopted and filed with the secretary of state as the Cherokee Live Stock Association, that the board of directors for the first year were Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, John A. Blair, S. Tuttle of Caldwell; W. Payne of Medicine Lodge; and Charles H. Eldred, of Carrolton, Illinois; and others. The committee also reported a code of by-laws.
The report was read at length, and after a warm discussion, adopted; and the convention adjourned until three o’clock p.m.
At the three o’clock session seventy-three stock men came forward and paid their membership fee of $10, after which a meeting of the board of directors was called, the names passed upon, and then adjourned until Friday morning.
Just at this point, we desire to say that the new organization is a move in the right direction. Through it, the rights of the smallest stockman in the Territory will be as fully protected as those of the powerful combinations. In fact, it makes of all parties one complete organization, wherein the weak will have a show for the capital they may have invested.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
An arbitration meeting was held at Caldwell, last week, to settle the question of disputed range between Mr. Love, who is holding cattle on Bodoc Creek, and the oil company. It was decided in favor of the company.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Board of Arbitrators.
The decisions of the Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association held last week at Caldwell will be found in brief as follows.
John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Mr. Love last week purchased the Hoyt property just north of Mr. Benedict’s residence on Eighth Street and is now occupying the same as a residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
Several members of Mr. Love’s family have been quite sick for several days past, but at this writing we are pleased to state they are improving.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Capt. Nipp will fence his range in the Territory this spring, and Mr. Love thinks of doing the same. Both these ranges have been contested by Windsor & Roberts, yet Messrs. Nipp and Love have assurance from Washington which prompts them to go ahead, regardless of the stock association or the Cherokee Nation.
Miss Mary Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Our Churches. The services at the White church last Sabbath were most interesting, and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. The services in the morning were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Fleming, assisted by Rev. Dr. Kirkwood of Winfield. The sermon was preached by the latter gentleman. Immediately after the sermon the following named persons were received into the fellowship of the church by profession: Mrs. Chas. Hutchins, Mrs. Burress, Miss Mary Love, Miss Sallie Ketchum, Miss Lizzie Mann, Miss Emma Morton, and Mr. B. C. Lent; of these the Misses Mann and Morton, Mrs. Hutchins and Mr. Lent received the rite of baptism. There were also admitted by letter at the same time fourteen others, thus making an addition of twenty-two members to the church last Sabbath.
The services at the M. E. and U. P. Churches last Sabbath were well attended and the reverend gentlemen discoursed in their usual eloquent and impressive manner to attentive congregations. The gospel work is being well done in our midst, and its fruits are becoming daily more manifest.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Mr. W. H. McCune left on last Wednesday to pay a visit to his former home near Allerton, Iowa. He hopes to return in a few weeks with his mother, when they will take up their residence on the Love farm just west of [CANNOT READ LAST TWO WORDS.]
Miss Ella Love...
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The late musical convention, held by Prof. Seager, has thoroughly aroused our people to the importance of musical culture. . . .
We most heartily welcome this new enterprise, the Arkansas City Choral society, perfected at a meeting held in the U. P. Church on last Wednesday evening.
The following is a list of the officers and executive committee: Pres., Wm. M. Sleeth; Vice Pres., Rev. S. B. Fleming; Sec. and Treas., J. O. Campbell; Musical Director, W. D. Mowry; Asst. Musical Director, Rev. Harris. Executive Committee: Geo. E. Hasie, Rev. Harris, R. L. Marshall, Mrs. Cunningham, Miss Ella Love.
The society starts out with fifty-six charter members. It meets on next Wednesday evening in the Presbyterian Church at 7:30 o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Mrs. Fleming and Mrs. Love left yesterday afternoon to attend the annual meeting of the Ladies’ Home and Foreign Missionary society of the presbytery of Emporia, held in Peabody. They will return on Friday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
On Wednesday evening, at the Presbyterian Church, The Arkansas City Choral Society held its first regular meeting. Rev. S. B. Fleming presided, and Prof. R. W. Seager kindly conducted the singing. Miss Grace E. Medbury was invited by the unanimous vote of the society to the position of pianist, with Mrs. G. W. Cunningham as assistant. Andrew Dalzell was elected librarian, and Mr. S. G. Phillips, assistant musical director. A committee on membership was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Frank Hutchison, F. B. Marshall, C. H. Searing, Mrs. E. W. Gooch, and Mrs. Stacy Matlack, to whom will be referred all applications for membership made hereafter.
We understand Mr. Phillips has had considerable experience in the direction of chorus singing, and in the training which he can give the society, will prove a valuable acquisition.
Any of the officers, or the very energetic lady members of the executive committee, Miss Ella Love and Mrs. G. W. Cunningham, will be pleased to give all information that is desired in reference to the society.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 29, 1884.
A terrible conflagration swept over a portion of the Indian Territory, situated southwest of Arkansas City, last Thursday. As far as we can learn at present, Capt. Nipp’s and Mr. Love’s ranches located about 18 miles southwest from our city, were partially or wholly destroyed. The rapidity of the wind drove the flames with lightning speed.
Unfortunately, six miles west and south, Mr. Lingenfelter and son were going with two double teams to Willow Springs for posts. A terrific cloud of dust and smoke completely hid the fire from view, rendering escape difficult. He was destitute of matches, and had no way of starting a fire. Mr. Lingenfelter placed his boy in a path and covered him with an overcoat. The boy thus escaped, with the exception of a slight burn on the leg. Mr. Lingenfelter himself was seriously burned on the face, head, and hands, in trying to preserve his son. Both wagons and harness were burned, and one horse so seriously, that he soon died, and another cannot recover; the other team ran off and were saved. Sweeping on its course, the fire reached the state line. Mr. Pettit lost 3,000 bushels of corn in the flames; also his stables and corral. Mr. H. H. Beacham lost four cows. Mr. Wolf’s small stables were burned. Mr. Rheinhart’s and Capt. Scott’s stables were also consumed. A dwelling near the line went up in the flames. The Chilocco Indian schools were saved by the activity of the teacher and employees.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Citizens’ Meeting.
At the meeting at the opera house, last Wednesday evening, for the purpose of nominating a citizen’s ticket, Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair; G. W. Cunningham and S. W. Duncan were elected secretaries. The following ticket was nominated:
Mayor, A. J. Pyburn; councilmen, George W. Cunningham, T. H. McLaughlin, Cal. Dean, Frank Leach, and John Love; Police Judge, Wm. Blakeney. Judge Pyburn since the meeting, having declined the nomination for mayor, Frank Schiffbauer has been substituted to his place on the ticket.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
Rev. J. O. Campbell and Miss Grace Medbury, F. J. Hess and Miss May Johnson, J. C. Topliff and Miss Virginia Walton, and Mr. Houghton and Miss Ella Love spent several days in the Territory this week, visiting the different agencies.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
A jolly quartette of couples, composed of J. C. Topliff and Miss Walton, Rev. J. O. Campbell and Miss Medbury, F. J. Hess and Miss Johnson, and Mr. Houghton and Miss Love, took a pleasure trip to Ponca and Otoe agencies last week. They report the best of treatment and a most enjoyable time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1884.
The Ladies’ Aid society of the Presbyterian Church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m., with Mrs. Love.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
John Love $5.00
Unknown what relationship, if any, Hayes [or Hays] Love has to John Love family...
Arkansas City Republican, August 9, 1884.
[?] H. Dixon and Hayes Love have rented the building formerly occupied by G. W. Childers, and will open [?] and lunch stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1884.
Last Saturday night Sheriff McIntire arrested E. C. Mason and one Barcaw, his partner, for selling liquor in the billiard room at the north end of Summit Street, and Hayes Love and Ben Dixon for running what is known as a “blind tiger” in the old Childers building. The parties were taken to Winfield, but gave bond and were released. On Monday Barcaw plead guilty and was fined $100 and costs. The trial of the others comes off today.
[Note: A. C. papers stated name was “Hayes” Love. Courier calls him “Hays” Love.]
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
A “Blind Tiger” Captured.
Sheriff McIntire dropped down on Arkansas City last Saturday evening in a very unexpected and summary manner. He went down in the afternoon for the purpose of visiting with relatives on Sunday. On his arrival he learned that there was one of the contrivances for selling whiskey known as a “Blind Tiger,” running, so he set to work investigating. He searched out the tiger’s cage and found a sort of slide in a door over which was a printed card, “Call for what you want and put your change in the box.” George read the notice and promptly ordered the wall to send out “two beers.” The slide slid round, then slid back, and there appeared two glasses of beer. The sheriff drank one of them and passed on. After further search he discovered a subterranean resort where a lot of the faithful had gathered to imbibe poor liquor at a high price. He managed to get a large enough snort of this to make him a competent witness under the recent decision of the Supreme Court; when he got out a team, came to Winfield, and with the County Attorney, got out warrants for “John Doe,” “Henry Ree,” and others, swearing to them positively himself. Armed with these he returned to Arkansas City, raided the places, and arrested Hays Love and Ben Dixon, the tiger men, and Mason and another in the cellar business. They were brought up and gave bail. On Monday Mason and his partner plead guilty and were fined two hundred dollars and costs each. The “blind tiger” fellows have not yet been put on the rack, but will get a lively dose when it comes. Sheriff McIntire’s action in the matter has created great consternation among the pocket saloon crowd. The recent decision requiring a warrant to be sworn to positively by someone competent to be a witness seemed to be a bulwark against prosecution, as those who did the drinking were not the persons who would inform on the seller. The fact that the sheriff would go after them in this way was a bombshell of no small magnitude. Arkansas City will be a very dry town for some time to come. Sheriff McIntire proposes to enforce this law even if he has to drink all the whiskey in the county to comply with the views of the Supreme Court in making an arrest. When the COURIER said during the campaign that George McIntire would do his duty come what might, it knew what it was talking about. He is the first officer in Kansas to overcome the effect of the Supreme Court’s late decision. The firm and determined manner in which he did it commands the respect of every lover of law and order in the county.
Ella Love, Mary Love, Dr. Love mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
A picnic party composed of Misses Ella Love, Mary Love, Maggie Sample, Albertine Maxwell, and Miss Steel accompanied by Drs. Mitchell, Westfall, and Love, B. Dixon, and Frank Hutchison went to the Nation one day last week. We suppose the attendance of the numerous medical advisers was due to so much malaria existing in the Territory.
Dr. Love is again mentioned...?
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Capt. Nipp and Dr. Love’s stock ranches are the only ones the soldiers have molested so far, we understand.
Mrs. John Love and daughter, Gracie...
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Mrs. John Love and daughter, Gracie, left for Illinois Thursday, to visit relatives.
Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Drs. Mitchell and Love left for Caldwell yesterday to take in the bull fight.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
Drs. Love and Mitchell drove across the country to Caldwell Tuesday to attend the Caldwell’s Driving Park Association exhibition.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will hold a social at the residence of Rev. Fleming on Tuesday evening, November 11. A preparatory meeting will be held by the young ladies next Friday evening at the home of Miss Ella Love. The socials for the Presbyterian Society this winter are to be in charge of the young ladies entirely, and they are going to make an aggressive campaign, their purpose being to hold socials at regular stated intervals, and give them such attention as to make them doubly successful. All the young ladies are invited to be present with Miss Love next Friday and unite in making the first social of the season a success.
Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Drs. Love and Westfall were exceedingly jubilant election night as they heard from New York, and out of the great charity of their hearts sustained us in our hour of tribulation.
Dr. Love and John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Drs. Love and Mitchell, John Love, Rev. J. O. Campbell, and Lawyer McBride, of Wellington, will next week spend several days in the territory on a hunting expedition.
Frank Love and son...
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Frank Love’s little boy has been quite ill this week.
John Love and Dr. J. D. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
John and Dr. J. D. Love, Rev. J. O. Campbell, Dr. G. H. J. Hart, W. D. Howlett, of Berlin Heights, Ohio, and Dr. J. A. Mitchell, did not go on their hunting excursion last week, but will start next Monday for the Cimarron River.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The hunting party consisting of Drs. G. Hart, J. A. Mitchell, Love, Rev. J. O. Campbell, and others returned the first of the week.
Ella Love, Mary Love, Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Auction Social.
Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy.
Miss Mary Love to Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Miss Jennie Peterson to Dr. Love.
J. W. Love...Could this be John Love???
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The trial of W. A. Lee and J. W. Love last Thursday and Friday for felony was dismissed.
Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
A Hunt Down on the Cimarron.
The following bit of hunting experience was written by one of the hunting party composed of Drs. Love, Mitchell, Hart, Rev. J. O. Campbell, and others.
“On the 23rd of November last a something on four wheels, which on close inspection proved to be a wagon, hid by its miscellaneous load of tents, blankets, and other necessaries for a hunting jaunt drew up in front of the Hotel de Windsor to receive its last but most precious cargo, viz: The Patriarch, the celebrated Indian fighter from Ohio, and the French cook (brought out from New Orleans especially for the occasion), who were to proceed the distinguished nimrods and prospectors of the expedition, composed of His Reverence, a great medicine man, a Love of a baker, and Fritz, our boy, who were to follow the next day, which would allow ample time for the Indian terror to clear the country of any objectionable bands of red men before the rear guard should join them at Salt Fork.
“The commissary department, after about eight hours hard driving over soft roads, pitched its tent on Duck Creek (called a creek by courtesy, for there was very little of that fluid that constitutes creeks) for the night. After a hasty meal rapidly prepared by the culinary artist. all hands turned in to dream of the numerous quantities of game to be slain by their party.
“November 24, 5:30 a.m. All hands up, each one very stiff but smiling as pleasantly as a basket of chips and almost upsetting each other in their ludicrous endeavors to appear agile and refreshed by their first night’s slumber in a tent on very damp ground. (Please drop the final letter in damp, and you will have my opinion of that same ground born that first and fully grown and developed by the last night’s experiment of that trip.) Horse hitched and fed, off we go, towards Salt Fork, which point we expected to and did reach by afternoon, where we were soon joined by the nimrods. My countrymen, what a noble sight was presented to us as the chariot drawn by two elegant chargers rushed into view—about ten minutes after a terrific discharge of fire-arms.
“And would’st thou have me paint the scene then listen.”
“Fritz (first cousin of Oliver Twist) with eyes fixed on the provision wagon handled the ribbons seated next to our Love of a pastry cook, who looked as if he could rise on any occasion to show how well bread he was. The back seat was occupied by our learned medico and His Reverence, who presented a beautiful study in red, black, and blue. (Caused by an ambitious attempt to introduce his novel method of shooting a gun heavily charged, held a foot from the shoulder.) Result, one chicken, one black eye, one skinned nose, and a wish I had stayed at home look upon his countenance.
“After a short consultation, each member was assigned to duty. The Patriarch as chaperone, the Doctor as guardian of the bodily welfare of the horses, the Terror as tent pitcher and chief of the fire department, assisted by His Reverence, whose additional work wood necessitate his chopping for the fire.
“One day and a half on the road and only one dozen quails and four chicken, rather a poor showing but still enough to enjoy a royal repast prepared by our culinary artists and embellished by one baker. After supper we gathered around the camp-fire and told Sunday school stories until 8 p.m., when we passed off for slumber in the following order, which was kept up (or rather down) during the remainder of the trip. The Terror and the cook (the lion and the lamb shall etc.); the Doctor and His Reverence (birds of a feather, etc.). The Patriarch and the pastry cook (whom we shall in the future call Biscuits for short) and Fritz were soon wrapped in blankets and the arms of Morpheus.
“November 25, 1 a.m.
‘What time is it,’ from the cook.
‘1 o’clock, go to sleep,’ from the Terror, and the cook subsided until 5 a.m., when all hands turned out very sore but hopeful and soon camp was broken up and a fresh start made for the river. Half-way over, we stuck on a sand-bar. After some consultation, during which the wheels of the wagon were sinking rapidly into the sand, we concluded to have the least valuable articles, composed of the ammunition, tents, horse-feed, dogs, and cook on the bar to await the return of the other vehicle, which according to the cook’s story was a terrible time. However, all things must end sometime and the cook was soon dug out and carried to terra firma much to the amusement of the rest of the party. To make a long story short, after several small mishaps, we arrived at our destination on the evening of the 26th very fatigued, but still hopeful. The only thing worthy of note was the extreme length of the Indian Territory miles. That night we had quite an artistic meal, in preparation of which the two cooks allowed themselves off.
“The next day everyone started off except the patriarch, who was feeling unwell (not being used to such rich living), and did not participate. After about four hours of fearful rough walking, the party re-assembled at camp with four quails. No one saw anything to shoot except his Reverence, who made several ineffectual efforts to kill four deer with no cartridges in his gun. The deer smiled, and so did we. Our hopes somewhat daunted, we soon turned in for the night very tired and sleepy only to be awakened about a dozen times by the cook, who could not sleep because he was cold and asked the Terror for the time. Patience ceased to be a victim and the Terror requested the cook to go to a perpetual kitchen and buy his own time piece in so terrible a voice that he observed a heavenly silence for the balance of the night.
“Next day the smiles were few and a new plan for slaying the deer was devised. The Terror and cook went out together leaving the rest of the crowd to push their own say into the woods and speculate as to how much of the cook would return. The pair got a few quails and then got lost. Of course, the cook knew the way best, and after wallowing about ten miles, acknowledged he was wrong. The air was literally thick with howls from the Terror, who took offense (a wire one) and went in the opposite direction, meekly followed by the trembling cook, and they were in camp about two hours afterwards. Result of day’s sport, six quail, five tired men. Someone said after supper, ‘I want to go home;” a dead silence, a murmur, finally a deafening uproar, a chorus of ‘so do I,’ settled that we would start the next afternoon. Before retiring the party, minus the cook and boy, started after turkey. They succeeded in getting a few after a couple of hours shooting into a large number.
“Well, we started home the next afternoon after getting stuck in a creek and losing half our cooking utensils, wearing out the horses, and our good humor. We reached home after three days hard driving, sadder but wiser men.
“We got about two dollars worth of game and a hundred dollars worth of experience.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Christmas Festivities at Chilocco.
The Chilocco Indian School did “itself proud,” on Thursday evening in closing up Christmas day with a very merry time. By noon there had gathered a great many of the pale faced neighbors from over the line, bringing more than enough for themselves to eat, and this, added to the school’s own culinary supply, furnished a feast for all. In the evening others gathered in to join the merry-making. The large hall was well lighted and beautifully decorated. Appropriate Christmas drawings in color adorned the walls. These were executed by Miss DeKnight of the school and the Indian pupils. The chief attraction was Santa Claus and his revolving inverted pyramid all lighted, and loaded with presents. The pyramid was made to turn by some unseen agency. We suspect that Santa Claus was no less a person than Mr. Nelson, and that there was a dark faced Comanche or Apache boy underneath the table whirling the pyramid. Many and various were the gifts. Rev. Fleming addressed the school, and then songs and recitations were had. The assistants in the school, Mrs. Theaker, Misses Pearson, DeKnight, and Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Dr. Minthorn were present to make the pupils and visitors have a good time. Besides Rev. Fleming there went down from this city Miss Robertson of Winfield; Misses Ella Love and Alice Pyburn; S. P. Gould, Frank Hutchison, and Dr. J. A. Mitchell. These persons were not forgotten by Santa Claus, but were called up one by one to receive diminutive tin tops, tin plates, and clothes pins to the enjoyment of the pupils and the gratefulness of the visitors. The merry-making broke up between 9 and 10 o’clock with many good wishes for the future, mingled with regrets that “Christmas comes but once a year.” It might be added that aside from the pleasure of the occasion, such gatherings as this are a civilizing force, of which the teachers in the school are not unmindful.
Love Brothers finally mentioned: J. D. Love and F. A. Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.
William V. Love, son of John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
Will Love and family, of Aledo, Illinois, are visiting at the residence of John Love. Mr. Love is a son of John Love.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Will Love and family, who have been visiting at the residence of John Love for a few weeks past, returned to their Illinois home Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
William V. Love, son of John Love, has been visiting his relatives here for a couple of weeks. He made us a very pleasant call Wednesday evening and allayed our palm with sufficient balm to carry the TRAVELER to his home, Joy, Mercer County, Illinois, for one year.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society desire to express their sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly assisted in making the Japanese wedding the grand success that it was, in illustrating Oriental costumes and custom. Also, the musicians who rendered such excellent music, and to all the friends who contributed to the entertainment of the evening. MRS. S. B. FLEMING, President. ELLA LOVE, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Japanese Wedding.
Last Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society held their entertainment in Highland Hall. The Japanese Wedding was the main feature. It was purely oriental. The participants were dressed in the Japanese garb. Miss Linda Christian and J. C. Topliff were the high contracting parties. E. L. McDowell and Mrs. J. W. Heck, the parents of the groom; Philip Snyder and Miss Annie Meigs, the parents of the unsophisticated bride. Misses Maggie Hoffman, Laura Gould, Flora Gould, Rosa Morse, Edna Worthley, Viola Bishop, and Mamie Steinman were the bridesmaids.
First of all appeared on the stage the parents of the groom, followed by the parents of the bride, who glided to their place quietly. Next came Rev. J. O. Campbell, the “go-between,” followed by the couple who were desirous of being united. After Salaam to their hearts content, the “go-between” proceeded with his part. He goes to the groom, who whispers in his ear, and then he transfers his information to the bride, who in return whispers to the “go-between” and he carries it back to the groom. The ceremony was realistic, and considerable mirth was provoked, yet it was interesting.
After the wedding a bounteous feast was resorted to by the guests. A neat little sum of money was realized from this entertainment. There were two booths, one a candy and the other a fancy-work, which were presided over by the young ladies. Miss Ora Farrar had possession of the candy booth, which netted a goodly sum of money. Mrs. Steel furnished the candy, and as it was homemade, the customers pronounced it excellent. Misses Ella Love and Lissa Guthrie were in charge of the fancy-work booth. A silk crazy quilt, which was to have been voted to the most beautiful lady, resulted in a tie between Miss Hattie Cory and Mrs. S. B. Fleming. It will be disposed of at some future time.
Grace Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Instead of the usual Friday afternoon literary exercises, the pupils of the Intermediate Department celebrated the anniversary of the birth of our great poet, H. W. Longfellow.
The school sang the Psalm of Life, after which each pupil recited a short selection from his writing.
Edith Ochs and George Lindsay, each read an essay consisting of a brief sketch of his life.
Grace Love and Estelle Kellogg sang “The Bridge.”
Lillie Rarick, Annie Dodson, Ella Robertson, Grace Love, Estelle Kellogg, and Annie Spiers sang an amusing parody on Excelsior, entitled Upsides, at the close of which the pupils were dismissed, felling well pleased with the change from the usual routine of school work.
Arkansas City Republican, March 14, 1885.
School Report.
Report of the 6th and 7th grades, West School, for months ending March 6th, 1885.
In 7th grade, Muta Ball is rank 1 with a total average of 98 percent. Lizzie Shindel and Ida Lane are each rank 2 with a total average of 96 percent.
In 4th grade, Gracie Houghton and Joseph Gilmer are each rank 1 with a total average of 93 percent; Lura Ware, rank 2, an average 92 percent.
Muta Ball has been 100 in attendance, and deportment, and above 90 in scholarship.
The total average, from which the rank in class is determined, is an average of attendance, deportment, and scholarship.
We would urge the parents and friends of pupils in our charge to visit our school and observe for yourselves the work done. Respectfully, LENA GAUSE, Teacher.
Report on the 4th and 5th grades. Pupils 100 in attendance and deportment with an average in scholarship of 90 percent and upward: Cletes Binbaugh, Ella Patterson, Bertha Stafford, Aola Krebs, and Grace Love. FLORENCE PATTERSON.
Dr. J. D. Love, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Hotel Registers.
The Leland shows the following arrivals.
TUESDAY: Dr. J. D. Love, City; Wm. D. Mitchell, Cincinnati; R. E. Howe, Maple city; A. Gilkey, Maple City; E. C. Francis, Chicago; R. Wenderoft, Chicago; S. L. Reckman, St. Joe; L. White, St. Joe; M. H. McAfee, Little Rock; C. L. Freeman, St. Louis; J. M. Weil, Buffalo; D. D. Knapp, Utica, New York; S. S. Bennicht, Hartford; Joe V. Hilger, Cincinnati; Chas. L. W. Campbell, Kansas City; T. S. Morehead, City; E. Hull, City; Jno. M. Hale, Osage Agency; W. H. Phelps, Ft. Worth; R. H. Colson, St. Louis; Mrs. J. G. Bullene and niece, Winfield.
John Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law do proclaim and make known that there will be an annual election held in the said city of Arkansas City, on the 7th day of April, A. D., 1885, for the purpose of electing a mayor, city treasurer, police judge, and justice of the peace, treasurer of the board of education, 2 constables, one councilman for the term of two years from each of the wards of said city, viz: ward No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, one councilman for the term of one year from each of the aforesaid wards of the said city of Arkansas City. One member of the board of education for the term of two years from each of the aforementioned wards, and 1 member of the board of education for the term of one year from each of the aforementioned wards. The place for voting at said election will be, First ward at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street, Second ward, at the office of Thompson & Woodin’s Star Livery Stable, East 5th Avenue, Third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard’s, 5th Avenue Livery Stable, west 5th Avenue, Fourth ward at William Blakeney’s New store room, West 7th Avenue, and hereby designate Will L. Aldridge and Timothy McIntire, judges, and M. B. Vawter, A. C. Gould, and C. Grimes as clerks of said election in the first ward; and Uriah Spray and William Gibby, judges, and I. H. Bonsall, J. J. Clark, and Oscar Titus, Clerks of said election in the second ward; and L. E. Woodin, Sr., and John Love, judges, and James Benedict, R. C. Hess, and H. S. Lundy as clerks of said election in the third ward; and H. S. Duncan and Allan Harnley, judges, and Alexander Wilson, Wm. Blakeney, and C. L. Thompson, clerks of said election in the fourth ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and closed at 6 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof, I have herewith set my hand this 21st day of March, 1885.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Initial steps were taken a week ago last Wednesday for the formation of a musical society, and culminated last Wednesday in the formation of the Beethoven Club. The officers elected are as follows.
Ella Love was a charter member of the Beethoven Club.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
A number of our young people visited Geuda Springs Sunday, among which we noticed S. P. Gould and Anna Meigs, DeWitt McDowell and Maggie Sample, and Frank B. Hutchison and Ella Love.
Grace Love...
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Ten little misses, not to be behind their mammas in society organization, met last week and organized what is known as the “Bantam Hen Society.” Miss Pearl Newman was elected president; Miss Hattie Sipes, vice president; Miss Edith Ochs, secretary; Miss Grace Love, treasurer. The society meets on Saturdays of each week. None of the little misses are above 11 years of age.
John Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
For Council: O. S. Rarick [C] long term, 1; M. C. Copple [R] 66;
C. G. Thompson [C] 66. [A tie between the two latter.]
For school board: H. D. Kellogg [C], long term, 1. John Love [C], short term, 1.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The City Election.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby.
In the second ward, the race of councilmen was very close. It resulted in the election of Archie Dunn, long term; and Calvin Dean, short term. J. P. Witt and John Landes were put in the school board.
In the third ward Capt. Rarick and C. G. Thompson were elected councilmen; the school board is John Love and Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
In the fourth ward A. A. Davis and George Bailey were made councilmen; J. C. Duncan and Alex. Wilson were elected to serve on the school board.
Chas. Bryant was elected police judge.
C. R. Sipes was elected city treasurer.
J. L. Huey was elected treasurer, board of education.
Constables elected were J. J. Breene and Frank Thompson.
Justice of the Peace elected is S. C. Lindsay.
No fights occurred during the day, and no drunkenness occurred until after the returns came in. The returns were not canvassed until last night; therefore, the REPUBLICAN is unable to give the vote of each candidate.
Grace Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.
How the Young Idea is Being Taught How To Shoot.
Our reporter visited the West Ward school on Monday, and found teachers and scholars in the agony of a monthly examination. The studies that have been gone over during the past month are carefully reviewed, and a resume of the lesson is given in written exercises. In Miss Collins’ room our reporter found sixty scholars present, comprising the second and third reader grades. Excellent order prevailed, and a glance over the work of the scholars showed they were setting down what they knew about language. As text books are not used, the teachers impart instruction by oral lessons and blackboard examples; and the scholars in stating what they know are thrown largely on their own resources. The work in this room is merely elementary. The employment of capitals, the use of the particles “a” and “an,” rules for punctuating, and such minor details mark the progress made by these juvenile students. An examination day is not a favorable time for a visitor to discover the merits of a school, our itemizer made but a brief stay.
In Miss Patterson’s room he found 41 scholars present, out of 58 belonging to the school. The average attendance is 47. A few of the more dilatory are apt to stay away during examination, from the fear of exposing their weakness. The fourth and fifth readers are used in this room, and the exercises of the scholars show corresponding advancement. Miss Patterson exhibited with becoming pride some of her pupils’ feats in drawing, and as she herself possesses superior skill in this graceful accomplishment, it may be supposed she teaches the art with some success. The lady desires the publication of the following monthly report of her school.
The following pupils were 100 in attendance and deportment during the month of March: John Cue, Maud Adams, Estelle Kellogg, Grace Love, John Warren, George Armstrong, Dick Mitts, Pearly Lane, and Aola Krebs.
Their average scholarship was also 90 and upward. Aola Krebs passed the best term examination, having an average of ninety-eight. FLORENCE PATTERSON.
John Love...election judge.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do proclaim and make known that there will be a special election held in the said city of Arkansas City on the first day of June, A. D. 1885, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city of Arkansas City, a proposition for said city to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000).
The form of the ballots to be used at such special election for and against the proposition to take stock and issue bonds therefor, as above recited, shall be in the following form, to-wit: the ballot in favor of such proposition shall contain these words, “For the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company,” and the ballot against said proposition shall contain these words, “Against the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company.” The places for voting at such election will be: 1st ward, at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street; 2nd ward, at the office of Thompson and Woodin, Star Livery stable, east 5th avenue; 3rd ward, at the office of J. H. Hilliard, 5th avenue livery stable, west 5th avenue; 4th ward, at the office of Fairclo Bros.’ livery stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby designate Timothy McIntire and J. P. Eckles as Judges and J. B. Walker, O. Grimes, and John Sheldon as Clerks of said election in 1st ward; and Chas. Bryant and Ira Barnett as Judges and J. J. Clark, Dell Plank, and John McGill, as Clerks of said election in 2nd ward; and M. C. Copple and John Love as Judges, and James Benedict, W. B. Kirkpatrick, and H. L. Lundy as Clerks of said election in 3rd ward; and H. G. Chinn and A. A. Davis as Judges, and Wm. Henderson, Alexander Wilson and S. C. Lindsey as Clerks of said election in 4th ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and will be closed at 5 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of May, A. D., 1885.
Dr. J. D. Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Survey Party Returns.
The survey party in charge of Chief Engineer Morehead, which left here early in April to survey the route for the Kansas City and Southwestern railway, returned to town on Monday. It consists of T. S. Morehead, Harry Hill, Dan McDonald, T. E. Coppage, Dr. J. D. Love, James Jones, C. W. Robinson, Will McCune, Fred. Barrett, and W. T. Sherwood. The survey was begun at Beaumont, Butler County, and carried on amid interruptions from rain storms and swollen creeks to within three miles of Arkansas City. The track is begun at Beaumont and three miles of rail laid; the work of grading is being actively carried forward. The route surveyed is found entirely practicable; cuts and fills will be light; but some slight deviation will be made on account of creeks. Some portions of the route will require to be done over, in order to make connections, the bad weather interfering with the work. The three miles intervening between the city and the end of the survey will shortly be gone over, and the survey continued to the state line. The election for bonds will be held on Monday, and if approved, we may expect to see this line completed to our city borders during the summer, and an important factor added to our future progress.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 20, 1885.
Doctors Vs. Real Estate Men.
ARKANSAS CITY, June 12. Our political machine, being in disuse for a long time, had grown rusty; and after seeing the doctors and real estate men play base ball, we could not refrain from bringing it forth from its place of seclusion, oiling it up, and setting it to going by turning the crank. The following lines were thus manufactured.
I have looked upon all kinds of games and horse races,
At different times and in all sorts of places,
Where people bet money, not missing the cost,
And anxiously waited to see if they lost.
I have found this amusing and exciting, I own,
But never was yet such a thrilling game known
As that which took place in this town, Friday last,
When the real estate men and the doctors amassed
In the east part of town and “paralyzed” all
By the skill which they showed in a game of base ball.
There were Mitchell and Fowler and Westfall and Acker;
There were Vawter and Love; also, Grimes, Wright, and Baker,
Who played on one side, and remember that these
Were the masters of “physics”—the worthy M. D.’s.
We call your attention to one Dr. Vawter,
Who filled himself up with some weak flavored water.
It suited him well, for the game that he played
Was thinner by far than the poor lemonade.
Foul language was uttered; foul balls did we see,
But one “fielder” was Fowler, as all will agree,
No quarrels occurred—all was mild as a dove;
The reason of this, in the game there was Love.
This man had endurance and aptness combined;
He displayed his white “bustle” (?) which streamed out behind.
There were things that were wrong, but one doctor was Wright;
To see this man play was a torturing sight.
Dr. Grimes, be it known, was out in the field;
His skill as a “catcher” to all he revealed.
Whenever the ball mounted high in the air
And flew towards the doctor, he always “got there.”
With arms wide extended; I ever have found
That he “froze” to that ball—when it lay on the ground.
There were Stivers and Nelson and lean lengthy Perry
(Who skipped round the “diamond” as light as a fairy);
There were Sheldon and Snyder and Jenkins and Hess
And McDonald and Smith;—the last two I guess
Made the most “runs” or tallys,” now mind if you please,
That these were the victors—the famous R. E.’s.
Their pitcher was Stivers, a fat funny fellow;
He can’t play at base ball but can quote from Othello.
But Hess did the best—that fact no one doubts—
He tried very hard but his “scores” were all “outs.”
The game was amusing to every outsider;
Though the playing was “snide,” the third baseman was Snyder.
There, also, was Jenkins, an attorney-at-law,
And the clumsiest runner that ever I saw,
Now, Perry did well, if the ball he could bat;
The speed of his running could never be reckoned;
Having one foot on first base, the other on second,
From second to third in one step he would come
And then with his nose he could always reach home.
On the following day you might have observed
A lot of poor fellows unhappy, unnerved,
Decrepit, despondent, sad, sore, and dejected,
As if all they had in this world was neglected;
And if you had asked them the cause, one and all
Would at once have replied, “We were playing base ball.”
John and Frank Love...
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
The families of John and Frank Love visited the Territory yesterday on a pleasure trip.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
John Love, after a two months’ sojourn in Illinois and Ohio, returned home Saturday last. He looks hale and hearty as if the trip had agreed with him.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
The K. C. & S. W. Railway company have purchased 10 acres of land of John Love over adjoining the Jack Oaks. The consideration was $1,300. The company will locate their depot and roundhouse on the land. The depot will be erected at the foot of Fifth Avenue. Pipes and specifications have been drawn for a five stall roundhouse. The depot will be two stories high, the first floor being used to transact the local business of the company and the second floor as the general offices. The grading is completed almost to the river. About one half of the piling for the large trestle work has been driven and the grading is almost ready to receive the iron from the 13th street depot south to their lately purchased depot grounds. The citizens of Arkansas City raised the money out of their own pockets and purchased the grounds, giving them to the company.
Hayes Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Jerry McGee, the supposed incendiary of the Leland Hotel, secured bondsmen after his trial of last Friday. DeWitt McDowell, Hayes Love, and Judge Sumner went on his bond as sureties.
Love Brothers...had to move cattle by order of soldiers...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
Cattlemen who do not belong to the Cherokee Strip Association are removing their herds from the Territory by order of the soldiers stationed in the Territory. Cattlemen who have their leases paid up in full are not being molested, but it is the opinion that by spring they will have to go. Love Bros., brought up their cattle Thursday; also Beech, Weathers, and several other cattle owners.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
Jas. Lisle, of Belmont County, who has been visiting in the city for a couple of weeks past, returned to the Buckeye state Thursday. Mr. Lisle is a relative of Maj. Sleeth and John Love. He will most likely return and locate in this vicinity in the spring.
Mary Love...
Arkansas City Republican, December 19, 1885.
The ladies of the Presbyterian Church gave their concert Tuesday evening in Highland Opera House. A large audience was in attendance and thus in every respect the entertainment was made a success. The performances bespeak well of the musical talent of Arkansas City. Our space this week is quite limited, therefore, we cannot mention the performers individually in detail. Little Miss Bertha Eddy and Master Geo. Fairclo rendered the song of the “Little Milkmaid” so charmingly that they captivated the audience. “Come where the Lilies Bloom,” by the quartette (Messrs. Hutchison and Meeker and Mesdames Eddy and Newman) was especially well rendered. Mrs. J. O. Campbell sang the beautiful solo, “When the Tide Comes In,” superbly and pleased the audience so well that they would not allow her to retire without favoring them with another song. The “Song of Seven” was well rendered by Misses Pearl Newman, Mary Love, Mary Theaker, Abbie Hamilton, Flora Gould, Nellie Thompson, and Belle Everett. The recitation of Miss Lillie Cunningham was pleasing and the lady was long and loudly applauded. All the performers received frequent and hearty encores.
John Love, judge Third Ward...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
Mayor’s Election Proclamation.
First ward: Office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit Street.
Second ward: Office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth Avenue.
Third ward: Office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth Avenue.
Fourth ward: Office of the City Livery Stable, West Central Avenue.
First ward: S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles, and W. D. Kreamer as judges; and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks.
Second ward: L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges; Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks.
Third ward: James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks.
Fourth ward: S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges; Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.
Hayes Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Keeping Christmas.
Holiday times infused increased life into the city, and the police court derived some benefit from the revelry. On Christmas Eve there was a lively scrimmage in Rosenberg’s restaurant, and the proprietor received a bad beating from some unruly customers. Douglas Shaw, Hayes Love, and James Moore were arrested for raising the racket, and were taken to the police court to settle with offended justice. The first named had to answer the charges of disorderly conduct and destroying property; he was assessed $9.50. The same charges were entered against Hayes Love, but the complaint was withdrawn on his paying $5 for property destroyed, and $4 cots. The charges against James Moore were drunkenness and assault. The mulct was $17.50, against which he took an appeal.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
John Love has platted 20 acres of land in lots across the canal, adjacent to the K. C. & S. W. Railway. It will be put upon the market soon.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Miss Ella Love returned home Christmas day from her lengthy Iowa visit, looking handsomer and more pleasant than ever, if such could be the case.
John Love, judge, Third Ward...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Mayor’s Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, on the 28th day of December, 1885, at a called session of the Board of Education, of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, the following proceedings were had and entered of record among the proceedings of said Board of Education.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, that it is necessary in order to raise sufficient means to purchase a new site for school building, and for the erection of a new school building thereon, and for the purchase of necessary furniture for furnishing same, and, as the purpose of funding the outstanding indebtedness aside from bonded indebtedness of Central or West school building, that it is necessary to issue the bonds of said city of Arkansas City for this purpose, and in amount as follows: For the sum of $5,000 [? Looks like $5,000 ?], for the purpose of funding the said indebtedness against said Central or West school building; and for the sum of $11,000 for the purpose of purchasing site, erecting building, and furnishing same as above mentioned. Said new school building to be located in second ward of said city of Arkansas City. That said bonds be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars each, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, payable semi-annually, and said bonds to become due and payable sixteen years from date of issue, and the city shall reserve the right to pay one bond each year payable at the fiscal agency for the state of Kansas, in the city of New York.
Therefore, be it resolved, That the mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, be, and is hereby requested to call an election in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, of the qualified electors of said city for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the foregoing resolutions.
By order of the Board. J. P. WITT, President of the Board.
ALEX WILSON, Clerk of Board.
December 28th, 1885.
Now, therefore, I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, in pursuance of the above foregoing proceedings, and by virtue of the statutes in such cases made and provided, do hereby proclaim and make known to whom it may concern, that on Monday, the first day of February, A. D., 1886, there will be held in said city an especial election upon the proposition as set forth in the foregoing proceedings of said Board of Education. Said election to be conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the election of city officers, except that the returns shall be made to the Board of Education for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the question of issuing such bonds. The ballots to be used at such election shall be in the following form, to-wit: Those voting for the proposition shall have written or printed thereon, the following words, “For the bonds for school purposes,” and those voting against the proposition shall have written or printed thereon the following words, “Against the bonds for school purposes.”
The following places are hereby designated as voting precincts for said election in the different wards: First ward at the office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit street; second ward at the office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth avenue; third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth avenue; fourth ward at the office of the City Livery Stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby appoint the following named persons to act as judges and clerks of said election: First ward, S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles and W. D. Kreamer as judges, and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks. Second ward, L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges; Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks. Third ward, James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks. Fourth ward, S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges; Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.
Given under my hand at my office, in said city of Arkansas City, this 29th day of December, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.
John Love was at his range camp during the storm of last week. He seems to be growing younger and tougher since his vacation last summer.
Grace Love...
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Little Miss Grace Love broke one of her fingers Wednesday at school in some manner by getting it caught in the seat.
Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell, Mrs. Mitchell, and Dr. Love and lady visited Beaumont Sunday last.
R. C. Love, Geuda Springs...[Note: Later entry shows “G. S. Love”...???
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
The Geuda House and Grand Central Hotel are to be consolidated. R. C. Love and C. M. Sheldon are the proprietors.
John Love...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Election Notes.
There will be two tickets run in the second ward; on the regular ticket, Col. Ingersoll is put forth for the council and John Landes for school trustee. The opposition ticket bears the name of Theo. Fairclo for the council, and Dr. Fowler for trustee.
In the third ward, A. D. Prescott is nominated for re-election to the council, and John Love for a second term as school trustee. Major Woodin is also talked of for the school board, and as he has allowed the use of his name, will, no doubt be well supported at the polls.
In the first ward caucus John Lewis was endorsed for constable, but Austin Bailey’s name was mentioned, and he says he is still in the field.
The main issue in the election will be the school question: whether Superintendent Weir should be re-appointed. It is admitted that our city schools under his supervision are in excellent condition; and it would be unwise to disturb them by placing them under charge of a new man. If the principal goes, a number of our teachers will go with him; and then the work which has taken him two years to accomplish will have to be done over again.
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
John Love is candidate for re-election to the office of school director in the Third ward. A. D. Prescott has been renominated for councilman. As yet no opposition has sprung up against him.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The Election was hotly contested Tuesday. The People’s Ticket had a walk over the Citizens’ Ticket. The result was as follows.
Councilman: Prescott 130.
School Board: Love 77, Woodin 53.
Justice: Kreamer 114, Meigs 15.
Constable: Lewis 65, Bailey 37.
For the Special Bridge act 130.
G. S. Love, Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
C. N. Sheldon sold his half interest in the hotel at Geuda Springs to his partner, G. S. Love.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Miss Ella Love is very much indisposed.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
R. U. Hess purchased from John Love the tract of land across the canal and south of the Frisco depot and known as the Oak Grove addition, Tuesday. The consideration was $7,000. The addition was placed upon the market this morning and over 40 lots were sold. Still the boom continues.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
R. U. Hess has purchased of John Love the Oak Grove addition. The consideration was $8,000.
Dr. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
All Aboard for Caldwell.
Chief Engineer Wingate, of the G. S., C. & W. R. R. and Dr. Love came in Tuesday from Caldwell. Mr. Wingate informs us that the final survey of the road is completed to Caldwell; that there are 160 teams throwing up the grade between Geuda Springs and the Chicaski River; that a half mile of track was laid toward Geuda from this city; and that 15 car-loads of steel rails would arrive the latter part of this week; and then iron would go down as fast as men could lay it. In 90 days the road will be done to Caldwell. There is only one bridge of any size on the route and that is across the Chicaski. It will be 1,000 feet in length. John Doyle and his force of stone masons are putting in the abutments and piers. They found it a difficult job because of the swiftness of the river.
Miss Love and Mr. Love mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Wednesday night will be remembered by all having the pleasure to attend Miss Nellie Thompson’s reception, as “a pearly in memory’s casket.” Although following one of the hottest days of the season, the evening was not extremely warm—thanks to our climate. We will not attempt to describe the costumes of the ladies, indeed, all present showed good taste in dress, while many of the trousseaus were elegant. The company was musically entertained by Miss Hamilton, Mrs. Meeker, and Mrs. Nellie Wyckoff, discoursing waltzes, which were enjoyed by all, and utilized by those who delight in the “mazy.”
Following are the parties who were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff, Mr. and Mrs. Childs, Miss Love, Miss Theaker, Miss Thompson, Miss Fannie Cunningham, Miss Berkey, Miss Eva Hasie, Miss McMullen, Miss Young, Miss Hamilton, Miss Grosscup, Miss Kingsbury, Miss Walton, Miss Guthrie, Miss Martin, Miss Funk, Miss Beale, Miss Gatwood, Miss Wagner; and Messrs. Adams, Balyeat, Behrend, Burress, Chapel, Coburn, Deering, Gould, Hoover, Hutchison, Hawk, Rhodes, Salisbury, Love, Wagner, Rogers.
Dr. J. D. Love now living in Audubon, Iowa...probably John Love’s brother...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Dr. J. D. Love, of Audubon, Iowa, is visiting in the city, a guest at the residence of John Love. Dr. Love highly appreciates the thriving city of Arkansas City.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Robert Dool, of Mercer County, Illinois, is visiting in the city, a guest at the residence of John Love. Mr. Dool is also looking up a location.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Arkansas River is on a terrible high. This morning the dam began washing out at the side and at about 10 o’clock the report was prevalent that about 40 feet had gone. It is feared that the end of the bridge, on this side of the river, will go, as the bank or approach is crumbling away. Our citizens are putting in their best efforts to save further destruction. Hay, stone, etc., is being hauled and thrown in to prevent a further wash out of the approach. It seemed for a time as if the current would cut through between the bridge and canal and change the course of the river through the land of John Love. That danger has been averted and the bridge up to press hour was still there.
LATER. The river has run over the approach.
Mary Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Miss Mary Love leaves Thursday morning for a visit in northwestern Illinois.
Frank Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Frank Love is very sick with dysentery.
John Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Democrats of the city held their primaries Tuesday. From the first ward W. J. Gray and M. W. Hoover were selected delegates. From the second ward, Thos. Braggins and Jos. Finkleberg. From the third ward, A. D. Prescott and C. G. Thompson. From the fourth ward, Jos. Knowlton and C. T. Thurston. At large: T. McIntire, John Love, and Ed. C. Gage.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
John Love informs us his corn crop of 120 acres west of town will average 60 bushels per acre. Ye crop grumblers, who said the corn crop was to be a failure, paste the above in a prominent corner of your memory.
Dr. J. D. Love...Love Bros. Cattle Ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. J. D. Love, in company with W. T. McBride, of Wellington, left for Ft. Smith Saturday in the interest of Love Bros. Cattle Ranch.
Dr. Love: in charge of railroad surveying corps...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Dr. Love, the gentleman who has charge of the surveying corps on the Ft. Smith & Wellington road, was in the city today. He has run the final survey from Geuda to Wellington and will continue the line on up to Hutchinson. Grading is to be commenced between Geuda and Wellington shortly. This road passes through as fine a country as there is in Kansas, and has bonds voted to the extent of $4,000 per mile all the way from Arkansas City to Hutchinson.
Love: runs meat market with McDowell...???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The butchers are out of luck today. A spark falling from the portable forge used at the top of the stand-pipe alighted on a lot of hay in a partly enclosed shed belonging to McDowell & Love, at the rear of their meat market. The hay began burning, but it was discovered before it got under headway and extinguished.
Geo. B. Love...part of hose company.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Hose Company No. 2. organized last evening with twenty-two members, viz: T. C. Gage, Will J. Kimmel, F. E. Barnett, Joseph Bell, F. M. Hollenbeck, Will B. Edwards, Jay Fairclo, John D. Mott, James Williams, Geo. Farrar, Fred Bell, Wm. Baxter, P. W. Myers, Jay Deming, Andy Delzell, E. J. Hoyt, Geo. B. Love, Julius Behrend, E. O. Stevenson, Al. Heitkam, Guy Sparks, R. Hurbet. The following officers were elected by ballot: President, Julius Behrend; Treasurer, Geo. Farrar; Secretary, T. C. Gage; Foreman, Geo. Love; Assistant Foreman, P. W. Myer.
John Love buys Topliff’s farm south of Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Yesterday F. J. Hess sold the Jas. C. Topliff farm south of the city to John Love for $12,000.
John Love buys W. C. Brown’s farm in Bolton Township...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
John Love purchased a farm of W. C. Brown in Bolton Township yesterday for $2,000. Mr. Brown also sold 80 acres to M. T. Kay for $1,000. F. J. Hess made the sales.
McDowell Bros. sell meat market to Hays Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The McDowell Bros. have sold their interest in the meat market to Hays Love.
Grace Love...
Arkansas City Republican, October 23, 1886.
Program of the October Recital
Given by the pupils of Mrs. Meeker, at her residence, October 23, 1886, at 8 p.m.
Miss Beck, Mrs. Meeker, Miss Lida Whitney, Miss Grace Keeler, Grace Love, Rowie Fowler, Miss Amy Landes, Miss Ploma Beck, Miss Mae Shindel.
Sale of meat market by McDowell to Hays Love called off...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
The sale of the Star Meat Market, by the McDowell Bros., to Hays Love is declared off, and those popular caterers are again to be seen at their old post.
J. M. Love, oldest son of John Love, now attorney at Audubon, Iowa...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
J. M. Love, eldest son of our respected townsman, John Love, is in the city visiting. Mr. Love is an attorney of Audubon, Iowa. He returns home Friday.
J D. Love of Wichita: Bet with E. P. Greer of Courier...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Sudden Conversion.
On May 27, Hon. E. P. Greer was in South Haven. That was the day of the “red headed” edition of the Courier announcing that the Santa Fe had located their shops in Winfield. Mr. Greer, before starting for South Haven, had loaded himself up with “red headed” Couriers and was distributing them broadcast. When he had reached South Haven, he was chock full of enthusiasm. He was willing to bank his all on what the “red headed” edition contained. He soon gathered a crowd around at South Haven and made some wild assertions. J. D. Love of this city happened to be a listener. He stood the racket as long as he could, and then offered to wager Mr. Greer $100 that Winfield would not have the shops located there in six months. The bet was taken and the necessary checks drawn up. On August 6 Mr. Love received a letter from Hon. E. P. Greer, which read about as follows: “After mature and prayerful consideration, I have concluded that it is very wicked to bet or deal in ‘futures;’ hence return check.” Mr. Love did not return Mr. Greer’s check until the first of this month when he sent it up through the bank for collection, the six months having expired. It is almost needless to say that the check was refused payment. There are times when other editors make “bombastic, egotistic” asses of themselves besides the editor of the Wichita Eagle.
J. D. Love employed in engineers’ office of railway company...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
J. D. Love came up from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, last evening on a two week’s visit. Mr. Love is employed in the engineers’ office of the Little Rock & Ft. Smith railway company. He informs us that five miles of the grade of the Kansas & Arkansas Valley road is completed. The Little Rock, Mississippi River & Texas road is to be sold on the 28th of this month. This road runs from Little Rock to Arkansas City, on the Mississippi River.
Mrs. Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mesdames Beall, Lambert, and Love, the distributing committee of the King’s Daughters, supplied four families yesterday with needed clothing.
Hays L. Love: definitely not part of John Love family...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
MARRIED. Our friend, Hays L. Love, returned today from Millersburg, Illinois, accompanied by his bride. He was united in marriage January 6, 1887, to Miss Cassie Partridge, of Millersburg. They will reside in this city. The REPUBLICAN wishes Hays and his bride very much joy.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. M.Love, of Audubon, Iowa, was in the city yesterday visiting his parents. He left this morning for Comanche County, where he has gone on legal business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
J. D. and J. M. Love have purchased 35 acres of land of John Love near Frisco depot. They will plat it; already they have begun the grading of streets. The consideration was $35,000.
John Love sends notice to Mayor Schiffbauer...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
From Mayor Schiffbauer.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Please give space to the following extraordinary document, and also to the truth as to the cause that lead the city council to order me to contract for the work.
To F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of Arkansas City.
You are hereby notified that you will be enjoined from making any contract or contracts for sewers in said city as we deem the same to be unauthorized by law.
By order of Committee in City Government. Feb. 25, 1887.
Now, please inform me from whence the committee derive their authority which they claim to think they possess to dictate what the city shall do? For their education please state that the council is still managing the city affairs and have made no application to anyone for the appointment of guardians. But are still on deck to perform their duties. The council was busy for several weeks agitating this question and then acted upon the petition of a majority of the property owners affected thereby. The council requested any and all to be present and be heard, and those present were solicited to give their views; but not a clam opened up. Where, oh where, were these noble, eleventh hour men?
Allow me to further state they need spend no money or time to enjoin me from contracting, for I have already contracted. The pipe is purchased and shipped and they can enjoin only the contractor, Mr. Quigley, from proceeding with the work. This will entail heavy loss on him and will result in a heavy damage suit against the city. But, this is a sample of the opposition I have met on every corner. As a result, our city is kept back. I think it time a halt was called in this stumbling block business, especially when it all emanates from one man. If anyone thinks there is any money in this franchise, they can get Mr. Quigley’s contract from him and $1,000 of his money to take it off his hands. In conclusion, I will say I have only carried out the order of the council and have acted upon the opinion of the city attorneys as far as law points are concerned. Respectfully Submitted.
Tom Love...not a member of Arkansas City family...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Tom Love was arrested in this city today by Capt. Rarick, charged with stealing cattle in the Territory. He was taken before Judge Bonsall, who bound him over until tomorrow for trial. His bond was fixed at $1,000. Love is from the Territory.
John and Frank Love: Believe they are the Love Brothers!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
FOR SALE. Six Clydesdale Stallions, at the farm of John and Frank Love, two miles south and one east of Arkansas City. They will be sold at a bargain.
Ella Love...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Association was dissolved yesterday that the ladies might organize an auxiliary of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. A large number of ladies were out in the evening to meet Mrs. Garlic of Winfield, the County President.
An organization was formed with the following officers.
President, Mrs. Wm. Jenkins.
Vice President, Mesdames Atwood, Hill, Witt, Mansfield, Landes, Chapel, Keeler, Watkins, McLaughlin, Logan, Buckley [?].
Recording secretary, Mrs. J. O. Campbell.
Corresponding secretary, Miss Ella Love.
Treasurer, Miss J. W. Ruby.
Superintendent of Literary, Mrs. F. Lockley.
The members now number over fifty, and all pledge themselves to do earnest work in this good cause. The first regular meeting will be held Thursday at 4 p.m.
John Love: owns property just east...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Maj. C. H. Searing sold yesterday to A. B. Johnson, J. P. Johnson, and H. P. Farrar four of his lots fronting on 5th Avenue for $16,000. He reserves an interest in them. The Major owned six lots at the corner of 9th Street and 5th Avenue, which, owing to the grand growth of our city, have become too valuable as resident property. He will remove his residence to his two remaining lots. He has already let the contract for the excavation of his cellar. This syndicate will begin the erection of a business block on two of their lots very shortly. It will be 50 x 100 feet and two stories high. John Love, who owns the property just east, will also build a business block of like proportions at the same time. Fifth Avenue is booming.
Tom Love...from the Territory!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The cattle stealing cases came up this afternoon before Judge Bonsall. U. S. Attorney Perry was in attendance. The first counts against O. D. Halsell and “Missouri Bill” were dismissed. Also those against Tom Love and others. Halsell and Strange are held yet on two other counts and their cases have just come up at our press hour.
Love’s addition...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
DeWitt McDowell sold a block of lots in Love’s addition Saturday afternoon for $4,500. Geo. Westfall and Judge Kreamer were the purchasers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
One block in Love addition, a snap, good terms. Key Stone Real Estate Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, July 27, 1922.
A. H. Denton received a letter this morning from Jay Love, which conveyed the information that his father, J. Mack Love, was in a very serious condition. He was recently stricken with paralysis, and ever since has been unable to move either hands or feet. Mr. J. Mack Love lived in this city for many years, and was one of the leading lawyers of the state of Kansas.